I Am the Christ

I AM THE CHRIST Hal Schroeder Spirit of Life by Daniel Chester French God is great. Spirit is great. Jesus is great. The Holy Spirit is great. All of Heaven is great, including all who have passed from our lives. And I am great, because I have as- cended to be at total oneness and peace with all of Heaven, with every person that ever was, with Father Mother God Source, and with everything, and every- one that was ever created. I have ascended into the Consciousness of the One in and through the power of the affirmation: I forgive all that is not, I remember all that there is. I am now what was promised when Brother Jesus himself ascended 2,000 years ago, I am the second coming of the Christ. I am not Jesus the Christ, that name is reserved for Elder Brother Jesus, who lived and died for us and gave us this power of forgiveness so that we can all ascend. But I am Hal the Christ, as you are also the risen Christ, now fully ascended, now of the Oneness and Allness. I am now of the Christolic Con- sciousness, the same consciousness so named after Brother Jesus, because I, as have you, have awoken and ascended from our dream illusion of nothingness. So accept who you are and proclaim it to the stars, skies, and your world. Let all of Heaven and Earth hear you sing out: “I am John the Christ.” “I am Mary the Christ.” “Mother Mary is now my elder sister.” “I am Ralph the Christ. I love that I am now so connected to my brother, Jesus the Christ.” “I am Patty the Christ, as the blood of this oneness flows in me.” “I am Bruce the Christ, as I see the God force in everyone that ever existed.” “I am Helen the Christ, I know that God is present in our animals and plants, and all of creation, be- cause the atoms of the God force, the love force are everywhere.” Can we do anything but this, as we have been con- stantly reminded that our dream is one of pure nothing- ness, and that resurrection from it has always been promised, not just by Brother Jesus, but the Holy Spirit, who has been guiding us all along on our journey to Ascension? Now, having ascended, I see all of you in such a differ- ent light, the very light of Heaven, the light of Oneness, the light of the energy of love, and energy so visible that I can see it streaming in you. Can you see it in me? Can you see it and feel it in yourself? If not, this can only mean that you are not yet ascendant, that your Awakening has not yet occurred. I, as well as all of us, in our role of bringing the Holy Spirit to you, which we do through Grace, every mo- ment of every day, will now help you to ascend, be- cause it means that you are still holding onto the shad- ows of fear, and are refusing to let go. “Let go of what?” you ask? “What” is letting go of your very identity, your very name, your very personality, your very lives of accomplishments and failures, with all the things in your mind that you think you want to bring with you to your judgment day. You want to say to Saint Peter, and your expected audi- ence of your loved ones in Heaven’s bleachers the fol- lowing: “I am here, this is me. I am real. I have led my life, and whatever you think, I did the best I could. Now give me my rightful place.” Depending on your interests, it might be near the golf course, or the swimming pool. Or it might be within the crocheting or rug hooking circle. For the shopaholics, it might be free shopping in all the great shopping para- dises of the world. For the sports addicts, it might be the opportunity to watch or even participate in sports all day long. For the religious, it might be singing gospel music, of course with your favorite ministers and choirs. It might even be for those who have always admired 1


Essay on "I am the Christ"

