i. .. bds - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 19. · Lpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats have secreted...

BooK I.] they will bring forth after a wh'ie. (1, TA. [See also arts. .. j and j and n ij: and d see 5 in the present art.]) - Also The doing a nnork not rell, yet so at to satisfy oneself, or to attain one's desire,thereby. (}C, TA. [Seealso 3.]) You say, ; JI ) . He does not exert himelf, or take pain, or exceed the usual bou% d, in doing the thing. (TA.) Ana .l) Lj j Repair. thou thy pair of leathern mater-bag su.fficiently to satisfy thyself. (O, TA.) - And The inter- larding, or embellishing, of speech, or discourse, with falsehood; A.bl %i.;j3 signifying e-ibL; (Ibn-'Abbid, ll;) as also ai,3. (Ibn-'Abbad and X( in art. ij.) You say, Wjil j 1ie interlarded, or emnbellished, the speech, or dis- course, with falsehood, ("i, Z, or I jiU, JK,) [adding] thing after thing, or thing by thing. (Z, TA.) ~ Sec also 1, in two places. 3. [I,{j seems to signify e strovew, or con- tended, to retain n'hat remained in him of life. And hence, as implyling this meaning, He was at the last gasp: see ^., below. Whence, app.,] the inf. n. &Ll. signifies t Tle having little friendshitp[remaining in the heart]. (KL. [See, again, .. ]) One says, al'9 . J, l a ; G3, le; ' S; or ,) G 4,; [as tholn meaning, accord. tc the former reading, Tlhis palm-tree strives to retain life with a root, being neither alive nor dead; or, accord. to the latter reading, with a root that is neither alive 0or dead;] (.; [in one cf my copies of which I find only the former reading; and in the other, both readings;]) or U.a. l .L .i'l 0.i means this palm-tree is neither a.ve nor dead. (1i.) And i.e. ,jt' [app. meaning S*ueh a one strives by artful n;eans to preserve his life]. (TA.) -_ [The inf. n.] 'lj also signifies The being hypocritical, or acting hypocritieallyU; (, TA;) [like -Uj; see 3 in art. jij;] which is nearly the same in meaning as ilj10; because the hypocrite strives to deceive by lying: men- tioned by Hr in the "Ghareebeyn." (TA.)- a..l ,;, (, X,) ilnf. n. al*., (TA,) He did, or performed, the thing, or affair, unfirmly, or unsoundly. ($, I, TA. [See also 2.]) ~ See also 1, in three places. 4. [jkjl is said by Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL, to signify He rendered water turbid; for yjl.] 5. j;p ile drank milk little by little. (. [See also 2.]) And He supped, or sipped, water, ($;, ,) 5&., sup after sup, or sip after sip. (K.) 9. J. t It (a skin, or hide, ,,I,,) was, or became, thin. (K.) _ Hence, said of life or the means of subsistence (ua.I) [as meaning t It was, or became, narrow in its circumstances, or scanty; like 3;]. (TA.) - It (an affair, 8, or a thing, IDrd, ) nwas, or became, weah; (IDrd, ],g ;) and so ? jL.jl said of a rope: (., I :) or the former verb, said of a rope, it Mas, or became, weak in its strands. (IDrd, TA.) ._,hJl l I ThAe shep, or goats, died: (IDrd, X :) and V ,l.jI they (sheep, or goats,) perished, or died, Wi*i - jd crept into me from, or in consequence of, tAis t.ing: seeu.nJl C, (A, TA.) ., _, (TA,) adil . ;i (A, TA,) [Pebbles, and ground or land,] 'veeemently heated by the sun; or intensely heated by the rehement action of the sun thereupon. (A.) And ,,,; '*.JI1; Land of which the stones are vehe- menty heated by the sun. ($.) [See also V' '.1;.] _- t A woman whose thighs rub each other. (Ibn-'Ahbad, SglI, ]K.) ,~~~~~~ .. i. .... bds £i.; L 5 ) jj tIfelt in my bodly what resembled lLL [orfever in the bones]. (TA.) , a subst., (TA,) [or rather an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates,] Ground or land, (8, k,) or stones, (A, Mglh, Mqb,) or sand, (lAth,) vehemently hot: (K :) or vehementl 1 hlteated by the snn: (8, A, Mgh, Msh :) or vehemently hot and burning. (IAtI.) [See also ~a;.] It is also syn. n,th ,~j as expl. above: see the latter word. (Mglh, TA.) .. ... Lq~j~ nuid j I, Clo'd., and rain, in tht etnd of nnsummer and the beginniq/ ni auturnn: (K, TA :) because arriving at the period when the sun is (internsely] hot. (TA.) - '1 a.,ill The n/heat, or corn, tlhit is brought, or purveyetd, nwhen the earth becomes burnt [by the sun, about Jntly]. (M1 in art. bs.) [See art. .] :,.ai. 3 , (s, Mgh, M:h, K,) and alone, for tihe latter, though disapl)roved by some of the learned, occurs in a trad., (MAlgh, Mob, TA,) and in poetry, (TA,) but not t.