I 1'HE DAILY N WS A~~collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...t'!J1 - U npu bl!e,...

rED ;imp', '0 ... _ uk. :T .... ...,., ..... ,-- - Co., owest GS ES. ., Ltd.· I 1958 CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN Ret. Price $2400.00 I 1'HE DAILY N WS . PRICE $1875. 00 I Vol .. _66. No. 157 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, July 21, 1959 . (Price: 7 Cents) Hutton & Sons . . Terra Nova Motors Ltd, I ew ar lon:·1ime memo : of the I (llllSen'ati\'C' h" ,mll,unced his {;Oal hi; pust H! the and the i . cf h;,; Ih'S with Ihe I . Ihe J .. H, I rc ExcCUtIH. has announceci I from the: . I "I wa::t 10 I 1:!I; :h,: I Jl1 irrecon· 1,1",.<1 It' the policies r..rl\'('rnment !l;".i"11 o[ 'he ,Iand I Il'CI', "Il Term B 11·C'IIII:·n to JUln :-;"',r!,'\I:c::land par:y I of ;!i\'ing: ',' I 1I,·,el1t, incorup.: fJir I.;on'ruml'ul I .... I ,t z:e in my opin· ! a: I he prc.'cnt i O"DII a,.'111 : his .support , . , tht' [IP"matll;n , ,:..' (Id in the, .1. D.' c . f'( £\eruliw was : u bt l:l nounred last i lIntiSinO" LEADEn Malcolm' Hollett is shown cntcrillg the Legislnture )'cstcrday to attend n short, but R\'cly session during which two members of his fOllr·:mlln pur!}" gnl"c their reasolls for resigning, Boynl Photo Service. I--liggins: "I Cannot orn I Higgins, Duffy Quit PC Benches A !1i:W !KIllUcal party was afraid the Honourable member born In Newfoundland on Mon· must allow it for I cannot du' day at I dramatic meeting of allow,it." the House of A!3embly. The for Once the gallery was warned mation of the new party was an· I to remain Mr. Courage nounced by lawyer James D. pointed out that the only per· !liggins, for St. who were entitled to ,peak East as he asked that hls seat be in Ihe House were members of moved from the of the the Assembly. There had beeD Progre3.ll'e C<Jnservatlve party, laughter at some of the remarks First members In the House exchanged by the Premier and of the party nre Mr. Hig· :'Ir. Hollett. gins and A,M. Duffy, St, John's No formal name has yet been I Centre. who joined In asking given the new party, It ""a& that his seat be moved. learned after the House closed A crowd that over,(Jowed In· that organization of party rna· 10 the corridors ja{l1med Into the chiner), already hal beglL1, The. old and storied Colenlal Build· Daily News was Informed Ihat a Ing to hear PremIer J.R. \ statement· may be made wilhb wood's resolution on Term 2!J I a day or two more i to hear the promiled ex· fully plans for the new group, · planations for the reo ,Premier Smallwood's only · Irom thc PC party comment on the move by the of IIiggins and Mr. Duffy. two former P.C members was a · Mr, nnd Dul!), statement in the House In which both declarcd their he said he hoped thnt mcmb€rs tion with the Dicl'/nba\;er Gm" 01 the Opposition would be reo · emment's action on Term 29. united within the !lext two or · They said they :10 longer had three oay;. He said this Is a faith In the Progressive COn,ierl·a· time when nil llvc part)' and the), explnincd mll,t be united, , lhat Ihe)' to form a nell' PC House Leader Hollett ha,1 party without national affiliation no immediate comment. n :-.'ewfoundland party. Federal CabInet W.J. The two members hod has called the action of cd stntements \0 read to the Hlg"-ins And Mr. Duffy "un HOll,e bllt Wl're as I j\lstlfied". He arrived In SI. the,' thcm by call; John's yesterrlay was reo from O[>posltlon Leader ported to be goIng to altend an Hollett, who,le party were emergency meeting of execu· · that they were out of tlve of his party last night. Tllere order, ha, no comment far from The ani), rea! "lIrework,;", ,LA. :'I!cr:rnth, the federal memo thl' crolrd Wili oer lor SI. ,John's East. Mr . nlll.lcipatbg, came 3S Hili. ncteli a.\ principRI cam' lie:! spoke 0:1 his point 01 Ipr in ew oun .... , ' ',. I 11 "I and cro"rd 'swords wl!h bolh the 1757 and 19:'0 r,. .. j1, 10 Ir,e :-i< .... ·n onor ontlnue Premier Smnllwnorl, Spcaker J. ;'\';";",nl In r:1Y 11-1 l]t, Courage upheld the rlgll! o! ------ ''':< thl'/" . the two memhers 10 make Ulelr 11:, a: l'be Is thc lext of f nail;' pscudo'loglc, b, !intemenl5. 1>1.'. Fear" Sneak . '.c, , I'tlm speech dl'lIvered In the ·c1eftt":::one qucs\lon rCIllRlns' prote3::. . , •. : .,I'.h:C" on by 1 10 be answcred: the fed. "\\'h"e II a\ ., .. ,j ,. J;:mes D. JIlggins member for eral go\'crnment nn I the Ino Hollett rose 10 claim Att k B II ?:0.1"'".".'" 'lin,; I <:\ Jolin's East HI"· I p;rll It red ('I II IhD.1 st. ,Tohn's Centre memo ac y D. lnelllkr for SL j,lhil'S ,lllel A. Duffy, St, John's IIrc shown here in Ihc Home of )'cstcrday Atcr their desks had heen moved from Ihe PC benches follol\'in!,; their resignation from the PC p:lrty.-Tcrm ,",o\·u Photo Service. . ,. - a' '0.' e'lle of thr -. , . •. h allle I 0 ana a n IC ber hMI no ight t k Sun. ,g'ms annollnced fnrmally his prcsent ease the words are i 'p' "I 0 ell . . I r . the Prugres· hn\'c the lit,,, 'he '. canno a Enemy Subs Duffy: "I Take : of not di;played I il! ('"her '1' I.t'o I" pro' she COnSCI\at!IC party and II right to sltrr one of -the Th S '. , .1 .. r ,. 'tt.. f 'r ' , r repliecl: "I am \1 '::.Ier Edword ,lie orma:.I011? a ncw basic of the COllfccie.:'a. . ------- i TOOK SE:\T i' l:&lunellRlld Pnl!), lIol\ made \\lIh QVF.llEC (CP,-A mis,lIe·!ir ClI' ('" "Ih:ch 'Iile . LEGISLATtON .'Iewfou;1dland, without the I Q" ·U: een Tl·red in;: submarine r.cet that "1 he consent 01 1>iC\\'[ound!aIIl17 might sneak up on Xorth Ameri· by the Irgi.:lltion Introduced I The answer to Ihal Cjucstlon Is aJd out hear)" A Serious S " ·tep I .In Ull' IloII,r of Commons last lone which be R tAD' nuustries a:ld population centres ------- 'I' Ilc"I;. legislation which was seriously by all of us. es 5 ay in a lx'it ,tre'ching far inland .COMMENT fol't'cd by the over. DISHONOURED a prime worry for de-. The following i, the of ster, wellt to SI. .J '. ", Wcst· I whelming Go\'ernment mnlorl· "I W,. onl of thOU-II. WIllTEHOHSE, Y. T. (CPI- fence strfltcglsts. Ithe statement made 10 the .riding as a fcdc!';,: , , :.dJte.· ty, h:ls confronled Newfound. molt fifty per elnt of Nlw. I Reluctantl)', at the mbutc, The Vnlted Slates :-Ia\'Y's task !Legislaturc on by ,\ [or .. :. ,'.':Ie's -----__ I ltl r Ih I I f dl d L I I tl " group ,83,3, visiting here after a!II'Dufly, member [or SI. .11,hll·S c:lI1lp"ign W;lS simply I Rill' W 1 0 e grea es oun In Irs WnO votld n le ... uecn cancelled the remain Atl t ,I t t t k C t hi' I · p,.:: ..... il< Cono In During I both reflrenda-who 0ppOI. I der of her northland tOllr MOil . uu your, 00 a croup i en re, as e exp alncc hLI ('nL I of a \"Cry: 'L ""'.: t:,C nn that le;llslatlon: Id Conf.d.ratlon," oppoud duy, Prince Philip took over in of newspaper men monoeu'" I resignation from the Progres·' tiny group II'ho went out ill' oblll a great dC,11 of rhetoric wos! It In all ,Inearlty beclull I re, In thp St. RI\'er to ;sil'f Coru;erl'atil'e party.- :,lhi3 riding of SI. ,rnitn's· n "mOllnt or did not Ilkl the mltLods The paee of the 45 . "m' rO\'nl C.1nadlnns what the V. S .,. : Ircsl to 'Issist him in his cam .. .. n "CAn Ihl'OIl' enemy subs. SERIOUS STF.P . .,' \\I:h a'I)'.1 cvldenced. which brought It .bout, But, INt to Canada Ihat June CO'IPLEX Pl'X('H in view of pIIl£n. e,: I nUll slIi:gest dl\'ested onci Confederation betame 18 II'n,1 too much. Thc task group deli\'er,; a com ,very serious step I propo,c 10, Two )cars later I sal in a __ I of all Ihe nrlluments (Continued all Plige 5) The QUeen flew plex pUnCil-{)1 d to,' b toke this afiernoon. I ask the \'ery I'rCCJrJOI15 scot represent·' _____ d;"ectlv to whll ' le " 0[> c-u ecause. ' D 1"'1 .d h' I . / ner uf sophistication of U!ldersea ,mdulge,ce of the House in IIIg Ihe historic dist:'rt of' A II 0 III, '. tt ethPr nce i mfo.e her erations.'justice to myself to give my' Fcr:·ybnd. In possing I a 11 ( fter· t npu Oole, 0 e peop.e 0 relluw· Tod' treason f I ki " th·· '1 '·1 I'h h I I d . - I . t'!J1 - U bl!e, ann Uranium Cit\' fays submurine Is bigger, I be,S or 3 II' ',ChP'tl Slh"; "3 1 t l a, 13 slgnc( k H ' t I I hI" I oster Bnd less surface· bound ecome assrCl3 ec WII 1e e 1'0, tn 'en my o3th of' e II 8s l1 1 0 reho n er n tl:c than ils Second World War coun i Progressi\'e Conserl'llive ?.trIy of[iee, olld even made my maid· . , 1I\"f,a cap n II ere, presnm t' I h It ft' I I d H! I E I abl,', the q\lwion of continlloncf snorkel-a combina I;V borBuneks. v,1'e O r 4 e 9 ,Ihlts .efn I'lit Ie Go\'ernment re·' 1Aa ,e ar. 11 01 the tOllr was to be decided. lonexaustandbrea:hlngsys· OIleS el. . useu,tnaowmesl'SsJOnallll'. I 1 tern for the undersea boat-ends' the prescnt adnllnistratlOn I"Ir·· demnlt). I shuuld Say also I EXTREMELV TIRED lengthy 311rface prel"lousl'; I tunlly swcpt all opposition oul never pressed for it. Thc) !Jt The rigors of the tOllr, of which neede<1 to recharge batteries an;l of exislence. Browne i prubahly nerded it more thall " e;.\nU'):\ I may do. IllUrkct gruup of Ihe "Inner six" 12 days rem31n, their loll of rcfrc.hen Ihe air for the crew. Newfoundland's cabinet mini·: I It is a pity the same III 1956 1 look Ill)' rC!1re:c;lting a large of lilY llatil'e city. .fohn·s, \Ihere I sprnt .all my life so far. where 1 to spen'] Ihe remail:';':r of it. I was ext"cmely .. roud to sil here as a Conscrvatlve, even Ihoug' I was only one of four. I had gre;:t fait!! In tile Conser\,alil'e "!lei none was more elate:! tlinn r when the I'arly won Ihe ill 1957. I wl'.·,lted nolllinv from Ihis party, hut wise and SOUIll] adlnlnl· ,trn tion, esptclally as It effected Newfoundland. After years of my as· sociatioll with Ihe Conserva· th'e Party, eight of which saw the fortun'es of this parly. as I have said at Ils lowes! ebb, [ was stili an J<dent and eDthusla,tir supporter, becaust [ h3,' great faltb In It, · ,;- .: ,,;, o!: The t:oubil' around I',\'u Ilutio,lj, 1'1wj" ure busily wddlllg the altcr her arri\'al Sat· . ' 'd" ,:n LI<IOrl 'ecnnomlc I .': 1 e d by thcmsell'es Into 'n tight urday in this capital of the Yu· S k SJlATIERED ,. :' :>" \ .:./ il alii I Fronce R d Dritain, AIJ'ea(i), cummunity wr,cre e\cntually alii kon, .She looked extremely tired. t · f Be S I Vt th f f ' .. ' lr? .. i ril':..ry hu' jO:tl'!! the en· Intcrnal tnl'!ff wall; dll be pulled a:ld, It wns learlled later, went: rl e 0 a mOll 'lio'n 'I '. : .• ,. "1 ml'i,tll Il'lIle cor:linle-lh31 speelnl Brit· ctUIl'O while being mn:ntalned Ihrollgh Ihe formBJities.,of the of· . , Party has now attained th, ': .•. r, .... ',' "c.' n a:: 011', I, relationship which has the resl of the word. ficlal rceptlon and subseqtlen: 'b I If I I I I'vcr y pinnacle of political sur •. :. 'i,,'.''' .. ': I an i1 20th Wltlll')" Ollicr are West Ger 0 c ill v sits while h Icess, It is the' Go,ernment (1 . many. Haly, Belgium, Hulland, feeIng unwell. FI·S ers Is L1ekely ". I ,"1111"; I frilliCr hen d, the common, Caoad;;. I am now compellel r . .- -'--.-_.- ... ,-- TilE OUTER SE\'ES Sunday mornng, with fi),ing 10 leave it. Because I have t- al a hlgh.lcl'el meet. \'Jils to Dawson and Ma)'o my faith shattered. 'am;IU' r ing In Stockrolm Is ll:Jlng up a the schedu:e, the Queen's doctor Perhaps some Him. Member •• _ group of se\'cn cOllr,trle,; inlo a recommendcll thut those trps be YA:-i'CO:JVEIl (CP) - A strike pre.ident of the Fisheries :\.550 Wage negotiation.' hm'c col I Will understand me when I En: rttl ft· 1 Th h cancelled, The had an up· In Ihe Britl.'h Columhla salmon elation of Brilish Columbia lapsed, a strike deadline II"' Itht J am not leavirig the part)' P IC ree r,,( e nrea, ey o',e set stomach which. while not ai li,hing Industry appeared certaIn Nearly 10,000 al· been for Julv 25 "" The party is leal'ing me. a "IS. G r U m b I e rs becn duhhert the "outer sevl;ll:' nll serious was decldediy uncolll , I lied workers in Ihe industry, the A 3lrike wOlllil cn'll ont fish"-, II I cannot rcconcile my think The two groups, plus a few othcl fortable. T' he prince made the "11 1 k Ilk t .,. th' I ' states, sought in \'aill last year 00 e I s rlne IS second argest in E, C., wlU be men, shore workers and tcnder ling with Ihat of tbe Primr to come to tcrms. The "outer northern. visits nlone._. ____ w_e_c'-kc_nd," said James SinClair, affected by a strike. men. and his Governmen:, Iff:, ' P '. It \ Iiale JI, al,d 11'0.' Illlues du,t ;J,"!f \\'rlh'f dirt. Bill men !Iud 10? ,. :t,,,,;,d ,(1" such things a:ilde · "". I, p:m ,ed th.1 tilis is tn" prie'" musL pay for .' ;.vlr l'f ('u:.::d.l i il'eednm." · -:' e oi."ht by I Dr. ,\ D. Kelly 01 To· '. . h',II".ld rC;110, ·secretary, · I'a' .. ' ;o:nt II:C:lOed ,I ", c e n t remark by ... '"' .• 1a alld British Prince Ph III p that Canarllans p' ',':1, aren't aq f,1 a, they might be, · 10:1 th, I "Jt Ij quite Irle Ihat the peo I' t .. e cOoI'cntiOl, i pie of the generatIon in .' /f2'1:. CRnana not ns fit as their . I 'i r. :n:, nod r:nnJ parents," Kelly told :\. •. 01 rOI' high :., nnd the CMA "bears no n . '-'." "''"'i I h ,<even" comprl,e Britain, A strike woulr benefit United i 1 think that principles hs\·c. :-;'orwuy AustrIa Por· Labor Caill-ng For Stales fishermcn during the peakjbeen sc.rapped lor political ex· Switzerland, period, July :r; to AUl:. pcdicncy. I cnn!lot reconcile It looks to most governme!lls [0. my remaining a member of that the opposing bloC.! must this Coru;ervativc family. brace either fOT a cut .' throat . SEW U,S. I To borrow tlie word!· of a for New . Poll-tl-cal Party Fishermen in Washington state familiar fi"ure in Amcrican In Europe or come to some kind ha\'e signed n new wage contrac; history, "1 n claim not to have or' accommodation. and they couln continue to fish (Continued on Page 5) The "Il",\, of British lenders Is the salmon groul1ns In the e\·£nt ------.- that a would Imp2ar: BROOK, Nn. (cp) dlate program 01 !KIlItical ac' warrant with his retent labor of a Canadian strike. 1-----------. the e1tire pollclcal and military A Ca:Jadlan Lahor Congress offi· tlon," Undcr the of the bl,," I IInlt)' of Atlontlc Alliancr 10 clal Monday called on the Mr, Chafe'S reference waR to "lie hs. oil more than natio:lHI Fishing I\greement fish pain. staklngly since Federation of Labor to that decertifIed' two he can che, •. " caught th! s:rike could oe I III-tn, form a new political party "to Newfoundland locals of the Inter The NFL leader 'charged that (1il"crtcd to 1',5 canneries. protect the social right of New naUonal \\'oodworkers of Amer the premier made "an unscrup· Mr. Sinclair anaounced Mon·. Weather Sunny alter early morn· \'1( .. ;,,' '. n\'er whAt t c said. t>-,'t!b,,"', ' II ":;e Ih' "We took Ihe prince's remark Thev think on the other hand ,'" ' mr" t' hI' a well mennt stimulUS, Thl, herald a new era · "·'r,:.r. II "'aj JUlt the tn provine Ihnt of prosperity with West Europe . D"t:" hu. liit'e "\l\lrk which \\'as dcl'clcplng. as a loundlacd's working force." len (CLCl. One of thc local. was ulous effort to Inflame his people day that last'mlnute otlrmpts to W, Frank Chafe. the CLC', on strike at Ihe time agaltd a pitch of hyslerical insanity avert a tie·up Ir. the $9R.000,[)OO , in; mi.>t. High 70. e a s t e r n'represc:ltatll'es, chal Anglo . Develop !'duri:1g·tlle recent loggers strike' n")'eor indll.'[ry had fni'cd. '1(11 .. : ' 10"11' hl.lt I 10 mnke Us fDce lip to the mal unit ahlc tu match the mass Pf11- . r, [1, Ir"" d'.lclirn nnd murJ.;:lln"" methorl; v' . . I '. " .0'. \.1 01 III prinrp nE'nnll'hlle 0 of Ihe American and SOl'Iel ,/ •. : 1\ .•. ,' i 10 th' (In:tr,r! .. gianLI. This wonld hc donc by , •. " . .'1 I nlr of B "owr nnd In tlmr r."j _ .. ' ""ei·1 c r , nrc HOD ir I' ould s nell lower , It, . alb)'fi achlel'ing rcsultJ. co.ts and higher 11I'lng standards, , I lcnged the :'IF!. to break Its tics ment Cnmpa:lY of Grahd Falls, The premier's wurds 3t1cceeded :\. L. C;ordon head of 3 with the prol'lnclal gOI'ernment KEY:>iOrc; SPE.:CH In belling certain elements o[ Flshern,on and Allied \\'or!'rrs' and embnrk Immedlutely on a 00 NFL president Larry Daley, in the pO;Julation "to the point of llnlo:1 tInd.1 commiltee which lItlcnl program, II fiery keFole address at the (>rIulng thcillsrlVC.i Into lunC:' ,1Isc/ r cp r ' 5(' n Is the' :"-Int'l"r I TEMPERATURES .,.. 64 Ottnwa ..... 59 Halifax .. , ... 56 S\'dney • ... 61 St. .I ohn' s .. .47 71 " 66 75 83 He urged Ihe to group's nrd annual convention mobs." Daley \I'm BrmllPrhnorl of B.C,-on .;hell'e nnv attnmpts 10 amend re which herr said to Snl3ilwcod's call {orl hod'·-said: i ce'nt lRhor bg!'lal'on :'Iew;"'ln-!! a d Pl'cmier Smnii l·rI· en'orcemcots lalest propo;al is no: i a.,d concentrate "on an Imme wood had hI! death the strike •.. '. realistic," !... __ ..;.. _______ ' '.

Transcript of I 1'HE DAILY N WS A~~collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL...t'!J1 - U npu bl!e,...


;imp', ~C '0

... _ uk.



.... ...,., ..... ,---




t., Ltd.·



Ret. Price $2400.00



• ~

. A~~ ~CRlfICE PRICE $1875.00


Vol .. _66. No. 157 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, July 21, 1959 . (Price: 7 Cents) 'Charlr~ Hutton & Sons . .

Terra Nova Motors Ltd, I

ew ar

(~!r. lon:·1ime memo : b<r\l~I\'r of the I '~H (llllSen'ati\'C'

h" ,mll,unced his {;Oal hi; pust H! the

~",'r,'t;lry and the i . cf h;,; Ih'S with Ihe I . ,~I Ihe !a~I': ti~c J .. H, I

ano:~.c,· rc ExcCUtIH. l~~ has announceci I

\I'~' rc'i,~,'11 from the: . I

"I wa::t 10 I 1:!I; :h,: I Jl1 irrecon· 1,1",.<1 It' the policies \::l!1·,\'r\~a r..rl\'('rnment

• !l;".i"11 o[ 'he ,Iand I ~! Il'CI', "Il Term ~O. B ~.\" 11·C'IIII:·n to JUln

:-;"',r!,'\I:c::land par:y I i)::~!""t' of ;!i\'ing:

',' I 1I,·,el1t, incorup.: I~~ fJir I.;on'ruml'ul I .... ~' I

,t z:e r.p~. in my opin· ! '~.; a: I he prc.'cnt i

O"DII a,.'111 Indicat,~d : ~ "'i~J~:~.~· his .support , . ,

rJ~:·;. tht' [IP"matll;n , ,:..' ;.;,"111~111.l (Id in the,

~~;:,;,l.1y b~ .1. D.'

~;.C ~,·o' c rcsi~IIJ!ion . f'( £\eruliw was C~· :

u bt l:l nounred last i lIntiSinO" LEADEn Malcolm' Hollett is shown cntcrillg the Legislnture )'cstcrday to attend n short, but R\'cly session during which two members of his fOllr·:mlln pur!}" gnl"c their reasolls for resigning,

Boynl Photo Service.

I--liggins: "I Cannot

orn I Higgins, Duffy Quit PC Benches

A !1i:W !KIllUcal party was afraid the Honourable member born In Newfoundland on Mon· must allow it for I cannot du' day at I dramatic meeting of allow,it." the House of A!3embly. The for Once the gallery was warned mation of the new party was an· I to remain sile~t Mr. Courage nounced by lawyer James D. pointed out that the only per· !liggins, mem~ for St. J~Jn's so~s who were entitled to ,peak East as he asked that hls seat be in Ihe House were members of moved from the be~chC.! of the the Assembly. There had beeD Progre3.ll'e C<Jnservatlve party, laughter at some of the remarks

First members In the House exchanged by the Premier and of the ~ew party nre Mr. Hig· :'Ir. Hollett. gins and A,M. Duffy, St, John's No formal name has yet been

I Centre. who joined In asking given the new party, It ""a& that his seat be moved. learned after the House closed

A crowd that over,(Jowed In· that organization of party rna· 10 the corridors ja{l1med Into the chiner), already hal beglL1, The. old and storied Colenlal Build· Daily News was Informed Ihat a Ing to hear PremIer J.R. Sm~il· \ statement· may be made wilhb wood's resolution on Term 2!J I a day or two e~plainl~g more

i a~d to hear the promiled ex· fully plans for the new group, · planations for the annou~cL'd reo ,Premier Smallwood's only · si~natlons Irom thc PC party comment on the move by the

of ~Ir, IIiggins and Mr. Duffy. two former P.C members was a · Mr, H!g~ins nnd ~lr, Dul!), statement in the House In which • both declarcd their di~satisfac· he said he hoped thnt mcmb€rs

tion with the Dicl'/nba\;er Gm" 01 the Opposition would be reo · emment's action on Term 29. united within the !lext two or · They said they :10 longer had three oay;. He said this Is a ~ faith In the Progressive COn,ierl·a· time when nil Newloundlonder~ • llvc part)' and the), explnincd mll,t be united, , lhat Ihe)' pro~oEed to form a nell' PC House Leader Hollett ha,1 party without national affiliation no immediate comment. n :-.'ewfoundland party. Federal CabInet ~nnlster W.J.

The two members hod ~rep3r'l Brown~ has called the action of cd stntements \0 read to the ~!r. Hlg"-ins And Mr. Duffy "un HOll,e bllt Wl're Int~rrupled as I j\lstlfied". He arrived In SI. the,' d~Ih'ered thcm by call; John's yesterrlay a~d was reo from O[>posltlon Leader ~!alcolm ported to be goIng to altend an Hollett, who,le party the~' were emergency meeting of th~ execu·

· I~n';ing, that they were out of tlve of his party last night. Tllere order, ha, hee~ no comment ~o far from

The ani), rea! "lIrework,;", ,LA. :'I!cr:rnth, the federal memo \\'h;~h ll~dol\\Jtroly thl' crolrd Wili oer lor SI. ,John's East. Mr . nlll.lcipatbg, came 3S ~!r. Hili. Hi~:~ins ncteli a.\ principRI cam'

lie:! spoke 0:1 his point 01 o~<'er nn'''n~r Ipr ~fr. \lcGr;:~~1 in

ew oun

.... , ' ',. I 11 C· "I and cro"rd 'swords brlefl~' wl!h bolh the 1757 and 19:'0 feder~: r,. .. j1, 10 Ir,e :-i<....·n onor ontlnue Premier Smnllwnorl, Spcaker J. elect.io~s. ;'\';";",nl In r:1Y 11-1 l]t, Courage upheld the rlgll! o! ------

1:X~1~' ''':< I:nd~r thl'/" . the two memhers 10 make Ulelr 11:, a: ~l'\\'lOunrtli1l,d l'be follol\l~ Is thc lext of f nail;' pscudo'loglc, one'l~ct b, !intemenl5. 'll·;plt~ 1>1.'. Hullet~'< Fear" Sneak :~~., . '.c, , I'tlm speech dl'lIvered In the ·c1eftt":::one qucs\lon rCIllRlns' prote3::. . , •. : .,I'.h:C" Pn~:lcr Le~lslol\lre on ~Ion(\ny by 1 10 be answcred: D()e~ the fed. "\\'h"e ~!r. Du(f~ II a\ spe~k. .~ ., .. ,j ,. ~necc_pt· J;:mes D. JIlggins member for eral go\'crnment nn I the Ino ~Ir. Hollett rose 10 claim Att k B

II ?:0.1"'".".'" 'lin,; ~h'i!n I <:\ Jolin's East 'a~ ~Ir HI"· I p;rll It red ('I II IhD.1 t.h~ st. ,Tohn's Centre memo ac y

J.\'~1ES D. IIIG(;I.\~. lnelllkr for SL j,lhil'S l~j,i. ,lllel A. ~I.. Duffy, ~l'l'J;\l:,·dor St, John's C~ntrc, IIrc shown here in Ihc Home of :\sscmbl~' )'cstcrday Atcr their desks had heen moved from Ihe PC benches follol\'in!,; their resignation from the PC p:lrty.-Tcrm ,",o\·u Photo Service.

. ,. -

a' '0.' e'lle of thr -. , . •. h allle I 0 ana a n IC ber hMI no ight t k ~(';sI0n'\t3~lv Sun. ,g'ms annollnced fnrmally his prcsent ease the words are i nnlil;e~l 'p' ~'I "I 0 m~ ell .~

. . I r r~lgI1~tlon . rrol~ the Prugres· InterehunE~a~lcl hn\'c the lit,,, 'he ~HII(~ '. canno a o~ Enemy Subs Duffy: "I Take : of fr\lglllil~ w~s not di;played I il! ('"her exp~~nd;'.ures.

'1' I.t'o I" pro' she COnSCI\at!IC party and II right to sltrr one of -the Th S '. , ~ .1 .. r ,. 'tt.. f 'r ' , r pe~.cr repliecl: "I am \1 '::.Ier Edword ,lie orma:.I011? a ncw '~ew'I' basic tl':.;~' of the COllfccie.:'a. . -------


,~'(~ I"~'! ~1"l\rta\' i' l:&lunellRlld Pnl!), lIol\ ~)!leetnClit made \\lIh QVF.llEC (CP,-A mis,lIe·!ir ClI' ('" "Ih:ch 'Iile . LEGISLATtON .'Iewfou;1dland, without the I Q" ·U: een Tl·red in;: en~my submarine r.cet that

"1 he Feder~l G~I'ornment,: consent 01 1>iC\\'[ound!aIIl17 might sneak up on Xorth Ameri· by the Irgi.:lltion Introduced I The answer to Ihal Cjucstlon Is Ica~1 coa~t~ aJd kllo~k out hear)" A Serious S " ·tep

I .In Ull' IloII,r of Commons last lone which m\l.~t be p~ndercd R tAD' nuustries a:ld population centres ------- 'I' Ilc"I;. legislation which was seriously by all of us. es 5 ay in a lx'it ,tre'ching far inland hn~ .COMMENT fol't'cd Ihrou~h by the over. DISHONOURED bc~ome a prime worry for de-. The following i, the te~t of ster, wellt to SI. .J '. ", Wcst·

I whelming Go\'ernment mnlorl· "I W,. onl of thOU-II. WIllTEHOHSE, Y. T. (CPI- fence strfltcglsts. Ithe statement made 10 the .riding as a fcdc!';,: , , :.dJte.· ty, h:ls confronled Newfound. molt fifty per elnt of Nlw. I Reluctantl)', at the IDS~ mbutc, The Vnlted Slates :-Ia\'Y's task !Legislaturc on ~[()nrla)" by ,\ ~!. Organi~a\ioll [or ~lr .. :. ,'.':Ie's

-----__ I ~ ltl r Ih I I f dl d L I I tl " group ,83,3, visiting here after a!II'Dufly, member [or SI. .11,hll·S c:lI1lp"ign W;lS simply "",~,,·xist· I Rill' W 1 ~ne 0 e grea es oun In Irs WnO votld n le ... uecn cancelled the remain Atl t ,I t t t k C t hi' I

· p,.:: .....• il< Cono cJ'i,'~~ In hc~ hl~lory. During I both reflrenda-who 0ppOI. I der of her northland tOllr MOil . OI~;C uu your, 00 a croup i en re, as e exp alncc hLI ('nL I bec~me o~lC of a \"Cry: 'L ""'.: :,,'n~' h~2~. t:,C rte~lllr nn that le;llslatlon: Id Conf.d.ratlon," oppoud duy, Prince Philip took over in of newspaper men o~ monoeu'" I resignation from the Progres·' tiny group II'ho went out ill'

"':'.~1\'1l: oblll a great dC,11 of rhetoric wos! It In all ,Inearlty beclull I h~r ~tead. re, In thp St. Lawre~c~ RI\'er to ;sil'f Coru;erl'atil'e party.- :,lhi3 ~re;lt riding of SI. ,rnitn's· ~:,~:',d; I~IJ', hC~I'd, n ~J'cnl "mOllnt or did not Ilkl the mltLods The paee of the 45 . "m' rO\'nl ~ho'.\" C.1nadlnns what the V. S .,. : Ircsl to 'Issist him in his cam .. .. n ~ "CAn Ihl'OIl' "g~lm;~ enemy subs. SERIOUS STF.P . .,' \\I:h a'I)'.1 h~lr->plittlnJ/ WII~ cvldenced. which brought It .bout, But, INt to Canada Ihat bega~ June CO'IPLEX Pl'X('H ~r, Spe~ker. in view of a· pIIl£n. e,: "~'l\'in(!!l: I nUll slIi:gest 111~ dl\'ested onci Confederation betame 18 II'n,1 Ju~t too much. Thc task group deli\'er,; a com ,very serious step I propo,c 10, Two )cars later I sal in a

__ I of all Ihe ~pctlous nrlluments (Continued all Plige 5) The QUeen ~Ionday nl~hl flew plex pUnCil-{)1 d to,' b toke this afiernoon. I ask the \'ery I'rCCJrJOI15 scot represent·' _____ d;"ectlv to Fdmonto~ whll ' le " 0[> c-u ecause. '

D 1 "'1 . d h' I . / ner uf sophistication of U!ldersea o~ ,mdulge,ce of the House in IIIg Ihe historic dist:'rt of'

O~ A II 0 III, i~~ '. tt ethPr ncei mfo.e her erations.'justice to myself to give my' Fcr:·ybnd. In possing I mi~ht'

a 11 (fter· t npu Oole, 0 e peop.e 0 relluw· Tod' treason f I ki " th·· '1 '·1 I'h h I I d . - I . t'!J1 - U bl!e, ~,\\'.T., ann Uranium Cit\' fays submurine Is bigger, I be,S or 3 n~,t II' ',ChP'tl Slh"; "31tl a, ukU~ 13 slgnc( ~ k H ' t I I hI" I oster Bnd less surface· bound ecome assrCl3 ec WII 1e e 1'0, tn 'en my o3th of' ,\nl~"" e II 8sl1 10 reho n er n tl:c than ils Second World War coun i Progressi\'e Conserl'llive ?.trIy of[iee, olld even made my maid· . , 1I\"f,a cap n II ere, presnm t' I h It ft' I I

d H! I E I abl,', the q\lwion of continlloncf t~rparLhTne snorkel-a combina I;V ~\ ~ borBuneks. v,1'eOr4e9 ,Ihlts .efn ~\)ecc I'lit Ie Go\'ernment re·' 1Aa ,e ar. 11 ~ U~()Pe 01 the tOllr was to be decided. lonexaustandbrea:hlngsys· OIleS el. JC~l.n . w~n useu,tnaowmesl'SsJOnallll'. I 1 tern for the undersea boat-ends' the prescnt adnllnistratlOn I"Ir·· demnlt). I shuuld Say also I EXTREMELV TIRED lengthy 311rface ru~s prel"lousl'; I tunlly swcpt all opposition oul never pressed for it. Thc)

!Jt The rigors of the tOllr, of which neede<1 to recharge batteries an;l of exislence. ~[r. Browne i prubahly nerded it more thall " ~l:l\ e;.\nU'):\ I ~ila Khl"l"II",,~', may do. IllUrkct gruup of Ihe "Inner six" 12 days rem31n, too~ their loll of rcfrc.hen Ihe air for the crew. Newfoundland's cabinet mini·: I It is a pity the same ~piri(·

III 1956 1 look Ill)' se~l

hl'~'l' rC!1re:c;lting a large ~el'tioll of lilY llatil'e city. ~t. .fohn·s, \Ihere I hav~

sprnt .all my life so far. a~d where 1 h~p~ to spen'] Ihe remail:';':r of it.

I was ext"cmely .. roud to sil here as a Conscrvatlve, even Ihoug' I was only one of four. I had gre;:t fait!! In tile Conser\,alil'e Pnrt~' "!lei none was more elate:! tlinn r when the Feder~! I'arly won Ihe eie~t!r,n ill 1957. I wl'.·,lted nolllinv from Ihis party, nolbln~ hut wise and SOUIll] adlnlnl· ,trn tion, esptclally as It effected Newfoundland.

