I DAIRY Daughter of Noted Baron Dies Plains...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY AUGUST 17 1906 2 Th J- I I All the Creditors Are Willing- as Was Shown at Har monious Meeting HAD MANY UPS AND DOWNS Creditors te Exchange Claims Against Company for Stock The Standard Dairy and loa Company Which Had a cr at many ups and downs recently and which is now in the grasp of the bankruptcy court will im doubt be reorganized within the next f w days and continue business at th- oM stand This is the consensus o opinion of a large number of the cred Itorn of the corporation who met ye terday afternoon to consider plans its reorganisation The creditor In Golden Eagle Hall Sixth and street northwest and Dr G Lloyd Ma Srud r president of the Standard Dairy and Ice Company in a brief statemen explained the condition of affairs showed the advantages to be gained all concerned in a reorganisation o the company The plan suggested is that the credi- tors should exchange their claims against the company for common stock of the reorganised company When this suggestion was submitted to the credl torn by Dr Magruder and a vote for there was not a dissenting volee the condition of affairs had been explained by Dr Magruder and the sentiment of those present expressed op the suggestion of reorganisation Attor- ney AV representing certain creditors was called to the chair A committee was then chosen with Mr Claggett a chairman which vlll canvara all creditors of the Standard and Company on the question reorganisation along the line sugcesl- K and report at a meetin which will be held next week It is understood that affairs are already in such shape In reference to the reorganization or the company as to warrant the discontin- uance of all proceedings against it in the local courts BY GANG OF THUGS Man Brutally Pounded Last Nigkt After Being Dragged Into a Dark Alley Beaten and robbed by Harry- H Holtry of 4M Louisiana avenu northwest hobbled into Pint pre cmot polk station with battered face and rifted pockets and told his story to the puilce As he was walking along D street Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets Holtry declares he noticed gung of men on the curb they were whispering together them he says two of him by the throat and threw him to the ground All of the men he say then him and pounded him unmercifully dragged him to an alley and proceeded to beat him almost into insensibility Holtry regained hUi senses he that he had been robbed of pocketbook m Holtry displayed numerous lacerations on a a result of work of hi as sailant police unable to find a clue to Holtry assailants DEATH RECORD Emma G Crook years til B street routhwevt George Hiekenteoper 30 years street Northwest William H 2 years 1X31 Half tr t southwest Koch M years 27 H street northeast Eva Jones M years Tenth street northweit Charles Dixon 1 month Broad Branch road John Lloyd 10 days S15 street northwest Pearl Robertson S days lOt Twelfth street northwest John W Siebert B list New Jersey avenue northwect George Crawford S days H street rortheastC- lTTHBERTlM on Au t M M LUCIUt MONTROSE CTTH BERT Jr ten of Mr and Mrs Lucius Montm Cwtfcbert formerly of Washington KUS8EI4 On Thursday August M 18o at L i Prort 1 c LILLIE PARKER On Thumtay t 1 1 05 at 16 R northwwt JEaifi PARKER H wes born in N T years ago H came to Washington in 18W sine which time b had engaged in shoemaking burin in thla city U survived by hU widow and chll drpntwo dMigfatera living In Washington and a aoa who reMd c In Albany The re maIns will be taken to Albany tomorrow moraine for burial Albany papers please copy it 8CHUPBACH Thursday Au uet If 1M at 1 p m at his parent residence OongrM Heifrhte D C CHARLES B be- loved non of Charles and Teresa Schup back a d eighteen years Solemn requiem mas at St Marys Church Saturday AURUBI at M a m fin atlvee and friends to attend it WALL On August IS l M at 2 a m MAROKTT WALL beloved sis- ter of Mary this life in the full ot faith Funeral Sunday August It 1MW from Kbeneser Fourth and D streett southeast at 1 oclock aul72t- BMITHOn August 14 IMC at Washington FRANCIS II SMITH In aty tshth year of his age Funeral from the Church of the Covenant Friday Augtut 17 IMC at 3M p m Rala- tiv s aad friends invited to attend Interment at Oak SUIt aaWJt FUNERAL DESIGNS- of very description moderately priced GUDE 1914 S St Northwest Phono M 4279 J WILLIAM LEE US Penn Ave N W tVashlacton O C I Jenbon Main 1285 AND ICE CO IS TO REORGANIZE for met E And by tt airy f BEATEN ANO ROBBEO Young thugs the a JoIterl and As 1o try the men made a seized lila his The fatS have been Carl T Volltin years 314 S Ereet northeast MallrM E Everhart a years TWttth street southeast oallnlo Jen1icJc u years 111 Vlraln aVEnue southwest James H AlblftlOn 71 years MIchIn nvttnu Brooltland D C J1 Mary A Brooks 34 years EIghth street northwest Elmer L Nolan 25 years United Stats Soldr Home C 1 John E Harrison 4tyrs B street routheast Lillie Russell It E IItIeet southeast John L Third BIt DIED Denver Thur I been the He three Wednesday James the uNDiiBTAXE 2t AND rrvEB J 4- s DAIRY Their has called After i Ice between 5g 33 D 7 yenra ASA days a m at hospital street invited departed bun ear are ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ° ¬ ¬ Agreement on Prices Is Made by Barber Unions and Made Public Instead of putting into effect the straight 15eent rate for alt shaves in union arber shops in Washington the joint committee from the white and col- ored last night established a slid scale which go into effect Sep- tember 1 Hereafter it will all depend upqn the kind of a shave kind comes as low as lo cents while another variety with various trimmings costs JS Here 1 the scale Ordinary shave consisting of nothing else than a shave and hair comb 10 centWhen a hot Turkish towel is applied there will be an additional charge of 5 cents Mustache trimming 6 rents Neck shaved 5 cents White Union No 3 and Colored Union No JOS will issue cards with the foregoing Information printed- on them and place them In a con- spicuous place in shops The barbers also agreed to make each arid every legal holiday an entire holi- day and to work all during the day If such a holiday on a Satur- day the at noon On evening previous to a holiday a pro- prietor will be to keep open until 11 oclock PEOPLE CLAMORING FOR THEIR MONEY Continued from First Page Bank Examiner Ewer that the First Bank ot Chelsea Ma ha been