I Am Alba

I AM Alba Jazmin Lopez- Rivera


I am project for Miss Cassidy

Transcript of I Am Alba

I AM Alba Jazmin Lopez- Rivera

Best Fashion Wearer

• I like more styles and also model. I like to wear both normal clothes and fancy clothes. My favorite clothes store is Forever 21. I like to make my own styles. I experienced studio shooting where I had fashion designers dressing me up. I love feeling beautiful with fancy outfits. I normally dress up at home and not so much at school. I just enjoy playing around with any styles. I like being more creative with clothes such as being colorful, holidays, flowers, painter, tape, cowgirl, doctor, and swimsuits. It is fun being creative when it comes to fashion.

Best Shot

• I really love flowers. I love to smell and see beautiful flowers. I like any flowers and make me smell so good. The flowers that are white, pink, purple, blue, yellow, red and orange are beautiful. Actually, any kind of flowers make me feel so good and fresh. When I am in a bad mood, sad mood, or feel mad, I go outside and walk around to calm down and like to see flowers. I really like touching flowers because they are soft, smooth, and are lovely. Ever since I was a child, I always loved touching and smelling flowers.

I Pet Peeve Gossip

• I dislike it when I go into a

classroom and see boys or girls gossiping about someone. It made me feel not good and bad for the person they are back-stabbing on. I hate those kind of talk and think it is really wrong. I try not to gossip and avoid when I can. Gossiping can cause problems to be worse and uglier. I think that gossiping takes you nowhere in the future and can be really hurtful to other people. I wish gossip was never invented and that we all respected each other. Try not gossiping throughout your life.


• Superman is mild-mannered,

good, strong and loves to help other. Just like me. I would like to fly in sky. I love to help special needs and other people. I feel want to help homeless because I feel bad and pity them for being in that situation. I would like to have powers like Superman because I’d love to carry cars, planes, bus, monster trucks, or tanks with my one hand. I wish I could be a superhero for real and to wear Superwoman outfit. I really care about people because I really to want help people get good life.

Have A Better Life