*l, for this is incorrect, (Mhgh,) The ninthi of the Arabian months: (TA:) so called because, when they changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they named tlhemni according to the seasons in whiich tlhey fell, (Jm, S, K,) and this month, (Jm, 8,) or i,U, (IK,) for this was its ancient name, (TA,) agreed with tlhe days of vehement hbent: (Jm, 8, Mgh, M.b, K:) [see . "j :] or from ,, said of a man fasting, expl. above: (Fr, ] :) or because [its effect is as though] it burned [and annulled] sins; (1g;) from a -- &. ,,.JI, expl. above; hut [SM says,] I know not how that is; for I hiave not seen any one [except F] mention it: (TA:) the pl. is ,J (6, ' ' ... Msb, g) and ;L1 ($, Mrb) and la.;l (L, g) and gL.L; (1) and w,bt, (Yoo, Sgh, L, Mbh,) like e, ti,, (Msb,) and ,; whichi is anomalons, (IDrd, ],) is asserted by some of the lexicologists to be another pl., but this is not well established nor received. (IDrd.) - It is said in a trad. that 4tlj is One of the names of God; but thlis trad. is pronounced by EI-Beyhalee to be of weak authority; and that it is so is evident; as no learned man has transmitted this word as such; (Msb ;) [except Muj&hid; for] it is related that Muj&hid disapproved of forming a pl. from it, saying, It has been told me that it is one of the names of God: (TA:) if it be so, it is not derived (g, TA) from what has been here men- tioned; (TA;) or it refers to the meaning of t The Forgiving; or He who obliterates sans. (·.) s .~~~ ,.. : see . ~ Also Made thin by being beaten betnseen two stons: (A:) sharpened: (S, XC:) sharp: (K, TA:) applied to a knife; (Sh ;) and to such as is termed ;,; (S, K;) and to a J ; [or blade]; (.8 ;) and to a razor ( ) as also :;; (A, TA;) and in the last of the above-mentioned senses, to anything: (8 :) it is of the measure .~ in the sense of the measure , : (TA:) or it may be in the sense of the measure J.ti, from 4~,, though this verb may not have been heard. ($gh, TA.) h.,j4 : see ,,. ,o&j said to be an anomalous pl. of Lisj, q. v. (IDrd, g.) .** The place in uwhich a sheep, or goat, is dreasd in te manner described above in the ex- planation of lJI ,3.&.. ($, TA.) ej .. Flesh-meat dresed in the manner described abore in the explanation qf o-Wl j4: (S:) or roasted flesh-meat, such as is termed [a word with whichi I Ihave not met except in this Iplace,] nwhich is nearly the same as 4;_, save that what is called by this last epithet is divided into fragments, and then a Jfire is kindled over it; as also t j. (TA.) 1. AL&~, ($, Mgh, .K,) aor. ', ($, Mgh,) inf. n. j., ( H,) e looked at him, or it; ($, TA;) as also t Llj: (TA:) or he glanced lightly at him, or it; looked at him, or it, lightly,frotn the outer angle of the eye: (IDrd, K, TA:) or he looked long at himn, or it; (Mgh;) or so ' , aor. and inf. n. as above: (Mb :) whlience,in a trad., '~. ,mjLal ,,Ul [And the people looked long at himl: (Mgh:) or .5J aL , and Vl;.ZIL signify I followed him with my eye, paying atten- tion to him, and watching him: (TA :) and V Ai1, (TA,) inf. n. QLjI, (K,*TA,) he looked at him from the outer angle of the eye with a look oJ enmnity: (K,* TA:) and V , inf. n. , he looked at him long from the outer angle of the eye with anger or aversion: (TA:) and t , inf. n. as above, he continued looking; like k5J (T, TA.) 2. 'I He, or it, stayed, or arrested, what remained in him of life. (TA.) [Hence,] .. ky,:q t 3ji. They give him something silJicient to stay, or arrest, what remains in him of lifr. (O, TA.) - [The inf. n.] ~.~ also signifies The scanting of fodder and drink. (JK.) - [And -3- The drinking little by little.] One says, --1j Lpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats have secreted milk in their udders: therefore] drink thou their milk little by little; drink thou &c.: (IF, ], TA:) because they secrete milk some days before their bringing forth: (IF, TA:) or because 1 1157