closed by action of the directors Examiner Ewer been appointed re- ceiver The failure of this due to large excessIve loans to officer and directors of the bank The following i a statement of the resources of the bank at the date of lat report of condition made to this office June 1M Resources Loans and discounts U114BM13 United State bond to secure circula- tion 50000 Premium on United States bond JSS- Bankinc house and other real es- tate Due from banks ttUKTT Cash and cash items H7J7tai Redemption fund 286 Inabilities Capital stock 000 Surplus and profit 4 m81 Circulating note Due to banks flOTJIW Dividends mpaid 741 Deposits rt732S payable 51SOOM Total East Liverpool Police Hot on Stenslands Trail EAST LIVERPOOL Ohio Aug 17 Chief of pollee John W Wyman and entire police force have started on a sys- tematic search for Stensland the defaulting president of the Milwaukee Avenue Bank of Chicago It was learned- to a certainty last night that he had come this way and all sorts of rumors are afloat concerning him Several de- tectives of the Perkins Agency of PlUs burg were in Cincinnati an1 last night made a search for mossing man It is said the officers have clue which may lead to his capture It is also be a fact that he has had hU whiskers shaved anti that a man answering liLa description was seen on a street car here last night Another Chicago Bank Closes Its Doors Today CHICAGO Aug 17 As an echo of the crash of the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank the Oarfleld Park Bank closed its doors Deposits approximating 100600 indicate the extent of the failure to the community on the West The bank private property of Ellis B Drape 1 in the Henry Hiestind appointed by the Federal court There was a run of two days SUES WEATHER PROHET FOR PROFANITY TEMPEST DERBY Conn Aug 17 Mrs Ellen A Whitmore of Chatham ha sued for 1000 damages Uncle Horace John- son the Middle Haddam weather prophet who ha been periodically alarming timid Connecticut folk with predictions of floods and terrible storm for twenty years Whitmore alleges that while she was in tier held adjoin prop erty of Johnson accused her of and drove her therefrom with a tempest of profanity He there upon she avers cut hay in her Held and took It to barn She for the hay and for injury to her flIngs and property CHARGE 10 GENTS FOR PLAIN SHAVE TRIMMINGS EXTRA One cents op National Is its I 177i2 4IIM the PaulO the has Side Mrs his trespassing sues falls has Bills I a hIs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Entertaining Many Happy Tots at Chesapeake Beach TodayU- nder the personal supervision of S J Masters president of the People Savings Bank nearly a thousand chil- dren members of the Associated Chari- ties this morning journeyed to Chesa- peake Beach to participate In the pleas- ures afforded The out- Ing is being given personally by Mr Masters and no expense has been spared- to make the occasion an enjoyable one Happy Throng of Children Shrieking and screaming with delight their little faces wreathed in happy smiles the children piled upon the spa elal train sidetracked at Chesapeake Junction shortly past 9 oclock this morning They were accompanied by their mothers slater grandmothers and aunts and each child held tightly clasped in its chubby flat the much coveted ticket which had been given by Mr Masters Their glistened with happiness and everywhere was evi- denced the gladness which cornea to those who know but scant pleasure The traction railway company pressed into service several special cars and when they arrived at the junction laden with their freight of happy humanity the tots piled out one over the other The sight was one of humorous confus- ion and women stood by and roared with laughter the little ones fought their way frantically front the cars No sooner did they reach the sta- tion platform than they made a dive for the train again ensued the strug- gle But withal while the children and scrambled for seats In the train there wfwi ever a feel- ing of ecstaey Their cries of gladness echoed far and near and when came finally seated cars echoed with their revelry Mr Masters Pleased Mr Masters accompanied by wife and daughter was early upon the scene A broad smile illumined his face and when the eapwtngs of the tots were called to his attention the smile seemed- to radiate about the corners ot mouth with grim satisfaction He to take a keen personal the reception of the masses Tl titus girls came in perhaps for the most attention These tiny misses looked of happiness Decked out in the newest and cleanest of their little frocks pre tinted pictures such as one sees in a picture book Mr Masters would upon the cheek pinch another playfully and wink hi eye at that he was the dominating spirit of the occasion and their honored host for whnevr he would free himself from the intnrntlon of the masses little fellow would spring toward him grasp big strong hand The mothers likewise lavished their appreci- ation upon him and when the train rolled our of the station a mighty roar from thousand lusty throats of the children rent the air Mr Masters Mr Masters was their slogan and- over and over again did they scream forth their delight Luaeheea at the Beach Wallace H tcb secretary of the cnar ity association on hand and min- istered to the needs of the little one It was Mr Hatch duty to see that the children and their escorts were com Eye Comfort- For a Dollar Regular 2 and 250 EYEGLASSES SPECTACLES Saturday and Monday ONE DOLLART- he eyeglasses are fitted with solid and the finest lenses The have frames warranted for 20 years and EYES EXAMINED FREE CALLISHER 917 Pa Ave N W BANKER MASTERS IS GENIAL HOST TO POOR CHILDREN b eyes Men as the his ap- peared In the another The children seemed to some his the I Was an gold oldtUled beat his one know glasses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Matting fLemneoits At Little Prices All the Matting Remnants loft from our big stooK a c assembled- in these two lots for speedy clear ance All are high grade imported Mattings in choice patterns that sold for 2Sc to 55c a yard The smaller Matting Rem- nants to go at The larger Rem- nants to go 1 HUB FURNITURE I CREDIT IS YOUR PURSE jI I OPEN LATE f I- JI I ta l I i I I fjj I I l i tt u 5 i 4f1ii Matting I J I fj I 0 II tA r 4 ce a I I Soctheast Corner I 7th and D streets I SATURDAY I ir I k7 fr 1 at- c I 4e J Tfl S- I COG c ¬ ¬ > > Daughter of Noted Baron Dies on Colorado