I 1t1- t f r- Noticeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01354/00656.pdf · look like it comrHde...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY 4 lilflc 7 1 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORID Brief Happenings From Variou Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring Land of Flowers Things Boied Down to Suit th Busy Header Items of Intr t tc All Cusses r1 rMii i r will on nil iurttaiH- nmn itm of cMtnr if ih yar f acaitj i0MMO ii ICM The Xtli HIIMIH MidWinter Kiii- int t ivt rSur will open Iiuunrj- th It t r inie to irt it all r vio i t T The I Ilitiin Ur fZ ex r h nelit eitiment Alien it fiiy want tt rii Kvery iy in lor Ida wiut them Tsmpa i eoii to cet ev n nit Ji k invii by ting Sit ity hj- tlorm mi Ill pa ltiy at tin roots Kviuiti w The Vnllo Nvv cram to is ht week 11 1 with Inca n w It i now a rortljr th patronage of l eorle of thlt place The Putnam Hoj 1ithtkV Lie hotel will open for the n on Jan nary lth S V Warner of rinjrhnni ton N Y is the H II Kloyil ha b en appointed hj- orernor lirn anl a tux collector for St mil the selection teems to tire general atisfnction The creditor of K A Company of Li ti attached of that oiiCrti on Friday A meeting will heli in Jaiiksouviiie on A lad had hi pocket tilled with explosive to celebrate Chrit may and in tome manner a spark t off the hunch Ht wat the whole fire- works for a hort titer If Peneairola i u e ful in getting the Government to build a sew era Tint does for the navy yard at that place it id that it will accommo- date the largest vei l in th n ry The Dura cninty blondlio nd were worked out a few days ago on a trusty prisoner and they did a Rood Job The came wm treed twice and rash time he he l an hour tart of the hound The accident which the death of I dviJ Itrvif in the A C yards at IeviburK Wednesday by ring rjn over by a witch ennui wa eaas j by Janis making a mi tep No blame l attached to iryone- A lugu ehtvk caticht a Tim pa nitific dealer i few day ago He math a f5 payment on a piano with one Jot a pK 1 elk in return for the balance got a lit of clothe worth 117 and H in h and ha skipped A tint buy baby found nn the doorstep of Mr aid Mrs K i lac quin home in Tampa lat Wedne day evening A card attached to t1 e IJirn Xma morning at 1 oclock Thy will ears for the little one At a meeting held in K ala Saturday at which than wa a large attMndance- a committee xv to meet with cointy e mmi Moner and make an eilort t devise way and mean to tact a new court for Marion county- I I lioAworth wan relatinc remi the Pitlle of Iirury Ian fought ntir Uichmond in Mny 1 JI at a meeting of the old Ildi ir in t ont flit week He wa fpeakmc of a comrad falMnp at hi side his throat pureed by a bullet when a gentleman near him arose and puhiuR sack collar show inn two deep eCHr raid Pos that look like it comrHde My Uod raid lloiiworth i that you Shermer horn And the two old comrade clasped hind rtKtn after an absence of over 10 years having parted in Vir- ginia to again meet inder roJthern skit in Florida Cured Lumbago A I ianman Chicago write March ll Having been troubled with lumbago at dilTerent time anti tried one phician after another then different ointment and liniment gave it up altogether So I tried ones more and pot a bottle of Ballardt Snow Liniment which gave me mot instant relief I can cheerfully recommend it and will add my name to your lit of lufferen sold by M i T t il it h Irt furs tr i county th th b h said I I burd j read H appalnt d th hour oisetnets of hun lat I J t W u git tt ha t t ire Jnnirry- I 1 flirts I P nt paper al- I a maim t Johns eit her y gnat Jan- uary li t burg caused last a end was > Ietrr stung his u3 ale > > > > > < > ¬ ¬ > > ¬ + + + + + + + + + ± + ± + + + + + + + ± + + < NEWS FROM MICANOPY g B t 01 Go54 P Pro1 Oj- Corr pOr Jijnt O T rt t TOAI- M t 1 ei