After t~n years of my as· sociatioll with Ihe Conserva· th'e Party, eight of which saw the fortun'es of this parly. as I have said at Ils lowes! ebb, [ was stili an J<dent and eDthusla,tir supporter, becaust [ h3,' great faltb In It,

· ~, ,;- .: ,,;, ~:tr~ o!: The t:oubil' ~,nlrcs around I',\'u Ilutio,lj, 1'1wj" ure busily wddlllg the QII~en altcr her arri\'al Sat· . ' 'd" ,:n LI<IOrl 'ecnnomlc ~ I .': l~nS 1 e d by thcmsell'es Into 'n tight busll\~s5 urday in this capital of the Yu· S k SJlATIERED

,. :' :>" \ .:./ il alii I Fronce R ~ d Dritain, AIJ'ea(i), cummunity wr,cre e\cntually alii kon, .She looked extremely tired. t · f Be S I Vt th f f ' .. ' lr? .. !i~,' i Ih~ir ril':..ry hu' jO:tl'!! the en· Intcrnal tnl'!ff wall; dll be pulled a:ld, It wns learlled later, went: rl e 0 a mOll 'lio'n :~d ~~~l:r~r:h~ F~;~~~ 'I '. : .• ,. "1 ml'i,tll Il'lIle cor:linle-lh31 speelnl Brit· ctUIl'O while being mn:ntalned Ihrollgh Ihe formBJities.,of the of· . , Party has now attained th,

': .•. r, .... ',' "c.' n a:: 011', I, ijh.I'l'~I!eh relationship which has 'n~aill;t the resl of the word. ficlal rceptlon and subseqtlen: 'b I If I I I I'vcry pinnacle of political sur •. :. 'i,,'.''' .. ': :!,.~ll·1 I ~'e.n an Jl~('llu.r i1 20th Wltlll')" Ollicr m~m~ers are West Ger 0 c ill slght.~celng v sits while h Icess, It is the' Go,ernment (1

:;":-,'·"I,,.al"~' . .'i:llOon:DCl'JnrCllror~. many. Haly, Belgium, Hulland, feeIng unwell. FI·S ers Is L1ekely ". I ,"1111"; ~; I frilliCr hen d, the common, Luxel11bo\lr~, Caoad;;. I am now compellel

r . .- -'--.-_.- ... ,-- TilE OUTER SE\'ES Sunday mornng, with fi),ing 10 leave it. Because I have h~, t- BrilnI~, al a hlgh.lcl'el meet. \'Jils to Dawson and Ma)'o o~ my faith shattered. 'am;IU' r ~'UrYEO,n ing In Stockrolm Is ll:Jlng up a the schedu:e, the Queen's doctor Perhaps some Him. Member

•• ~ _ group of se\'cn cOllr,trle,; inlo a recommendcll thut those trps be YA:-i'CO:JVEIl (CP) - A strike pre.ident of the Fisheries :\.550 Wage negotiation.' hm'c col IWill understand me when I En: rttl ft· 1 Th h cancelled, The Quce~ had an up· In Ihe Britl.'h Columhla salmon elation of Brilish Columbia lapsed, a~d a strike deadline II"' Itht J am not leavirig the part)'

PIC ree r,,( e nrea, ey o',e set stomach which. while not ai li,hing Industry appeared certaIn Nearly 10,000 fisherme~ a~d al· been ~et for Julv 25 "" The party is leal'ing me.

a "IS. G r U m b I e rs becn duhhert the "outer sevl;ll:' nll serious was decldediy uncolll ~!onday.. , I lied workers in Ihe industry, the A 3lrike wOlllil cn'll ont fish"-, II I cannot rcconcile my think The two groups, plus a few othcl fortable. T' he prince made the "11 1 k Ilk t .,. th' I ' states, sought in \'aill last year 00 ~ e I s rlne IS second argest in E, C., wlU be men, shore workers and tcnder ling with Ihat of tbe Primr to come to tcrms. The "outer northern. visits nlone._. ____ w_e_c'-kc_nd," said James SinClair, affected by a strike. men. ~Iillister and his Governmen:,

~\\llJ Iff:, ' P '. It \ Iiale ~11 JI, al,d 11'0.' Illlues du,t ;~\~ ;J,"!f \\'rlh'f 'a~d dirt. Bill ~v,., men lal\~h !Iud

10? ,. :t,,,,;,d ,(1" llrll.~h such things a:ilde k~o\\'ing · "". I, p:m ,ed th.1 tilis is tn" prie'" W~ musL pay for

.' ~ ;.vlr l'f ('u:.::d.l i il'eednm." · r~r -:' e :,~a': oi."ht by I Earll~r Dr. ,\ D. Kelly 01 To· '. . h',II".ld .~l'Uro rC;110, C~I:\ ~'lIel'al ·secretary,

· I'a' .. ' t~r ;o:nt m~ct II:C:lOed ,I ", c e n t remark by ... '"' .• 1a alld British Prince Ph III p that Canarllans

p' ',':1, aren't aq f,1 a, they might be, · -t'~":.j 10:1 th, I "Jt Ij quite Irle Ihat the peo

I' t .. e cOoI'cntiOl, i pie of the \"o\l~ger generatIon in .' !:,~ /f2'1:. C~:jrC'ses. CRnana ar~. not ns fit as their . I 'i r. :n:, nod r:nnJ parents," Kelly told dele~ates, :\. ,~ •. 01 rOI' high :., nnd the CMA "bears no rsse~t·

n . '-'." "''"'i I h

,<even" comprl,e Britain, SII'P<I~~ A strike woulr benefit United i 1 think that principles hs\·c.

:-;'orwuy De~mark, AustrIa Por· Labor Caill-ng For Stales fishermcn during the peakjbeen sc.rapped lor political ex· lu~a!, Switzerland, snlmo~ period, July :r; to AUl:. pcdicncy. I cnn!lot reconcile It looks to most governme!lls [0. my remaining a member of

that the opposing bloC.! must this Coru;ervativc family. brace either fOT a cut .' throat . SEW U,S. CO~'RM:'T I To borrow tlie word!· of a strll~gle for tradl~g ~upr~macy New . Poll-tl-cal Party Fishermen in Washington state familiar fi"ure in Amcrican In Europe or come to some kind ha\'e signed n new wage contrac; history, "1 n claim not to have or' accommodation. and they couln continue to fish (Continued on Page 5)

The "Il",\, of British lenders Is the salmon groul1ns In the e\·£nt ------.-that a ~howdown would Imp2ar: COR~ER BROOK, Nn. (cp) dlate program 01 !KIlItical ac' warrant with his retent labor of a Canadian strike. 1-----------. the e1tire pollclcal and military A Ca:Jadlan Lahor Congress offi· tlon," lcgi~latio:l. Undcr the ,~rms of the bl,," I IInlt)' of th~ Atlontlc Alliancr 10 clal Monday called on the ~ew Mr, Chafe'S reference waR to "lie hs. bitt~1I oil more than natio:lHI Fishing I\greement fish pain. staklngly de~elopcd since tOllndla~d Federation of Labor to le~islat:on that decertifIed' two he can che, •. " caught durin~ th! s:rike could oe I III-tn, form a new political party "to Newfoundland locals of the Inter The NFL leader 'charged that (1il"crtcd to 1',5 canneries.

protect the social right of New naUonal \\'oodworkers of Amer the premier made "an unscrup· Mr. Sinclair anaounced Mon·.

Weather Sunny alter early morn·

~ \'1( .. ;,,' '. ;',~:tIOII.' m~lIl" n\'er whAt t c pr!~c2 said. t>-,'t!b,,"', ' II ~ ":;e Ih' "We took Ihe prince's remark Thev think on the other hand ,'" ' mr" t' hI' p.~ a well mennt stimulUS, Thl, ~ me~ge ~ciuld herald a new era

· "·'r,:.r. • II "'aj JUlt the Ihln~ tn provine Ihnt of prosperity with West Europe . D"t:" ~"""l'e hu. liit'e "\l\lrk which \\'as n'c,~s3ry dcl'clcplng. as a sln~l~ tradln~

loundlacd's working force." len (CLCl. One of thc local. was ulous effort to Inflame his people day that last'mlnute otlrmpts to W, Frank Chafe. the CLC', on strike at Ihe time agaltd th~to a pitch of hyslerical insanity avert a tie·up Ir. the $9R.000,[)OO , in; mi.>t. High 70.

e a s t e r n'represc:ltatll'es, chal Anglo . ~ewfou~dland' Develop !'duri:1g·tlle recent loggers strike' n")'eor indll.'[ry had fni'cd.

'1(11 .. : ' 10"11' hl.lt I 10 mnke Us fDce lip to the mal unit ahlc tu match the mass Pf11-. r, [1, ""~'l Ir"" d'.lclirn nnd murJ.;:lln"" methorl;

v' . . I '. " .0'. \.1 ~I 01 III T.~r prinrp nE'nnll'hlle ,e~t 0 of Ihe American and SOl'Iel ,/ •. : 1\ .•. ,' i '~t~'"~! 10 th' (In:tr,r! .. 'D~·i',". gianLI. This wonld hc donc by '~" , •. " . ~""" .'1 'i~·.' ~,rll,··<lrftl' I nlr \',"~\'0 of B I~Rrl"" "owr t~r1ffs. nnd In tlmr r."j ,~ht"r _ .. ' ""ei·1 ~o· '~··nl'.':A:111 c r , nrc HOD ir I' ould s nell lower productlo~ , It, . alb)'fi achlel'ing pr~clicol rcsultJ. co.ts and higher 11I'lng standards,

, I

lcnged the :'IF!. to break Its tics ment Cnmpa:lY of Grahd Falls, The premier's wurds 3t1cceeded :\. L. C;ordon head of 3 1'~ite'l with the prol'lnclal gOI'ernment KEY:>iOrc; SPE.:CH In belling certain elements o[ Flshern,on and Allied \\'or!'rrs' and embnrk Immedlutely on a 00 NFL president Larry Daley, in the pO;Julation "to the point of llnlo:1 tInd.1 commiltee which lItlcnl program, II fiery keFole address at the (>rIulng thcillsrlVC.i Into lunC:' ,1Isc/ r cp r ' 5(' n Is the' :"-Int'l"r I


~lontreal .,.. 64 Ottnwa ..... 59 Halifax .. , ... 56 S\'dney • ... 61 St. .I ohn' s .. .47

71 " 66 75 83

He urged Ihe ~fcdcratlon to group's nrd annual convention mobs." ~Ir, Daley \I'm reh'rill~ BrmllPrhnorl of B.C,-on lnrlia~' .;hell'e nnv attnmpts 10 amend re which 01~nerl herr M~",doy, said to ~Ir,·. Snl3ilwcod's call {orl hod'·-said: i ce'nt ~ro\'lndnl lRhor bg!'lal'on :'Iew;"'ln-!! a ~ d Pl'cmier Smnii 'n~'1P- l·rI· en'orcemcots durin~ ;'Thl.~ lalest propo;al is no: i a.,d concentrate "on an Imme wood had II~ncd hI! ~WD death the lo~sera strike •.. '. realistic," !... __ ..;.. _______ '


.... ..


-' .

'. .... • ~ . '.~


. I


I, II II I i

I i !


i : I


I I , ,

j I j

, I ,

I , 'j I , ,

I ,


. ,I

. I


- TRINITY Behind Indifference To. Madness, p;~:~~~;:~:~ Hysteria, Heat And A Personality

-Time':' Honored Relics Departed .. '

T1lINlTY-Tho'e three old lIIerUf.,truf. which for 1~ )'em patt have been repoalng ill threi 'iucceaalve court· 1louM1 here have' recently tUn theIr departure, under

• tlCort 01 the R,C.M.P., actin I under authority, We Ire not lUre that they hive yet reach· ed their destination, which Is tlI' Ne,wfoundland Museum .t It. 1Gbn' •. We hOPe that they )IY., It 11 perhap. the ufut ,lace for 'them, We lay "per. 1I1pa" advisedly, having In IIlincl how lOme other rel\cs MJIt from thl. old pllee to the two former muaeums, are aow lOll and ,one forever. If th' lime flte I. In store for tlI •• ld aWfl, It were better the, w.r, left here, where thl, would be nle for an' other' untury or two,

.11Ieat old Itlth have served th,.1 In III three ~ourthouses hert, the first one bullt In n,., the lecond in lBl1, and the third, the present one. !tullt In 1800, The date In· acribed on one of the staffs Is 1111, Ind It bears the insIlnla of G.o. II, and Is surmounted by I crown. It was the year 1811 that Captain David Buch· 1ft opened I !IoaHn, lurro·

:]rregularity In , Mail

TRINITY-There Is ,I mild complaint here over the Irre· gularity in mall. '

ment of Public Works It 01· IY WAIID CANNEL eha~ges as you mo\'e norlh. !n~'~_'::::i' . • . .-. And lfon, on' 01 ' tawa, It concerns a minor prcr Baton Roule, La. - (NEAl - Tite Latin·Catilolic herila~e is rc • I li.;ts who has Sc~n ni I", ject here on the !lte of what At this Irentlcd moment-when placed by Anglo'Saxon, Prolc,""! twistin;: la;lr from 11\

I~ known AS "The Old Bcach Ihe cool, wet sheets or complete tant-dosely alllcd with neigh· hospital; Letters often go to another

place of the same name, viz., Trinity in Bonavlsta Bay.

noad." The road skirts the rcst [or GQv. Earl Lo~g, Ind boring Tex8.l, Mississippi and beach from Hussey's old premo poUtical [oIlOI,'PfS sntrr ncrvous Arkansas. Ises now belonging to Mr. ly for a new lion to follow-at 1\'ot surprisingly, northwest Arthur WhIle, and that of this momcnt a lourlst In Loul.· Caddo Parish has been the seat

A lady had notice from·. Jenkin's now belongln, to Mr. lana ca:l get a quick, clear, of a~gry, but so Car fulile at· business firm In St. John's of Alonzo Hayter. App!lcatlon I~apshot Imag0 or how a state tempts to have Long impeached a parcel haVing been posted had been made by the rold can be unemr'dll asscd and Indlf· and rid the stale o[ what Caddo her from there on June 27th, board here for a renewal of ferent to mid~cs~ in high ollice. businc.;sman G. E. Hall calls

h h h t It be-I". s, ",.·:lv, with a tribute "Our. shame," It nnol reac cd ere ye, the breastwork along Its outer •. , V~WJ July l~th. side, adjacent to the sea, to the thrd,h,: l govcrnor from Throu~hout the state. howel'er

T I I I many of LoaU"na'3 leading psy· one [aclor Is co~st3nt: the ~rin· A newspaper lurncd up alter he prelim nar es, seem nil· hi I I . d" I I h

to c atr s 5, tng, tiLen,,, rc enl ess cat. some kno·klna around. It mu·t. Iy I lot of prec us red tape Lo h h dAd h dl b d . I d' • •• ng, I ey SO), as spurre n J: y .ny 0 y-tnC U lllg I' have lone on holiday to the wasted o'n 10 small I project, Ihe people on the bayous, the the oldest greatgra~daddy _ ! mainland, II when received it leading up to the raise repert, f th Id Itt d t 't

and the consequent final de. cow pea arn:s e 0 pan a· ever ge s use 0 l . bore the Inscrl:>t\on "try New· elsion by the Federal Minister lio~s and old~r iron lattice por· "CUmate is oeldom til'en ~ .. foundllnd", EverY mR11 day, ehea to "the ~,~l mc,ttal health much wci~ht as a sociologicJI which Is every second day, of Public Works, Mr. Green, program in Ll~ Soulh." for~c," one of the state's best· ,if should normally bring two In Inuuhell, II Ihls. The Today, ~'hl:! the demand for know"'sociolo~isls ,aid, asking ;',. local damcs to subscribers. chairman of the road board menIal health cUnlcs I:rowo, ;sy· tbn his neme be withheld a.; it Sometimes there Is only 'one. here, Mr. Georle Bartlett, In cho:o::y a~d sociology hal'e becn is sometimes dan~erous to talk When the mIlslng' one turns the early part of 1958 wrote able to outJlne a picture of Ihis about the wcather. up, It.~ contents are stale, and to Mr, J. Tucker, M.P., rcp, state from the thousands o[ case "But in Louisiana the climate to quate one man, "There Is resenting tile Trlnlny·Conccpt· hlslorles they hal'c scen. mll.t be conslrlered. It cannot

dit r p rlshable I Ion riding, and broulht the "We are almost alone in the r,clp but Arfect the way people no commo "y mo e e matter tn his attention. LRter U,S." one professor told 1m, "in iecl: on the one hand, apathetic than news, In lhe l'ear Mr. Tucker visited the classic hysteria cases we and slo\\,·movlolg: o~ tbe olher gate court herc, and rccom· here and saw and approved of see In lhe soulhern part of the hand, il'ascible and angry." mended A new courthouse qnd the need himself. This was fol· slale. They resemble very c1o~e It would be' comforting to thInk jail, It was perhaps at lhat lowed on 'hIs part b)' a com· Iy what researchers have found it was ·.il·~ Lliln:.tc 8:1d hope that time thc staffs wcre used here munlcatlon on Dec. l~th, tn the Caribbean and Central I state' wl,le airconditioner for the first time, about the matter, to the dis· America." mi~ht help.

lrlct engIneer In St. John's. To a reporter recently back But listen to onE !.olli3ianan

"I ~a'~. his reCords examln~,' h:m. I And I.'t me tell )'ou' . me i cculd Sc~ m;'~lf th. poll3 Bnd I'olin' f . ~

Sa.le ,or ill. hot Or t1IJ

or An~,o Sa;;on, it is ..... lity of the man Iha' him to the .' , nCl'er could h~le [~ , \\'ise~l'e~ if o:j IlJe: ding him by thc arm,

And if YOu're thinking this II Ine Louisiana and II (a~'I' n~y place cise, t~c~ history book. Tile total and a'J.'oiu:e I.' Inaded \I illt l11a,ln'.'·

~', I' I (icc; Tibcl'l.I', Cali:u:; I

The Ihre"t '.,0 American P'ycit;alri! 1\arl Me:1ni:1;;~r 0':1 that rl ery mall fice should t'r;[ ~ and passed bl' a ' '

This lea\'es' 0,11' ~. 'j I or who \."uu:~ lxa'm:n;' i I the psychiatr.'t

$ , The district enilineer lent lIfr. from tho~e lands, his stateme~t after another-Long slipporters Tucker's letter-or a cOP)'- rel'il'CS o~e shivering memory. and Lo~~ hate,s, native Dr reo to the Federal Minister 1I1r, Ihe complete acceptance ot 11" cent resid~nt: '" J i \\'om~~-;-;-

" WI~TI T,/(, fit, Flmily, IAV' with fit,

Cad. llund Trip For.

Por tho "Hood" oflho family.

