I •,., `, A-, - HRC Australia/Motor Progress_GM Dealer/1928 Sep... · Austl.alia than do thi`...

+ I. •,., `, I A-,

Transcript of I •,., `, A-, - HRC Australia/Motor Progress_GM Dealer/1928 Sep... · Austl.alia than do thi`...


•,., `,I



is the disposition


tomer to return to


was well treated."






By INNES RANDOLPH, . Managing DiTectoT, General Motors (Aust.ralja) Pty. Ltd.

lTR messag.il to oul. (I(`aliJ1.s at this time of theyeai. shoulcl essi`iitially be one of g.ood cheer,coniiiig. as it docis on thti e\'e of our best selliiig

iii{T*n in Ausfi.alia` with the i)usine};s ho].izi)n lti.ig'ht.Ha\Tiiig. 1.etui.ned ±'].om a trip to the L'nitecl

States, Eiig.land. aiid the Contiiiiiiit o± ]1ui.ope.aild haviilg. spt.illt some tiniil ill studyiiig.thiJ d(ialer -c.oiiditions of those c'ountries`it is appi.Opi.iate to poiiit t>ut thii g.i'eatsimila-Pity of dealel. pi.oblen`is all o\'ei.th(` wol.ld. It is. pet.hal.`s` t.om+.oi+iilg` to know that cq.11 dealei.s al.tifa,cell with the same p].olJliilth{-`t \vii {`i.'e ill Austi.alia.

As a iiiatttll. o±. I.act, c.onditioiiin the lTnitecl States I.es(`mbltmoi.c i.log(ily the (.oiiditioiis inAustl.alia than do thi` concli-ti(ms in Eng.laiid antl on thti(-`oiitinci]t. This is tlue to th(I1.:`t.t that thtii.a is {` t.ttiit.tJii-ti.atioii of. ('ai.s in Austi.alia`\'hit.h is lil()1.e t.ompai.aT)le\\.ith th(I t.(in(.tiiiti.ation inTIT(I rllit(I(I States.

+\Iiiong. tli(i many thiilg.s\\'hit.h iiiipr(issi`d me dur-iii*. lil.v ti.ip \\'.nts the addc`(Iilll|)o].talieti \\'lii(.h is 1)Cling.

gi\'(iii to th(1 sul).ji+l.t ofsi`i.\'ii.it. This is th(I resultof tliti fat.t that in a inai.k{`t`\'ht`i.ti thii g.I.tiattist pal.t o±.th` busiii(iss is I.epla(.ciiitiiitI)usimiss. thti all-impo].taiitqui`stion to thii dealti]. is•.()wliei. Iioyalty.'' The questi(in

is: \\Ti|| thti o\viiii]. I)uy aiiothti].i..`ir o±. th(I s{i.mii maktiJ? (`an thiidt`alt`]. L.oullt oll I.t`|)eat o].di`I.s?Ol)\7iously. this is deptiii(I(lilt upt)n thetl(ig.I.ee ()I. satist.ai.tion whi(`h th{i owi]ei.has g.often out of the t.ai. whit.li he hasbeen di.ii'iiig.. €mil out o±. his 1.i`lations withhip, c.ai. tleal(.i'. Sill,i`t` a a.i.tiat mtq`ss ofo\\'iiti].s I.t_imaiii pui.t.hasiii.s ot. i.a].s in aiiilabout the sanie pi.it.t` t.1asi` this (iuestion


tw(> ±actoi's-first. the quality built iiito the produi.t bythe manufacturer; secoiii`l. the ser\'i(.e I.eiidei.ecl by thet-lealei. directly to the owiicii.. 1t is iiot, sufficient that themanu±.ac.tut.ei. shoulcl builcl quality into the product sillee

\\'ithout pi.ompt. (.(tut.tiittus. and effi(.ieiit set.\'ice.Ilo a-niouiit-o±. quz`1ity will ciisui.e satis±.a(.tioll.

The c.oiist.-iousiiess of this fact hasde\Telope(l among. the dealei.s a feeling`

that-tht] st`i.\'ii`e station is` after all.tlu most inip()rtailt soul.c(` I.I.om

whi(`h I.i`p(iat ordei.s {ire Sei.`ii`i.tid.Thii I.ealifsation ot. this I.act among.the lal.g.ei. dealers has l)I.oug.ht

iiito l>ii-iiig. the ser\'ice salesman.whose job it is to meet owne].s.to discuss intelligently withthem their set.\'ice diffic.ulties`aiid to see that they getPr.opel. Satis±.a(.tioll I`]'om allwork. This makes buyei.sI.I.ieiids oil a sound basis.Thi` personal interest thatthis niakes possible in each{`iid e\Tei.y Owiier's se].vii'epi.obliim ci.eates g.oodwillI.oi. the (.ai. and thetl(ial(i`L. which is in\'aluable,ancl a satisfied owner. aswi` all know` is the bestad\Tiii.tisemeiit that a cal.-oi. ally product, for thatmatter.-i.an have. It iiotonly teiids to eiisui.e that the`ownei. will buy the same

p].odut.t ag'ain, but thtq.t he \'+Tilltell his I.I.ieiids, and influiim.e

them ill thei]. rjui.chases.I thiiik we ai.c all const-.ious o±.

this I.act ill Austt.alia. I)ut it hasbe(.omi`i of. such I)ai.amouiit impoi.t-

aiice in othci. woi.1d mat.kilts. aml isfelt to bii so \Tital to the success tif

e\'ei.y tlea]ili.` that it t`;ehoves us all to


I()ok i;'ti]l into this stii.\'it.e question amlmak(i t.ei.fain that \T(1 ai'{i not missiiip. allybets as I.a]. as this miithod of set.-ui.iiig.t)\v]itii. satisfactioii is t.oiicti].lie(1.

;`i: :i:`|.¥::i:[[;C`][:. t'`:i::i]ittcTy: i;ill:;:: ;:spat:1.::ta;±F;:-:trt]];rt:eife¥spghte:lei:d:engtdr°ee£%: :i::: :¥:Sl!v t¥a:5:1: I[E:te :i:,CI;Cic:;y:,fui]ia\,7:e] ;:]t]i`[;i'tl:::::sibT]y;e s&€:i`i: :: ; att]`i`:

pag.e2. S



®AKH[jANDI\t nramt iiistaiii.tis in thti small i.ouiiti..v 1-owns o+.

^\ustirilia tht` pi.tistiiit mottti' g.a].ag.I-i has tlii\'{ilop{id outot. what was oil.t.{i thti blat.ksmith's shop. Tht`

Pi`opi.iiitoi.s haTti advam.titl with thti timtis: thtiy ha\'tig'I.adually supplant"I thti +.oi.g.ii with thii bowstii.. and ing.tinti|.ill ha\Tii a(1aptiid tt> the 1.equii.ii"iiits o±. thii in()t(71.iiidusti.}t thtJ matiii.ial \\'hit.h was at thiiii. tlisposal. Thi`big.a.il,qt I.at.tol.. howtiTtii.. whit.h mi`Jdiid {.Iiaii2.t` to t.o|)i`with the moto]. industi'y was th(lil. buil(ling.. E\T(ii.y iiianhad iiot thti whtii'tiwithal to builtl. ilimiiidiatiil.v. a iiti\\.buildiiig. whit.h should ltc in ktitiping. witli thi. dig.iiityand pi'og.i'tiss o+. motoi.ti.anspt)1.t. T(i thi`rna.ioi.it}T has I.amm tliiltask l-,I. t,.yillg. t(, I.(1-a].I.aiig.t` !i]]tT I):iiiit thi`it.

existing` I)I.tlliiisiis. so ast() ni(itlti7.nisii thiilii {il\il:it th(, *anL|) tini(_J :i\.|,i(Ithti hug.ti {ixptlllditul.llsin\'ol\'iid ill 1_)uiltlingentiL'iJly i]t+VI7 p].iimisi-,i.

]n ma]i}t instam.``sI.timai'kabl`i su(.i.tiss has{itttiiidt]il thtiit. iJff.ttT'ts.A 1111``. 1.,.out oll th(I

pi.tisti]it building. hahwoi.ki`d w(in(liii.s. Soul(I(I(ial`il.s ha\'{` t.oun(1 thata n(`w (.oat ol pail,t.

8 Si]pt..1928.

P®NTHAC.Any \Lnusual ii`'e]it in a town prt~]s(`1its a w()iitliii.ful

opp(n.tuiiit}' +.(w :\ tliJ!\1i`]. to t.{lsh ill oli it {iii(i set-.urc.bit i.ar(it.ul thoug.ht and a littlti wtill-planmid (ixpenditui.e.\'.aluablti public.it}' I.(n. himst`1t. alid I()1. the pi.odu(.ts hehaiidliis. Thii aiiiiual ag.I.it.ultul.al show. the motoi. sliow.a, hospital t'al.ni\'al. a l)azaa].. a muiii(.ipal tlltit.tion-indiii}d. thiii.ii ai.ii a \tai'iiit}' of ti\Ttmts whit.h i.an beutili:iiid 1)}' tlw lttt.al di`al„ t'(Jt. put)lii'ity pu].posiis. He"`n plz\" "w t>+. his modt]1s :\t thii (1ispt)gal of the (tffi(.ial*.oi' hold a t'tJlitilst in aitl o±. thi` I.unds which theii\'tiiit is to bciniifit. oi. ill manv othi'r `\'avs devot`~t a

iittlii tinii`. aiid eff()I.t

-*'„ -- .^`ir-,r„

rrfirfe~§HfeREfiRE#ReeifeffiaeREifeBEAk '!L _ cam__ a

TBRE 8fiEEfiEE':

;`vit'ii` " tiit`i `` ` m``iiiii+; ot. The gtlr4_gc. _9.1 Jj..^M:Po^i.4l+€ipurom-„icti.t 'dtsplcLv Ot- the

111\ 11 I, . `' `L \L \ , -

t-lis|)1:`}'iitl. hi\* I)iiiii\ sit-ffii.iiint t(> l)i'iu£. thtLii. I)"inii*tis iiitu

ktitiping. \\'ith thos{. ot. tliiiii. t.omptititoi.s..\n `]x{\niplti tit. wl„" is I)t)s*il)1ti i71. at.hitJ\'iiiiii'nt lt}'

st)nLr t.a).ii±.ul tht>u£.ht {\1`tl *kil+.ul sip.11-wl.itil\£' is witlliissiiilill tlw pitltu„ h„ di*plilytitl t)I thii pl."tlis" ()i. M7~. J.ML`Do7iciJd` Oiimil.al .\Iotoi's d(ialiit. at \\rai'i.a(.knabiial.\,7i{.t(ii.ia. Tlu lttist usii has I)"in iiiad{i o+ thti a\Tailabliispat.ti. "ul \\'hat was 1)ioiousl.v l'athiJi. a tlHilJ +.I.(mtag.i`has l)t-(iil t].:i]1sf.oT'nli`(1. i\ntl thi-J \\'h()lil l)uilding. i\()\\'

p].tJsi`iits {iii !\tt]'a(.ti\TiJ {ixtc,rit>|..

thtiir I) ]. t> il u t. t s \\Tii||

This fii.ni holdst h ti I.1.€.ni.his`isfol. 1', h 11 T I. o 1 {` t`(-)aklaiid. Poiitiat..and Vauxh{\1lca].s. alid |ThiiTi.o-1l`t tl.uck:i. i\lldthese a I. ti sodepii.ted on theI.I.ont ot. thllbuildiiig` as to b{iwell impi.intiid illthti niiiids ofpasse].s-by. Thec.hii(.ke(I `Ift.t.ct of{hi` b u i 1 d i n g-makes it sta]idout well amoiig.those sul.I.(tuiiding.it. MT.. }[i.Doiialdfinds that th{i tix-Pensi! im'ttl\'ticlhas biton amplyjustified I)y thii ill-i.l.tiasc in l)usiiiess.

to\\Tai.(|s 1)ring.iiig. his

1)1wilu(.t to tht` {`tti`iitionol. thii put)lit.. aiid ktiiip-ing` its attention fixiid.

omi exc.iill(|nt methodof. so doiiig. is that, usedin c.olljull(.tio]1 with themajoi.ity o±. (.al.llivals -thl] PI.O(.l'Ssi(H1. ilsphiii(li(1 tixampliJ ot. thiswas witmissi`tl I.{-it.eiitlyin L\Ioi.well. Vic.tot.ia.Thti }I.oi.wtill Football(`1ul> tltit.idtid tt> httld {\

t.am.y di.i`ss t`ai.iii\'al inoi.(|tii. to aug.mti]it theii.I.ull(lt<. I]\ ('()]1l\l]Ctio]lwiththis t]ii+y hiJ]cl a I)I.o(.iJs-

°t{ 4 t%:r## ; : 'a „?t: i c " :.:r]t: ::. tt')ti.I. t:]T:i:.I:Qt. aat ci)dt.i ;j]:+0 I. : ::

thti ni(>st ill.tistit':ilLy d{it`()i'{\tiJtl nit7iltil. M7.. L. Hciyc, thiJ

(itintil.{`l L\I-(7{()1's tli.altii. {`t }I{)['wiill. ttt(tk i` p]'oniiniint Pal.till it. Hti d{i{.ot.ated onti ot. liis Pontiai. niodii]s. aiid inthis hii:`(lul tht` prt)i.tlssit>n. Tliii p!\ssting.(ii.s o1. thi` i.al`\vtm dl.iissiJtl !\s li`di!\n t.hiiit.s` \\Thit.h leiit tan uiiusu{il airt(7 tht` 1)Tw"ssi(u\` {\ntL wiiiit +.!ii. towai'tl* inipi.iissin£.`.P(mtiat." ill thti miiids ot. thii bystan(ltH.s. This

pr'tit't`ssitni i]!\ssetL I.ig.ht thi.ou£.h th{i tt>\\'i\` :\iitL *o a g.ootlsha].ti o+. public.itv T`'as olttainiitl t.oi' Poiitiat..•+\li.. H:\]'ti'* tithiii. t.t.i\nt`hist`. tlie ()akla]i(1. {`1s(t i'ii('t+i\.(`d

a g.oo(I d(lal ot

f:;tbfa4}TC6„tdbrc84rpnr,::isst°r:schtc't€trhc:C8t!yi,at#dL`:tTn#,:ts°tkw#hMtch#°;#tec]iw,ton first P7i:.c for t}1c best dcco7.4t€d ccir.

publi(.ity on thiso(.(.asion. as +\lissRuliy -+\Ii.Kay'sdecol.att`d Oaklandc.ai.. was thii wiimero±. thti fii.st prizefoi. thti b cstdecoi.ated t.ar inthe p r o c. e s sion.Thti (`ai. was hung1.I.om iiiig.iiie tot,ail lig.ht. withmany i.ololll.lidst].(Tamers, andthe hood was ag.ay iiiass offlow(ii.s. The wholecar P1.es(intecl avei.y atti.activeand ai.tisticappt`al'anc.,a a 11 (Iwas easily judgedto I)a the wimi\ii.of the prize.

sl,I't..1().28. .i



K©©pfim8 ¢EL©(_'IjT]Ai\T shop will a.et nioi.e busimlss. btittiii.

busimiss. all(I stt`adiei.1)usimiss. than a dii.ty ollt..Evtit.y dealt`i. knows that his woi.kshop ancl

s`Ii.\'it.{` station must l)(1 a pi.ofitable atljuii(.t to his iiewc.ai. 8altls. aiid a \Tital I.a(.toi' ill makiiig. this 8o is in athol.oug.h t.hJan up o±. his shop aiid a definite plan foi. keiip-iiig. it i.kiaii. IIotor t.all t.ustomtirs ai.ti .just as impi.tissionaT)1eas (.ustom(il.s ill any ()th(il. busin€iss. aiid a t.1eaii. oi.derlysliop I.tig`istei.s a \Te].y favoui'able impressi(tii I.or thiidtialei.. Customtil`s like to b].illg. theil. t.ai.s I.oi. I.epairsaiid lubri(.,ation to a shop whit.,h is lleat, where theme(.hanit.s look (.1eall. where their ca].s will not oiilyrtit.iii\Tti e\'e|.y atteiition. but will be I.tituT.ned to themwithout a smudg.e on the finish`\\'ithout (i\'(in a smii.L.h on thtiupholste].y. A t`.ai. rtiturmid toits owner. with soiled upholstel.yor with daubs of g.1.easil goes aloiig. way towards desti.oyiiig.any t.oiifid(iiic.a in the dealer ol.his w(ti.k. Aiid ill a shop whi(.his a mass of littei. ancl g.1.ease.whtii.e the mtic.hani(`s weal. theoiiti o\'el.all the yeal'. I.ouiid, thisI.tJ,`ult is ineiTitable.

