“I am the way …. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” Christ made exclusivistic claims...

“I am the way…. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” Christ made exclusivistic claims But we live in a pluralistic world

Transcript of “I am the way …. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” Christ made exclusivistic claims...

“I am the way…. No one comes to the Father except by Me.”

Christ made exclusivistic claimsBut we live in a pluralistic world

“Exclusivism: Only One Way Pluralism: There are Many Ways

Religious Pluralism

…is the belief that

all religions are true

Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad — Is There One Way?

Are All Religions True?


1.What is truth?2.Can all religions be true?3.Is there only one way?

1.What is truth?2.Can all religions be true?3.Is there only one way?


1. What is truth?

2. Can all religions be true?

3. Is there only one way?

1. What is truth?

2. Can all religions be true?

3. Is there only one way?

What is Truth?What is Truth?

What is Truth?

Truth is what: Corresponds to the facts

What is Truth?

Truth is what: Corresponds to the facts

What is Truth?

Truth is what: Corresponds to the facts Matches its object

What is Truth?

Truth is what: Corresponds to the facts Matches its object Tells it like it is

Opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense.

The Opposite of True is False(The Law of Non-Contradiction)

The Earth is Round

The Earth is NOT Round

The Opposite of True is False

Sure-Fire Way to Convince a Skeptic!

“Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the

same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.”

(Avicenna, Great Muslim Philosopher)

What is False?

False is what does not: -Correspond to the facts -Match its object

-Tell it like it is

“Opposite can both be true.”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“Is the opposite of that true?”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“There is no truth.”

“Is that true?”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“You can’t know truth.”

“How do you know that is true?”

“There is no absolute truth!”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“Is that absolutely true?”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“It’s true for you but not for me!”

“Is that just true for you but not for me?”

“No one knows the truth!”

A Self-Defeating Statement

“Then how do you know that is true?”


1. What is truth?

2. Can all religions be true?

3. Is there only one way?

Except the one with his eyes open

to the truth!

The truth is absolute: This is an elephant!

All Religions Can’t Be True: They Teach Opposites

Islam with Christianity

Let’s contrast:

ISLAM GOD: Only one person

CHRISTIANITYGOD: 3 persons in one God

HUMANITY: Sinful by natureHUMANITY: Good by nature

JESUS: Merely a man, not God.

DEATH OF CHRIST: He didn’t die or rise again

SALVATION: By works when good deeds outweigh bad ones

JESUS: More than a man; He was also God.

DEATH OF CHRIST: He died and rose again in same body

SALVATION: Not by works but is a free gift of God for all who believe

BIBLE: Corrupted BIBLE: Not corrupted

Yes. So Do a Counterfeit and a Genuine $20 Bill.

1) Both are paper.

2) Both are rectangular.

3) Both have a “20” on them.

But one is a counterfeit!

But Don’t They Have Things in Common?

How to Tell a CounterfeitNot by superficial similaritiesBut by crucial differences


1. What is truth?

2. Can all religions be true?

3. Is there only one way?

Is There Really Only

Is There Only One Way?

Christianity says “yes” because:

• Jesus Claimed It

• Jesus Proved It

Jesus Claimed It

John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 10:1,9 “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber…. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.”

His Disciples Affirmed It

Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

1Tim 2:5 “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus….”

1. His Fulfillment of Prophecies

2. His Sinless and Miraculous Life

3. His Death and Resurrection

No other religious leader did this!

Jesus Proved It By:


Not Virgin BornJESUS

Virgin Born

SinlessNot Sinless

Not Messiah Called Messiah

Did MiraclesNo Miracles

Body in Grave Body in Heaven


Why is Jesus the Only Way?Why is Jesus the Only Way?


Because only the God-Man can bridge between God and Man

Because only the God-Man can bridge between God and Man