,IrIoH,." OliloWay adult hr. far Iho round Irlp.

~~~)'c'"II.\1fa 5111 , 't atlllit For, Par tho round trip. 12 and

under 22 y"a" 01 agl.

Green, expecting perhaps to rntlonal and lotal power becallsc "Long's not much different gct the go·aheRd signal. So "that's the way thln,~ are." No from what he el'er 11'3.<. Mal'be far 50 good, as far as the tape one 15 ever surpriled In Louis· a litlle more SO ~o\\'adays. it'll was eJncerned anyhow. But lane \\'he~ a reform governm~nl oe a lhame to see him So. at this point It came In can· turn~ out tl' bt as corrupt IS the \1'll,rc ft' e tlte,· el'er gonna find tact with I snag which one It r~nla(cd. . ,I anot~;.r colorful feller like 01' brought mailers to A full ItOP, The C01ln.CXlon of th" sla.e Earl.

',' _ • .". • • _,.. I u.ntil . to~orro\\' ha',!

I ;o;ow It I, too lale ~

LONG IN' BEDCLOTHES AT NEW'S CONFER. I mach an~ hip mUlcles I ter look m shortl a:./

EKCE: Ii, • , not much different than he ever was. I SUIt. BOil ever. 'f )'01

Maj;be a little more so nowadays. It'M' be a shame! proper exerci,rs i to see him go." I yoU will be in b'tler ,

the clo.'lng ,ummrr The snag was the hlse report, This resultcd In no further any claim, In any war At any I ncnresl' lelcgraphlc station on I 2~ years. Young, welfara officer here gree. FOr some re'>I)Q

I eonslderfttlon of the project. time to this road. ]l is as It the ."merican side I~ Hall[ax Mr. ~Iark Dewlinl of who goes on ooUday on ~lon'l p".:lLaps the 1.11, anj

What WB! the lalse report. alw8),s was 8 part of the pub· 21~O miles from the west of Trouty met with I severe los5 day. I-It appears Ine), To answer Ihl~ qucstlon, f~r IIc road around Trinity. Ireland, Xow would It not be one night last week when an entcred the sllCam! 011

the uninformed ft Is .necessary So who bungled? And well to cail the attention of Iceberg destroyed his codtrap, Wss ;\Ionica WhltC, and hcr I \l'ard course. to make mentIon bl'lefly r,f I where do we go from here? England and America to SI. entirely. The ios~ cannot be! friend ~liss Penmy ·Clouston Sea·trout and the history 01 the roads In John's as the nearesl tele· replaced under $3000. arrived by train nil Saturday e;-er, do not concern tit Trlnlt>:. ' A· Of graphic poInt. I hope the day for I week's hoHaay. They two holidaycr lerr

The 'main ro~d belt uound Dnlvetsary Is not far dIstant when st. Mr. William Hou~e, his son have laken up lodg'ing at i\liss is al'erse to pay,;, Trinity was buill In 1937·1840. • John's will be the first link Cyril, wife and chUdren are White's aneestraf hom e rircr licence for 3

This Is well documented. Be· Atlantic Cable . In the electric chain which here on holiday from Grand "Lucas House," ' day.; while his "Ifl IX fore that time, there were \I'm unite the Old World and Falls 2nd stayin, with Mrs. family sit o~ Ihe rl)(l

1 many cart paths Ind lanes as I _ the 1\'011'." Wm. Maybee. Mr. and lIlrs. Tho mas ~lay· lI'atching him, He. I means or com m u n i Cit Ion TnINITY-),londay thc 27th, Wclllt appears Ihat In those bee and daughter, (If Corner be a wealthy man I These are not documented. 115 the 93rd. annll'crsary of days-as in these-there were Messrs. KIng, Ferguson, and Brook, arc hel'e on ~helr an· 1 ~11 a $5,00 licenc!. Their history Is lost in ant!· I the landIng of the Atlantlc some who,e education In geO' \\Iurray of Nova Scotia, in· nual holiday. IS not too much for

, quit)'. One or those old ror.ds I cable at Heart's Content by graphy was sadly lacking. spectors of the RoY'1 Bank __ privilege, for tho;! J'tA Is the "Beach Road" referred the Great Eastern, the then They didn't know where New· of Canada arrived here on La I h the time in Ihe ~or:d~' to abo\'f. Knowin/( this, rend· large.lt ship afloat. Th'anks foundland was, and Bishop Wednesday. rge ce el~J1S ril'ers at will. il i' ers wlll better understand the be, the "landfall" of Ihe trans· Mu!lock had 10 tell them. ,t) much [or tho'e wno

~---"-"-__ '1:::;:"'f-lJ.WII" I fa!se report. .. 'nd here It is, ."Uantlc cable Is so weI! es· The records further Ihow Congratulatiom to the ·Rev. StOll A .1 I We quote rrom ~Ir. Green's Ilbllshed and documented that that the name o[ the lale V. Cluett, and lIlrs. Cluett, I roun.u al their di.;posal. \\":1

Junfon I/J On,.Way For. for 'ho round 'rip for chlld .. n of 5 and undor 1~ yoo" old, Und .. 5 lrel,

.... twoon [o,'orn Canada (Cap"o', Sudbury, Cochronl, Wln""r, 5amlt and ta.,) and Wlllirn Canada IWinniplg end Wilt). htwoo" Conad. and Midw •• lern ond Wllt.rn Uni,"d Slatli. htwlln Wllt .. n Conoao and fall,," U,S,

• l'IYing Manda)'J, TUlldor', Wldnlldoy., ihundoy.

• ~ap-ovor prlvlllgll • GIMtroul Ralurn limIt

• 300 lb •• loggogl Allowanco

Camp'"'o '"'ormollon 'rom any C,N, or C,P, Tich, ~gln',

1 tt r t tllr Tucker dated I It b ub'ect Bishop l\Iul\ock is specially to whom I son was born on 1'R N ,', " Ihe lice~ce be bNd e eo. , I e:m never ecome a s j . !. IT) -rhe. ma".'l"e ~1'iJ"rg I,·n" • .Ie", Ie or p"r , J I 0 d 1909 f h that associated with events which 'V d d 15th Inst h h " , u y .n, ": I a controversy sue as , e nes ay .. w IC . we mentLO~ed In OlJ'l" b,l or per monlh. as '

"As stated In the district: of John Cabot's In the little led up to Ihe landing of the , notes IS soil arou:td. Jt has. how· place., on the englncer's acknowJedcment, a I "~latthew". Bul according to cable by the Great Eastern. fIIr. ~Iac. roope of iI!ontreai ever shed it! towers and IelSt lL, t d.s t d ...

thl 11 I· has tl0l" Th " at nreJat I"a- pared . h . '11 hi .- 5 an 0 al ,I 'I ' report of s mn e , I the records, it was almost e Arc ~ e,·, K IS ere VISI ng 5 paren", I stately appearance. For till" last . I d" been recell'cd and rel'ic\I'cd. I' ~Gmctl'llerc else, and ncar to see hi.1 wish cHried out on .'.Ir and ]\Irs. Walter Toope. se,"cral day< despite wind and JUS. at~ fl,en., . . . I .. mocra lC pnnc:p,!' From the Inl'cstigation car· I Cape :\'orlh too. It was not be July 27th, 1866, ."~companYlng him are hiS' tide,. il .has been practically im· time thal the b:ari, rico out, It ~ppear~ th~t the too well known that Ihc land· wlte and famlly. mobile In ~he centre of the. Nar· Board revi.'c th!!1 brca~ll\'ol'k ~nd crlb·work on fali o[ the Great Easlern wfth ro\\'s. It IS lhp liH~cst Icel'>cr.; ~lliation<, aloll~ me-:!

Ihe "Beach Road" were orlg· her snailc)' call was almost Personals Mr. Md lIlrs. MOSf5 Kelly e\'er seen there b)' the n\dc!lt i.n· cratic line.', Ii ",~:d J Inally constructcd by Ryan at HalifAx. and perhaps would [rom Toronto, accompanied habitants of thc place. lie dOllot a bct~er reclin~ al! I Bros. of Trinity. Thc roadway hal'c b~cn but tor the ialc by their daughter, her hus· whether a ship of \'er)' la.~e as increa ... Ille ril"

I \\'8S Rlso a;>parentl)' built by Bishop ;I\ullock o[ St. John's. TRI!\'JTY-~In, Geo. Ford, and And child, are here on tonnage would attempt to IIC' 'Ill'an Bros. for their exciusive The following Is a lctter writ· her daughter !llrs. ~tunn and holida)'. gotiate the 1\arrows at the pl:C' TRIXITY _ One usc, althouRh it is now used ten by the Bishop to the children of Buchans, are here se~t time. It would be obli~ erl in[requently by lhe local resl· editor of the "Courier" on and \\'i11 be staying the great. Miss Gloria Stone of Cor· to keep 100 near the shore 1\.1

dents." Nov. 8th. 18M, 16 years before er Ilart of the summer. Also ner Brook is on holiday here, either sidc. ~radunlll' <qurr"G ~ And that's thc false report, the cable was landed: from Buchans are Mrs. ~rd's and slaying with her grand Our ~randparcnts ha\'e oHell. iinoual circl1l~' 01 arJ

Well, it mIght bc be\!eved In "I regret to find Ihat In son Sidney, his wife and child. parents ]lIr. and Mrs. Harry told us thaI when the Great Eao· FlSHI:"olG lI'cd Ilere:~ China but not here. This state· every plan for transatlantic ren, here on holiday. Rowe. lern, on July 2ith. 11\66 landed: It is onll' in re~en: ment on Ihe "Old Beach communIcation, Hallfax is the cable at Hearl's Content. it "li'hing'" a' aoplied Road" is absolutelY false from always mentlonfd ". and 11r. and ~Irs. Fred ~Iorris Miss Iris Batson left on was on the day before that she ing" ha, been i, beginning to end. This old bit Newfoundland entirely ol'er· of J\ew York are here and Saturdav for Toronto via appeared 0([ the ;';arfOws, 3 ,1' :Iand. It i.< an " of road Is used by pedestrians looked. I read In your paper staying at the CabIns. Mr. plane t~ \'Islt relatives there. parentl~ t~ ~ake ~n at~elmpt}o .and ofle~ Imkr' now as much as It ever WI!. on Saturda)' last rcgardin~ ~lol'ris is the Son of the late ~n~e~. t ~I ar our or lane 101 J"~ •. 'J'ather than (i.1I ':'.

It I~ entlrelv foreign to the telegraphic commun ica t Ion I William ~Iorris, one time resi· I\lr. Mo .. ~ of the Welfare \\~I hl~a y gal]·e 1~~.tlle altlcnhlil . Jroliling are nOl , B ;., ith th 1 d rl t . 1'h" D t t V ~ e are II'O~I ereu II' \I', I as t \ I ,' .• r·· Ryan ros. "e er ey nor between En~land and Irc ~n en of Bar POint. l~ I~ I epa!' men, came on 'cu., ~ t Ih I' "1 el'nt.i.: rOll, ',' , ..

I h d I II h I t th 'I I . f' , 't hid I I' I now DCcllreu 0 u, n a SJnll.ar a' fish is not Rh."~ I. tllclr revered Bnce~ ors ~ n 11'1 C )'ou said t 12 e, r. '01'1'1." II',t 1'lSl ere n ne< ay a re le\'e ~ r. E, I oh,truction in the \'arrow, mdtt " COre and ';ll:P:' .---- -. I hal'e preventcd her entrance. '"hl'follnol;1.r.1

. I .. trouli~~", I' I TR]l'I'l'I'Y-On the mDl'llin~ of ca'ilt'd withnll: ,--,._.-: -"--~":"'~'.-": ~:4" '. :"', ,"

: . <~.:.'i·>J~·

., .. '.' .. ,,_\ .

f-;':, ./. ~. :'

. ' \'. t,":

.. : ~ , :", " .. ,".,

,>,.,:,'; ... ',', ....... i

"Our Thames averages 800 high-speed miles a week

I •• at 25 miles per gallon!" Mr, Clair Fockler, Manager, Vachon Cok .. limited, Scarborough, Ontario. ,.p.rtll

. "Toronto to, Orillia and back-that's moetlY' highway driving. And we've got to move fast; fresh deliveriell are el!sen· tial to our hUBlneJlB. Our other imported vans simply coulrin't take it, hut this Thames 800 does it every day!"

Mr, Fockler has also found lhallively performance is not achieved at the ex­pellBe of economy, With ita modern, IIOOrt·stroU enSine, the Thames 800 iJ 69% !\lore powerful than Vachon's other imporieii vaM-IO it tnak .. tim. with­out over-workin, and keeps main~nanee CMt., lew •. Gas bin, 1.1'8 lower, t<)O, with tluir Tbl""" aver.rin, a M1 25 mil .. p&' ,ilion,

"Our tirive. are TUlly pleased with tl\e Them .. ," Mr. FoCkler cOntinuea. "They can mmt.ain hi,hwlY .peeds and It ill enjoy a comfortable ride and ea.sy handlinl," The Thamu 800'1 fine engin­eering lind compact dimellBiolll! provide


6m aU-ear handling Nl5f! •• , load steering, even 'll'ith heavy loads, , . and wide, clear ¥ision through its bi, windshield,

Ea~ of access i.o the load is. also im­porlant to Vachon, "Our driven; have to be able to get at the cakes and pastries we carry quickly and easily. They find the Thame8 easy to work," says Mr. FoCkler, With the engine up front, out of the way ••• with big fioor-to-roof rear dool'll, and an optional side door, , • thl Thames BOO is the [Iloirl; accessible van in the imported field.

Loadspaoe is alto big, 170 cubic feet, as well !Ill easy to get at. And payload capacity is 1,935 Ibs. -topa in its cla~.

Thnmee 800 ownel'll everywhere agree with Mr. Fockler's happy pun: "Which­ever way you look at it, this is the truck that takeS the cake!" 1'ty it soon aD your own job, or try a smaller 'l'hamc8-jurl call your British Ford Line dealer for .. dcmol1lltration.

~Ig fear doors OpOll 1.0' for lasy pl .. tfo"" lo.dln.,

800/VAN Thrifty Tham .. Tru~1I1 Inolud. I.~-ton

and VI-ton vane, Yt-\or. pick" ... And bus ..


.~ -

~ .lull' lith 1884. 75 years a~o. as wrl3t is mean:. I"r,r Ine news sprcad rapidl\' Ihrou~n In local r<lrl,r,," 'C': the tOll'll, the city of 51. .Iohn·., Fl SlII:'iG in : I:C B,I, was all a~og and thc wnarl'c, TR()UTI:'iG IC thr soon bccame crowded with ,1 i, Ifle me,min: n:' l \\'onderi~g a~d IlOpeful people. It "rlsiLln~" in 111, o:~ was the arril'al of Ihe ,Ieamers time' immcI11n,iai. Thetis. Bcar and the :\Ierl. n,' their wa)' home from the Polu Su,!])mcr hrrrW 11

regions where lhey had ~nnc in~. .But all ~irL' \11' under the commissioll o( Ih~ me,s.a lI'i:l(l), r'~! ell

United States ~ol'ernment lo thcir Ulairdol. On I

~a:~h for Ibe Greely ex· cially jn a rnn"rtib:l. pedittOnary .part)' ;tr~nded for I and PdOtcclcd w;ln I three years In the Melle reglons. \\'a" These m Out of a total o[ 25 of the Greci)' . cia\l)' oor the jOl, party who set out three years before, only 7 were fou:td alil'e, O~ board the ships now arril'ed were both Ihe !iring and the thai her SKin' , dead. The rescue slory is all epic 1 ture Rt~. ""II Iii one, and lI'as told in full in Ihcsc I ("'l~eticsf "" i ,i! coillmn., three y·ear.; agn, I II hI' her ,'Kl'l can Itt

The rescue ships \\"'I'e manlle,] I ·n;".I\: • .A~ri "Ik)' by t02 all told. and e,peeiail,' whop ,he f',';;' 'I' orr I selecled men lor the arduous and ---- _ ... perilous u~dertaking, under the eomma~d of Lieut. W.S. Schley or the United Stales Nary. Of Ihose 102 me'l, 100 'were t,"wri· esn!, and 2 were Newfounn lander8. The tll'O Ne\\'f~undler, I"ere C."!opt"in Frank A;,h 'J! Trinity. 3nd Captain !'erman A(

l'Iri~u~. These t'I'O famed an~ intrepid mari:1ers wpre icp·pilot, o~ board the Theti~ and !lear respectll'eiy. with tile raak of Lieut .. nant in the V.S. l\'al'Y.

It was CaplAin A~h of Trinity who was on the Bear's cutler. callen the "Cub". that found Greely and hi. e lil'ing comrades in a horrible condition b a bal' tered wind·torn tent. He was the first to greet the iIl·rated part)'.

TRI:-lITY - For some ye<lr, past the ~encrnl complaint by

Scienootfiow Piles

I vlsilor~ and oth~rs was the scar· cilv of trout. Thi~ .~eaJon has a different slory In lIwt re~nerl. etoile. (Hi". 1'hi~ hH~ hfPIl so r~r O~f of thr , .Iamoll< !i,itIlW

h .. .11 ye~rs III Il,Jnl" fOI' ~ooll . Nul. tI". or

I ""'l'il~5, h:ld 0' .,iu3hl .. '111~dil) I I' "II~I<.\ ,II ''', !tUIU ulll,..j I,

loon. ! rur it HI "dl rllIl~ I Thel'P ~I'e ~.' \'pt 1\11 ;,'~·II'Il'" I La." ~II""""'" l or salmon i1 any marken de j


re ,

sen Ne

The fesoh deeply r . of Ass!! rights I

The rcsolL we will r

The coml

nt people a

borne of ~cII'f

great a III al'ing reg to pay. a

nearb and tI

serv of the Provinc lhe cal

ndiann's they we Mc~air



:,', record. ~ m. I '. lrll YOU: be

co{] sec rnnlf ~nd "oUlle for

: :. hot or ~14. ',",on. it is the , man that haJ

" ~orernDr·L: '~ , -".11.

Cd. ,,:1"C ~on~ i1 , :: 01:1 lIuty , h,· tile arm. 1ft

~. ':;::l;:~r O:1ce ~;\ mao runnln: '~.d IIr>! be ·d by a ta' es only the .. J":" uarnine bl J :atr .• t

, .. he PUt orl ,,,orrow hi"

too late to :.J hip musc!,s

: n shorts Ind 0'. ~'er. if you nerci.~s ~ in ~Il~r

· c~ ."mmn

.... ;ome rea ~c or · :"t !~;e and rnid '. ,;,rs they halt : : oe streami 00

, ..::"~t.

~ r3::h~' man to ~; ~ licence. : 00 much for tile

'~r lor those ... ho '11f ,n th~ ... orld ,: "'ill, it i~ :u; t~ ""ho 2 .;; or a ,,'eek It · r dijposal. Wby I l,'r ~ ba'ed 011 c", or per da)', ,,-,onlh. 1\ oblairJ

· (" :he mainland. · ",da~' it is unl.ir

: e C e,en a ,io:alilll " ; principle '. Ii ~ . -,al the b:lnd

, c"i!ot' m~e 00'. along mort · . Int-. It ",ould T !e~lin~ all round. :;ea~ the ri'tr

1'\ ITY - One :', n: lrom "elr 10 '. -cd TROtil:\G . ",::,. ~queHed out " c:rculation. and

ll'\r. u~ thmlor '

': ;nmrr hl't'tle~ Irt, Rut III ,irl~ kno

, .JI ... i:ldy ride call ; ilai!'1los. On. I ;.. In a ~1'erilb1t. . ;uotccted ..... ith •

Th~ are .~ ~ the job.

l,moUe ..,~>IIU''''.' ;fuW 1

t •• .n",,~II'" J I.' .........

' ....... 110-1 ,,~ I'" II .l .U \oe.1 , ..... D~

st. JOHN'SI NEWFOUNDLAND The ·.Daily News TUESDAY, JULY 2h 1959 ~ .• c·

• . , remlers eso u ·Ion on emns e era ; ':J ,

. • ~'I

., • I e •

Imlln • • erm

. 1----.1-ov • or ------------------_ .... -_._.-.----- - ----------------- ':,..;

ents Action ~f Otta~~1 Not Consultmg House Assembly Or Local Govt. r, It ,.,hlllllil pft"ClIt ill lhe HOllse of AsscmiJ,ly :-'I~nday by Premier Smllll· I ' ""'\ rl~rl'ltl'd thL' GOYertlmcnt of Canada S REhon In not consulting the

.\, "', '\ ",'11;\1 II (II' t hL' :\ to\\' fOllndlHnd Government before deciding "that the

"'1 ' ',111'1'1'" i,kd 111' Term 29 shall become null Rnd void after 1962.~ ";.'1:~~' ",llIli,"1 abo ~~ort'S the Fedeml Government for "invading" our rights I II'"~ \I ill IlI,t ("'a,l' ollr l'l'sislllllCC unlil these rights have been fully restored."

'TIll' (l"lIl'ld(' l,'~t of the Resolution follows:- .

.,. ,,: I'll' :Ill' fol. I 7. "Term 29 Is not for the deep loyalty to the union of ,'I 1~1'ls: I Ilurpose 01 prol'idlog for any our two countries (Canada and

'" ' :1'\ 111II.Spcn.!lmprovement In the levels Newfoundland), to the terms " d nnd standards of Newfound· of Ihat union as they are writ·

ll! !11C il'. m .. lin er (l


:1I !1;!llri aban. land's public services, as they ten Inlo the Constitution of ~t: Jr.,le"\ ",111 hO:1' were found by the McNair Canada. and In particular to ':"I'cl',rl'l1(,p within Royal Commission, but only the rights solemnly provided , .. , I Ilh th inti uatlon' for Newfoundland In this , l' "':Il,,,,"ll'l'a:t I 10 , weI' co n , 1 f:I;' .111" "I ('~nanA:' 8, "Term 29. and lis strict Term,

" l\ ". a{Tcpled ann honourable enforcement, "We cannot regard any lpgls· . ".1-:" lile I',;rlia· does nul. and was not Intend· latton unilaterally adopled by 'l,: .• d" tl:c I'arlia, ed to, deprive "ewfoundland the Parliament of Canada. or

, K' od m of anv. grants or other forms any oral or even written assur-. ::e l ,,,,e,\ III~ 0 , 11 annes of Individual Ministers

c:II r '1l,llllIten aU' of assistance made genera Y , . II A 81'nllable to all or any number of the Government of Canada.

,I \(,11,",:" an,,: d ' ~~ "1 " "nh"dien in of the utileI' Provinces of Can· as a substltute for, Cana as .: I,,' :1' .\I11C1'lc~, ada. and does not In any sense Constitution itself, As the • '.;: t n! I hc COllsti· I 01' degr.ee reduce Newfound· elected representation of the

:.: (i '3d" ,11':n h)' Can. ! land's ~eneral rights as a Provo people of Newfoundland we .~ :i::,':;': :lno ,,"C\I"! incr of Canada. wlll strive by all proper . ., p.lI'til'ular,' "Thl. Hau .. nat •• wIth d •• p means to procure In lhe Par·

', .. :!n';j 10 be as r.gr.t that th. pr ••• nt GOY' llament of Canada, which Is ~·:'.I ,,::11'1' ,'I~use of, .rnm.nt of Canida, through our nallonal Parliament. the

.. -.---.----------~

Briefs .

In The "News"

ACCIDENT l;COHE The Accident Scorc reo

port from the Traf!le Bur· eau last night gave the number of atcldents from July 13th to July 18th as:

Accidenls .. lZ


I. . .;z~· ;46' ',':f"


" "

Injuries 8. 1 We :lrc ~till waiting 10 see. ., that accldent·free day In St­John's become a rcallty. , ,

22 DRUNKS In ~!agistrale's Court yeslcr '.'

day morning 22 persons wcre charged with being drunk in ; pub tic place. Two of thest' '. were women.

FIRE Central fire trucks reo •.

sponded to a call from 46·.~~ •• : J.lvlngstone Street at 9.1~ -last night. On arrival they' -: found that a mattress In a > bed on which a man was ;:' sleeping had caught lire.!:: There was only slight dam· :! age caused. -:

COLLISlOS A car going south on Quidi

I Vidi Road collided, with an· othcr car at 5 p.m. ycslen:,,), c

: Thcre was slight damage IV i both cUS.

I SCRn;V SJIIP :~I'''tl : Ih. Innouncem.nt of the unequivocal acceptance of Tum 29 forms part. Prim. Mlnl.t.r Ind th. l.gl .. Term 29 as a solemn and _. __ ....

TtI~1 01 Union, which: lilian recently .nact.d, hIY', abiding guarantee of the rights 1--- - . I .1" negoti.ted and wltnout tn. con •• nt of thl. of Newfoundland, for which, D' I C L b d F' es I (lnlda and N,w· Hault or of the G.nrnm,nt there can be no sUbStilute·1 les n a r; a ra or Ir : I laintly, no Cnlng.·. of thl. Province, decld.d that I Our rl~hts have been Invaded . ' , I -

\ Fire Destroys I I .House On

The GOI'ernment biolo~i· ('al sun ey ship Acadia is prcscntly in SI. John's for .". relucting and supplics. The sliney yessel "hen fully equipped can stay al S('a

for about t"O months. It mid. in it n"pl: tn ... cr.d rlghh provld.d by I by the Government of Canada. . I dl'ilion 01 Canadll T.rm 29 .hlll b.um. null I and we will not cease our re' A 'd t

• dland throullh and void Ift.r '962. I slstance until these rights CCI en conilituted IU': "Thl~ House alfirm~ Its' hal'e been Cully reslored." .

nd Newfoundland's I I~il Term should i

Imended or r .. , . Newfoundland'. I

1\ mall was killen nn lhe

Biggest Blaze Is Now Under Contro·1

\ Valley Road ro!.lc!: BI.OTTEIt Cily police rcport Ihl'l'r :11'

,rests madc o\'Crni~hl. ;,1 I drunKS, It Wob a comporotive Ill' quiet day in police circles,

. C~bot Highway. Ilcar Kil\g'S' : Cove, yesterday but his name

"til, m~dt and fr .. · I

Rail Rate Reduction Effective August 1 st

I with withhclrl by pnlice pend· ing notification of next of ~Iinrs and RC~IlII1'Cr, ~linis~cl' W Pinll'are R iI' e l' Rnd Kenamll

ni\ cr, ~" ,"Idc' fnl' thr

kin. : .I, Keoll~h ~aid Monday the moot The RcddenL happened when seriau, of six fnrest fires burni:l~

the car which the man wa, in Labrador has been brougllt driving went off the highway undcr control.

Offici"I, 's~id hp;1ry rain ;s I :1eeden. Lit wealherman doe,ln't hold nll~ muc), hope, The weather ~Ionday I\~S fine and warm wilh

, - 'r,i \c\\,[ollnd· 'Cr', lee, a~ tl1~Y In hr when the • , "'-t II I I'tl r t wht'ch they had

l".'1 l'CinlJl1isslon Rail rates on I BU"" an a pe I ve B es ;!I'.'1 and rccom.: range of commodltles in the increlllled by 17 per cent laat

. I TI~I' continua. Atlantlc p~ovlnces wlll be reo December lst. In effect thIs ~! p:r,\lnec', public duced by approximately 7 per mean~ 'Ihat such rates will llo be poid for by cent effective August 1st, 19~9. only take I 10 per cent instead

, . of Canada. This was made. known by tbe of a 17 per cent Increase after ;tIIp:" .. ,f \I,wfound· \)larltlmeS Transportation Com· August 1sl,·19~9. ' ~lrn(' 10 Ih~ Gov, m~slon, The role reductions are As explained by ft spokesman

tf \(,',\ :lIlIllIlbnd al being made as a consequence of for the Maritimes Transporta· . I II G n ont" d6 cl'lon to tlon Commission, the new rate

~rl: a ir',I,'lit'll III tnx· Ie ,over m, • "

at a point aout six miles west of King's Cove. A passenger in the car was slightly Injured

'Two New Polio Cases

,:'" I\'""d 10 their Ile,sen ttle Impact of last De· cul.l wlll not apply on the fol· ,:0;,' :,. III" Ilcl1ple '.(·clIlber·s 17 per cent rate In· lowing types of rail rutes: (1) ST. JOHN'S. :-I lid , ICP' - Two ~I 1,1'" I), \Iarltillle: crease by providing a 12·monlhs rates wblch were nut Increased :lell' ca,es of polin Were reporled

11,11 "", I' 10 be· ;uh~idy o[ $20,000,000 10 the by 17 per cent last December I by lh~ heallh deparlmenl Mon· I<llalilil'"tion i Huilways in order to enable: (2) Rates published by Ihe. da)', bringi~g the 19,;9 lolal to 16, . : lhem 10 make the rale cuts. 'railway. to meet truck or water!

,21 i- "ul fnr lhe, The $20,000,000 Subsidy Bill competition. i One case wa; r;'o~ Carbon;~r. ',: j:'!:I1~ wilh the had the support of all plirt1es In (3) So·called Agreed Charges: the other [rom \\Iutbollrne. 1 nc

which are contract rates be. i outbreak st~rled earlier t his r: 1',,":: \cw[olll1d· the Commons and followed pro· , ' I month at "ell' Harbor. nol far l.'r 'Cr'" C' ~, ~ood 'tcsls 01 lhe Atlantic and Wes· tw~en the railways and certaLn: from Whitbourne. on the A\'slon

,I :!:r ,1;!,llimc or: tern Provinces that the 17 per shIppers, 'r 'sula p:r" ,\r'r'. 11'111 ocals i cent rate increase of Oecember According to the ~!aritimes lenin ' I~. ("n: lIu"tion of: 1958 discriminated, against their Transportation ~ommh;~ion, till! One child lia~, di,ed, At lea,1 :",~. pllhl',,' scr., traffic, new rale reducl10ns Will be of, rline others arc 1:1 Iron IUI1~s at, t:'t' ~"c fOUlliI to I The Boarrl 01 Transport .Com, widespread benefit to shippers, the Fel'er ,1u.p;(ai here, )lr\"1 1:", ill Cum' I' missioners has now ordered the and recelven; In the Atlantic

Railways to reduce all non·com· Provinces. They will apply on f D non·eompetltlve rail rates moy· The t raws

........:-'Wll""'- ing trafflc within the Atlantic

Jail Terms

He said the blaze at Gilbert. a hrisk i>rHlC, River was under control on all Newfollnlliand" de put y reo [rants and the main body of the sources nlhisler P. J, ~!lIrra)' lire was out, It was expected th~ and chic[ lorester Charles Cahill fire would be completely stamped flew ave I t;,(, [ire areas ~!onda ... out within tll'O days "unles5 to altem,'~ ;'11 83sessment oUh~ I something unlor3een happens." situation, It was reported tha~ i

The lire at Gilberl River was Don ~icholson. chief forester of, a combinalion o[ two outbreaks lhe f('(leral resourCes depart· that llUr~ed logether. Four other mcn!. was ell rOllte 10 GOJse B~y smuller fires were rcpul'lell slill 10 I\('I~ dircd fil'efighlers, '. oul ul coulro!. Olle is 'leJr l:oose Til [ires lIal'e already iI~· Bay, 3il~ uf a sprilwling l'niled slro),,,lI allO!: ~IIII sqllare mile,' 01 : Slates air'force and RCAF baRe. \ "Iu;lhle lilllh"I', lI1u __ \ly black: The olher.; are at Pilradise Birer. 'lll'Ul'l'. ---_.---_.- -_ ....... _-_. -_._--

Mounties Nab



The Bowater Corporation or

\1 ,,"orlh America Ltd. has adris·

rei the ~Ionlrcal Slock Ex·!

I· "ll<ulge Ihat during the period! ~Llrl'h 20lh to .JUIlC 30th, 195H.' 14.n9 5~(· CumUlative. Rr· deemablc. SjO par l'aluc prc· ferred "hares alld 540 5'.:: c~ , Cumulalive. Redecmahle 551), par value preferred shares were I

purchased for cancellation, reo I ducing the outstanding capital I to 339.410 5% preferred shares I and 145,547 51,';' % preferred shares.

Region 85 well u to .andfrom the Region. Under the pre­visions of the Freight Rale Re· ductlons Act, the new rate cut.! are for I period of 12 months only.

: High Honor For Dr, C. Macpherson

GRA:'>ID BA:\'K, July 20 -A member of the visiting Asia St. Pierre football team was apprehended by the RCMP at St. Lawrence yesterday for smuggling and was flnr.d

Two youths were convicted seventy.flve dollars in court of theft and fined $150 or 3 here today by Magistrate months and $100 or 2 months Noseworthy. According to evi· In Magistrate's Court yester· dence of RCMP o!flcers of the day. The youth who received St, Lawrence detachment the the heaviest nne had a prevl· man had a false bottom In his' OUB criminal record. suitcase in which was ~on'

They were charged with cealed ten bottles of French' stealing confectionery fromLe~ I rum. Tile fine was paid and van belonging to a lIlr, the liquor conflseaten.

Dr, C I u n y Macpherso~ I YY~os::s~e:.... _____ -----..::.::...::.:::=-...:..:~-----I has been elected a fellow of the I-

Floor Price I Royal College 01 Surgeons, one F' h o~ the. Britl~h Medical Soci~ly'~ I IS

I hl~he,~t honor •.

FOllr year~ AgO hf WA~ prn·, ----------------­mated from Knight 01 GI'ace to Knight !7C J lL~tlce in the SI. ,fohn Ambulance Society. In 1953 he was elected pre!ident of the clan Macphe;-oon a&soclatio!l of Can· ada.

Ca,tter Reminds Commons ,Of· A Forgotten Promise

Firr of unknown ori~in orblroyed a hungaloll' own· pd and occllpleri by Frank Simms on the Valley Road. Southside, yesterday after· noon.

At 4,95 p,m, a phone call brought the West End lire trucks to the sccne but on arrival It was fonnd th"l the house which had bcell burning for close on an hour, was practically de· molished, There was no water to be had in the area except from a nearby well allli this wa; not sufficient to ljuellch lhe blaze.

III th~ house at th~ tim~ lhe fire broke out "as Ihe 16'l'ear olrl snn IIf ~T r. Simms.

Thi, is the second time in five ycars that ~Ir. Simms has sll[fcred such a Inss. In Ilcccmber, 1954. his home in the same ncigh· bourhood lias totally de, molished by fire and a col, lecli~n was laken up for him aud his family. He later moved into the new home that was destroyed yesterday afternoon. There was no insurance carried on the building.


SEEK U. I. .\In ., Miners from the Carbon.'

~ar area reported to tbe : U. 1. Commission's cl2ims'! taker, James O'Brien. 1'1 t_ J trick Street, Carl)" c;r. : yc;lerna)" July 20th. \'1 i1:llc their cIJims filed,

Legislatt r~

OvercrowdE,j "el'er before in post·C 'n

I f~c1Natioll history of t~ , House or .\s'l·lnuly h~s thl'11 'iJpen slith a ('!'Owl! a' u\'~f: ,l'I'llIlUed tile "'\alllb~L' ycst~

c1ilY, :\p;lJ!'ently the pol~: wc!'e lIot 011 11and car:)' cnou~

! to prcl'ent all the gallery scat' : [rom bcing filled and thc al,l,

jammed. Even nlClnhcrs hac " di[ficult time clbowing tilci

r wav to their ocab, I~louse attendants II.lel ,01111

. diHicully getting mc)sagc5 I,' 'members. It is likel~' today: 'siUing while atlracting il I much attention may be hand] cd more orderly. The tempN" ture was rather high in \'lrl' or the facts that drapcs :,'~r' pulled to help t~e t:levls101 crews obtain a faIr pIcture.



Real Comfort on war!11 Summer day'. So easy 10

wash too! SPECIAL SALE , ... "" .. ,,,


49c Dr. Macpherson, credited by

many u the i:!ventor of the gas maJk, has Iteadfastly refused Lo discuss the matter with reporters,

He is now on a iour 01 Engiand and Scotland.

~AWA (Speciall-July 18 I pete with the greater efficiency Major. C. W, Carter ha.~ re·· of new and lhe most modern minded the government 01 draggers. Prime Minisler Dielenbaker's promise to put a floor price un­der 'Newloundland salt fish, He asked in the Commons lhat more encouragement be given to ltle production of light saited fish and that the bounty be

Laler on post office esli· mates. Major Carler called the attention of the Poslmaster General to the pi ight of post· master.lelegraphers who have been deprived of their annual

1/2 PRICE CLEARANCE Men's Summer Tweed Caps,

Regular 49c. Now · .. · .. "· .. ·"",,, .... , .. ,,,,,· .... · .. ,·,,,,·25c.

p/Allf, who resigned his po~ltloll II~' Secretary "~\oci~lion in St. John's, enters the Hou5e

/lUt ~[ore yesterday', session.

Youth Gets Year For Theft

An 111 year old youth was sentenced to one year In prison In Mailistrate's Court yest~rd8y morning. The youlh was charged with steallng a registered leiter frOn1, the post oUtre In Pouch, Cove on twei counts,

The youth' pleaded guilty lind was sentencr.d to six months 00 each count

Inc;eased on fishing vessels and leave by eNT. Last. ycar the extended to Include draggers eNT changed thetr mslruments over 6~ feel in length. Unless 1 fro~ wireless Morse sels 10 this was done, said the Major, radiO telephone sets., Th.ls the Newfoundland flsbery will caused a drastic reductIOn In not survive because Newfound· salaries, reducing some below land fish companies could not the subsistence level. Now, to afford the exorbitant cost of make matters worse, they have new draggers alld, were forced tuken away ttlelr Bnnual leav~, to purchase seconli hand dr3g· Their salaries will no~ pprmlt g~rs from the U .S,A, which were them. went on the Major. to af· : old, pRrlly obsnlcte. and inef' I ford leave without pay so the)' 1

flden!. They could not com·; got none at all.

, I

L ,-


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I,THE DfllLY NEWS In The' Sov~~t Exhibit·-Atlos Newloulid/and'i Only MornIng Paper N ews ~ .. -. -."-

. TIlt DAILI NKWI .. • __ paper enabl'.btd b lIN, ... ,oll8tl

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run! Itl'IICtIPTION IATEI QuI.1SI ..... ,...... ......... 112,00 per IDDUIII . VIII led linrdolD aLe!

It tile Nan BuIldiq 111\ • .,. ~ Street, It. 301m.., Ne"'OIJDcne. ., R'obiuoD • CoIDJIIII1, Umltlll.

-DlDD or TO ~ADW 'Pull -The ClDldlaD Prw II uclUlj'ilJ enUUed to th, LIlt for republieitioD cd all DeW. deapatellea In tIIIa paper utdi" .d to it or to the AaaoeIated Pre" ar P~uura and alIo the local alws publW. . ed therein.

All f'r .. lent", Ind futUl'l Il't1clM IJI tbl. paper 11'1 coP1riJhtld IDd tIIelJ nproducUoD \I prohlbltd.

Authorized U IICuDd clua mall. I .hmblr Audit lunaa

" ctrealltlOllL PIIt Office. Departnlell~ OttaWI.

aD fortlp Cl'IIll triM 'I UO per IIII1I11S •

"'i ___________________ _

TUESDAY, JULY 21, 19~9. '.' .. ,: ..... They Stood And Were Counted ,. , It is not an easy thing for a man

'_I in public life to sacrifice long-stand-'. ing associations and jeopardize old

friendships for a principle. It takes treat moral courage. James D. Higgins, Q.C., and A. M. Duffy dis-

. played that quality yesterday in the '. House of Assembly when they

'severed their long con~ection with the Progressive Conservative party as a result of the national party's policies towards Newfoundland.

Mr. Higgins is a member of a family that has given much to the service of Newfoundland and his lather. the late Mr. Justice Higgins,

.. ' was Attorne\' General at the time _ ., '. the Labrador boundary case was " heard by the Priyv Council. Mr.

, Duffy c~me first . to public life . ., abou't six years ago and has reveal­

ed himself as an able and thought­'CuI critic of affairs, Both are men

': ." "'ith II strong attachment for their natiye land and the welfare of its people.

Their decision was not lightly made. It is the result of much objectiVe study and heart-search­ing and it is in that notable tradi­tion, so often reflected In this island's past, that in I conflict of political loyalties Newfoundland's Interests must· take first place. Those interests have been imperil­led by the present government of Canada and, as Mr. Duffy said, he is not leaving the party but the party has left him.

There has not be!'!n time for a fuller review of the events that occurred yesterday in the House of Assembly or of their consequen­ces. It suffices for the moment that Jim Higgins and Gus Duffy have stood and were counted in a mo­ment of crisis and that their names will be well and honoura):>ly re­membered in our political annals for the decision they have 10 cou· rageously made.


Correction For Mr. Fleming , ." rn his desperate effort to justify the said grant should bt! paid . _ .: the unjustifiable, the federal min- annually to the Province of New­. . ister of finance, Donald Fleming, foundland commencing in the fill­

- . referred to the repeated requests cal year 1957-58; and that the . for further review of the New- amount of the said annual grant

'., founciland financial position which should thereafter be subject to \ -. had been made by spokesmen for periodic review." . - I his pl'o\'in(!e. He contended that - It is quite clear from the context :;: . Ihi~ demand had been met in his that the proposed review would

; ,". gOI'ernment's legislation. come within the terms of the ,. Mr, PicKp.l'sgill asked: "Will the Confederation Agreement and the

mUllster not concede that ,on purpose was to cover adj~stment .. ~e\'el'~ I r)(,C8"ions the review that of the amount from time to time in ., \\'a~ asked for by Newfoundland fairness to both the federal and

, was asked for on the basis of term provincial governments. The pro-29 and no other basis?" posed review of the amount wa!

Mr. Fleming replied: "No, I will required within the scope of Term not concede that for one minute." 29 and Mr. Fleming has not the

Well, whether Mr. Fleming slightest grounds for suggesting or concedes it or not. it is an absolute believing otherwise except those and irrefutable fact that every based on his own misconceptions. request for 1\ further review was His proposal as it appears in the qualified b~' the clear understand- legislation by which Newfound­ing that this review would take land has been arbitrarily deprived place within the orbit of term 29. of her constitutional rights does

The report of the Newfoundland not lind cannot meet the require­Re\'ision Commission set forth the ments that have bt!en fr~uently amount claimed for 1957-58 and set forth by Newfoundland spokes­

. eonc:luded with these words: "That men.

Royal Tour Too Strenuous .The indisposition ,that overtook

the Queen on' Sunday during her visit to the Yukon has brought to mind the enormous mental and physical .strain imposed ·by the present royal tour.

It has been described as a mara­thon but that is understatement. Occurring at . a . time of the year

_.. when the weather is usually '.1 . oppressively hot, calling for a ~~con!tant, routine of receptions and ._-_. .

'appearances at public ceremomes ~:and- functions, it must impose a

helVY burden upon Her Majesty which she should not be required toeariy. '

The average person In . good phylic&l.condition would wilt after I few days of the rigorous schedule 1ft. tnr the Queen and Prince ~Ulp, 'Butthe average person, in

\ • r.. \ -.

, Traged·yAt :;. ., .

" " 'The whole community has been

any event, ill not required to .s­sume this kind of strain. Duty requires that the Queen must carry on the' programme regard­less of how she may be feeling .t the time, Headaches and fatigue and tired' feet have to be disre­garded.

The Queen serves. the Common­wealth with grace, dignity and a high sense of duty .. Those Com­Il)onwealth countries that are favoured by a visit from Her Majesty might b!ar in mind the !act that th! QU!en is only human and that royal tour programmes . can be exc!3sively demanding. This present tour of Canada has demanded more of her than we have had the right to ask or expect even if all the plans were preViously approved at Bucking­ham Palace.



ONISIDID ITORY All the way from Jimmy Slnelalr '

to Dlvle Fulton, Newfoundlanders have been nauseated by the one Ilded Itoriel that have been told about Canada'. generosity to this poor benighted province. These tales have been alwa>'s fahclful, always exagger· ated or erroneous, and always related without any suggestlon that New' foundland has made I contrlbutlon to Clnadl'. prestlge and Itature that can never be meuured In monetary terml. But whatever ulertlons of the kind might flow from the llps of LIberal or Conservative cabInet 'mIn· Iste" In Ottawa, It was hardly to be expected that we would be subjected to thl! IBme kInd of thIng from the only Newfoundlander In the federal eablnet. Yet In hll effort to Justify the odious policy of the Dlefcnbaker government on Term 29, Mr. Browne haa ,ot Into the act. HIs purpOse was to Illustrate hIs thesis that the Con· lervlUves have been much more more liberal than theIr predecessors. In So doing, he has contributed Indl· rectly to the common ,maInland notion that this provInce Is I parasite that h feeding ever more luxuriously off the Canadian taxpayer,