Plains i Ending on Western Prairie of a Life of Ro- mance and of Mystery After Marriage to a Farmer Near Denver Suburb ¬ DENVER Col Aug 17Alone in a home on the plains southeast of Den- ver Ernestine von Schulz BruM daiish ter of the Baron lielnrich von Schulz of Berlin who had recently been dee orated by the German Emperor for die tingufohed services for the state died early Saturday A blood red scare across the forehead of the dead attributed to a fall was ignored by Coroner Hermn Of Fort Logan who named intestinal trouble a the cause of death and held no inquest The death In the culmination of a life tilled with romance and mystery Mr Bruas the daughter of wealthy distinguished parents had traveled around the world twice and had accu- mulated a remarkable collection of Jew- els lace and valuable souvenir She wom- An I and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ fertably landed aboard the train This he did with dispatch The Charities in irom 30 to ISO children Every belonged to this organization was a ticket to the beach and return the train arrived at the resort at 2 oclock a fine luncheon was for each of the children The park wa thrown open to them and for the time being they were monarchs of all they surveyed The Chesapeake Beach Railroad Com finv Mr Mater special rate- S L Heacock general excursion agent if the wa on hand and par Tonally in the handling of MARRIAGE LICENSES Edgar M and Harriet N Chase Joshua W Kendall jr and Irene Cost norJohn Henry Priest and Clara Smith Harry Hilton and Mary Williams John L Hamilton and Mary A Wil lett both of Charles county Md Theodore Deskins and Rebecca Swales James S Petitt and Mary V Smith of Fairfax county Va John W Stewart Vtlc City Vs and Hattie E District of Columbia Merltt O Richmond New York city md Ethel L Ileygster District of Associated eight agencies each a ncy having a nurn bering child 1 assisted the crowd Poole both Co- lumbIa given gave ¬ was possessed of considerable wealth of her own but was occupied soy crams of the children of various wealthy families among others being those of Mr Crocker the multimil- lionaire of San Francisco After leav- ing San Francisco she returned to Ber- lin about six years ago She then opened a fashionable which he conducted until eighteen months ago Prom there he came to Denver and early last summer became acquainted wlthFred Bruno a German farm- er living In the Clark colony near Lit tleton von Schutz was then thirty one years of and Bruae was sev the two ripened fast and they were married last November Littleton The farmer had erected a twostory on his tract at the colony and there the couple made their home as house years her Junior The romance of T uft home idles era ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SECRETARY ROOT AT DINNER TALKS TO ARGENTINIANS Continued From First Page powerful her capital In turn will leave the country and Investment in countries which he established friendly relations This i process he asserted wbl h always marked and growth England had furnished the capital for the develop- ment of the United States and now the latter nation is seeking an outlet for wealth American Citizens Complimented- Mr Root remarked that English at present practically the language of Ar- gentina and complimented the Amer- icans here upon having so worthy and representative a body well fitted to maintain social and political stand- ards of the United The Ameri- cans h has found he said were solid worthy and honorable citizens morning Mr Root visited the ranch of Senor Estancis Divot where he took breakfast He returned to Buenos Ayres shortly after 4 oclock Great crowds followed him during his trip through the Btreeta cheering him hear tilyToday foreign ministers will for mally visit the Charleston has the its Is he the with de- velopment F States This ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sheets size 72x90 made of Fruit of th Loom Cotton made full for double bed threeinch hem perfect in all ways everywhere sold n s r for We Rebuilding Sale price S V 75c Corsets 39c Special lot of R O Corsets in gray only short lengths bias cut riirbon and lace trimmed value 75c Rebuilding yrlce of Saturday only 39c tomorrow Sr NOT YET HEARD Goes Over Till Monday But the Examination Papers Are Now Here TIle case of tit Civil Service Commis- sion agalBPt Charles Elmer Watson the clerk in Navy Department who was arrested on Monday on a charge of im- personating his brother James Watson and taking an examination which re- sulted in James being certified for ap polntment was not heard by United States Commissioner Taylor today but went over until next Monday Watson was arraigned before United State Commissioner Taylor last Monday and released on bail of pending the arrival of certain evidence from St Louis The evidence which consisted mainly In civil service examination papers ar- rived yesterday but when the case was called today before Commissioner Tay- lor the defense was not ready to pro- ceed rwlns to a misunderstanding so the hu1 g went over Jam Watson th alleged beneAclary of examination which Charles Elmer Watson if charged with taking has not et It was said at the Civil Service Commission this afternoon been arrest rd althougrh a warrant is out for bis arrest James said to in St Charles Elmer Watson to at work hi the X w Department and will continUe tf haM down hi pending the disposition nf hi ease GIRL PLAYS BURGLAR JUST FOR FUN OF IT WASHINGTON Pa Au 17 Ethel Furnter seventeen years one of the leading in Wash- ington county ben committed to the Pennsylvania Reform School at Morgan a for T The whose home 1 at Roacoe was caught in the art of burglary and when brought to Jail She ent plea of guilty before the Indefinite period Her father Mi a the thing CASE OF WATSON the IOM I I t I I I I Is be cl of bur a Washington county grand today to the reform school lor- an a Furnler In her guilty that attempted to Just for or was the Louis old a member air and was business- man plea- of stated she store ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A Saturdays Bulletin Is ExceptionalTh- e bargain noivs Is the best yet to come from this rcc r los4iblisliln r sale Stocks must be sacrificed floor space Is In demand Goods aro being crowded out and your money never went so far toward quality I Rebuilding PALACE below 150 Hand Bags 89c Vanity Xaaa Bags Hue rnoroooo leather with the strap on back black brown tan green slue gray salt red everywhere tkey tre 125 and x5O Ke XU- buildia price 50c Hand Bags 39c Vanity HiHd Bags flue walrus grain leather black brown quality that sell everywhere a standard at 50 cent f ir Rebuilding sale price for v Saturday only J 4 Post Cards 5c Pine first quality Post Cards in all colors views of Washington Niagara Tails principal cities comic arid some r leata- r cards sale prloe for Satur w day four for 69c Val Laces 25c Valenoiennes Laces by the piece choice of fifty good patterns sold as high as 89c a dozen edges and insertions to match fl t f tomorrow a 12yard piece i special sale price I t c i I the as I I vain a > Glove leaders Long Lisle Glove made with clasp plenty on hand blacks whites ana pinks regu- lar te value for Satur J nr day special at Silk Lace Mitt beautiful pat- tern full elbow length In black and white Special per pair V1UUJ- 200 Milanese Silk Gloves 12button length 2 clasp black and white all sizes si LA worth Special J 15c Mens Hose 9c Mens l5c Plain Black Cotton Half Hose full reg- ular made double heel and toes seamless foot sizes 10 10 and 11 Rebuild ing price three pairs for 25c each 9c 150 and 200 UmbrellasT- ape Edge Americrn Taffeta and Silk Umbrellas handles are 12inch pearl and silver silver hooks natural wood and other equally pretty patterns included are case tassel Rebuilding sale price 98c long 2 TO 9 8 c him ¬ ¬ Silk Belts Pretty plaid Belts very stjrl and popular the real belt novel- ty of the season large hlghlynnI- sheT braze buckles Be A frb- nlldlng sale price as a oneday leader only r 25c Wash Belts lOc Lot of embroidered Wash Belts with Pearl Buckles a fine lot of ex oeptlonally good qualities worth ev- ery penny of 25o Sat fC urday as a Bebnlldlng sale I feature special at v 25c Wash Belts 3c About two gross left of an entire line of good serviceable Wash Belts Included are kinds that sold i for lOa 15c and 26o come r slightly soiled your choice tomorrow for lOc Torchon Laces 4 c Torchon Laces 75 very choico patterns ranging in width from 2 to 4 Inches both the edges and In- sertions sold up to ten t cents a yard Sebuildinff tale price tomorrow I II silk i lIlt r II II I I I 1 C F r- are P I B A ¬ ¬ ¬ > Four Great Lots of Waists for Saturday Another lot of the fine Persian Lawn WaIsts that liave cre- ated a sensation six tucks each side with wide embroidered front piece long or short sleeves worth 1 wonders at Saturdays price of I I I I 9c ¬ Three styles of Pe- ter Pan Waists two made of Persian Lawn and one ill a fine striped Dimity with short sleeves roll co- llar and cuffs and pock ets one of the biggest snaps A fC tomorrow uc 1 to go at TaI ¬ ¬ ¬ 2000 yards of Bleached Cotton none but the best brands in this lot sold always at 7c 8c 9c and lOc a yard limited quality not f more than 12 yards to a cus- tomer per yard 1 Petticoats 98c Cambric Petticoats umbrella and deep circular flounce trimmed with of torchon insertion lace to match and tucks above 51EO value 98c 3 C 4I- I 0 rows 5 C ¬ 2 Vesta Tilley Hats in both black and white chip and hair Special at 85 L u C 0 Fino Persian Lawn Waists with long or short slcctcs open front or back with 4 rows of fine embroid ered insertion forming front between fine tucks tucked cuffs and col- lar to match 128 T a 1 ue Saturday t I 59 C ¬ Choice of a large of particularly fine waists in many styles all handsomely trimed with German Val insertion and eye- let embroidery high or Dutch necks long or short sleeves 150 values at I 79 C I t va- riety ¬ Three Bargains in Dry Goods I xception l Regular line or joe Hock Towels with deep fringe or plain hemmed with red border these face towels are standard Qr quality Rebuilding Sale S price tomorrow t lOc Ladies Vests Lot of 50 dozen Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vests tape in neck and arm holes you have never bought this anywhere for less lOc Special 6c r llar 6tc I 19c Ladies fast black heel and foe full seamless one style a black another with white foot real w Maco Hose worth 19c R S price Hosedouble I J SPECIAL NOTICES DONT WAIT UNTIL PALL to have your IMMUM painted m today WBLCPeakerfflSrlan- unit ST JOHNS COLLEGE Vermont near Circle nrhoolg A SKLKCT DAY COLLEGE FOR TOUNO ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS School Opn September Catalogue MKIOt BROTHER GERMAXUB Pr National Law SchoolEv- ening Sessions Exclusively Opens October 1 1906 Practical two years course lead- ing to degree of Bachelor of Laws Postgraduate course of one year leading to degree of Mister of Laws For catalogue apply to E D CARUSI Secretary Phone M 3436 1331 F st nw Washingtons Greatest Business Geiiegs Day and night sessions entire year Call or send for free bookM- UCI BUSINESS COLLEGE I PiP O E tabui 4 1SN S W Cor Ith sad X BU X W instruction day or night in Bookke p bjoct Preparation The Berlitz School o Languages 723 14th SL N W A GOXARD Prino Grand Prizes St Louis 04 Liege 05 German Spanish etc Native teachers Preparation for College Trial laon free J t- Sirayers Business College COR HTH AND F fiB N W Daj and Night School All Year PHONE MAIN MM for FREE CATALOGUE NOTES DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Both xs all Primary Grammar High also Business Branches Open yer round Catalogues FRANCES MANN HALL AM Principal 221 nw Ta pfccn Main 3877K Wonder What Mertz Will Say Today Store Closes Every Day at 6 poa Heres Saver TROUSERSt- o order in the inimitable Mertzway of choice quality and sat isfaction guaran teed for yw Mertz and Mertz Co 906 P Street EE Painless Extraction by GAS Or our New preparation to Gums Set of Teeth Crown Work Credit to those who cash Examinations Tree Work Guaranteed Hours 8 to 1 Sunday 10 to 1 Dr j 22 MODOKAID 1229 Pennsylvania Ave If w No High Prices Beautiful Set of Teeth that fit 300 Gold Work 9300 61 1 7th St soc Wasblasrtons Painless Dentist No home possesses every modern convenience un less equipped for the use of Electric Light Potomac Electric Power Contract DeparSsssnl 213 14H SlKVV WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Pbo writs tIM or AY CO I Avenue Conducted by Lbs Brother of the lEN AND BOYS LLTE Pj tent n n University THE SPENCERIAN 03 ST ShOrthnd Typewriting sad aU I for nations PREPARATORY ages Eat a Money fabricsfit 5 0 S8 3 Gold Bridge Fillings 5 0 NO PAIN II PainNo Crowns r1l11n II C TIMES I Sutimat OLLEGj Thom Chriatias cLts COMMERCIAL AND 10 Best leg sh service ezant aulOtf French the 5 S I ridge ¬ < = > ¬ = ==