\\Tith won(lil (.ustomc`rs.pal.tic`ulai.1y, a dirty shop makesa T(iry uiif.aiTOurable impi.tissioil.A woman is I.1.tiqueiitly as(.arti±.ul o±. her. cal. as of hal.t.1othes aiid hesitates to hand itoTei. to the (.are o±. a met.hanicill (lirty. g.Tease-stailled (.1othiiig..in a shop littered with oil andwa``tti. She has no suc.h qualmsit' the shop is neat, the met.hanic.sin (.ltian o`'iii.alls. tand thii generalatmosphe].a oiie of spick-and-span attt`ntion to details.

+i g.ood c.1eaiiiiig. up onc.(1 in a\\-hihi. an annual oi. e\'en semi-amiual "spriiig-(.1eaiiing."ho\\'ti\Ttii.. will iiot be the solutiollot. thiise diffit.iilties. Oiilv a I.ew

gr p:l*.(`;3.

SEL®p Cfl©amt.ust(tmers will stiti thti shop ill its pl.istimi stag.ti. Ther)1htii's will see it a wtitik. oi' a month. oi. tlil.tie months.afttii. its t.ltian-up. Think what an iiiipi.tission thosii t.us-tom{ii.s will g.tit who seti it just Tttifoi.e its aiiiiual cleail-up.L\To mattti]. how thoi.oug.hly thti shop is t`h`am`tl an(1pailltt`d, it i.emains so without ally I.ui'thtii. attiJntitm I.oi.only a \Te].y I)i.itif ptli.iod` aiid thti I.{ist ol thti timti it isdirty-all(I 8.{ittiiig. (|irtiiii..

+tyloi.eo`'ti].. i±. the job o±. (.leaning. is domi oiily at distantiiittii.\'als it assumti8 Hut.h t.olossal pi.opol.tions that itbe(.omtis {.oiitiiiually postpomid. It is only humaii iiatui.eto kiiep postponing. a task that looks I)ig.g.tii. all(I lnoi.iiclisag.I.eeable (i\Ttii.y da.v-ancl ill th(. nitlantime th(ir.a is a


1. C}c4tt]mcs`s is mostl)J ci 77i4ttcr of SuPC7.L`1Ston1:equiring consta_nt follow/uP. Make it a Personalhclbit to spctld cl fcow mlntJtcs dcu}y in cminspection of the shop i or cleanliness.

2. Clear floors and benches of all rubbish, tools,Ctc., Clt !CCLst otlcc Cl dc1.V,

?`. On_ce a queek__wash _wipdows axpd electnc I+ght`sa,nd scrub walls and floors. This can be donequickly ar±d east_ly if it is dgne frequently. Usea slron.g lye solution_ for the walls and floors,

end plain. soa_p and _water, uJith a ddsh ofkerosene i or the windows.

4. M_ark off Parklpg spaces on the shop floor withwhite Paint. This a,dds to its efficiency, and thetlcclttics`s of its clppccn.cmcc.

5. 9nce a week _look over all signs and Posters.

FenTove any_old arLd dirty ones, replacing uiithfresh ones if necessary.

6. Cold w4tcr Pcunt ts mcxpciisiuc,. cl7id, whl}c itu!ill not be needed gs of_ten if the shop is keptclean, use it Promptly when it is needid.

7. St47tdcL7.disc o" ouc7.cllls for clH mcchclmcb`, cmdsee that they a,re laundered regularly.

8. Follow _the _same ryles ip the Parts departmenta,_i in the s_hop. _ Clear tl_1e counter daily, cleanfloors and ligl1ts weekly, discard unsightlyPosters Prormptly.

CI.his u.orkshop ha,d ai. .qii.ml.al .c.lean.uP a. f eul weeks ago. T1.ink

what it will look like in a feul rmonths.

moi.ii atti.at.tivii shop "justi al'ouiid thti {.o].itttT..u

l`leaii up thti shop thoi'oug.hly-aiid then stiti to it that it iskept (.I(iaii. A I.(iw t.1t`anliliessI.ules for daily all(I w{`ekl.vp].a(.tit.t` will kiiilp thti shop illg.1tiamiiig. shape the whole yearI.ound. Ha\T(1 the flooi. c.ltianedaiicl the l`)eiit.h(is (.leai.t.(l at 1(.astolli.a a (lay. Have th€i windowsaiitl lig.ht T)ulbs washed atfi.tiqutint iiitii].\tals. stie that themti(.hanit.s' o\TtJr.alls ai.ti t.hang.edancl c.1tiami(I I.eg.ulai.1y: theiithe].{i will I)ii Ilo t.omplaiiits fromc.ustomtii's as to s(tiled upholstel.y-and thti men themsel`'es willI.eel better.` look I)etter` andWork bettti]..

A few mom(ints ti\'iii.y Clay. aI few mo].ti momer]ts oiit.(i a we(ik`I ancl an aliiiual applit.ation (tf the

paint b].ush will k(iep the shoplooking. wtill eTtii.y day of theyear aiid e].eat€i a I.a`'oui.abhiimpr(issi(in with b()th regularaiid new t.ustomtii's. Thti atttm-

I :;(:::.d¥ia.*dT.t{fi't]:.Ft:I:iti,it t:a[::si]::i,:t].a::i ot. shop business.

Thi`s shop has .a i eu: minutes` gtten.t_ion eacfe day, a few hoili.sea,ch uieek, and `sta!`s spick av\d span tlie y-ear rbtmd.



By R. CRICK, of Messrs. Robt. ^{ettleford Pty. Ltd., IIobart.

MORE and more is thii I.o].(.e of ad\'ei.tisiiig. feltin the succ'ess±.ul met.c'handisiiig. of g.oods.That this is 1.et.og.iiised I)y (+ciiiei.al Motors

(Australia) Pty. Ijtd. is ti\'i(le]i(.(icl I)y the fullyequippecl se(.tion kiiown as the Sales Pi.omotionDepai.tmtint. and. i±. all the mat`ii.ial that thisdepartmellt puts at the disposal o±` the dealiirs isutilised. mui.h ad\tantag.ii nl.ust be I.elt b.v the salesorg.aiiisatioii in the fitild. +\Tiivtii.thiiliiss. it beho\'esthe dtialel. to use his iiiitiativti to wol.k out his owilsc,heme o±. advertisillg to the best ad\'antag.e. aiidsuitable to th(I taste o+. his own (.ommunity.

Geiitii.al Motoi.s' methods ar.e nec.essarily of allall-Austi.alian natui.tJ. all(I hai7ci that iiatioiialatmosphel'e about them that makes itself heard. V\Tefind it of advantagt`. howtivei., to back up thisIiiatei.iai with instii.tioiisti.eatecl. wit,h localcolouriiig..

Gal.eful study of localt e in p e I. a in e ii t aiidconditions. and a I ewexperiments, shoulcl re-veal what, is mostacceptable to the i.oni-munity in which one isoperatiiig.. Tasmaiiiansha\'e reasoii for pride intheir homes and thewonderful scenery withwhich they al.a sur-round(id. \\That is morenatural thaii that weshould utilise thesebeautiful settings forbeauti±`ul cat.s. sinciith(Ji.a ari` homcis and


Thc`sc Ptctttrcs iHwstr4tc the 4ttc7ttto7t+gcttmg I/4}wc of scttt719 4bc4wttfw} car in bcclwtl.fwl sw„owndj7tgs.

equally in a sc.heme ofPictorial advertisiiig. Illordei. to g.ive this wtihave drawn o]i \'iewsembr.aciiig. sc.eiles t`1.ommouiitain tops. I.i\'ers.aiid pal.ks. suburl)anhorn(is. what.f settiiig.swhet.a a dozen Geiiei`alMot()rs cars have justbe(in lancled (and hel.tiindividuality is addedby spec.ially I.eatui.ills..say. a Buic.k bi.oug.hamill the foi.eg'i.ound), amli.ity pictui.es of sonii+spe(.ial t.ai. tak(lil outsidi.thti offit.e fT.om which itopel.ates. One thatt'laime(1 Ino].c. than usualatteiition was that o±. a

Masttii. Buii.k t.oming. out of the iiig.ht. This wassuitaltl.\' \\'oi.dad to iiidic.ate that it was slitting.I.ol.th oll its tri-weekly I.uii. ca].ryiiig. the dail}'niiwsptip{ii. 122 nii]es, fop deli\Tei.y befoi.e dayl)1.eak.

Topi(.ill il\'eiits hare to be seized upoii. A goodinstam.ii is that of a 1.eceiit siiowfall oil }It.Wiilliiig.toll. halt.-all-houi.'s i.un from Hobal.t. +il`he\'i.olet was taken up. aiid shot.fly a pit.tut.e willapptlai. ot` the siiow sL.eiie. plus Che\'i.olet. oil theI.I.oiit pag.ii ot. our wei`kly "Illusti.ated TaslnaiiianATail." and. as is usual in ()ui. iifforts. tiqualpi.ttmimini.e will bii g.i\'{-lil to the st.tiiiti aiid th(i (.ai...thiil.{i'l).\' i.oinp(Jlliiig. iiitiii.list.

The].t. al.e oth(ii. subjii(.ts yet to draw upoii.Tasniania abounds in ai.t.hitet-.tural gems, ancl hasmoi.ii than her shai'ii o±. old stone (.hurches allclI)i.idg.i.s. whit.h iie\'ei. I.ail to exc'ite the admit.ationo±. thostl who li\'e amoiig.st them.

+\s \\'ill ha\'e been ob,itii.\'ed. iioiie o±. these ideashas all.i. a.I.eat o].ig.inality to its credit. W.hellappliiitl. howe\'el.. to a home setting', aiicl withsuitaltlii ilesi.I.ipti`7e niattel.. they emerg.e with a

;: %;:::ill::t;01:;t§:1.:C :8¥l::e{:i¥t}i.;i :] ]€:t]T yin :::. e c: :T±:: :tg st ]t €t: :1 d° ]]aep :ii`:]}s' {]i:(;I:I,:L: io:.:;):;(:Oil:(;1£ti:t;:i± :T[):C` 1t:t:`t::i I::ttg?(: I:T::[{::i; £l]J]t¥i;1se=:c;`::: :f°tti[ci!

Sept.,1928.I --i THE GENER.+L MOTORS DEALER. aa page5.

BUHCK vAuxHHAm.jHjSydm©y Dfis¢Iffithunt®If H®uns©s New Hd©as fin New Bunfindfim8

ext.(illeiii.(1 o±` thti pi.oduc.ts th(iy hall(1lti` thti org.aiiisationbtihiiicl thtim. aiid th(I effici(lil(.y of thtiii. saltis methods.Thi,i pi.ospei.ity is I.efle(`te(I th(i wo].ld oTtii. in impi.o`'e(I(Teal(il.s' pi.cmises. ill lai.g.tii. buildiiig.s. ni(tl.ti up-to-(lattitlquipm{int` imp].oT(id sol.\Ti(.e fa(.ilitiiis` aiid iiic].easc`(I.qhowi.Oom al.tia.

The meti.opolitan (listi.ibut(ti.s in Sydiiii}T` +\[tissi.s.Boyd Edkiiis ljtd., who hold tht`i +.i.alit.histi I.oi.Buit.k, 01dsmobile, aiid Vauxhall t.a].,i. haTtiI.et.ti]itly nio`Ttid iiito iiew pi.t`niistis. Thiit`ti an+in Phillip Sti'(let. Sydmiy` aiitl ai.ti i.{i]iti.allysituatticl 1.orall 1)usiness requii.t`Iiiiiiits. Thiii].molt(i has I)eon justified. I.oi.. sint.ti 1)iiiiigiiistallecl in thtiii. Iiow pi.(imis(is. tht..vha\'ii I.ouild that their busim`ss ha.iiiiadti I.timarkablii pi.og.I.ess. Theltuil(liilg. is larg.a. aiid can ai.t.()ni-modate a gl.eat iiumber of c.arsat Oiiti timii. Ample showro()insi)at.a is p].oTidetl. whe].emotliils may bc displayed to<ith'aiitag.e. all(1 dui.iiig. the yeai_.niaiiy excelleiit, displays hareI)eon sta2`e(I. which pi.oiTed out-stan(liiig. in the motoi. wo].ldot. Sy(111t`y.

Th(lil. sales staff, numb(`i.ing.2T. is wtill oi.g.anised, aiid e\ttii.yfiiatui.e of the busiiiiiss 1.eceivesilu(I (.ollsideratioii, the wholiibeiiig. I.uil oil a systematic basis.With the high-class productswhit.h they haiidle they contactwith th(1 bette].-c.lass prospectsof' S}rdiiey, and ha`Tc an excel-]iliit systtim I.or followiiig. up allth{Isii p].ospects.

