I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership...

I Do IT Gladly…….. One of you shared this interpretation of Psalm 23, and I pass it along this month. It’s called “The Lord is my shepherd. I will have all I need”. A good shepherd takes care of this sheep. He brings them to rest in green meadows, and he leads them to drink cool water from quiet streams. God takes care of me just as well. He shows me the right way to go, so all the world will see that God is good. A Good shepherd watches over his sheep. He reaches out with his staff and pulls them out of trouble, and with his rod he protects them from danger. So even when things look dark and scary, I will not be afraid, because God is with me. When trouble seems to be all around, God prepares a feast for me. I am his special guest, and his blessings overflow. God’s goodness and forgiveness will be with me all of my life, and I will live with him forever. I all things give thanks, Pastor Dave Food for thought……. By Edith Kathleen Robinson March 20, 1920 - October 16, 1991 My mother was going through some of my grandmother's things and found a piece of paper that my grandmother had typed on. We're not sure when she typed it, but it was a good while ago. The contents were very powerful words. It really touched my mother to have found this, a part of her mother that she can keep close to her heart. I'm sending this in hopes that maybe others who read it will be touched by the words written so long ago. This is what she wrote: "The word 'Christian' means more to me than just a word. It means love, and that word isn't meant to be used loosely. You can tell someone you love them every time you see them, but words without action are wasted. And you can go to church every time the doors open, and give all the money that you have. That's just part of being a Christian. You have to love your brothers and sisters. Sometimes it calls for giving and doing of yourself until it hurts, but that's the rewarding part for you. Because if you are a true Christian it makes you happy. A lot of people set great store by how much money and what fine earthly things that other people have. What you have doesn't prove a thing; it's what lives in your heart. And that is the Lord Jesus Christ. If you feel the Spirit of the Lord as I do, you also feel love and concern for your fellow man." And as we reflect on all for which we are thankful this month, we see that thanks also involves action…and we do it gladly. YOUTH NEWS Youth News October 2017 Glue kids helped make the Reformation banner, played some games and watched a movie Steeple People helped with the Just For The Love Of It supper, Went to LQPV High School to hear a speaker from the Jacob Wetterling foundation, Made bags of candy and went reverse trick or treating to Fairway view and area businesses. Confirmation students and their Mentors made lefse. Family Sunday school is going well! We celebrated Pastor Appreciation day on October 8 th . All of us at FELC are lucky to have Pastor Dave and Anne! We had a breakfast fundraiser for the group going to Houston, Texas next summer. We have 16 youth going. Coming up for November: 4 th - Scandinavian Food Fair- Youth will be selling calendars 12 th - Students and Mentors at Fairway View at 10:30 (This is the first date option) 17 -18 th Jr. High Gathering 22- No classes Thank you to these people for your donations to the youth: Marilyn Hanson- Houston trip Glenda Reiffenberger Sharon Carlson Erlys Sis God’s Blessings, Nancie Haukos “I Do it Gladly”

Transcript of I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership...

Page 1: I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism. Reminder to get information on special meeting which was

I Do IT Gladly……..

One of you shared this interpretation of Psalm 23, and I pass it along this month. It’s called “The Lord is

my shepherd. I will have all I need”. A good shepherd takes care of this sheep. He brings them to rest in

green meadows, and he leads them to drink cool water from quiet streams. God takes care of me just as

well. He shows me the right way to go, so all the world will see that God is good. A Good shepherd

watches over his sheep. He reaches out with his staff and pulls them out of trouble, and with his rod he

protects them from danger. So even when things look dark and scary, I will not be afraid, because God is

with me. When trouble seems to be all around, God prepares a feast for me. I am his special guest, and his

blessings overflow. God’s goodness and forgiveness will be with me all of my life, and I will live with him


I all things give thanks,

Pastor Dave

Food for thought…….

By Edith Kathleen Robinson

March 20, 1920 - October 16, 1991

My mother was going through some of my grandmother's things and found a piece of paper that my grandmother had typed on.

We're not sure when she typed it, but it was a good while ago. The contents were very powerful words. It really touched my mother

to have found this, a part of her mother that she can keep close to her heart. I'm sending this in hopes that maybe others who read

it will be touched by the words written so long ago.

This is what she wrote:

"The word 'Christian' means more to me than just a word. It means love, and that word isn't meant to be used loosely. You can

tell someone you love them every time you see them, but words without action are wasted. And you can go to church every time the

doors open, and give all the money that you have. That's just part of being a Christian. You have to love your brothers and sisters.

Sometimes it calls for giving and doing of yourself until it hurts, but that's the rewarding part for you. Because if you are a true

Christian it makes you happy. A lot of people set great store by how much money and what fine earthly things that other people

have. What you have doesn't prove a thing; it's what lives in your heart. And that is the Lord Jesus Christ. If you feel the Spirit

of the Lord as I do, you also feel love and concern for your fellow man."

And as we reflect on all for which we are thankful this month, we see that thanks also involves action…and we do it gladly.


Youth News October 2017 Glue kids helped make the Reformation banner, played some games and watched a movie

Steeple People helped with the Just For The Love Of It supper, Went to LQPV High School to hear a speaker from the

Jacob Wetterling foundation, Made bags of candy and went reverse trick or treating to Fairway view and area businesses.

Confirmation students and their Mentors made lefse.

Family Sunday school is going well!

We celebrated Pastor Appreciation day on October 8th. All of us at FELC are lucky to have Pastor Dave and Anne!

We had a breakfast fundraiser for the group going to Houston, Texas next summer. We have 16 youth going.

Coming up for November: 4

th- Scandinavian Food Fair- Youth will be selling calendars

12th- Students and Mentors at Fairway View at 10:30 (This is the first date option)

17 -18th Jr. High Gathering

22- No classes

Thank you to these people for your donations

to the youth: Marilyn Hanson- Houston trip

Glenda Reiffenberger

Sharon Carlson

Erlys Sis

God’s Blessings,

Nancie Haukos

“I Do it Gladly”

Page 2: I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism. Reminder to get information on special meeting which was

First English Lutheran Church – Council Minutes October 2, 2017

Present: Marilyn Hanson, Dan Stores, Becky Parker, Dave Tonn, Marilyn Chindvall, Lynn Giese, Kathy Randall,

Garry Swenson, Debbie Ellingson, Vicki & Paul Nelson

Action items:

MSP (Becky Parker/Marilyn Hanson) to approve minutes of the August meeting as amended.

MSP (Marilyn Hanson/Garry Swenson) to approve the August and September Treasurer’s reports.

MSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism.

Reminder to get information on special meeting which was set for November 19th at 10:30 am regarding parsonage

to office for advertising.

It was decide to have a flyer put in the bulletin regarding the school funding vote instead of having someone speak to

the congregation.

Board reports

Lay Ministry (Lynn Giese). The Endowment Report and WAM Report was accepted and approved by the board and

liked the magnets and bulletin covers for Reformation Sunday. Made a motion to accept the cost of insurance raise

for Dave’s health insurance for 2018, leaving the insurance coverage the same. there will be three services for

Christmas Eve services and only regular worship for New Year’s eve, no evening service. God’s Work Our Hands

was well attended and very rewarding. It was great to see all ages working together.

Evangelism (Marilyn Hanson). New member Sunday will be Sunday, October 22. Resolution to transfer in/transfer

out memberships. New Members are Vern & Carol Bell, Jean Zielke, Michelle & BJ Bauer & Wiley, Courtney

Giese, Nancy Nolop, Kayla & Brinley Teske, Mariah Harper, Clay Kannas, Randy & Nicole Koch & Jaxton,

Conroy’s as they were unable to attend last time. Going to keep the budget the same as last year. Broadcast cards

look good. It was recommended we put up directional signs for the restrooms and office. Recommended possibility

of greeters at narthex door, will check list of greeters and also look for greeters for Christmas eve. We need workers

for LifeTouch sessions and need to send letters to out of town members, also check with nursing home members.

