Hyperhidrosis (Gokool Satiam)

Presentation by: Mr. Gokool Satiam Course: Bsc/Msc Business Economics and Investment Analysis ID No: 1111359 04.11.2011 Topic: Hyperhidrosis


It is a small presentation that I've done as assignment at my university and it deals with HYPERHIDROSIS

Transcript of Hyperhidrosis (Gokool Satiam)

Page 1: Hyperhidrosis (Gokool Satiam)

Presentation by: Mr. Gokool Satiam Course: Bsc/Msc Business Economics and Investment Analysis ID No: 1111359


Topic: Hyperhidrosis

Page 2: Hyperhidrosis (Gokool Satiam)

OUTLINEWhat is Hyperhidrosis?ClassificationTypes of Hyperhidrosis(primary)Most common types of hyperhidrosisImpact on everyday lifeTestimonials from patientsTreatmentReferences

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What is Hyperhidrosis?

Can simply be defined as excessive sweating. Hidrosis meaning sweating, so hyper-hidrosis is too much sweating.Hyperhidrosis abnormally increased perspiration, in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature.

Normal Hyperhidrosis

sweat sweat

Hyperhidrosis can be classified into two types:1. Primary hyperhidrosis2. Secondary hyperhidrosis

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Primary Hyperhidrosis [Inherited]•excessive sweating that is not caused by another medical condition, nor is it a side effect of medications.•Occurs on specific pats of your body.•Often begins in childhood or adolescence.

Secondary Hyperhidrosis•caused by another medical condition or is a side effect of a medication.•Experiences sweating on a larger or other parts of the body(generalised areas)

There are two types of Hyperhidrosis:

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Types of Hyperhidrosis

1. Facial hyperhidrosis Sweat pouring down from the forehead in conditions of stress can be very distressful, inducing the patient to think that others may consider him/her nervous and insecure.

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Types of Hyperhidrosis

2. Palmar hyprhidrosis•Excessive sweating of the hands•Since hands are much exposed in social and professional activities, it limits choice of profession, because they are unable to manipulate materials sensitive to humidity (paper etc) or reluctant to shake hands; some patients arrive to the point to avoid social contact.

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Types of Hyperhidrosis3. Axillary hyperhidrosis• Excessive underarm sweating - is not synonymous with underarm malodour•Can be embarrassing- causing large wet marks on the cloths. -constraint to wear dark colored clothes to hide the marks.

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Types of Hyperhidrosis4. Plantar hyperhidrosis• severe sweating of the feet•Usually occurs in conjunction with palmar hyperdrosis•Almost impossible to wear sandals with this condition. The sweat makes the feet slip and slide right out of the shoes! •Uncomfortable and dangerous when driving•Exercise, dance etc with bare foot will leave wet spots on the floor-not only embarrassing but hazardous for others engaging in the activity

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Most common Hyperhidrosis

The most common is PALMAR and PLANTAR hyperhidrosis.

* Many individuals suffer form a combination of the above types. * Sweating can appear suddenly or manifest itself more continuously. * It can be elicited by high outside temperatures or emotional stress, or appears without any obvious reason. * Generally, it worsens during the warm season and gets better during winter.

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Implications on lifestyle

Daily activities disturbed e.g.-Worrying about clothes(wearing dark clothes only)-School/work papers ruined

Constant fear of embarrassment-Fear of raising arms

-fear of touching others(shaking hands , hugging ,being intimate)

Social/psychological issues-Social isolation: feel differentiated-Social anxiety: Sometimes it can be too much to even leave the house-Depression

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Impact on everyday lifeHyperhidrosis takes a heavy toll

Quality of life: Axillary(armpits) hyperhidrosis sufferers

•Less confident 72%•Unhappy/depressed 49%•Change type of leisure 45%•Frustrated with daily activities 30%•Miss outing events 25%•Reduce time in leisure activities 19%

Copyright: International Hyperhidrosis society

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Impact on everyday lifeHyperhidrosis takes a heavy toll

Quality of life: Palmar(palms) hyperhidrosis sufferers

•Interference with daily activities 95%•Social embarrassment 90%•Avoid shaking hands 77%•Psychological difficulties40%Copyright: International Hyperhidrosis society

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TestimonialsIt has dramatically changed my day to day life as i avoid any situations where I have to shake hands or expose my bare feet. Going through high school was extremely difficult as my friends always wanted to shake hands any time we came in contact. Which now has caused me to have a phobia of shaking hands. I'm currently in college and I can't even go a 1h hour class without sweating. It's horrible, I can't take any notes because ill soak the page, I just sit there with my hands tucked away so no one sees.From: Max

I avoided shaking hands, changed my clothes multiple times a day, constantly buying new clothes and shoes to replace the ruined ones from the sweat, washed my hands a lot. If I were out at the club/bar, I would always hold my drink in my right hand, this way if I were going to have to shake someone’s hand; my excuse for a cold wet hand was from the glass. At work I am constantly meeting new people and handling paper, it’s like a bad dream and cant get away from everything scary. I consider myself very out-going, friendly, and fun-loving and this at times can put a stress on my personality. Hyperhidrosis will take over your life and I think about it 75-85% of my day. I never have a problem meeting new people or never had an issue with meeting guys, just how do you tell someone you don’t want to hold their hand when your out because of the sweat. I was always jealous of the guy and girl that could hold hands; I wanted that but almost never could do that with my boyfriend or guy I was with. The man I am with now knows about the hyperhidrosis, I don’t think he understands or realizes how bad it really is. I still find myself hiding my hands from him for fear it will be gross to him.From: Amanda, United States

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Available Treatment

1. Anti perspiration /topical solutions2. Iontophoresis3. Botox injections4. ETS-Endoscopic thoracic


Note: all those treatments listed does not cure excessive sweating completely, it either decreases the sweating or stops it for a specific period of time but eventually it comes again. It depends on the type of treatment.

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Available Treatment1. Anti perspiration /topical solutions

•Considered as the first line treatment for excessive sweatingbefore trying other treatments.•Several good anti perspiration solution available in Mauritius like Narta and Nivea

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Available Treatment

2. Iontophoresis

•A simple device to treat excessive sweating of the hands (palmar hyperhidrosis) and feet (plantar hyperhidrosis).•Uses water to conduct a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface.

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Available Treatment3. Botox injections

May offer long-term relief from hyperhidrosis

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Available Treatment4. ETS

•Purpose is to interrupt the nerve tracks and nodes (ganglia) which transmit the signals to the sweat glands.•However, it is not without risk.

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SummaryHyperhidrosisClassified into primary and secondary hyperhidrosisTypes of primary hyperhidrosisImpact on everyday lifeTreatment

Message to othersSufferers are constantly adjusting behaviour to account for sweating, all day, every day.It is not life threatening but it is horrible to have it. People should change their perception about people who suffer from hyperhidrosis as they are at no fault… BECAUSE WE WERE BORN THIS WAY…~Lady Gaga

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ReferencesInternational Hyperhidrosis SocietyGoogleWikipediaCenter for HyperhidrosisSweaty palms .comBackground picture: eliminatesweating.com