r- te I JMi tin f k r it inifii wit ii- ti vent nf the ill ij Ilifj veji in r e r nfr tt e J th- it i f gel l t IJf f giVl ilren i r A tint lw it u jlixl wr ft ler ivry melee vveii not i i llile l frri it i ni u ynr n ill crnv o then r a i n iirtaut part Siintti tla t- f MU ttHt er- lxiii tnuy j ij initi re r ooii KJ b merry time Mid fet lirie IHrlton alA rti- M nioi i ii it vitt tn her Ht er- Mr V Lnrlriin thi p a e- Ir V 1 hiinii i hunt tint t af r vitting fri iui in lanipH uiU- Mi I i 1 hit d ir ti tie s Cipt 1 W Carter in Tumi a n ijinee trip Mr M jre and daughter Mi idle ol are in town viiutu 10 FHrtse- rior H 1nrtrr student of the vrMty uf Honda at Lake Ity n ptidui the ni ltday here with reji- Ved lion Murjh lvertt of tie We i End vas in town Wednesday Hn- rietid here are always grad to e him Mi e9 Kittie Jorie and Viola Iarl- on three itlicent and pupuUr jhooi- eacner are hime for th holiday Mi U ialie live of High Springs iitvd It Ruth Pr ce during Crt Mrs J A gone to Tal nhncpee to vnd awhile with Ieil- auRhter Mrf J Wideman A il Mashers and wife of Tam- a retirned home yesterday after tending ieveral days vi iting rela and friends Mi Annie Collin principal of lh- Iigh School here spent the hohdayi- titti relatives in Camilla Ga Micik Ruby Benjamin i visiting her rind t Chriiiine Wideman Mi Ethel Watkins is home for the hritma vacation Mr Unokd of daine ville visited er totem C H Cayman during hri tmas While here favored ui with fume beautiful at the Meth church tart S today We hope he will come again J F Bill and fanrly of J ine ville lent Chritma with relative here Mr ll til Summer of High pings t viititiK her mother Mrs J Mather fur m few days Mil Clara Smith and riiter are Tit- ling in Keldick week Mr and Mr Spent Christ ua with relatives in Uaine vile Miss Era 1atiknight of ilitneivillu town viiting Mi Suie Smith Our people are rejoiiiig over the eciion of the Supreme Court de iding that the Puikman bill eon tit itional v hope now that the neat of higher tjusati n in this rate will help iiinevillu make the niverity a vjcce f It i eem like ho that o t in th would at a t nai that tWit cie is lot and nil the nIT linineiville u the et place in Florida for the Inixer ity Her citizen are loyal to any and il chooi interest The roveti it the future will prove it lore tnnn ever before Here to the ucce of the great University that rill h in iine ville My its uc- e and uefulnes be a umpiring and i ttniL a the tight of these who sue eeded in getting it located h Oaiiu i and Alachua county Will Cooper of lMnullon i here isiting relative during the holiday GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pl aMnt to tak The new laxative Does not or nauseate Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by of the stom- ach liver and bowels Fer Sale by J W MeC llB It C rotorSI I < t I T 1t1- t r i 1 r 110 d I a- l I j 1 101 t a I o1 wth wII lilt p t j y I I iliad Ir If I atill Im r j p Ida a aIR r rill t nag hat W lit l tit 1 at she songs e ritT i ht II dui b past has j tla I less ray ntill erstKtr f r- I I y l stn wrisutt trr tn- nuI rrrn nherthni tr t- Its p u i t f t t- i i err i the t L ul i Irterrhtr of I tcjIn t ri ttait i L tl Edwards allshassht dist Matt rs thin Mel was 4 > restoring the > > > > > > < > > > ¬ > ¬ < + = + + + + + = + + + We arc now mailing Almanac FOR Cj Any Plan icr fail in n to rcccixo topy tin same by iuKisini u postal car i This Almanac is of special interest to every planter sent tree upon application ADDRKsS RKQt 1ST TO F S OYSTER GUANO CO Advertising Department NORFOLK VA Notice I Royster Farmers 1906 get h Ij TRADE MARK Wb1tU- 2R7 I REGISTERED W r r a Happy Marriage of Two Popular Young People Tuesday Afternoon A happy wedding rnnized in the First IlebytWrian Church city Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock the contracting parties being