Hydesville Prospectus

Hydesville Tower School PROSPECTUS


Hydesville Tower School is a co-educational independent day school, providing high quality education for children from age 3 to age 16, as part of a continuing development process which encourages children to achieve their maximum potential. Class sizes are limited in number so that each child is known as an individual with unique needs and talents. The school is situated adjacent to the Arboretum in Walsall and has been established for over fifty years.

Transcript of Hydesville Prospectus

Hydesville Tower SchoolPROSPECTUS

Welcome to Hydesville

As a small school, we are able to care about each child: nobody here is ‘lost in the crowd’. One of the school’s main strengths is the quality of relationships within it.

Our teachers and support staff put our pupils first. Our ethos is vibrant and warm, our community is strong and happy.We offer a broad curriculum with a focus on literacy and numeracy and an array of cross-curricular opportunities.

Thank you for your interest in Hydesville Tower. I do hope that you will be able to sense something of the atmosphere of the school from these pages.

At Hydesville Tower School our mission is to provide our pupils with the academic, social and emotional skills necessary to become well-rounded and socially competent members of the world beyond Hydesville. Our philosophy is to create an atmosphere of caring that pervades every aspect of school life, and promotes respect for all members of our school community.

This prospectus is designed to give you a taste of our school. Our approach to education is very personal, aiming to encourage and build confidence within a secure and structured learning environment.

However, this remarkable place can only be truly appreciated in person. I hope that you can find time to visit us and we look forward to meeting with you.

Hydesville Tower is a wonderful school and an exceptionally enjoyable place to be!

We are a co-educational independent school for children aged 3-16 within an urban setting. We aspire for every pupil here to enjoy their education in a safe and secure environment, whilst developing a love and desire for lifelong learning.

Education is our passion and we hold firm to our values:

We encourage responsibility, integrity, respect and appreciation.

We expect the highest standards in behaviour, uniform and attitudes to learning.

We will support each child to achieve their best.

The Hydesville MissionFrom the Headteacher

Mrs Fiona HimsHeadteacher


Early Years & Infants


The Nursery has built a strong reputation for achieving individual excellence for each child that attends.

Children are invited to join our Nursery from the age of three years. Here at Hydesville Nursery we have an excellent staff - child ratio working within a keyworker system where each and every child who attendsis treated as an individual.

The Nursery is special. We are an integral part of the school and we are a teaching Nursery. Our staff provide an excellent atmosphere for all the children to be able to develop all the essential skills, such as language development, pencil control,letter and number recognition.

We are a community built upon shared values of respect, fairness and hard work. Pupils are encouraged to developconcentration and to enjoy the rewards of working hard within such a friendly environment.

We begin to develop every child's essential needs and these include reading, writing and numeracy skills alongside promoting confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem, independence and initiative.

There is still plenty of time to play as less structured sessions are also provided within the daily routine to offer opportunities for dancing, music, singing, and many more exciting activities.

Pupils are encouraged from an early age to care for and respect one another. A structure is in place within the Nursery Department, using a "friendship Stop" (within the playground) to recognise others pastoral needs’, and awards are made for good playground behaviour.

A healthy eating policy is also delivered within the Nursery and is supported by all staff, parents, and lunchtime caterers and most importantly by the children who attend.

The learning needs of individual children are recognised through regular staff meetings where information is shared, notably on transfer between classes, and particularly in the case of children moving from Nursery to Reception.

For more information and pictures from our Nursery please visit our website.

“We think the teachers are excellent and they do a marvellous job; they bring out the best in the children.”Reception Parent


“My daughter started in Reception last term and settled quickly because there is so much for her to do and the staff are very supportive.”Infants School Parent

In the Infants Department the children have the opportunity to further develop the skills they have already learnt in Nursery. This is also a more formal style of education consisting of a full and varied curriculum which encourages creativity, independence and self-confidence.

The department consists of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Here we concentrate mainly on the three core subjects of English, Maths and Science. We believe that if your child has a solid grasp of these areas they will enjoy and progress well in other areas too. We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme of reading and writing throughout Infants.

All children in the Infant Department participate in singing and dancing as part of their school week and Year 2 also have Physical Education with specialist staff. Other extra curricular activities include Ballet, Elocution and Musical Instrument workshops.

Junior School


Your child will have a wonderful time in the Junior Department. They will be presented with a multitude of opportunities and be encouraged to develop their independence in preparation for their move to senior school. Our expectations of behaviour and effort are high but they are also realistic. Above all, our priority is your child’s happiness whilst ensuring they reach their potential.

Traditional teaching methods compliment the best of the modern with Mathematics, English and Reasoning as the anchor subjects. Assessment, both formal and

informal, is regular to allow careful tracking of progress.

The Junior School Curriculum also includes: Science, Technology, ICT, History, Geography, Art & Craft, Music, RE, French and PE.

The programme is carefully designed to enjoyably develop autonomy in learning, creativity and high academic standards.

A full extension programme utilisesinteresting classroom displays, interactive programmes, exciting trips and speakers.

Top juniors also use Senior School DT and ICT facilities.

There are opportunities to have lessons with peripatetic staff who teach a range of instruments, dance, speech and drama. Our Junior choir is flourishing.

We have pupils from many backgrounds and we promote an understanding and tolerance of others' beliefs and points of view.

“The standards attained by pupils in Year 6 are high…Pupils are well preparedto enter the school of their choice at the end of Year 6.”


