i, A FOUND! best S 2.50 ever made. · resented at the intercollegiate oratorical convention as...

C. L. WILLIAMS, Wll OF ALL Hi, And the Leading Daily Papers, A VOL. X. : RARE : TREAT It will be to see the grand display of New Spring and Summer Goods -- AT THE- - OSTON STORE The low prices we quote are an important part of the attraction. Just compare our prices with any other and you will be con- vinced that we can save you 25 per cent on all your purchases. DRY GOODS, One bale of soft finish yard wide Bleached MuBlin, regular price 8 cte., our price 6 cents per yard. The Tery best 15-ce- Cheviot at our store for 10 cents a yard. We are still selling 60-ce- nt Henriettas ia all colore for 27J cents a yard. We have a nice line of printed Cham-bry- a and Penangs, suitable for ladies' Bhirt waists, men's shirts and children's dresses, all worth 20 cents, our price 11 cents per yard. A real French Sateen, in black only, at 20 cents per yard, worth 35 cts. up W.W BZBOE, CHUFF STBEITZ, EYE tnt: SHOES. In our shoe department offer Mens real Calfskin Shoes lace and congress $2.3o pair, worth $3.50. 100 pairs men's oil grained congress shoes worth ?1.7o $l.lo per pair. 100 pairs ladies' shoes broken lots worth from 51.50 82.25, your choice 51- - Come and get your size. All our ladies' French dongola shoes with patont tips at S2.25.a pair. Children's and misses tan color shoes at $1.25 per pair. 25 dozen men's and boys' outincr flan nel shirts 25 cents, worth 40 50 cts. We now ha?e complete line of SPRING CAPES AND JACKETS lnlaUstttjles at treasonable prices. Don't forget to ask for one of our Premium ticketi. THE BOSTON STORE, - J. PIZER, Prop. The only cheap store with good goons in Lincoln County. North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 3?aid Capital, X. S A. F, we in at a at of in to at at to a DIRECTORS: A. D. BUCKWORTH. IS. C. LINDSAY, H. OTTEN, )f- - D. W. BAKER. M. OBEEST, All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates. C. F. IDDINQS, LUMBER COAL, I j A3XT33 OJEiA.I3Xr. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, Successor to J. Q. Thacker. NOKTH PLATTE, NEBEASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. J. F. HINMAN DEALER IN Farm Implements, WAGONS, BUGGIES, Windmills, Harness, Etc. Warehouse on West Front Street. J. BEOEKER, Merchant Tailor, oxzz.a.:n-x2- : 75,000. IT. LAEGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept hand and made order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth. RSES? PROTECT YOUR EYES. LCX-ES- iy MR. H. HTKSUHHKKG. CLASSES' 3 : 32 on to The well-know- n Eye Expert of 629 Olive St, St Louis, Mo., and ou JJi. itn otreet, xev autn, mia appuiuceu A. P. STBEITZ as agent for his celebrated Non-Changea- Spectacles and Eye-Glasse- s. These glasses are the greatest invention over made in spectacles, and every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at any time a change is necessary (no matter how scratched the lenses), they will furnish the party with a new pair of Glasses, free of charge. A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invites all who wish to satisfy themselves of the great superiority of these glasses over any and all others now in use, to call and examine them at A. F. STBEITZ, Sole Agent for North Platte, Neb. No peddlers supplied. "The Best in the World. None genuine unless stamped Non-Changeab- TOLD IN A FEW WORDS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL SECTIONS SUMMARIZED. The JCany.Haapealnjs of Seven Dayi Re- duced From Columns to Une Every- thing bat Fact Eliminated For Oar Headers' Convenience. - - - Wednesday, March 88. George R. Smith college at Sedalia was dedicated. The Martha Fuller inquest at New York bas been postponed to April 2. Jacob Miller shot Frank B. Earl, his brother-in-la- at Albany, Mo. Gertrude Morgan, a girl.was kicked to death by a madman at Terrell, Tex. The absorption of the Philadelphia re-- nntries by the sugar trust has been held valid. Frank Morse of Dubuque, Ta., a well known traveling man,- - died at Belmont, Wis. Four duck hunters were caught in a gale on Black Lake, near Holland, Mich., and drowned. Embassador Bayard is soon to return, ostensibly on business. It is said he flnds the London mission uncongenial. Milwaukee ministers have begun a crusade against the indecent pictures pasted on billboards. Lieutenant John Alexander, a graduate of West Point and military instructor at Wilberforce college, Springfield, O., died suddenly. The people of Shawnee county, Kansas, protest against the abandonment of its Carbondale branch of the Union Pacific. Warren Green, a son of the late Dr. Norwin Green, was arrested and fined at Louisville, Ky.f for tearing down a physi- cian's sign. Missouri Pacific earnings for the third week in March show a decrease of $45,000. St. Paul gross earnings decreased $170.-00- 0, but reduced expenses resulted in $131,-00- 0 increase in the net. Mrs. Margaret Frame, widow of Thomas Frame, former editor of the Boonville, Mo., Democrat, has sued the Woodmen of the World for $1,000 insurance. John Leach of Sedalia, Mo., has been notified that he has over $400 coming to him from the government for rations wrongfully charged to him during the war. Thursday, March 29. A livery stable and contents, including 10 horses and three dwellings were burned at Fayette, Mo. Farther developments of Kolb's deal with the Home Market club of Boston are making a sensation in Alabama politics. Miss Louise Elverson of Philadelphia was married to M. Jules Patenotre, the ambassador of France to the United States. Henry Collins and Hoke Napier of Fleming, W. Va., settled a quarrel with revolvers. Both are dead. Missouri Populists held their state con vention at Kansas City and made Chinamen in Indianapolis nearly preci pitated a riot because one of their number was about to be deprived of his queue. Secret Service AentO'Donncll arrested Thomas Hughes at Basic City, Vav for counterfeiting coins. He is thought to belong to a Michigan gang of coiners. Judge Jones, at Sioux Falls, S. D., has granted an absolute divorce to Mrs. Emile Voegthn from Arthur voegthn, tne scenic painter. Alex. Boss has pleaded guilty at Pierre, S. D., to an indictment charging him with embezzling $25,000 from the First Natioual bank ot Leadville. The Pierre (S.D.) United States grand jury is considering the case of White Face Horse, concerned in the massacre of six cowboys near Pine Ridge last year. Commander verny Lovett Cameron, the distinguished African traveler, was thrown from his horse while hunting and killed. The five saloonkeepers .found guilty at Boone, la., of selling liquor contrary to law will serve out their fines of from $300 to $500 each. Several persons were bitten by a dog at Mascoutah, His., supposed to be mad. The mayor has ordered all the dogs in the town to bo muzzled. The new Platte River (Colo.) paper mills, erected at a cost of $525,000, have be- gun operations with a force of 200 men in addition to those employed in the old mill. Fifteen hundred dollars has been raised by popular subscription at Clinton, la., and is offered as a reward for the arrest of the murderer of August Wcssal, who was killed at Feeds Grove a year ago. Friday, March 30. Sweet Springs, Mo., had a $25,000 fire. Kennett, Mo., i3 to have a cottonseed oil plant. In the burning of Swigerfc's livery stable at sweec springs, auo., id horses were burned to death. Superintendent Rabb of Illinois has is- sued a circular toleachers urging them to observe Arbor day. Miss Annie Brewster, daughter of a millionaire New York banker, was wed- ded to Count Henry de Frankenstein. Eight colleges of Missouri will be rep- resented at the intercollegiate oratorical convention as Sedalia. People of Canada threaten to wreak po- litical vengeance on the government for closing the old Welland canal. Colonel Hunter Wood of Hopkinsville, Ky., has resigned as master commissioner, baing $2,000 short in his accounts. The Second district democratic congres- sional convention has been called to meet at Milan, Sullivan county, Mo., June 13. The democratic convention for the Sev- enth congressional district of Missouri has been called to meet at Springfield June 5. On account of the low prices of beef in northern markets many Texa3 cattlemen have quit feeding their stock to wait for an advance. Judge James Cooney of Marshall, Sa- line county, Mo., will probably try to get the democratic nomination for cougress in Hon. John J. Heard's district. George Wokel's daughter was suspend- ed from school at St. Joseph, Mo., because of tardiness. Xow the school board must show causa in court why tardiness should cause suspension. A-ric- h vein of gold has been found with- in five miles of Fairfax, Minn. A comparatfve statement of railroad earnings for the third week of this month shows a general decrease. The convention of the Wisconsin Chris- tian association opposed to secret societies closed at Oshkosh. The Rev. J. Faris of Vernon was elected president. Charles Young, 11 years old, is in jell at ITon'sdale, Pa., charged with having de- railed a coal train on the Delaware and