Hydrogen co-combustion in ICEHydrogen-Diesel co-combustion: ability to combine fuel flexibility and...

Hydrogen co-combustion in ICE Roy Campe, R&D Manager, CMB ICCT ZEV Workshop, San Francisco, July 2019

Transcript of Hydrogen co-combustion in ICEHydrogen-Diesel co-combustion: ability to combine fuel flexibility and...

Hydrogen co-combustion in ICE Roy Campe, R&D Manager, CMB

ICCT ZEV Workshop, San Francisco, July 2019

• Who is CMB/CMB Technologies?

• Why hydrogen combustion engines?

• How does it work?

• Marine projects with hydrogen ICEs:




Marine Gen-set

• Other hydrogen related projects

• Q&A

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Non public version - © 2019 - CMB nv

CMB (Compagnie Maritime Belge) owns/operates 90 ships• CMB is a maritime group with its registered office in

Antwerp and was founded in 1895.

• The group consists of 4 divisions:

Bocimar: active in dry bulk shipping

Delphis: container fleet, mainly ice classed

Bochem: chemical tanker fleet

CMB Technologies

Headquarters Offices



Hong Kong



• The division focusses on:

Fleet performance monitoring

Weather routing software

On-board battery pack to reduce emissions for redundancy power

Hydrogen technology

Energy saving technologies

• Goals:

Implementation of cost saving technologies

Improvement of the operational performance

Reduction of emissions

Assure that the new builds are future proof

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CMB Technologies is the Innovation & Development division of CMB

• Batteries: Ships require a large energy buffer, resulting in a battery size which is too large, too heavy and too expensive. There are no means to charge this battery during port call;

• Photo-Voltaic panels: the ship’s surface is not big enough to even provide 10% of the required power;

• Wind energy: more interesting for slow sailing vessels. Deck space is challenging, but with a projected saving of 10-30% the IMO limit of 50% GHG reduction can not be reached;

• Nuclear: too expensive, not insurable, requires too much personnel;

• LNG: Due to methane slip during production, storage & combustion, GHG effect saving is almost zero;

• Bio fuel: not enough biomass available;

• E-fuels (with Hydrogen as a base): Ammonia: toxic, ADR complexity and produces more NOx during combustion;Methanol: Can be a good solution to solve the storage problem of hydrogen. But the conversion

step from Hydrogen to methanol will cost energy. And methanol still emits CO2 during combustion.

DME: same as methanol, it still emits carbon.

To achieve ‘green shipping’, Hydrogen technology is the way forward

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• Most people are convinced that H2 is the future solution to make the energy transition happen, but how to get there is still unclear for heavy industries.

• The transition is mainly blocked by the following:Price: H2 and fuel cell technology are still very expensive.

More than double the diesel variant costs is the standard in CAPEX and OPEX.Reliability/availability: Lifetime is not proven for industrial

use yet . Impurities in H2 or in the air can damage the fuel cell. The amount of H2 refuelling stations is still limited. Experience: Less knowledge available for problem solving

of issues with the H2 drive train makes it difficult to guarantee a service where penalties are applied.

• A dual fuel hydrogen diesel technology can lower the hurdles to make the energy transition happen. With this low emission technology you can always rely on the proven concept of diesel.

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Before ‘zero emission technology’ can be used widely, one needs a ‘low emission technology’ as kick starter



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• Dual fuel (hydrogen - diesel) combustion technology is the first step towards the zero emission goal, while the service can be guaranteed as one always can rely on diesel

Heavy industries (such as shipping) require incremental innovation instead of disruptive innovation

Fuel cellZero emission technology

Mono Fuel ICEUltra low emission with proven technology

Dual fuel ICELow emission technology with easy backup (diesel)

H2 storage to cover >90% of all voyages

Widely spread H2

refuelling options+ high reliability



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100% M/E + A/Es



Green H2

99,99% pure

Chemical waste H2

Technology H2 source RefuellingPower

High availability


Pressurized H2 tanks

LOHC?Liquid H2???

• Dual fuel combustion engine can be the H2 enabling technology for the maritime sector

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Combustion engines are the cheapest way to convert hydrogen into power and heat

$/kW Durability(h)

Weight/power ratio (kg/kW)


Medium speed 1MW combustion engine 350 150,000 10,7 45%

High speed 0.4-0.7MW combustion engine 100 24,000 2,4 42%

Fuel cell (PEM) 1000 10,000 4 50%

Fuel cell (SO) 4500 50,000 50 50%

Fuel CellPower ElectronicsDC/DC converter

Battery for ramp up power Electric motor

Combustion engines produce torque which can power wheels or propeller directly. Fuel cells produce electricity which requires expensive/heavy power equipment to convert it into mechanical power, which reduce the total efficiency.

• Although the FC stack has a high efficiency (60%), the system losses due to auxiliary components decreases the overall efficiency.

• The larger the FC, the higher the losses and the more complex the system becomes. Combustion engines show the opposite trend, the larger the more efficient (>50% efficiency for a large 2 stroke marine engine).

• A combustion engine just uses larger cylinders, while a FC can’t scale up without having the complexity to explode.

• FCs tends to degrade in performance over time.