(`)n the second flooi. of thcii.I)uil(ling` is a \'ei.y wcl]-equipped. well I lightedsol.ies of offices. withg`1ass partitiolls and iiitei.-coiiiiectiilg house-phoiies.Th(ise are dtisig`iiecl toiniiiimise wastt_i timeaiid effort thi.oug'houtthe businetqs.

This firm has a Tiii.veffi(.i€int meti.opolita.nfitild foi.i.e: tli(1 tei'i'it(>].v has


1tti{in aiialvstitl in a \'tii.v sTstiimatieliiann(ii.. ilie fi(il(lmon.1)t:iiig` I.espoii-sible foi. thti \'ai.ious sul>-(liTisioiis. A g.I.t-iat iiuiiil)ei. ofth(lil. saltis at.t-i att]'ibuttitl to thii thoi.oug.lint`iss of thi`irtel.ritoi.ial anahTsis.

This firm is k(|onl.\T a\\'ai.`i ol' thti 1)I.ofit that is 1)ossil`)lein tht` use(1 (.ai. ilt`pai.tmimt. and of the ass(`t it 1`oi.msto ilew (.ar saltis. if skilfullv hand]ecl. Th(iv make aspec-.ial 1'tiatui.ti o±. theil. use.d (.ai. tlepai.tmeiit.. \\'hit.h ishoust-ttl at the I.tiai. ot. thci maiii pi.emises. yiit withshowi.oom wi[itlo\\'s fat.ing. on to onci (tf thti mainthoroug.hfai.es ol. ST(lm`}7. In this the usii(I t.ai.s ai.e

ilisplayiitl atti.ai.ti\'iily. aiid ill the window ai.e c.,itiicl theva].ious used ea].s I.or sale. +\[any of th(iir usecl carmiitht)ds ha`'e pi.o\'iicl till.y pi.ttfitablii. aiid hare 1)eenat|opttid I)y otli(ii. dtialiii.s in +\Ttiw South Wales. Careful,systeniatit`. aft(`iition to th{i usiitl ear clepai.tment is oneof thtl most Vital +.a{`toi.s in a motor busiiiess.

[n this dtipa].tnitiiit tht`i.(I are se`'en mill.haiiic.s aiidtii*'ht saltismtin t.ontinually {imployecl in the ser\-i(.ing.

all(I stilling. o+. ust`d t.ai.s. Caret.ul aiicl effii.i(liltoi.a.aiiisiiig. ]ias I)uilt up this usi`(1 t-'a].

tl(`pai.tmtiiit: iud(led. mu(.,h ()I thesui.t.tiss of th(` fiT_.in is atti.i-]>utti(I to th(I mo(let.n lmithotlsatl(ti)ttitl in ban(1ling. ustid(-. i i I . I .

A-\llothel. tli\'ision ol. th`i1)usin(iss whi(.h i.tit.(ii\Ttis out-staiitliiig. considt`l.ation (I.ol`t]iis tlisti'il)utoi. I.{`g.ai.(ls it asVitally importaiit) is service.Thi,i fil.in has one ()I th(I mostup-to-tlate and tiffi(.ieiitstli.\tiee Stations ill Austi.alia.tqt>me id€ia of its operatioiist.an I)ti g.auged by thti I.ac.tthat the staff ]iumb(ii.s 100woi.kin(iii aild two set.viceiiispt`(.tot.s. Eat.h 8tii.`'it`.e jobis t].tiatiid as importaiit. andtiTei.y .job is iiispe(.ttid b(ifol.eit I(ia\'es the pi.emises; theutmost is done to ensureowiiei. satisfaction, for inthis lies the secret of thegut.t.t`ss of ally moto]. dealer..

Thti (.ompaiiy is uiiiqueinasmuch as it has adopteclt.t`i.taiii iiinovations hithei.to]lot put illto general pi.at-.tit.tiill +\Ttiw South Wales. They]i{iTe found. for instaiice.that th(i].e ai.ii c.ei.tain .jot),ithat {.an bc` ha]idled moT.t`efl.i(.itlntly and t.out.teouslylty a g.irl. all(l` in this I.esp(ii.t.it has pi.o`tecl satis±.a(`toi.y toha\'t. a g.ii.I attelicl to theissuing. of oils and peti.ol to(.litiiits who ai.ti in iiee(1 ofsut.h set.Tic.e.

+\iiothei. adTaii(.titl i(lt`a inthtJ h{i]1dling` tilld (.i\r(I of't.|itiiits' t.ai.s is iiow in

ttptii.ati(in in this stii.\'i(.(J statioii :a 9.ii'1 is iimployed to atttiiid to thti

iiittii.ioi. of clostitT t.ai.s. As sooii as tht` cat. (iiit(ii.sthti stii.\Ti(.il station tht` upliolstery is {.1tiaiititl an(I

pi.Ott`(.ti\'ti t.OTtii.s ai.e plac.(itl thercion so as toa\roid ally dallg.el. of the upllolst(`l.}7 1)(`illg. soiled or(lamas.ti(I \\'Iiilti othe]. woi.k is tl(in(I oil thii t.ai.. Pi.ioi.to the ca]' being. hand(`(I oTi`i. to the owiier. th(iui)liolsttil'y is ag'ain g.ont` oTti].: t.onsequ(iiitlv thti ca].is haiidi`(1 ()\'er in a i.]t`an (.oll(lition. .'and thet.ustomtii. t`xpili.icm.t`s pltiasu].ti in I.ealisiiig. that eTtii.ytlt`tail has I.ticeii'e(I t-.Oiisid(ii.ation.

I,ag.(, 6. ,,a



ff R IJ a K §I+I+I tlav ot. thti hoi.s{i-tli.awn \'{.hi(.1ti is I.{ipi(11.T

tl"\'i.iig. t(i a {.losL Thii t.omni{ii.t.ial woi.I(I hasbetm 1)I.a(`tit.ally I.i`\'olutioilist`(I by th{i a(I()ption ot.

Iiiotoi' ti.aiisi)ol.t. To tliti man on th(i laiid motoi.tl.aii8T)oi.t has btitlii a soul.t.ti ot. (lil.{i(.t pi.ofit-it hasenal)ltitl him to si)etld up his haulag.e w(>i.k. to shot.ti`nhis h{\ulin?. httui.s. {\1\tL I(> t(7 ]ti]i?.thtin his pi'odu('ti\'iihoui.s on thti I.ai.Ill.

In all thtt big' t.ititis th{i sam{i t.on(1itions ai.{i appal.(int.\\Th„F ii\'tii.v |ai.p.t. stol.{i hatl s{|\'iii.al hoi.se-dl'awn\'tihit.Ills +.oi. t.hti (lt-ili\+tii..+' ol. g.oo(ls to (.ustomtii.s thtiy ha\'(I]iow `qupplaiit{]tl tht`s(. with in()toi. `'ehii.Ills. aiid ar(I(.onfitl(Jnt th{it thii ('h{`li£'t` h{`,i in(`aiit 11()thing. i)ut pi.ofitto th{im. Om` big. i.a(.toi.. tt+. t.oui'sti. is the fat.t that whiltithti ni(7toi. t[.u('k is ]1o{ in usi` it d()(is llot L'iiquil.(i {`ilyatt{`ntioii. Hoi'siis1.(,(lui,.|l t` ,--1aml (.a,.(` (lu,.ing.thti wi`i`k-tmds.I)ut with motoi.ti.anspoi.t a tui.not. tlll` kt`V in thl`g.al.ag.ti il6oi' dollsaway with thtl


(`1`P(,lls(` until th(It]'u(.k8 ai.t. next1. (+ (I 1`L i I. {L (I. TO

th(ls(1 I)i8. Stol.('S

mot(ji. ti.aiispoi.thas mt`aiit spiic`d.tic.oil,om.v. a ll (Ieffi(.i(`,l(.y.

Thc` Il,ajo,.itvof. the smallti.i.stol.{is a].t` nou't.ollowillLr Suit.and t`st{`l>lishing.I`ol. th(lil. d(`1i\-(`'.vwoi.k motoi. \'an.si,1 Pla(.(} (,I. th(`old hopsi`-dl.awn

8 5,,pt..192S

oi. 0+\1(' t].ut'k t.i'aiii.hisii has a \\'tmtltli.I.ul oi)I)oi.tunit.\-1.o]'. I)uil(ling. up an iixt.t`11t`nt p].osptit.t list \\.ithin hist{i].I.itoi..y aiitl 1.t>I. ti.aiist.Oi.ming. th(isii I)I.Ospiit.ts iiito

pul.i.has(`l's. It. a man t'an bi` i`oll\rini.{`(I that th(I a(I(1itionol. (.ei.t€iiii mat.himii..v is g.oiiig. to nitiaii an assiit to hisbusimiss. h{i is g.{`llel.ally {`ag.el. to maki` th(i put.chasilwhit.h will {i\'tintuall}' ill(.I.tiase his pi.ofits. Hti I.(iquii.(is(1(ifinitti p].(>(]1.. o±. i.oui.sii` I)tit.oi.ti hti takiis sui.h a (1(`(.isi\'ilst(ip. but ill the t.as{i ol. thti pal.t whit.h ni(ttol. ti.aiisp(>i.twill 1)la.v in the i.omlu(.t ot. his busill(`ss. this is easy topi.ot.ui.ti. Somt` (it. thti tiistiliit)iiial liittiii.s all.iiacly g.ottonout (in thtis(1 ti.ui.ks t.ai.i`.v t_lt`fiiiitti fig'ui.tis as to i.uiming.(.osts all(I thti minimisiiig. ot. haulag.i` tl+`piiiistis du(i to thi.adoption o+. motol. tl.allspol.t. A +.t`w pal.tit.ulai's I.I.(tiHan iiidi\'i(lual in thi` tt`l.I.it(Jl.y who is all.tia(I.v usiiig

Hcitc.hc7.```` Modc] LclLmdry, o/. Abbot`sfoyd, fitlds thi`s f]cct oJ` C}icL`./olcc t`/itii```.mdispc"sclb}c

\'all. I]\-tii.v di\-ision ot thti l)usiiless®

wol.1d is now i.tipi.{is(mt(i(I ill liiotoi' tT.aiispoi.t-hutch(`l.i,bak(`i.8. daii.yin(in. I)uil(l{ii.s. g.i.e{iiig.I.o(.(ii.s. past].y(.ook`;.('ai.tag.t` t'oilti.at.toi.s. plumb(`i.s. in ad(lition to lai.g.{i stol.{iso+. all \'ai.i{iti{is. On tht` sti.{i{its of a lai.g.ti to\m may I)tit.ouiid a wid(i \'ai.i(Jty (tt. ti.atl(`smim using. motoi. ti.anspol.till th{i t.oiidut.t o+. thtiii. 1]usimiss. pi'o\Tiiig. that it is a

pi.ofitablti adjun(.t all(I making. big.g.tii. pi.ofits with its h(ilp.[n niaiiv (.as(i8 th(isti fii.ms hat(` I.ouii(1 that. I)t`g.iiming.

with tin inot(ti. `'an I.oi. thtiii' (ltili\'(ii..v woi'k. thtiii. outputhas b(I(in g.i.adually ill(.I.t`ast`(1 unti]` in many ('astis` a flo(itot. ti.u{.ks has lt(i{m iit`t.tissai'y I.oi. thtiii. woi.k.

Thti pit.tui.ti on this pap.t` shows oiiti gut.h fltitit of. ti.ueks.|t is op{iratii(I I)y Haft.hal.'s ljaundi.y. ot. Abbotsfol.(I.vit.toi.ia. Ill a busiiiti8s (>+. this iiatui.ti. T'(ig.ulai' aiitl pi.(imptdtili\'ei.v is a I.(iatui.{i o+' th(1 g.i'iiattist inipoi.tarn.ti` aiid thisfilm fill(1s that. with its fltitit ot (Th(i\'i.ol(it motoi. ti.u(.ks.it is abl{i to mt`i`t {`11 diiman(1s. +\ 1)ig. t.iiatui.(1 of itsbusimiss is its (laily (lt`1i\'(`l'y to all sul)ui.bs. and thti (iastland I)i'tmiptmiss with whit.h this t'an bti {`(.t.omplisht`d withthii ai(I ot. th(I (Yh{i\'i.olt`t fl{itit has mt`ant a i.apid t`xpaiisi(inin thii T7usint`ss.

Thti (¢tiiii^i.al ^\Iotoi.s tltiahii. who haiitlltis thti eriti\'i.01{it

to its business.``ag.lil. to s{it'ui.ti s(jmiithiiig. whit.h

ti.ut-.k traiispoi.tin his T)usiiiesswill g.(, t.a].tow{il.ds t.oii`'im-.-ing. prosp(`cts ol.thti adTisabilitvo±. I)ring.ing. thei.i.husinesses iilt o]imi with othtii.s.

V\Tith the ad-Taiicing` sp]'ing`season thi?I.e is ag.1'(`f`t(,I)I,(,1'tullit`.I.ol. (I(,alll'.s t.o(.on(lu(.t a (ll.i\'(Ith,.oug.bout thl}i,.t(irritorv oilt,.u('k p,.ospl,l.ts.Th{i siiason pi.o-nli*{,* t(, I)(i £.()o(1

t h r ti u *. h o u tAu,tti.(ilia. :i ltdmany who ha\'tib(I(in hol(ling.bat.k will iiow I)ti

will all(I to thet`ff.`it`i{int..v o+. thtiii' 1)usimiss. +i t.ai.tif.ul amilysis o±. c\'(`l..v(lt`al{ii''s ti`].1.itt>i'.v will I.ii\'(`{il tt7 him th2it there is a vi]L..vI.l.uitt.ul mai.k{it t'oi. ti'ut.ks. aml to w()i.k this to the fllll(`stiixttmt \\'ill ni{ian moT.(1 sahis (1ui.iiig. th(1 (.()miiig. yiial'.

Tht` t.lass ot. p].osp(i{.t will. ot. {.oui.si`. Tai.y with th{.tt`l.I.itol.y ot. tbii tlt`aliii.. Thti town (I(`al(ii. oi. i.ity distl.il)u-t(w \`,Till ]t>(tk I.(7L. hi,` tt.ut.k I)I.(7*pt`t.ts :`im(7n£. lilt.p`(I Stol.i`t`

:\iitL {\11 17usi]itLsst\* \\'ht> (lt`1i\'{ii. th{iii. £.o(>tls-l)usiniissi`*whit.h (>ff.„ !L wi(1ti 1.{\[\£.(i t>t. pr()sp(it't*. Thi` coulltl.}.tl(Jf`1tii. will ha\'ii foi. his 1)I.osptit.ts t'i.uit 1.ai.Iii{ii.s. (Tail..`-1.al.mtil.s. \\'h{`at t.ai.imii.s` wood cai.t{ii.s.