Barnett Harri of Hague and Miss Im anona Pearly Drown of iaine ville The ceremony wa performed by the patter Kev Tho P Hay the beauti- ful ritual of the Presbyterian Churh being employed I was a quiet affair only relatives of the contracting pare b ing present The happy couple departed on afternoon train for Hague their future lion amid the congratulation of the small circle of friends who were aware of the mar- riage A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good A HThurne a coal operator of 1ufTalo writes I have brenailieted with kidney and bladder trouble for years passing gravel and with excruciating pain I got no relief from medicine until I began taking Foley Kidney Cure then the result wa surprising A few doses started the brick dust like tine Stones and now I have no pain my kid- ney and I feel like a new man It ha dune me lOuO worth of good J W McCoIlum A Co Tax Notice We will meet the taxpayer at the following named places on the date i t Oppi je island Thursday January 4- laCros Friday January 5 Waldo Saturday January J orange Height Jan nary Metro e January 11 Campville Friday January T- JHawthnrn aturday January 13 Micanopy Wedneday January 17 Island drove Friday January 19 Kochelle Saturday January i Property owners will please take ad- vantage of these appointments thus saving themselves and u trouble and expense Very respectfully I DUKISMJN Tax Collector W W tot MIS fax Assessor GRAY WN I I I t this I I I I th I 0 I i 1 I was s t racy ties wrll known stones across day day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + CASTOR For Infants and Children ft Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Notice The copartnerihip formerly existing between T J riweariugen and the on hat dissolved the retiring Mr Svrearingen will collect all monies etc dun the firm of Venable A Swearingen and will pay all bill M YXXABLK I I d been 0 der un- dersigned + OUR OBJECTI- n advertising is to convince you that YOU ought to have a bank account and that the account should be kept in THIS BANK We offer ABSOLUTE SAFETY- to our depositors Equipped as we art with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULT New Triple Lock BURGLARPROOF- SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and Burglar Insurance your money and valuable papers art sir with us FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits The BANK of ALACHUA Aladiua Florida The Oldest Whiskey House in GeorgiaEs- tablished 1881 OLD SNA KIT WILLIAMS Pure tine old rye Hy the gallon 300- i Four full quarts 360- EXIKESS PREPAID I EO J CULEXAN Pure Rich mellow the gallon 1275 Four full 93 00 EXPRESS REPAID i ANVIL RTE Pure BulHttntlnl family whiskey By gallon 2 fiO Four full quarts- I 20i EXPRESS PREPAID I CLIFFORD RYE I By gallon 2 25 Four full quarts f2 EXPRESS PREPAID VII OLD KKNTLTKY CORN Direct from bonded warehouse flue II Ill u and old Hy the gallon 13W and mellow By the gallon 260 Four full quart 1360 FoUf a0 EXPRESS PREPAID EXPRESS PREPAID We handle all leading Rye and Bourbon Whiikiea in the mar bet and will save from 25 to 60 cent on jour purchases Send for pries list and catalogue upon application THE ALTMAYER FLATAU LIQUOR COMPANY MACON JI and BIBSMNdBAM ALA 1 JAUlnrAIU 11111 Tim I I t I and- f r i I Jr R t I III rr- f 1t Lec 4 the 1 1 f j t t UI Rich full quarts the brands of I I Screw Doer i x- s t 1 e rt P I i d D PUNTER M Free t < > = > + + THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc ESTAHUSHED IfN- Srheque tion ie services of ort along the line of the State of Florida particularly Alachoa county first coneid I SPECIALTIES Alxtraet ef Title Tax Yale Searches eraiion for Kfn fr 0nResident Land Onaew Plat ef I CraftUe- I the investor I Towns Etc Reference First National Bank of UalnerrlUe H F Dutton A Co Bankers nndr every of Title the Land Titles In I I r a- t > ±