Transcript of I Am the Christ

I AM THE CHRIST Hal Schroeder

Spirit of Lifeby Daniel Chester FrenchGod is great. Spirit is great. Jesus is great. The Holy Spirit is great.All of Heaven is great, including all who have passed from our lives. And I am great, because I have as-cended to be at total oneness and peace with all of Heaven, with every person that ever was, with Father Mother God Source, and with everything, and every-one that was ever created.I have ascended into the Consciousness of the One in and through the power of the affrmation:I forgive all that is not, I remember all that there is.I am now what was promised when Brother Jesus himself ascended 2,000 years ago, I am the second coming of the Christ. I am not Jesus the Christ, that name is reserved for Elder Brother Jesus, who lived and died for us and gave us this power of forgiveness so that we can all ascend.But I am Hal the Christ, as you are also the risen Christ, now fully ascended, now of the Oneness and Allness. I am now of the Christolic Con-sciousness, the same consciousness so named after Brother Jesus, because I, as have you, have awoken and ascended from our dream illusion of nothingness. So accept who you are and proclaim it to the stars, skies, and your world. Let all of Heaven and Earth hear you sing out: I am John the Christ.I am Mary the Christ. Mother Mary is now my elder sister. I am Ralph the Christ. I love that I am now so connected to my brother, Jesus the Christ. I am Patty the Christ, as the blood of this oneness fows in me. I am Bruce the Christ, as I see the God force in everyone that ever existed. I am Helen the Christ, I know that God is present in our animals and plants, and all of creation, be-cause the atoms of the God force, the love force are everywhere.Can we do anything but this, as we have been con-stantly reminded that our dream is one of pure nothing-ness, and that resurrection from it has always been promised, not just by Brother Jesus, but the Holy Spirit, who has been guiding us all along on our journey to Ascension? Now, having ascended, I see all of you in such a differ-ent light, the very light of Heaven, the light of Oneness, the light of the energy of love, and energy so visible that I can see it streaming in you.Can you see it in me? Can you see it and feel it in yourself? If not, this can only mean that you are not yet ascendant, that your Awakening has not yet occurred.I, as well as all of us, in our role of bringing the Holy Spirit to you, which we do through Grace, every mo-ment of every day, will now help you to ascend, be-cause it means that you are still holding onto the shad-ows of fear, and are refusing to let go.Let go of what? you ask? What is letting go of your very identity, your very name, your very personality, your very lives of accomplishments and failures, with all the things in your mind that you think you want to bring with you to your judgment day.You want to say to Saint Peter, and your expected audi-ence of your loved ones in Heavens bleachers the fol-lowing: I am here, this is me. I am real. I have led my life, and whatever you think, I did the best I could. Now give me my rightful place. Depending on your interests, it might be near the golf course, or the swimming pool. Or it might be within the crocheting or rug hooking circle. For the shopaholics, it might be free shopping in all the great shopping para-dises of the world. For the sports addicts, it might be the opportunity to watch or even participate in sports all day long. For the religious, it might be singing gospel music, of course with your favorite ministers and choirs. It might even be for those who have always admired 1pretty women, a favorable seat in parades of beau-ties, maybe even becoming a judge of beauty pag-eants. This is what our ego limited mind has conditioned us to think. Ego tells us it will provide us with the way to eternal rewards, as determined by us. I can tell you with utter frankness that it will not be a seat on some cloud where you worship God all day. We are all whole and part of the God force. Where is the creativity in sitting on a cloud? How quickly, since unlimitedness and both the instinct and urge to create is yours with Ascension, would total boredom set in? Any concept of God, however you imagine it, and any concept of our Elder Brother Jesus, the very notion of such a scenario would be dismissed. The immediate message from all of the God force would be an unequivocal shout: Go forth to love, give and create, certainly serve the One and All. That is in your DNA, which is your nature given in your creation by the Creator. Go be yourself; we will all be with you in your creative endeavors. In Oneness, we cannot be anywhere else.Sorry, my brothers and sisters of the light dreaming of your special place in Heaven. This is not the way it is going to work. To achieve that Kingdom of Heaven that is immediately available in your minds, your iden-tity that you are so desperately holding onto needs to be dissolved. Your life, and all your life experiences, including every thought, theme and thing you have ever had, needs to be dissolved in the light and love of forgiveness for you to ascend, simply because you never were, or could have been the person that you think you were, warts and all, of everything that you thinkyou are carrying with you, both good and bad, because it is the nothingness of the dream, yet it weighs you down because you have not let go of this nothingness. It has no place in the energy, mind of Love Loving Love, which you are.We all both chose and were chosen by the creator, and the One and All to enter a dream virtual reality state. Some call it an experience of third dimensional existence ruled by laws of time and space, and domi-nated by the seeming laws of birth and death, that is, we are born alone, and we will all die alone.We agreed to this scenario because we are the coura-geous warriors of Heaven. We could have refused and just been angel-like, lov-ing, giving, creating, and serving in perfect oneness, in perfect peace and harmony with all of Heaven.But we were asked, and we agreed, knowing that all of creation would beneft. Knowing who we really are, the sons and daughters of pure love that we are, Love Loving Love, we know that nothing could ever jeop-ardize this, if for no other reason than the one fact we have always known: love is all that there is.However, for such an experience to work to beneft creation, in that the one hole that the unlimitedness of Heaven had, was what does it feel to be limited, lack-ing, and little, little in the fullest sense of such fragility that our very existence depended on this strange phe-nomena of breathing, and our reliance on just the right amount of oxygen in the air. We are fragile, we know that we will wither, age, be in pain, and die, if not of some disease, of old age itself. Most of us will actually welcome, if not urge, death to come on in that our minds and bodies are just gone or about to go.But we still hold on because our whole entire con-sciousness of this third dimension is based on the premise that we have value, that we are important, that we have our gifts and attributes to improve our world. In that vein, we dismiss and discard from our minds those that do not ft these defnitions, those that violate our laws, and those that we judge who just dont care in contributing one whit to our world, who in fact expect our world to support them, becoming a drag on our world.What is even more important is that we