Transcript of I DAIRY Daughter of Noted Baron Dies Plains...

Page 1: I DAIRY Daughter of Noted Baron Dies Plains ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 2 THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY AUGUST 17 1906 Th J-I I All the


Th J-


All the Creditors Are Willing-as Was Shown at Har

monious Meeting


Creditors te Exchange Claims

Against Company forStock

The Standard Dairy and loa CompanyWhich Had a cr at many ups anddowns recently and which is now inthe grasp of the bankruptcy court willim doubt be reorganized within the nextf w days and continue business at th-oM stand This is the consensus oopinion of a large number of the credItorn of the corporation who met yeterday afternoon to consider plansits reorganisation The creditorIn Golden Eagle Hall Sixth andstreet northwest and Dr G Lloyd MaSrud r president of the Standard Dairyand Ice Company in a brief statemenexplained the condition of affairsshowed the advantages to be gainedall concerned in a reorganisation othe company

The plan suggested is that the credi-tors should exchange their claimsagainst the company for common stockof the reorganised company When thissuggestion was submitted to the credltorn by Dr Magruder and a votefor there was not a dissenting volee

the condition of affairs had beenexplained by Dr Magruder and thesentiment of those present expressed opthe suggestion of reorganisation Attor-ney AV representingcertain creditors was called to thechair A committee was then chosenwith Mr Claggett a chairman whichvlll canvara all creditors of the Standard

and Company on the questionreorganisation along the line sugcesl-

K and report at a meetin which willbe held next week It is understood thataffairs are already in such shape Inreference to the reorganization or thecompany as to warrant the discontin-uance of all proceedings against it in thelocal courts


Man Brutally Pounded LastNigkt After Being Dragged

Into a Dark Alley

Beaten and robbed by Harry-H Holtry of 4M Louisiana avenunorthwest hobbled into Pint precmot polk station with battered faceand rifted pockets and told his storyto the puilce

As he was walking along D streetThirteenth and Fourteenth

streets Holtry declares he noticedgung of men on the curbthey were whispering together

them he says two ofhim by the throat and threw him tothe ground All of the men he saythen him and poundedhim unmercifully dragged him to analley and proceeded to beat him almostinto insensibility

Holtry regained hUi senses hethat he had been robbed ofpocketbook m Holtrydisplayed numerous lacerations ona a result of work of hi assailant

police unableto find a clue to Holtry assailants


Emma G Crook years til B streetrouthwevt

George Hiekenteoper 30 yearsstreet Northwest

William H 2 years 1X31 Halftr t southwestKoch M years 27 H streetnortheast

Eva Jones M years Tenth streetnorthweitCharles Dixon 1 month Broad BranchroadJohn Lloyd 10 days S15 street

northwestPearl Robertson S days lOt Twelfthstreet northwestJohn W Siebert B list NewJersey avenue northwectGeorge Crawford S days H street


lTTHBERTlM on Aut M M LUCIUt MONTROSE CTTHBERT Jr ten of Mr and Mrs LuciusMontm Cwtfcbert formerly of Washington

KUS8EI4 On Thursday August M 18o atL i Prort 1 c LILLIE

PARKER On Thumtay t 1 1 05 at16 R northwwt JEaifi PARKER

H wes born in N Tyears ago H came to Washington in 18Wsine which time b had engaged in

shoemaking burin in thla cityU survived by hU widow and chlldrpntwo dMigfatera living In Washingtonand a aoa who reMd c In Albany The remaIns will be taken to Albany tomorrowmoraine for burial

Albany papers please copy it8CHUPBACH Thursday Au uet If 1M

at 1 p m at his parent residenceOongrM Heifrhte D C CHARLES B be-loved non of Charles and Teresa Schupback a d eighteen years

Solemn requiem mas at St Marys ChurchSaturday AURUBI at M a m finatlvee and friends to attend it

WALL On August IS l M at2 a m MAROKTT WALL beloved sis-ter of Mary this life in thefull ot faith

Funeral Sunday August It 1MW fromKbeneser Fourth and D streettsoutheast at 1 oclock aul72t-

BMITHOn August 14 IMC at WashingtonFRANCIS II SMITH In

aty tshth year of his ageFuneral from the Church of the Covenant

Friday Augtut 17 IMC at 3M p m Rala-tiv s aad friends invited to attendInterment at Oak SUIt aaWJt

FUNERAL DESIGNS-of very description moderately priced

GUDE1914 S St Northwest Phono M 4279

J WILLIAM LEEUS Penn Ave N W tVashlacton O CI Jenbon Main 1285












aJoIterl and

As1o trythe men made a seized


The fatS have been

Carl T Volltin years 314 S EreetnortheastMallrM E Everhart a years

TWttth street southeastoallnlo Jen1icJc u years 111 VlralnaVEnue southwestJames H AlblftlOn 71 years MIchInnvttnu Brooltland D C


Mary A Brooks 34 years EIghthstreet northwestElmer L Nolan 25 years United StatsSoldr Home C


John E Harrison 4tyrs B streetroutheastLillie Russell It E IItIeetsoutheast

John L



DIEDDenver Thur


beenthe He














i Ice








a m at hospital




bun ear









Agreement on Prices Is

Made by Barber Unionsand Made Public

Instead of putting into effect thestraight 15eent rate for alt shaves inunion arber shops in Washington thejoint committee from the white and col-ored last night established a slid

scale which go into effect Sep-tember 1

Hereafter it will all depend upqn thekind of a shave kind comes as lowas lo cents while another variety withvarious trimmings costs JS Here1 the scale

