
Hydrocele http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000518.htmA hydrocele is a fluid sack along the spermatic cord within the scrotum. Causes ydroceles are common in new!orn infants. "uring normal development# the testicles descend down a tu!e from the a!domen in scrotum. ydroceles result when this tu!e fails to close. $luid drains from the through the open tu!e. %he fluid !uilds up in the scrotum# where it !ecomes trap causes the scrotum to !ecome swollen. ydroceles normally go away a few months after !irth# !ut their appearance may w parents. &ccasionally# a hydrocele may !e associated with an inguinal hernia. ydroceles may also !e caused !y inflammation or in'ury of the testicle or epidi fluid or !lood !lockage within the spermatic cord. %his type of hydrocele is mor older men. Symptoms %he main symptom is a painless# swollen testicle # which feels like a water !all hydrocele may occur on one or !oth sides. Exams and Tests "uring a physical e(am# the doctor usually finds an swollen scrotum that is not the testicle cannot !e felt !ecause of the surrounding fluid. %he si)e of the fl can sometimes !e increased and decreased !y pressure to the a!domen or the scrot *f the si)e of the fluid collection varies# it is more likely to !e associated w hernia. ydroceles can !e easily demonstrated !y shining a flashlight +transillumination enlarged portion of the scrotum. *f the scrotum is full of clear fluid# as in a scrotum will light up. An ultrasound may !e done to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment ydroceles are usually not dangerous# and they are usually only treated when the discomfort or em!arrassment# or if they are large enough to threaten the testicl supply.



Transcript of Hydrocele

Hydrocelehttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000518.htmA hydrocele is a fluid-filled sack along the spermatic cord within the scrotum.CausesHydroceles are common in newborn infants.During normal development, the testicles descend down a tube from the abdomen into the scrotum. Hydroceles result when this tube fails to close. Fluid drains from the abdomen through the open tube. The fluid builds up in the scrotum, where it becomes trapped. This causes the scrotum to become swollen.Hydroceles normally go away a few months after birth, but their appearance may worry new parents. Occasionally, a hydrocele may be associated with an inguinal hernia.Hydroceles may also be caused by inflammation or injury of the testicle or epididymis, or by fluid or blood blockage within the spermatic cord. This type of hydrocele is more common in older men.SymptomsThe main symptom is a painless, swollen testicle , which feels like a water balloon. A hydrocele may occur on one or both sides.Exams and TestsDuring a physical exam, the doctor usually finds an swollen scrotum that is not tender. Often, the testicle cannot be felt because of the surrounding fluid. The size of the fluid-filled sack can sometimes be increased and decreased by pressure to the abdomen or the scrotum.If the size of the fluid collection varies, it is more likely to be associated with an inguinal hernia.Hydroceles can be easily demonstrated by shining a flashlight (transillumination) through the enlarged portion of the scrotum. If the scrotum is full of clear fluid, as in a hydrocele, the scrotum will light up.An ultrasound may be done to confirm the diagnosis.TreatmentHydroceles are usually not dangerous, and they are usually only treated when they cause discomfort or embarrassment, or if they are large enough to threaten the testicle's blood supply.One option is to remove the fluid in the scrotum with a needle, a process called aspiration. However, surgery is generally preferred. Aspiration may be the best alternative for people who have certain surgical risks.Sclerosing (thickening or hardening) medications may be injected after aspiration to close off the opening. This helps prevent the future build up of fluid.Hydroceles associated with an inguinal hernia should be repaired surgically as quickly as possible. Hydroceles that do not go away on their own over a period of months should be evaluated for possible surgery. A surgical procedure, called a hydrocelectomy, is often performed to correct a hydrocele.Outlook (Prognosis)Generally, a simple hydrocele goes away without surgery. If surgery is necessary, it is a simple procedure for a skilled surgeon, and usually has an excellent outcome.Possible ComplicationsComplications may occur from hydrocele treatment.Risks related to hydrocele surgery may include: Blood clots Infection Injury to the scrotal tissue or structuresRisks related to aspiration and sclerosing may include: Infection Fibrosis Mild-to-moderate pain in the scrotal area Return of the hydroceleUpdate Date: 12/15/2010Updated by: Erik T. Goluboff, MD, Professor, Department of Urology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