, + + + We will give Mr. Browne the bene·

fit of the doubt and attribute to mls· underatandlng his charge that oppon· ents of the Dlefenbaker pollcy want to let Newfoundland back to the stand­ards of 19~6·~7, But' he ihould know, If he doesn't, that the accent on the 19~'~7 level of services derives from the fact that the purpose of Term 2R WII to allow Newfou,dland eight years In whIch to raise the size and quality of these lervlces and to estab· Ilsh I fioor under them at that pllint, The ceiling Is the best we can get by Iny means. The floor is the standard of 19~7. And If' Mr. Browne Is not .ware of that, he Is not Informed It all.

+ + + It WIS bad enough that he Ihould

endeavour 00 bolster hIs weak defence of bad legislation by thIs untenable charge that opponents Of the Dlefen· baker Bill wanted to keep Newfound· land down to the 19~7 level of lenice. But It v.'u infInItely wone that he should Join the chorus of those who hive tried through the past ten years to depIct this province as In object of Canadian charity. That was un· forgiveable. We are unaware of Iny' thlnl Mr. Browne has done to show th, other side of the picture Ind lIve the facti on our contrIbution to Canada. Instead, with commendable loyalty to hll party leader, he has tried to aha" that whatever the

r .......

What Others SATELLITE'

The Printed Word Cancellation of thl airplane contract

by the Ottawa 80vernment WIIi brought lbout mainly, perhapi entWely, by the fact that the Canadian people no longer could afford to lupport the airplane bullder In the styli to which It had be­come aceultomed.

If thll cancellation offend~ national pride. it may be lorna consolation to think that It may hi just II well to be • latellite of the Uniteli States 15 to be the IItelllte of a corporation.

CHURCHMEN CAMP IRS West German Bulletin

The churches In West Germany are beglnnlnl to turn their attention to the ever growlnl Interut In clmping, Ind the Protestant Church In Hesl! is pllnnlnl the tint German campers' mlillon for next year.

Th. mOVe WII lnaulUrated by two minIster, who hive wlted campIng places in Italy where, dressed ,in rports clothes, they held mornIng prayers, and arranged evenIng dl~· cunlon meetings In whIch holiday, makerl not only from Germany but a1ll0 from Luxemburl, Swltnrland, Holland Ind lhe ScandInavIan coun' trlel participated.

It waa found that there was great Interest In pastoral help, many who had not gone to church for years mak­

ling USe of this opportunity to discuss personal problems with the clergymen.

SAFETY HINT Calgary Albertan

LIberals did for Newfound~nd, the Conservatives have done more. W. have no more Interest In the maInland Liberals than we have in the main­land Conservatives but It Is to theIr credit that they Introduced th. equalization Icheme which greatly in­creased .our returns from the tax rental plan.'they provided the national park and its thirty mllel of paved highway, and that they made it po. sIble through an amendment of the Trans·Canada HlghwlY Act for th. road from St. John'. to Whltbo'urn, to be built wIth the federal lavern­ment bearIng 90 per cent of the cost. They InlUated the St. John's harbour . Improvement project and they were the sponsors of the national health insurance. Icheme and other shared proj ecl!i, amQng them the cost of re­lief. They also Introduced unem· ployment insurance for fishermen. GIven time, It Is conceivable that the ConservaUve~ might do more but the fact is that most of what they have done has been I continuation and ex­tension of Lib~ral schemes.

+ + + The ll.l!antic grants are new, They

are Conser/dive In origin. But much a, we appre:late them, there Is great doubt as to whether Newfoundland WAS Intended to share in them and. In any event. their future Is In doubt. Other than this grant, NeWfoundland has received nothing more up to March 31, 1959, from the Diefenbaker government than her share of any genera I allocatIons to' all the proVo Inces. Nor shaH we give any special thanks to this government for its limited acceptance of the McNair recommendations. The member for st. John's West 15 fully entitled to choose his side in thIs eontroversy, He Is not justified In supporting hh case by presenting I onesided, and 1n many aspects, an Inaccura~ pictUre which shows this province only on the receiving side and getting Iny !"pecial privllege.

+ + + Mr.,Browne lost I ~reat opportunity

when he spoke on July 14 In the House of Commons. He knows the score. He knows the historic and eco· nomic reasons for the deflclencies In our pubJlc servlcel. He knowl we don't want charity from his or any other government but that We 110 want and should have a reasonabl. mInImum level of opportunity through Impro\'ed communications Ind constructil'e aid In developIng employment for I rapIdly Increasing population. He missed that cpportunity and h.s been content to play follow my leader. It remains to be seen whether It is what his eonstituents expected of hIm.

IIROM SIA TO lEA Toronto Globe and MalJ

Canada's hospital insurance scheme became truly nation·wide thll week with the inclusion of Prince Edward Island. Agreement between that Provo lnce not now participating i. Igree­ment has been reached and the ligna· ture Is expected within I few daYI. aecordlng to Health Mini~ter Mon· teith. The only province not now plr· ticipating il Quebec, and the most sanguine obsen'ers doubt It will enter before 1961 at the earliest.

Credit for thll achie~'ement can be placed Iquarely on the Ihoulders of Premier Frost. In October, 1955-less

c::::::: .~.- :::- .



Editor Daily News, Dear Slr,-As one who I'oted

"Conservative" in last eiection~ and one who Is now completely disgu,ted with the action of the Dlefenbaker Government and the ~ervile Diefen· baker cabinet on Newfoundland's Term 29, I congratulate Duffy and HIggins In their tendering of theIr resillnatlons to the P.C. Party,

With the population now closing on one half mlllion. with a standard 01 living ruJly t:wenty percent below On· tario and Quebec Bnd steadily widen· ing with InCTeased freight rates and increased Ottawa taxes. ~ewfound· land needs & bare minimum of fifteen mlllions which will have to be further increased be (ore many years If we are to exillt In Confederation.



Editor Daily Newl, Dear Sir,-In view of conflicting

oplniona that have been expressed up on the action taken by Prime Minister Diefenbaker and his cabinet in connec­tloa with the "Term 29" \.ssue, I feel diJposeli to expreSi my opinion which is that of one who hal never been mol' td by party political Influences and has' relled upon logic u his guide.

The facts, as lief them, ~re III fill. Iowa: The Newfaundland delegation sfnt to Ottawa for the arrangement I,' t~rms of confederation had reached q

deadlock wilh the Canadian negotiatoH owing to the uncertainty of the outco'me of the financial proposals. Term 29 WAS drafted as a means of assuring Newfoundland that Iny uncertainties would be taken care of by the appoint . ment of a Royal Commission to advise on the matter Ifter the eighth year of union.

than four years ago-Mr. Frolt clul. This solution wa.a accepted by the lenged the then Liberal Government Newfoundland delegation in good faith with conerete proposall for I hotpltal but Mr. C. A. Crosbie, who did not con· plan based on Domlnlon·Provlncial eo- sider it lufflciently eomprehenslve, reo operation. This gave the n"t elfec. fUled to algn the agreement. The other !lve impetus to Liberal promises memben of the delegation put their which had gathered dust at Ottewa trust In the Canadian government and for more than 30 yea". From then confederation beelme In Ntablished on, matters began 00 move rapidly. fact.

In January, 1957, the PremIer laid The .urprising action of the Dlefen. a bil1 before the LegIslature for the Ontario acheme, 'Jetting the urget baker cabinet, apparently at the In·

slancl of the prime minister, himself. date-January 1, 1959. This date was in taking upoll Itself the unilateral ae. kept. The same year the Liberal Gov, ernment at Ottawa presented cnab. tion of deliberately cancelling the effect llng legislation to parliament provld. of Term 29 II simply Impooslble to un·

derstand. Such cancellation could Dot illg that Federal pavmenta would be· . , . \'allable when'· 1 have been conSidered u pOSSlblhtr come a fiX prov nees,

representing more than half Canada's' when the term v:a.s drafted and arc~pt. ""pulatlon had' agre d to rti· t as the final solutIOn. The alternatll"e ,"" , e pa clpa e. 'd th d ft' f th t Last year the new Conservatlve Gov. wu to .COrul er e ra lng 0 e erm eroment wail'ed this provialon, tad u a dlllhonourable r~e to tn~uce the made payments availabl, after July Newfoundl.and delegation to sign the 1, 19M!, confederahon agreement, and no one In

Ne~foundllnd would hal"! dreamed that

MORE LIGHT, LESI CRIME Stratford ileacon·Herlld

iucl! conduct could ha\'! been eonsid, mel! conduct eould hive Men eoruider· ed by a great nation like Canadl .

The Canadian Highway Safety Con· ference Ind the U.S. National Safety Council Ire eoncentraUng on a eam· palgn this summer with the slogan: "Con You Stop in Tlme7"

It's a lood qu,.tlon for 111 motor· let. to Ilk themselv!ll. One of the mljor CIUHI of Iceldente is drivinll too clole 00 the feUo" in front-Io close that a rear end collision Is al· malt inp.vltable if the frc>nt car ~Iop~ luddenly. In .ddltion, driving ton clole can panic the drIver In front cluslna him to drive too fut, or evp.n to careen off the rOM in an attempt ~ m.k, the following cRT pa§~.

Many years ago a Superintendent of Scotland Ylrd !lId that "one street light !a better than ten police­men." There can be no doubt that thugs choose ill·lighted .treete In whIch to operate, and wise people, men as well IS women, will avoid B

nodlly·llghtec! street If they CAn.

YoU" very truly, 11.. B. JOl!.

(Editor'. Nou:-Hon. R. B. Job, a member of the lut LegiJlative Council of Newfoundland, wu elected to memo berahlp In the Natlonll C4lnventlon .et lip In 1946 to consider the eonstltutional future of the T~land).

Th, 010 rule of at leR~t 10 'eel di~· lanre between rars for every ]0 mlle~ In hour of ~Pttrl i~ ~tjIJ sound. Flli, lowin, ~ny clo5er than that is .har.Ard· ou ••

In \'ew York and Boston, thi~ ye~r. eare{ul t£,l~ comparing the numller or crime. ('ommitted under bright ,treet li~hL~ have given convincin~ evidence thHL light hulbs can be used to fillht rrime.

fencel ron,milled hetwern .AUIlU,1 "nd Decfmher. 1958. The crime, ranllPd from pur5e·snAtrhin~ to a~­

,aull. Resulls ~howed conclu.ivel~' that blork~ whirh had modern light· in~ h~rl less crime.

.. saddened and shocked hy the terrible tragedy in a hom!' on the Bluline Line in which fire has taken the lives of lix small chUd­~ all membtn of the. IIlIlI taul)". , There is not much that ma¥be aaid beyond an expression" of

\~"l3rmpathy to the bereaved parents. ~·et it iJ not inappropriate to ask,

in view of the man" d!aths bv fire that hal'e occurr~d in widely disperseri parls of the prnvince ip the. past few years, whether any. thing can be done through regula­tion or edUcation to prevent these calamities.

The difficulty of taking pre­ventive measures cannot be over­emphaSised. It is possible to do something constl'uctive in •

municipal area but even that mu5t be within a limited field. But the subjl!{]t is one that should at least be canvassed in the magisterial enquiry that will be held on this

A 49 prr cent c1e~l'e~8e In mllrrlel'~. "s~Rulu, ~nd rape~ was reRi~tered in five formerly·lawless areBS of New York aCter brighter street lights were Inltalled kI 1~~7.' At the lime time, an lU per clnt drop in j'IlY,nil. 4,· lInquency wert noted.

Boston's study uled I 'dlfferent methad, but obtained similar results A neighborhood committee In the cHy's crime·plagued South End pin· poInted the exact location of 194 of,

Thesr studies marie in blight· threatened neighbourhood "labora· toriea" mould provide valulble in· formatlllll for City CIlLlDcU. and vottn ill all ,ommuniU •• 41batinl th,' UII'

fulnls. of this weapon for preventing crime: Lights Ire nOI. of course, the whole answer. But they are an import· ant-and relatively inexp~nsi\"e-be·

linnlng to In over·alI attack. tragedy at Bauline. _.-......_--

The Facts Of B.~ BRLCE ~lf)S~.\l

There are word_, languagc. and OUI !Oi\e~

bave no ring of e~rllrme:: but yet are amon~ the rr,c'. lise. Such a word i,' i

Tn the strictcst seme, :1 ~ that beiongs to the In courts, Our entirp 'y'tPrr, is rooted in it. \l1\p~le5. rights, criminal char~e;.

el'ery concei\'abie kind. ':1 mined on the basis of tnt weighed evidence.

Science quests after fit .

the corners of life. izatlons delve for i~ in tr.!

new products. for solutlo:1 of problems through the of society,

We citizens look at the we try to weigl I tllP prol th! issues and the merits ~ lie figures we mllst 1'0Ie

PlainlY, the whole duct of our society I' spect for "el'idence" So,~;

spect ever be lost. we ~l1!

sink Into a chaos In whitc fiction, truth and falsehooe. wrong become In 0, "lill!"""

froll1 the other, It has to be ark III,

:'eeent decades thm' ha, chipping away of thil enemies of demon.1c.l • the dictators, have C),II.r,!ly their own evil pmpo'. Ihe of evidence. For a ,,,,,ell Ihe document. the

Even within our 0'.'0

(I'er, rega"rd for fl'lCo,_'llre .

'.lore and morro nll'n alp '31. limited, partial ,ell 01 acnce. but not all "f ',t

J dispute pretend~ II hat r. I here is.

Worse still, a tel,lt/ory some quartel"s, .. .1nn this includes men of inl who lay they Uf "'nICI:/!

-to !.gnore evIdence . filre them.

This Is a rlsk~' r~ad Ie a free society In:! not free If It casts A'", J)"

dence, OUr institution! those roote. ,If they . freedoms,


How many wonder drtlP denly be "discol'ered' the next that allendl tubes of some ulhl,I< 'om~ foreign plin ul 1/" have been Installc": vf . past.

One of the lllllll""";' around Congrr;s rou,d situation. It "'ou Id 'ell/ national health il1'i,IUl e serve IS a c1earin, 11~U5e ' of medical rese~rrr pr5 in

For the good of ll.' !ll serves Ipeedy con~ider!tl!~

IIUCK'S oallPHI'" Vancouver ~u,

Tim Buck, the perennial adlan CommunIst, is newa again after a off.

I tW Mr. Buck, ~, 110'\ 0, Jr.~ Progressive. nee ["nmil" '

quoter! 'as .~oleJl\lli\· I :

llllmlnatinn nlrrll11~ in Canaria will ~<J "red' in •

It', perfectl\' "ro for . '., I:r~

lll~ke thl~ prrrilrllnrr iikel\' ~ rcmrml1rr if , tury' hencc-LJlllr,' he

,- 'i to n( It. 'And he's unll,r,. ('ause In the ordina;)' , it won't. happen.

WIFn.Y SO~i A Lttter in the

Every morning for ~ ,I'cars my wife has, "~~11fI hat ov!r the gas l'in~ .0\

for buslnes5.-{R, J, po~·'

announ payman

and irr.1 of elr

to Ntwi 29




TUESDAY. JULY 2,.'9.59 . S. D~~~~~~~~~~----------------~------------------------~------O'Dea Gives His'Rea·son.·s


.1 our ~(){',ety.

~ I-'~ ,.:\fltrmtDI

l:11"n~ thr molt

• t mu~t \'Ole '. ·.·holf' rourH <0('l~ty i! ktrtd

.. ;Menre", Should C',· :(1~l. ..... , "-111 ,C 001 In whleb

.~ I nd fllsehood.

~~1Tf'. m("n ar~ue ; p~rll'l seU of

",>1 ~II or It Earl ~; plfOnds ..-hlt it

I risky rold to '-If'tT will not rl.U lway ruPfd

Jr tnitilUtJons :, If !hey wither, -


an\' wondPl' druP ";I1~\'~r~d" ntll

hll Ilready t:dSI ~ s..mr ob!>Curt liD plrt of lht n In,laDcet of ,uti

the numerOU! bllil · onlf~!>S could

It .... ould set up 1tllth Institute • durinl hOuse lotu II ~lf!lrchtr1 In ~ • 1000 of U5 111,.

_~\" ~n5lderltJoft.

Duffy )

Patriotism" I . I

• R~lcasel I ~rovlnelal government has al· p~,. . I ready done Ireat harm 10 the · ulilC ~f thr Pro· llrovlnce of Newfoundland. U l\:~"'rr\'~lire .\~soeia· carried further Indeflnltely, it t t" ~'f"un~lanrl, at a cannot fall to do irreparable ~/. "iell\. noterl with harm to the Interests of the II" " d 1 thl I '0 ci.i0tl announce peop e 01 s prov nce.

e ' for SI . .John's I IIIr. Higgins and Mr, Duffy · Hie,ln;. ~nct the h~\'e stated they are resigning

.! '·l. Jniln's Centre, from the Progressive Conser· l; .~ .. rr thclr con· vatl\'e Party because they are

',Ir, Ihr COtlsrrl'atll'c unwilling to continue their , • support for the policies of this I 'I ~I' IIli' rxccu\ll'e p~rty. H they wish to be can· \

J. r 'lI'a' Iltr rcsult slstent, and no doubt they do, ed l'ali'inli'll1 Ol.'·! surely they ought to go one \

", l1Ir;~ ~rllllcl\1rn I step' further. Since they have r;'rr<1tI .. r Ill1witlln/: I taken it upon themselves to,

· 'In l!\r 111<'rssant I rrpurllate the llollclcs of the 'I

':d I" ·'{'('rnl months party under whose banner they 'h :""",rl :(lI'Cl'lImenl : wcre clecteet let them noW ,~l ,I ' '··I~r fmcr,,1 :ol'crn.! tenclcr their reSignation .rom · \~i:a\\., Thr~' h!t"c the House of As~embly, and "." IA the never·, let the people whom they "~ol"" "f l'ropa~an· formerly representee! decide C) Lit' .- h · . In rirll'r slill fur· whether to re·elect t em as ·~rrl'("d niSlrll,t be· Conserl'atives or as 50methlng

\t~101Irri:.1I\r\ and Ot· c!se. -;:11; ;c:r;;h ~nd lrrc· Lot them resign ImmediatelY

rarr.p~I:1l h)' the and let the people decide.


III remember th' IIIlde in thl Houll

en MITch iSth · 1m bv the Prim.

ot Canadl in which thl Int,ntion

· I"'trnment to pay of eight inlllian


I Cannot

HOLLm SAYS 'N,D' Ind how Ihll IIml

I ilnlilman con· iilnmiliu wllh Iht IMouncemtnl thlt 011 position Leader Malcolm

Foun WHO RESiG~ED-Lcft to ri!\ht:-Jlalw\ Cole, :\. ;"1. DIIITY, John O')),'a :11\(1 ja1l1'."' D. lIi~~ills h<ll·c all

scvered their connection with tl~ ProArcssivc ConserI'll tivc Party .. They RIC scen here on Illc ~tcps of the HOllIe

of Assembly fo\l'qwing ycsterdny·s scssion.-Tcrrn NOI'n Photo Service.

Meet Monsieur Farouk Of Monaco

1IY""nh would b. : Hollelt refused to give his .. j irrtvocabl. &tIll.· 'consent to waiver the House tf Clnlda', ob1igl' rules Monday concerning the

TUIII 29 01 thl Tlrm,- ! mier J. R. Smallwood and U I - I Take II H."founcUlnd un· i resolution introduced by Pre· APEC Annual Duffy'·. L.itn. result the debate on It had to ~UNS NOTHING 'be deferred .untll to·day. \ C f (Continued from Page 1) that we shall still remain

Incomes Below


.. In a letter addressed to the Ithe P,C; party'hei:')iD;·Term

: President of the Progressilie 29, -. Il"was slilled"in fial meso Conservative Association, Trea."\ :,age that tbe terms 6f,"~nlon surer John R. O'Dea gave the, as unders~ood by w·. c'onJempla· following reasons lor resigning! ted no', time limit aD. fiJiancial from the executive and the i Grants· which maybe 'granted party: I by ·Canada to Newfoundland

"As you know I have been I under ·Term 29. ,We .~ld the ,nctively associated with tbe P.C.! Prime Min!.;ter touply'to OIU I party for ol'er tcn years. At wire by March 31it,.1Q59; He i the present time I hold the posi·1 has never sent areply~'to thiJ : lion of Treasurer of the party. I message sent by his supporters

It is, thercfore, with regret I in Newfoundland. : Ihat I must tender my rcsigna·. The bill which was. passed In

lion from Ihe Execulive and thc Ottawa 'recently 'oli Term 29 parI),. is ill fact the same, as was

The principal reason for my forecast by the' Prime Minister I resignation is the arrogant and. in ttls arrOj!ant, vindictive and I vindictive altitude whiehitas I unilateral statement all Marco ! becn a[)opted by the Dicfen·! last. The wording is smoother, bnker GOI'crnment in ils deal· 'the intent the same. .

I in~s with Ihe GOl'ernment 01 I feel sure' Ihat, if similal i Newfoundland espe~ially in: legislation on Term 29' had 1 dealing with' Term 29. : been brought in by a Libaral , One of the largest meetings I government in Ottawa those ,of the P.C. Executive, if not. who 1I0W support the action of 'the largest, was held ill ~Iarch the P.C. Government would be ,of this ~'ear 10 discuss' ~ll'. Die· the fir;! to condemn the Lib· 'fcnbaker's unilnleral action in eral Government for their Le· lerminating Term 29 in In62.· trayal of Newfoundland. Among tho;e attending this ~Iembcrs of the· Execulive mecting were Newfoundland's or Ihe P.C. party examine your Cabinet ~lil1islcr in Oltima and own conscicnccs. ~Iake sure all memhers or the Opposilion Ihat it is not self interest 01'

in the 1I01l,e of A"cmlJly. It anli·Smallwoodism ralher than \I'il5 dceidcd un:lllinlOusly al thc IIltcrc.'t of :\cwfoundland

'Ihal lime lo wire 'Ir. Dlefell' that motil'ates your Aland on Ii:\kcr outlilllllg the po,ition of Tcrm 29."

Top Kiwanis Officials Complete' Visit To Nfld.

l I'

-/' ~"'I\ " '\ , ....... v.~ __ .. " 1'1'

\1'Jf' rif I ill: rrf

. . - r "'",,-

I! \'=Y=("~ ~. , I I I I -' J' .. :;,,' '.

:!I:;i.1:('~ enacted last! The Premier seemed to have on erence controlled events, but confess personal friends .. I am sure :: Ottawa has the \load een take II bv Hurprise when b 14-15 plainly events have controlled' he can respect my mot ires .0::::\ Ir.'p harsh words! !IIr; Hollett s~ld "No". ·It ap· Septem er me." for leaving the Party just

h(,.1 ~racelull~' \ peared earlier that the Hnuse REGRET as I fully respect him for Tile 1958 personal income I :;, ,hra;cct-nn 'matter would ha\'e been unanllnous in - ,It Is a matter of deep remaining In it. , PCI' capita in Xewfoundland

:'t,.r,~ the \\ ords of the ,order to Get the debate startpd· I g t th t I h ' r,1 rlr,.nI'C in intra' on the re".oiutian. Mr. Hollett I The 1959 Atlantlc Conference persona re re a we '1 was still well below the poor· o I th Atl ti P oVlnces Eco to take leave of my collea· MOYE SE,\T . r,l <1f the :\tlantic Provinces,

Ihe le;;islallon-the later gave a" hi. reason the. a e . an. cr' f I d • 0 I C I 11 b hcld at Kues, and my r en 5 In the . Prince Ertwarrt Island, the :!~.I:n\ :' 111,,( Ihe par. aL-ence of Mr. G. R. Renou!. ',nom c . ounCI WI . e i, • • I I I" u.> th U It f N w Bruns Conserl'atl\'e I1ssoclat all. I !\ow ~!r. Speaker. 1\0\1" .. \~Ianlic Prol'inccs t:conomic

. a! (";narta (or the The latter 'IS -aid to be In 'an·' e nlvers.y 0 e'l d f h '-o 'oJ! t!ll d d For the I.ea er 0 t e . ask you to ha\'e m)' scat reo CnlllH'il figures sholl'.

, , o( Canan~J has, der salmon fl-hl·ng. wick, FrederiC on, . on ay an. I h . . I t , d S t b 1415 It Opposition al'e respect .1 mOl'eri rlllmeulale y. next 0, !1I ln5~ Ule al'erage Incomr . \

d b APEC Presl' and affection. I WOIII I e· my col!e~gllc. Ihe HOIl. 'Iem· for .\cwfounrlland was S55~, lOon ::.!e:[ lO rc'~udlale. The Premier said as thc Ttle~ ay, ep cm er ". d 1 I In I,c Cananian can. Leader 01 the Opposition did w~s announce y .' .. rend him to the utmost as hcr for 51. .Johll·s Eas!. \\'hrre : ted"I' it Is SROR. El'en \\'ilh

The promise of not agree he wa' exerclsl~g his dent Dr. Frank MacKinnon.: rid I I I hi' hi· ." I th t t g a man 0 lonour an neg· , s a Sit as t e SCCOI\( memo this increase it is still below 1

In 1962 means constitutional rignts 01 lreedom I Concurrent y, e nex mee I~ . rlly. As I ~eparate mys~1f ,her or Ihe "'!lrl. Pari)', a party P.E.!. The al'crage income In. 11'11 a', II amou,nts to 1 action ,of the Conference of Atlantic, from him In a poUtical Ilhat in sin",leminderlllc.is will p.F,.I. I'll 1,"5' \\'as $683, .\Ol'~ I

lor I l\tltlcn undertak. o· : Premiers w\1l be held In New' ,. . " , J lub,tilU\cd a specioUS Brunswick by Premier Hugh sense I sincerely wish him dcdicale ilsrlf 10 one object· S['oLia's was S902 alld :\ ell' : , h ha< Orrn argued John Flemming. .~ce_II_, _1_S~O~lld.I~~_t_o_th_ln_k_._!~:.e,,~~e_g_o~~ of :\e,:!~I~d~a~d BI:~:)ld~\~[,\~';~;o;;~~I~~nd'S per.

;ropGnent', of this legis· Pnt Vlt lege I f b th Ih P C ~1 k Laune11 Mltssl'le "aI1:t,'1 income i~ brio\\' all the " I h ler's Conference allil APEC' o:l1l"'. I" ln~8 P.E.1. had: l~;1 T"I m 29 WDS too Meet ni~ 0 0 e rem· arSOl1 a es a ayp an)' precise will be eorordinaled I'n various.: R d T . risen 10 S8tiO . .\01'8 Scotia 10 I:

('''n' I '1\1111 be And P . I LAl~rH ;\IISSII,E .' .1. ng omts . waus, It w~s Ic~rlled, Includl'ng eeor rIpS SI,on alld Clew Brullswick to, Ihan thl' Ilromise ," POlNT IIIl)(;U, elM. (AP\-In Ihl;, Bil17 a Joint dinner on Tuesday Successful firio~ of Ille United ~919.

A NEW p sponsored by the Province of Stats Nary's ~ew air'~u'Sllrrace I ARTY Of 0 d Within the past month the . I ~ ~!I,\~ll, Fla.· tAP) Robert SPilker, I hayt blln r er New Brunswick. Canadian National Railways COrl'lI; missilell~as diSC osc n~l:i'.;J t~llpr emplo~'erl by the

01 tht Canltrvi. Mondav hy tr.~ ilrad~lIal'lel's u~· ~!prca!llile Naliona! Bank of Mi· Plrt The four premier~ and their multi·purpose ferry William the' Pacific mif.<ile I'"nge, TIle C "in Nlwlountllind I !\fr .• 1. O. HIGgins, Q.C., un' parlles and APEC members at· Car~on ha~ chalked up three Corl'lI~, witli a liql'Ii!.!lIPI rryckc l c'~li l\e;"';1 for nine !"ear~, was 'n .a''Itlon, I hlYI Illitentlonall" cau~ed " sll"ht t dl th C f h ' .. ·-;,,1 '10"rI"~' on d,?,I';;es o~ thlt pA.ty -nd III ' a ~ en nil e on erence are e· record~. rngine. I\'as l;lI1llcl\eri Sa\lIr":I:' makin;: fal,e pnlries .'0 he c?'li~


L " Rltercallon In the HOllse of A~· ing Invited :by Lord Beaver· E. J. Cooke, manager ann noon from an Am SI:,I'i':tIl"; . nrouih

YII., of I '" I.'" d,,~; ;111,1 itor.'·r' Th~ Fed· , . I lupport.d it bl. sembly ~!Dnday. He rose to brook to atteno tnp. opening 01 IlPlleral' sllperinlendent o[ llie plane 10\\,.1l'rI an IIndl'r\o;~1 1M, oral ~Ullre~1I or !nl'f,llgatio:1 ~aid II .. . ~nnollnce hl~ resll!natlon from 18 new Art Gallery in Frederic· :CNR'~ New!oundland di~tl'lCl, ;:rl i~ Ihe ocei1ll. ral1~O ' I

Ih .';n·ountte! In. I th PC t h t hi ~ th I II I \V d d i 01 1 a po",h!e ,wlage of S265.000 '0 " . 1 e PRf Y u was on 8 .on e 0 ow ng e nes ay,· t has d~lo~ed thaI on Jlllle " . 'Ill nh erl

Ih, :."11 Hlwlcunel· f~et only II couple of mlnutu wu learned. lhe 7,550·tOIl \'es~el cal'ried tile ~IOYlE WORI,r:ns ~ rRII\!,: . , .. _'.' ._- .. --'----, trlltmlnt befot'e he II'as lntert'upted by f L""DO" IR I e ... ----------

hea\'iest I'olume of rei~hl on 'J"" ell rr.<' - .'0:<\r .. . gl ,01'1'" since fllterl·n" 1.1)()!) pmlllol.·res of lilP Bllli,.'·, G R IFF I N

Mr, Hollett who sBld he '''as a Sin ecru .. , '" ' ~ n the Cahot Strait ~ervice last mOl'ie industry held ;l oll~d;\)' making I political speech, August 26. Her cargo on lhat stl'ike ;',Ionda), to speed .up deri AL LW I' E

. occasion amounted to 903 tons, sions on a pay clalln. 111c slOil' , The Speaker and Premier h' h . t b t t page made idle 30,000 II orkers 10 '

spoke on reasons why Mr. W IC JUS a au represen S a the industry, stopping nil prodllc, : Higgins could continue hls capacity load.' h R k 0 . ' This accomplishment was fa). tlon except at t e a~ rganilR' , speech but Mr. Hollett for a lion studios nt Juburhan Pine,' lew minute" could not sen lowed ahout a II'cek l;ltrr hy a

o C record ill Ihe movement of alllo. WO(_Ir!. ,_ .. why. Sel'eral pOints of orcter --were made hy the Premier mobiles, when the Carson trans· allx Il;lsqllrs. ann 1'111', Hollett, interrllptin!: porter!. 43 alltos from North Since Ihe eOllll1lrllCelllcllt of: each other, Finnlly ;I~r, Hi~. Sydncy 10 Port nliX B'WIIICS. reglliar serl'ire hetll'een Norlh i

lIins was allowPrI to pmcecri On .Tuly 2 the ~hip acrommo· Sydney and POl't aux IlU"'IlIes: and finl~hed his sperch ol dated 256 paj;.scn;;r.rs on the trip all Oct. 5 last and up to June' resillnation f\,om the PC party from Port aux Basques to North I· 30 the William Carson has car·' and askee!. that palles move Sydney, to better the high 01 ried more thon 15,000 passen· I hi. de~k t'o another posillon, 212 carrletl on'June 28 from tile gers, 1,400 automobiles, ~OO:




I '1

~. . . "

'f, ' ••

.; " '

t'l 7/.:.:. , __ . ----I ;"'~: <. ... "... -r:,"::.' __________ _

"You'll just have to risk it! I need your safety belt 10 I'

L . holdup.mypantsl·:.,...;'b -"pi@"!="". • i " __ • _. . ... ___ _



when you pay bills with a low-cost loan throvgh


. " , , , : : I ..


He WBS' ofCel'ed a seat Oll the No\'a Scolla terminal to New.! tmrks Bnli nearly 140,000 tall! I

uther side by the. Premier founllland. On July R 8nl)Ihrr I'of freight. She wus out of ~Cl'· which,' in the same ·{acelious 256 penon! travelled In the. I'ice for a propeller change and I

• Five branches in the Saint John's district to ,erve yo::

manner, he declined, ship from Norlh S),dnc): to porI' annual dr)'docking 47 days.



, ! I


II ,

I ' !

. I

t ' I


I ..

, "

6 .'

Just Right F or ~urtlmer ... A Station Wagon Picnic




Min Jeanettl Badcock, 140 I MerrymeeUni Road, left by TCA WedneadBY, July 15, to spend a month'. vacatioll It Camp Arcadle, Digby, Nova SCOtil.

FROM REGINA Dr. and Mrs. John LeiRhman

of Regina, Uteir Ion D3vld and. two daUjhter. SUIBn and Gert­rude Ann, are here visiting Mr.

Dahle-Byrne Wedding : Pres.nt-For You and, I Yours ••• You Jbould have DO

complainu loday. Jhdiationl are fine for whatevu project you want to tackle, This is a good lime 10 make dedsiOlll as judg·, menl and intuilion art both re· liable. A venture you have been working on may pin consider· able momentum now. Help wiU . be available if you nttl! iL

.•• On July 21, 1873, 1 me 1 ames held up the Rock hland Express and c~aped with ~ 3,000. Although this il often ;.fmed to u. "the fint train robbery," mere are records of rt,hbenes going back as far as \866, invotvin& the notorioUi Reno gang.

Future .•• Studenil to attend a pubtic next semester should pay an average of $lIS lion and fm per I'ClI. attending privlte will PlY arounu mo,

The OilY Under Your Sign I flo", M"dI 2 I I. Ap,;! t9)

W. ruled, our 1959 streamlined .taUon waion with six eager YOU!lpters and drove up to Old St(u'brldlle VIllage1n Massa­cl1usetll for the Annual Muster Day,

A metal p:crdt ba.ket. packed with canneJ • ult drinks on top of • plastlc ba~ filled with Ice, rode along with us and the boys and girls hll<J their favorite "pop" l':1 ruute-no 8toppi~g at roadside star-us. Flavors? -orange, gl:lgerale root beer, Ie· mon-Hme. bluti\ raspberry and many o·her. In herty 12-ounce callJ, b'g tI ough to satisfy all youthflll thir!:.~, We chose can­ned soft dri~ks to prevent break­age 8~d n~~~ to returJ bottles, and becCII!:. the ca~s cool quick' iy an1 s~~y ~'Ol.

stallon wagon ~atriot. munched Leishman', (Gertrude) pJrcnls, warm Mwit~r Day Molasses Gin Mr. Ind Mn. H. ~. Clyde Lake. gerhre~d 'Ie:'~'f 150 ye.arl old) lI~d drailk tl,fh favorite soCt VISITING nrlnks.

N d -~ th Mn. Jean ~oore, Roche~lrr,

. ext a', w~ IlL1'':Jled near e New York, and Mn. Gertme old IIrl" mill's huge water wheel Milman of Toronto, arrlveJ by and ate grahLn, bars backed In TCA Sunday on a via It to their Grant J Gen~ral Store on the

, 1:"1 to ITt dt'Ci.i¢l'l1 to.:hy II pea­lend 10 wavrr ic their t<pinKllu.

TAURUS (April 10 10 M.y 20) n., .ilution .. ill tOfrect huH, 10 4oft't "'IJ! en a .howdO'1tD no ...

6EMIHI\M.y 1110 Juno 21) !mntk ...... 1 traitA1 i. du~ to Jel&.'11111 Attn the htc::i: put rc. da,.).

CANCER (Ju •• 1210 J,ly 21) Cot!w.\,;f in1pcKl'Dt projrttl, placir.1 Ibt

V~hage C'Jr11'T~' I, sister, Mrs. Pearl Snow and Grill 1'11111 Grallim. nephew at 1 Appledore Pia Ct.

One cup dark. brown sugar, 11 The vlsitora were the forln~r cup white sugar, 0/, cup shorten- MiSSel Bishop of Atlantic Av~­lng, 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 cup nue, graham flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon :lut­meg, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 1 cup dates,

TO SPEND HOLIDAY IN U,S,A. lll.r, Charles Peddle and Miss I

Rosalie Follett, who were re­cently engaged to be married, will leave August 3 by TCA to spend their vacation in New York and various parts of the

~t 011 lh. crr-ttl,e..

LEO (July 11 10 Aw,. 111 ,/"",'1 hue nln cr.rrlY Itt Uc.klt thole ,.. ,ou'u bun pullin, 011. Get ,oinr!

VIRGO (Au;, II t. Sopt. 21) Work .c .. ,teldy pate .lad JO\I'U IttJ.la r..on atCW'lq.

While ;he ~,Iattat\lck Fi!e and Drum B1nc. I, unded In H65, played Revo: ~lionary tllnCJ such as "Zipp Cocn,' , "Old Dan Tuc· ker" and "The noad to Boston,' and the !..c._. ~ton Minute :'ole!! The Putnr.rll I'halanx. lind the Kc~tlsh GJol,jS In colorful regl­mfll;als D~rnd' e, abollt 'the \'11-laie (a living museum of Amerl can life fro IT :i90 to 1840), our

Cream sugars a~d shortening, add egg. one at a time while beating. Sift white flour with soda and salt: add the graham flour and spice, Add these In­gredients to first mixture. Cut or chop the dates as finely as possible and add to dough with the \'anilla. Beat for sel'eral mlnuteJ until dates are thorough ly blended, This recipe may be baked as cookies or baked in 8 shallow pal\ and cut Into bars whe~ donf and roiled In sugar. Bake a~ 375 degrees F. for 12 to

U.S,A. Between Us Women FRO!\! MONTREAL

Mr. and Mrs. Michael

SECRET of SALESWOMAN- "Ke~p t~,i, dr,·.; In SlIlP IS SIMPLE: JUST BE OF dur.'t find l:xaC;'1 .;

HELP It'~ mos~ bccDI.l· ~~ I~ a good bul'."

15 mlnule.,

wood of Montreal, and their: 1011 Timothy, are presently in the city visiting Mrs. Ellwood's (Beatrice) parenLs, ~r, and Mra. H. B, Clyde Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Lake wlll be celebrating Utelr Golden Anniversary on I Wednesday, July 22nd.

They I •. ay both be thinki~g the s~m~ :hll,g. but there's a world of ciiffercnce betwee~ what a

will :1Ot only' keep " mi~d, she ma\' d~:I, and there to' lake" ii, looking further.

VISITING RELATIVES go~d s::'c;,woman tells a custo-

Household Hints

Colln Ray Hayne'll, his wife me.' ~~.d what a poor laleswo'

I and two IOIU, Roger and Robert . m1~ 'J:'~,

PRINTED PA 11 EJ.N motored from Cold Lake, AI- \ 1\ poor saleswoman says: "It's • berta" wIlere he is stationed vcry YOJthful" - iromediately

Pretty Partners A poor saJe_\Woma~ made a .;ale ~ays t'.:i lo~k: "I've .ilC\\ed)l; It,mg In you .. size,"

A goad sat :IHurr.ae sey! with ~o"d 50rry I didn't hal'e i'J~ wanted tOOl),. B'lt back. I've ~njo"rd

Un lukewarm water for sprln ibi cl~t!>t~ becau3e It pene­trates tre fabric more evenly than cold,


Easy upkefp il the key word when you plan your recreatlo:l room, Unlike the livIng room­where practicality II IreguenUy bYllassed for the .ake of ap­pearance-your recreation room .bould require m1nlmum upkefp. The nice thina: is that you :leed lIot IBcrl/lce attractiveness.

O!oo.. your wall and ceiUni lWiacea carefuliy, Wood panel!· i!lI II the prime favourite. If )'0\1 bal'l • lirepi8ce, you might breaII the monotony 01 wood by faclns the finlplac. wall with cwamlc til.. In pJannlnl your tilt wail, lntroduce flashel 01 bri8ht colour by '5Pottlng" the wall wIth I variety of Jewel· coloured liles, Once in.talied, ther. wili be no upkeep and YOlll' unusual wall will be the focal point of your room.

Select practical fabrics and .turdy fur:llture. An old door, • upported with six short legs, will double as a. fireplace seat or coflef tables. Cover large all'" foam cushlonJ with bright, strip­ed sailcloth or denim, These caP act as cushions on your fire­place seat, or be tossed on the floor for the small fry to curl up on.

Keep a supply of dlsheJ, I ket­tle, a double bu~~r cooking unit In )'our recreation room. Half the Joy 01 your flln room win be lost If you have to dash upstairs whe:l the family demands a round of hot chocolate and a iate erening snack.

Resist the temptation to move 'I in all the discarded furniture ,I., from the rest of the houle. Un· ,I,: d~rrUinlsh I'ather than o\'erfur :t~ .lish. LerlH lot !II or room to

:1':: move around, to dance, pia), ': ,ame~.

wlUt the RCAF to visit his making her woman customer motber, Mrs ,Ford Woolfrey, A very prelly lVeddl"g was taffcta, Thc bodice was embrold-I ,tole. Her corsagf was 01 red fed old, and oUter relatives at Lewis. i solemnized at Holy ero", ercd ill seed pcarl and sequnins, nnd white carnations, The . A goad saleswoman I8YS, port., allO bla wife's Ilarents at ',Church,. Holyrvod, JUIlC 28th The bouffant ski;t ended in a, groom's parents were unable to "You're young enough to wear

Tral'el smarUy through eunny and cooi daYI In thll Ilenderllo ing sheath that partnm with Its own Jacket. Add 8 frelh ac­cent - checks or white contrast, Tomorrow'e palteln: MI3se5'.

Printed Patwn 4671: Half SIzes WiI, 16'iJ. le\2, 2011, 22\1, 24\1. Size 16\2 ensemble 4\1 yards 3~lnch, % yard co~tra8t.

Printed dlrectIo'~ on each pat­tern par!. Er.:p· accurate.

Send FIFTY CI::STS lin coins) t>tRInPS cunnol b(, accepted) for this pattern. ~1t££E print plain· ly SiZE, !'I'I\:VII::, ,ADDRESS, STYLE ,>;U~nH'.K,

Sprlnlldale, N.D.B. when 1i1rresa )laI'Y, d:l:I.~;i1tr~ lOng chapel train., Her veil I attend. this style"-and the cu.;lomer -"- of ~Ir, nnd ~Irs, \\ Illlam wns atlached to a tiara of seed' A ~upper was serred after- feels younger.

LEFT FOR HOME B)'rnc of Hol)Tood was united, pearls 'and gracefully adornetl wards to the 170 guests under' A poor saleswoman S~ys ],frl. L. H, Govan, who for the In holy matrimony to William' her shoulders, She carried a I the supervision of :'tIr, and ~!rs, i haughtily: "No. I hare?'t, a th!ng

put couple of months bas been Dahle, Hanorer, Ge,many., I boaqnet of red and white ro;es, ~Lichael Dunphy. Cyrus Hawco i u: :lavy. Nal1' l,~~ IS~,t belllg vltlUni her parenl.! Mr, and I The church lI'as beau,lful1y The bride was attended by performed the duties of toast, Y orn this 3cason, makmg ~er MrI, J, W. Hilcock of Brigus, decorated, Tuhp~ adorned the. her sister )1155 ~1a<ie1ine Byrne, master and speeches were made, customer d~termmed II!: to il ::n~ left ~n Monday bv T C A 0 altnr. ,The artistiC floral decor os maid of honour and Wss by Father Murphy, Father I nalY if she as to wa 8 Ie

~ ; ... n d' d b 'I " . ' . h town her wav