want everyone to know how much value we have and bring to the table of our world, and society; we are proud of our-selves and our life, whether it is of great or signifcant accomplishments, or whether it be a dishwasher, or housekeeper. We have done our best, and we want to be rewarded for it in our special place in Heaven. In short, we want to be recognized for who we thought we were.The irony of our desire is that we will be rewarded. Parades will be held for us, of all of heaven, a universe of souls extolling our return. Brass bands will beat, and praise, especially from Father Mother Source God, from Brother Jesus, and all of Heaven from Bud-2dha, and all other avatars, will be profuse, with great thanks for our accomplishments, just not the accom-plishments we thought we had created.Our accomplishment was taking on this dream virtual reality, and living this script of hardship of limitation. Imagine what your reality is as an unlimited spirit try-ing to squeeze into our bodies here on earth, and how uncomfortable, if not downright painful that must be.Further, imagine those whose scripts included mas-sive disabilities, or limited intelligence, what brave and courageous souls that they are. And imagine those that are shunned by our world for whatever reason, whether it be by our defnitions of legal or illegal, whether deemed socially acceptable, or unaccept-able. How horrible in these scripts would it be to be con-stantly relegated to our junk heaps, as we do so often with the mentally challenged and those in our criminal systems? Imagine further those who volunteered for scripts that include murder, rape, or being the victims and victimizers of war.Finally, many stories have been told of those that are despised and sent in our minds to the deepest layers of hell. Imagine what a spirit of total love, because love is all that there is, must go through to partake and play these scripts, all for the beneft of creation, since it is all virtual reality. Common sense tells us that it is much easier on the feelings to be the good guy, to play the good guy than to be judged to be the very evil of the world, the devil of the world.We strive for happiness, but think of all the categories where this would never be possible, based on our scripts so we, as unlimited creators would know what limitedness, lack, and littleness actually is.Hurray for our warriors. Hurray for you and me. Hurray for every brother and sister who has braved these scripts of fragility and littleness.However, what I have been commissioned to tell you, based on my role as a messenger of forgiveness, is that it is time to end this dream, this world of virtual reality, and return home to Heaven, the Heaven that is contained in all our minds, that is and will be released with the simple act of forgiveness:I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.This starts with two things: frst, you letting go, giving, submitting, and surrendering every thought, theme. and thing, every person, place and thing, time, space and dimension itself, our very names, personalities, identities and selves, and the past, present and pro-jected future. Second, we have never been who we thought we were. We have always been the Spirit Force of Love Loving Love, with the expressed acknowledgement that as long as the dream continues, we now play our part and roles as the Christ, as the second coming of the Christ, fully ascendant warriors, needed as the Christ within this dream illusion. We all have two functions: to bring this message to every brother and sister of the Light, andto bring them all home.Fellow messengers of forgiveness; fellow shepherds, bring all the sheep home.Or fellow marines, who leave no one behind: for all of us. We will all be the last to enter the Kingdom as we usher in all our fellow brothers and sisters ahead of us, just as the captain of the ship is the last to leave, We are the captains and creators of our reality. But we are promised by Brother Jesus that the last shall be frst, and rewards for following our appointed destiny will be great in the history of Heaven.So, since we took this pledge of amnesia to experi-ence this virtual reality world, we need to go about awakening our fellow brothers and sisters to the light. Do not despair at the monumental task, because you have accepted and realized your Ascension to the Christos, and with this Ascension comes the fulfllment of Jesus other promise that you shall do greater things than he.Do we have a choice? Yes and no. Jesus tells us that for those to whom much is given, much is expected. 3OBSERVER REPORT Report from National LeagueReport from NJ LeaguecAscensionist Series This, along with the fact that only the truth will set us free, leads to only one conclusion. With the receipt of this registered letter from Brother Jesus, delivered by this messenger of forgiveness, we really have no choice but to ascend, right here and right now, become the Christ, and let all our brothers and sisters know the good news of Ascension, that Ascension is here and now. The only other alternative is to be the grasshopper that plays and dances while the winter of our discon-tent of this world, heaped with tragedy after tragedy runs its course toward apocalyptic futures. I doubt, since our conjoined scripts called for you to be receiving this message today that you want to delay the march and bugle calls of Heaven itself.Again, I am the messenger. Please verify this mes-sage, my fellow ascendant spirits of the Christ, with the Holy Spirit, so that the warriors of the light, you and me, and all the rest hearing this message today, can begin their journeys of the now ascendant war-riors of the Christos, of Love Loving Love, here and now today. Amen.The Ascension SeriesThrough Amazon.comAwakenings to Ascen-sionThe purpose ofyour life is to ascend to be with Father Mother Source. Awakening is the way.to Ascension, described in this book.Love Letters from an Angel is a collection of essays from Angel Hal to women every-where. His concern is their spiritual welfare---but this is an angel who canlaugh. Ascension Is All That There Is continues Awakenings to Ascen-sion, with essential meditations on all aspects of ascending. Grace to Ascension leads you to recognize that grace is all around you. Each and every instant, grace is in your life, propelling you towards Ascension.Ascension and Nothingness takes you through experiencing nothingness andits role in all we believe and all we can believe. Hal Schroeder is a student, facilitator, and a writer on Course in Miracle subjects. Although Hal has three traditional degrees, he asserts that his most important degree is from The University of the Holy Spirit, with whom he has been communing since 1988. It was revealed to Hal, at that time, that his writings are, in fact, a con-tinuation of the ideas contained in A Course in Miracles.4Hals writing is centered on forgiveness and ways to practice it. The forgiveness affrmation is the center of each of his books and the basis of each essay:I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.Hal organized and ran two humanitarian foundations, one in Ethiopia, one in the Philippines, both devoted to empowering people. He was also a superinten-dent of schools three times in the United States and abroad, creating numerous innovative programs, while encountering the wrath of those who did not want fundamental change.Check Ascensionist Press for excerpts from books http://ascensionistpress.blogspot.com Email: [email protected]