Hybrid scheme Kerberos protocol › CourseCentral › 401 › qshi1 › ... · Two Key Distribution...

1 1 Hybrid scheme Public-key: nice solution for key distribution, but computational expensive Secret-key: efficient, but one requirement. In applications (particularly, huge data), a hybrid scheme is used Easy of key distribution Efficiency Question: what are the advantages of hybrid scheme? 2 Kerberos protocol Question in Homework 4 Two Key Distribution Centers (KDC): AS, TGS. Two types of tickets: ticket-granting ticket (TGT), service-granting ticket (SGT). AS Exchange 1. Client C requests a TGT (on behalf of the user U) by sending its user’s ID and TGS ID to AS. 2. AS replies with a encrypted TGT, which is used by the client C later in a TGS Exchange. 2.1 When message arrives, C asks U for the password, generates the key, and decrypt the incoming message. TGT has two parts: one part is for the client; the other part is for TGS. Each part contains the session key to be shared between C and TGS. Also, timestamp + lifetime.

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Hybrid schemePublic-key: nice solution for key distribution, but computational expensiveSecret-key: efficient, but one requirement.In applications (particularly, huge data), a hybrid scheme is used

Easy of key distributionEfficiency

Question: what are the advantages of hybrid scheme?


Kerberos protocol

Question in Homework 4Two Key Distribution Centers (KDC): AS, TGS.Two types of tickets: ticket-granting ticket (TGT), service-granting ticket (SGT).AS Exchange

1. Client C requests a TGT (on behalf of the user U) by sending its user’s ID and TGS ID to AS.2. AS replies with a encrypted TGT, which is used by the client C later in a TGS Exchange.2.1 When message arrives, C asks U for the password, generates the key, and decrypt the incoming message.TGT has two parts: one part is for the client; the other part is for TGS.Each part contains the session key to be shared between C and TGS. Also, timestamp + lifetime.

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Kerberos protocolAS ExchangeTGS Exchange

3. C requests a SGT (on behalf of the user U) by sending its user’s ID, Server S ID, and TGT to AS.4. TGS decrypts the TGT and verifies it (ID, lifetime). Then issues a encrypted SGT to C.SGT has the same structure as TGT.Each part contains another session key to be shared between C and S. Also, timestamp + lifetime.

AP Exchange5. C requests access to a service (on behalf of the user U), with User ID, and the SGT.

Why two Key Distribution Centers: AS and TGS?User doesn’t need to reenter password for different services. (binding password to a TGT)Application servers belong to different network domains, organized by different TGS in different domains. Similarly, a fixed user may use one fixed AS. In this protocol, this user can be served by many TGSsand as a result, can be severed by a large number of application servers.


Transport Layer Security (TLS)Two layers

TLS Record ProtocolTLS Handshake Protocol

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TLS Record ProtocolRuns on top of a connection-oriented protocol: TCP;provides two services for SSL connections

confidentiality, integrity.Keys for symmetric encryption and keys used to form MAC are generated by the TLS Handshake Protocol.

Input: a message to be transmitted.Its operations: fragment data into blocks; compress data (optionally); apply a MAC for data-integrity; encrypt for confidentiality; append SSL record header; and transmit the result to the receiving process.At the receiving side, it receives cipher data blocks, decrypts them, verifies the MAC, optionally decompressed, reassembles the blocks and delivers the result to higher level application processes.


The TLS Handshake ProtocolIts operations

allows the server and client to authenticate each othernegotiate encryption and MAC algorithms,agree on keys for the TLS Record Protocol.May be invoked to change the specification of a secure channel.

The Handshake protocol is used before transmitting application data.During Handshake Protocol, pending states are created. After successfully executing one Handshake Protocol, the pending states become the current states.

Client Server



Certificate Request



Certificate Verify

Change Cipher Spec


Change Cipher Spec


Establish protocol version, session ID, cipher suite, compression method, exchange random values

Optionally send server certificate and request client certificate

Send client certificate response if requested

Change cipher suite and finish handshake

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Domain Name System (DNS)

When the size of Internet was small,a host file: two columns.Every host store one copy and update it periodically from a master host file.

Impossible for today’s InternetOne simple solution: server

Disadvantages: inefficient; unreliable.

Another solution: distribution & replication.client/server group model

Two ways to organize name spaceFlat: a name is a sequence of characters without structure

• cannot be used in a large system such as the Internet.

Hierarchy: each name is composed of several parts.

• called domain name space• each organization can choose the prefix name for its

host independently.8

Domain Name System (DNS)

Each node in the tree has a label, and a domain name.

Root label is an empty stringChildren of a node have different labelsDomain name is a sequence of labels from the current node up to the root, separated by dots. Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): a complete domain namePartially Qualified Domain Name (PQDN): a domain name is ended at some node except the root

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DNS in the Internetgeneric domainscountry domainsinverse domain

map an address to a nameExample: a server has a list of authorized clients, but only IP address from packet.

• the server may ask its resolver to send a query to the DNS server and ask for a mapping of address to name.

• inverse query (or pointer query)• “inverse-IP.in-addr.arpa”


Domain Name System (DNS)

Two approachesRecursive resolution: the resolver expects the server to supply the final answerIterative Resolution

• it returns to the client the IP address of the server that it thinks can resolve the query.

• The client is responsible to repeat the query to this second server.