Hudson with a companion. He aid they did it for fun. Saturday, March 31. J. P. Binhop & Co. of Chicago havj purchased G.5C0 acre? of coal land in east- ern Ohio. About 3,000 colored men attended the meeting at Birmingham. Ala., to consider emigration to Africa. The western lines have extended the j time of eula of Midwinter fair tickets from April 'JO to June SO. j The body of Charles Petrie. one of the) foundrowued at Kcliau'J, Mich.. Satur- -' dnv nic-hfc- . w:jh found in Black lake. I la n u mm NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY APRIL i, 1894. G ROVERS VETO Passed oyerlHgf head at . , . . Rennie's Immense Line of DEY GOODS, MILLINERY, .A "NX) CjRPTSTS, Now being opened. $10,000 in new novelties. Our store jammed with goods and at panic prices. Kennie just home from the eastern mar- ket and .he has selected ther most choice goods. We did not have time to look up any but the latest and the best quality of goods and invite all ladies to call and make an inspection of the line being opened. Our store is jammed with goods up and down stairs. Silver dollars good enough for us; bring them in and get the choicest goods for your money in the west. Carpets, Millinery, Dry Goods and Ladies' Waists, Capes and Jackets. Kennie, the lead- er of western Nebraska. Special sale on- - Sat- urday, all our Dress and Check Ginghams at Five Cents per yard. The Texas Woman's Rights association is in session at Fort Worth. A child was drowned in a barrel of water at Richland, Mo. Carthage, Mo., suffered a loss of $10,000 by fire, the third within 30 days. Governor Stone of Missouri addressed a large mass meeting of Democrats at Sedalia. Oliver Jackson, a murderer, wa? taken from deputy sheriffs near Montgomery,, Ala., by a mob and shot to death. , L. J. Morgan, a merchant ot Grand Rapids was rendered blind by a paralytic stroke while touring California. At Indianapolis seven member's of a family were poisoned by eating sausage containing trichina?. Judges of Columbus, O., have askrl that Attorney Hilling bo debarred for tampering with a jury. Receiver Faurot of the Lima, O., Na- tional bank, which closed two years ago, claims a shortage of $00,000 for which he can get no explanation. Thomas Holloway, a Populist farmer, while watching Coxey's army in Colum- biana, O.. dropped dead from apoplexy. At Nortonville, Kan., a boy committed suicide because he had been association past and In the burmni? of tile resideiice.of Johnx... Witt at Hinton, V. Va., his eight child ren and a servaut lost their lives. Governor Jones in his message sent to the Choctaw recommends the ap pointment of .two commissioners to invite the United States commissioners to viwt the Choctaw nation. ifomlay, April 3. The St. Paul Evening News has gone into the hands of a receiver. The town of Borden, lud.. burned, a property loss.of $75,000. Thieves broke into the office of Treas urer Hill at Frankfort, Mich., and off $3,000. now Cyrus folk county, Missouri, - Democrats in convention indorsed the Bland seignior age bill. Zclla Nicolaus has accepted an offer to go on the stage, to appear in "Princess of Trebizonde." Rueben Kolb, the Alabama politician. has written a letter to Governor Jones in which hs practically calls the governor a thief and a liar. President J. H. Calloway, of Douglas- - ville, Ga., college, shot himself through the heart. David Carr of Okmulgee, O. Tr, was murdered to prevent his testifying in cer- tain cases. Dr. McCo.sli, the veteran educator, cele brated his 83d birthday at Princeton, X.J. J. J. Pfcdan, Oscar 13". Webber and I. E. Crimmins, prominent members of Tam- many Hall, are in Denver on their way hntnp. A.park commissioner, a councumnn and two other men were indicted at Louis ville, Ky., for corruption. James U. Goodwin, who absconded from Carmi, Ills., where he was county treasurer, has been arrested in Denver. William Driver and Charles Cutter, two wealthy Bcstouians, were burned to death in the former's cottage at Squantum Beach. Ths,Saniia San Raefel del Vale, Baha-coma- n and Xogales de Elias land grant cases have been decided in favor of the settlers. A manufactured ice palace is to be built in Baltimore, to be opened Juue 1. Skat- ing will be had the year round. It will resemble in construction the one con- structed in the cold storage building at the World's fair. Mayor Oellerich of Oshko3h has issued an edict against Sunday saloons, gambli- ng-rooms and slot machines, effective April I. Tuesday, April 3. The steamboat Sunbeam was burned at New Orleans. Peter Hitchens, a Piatt county (Illinois) pioneer, died at Monticello. Fire destroyed several buildings atVan-dali- a, Mo. The death of President Bermudezof Peru causes apprehension of a revolution in that country. Ludella Clark, an actress, known as Ludella Perry, committed suicide in a theater at Deadwood, S. D. Yale students threw bid eggs at the actors in a play given at New Haven. Striking ribbon weavers in Patterson. N. J., have won their point and will re- turn to work. . George W. Hoffman was arrested at rt, Ind., for falsely representing himself as an agent ot Rink & Sons of Dixon, Ills. A boy at Fort Wayne, Ind., was bitten liy a dog and soou after he was atta'cked by hydrophobia. Miss Annie Van Dorn of Passaic, N. J., has just discovered that she was married to the wrong man in 1802 while under the influence of drugged liquor. "The most important business of my life is love" is the inscription on the grave of one of Colonel Breckinridge's dead wives, both of whom repose in a cemetery at Lexington, Ky. John C. Audersou, formerly of Kansas, has brought suit against the parents of his octoroon wife, lately deceased, at Nor wich. Conn., to recover his child, whoai f, ' the parents claim the right to i rtaiu. 1 It is possible that the. next governor of New York will be h native Missouriau. Congressman John C. Hendrix, now is the man likely to far heir ro the gubernatorial mantle. MEETING OF WYOMING STOCKMEN. Stock Growf rs' Association Holding Its Aunm.l Convention In Cheyenne. Cheyenne, A.pril 3. The Wyoming i Stock Growers' association is holding its It annual convention in this city. Presi dent John Clay, Jr., of Chicago said in ;his annual address that the outlook for the range stock industry had not been so blue since 1337 as it is at the present time. Prices are unusually low and feed scarce except in a few watered dis- tricts. The only encouraging feature i3 the reduced number of cattle on the ranges and the prospect for good grass, which will enable stockmen to turn off fat beef in the fall. In the absence of an appropriation to enable the state hoard of live stock com- missioners to carry on the inspection of cattle at the Chicago and Omaha mar- kets, which was vetoed by Governor Os- borne, the association has been com-.pell- ed to make provision for this work ,and less than the tenth of I per cent of the value of the cattle inspected. One hundred and fifty ranchmen have joined t the within the year council carried the; income" has been sufficient to pay all expenses with a cash balance of 56,000 at the close of the year. Much of the prejudice heretofore existing agamst the association has disappeared, and the small ranchmen are now anxious to avail themselves of the protection it offers. SITDATIcfc IK TUB COKE REGION. Foreign Strikers Welt Supplied With Dynamite and Ready to Use It. Con'nellsville, Pa., April 3. The situation in the coke region is now at the most critical stage. At first it wa3 thought the Frick men would remain at work, but this impression was dispelled today when the men at Trotter came out. The company has made no attempt to resume and probably will not until the Strikers cease their hostile demonstra- tions. A crowd of strikers assembled in the vicinity early in the day and al- though they are peaceable, their actions are such as to indicate an outbreak the moment the company attempts to start np. It is Aid a body of strikers intend to march to Frick's Davidson works this afternoon and force the men there to strike. At Scottdale the works are all in operation. The feeling among the foreigners throughout the entire region is very hitter. They seem to be well supplied with dynamite and will not hes- itate to use it if the occasion presents itself. Uniontown, Pa., April 3. Over 1,000 men gathered at the Oliver works near here today, armed with revolvers, clubs and stones, and attempted to force the English-speakin- g workmen into line, but Marked by Riotous Scene. Cracow, April 3. The conclusion of the celebrations, which begun on March 24, in commemoration of the 100th anni- versary day, when Thaddeaus Koskiusko, the last commander-in-chie- f of the re- public of Poland, took the formal oath on the Range Platz here to fight for the freedom of Po- land " to his last breath (the event being signalled by the unveiling of a monument to the patriot's memory) were marked hy many riotous scenes. The military were called upon to quell the disturbances and troop3 are now patroll- ing the streets. Sues For Treble ttic Amount Lost. Chicago, April.'