Tl„ ti'ut'k ]iiat'k{it in ,\ustt.i\1ia i* {\s yt`t not +.ull.\ttixpl()twl` {\11tL t]"„ !\t.ii still {\ £.1.(i!it l`ui\11)(it. ()i. tl`ut.k

pi.osp{it.ts whtt will ti\'{mtuall.v (ltii.itlti I.oi. pui.(.has(i. Iti* I.ol. t]w (ltiz\1ti]' to t.()nt'i`ntt.z\ti` up()n thi`sti {\n(1 t(7 *ti(.ui.i.:\ 1;ii.g`ti ptit`(.tJTiit{\£.ti ttt. su{.h p].ttsptit.ts within his t{`!.t.itt7t.\'

as pui.t.hasiii.s ttt. th(I ti.ut.k foi. whit.h h{i holtls th`c1.1.ani`.hjsti. Tht`i'ti a" maiiy ti.ut.ks on thti liiai'kiit to-tla}+.T]ut thti ({t-iiitii.al }rotoi.s tltialtii. is foi.tuiiatti in ha`'ing. tht.handliiig. ot. Hut.li ti.ut.ks as th{` (Thti\'].oliit aiitl r{}[(`'.whit.li ha\'(I 1)Hn'iitl tht`msi.l\'tis i.apablii of stan(ling. up toallv \\.oi.k wliic.b ma}T bii tlt`mand(-id of thtim..

s`ii]t..19.28. `8


it THE GENERAL M()T()RS DEALER. ill i p:l£.ILT.

News of General Molars I)ealers+\t e\'ery clist].ii.t the aiiiiual ag.I.ic.ultui.al show is tile

outstaiiding. e\Tent o±. the yeai.. This timii of tht` yeai.witiiesses the g.rtiatest p(]].(.entag.ii (tf thti inhabitants

of the district g.athtired tog.(`ther at ally onti timii. Thi`tl\'iiiit a.i\'cs oppo].tunity I.oi. all tht` busiiiess stictioii ol`the town to I.(lap thti hal.\'iist and sii(.ui.ii iiii.I.t?asc(Ibusiniiss ancl I.I.tish oi.dei.s I.o]. thii t.omiiig. }7iiai..

Thti man who t.an put this ci\'ont, pe].haps, to the*.I.iiattist `'aluii is th(1 moto]. dcalei.. To him show time

I.tipl.tistmts thti timii whi`n hc has thtig.i.tiatiist iiuml)tiL' o±. his

fe ffiREasaeasffi5EEgiv

wheii he{.all t.oil(.tinti.ate upoiith(iiii aiid pill.suad(Ithem to pui.c.hase thei.ai. hi` haiidles. }IanyI.(itqi(||1||ts 0 I. Coullt]`ydist].i(.ts (liilil)(iT.atelyd(ilay thiiii. purl.]1ase tillshow time. ].esol\'ing.thou to "ha`'ti a lookI.ound" an(I makti th(iirfi,lal (.hoi(.(I. If th(I

I)I.osp(ic.t is pra(-`tieallyI)I.ti-s()lcl b(i±.o].t` hii c.omiisto thti show, thcii ht`\\till iiot 1)e distl.ac.teclt.i.om his pui.pose l`)yt.omp(`tit()i.s' iixhil)its.

Show timii also{`ff.o]'ds a ii iixt.t]lltiiitOppoi.tunity foi. slit.ui.-ing. f].tish pi.osp{it.ts. \\Tith

I)i.osptit.ts g.athcl.edi (, g.lithe,.'

thii iialnct of F. W. /o)"so" e}. So7is, h{iTe ni{`I]y .21-shiiiitposti+i' hoal.ding.s thi.oug.hout thiiii. tti].I.itol.y. Thtiy ai.con the maiii i'oads ltiading. into Ipswii.h. antl so s{ii'ui.c.thti maximum ot. pul)lit.ity.

Messys. Wtllicims Agencjcs Ltd., of ^\la(.ka.v. hall alliixi.iilliint display ol. thiiil. i.a].8 at thi` {miiual show Thiiymadii g.oocl use o±. postiii.s. win(low stl.ips. aiid piiimants.A sp(`c.ial ftiatu].e of thiiii. display was thii 20/60 Vauxh{ill.aiitl this sym.hi.onisiid with thii \'isit of Mi.. Viiis{in. th{.iVauxhall sptic.ialist. Sou\'iiiiii. I.il)bollI)a(1g.ils i'tip].tistintiiig. thti\'(ll.ious ,.`]]'t., w()I.(`

I. ,. L` a 1 -}'


L_ef t`--Mfss.TS. G`oo.I.man tylotors' display at the I.b`swich Show.Right-A V_ai:.xhal,124,_s_h_eet_ Poster-er6cted at N:orth IPswicl1 by

MessTs. F. W. Johnson 8 Sons.Centre-The Me:Xch#.yt s°hfowMpersos:Se.d #§''ap#osfitfofee:CTes at t'-e

wiill-plaimti(I tiffoi.t thtl (1iialei.IIiay tiiila].g.(i his p].osp{it.t list. and iiia.v e\Tt`ii fiiialise, somemw pl'os|)tit'ts dui.iiig. the sho\\' ptii'iotl.

Thti pit.tut.iis oil this pap.t` a].ti ot. some tixhibits i.i`('(`iltlystag`(1(1 I)y (lealtii.s ill Que(inslaml. Mcss7's. GooJmcni Moto'rs,rtf Boonah. had a Ttii.}T g.(>oil (lisplay o+. thti t.ai.s I.oi. whi(.htht`y holtl thti I.I.alit.hise-Buit.k` C`heT].(tltit` P(>iitiat.. and(`)aklaiid-at thti show at Ipswi(.h. +i pa\'ili(in in theg`].ouiitls was utilisti(I. g.i\Tiiig. thtt publi(. tiasy {it.t.(iss to thei.ai.s. The t.ai.s \TTei.ti \\'till di.s|)la}7ti(I. aiid thti \\Tho|ebuil(ling. tastefully arraiig.ci(I with I.lil.ns. 1'ost{ii.s onthe Various i.a]. lilies and oil the (i(mtii.al }Iotoi.s\\Tai.i'aiity i\'ti].ii disi)1ayii(I to adTaiitag.ti oil th(1 posts ofthti t.ai. paTilioii.

}liissi.s. (ioolman }Ioto].s. \\'ho ti.adi`` in lps\\'i(.h uiidtii.

011 tile o|)eninLrtlay of the sho\\- 70`}i)ptioplti w(ii.(I pi'cisr..n.t.aiit| \\Tilli,qms Ag.eiiei(`;'3tixhi|)ittid twtintv-_fo.ii]'r.ai.s all(I ti'm.ks ill th(`ir

I)!i\,i]i(,n. ()n thc i(`iiltlay foul.ttiiiii ttl. thti8\i\\Ttii.ti t|isp|ayti(I assolll). of thtisti nimi\\.(ii.(. ti.u(.ks sol(I toi.ai.in(ii.s ill tliti ttii'i.itoi..v.all(1 the I.(ist \\r(,I.(,toul't`l.s. Thus it mav btistum that th(I sh.ow1)l'0\'(`d Ti'l.y sui.(`(`sst.ult.o,. this d(lal(1,..

4\n amplti supply Oflittii.atui.ti Oil all 1imis\\'as {i\T€\i|{il7]t}` \\Thit.h

I)i`o\'(id o|. i||t(i|.(Ist to Sh()W \'isitoI.S.In t.omitit`tion with displa.vs lty tliialtil.I at tliti aimual

sht)ws ill th(lil. (list].it.ts, a I.Olt|tii. i8 {`t pi.tis{iiit btiing.

p|.(ipai.tic|. wlii(.h ti.(iats ot. thti SUT).jtii`.t in moi.t` (1titailthaii thti ai.tit.1ti in last in(mth's "(iiimii.al )Ioto].,iDi.altii'." This foltltii. will bti (tl)tainaltlti in lai.g.ti(|ualltitics fl.om all I)i.alit.litis` aiitl t-.oiitaiiis I.oi. thti tl(`altii.sug`g.i`stions whit.h will 1)ti iiiTalual.)1e.

Oiie of thti most Vital points in t.oiiiltit.tion \\'ith th{i show(lisplay is to make (iai.1.v ai.I.aiig.tiiiitiiits I.oi. a suitable stan(1-thti {ia].litist applit.ation uiidoul)tt`(lly stall(ls thiJ I)tisti.haiii`.e foi. thti best lot.ation in thti show g'i.ouii(ls. (`)nt.(I tliis`is seoul.ed. then all sul)s(`qut`nt ai.i'aiig.(imt`iiit.i t.an 1)a m{i(ltito make the clisplay one ot. outstalldi]ig. i]ittii.(`st tt) allshow visitors-aiid this uilil()ul)tiidly in(lams mo].(` saltis.

Pag`e8. i,


'[, THE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER. `|i. s{lpt..,928.

HD©rm.®ms¢Ifa¢fi®m -A Vfi¢aflhT|] ot. the most, iiiipoi.taiit steps in di`\'i`l(tpillg. a

pl.ospi`c.t into a put.c.hasei. is the roa(I denioiistl.{`-tioli. The dcimoiisti.atioii I.iip].eseiits the i.I.isis ot.

selliiig. (`ffo].t-I.t'eqmiiitly thti stag.e at whic.h thti sale, isc.liilchc`d o]. lost. It shoulil l)ti madti oiily aftei. theprosp(`t.t aiid his buyiiig' moti\'(`s ha\'ti been studied aiida±.t(i]. h(I has beeii pi.e-sold as mui.h {`s possil)1e. A pi.ospectsliould ]i(i\'tii.. bi` g.i\Ten ui), I.t,ig`ai.dless o±. the exc.useshe niakcs, uiltil you ha\'e pel.suadecl him to g'o for adeiiioiistratioii I.i(le aiid ]et him cixptii.ieii(.e ±`oi. himself.sttnit` of the I(iaturt`s o±. thi` car. which you ha\'e beensti.essiiig. to him. Sal(`s talk. aft(ii. all, may I.emaiii inman.v a pi.osp(ii.t's miiid as ill g.I.tiat liiiiasure met.ii"h(tt ail.." but the demollstration I.ide g.i\'es woiidei'±.ul

oppoi.tuiiity i.t]i. substaiitiatiiig. thtise slat(imtli]ts. aiitl foi.showiiig` that they arii t`lainis based (>ii (I(ifinite I.a(.ts.

Pl.Opt`l.ly haiidled, thiiI.oad demoiistratioii b(`-t.oiiiits one o±. thii mostiifftii.ti\'il niiians o±. scllillg'a p,.(,spc.(..`t.

E\'iil.yonri has se(In(wl`m`i.al )1otoi's c`ai.s onthe stl.ctits; thii.v ha\'cipt.`i.haps I)(`on impi.iissi.d1`)y th(lil. supiii.ioi. app(tat.-aiii.{i. but they c.all ha\'epi.ai'tit.all.v Ilo (.oiiceptioiio±. the tixpci.iillic,e of 1.icliiig.in th(`SC cat.s oi. dri\Tiiig.them. This call oiilv(.,onie thi.oug.h theii. owilpi`].s'jml expel.ienc.e. 1±..voui. pl.ospect all.end.vowiis a cat.o±. a competiti\.t`]11ake. the demoiisti.ati(in\+Till imp].ess him with thtiSupel.iol. P(`1.foi.maiic'e oL.the t`ai. you ai.a t].ying. to sell. The app{ial.ant.ii amlg.enei'al I.iding` ability ol. thti n(w t.ai. in (.onti'a8t to tlii`ii.old oiie will pro\Tc on(` ot. th(` sti.oiig.list inHuiim.iis to\\'ai.tispe].suadiilg. him to tut.ii ill the ol(I car for a n(`w on(`-alld that ]1ew oiie the i.ai. you ai.ii siilling..

Bet.oi.e making. th(i (I(`monsti`ati(tii. it is ii(I(I,(|ssa]'v t()stiti thtit the tleriionsti.ation t.ai. is in pill.I.lit.t t.ondi.tioii.]i'ii.st imi)t`cssions ai.ii always tlie b(ist imi)1.(issions. alldthti "app(ial to the (I.v(1" is \'ei'y effe(-.tiTe \\Tlion thiidi`monstl.atoi. is t`'leaii. 1)oth iiisi(lti aiid out. \\Thile thticliiiii(tnsti.atio]i is in pi'og.I.(iss. }7oui. b(ist t`ffo].ts ancl enei.g`}'shoultT be speiit in selliiig. thi` pi.osptlct on the car's bestI.iiatui.es,. aiid both youi' miiid alit-1 that of youi. pi.ospec.tshould be free from thoug.hts oi. woi.1.y ill c.oiiiiec.tioii\`'ith the (tpei.atioii o±. the demonsti.ation.

The cliassis should be thoi.oug`hly lul)1.ii.atecl so thatthc`].e a].e Ilo sque{`ks oi. I.attles and so that all workiilg`parts will work ±`I.(`ely aiicT ±]uiic`tion pi.operly. Be surethat the radiatoi. is I.ull of. watei. and that thei.e is pleiityof peti.ol in the taiik ancl oil in the craiikcase. Test alltyres, aiid Verify that they ai.e properly iiiflated. Thepropcl]. pi.essure in all four tyres will assure `}cliiigcomfoi.t and ease of steel.iilg.

The hand throttle le\'er should be set so that wheli thefoot is removed from the accelerator the car will slow

down to the lowt`st sp(i(`d at whi(.h it \\.ill o|)(ii.tite \`'ithoutstallillg. oi. stopping.. It will alwa}'s set.iously (letractI.I.om the fine pet.fo].iiiaii(.e of a c.ar i±. oiie of theseti.ifliiig. details is oTei.looke(I 1)efoi.e stai.ting` out oil a1.oacl demoiistt.ation.

At thii biig.iiiiiiiig. of. the dcimo]isti.atioii all oppoi.tuilit}-is affoi.(1ctl to poiiit out to the pi.ospet.t the VariousI.eatures ill tliti appi`€`i.ance of the i.ai.-its beautiful linesancl Duco fiiiish. its (listili(.ti\Tti I.adiatoi. desig.11, its specialpal.kilig. aiicl hiiadlamps, the (1cep cushi(tiis and dul.ableupholstei.y of the interioi.. It is ±i mistakil to t,ake I.ol.gi.anted that the, pi'ospec.t I.(icogiiises all of these-someof thtm may pass uniiotit.iitl uiiless they ai'e bi.oug`ht(lil.ec'tlv to his atteiitioii.

Poiii.t out the maiiy it(mis o±. iiquipliiiiiit in thci cTi.iTer'si.omi)ai.tmimt w]ii(-.h off.t.ii. tlic prospei.t (iTiil.y ('ollTeniellce

aiid sat.(ity ill d].iTing..P].o\'(1 to him that in a(itim`i.al +\Iotoi.s L.f`i. th(]1.(.

is nlol.e thaii Ilo c.anI.easoiiaT)ly iixi)ei.t. exc.Optill a big.he].-I)i'ic.ed cat..St].ess also the ±`a(.t thatthe ea]''s powei. is pi.oofot. a(Iran(.(`(I t`ilg'imii`].ing`.hig`h-gi.acle niatei'ial. and(iuality c.onsti.u(.tioii.