Also need emails and phone # from members to update membership books. Deb Ellingson and Terry Block will

chair The Just For The Love of It Supper on October 4th and have taken care of the sign-up sheets and menus.

Christian Education (Marilyn Chindvall). Sunday School Rally Sunday had an excellent turn-out. Since then

attendance has been less but that is normal and makes things calmer. We are taking turns leading. Fire Drill will be

October 15th. Mark Brown and Dustin Kindelberger will help with this. Board members all signed background

check forms. The board accepted the budget and also reviewed the transportation policy. God’s Hands Our Work

was very successful. There was a nice variety of activities and everyone seemed to be able to find something to do.

Youth and Family (Paul Nelson) Nancie has no needs at this time. Fall fundraising will be a Pastry Puffins going on

sale October 11th through the 25th. Grades 7-12 will be selling. Calendars will be on sale at the Food Fair in

November. Also have FELC clothing left to sell. We have 16 youth and four adults signed up for the Youth

Gathering June 27-July 1st in Houston. We will have a Breakfast fundraiser October 29th for Houston and a bake sale

Dec. 17th. We will keep the budget the same for $5,000 for chaperones. There were no new board members at the

meeting so will have to review transportation policy and emergency plan when they return. There is nothing new to

report on Houston. Safe Haven forms were given out to people who work with our youth. God’s Work Our Hands

went very well.

Stewardship (Deb Ellingson). Worked on the Stewardship drive letter with a theme change and a logo. Also going

to check with Emilee on envelopes, pledge cards, time & talent sheets. Will see if Nancie has time to stuff them.

Jane will do the November 5th Temple talk and Andy will do the November 12th Temple Talk. 2018 budget plan will

stay the same amount of $875.

Properties (Garry Swenson). Insurance check-up was discussed and all items wrong have been fixed. Evaluation for

God’s Work Our Hands was good comments. Heating will be checked when weather cools. Will check on bat

removal, it is kind of costly. Parsonage needs are ok. Will put parsonage vote to the congregation in November.

Need to have it published for two weeks before vote to keep or sell. Alley door weather stripping will be done, will

check with Art V. Glen will check with fire department members for fire drill status. Will check with Mark L for

snow removal fill-in. Fire extinguishers inspections have been done. Evacuation route status is being done. Exit light

maintenance will be done by board members. Second bid for concrete sidewalk in front and working on signs for

restrooms and offices.

Council meeting will be November 6th.

Being no further business, MSP (Marilyn Hanson/Marilyn Chindvall) to adjourn.

Meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer.

Page 3: I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism. Reminder to get information on special meeting which was

CHURCH NEWS PRAYERS FOR HEALING AND COMFORT Lee Fahlgren; Gerry Nypen; Mark Nypen; Gail Olson; Gwen Oswood; Aaron Smith; Gloria Throndrud; Betty Allen;

Anders Anderson; Paulette Bakeberg; Roy ‘Sam’ Haugen; Roman Henry; Sue Kaercher-Blake; Phillip Karels; Peter

Hansen V; Natalie Henneberg; Jeanette Kaercher; Bella Rademacher; Christopher Sis; Dorothy Tangen and Gwen


Bergseth; Beryl Cebula; Bonnie Rothi; Betty Saeger; Lolly Walker and Cheryl Wittnebel. ALL OUR MILITARY who are deployed

to areas of conflict..

SYMPATHY . . . be with Ken & Linda Zielke and the family on the death of Linda’s mother Mildred Schneck who died October 3rd.

. . . be with Erlys Sis on the passing of her brother Harlow Hill who passed away October 7th.