Ordinary shave consisting of nothingelse than a shave and hair comb 10

centWhen a hot Turkish towel is appliedthere will be an additional charge of 5cents

Mustache trimming 6 rentsNeck shaved 5 centsWhite Union No 3 and Colored

Union No JOS will issue cardswith the foregoing Information printed-on them and place them In a con-spicuous place in shops

The barbers also agreed to make eacharid every legal holiday an entire holi-day and to work all during theday If such a holiday on a Satur-day the at noon On

evening previous to a holiday a pro-prietor will be to keep openuntil 11 oclock



Continued from First Page

Bank Examiner Ewer that the FirstBank ot Chelsea Ma ha

been closed by action of the directorsExaminer Ewer been appointed re-ceiver The failure of this dueto large excessIve loans to officer anddirectors of the bank

The following i a statement of theresources of the bank atthe date of lat report of conditionmade to this office June 1M

ResourcesLoans and discounts U114BM13United State bond to secure circula-

tion 50000Premium on United States bond JSS-

Bankinc house and other real es-tate

Due from banks ttUKTTCash and cash items H7J7taiRedemption fund 286

InabilitiesCapital stock 000Surplus and profit 4 m81Circulating noteDue to banks flOTJIWDividends mpaid 741Deposits rt732S

payable 51SOOM


East Liverpool PoliceHot on Stenslands Trail

EAST LIVERPOOL Ohio Aug 17Chief of pollee John W Wyman andentire police force have started on a sys-tematic search for Stensland thedefaulting president of the MilwaukeeAvenue Bank of Chicago It was learned-to a certainty last night that he hadcome this way and all sorts of rumorsare afloat concerning him Several de-tectives of the Perkins Agency of PlUsburg were in Cincinnati an1 last nightmade a search for mossing man

It is said the officers have cluewhich may lead to his capture It isalso be a fact that he has hadhU whiskers shaved anti that a mananswering liLa description was seen on astreet car here last night

Another Chicago BankCloses Its Doors Today

CHICAGO Aug 17 As an echo ofthe crash of the Milwaukee AvenueState Bank the Oarfleld Park Bankclosed its doors Deposits approximating100600 indicate the extent of the failure

to the community on the WestThe bank private property of Ellis BDrape 1 in the HenryHiestind appointed by the Federal courtThere was a run of two days


DERBY Conn Aug 17 Mrs EllenA Whitmore of Chatham ha sued for

1000 damages Uncle Horace John-son the Middle Haddam weatherprophet who ha been periodicallyalarming timid Connecticut folk withpredictions of floods and terrible stormfor twenty years

Whitmore alleges that while shewas in tier held adjoin property of Johnson accused her of

and drove her therefromwith a tempest of profanity He thereupon she avers cut hay in her Heldand took It to barn She forthe hay and for injury to her flIngsand property










































Entertaining Many HappyTots at Chesapeake

Beach TodayU-

nder the personal supervision of SJ Masters president of the PeopleSavings Bank nearly a thousand chil-dren members of the Associated Chari-ties this morning journeyed to Chesa-peake Beach to participate In the pleas-ures afforded The out-Ing is being given personally by MrMasters and no expense has been spared-to make the occasion an enjoyable one

Happy Throng of ChildrenShrieking and screaming with delight

their little faces wreathed in happysmiles the children piled upon the spaelal train sidetracked at ChesapeakeJunction shortly past 9 oclock thismorning They were accompanied bytheir mothers slater grandmothersand aunts and each child held tightlyclasped in its chubby flat the muchcoveted ticket which had been given byMr Masters Their glistened withhappiness and everywhere was evi-denced the gladness which cornea tothose who know but scant pleasure

The traction railway company pressedinto service several special cars andwhen they arrived at the junction ladenwith their freight of happy humanitythe tots piled out one over the otherThe sight was one of humorous confus-ion and women stood by androared with laughter the little onesfought their way frantically front thecars No sooner did they reach the sta-tion platform than they made a dive forthe train again ensued the strug-gle But withal while the children

and scrambled for seats In thetrain there wfwi ever a feel-ing of ecstaey Their cries of gladnessechoed far and near and whencame finally seated cars echoed withtheir revelry

Mr Masters PleasedMr Masters accompanied by wife

and daughter was early upon the sceneA broad smile illumined his face andwhen the eapwtngs of the tots werecalled to his attention the smile seemed-to radiate about the corners otmouth with grim satisfaction He

to take a keen personalthe reception of the masses Tl

titus girls came in perhaps for the mostattention These tiny misses looked

of happiness Decked out in thenewest and cleanest of their little frocks

pre tinted pictures such as one seesin a picture book Mr Masters would

upon the cheek pinch anotherplayfully and wink hi eye atthat he was the dominating spirit ofthe occasion and their honored hostfor whnevr he would free himselffrom the intnrntlon of the masseslittle fellow would spring toward him

grasp big strong hand Themothers likewise lavished their appreci-ation upon him and when the trainrolled our of the station a mighty roarfrom thousand lusty throats of thechildren rent the air Mr MastersMr Masters was their slogan and-over and over again did they screamforth their delight

Luaeheea at the BeachWallace H tcb secretary of the cnar

ity association on hand and min-

istered to the needs of the little oneIt was Mr Hatch duty to see that thechildren and their escorts were com

Eye Comfort-For a DollarRegular 2 and 250


Saturday and Monday


he eyeglasses are fitted withsolid and the finestlenses

The haveframes warranted for 20 years and













another The children seemed to
























Matting fLemneoitsAt Little Prices

All the Matting Remnants loftfrom our big stooK a c assembled-

in these two lots for speedy clearance All are high grade importedMattings in choice patterns thatsold for 2Sc to 55c a yard