Transcript of i. .. bds - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 19. · Lpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats have secreted...

Page 1: i. .. bds - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 19. · Lpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats have secreted milk in their udders: therefore] drink thou their milk little by little; drink thou

BooK I.]

they will bring forth after a wh'ie. (1, TA. [Seealso arts. .. j and j and n ij: and d see 5 in thepresent art.]) - Also The doing a nnork not rell,yet so at to satisfy oneself, or to attain one'sdesire,thereby. (}C, TA. [Seealso 3.]) You say,

; JI ) . He does not exert himelf, ortake pain, or exceed the usual bou% d, in doingthe thing. (TA.) Ana .l) Lj j Repair.thou thy pair of leathern mater-bag su.fficientlyto satisfy thyself. (O, TA.) - And The inter-larding, or embellishing, of speech, or discourse,with falsehood; A.bl %i.;j3 signifying e-ibL;(Ibn-'Abbid, ll;) as also ai,3. (Ibn-'Abbadand X( in art. ij.) You say, Wjil j 1ieinterlarded, or emnbellished, the speech, or dis-course, with falsehood, ("i, Z, or I jiU, JK,)[adding] thing after thing, or thing by thing.(Z, TA.) ~ Sec also 1, in two places.

3. [I,{j seems to signify e strovew, or con-tended, to retain n'hat remained in him of life.And hence, as implyling this meaning, He was atthe last gasp: see ^., below. Whence, app.,]the inf. n. &Ll. signifies t Tle having littlefriendshitp[remaining in the heart]. (KL. [See,again, .. ]) One says, al'9 .J, l a

; G3, le; ' S; or ,) G 4,; [as tholnmeaning, accord. tc the former reading, Tlhispalm-tree strives to retain life with a root, beingneither alive nor dead; or, accord. to the latterreading, with a root that is neither alive 0ordead;] (.; [in one cf my copies of which I findonly the former reading; and in the other, bothreadings;]) or U.a. l .L .i'l 0.i means thispalm-tree is neither a.ve nor dead. (1i.) And

i.e. ,jt' [app. meaning S*ueha one strives by artful n;eans to preserve his life].(TA.) -_ [The inf. n.] 'lj also signifies Thebeing hypocritical, or acting hypocritieallyU; (,TA;) [like -Uj; see 3 in art. jij;] which isnearly the same in meaning as ilj10; becausethe hypocrite strives to deceive by lying: men-tioned by Hr in the "Ghareebeyn." (TA.)-

a..l ,;, (, X,) ilnf. n. al*., (TA,) He did,or performed, the thing, or affair, unfirmly, orunsoundly. ($, I, TA. [See also 2.]) ~ Seealso 1, in three places.

4. [jkjl is said by Golius, on the authority ofa gloss in the KL, to signify He rendered waterturbid; for yjl.]

5. j;p ile drank milk little by little. (.[See also 2.]) And He supped, or sipped, water,($;, ,) 5&., sup after sup, or sip after sip. (K.)

9. J. t It (a skin, or hide, ,,I,,) was, orbecame, thin. (K.) _ Hence, said of life or themeans of subsistence (ua.I) [as meaning t Itwas, or became, narrow in its circumstances, orscanty; like 3;]. (TA.) - It (an affair, 8, or athing, IDrd, ) nwas, or became, weah; (IDrd,

],g ;) and so ? jL.jl said of a rope: (., I :) orthe former verb, said of a rope, it Mas, or became,weak in its strands. (IDrd, TA.) ._,hJl l IThAe shep, or goats, died: (IDrd, X :) andV ,l.jI they (sheep, or goats,) perished, or died,

Wi*i - jdcrept into me from, or in consequence of, tAist.ing: seeu.nJl C, (A, TA.)

., _, (TA,) adil . ;i (A, TA,)[Pebbles, and ground or land,] 'veeemently heatedby the sun; or intensely heated by the rehementaction of the sun thereupon. (A.) And ,,,;

'*.JI1; Land of which the stones are vehe-

menty heated by the sun. ($.) [See also V' '.1;.]_- t A woman whose thighs rub each other.

(Ibn-'Ahbad, SglI, ]K.)

,~~~~~~ .. i. .... bds£i.; L 5 ) jj tIfelt in my bodlywhat resembled lLL [orfever in the bones]. (TA.)

, a subst., (TA,) [or rather an epithet inwhich the quality of a subst. predominates,]Ground or land, (8, k,) or stones, (A, Mglh,Mqb,) or sand, (lAth,) vehemently hot: (K :) orvehementl 1 hlteated by the snn: (8, A, Mgh, Msh :)or vehemently hot and burning. (IAtI.) [Seealso ~a;.] It is also syn. n,th ,~j as expl.above: see the latter word. (Mglh, TA.)

.. ...Lq~j~ nuid j I, Clo'd., and

rain, in tht etnd of nnsummer and the beginniq/ niauturnn: (K, TA :) because arriving at the periodwhen the sun is (internsely] hot. (TA.) - '1a.,ill The n/heat, or corn, tlhit is brought, orpurveyetd, nwhen the earth becomes burnt [by thesun, about Jntly]. (M1 in art. bs.) [See art. .]