. . . be with Joan Block & family on the passing of her sister-in-law Frances Beachem who died October 8th.

. . . be with Mary Lou Olson & family of her brother-in-law, Wayne Olson, who passed away late Monday, October 23.

KDIO BROADCASTS (sponsored . . . )

. . . (Sunday, October 1) is sponsored in memory of Karen Oakes, Lavalle Berkner, Edna Paasche, Julia Vaage, Morrie

Howland, Earl Holgerson, Cliff Anderson & Frank Zeek by Jim & Ranet Schmeichel..

. . . (Sunday, October 8) is sponsored in memory of Morrie & Alice Howland by Brad & Donna Howland & Steve &

Dusty Mueller.

. . . (Sunday, October 15) is sponsored in memory of Gene Olson’s 90th birthday by his family.

. . . (Sunday, October 22) is sponsored in memory of Gale and Ann Haukos by Larry and Kathy Haukos and family.

. . . (Sunday, October 29) is sponsored in honor of the 86th birthday of Joan Block on October 30th from Mark, Ronda,

Ginger & families.

Part of the Board of Lay Ministry’s job description says that the board is to:

Ensure that a pastoral relations committee is active and that it offers verbal encouragement and/or directions

to the pastor(s). Current members of this committee are Garry Swenson, Marge Dragseth, Scott Simonitch, and

Shannon Millerbernd.

If any congregant has an issue and doesn’t feel they can talk directly to the Pastor, they are invited to speak to

one of the committee members. Please consider this an open invitation; both negative and positive comments

are welcome. The committee meets with the Pastor twice each year, more frequently if necessary. Thank you

to those willing to serve in this capacity. Pastor Dave.


Sacristy, Sanctuary, Banners & Surplices:

Fair Linens: Brass Care:

Flower Committee:

Marcia Golden, Barb Nornes

Evelyn Olson

Mary Lou Olson & Virginia Wildung

Neva Foster, Julie Hipple

CIRCLE MEETINGS Circle #2: Thursday, Nov. 9th @ 1:30 pm. Hostess: Ardell LaCombe. Lesson: Donna Hoel.

Circle #3: Wednesday, Nov. 1st @ 1:00 pm.

Circle #4: Wednesday, Nov. 1st @ 9:00 am. Hostesses: Kate Heinecke. Lesson: Erlys Sis.

Page 4: I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism. Reminder to get information on special meeting which was

The November Global Missions Event will be at

Maynard Lutheran Church on Friday, November

17th. Guest speaker is Nathan Steele, a teacher

in Willmar who is now working full-time with the

Somali Adult Literacy Training. (SALT). (Meeting

begins at 9:30 am with coffee and adjourns with

a noon lunch). Offerings given go to support

mission work.First Lutheran Church in Morris will be holding

its annual Scandinavian Heritage Dinner and

Silent Auction on Wednesday, November 1st

with serving from 3:30-7:00 pm. The menu

includes Lutefisk, Swedish Christmas Ham,

Potatoes and Gravy, Baked Squash, Lefse &

Rye Bread, Rice Kreme & other Scandinavian

goodies. Ticket prices are: $17 ($15 for Ham

only), $10 for Youth (under age 12), free for

age five and under.

Join us for Thanksgiving Eve Worship on

Wednesday, November 22nd, at 7 pm.

SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 19th 10:30 am to

decide the future of our parsonage.

FALL STEWARDSHIP KICKOFF will begin Nov. 5th. We need your help in keeping

our lists up to date. Please fill out an Opportunity

sheet so we know all areas, especially worship

assistants, where you wish to serve. If you haven’t

filled out an opportunity sheet in the past year,

your name may have not made the list. Thank-you!