B(ifor(i sttttiiig. out oulliti tl(`moi]sti.ati(in I.uil. it,is a wise plaii to map outthe I.outc to be followecl.In s(mit. c.as(is the prospect\\'ill tixpi.ess (1esire fol. asp(`(.ifi(. I.outti in o].dcr tosul).itit.t th(i c.ai. to certaintti.its. oi. in oi.dei. to seehow it will at.t undcli.

AboL'c-~Thc doo7.L`` 4'rc ttJtdc,brouidmg ccis_\` ciit7'ulticc

cmd c,¥1t.

Above~The deep cushionedsccit6` ciHow comp}ctc 7'c}cLxcittottcmd 4 771clxtmLwn oJ` dnumg comfort.


fl Fa©¢®If fin S©flflfim8exc.cptiom`l coiiclitions to which he proposes to subject it.But, uiiless he does so, it is left to the demonsti.ator tosee that the I.oute followed g.ives a fair medium of allmotoi.ills. c'oiiclitions met with in the ordinary life of acar-ti.affic. smooth roads for speed, roug`h roads forcomfoi.t,. hills for power. Once this route is establishedfor the (lemoiistration it will l`)eeome familiar. aiid the\Ta].ious I.ea(.ti(ms of the car (.an then be impressed uponth(` pl.ospee`t.

It is an exc.tilleiit plan to clevelop a g`ood demoiistratioilsal(is talk. C`ontiiiually impi.ove this, and it, will becomemoi.e iiitci.tisting. and (.oiivinc'iiig. to the prospect.

It is ]1e\tel. ad`'isable to pel.fol.in stuiits during a(lemoiisti.atioii full. Dri\'e c.arefully and safely at alltimis; obser\Te all traffic I.ules. Oiily a few peopleapp].et-.iate a high speed-the majority feel uncomfortableby being dri\7en too fast.

Qui('k stoppiilg is ad{isi].al`)hi featui.e ill evel.yc.ai.. I)ut it is iiot necessai.yto tle,iiioiisti.ate the l)I.akcia(.tio]i of the car bv


coniing. quickly to a stopat, the I)at.k of aiiothei. {.ai.in the midst of tile ti'affit..Su(.h an actioii is liable topi.o(luce all uiifavourableimpi.(ission with th(`pi.ospec.t, and may cletractI.1.om his sense of comfoi.till the car. It is bettei. to{ippl}+ the brakes easilyand gradually. Thedemollstration shouldalways c'o`'el. the aireragecollditions expel.ienced indi.iTiiig.` aild, i.1.nlessAbove~An easy shift of theged.r`s` a touch on thedi`i`c]c7.citor---

a Calf

I Page9.

Specially desi].ecl, shoulcl iiot ext.tititl thtis(1.If the prospect can drive, let him ha\'c thti pleasui.e of

sittiiig` behind the wheel of this iicw car aiitl (ixporieiicing.foi. himself the satisfac.tion and c.,omfoi.t o±. cli.i`'iiig it.The colltrast with other ca]'s will proiTe ()ne of the.sti.oiig.est influeii(.,(is towai.ds his (liicision to I)uy.

At some time (lui.ing. the 1.un seize the oppoi.tuliity todemoiist].ate its pal.king. ease. It i,i a I)ig factol..pal.ti(.ularly to a cit.v pl.ospe(.t.

The filial ]'.un o±' tlie clemtmsti.ation sh(tul(I I)a o\'ei. asmooth. restful stret(.h o£ 1.oacl. so that the impi.essioiileft, witli the P1.ospect is olle ot. (`ase and (.om±.()rt. Ai.1.aiig'iitlic demoiisti.ation ruii so that the final sti.titi.h bi.iiig`syou back to tlie showl.oom, aiicl tiiiie it so that thedcmonsti.atioll is ('omplt`te without tiring th(` pi.ospiit.,t.

At Ilo other poillt in the sale i8 the pl.()sptit.t in a liioi'cifa\'oui.able fi.amti of miml

with youi. eft.oi.ts.Pi.evious to bri]ig.iiig. the pi.ospet.t to the sliow].oom.

explaiii to youi. dealt`i. oi. sales manag.ei. the pi.ogTess.vou hare made in the s{`1e. and g.ire him some iii±.orma-tion I.eg.ardiiig` the pi..sp(it.t. so ht` can g.o I.ig.ht to thepoiiit ill helping you to close th(I Sale.

If the pi.ospect ]iceds fui.thei. selliiiQ.. do iiot let hisintei.est (.ool off, I)ut I(ia(I hint o`Tei. to``the mo(lel he isint{-i'tisi"a ill an(I {.()iitinui` Foul. stillin2. talk. Ij(ia(I u|) toa Poi]it wh(Ire you c.an ask foi. th(` oi.dtii. a2.ain. If }7ou(.aniiot Close the pi.(tsp(`ct fttllowing` tile (I(ilnoiisti.atioii.I1("r I(`.t hinl ]ii!`\'c thii sllowl.()(}]`il without fii',`t ha`TinLrint].oducecl him to youi. (I(`al(`i. oi. sales manag.el.. O±.tellthis will eiiable you to (`1ostl the deal.

Oiie of the maiii points. howti\7ei.. is to know youi.1)I.o(Tut.t. )[any P1'osp(i(-Its haTti all.ea(ly owmid a (.ai..(iithili' of tht` same mak(I oi. of a (-.oinpctiti`'e make. Thesepeople know s()methillg. ot. (.ai.s alld ol. di.i\+ing.` aiid inbu}Tiii8. th(lil. ii(iw inotl(ils tliei.e a].e \Tai.ious factoi.s inwlii{.h thciy ai.e pal.tit.ulai.ly intei.cstecl. It, ac.,ts as as(11.ious setl)ack if t,he saleslnaii demonsti.ating the cat.caniiot g.i\'e th(`m satisfac'tion on these poiiits. .-\detailed kiiowlcdg.e of the c'ar is (`ss(`ntial befo].e tliesalesman 1)cg.ills to (lelnonst].ate. +\fter that. withskilful halldliiig of the dimloilstration 1.un. his Sale ispi.actically certaiii.

for sis.iiiiig. the oi.(ltii. thanat the c.lose of a g.o()tl I.oa{ldemoiist].ation. If a g.ootlimp].t`stqioii has beenci.€iat(icl 1)y this, if c\'c`i.ypoiiit has been I)I.ore(I. aiidif the c.,ai. has stood up toall tJxpectatioiis. thenthiJi.e will T)e Ilo difficultyin pet.suadillg the pl.ospectto entel. th(` showroomwith you. Take I.ullad\Taiitage o±. all this, antlti..v hard to close the salein the showi.ooni.

13i.iiig as maiiy of you].pi.ospects as possible tothe showroom` whet.e your.(I(ialer or sales mailag`el.will be glad to ``team up''

AboL'c-The bcciut}i ot` the1.ittcrtor, the }w,\~itry ot. the wphol`ste'r}'

4tld cLPpomtmc}i,ts, c4titiot bc too strongl}`stressed.


Published Monthly by



Vol.I. September,1928 No. 9

I The GIf©at©st PIfimcipfl©.\T a spiiti(.h to thti Bui.tiau of +\d\'(ii.tisiilg. ()I the

Am(ii.ii.an h`iiwspapti]. Pultlishti].s' Assot-.iatioii, Al+.redP. Sloan. Ji... Pi.iisidtmt (i±. (+eiiiii.al Motoi.s, g.avii his

i(ltias on many sultjtit.ts whit.h a].ti o±. widespi.Cad iiitei.est.A f(m' typical (`xi.t`I.pts I.ollow :-

"I am a fi]'m btiliti\-(ir in a(l\'ei.tising.. I will g.o so I.ar

as to say that I btilie\'t` atlTtii.tisiiig. is a direct pi.omotel.of pi'osptii.ity. I.oi. thti I.tiasoii that it stimulates a desirc` ollthti I)a].t o±. thii p(iople to ha\'ii thing`s thtiy othiii.wisii`\.oulcl 110t e`reii kllow about. It i.I.(iates an ini.(iiiti\Te towoi'k foi. those thing.s. I do iiot think that ad\'ei.tisedp]'odu(.ts are his.h(i]. in pi.it.ii dull to tixteiisi\Te ad\'ei.tisiiig..(-,)11 thtl c.ollt].a].y. (lemand is stimulated ; the \'olumii of thiiniaiiul'a(.turei. im.I.iiastis; hti is ablii to I.tiduc.ii i.oststhi.()ug'li th(1 influtin(.(I o±. \Tolunit`` aiid hiiii(.ti I.edu(.(is pi'iL.(isI.oi. th(` pul.post` o±. still 1.ui'thtii. iiii.I.(iasi]ig. `'olum(..' '

• . The moto]. i.ai. cliff.tii.s 1.I.om ally oth(il. p]'o(lui.ts in that

th(1 utility `'aluti. or th(1 nunil){ii. ot. mil(`s of tl.ailspoi.tationbuilt into the (`ai.. is i`(msum{i(I oiily ill a sniall pal.t by thtioi.ig.inal pu].i.hasti]..

"Of the 2,'').000`000 (.ai.s in us(1 ill tile Unit(id Stat(is at

tht-I pi.iis(int timt`. as iitiai.1y as \\'ti t.an iistiniatti. 6o pill.t.tiiit. ai.ti ill thii hands of usti].s who ha\Te pui.chastid themI.oi. liiss thaii thtiy i.ould pu].t.hasti 11(iw the lowest pi.it.edi.{ii. ()n the nia].ki`t. In oth(ii. wo].(ls. these ('ai. us(lps t'ouldnot i`iijoy thti tit.onomi(., an(1 psyi.holog'ic.al b(mtifits ()Iiiiotoi. t`ar transpoi.tati(in. an(I thti wealth t`i.eattitl by th(`us(I of thesi` t.ai'8 would not I)e dt`\'i`1opiid. i±. thtisii usti(li`ai.s \\'t`i.i` not a\'ailablti."

"\|Te. ill (:timii.a| }[otoi.8. I.a(.og.nise oui. \Te].y g.I.t`at

I.tispoiisibility to thii iiidust].y o±. \\Thit.h we ai.e aniiiipo].taiit pal.t. W-{i 1.{`cog.]iise th(1 equities o±. oui.suppliiii.s-thosti who ±ui.iiish us niattii.ials, alld those who1.ui.nish us mat.himiry aiid equipmtint ...... Then, w(I]'i`c.og.iiisii tliii ti(iuititFs of oui. di`aliii.s. Thtiy must maki. a

`[r` st,i]t.. i928.

satisfactoi.y pi.ofit il. thtiy ai.{i to timlui.ti. Itut tht-`y` likti allof us. ai.e chai'g.titl with thii i.esponsibilit}' ot. t'on(Tut.tili*'th(`i]. opel.ations \\'ith thti inaximum I)ossiblti tiffit.i{im.y,o]. th(iv a].a not tmtithitl to tiiidui.{i.

"Th`ti sut`(.iiss \\'ith whit.h tht. maiiag.timi`nt of ally

busimiss I.t`it.og.nisiis the (`quitiiis ol. all t.om.tii.mitl is theiiieasure o±. thii g.o()(Twill of th(I iiistituti(in in thti min(lsol. thl` public..

"G(mtii.al jML otoi.s has hull(li.e(ls o±. millions or. dollai.s

iiivestecl in plaiits. equipment. all(I in\'{intoi.y, aml ytit.without a shadow o±. doul`)t. its a.i.t`attist asst`t is g.oodwill."

"It is iiot diffit.ult to mak{-. an intt`llig.tint (1tli.ision with

the I.acts. I)ut it is Inost diffii.ult to get the fcicts.`.Fat.ts, Ilo mattt-ii. how well tltiTtilopiitl. oi. how {.a].tit.ully

w(iig.hed, ai.ii ustil{iss it. thtiy ai'ti iiot inttii.pi.iittit| \\'ith anopc" mj"a.

"HOwe\'oi. w(ill w(i (lo th{i jolt to-tla}T. it must ltii tlomi

I)(,tt(i]. to-moi.I.ow."These pi.im.ipliis which havti miiaiit so mui.h to us.

and whit.h are appli(`abh`. 1 btiliti\'ii. to ally busimiss inany iildustl.y, in ally i.oulltl.y. undtii. any t.ii.t.uliistaii(.,iis,{.an l)e c.apitalisecl only in oiiii way` aiid that is-b.v hci7.doworh. That is thti g.1.(iatiist p].iiit.ipl(i (t+. all."

T "S®m.©thimg Junst as G®®d"HE thiiol.y ()I. sul)stitution is an old oil(`. In {iTiii.ysphei.e ol.lil.(1 th{i t.(tnini(in i.I.y is : . . This \\'ill do .justas wcill." T(it. if wti sul)jtit.t tiai.h pi.Ol)lent to

i]i\'{istig.atioi]. thii I.ac.t I.timaiiis that ]iothiiig. will (lo "aswell'' as somethiiig. `e]stJ. that foi. iiTtii..v partit.ulai. I)ui.posethel.e is some one thiiig' tisptit.ially a(laptii(I all(i i`\'tiF}Tthii]g.else I.tilnaiiis oiily a sul)Stituti`.

Right through thtt histoi.y ot. ti.a(1i` antl t.onmiti].t.i` thtirehas always 1)eon a timti whti]i. "s()mcthing. jutst as g.oo(I"has biien maiiul.a(.tui'i`(I aiid .offi.tii.ti(I in pl{it.ii ol. wa].iis ofall {li.i.epted staiida].cl o±. quality. "This is just a8 g.ood,"says the sellt`i'. aiid thti uiiwai.y i.ustomei. pui.chastls theal.tic`k`. plac.ing. I.aith in the saltismaii's {issui.alit.ii, toI.(`alise lat(`I. that such faith was g.i.oun(11i`ss-the ai'tit.]ehii has pui't.hasiid is iiot "just as g.ood."

ln the nloto]. woi.lcl to-(lay this p].ill(.iplti is pal.ti(.ulai.1yapplit.able. The c.ompetition lttitwiitiii \'{ii.ious mak(is isso ketin that to thti p].osptii.t who has 11(>t tht` fat.ult.v t)I.(lisi`].iniiiiatioii, thtii.e €`I.e many cal.s ot thti saniii size.shapt`. and apptiaran(.(i, whi(.h s(`iim ".just as a.ootl" as(iac.h (,thei..