http://bedahurologi.wordpress.com/2008/06/22/hidrokel/Hidrokel, hydroceles adalah penumpukan cairan yang berlebihan di antara lapisan parietalis dan viseralis tunika vaginalis. Dalam keadaan normal, cairan yang berada di dalam rongga itu memang ada dan berada dalam keseimbangan antara produksi dan reabsorbsi oleh sistem limfatik di sekitarnya.

EtiologiHidrokel yang terjadi pada bayi baru lahir dapat disebabkan karena: (1) belum sempurnanya penutupan prosesus vaginalis sehingga terjadi aliran cairan peritoneum ke prosesus vaginalis (hidrokel komunikans) atau (2) belum sempurnanya sistem limfatik di daerah skrotum dalam melakukan reabsorbsi cairan hidrokel.Pada orang dewasa, hidrokel dapat terjadi secara idiopatik (primer) dan sekunder. Penyebab sekunder terjadi karena didapatkan kelainan pada testis atau epididimis yang menyebabkan terganggunya sistem sekresi atau reabsorbsi cairan di kantong hidrokel. Kelainan pada testis itu mungkin suatu tumor, infeksi, atau trauma pada testis/epididimis.Gambaran klinisPasien mengeluh adanya benjolan di kantong skrotum yang tidak nyeri. Pada pemeriksaan fisis didapatkan adanya benjolan di kantong skrotum dengan konsistensi kistus dan pada pemeriksaan penerawangan menunjukkan adanya transiluminasi. Pada hidrokel yang terinfeksi atau kulit skrotum yang sangat tebal kadang-kadang sulit melakukan pemeriksaan ini, sehingga harus dibantu dengan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi. Menurut letak kantong hidrokel terhadap testis, secara klinis dibedakan beberapa macam hidrokel, yaitu (1) hidrokel testis, (2) hidrokel funikulus, dan (3) hidrokel komunikan. Pembagian ini penting karena berhubungan dengan metode operasi yang akan dilakukan pada saat melakukan koreksi hidrokel. Pada hidrokel testis, kantong hidrokel seolah-olah mengelilingi testis sehingga testis tak dapat diraba. Pada anamnesis, besarnya kantong hidrokel tidak berubah sepanjang hari. Pada hidrokel funikulus, kantong hidrokel berada di funikulus yaitu terletak di sebelah kranial dari testis, sehingga pada palpasi, testis dapat diraba dan berada di luar kantong hidrokel. Pada anamnesis kantong hidrokel besarnya tetap sepanjang hari. Pada hidrokel komunikan terdapat hubungan antara prosesus vaginalis dengan rongga peritoneum sehingga prosesus vaginalis dapat terisi cairan peritoneum. Pada anamnesis, kantong hidrokel besarnya dapat berubah-ubah yaitu bertambah besar pada saat anak menangis. Pada palpasi, kantong hidrokel terpisah dari testis dan dapat dimasukkan ke dalam rongga abdomen.

TerapiHidrokel pada bayi biasanya ditunggu hingga anak mencapai usia 1 tahun dengan harapan setelah prosesus vaginalis menutup, hidrokel akan sembuh sendiri; tetapi jika hidrokel masih tetap ada atau bertambah besar perlu difikirkan untuk dilakukan koreksi.Tindakan untuk mengatasi cairan hidrokel adalah dengan aspirasi dan operasi. Aspirasi cairan hidrokel tidak dianjurkan karena selain angka kekambuhannya tinggi, kadang kala dapat menimbulkan penyulit berupa infeksi.Beberapa indikasi untuk melakukan operasi pada hidrokel adalah: (1) hidrokel yang besar sehingga dapat menekan pembuluh darah, (2) indikasi kosmetik, dan (3) hidrokel permagna yang dirasakan terlalu berat dan mengganggu pasien dalam melakukan aktivitasnya sehari-hari.Pada hidrokel kongenital dilakukan pendekatan inguinal karena seringkali hidrokel ini disertai dengan hernia inguinalis sehingga pada saat operasi hidrokel, sekaligus melakukan herniorafi. Pada hidrokel testis dewasa dilakukan pendekatan skrotal dengan melakukan eksisi dan marsupialisasi kantong hidrokel sesuai cara Winkelman atau plikasi kantong hidrokel sesuai cara Lord. Pada hidrokel funikulus dilakukan ekstirpasi hidrokel secara in toto