!. Walter Stokes of Memphis has sued J. A. Murphy & Co., Chicago stock brokers, for $iV8,000, half of which is for the benefit of Cook coun- ty. The suit is" brought under the state gambling act. The statutes of this state provide that if any suit shall in- volve a .gambling transaction the plain- tiff shall sue for treble the amount lost and ,that half of the amount if recovered shall be paid to the county. Battle Between Indians and Cowboys. El Reno, O. T., April 3. Further ad- vices from the scene of the encounter between the band of depredating Indians and some cowboys who were herding cattle were brought here by a courier who'came for military assistance. He reported that when he left the fight was yet in progress, and that then some eight or ten of the Indians and half that many white men had been killed or wounded. Stopped Ainon; the Fashionable. Zwickley, Pa., April 3. The com- monweal army pitched their tents on Creim'siarm in the heart of Zwickley, Pittsburg's fashionable suburb. The Aliquipaha steel works drum corps and an escort of 61 workmen headed the rmy into Economy. Professor Brown-Scnur- d Dead. 'aris. Anril 3. Professor Brown- - Bequanl, the eminent physician and phi- lologist, the inventor of the supposed elixir of life, died today. NEWS OF NEBRASKA. BRIEF BUT PITHY MENTION OF THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK. Hews Which Tell the Story of Sevea Days : - Crimes sad Casualties ad Other ta tank Xatterg Arranged Attractively and Olren Ia a Few Words. Askins; For a Receiver. Omaha, March o0. Robert H. Hamil ton, attorney of Kansaa City represent ing 11,500,000 bonds of "the American National Waterworks company of Kan sas City held in the east, was before Judge Caldwell asking a receiver for the company. Caldwell said he would soon designate a time for the hearing. Died Ia the Service. Fort Niobrara, Neb., April 3. Pri rate Iron Hawk, a private of troop L, Sixth cavalry, died March 30, 1604, and was buried with all the military honors due an enlisted soldier of the United States Sunday. Private Iron Hawk had been a long time in the post hospital, and died from a complication of diseases. He was enlisted April 7, 1891, at the Rose bud agency, South Dakota. Poshing the Nebraska Ditch. O'Neill, Neb., April 4. D. W. Camp- - hell, tho expert irrigation engineer of Denver, Colo., returned to O'Neill after 10 days reconnaissance over the proposed route of the Niobrara River Irrigation and Power company s canal. Mr. Campbell said it was practicable and that there was an abundance of water. A corps of engineers will be put in the field at once and work will be vigorously prosecuted. Decided Against the Gnlf Road. Omaha, March 31. Judges Caldwell and Sanborn of the United States circuit court Thursday decided the famous Union Pacific-Gul- f case against the Gulf road, The court holds that the Union Pacific is not compelled to operate the Julesburg branch to Denver, hut says that the re ceivers must take into consideration the demands of the public and by a confer ence agree on some basis by which the people may be properly served. Condition of Nebraska Wheat. Omaha, April 3. Grainmen and farmers are no longer concerned over the condition of winter wheat. The general committees appointed by grain firms of various sections of the state to examine the fields and ascertain positively the damage resulting from the recent storm have reported favorably. Contrary to general opinion few fields have been affected by the cold snap. Many oat fields were destroyed. In many regions farmers are resowing their oats. The acreage of all grains will be 2u per cent larger this year than last. Fonr Burglaries In Omaha. Omaha, April 3. William Edge awoke to find a man ransacking his house. The burglar fled and Edge followed him. Becoming bewildered the thief returned past the Edge house and Mrs. Edge captured him and turned him over to her husband and neighbors. He proved to be John Webber. Elmer Buchner was caught by Charles Wilson going tnrougn tne latter s bedroom. Buchner fled but Wilson caught him after a long chase. Patrick Hanley went through several houses and was captured by an officer with the stolen property in his possession and Ed Matth- ews found a man in hi3 room and grap- pled with him, but the burglar was the strongest and escaped. BONACUM MUST ANSWER CHARGES. Summoned to Appear Before Archbishop Hcnnesxey at Omaha. IiIxcolx, jnuu., April a. word was received by Bishop Bonacum citing him to appear before Archbishop Hennessey of Dubuque, sitting in the Court of the Metropolitan at Omaha on Tuesday, April 12, to answer the charges preferred against him by nine priests of his diocese. These are the charges filed June 20 last with Mgr. Satolli, and by him referred to Archbishop Hennessey for hearing thereon. Both sides are ready for trial, but the accusing priests are not satisfied with the choice of Omaha as the place of trial. A meeting of the clergy- - was held, at which it was decided to ask the Arch- bishop to transfer the hearing to Lincoln on the ground that most of the witnesses reside in or near this city, and any ad- ditional burden of expense upon the pritsts, who have already made great outlay to prepare for trial, would be an unjust hardship. Four Thousand Quit. Dexisox, Tex., April 4. All the coal miners at McAllistor, Krehs and Coal-gat- e, in the Indian territory, numbering about 4,000 men and boys, went on a strike. The cause of the strike is a no tice of a reduction in wages from 80 cento per ton to 75 cents for every ton mined. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Fire destroyed several buildings atVan-dali- a, Mo. The steamboat Sunbeam was burned at New Orleans. Yale students threw bad eggs at the actors in a play given at New Haven. Striking ribbon weavers in Patterson. N J., have won their point and will re- turn to work. The death of President Bermudes of Peru causes apprehension of a revolution in that country Ludella Clark, an actress, known as Ludella Perry, committed suicide in s theater at Deadwood, S. D. George W. Hoffman was arrested at rt. Ind., for falsely representing himself as an agent of Rink & Sons of Dixon. Ills. Miss Annie Van Dorn of Passaic. N. J., has just discovered that she was married to the wrong mnn in 1802 while under the Influence of drugged liquor. It is possible that the next governor! of New York will be a native MIssourian. Congressman John C. Hendrix, now of Brooklyn, is the man likely to far heir to the gubernatorial mantle. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. CniCAGO. April 3. CATTLE .Receipts. 4,000 head: fairly active with a slight upturn. Prime and extra native steers. fl.19Ql.83: fair to ccod. 83.T5a3.9J: others. f3.i5S3.50:Texans, 52.SiS3.. HOGS Receipts. 11,000 head: active: wsak: an upturn of 10c to 15c; rough. tl.25Qt.53; mixed and packers, fs.63ft4.70: prims heavy and butcher weights.f4.70l.l0: assorted light, fl.75JM.80. SHEEP Receipts, 9.006 head; active: top sheep. fl.50Q5.00: top lambs, fl.I52j.". South Omaha I4t Stock. South Omaha. April 8. CATTLE s, 2.900 head; 1300 to 1500 lbs., 83 701.00; 1100 to 13.0 lbs.. t3.30Q3.&; 900 to 1100 lbs. ft.M G3.25; choice cows. 12.0&.18; common oows, fl.752.0; good fatders, f8.00Q3.t0: common feeders. f2.tOQ2.90. Market actlre and strong. HOGS-Recei- pts. 3,300 head: light. fi.tf t.OU; mixed. ft.45Ql.50: hsarr. ft.t4.90 Market 10c- - higher. SHEEP Receipts. 400 hsad; muttons, t&fft 1.00; laubc. 13.0034.23. Markst stroaf. mnaras' CELEBRATED HOME-MAD- E CANDIES. FOUND! The best MEN'S S 2.50 SHOE, ever made. Inquire of your shoe dealer. (THE PAIR STORE.) Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shoes in North rlatte. uome and see them. WORK OF NATIONAL LAWMAKERS. Seaatar Peffer's Resolatlem Bagtssd All Boad laws Laid oa the Takle. "Washington, March 27. Tuesday was another day without progress on the O'Neill-Jo- y contested election case in the house owing to the absence of a quorum. Washington, March 27. Funeral services over the remains of ijenator Col quitt diew to the senate chamber a very distinguished company. President Cleve- land, was not present, hat all the mem- bers of his cabinet except Secretary La-mo- nt were there. The casket, which was plain black Avith silver handles, was placed directly in front of the vice presi- dent's desk, and upon it were two beau- tiful bouquets. Senate Chaplain Mil-bur- n conducted the ceremonies, and was assisted hy Chaplain Bsgby of the house. WASiiixaTON, March 2d. Mr. Petti- - grew (S. D.) introduced two resolutions Wednesday, which were agreed to, one calling on the secretary of the treasury for information regarding changes made in the weight or fineness of silver coins of silver standard countries, and the other calling on the secretary of the in- terior for information as to whether the sugar refineries have complied with all the provisions of the law in regard to the taking of the census. Mr. Peffer, (Kan.) offered a resolution directing the finance committee to pre pare a hill for the repeal of all laws au- thorizing the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds or other interest-hearin- g obligations