I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.


Transcript of I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Page 1: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.
Page 2: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.
Page 3: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

I. Before you read :

* Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Page 4: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Give the English name of the university

Hanoi University of Education

Page 5: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Give the English name of the university

Hue University

Page 6: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Give the English name of the university

Natural Science University

Page 7: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Give the English name of the university

Đại học kiến trúc

Architecture University

Page 8: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

OXFORD University

Page 9: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Harvard University (Massachusetts -USA)

Page 10: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.


- Campus /'kæmpəs/ (n) : Khuôn viên trường đại học

- Blame /bleim/ (v) : (blame somebody for something on :khiên trach, đô lôi- Scary /'skeəri/ (adj) = frightening Sợ hãi

- Challenge /`t∫ælindʒ/(v) : Thach thức


- Daunting 'dɔ:ntiη/ (adj) = discouraging : nan chi- Thoroughly /'θʌrəli/ (adv) = completely: hoàn toàn

- Academically /,ækə'demikəli/ (adv) : về việc học- fight back tear = try not to cry

nén khóc, nén nước mắt

- Amazing /ə’meiziη/ (a) : Kinh ngạc

Page 11: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

II. While you read

Three students talk about the first impressions of the university life. Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow

Page 12: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Sarah: On the first weekend I went out with my new friends, walking aroundcampus. It was exciting , thinking how I was at college, meeting people who could become good friends of mine. The most exciting thing was that I didn’t have to explain to my parents where I was going , who with, or what time I’d be home. On Saturday night, I followed my roommate to a party. The people at the party were busy playing some games, and no one seemed to notice my existence. I suddenly felt so lonely. Fighting back tears, I ran back to my room, thinking I would never feel at home at college.Ellen: My room mate left the window open all the time, even when it was10 degrees Celsius out, and went to bed at 10 every night. When she got sick after midterms, she blamed my typing and having a light on while she was trying to sleep. At first, college was a little daunting. I graduated from a small school. After seeing the same people over and over for many years, it was amazing, but a little scary, to be in place where it seemed like I never saw the same person twice.

Brenden: The first year at college was probably the best and most challengingyear of my life. Academically, I enjoyed it thoroughly . Taking part in the advanced Engineering project gave me a chance to use my creativity and knowledge to help society. Socially, I made lots of new friends both through engineering and living at St John’s College on campus. The social calendar of the colleges provides plenty of opportunities to meet non- engineering students as well as other engineers,, many of whom have become my best mates.

Page 13: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

* Task 1. Complete the sentences, using the right forms of the words on the left.


1.The new library was built in the centre of the .......................

2.They..................the rise in oil prices for the big increase inflation.

3.That’s the ................. story I’ve ever heard.4. Intelligent boys do something if it

really .................. them.5. The new car goes at an ................. speed.




Notes: + inflation (n): sự lạm phát+ speed (n): tốc độ+ price (n): giá cả+ increase (n): sự tăng = rise

Page 14: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

* Task 1. Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the words on the left.


1.The new library was built in the centre of the .......................

2.They..................the rise in oil prices for the big increase inflation.

3.That’s the ................. story I’ve ever heard.4. Intelligent boys do something if it

really .................. them.5. The new car goes at an ................. speed.




Notes: + inflation (n): sự lạm phát+ speed (n): tốc độ+ price (n): giá cả+ increase (n): sự tăng = rise

Page 15: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Task 2: Find out Who:Activities Sarah Ellen Brenden

1. attended a party on the first weekend at college 2. didn’t get on very well with the roommate 3. was not used to meeting different people every day at college 4. liked having a chance to be creative

5. was very excited about going at college 6. enjoyed the first year at college

Page 16: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

1. What did Sarah do on the first week?1. What did Sarah do on the first week?

2. 2. Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party?Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party?

3. 3. What problems did Allen have with her roommate?What problems did Allen have with her roommate?

4. 4. What did Brenden think about his first year at college?What did Brenden think about his first year at college?

5. What does the social calendar of the college provide him? 5. What does the social calendar of the college provide him?

Task 3: Answer the questions

Page 17: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

SarahOn the first weekend I went out with my new friends, walking around

campus. It was exciting , thinking how I was at college, meeting peoplewho could become good friends of mine. The most exciting thing wasthat I didn’t have to explain to my parents where I was going , who with,or what time I’d be home.

On Saturday night, I followed my room mate to a party. The people atthe party were busy playing some game, and no one seemed to notice my existence. I suddenly felt so lonely. Fighting back tears , I ran Back to my room, thinking I would never feel at home at college.

1.What did Sarah do on the first weekend ?

2.Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party ?

She went out with her friends, walking around the campus

Because when she came to the party , (the people at the party were busy playing some games and) no one seemed to notice her existence

Task 3: Answer the questions

Page 18: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

EllenMy room mate left the window open all the time, even when it was

10degrees Celsius out, and went to bed at 10 every night. When she

got sick after midterms, she blamed my typing and having a light on

while she was trying to sleep.

At first, college was a little daunting. I graduated from a small

school. After seeing the same people over and over for many years, it

was amazing, but a little scary, to be in place where it seemed like I

never saw the same person twice.

3. What problems did Ellen have with her roommate?

Ellen’s roommate blamed her typing and having a light on while she was trying to sleep

Page 19: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

BrendenThe first year at college was probably the best and most challenging

year of my life. Academically, I enjoyed it thoroughly . Taking part in the

advanced Engineering project gave me a chance to use my creativity

and knowledge to help society.

Socially, I made lots of new friends both through engineering and

living at St John’s College on campus. The social calendar of the

colleges provides plenty of opportunities to meet non- engineering

students as well as other engineers,, many of whom have become my

best mates.

4. What did Brenden think about his first year at college?

5. What does the social calendar of the college provide him?

To Brenden, his first year at college was probably the best and most challenges year of his life.

It provides him with plenty of opportunities to meet non-engineering students as well as other engineers.

Page 20: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.
Page 21: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

III. After you read

Read the text again and find out what each person likes or doesn’t like about their first year at college?

Likes Dislikes




Page 22: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

III. After you readRead the text again and find out what each person likes or doesn’t like about their first year at college?

Likes Dislikes

Sarah - Making new friends out of her parents’ control

- Noone noticed to her existence.

Ellen - New roomate

- couldn’t get used to such a big school

Brenda - Making lots of friends.

- enjoyed the academic year because it was so challenging

Page 23: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Homework- Learnt by heart new words- Do task 3 again- Prepare new lesson

Page 24: I. Before you read : * Look at the pictures of some Universities and give their English names.

Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!