:,.ai. 3 , (s, Mgh, M:h, K,) and alone, for tihe latter, though disapl)roved by someof the learned, occurs in a trad., (MAlgh, Mob,TA,) and in poetry, (TA,) but not t.*l, forthis is incorrect, (Mhgh,) The ninthi of the Arabianmonths: (TA:) so called because, when theychanged the names of the months from the ancientlanguage, they named tlhemni according to theseasons in whiich tlhey fell, (Jm, S, K,) and thismonth, (Jm, 8,) or i,U, (IK,) for this was itsancient name, (TA,) agreed with tlhe days ofvehement hbent: (Jm, 8, Mgh, M.b, K:) [see. "j :] or from ,, said of a man fasting, expl.above: (Fr, ] :) or because [its effect is as though]it burned [and annulled] sins; (1g;) from a --&.,,.JI, expl. above; hut [SM says,] I know nothow that is; for I hiave not seen any one [exceptF] mention it: (TA:) the pl. is ,J (6,' ' ...Msb, g) and ;L1 ($, Mrb) and la.;l (L, g)and gL.L; (1) and w,bt, (Yoo, Sgh, L,Mbh,) like e, ti,, (Msb,) and ,; whichi isanomalons, (IDrd, ],) is asserted by some of thelexicologists to be another pl., but this is not wellestablished nor received. (IDrd.) - It is said ina trad. that 4tlj is One of the names of God;but thlis trad. is pronounced by EI-Beyhalee tobe of weak authority; and that it is so is evident;as no learned man has transmitted this word assuch; (Msb ;) [except Muj&hid; for] it is relatedthat Muj&hid disapproved of forming a pl. fromit, saying, It has been told me that it is one ofthe names of God: (TA:) if it be so, it is notderived (g, TA) from what has been here men-

tioned; (TA;) or it refers to the meaning oft The Forgiving; or He who obliterates sans. (·.)

s .~~~ ,..: see . ~ Also Made thin by

being beaten betnseen two stons: (A:) sharpened:(S, XC:) sharp: (K, TA:) applied to a knife;(Sh ;) and to such as is termed ;,; (S, K;)and to a J ; [or blade]; (.8 ;) and to a razor

( ) as also :;; (A, TA;) and in thelast of the above-mentioned senses, to anything:(8 :) it is of the measure .~ in the sense of themeasure , : (TA:) or it may be in the senseof the measure J.ti, from 4~,, though this verbmay not have been heard. ($gh, TA.)

h.,j4 : see ,,.

,o&j said to be an anomalous pl. of Lisj,q. v. (IDrd, g.)

.** The place in uwhich a sheep, or goat, isdreasd in te manner described above in the ex-planation of lJI ,3.&.. ($, TA.)

ej .. Flesh-meat dresed in the mannerdescribed abore in the explanation qf o-Wl j4:(S:) or roasted flesh-meat, such as is termed

[a word with whichi I Ihave not metexcept in this Iplace,] nwhich is nearly the same as4;_, save that what is called by this last epithetis divided into fragments, and then a Jfire iskindled over it; as also t j. (TA.)

1. AL&~, ($, Mgh, .K,) aor. ', ($, Mgh,) inf. n.j., ( H,) e looked at him, or it; ($, TA;) asalso t Llj: (TA:) or he glanced lightly at him,or it; looked at him, or it, lightly,frotn the outerangle of the eye: (IDrd, K, TA:) or he looked longat himn, or it; (Mgh;) or so ' , aor. andinf. n. as above: (Mb :) whlience,in a trad., '~.

,mjLal ,,Ul [And the people looked long athiml: (Mgh:) or .5J aL , and Vl;.ZILsignify I followed him with my eye, paying atten-tion to him, and watching him: (TA :) and V Ai1,(TA,) inf. n. QLjI, (K,*TA,) he looked at himfrom the outer angle of the eye with a look oJenmnity: (K,* TA:) and V , inf. n. , helooked at him long from the outer angle of theeye with anger or aversion: (TA:) and t ,inf. n. as above, he continued looking; like k5J(T, TA.)

2. 'I He, or it, stayed, or arrested, whatremained in him of life. (TA.) [Hence,] ..

ky,:q t 3ji. They give him something silJicientto stay, or arrest, what remains in him of lifr.(O, TA.) - [The inf. n.] ~.~ also signifies Thescanting of fodder and drink. (JK.) - [And

-3-The drinking little by little.] One says, --1jLpj; . qja..hl, meaning [The she-goats havesecreted milk in their udders: therefore] drinkthou their milk little by little; drink thou &c.:(IF, ], TA:) because they secrete milk some daysbefore their bringing forth: (IF, TA:) or because1