without specific authority of congress. It was temporarily laid on the table. The resolution, offered several days ago, directing the committee on judiciary to inquire whether tho existing statutes are sufficient to punish simulation of sil- ver coins by coins of like metal, weight and fineness was laid before the senate, and after a short discussion was agreed to. Washington. March 28. The Demo crats mustered a bare quorum in tho house and will try to push through the Joy-O'Ne-ill and English-Hilbor- n election contests from Missouri and California. Washington. March 29. Thursday after the introduction and reference of several unimportant bills the-senat- e took up fFe"hirTextending limitations of time for completion of title to certain lands disposed of under the act of congress known as the "Donation act," aid for the protection of the purchasers and occu- pants of the lands which are situated in Washington, Oregon and Idaho terri tory. The bill was passed. Senator Gorman, in behalf of Senator Brice, re ported the pension appropriation bilL The house joint resolution appropriating $10,000 additional to carry out the pro visions of the Chinese exclusion act was passed. The McGarrahan bill was taken np and passed without division. Washington, March 2H. Thursday Cleveland sent to the house his message vetoing the Bland seigniorage bill: He puts it on the ground that the bill is loosely drawn and would rob us of our gold. He says he believes the coinage of the bullion seigniorage might be safely and advantageously done provided authority were given the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds at a low rate ot interest. He ex- presses a hope for a comprehensive ad justment of the monetary affairs in a short time in a way to accord to silver its proper place in our enrren yi" WASHiNGTON.March 0. V? he 1 Speak er Crisp mounted the rostrum Friday he was given a rousing reception from members on both sides of the house, th demonstration lasting fully a minute. The battle of Wednesday afternoon wa promptly renewed by Mr. Reed on a challenge of the correctness of the journal in failing to show Mr. Payne's point of order on the question of but one teller acting. On a rising vote the journal was approved, and on a call of yeas and nays the previous question wai ordered and debate limited to 15 minutes 011 each side. After a speech bv Mr. Reed regarding the speaker's ruling, Mr. Reed's motion to amend the journal was voted down. The vote on approving the journal showed a quorum voting. Mr. Reed's motion to adjourn was decided out of order and the speaker refused to entertain an appeal and refused to Btate the ground of refusal, holding that no member has a right to inquire the grounds of a decision any more than a lawyer had to demand the same thing of a judge on a bench. "That looks very much like tyranny." remarked Mr. Reed sarcastically. Washington, March 81. Mr. Pavne (Rep., N. Y.) made a personal explana tion in the house today which clears him from the condemnation of the speaker in the course of Thursday's filibnaterintr. Mr. Payne explains that when he said he would take his seat when he got ready he was addressing Mr. Onthwaite and not the chair. The session after 1 oVlocV was devoted to eulogies to the late Charles O'Neill of Pennsylvania. w ashington, April 3. The nrinciDal interest in the senate Monday centered in the speech of Senator Voorhees. the chairman of the committee on finance who thus launched the tariff Question upon the sea of senatorial debate. While his speech was read from mannscrint. it was delivered with all the fiery energy which characterizes his usual extempo- raneous efforts. There was an unusually full attendance, both on the floor and in the galleries, and the conclusion of his peech was greeted with a hearty Durst of applause. He lauded the Walker tar- iff bill of 1848 as "blessed and glorious memory," and regretted exceedinglythat this bill did not more closely resemble it. He vigorously defended the iscone tax feature and the free wool clause, asd as vigorously condemned the sugar bona-t- y and reciprocity of the McKlnleybJU,!tfcs former b?inar characterized as "a jmmble C X. NO. 13. aad a fraud." The latter was " stitutioaal freak." He called to the fact that Monday was the anniversary of the birth of TsMSBSJ fersoB, "that great emancipator of a kind." and quoted extensively from Blaise's "Thirty Years In Coagress.' Democrats in the koass lacked qaorum. Mr. St. Louis, April General Frye's army of unemployed workmen arrived at Jefferson Barracks from Poplar BIulE today and are now camped ia the rail- road yards at Ivory station. The army presented a picturesque sight as the train pulled in. The commonwealers were all on top of the box cars, many dressed in blankets to ward off the cold, for which they were unprepared. There were 18 cars in the train, some loaded with cat- tle. Over the car in which General Frye's headquarters were, floated the American flag. Old Glory wa3 saluted by a company of United States regulars as the train came to a stand before the barracks' platform. These same regu- lars, while very friendly inclined toward the industrial army, had orders to pre- vent them from getting off their train, and their orders were promptly carried out. There were 600 men ia Frye's ar- my in all and they appeared to be a well disciplined and respectable lot of men. A squad of-poli- from the city under Captain Sam Boyd met the army at the barracks and escorted them to their quarters at Ivory station. Captain Boyd requested General Frye to keep his men together. The general st once posted pickets about his camp, while Captain Boyd and Captain Young posted police officers and detectives at every road lead-in- g into Carondelet with orders not to let any of the army get into the city. After getting into camp breakfast was cooked, consisting largely of corn meal mush, of which there was scarcely enough to go around. Coxejr Commonwealers. Pittsburg, April 8. The last march of the commonweal to Allegheny, the first stage of the long journey to Wash- ington, was begun at Zwickley at o'clock. Not one of the weary followers Jeft camp last night, except 20 who sought warmer quarters in the local lockup. When Jack's Run was reached a halt was ordered for lunch, after which the column again took up the march to Allegheny. On the road to Allegheny the army was well received. All the schools were dismissed for the forenoon and the boys crowded out of the town after the com- monweal, cheering and singing. There were 189 men marching. As the road lay alongside the railway every passen- ger train that passed was cheered by the men and the passengers waved handker- chiefs in return. The whole progress looked on by the leaders as an ovatiea. Marshal "Smith" says the men will be strictly confined to camp tonight and to- morrow. In view of the new conting- ents expected, a big tent has beea or- dered from Massillon. Foreclosure Proceedings Bs;br. Kansas City, April 3. The New York Life Insurance company has begun foreclosure proceedings against the Wyandotte Loan and Trust company, and has served notice on the officers hers that on the 9th of April, at Topeka, it would ask Judge RIner for the appoint- ment of a receiver for the company. Reached nit Agreement. Philadelphia, April 3. An ncr fo ment has been reached by the Philadel phia and .New lork bondholders' com- mittees of the Chicago and Northern Pa- cific, under which a consolidation of in terests will be effected. Jsf- - AccoasalUIied. by the Czar. Vienna, April 3. The successful ter mination of the Austro-Russia- u com mercial treaty negotiations, fixing the tariff on imported rye at oO kreutzers was accomplished by the direct inter vention of the czar. Dynamite In Charleston. Florence. S. C April A bulletin from Charleston, says that an attempt was made to destroy the dispensary there. A bomb was exploded in the rear of the building. Colorado's Coal Combine. Denver, April 3. The United Coal company has perfected a combination of the northern producers and prices of lignite coal at the mine will be raised to f 1.TS to 2.00. Telegraph Vader Military Coatrot. Florence, S. C, April 3. The tele- graph office at Darlington is in the hands of the military, who refuse to permit the transmission of messages to newspapers. Santa Fe Cats Freight Rates to Texas. Kansas City, April 8. The Santa Fe has made a big cut in freight rate3 from Kansas City and other Missouri points te Texas on some of the leading commodities Ems Taken to Poata Del tiada. Horta Fayal. Azores Island. April The disabled North German-Lloy- d steamship Ems was taken to Ponta del Gada to intercept the steamship Colum- bia, of the Hamburg-America- n line. Bachelor Bills Mines Flooded. Creede, Colo.. April 3. Owing to. ska inadequate pumping facilities the pro- ducing mines of Bachelor bill are filliaf nn with water. Governor Matthews of Indiana aays Isaac P. Gray will not be a can- didate for the prtMdency. SPEEDY mmAJJUmMQ attgTXLTS. ir taiwioassBtsaaacsvm. aas A m attaaaaTEE a CMC art Frtea M.WMrsestls. Saad 4. l (JO., 1 . , . .