Exte].iials. how(-\'ei.` may off(`n cl()ak a lai.k of iiihei.(liltquality and g'iiiiuimi w()I.th. It is thi` disc.I.ilninatingput.t.hast`i. who I.tialistis the iiihii].iint `'aluii ill a 0(imii.al.\|otoi.s i.a].. +\Ttiithiii. its (iiig.iiie piirftictioii. its I.aultlessappeal.aiii.ti` its t.olii±.o].tal)Ill upliolsttii.y. iioi. ally othei. o±.its outstandiiig. (`hal.at.t{ii.istit.s is ai'i.iTtid at by (.han(`e.Eat`h G(iilei.al Motors p].odu(.t is th(` outcome of ytiai.s ofstudy aml expi`].imeiit. thti I.I.uit of th(` will to impi.o\t(i.so that th(I i.a]. may i'tifltit.t` in thti sill.vie{i it g.i\'es to its()\viiel.. its supel.io].ity to tht` pl'(tdui.t ()ff.(`i.c-d just 1.(>undth(i col.iii`r as `.somtithiiig. .just as g.ood."

P>iihind thti Oenei.al }l(tto].s c`ai. stall(I the Tai.ious1.a(.to].s o±. th(I 0(met.al }lotoi.s c.oi.pot.atioii-the P]'o\Tiiig.Oi'ouiid, dti\Tott`d entii.ely to the testiiig. of t`ai.s thatthey in.ay be sul).je(.tiid to (`\Te].y possiT)1e i.onditioii.aiid that theil' I.i`a(.tion to sui.h may I)ii 1)ettiil.(id; theRiis(`a].(.h Tjal)oi.ato].ies. whtire skill(`d s(`ii`ntists c.oncell-ti.atti oil inc.I.tiasing.1y impl.o`ted motoi. (.a]. consti.uc.tioii.Foi.tunately the wo].1d will always posst`ss those who peer1)(imiath thii sui.I.ac.ti` who (.an app].(`t`iate the a.(`iiuillcquality. an(I ai.ii not satisfiecl with "something. .justas g.ood.„

+',1't..1928. `!



Fan B©fl¢s-and ¢h© ®p©m Mfimd

RE th(Il.t. lttitttii. mtithotls l>v whic.h Otintii.al Motol's(.ai.s (.an be b(ittei. I)uilt t.o I)tittt`i. 8t`i.`'t` '.'

+\i.{i th{ii.(1 ii(iw idiias whit.h {.an im.I.{ias{i th{`utility ancl pl(ia8ui.ti all(18at.et.v ot` motoi.ills.J.'

^\i.ti thtti.ti iitiw mattii.ials whit`h t.an bti a(1opttiil to ad(Ito owmii. satist.at.tioii?

Hut.h ai.{I thti (iutistiolis ask{itl t.ontinuously b.v (!timii.al}|ottti.s t`ii`tt.imitii.s. Thti aiisw{ii's haTti rna(lti it Possibl(`.

}'t`ai. at.ttii. y{iai.` to ott.tii. to thii publi(. an inc.I.tiasiiig.1}.I.tifiii(`tl pi.otlut.t` l)oth in pttl.fo].mall(.ii and in appeal.aiic.ii.(itimii.al +\Iotoi.s t`ai.s iiow. thi'oug.bout the woi.1(1. ai.e inan tlstal)1ishti(_1 position ot. lt`a(ltii.ship in quality thl'oug.hi.()ntiiiut7u* inipi'()\Ttinitiiit.

Thtii.`i ai.ii moi.(I thaii 1000 tiiig.imi(ii.s ill Otiliei.al Motol.s.aiitl nioi.ti than 20 y(ial.s of spil(`ialist`(l (`xpel.ioncc I)ehilldthti tii`g.imitii.iiig. staff.s I.{isp(msil71ti t.oi. (`adillac.` lja Sall{`,Buit.k. 01dsmobilii. Oakland. Pontiat.. (``1ie\'i.olet c.ai.s aiitlti.ut`'ks. and (L\I(` ti.ut.ks. 1t is. th(`i.tit.oi.i`. natui.al thatimp()l.tallt im|)I.o\'(]mt`nts all(1 iii\'(`ntions should i'ome I.I.omwithin th(i oi'g.aiii8€ition itsiil+..

lit thti saiii{` tim{` thousaiitls ot. altii.t miiids all o\'tii.thti woi'l(1 ai.t` t.om.t`iiti.atiilg. oil liiotoi. t`ai. pi'ol)ltims` andson" ot. thtiii. i(ltias may ltti w(ill woi.tli t.onsideratioll.FToi. this pui.po8ti (it`mii.al +\zlotoi.s has a +\Tiiw Dc`vic(is(`oimiiitt(iti. whi(.h mtitits at fi.tiqu{iiit illt(il.\'als to cliscuss`'ai.ious iil\'t`llti(ms an(1 impl.(tT(inl{`lits in in(ttoi. c'ai.

I)t`i.t.(ti.maii{.{i. +\Iaiiy su8.a.`istio]is €`n(I idtias ai'{`. (tt. cours{i.1.ound to lt(1 impra(.ti(.ab]ti. yt`t tht` (``ommittiiti alwaysmtiiits with onthusia.sin. S`ri loilg. as this spii.it o±.imi)I.o\t(im(mt p(`i.sists. an o].a.atiisation must l)(i k(iptg.i.(twiilg.; 1.()I.. thoug.h it ma}t I)(I ol(l in ytiai.s. it willal\\'ays bti youth±.ul in ]iiiii(1.

t )liii (ixamplil ot. th(I tiv(ii.-p].og.1.(issiTil

s])ii.it 0+. (itilit`i.al .\lotoi.s tin8.imitil.s mayb.`i s{i{in in thti I.an b{ilt. A few yea].s ag.othii l>{`st I.an I.)t`1t on the lnal.ket woulclI.iliit|iii. g.ood stii.\.it.ii thi.oug.h an aT(ii.ag.ti`',.: ,,., * (l].iyill?.-(,I.` Pl`1.-iiaps. two Oi. thi.ti(i ytiai.s.|t .``itimti(I a satisfai.to].y

I)I.o{lm.t. but it tlid iiotsatis+..i. (i(in(`i.al Mot()I.stiii*.inti{ii.s aiid s('ielltist8\\.hog(` standai.ds ol.at.hi(i`'{mi(lilt ai.e his.h.

Thii laboi.atoi.ytliig.imi(ii.s (.oiisti.ui.ti`d a|mt.hinti to I.un a I.an I)tiltu7tdcr ht.gh tc7tst.o7i, cLtten.fic speed, houi. at.ttii.houi.. Clay af.ttii. (1a.\'.t'n(ltii. this sti.tiss andsti.aiii. thti litist I.all 1)liltlasttid tmly sti\'tiii houi.s.

o-(int`i.al +\lotol.S(mgin(I(ii.s sti.t`ng.thtimitlthti 17tilt. {`ii(1 tht` i.iiliint-

1``ss mat.himi toi.ti it to

1)it`(-'t`s in {'ig.ht houi.s.Thti}T sti.(lug.thtili(id it

ag.ain all(I i.aisti(I its |iftito Hill(` houl.s~to t{m.

Tht`n th(I ting.imli`i.sat`lo|)t{]d a quitti (1iff`ii.t`iit

in.inciple of (.onstl'ut'tioll.

[t pag`t'1,.

Pl.otlu(.illg. a belt that resist(`cl th(I ttist foi' moi'ii thanfit.ty hou].s on his machimi.

Ag.aili the specifications w{iT.ti t.hang.tid` and the s(.orilwas 120 houi.s. At this point. wheii most men would ha\'i`l)t`c`n (.olltt`llt. the Genel.al it:Iotoi.s eng`iiiiiel.s I(ilt that theyw(i|.ii .just I)tig'iniiing.. With the co-operati(in of beltmaiiufa(.tut.ei.s th(`y pro(.iiediicl to i.olisti.ui.t a l)e]t thatwithstood all that thti mac.hiiiii t.ould tlo {o it for800 houi.s (tl. t.oiitinuous I.uiiiiiiig..

This is thii b(lit that is n(>w beiiig. ust.il on Gtiiiol.al+tlotoi.s t.ars thi.oug`hout thti woi.1(1.

All impi.ov(im(lilt ot.11.000 piii. ctiiit in a miiior Partwhit.h was coiisidel.ecl quite satisfactoi.v even befol.e thettisting. I)eg.an! Thus it is that (ieiiei.al.'Motors cars g.rowt.(>iitinuously btitttii.. as ti\'iii.y pal.t is studititl b.v th{iting.imi(ii.s with an op(in lniiid.

Many o±. tht-1 ttists pcir±`ol.ned at the Tlal)oi.atoi.ies andth(i Pi.()`'iiig. (+I.ouiid ai.e entii.cly liew. so tliat machii]cr.vhad to be desig.lied by Gene].al Moto].s eng.imiers for.conducting. them. This applies to the testing` of fanI)elts. (`+eiie].al Motoi.s beliti\'es that Ilo part o±. any ofits pi.oducts is too small ol' too uiiilllportant to b(iimpl.o`'(I(I. The t.an biilt is only one install(.e amoiig. many.

It is this t.onsi(1t`l.ation o+. ti\'(`].y milioi. diitail ini.,(timtiction with the motoi. car whit.h has I)i`cin 1.tisp(>ilsiblt'I.oi. the I.apid pi.og.I.t`ss in (.011sti'u{.tion aml pti].I.o].malic.tidui.ing` thti last ELiw yt`a].s. (i(`mii.al Motol.s ting.iiieei.s ar`|ti.aimitl sci(`ntists. 8killeil to I)I.iiig. about t.oiitinuousimpi.o\'tim(ints in (i{`nel.al Motol.s (.a].8. aiiil to k(lop themill thii I.oi.ofront ()I. the motol. iiidusti'y.

Riistiai.t.h in O{imii.al +1Iotoi.s is I.eg.ai.tied as of.I)ai.amount imp(>i.tan.{i. rrhe Riis{ial't.hljal)t)I.atoi.itis t.oiistitutt` thii hti{i(l-

qu{ii.t{ii.s t.oi' itltias. all(1 it is hti].i` that(i\'(ii.y smalh`st (li`tail is stu(lii`d ill itsti\'tii.y asp(it-'t. This i.t`asiil{iss 8(ia]'{.ha+.ttii. tli`i iitiw and thti I)titttii. Iiitiam

Abouc ts cm cngmccr 4djustmg a .fcm bc}t o7t the mclchiticthat will run it continuou`sly tin it bTecks.. Inset show`s the`si3c o.t. the 4Ppa7.c[ttt`s ticcc`s`sar.\' t-or tc`stmg this.

I)I.02.I.``Ss. allil it is onl.vthi.oug.h I.escai.t.h th{`tthiL` t.{\]i t.tjlnti. I{(in{i].al-L\l(,t(,,.* :,(llllitt,,dly h:ls

thti most (ilabol.at(I R{+-s(,:\].(.h IJ:11)()I.:lt()I,i(ls in

thti motoi. industi.y. amlthi-I ltig.g`t`st aml mosts(.i,,ntili,.i, I I y ,,(luipp(.d]'t.()\'in£. (il.()un(1. T1\t(i].}rll(,w i(I(,a is t'`st(I(I o\,|`rz\n(1 t>\T(ii. {i&.!\in 1)(I+.t)]'{] it

i* put il\t,, I)t.(,du(.tion`:\]1tl (`{\t.h iiiw' imp].O`Tt,_nitiiit in :\ I]iot(>i. (.€`i..

I,:\(.]1 (li,1till(.ti\-(` f`!l(.torOt. a iitiw mot|(il. is tbtli'tisult ot. {.tlastil{iss tix-

l)(,'.inl(`l\t :,,\(I tit.(,I,`S*(,,l(.,.g..v. all t'oun(lt,{lu|)tJn thti will tt7illlp,.".(`.

..\\yt, t,.y at all tilm`S

to d{Ial oiil\' \\.ith t.a{.ts.all(1 to i,lt`(".pl.C,t th(`mwith an (iptin min(l. ' ' It isthis whit.h has sp``lt pi.o-g.I.tlss t.ol. (ltllltll.al +\1otols.



The view below shows the side viewo_i the PTe_mises of Goondlwindi Motors,Goo7idiwmdi., &t4cc"`sha7id. M7.. Rtckard, them4"4gc7', m4kcs good wsc of theb`tdc wt4ll for the dtsplci.vr.:s::±£givclf 24'sheet Posters.

On `tfroe .r.i.ght i`s__a _..±;`sheet postere_rected_by Messrs. K. Saleeba &-Sons,General Motor`s dealers, at Moora,We`sten?` Australia. This Poster is i,+an.`excel`len.i Position, as it_is uisib].e i o'I.mile`s to all incoming traffic.


Above.is_ a_ Buick 24isheett>oster which has been erectedb^r iv{essrs. H.. Ba,rtr_oP 9 Son, ofSingleton, Neui SJuth Wale`;.T1.e hoarding is in a ProminentPosition on the main road.



9nTtgecshdegvr°*_eatutrouf=kthe°S:errem',Ssesd=Sopf'ay:ehdeNmgh4n Trcidmg C" Agc7icy Comp4ti}t

Lotlttcd, of Koord4, WcLstcm'f¥+€T`ap±-l~:`.`¥,¥`r¥`€¥fty.,*= tdf>.i.L`,,.>. A " s I r 4 i t 4.

The_ QheTrolet Poster below is dis7P_laye_4 by MT. -Arnott, dealer, atBenalla, Victoria, a.t tl.e northernentrance to the town. He has anotherat the southern entrance.


R. L. Bails, at Port Lincoln, South Australia.




The S©Ifvfi©© S©h®®flLARE`CE R.IVER MOCTORS, of Grafton, New South

u,7djcs. i"1.te cLs fo}loows: We want you to kllow justli(n\' mu(.h we appreciattid the i-isit of the Sili.vice

School. aild .just g.ire you an idtla t)I th`i (Jiio].mou8 amouiitof \Talue this type of p].opag.amla is g.oiiig. to retui.11Gelle].al }Iotors i±. i.oiitinu{Itl.

Thii \'isit has (ltit`i(li`(`l us ihfiiiitilly in speiidiiig. £1T00on additiolls to oui. built`ling.. thtl iiistallation o±. e\Tel.ypiece of plaiit I.i`t.oiiiliit'mlt+d b}' .vour Mr. Turner. all(I thtibuildiiig. aiiil .`tot.kiiit!. of an a(liiquatii all(I pi.opiit. SpariiPal.ts Di.I)al.tmt`llt. In all. the outla.v will I.uii toapp].oximatF1.i. t.2.20U.

Ill all. t`lul.iiiit. th`t tilmi th(I Si.hool \\'{ls hal.e.116 t.ai.s wtliitthi.ouch thii s]ioi) t.oi. I.I.`ie adjustiiitiiit. aiicl wii stit.ui.tid foi.oui. +ii].\-ii.{-1 Diii)ai'tiiieiit five (.ompletti ov{-irhauls.

