Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the...



Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.

Transcript of Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the...

Page 1: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
Page 2: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.


Page 3: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.

Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.

Page 4: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
Page 5: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.

Changes in the breast due to prolactin secretion. Prominent Montgomery tubercles are seen in the breast of a woman with hyperprolactinemia.

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!!! کيه؟ واقعا

(!!!) که .. بودين کرده فکر اين به حاال تا آيا مهربون سبز غول اون ديدين حتما رو شرک فيلمظاهري مشخصات اين با شخصي بدونين نيست واقعي؟؟بد يا بوده تخيلي آيا قيافه و هيبت اين خلق

... بوده آقا اين ظاهر از الهام با شرک قيافه خلق و داشته وجودسال در که تيلت سال 1903ماوريک در و اومده دنيا ... 1954به رفته دنيا از هم

.. شناخته نيز سرگرمي يک عنوان به ورزش که هايي سال نخستين در اونم بود اي حرفه گير کشتي يه . بود شده

.. . هم تجارت و شعر به کنه صحبت توانسته مي دنيا زبان چهارده به و باهوش بسيار فرانسه متولد او ... داشته بسيار عالقه

هايششد استخوان ناهنجار رشد باعث که شد مگالي آکرو نادر بيماري گرفتار زندگيش بيستم دهه درمردم مهري بي مورد و داشت همراه به زيادي عداب و رنج برايش که گرفت بر در را اندامش کل و

. گرديد . داشت عالقه اونجا به بسيار که زندگيش محل ترک به مجبور که طوري به گرفت قرار

Maurice Tillet Real life Shrek

Maurice Tillet ( 1903?- August 4, 1954 ) was a professional wrestler in the early years of the entertainment-sport. Born in France , he was highly intelligent and could speak 14 languages. He was also a keen poet and was hoping to get into the acting business.

In his twenties, he developed acromegaly, a rare disease that causes bones to grow wildly and uncontrollably. Soon his whole body was disfigured as a result. This led to much pain for Tillet as this gentle man was being called names, berated and forced to flee the place he loved so much.

Page 20: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
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A patient with a hypothalamic tumor. (a) Presentation was with headaches and weight gain. This was found to be secondary to a large hypothalamic tumor (b).

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A patient with hypopituitarism. Pallor, skin wrinkling, and absence of facial hair can be clearly seen.

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Fat distribution and growth hormone therapy. Changes in subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat after 6 months of growth hormone replacement therapy. Computerized tomography scan of the abdomen before (a) and after (b) treatment with growth hormone demonstrates the predominant loss of 'central' as opposed to 'peripheral' fat. Fat appears black on CT image.

Page 27: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
Page 28: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.

Magnetic resonance scan showing a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and an ectopic posterior pituitary gland. The posterior pituitary is identified as a high-intensity signal at the base of the hypothalamus (arrowhead). An atrophic pituitary stalk can just be seen (small arrow). This film was taken following administration of contrast, which enhances the signal of the anterior pituitary (large arrow).

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Page 31: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
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Magnetic resonance image of a pituitary microadenoma in an acromegalic patient. The small operative corridor created by the carotid arteries on either side represents a potential operative hazard for the transsphenoidal approach.

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Page 39: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
Page 40: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.
Page 41: Hypophyses Cisternal herniation shown by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (b) Sagittal view in the same patient.