Transcript of i, A FOUND! best S 2.50 ever made. · resented at the intercollegiate oratorical convention as...

Page 1: i, A FOUND! best S 2.50 ever made. · resented at the intercollegiate oratorical convention as Sedalia. People of Canada threaten to wreak po-litical vengeance on the government for


Wll OF ALL Hi,And the Leading Daily Papers,



: RARE : TREATIt will be to see the grand display of

New Spring and Summer Goods--AT THE- -

OSTON STOREThe low prices we quote are an important part of the attraction.Just compare our prices with any other and you will be con-vinced that we can save you 25 per cent on all your purchases.

DRY GOODS,One bale of soft finish yard wide

Bleached MuBlin, regular price 8 cte.,our price 6 cents per yard.

The Tery best 15-ce- Cheviot at ourstore for 10 cents a yard.

We are still selling 60-ce-nt Henriettasia all colore for 27J cents a yard.

We have a nice line of printed Cham-bry- a

and Penangs, suitable for ladies'Bhirt waists, men's shirts and children'sdresses, all worth 20 cents, our price 11cents per yard.

A real French Sateen, in black only,at 20 cents per yard, worth 35 cts.






SHOES.In our shoe department offer Mens

real Calfskin Shoes lace and congress$2.3o pair, worth $3.50.

100 pairs men's oil grained congressshoes worth ?1.7o $l.lo per pair.

100 pairs ladies' shoes broken lotsworth from 51.50 82.25, your choice51- - Come and get your size.

All our ladies' French dongola shoeswith patont tips at S2.25.a pair.

Children's and misses tan color shoesat $1.25 per pair.

25 dozen men's and boys' outincr flannel shirts 25 cents, worth 40 50 cts.

We now ha?e complete line of SPRING CAPES AND JACKETSlnlaUstttjles at treasonable prices. Don't forget to ask for one of ourPremium ticketi.

THE BOSTON STORE, - J. PIZER, Prop.The only cheap store with good goons in Lincoln County.

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3?aid Capital,

X. S

A. F,


at a


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)f- -



All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates.




j A3XT33 OJEiA.I3Xr.Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.

Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager.

NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY,Successor to J. Q. Thacker.





orders from the country and along the line of the Union

Pacific Railway Solicited.


Farm Implements,WAGONS, BUGGIES,

Windmills, Harness, Etc.Warehouse on West Front Street.

J. BEOEKER,Merchant Tailor,

oxzz.a.:n-x2- :



LAEGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS,embracing all the new designs, kept hand and made order.


Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.






on to

The well-know- n Eye Expert of 629 Olive St, St Louis,Mo., and ou JJi. itn otreet, xev autn, mia appuiuceuA. P. STBEITZ as agent for his celebrated Non-Changea-

Spectacles and Eye-Glasse- s. These glassesare the greatest invention over made in spectacles, andevery pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at anytime a change is necessary (no matter how scratchedthe lenses), they will furnish the party with a new pairof Glasses, free of charge.

A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invitesall who wish to satisfy themselves of the great superiority of theseglasses over any and all others now in use, to call and examine them at A. F.STBEITZ, Sole Agent for North Platte, Neb. No peddlers supplied. "The Bestin the World. None genuine unless stamped Non-Changeab-



The JCany.Haapealnjs of Seven Dayi Re-

duced From Columns to Une Every-thing bat Fact Eliminated For OarHeaders' Convenience.

- --

Wednesday, March 88.George R. Smith college at Sedalia was

dedicated.The Martha Fuller inquest at New York

bas been postponed to April 2.Jacob Miller shot Frank B. Earl, his

brother-in-la- at Albany, Mo.Gertrude Morgan, a girl.was

kicked to death by a madman at Terrell,Tex.

The absorption of the Philadelphia re--

nntries by the sugar trust has been heldvalid.

Frank Morse of Dubuque, Ta., a wellknown traveling man,- - died at Belmont,Wis.

Four duck hunters were caught in agale on Black Lake, near Holland, Mich.,and drowned.

Embassador Bayard is soon to return,ostensibly on business. It is said he flndsthe London mission uncongenial.

Milwaukee ministers have begun acrusade against the indecentpictures pasted on billboards.

Lieutenant John Alexander, a graduateof West Point and military instructor atWilberforce college, Springfield, O., diedsuddenly.

The people of Shawnee county, Kansas,protest against the abandonment of itsCarbondale branch of the Union Pacific.

Warren Green, a son of the late Dr.Norwin Green, was arrested and fined atLouisville, Ky.f for tearing down a physi-cian's sign.

Missouri Pacific earnings for the thirdweek in March show a decrease of $45,000.

St. Paul gross earnings decreased $170.-00- 0,

but reduced expenses resulted in $131,-00- 0

increase in the net.Mrs. Margaret Frame, widow of Thomas

Frame, former editor of the Boonville,Mo., Democrat, has sued the Woodmen ofthe World for $1,000 insurance.

John Leach of Sedalia, Mo., has beennotified that he has over $400 coming tohim from the government for rationswrongfully charged to him during thewar.

Thursday, March 29.A livery stable and contents, including

10 horses and three dwellings were burnedat Fayette, Mo.

Farther developments of Kolb's dealwith the Home Market club of Boston aremaking a sensation in Alabama politics.

Miss Louise Elverson of Philadelphiawas married to M. Jules Patenotre, theambassador of France to the UnitedStates.

Henry Collins and Hoke Napier ofFleming, W. Va., settled a quarrel withrevolvers. Both are dead.

Missouri Populists held their state convention at Kansas City and made

Chinamen in Indianapolis nearly precipitated a riot because one of their numberwas about to be deprived of his queue.

Secret Service AentO'Donncll arrestedThomas Hughes at Basic City, Vav forcounterfeiting coins. He is thoughtto belong to a Michigan gang of coiners.

Judge Jones, at Sioux Falls, S. D., hasgranted an absolute divorce to Mrs. EmileVoegthn from Arthur voegthn, tne scenicpainter.

Alex. Boss has pleaded guilty at Pierre,S. D., to an indictment charging him withembezzling $25,000 from the First Natioualbank ot Leadville.

The Pierre (S.D.) United States grandjury is considering the case of White FaceHorse, concerned in the massacre of sixcowboys near Pine Ridge last year.

Commander verny Lovett Cameron,the distinguished African traveler, wasthrown from his horse while hunting andkilled.

The five saloonkeepers .found guilty atBoone, la., of selling liquor contrary tolaw will serve out their fines of from $300to $500 each.

Several persons were bitten by a dog atMascoutah, His., supposed to be mad.The mayor has ordered all the dogs in thetown to bo muzzled.

The new Platte River (Colo.) papermills, erected at a cost of $525,000, have be-

gun operations with a force of 200 men inaddition to those employed in the oldmill.

Fifteen hundred dollars has been raisedby popular subscription at Clinton, la.,and is offered as a reward for the arrest ofthe murderer of August Wcssal, who waskilled at Feeds Grove a year ago.

Friday, March 30.Sweet Springs, Mo., had a $25,000 fire.Kennett, Mo., i3 to have a cottonseed oil

plant.In the burning of Swigerfc's livery stable

at sweec springs, auo., id horses wereburned to death.

Superintendent Rabb of Illinois has is-

sued a circular toleachers urging themto observe Arbor day.

Miss Annie Brewster, daughter of amillionaire New York banker, was wed-ded to Count Henry de Frankenstein.

Eight colleges of Missouri will be rep-resented at the intercollegiate oratoricalconvention as Sedalia.

People of Canada threaten to wreak po-

litical vengeance on the government forclosing the old Welland canal.

Colonel Hunter Wood of Hopkinsville,Ky., has resigned as master commissioner,baing $2,000 short in his accounts.

The Second district democratic congres-sional convention has been called to meetat Milan, Sullivan county, Mo., June 13.

The democratic convention for the Sev-enth congressional district of Missourihas been called to meet at SpringfieldJune 5.

On account of the low prices of beef innorthern markets many Texa3 cattlemenhave quit feeding their stock to wait foran advance.

Judge James Cooney of Marshall, Sa-line county, Mo., will probably try to getthe democratic nomination for cougressin Hon. John J. Heard's district.

George Wokel's daughter was suspend-ed from school at St. Joseph, Mo., becauseof tardiness. Xow the school board mustshow causa in court why tardiness shouldcause suspension.

A-ric- h vein of gold has been found with-in five miles of Fairfax, Minn.

A comparatfve statement of railroadearnings for the third week of this monthshows a general decrease.

The convention of the Wisconsin Chris-tian association opposed to secret societiesclosed at Oshkosh. The Rev. J. Faris ofVernon was elected president.

Charles Young, 11 years old, is in jell at

ITon'sdale, Pa., charged with having de-

railed a coal train on the Delaware andHudson with a companion. He aid theydid it for fun.