The smaller Matting Rem-nants to go at

The larger Rem-

nants to go



f I-JI

Ital I



fjj I I


itt u

5i 4f1ii Matting I



I0 IItA r 4cea I


Soctheast Corner I

7th and D streetsI




k7fr 1 at-



J Tfl S-I







Daughter of Noted BaronDies on Colorado Plains


Ending on Western Prairie of a Life of Ro-

mance and of Mystery After Marriage toa Farmer Near Denver Suburb


DENVER Col Aug 17Alone in ahome on the plains southeast of Den-ver Ernestine von Schulz BruM daiishter of the Baron lielnrich von Schulzof Berlin who had recently been deeorated by the German Emperor for dietingufohed services for the state diedearly Saturday A blood red scareacross the forehead of the dead

attributed to a fall was ignoredby Coroner Hermn Of Fort Loganwho named intestinal trouble a thecause of death and held no inquest

The death In the culmination of alife tilled with romance and mysteryMr Bruas the daughter of wealthy

distinguished parents had traveledaround the world twice and had accu-mulated a remarkable collection of Jew-els lace and valuable souvenir She









fertably landed aboard the train Thishe did with dispatch TheCharities in

irom 30 to ISO children Everybelonged to this organization wasa ticket to the beach and returnthe train arrived at the resort at

2 oclock a fine luncheon wasfor each of the children The park wathrown open to them and for the timebeing they were monarchs of all theysurveyed

The Chesapeake Beach Railroad Comfinv Mr Mater special rate-S L Heacock general excursion agentif the wa on hand and parTonally in the handling of

MARRIAGE LICENSESEdgar M and Harriet N ChaseJoshua W Kendall jr and Irene Cost

norJohn Henry Priest and Clara SmithHarry Hilton and Mary WilliamsJohn L Hamilton and Mary A Wil

lett both of Charles county MdTheodore Deskins and Rebecca SwalesJames S Petitt and Mary V Smith

of Fairfax county VaJohn W Stewart Vtlc City Vs and

Hattie E District of ColumbiaMerltt O Richmond New York city

md Ethel L Ileygster District of

Associatedeight agencies

each a ncy having a nurnberingchild


assisted thecrowd







was possessed of considerable wealthof her own but was occupied soycrams of the children of variouswealthy families among others beingthose of Mr Crocker the multimil-lionaire of San Francisco After leav-ing San Francisco she returned to Ber-lin about six years ago She thenopened a fashionablewhich he conducted until eighteenmonths ago

Prom there he came to Denver andearly last summer became acquaintedwlthFred Bruno a German farm-er living In the Clark colony near Littleton von Schutz was then thirtyone years of and Bruae was sev

the two ripened fast and they weremarried last November Littleton The

farmer had erected a twostoryon his tract at the colony and

there the couple made their home



years her Junior The romance of

T ufthome










Continued From First Pagepowerful her capital In turn will leavethe country and Investment incountries which he establishedfriendly relations This i processhe asserted wbl h always marked

and growth England hadfurnished the capital for the develop-ment of the United States and now thelatter nation is seeking an outlet forwealth

American Citizens Complimented-Mr Root remarked that English at

present practically the language of Ar-

gentina and complimented the Amer-icans here upon having so worthy andrepresentative a body well fitted tomaintain social and political stand-ards of the United The Ameri-cans h has found he said were solidworthy and honorable citizens

morning Mr Root visited theranch of Senor Estancis Divot where hetook breakfast He returned to BuenosAyres shortly after 4 oclock Greatcrowds followed him during his tripthrough the Btreeta cheering him heartilyToday foreign ministers will formally visit the Charleston



















Sheets size 72x90 made of Fruit ofth Loom Cotton made full fordouble bed threeinch hem perfectin all ways everywhere sold n s rfor We Rebuilding Sale price


75c Corsets 39cSpecial lot of R O Corsets in

gray only short lengths bias cutriirbon and lace trimmed value 75cRebuilding yrlce of Saturday only39c




Goes Over Till Monday Butthe Examination Papers

Are Now Here

TIle case of tit Civil Service Commis-sion agalBPt Charles Elmer Watson theclerk in Navy Department who wasarrested on Monday on a charge of im-

personating his brother James Watsonand taking an examination which re-

sulted in James being certified for appolntment was not heard by UnitedStates Commissioner Taylor today butwent over until next Monday Watsonwas arraigned before United StateCommissioner Taylor last Monday and

released on bail of pending

the arrival of certain evidence from StLouis

The evidence which consisted mainlyIn civil service examination papers ar-

rived yesterday but when the case wascalled today before Commissioner Tay-

lor the defense was not ready to pro-

ceed rwlns to a misunderstanding sothe hu1 g went over

Jam Watson th alleged beneAclaryof examination which Charles ElmerWatson if charged with taking has not

et It was said at the Civil ServiceCommission this afternoon been arrestrd althougrh a warrant is out for bisarrest James said to in St

Charles Elmer Watson to at work hithe X w Department and will continUetf haM down hi pending thedisposition nf hi ease




Furnter seventeen yearsone of the leading in Wash-

ington county ben committed tothe Pennsylvania ReformSchool at Morgan a for T

The whose home 1 at Roacoewas caught in the art of burglary andwhen brought to JailShe ent plea of guilty before the

Indefinite periodHer father


athe thing










Is be




aWashington county grand today

to the reform school lor-an a

Furnler In herguilty that attempted to

Just for or




old a member


and wasbusiness-

man plea-

of stated shestore








SaturdaysBulletin Is ExceptionalTh-

e bargain noivs Is the best yet to come from this rcc r los4iblisliln r sale Stocks mustbe sacrificed floor space Is In demand Goods aro being crowded out and your money never went so fartoward quality




150 Hand Bags 89cVanity Xaaa Bags Hue rnoroooo

leather with the strap on backblack brown tan green slue graysalt red everywhere tkeytre 125 and x5O Ke XU-buildia price

50c Hand Bags 39cVanity HiHd Bags flue walrus

grain leather black brownquality that sell everywhere astandard at 50 cent f irRebuilding sale price for vSaturday only J

