Hypothesis Testing & Retail Audit In Consumer Behavior 06.01.2014 Laura Brosch, Iris Kaiser, Tanvi...

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3 CDM styles are found to be independent of different shopping contexts

Transcript of Hypothesis Testing & Retail Audit In Consumer Behavior 06.01.2014 Laura Brosch, Iris Kaiser, Tanvi...

Hypothesis Testing & Retail Audit In Consumer Behavior Laura Brosch, Iris Kaiser, Tanvi Sharma H1: Type of mall does not affect CDM styles Factor loadings: Numerical values indicating strength & direction of a factor on a measured valuable (item) Indicate how strongly the factor influences the measured variable (item) 2 Source: M. Rahn: Factor Analysis: A Short Introduction, Part 1. URL:introduction/, [ ] 3 CDM styles are found to be independent of different shopping contexts Retail Audit: Thalia 4 Retail Audit: zeilenreich 5 Retail Audit: Weltbild 6 Retail Audit: Book Stores 7 Attributes Importance Weights ThaliazeilenreichWeltbild Layout25%20,54151,25 Crowded/Not Crowded 5%40,24 4 Stores interior Floor Covering 25%20,530,7551,25 Store Fixtures Width of Aisles Signage/Displ ays Store- front Signs 20%20,42 51 Entrances Sensory Experience Lighting 25%30, Color Noise Smells Temperature Total1002,353,14,7 Retail Audit: Runners Point 8 Retail Audit: Intersport 9 Retail Audit Sport Stores 10 Attributes Importance Weights Runners PointIntersport Layout25%4141 Crowded/Not Crowded 5%20,130,15 Stores interior Floor Covering 25%4141 Store Fixtures Width of Aisles Signage/Displ ays Store- front Signs 20%30,640,8 Entrances Sensory Experience Lighting 25%4141 Color Noise Smells Temperature Total1003,73,95 -Purchase I) E-Book Reader -Purchase II) running shoes 11 Consumer observation Purchase I) E-Book reader 12 -Brochure -Flyers -Contacting service assistant Impact of rankings Evaluation of alternatives -E-Book or Tablet? -Criteria: Price Handling Information search Recommendation by a friend via phone-call Customer profile: Book lover Age: Occupation: Student Income level: max / year Location: Berlin Habits and likes: reading, middle- expense entertainment, middle technical affinity Decision style: price conscious/ value for money Repurchase possibility: middle (~ in 2 years) 13 Purchase II) running shoes 14 -Contacting service assistant 3 times Evaluation of alternatives -3 different models -Criteria: Design Quality Perfect fit - Check via phone Information search Customer Profile The sporty fashion conscious 15 Age: Occupation: Student Income level: / year Location: Berlin Habits and likes: fashion conscious, sporty, striving for the newest Decision style: novelty and fashion conscious, high quality conscious Repurchase possibility: high (half a year 1 year) Hypothesis Testing on IMM Monkeys 16 Hypothesis Testing on IMM Monkeys 17 Well 70% of girls in this master usually are collaborating We are all collaborating negotiators!! YAY!! H1:70% of the female students of our IMM class have a collaborating negotiation style Source: 18 Hypothesis Testing on IMM Monkeys H2:The likelihood of choosing negotiation tactic 1 (making an opening demand that is far greater than what one really hopes to settle for) is irrespective of negotiating styles. Thank You 19