Saturday, March 31.J. P. Binhop & Co. of Chicago havj

purchased G.5C0 acre? of coal land in east-ern Ohio.

About 3,000 colored men attended themeeting at Birmingham. Ala., to consideremigration to Africa.

The western lines have extended the j

time of eula of Midwinter fair ticketsfrom April 'JO to June SO. j

The body of Charles Petrie. one of the)foundrowued at Kcliau'J, Mich.. Satur- -'

dnv nic-hfc- . w:jh found in Black lake.

I la n u mm


G ROVERS VETOPassed oyerlHgf head at . , . .

Rennie's Immense Line of


Now being opened. $10,000 in new novelties.Our store jammed with goods and at panicprices. Kennie just home from the eastern mar-ket and .he has selected ther most choice goods.We did not have time to look up any but thelatest and the best quality of goods and inviteall ladies to call and make an inspection of theline being opened. Our store is jammedwith goods up and down stairs. Silver dollarsgood enough for us; bring them in and get thechoicest goods for your money in the west.Carpets, Millinery, Dry Goods and Ladies'Waists, Capes and Jackets. Kennie, the lead-er of western Nebraska. Special sale on-- Sat-urday, all our Dress and Check Ginghams atFive Cents per yard.

The Texas Woman's Rights associationis in session at Fort Worth.

A child was drowned in abarrel of water at Richland, Mo.

Carthage, Mo., suffered a loss of $10,000by fire, the third within 30 days.

Governor Stone of Missouri addressed alarge mass meeting of Democrats atSedalia.

Oliver Jackson, a murderer, wa? takenfrom deputy sheriffs near Montgomery,,Ala., by a mob and shot to death. ,

L. J. Morgan, a merchant ot GrandRapids was rendered blind by a paralyticstroke while touring California.

At Indianapolis seven member's of afamily were poisoned by eating sausagecontaining trichina?.

Judges of Columbus, O., have askrlthat Attorney Hilling bo debarredfor tampering with a jury.

Receiver Faurot of the Lima, O., Na-tional bank, which closed two years ago,claims a shortage of $00,000 for which hecan get no explanation.

Thomas Holloway, a Populist farmer,while watching Coxey's army in Colum-biana, O.. dropped dead from apoplexy.

At Nortonville, Kan., a boycommitted suicide because he had been

association past andIn the burmni? of tile resideiice.of Johnx...Witt at Hinton, V. Va., his eight children and a servaut lost their lives.

Governor Jones in his message sent tothe Choctaw recommends the appointment of .two commissioners to invitethe United States commissioners to viwtthe Choctaw nation.

ifomlay, April 3.The St. Paul Evening News has gone

into the hands of a receiver.The town of Borden, lud.. burned,

a property loss.of $75,000.

Thieves broke into the office of Treasurer Hill at Frankfort, Mich., andoff $3,000.



folk county, Missouri, - Democrats inconvention indorsed the Bland seigniorage bill.

Zclla Nicolaus has accepted an offer togo on the stage, to appear in "Princess ofTrebizonde."

Rueben Kolb, the Alabama politician.has written a letter to Governor Jones inwhich hs practically calls the governor athief and a liar.

President J. H. Calloway, of Douglas- -ville, Ga., college, shot himself throughthe heart.

David Carr of Okmulgee, O. Tr, wasmurdered to prevent his testifying in cer-tain cases.

Dr. McCo.sli, the veteran educator, celebrated his 83d birthday at Princeton, X.J.

J. J. Pfcdan, Oscar 13". Webber and I. E.Crimmins, prominent members of Tam-many Hall, are in Denver on their wayhntnp.

A.park commissioner, a councumnn andtwo other men were indicted at Louisville, Ky., for corruption.

James U. Goodwin, who abscondedfrom Carmi, Ills., where he was countytreasurer, has been arrested in Denver.

William Driver and Charles Cutter, twowealthy Bcstouians, were burned to deathin the former's cottage at SquantumBeach.

Ths,Saniia San Raefel del Vale, Baha-coma- n

and Xogales de Elias land grantcases have been decided in favor of thesettlers.

A manufactured ice palace is to be builtin Baltimore, to be opened Juue 1. Skat-ing will be had the year round. It willresemble in construction the one con-structed in the cold storage building atthe World's fair.

Mayor Oellerich of Oshko3h has issuedan edict against Sunday saloons, gambli-ng-rooms and slot machines, effectiveApril I.

Tuesday, April 3.The steamboat Sunbeam was burned at

New Orleans.Peter Hitchens, a Piatt county (Illinois)

pioneer, died at Monticello.Fire destroyed several buildings atVan-dali- a,

Mo.The death of President Bermudezof

Peru causes apprehension of a revolutionin that country.

Ludella Clark, an actress, known asLudella Perry, committed suicide in atheater at Deadwood, S. D.

Yale students threw bid eggs at theactors in a play given at New Haven.

Striking ribbon weavers in Patterson.N. J., have won their point and will re-

turn to work. .

George W. Hoffman was arrested at rt,

Ind., for falsely representinghimself as an agent ot Rink & Sons ofDixon, Ills.

A boy at Fort Wayne, Ind.,was bitten liy a dog and soou after he wasatta'cked by hydrophobia.

Miss Annie Van Dorn of Passaic, N. J.,has just discovered that she was marriedto the wrong man in 1802 while under theinfluence of drugged liquor.

"The most important business of mylife is love" is the inscription on the graveof one of Colonel Breckinridge's deadwives, both of whom repose in a cemeteryat Lexington, Ky.

John C. Audersou, formerly of Kansas,has brought suit against the parents ofhis octoroon wife, lately deceased, at Norwich. Conn., to recover his child, whoai f, 'the parents claim the right to irtaiu. 1

It is possible that the. next governor ofNew York will be h native Missouriau.Congressman John C. Hendrix, now

is the man likely to far heir rothe gubernatorial mantle.


Stock Growf rs' Association Holding ItsAunm.l Convention In Cheyenne.

Cheyenne, A.pril 3. The Wyomingi Stock Growers' association is holding itsIt annual convention in this city. President John Clay, Jr., of Chicago said in

;his annual address that the outlook forthe range stock industry had not been soblue since 1337 as it is at the presenttime. Prices are unusually low andfeed scarce except in a few watered dis-

tricts. The only encouraging feature i3the reduced number of cattle on theranges and the prospect for good grass,which will enable stockmen to turn offfat beef in the fall.

In the absence of an appropriation toenable the state hoard of live stock com-

missioners to carry on the inspection ofcattle at the Chicago and Omaha mar-kets, which was vetoed by Governor Os-

borne, the association has been com-.pell- ed

to make provision for this work,and less than the tenth of I per cent ofthe value of the cattle inspected. Onehundred and fifty ranchmen have joined

t the within the year



the; income" has been sufficient to pay allexpenses with a cash balance of 56,000at the close of the year. Much of theprejudice heretofore existing agamst theassociation has disappeared, and thesmall ranchmen are now anxious to availthemselves of the protection it offers.


Foreign Strikers Welt Supplied WithDynamite and Ready to Use It.

Con'nellsville, Pa., April 3. Thesituation in the coke region is now at themost critical stage. At first it wa3thought the Frick men would remain atwork, but this impression was dispelledtoday when the men at Trotter cameout. The company has made no attemptto resume and probably will not untilthe Strikers cease their hostile demonstra-tions. A crowd of strikers assembled inthe vicinity early in the day and al-

though they are peaceable, their actionsare such as to indicate an outbreak themoment the company attempts to startnp. It is Aid a body of strikers intendto march to Frick's Davidson works thisafternoon and force the men there tostrike. At Scottdale the works are allin operation. The feeling among theforeigners throughout the entire regionis very hitter. They seem to be wellsupplied with dynamite and will not hes-

itate to use it if the occasion presentsitself.

Uniontown, Pa., April 3. Over 1,000men gathered at the Oliver works nearhere today, armed with revolvers, clubsand stones, and attempted to force theEnglish-speakin- g workmen into line, but

Marked by Riotous Scene.Cracow, April 3. The conclusion of

the celebrations, which begun on March24, in commemoration of the 100th anni-versary day, when Thaddeaus Koskiusko,the last commander-in-chie- f of the re-

public of Poland, took the formaloath on the Range Platz hereto fight for the freedom of Po-

land" to his last breath (the event

being signalled by the unveiling of amonument to the patriot's memory) weremarked hy many riotous scenes. Themilitary were called upon to quell thedisturbances and troop3 are now patroll-ing the streets.