Tliii assistant.(i 1.iiildered by youi. Ill.. Turnei. to ou].staff. \\'as mu('h appreciated. alicl ad\'ice and sample o±.s{ii.\'it.e I.ollow-up g.ii'en by youl. lil.. C. E. iv[artin to thtiwrite]. is proving. \'ery \Taluable.

Practical assistailc.e such as this must not oiily I)iiappre(.iated I)y you]. dealers, but dotis help to make themrealise that thiiy are c.onsidel.ecl pal.t of the g.I.iiat (`i.M.C`.org.anisation. alld will do more ill cri`ating. t`.ustomei.goodwill than call as yet be estiliiated.

I trust the s(.heme will be c.oiitinued, and we lookforward with pleasul.e to the next Visit. wheii we hopi`to point with pl.ide to the advam.enient w(I ha\Te madtlsince the last Visit.

From Messrs. K. Saleeba €93 Sons, of Moora, \^/est Australia,comes the follottJjtig: We (.allnot let this oppoi.tunity passwithout offer.iiig. you our collg.ratulations on the latestmoiTe you hai'e inadil to aid the (-+eiieral Motors dealel.organisation in this State-that is, the Travelliiig. SerTit.cIiistruction School.

The beiiefit that ou]. Service Department dei.i\'ecl fromthe \tisit of the School would be hard to over-estimate.aricl we are all anxious for another visit. We are verypleased that you have seeii fit to adopt the Tra\Telling.School as against, the school at Perth, as you must g(it {imuch better and bigger hearing, and the instru(.tot.swoulcl have all opportunity of advising aiid offei.ing.suggestioiis for. the impi.oTement of the preseiit lay-out.

During. the School's stay in Moora we took theopportunity of calling the General Motors ownei.stogether, and. thallks to thi` c.o-operation of yourMr. F. W.altoii and his assistalit, a most instructi\Teafteriiooii was speiit. and a number of our "headaches''``'el.a (lispelltitl inimediat(ily.

An owner sent in the i ollowing appreciation to Messrs. K.Scilccbci ®J. Sons: I sliould likti to iixpi.iiss in.v g.ratitu(1e to

i pag.el3.

.vou all(1 the r'eprestintati\-tis o±. (+ellen.al +\Iotol.s Ilimited1.oi. thti excelleiit let.lul.tl aiid pi.acti(.al deiiionstrationt.olldut.ted by them at .Tour g.arag`e oil Satul.day last.Fl.oln all owlle].'s point o±. \'iew the beiiefits dei.iT,'ecl froma pl.ai.ti(.al d(ilnollstl.ation t-.annot btJ ovcit.-estimated.Ptil.sonally, I t`.onsidei. m}+ tl.ip to Moot.a a most pl.ofitabl(.IOlli`. allcl I sill(.ei.ely hopti that we t.all iixpiit.t all()thei.•1tit.tut.a aiicl demoiisti.atitm at all tial.1y (Tat().

I leal'11ed niore fl.()in this than I g.ained I.I.om yeal.s ()Itli.iviiig. and owiiiiig. a t.ai.. ni.ore especially in the teehllit.€11pal.ts. miiio]. ad.justmJiits. iiti.., whit.h all appal.fain to|ttittiii. I.uimiiig. and abstint.ti of trouble.

Crown Motors, Woollongong, New South Wales, write asfoHowJs: \\T(. ai.e wi.itiiig. .You ill I.ii±'iii.till(.ti to the Set.\'ii.aSi.hool whit.h \'isittid uH just I.{it.iiiitly, aiid we desil.e toiixpi.tJss ou]. appl.et.iation o±. the btinefits we haTci nowfouml. whit.h have i.tisultii(I iiiiti].lily fi.(JILL the \Tisit. \`Tti\\'oul(1 have wi.itteii tiai.li{ii.. but wti I.tiquii.titl to I.ully tiJstout the iiew tools ancl ii(iuipmeiit whi(.h we put.chased inoi.dei. to see i±` they I.eall}' tlid speecl up out. wol.k. Wellot ollly found that thi`.v clid speed up the wol.k. butthey did it quicker. aml better thaii ally o±. the oldei.IiLethods we had in use.

\\Te call faithfully sa.\' that the imio\'ation of thc`Service School fills a lolls. I.elf wallt in thil, educatioii ot.sel.\'ii`.e as applied to i.ouiiti.y g.aT.ag.es. aiid we oui.stilvtiswould ask that the \'isits bc. iiiade reg.ulai..

A letter from H. A. Hordes, of Taree, New South \^/ales,7-w7is thtAs: I am indeecl pleased to take this oppoi.tunit.vof i.omTeyiiig to you iny siiic.ei.e thaiiks for the beiiefitswi` have derived I.ron I-oul. Service School, which paida \.isit to out. tel.ritory .just receiltly.

I inust, also cong.ratulate you on t,his idea which youh!i\'L-put into practice, aild, in giving my opiiiion, I woulds€iy tht,ii.e is no finci. benefit, that could be exteiided to thiiSt`I.\'i(.e Depa].tment of' your dealer orgallisation. Mostt.ounti'v se].`Tit.e statioiis al.a not awai.e o±. the futul.{'possil)iiities of. that dei)ai.tlneiit, ancl it is wc dealei.s inth{i t.ountl.y` who are woi.kiiig uiider adverse conditions.who appi.tit.iatti such fiiie assistance as was accol.cled us.I am iiidetid `'tii.y pi.outl to I)e c(>iiiiected with you.

Above is seen the Service School setuP in the Premises of Messrs. K.S4]ccb4 8 Sotts, of Moot.4. At theleft the Service School is seen outsidethe Premises of Messrs. loop Bros., ofOr7.oroo, S.A.

pag.c,1| S i.1 THE GENER,+\L MOTORS DEALER. i I 5(`1)t..19`2`i.

HDflammfimg ¢EL© D©afl©If9s Bunfifldfim8

THIS is thti title of a book whit.h has I)eiin pi'iipai.ti(1by (iemii.al Motoi.8 t(> in(lilt th(i pl.oblems ol. soniti ol.its diialiil.s. Thl.oug.bout Austi.alia maiiy o+. oul.

{1tial(ii's a].ti fiiiding. that thtiir pl.eselit pi'imise8 ai.eiiiad{|quatti t(t do I.ull justit.ti to thti busiiiess which passesth].oug.h thtiil. haiids. all(I whit.h is tlTei. on the inci.easti.Thei.e-is Ilo (loultt that a I.ully iiquipptid and effic.itiiitlvo].g.aiiised shop g.t`its th(1 busiiiess` aiid it is the aim of ai'l(!tmtiral +1Ioto].s tl(ialtil.s to have their. premises as W(Ill.qthit up as an.v in thti motor industl.y. Mally deal(Jrs.how(i\'iii.. who a]'e (.oiiteniplatilig. alterations to theil.pi.timises ai.t. I.a(.cl(I with thti pi.oblem of how to make thc.Ittist ol. the liiattii.ial at thtiir disposal.

Ill this book a].e g.athtil.ed togethei. usiiful data. as itI.(ilat{is to sizii an(1 the I.(iquiremeiits needed in thti businessiistablishmiilit8 i)otli of. vcr.y sinall dealers alld o±. lal.gerones. The fa(-.ts pl.tistiiited here will set.ve to g.uicledtialers ill the I.ig.ht. direction when the construction ofa iiew plai.ii ot. I)usim`ss is (.ontemplated. oi. whi`nalte].atioiis al.t-. I.tiquii.{id to eater adequately ±'ol. set.vicealld show].oom I.(iquii.(iments.

This I)ook repl.iistints thti sum of the finding.s o±. cixpei.tswho have g.olie I.ully iiito the problem of suitable builcling.sI.()I. in(ttor busin(isst`s alid who are thus ill a Position tospiiak with author.ity on the subject.

The Choice ®f EL©cati®mFor. those who are contemplating entirely new premises

tht-question o±. the (.hoit-.e of location is necessarily a vitalolie. The advailtages of various positions are dealt with!it lens.th. In many cases thcl motor dealer is judged bytht. building. he oc.cupies. Quality and fail. treatment,:Ire linked in the public mind with an atmospheri- ofpl.ospel.ity and tiffic.iency, and on this basis alone it paysthiJ dealer. to spend consiclerable time and effort on thetjuilding that houses his business. The chosen site mustt.olnbine the ad\'antages of prestig.e and conveiiiencti.\\There t,h¢_- town has a definite mot,or area, a site in thatlot.ality is ullquestiollably pre-eminent. In small (.ountrytttwns the main street is undoubtedly the best plac.e, asthe gl.eatest volume of traffic is found there.

In plalining. the size of. the building the points to bi`t.onsidei.ed al.e based upon the volume of business whie,hthti dt-ialer does` oT' which he expects to do in thti futu].ti.Thti buildiiig should be so desiglied as to use {ivei.y inchof the site-odd-shaped allotments of.ten mean a (.ertainam()unt of waste spa(.e I.or the (1{ial{ii.. A t.,oi..n(ir site hasa distin(.t advantage. as it givtis more st.ope I.oT.showi'oom displtay and +.oi. tiiiti.a]it.tis fi.om th(1 two sti'eotst.oi. g.a].ag.e a]id stii.\Ti{.ti wo].k.

I)uii t.oiiside].ation must be given to th(I amoullt o±.spat.(I iieeessary for cat.h department in the new buildiiig.+\To matttl]. how small the dealer's \'olume of business. heshould ha\'t-1 a showi.oom fo]. at least one (.al.. As his\'(tlumti incT.tlases. his Sht)wroom requirements int.reasti inpi.opol.tioii. (`rowding. a ('al. detl.ac.ts set.iously from itssaltis appiial. Spa(.t` sh(juld be ltif.t foi. i.I.ee in(tvem{`iiit.t.ttn\'tiniiint inspt`{'titui. !i]id fu]`ilitui.t] aiid dei.oi'{iti(7iis.

Room will be required in {ivery dealer's establishmentt.oI. off.it.es. whit.,h. of i.tjui.se. will vary with the size ofthti oi.ga]iisation. Thti parts and a(.ce,ssory stockl.()ommust iiot liti overlooked, and it must be situated as to beI.tia(lily a(.c.tissitjlii. The par.ts sto('k represents a \'erylaT.g.e souri-.a ot' illcome` and must, therefore. be accoi.(led

(lu(+ i.onsitltl].ation b\. tl\.tli.v (ltialti]'.Spa(.ti allotm(lilt I.6r thti :stii'\'ii.ti (1tipai.tmtilit is a iiiattt'i.

ol. planniiig. I.oi. all o+. thti tlutiiis whi(.h this (livision liiustp{ii.t.O].in. Duti allowant.ii must liti rna(lti I.Oi. (ti.tltii' wi'itin8..millol. I.(`Pail.. major. i.epaii.. tool I.oom. duco s|)I.a.T7illg..t.a]. washiiig..1ubi.i('{itioii` stol.ag.e. spa(.ialised I.(ipaiT.s. sut.has wt`1(liiig`. Ttattiiry t.hal.g.ills.. el(it.ti.i(`al I.epaii.i]ig..

In ol.tl`.I. to tliittil.mimi thti a].tia whit.h should bti allow(itlI.ol. this stJp\'it.i` WOI.k. a split.ial till.ritoi'ial stiT.\Tit.ti aiia|ysishas betiii woi.ktitl ()ut. whit.li pl.o\-ides foi. tliii tltialei. asysttiniatit. basis upon whit.h hti may tli.aw up hisI.equi].elnents. Thti {iff(i(.t (tl. tiff.i(.itint stii.vit.(I tin tliti saltio+` new c`ai.s is an tixt.tilltmt I.iiason 1.Oi' an tlmltia\TOui. to

g.i\te thtl I)est o±. sti|.vi(.t..The book (.ont.lu(les with a t.olli`(.tion o+. \.ai.iousl.v

(1tisig'nti(l pl.ans I.oi. (lealiJi.s' I)uil(ling.s. In thtisti will I)efouiid many poiiits whit.h may ltti a(1\'antag'tiousl}-adopttid` whil(1 in niany t.astis the wh()1(i plan mig.ht btlutilisti(I. Thtis(I plaiis aiid the \'ai.ious sug.g.tistioiis liaT{iall.eady I.eii(I(ii.tid \Taluabl{i stii.\Tit.t` to thousaiids of. (lt.aliil.sin iivill.y pal.t o±. the wol.1d.

This I)ook. "Planning. the Dealiir's Buildiiig.." (Tealseffi(.ieiitly with e\'ery asptii.t o±. thti pl.ol)lem. an(1 will be±'ouiid of mu(.h assistaiicti to dtiak`I.s. A sufficient quantityhas l)(1(111 pro\rided I.or eai'h ot. ou]. fieldmen to b(] equipp(`dwith a c.opy. and we I.{|t.ommend that the deakii. who isc.oiitemplatiiig. altel.atioils to his pi.estilit Premises. oi. theerection o±. new oniis. ask out. fieldman fo]. assistani'e andadvic.a in the mattt`I.. Hii will fin(I that thil helpwhit.h he will i'tii.tii\'e will be of advantag(`. as it willniatei.ially assist him ill liiakiiig. his building. a pi.tifital)lilassiit. I.tisponsible I.oi. im`.I.eased business.

A MaLIfk©timg the Used Calf®T this si`ason of thi` y{iai`. oil thti \'t`i.g'(I ol` niattii.ialt`xpansion in iiow t.ai. sales \'olulmi` thti wisti dtia]tit'

will g.i\Te s()Ine s(il.i(tus thoug.ht to thti pl.()piii. halldlillg.aiid mark(ttiiig. of thii ini.I.eastid ustid t.ai. inTtmt{)i..v thatmust I.tisult fi.om ill(.1.(ias{id iitiw t.ai. sahJs.

So I.ar as used cal.s a].ti t.()lit.tii.il(id. one o±. thti I){ist waysto plaii I.oi. thti I.utui.ti is to look l)aek at youi. pastexp(i].ien(.tJ. v\That dolls youi. past {ixptii.iiiiit.ii in ustid ca].sales poiilt outJ.' It poiiits out thti atl\'isability o±.plaiiiiin8. your ustitl t.ai. saltis \'Oluniti as t.ai.tifu]ly as youplan youi. ntiw ca]. saltis at.ti\'ities.

To I.tialisii thtl usti(1 t.ai. \T{)1um{i that it will ltti iitlt.essal.}'I.oi. you to mo\'(-I i8 (isst`ntial: to set up ustid t.ai. stilliiigfat.ilities aiid in(ith(tils in oi.(ltii. to mai.k(it that \'olumti is.howii\'(i]'. thi` pui.posti I.oi. whit.h you ha\'ii lookiid iiitothe expti].ient.ti 0+: thti past and antit.ipattid youi. I)usiiiiissot. thll +.utu,.e.