• FCs are sensitive to impurities (salt, dust) in the air which is needed in the core for a reaction with H2

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A Fuel Cell is better at lower loads, but a hydrogen combustion engine performs better at higher loads

B&W 15MW, operated 1932 – 2003Diesel House, Copenhagen

Hydrogen-Diesel co-combustion: ability to combine fuel flexibility and efficiency with environmental performance

Hydrogen is injected at the port and aspirated in the cylinder during

intake stroke

Hydrogen mixes further into a uniform

and homogeneous mixture during the compression stroke

A small amount of pilot fuel (diesel) is injected into the chamber just

before top dead centre

Diesel auto-ignites (due to high temperature and

pressure) and co-combusts with all the H2, forcing the piston down during the power stroke

The cylinder is cleaned during the exhaust

stroke, having lower NOx

and CO2 emission in the exhaust gas

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A mono fuel hydrogen combustion engine with spark ignition is already tested successfully

Spark ignition (Otto cycle) Gasoline, Methane, LPG

Less soot & NOx

But lower efficiency due to throttling losses

More GHG emissions due to lower compression ratio to

avoid knocking

Compression ignition (Diesel cycle)

Co-combustionHydrogen – diesel (Diesel engine)

High efficiency but more NOx and PM

High efficiency with low emissionsDiffusion rate of H2 is higher than with other gases so it mixes naturally into a

homogeneous mix. Very lean combustion (lambda>2). Higher thermal efficiency due to smoother combustion

Hydrogen Mono-fuelSpark ignition

Nearly Zero-emissionHigh lambda value for low NOx and high efficiency of diesel engine. But larger

engine size required due to reduced power output


PM Gasoline



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• Volvo Penta D13-1000hp (2300RPM):

Suitable for crew transfer vessels, patrol boats, gen-sets, trucks, heavy duty (mining) vehicles, etc.

D13 has a yearly production volume of 85.000 pieces and has the newest injection technology with a twin turbo and steel pistons.

• Medium speed engine (1000RPM):

Joint Venture between ABC Engines and CMB;

Due to low rotation speed, high efficiency is obtained;

Lifetime of >150.000h with low maintenance cost;

Power range of 0,8–3MW (L6V16);

Available as dual fuel as well as mono fuel;

NOx of mono fuel less than 1/10th of IMO Tier III.

2 new types of hydrogen engines are currently being developed

1MW medium speed

1000hp Volvo Penta D13

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• The dual fuel hydrogen (80%) – diesel (20%) as well as the mono fuel hydrogen (100%) engine will be built inside a container as a genset for easy testing

• The dual fuel engine will be market ready by summer 2020, the spark ignited Q4 2020.

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2 Hydrogen medium speeds engines will be built inside a container to test the technology

Container housing 1MW medium speed gen-set

Hydroville Showcase Project


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Hydroville: Hydrogen Powered Catamaran (hi-speed with non-planing hull)

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• At a cruise speed of 19kn, the total CO2 savings is 62% (H2 displacement factor plus higher thermal efficiency) and the NOx savings 65%.

• SOx and PM were not measured, but similar savings are to be expected.

• The high torque request by the propeller (high BMEP) in combination with the high compression ratio of the base engine limited the max. H2 displacement. Tests have been conducted up to 92% of H2 displacement with ultra low NOx.

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Without hardware modifications to the base D4 engine, significant emissions savings were achieved

• First ideas of the project were generated in June 2016

• By December 2016 the building contract was signed with the ship yard

• Plan approval by Lloyd’s Register (hull & machinery)

• The vessel was christened in Antwerp on 29th of November 2017

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The complete project was realized within a timeframe of 1.5 year


• Based on Hydroville technology, the Hydrocat is being developed in a joint venture with Windcat Workboats to be operated at an offshore wind park.

• Design is based on the proven and efficient WindCat MK3.5.

• Dual fuel capability diesel – hydrogen.

• The H2 storage is distributed over 3 locations.

• Daily H2 refuelling of 170kg (=~581l of diesel) saving 1.6ton of CO2 a day.

• 2x1000hp in total resulting in a 30 knots max speed with 13,3t bollard pull.

• The Hydrocat is expected to sail Q3 2020.

A Hydrocat is being developed in cooperation with Windcat and will be used by Vattenfall

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Hydrotug: using a clean fuel while guaranteeing its service as usual

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• The design is based on a proven design of a harbour tug.

• The modifications to the vessel are minor and the new components are already proven in other industries (H2 tanks, valves, connectors, etc) low risk for the operator and owner.

• 305kg of H2 is stored in the aft compartment below deck (=~ 1037l of diesel or 2,7 ton CO2).

• Each refilling saves the total emissions of 1 car during 1 year.

• This project can be an enabler for large H2

infrastructure in port areas.

• Marine gen-set delivers automatically at correct Voltage/Frequency next to the vessel no expensive power converters required.

• Mobile & safe solution, available as mono fuel as well as dual fuel.

• Up to 2,5 MW power available.

• 1x 40ft container can hold up to 1ton of H2, enough to run for 24h on 100% pure H2 at 700kW hotel load avoiding 10 tons of CO2 a day while all soot, SOx and 95% of the NOx

are saved from the port location.

• Low pressure H2 piping can provide fuel for the cold ironing gen set.

Other H2 applications:Cold ironing with clean technology

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Multiple marine pilot projects are being initiated that can start in the near future

With 10 skids of pressurized H2, a containerized gen-set could save 65 tons of CO2 on a weekly basis (=~ 735 cars)

24 FEU low cost containers with pressurized H2 can be used to power the A/Es thereby saving 135 ton CO2 per voyage

Other industrial applications with H2 combustion engines can be envisaged to obtain the scale up effect

Spark ignited H2 powered gen-set of 50kW, saving up to 500kg of CO2 a day

Iron ore freight trains running on dual fuel H2

can save up to 35ton CO2 per train per day

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Roy Campe, R&D Manager, CMB NVT: +32 3 247 59 34

M: +32 471 80 19 [email protected]

De Gerlachekaai 20, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium