I Am So Mad I Can Not See Straight! Would You__


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Page 1: I Am So Mad I Can Not See Straight! Would You__

I Am So Mad I Can Not See Straight! Would You?

I am so freakin' mad I possibly could spit. And, that's saying something for me personally, the truly

amazing hater of saliva squirts.

4 Years!!! Google just destroyed 4 Years of my hard labor. WHY???? Just how can they simply p-

rank you and also take your projects and p-value it without A Word from their store why. WHY???

Cuz they are the only real game around plus they realize it.

They own the web, Hell, they own the environment. They own us. I've done everything within my

energy, everything my lame brain understood to complete, and also the first 24 months of flowing out

my soul on Partnership In Raising a child, it increased to some 3. It remained a 3 for just one year. I

had been on the roll. I put out more raising a child advice, tips, and methods. On New Year's Eve it

visited a 4. I had been proud. I deserved it. The time had come.

I added a piece on family foods, in the end, plenty of raising a child continues in the kitchen area. Two

days later PartnershipInParenting.com visited a couple. WHY???? I cried, ranted, wished it had been

temporary. I required from the quality recipes and left the household meal advice and added sections

on family health.

Today it visited a zero. WHAT NOW?

I say to you, Im going to obtain the little boogers. I am likely to achieve in to the computer and pull

their little evil souls right from the hard disk. Then, I am likely to wrap the pc cord around their little

heartless, spineless monitors and choke the living fire from every single mega byte that ever been


After I choke them dry I am likely to throw them within the wringer, compressing the rest of the energy

using their hard heads. I am likely to bust up their keyboards, pry the letters off and throw them within

the toilet, with the other turds.

I am so ticked my eyes are entered, my lid is blown and my fingers are --- waving.

I may as well be yelling in a hurricane. They aren't there. I possibly could spend the relaxation of my

existence researching the why from the page p-ranking but still not have access to an idea.

Who am I? I am somewhat nobody, attempting to make money around the internet. Others get it

done, some with hardly any writing ability I would add but they've ranking. I have seen blogs I'd toss

in the garbage. I have seen some blog websites that appear to be just like a first grader designed it

with text which makes you aren't a brain quiver. I apologize, but when you've surfed the internet you

realize individuals sites exist. Whine, whimper, why me GOOGLE GOD!!! I attempted to become

good, what did I actually do to help you send me to Cyber Hell??

I see blogs everywhere that talk about several factor. It "ain't" that. I'm not sure what it's. Did they

simply pull my Web service provider from the drawing black hole of google land?

Exactly what does one do? How can you speak with a Google Bot? How can you alter the mind of the


My heart is damaged. I am considering eating my computer. Want arrive at the Bbq?

Page 2: I Am So Mad I Can Not See Straight! Would You__

Pennsylvania car accident