In thti iitixt issuti 0+. "Thti o{in(ii.al +\lotoi.s I)tialtil." wewill put)1ish a stoi'y (.oiitaiiiing. thti ttm tisstiiitial pi.iiit.ipleso+. used t.ai. Iii{`i.t.hantTiising.. Thiii.ti is iit>thing. thtioi.{itit.a]

ill the stol.y. Tt is simply a t.omit.titm o±. pi.o\'tm I.at.ts asthtiy ha\'ti I)«m pi.at.tisii(1 b},T sut.(.i``iss+.ul d{iakii'{i in +~\us-tl'alia, Pi.at'tii.(is that ha\'ti I.{isult(i(1 in int.i.tiastid now c,ai`salt`s thi.(tug.h thti altility to hamllti a lai.g.LIT used cat.\rolum(I. a]id ill(.I.(tag(1(I iiai.iiing.s thi'oug.h th(,i ability tomarket used cal.s pi`ofitat)1y.

Be sul.tJ to I.ead the story.


Ch©vlf®fl©¢•-1.tt|tit aiid th(1 iitiw oldsmol)ilt] are•-i I..\- tinthusiasti(. will(.omti throug.hout` +hit ]'tisult nitiaiis tlxpalision ill dealtll'

` t.ii.t.1 pro\Ti|ig. that theii. olcl P]'iimises-I. thi` t.a].s thtJy handlti` not. £.i\Tii thtim

`. .`i.1.il the maximum of. busimiss in thcii'I. to g.iTt` I.ull Taluti to thiiil. 01dsmol)iltl

:+ H ttH.i'itoi.y a,i thii (`ity o±. Mtill)(tuimL..-..' :.1 ,.`S Pt~\j. Ltd. ha\tti opened now showi.ooms

I. Russtil] and Littlii (``olliiis Sti.titits. This` iFiiti.all.v situattid alid is spa(.iou.i--;..i+ o[. a \'{iF.v atti.a{.tiu tlisp]ay of thtl iit`w


..Liiuiit.t`mttiit th(i showi.oom win(1o\\'s wtii.ii---- I"`t,I,.S(.a ,.,..V-

- - \\-(,T.|J uS(,(1

`it\'. Th()L+(I

` t" th(I:,1,\t an(I

I:,I th(I---ill ,,I ,,,,,

.\.;.|1l\t TI ''1'lost

....-. 11'1\\.

:. i:}'"at'`l'. ,,]L:a(',.

T],,.`, ,i:`-`.:.,-:--,'.` I,,\., ]1(,\\'

.,\"'l],.`!i-` -.,, '.I '., ,11 ,'. I,,.I,.,+\-I.",.

t],"ir I.,.i,I.1 ,.,-j`, `. ,. `. i-" ,.„ll,:i-iu`,

to th`ist. nr.\\-()lthiiuiliili `i[ ,\` ---- ~--

pooiiis. thti\' ha\.ti `p;ii.ioti` !( 'atlillai. and.La Sallu s]io\\'i.tto:Ii`ill a'Biii.kctt Sti.t-itit. whilu t]itlii.main liuil{lin*. with sho\\'].oolliHt.oi. ('hti\-I.oltit aiid Buit.k a].t` inEx]li',ition ttit,.(I(|t.

! pag.t,15.

®fldism®fofifl©01. pul)lit.ity which thti.v (.an pui.su(1. 24~sh{iiit p()stet.ad\'iil.tisiii8. is Of t`xt.(iptioiial \'aluti-it is sO lai.8`(I as t(>diimaii(I aft(intion, an(I. it. a.ood sitt`s ai.t` stiltit.tticl. jt8I.tipiitition \Talue t.aiiiiot I)a outt.1ass{id. Dealtil.s h{lvtiall.{ia(I.v found that th{iii. 24~sh(itit posttii.s ai.ti dil.tk`.flyI.tispoiisil)1ti ±'Oi. int.I.tiastl(i busiii(is8.

Mcssys. Dt.xon ® Bart}c)I, o±. Salmon Oums. West^\usti.alia. ha\Tti t.hostm a \'tii.y tiff.tii.ti\T{i maiiiiti]. in whit.hto display thtiii' (`h{i\Ti.o]iit 24-Shti(it posttir. This wassituatiitl hip.h on thii sidt-i of thtii]. liuildiiig. st) a,i titt.oliimalld atttmtion f].om all dii.tit.tiolis.

^\moiig. new tltialtli.s who ha\Tti I.tit.tmtly .joined thti(+timil.al LtryJ[otoi's I.amil.v ai.ti Mcss7.s. Pt'emjcr Moto7.s, ot.Ba]lai.at. Vit.toi.ia. who hat(i just tak{in thti fi.am.,his(is

1.oi. Pontiat.. Oaklaiitl` aiitl01dsmol)ilti in that t(ii.1.itoi'.v.Thiitqti diialtii.s ai.(1 {.nst.Oiit.{i(I in ai'iii..v flmi I)uilding. whtil.ti thii.vha\Tti all t`xc.(illtiiit showi'Oom I.Oi.th(i display o+. thtiii. mrt(I(i|s.

Ill t.t7iiiiet.tit>n with thti B{illa[.iit^\It)t(7I. S` how a pal.titltJ, :i niilt' inlii]i*.th. was oi.a.aiiistitl ot. allmo(|iil,i I.Tom thti` \Tai.ious motoi.tlii{i]ti].I in thti t()w]i. 1']'tinii{it'

^\It7tt)7.t` tottk :i ltJ€`tling. p+i7.t ill

The Adiilaitlii tlisti.ibutol.s als(tha`re l)eon (txi)an(liiig. th(lil.tloiiiaili. ThtJ.i+ ha\'e .just tistal>li.Shed a l)I.ant-`h at Poi.t+\delaide f()I. the hall(lling. of (`htiTt.ol(it. TTauxhall. Buit.kand ()1(lsmobile f].am.hises in that a].il{i. This is a \'ei.vuP-to-(late building.. pi.€istiiitiiig. all att].at`.ti\'i` appoii.aiii..tiantl a(.commodating` ample sliowi.txm and offi(.ti ar(`a.The t`onlpally is fully tlquipped to maktl exttinsi\'ti saliisill theii. Ilew tei.ritory.

Ei'(lil in the outba(.k (1istri('ts of +\usti.alia. dtialtirs arciI.alling ilito lint. with the display of 2±-shil(it posttips. I.(n.they rcalise that this is one of the most profital)I(I aTiliiues

this-thti fii`st `-.ai. ill thti pi.o(.ti8-sion b(iiilg. a Pontiat. Spot.tsRon(btiii.. thii iitixt an OaklaiidToui.{i]'. Thci six hiadiiig. t.{iT.s\\'tii.ii poiitiat.s aiitl oaklall(ls.and thus (-+timii'al }lot(ti's (.apst.i.iiatiid thti fii.st impi.(ission uponthi` I)ystantl{ii.s.

^\n t`xt.t!11tiiit sit{i I.oi. 2+-sh(it`t

I)ttsttii.s was I.ti(.tiiitly si`i(.ui.t`(l I)yM7r. Gcoygc A}lcmso7t, (i(ln(`ral+\Ioto].8 diialtii. at Dow{|i.ill. \hTcist^\usti'alia. Thifit dt-ialt`]. has I)eon

ti'.\'iiig. to s(Ill his lj].otheT. a t.ai.` liut thci liT.oth(11. delay(idthii pui.t.hasti as hti had no gal.ap.ti in whit.h to put thet.ai.. +ill.. Allanstm (ltlt.i(ltiti to hast{m thti salii lty I)uilding.t]iii g`ai.ag'ii at his Own iixpiiiisti all(I makiiig. a pi.iisent (tt`it to his l>].oth(ii.. pi.tt\'idiitl hti ltoug.ht thtl {.ai.. Thii

g.{1l.ag.tJ stalids (in th{i (.oi.nor o±. the blo(.k in a his.h pal.i,o±. Dowei.in all(I is ol)stii'\Tiid by all im.omiiig. aml outg.oiiig`t].affit-.. It (.ai'].ies two `2+-shti(it post(`I.s-a Buic'k on oiiesid{i and a C`he\T].t]ltit on thti oth(ii.. and in sui.h allilxetilhJnt position they slit.ul.{i the maximum of pul)licit,y.

pag.(J16. 8




NOVEL IDEAS THAT HAVE HELPED MAKE SALESEC`ENTljY Geiiei.al Motoi.s (list].ibutoi.s ill Pel.th alld

Gelleral Motors dist].ibutoi.s in Melboui.ne ha\teseized upon similai. methods o±. obtailiiiig. publicity

for their cai.s-that of amalg.amating. with moviiig pictu].l`PI.opl.ietors ancl tyiiig.-ill with them to set.ui.e the maximumo±. publicity. In Ptii.th the method adopted consisted o±. api.oi.essioii of. Otiiieral Motors (.ars which carl.iedsigns adi'e].tising. the pit.tui.e film aiid also the cars whichtook part in the proi.cission.

Hoyt's Rtig.(lilt Theatre ill Pe].th was due to show a big`picture, eiititlii(I• . }Ieti.opolis. ' '

This pi(`ture hasfor. its +`tol.y ahig.hly imag.iiia-tive poi'trayal ofwhat thci worldwill I)(I like ahuncli.ecl y e a I sfr.om ]low. Messys.Skipper BaileyMotor Coy. Ltd.zllld Mess7.s. E. D.Toe Motors Ltd.,w h o T)etweenthtim handle(+timii.al }Iotoi.st.al.s in the mtiti.o-politan ariia.t.ombiii(Jcl alldsupplied for. thtip I. o c. e s s i o na mod(il of eat.hof (ienei.al

¢ Sept..1928.

at the saliie time d].awing. attiliition to the pictul.e atHoyt's Theati.e.

This proc.ession weiit th].oug.h the main streets of PertllI)etween the hours of 1.2 aml 2 o't.lot.k daily tlui.iilg. theweek pi.ecediiig the sc.I.eeiiiiig. o±. the pit.tut.e aml attracteda c'onsideral)1e amount of atteiitioii.

Mess7.s. L4ne`s Motors, of Mell)ouriie. adopted as theil.medium thii showiiig of the l`hai.lie Chaplin film, "TheCircus," at the Melboui.m` Tttwii Ha,11. This publicitystullt wtis WOT.ked in (.o-oi"'{ition with LTnited Artists

IJtd., the Pl.O-

`.Chci7.ltc Ch4Pl+"" t4kcs d€}1.Ltcy.v of hts sPcctcll Chcu7.olct 7.ocidstcr 4t

Lane`s Motors, Melbou'ryl...

|Iotol.s (.a,.s.+-\ toll-aild-a-hall. (!M(` ti.u(.k ltid thi` p].ocession through

th(I sti.iiilts. This t].uc.,k carl.iecl a double-sided (.alic,osip.ii di.awing. att{intion to the fa(.t that `.In 1828 carl.iageswtii.e used. in 1928 automobiles ai.e th{i \Tog.ue'' ; and `` The1.ollowiiig. (_+iimii.al }Iotors p].odut`ts ai.tl thti most mo(l.lil.iiall(l tiffit.ieiit ii\'tii.I)uilt" : "\\'hat will T)a usecl 100 years1.]'()in ll()w?„

Followiiig. thti (+}1(` t].ut.k w{ii.a Buit.k` Oaklaiid.Poiitiac.I rh{i\'].ol`it. 01dsmobihi` aiid Vauxhall i.ars. eachof whit.h t.a].I.iiid t.ali(.(i sip.Its ad\'ti].tising. the Giiiiei.a]

• ..f f iffif f if ro

€<S *r` } <

#S ia h


}lot()i.s i.ai.s ill theprocession


ducers of "The(i]'cus" film.

A Clievroleti. o a d s t e I. waspui.c.h<is{i(1 I.1.omIjane 's }Iotoi.sI)v tTiiitet| A].tistst(.) I)1} used I)y"Charlie (`hap-1ill „ ( (.I(}`,erlyimptii.soiiattid) OILall tlxt(in(1tid tourof the State toad\tertise t h epit.tut.l.. It wasal,I.all£.(J|-I t hat`` C h :1 ]` 1 i a "

should tak(i de-1i`'(lJ.y ot. th(I C`a,.at }Iessi.s. Ijane'sshowl.ooms thet]\Tt`]iin8` T)(i±.o].e

thti i.t`1ease 0£the pi(.tu,.a.

se\Tti].al days pl.ior to this tli`i show].Oom \\'as stit Outas a (.ii.(`us iiiterior with thti (`hti\'].ol(it i.t)a(1sttii. tlisplayedin tht` etintl.e of th(i .`sawdust i'uiig.." \`Thtin "(`harlie(`haplin" ai.I.i\'ed to takti (liili\'tii.y o±. the t`ai. a I.tial (.ii.c.us(.lowii. a polly, and se\'tii.al othtii. p(ii.I.o].niiii.s iiiat|ii th(lil.apptiai.aiii.iJ. to thil delig.ht o+. the hug.a t.I.ow(I (illt.1u(ling.many t.hildl.en) that hall beinLi atti.ai.tecl I)y th(i miwspapi`rad\T(il.tistimtints or by dii.tit.t mail aniiouii(.enitiiits.

A featul.t` ot the display and ol. the mlwspapiii. atl\'tit.-tisements \\'as thcJ phi.asti. . ` TliiJ King. o±. tli{i }[o\+i`ts g.1.eiitsth(1 King. o±. ljig.ht l`a].s." Thii wholii e\'eiit t.I.i.att`d muchpubli(.ity I.oi. C`he\T].olet. Eat.h day `.Chai.1itF foul.t`cl tliiiliiain sti.iiiits o±. }Ielboui.iiii in his (`he\'i.oliit I.oadsttii.. aiidthis. with thti ttxi.iJlleiit showi.oom tlisplay. ilclfinitely

I.i.£.istiit.t}t| ` ` ( `h(|\TT.ttltit ' ' ill tht+ IiLinds(tl all \\'1io saw it.


S¢~ I ,`'

gror~ tronfty±*kep='"'^ _~ ~~r,±=.''<<gr

The Procession of Geileral Motors cans used ln`Perth lr rconn`e€tion with. the PictTure `:MetToPo,lis.`` ,For:`.s_:heatres Ltd. andGcticr4! Motor.s di```tribtttor`s 4m4lgamciccd for thts Procc`sstoti, cold botli scctt7.€d gooc! Pi+biici.t}`.

General Motors (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

Wholly set up and printed in Australia by J. T. Picken & Sons Pty.. Ltd. for the Publishcts. General Motors (Australia) Ptv. Ltd City Road, South Mclboumc