WE WELCOME AND GIVE GOD THANKS for the gift of these new members who joined our

community of faith on October 22: Vern & Carol

Bell; Jean Zielke; Michelle & BJ Bauer & Wiley;

Courtney Giese; Nancy Nolop; Kayla & Brinley

Teske; Mariah Harper; Clay Kannas; Randy &

Nicole Koch & Jaxton

IF YOU ARE HEADING SOUTH for the winter, please stop by the office and pick up

your giving envelopes.

REMINDER: If you have pans or dishes from funerals or other

events, please pick them up by November 15th.


IF THE NEED SHOULD ARISE we have a monitor in the youth room which plays

the service during worship. The youth room is down

the hall by the Pastor’s office

“UNPACK YOUR BAGS” with Kathy Weckworth from “Best Life Ministries” is

scheduled for Saturday, November 18th at Abiding

Faith Lutheran Church from 8:30 am-2:30 pm with

lunch provided. Tickets are $24. More information

available at BestLifeMinistries.com

Page 5: I Do IT Gladly……. - WordPress.comMSP (Marilyn Chindvall/Lynne Giese) to accept membership changes from Bd of Evangelism. Reminder to get information on special meeting which was

Scandinavian Food Fair - Saturday, November 4th The Scandinavian Food Fair will be held on Saturday, November 4th, from 12 noon to 3:30 pm. Please be

thinking of ways you can contribute to this year’s event. We are looking forward to another successful food fair!

As in previous years, we are in need of your handcrafted items and homemade goodies. Just a

reminder for all members contributing to any of the rooms listed, we would appreciate it if you would bring your

donations directly to the designated room on Friday so they can be priced if necessary.

Each family in the church is asked to donate 2-3 dozen holiday or specialty cookies of your choice to

the Cookie Jar. We ask that you package them on a sturdy paper plate with one dozen per plate. If you desire

a certain price on your merchandise, you should price it before you drop it off.

- Sandi Moeller (839-2625)

- Maureen Stores (265-6121)

THANK YOU’SThank you for supporting FELCs giving emphasis!

January……………………………………………Technology Fund

February .......................................... Haiti Service Trip Scholarship

March …………………………….Big Stone Lake Area Food Shelf

April ......................................................... SWMN Funding Initiative

May ......... Global Missions - Companion Synod in South Africa

June ..................................................................... Someplace Safe

July ........................................................................ Families in Need

August .................................................................... Baptism Chests

September ........................................................ Endowment Fund

October .............................................. Jaycees Project Christmas

November .................God’s Work, Our Hands/Service Projects

December ........................................................ELCA Missionaries

November, 2017

Designated Funds

Building (please specify) $______

Operating Fund $______

Other God’s Work, Our Hands _ _

Service Projects $______


A Special thank you to Marilyn Hanson for her

generous donation for the trees for the church.

Lefse week was great! We were excited to see new faces. Many of you were very

generous with your volunteer hours and it was appreciated! Special thanks to Pastor Dave and Anne for their help in getting

ready and cleaning up, to Sharron Johnson for her many treats, and to Day of Love for giving us their meeting time. Whatever you did, it was special and many thanks to you!!

Lefse Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Nornes, Darlene Mikkelson, Donna Hoel

Lefse Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenda Reiffenberger

Demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharron Johnson

Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …Terry Kalberg

Dining Room Decorations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marilyn Hanson, Gayle Anderson

Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilyn Hanson

Demonstrations – Rosemaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lois Bergeson

Wood Carving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Knutson

Pantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Petersen

Cookie Jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Becky Parker

Scandinavian Goodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Weber

Dish Towels, Cards, Napkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Adelman

Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deb Ellingson, Deb Barnhardt

Scandinavian Sandwiches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilyn Chindvall, Julie Hipple

Dining Room Host/Waitress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranet Schmeichel

Package Check Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsie Ehrenberg, Natalie Strei

Poster Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lois Bergeson

Bulletin Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Newman, Anne Tonn, Mary Weber

Glass Mission Display Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane Pansch

Outside Decorations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harley & Ellie Helgeson

Co-Chairpersons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandi Moeller, Maureen Stores