Sues For Treble ttic Amount Lost.Chicago, April.'!. Walter Stokes of

Memphis has sued J. A. Murphy & Co.,Chicago stock brokers, for $iV8,000, halfof which is for the benefit of Cook coun-ty. The suit is" brought under thestate gambling act. The statutes of thisstate provide that if any suit shall in-

volve a .gambling transaction the plain-

tiff shall sue for treble the amount lostand ,that half of the amount if recoveredshall be paid to the county.

Battle Between Indians and Cowboys.

El Reno, O. T., April 3. Further ad-

vices from the scene of the encounterbetween the band of depredating Indiansand some cowboys who were herdingcattle were brought here by a courierwho'came for military assistance. Hereported that when he left the fight wasyet in progress, and that then some eightor ten of the Indians and half that manywhite men had been killed or wounded.

Stopped Ainon; the Fashionable.Zwickley, Pa., April 3. The com-

monweal army pitched their tents onCreim'siarm in the heart of Zwickley,Pittsburg's fashionable suburb. TheAliquipaha steel works drum corps andan escort of 61 workmen headed the

rmy into Economy.

Professor Brown-Scnur- d Dead.'aris. Anril 3. Professor Brown--

Bequanl, the eminent physician and phi-lologist, the inventor of the supposedelixir of life, died today.



Hews Which Tell the Story of Sevea Days: - Crimes sad Casualties ad Other ta

tank Xatterg Arranged Attractively andOlren Ia a Few Words.

Askins; For a Receiver.Omaha, March o0. Robert H. Hamil

ton, attorney of Kansaa City representing 11,500,000 bonds of "the AmericanNational Waterworks company of Kansas City held in the east, was beforeJudge Caldwell asking a receiver for thecompany. Caldwell said he would soondesignate a time for the hearing.

Died Ia the Service.Fort Niobrara, Neb., April 3. Pri

rate Iron Hawk, a private of troop L,Sixth cavalry, died March 30, 1604, andwas buried with all the military honorsdue an enlisted soldier of the UnitedStates Sunday. Private Iron Hawk hadbeen a long time in the post hospital, anddied from a complication of diseases. Hewas enlisted April 7, 1891, at the Rosebud agency, South Dakota.

Poshing the Nebraska Ditch.O'Neill, Neb., April 4. D. W. Camp- -

hell, tho expert irrigation engineer ofDenver, Colo., returned to O'Neill after10 days reconnaissance over the proposedroute of the Niobrara River Irrigationand Power company s canal. Mr.Campbell said it was practicable andthat there was an abundance of water.A corps of engineers will be put in thefield at once and work will be vigorouslyprosecuted.

Decided Against the Gnlf Road.Omaha, March 31. Judges Caldwell

and Sanborn of the United States circuitcourt Thursday decided the famous UnionPacific-Gul- f case against the Gulf road,The court holds that the Union Pacificis not compelled to operate the Julesburgbranch to Denver, hut says that the receivers must take into consideration thedemands of the public and by a conference agree on some basis by which thepeople may be properly served.

Condition of Nebraska Wheat.Omaha, April 3. Grainmen and

farmers are no longer concerned over thecondition of winter wheat. The generalcommittees appointed by grain firms ofvarious sections of the state to examinethe fields and ascertain positively thedamage resulting from the recent stormhave reported favorably. Contrary togeneral opinion few fields have beenaffected by the cold snap. Many oatfields were destroyed. In many regionsfarmers are resowing their oats. Theacreage of all grains will be 2u per centlarger this year than last.

Fonr Burglaries In Omaha.Omaha, April 3. William Edge

awoke to find a man ransacking hishouse. The burglar fled and Edgefollowed him. Becoming bewildered thethief returned past the Edge house andMrs. Edge captured him and turned himover to her husband and neighbors.He proved to be John Webber. ElmerBuchner was caught by Charles Wilsongoing tnrougn tne latter s bedroom.Buchner fled but Wilson caught himafter a long chase. Patrick Hanleywent through several houses and wascaptured by an officer with the stolenproperty in his possession and Ed Matth-ews found a man in hi3 room and grap-pled with him, but the burglar was thestrongest and escaped.

BONACUM MUST ANSWER CHARGES.Summoned to Appear Before Archbishop

Hcnnesxey at Omaha.IiIxcolx, jnuu., April a. word was

received by Bishop Bonacum citing himto appear before Archbishop Hennesseyof Dubuque, sitting in the Court of theMetropolitan at Omaha on Tuesday,April 12, to answer the charges preferredagainst him by nine priests ofhis diocese.These are the charges filed June 20 lastwith Mgr. Satolli, and by him referredto Archbishop Hennessey for hearingthereon. Both sides are ready for trial,but the accusing priests are not satisfiedwith the choice of Omaha as the place oftrial. A meeting of the clergy- - was held,at which it was decided to ask the Arch-bishop to transfer the hearing to Lincolnon the ground that most of the witnessesreside in or near this city, and any ad-

ditional burden of expense upon thepritsts, who have already made greatoutlay to prepare for trial, would be anunjust hardship.

Four Thousand Quit.Dexisox, Tex., April 4. All the coal

miners at McAllistor, Krehs and Coal-gat- e,

in the Indian territory, numberingabout 4,000 men and boys, went on astrike. The cause of the strike is a notice of a reduction in wages from 80cento per ton to 75 cents for every tonmined.


Fire destroyed several buildings atVan-dali- a,

Mo.The steamboat Sunbeam was burned at

New Orleans.Yale students threw bad eggs at the

actors in a play given at New Haven.Striking ribbon weavers in Patterson.

N J., have won their point and will re-turn to work.

The death of President Bermudes ofPeru causes apprehension of a revolutionin that country

Ludella Clark, an actress, known asLudella Perry, committed suicide in stheater at Deadwood, S. D.

George W. Hoffman was arrested at rt.

Ind., for falsely representinghimself as an agent of Rink & Sons ofDixon. Ills.

Miss Annie Van Dorn of Passaic. N. J.,has just discovered that she was marriedto the wrong mnn in 1802 while under theInfluence of drugged liquor.

It is possible that the next governor! ofNew York will be a native MIssourian.Congressman John C. Hendrix, now ofBrooklyn, is the man likely to far heir tothe gubernatorial mantle.


CniCAGO. April 3. CATTLE .Receipts.4,000 head: fairly active with a slight upturn.Prime and extra native steers. fl.19Ql.83: fairto ccod. 83.T5a3.9J: others. f3.i5S3.50:Texans,52.SiS3..

HOGS Receipts. 11,000 head: active: wsak:an upturn of 10c to 15c; rough. tl.25Qt.53;mixed and packers, fs.63ft4.70: prims heavyand butcher weights.f4.70l.l0: assorted light,fl.75JM.80.

SHEEP Receipts, 9.006 head; active: topsheep. fl.50Q5.00: top lambs, fl.I52j.".

South Omaha I4t Stock.South Omaha. April 8. CATTLE s,

2.900 head; 1300 to 1500 lbs., 83 701.00;1100 to 13.0 lbs.. t3.30Q3.&; 900 to 1100 lbs. ft.MG3.25; choice cows. 12.0&.18; common oows,fl.752.0; good fatders, f8.00Q3.t0: commonfeeders. f2.tOQ2.90. Market actlre and strong.

HOGS-Recei- pts. 3,300 head: light. fi.tft.OU; mixed. ft.45Ql.50: hsarr. ft.t4.90Market 10c-- higher.

SHEEP Receipts. 400 hsad; muttons, t&fft1.00; laubc. 13.0034.23. Markst stroaf.



FOUND!The best MEN'S S 2.50SHOE, ever made.

Inquire of your shoe dealer.

(THE PAIR STORE.)Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shoes

in North rlatte. uome and see them.


Seaatar Peffer's Resolatlem Bagtssd AllBoad laws Laid oa the Takle.

"Washington, March 27. Tuesday wasanother day without progress on theO'Neill-Jo- y contested election case in thehouse owing to the absence of a quorum.

Washington, March 27. Funeralservices over the remains of ijenator Colquitt diew to the senate chamber a verydistinguished company. President Cleve-land, was not present, hat all the mem-

bers of his cabinet except Secretary La-mo- nt

were there. The casket, which wasplain black Avith silver handles, wasplaced directly in front of the vice presi-dent's desk, and upon it were two beau-tiful bouquets. Senate Chaplain Mil-bur- n

conducted the ceremonies, and wasassisted hy Chaplain Bsgby of thehouse.

WASiiixaTON, March 2d. Mr. Petti--grew (S. D.) introduced two resolutionsWednesday, which were agreed to, onecalling on the secretary of the treasuryfor information regarding changes madein the weight or fineness of silver coinsof silver standard countries, and theother calling on the secretary of the in-

terior for information as to whether thesugar refineries have complied with allthe provisions of the law in regard to thetaking of the census.