home to New Zeala d was eSlgne y" rs. <>I1nle' Joan LeWIS and ~lIss Anne Hnwco, John Taplin, Jo n, A' ad l' . ; n 'K tl ' B d b 'd ' I n \\"11' B d ,<- I go sa es\\oman says . • be wlll visit her liBter, Mrs. S. en,ne y., I ;'~ne ,actc " as rI c~nlOle s, "yrne, 1 lam yrne, an min,. "I'm sorry J con't have a nav)' Ricbard Steele of Barrie, Ont. \\Ith the strains. of appro· TlI~.1 Ilore IClentlc:ll. g01lns ,of, P. J, LeWIS. ! dress to SJ,)W you, but I've a

pmte, wcddlng ml!s~c played cor!ll colourcd chiffon WIth I ' . ~ beautiful brighler blue t hat RETURNED TO TORONTO beautifully by ~1!SS "Iar), IV,lll,te accc,.,ories and carried ~ FallOWing the receptIOn the: might be even more becoming,

Mr, and Mrl, Norman Stokes, Veitch, the ch~rmlllg iJnc\c IJlIIK alld white carnntlOns, Thc . iJ;'lde and jlroom left for t~e. It'. !O :learly the color of your with daughter Norma and :'1I;s Byrne, was led to ',he allar dutleS of best mnn were per· Kcnmount ~lotel, SI. John 5, 'eyes." Who want! a navy dress .on Robert, who bave been on the arm of her father. i form cd by John Byrne cousin of. where the)' spent I few days after that? • spendlllj a hoJlday with Mr. Fother \\,illi;l,m ~Iurl'h)', par.! tl:e l!ride, Acting as ushers were. prior to their lea\'ing. on, a tour' A poor s.11eswoma~ 58yS: Stokea parenta, Mr. and Mrs, Ish pnest, offdlclat.:!d at Lthe . \\ 1\llfwm il):rn e alld Kevin Lewis, of, Europthe which ,will mCtlUdet "You're rr,aking 8 big mistake if NelJan Stok.. a06 P '11 : ceremony an JI rs, \ICY' I tcr tile ceremony mall)'. "lSltlng e groom s paren s a YOll don't take this dress, It'.; a Road returned to T en;~we I Devereaux rendered the b~;lu,I' ;;lIcsts fullowed the wedding car' Hanover, Germany. reol [jar!:ain," Nobody likes to Monday July 20 oron a on \' ful ATe ~Iaria and ~Iother At· 011 a tour of Holyrood and then l : be accu;ed of showing poor judg

. Your Feet I'm Kneeling, I gathered nt the Velvet Horn' For travelling the bride chose :r,ent. Vl!jmNG CITY The bride looked radiant in a Cillb wbere the bridc's mother a summer suit of periwinkle i A ,mar(N sa~e>woman says:

MrI. H, M. Jackel arrived full length {:O'.l'll dcst,~lIed of receivee'. in n navy ensemble i btue with white. accessories and

And lure e"o'Jph Rler UJually gJ~! 'b;cl


FriencU Whe~ 5peakinx' to

ces refer to your traduce him. by Simply IIJ "my

What bM job do with besutv? utiVeti give a - tip to lege graduatel who Job3. Be neal ~a.:I drmed for I i,ood fill sion on an Intervie1\',

from Montreal on a visit to ~Ir. brocad('d organ:a ~I'erln)'ers of \11th white accessones and fur, a corsage of '",hltc rose.l. I

and Mr •. Arch Munn, of King's Brldlll Court. Wedding ICriight-Oake


VISITING SISTER Mr •. Hubert Stokes and son

Hubert left by TCA last week to .pend a hollday with Mrs. Stokea lister 1n Toronto,

TRANSFERRED Misl Carol M. Dunford of

Grand Bank, left here Saturday by TeA for Toronto. Miss Dun­ford has been transferred to the lIeneral office of the Bank of Nova Scotia,

Daily Recipe Thl, is a recipe that you

mliht Ilke to take to the cottage with )'OU, for when father brings home 8 oi~ OJe.

The s!urih.g is good with many kinds 01 dclicate flavored II.h, but particularly good with fresh caught lake trout.

Lo ... e'''' .. M' .... Diets, Pili., ... Cos'l, . Jeet ..


o 0 0 IN MINUTES ~ ••

,..n OfF 011 , IINL Y 16c. • II MY $US. .... -,... .... T Uftt,poort fIf • .lt~. 'l"IIUI' Nth tub', .I'ICI .... til .. ,~-10M S'"

U.1i1alnl~ci IUrlll~ure offers a Send order I J ANNE ADAMS ~pl,~d,c u, ~orlu.:ity to furnish care of ST. JOHN'S ,DAILY simol)' p.nd ec~nomicAlly. A NEIl'S, Pattern Dept eo FRONT

. co!':' 'o;t~hle fllrriture groupln;: II ST" WEST, TORONTO, ONT.

STUFF'ED LAKE TROUT Lightly lpr.nkle the fish on ,tli~

inside WIth salt and stulC It 10,J,lely with rar, agon Dressing as given br,rw, Trus.; it, brush It with m~1teG fat and bake it in a lI"t rven, 811"'-"lnll about 10 mlnuto! cook.nll time for eaeh brh of ~t~l.ed thickness of the fish, mcasul ed with a ruler at the th:ckest part. You wlU know the fish i! cooked when the flesh io.~~ its translucent appearance, th3 Jnes n~e n:Il~} colored and when the fle!h "'11. separate In r,~kcs. when t~<11 c with a fork. l'ARRAGO~' 1·'1511 ,DRESSING

In Iront of th' ftreplac< I~ n~-sir~')!c: a pair or c:m!ortalJlc rb'r<, r!rr"'":" .'c~t. rx'r1 ellS ~Ic~.', A nair 01 r:o::\n1 lamps a:11. P:I'!:".r.'. a br!q'lt s~atler rug. BII: br.l\'~rr of S~?ttcr ru~' ·In the I ~~I Df the room,

Beauty Aids Foilowbg a reducing diet Is

Ilrl,hr. .clcrr colcur~ are reo . much e&ler during hot days, c~m:",cndd c'ld lise lot~ of yel Most of Us :l"ve less appetlt2 and Inw If ynur r~nTl' t~nd., to b~ are refreshed only by eating dary.. YOll will ha\'e extra In 'Btlmmlng Irult and vegetable sal· ter~:t In the t~xtural co~trast 01 adj. Howevel, b~ware 01 waS!)­

, the scft r.·OIV 01 your woo~ pa1el Ing away necessary vitamin! lIn,~ ~r1 t~e gl~alT'llIg 8urface 01 dUring summer mo~ths with too your fireplace wall Df c~ramlc many iced ~rlr.k~ and too little tile. foad.

Most of' all, your recreatioh room ,sI1auld be -a ch~crful family fun rODon where M~m needn't ke~1I a \\'~ather eye for eokf e~~ crumt- spills!

How To Hold F.A~SE TEETH . 'Moro F!rmly In Plac. tIo 19Ur ttl .. c .. \.11 aIlIlOY.DeI em·

1IIftUI b1.Uppllll. dl'OppiDIl crY/ob· ltlIna wbe1l ,Oil eoC. lI.u.h at talk?

j!:.lIIrI.alO a lIIU. rA8TD'I'H aD plalel, Thll alkaline IDOIl·..,ldl er hole!.> Ir.l:t tooth more IIrmly

U4 mar. CDn'.:~r\.lbly. 110 r,ummy, IDOIJ DUll-III" t.elU1I,OOM 1I0C 1ICIr. '(lMI*I "plato ""or" I dOlI \ lin ~I. on ,A,ITBI'B ~J 1\ _ ...... nlrr1flIen.

. ,

Health experts come up with a simple reducing ald. They Bay to take two baths a day Instead of D:1e: Reasor.inl behind thla advice is that as body fat dl.lnte­gates, more waste material lea· ves through th~ skin. You help by floating 1t away.

The weatherman 11l1l does the beAt job of putting a ban on .prinkllnll . .rIllht efter your liar­den la. planted.

Who does be think be's kid· din. when a man nnd. hie wil. a vacation postcard read· Inl," With you were here?"

8 tbsps, buller, meHed 3 tbsps. chopped o~lon -y, cup chopped celery 11 lip. tarrallon 1 tsp. 881t Dam Pl~per 4 cups day'oid bread crumb. Cook, \he onion Ind celery in

the melted butter lor about 10 mbutes or untU tender, Stir iJ the sease,lurl," Combine Ihe cooked vegllables and season, Ings \'11th till bread crumb. and ml~ thoroJghly.

YIeld Sulllcle~t Ituf!inll lor a 3 or 4 pUUIJL dreued filh.

-No~e: A g~neraJ rule to foilow

when stu!, .ng nib II to ailow I cup drwlr.F for lach pound 01 fi;h. The &bove recipe may be increased ~r decreased to suit your Jeed.

Tbe marriage of Phyllis I Due to the unavoid3blc absence Stella Oake, daughter of ~Ir. and lof her father the bride was Mrs. Harry Onke, 47 Williams I gil'en in marriage by a close Street alld Arthur Haberl lriencl of the family,' Stanley Knight, son oC Mr, ond Mrs. \ Whitmec. Herbert Knight, 179 Gower Frances O'Neill attended the Street, took place on ~Iay 18, l0ride as ~!aid of Honour. Ruth in the ~Iarinn Chapel, Basilica. Oake, sister of the bride and of St: John's the Bapti;t. TllC: Kathleen Ann Knight, sister of ceremony was performed by; the groom, acted as bridesmaids, Rev. Father Conroy, A strawberry coloured nylon

The Bride wore a full length ballerina length dress witb a Princess . line white brocaded harem skirt was worn· by the satin dress, with a bouffant Maid of Honour. The dress of 'klr!. Her finger tip veil was the bridesmaids different from crowned with a pearl tiara, that of the Maid of Honour only Her biJuquet was of red roses. in colour, Tbeir dresses were

lemon. The groom was attended by

William Wescott, who acted as llestman and Noel Veiteh 8nd \ David Warren as usheI'll.

The bride's going away drea. was en empire line green prInt !.

sheath with a matching jaeket I and green accessories. Her cor­sage was of white orchids.

The couple spent their honey­moon at the country residence oC Mr. 'and Mrs. S. J. Turner of Holyrood. .

Mr. and Mrs, Knight are now residing at 255 LeMarchant I Road.

UI.d DlH, II, FIlla Sflll'lttl t' K .. _ ThtJR FIt hr LtHIIt ",Up". plctwts,

SIIII6.lItd By BtalIIy Ctlfllll1umlJ .. \I /1lJt«:Mf Skin M~c1k.lOll.



C.lm. yOGI' JItffCIo '""ll'IlloJl, ~luH Ill'll Den' ~lIIrll DrlWi oat ."~ eJtIfI fro. ,vwr FillY Tllhten. yont ,ki., 1\

'"_ •• o[ ",odI M .. Pee 70111' .,.1Irt

'v,.~ .;I~. nr" . IICONDlfIONA1 I/l IACl~ , - ---_:_---.,. I a.tItt A W.lth Dept. A

P. O. lea Uf, H, Y. 2',·H, 'Yo

I .... u-. ......... III.. .. .. .. PItaM'IlII, , ...... '~ ........ .., MM ...... "

1------------------I~ I~ __ --______ _M ____ ~



day see boats br

the pn l'Uherie:

comIc ul

of U

r Sign




SMU III . .at"'.­--­!I"'&~. .... a-11 --iiiiW",,- ... -M-' .... -­WI.:·-..... =~~-.~~~ ---

.",. ------. .-

DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TU£SDAY. JULY 21, 19~9 '7


I this stretch of country ~afe for such as you, and those folks In the Tailholt Hills. That's why he's tile big mogul in Warrior



One queltion she asked was: "DDes your child have a habit or ~id he ever have a habit, oi eating dirt, plaster, ashes or·the PERSONALS Regat~a Meeting

-GRACE-On Thurs· ~I last week a horse (ccuntable manner

:';:. in R grating w.hlch ~.nce 10 the Yo ater

~: t .. t Roman Catha-

HARBOUR GRACE-~T. and Mrs. Ralph Smith (nee Florence Pike) have arrived from Sud· bury, O~t .• 10 vIsit Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. C. Pike, who t.. a patient at the General HOlpltal St. John's. They will be visiting relatives at Harbour Grace.

here WII.! the' iuest 01 Mr. I!Id Mrs, Martlli Sh~ppard.

HARBOUR GRACE-A meet· Ing of the Harbour ·Grace Regalta Committee was held on Monday night and the date for

Miss Edith Sheppard wenl 10 the annual Harbour Grace ne· St. John'. last week to attend gatta was s~t for the first Wed· the Lynch. Wadden weddinil neaday in August (Au~. 5th.) which took place at SI. Theresa'. An election 01. officers WlU .al· Church on Monday eVe:llng. . 50 held at IlIls meeting and reo

suited In last year's ofllcerb

THE STORY: Jim Furlollg haa turned renelade aUer the Empire ranch ordered him to Ilave Warrlor Basin. Furlong'l cabin wal burne~ by elee Veto, the Empire foreman, and Jim Intends to even Ihe 1C0re.

Basin," "But that doesn't give him the

right to burn a man's home!" • • •

BY EDWIN P; JORDAS, !II. D. like?" Of the 784 chi!drc~ exa· What seems to be a rather mbed, 172, or more than one IJI

common problem Is brought up fivc, had n record of pica. by Mrs. T. In !r.o,t the habit becamel a-

She says: "Why does a person tablished during the second year want to eat starch? I have thi~ of life and disappeared around

The door of Pardee's room habit and lind myself craving the age of four or five. Some' VIII was closed. Link said, "Jules?" ,the stnff just af I do food and I,mes the ,11r,it lasted longer..

Pardee'. month.end visits In There was no answer. I\·ater. Wh~\l I get my hands on .In the ca,~ 0: OJe child who

. . , Junction 6eldom varied. Link looked at his watch, It ordbary c1o,r ... ;; starch and take Wa. nearly;) lears old and:s'UlJ

Promptly at six o'clock he was 20 minutes to 10. Pardee u couple pieCES i~to my mouth eating clay, It was found her would limp to a cottage al the musl have come from the bank it seems as If .t is the b~st thing mother a~d glandmother also corner of Residential Ave. by now, he thought, and tried I ever had. ate clay. It '\'02 their custom' to where he ale lupper with his the door. It opened, and the This is the .:or,clition known a. get a large soth of refined clay wlfe and son. The town gossips sheriff blinked in astonishment. pica, which ir.volves a craving from a !laltimore brick yard for

· The motter was · R.C~1.r. and the

':0 ~ n ~,t royed. It bf , ~Ir. Byrne of

G:!~ ~,'~Ih. ..----Obituary


R GR,\('E - There . 1,"<&: the General .• , 'Jo:n'; on July Bth.

.; ~r:/f 1!I1\l'IS, ~Ir. o::~). So~d Street,

G:I:t. who WM I~ hll

ft!i 1";\1 a son of · d the lale Mu,

DI 1'1 yants Cove, ~~ t:r., ;oyen at Bell [\'f~ tW(~:\' years lind

~ to :.:' home at Hr. • .r" cut back in · ;: ' t m1nin~ to\\'n.

L1 ~oJ,1 he~lth. ~tr. ~.3j Icrnt .• ome time

, hi; hlln~nloll' on a:ter w~,ic:1 he 100k

. r,lh t~r Babb Can'

Mrs. :". Heath and daughler, 1IIr3, H"rl'ey Nurcell, Toronto, arrived at Harbour Grace on Wed:1esday for their annual visit to their home at Harbour Grace. Their many friends are pleased to extend a welcome.

~!r8. Mal' Garland who had been spendi~g 'the wlnter at Toronto, ant.. arrived last week and wal accompanied by her daughter Thelma, Mrs, Harold and Mr. Trainor and granddaugh. ter, who will spend three weeks visiting Mrl. Garland.

Rev. A. N, and Mrs. Holmes who had been spending their vacation v!SiU~g friends and reo latlves on the mainland have re­turned home,

Mr. Georg~ Rl. t. and Mr. Gil· 'Jert Embll'le), condu~ted Matbs Dt St. Paul's ChUi ch on Sunday ",ornlng. Mr. B.tt h lpendln, his vaca\lor. at hon't after teach· in~ the paJt' 'ear at G a~der Bay. Me. Emhe: ley who taught at Fortune Is now attending sum· mer school sessions at St. John's

Mr. a~d Mrs. Graham Babb Mrs. Cyril Thomas of Bona· and chlldren Ida and Peter are

vista was a visitor to Harbour spendln, their vacation on a Grace la~t week to sea her mot· 1 motor tour of Bonal'ista Bay her, ~Irs. F. R. Flander who has towns, heen i!I pool' health recenilY.) -Mrs, Flander's many friend. Mr. and Mn Sam Hawklns of will be glad to learn that she Is st. John's and their threa daugh· now much Improved, ttrs, Ann, ~ary and Lynn spent

Sister M. Therl'.5a, Placentia and Sister ~1. Camilla, St. John's were visiting the Pre!e~tallon Convent at Harbour Grace last week.

Mr. Kevin' Cleary, Bishop'. Falls was recently the suest of his aunt, Miss Helena Power. I'ictoria Street.

the long weekend visiting Mrs. Haw kin's mother. Mrs. E, Good· lar,Q,

~r. and Mr~, R. Martl:1 and daughlcr '·v~nt the weeke:1d vlsl· tlng ~Ir~. ~Jartln'5 mother, Me&. W. Hnrris.

bel n g re'elected, They are Chairman, R, W. Goodwl:1. Vlc~ Chairman; M. P. Stapleton Sec retary Treasurer, F. H, Pike.

Council Notes HARBOUR GRACE-A num:

ber of rl'.5idents have new homes un d e r construction. Amo~g these are homes for Messrs . Chesley Cumby, Duncan Hu~t, Charle3 GarID~d, Raymond Hunt and Wl1,jam Holloway.

had never ferreted out lhe ex· Jules Pardee lay on the floor, for such sury,~;'l1ces as starch, Ihis purpose. act situation or circumstance bound and gagged, blood stain· 1 clay, Plastt~.", ashes. charcoai, Many of the youJg.o;ters 'ate whlch had prompted Edith Par. Ing the gray hair on the back of dirt. and th~ II~e .. The mo,t 3e' rJaster which they . often dug dee to leave a spaclous house at hls head. In the few momcntsI lhorltatlve dl ;("SSlOn of tillS sub· ;~om walls ,;'ith great determina Empire and set up housekeep· it took to free his hands and Ject. that I hnoll of IS a beak iton. Ing in a cottage. The move had mouth, Link observed that the: pubhshed. about three years il~O ~liss Cooper studied pica In created quite a stir and there big m~n WaJi breathing. b.y M,~r~la ,~ooper, carry:ng the rc!ationshi~ to intelligence, be· were rumors of divorce at the (To Be Continued) Itle Pica. ,,' . hal'ior problems, weight at birth time. But later ,as Pardee's The name pica' comes from pil)"ic;ol defects ~r,d age Gl practice of .eatlng supper with the Latin magpie, appar~ntly h~· IINning. ;';one a. these appelll' hIs wife and Bren became an F h T" cause thiS bird picks up a ]um· cd I,) playa pall ir. the dcvelo\>' established cUstom, the SepHra. as ion IpS ber of pcculair oilject; to sa::,fy 1 mc:.1 of pica, but the state of tion ceased to be a topic of gas. hu~ger or curios:l). It is fair;y general JUlritiod did. There

common in ),0'1.1g children, but 1 was a much higher proportion of

Irl'sh VI'ewers SiPS it thl I At Hopsacking, printed all ol'er OcCllrs in ~rrv.r,~',l~ of beth sexes! feeding problem; in children o was s morn njl. J. nd parliculi:"i~' in women dur I' with pica than in thuse witilout. quarter past nine Pardee limp- with bright carnations, makes a

S. Th TV 1 1 . , mg pregnancy or lactation. j ~fiss Cooper c0;)c1udes that WIpes eir 1 ed across Main Sircet with the smart itt e Jacxet for summer Pica has bCtn obser.ed in do· 1 pica in human. bein~s is most

Paving of Water Street has comme,l~ed WIlli the Illllng in of old holes on the' road surface,

I bank clerk, stepped up to the wear. mestic a:tima!, .~ well as i~ i frequent in time of famine, i!l

F E Ii h veranda and thumped along it human br:llg;. It is perhaps 'I' those whose dieL< are defic;ent, rom ng s to bls office·bedroom, °The Yo~'ll feel cooler aJd look coo· from sluoy£ng s' .. cr. strilngc ap·1or .:1 p;'ric,ls 6[ life \rllen prcg· clerk placed the valise on a ler, If you repJace your lull· petites in hn'rr,al that we Ir.a), ,'~al1~Y 3:' Id(I:,l:on malic hca"Y

By DICK KLEI;;'ER desk, ~aid, "Thank you, ~!is·, er.;;th sUps with half slip,; !n eventually learn marc about it, i d~nLand, C" I:,~ nutritio;1. DUBLI;;', Ireland (NEA)- ter Pardee," and departed. A' 3U:-:lmer wealher. Hal'e them In basic causes. f T;,i, (:~;r~urdinary variation

There isn't a televiSion stat. man with a pair of saddlebags dark colors as well as white. hl her book ~!iss Cooper re·; from the ,:, ",d descrlcs still Ion In the ~epubilc of Ire. slung across his left shoulder ports an original study of pica i m·)1C ,t.d:: to,i, in childre~ and land. And yet TV antennas stood In the lobby doorway. Among the more casual styles. carded out in Baltimore. ~ld.: in rr0\1'I:,pS. are seen frequently around At about this same time little midriff·hugging vests or '-------­Dublin and up and down the Sheriff Sld Link came out of \~eskll.! return 10 .add zip ~nd '''III!II''''~r:m~:-'~~~'~~-'''''''~''1i'''!'''''f!'~~~1IIII East Coast. th Elite Cafe smoking his lI.armth to sport wear. Th~ ",es'l

Th h I he,. kit en3emb!e shows up With Its'

e answer, I e Ir s say after· breakfast cigar. t h' C . t k' t .• Ith 1 I

. rna c I~g apn pan s s 'Ir anu was y, a most pr~ud Luke Kimble and hls wLle, CO'ordinated blouse. '

ro o~ 'Io~nay after I'!~I R~O, he was

~r:::y:i while at his fIJ in m;,;:ately' remol"

"IC, :0 the General f:' t ul;rile .;urgical

bl. 'Ji:"rin~s ended >.I.',',: nr, \l'enne.<day Re" ~Ir. and Mrs. Coddington ~~. H:~ wife who al· ~nd two children, who arrived ~: IL~ Yl'~: old son a from the U.S.A. recenily 10 visit ~::. r",?:::1i r~mained I )Irs. Coddington's parents, ~h ~'a:.,~' b<d.<lde con· . a:lO ~tr,. James Sparkes. Shears

Mr. Jo Harris, Manuels Is spc~dlng a two weeks vacation as guest of his sllter, ~irs. Hazel Noseworthy.

Miss Joan Cormack. St. John', oaid.a brief I'islt to Harbour Grace on Sunday.

smile, is that they are plratlng went inlo the store, but Grace, 1 television from England and apparently headed for the Bon Outstanding when buylng clot· I Xorthern Ireland. The Irish, Ton Millinery, came along the hes are the "fashio;) Indepen· who love entertainment, are plank walk. She was, Link dents." Each item has a sepa'l so eager for TV that they buy thought, the prettiest girl In rate Individuality, but is design·, expensive sets, hook up tali, Warrior Basin. ed to go beautiful!y with al! the powerful antennas and hope Link tipped his hat and asked rest. ~hortl, skirts, pants and for the best. The best Isn't graciously, "How Rre things on tops are of the same material. so hot-the existing stations M.exican Flat, Miss Grace?" , and can be worn together or ~e·

;::1;;:' :~;, i:i~c,.'. town, visit.!d fr,ends 'at Harbour ):I )1: \,;;t'\\,orth)' wns Glace la,t "HI.. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones. Sl.

.lohn'. lef( for a holiday al Her· a.~ rUi1l'ctcd a~ an ,,;~,r and a ~ooct ~: :r"~.i to all lIilh

It rJ-.' ;n contact. Hi.; '.:/I(;::-1r UI:ian Dawe I i'e r: J~d their tllO

, 3: .• j Dal'id are ':.' ,3"mg of a de'

a:'~ f"tiler. ~,:: •. ; ~.i"' dralh of his ~ ~!tj ia:her, ~lr. ~a·

.r.l, who is in his ;,ar and resides

[0;, Three brot· ~ Ha~old at Bryant.! . l:.:: at ~fontreal and " )!rl Samuel Ralph

E:.:cI and ~Irs. ~Iar· 1;0 ;u:l'i"e and to

:1 family the sin' ~: 8 large circle

U (n~ne<l. !:d ~ hich II' a, very Cdd look place from

:l!lCenCe on Friday ~ [I. Paul'l Church 1Ir.;ct was conduct· . L A. J. Ludlow. In· fU In the Anilican

GR.~CF.-The resl· 1'1\1 O'Po'n!d by Mr. . 1\'81 recently pur·

~ IIr. r.ordon Power, a:!I' b Ihe wedt and ~ L'ld lion. 01 the ~I homes In that

~r. and M,~. Stephen Payne ring ~eck ryn l\;o:1day aHer a and three chi!ve:1 left en Satur· brief visit to ~!rs, Jones's B.,ut,

in England and Northern Ire· 'Very well, thank you," she paratel, with taste. land are beamed In other dl· I said, favoring him with girlish

cay to motor 10 Cormack wilere ~Irs. L, V, C'hhfe. they will SIl"1.d th~ir vacation' with their n~;cl ~::·s. Bernard

rections, so the Irish get smile as she walked past him. ~,~. Gil! f;;nn who had been fringe reception, weak and Then she stopped and asked,

\'I,ilil:g Toronto O~t, has return' Jumpy pictures, sporadic "Do you know if Mister Pardee en home, sound. is in town?" rmlth and .Ilr. Smllh,

The weatherman still does the best Job of putting a ban on sprinkling right after your gar· ;, ""g .......

den Is planted. And yet. at last unofficial "Yes, ma'am, he Is. Came In

count, 60,000 homes In Ireland yesterday." . Who does he thlnk he's kid, ' ..... Davin, ~on of ~Ir, and Mrs.

Mrs. Franot Ford and Miss "Dicky" LaJr~ntius were week· e~d guests Ot Mf3. Ernest and Mr. F. P She~pard. MIS! Lau· rentlus who had been at Memo rial UniverJlty the pasl year lea· ves this IVlek 10 return to ber home L'l Holland.

Warr~n Geollwl: was taken to st. John's !asl week and was operated on :01 appendicitlJ at the General Hospital and is doing well.

had TV sets, It's Just ano,ther 1 He"sitantly, as If forcing her·' ding when a man 8end~ his example of the allure of the' 1 self to an unpleasant declsion. wife a I'acation postcard read· I llvlns room theater. Grace asked "Did he - make a ing," Wish you were here?"

• • • I complaint I€alnst Jim Fur· --------------------------------There's a cen!orsh Ip prob· long?" . 1llti~.'lltl~IIIJl---~lW'old-.... -!!IIII~IU!'!'-"... .... --IIR-~IfR' .........

Dr, Gerald an(\ Mrs. Davis ar· Min Carol Barrett who ls vl!ll rlv~d from Nova ScoUa recenUy

Ing her aunts Misses Ju1la and to ~pend B .hort vacation as F.thel Barrett at St. John's was ~Ul.t of Mr~. FaJny Butt, Dr. a visitor to Harbour Grace on Davis Is the son of two former Saturday, carol will be remem·· Harbour Graclans, the late Rev, bered by many young. friends Eneat and Mrs. Florence Davis, when her lather, Mr. F. Barrett W8J manager of the Ba:lk of Nova Scotia here.

Min Mollie Dingle with the Miue. Barrett! aho visited friends at Harbour GracI on Salurday.

Miss Helen Goue, Gander Is villtl:1g her aunt, Mrs. W!l!11 Regular.

The many frlendl of Mrs, Hec· tor Brown will regret to learn that ahe luffered a heart attack last week and I, now confined to her bed.

Mr. a:ld Mra, Mom Wells pald a brief vislt to lrlends It Harllllur GraCI on Saturday. They Ire visiting Mr. ",ell'. bro­ther and fam!!y. Mr. Graham WeU, at St, Juhn', and will re­turn to Harbour Grace nut week to meet mBny former friends. Mrs. WeUs II the for· mer Mo1lla Panoh.. They are nCIW I'tIJldlnl at Brooklyn, Man., aoo their. firlt visit 10 their native Harbour GracI wu twa~ty·three yean aiD.

Mr. Thoma, Doyle, Boston, MRIS., II spending a vacation with his Iltler and brother, Mrl, Dant,l and Mr. O'Keefe. AI' though Mr. Doyle hBB been llv Ing In the U,S.A. for many years he mnku a vlait from 'tlme to tim. to renew old a!SoclaUon, and his friend, of former daya are plrti~ed to welcome him onco more to his :latlv, town.

Mrs, E. Moriarty left last week \0 visit her dauihter at Gram! Falll.

Mrl, Fran\! Tilley, 81. John', Will a luullut weell 01 Mr. and Mrs, John Sop.

Min M MUler, st, John'. II pre.lllnily the lUest 01 Mr, and Mr.. A),I ed Sheppard.

Wn Maude Hamllto!l who la on ih. markIn, board for the loubllc examlnation paper. was. weellend lueat of Mila Phylis b!evenson.

lem connected with this TV Link nodded. "Chances are I

plratlng too. The Irish nation he'. already pulled out. A man has always had stdct censor· would be foolish to do what he shlp of films-sex, divorce, done and atay in Warrior too.reallstlc crime are grounds Basin." for a movie being banned. "But Jim Isn't a criminal!"

Now, on the old movie pro- Grace protested. grams from England and • • • Northern Ireland, these ban· ned films are coming back to haunt the Irish! And there's nothing that the Irish can do about the situation, either, slnc. they are not supposed to be recelving the programs In the tlrst place.

• • •

FIZIltl ~.-' ~

DUDlln had a wild week when Walt Disney elected to premiere hil Hollywood·made Irish mm, "Darby O'GIl! and the Llttle People" In the Irish capltal. By coincidence, the 18m!! week 11'11' the Irish Derby and the Inauguration of Eamon De Valera as presl· dent.

The Irhh leemed to react

Link shrugged and law Fred Eggleston come to the doorway of his oUlce- across the ~treet. "He pulled I gun on Jules Par· dee. Shot a plinter out of Jules' peg leg. That's criminal assauit according to the law bookll­armed robbery."

"Oh-are you liure he used a gun:" Grace demanded.

Link nodded. "Yes, ma'alll, It : was aS!ault with a deadly weap­on. I don't know what got Into Furlong. But he went bronc, and that's all there 11 to It."

Wnolly iubdued now, Grace s/lid flatly, "Perhap, he has gone away."

"Shouldn't wonder," Lin k seld.

Grace continued alOll4! Ihe walk, Llnk law Fred Eggleston quarter across Main Street to Intercept her. Grace Kimble, the sheriff thought, wouldn't lack for male companionship . . •

Link was passing the Weekly Clarion offlce when Buchanan Fyfe tall ed, "Sid-lust a mo· ment," and came quickly to the doorway. .

"What', Itching you now?" Link inquired.

'Better balanced

.. * meals when 'your baby

starts to chew!

!mit 01 the Depart· hal betn operat·

Grlet during the put .. '\II many have

IIlbt Irte !mice whleh

Mr.. BeUe Edmondl of Wes· ton, Mm, villted relatlvta at Harbour Prace last week, Mn Edmondi wu the former Bella F'rench 01 Ihll town and whlls

Mr. H, ~on" and i!'a.,ddaulh ttr of Gnn~ff, have been .pend· In, their vacation with Mrs. Jane's daulhter, Mrs, Ray Flu:· aerald.

Mr,. Louise Andrews who had toe en . recelvln, medical Ireat· ment at the General HOIpltai

to the three events In this order: the movle, the race, the inauguratlon, There were more crowds aroun~ the nliht of the premiere than there were when De Valera red!! in Itate down O'Connell

"I drove out to tile Tailholt Hills yesterday afternoon," Fyfe reported. 'I saw Jim Furlong's burned cabin, and talked to some of hia neighbors."

under C~DI'aS at C.L,B. Irot.tldl, after \lI'hlc~ abe 11'" the gunt of Bear'. Cove, her Bon Mr. R. L .. and Mrs .

Andrews, ret\ll':lec! home on Mon A wbale wu brought lnto Har· day, Ml'I, Andrews min y

bour Grace l.rl weele and WI. Irlendl are pl.Hed to learn that Cilt up al th.. Whaling Com· she II f.eUn, much lmproved In pany'3 prem,ua. health.

A LlnlE GOII. a long way

whln ,you AclvlrtlH In THE


street, The Dubllnites l!ked the

movie, whleh is a typical leprechaun. on·the· cob story done with Disney's customary taste and wlth his magn\flcent special eflects. It stan Albert ShBJ1le with Janet Munro (Ieen ~n Hallmark's "Berk· eley Square" over p.S. TV last ,prlnil) with a handsome ~unll man named Selin Con· nery. I

Uttle Janet, who seems 0 be another June Allyson In the making, Will offered the leading female role In the HaUmark production of Shake· Ipeare'. "The Tempest". That's helng taped this sum· mer for presentation In the fall. But she couldn't take It (Lee Remick got the part) be' cause Df a previous commlt· ment. '

"I'm dolnll a movie with TommY steele," Ihe says. ''He', the English Elvis pres· lay. I'm going to sing and dance in this one, I'm rather afraid of what Mr. DisneY ... !II think when he sees thIS -he always put.! me In coS' tumes which cover me from my shoes' up to my neck. and perhap' a bit more.

If'dut In thiB one I'm just wearlnll lome mesh knit ~ong hose and a few seil.ulns .

''Workinll for Mr. Dlsner I've always been hot. I wasn t hot in thl' costume."

"507" "Those people out there say

it has happened before-that It will always happen when anyone refuses to bow to Pardee's wilL That's an outrageous situation, Sid, and I Inlend to say &0 In print." .

"It won't do Jim Furlong any good, and It might do you some harm."

Link saw a man come off the Utah Hotel veranda-the strang· er be had observed yesterday' morning - and watcher hlm place a pair of 8addleb~s on a horse at the hitchrack. "What'. so deplorable about it?" he asked,

'The fact Ihat free men in this free nation will abide ,uch domination without fighting back," Fyfe said urgently. "It'i agalD~t every fundamental con· cept of American tradition, This country was founded by men who refUlied to be dominated."

pnk watched the stranger mount and ride westward along Main Street. "Don't blte off more than you can chew, Buch· anan. How long wlll your news­paper last if Empire Freight refU!es to haul' new.prlnt for It?"

"i'll find 80me other way 10 bring it in," Fyfe said. "I'll not be Intimldated by threata of economiC reprisaL"

Tolerantly, LInk said, "Keep In mlnd that Julet Pardee wu fIghting Indlll1J when you were In comfort baek ·EII!. H, mad.

Heinz Junior Foods bring you special help Your baby's diet needs great care when he is outgrowing strained foods-but not yet ready for real adult fare. Now is the time for Heinz Junior Foods. They delight the "choosy" Junior appetite and virtually guarantee better­balanced, n~ritious meals during this all·important period. More than 50 inviting kinds all feature the special Heinz Junior texture that teaches your b8.by to chew thoroughly and well. Mash 'or mix

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I %.Yt con HtlnI Ea; &.10CClfI- 1 5nJaU lak,d PoIaIo Y,.1 COIl H,Inz JII'ict V.gllable . I ,lftalrfCII • '. ~·I can H .... .hrio< MIx" ",f Olmer 'I I 1 5b Dry TOOl! ( i ~ ¥ogtlabt.l ~ 1 can Hlira Nolar Apploouuct ! I 1 0In0 &IdaJ MI1II 1 1 con H .... .It.Jot Pn/l o.-t 1 Glan SIdra Ml1lc I I \It can Hw Orang. JIAce 1 <lIon Stdm MIlk 1 HtIn! Te,ihlng ~(..... f~l.

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S=TE~A-:-:~-::SJD::" p.----8---:'· -1·--5--· -t-~=C=a=pi=t6=1 ==----::B-:ri-gu-:s N::;-e-WS--:-=Le:-::al'in~g B~r;;:-li:'


C.L.B. MOVEMENTS er In: oVle BRIGUS - The I:nitcd Chmh ~~~s~e~ah~~~c~n I \ Now Playing is sponsoring a vacation Bible long wa)' 10 co,~ THE NFLIl .. GRE.'I.T LAKES ' Scliool held every morning (rom I h "~

STEAMSHIPS LTD, T tN' 1 ----------- 9·1 b the Academy under tli:> engt l' l'isiL and 14 . have sped by all , •. a rge 0 SUSAN HAYWARD directio~ 01 Rev, R, Wells. As· A larcwpll aft ..... M,V. Perth loading at Toronto, JEFF CHANDLER IN sisting him are Betty Curti>. <~

July 22nd. Hamilton July 23rd, • 1 "TIIUNDER IN THE SUN" Gracc Perce,. Lorraine Gushue. hTeld Tuesday al 14 'f St J h ' ea Room b her ~ , 5 d 'or ,0 n 8, . --- I K.· el'in Leonard and frank Cur·

News ....

un ,y, as usual. was one Wheelbarrow: David L, Ben· I at the bill days In the C.L,B, nett.Kelvln Lamswood, Curt t M~ J L~nd20; dl~~d~ng f at ~o~. EDITOR'S NOTE: NEA Ser· i fate belore Khru,hchev arbi(rar.; Two star·magic names-Susan tiS, Three dele;;; Junior TrainIng Corps Camp, Squlres.Edward Bennett, John rea d U! St n

J 'h ~ or 0 '1 roving correspondent Leon Den· By brought about the Berlin Hayward and Jeff Chandler- forty·one members arc en· leave .July I.i'h, ~

and the parades, Communi. Newhook.Rex ~artln. woo an.... ,on s, nent returns to Berlin for a crisis," are teamed in Paramount's big rolled ranging in a~e3 from lour Port near Happy cants, Church Parade and Relay race: B.I. David L, M.V, Dundee loadini! at Tor, i dramatic picture of (he city Gray·haired Ernst Scharnol\'· outdoor spectacle in Techni· 10 .clel'en years. the ~maller on~s attend lhc Grand Drumhead service were well Bennett, Frank Skanes, Ed. onto July 31st, Hamilton Aug. i which is "Soviet Target No,!." shy West Berlin's 53·year·ol,' color, "Thunder in the Sun," being of cour,e the Klnder~art~?, They are )Ir. fr('tj attended IS well as a large ~'ard Bennett. P. Cove, Harry 2nd, and Montreal Au,g. 5th, for Dennen writes from the back· anti ·Communist labor learler. ~'hich opens tomorrow at the It Will close July 20:h With a diS' Charles Percey ac~ number of parents and sup. Garland. Russel! Mitchell. Botwood and 51. John s, I ground 01 many assignments in was even more emphatic, Capitol Theatre, A Seven Arts' pia)' of the!r work to which ral" Roberts, porters of the Brigade, In fact. Ronald :I!1l1er. H,. Lloyd Rod. Nt'LD, CANADi\ SrEMISHIPS 'Berlin, starting In 1945 and in· .He said: "Khrushchcv thinKS Production directed by Russell! ~~ts and fl'lends nrc 11lI'lted, &he ramp grounds was crowd. gers. Ron Hiscock. David l M,S, FauveUe due from Hali· eluding the East German reo thAt his puppets will inherit Lhe Rouse, the film features .fac·· ,'" . ttl with one of the largest Sl1ow, I fax July 17th, volt 01 1953, filr this profile 01 factori~s we have rebuilt willi 'lllCS Bergcrac with Blanche, ~ \ ISIII,n~ for ~,(ew weeks i,' ~lr' Sarah '\nr~ crowds of people for a long Thrce lellged: Edward Ben., M.S, Belie Isle II sailing from the world's most controversial our own sweat and (oil Hc i- Yurka, CuI Esmond, Fortunio:: Irs'f fJorrnce I "omp,un, nUL', had ra"cd iI~r


lime, . . i nett,Cul.t Squlrc~' (81). 'Rex: ~ontreal July 2Jrd, due St. city, he has I'isited both boom· i fooling him,elf. We'd rathcr dc' :;onJnova and Berlrand Cas·: ~~ r 0~1 ~on:c ,ycJr\;n ~JO~lI~;~:'! I~lis yenr cieri , Captain l~aroln ila)'ncs. I ~laI'tln .. lohn Sewhook fC), Da. i John's July 27th, . ing West Bcrlin and drah East' slroy what we have rrcalrrt Ihall :eJli. i I Ie: nl: ,"tle;"c·fHS,· rJ'ln~( . ' .. -" C:lbo, lIum" of r,rl-,.'

C C rl t I· 'ct B tt 0 B tt I· . Ik' 'h' fl t 1'1 I ' h 5" .CI\" .II C. o. ,0 lIl' SpC It 1IlII'ICn from II ,.. amp onunan men. was n, 1'1 L, enne. on ennc ~I.S, Jlalll'ctte sa 1I11i: f\'Om: Berlin. La II1g In IS uen' Sllrrender it to the nussians." "lUlH cr In I e un COil, il fCII' d'I' \"ilh \1' d ':'1 '. . l~ L1~" ('omm~nd nnd w~5 assi~tect by (BII. Halifax July 24th, due St ; Gcrman to hu~dreds of Reriincr'I' cems a colony 01 B~sqllcs who 'r."'ICrl R';~~le;1 I .• t' .. an . r, .. Jfier ;t b:'ld '~"b" his Adjutant. Capt. J. V, Rab- Half mile ral'C: EdwRI'd Ben. John's Jul)' ~Ath, : in all walks of lile, This is, the Ical'e their nalive land, Ihe ",,' . il, 1m ,ummel' II" ReI'. R. Wei!.. . bllts ~~d the following oHI· nctt (BI); Gus Larkin (SI. MS. Belle Isle salling from I' lirst of lour dlspalehes, . 'rNJo;X'l': \I'c.lt Berlin has eragiZY hills and valleys of the -,~-,-",,; . ..,~--.---rcrs. Lieu!. Cmdr, J, i\1. C Marv's); David L, Bennett (BI), ,Montreal Augwt 6th, ctue St __ ; calm nen'cs, look.<; to a boom· I'yrcnee ,jounlains betweer, ~"-""~'l'I'~- -,,,- .... ~. Face)'. Capt. G, S. Thomas; Ft~lct re~atta: Russell Mil.-: John's August 10th, . I' By LEON DENNEN ,ing luture), France amI Spain" in the 1840, : Lleuts, G, I., Frenrh. C. F, chell. Harry Garland. Dav'" I CLARKE STEi\.\ISHlP CO. , BERLIN - (NEAl-Why is: (0 emigrate to Calilornia and Ha~ll'n. J, ~utler, C, T, s.Cllr· Hibbs, Ron l\llller, ~elso~ Mit· Highllner arrives 51. John's . Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush.! pl,~nt Ihc gra~evines they brin~ re) .. F. D, \\oolgar, J. B. Pye, chcll, Frank Skanes, Da\ld L, July 20th, Salling July 22nd. chev so eager to destroy the I Darker .tones Bre being ShOW.ll wltll them. Chandler porLra)'s R. "insor, M. VokeY, E. Som· Bennett. Edward Bennett, 'Novaport: leaving Montreal lreedom of West Berlin? for bridal attendant; at fall wed· the onl), American in the film erton .. ~. ~1. Goodridge and Curt Squires, Kelvin Lams· July 22nd .. due 51. John's July Because in addition to being: dings. Very few pasteLs are In -thcir guide from Independ· CI~1. ,. L. Ash. wood, Derek Smith, John 27th" sailing July 29th, an island 01 liberty in the heart the early showb~s, In their enee Mo. to Calilornia, The

, isitlng offlcers were Lieut. I Stares, Dal'ld Skanes" Fred 'Gulport leal'lng Montreal of the Red empire no one out· place are clear, deep tones and rest of the cast, including some i

Col. G, :" StirIlng, Q,C,. !IIa· : Bennett, Ricky Bennett. July 29th, due st. John's Aug, side the Iron Curtain Is more some muted colors, Porular 40·odd French,speaking players, ~ jor R. :'\oel: Cap,ts. I. Barnes. 30 Yard Olin 3rd" salling Aug, 4th. aware of the true nature of colors are emerald green and portray Basques, ' G F. Rogers, J. :,\osew.orthy, J. Bruce Metcalfe. Foxtrap:! HIghliner leaving Montreal I Communism than the people of almandine, pcaco~k blues, reds ~liss Hayward, IIho scored so ::I1.ercer. C, G. :lfartln. Lleuts Carl Best, Bell Island; Hollls I Aug. ~th, due SI. oJhn's Aug, this belea~uered elty, lrom deer raspberry to the heal'll), in the recenlly rcleas· ". Ham~,ond. F't~la~ka~'JI'loS~ ~tetealfe. Foxtrap, lOth, salling Aug, 11th, How does Communism look Pan: pink.<;: amber to Ilghti ell drama. 'I Want to Live" anrl Hall IS lell as e 100 Ylrd, Dllh 'Novaport leaving Montreal in practice? How do people un· bro\l~ and golden lones, Dre,· ,has already IVan so man\' hon Band. making ,a total strength Carl :llercer, Bell Island; Aug. 12th, due Sl. John's Aug, der Red rule dress, eat, act, ses arc unusually ntiractll r, and ors as one of Holl 'lVood's to of !Jme 221 al: ranks. with tbe ,Edward Samerton, portll~al '17th sallini Aug 18th w Ik aid lalk" most of them may hc \\'or~ laler I h t~ I r I