Transcript of I 1t1- t f r- Noticeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01354/00656.pdf · look like it comrHde...

Page 1: I 1t1- t f r- Noticeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01354/00656.pdf · look like it comrHde My Uod raid lloiiworth i that you Shermer horn And the two old comrade clasped





Brief Happenings From Variou

Sections of State


Transpiring Land of FlowersThings Boied Down to Suit th

Busy Header Items of Intr t tc

All Cussesr1 rMii i r will

on nil iurttaiH-

nmn itm of cMtnr if ihyar f

acaitj i0MMO ii ICM

The Xtli HIIMIH MidWinter Kiii-

int t ivt rSur will open Iiuunrj-th It t r inie to irt it all r

vio i t T

The I Ilitiin Ur fZ ex r h

nelit eitiment Alien it fiiywant tt rii Kvery iy in lorIda wiut them

Tsmpa i eoii to cet ev n nitJi k invii by ting Sit ity hj-

tlorm mi Ill pa ltiy at tinroots Kviuiti w

The Vnllo Nvv cram to is htweek 11 1 with Inca n w It i now

a rortljr th patronage of

l eorle of thlt place

The Putnam Hoj 1ithtkV Liehotel will open for the n on Jannary lth S V Warner of rinjrhnniton N Y is the

H II Kloyil ha b en appointed hj-

orernor lirn anl a tux collector forSt mil the selectionteems to tire general atisfnction

The creditor of K A

Company of Li ti attachedof that oiiCrti on Friday A meetingwill heli in Jaiiksouviiie on

A lad had hi pocket tilledwith explosive to celebrate Chritmay and in tome manner a spark t

off the hunch Ht wat the whole fire-

works for a hort titerIf Peneairola i u e ful in getting

the Government to build a sew eraTint does for the navy yard at thatplace it id that it will accommo-

date the largest vei l in th n ryThe Dura cninty blondlio nd were

worked out a few days ago on atrusty prisoner and they did a Rood

Job The came wm treed twice andrash time he he l an hour tart of thehound

The accident which the deathof I dviJ Itrvif in the A C yardsat IeviburK Wednesday by ringrjn over by a witch ennui wa eaas jby Janis making a mi tep No blamel attached to iryone-

A lugu ehtvk caticht a Timpa nitific dealer i few day ago He

math a f5 payment on a piano withone Jot a pK 1 elk in return for thebalance got a lit of clothe worth117 and H in h and ha skipped

A tint buy baby found nn thedoorstep of Mr aid Mrs K i lacquin home in Tampa lat Wedneday evening A card attached to t1 e

IJirn Xma morningat 1 oclock Thy will ears for thelittle one

At a meeting held in K ala Saturdayat which than wa a large attMndance-a committee xv to meetwith cointy e mmi Moner andmake an eilort t devise way andmean to tact a new court forMarion county-

I I lioAworth wan relatinc remithe Pitlle of Iirury Ian

fought ntir Uichmond in Mny 1 JI

at a meeting of the old Ildi ir in tont flit week He

wa fpeakmc of a comrad falMnp athi side his throat pureed by a bulletwhen a gentleman near him

arose and puhiuR sack collar show

inn two deep eCHr raid Pos thatlook like it comrHde My Uod

raid lloiiworth i that you Shermerhorn And the two old comradeclasped hind rtKtn after an absenceof over 10 years having parted in Vir-

ginia to again meet inder roJthernskit in Florida

Cured LumbagoA I ianman Chicago write

March ll Having been troubledwith lumbago at dilTerent time antitried one phician after another thendifferent ointment and linimentgave it up altogether So I tried onesmore and pot a bottle of BallardtSnow Liniment which gave memot instant relief I can cheerfullyrecommend it and will add my nameto your lit of lufferen sold byM