Mr. Peffer, (Kan.) offered a resolutiondirecting the finance committee to prepare a hill for the repeal of all laws au-

thorizing the secretary of the treasuryto issue bonds or other interest-hearin- g

obligations without specific authority ofcongress. It was temporarily laid onthe table.

The resolution, offered several daysago, directing the committee on judiciaryto inquire whether tho existing statutesare sufficient to punish simulation of sil-ver coins by coins of like metal, weightand fineness was laid before the senate,and after a short discussion was agreedto.

Washington. March 28. The Democrats mustered a bare quorum in thohouse and will try to push through theJoy-O'Ne-ill and English-Hilbor- n electioncontests from Missouri and California.

Washington. March 29. Thursdayafter the introduction and reference ofseveral unimportant bills the-senat- e tookup fFe"hirTextending limitations of timefor completion of title to certain landsdisposed of under the act of congressknown as the "Donation act," aid for theprotection of the purchasers and occu-pants of the lands which are situated inWashington, Oregon and Idaho territory. The bill was passed. SenatorGorman, in behalf of Senator Brice, reported the pension appropriation bilLThe house joint resolution appropriating$10,000 additional to carry out the provisions of the Chinese exclusion act waspassed. The McGarrahan bill was takennp and passed without division.

Washington, March 2H. ThursdayCleveland sent to the house his messagevetoing the Bland seigniorage bill: Heputs it on the ground that the bill isloosely drawn and would rob us of ourgold. He says he believes the coinage ofthe bullion seigniorage might be safelyand advantageously done providedauthority were given the secretaryof the treasury to issue bondsat a low rate ot interest. He ex-presses a hope for a comprehensive adjustment of the monetary affairs in ashort time in a way to accord to silverits proper place in our enrren yi"

WASHiNGTON.March 0. V? he 1 Speaker Crisp mounted the rostrum Friday hewas given a rousing reception frommembers on both sides of the house, thdemonstration lasting fully a minute.The battle of Wednesday afternoon wapromptly renewed by Mr. Reed on achallenge of the correctness of thejournal in failing to show Mr. Payne'spoint of order on the question of but oneteller acting. On a rising vote thejournal was approved, and on a call ofyeas and nays the previous question waiordered and debate limited to 15 minutes011 each side. After a speech bv Mr.Reed regarding the speaker's ruling, Mr.Reed's motion to amend the journal wasvoted down. The vote on approving thejournal showed a quorum voting. Mr.Reed's motion to adjourn was decidedout of order and the speaker refused toentertain an appeal and refused to Btatethe ground of refusal, holding that nomember has a right to inquire thegrounds of a decision any more than alawyer had to demand the same thing ofa judge on a bench. "That looks verymuch like tyranny." remarked Mr.Reed sarcastically.

Washington, March 81. Mr. Pavne(Rep., N. Y.) made a personal explanation in the house today which clears himfrom the condemnation of the speaker inthe course of Thursday's filibnaterintr.Mr. Payne explains that when he saidhe would take his seat when he got readyhe was addressing Mr. Onthwaite andnot the chair. The session after 1 oVlocVwas devoted to eulogies to the lateCharles O'Neill of Pennsylvania.

w ashington, April 3. The nrinciDalinterest in the senate Monday centeredin the speech of Senator Voorhees. thechairman of the committee on financewho thus launched the tariff Questionupon the sea of senatorial debate. Whilehis speech was read from mannscrint. itwas delivered with all the fiery energywhich characterizes his usual extempo-raneous efforts. There was an unusuallyfull attendance, both on the floor and inthe galleries, and the conclusion of hispeech was greeted with a hearty Durst

of applause. He lauded the Walker tar-iff bill of 1848 as "blessed and gloriousmemory," and regretted exceedinglythatthis bill did not more closely resembleit. He vigorously defended the isconetax feature and the free wool clause, asdas vigorously condemned the sugar bona-t- y

and reciprocity of the McKlnleybJU,!tfcsformer b?inar characterized as "a jmmble

C X.

NO. 13.

aad a fraud." The latter was "stitutioaal freak." He calledto the fact that Monday was theanniversary of the birth of TsMSBSJ

fersoB, "that great emancipator of akind." and quoted extensively fromBlaise's "Thirty Years In Coagress.'

Democrats in the koass lackedqaorum.


St. Louis, April General Frye'sarmy of unemployed workmen arrivedat Jefferson Barracks from Poplar BIulEtoday and are now camped ia the rail-road yards at Ivory station. The armypresented a picturesque sight as the trainpulled in. The commonwealers were allon top of the box cars, many dressed inblankets to ward off the cold, for whichthey were unprepared. There were 18cars in the train, some loaded with cat-tle. Over the car in which GeneralFrye's headquarters were, floated theAmerican flag. Old Glory wa3 salutedby a company of United States regularsas the train came to a stand before thebarracks' platform. These same regu-lars, while very friendly inclined towardthe industrial army, had orders to pre-vent them from getting off their train,and their orders were promptly carriedout. There were 600 men ia Frye's ar-my in all and they appeared to be a welldisciplined and respectable lot of men.

A squad of-poli- from the city underCaptain Sam Boyd met the army at thebarracks and escorted them to theirquarters at Ivory station. Captain Boydrequested General Frye to keep his mentogether. The general st once postedpickets about his camp, while CaptainBoyd and Captain Young posted policeofficers and detectives at every road lead-in-g

into Carondelet with orders not tolet any of the army get into the city.After getting into camp breakfast wascooked, consisting largely of corn mealmush, of which there was scarcelyenough to go around.

Coxejr Commonwealers.Pittsburg, April 8. The last march

of the commonweal to Allegheny, thefirst stage of the long journey to Wash-ington, was begun at Zwickley ato'clock. Not one of the weary followersJeft camp last night, except 20 whosought warmer quarters in the locallockup. When Jack's Run was reacheda halt was ordered for lunch, after whichthe column again took up the march toAllegheny.

On the road to Allegheny the armywas well received. All the schools weredismissed for the forenoon and the boyscrowded out of the town after the com-monweal, cheering and singing. Therewere 189 men marching. As the roadlay alongside the railway every passen-ger train that passed was cheered by themen and the passengers waved handker-chiefs in return. The whole progresslooked on by the leaders as an ovatiea.Marshal "Smith" says the men will bestrictly confined to camp tonight and to-

morrow. In view of the new conting-ents expected, a big tent has beea or-dered from Massillon.

Foreclosure Proceedings Bs;br.Kansas City, April 3. The New

York Life Insurance company has begunforeclosure proceedings against theWyandotte Loan and Trust company,and has served notice on the officers hersthat on the 9th of April, at Topeka, itwould ask Judge RIner for the appoint-ment of a receiver for the company.

Reached nit Agreement.Philadelphia, April 3. An ncrfo

ment has been reached by the Philadelphia and .New lork bondholders' com-mittees of the Chicago and Northern Pa-cific, under which a consolidation of interests will be effected.


AccoasalUIied. by the Czar.Vienna, April 3. The successful ter

mination of the Austro-Russia- u commercial treaty negotiations, fixing thetariff on imported rye at oO kreutzerswas accomplished by the direct intervention of the czar.

Dynamite In Charleston.Florence. S. C April A bulletin

from Charleston, says that an attemptwas made to destroy the dispensarythere. A bomb was exploded in therear of the building.

Colorado's Coal Combine.Denver, April 3. The United Coal

company has perfected a combination ofthe northern producers and prices oflignite coal at the mine will be raised tof1.TS to 2.00.

Telegraph Vader Military Coatrot.Florence, S. C, April 3. The tele-

graph office at Darlington is in the handsof the military, who refuse to permit thetransmission of messages to newspapers.

Santa Fe Cats Freight Rates to Texas.Kansas City, April 8. The Santa Fe

has made a big cut in freight rate3 fromKansas City and other Missouri points teTexas on some of the leading commodities

Ems Taken to Poata Del tiada.Horta Fayal. Azores Island. AprilThe disabled North German-Lloy- d

steamship Ems was taken to Ponta delGada to intercept the steamship Colum-bia, of the Hamburg-America- n line.

Bachelor Bills Mines Flooded.Creede, Colo.. April 3. Owing to. ska

inadequate pumping facilities the pro-ducing mines of Bachelor bill are filliafnn with water.

Governor Matthews of Indiana aaysIsaac P. Gray will not be a can-

didate for the prtMdency.


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