Senior School


“There can be no doubt that his success is due to the happy time he has had at Hydesville- but more especially to the patience, help and encouragement he has received from his teachers”

Senior Parent

We are proud of our friendly but purposeful atmosphere within which commitment, teamwork and flair flourish. Individual fulfilment, both singly and in groups, is nurtured through good working and social relationships. With small class sizes and excellent pastoral care we seek to encourage our Senior pupils to be forward-looking, preparing them fullyfor the challenges ahead.

Years 7 and 8

We have a broad academic curriculum giving priority to imaginative and self motivated work. All pupils study the core subjects - Mathematics, English, Science and French, together with Geography, History, Business Communication Systems, Design Technology (Resistant Materials and Food Technology), Art, Information and Communication Technology, Music and Religious Studies, Personal and Social Education, Physical Education and a wide variety of Games complete the curriculum.

Year 9

The curriculum is designed to prepare pupils for their GCSE subjects, where they are taught methodology, research techniques, coursework requirements and most importantly, self motivation.

Years 10 and 11

These are the GCSE years when pupils select and prepare for their major public examinations. Core subjects continue, but now pupils may select up to four more subjects from: Geography, History, a second Foreign Language, Information and Communication Technology, Music, Art, DT, Food and Nutrition, Child Development, PE, Religious Studies and Business Studies.

At Hydesville, individual GCSE programmes are determined by extensive consultation between the pupil, parents, teachers and career advisors.


Design, Arts and The Performing Arts

Involvement in the Performing Arts allows pupils to accrue an enormous amount of confidence and self esteem, which will permeate other areas of their lives. Drama plays a key part in school life throughout the years. It allows pupils to explore ideas, emotions and roles. There are many opportunities for performance, from the regular end of term productions to the more formal whole school productions.

Extra Curricula

There is a range of sporting opportunities with regular matches against other schools. There are usually opportunities for public speaking, and elocution; tuition is available in piano and most other instruments.There are many cups, shields and trophies to be won each year for school activities in and out of the classroom. At Hydesville we regard achievements in music and drama to be just as important as those won on the games field or in the examination room.

Academic Results

We can help the high flier, perhaps to obtain a place or a scholarship in the sixth form of a top Independent School, Boarding or Day, or to a sixth form place in a grammar school. The value of this approach is shown by the excellent results at A level of those who have left us at 16+ for academic courses elsewhere. But equally we can help the average child who may not have had enough opportunity to develop confidence in school work and who is not realising his or her full potential.

“My son and daughter both attend Hydesville and are making wonderful progress already.”Senior School Parent

Additional Information


Mrs Phillips, Mrs Davies & Mr Green welcome you to Hydesville Tower School

Politeness and self-discipline are expected from pupils at all times, as is strict adherence to school rules. Attention must be paid to appearance, courtesy and good behaviour.

“Hydesville Tower School provides a good standard of education for pupils.”Ofsted


This cover operates during both term time and holidays. Details are available from the School Business Manager.

If you would like your child to join us at Hydesville please return the enclosed Assessment form. You will be invited to meet the Headteacher should you not already have visited the school to discuss your child’s future education. Your child will be invited to spend a day with us, according to age, for informal assessment.

Personal Accident, PersonalEffects Insurance & School Fees Protection Schemes

How to join Hydesville Tower School

Contact Hydesville

In all cases we encourage parents to visit the school and children to spend a taster day in the school. During this day staff will make an informal assessment of the child's ability. Children may then be offered a place at the school. The offer may be accepted by paying a deposit, which is refundable when the pupil leaves the school.

We recognise that everyone's circumstances vary and that each childis an individual; therefore, we adopt a flexible entry procedure and children may enter the school at any time, subject to places being available.

Email [email protected] or call 01922 - 624374.

From Mrs Phillips, School Registrar...

School uniform is kept as inexpensive as possible and must be worn for all school activities.


Dates of school holidays are published annually. In the interests of their children, parents are asked to arrange a family holidays within these dates.

School Holidays

Pupils are expected to attend regularly and punctually. The School also expects that the pupils chosen to take part in school activities after school hours or, occasionally, at the weekend will be available to do so.

Hydesville Tower School25 Broadway North,Walsall,West Midlands,WS1 2QG

General Enquiries: [email protected]: www.hydesville.comTel: 01922 - 624374Fax: 01922 - 746169


All the fees are due at the beginning of each term unless a fee payment scheme has been arranged. Every effort will be made to give at least a full term’s notice of any increase in tuition fees.


There are several fee payment schemes available.

Fee Payment Schemes

If a pupil is to be withdrawn for any reason a full term’s notice in writing must be given to the Headteacher. Otherwise a full term’s fee is due in lieu of notice.


No pupil should be absent, except in the case of illness, without the permission of the Headteacher. Such permission should be applied for in advance and by letter. If a pupil is absent through illness parents should phone the school on the first day and send a note to the form teacher when the child returns to school.


FACTA NON VERBA“deeds not words”

Hydesville Tower School25 Broadway North, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 2QG

t: 01922 624 374 f: 01922 746 169 e: [email protected] w: www.hydesville.com

The school is well resourced and enjoys the benefits of belonging to the Cognita Schools Group, the largest provider of independent co- educational education in the country. The group owns over twenty- five schools across the country, covering the age range 2-18 years.

Cognita Schools Ltd, 5 & 7 Diamond Court, Eastlake Park, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes MK15 0DUt: 01908 396 250 f: 01908 396251 w: www.cognitaschools.co.uk

Whilst Cognita endeavours to ensure that the information in this prospectus is accurate, complete and up-to-date. It makes no warrantiesor representation in respect of this. You are strongly advised to visit us to discuss your requirements before committing to place your child or children with us.

Photography & Design by ImpexDesign.co.uk