i T

t il

it h



tr i







burd j read

H appalnt d



oisetnets of

hun lat






git tt hat t ire Jnnirry-



flirts I



paper al-






eit hery gnat



li t burg












>> >









+ +








± +


+ +











g B t 01 Go54 P Pro1 Oj-

Corr pOr Jijnt O T rt t TOAI-

M t 1 ei r-

te I JMi tin f kr it inifii wit ii-

ti vent nf theill ij Ilifj veji in r e

r nfr tt e J th-

it i f gel l t IJf f

giVl ilren i r A

tint lw it u jlixl wr ftler ivry melee vveii not i i

llile l frri it i ni u ynr nill crnv o then r a i

n iirtaut part Siintti tla t-

f MU ttHt er-

lxiii tnuy j ij initi re r

ooii KJ b merry timeMid fet

lirie IHrlton alA rti-M nioi i ii it vitt tn her Ht er-

Mr V Lnrlriin thi p a e-

Ir V 1 hiinii i hunt tint t afr vitting fri iui in lanipH uiU-

Mi I i 1

hit d ir ti tie s

Cipt 1 W Carter in Tumi a n

ijinee tripMr M jre and daughter Miidle ol are in town viiutu

10 FHrtse-rior H 1nrtrr student of the

vrMty uf Honda at Lake Ity nptidui the ni ltday here with reji-

Vedlion Murjh lvertt of tie We i

End vas in town Wednesday Hn-

rietid here are always grad to e

himMi e9 Kittie Jorie and Viola Iarl-

on three itlicent and pupuUr jhooi-

eacner are hime for th holidayMi U ialie live of High Springs

iitvd It Ruth Pr ce during CrtMrs J A gone to Tal

nhncpee to vnd awhile with Ieil-

auRhter Mrf J WidemanA il Mashers and wife of Tam-

a retirned home yesterday aftertending ieveral days vi iting rela

and friendsMi Annie Collin principal of lh-

Iigh School here spent the hohdayi-titti relatives in Camilla Ga

Micik Ruby Benjamin i visiting herrind t Chriiiine Wideman

Mi Ethel Watkins is home for the

hritma vacationMr Unokd of daine ville visited

er totem C H Cayman duringhri tmas While here favored ui

with fume beautiful at the Methchurch tart S today We hope

he will come againJ F Bill and fanrly of J ine ville

lent Chritma with relative hereMr ll til Summer of High

pings t viititiK her mother Mrs JMather fur m few days

Mil Clara Smith and riiter are Tit-

ling in Keldick weekMr and Mr Spent Christ

ua with relatives in Uaine vileMiss Era 1atiknight of ilitneivillu

town viiting Mi Suie Smith

Our people are rejoiiiig over theeciion of the Supreme Court deiding that the Puikman bill eontit itional v hope now that theneat of higher tjusati n in thisrate will help iiinevillu make theniverity a vjcce f It i eem like

ho that o t in th would ata t nai that tWit cie is lot and

nil the nIT linineiville u theet place in Florida for the Inixerity Her citizen are loyal to any andil chooi interest Theroveti it the future will prove it

lore tnnn ever before Here to theucce of the great University thatrill h in iine ville My its uc-

e and uefulnes be a umpiring and

i ttniL a the tight of these who sue

eeded in getting it located h Oaiiui and Alachua countyWill Cooper of lMnullon i here

isiting relative during the holiday

GRINDLaxative Fruit Syrup

Pl aMnt to takThe new laxative Doesnot or nauseateCures stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by