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hydrocele/DS00617Nov. 19, 2009DefinitionBy Mayo Clinic staff A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac surrounding a testicle that results in swelling of the scrotum, the loose bag of skin underneath the penis. Up to 10 percent of male infants have a hydrocele at birth, but most hydroceles disappear without treatment within the first year of life. Additionally, adult men can develop a hydrocele due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum. Hydroceles usually aren't painful. Typically not harmful, hydroceles may require no treatment. However, if you have scrotal swelling, see your doctor to rule out other causes, such as testicular cancer or other conditions. SymptomsUsually the only indication of a hydrocele is a painless swelling of one or both testicles. Adult men with a hydrocele may experience discomfort from the heaviness of a swollen scrotum. CausesIn older males, a hydrocele can develop as a result of inflammation or injury within the scrotum. Inflammation may be the result of infection of the small coiled tube at the back of each testicle (epididymitis) or of the testicle.ComplicationsA hydrocele typically isn't dangerous and usually doesn't affect fertility. However, it may be associated with an underlying testicular condition that may cause serious complications: Infection or tumor. Either may reduce sperm production or function. Inguinal hernia. A loop of intestine could become trapped in the weak point in the abdominal wall (strangulated), a life-threatening condition.Tests and diagnosisYour doctor will do a physical exam. The exam may reveal an enlarged scrotum that isn't tender to the touch. Pressure to the abdomen or scrotum may enlarge or shrink the fluid-filled sac, which may indicate an associated inguinal hernia. Because the fluid in a hydrocele usually is clear, your doctor may shine a light through the scrotum (transillumination). With a hydrocele, the light will outline the testicle, indicating that clear fluid surrounds it. If your doctor suspects your hydrocele is caused by inflammation, blood and urine tests may help determine whether you have an infection, such as epididymitis. The fluid surrounding the testicle may keep the testicle from being felt. In that case, you may need an ultrasound imaging test. This test, which uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of structures inside your body, can rule out a hernia, testicular tumor or other cause of scrotal swelling. Treatments and drugsFor adult males as well, hydroceles often go away on their own. A hydrocele requires treatment only if it gets large enough to cause discomfort or disfigurement. Then it may need to be removed. Treatment approaches include: Surgical excision (hydrocelectomy). Removal of a hydrocele may be performed on an outpatient basis using general or spinal anesthesia. The surgeon may make an incision in the scrotum or lower abdomen to remove the hydrocele. If a hydrocele is discovered during surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, your doctor may remove it even if it's causing you no discomfort. A hydrocelectomy may require you to have a drainage tube and wear a bulky dressing over the site of the incision for a few days after surgery. Also, you may be advised to wear a scrotal support for a time after surgery. Ice packs applied to the scrotal area during the first 24 hours after surgery may help reduce swelling. Surgical risks include blood clots, infection or injury to the scrotum. Needle aspiration. Another option is to remove the fluid in the scrotum with a needle. This treatment isn't widely used because it's common for the fluid to return. The injection of a thickening or hardening (sclerosing) drug after the aspiration may help prevent the fluid from reaccumulating. Aspiration and injection may be an option for men who have risk factors that make surgery more dangerous. Risks of this procedure include infection and scrotal pain.Sometimes, a hydrocele may recur after treatment.