wpather all Ihat onc could, Cove; Robert Young, H,ead,; odulport leaving ilontreal ~h ~,.t B' j' ~ th as dinner aJd e'.'ening ~O\\,I" ~~,~es'fs, . as l~noS e~, r~: t III ~ r <1.-/ II Ish I ters e e, er Incr nOlI s C Skirts are full but not extreme. Unl er In e un a IS ,~ ." C~mmunioll was taken by I quar 'Wnlllbirraw IAug. 19. due 51. John's AUG. answer, For "-,ore than a decade Iy s~. or th~Y are gr~cerUII,' bound to Imng her adllillOn:ll . .--

TIn, L. :\' J, Ludlo\\', the ser.: Bruce ~Ietealfe and Edward ,24~h, salling A,ug, 2~th, he ,has lived m the b~llIs.eye ,of slim Bodices are lilt cd, And, k,lldos, She \\,111 be seen as a -: ' men at the Church Parade was I Sonl rtoll' Hollis ~Ietcalfe I Refrlgerahon, Soviet Target No, 1. rmged b~ a neckline' cut in flaLLcrln~ bUl fiery Basque beauty dcslrcd bl'.' v"/ e, • GULF AND NORTHERN Re" ruled sta(e On occasion he' 'b th th tIt d .,! .... «;i, ,i!;) "'/ H ~ .'

ocll\'ered by ReI', W. 0, ~ler. and Carl Best. George Sharpe U·, ' nerer 100 decr II'lf's, Wide or I a e 11'0· I' e SCOllt L3l1. ~ /, ' ' , ./ ~ '):, • rer and at the Drumhead Ser. and Fred Taylor, I , SHIPPING ,CO., LTD, has even brav~d the 20 steps IIPurfed sleel'es make many ofiChandlcr.lnd hIS Basque ril'al., ... ~_...4;.:.~" .:.""'"' ._ ......... .:"

tice \\'8S ReI'. C, Douglas I FI.ld R'lIalla Fergus leaVing Charlott~. of the no man s land that sep· I them 1001; new, Bergerac. I Hames b th S t lIles town. July 21, due St. John s I arale East from West Berltn to, ! ---- -- ---- - ... - - -----

, ' Won Y e ergean SIS: Jul' 23 111 g d I' h' h'ld Two el'ents of not happened W,O.l Aubrey Rogers, C,S.))., / • sa no same ay, ,I l'ISlt a mot er, sliter or c I .

during the dal'. one in con' D 'Id 1\1 t If C S:l1 Frank I Fergus leavlI1g Charlotetolln Hundreds of thousands o[ nccllOn II Ilh lh'c Colour Party , B:~nett. eC~:,:'I~: Joh~' candow.1 July 28. due st. John's July 30, ,East Berliners and East Ger· of Lieut. Ed~ar Somerton and S gt G aid Barrett. i same day., ,mans also hal'e made the dan· ('orpl~, EdwRrcl Somerton and cr. eCamml"" ' 'Fergus Ipal'lng Charlotte· gerous trek in the opposite di· Gcor~e Shar~e, :hesc memo Flcld Captain. caplaln .1,: town Aug: ,4, due St., John's recti~n - to,salety and freedom brr~ ,,'ere fill the Colour Party. V, Rabbitt!; Starte!', W,O,I,. Au,g. 6, ~allIng ~ame da), i In \~ esl Bcr!I~. , . IeI' Ille fir~l timc ~nrt ~hows a -\ S Rolters' \nnoll\lcer~. nefrlgerallon, I "'cst BerlIn s precarious Sltu~· r~lhcr and son nC!. The olhel' , i.ieul~, C. F, liAn~I;'II. G. L,: BLUE PETER STEA~ISHIPS .. tion. is historically without pre· : \I'~" the l~rl thaI Ihe preachcr rrelJ('h: Judgcs. Lleut~, ,1.: CO!llP.ANY, I ceden!. (If tilp Drumhrarl Serdec, the, !hllicr. E, Somerton. C.S,:I!.·s M,V. Blue Prillce lo~dlng at' Here is a modern city. bus)' !leI. C. DOll;las Ha),ncs, I~ the I .r. Candow. D, Metcalfe, F. I Gluucestcr July a.9Ih" : A lilt bustling, Ihilt has risen brolher of the C~ml' Corn'. Bennett. I ~I.V. Blue Trader ioadlng al : Irom the ashes 01 \\'~r, It has mandan!. Wlnn.r JunlDr Vlclarum Gloucester July 15th,· 16th, I glitlcring avenue;, smarl shops,

CAMP SPORTS ' Ludarum Cup : .'URNESIl RED CROSS 'airy housin~ dCl'elopmcnls, bur· The camp sport~ were IIclrt I ~cl~on :llltchcll. portugal;.' Manchester Pioneer - Lcav'igconing inilu,tries, up·lo·dale

on Fridfty al1d were a hu~c, COI'e, ,ling New York July 10th, S~int' schoois and colleges and. archi· ~uccess and was well attend, I WInner S.niar Vlclarum John, N.B., July l~th, HalIfax I tecture on a grand scale. ed, The outstandl~g athletes Ludarum Cup N,S" July 16th. arrlVl~g Corner One must I'isualize this city of the day were :'\elson ~llt· Edward Bennett, Bell Is· Brook July 18th, Bailing ,July with a population of more than chell of portugal Cove In the land. ,20th. for St. J~hn's, arrivIng two million situated on an is· Juniors and Edward Bennett I MOVIES. i July 22nd and mllng July 24th land surrounded not by water of Bell Island In the Seniors" The camp Is grateful io Mr, for Halifax and New York. but by the creeping drabness. and the complete list of win' :lllke Hayes for being host to Manchester Pioneer - Leav, and monoton)' of a typical Red ners I~ as follows: ihe lads at a matinee In his ing New York July 31st, S~flnt collective society and with all

10 Yllrl Ind Und.r . t d !ler John, N.B, Aug. 3rd, Hall ax dl h' N I Mit. Theatre on Sa ur ay , a . Au\:. 6th, \rrlving SI. John's the, pressures and terrors of a

30 yard s, e son. noon, also to Ralph \\ IllIams A 9th 1 I A g 12th pollce state. rhell (P, Covel. Gordon French and Dick Kean of the R.C,M,P, f ulI·C '~v n: HUll! d If you have imagined such a (H,..Q,), Robert French (St. for coming to the camp to ~~w ,~~~k~ roo, a ax an city you have a picture of West 1"7' show a film depicting the BerHn situaled 110 miles be-~oo h y~r~) ~s~: ~?I~~~~~: training of recruits and future POPULACE VARIES hind the Iron Curtain inside the (P, n~OV~l: H~;be ~~~\:er (H .. ) I me~~~~i ~eR:S~t~~'5 Cairo. Egypt, Is second to Russian.occupied zone of East and James Val'asour (C). I d th Idget Istanbul, Turkey, In the num· Germany, .

Back and front. William Ste. On Tues ay ~ ~amp. bel' of nationalities In Its You understand why '" est \'enson.Robert F~ench Wayne! wrestlers \'lsl~ed t~ e ~llghll' population, according to the' (and East) Berliners fcar that, Tavlor.James val'3sdur. AI·. Tin)' Tim rn I d ewith th'e Encyclopedia Britannica. at the next summit meeting, tr~d Rldeout.John Bellows, • Schultz m ng e I'in them MoscolV might trick the U,S"

Boot and barrel: William boys as well 8S gIg LIVING FOSSIL Brilain and France into aban· Slel'enSon (C), Reginald Cranl· ; autographs. K C.MP The gingko tree. a Hying ctoning west Berhn to the mer· ford (H .. ), Wayne Taylor (H, : BR~:V afternoon .. July . fossil, originally grown about des of Nikita Khruschev's East ) I On Tues . I T alning I the temples in China, has German puppets, •. H() yard walk: James Val'a· . 21st, the JU~'~I~ of~tCIatly I exIsted essentially unchanged You also understand why ~our (]I..l. Walter Skants (B.I), ! Corps Camp d when the lads: for some 10 mtllion years, Khruschev cannot tolerate thIS . S ~Ii h l I come to an en It" I democratic free· (j~rd Da)' ( t.. c " . I will bc transported b~' bus to 'moored liP lor harbour sen'ice, : my oaSIS 0 .. ' ' . Whcelbarrow: James \' RI'~' . the ArmuUI'Y where they __ ,dom and Westcrn CIVilization In

rour.Gor~on French, Robel t slioulct arrive approximately AT STEERS I.TO., WEST END the midst 01 lhe and Wllderne>s hench,\\ IIlianl Stel cns~n. 6,00 p,m, or shortly after' WHhRf. 1 01 hiS Red empire, , Grnld Lear'Robert LeDrell, II'artis. Tile MY Colin 11, h~s hun. Before Ihe losl war \I cst and

I\ela,' race: JI,Q. (Paul ~Ior': FLOREAT St:~lrEn C,L,B, '~llilterl lrom rro.,bic and Co'.; East Berlin, wcre nne closel)'· ;an, Gornon French. James ,I.V.R. wharr to be moored liP indeli~I' knit clly. \\hen,. after Hillen \'11'ISOUr!: foxtrap ,Roht, I.e· lei\' deleat the I'lctonous Allies mel 'Dre"'. John Searles. Gerald: " ill 1945 in the midst 01 Ber· Lesr): "C" (ChristopheI' Fa· ONT AT CANADA PACKERS LTO. lin's smoking ruins to decide cey. William Stevenson, Gor· I W ATERFR The ~!.V. Sharon and Vaughan Germany's fate, the cil, was don Chnlke). '. . In charge of Capt, John Kean is ~plit into four sectors-one for

Three leued: William Sle' DIRECTORY taking freight' for the usual ports each of the vieioriow powers. \,enson.Robert French: Chris· /. in Bonal'lsta Bay. The M,V, q'his arrangement lasted un· topher Facey.Gordon Chalker, Silver Jubilee i~ charge of Capt, til 1947. In 1947, when Moscow John Bellows·Reginald Cranl· ON DRY DOCK Parsons is taking freight lor the started the cold war, 'the U,S .. , ford, The !>!,V, Blue Spray, the fish. usual ports in Bonavista Bay. Britain and France unified their

Hall mile race: :>:elson ~Ilt· m~ trawler Blue Foam, the three sectors into a single ad· c.'!e!!. John Searles. James I .. haler Soulhern Foam, and the AT CROSBIE AND CO'S LTD ministration facing tbe Soviet· \'aHs~ur. . ~!,V, Christmas Seal. The M.V, Glenwood l1 charge controlled sector of East Ber·

Relie! res-alta: Wal'ne Taylor 01 Capt. Frampton t. loading a il bo d b n.

Jlme! V8l'asour. Paul :I!organ. AT DOCK car~o of ttle carlon erry Today, the "two Berlins"-qordon French, John Bellows. The 5,5, Burgeo in. charie of lor Goose Ba),. The M.V, Miriam legally still under the control 'John Searles, Victor Greele)" h did t May In eha:e 01 Capt. Rogers IS 'h ~obert LeDrell'. Robert But. Capl, \\11p.eler i5 ,c e u e 0 loading freight lor Pnrl Union, and occupallon of t e four pow·





.. sail from Ihe Coastal dock wharl Elll'ston and the usual ports In ers-are a study in contrast. !er. Gen!d Lear, John Dewe, at noo.'1 on \\'edne :da'!, takin- '" t Be 11 I If g

J '. ~ Trl'ft. Ity Bay, and the whaler FIn "~s r n sase . overn· .!J r.i

;\': .. Herbert Fpa\'cr, Robert ames. f . ht d 1I for .' I d d i i b pa,sp.n;;erl, rei; a~ ma s back is moored up for the sea, ng emocracy a m n slered y Gu\' Da),. Jamc; ~orman. the 50ulh \\'e,lt coast. The S,S, officials freely elected by the

Sin lor .T.C. Seorh DIY KI.'le Is moored up for the sea· Bon, people. East Berlln's one mil· S d d h LI d R dger AT A, H. MllRRAY AND CO'S '. 0 y. as: oy 0 s son, LTD lion people are ruled with a

(lIQ), David L. Bennett (BI), . I diclatorial iron hand by Com· ~ward Bennett (Bn. AT A.E, HICKMANS CO. 1.TD. The M.V. Fauvetle i~ rom f' I d : 100 "d. dash'. Edw'arrl Ben.' h HaUliix discharging, a genel'al rgullisl of Irials appo nle lJy ••. The M,V, Pay orr whle l~ d k I' . (B'II. ('.llrl S"llil'"s (1I1), ... , curgo and after Ihe cargo i.1 dis' Moscuw ~i1 ep III powt'r 0111)1 .,. owneil by Mr, Riche I~ slat"" to I 'It' , t I I

l'lcl I" H('I'II~lt (1111. I l' I II chargetl will sHII lor Ii~r deslin 1.1' SUI'I~I USSIU s 31'HIfi III lilt,

, 0 ~o lucul i. liMp, ~ven lIa y. ' 11 I' Hal'k.Fl'llill: ItILsseli Mitch. ed purl. How do W"sl er 1I1~rs reuct

IJI'I'I' l""I'I"IIII. f'I"'nk 11'1 ')O('''\''RD 10 Khrll,llrilc\"s l!treat to turn ~ " M A'r _ ., •• (:, , ,~" AT 'r HAl I ETTS I TO th'" U I I II' ? , "" .. U· "I':~ L, 11"llllelt. I','d, 1'1 M \' I 1 I II " . .. ell' city 11110 S "CI sa e !le.

eM'" e ' 'I~'". Ill'eS Ign or " 'fl 'I \' L" d I ,'Ii Bennett.Curt squires, M tthew II. are moored liP in· 1 ' Ie .. " ",rme an ,0ret!.J In ~ Iiltle eafe dose to no Boot and barrel:' John de~initeIY, tl;e dredge P.W,D, 400 t k,Chal'~e ,O~t CfPI. BHtx!der I~ man's strip Ihat divides West

. ~r~, (BI). Ricky Bennett will ha\'e some minor repairs, ~al Ingt relg 'or urln anu Berlin from the Communist sec· The lu~ Pugwash Is moored up arys own, tor I interviewed a young stu·

o )'d, walk: curt'Squlres indefinitely B'ld the two fire· dent who that day had escaped Lloyd Rodgers (HQ), Har· tugs, Royal' Can9Jila~ fire' tug 3, AT BAINE JOHNSTONS AND from East Germany.

Garland (P, COI'C), and Ihe lire Ill!: Ott~r\'llie are I CO'S LTO. He was on edge after the ten· The ?I,V, Rita and Blanche b ______________ chArge 01 Capt, PickeLt is taking sion 01 steailng aeroSol the bor'l der and kept on cryini! out:

freight for. the usual Bo~a\'ista "Better dcath than Red:" ,


~dY ports, The youth's W~t Berlin cow·


The R.M,S, NOVA Scotia In charge nf Capt. "%on srillprl from Halifax Rnd Boston on Mon· day and I~ schedulp.rl Lo .ail for Lll'erpool on Ihi~ MtlnljaY el'en, lng, taki~g passen~ers Ireighl. and malJ~,

IN PORT There are several foreign ship·

pl~g vessels In port for 3Upplle.~ and after receiving SlIme will soil lor their respectlvp destinations, The M,V, Norma and Glndys In charge of Capt. Kean .Jr., i~ due In port on Tuesdav from northern porl.l a1d will take another ck

l.co nr freight to the u~ual norlh, I erJl por~.

I r

In, a blonde girl of about 19, who aided in his escape tried to calm him.

"You are wrong, Hans," she said, "What we Wesl Berliners want is nellher death nor Red,"

Indeed. nell her war nor Com· munist slavery was the pro· found hope o( most West Ber· liners 1 interviewed, from Willy Brandt, the young and dynamic mayor of the city, to the con· struction workers who. heedless onhe Red threat, continue 10 build a new subway on the Kur· luerslendamm.

Said. Brandt: "We~t Berlin· er! have unmisiakenly shown their desire to work lrcely and peacefully and .decide their own

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• • •

lG.:_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~_TH_E_D_A~ILY NE~S, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY.JU~ 21, 1

~ior Football: ! Junior Baseball

l~h' Score Three In Second' St. Bon's Take 4-2 ~Ha1f;BlankCrusaders lO Win Over St. Pat's

, , .\. pe;!1lty shot and two lOlls \ It took the juniors to run I

!rom . ~3r.'lblu In the 6econd \ the first ball game of the sea· Ulf liJd St, Pat's blilllklng Holy son Into an extra inning. At ~ 3.() In .flltior' football at I the end of regulation seven In· UllttAyn Athletic Grou!!d3 llst nlngs of play, the game was :llbt. The win mo':'e.; the lrl.!h I deadlocked 2·2, but SI; Bon's ~e points out fran! of the emerged the vIctors wIth two C:w.aders !nd Guard3 tied for unanswered tallies in the eight It~Qnd pbce in league stand. Inning to take their second lni), win and move Into a' first

elf cornplete Irish _quad place tie with the Felldlans .

. e ull with a iood

perform, For SI. Pat's It was their sec-s: with loalle John Brllwne onrt los~ and they are dead·

_ bti:\i extra !ir.e to record the' locked for last spot with Holy'

s!lut:>ut. Browne· sparklln~ Cross, bttirHn the posts for the Irish i Ronnie Butler hurled his . first encounter o[ the year'

as he blocked the six firse! I I and went all the wa\.· [or st.1 lUti and nine second fram~

: Bon's to receive credit for the,

shot! that the Crusaders fired I' : win, Gus Thompson, while' hiJ wa)'. He robbed both Barr~ , I pitching another great g~me 'I

~Iaundrr and Bill Woods of ,UTe: RO:'> BUTLER

, I

oNI PAT MARSHALL JOHN BROWNE I sufrered the pangs 01 de[e~t I' I wke Stanaford in Ihe Hoi\' I I (or the second time. The only: ' ~ nets also 'pla)ed a flue: • I hright spot in the loss [or 'I lng O'\,,,il to rross home plaLe lame. He had the wind blrJIV I J I F b 11 Thompson Is that In hh two, wlth the final run for St. •

II 11

. unlor DOt a games he has struck out 30! Bon's, TAKE T1I:\'l':-l.l'J1 "(;0,,1>01'" Iltl"ltr~ left ''''1, r'''l(ll' to hI t I - J - ..

,.". ..., ,,,. h'" " ", 'PO'"''' ."',,,. L .. , ",h" M'" y;"""", "st h h" . . .'.' .,' ". "" "'" "" th\l# INh 5(Jre and \\'as clear. hId f t 5t B n' I Pat' d h t ,e C In uf 1.ony An~rlu 111 1.,'llt 1.1l~ltt s I"rr.\tlill~ al'lillll at the Stadillm, HI, •

I" ''heaten on the other two S d e aline our cen . a ~ s , s an Hug M~GeltiRan ,tl I f > S B ' players, Butler al~o had h,s , of SI. Bon's both went two for '1m Ie m,1l1n JOut. rolll HI:': Jllll Hernanl witlt Angel" !(ctting clnbherrd

sanaford had eight opening t on 5 econ fast ball hopping as he sent! Ih+:ee Lo be the games top al he entrrcil the rrng to hl'll' Ikrl1ard.-Bo~·;t1 Photo Service. stanza dril'e.! and \\'a5 ireelerl , twelve Irishmen down via the :, hitters. Bob .Jackman was two ' --~-~ ~ ---------~ ~e~\'en shots in the second D f CLB 3 2 str~~~~U~n·~O~~~k In early two 'l for (our ,/~~ ~tcg~~'~' i Wrestling .-.---------

nte contest was evenly pIa)'. e eat ... . run lead in the top of the first' St. Bono: "B R HE! ed -until the Irish tallied on a Inning and It was not until A. Smith. 2b 4 0 0 0

1 H h' peiulty shot. The goal brought f Ih th t st P t' b k S C k 1 g G t R thtii to life and they carried' ~~~ I~:.rone :un I'n t~eSfo~~t~ 13: J~~k~~~, II !3 i1 ~ 01

1 U es e seve m~t of the play for the re- I SI. Bon's edged C.L,B, 3·2 that ga\'e C,L.B, their second and one in the fifth had it a H. McGettigan, c 2 m.der of the game. High, In junior football last night goal against his team, Slaney deadlocked contest and re· \ J, O·Neil. cf 4 I 2 1 liaP.i

ns the encounter was the at ·the AYre Athletic Grounds was takIng an off deep in his malned that way at the close ,J, Buckle. Ib 2 0 0 0 C I b b J. B


the goalies and the to move Into a three way tie own ,zone and threw the ball of the seventh inning, In the, J, Henley. Ib 2 0 0 0 I 0 ers 1m er fi t defensi\'e work of the full. for second place In the Junior to hIS goalle, The netmlnder , top of the eight. the Bluegolds I ~r. Doheney. rf 1 0 0 0: n b . on both clubs. division standings, St, Pat's' was unable to reaeil the ball il'ackert up I wo more runs aud ' F, Ryan. S5 3 0 0 0 I \:t~,:"" EMLs was called for with a pair of victories In' as ; and Ian Snow scored a.t .. 12.14

I, gained the win, : R. Bull~r. p 2 0 0 U ~ r.~n "CulIllo.,'· Ihl,'11"5 "'Ilr' ,


~I'J T A I h fl t hil t have tile contest fInish 3 2 ~,. .~ ,,'ri," o[ \rOldy ,1:11\1; "'1<1 Ihe 11,,"<, r ..... n" am nge to set t e many games are' rs w eo. " " The first two St .. Bon's bat· Totals 29 ~ 7 3. his word 10 his f"11S. III a II -

f th It h b G d H I C d St St Bon s goal1e CV ~!cGcttl I I .. t' I\J\\' .... lll;I.·lll,:-. h,\ .\ll~f'!lI .~ofi [

'''''.'' • '''' , • 0\ Y '''','' " "" '" ." .' . 'm", I, 'h, ,,,"'h ,,,,d,d , St, p.,'" A. • H •. b,,'" I,,,,,h h' "" ''',,' '" I """ '" "" , .. , ", 5t~ ,.,'.. 'ot )>> .. h.1I to,' B,,·,.1t h ... 'h,,' """., '" '''yod • "" ,.m,.. H'. ,,' ."d ,h·"k 00' 'i'," ",. : T. ,,,'''' " '0 0 ': J;. ,,,'"""" ,,, II... ""'" ,,," ,.,,,.. ,.",',',. '" ,,,' 'h' ,,'" ,,,," """"., ,,' 'h>,jd,' "d " .. IOd Ih ••• 11 Th' 81"",,,, h." P"~'d' '1 ... "k.d tw, ""I" 'h".' " i """'" ,,,,d • "'"I~ .".d I D. C ",h"~'. , ,'0 O. II. ., I." ""I,,', 0,·"",1",' "':' ", II... ""I" ,'".,,,, 1 ..... 1 ,,,,,II ,II ,,,II "" ,', m~tht lower rlKhthand corner game more then . the Cru'l the lirst ~alf alld made SCleral i .10hn O':'\eill'ame uP 1\'lth hiS, B, l'Ilalone. 2b 3 0 0 0 I' card at Ihe Stadi'"I~, 1.,'1.,"1 l" AlI~l'I() droIt' I,o"l'r intn lirree ('Ollnl I rum , 'bellind ~\lke Stanaford at 18,36 saders or Guards, I outstand~g f ~a\'~s ,~:er d .. the ; second hit of the evening 10 i A. Thompson. p 3 0 I .a I Mooda)' ni!;:lt Bl'rnard u,ed H ,irl' rorller po.\I., '"Id 111I'n 011,0 tire flll"1 1.:1 . " Ih' "",d h.1I 10 "".". PI".", .lth '" moo SI.. ,."". .." . ",." deh" I, ",G" Ii,,, "d Ih,. M. ",,,,,,,,,, " 3 , 2 0 ,hm 10 ,I ,"he< It"h" """ " " ... "",, .. ,,,. " 'h"'" ,,,,,II ", "" """, H"",," I", Ih. ,'1001" ,,,' ,,, St. " .. , ,,,', ",' • '·1 lin' h.1! , .. d ; ",'" Ih' "", .h", C .L.B. ! wlooh" ,,,. 0'''" ,,,,,, B. ",". lb 3 , , '! I." ... " h "",hn .,1"" ,,," '" ".",,,. ';""1"",,, .. "". . ,,, , .. " • ''''"' ., I.

'l11e fint insurance tally I and then bet', leams scored a I i,oalle Bob Brafk~ waS' greele.d I second base on the throw to ,I. W~lsh. ph 1 0 0 0, match anu promisillO " 1'1"'1'1'\ I ,\ lill(' d,;pl:lY of anobalic,' "nd made .11 d!on II

cam_e from Ihe boot 01 Berme ,goal In the, ,'31 frame, Each I \\ Hh 13 shots 10m t. Bon s lthe plate 10 get :'I\cGettigan R. O:\eill. If 3 0 0 0 I' to his [;IIlS, •• - u. l,' Losier ~:,illl'd him Ihc SPc· lIughrs. Thr ;lm,1 Bennett for a 2,,' game, "it. I team hI!! their second frame durmg the game, and slarled to advance t{) .1, Barrett. ph 1 0 0 0 Ulld LdL Ill' lelled Allgelo missl'd Ihe l'n"h~,' r.r. I" •• """ ,lIh 51", ' ."',, bo'" "''',IOCOd 00 '. Too,. """" '!II'd ,,., '" ,""d. D .. ,w ""hco" "",d J. e,"'"" '" "'" H,g"" ",,1,,1 'm,."d ,,,.,, "."" ."., ""I d '''''>;,', "d ,h"" ,"" """, Angel sendlni the leaolher in' I mistake b)' a~ oppone~t. ,I ~IHons for St. Bon s and spark· the ball to 'scconrl to try and, J, GOl'er. 3n I 0 0 0 fall., 10 one in a b~I:lc Ilral 11"'11 applied a hl':rd Sl:i,sur" h k , I B '\ Girl th d thcl '''I 10 br. the rlBt I ended w,lh Ihe fou], 'l'I','s'II"r,' I' I' II I I' al' illio Ihr rinl to;;}he Crusarler ~oalmoulh ern" c \l re ~core e I' e r ~ n '," eatch'him but the center field· E, Gregory. 3h 2 0 0 0 ' ,c' 0 OI\e( 111.' lip wilh a 10llnd ils m,r~ 00

wh'tTr tt was bounced orr the I opening goal of the g8me for star of the game. AI,ex ) etman cr committed an error allow' Tolals 2, 2 4 2 and referee Timolhy (;"Oil:Ii',Cn ,I:rrn "lid ~ PI'l·'s _t II :" [or hl':rti. post before comins to Bennet! a 1.0 Sl. Bon'~ lead. ;'I!cGulre II'lth a fme two.way perform' __ ~-- _. ,mlxlIIg II up, Vurlllg the lasl Ih,' dl';ldl()l'kill~ foil.

'. 0 Ie lIIalll uuul. He 'bed baltilll", on Ilr. for the marker at 2Q.42 banged a goalmout/l pa!! from ance for C,L.B, was second M' L fall Tony J\II~elo al1d Y'Oll Bl'rtlard Iuok Ilrl' op(,IIill~ \\'1111

TIm Angel got the th'lrd TonI.' ;'Itanning behind Bob, !Iart, Cy McGettigan with ajar eagues'. Losier. II'ho saw Rcllon in th,.' hll [tl . r.. • < ,.. " • ('11 11Icl;, 'IIul'klc_,' :\1I~elo en .. l. hi!

1.... ,oal. The 'COI'. ca~." at Brake Rt 4.l6. DoU" Woods his top,notch display b, etween first fight o[ Ihe niahl holl1 111\ "111',1,1 I k

28 .... with An~el Interceplln" made It 2.0 fa,r St" Bon's at the p05ts for St. Bon s was. 1 entered the ring for w-me more to beal 1111 '11 . II h VI .. ~ 9 ~ ('s In Ie cad and, He' helped flncHd

a Holv Crew clearing pass and 11.12, Woods blasted a high third star. Neal Hilts th Innllng Homer ,grappling, "stUll ilim, \\'illl Hughes 0111 on: lables UII holh H, .. • ' d < a errwrt hil him' frree Geoha~en bu:

then'., 'flrl'n. a low -hot at th~ dr.lve Into the scoring area on Referee: Derek Hall. , ! In the opening ballt. a bn,·t Ihe callI' s B I r\IN '" I _ !II I A h a senes 0 kn('e drops be- : o[ Losier from rhl.

C--J.I-der ne'., Stana'ord wnnt a nice shol. Linesmen: Pat power an 'of three falls. one hOllr lime wilh . [

don to block the drive bu: it I Ian Tulk finished off a nice • e I 5, • 'I limit affair. no winner wa; ue· [ore lakillg lite fall Wllh had, trlbbie In off hls leg II 1 play for the first C.L.B. goal. LINEUPS Dodgers Edge Giants 3 2 Iclared Angelo took the i' I pre" at 14:.j5. 0 roolm Ran Hrr,htl th. wi" h.d II f... . ,,," A'" Y ,'m" ""~d 'h. ,I" 51, • 00'" Go"', c, M ,G ,III· - ',II .:" h I.~., '" "m'," ":;" ,'" ,,', 'h' ,." '" hop. This had the contest I

as he passed to Tulk near the 1 gan; fulls, Pat \\ helan. Joe" , ",' Jtrong 10 °illli the <l'l'Ulld 1111't'." 1111"1 n' I k . I' i 1l.4;'i. AII~I';u and

SI h I 0 S II r db I" I I h ,. , ~I_S OU' jll' ,~I Iu 11'[1 Ihe rill" ",'1'

fin'I.'"ln& 3'() for St. Pat's, SI. Bon's goalmouth with Tulk I • ane,.Y; a \'es. a\'e. pU,r.re. ~eton ascman C larlie "e~'I'1 I .. r a rOu: I set'ond 1~:lIng 311,1 count. 'file hour II'm" 11',1'1 " " :w I T I I R I II f h' J I I'" I I . '- J I t~\l'1l 111' tilt) li:..:lIl. Hl' 'I'o:.ll'rd Waller Dalton turne~ in a hlttin~ pay dirt at 19,42 lor I' on) ~ ann ng. 011 ~e ). or- II a mill' Antonell's flrsl plle:1 1111' ed hL' 11th lietory of Ihe .eu r»n Ollt bt'{ore c'tl' . .... I h I c1 B b :\1 hall B . til 'Ih' . ( 31" I· . t . I' 1 I Itr m.1I1 11'0111 ilis t()rlll'r al tlrl' uell.

brilliant display of soccer sa\'Y 2'1 [1'5t a f. : war, s.. 0 ; ar~ .. ern In e Illn mnlu~ or a ' ,,1001, ,on ag~lll. ,I~ US;",. ,coulu ('orne up wilh the lI'in· I ,,, ~. .,,,',' ". 'ot', ""d In" ,,. ",G ,,<I.", . ,.., .. ,. ", G' ",~, 000", ",',," I,,,. hm'" 1,10 'h. I,,, ",Id , .. Hw,o , .<'" "",'" wh. .", ,,,., "" ,,',,' I." "., .,., " ",. '" ".,' ,,' ", "",,,,,", ,,,,,, "'" "",I", "d wu th, bi m" b. hi d ," ". B ,"', '" ,,, ""tod,· 0'" \I ,"d.. Moo"" " ",", Lo, A".", Il"H·· "I., I",,, "H,. w" "" ~ '"' h" " ,I" "" ""I ",,,, " ." '" """ ",. ,,"'" " ""'"

th" .' t t bg th fl tn the pia\' that gave St, Bon's 1 C,L.B.: Goal. Bob Brake: gers a 3·2 lictory over SUIl rra:I' i fifth defeal again~1 14 li(,torie.., elr \Ie ory 0 e, erst 5 ar' ' f II . i Ci I DC' I TI t b Itl~~ t 22 t' , . f th R b' Sh their winning goal. ~1cGettl·, u s. Er e 18 e. al'e our· CIStO, . " ' ' Ie earns, a . t:U 0 a . I~ 1

W reslJill2 AI Tonight's Football


: ; :amc. 0 In ort was gan set Bob :\!arshall up for a : age: halves. Bill Wells. B~zl1, Anlonelh, pitching bl'lillanlly' Ihrollgh eight innings as Antonelli

HUll Ce of185~redn~th and tthhe high shot that Btll Wells head'J' Baird. Bill Hal't; rorwards, after a first inning homer hy Gil i and Dry:;dale se\lleil down to .!l

o y ross ~ar l,ne In e ' T Ik 'II H d I Ih Dod 'I ' 't h' d I 'I I" C d I Ub k d . Ih cd Into his oll'n goal at 7,32 to Clar Dewllng. Ian u ,BI 0 ges j!O e ger~ 8\1 ay 0 I PI c tng ue a, Ill' l!ar y 1n~I~g nu.. er ,U ac. rOlc e gf\'r St Bon's a 3.\ advantage, 1 Coultas, Alex Yetman. Ian a 3·0 lead. had retired 2t batters I troubl~s,

haU to hIS attac~lng forwards loe SlaneY started the PIaI': SnoW. in order be~ore ~eal's wind·blow I Hodges' 18th home run \\'ith on ~c\'eral OCC3.!IOns ror the • . lill, his 121h homerun of the sea· ,.Junior Gilliam on basR Pllt lhe! ~cco~d ~tar, Ir!i,h ~calie John Softball .;on,,! Dodger! in Iront 2-0 in the first I Tire [ootball dIJIlUil'ilC:t:i'T" Loc:rl d", ,c' ". ,11,101 h;,,' Brollne WilS thIrd slar a.;"~ n~" Drl'sdal. ~, ttl e d down' Inntn~. i\I'\,'I'e A:hlc!ic (;1'011.111, iOl' ','il'" 1,."lIllle .; ;,;;OI' ".('ill': :11.' made !~veral great grabs to . . g \1'111 see SI. Pal's nr:!'! :rl~ lurai :"',,':' li':l1 :, '"l lilc' ~o. Ti,,' perser\'t his ~hutout d d k T k L uards III Ihe ti:()() p,m. jdllilll 'i<eg('lla [lil~" h;" irit St. ,10:':1','

'Referee' Jim Pik~' A I e Pony eague lcounler Il'hile Feildian,l \liii:.\ la,~t' Ill!'il Oil! IIf ;\lc,,:a:ol'

,.'i:'~~~' r., i .. " "d IrO n a (s a 1- - ; ::~rl'~;::"~';":;;'~';;:~ '''e ::::~ ~:'k~":::' ;~',:'~::: ,::,~~~:i,~' I Llnp.up~) 3 5 WI F H k' I G e )ltnlOr lineups II Ill' hare lio.l r;orc;, uf th~ .loi:1 Sen·i,(·-,.

St. Pal's-Goal. John Rrol\'l.e: 2 n rom aw s' Gp.r~ld Blidnicl<. h~cked hy K. Snoll'. rf ~ 0 0 0 .lIard, lakill~ Iheir learn [ro(\!' Te:II\1. 11'0111 "'l! no\'al L':lll il ,I .,u., "5"," Ph.,,,, H"'" _ I ""d". b.n " hi. ,,,.,,,,"', ,I. 'n.", 11 """ ' ~;"'"' II ,d,,,""" , D. II,,,,, ". \I ,,,,,,,,,,,." ",,' ''',' '.11, ,,,,eo E" ... h; h .'m, B,b 11' "d., I 1 <h ,.. • • '" w" "co, h' \I" M. "'"",,!, II '" 0" r' '". L ,II m" '". ". (" '''. " "",,:I "",.," '" ,,,,',,,",, I "'., .• Joe Browne. Walter DIlton;' In the first game of the !tao : p, Murphy. rf 1 0 () 1 I which held Braves io .lust one Totals 24 15 8 0, It cf

ek., G .. \la,n51011, U. Tayior f!'olll BII,.~'nJ'I('!" FlI'ld alld Tal

forwards, Tom Angel. Steve son. between the HaWks and' R. Hansford. If 0 2 a 0 ,run a8 Pepperrell sumped the R' ~ 11~ld, D, (~1l11~1" B. II aI"', bal' par:ICljlilll,d III III(' 1,'1;111.

Navy Out L

Hal'hour Wre,'l1"~ ",,"',

sllnlllglrt ,1 Ihr r:raer SI.rll"m

:\1I~l"lo i'llri Y\nn

ols" ct.,h. T~' '" IIIIt h, he.1 .1 Il .. h.llle •.

J.tn It('owh".""

referr,. th,. hnlll'. ~rhl'd"lrd In Irl Rt 8:30.

Anlel. Pat Marshall. Bernie Adirondacks the Hawks won I Totals 37 23 13 7 Bra\'es 1:>-1 In ye8terday'l en· Bra\,el: AU R HE' . enkln!', H, l'.ngll.\h, D, CUll The \a\'\' 11:1, shollPred lin ..... 11, Do', 5..... ...I~ 'S>. " ..... ,,'d m"" H.wk" AS • HI"",,,.. . ,'. ,,,,,,n, .. ,0" m".' "d D. ~""'''' I d,,· " I,,,'; ""I" '''"' ",,'''. '.y CroY-G,,', Mlk. 51 ,,;. ,,, ' .. Io!gh' ... AdU "d"ko K.'" m .. , " ,," BI, dm" .,,' ,h. d .. , .. " D. By .. , II " I 0 . ':' 5' P .. , "",d ... I" h, , "" .d~'" "." ,I "" "," ''''; "", S.. ''''.. B'''' "m "" d ~, wo,k. ..d th I,. J. Em' "I", 'b ., 0 , ,,, ., "",,"M h. .11~d ,. "" "" 3b 3 0 , , "" ,I" "'" g '""" b, " "" ''''''' ,," ",' ,,,I "",,'0," . ""I; h."" "" ,bll"l1, ,,, "" hi' " ""dl, whl, th. D. C""II" , ., 1 , ". '"' 00 II" h," H. , .. "d .,. ",",doc, ", 3 0 , , rm

. ~",I~ II" '""m ".'" "oc" "" "'ow d,·,,",,'" ,,,,. jl\llounl I'carl G"'~"', ",," E,,'" ,,,. H .... ".,. G. M,D,,,td, 2b .," .'".",d .... " .. "" ,,, ... G. N"m" " ,0" ~'.m . """",.. D. PI"',,. K Mm,· h.rill" ,,,,,,II'mow"". II ,~", AU B, ... , B"" W.1k" orr'" "d h,m' "''' M. E"''', p, 2b' 1 , , "Ii .. , .. ~. ,. ""n, lb 3"'. """ D. ',"", P. M",h.II .. f. " "",,,,,, ""d " ,,"",,I, TI" ~zunder, Bill Woods. Frank proved fatal to a pair of T. ROAslter, 3b 4 0 0 1 Roger Maunder Atarted on the J, Holden, C, IS 1 0 ODS ro;ne'IT·GAng?RI. :1. Comerford. 1 Air for~l' plaecd a close second I)onv ] ca O'Keefe. Tam McGrath. Hawks' hurlers. T. Power, rf 3 1 3 0 hill lor the Braves and was R, Stone, tf 2 a 0 0 ' nge. ,0 cllIy, A. BHr'

l cOI'cring tlte pond in 12 mi'llltc~ ,.J

. Gus Mcl: nald and Mike J, Whalen, cl 3 1 1 I tagged with the defeat. He gave TotaJ.!l 20 1 3 :i I ~tt, ~' Bennett. B, ~laLiltall. n, and six seconds. Th~ two cil'i.! •

ttl E"I.. "" .. dm d ,.. ..1k. W. M.h", If 3' , , "' • '"" " "" ",a, ",,,. ';;' '". . .. d ". ~""'" ,h,,,f. "" '" ", "" 'I,,,'"'' """ .",! " "" ,,' P", ,I ,

, Li e League. to Adirondacks batters and Totala 34 ~ 12 7 Ing out one and walking three. Ih ' Ie Fe,ldlan 5e~lOrs wlll hal'e I Butkmasters by a fifth 01 a sec'i l'iatiun's po,," t,f1!UI

L tt F I e'r start log ele\'e~ from R ond " set up a situation for runB He hit one balter by • pitched e er rom Pennell E, Reid P S' " '. .• s~ason gels off 10 a

. All plaYln of lilt YIIT'I I, coming home on lond

balls, '01,1 and was charge. d with five Breen'S B 'G .: 4Ulres C:.: Regrlta colmntllee pre'lden'! night with two 01

Llttl L I b h

e' ' reen, L ."nliloOl' ( 'J 0 II" 'u It' h ' . I , IIgUI n ot Vic. I The Adirondacks struck for Wild pltchPi. Vic Antle c~me Young J C 'I ~'lI .. "" alllCS . Ig~ln' ,:11 a:' nlg I' Irams entrrY'

'o,la Ind Blnnl,mln Pirkl four fll',t Inning runs, two on RIVERDALE on for relier In Iht fourth and Bren Curt"ls S"mm~rs.' A,8~V::;;i"J~ r-und.s, ~r.llilul Iile ~":Illal Ol'IUX da,' wi I! III litlle it"glll, Irl to mut thil afternoon I Dun Lawlor'~ lir,t of two aUow~d 9 runs on just Ihre~ : snd U. Fr.nC'lI h • "Pelllllll: liI,;;I)'1 .'"r{ 13 race,. SlS °l( lilen,l Ihis r\eni"~ IIII' Lt(lll!

i,'uO p.m. II the Iinner. I clr"ul't IIloW5, In tile top of TENNIS hits. He w~lked 8 and .enl two ~1''''11''11 . C" "I ' ,\\1, ,,' .uur ('re\\' "11'''' \\1101 .Jall&el'.< \\iilll1'l'1. • ' U' r 1'[,(,11' "1'11' 11'1' p,th I . I' I "-

min Perk Ol.mand. , Ihe '.e"ond "l'''k Squlre~ hit' balter~ down I'i .. the three titrlke Tht Dail" ,,<10., Ihd,' '4' I [, V· " , :1:11'( It'r "X 1:1\'llIg 111',,1' uJ:': ~amr 01 Illr ,r, • • .., < > S llHl lUII1 . 1IIIIIe ~' . t '1'1 I' ,'1 ' ; hi. Ih I, d '"',,' ",",, or 'h' ''',''. I!, h II • '" ."" .1", D"" S",,,, IOd"." .< ,d,·~,. 10 CI ,,,II II 1(.'" 0' i I """ '" ..."' '" '"" ,," "" i "I" ,d '" .", . """ w, Ih • m.IO' •• ",d. "d 'h ,',w 'w, ., Id "II' h". , "" m... 'h" """,",I,, "d L. C'"' k, . c. ",,; ~,";. KP;,:!' w, ".,,,., ,"w,·,". 1 ': h,,, <I" Ii ,,,,, "II I Lawlor followed a walk to , Lasl Night's Re8ults The first double play of the, with the rC\lOl ting on the Gerry ~e:lt. G. Cloilier .1. Kr'lI, I I --"--'--- , first or tl,r ,.a<on.

Praciice Corner

Hannaford in the fourth with H. Fraser' defeated J, Green sea~on wa~ rcgistered to fhe II Smilh l~cident. I fllily realize Holloway, B, Y~tman C'. 'Collin';, C.NR. Softball ! will slart al i p,lIl

his fourteenth homer. Lloyd 18.(). 6.0, I Brave.- 8S Mike Overturf hit a , tha; it is the dilly o~ a reporter and D, Wilkin~. homer In {be fiflh followins dele.ted P. Smith and R, Rot. fi~lder. n~\'e R)'~n. enughl Ihe h~ ha~ a bos" nr hosse~ who" NLTA J' Tlri.~ \l'1'l'k'~ ~dlcdllle fD],: I KeUy slammed a bascs loaded 1 D. Clouslon and R. Mon.an ball tn left held, The le:t· I to ~et good nell,; ,Ione~ and Ihat i ------- Tonight'.

I thr~e free passe!. Ed, Denlef' ~r S.O, e.l. :ball and threw it to third sack· want good n~ws uPI fro~t °lnth~1 urnor the C\,R softhall Ira~ur wa~ , 8150 hom~red lor the "'inner~, B, Plouihman and Dr, J. : er Ron Martin whn eaught sporl~ sheP.1. As 8 ,ormer P ayer'l , rp:p~~('d last nil(l1l, All ~am~s , ~nke Earles, the losins pi!cl1. Rua.sdl defeated' W Roberts' Snow sleepin,. I al!n reahl.e that In the heat of, Tourna'm- t \l'ill he played "t the Victoria ~ond 01>(/ ~I

',A !'neUe. fer the Guuds I er. socked his s~cond homer and Dr B O'Regan 6:1 e.e i Cateher Charlie Dlckmon of I same .. a fello'" 15 Apt to do 1 . en Park rliilmond ann \\'ill start th'rd pla'F (rJsld1!! I._lor bU,ebaU tum will b! I th third I I I' : "I th ~ h ' I man\' thln~ that he l~ thoroughly I t th '-.:;; , ., hi ," A Ih'" . ,,",. D. ."KI"" ,"" C. Gm,,' ... ,,'" .. m" '0' .. ",,' "".mol" ",."."", II" m' T,·",'. G.... ,,' "" .", 0''' "k : ,,,,,h""·· '" ~e ;;.:'.,:., .~,. yo. A· Tom 'OW", "",·k. ".bI , 101 ", b''''''",dI. ,hoi of ". ,.m, .. h. h.d' h,~" ""'00' Ihol . ""lid";' 10.00 AM., ''''nn-ope,,'''' ,., "oIm, "nm .• ' 'h' ",

fielder, had three hit! 1n Dr, J. Russell and J Blair, perfect time to the lliate \l1tn ~ver!ge wa~ gil'en the jncident. Court 1: Jul)' :l1-Accountlng vs, Ex· Mike Martin .... JI

. ~ GuardJ senl' f otb 11 three offlclal trllls' to be the defeated Dr. J. ,Peten and F. 'three doublea and 'asingle In in your Ira,me report .• 3:1d your: J. Cole VI R, MacGillivray, rre". II hill IQr Ih, WtlI ,or 0, a top percental! hitter. Godden 2.6, 6.2. 6-4. four mps. One of the!e dnuhle~ follo\l,"!l WIlS entirplv unneces. Court 2: I Jul)' 22-Boilrr Shop \',1, Stores Donnip. Ryan ... illlt! I practice at t~e UP-I The' win mOVe! the Adlron. J. RDyle and H, FrBlleT de. wu one of the longest ~alls hit sarv ~'d could no 'only harm G, Neal v~ S, O'Regln, ' Juiy 24~C-,T \'S. Operating, Ilhe Bluebold,.,

~. Pitch of the Ayre A hletlc dlcks Into a second place tie leated J. Clowton and B. Pat· In Pony League BBlieball la It to ihe gentleman inl'olved. It is Court 3: I"'PJ"'!lp;:r"'""l'1!"~~~mlll!ll!""'lW'JIII," G~tiI toru,ht at 7.00, with the Jays and Rovers slx terson 8,3, 8.2. , hit the 32~ fool sign without. the duty of the League to dill, Kathy Templeton vi l!argot:

st. Bon'l' unlor and' junlllT I«Ctr te .. ms will hold a work· out'a\ the Sbamroc'k Field to-

points off the pace set by the bounce. Dickerson, aloog with clpllne players. but it is certainly Duley, flr.t place Aces. To.Nifht'! Gamel hRyln!! four of the Peppers' 8 not our intention to besmirch Court 4:

.The Aces ~o~ld move, far. -6.15- hlL~ hut Rcored eRch time, , them In the eyes 0{ the publIc Sally Winter va Karen Hick· ther ahead ..ntI1 a' win over ,Courl 2-R, Gallagher v.~ H. Today WIll ~pe- the Peppers 1 WOllld you please In the future go ·man. th&-Whlte Shirts, Fraser. Umpire: D. MacKin' meet the Indians to decide first i Yours 11'(11)" 11.30 A.M.:

tion 'Lall'lor won his eight non. place lean, BREN CURTI!'1, COllrt 1: . Thare will' be an important lal'lle:'for the AdlrondackG to .Court ~Dr, B, Murphy And . (Box Scores) President SI. John's Football D, Hyslop vs A, Wells, !IIeI~ of the St., Pt'3 senior 'Iv~,.;hJm an 8-3 record II'hlle K, Templeton \'s J. Green and IPrppcrrel1: AB R H F. League, Cuurt 2: ~ team tonilht. after the Mlke'Earl~8~ost.lil&Becond to R, Morgan. UmpIre; Dr. J T, lllenick. 2h 3 1 1 0 Editor's Note: Caples of this R, Ilyslop \'B B. Downey,

nlJ1h at 7.1&, '

1uaI6r,ame, . even hi! ,reccrd'. It 2·2, Russell. .T. KnowlcR. ~b 4 2 1 0 letter w.ere also sent to the Court 3: . Un Iw .bl'·...!· . !lOX' SCORI ,-7,15.- . r.. Blednick, p .;. 2 1 0 E\'cning Telegram, VOCM and Elizabeth Murphy VB mee II, ,un .. ;~dlrllnt!.ck" AB It H! Court 2-,.D, MacKinnon VIC A. Bowring, Ib 3, 1 0 0 CJON. On a closer look at the Murphy,

,thl, Hal,." CroiS Jr, M. Squlrel,,'\.b II ~ 3 2 Greene.' Umpire; Dr" O'Regall, R., Chesblre ,ib 0 0 0 0 situation and since footbaJlIs NOTE:-All Junior players l.elmtoru.ht, at the B,.Hannaford,' 2b .4 2 2 a Dr. J. Russell and J. Blair IR.Da.vis, 5S . 1 2 0 a an amateur sport all we cnn participaling in Ihis 'fourna·, Eilln Field. The meet. D .. Lawlor, 'p: 11,.3 2 3 vs Winner ,(2), Umpire;' (J, I C. DIckerson. c 4 4,4 (I do I, olfpl·. our apologies ann ment shuilid be at the Ri\'crdale

achec:ul,ed for 700, G. Glynll,.sR·, 3 t S 1 0 Neal. . iJ. SkiiJa,;c( 1 1 0·0 pl'oml,e that It will not hap· ICourt.1 al 10 o'e\ol'k ami .__ L, Kelly, cf •• 3 U c" .-i.4!'>- . , !lI,Crillen, cf 1 0 0 0 pt'n again, ithroughoill the day, 'As sOOn as

Mlc.Curlii Junlo, .Ioot, ~. l\endersuri, 3b ,4 I Ii 0 Cuurl 2':":R. liallagher Blld C ',B. Hudson. cl 0 0 0 0 I -.. ! one malch is I'fl!njllrlrd anolher wIll holrl I workout E. Denlef.' c· '. 11 2 1 1 Greene 1'5 R. Stapleton Rnd .J, fl. Hayden. rI ,2 I 0 0 ,Wbo does he think he's kid· will he schedl!lp,1 arid il a pIa\'

'Grounda to- R. Lush, If 2. 1 1 0 Green, Umpire: Dr. B.~\l\I'phl'. Jlr;;~;~;~I:S'D -M--i{'- --. -'d I rhng when a man sends his! er is not pre:"'III for h:, or h~r .J.Hayward, 'rf •. 1.,0' 0 Court 3-J. RoyJe and' H, G Neal I U' 'I a~ J'ntGlOn an I wilf~ a ,vacallon postcard read'j match he or she will lose bl' . ' mp reo . reen. ng,' v"lsn you were here?" default.'· . . _. . '-



Md ritllt .. In, JllldlQ ,h~Pd Ih.

,l.::.h,( j Ih"

.. °imrT

.. ( ...... :-- .. ~ lit .. lMMIl " , Tk'

'I .... lA .'" ... •

Int Pearl ~. uague


ONLY s10·00 'DOWN





PROGRAMS 2.00-Mullc MaUn". 2.53-Newl. Jacob~ On

• • Brielge B,U-Invitatlon to Worship. 9.I~Mullcal Program. 9.30-BlUlness Barometer.

10,OO-Drama In Sound. • I 10.30-Festlval Seriel.

vi Ir..' )Iorn.m~. 'll.OO--George La Fleche. , :;c~' anct \\ ealher. 'IlJlU-CBC Nallonal New.

c:.~~ , Roundup and Talk. llfl 'J\111ns, ,\2.00--Sllln Ofr. 0 Canadi The

. ~ 3~: ',(S', \:1

r-;-(".::r.'\m. V., l~,rl Wrather. ,

l.~H :~~ F\l';nrmber. .. ', .,,,'~ "1I.ir,


VOCM TUESDAY, July 2111.

i\,3I)-NeW5 and Weather. 6.~Breakf8l1 with Bill. 6.5~Nc\\'s. 7.00-Breakfut with Bill. 7.3O-News and Waterlront

Directory. 7,3~Breokfast With Bill . 7,~~Newl. 8.0~Torbay Weather. 8,0~Breakful with Bill. 8.2~Ne\\'s. S.SO-Hit Tune of the 01'. 8.3~porlscaat. 8.4{)-Breakfasl with Bill. 8,5:l-NcwB.

.• _(C. ~~,,,\\','a!e. I 9,o~~rninl Dale. L'anana 9, I~Llnda'l First Lov •.

': ~ t'. .1.: c . ':-.t'~ B;,"(lll,dca51.

!I,30-~lornlni Date, : lo,oO-News. : 10 O!>-St nrk Club : 10.1~Juke Box Jamboree. I \O,~~.luke Box Jamboree. I IO.5~Nel\'l, : ll.OG- WI\! DO)'le Show. ll.~5-News.

try, : l2,OD-~lIdday Melodle •. i 12,aD-News. ! 12,35-Rambling with Record.,

. \1" a"rl Weal her. 12,45-Flsherman', Forecill. :,: r;0~ram . l2,50-Ramblifli with Recorda

: I.l ~Spor\.Scast. l.20-Ramhlina with Recorda 1.30-News, l.,,~Passing Parade (John





:YENING SHOWS: 7 P.M. - 9 P,M. M.t.. TINEE: 2 P.M.



---_._- ------TO·DAY

~~~[~ In an amazing role 88 •

the 'Human Torpedo'

rrB~ifN ·0






S.OO-l>ollan on Parade. 3.5~NeWl. '.OO-Bob'. Blndwaaoll. l53-Newl. 1I.00-Bob'. BandwllolI. 1I.3(}-Superman. 1I:4~upper Serenad •. lI.ro-Fllherman'. Foreealt. 5,5~Newl.


6,DO-BulletlD Board. 8.15-Sportacllt Ind Travtl,

lIulde. , 6,3D-Supper Serenade. 6.45-New •. 7.aD-Shlllelagh Showtime. 7.15-ShlUeIBllh ShowUme. 8.0O--CreBm 01 thl Crop, 9.4~Newl.

10.00-VOCM All Tim. Bit Parade.

10.3D-EvenUde MedltaUo!U. lO,4~portsclBt.

lO.5~NeWi. Ll.OO-Torbay Weather Ll.O~C1ub II~O. 1.0O-CloMl Oown .

CJON TUESDAY, July :1111.

a.30-The Bob Lewll Show . 6.3G-Nfld. News and Weather. 6.4:!--Headllne Newl and Fore-

cut. 7.00-N!ld News and Sporta 7,0:i-Lllcal Weather. 7.1:!--New •. 7,20-Bob Lewis Show. 'l.SD-Round the World New.

and Weather. 7.~~ What'. l:uulWL iI.OO--Nfld. Newi. S.OIl-Prov NewI, 8.15-Shl~'pinl Report. B.2D-Klddlea Calender. 8,30-Nfld. New. and Weather UO-The Bob Lew Shu'll 8.4~Momlnl M • r r J Go B.5s-Jult a Minute. 1l.2~Tb. Bob Lewla Sbo •. 1.00-GenerlJ Provincial N ..... II.05-Mullc for MUliona. 9.3G-The Bob Lewis Show. 9.4~PIudlial HlUband.

I0.1,:-lhrtin·1 CornU. lO.1:!--llade for each other. 10·111- Whal'l l'ookln' 10.3:!--Who', That Slnllina· IO.4~Houlewivfl ChOlet. l1.D1-Rev. Matthew.. IUD-Honour Your PartIItt .

1I000u. 12.0G-Newl In I Mlnut, 12.01-1'o1l'n and Country. 1.01 •• Wea ther 'aracnt, l.l~New •. 1.S~EdltoriaJ CoromeDL 1.40-Sporu. 1.45-Art Baker', Notebook. 2.01-Mad. for each Other. 2.1~erry WhlglllJ Show. 3.01- We3lere Jamboree. 4.0G-Gen, Provincial Newi. 4.0~Wcstern Jlmbor~., 5.01-Bob Lewis'. Dance Parll 1I.IlO-New. and Wealllif. 8.0:t-What', Cookie? 8.05-BulleUD Board. 8.1,.G-NaUonal Nen. e.f5-Sportl . S/3G-PM. Theatrt. 7.0i-Club 93. B.Oi-Brat from the Wilt 9.0l-Weat'. CookiD'.

'9.01-What'. Cookie. 9.0Z-Nfld. Soiree. 9.30-Chapel by the Sine oC

the Road. 10.0t-The Accund. IO.~I)-Natlonal New •. lO.45-Sportl. 1l.01-Houleparty and Newt. l.ooelos. Down.



WIST .10987 '67U .72 .063

NORTH , .KJ3% 'AJ8~ • Q8 .Q92

EAST .H 'KQ4 ,.9854 ",K 108 7

IOUTK (D) .AQ8 '108 +AKJI03 ",AH

North and South vulnerable SaaUl Welt Norih BaIt 1 • Pall l' ' Pan J N.T. PaSi 4 N.T. Pa!! IN.T. Pall PaN PUI

Openlhi leBd-. 10

BY OSWALD JACOBY In the early 30s the Slms

home at Deal, N.J .. was a sum· mer mecca for bridge players and the July 4 weekend WBI fue busiest of all.

It seema appropriate on this day to write up a Iypical Sim~ hand, bid and played in Hal's own .tyle.

His jump to six no·lrump was an overbid but Hal never reo fused an Invitation 10 bid a no· trump slam.

He won the first trick in his own hand and promptl)· led the ten of hearts and let It ride. East won with the queen-false­cards were worse than useles~ against the maestro.

A spade came back and Hal I proceeded to run off his apade and diamond tricks discarding down to the ace·jack of hearts and a low club in dummy and the nine of hearLJ and ace-jack of clubs In his own hand.

East blank~d his king of hearts early and Wesl discard· ed most carefully from his col­lecllon of deuces hut nothing did the defense any good. Hal looked II West and remarked. "1 doubt If you have the king of heartA but know you haven't gal the king of clubs 80 I will play dummy's ace of hearts first and reserve the club finesse."

The ace of hearts dropprd I East's king and the club finesse ; became unnecessary. . Card SenseI

Q-ThB bidding haa been: South West N orlll Eall 1 '" Pili I' Pm I '" PaS'S 2. Pasl 2 N.T. Pus 3. Paas

? You, Soulh, hold: /tIA K 6 ~ ,3 2 +J 7 6 ",A

I./U W h"t do you do? . .\-I'IU. \'Ollr partJ'~r do.~

Dol like no·trnmp anrl your lund II not Itronll enough 10 IlIvlte • diamond game,

TODAY'S QUESTION Inltead of bidding two dla·

monds your partner hlB jumped to three diamonds over your one spade bid. What do you do now?

1I.30-NBWI and Weatllc. 7.0()-N ..... and Wuthc. 7.30-N.w. anI! Wtatllc. B.OO--Brllkfllt Club; B.3()-But ParD Bandstand. 1I.0~1t Happened Lut Nisht 1I.5!l-Nlw. and Weather.

lo.OO--CoUel Tim •. 1l.QO-Tum Baek the Clock. 1l.25-Polnt of Law. 11.3G-Program 12. 12.3D-Marcli of EvelltJ. 12.45-Sportl Pal"

Aniwer Tmorrow --------

Cheer up! Your neighbor will return your power mower just as loon II It runs out of giu.

Some' peopie never are i,n a I hurry until they lIet into _ the driver' I. seat of an auto. t.QO-Jaek Paar Sholli'.

l.30--Marvln Miller. 1.4~oupl1 Next Doer. 2.00-Ray HtathertoD. 2.3(}..-oNeWi. '

~~eball. 3,aD-Baseball. a.SO--Checkln In. . 6.4~Amerlca'. Bulin .... 8.5D-Checkln' III. 8,OO-Sports Today. B.15-Uniler&lty 'Explorer. 8,3~u!penle. 8,5~New~ and Weather. 9,aD-Easy II ABC. 9.2~DuffY·1 TRvern. 9,~O-Explorlng 'I'omorrow. 9,5~Ebony and Ivory.

10.00-t·lnal Edltiun, lO.30-Mlile of Musie; 11.00-Mullc Till Mlpni,lsl.

CJON.CJOX TV MaDlt, Jii7 lia.

Aches .nd paiM kinda damp· en I. doctor'. thoucbt ,that age is • m.ental eondltlon. -.

You can'l . euctiy bume a husband for hlvlns untold wealLb if hl~ wife is a .pend· thrift. .

The man who IWOII'5 the mosl probably does' because he'l smRrt enough lu let the other fellow do the lalkinl!.

~uJte often a counlry lawn belle finrlR out IhHt marriage I~ jU!\ one wringer after anoliler. -.--~------.-

B.OO-Local News and Weal her. lI.l~N.t1Dnll Newi, ',Si-Thealrl IlDyaL 8.O~Da&eUu Jurp". U~11t l&ep Beyond.

lU.W-thtvY Show.

- ACTION - THRILLS - CINENA· uo-World aPHporl. S.te-8ky JID', 6.30-Newl Beadllnu. 6.3!>-Roy.l Vilit HI~hllghts. 6,46-l!ummer Theatre.

!ll.OO-COIIIIIIIDd lR IlttI,. i IUO-The Sho" Ihll Jacll

Buill. 112.0~Two For PhysicR. 112.30-Ne"s Ind Weather.









BUGS BUNNY , .. ~ -- ..

Hoi, I HA! tJX#: HOW ~ lANDEP'- HA ! w..! AA!



'I·KNOW. THIS spQ!t,f 15' f:V[t.I HAZAIWO\J5 FOR-


.. _____ ••• 0 __



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. •

:1'· , '


. , ,

Effortless Outdoor Cooking Foil

NOTICE, Newfoundland Services, GREAT EASTERN


IWanted io m9 No. 493


sprinkle with seasonings. Re·' In tbe matter of the Petition DC SOUTHERN LABRADOR El'er-ooe a"rec.'l that fOOL )Iace husks, wrap in Coli, twist· WILLIAM D. MUNRO, or SERVICE 1 AITCMOr; ,,, , Glen"ood I th EI to I Dl The S.S. Burgeo on the I I cooked out·of-doors tastes bellel 1.1g eOOs UI 3eeure. If husks arc n e ec ra II- Southern Labrador Service' _ •

thtU! any prepared under a roo!. removed, spread corn with sof· Iriel of Grand Falls in the I will sail from the Dock Coast. I

Bul maybe you think outdool tened buller and sprinkle with pnorOVI,ncl e of Newdfound,al,ld, TENDERS FOR al Wharf NOON Wednesday, ,

~oo'king I:wolve,; too much fuss seasonings. Double wrap b . m n on of Cana a, trad ng HIGHWAY I Building for Demolition, aJ14 boIo1~r. noL to mention ex' sla.1dard weight fall. Place 001 ullder the sly Ie or trade name' Ju y 22nd. ; Without Reservi peislve pq~ipmenl. Now you grill over a medium hot fire and of JOHN A. MUNRO, General! CONSTRUCTION ! CONNECTION WEST RUN ThB Cowan Mission Old can lorg~: these problems and cook turnlng,two or three times. Mercbant, alleging that he Is, ; PLACENTIA BAY

J I t I If I I i ' I Ladies' Home, Forest Poad settle dow:J to the se.rious en oy· Takes about :;0 m nu ea, e.!IJ nlo vent and pray ng thaI he I, Sealed tender,.; are Invited, Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav. , ml1llt of oLtdoor dlnlng-the BC' the fire Is qlule hot. may be 10 declared, and will be received up until in,:: St. John's Friday, Jull' I On thl prlmi .. I,

re~ la aluminum foil, nothing Our Own Special Barbecued I noon July 27th 19~9 for the II 24th., will make connecllon at F·d J I 24th mor! Chicken: PurLltBse broUer·fryer ORDER . I construction of 'a road from a Argentla with Motor Vessel rl ay I U Y ,

Aluminum loll can help you In chickens and have them spill Upon reading the. PetlllOn . t between Batteau Brook for the W~st Run Placentia Itt 12 ' I k N I hundred ways. First of all, and back oone.i removed. Have and Affidavit of Verlfleatlon of POIn L Ft' P' t t Ga Bay M$., • 0 C oc oon.

. .' , f h I k' tiL A UNRO d and a on aIne OIn 0 r· . II hen you re gettlng ready 01 t em cut ag& " ma mil 11'0 p e· WIL I M D. M an up· I h N th P nino Two storey wood frame an' outdoor m~al-u~e foil to ces from earll half. Remove on 'hearing Mr. J. B. McEvoy. gamel e ,on t e or ern. e I' CONNECTION SOUTH building together with all coter a.l·1 protect foodJ that UI'c a)IY small or protruding bone~ Q.C., of Counscl for the Pet!· su!a, a distance of ap~roxlmate > COAST SERVICE furnace hot water radiators to:be Drought out·of·doors, or to that ca~ be plosliy pulled oul. Uoner, I do order that WIl.· Ihlrty·one mlle5. Th~s wor~ In. Regular 8.10 a.m. train leal" i 5 washbasins 4 toilets 2 bath

CO.; LTD. ,. Radio, TeleviSion, Washers, ' Refrigerators, Deep Freezers I

Electric Ranges, Floor Polishe~,

Gramophones Public Address Systems, t ,


5 LINES DIAL lIOOI to 3005


For Fast Taxi Service





In USe only 4


I ---. --- --- __

be!carri~d for a distonce. Menls Rb.'e and GI;'. Have hr.e In LIAM D. MUNRO anil hiS volves the completIon 0 a ing Sl, John's Friday, July ~ tubs set tubs electric light ~~Iads. I,rearl and ali the other, grlU with heat of medium mien' Creditors appear before me at parLly co~structed road and the 24th. will make connection at fixt~res door; storm win. popular ~utdoor foods will ki'ep' slty. Brush chickens with mel· the Court House in 51. .John's constructIOn of about ten miles Argentia with S,S. Bar Hal'cn dows c~ash lu~ks 1.1000 gal. l,~h and tool a:1u d\I!I, insect, led butter or margarine. Pla~c on ~Ionda\' the 12th day of of completely new ro~d: ' ' for regular ports south Coast I "1 st rage ta~k tc 1 OOlal 2424-2410 I"" FO R or anythll'~ else that ml~ht con·' Ihem on grill, skin side down Octo'ber A'D' 1959 at iO'3U' 2. Plans and spcclftcatlons! Servicc.· "Bn °lld' 0 I b ,e . . d

' h f oil 'II b k t d b '1 b t - It'''' " b' d LJ R d ' UI tng mus e rcmo~ e lamlnale t e!e 0 .' \\'1 e 'ep I a.n 1'01 a ou ~ m nu es ?n a I o'clock In tne forenoon to be rna)' e .Inspect.r at Ie 03. s b' the urchaser b Au ust QUEEN'S ROAD awa\'. Side or until nicely brow~ed. I d d h d t h' 'Draughtmg Office, Court Hou.,e. CONNECTION SOUTH > p y g I

If ')'ou'rt u~ing a portable gl'jI\ While chicken i8 browning, form exam ne an e~r ouc I~g I SI. John's and copies may be COAST SERVICE 1 31st., 1959.. . Open from 5.30 to 2 I.m. or I ro'i~!erl~, alunimum foil a pa~ from ncal'Y dull' ailimi'! hi! alleged InsolHney and In) obtained upon application to Ihc Train "The Caribou" l~a\'· . Purchase prIce to be paId n"":~H,tYI I ran be I"ed undrrneRlh Ihe fire, num foil. Turn ed~c~ of foil up the meanlime let R?IlERT .I: RCl'enue CierI of this Depart. ing SI. .John·s 130 p.m. Frida)'.: Immedlat~ly aftcr. sale. . It lI'i1\ rr[iect Ihe heat back liP about I inch all arollnd Rnu KE~T, of St. John S. Deput~ mcnt upon deposit of $25.00 July 24th., will make connec· i InspectIOn Thulsda.y, .• Jul~ on the food3, incrca!e the (fl' mit~r corner~, Hal'e thls p.R11 ReglstrltI' o[ the Supre~c which sum "ill be refunded to I tion at Port aux Ba5que~ with 231d and 9 a,m. mOlnIni of AUTO PARTS (Whole) 'I

ci:lt)· of cooking and in antll· ready at one Side of the gnll. Court be aPPoIntcd Interim the tenderer if the plans and S.S, Bilccalieu for regular Sale. _ tio~ catl'h juice. melle<! fals When chicken 1< bro\l'~, transfer Trustee oC Ihe estate and effects 'fl t' t d I 'ports South Coast Service John D . , . . . '. ! th 'd '''ILLIA'I D '(UN specl ca IOns are re urne 0 , . • Nfld I ~nd kL't'p th'~ eQu' ~ment .clcRn. 10 the pan with kitchen. longs 0 e ·sal > ., .• ,. t t , _ .

If ,"ou're brol .. IIS hambur~crs and ~lide the pa~ into position RO And the same are hereby the3 DTepadr men. t b d ST. JOHN S·LEWISPORTI O'Drl'scoll Armature . . . . Ltd I h 'd T en crs mus e rna c on SERVICE Woru nr ,hot doj:.l. )'ou I find It much ol'cr the fire. Cook the chic. en \'es e n t c sal rustcr, and I' .. I D t. . ,

Fragrorll in Pin\,

and While

PI;ier if I'OU loml a .!hallol\' pan about 45 minute~ longer basting II In the meantime let all further I forms p~ollde~ b'Y t~e 'ttCPt '1.v. Bonavlsta for regular I AUC1'I0NEER. 38 ny' turnin'~ up II,e edges of a with the barbecue SAlIce. If 1 proceedings be stayed, mcnt an mU5 e su ~I e III ~Ol·t~ 51.. Joll.n's.Lell'isporte, JI),21.22,23,24 Bambrick ~_~_ Jhe!t of alurni·II.If' foil. Punch chicken is lar~el thanu!ual or Dated at St. John's Ihi, 10th! sealed en~elopes. addrc"scd to Serl'lce Will sail from the, ---------- Street 'W t d


hole5 in the bo Ito IT, of Ihis pan nol as te~der as desired, • piece day of July, A.D. 1959. the, Dcputy ~llnlst~~ of High. Do.ck Coastal Wharf XOO" HUT('HE"'''S GROl:ER~ I Dial 7191·2 ~ an e "It~ • fork jf ~'uu wanl charcoal of foil may be placed ol'er 1he. . Ila)s. The 1I.0rds, Ten~er for Fnday, .July 24th. . !, ___ = ______ _ naror to penetr.'I~ and place the top of pan tn hold In some of the (SIgned) H. A. W1NTI,R, Ihe ,conslrucllon of a highway 1 -- MEAT ,MARKFT, BUILDING MATERIALS food. b tlie pa~ It will hroil .ileam while ~htcken Is cooking. Judge. t from a point betw~en B~tteau FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES 53 Wilham Streel without falli'l~ tl,rough into Ihe When done tho foil pan may be JlyH,21,28aug4 Brook and LaFonlalne POI~t to DIal 7450 and 606% I fire! Tit., Is oil excellent way placed o~ a la;'ic platter and the Gargamelle" are to be wntlen FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S. B R CLARKE CHESTER DAWE, LTD. II! d<llng f,~h aI!o. but remember SU acro.ss the face of the envelope. LEWISPORTE SERViCe . SHAW ST. a.nd TOPSAIL RD. to grease th~ f~!i. ~ince Iish Statutory Notice MMoER COURSES 4. The tender shall be mom· Freight for SI. John's·Lewl~· -' T~r~a~Z~" For all your Buildinl ~!ickl to aln:os! anything It tou· RI! ISTER NOW panied by an approved accept· porle Service per ;'.LV. Bona·, Requirement! call ches. Speech Correction Clinic ed cheque for $100 as a surety I'ista accepted Railway Coast· L. HEALEY 80161-91171

serl'e hoI brp.; d or rolls to go In the matter of Ihe Will and Voice ProdUction. i that the tenderer, will, i! sue· 1 Shed to·day. Tuesday and to· i CnIQ Roads Ind Walet 11 DRUG STORES

TO FIT 1954


witl; the olltH .Lod. Just wrap Eltale of Albert G, Earle, Dramatlcs. ! cessful, enter into a contract I' mOITOW, Wednesday 9 a,m. to: Dial 3026 thefn ,11 aiumlllum foil and late af Bay Roberti, In Ihe FRENCH - Grammar and I' with the Department. The sue· ~ p.m. '~ ___ _ plaet at one ~lJe of the fire. DlUrieI of Port de Grave, In Conversation. I cessful tenderer will be requir· INSURANCE AGENTS Turn onc~ or twice Ind they will tbe Province of Newfound· Modlrn Blilroom Dlncing ed to deposit further sums to I FREIGHT LEWISPORTE. AND BROKERS he. whj:~ the main part of the lind, CoDfeelioner, dtceued. Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba' br' g the total deposit up to CORNER BROOK SERViCe ~ II hrollbi. All persollJ claiming to be Samba, Roek and Roll, etc. I te In percent of the amount of! Freight for LCII'isporte·Cor·

Potatoes. corn and most lt6Sy. credit ora of or who have any TELEPHONE 7724 !, th~ ro er and satis[actor' er" ner Brook S~rl'ice via Lewis· tOo(~k ~rg~tableg such II peal, claims or demandl upon or af· FRIO DAVIS-Spllch Studio! r p ~ of 1I contract PIn' porte and S.S. Springdale ac' cSJ1!oIJ, summer squash, ruc· fectlng the Eltat. of tn. said 211 DUCKWORTH STREET! /rmar e sh d pIe it th su~eess.1 cepted Railway Freight Shcd, chll, evell mushrooms can be lat. Albert G. Earle, deceased, JnelB lmth 'lieu 0 ca e os e. I to·da\' Tucsday and to.mor. cooked III aluminum foU, either are required to send particulars ' ful tenderer may furnish a I row, . \VedneSday 9 I,m. to i on tfI. e ~i.te over In outdoor UrI thlreof ill wrltinll duly attest. foll. Note: ThlB mel hod of bar· surety bond approved by the 15 p.m. : or by plwc:", on coall to IIIIt ' beculng chicken on an Dutdoor Department for the amount of

108 BROTHERS & CO LTD. Water Street

Dial, 2858. 4US

MEEHAN & CO. t.A. Bldg. Duckwortb lit.

Dill 7046·7Of.7 gid. of the hott~lt part of Mle ed, !hto th. un~er&lg;e~ so~c~~r grill really cooks the chicken ;0 50 per cent of the total .um I RESTRICTED CARGOES, f'ir~: of • Execu or 0 • s e that it Is moist, te~dcr and tendered. Shipperl PIIISI Notl _'

PotatOl!~ need only to be wrap- of the laid deceased on or be· ready to almost fall of the bone. Oils and other restricted car.' REG. T. MORGAN

LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP can be obtained at


DIAL 2206 i --.....;.;.;;.;;;.;;;.,;;;.;.;.....--



I BAINE JOHNSTON ! COMPANY, LTD. I AgenC1 Department ped. Corll, \\'e II' e I recipe for. fore j),e Bth day of Ausust, Quick Barbecue Sauce: Com .~. T~e Dcparl~ent does .nol, go for regular ports South!

Olhe) ve;;etab!rl are pIa ell 0:1 1950, after which date Ih. Illd blne ~~ cup tomato catsup. ',' billd It,e]( to accept the lo\\est Coast Sen'ice via Argentia I a squar of heav) duty alu.'\!· Executor will proceed to du· teaspoon Tabasco, I tablespoon or an~' lender, and ~tV. Marlol'il~ will be,

Il"SURANCE LThlITED Temple Bld~ .. P.O. BOI 188.

3t1 Duckwortb St.

I 243 Water St. DiaJ 2102. I YOUR FRIGIDAIRE I

num.Ioll. butter and .eMOnlnll trIbute the .ald Estate havlnl vinegar, 2 ,tablespoon.. bl'o II' II accepted at the Railwa), ~dded ilnd the foil Jelled to n.ard only to the debta and 8u~ar, I teaspoon dry mustard, CD:~u~N~:~r. Shcd to·morrow, Wedncsday

Dial S0370 or 77!Wi I DEALER 1--------------------,

mlk4: I ti~ht Jlicllqe. Tun! elalml of which hi shall tben 1 tcaspoo:J salt, 1 medium·sized 9 am. to 5 p.m. the'" pa 'kagel onee or Nlee bavi had noUce. mild onion, finely chopped, and Department of HighwaYI, and 'aUuw about the IImt time Dated th, 8tb day III Jul)', 2 tablespoons butter or marga· 51. John's, Newfoundland,

I HEAP & PARTNERS i At the Cowan .' i (NFLD.) LTD. Ladies' Home, Fo


you WOI.d If eaok;ns by tbt lIIual 19D9. rlne. S I m mer 5 minutes, M. CONNORS LTD.

'" WATER 11'. 1 dEasy" (\utotnai~!

jly14,21 metliod. WILLIAM It SMALLWOOD, (Enough for 1 chicken. I lli)ddltlon to aU Illes! UHI of Solicitor for the !lIIcutor. ---------------------

aluminum foil that almpllfy out Cross Roads, P.O. Box 108,

FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S· LEWISPORTE SERVICE Freight for regular ports St.

John's·LewislXlrte Service for forwarding via Lewisporte and M.V. Bonavista ,will be accepted at the Railway

Dial 2201

Wiring Materials, Wire and Cables, Motors, Starters,

Lamps, Switcbes, Ligbting Fixtures, etc.

dryer, 1 '·Bend'x· washer, 1 "ShlrI1,'

door: cooking and lervinll, you Bay Roberti, C.B. mlillt IIk~ to. try whole d.:l1en, jlyl0,lB,28auil each- portion Individually wrap. __________ _

Public Notice ped in fall and (0 be eaten right from the 10',

~'oil Roasted Corn: lIal'e space ~I one end of gr!1I for roasting PUBLIC HOLWA YS 195. com. or cook while chcleken I~ , . beihg eaten. HU3ks may be left By Procla,a tlon of HIS Hon·. on 'or removed-lVe find both lour the Lleutenant·Governor, It: mctho& wO:Jderful. If left o~, Is ordered and dire~ted that the' 1'1111 back ann remol'e lilk. following day. be let apart and ~~rtArl wilh ,Iollened hutter and lobserved u Public Holldaya ~---==------ I during the balan'c~ of the calen·

dar year 19~9, viz: (I) The Day Jel for the It.

John'. Annual Regatta. With 'VI-yd. C ••• ·T.rraTrao· "800" (il) The Fifteenth d~1 tlf

August (Observance of V·Day). (Ill) The Seventh day flf

September (Labour. DIY).



(Iv) The Twelflh day ef October (Tbank.lglvln, Day).

(v) Th. Eleventh day Df ,November (Remembrance Day)

(I'l) The Twenty·Fiftb day 'of December (Christmas Day) , (I'ii) The Twenty·Sixth day I of December (Boxing Day). I 2, The above·mentkmed Pub· I

llic Holidays are required 10 be I i observed by the- Newfoundland I I Government Service, chartered

You not only get bigger pay­loada faster with the Case. TerraTrac 800'8 power-boosting torque-converter drive ••• you aIao turn and IlI8Jle\lver futer, with a new countv·rotating hy· draulic tranamisaion, which per· mi15 fut 360· spin·tul'll8, with one track driving forward and the other, in reverse. Instant power-shifting also lets operator cbanie speeds and direction "on·the-lIo" -without clutching er .toppin, to ehift geare.

bank. and the bUllnell!l to ;ill /rw a_wallo" .. ur ~on.lft .. 10. which The St. John'. Shopt Act ... CALl. llS TODAY I

• 10 h, dl ... 1 • fIUOll ..

• ~".'Iop P ~""hlll, pO'Wtf· IIH,lo" pow", ~",hl

• full oscillating trod: ''1,1,,,,

• Au10matic ..,.d: roll., lulorlcalio.

and The SI. John'! Shop Clo.I· ~II Knock at Your Coor InR (Burben and Halrdreuera)

wIth Gifts and Grlltlngs! ~~:re~Pplr~ ~:ey o~~:rv~~! ~; j from Friendly Buslne" wholmle alld retail iluHlnesm I Neighbours and .Your In Shop Closing Are: s ehe·


• ('vic d S • I where throughout the Pro· ST JOHN'S : I an. oCla I vince unl~SB they are Ipeclfl. •

011 thl occasIon ofl 'cRlly Included In the Schedule! 'PHONE 4052-3

'PHONE NE4' - 4098 N~ Comlr 10 thl City. of Openlnlr and CIOIlnl 'Houri i CORNER BROOK t Th, Birth of a Baby In effect in thm arm. ----.-----------------

• PHONE 69'-' or 90943

, J. G, CHANNING, ~puly Minister III Provlnclal Affalrl,



i Freight Shed Thursday, Fri· dav and "'londay, .July 23rd, 24th and 27th, 9 a,m. to 5 p,m. ,


-~.....,~-­!~ .~


Cor. Manch, & Empire Aft Dill tIOO'IO


104 Duckwortll 8&, ObI %3S1





HOWSE OF FLOWERS Serving SI. John'. from two locations


202 WATER ST. DIAL 7410


enamel k:tcl1rn faucets, 3 O\'('r~lu!(ej

2 rockers, 1 "Phill'l' model radio. 5 Cfr,tr/

1 coal box. ~ lurb!, I clock, sundry I',c' ing and Util"" extension djlllll~ ,.

I nul ser\'ill~ tau!e.!' , m:rror,. :1 dl"u~h: Ilinoicum nil e!1 flc~:; , .

trola" gra!ll(lll~w,~e, I chair, 1 \\",dl[l'1e.:1

chairs. 10 ('iH··" rio .

Cnr. Maynr Inll Merrymeetin~ U


PARKDALE ,bureaus. IU -III:;C

___________ I anrl sprill,~'. ,1\

! CROSBIE & CO., LTD_ I' All good. ",u. t


PHARMACY, EIiEabelb A'f!. ! Agent! for Ind tlk.n deli,,,!

UNDERWRITERS AT I It.,y .Iter ul •. LLOYD'S II Inspection 1 ,~

LOW RATEi of ~ale DIAL 5031 John D,





DRUG I!1'ORB, W MlJltim ltaa'



the HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD .. jl.\21.22.2~ pnAR!'I'IACI,



Family Budget



~~ Penn11l'eli Itad DIal !12m


NORMAN DOWN El' 6!i New Gower m.

Dill 57t'1

Distributors (or Sunbeam Electrical Applianc~

SporlJ Goods and SporlJ wear for all occasions.

DIAL 5016



DIAL 418S « R .. • .... Y """ I • i MOBILE GROCETERIA

'I In anJ Around 51. JOhn'S' Storr At Your Door. 1 HEATING 'Ch R I' bl EI t" DIAL 93490 ,-------- I

eap eta e ec rtClty C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. - , ----.-- --------- -- - , PLUMBING and HEATING I


OCTAGON HEIGHTS 36 King'! Road Dial Z916



TEN D E R II Penetangulshene IS located OD ,COMPANY, LTD. --, h 'R . REPAIRS TO RADIOS 'f,V

~mALED TENDt:RS. address. [e Por~ug<ll Cove oad and II AND ALL ELECTRICAL ed Lo the undersi;ned and mal~. ! situate 1D the center of • grow' APPLIANCES ed . "~'ender for HaIlio Beacon' Lng c.ommufllly, only a few lot, DIAL 3001 to 3005 Building at Cape Sp~ar, Nfld.". remam in thiS area. , ___ ,;,;.;,;,.;;,;;.;.;...;.;-.;.;.;.;._

, will be received up to 3.30 p,m Octagon Heights IS situate 10, USED CARS i (Atlunlic Daylight Sal'lllg Timel, I beautiful area un the TopsaI! i __________ _

I THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, )9;9. Road and ~Iready new Modern I I for the construction of Marine Bungalows are being erected aD' ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD. Iladio Beacon Buildi:1g at Cape this subdivl!ion ' FOn A CAR YOU CAN Spea"r, Newfoundland. If you 3re Interested in secur. D.':PEND ON CALL

Plans, .;pecifieatlo~s and other mg one of those lol.s eitber ID' AlJELAIDE MOTORS LTD tender documenl~ may be ob, tbe East or the West end apply "A Complelr StOlt AI four lained on application to Ihe un' Immediately to DIAL 30U dersigned, ~I 232 St. George STA CO N DO Stmt, or P.O. Box 42. Moncion. N N FISH STORES N,H .. UpUIl re~"iJlI Ilf a:l accrr:· ed cheque for $~5.00 paya~le to Ihe Receil'er General of Canada.

J .. ~. L"!IIAIIA:'Ii.

Avalon Realty Co.,


I imparls naillral·, '. and luslre 10 ~r':·' and laded hair ~o; not a tint, 3 while cream equally , shades of ha'r, .~t and departmrnl ,I

Agents C.~N.\DA'S 1(';1 UI ,,'

Ma:Ju[aclllrc,' ,,3.' trodllciory Ol:'l'~ ad reliable a~p~i in In:;, 10 sell nn r.l,r cr,.,· -(0111' beautt:',,' , pastel rn:n"r'-O~( \0 I'xncmoC< \\'rilr tociil: for ' and .'tart ra~n:': coillmisiln"~ Wrile 10 Bartl" Ltd.. 42 Sabt John, jiy20.3i -_ .. ---

I Aclll1~ Re~lnn.1 ))Ir.dor, Air SELLING AGENT. I S.rvlce.. DI~I 4813-1848 er 1103

38 r'RESCO'M n. lJIAl 22Z6

Servtce. Quality Vilrlel,


I 30 24 21 16 28 27 29 25 26 23







b. in



tR SA 'grant in Pink.

cnd White

J L:L Y 2Jrd.

.,~ Cowan Miui:l.'l r~ Home, Fore.st E~'Y" IU\(lm~tk

- 1 "Brnd,x" :r-, 1 "Sh,r;ty· 'r: );;:lchrr. sink • ':', 3 o\'r,stu!!rd "ers.. 1 "Ph,lco­,', .adio, !I ('t'ntn .... ; box.. :! (:IrDs. ., .undry pirlurtS. .c,d o\h~. chain. ~'ll':l dlOlnl: \able\ ~(:-\ in.: t~b:t. !

','S, 3 draughl ('"m on 111 floor!, I

:ramophore. I 1 .. ardrobr. 10

, iO rh(',;, Mr > ,', 10 ,in;::t ,;)[1n;:<. 10 b(-(fl~

II ,_..:Ii mUll M ..... " "livery tI , _h., NIl •. <.)("('\lon 51 J rn, ,JI'r

John D. O'Driscoll,

-rs ".Ii.Gr.:r ,v .. , nalurl.l·l~in:

, :::-..:r~ :0 ,ra". j f~ hair. ~ot , I tint a .-bile , am ~al\Y ef(tcUl't 3Ot'S at hair. ,0\1 aD 1 ~t ~IOrf'!-

Agents Wa~ \0,'5 k~I.'




I N G 0 ~O -13

52 68 2~ 32

.~.4 6.4

.49 21 1:2 48

63 16 39 47


:8 31 60 72

.,~ 33 75 _I 53 29 35 58


:5 41 59 67 '2!J 40 46

66 23 44 55


Kin Help Kiddie.

T ROCK (St. John's East)

rden Party SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th

Usual Attractions

'FOR RENT wjrking couple has bedroom in new ~!e ovoilable, for a gentleman or lady. \, c pmon working in thl vicinity of the

or MenIal Hospital. .

PHONE 93445·L after 6 p.m.

. '



es A. Gibbs Q. C. lilvate at Number 3 Church Hill,

St. John's.

P,O. BOX 317 (G. P.O.)



McNamara Ltd. , QUEEN STREET


37 TOPSAIL ROAD Furnilhed A . Iilti partment ,conlisti ng of bed-

ciotheg rOOm and fully .quipped kitchen; I ~Iosets, modern bathroom. Heat

IIIIdprovlded. Separat •• ntranet. Walher. electrolux at tenant's disposal. Ideal

.... 'IIII,IIlI - I •• A business mIn or girls. On bus Ita 1 /140 per monlh. Call between 11.30

.m. or 4.30 to 6.00 p.m. TElEPHONE 33B3


"The time h~s cunle to speak of many Ihings--l,E~lOlJr;" Il\'G my Den for iu~lonee:"

Thl. Old Walrus spcnks wise· Iy - an.n YOU lou will speak, wlsely If you ~pe"k 10 us about the :1Ii1lcrlal, unci I'I~ns for YOU R DEN - or for n Guest Room or ~n)' RE· MODELl!':G. So SPEAK UP and gel what you \\'3nl.

T.~ (". u.' ,., ~",:

:. "I~ IJ ~[" "I."', ...... -,:,,~}""!"L1!''''''' _ / .. / J "We'~e oilly been engaged two weeks, :!.nd III ready I'm

• 8 2:°:( \'Iidow_!" ,_ _ __ I

------'WANTED _ Have you any

Palntlng, Inside 01' oul, to he done, Tarring Roofs, (;ardenin~. Mowing of Lawns, Sodding cemetery plots, elc ... rr so, cilll 90~34.F or 5216 H. Price,

, _ reasonable. ' _"

I FOR SALE-On. Milch Cow just freshened. on second calf. Apply to Jnmes Tapper, Torbay.

FOil ~Al t'.-strurturat Steol, I I Bram: H Beams: An~les; rhBllnels; Plales: Shafltng rtc" \'Brlou~ slre5-. Nlid

AUCTION I S~h'age &. Sale~ Co., Ltd

Where To Stay I 11 I'ot:ick SIreet; 'Pb,DII 1709

Balsam Hotel ._ma_r_'9_, _,v_"a_r __


1.30 P.M. B"RNF.S Rf1AD Situatrd to the 11 cart of t~p

Clly Qule&' Comtortahle Mm.,.

IIbere. ~'or ReSenaLlons and In


Dial 6336 MRS. 'JOIIN tArE! RelldpnL M8nal~rul



Open 2 p.m. Daily Catering to weddings,

,private parties, din· ners and dances . For further informa· tion contact Mrs. Amy Ryan, 22A Golf Ave.

I Wall Washing


I cleaned by new maehl~c Resu!ts perfect: sa\'~. paint -New 11ethod Hug and W~" Cleaners. Fre;hwater ROld 'Phone 910.13.

TO LET-Suite 4 o!flces In Ro)'al Bank Building, West End. Ipeal for shipping firm or customs broker. Dial 90312, John D. O'Dris· call, Real Estate Agent. jl),8,( If) ---. --

THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. We are now operat­ing eight chairs. You cln be a,sured 01 the best possible service plus the least P08'

I sible waiting, 24 New Gower I _ St., opp. Adelaide Motors.




I WINDOW BOXES, SASHES-Storm windowS made to --------order, fast and efficient servIce. Phone 4849,H for In (ormation. Jly16,lm

--- . ". ~ ... ------NEW ~IETHOD RUG CLEAN· DIAL 90024

.. _______ ~ EnS. RU~5 and Carpct made to look like new. Von Schrader process adds ),ears to I1fe of rugs. Cleaned in


15 feel speed boat, 15 H.P. Evanrude ensine.


7 p.m.





i home or at our plant. 'Phone 91033. New ~Iclhod Rug Cleaners. Freshwater

I Road. - _ .. --'- --' ---

'nE;\L ESTA1'E - Valuator of cit)" (arms al1d outport properlics. Over 40 ycars' experience. John D. G'Dris· coli. Auc\toncer and ncal Eslale Agent. Dial 90312. jly8,(1m)

KAHDll'G'S TAXI "m be L"aV'nr C:rand Bank Sunda, and 1'bur~day~ relurnlnl MOlloay Bnd Saturday· For rcs~rvallon~ call 449t·F, at Gralld Bank call 2142

I rr.nr~4 If _

I Priced at $350.00.

I Phone 93011 or call 6 Burke PlacI!. -----------








The ideal"Firsl" car ... The essential 2nd. car, brings ,you all these luxury features in the most practical and beautiful designed car in the world. A beller car, with beller service. TI,'s ultimate achievement in automotive enginering is yours at


* $184·5.00 Includes 4 Ply Tires, Heater and ,

Defroster and all Direction Signals.


LEGAL CARD R. C. B. MERCER, Q. C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public

Cabot Building, 221 Duckworth Street, St. John's.

TELEPHONE 2066 P.O. BOX E-5102

OFFICES TO RENT Centrally located

Single Offices or Suites Apply

Parsons & Lundrigan Ltd.

LEGAL CARD Curtis, Dawe & Fagan

Ba rristers-At-Law, Solicitors and Notaries

Donald W. K. Dawe, Q.c. Ralph E. Fagan, LL.B.

Counsel: Hon. Leslie R. Curtis, O.C.








Gerry Halley' Surveys Ltd.



, To.day's Special

. '.

.;, .





,AMIU'I'IOUS man or woman to handle profllable Wat· kins Roule In Bonavllta or Channel. Business estab­lI~hed. Products nationally advertised. No Investment neeeSSBrf - age no bandi· cap. Earnings above aver· age. For free details wrile at once to: Dept. JAG-3~O St. Roch Streel, Montreal,

'( Baird Motors ltd. I


DIAL 80,378-9

Notice is hereby given that the legal partnership hi'therto existing between Jamel A. Gibbs, Q.C. and Roy C. B. M~rcer, Q.C. is dissolved a~ from dah!

Fairlane. . ,·1 '""

. Price $1795.00 7.15 p.m.



Sizo 22

In exc.ellel11 condition, fully equipped with 3 '~peed g.ar. Nearest offer 10 $35.00,

PHONE 91535 or call at 58 PINE BUD AYE.


A Tailor i I

To work in Qoose Bay at Cooper's Clothing Store. Salary $300.00 a month.

Phone 2866·F

P.Q. lIy6,7,13,14,20,21,27 ----------------MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY


The Univerlity il IBlking rental accom· modation for families of a number of new Faculty members who will join its

staff in September. Apartments or Houses of one, twor three and four bedrooms capacity will be required from mid·August on. Will any personl wishing to lease for occupancy not later than' 1st September pleas a write or telephone the Secretary to the President, ~;iving particulars, including whether heated, or unheated, rent required, et~. Leases will be with the occupants and no' the University. jly21,2.\,n

, I \


Dated at St. John's this 20th. day of July,

A.D., 1959. .,

Witness: MARY A, GIBBS.



Advertise In The News

1952 Dodge .... $395.00., . .;'.

1956 Comul .... $795.00

1 '25'- Hi!lm~n

1955 D'odgll

Pi~k-u" .... $700

1958 Bedford

Van ........ $97~.do

1957 Dodge .,$1595,00

-1 !. ,i" !




, , I I ,

I , , I !

, .


, , i, : ' I: , I,


I , . , .

! : , . i,

, .

, .

I ·1

. 1

" ., .:.1 .,' !,


MILLEY'S Easy, Mix-Matchers

Ohiiuary . CR. GERALC J. EAGAN

: A well known dentist of SI I John's, Dr. Gerald J. Egar .

. THB i died suddenly whilst visiting


OK ! his brother Very Rev .. C. S'I : Eagan, P.P., V.F., at St. Mary's,

on Saturday evening July 11th. Dr. Eagan, son of the· late Cornellu! and Margaret Eagan was born In St. John's February 28th, 1902. . He re- YOUR PICTURES CAN



George Lange/aan ISLAND Of LOVE

Robert .langdon .... 4.50 OSSIAN'S RIDE

Fred Hoyle ....... ..... 3.00 MIND YOU I'VE SAID



flat Price

3.25 cclved his early educatIon 1 at St. Bonaventure'~ Col ege beIng successful in studies and proficient in athletics. In 1923 he proceeded to St. LouIs University (U.S.A.) where he graduated In den· tlstry in 1929. Save for a short period of post·graduate work In dentistry at ColumbIa Unl· versity, he practised the pro­fession In st. John's and other Newfoul'dland localities for thirty years. His profes· slonal vlslls to poInts oil the Southern Shore, to the BurIn Peninsula, and at Tw!lllngate Hospital, where he collabor· ated wIth Dr. OIds. were of great servIce to people of these localities.

Honor Tracy ........ 3.00 FOR 2c. PLAIN

Harry Golden ........ 4.75 THE HIGH TOWER OF REFUGE ... Edgar H. S. Chand·


IIATS . Regular price $3.50


ler ........................ 4.25 NO ONE Will ESCAPE

Hans Hellmut Kirst 4.00 PASTOR NIEMOLLER

I Dietmar Schmidt ... 4.25 ! THE SCOURGE OF : THE SWASTIKA

Lord Russell 3.00 THE MEMOIRS OF FIELD·


Together with great tech· nleal skill in professional work Dr. Eagan joined a gen· tleness and' graciousness of manner and characler that changed many professional re· lationshlps Into years of en· durIng frIendship. An admlr· aole trait of his characler was a christian charity that thought or spoke no el'n and


: D' k & C Ltd afforded help In many needy Love of a sirl'; life - scpa·. [( S 0., . circumstances of life. In a

rat~s that mix ·n' match! Jifiy· husy life of service he maIn· sew popover' Lop shorts a:ld The Booksellers talned a practice of daily re· f,cJnl ?\lsh~~s 3~. s6 gay in cot· llglous devotion that ga\'e In· $ .75 ton olltlhcd ',';jth contrast. To· Spin 442.:i or 2008 or 3191 s:Jirntjon and example In morrow's pa~:Ci:l\' Misses' out· quIet and unassuming man· fit., ncr. Spendihg a few days of

Printed Pal tern 4R52: GjrL· rest In the presbytery of his Sizes G, R. 10. 12, H. SiZe 10 brother, Very Rev. C.· S. easy.fit top tokes 11" yards 35· Eagan, sole surviving member inch; ped~1 pushers l'~ ~'ards, of his immediate family, at

p. ; intcd directions 'on each pat· I ! st. r.lary's. Immediately after I tern part. Easier, accurate. I the recitation of lhe evening

~cr.ci FORTY €E:O;TS lin coin, I I rosary, he suffered a coron' ---(stumps can:lOt be accepted) for' ary attack and received the i r--"·---·"'-"'---~-"""~-·--·····-·-thi; pa:1 ~rn. Plea~e print !'lni, last anointing and rites of i II' SIZE. :O;.\~tE, .ADDRESS, the church at lhe hand, of his: I .. rJI!:·;ljii:1(;r:·~


The • • •

Mature Parent l:mARRIED ClllLDnES


\11 n d excuses. Old peoples iio:nes . are crowded because

Il~~;'e aren't enough single chll· orEn around to look ofter our

by :t1RS. MllRIEL LAWRENCI.: aeed ~o:l\1lat!on.' COillme:lting O~ a recent lIcit tllat "Old Mold" had

co!un·,D. a rC[ld~r who signs her· someth!ng. And ulter checkbg ;eli "Old ~Iaid" \'Ides: "H'3 WICI a lrle~d whose work Ib \!3unt:y Ul~. u~marrl~d chlld wilo I p!acement l:l homes lor aged, I !~ci; up "'.(.1 the rcspc:l.dblilty (o\l~ld L·;'~ th:ught so, too. lor old parents. Mor.!cd ones But \lnmnm~d chlldren who

. STYLE Nt'~IlIER. find themselves exploited b)' Send order to A:-I:-lE ADA~lS, brother, moments before his i

married ones have only th,nl' I CDr~ of ST. J(lIl~'S DAILY final passIng. I ",," 10 b1~" Thn',,;o" I '''II'S, !"",m D,,', "' '.'''NT S,l,m, f"'''' m'", w" ". homed of their slng.l~ state thJt 'ST. WE"r. TOROl'lTO. O:'>T. offered by Father Eagan In ',t "'n they b~come easy I'Ictlms to the' ._ ______ the Basilica on Tuesday, July > .. married brothers and ;lslcr.; 14th, the last absolution being:,;, who say, "We Dre so import a;]: Bolivian MacCORMAC'S Imparted by His Grace the I.';, . 10 our own families that I':~ jllst Dial 5181 . 2 • 3 Archbishop. The ohsequles' :r, , .... enn't take any more rcsp:lsibi· S' WI Gt:AP ST. were ~ttcnded by members of . Iity. You're not Importf.:1t to I Iep'e w.ar ----- lithe DenIal Assoclation, menY a~)'one .. So yon arc the p~r';O:l tJ . . " DEATIIS members of the clergy and to take care of our pnrcuts." L\ PAZ. BOllVI3 (AI) - Ful. - -.. friends. Interment took place

Actually behind this pl"o of cidl rig h t ~ were re.;tor8~ 'l'ILLEY- Passed away sud· I in' the family plot at Belve· too much re6ponsibility i~ l'cs~nt. thro~gh?lIt Boll\'.lo Mond~,Y with: denly on ;"'lunday, July .. 20th, dere cemetery. Many friends ment of It. The married c;lii the enulng of a 90·day .. ate .of, John, son of the late Wilham of Dr Eagan mourn the pass· dren think this way: siege. a modified for.m of mal'tlal ! and Rebecca Tilley, aged 73 Ing of a christian gentleman

"JoM has nobody to pieu,: law. The state. of ~Jr~~ was <ie· I yrat·s. Lea\'in~ to J!,ourn his who "wJre the white flower but he1'self while I hal'e to ]Jlc,sc :reed hy Preslr!e~t lIem~n Sil" wife Clara, three daughters, of a blameless life" and wi!! my wife or husband n~d young In April rollol~'mg a rl nit at· Olive ()!rs. P. S. Reid) of pray for his elernal reward In sters... tempt by the rlght·\\'ln~ Falange, ~!ontrcal; Violet (Mrs. A. W. the life beyond the vell.

"Jim has nobody to spei~d hi3 pa~t)l. Streeter) residing in St. John's mo~ey on but himself while my - .-.- - --.-- and Muriel, (MIS. R. J. Ber·1 TV family's demands on me leave wr ~ r~hlp sick) of Texas; one ~on, WiI· ~ me with 1Itll( ... " ".. '- !lam G., also of st. John'~, and I REPAIRS

But thou;.:hl this Is what they Off L" '. one br,'tller, !:Iarrj·. Thc iuner· i think, til~':1 tic not soy, "We are 1 ImhS al will tak~ Ih.~e c.; 2JO p.m.

I really iu.,t .Iealolls of your fre"' I \\. rl I I 2" d f . e l,cJ' ::c, ,\!'y .r., rem dom." Ir.slead they us~ wortl.; ~QKY(l tAP) .- C8 lIrolUnbl! hi, late ~eside~ce, 3 Spenc!'; REASONABLE RATES like ",jllty and "uns2Ifisimc,," China C!I<:;bed th?t An Am.rIcan I St t S T' ' . • GUARANTE:ED WORK to rteprlve the single child of warship invaded waters in th~' I ree ,to t. .lomas 5 Ch .. l:ch. his Ire~~"m The single child Pingla~l and Paichl1an areas ~:l nterme_nt ,at the . An!;l1can P H 0 N ~ 7 3 1 3 Ilromtpl, :rBcls to them like old the coa,t of Fukien iIlonday. Tnc Cemctc.y, F orcst RoaJ. . • fire hnr.es tv the .;ound of the New China Jews agency said a COOK - Passed peacefully E It' aiarm bell spot:esman of Pciping'.; fordgn away o~ Sundayaflernoon, July ec ronlc

He ofte:! accepts not just the m!:1lstry Issued "the 5uth serlUUS 19th, r anny, Wile of the late C d The sJee\'el~,s blouse that needs no irol1iil~ il whole res~lIr,sih!llty for ph)'~lcal warning in relation to thiS nll: John P. Cook, aged 87 ),cars. entre Lt -

care bu~ lor f1nancll support of tsry provocalon by the U.S. w~r Leaving to mourn three sons, I

. 1" I St I A th d C II many a SUlIl1nef wardrobe. This one, by I his pare'lts ship.' Red China c alms a .·ml e I an el', r ur an lye, of· After hours 'PHONE 6401"

Just a< he once needed to ,hO·.I· territorial water zone. I the city, and one daughter, double, conn'rtible collar with llarrow bee his brothers and sisters that he ilECEPTIO::.i IPhyl.lis (~lrs. ~IcAstockcr) or 90 CAMPBEll AVE. GAILE DUGAS, l\EA Women's Editor. could s:J:t os tar as they coul~, ANNOUSCE~lEST Dntlsh Columbia. Funeral will -------------------.---ne now l11'ed, to show them that take place today, Tuesday at .--------------------------~ ..... he can be &, self·sacrlficing as Thc"r~~;Pli~n following the 2.30 p.m. by motor hearse they ar~, wedding on Oct. 15, 1959, of from Carnell's Funeral Home,

Becau.i~ married brothers and Miss Maud Temple, daughter 28 Cochr~ne Street, to the slgters ar~ Jeacus of the single of ~Ir. and ~Irs. Leonard I General Protestant Cemetery. child's freedom I! no reaSQn 10 d


spare th~m their share of a com Temple, of Sunnyside, T.B. all LAHXER-I'assed peaceful·

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~o~n~r~e;;I~:u~~~~lh~:I~lliy.:~~: Waller Bennelt, so~ of iIIrf· ly away July 20th at the Gen-_---=- Bnd Mrs. Patrick Bennett a eral Hospital, Florence Lam· )\t. Carmel, Salmonier, will cr, widow of the late George I take place at the Old Colony Larner. LeavIng to mourn I


Givt • completely modern look to yot.Ir "lira with Lamlnlted Itrch St.lr T .... d •• Th'Yre 1",lct· .M .nd they're wit... reslstlnt, "on~UIIlclnl" non wlrplns. NUF S,llr Tretda weir Ions-". etrongtr and ..... v.lI.ble " your .. I duler In .11 ... nd.rd IIus. w. .lso supply II..,. to mIfch.


, ,

'. ( "

'J.;", /

Club on Oct. 15, 1959. . one daughter, !lhs. E. HarterY. I _____ ._ - Funeral on Wednesday at

BIRTHS 7.30 p.m. from her late resi· -J-OY-C-E--B-orn at the Grace dence, 90 portugal Cove Road Hospital on July 20th, to Mr. to the Basllica for Requiem and ~1rs. George Joyce, a Mass 'at B a.m. dau.ghllr. (tel)

WE,{THERDON-Born at St. Clare's 1I1ercy Hospital on :'Ion· day, Juyl 20th, to Mr. and Mrs . Fred Weathcrdon (nee Johns' ton), a baby girl.


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