ofthe stom-ach liver and bowelsFer Sale by J W MeC llB It C





t ri 1 r

110 dI


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lilt p






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1 at







past has



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I I y l stn wrisutt trr tn-

nuI rrrn nherthni tr t-

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Irterrhtrof I tcjIn t

ri ttait







Matt rs





restoring the









> >









+ +




+ +

We arcnow


Almanac FOR

Cj Any Plan icr fail in n to rcccixo topy tin same by

iuKisini u postal car i

This Almanac is of special interest to every planter

sent tree upon application


F S OYSTER GUANO COAdvertising Department NORFOLK VA

Notice I

Royster Farmers1906





r r


Happy Marriage of Two PopularYoung People Tuesday AfternoonA happy wedding rnnized in

the First IlebytWrian Churchcity Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclockthe contracting parties being BarnettHarri of Hague and Miss Imanona Pearly Drown of iaine villeThe ceremony wa performed by thepatter Kev Tho P Hay the beauti-ful ritual of the Presbyterian Churhbeing employed I was a quiet affaironly relatives of the contracting pare

b ing present The happy coupledeparted on afternoon train forHague their future lion amid thecongratulation of the small circle offriends who were aware of the mar-


A Thousand Dollars Worth of GoodA HThurne a coal

operator of 1ufTalo writes I havebrenailieted with kidney and bladdertrouble for years passing gravel and

with excruciating pain I gotno relief from medicine until I begantaking Foley Kidney Cure then theresult wa surprising A few dosesstarted the brick dust like tine Stonesand now I have no pain my kid-

ney and I feel like a new man It hadune me lOuO worth of good J W

McCoIlum A Co

Tax Notice

We will meet the taxpayer at thefollowing named places on the datei t Oppi je

island Thursday January 4-

laCros Friday January 5

Waldo Saturday January J

orange Height Jannary

Metro e January 11

Campville Friday January T-

JHawthnrn aturday January 13

Micanopy Wedneday January 17

Island drove Friday January 19

Kochelle Saturday January iProperty owners will please take ad-

vantage of these appointments thussaving themselves and u trouble and

expense Very respectfullyI DUKISMJN Tax Collector

W W tot MIS fax Assessor





this I






0 I




was s

t racy


wrll known











CASTORFor Infants and Children

ft Kind You Hare Always Bought

Bears theSignature of


The copartnerihip formerly existing

between T J riweariugen and the onhat dissolved theretiring Mr Svrearingen

will collect all monies etc dun thefirm of Venable A Swearingen and willpay all bill M YXXABLK



d been


der un-


OUR OBJECTI-n advertising is to convince you that YOU ought tohave a bank account and that the account should bekept in THIS BANK We offer ABSOLUTE SAFETY-to our depositors

Equipped as we art with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULT


SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and BurglarInsurance your money and valuable papers art sirwith us

FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on TimeDeposits

The BANK of ALACHUAAladiua Florida

The Oldest Whiskey House in GeorgiaEs-

tablished 1881

OLD SNA KIT WILLIAMSPure tine old rye Hy the gallon 300-

i Four full quarts 360-EXIKESS PREPAID


Pure Richmellow the gallon 1275 Four


i ANVIL RTEPure BulHttntlnl family whiskey By

gallon 2 fiO Four full quarts-I 20i EXPRESS PREPAID

I CLIFFORD RYEI By gallon 2 25 Four full quarts



Direct from bonded warehouse flue II Ill uand old Hy the gallon 13W

and mellow By the gallon 260Four full quart 1360 FoUf a0


We handle all leading Rye and Bourbon Whiikiea in the marbet and will save from 25 to 60 cent on jour purchases Send for prieslist and catalogue upon application



1 JAUlnrAIU 11111




t I and-



IJr Rt I IIIrr-

f 1t Lec4

the1 1 f

j t t


full quarts

the brands of



Screw Doer















= >





Srheque tion ie services of ort along the line ofthe State of Florida particularly

Alachoa county

first coneidI SPECIALTIES Alxtraet ef Title Tax Yale Searches

eraiion for Kfn fr 0nResident Land Onaew Plat ef



Ithe investor I Towns Etc

Reference First National Bank of UalnerrlUe H FDutton A Co Bankers

nndr every

of Title the Land Titles In