4 Post Cards 5cPine first quality Post Cards in

all colors views of WashingtonNiagara Tails principalcities comic arid somer


rcards sale prloe for Satur w

day four for

69c Val Laces 25cValenoiennes Laces by the piecechoice of fifty good patterns sold

as high as 89c a dozen edgesand insertions to match fl t ftomorrow a 12yard piece ispecial sale price



c i








Glove leadersLong Lisle Glove made with

clasp plenty on hand blackswhites ana pinks regu-lar te value for Satur J nrday special at

Silk Lace Mitt beautiful pat-tern full elbow length Inblack and whiteSpecial per pair V1UUJ-

200 Milanese Silk Gloves12button length 2 clasp blackand white all sizes si LAworth Special J

15c Mens Hose 9c

Mens l5c Plain BlackCotton Half Hose full reg-

ular made double heel andtoes seamless foot sizes10 10 and 11 Rebuilding price three pairs for 25c

each 9c

150 and 200UmbrellasT-ape Edge Americrn Taffeta

and Silk Umbrellashandles are 12inch pearl andsilver silver hooks naturalwood and other equallypretty patterns included arecase tassel Rebuilding saleprice 98c


2 TO

9 8 c




Silk BeltsPretty plaid Belts very stjrl

and popular the real belt novel-ty of the season large hlghlynnI-sheT braze buckles Be A frb-nlldlng sale price as aoneday leader only r

25c Wash Belts lOcLot of embroidered Wash Belts

with Pearl Buckles a fine lot of exoeptlonally good qualities worth ev-ery penny of 25o Sat fCurday as a Bebnlldlng sale Ifeature special at v

25c Wash Belts 3cAbout two gross left of an entire

line of good serviceable WashBelts Included are kinds that sold

i for lOa 15c and 26o come rslightly soiled your

choice tomorrow for

lOc Torchon Laces 4 cTorchon Laces 75 very choico

patterns ranging in width from 2to 4 Inches both the edges and In-sertions sold up to ten tcents a yard Sebuildinfftale price tomorrow


silki lIlt





1 C


r-are P







Four Great Lots of Waists for SaturdayAnother lot of the

fine Persian LawnWaIsts that liave cre-

ated a sensation sixtucks each side withwide embroidered frontpiece long or shortsleeves worth

1 wonders atSaturdays priceof







Three styles of Pe-

ter Pan Waists twomade of Persian Lawnand one ill a finestriped Dimity withshort sleeves roll co-llar and cuffs and pockets one of thebiggest snaps A fCtomorrowuc 1 to go at





2000 yards of Bleached Cottonnone but the best brands in this lotsold always at 7c 8c 9c and lOc ayard limited quality not fmore than 12 yards to a cus-tomer per yard

1 Petticoats 98cCambric Petticoats umbrella and

deep circular flounce trimmed withof torchon insertion laceto match and tucks above 51EO

value 98c

3 C4I-







2 Vesta Tilley Hats in bothblack and white chip and hairSpecial at




Fino Persian LawnWaists with long orshort slcctcs openfront or back with 4rows of fine embroidered insertion formingfront between finetucks tuckedcuffs and col-lar to match

128 T a 1 u eSaturday



5 9 C


Choice of a largeof particularly

fine waists in manystyles all handsomelytrimed with GermanVal insertion and eye-let embroidery high orDutch neckslong or shortsleeves 150values at

I7 9 CI





Three Bargains in Dry GoodsI xception lRegular line or joe Hock Towels

with deep fringe or plain hemmedwith red border these facetowels are standard Qrquality Rebuilding Sale Sprice tomorrow t

lOc Ladies VestsLot of 50 dozen Ladies Swiss

Ribbed Vests tape in neck and armholes you have never bought this

anywhere for less lOcSpecial 6c

r llar

6tc I

19c Ladies fast black heeland foe full seamless one style ablack another with white foot real w

Maco Hose worth 19c R S price

Hosedouble I



DONT WAIT UNTIL PALLto have your IMMUM painted

m today


ST JOHNS COLLEGEVermont near Circle



School Opn SeptemberCatalogueMKIOt BROTHER GERMAXUB Pr


Law SchoolEv-

ening Sessions Exclusively

Opens October 1 1906

Practical two years course lead-

ing to degree of Bachelor of Laws

Postgraduate course of one year

leading to degree of Mister of Laws

For catalogue apply to

E D CARUSI Secretary

Phone M 3436 1331 F st nw

Washingtons Greatest Business Geiiegs

Day and night sessions entire yearCall or send for free bookM-


S W Cor Ith sad X BU X Winstruction day or night in Bookke p

bjoct Preparation

The Berlitz School o Languages723 14th SL N W A GOXARD Prino

Grand Prizes St Louis 04 Liege 05German Spanish etc Native teachers

Preparation for College Trial laon freeJ t-

Sirayers Business CollegeCOR HTH AND F fiB N W

Daj and Night School All YearPHONE MAIN MM for FREE CATALOGUE


Both xs all Primary GrammarHigh also Business Branches Open yerround CataloguesFRANCES MANN HALL AM Principal

221 nw Ta pfccn Main 3877K

Wonder What Mertz Will SayToday

Store Closes Every Day at 6 poa



TROUSERSt-o order in the inimitable

Mertzway of choice qualityand sat

isfaction guaranteed for yw

Mertz and Mertz Co906 P Street

EE Painless Extraction by GASOr our New preparation to Gums

Set ofTeeth


Credit to those who cashExaminations Tree Work Guaranteed

Hours 8 to 1 Sunday 10 to 1Dr j 22 MODOKAID

1229 Pennsylvania Ave If w

No High PricesBeautiful Set of Teeth that fit 300



61 1 7th St soc

Wasblasrtons Painless Dentist

No home possesses every

modern convenience unless equipped for the use

of Electric Light

Potomac Electric PowerContract DeparSsssnl 213 14H SlKVV



Pbowrits tIMor




Conducted by Lbs Brother of the



tent n n



ShOrthnd Typewriting sad aU Ifor





fabricsfit5 0

S8 3GoldBridgeFillings 50NO PAIN II













Bestleg sh

service ezantaulOtf





I ridge






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