Caching technique in DNSrecursive resolutionStore the mapping before send it to clientOne problem: cache some mapping for a long time. So the client receives an out-of-date mapping.

two simple techniques: “time-to-live” (TTL)Original server binds a mapping with a TTL value.

• It defines the time in seconds that the other servers can cache the mapping information.

Receiving server sets a TTL for each mapping in its cache.

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Synchronizing physical clocksExternal synchronization: clock-draft-rate is bounded by some constant.

• Time server: Cristian’s method, the Network Time Protocol

Internal synchronization: the difference between any two computer clocks is bounded by some constant.

• Master/slaves: the Berkeley’s algorithm


Cristian’s method: time server

1. Client process sends a time request to time server.2. After receiving a request, the server replies with the time according to its clock.Analysis

no upper bound on message transmission delays.Its success is based on that the round-trip times for messages exchange are short compared with the required accuracy.a group of synchronized time servers

• multicast its request to all the time servers in the LAN, and use the first replied time.

• Better performance:– server failure, reply message omission

failure;– the first replied time has smaller value

(more close to the perfect time).

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The Berkeley’s algorithm

One computer is chosen to be a masterThe master computer periodically selects the other computers to synchronize their clocks, called slaves.The slaves send back their clock values to master. The master estimates their clock times, and computes the average values of all the clock times

T + (round-trip time/2).

The master sends the adjustment amount for each individual slave.

The reason for not sending the updated current timeto avoid the further uncertainty introduced by message transmission time

One possible problem: readings from faulty clocksOne simple fix: select a subset of clocks whose mutual difference is bounded by some specified value


The Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Understand its basic ideas, especially ideas on accuracy of NTP.

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Logical time and logical clocks

Knowing the ordering of events is importantnot enough with physical time

Two simple points [Lamport 1978]the order of two events in the same processthe event of sending message always happens before the event of receiving the message.

happened-before relations: partial order, HB1, HB2HB3 means happened-before relation is transitive




a b

c d

e f




Not all events are related by →, e.g., a → e and e → athey are said to be concurrent; write as a || e

a→ b (at p1) c →d (at p2) b → c (m1) also d→ f (m2)


Lamport’s logical clocks

It is a monotonically increasing software counter. It need not relate to a physical clockEach process pi has a logical clock Li

LC1: Li is incremented by 1 before each event at process pi

LC2: (a) when process pi sends message m, it piggybacks t = Li

(b) when pj receives (m,t), it sets Lj := max(Lj, t) and applies LC1 before timestamping the event receive (m)

e → e’ ⇒ L(e) < L(e’) but not vice versaExample: event b and event eshortcoming of Lamport’s clock

a b

c d

e f




3 4





Physical time

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Vector clocks (Mattern [1989] and Fidge [1991])

Fix the problem in Lamport’s clock Vector clock: an array of N integers for a system with N processes. Each process Pi has its own local vector clock Vi.Rules for updating clocks:

VC1:initially Vi[j] = 0 for i, j = 1, 2, …NVC2:before pi timestamps an event it sets Vi[i] := Vi[i] +1VC3: pi piggybacks t = Vi on every message it sendsVC4: when pi receives (m,t) it sets Vi[j] := max(Vi[j] , t[j]) j = 1, 2, …N (then adds I to its own element using VC2)

• Merge operation

E.g. at p2, (0, 0, 0) -> (0, 1, 0) -> (0, 2, 0) -> (0, 3, 0) … -> (1, 4, 3)

Now, received a mes. from p3 that piggybacks t = (1,0,3).

Vi[i] is precise information; Vi[j] ( j≠ i) is updated from received messages.

In RIP, periodic updates and triggered updatesonly triggered updates by received messages


Compare vector timestamps

Meaning of =, <=, < for vector timestamps(1) V = V’ iff V[j] = V’[j] for j = 1, 2, …, N(2) V ≤ V’ iff V[j] ≤ V’[j] for j = 1, 2, …, N(3) V < V’ iff V ≤ V’ and V ≠ V’

Examples: (1, 3, 2)<(1, 3, 3); (1, 3, 2)| |(2, 3, 1)Note that e → e’ implies V(e) < V(e’). The converse is also true.

a b

c d

e f




(2,1,0) (2,2,0)





Physical time

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Global states

Hard to obtain a global state of distributed systemconsists of states of multiple processes and channel statesconcurrency, independent failure, no global clockonly by message passing the state of each process (data and variables), is private information.

If all processes do agree on the time, the state recorded at processes is a global state of the system.

But, no perfect clock synchronization

How to obtain a meaningful global state from local states recorded at different real times? Some definitions

A history hi of process pi is a series of events happened at process pi.The state of process pi just before the k-th event is denoted by si

k. A global history H is the union of the N process histories. A cut is a subset of its global history that is a union of prefixes of process histories.The global state of a cut is the set of states S=(s1,…,sN), where si is the state of pi just after the last event of pi in the cut. 2



A cut C divides all events to PC (those happened before C) and FC (future events)A Cut C is consistent if there is no message whose sending event is in FC and whose receiving event is in PC

Inconsistent cut: an ‘effect’ without a ‘cause’it’s enough to check message sending and receiving events in the cut Consistent/inconsistent states.

m1 m2





Consistent cutInconsistent cut

e11 e1

2 e13

e20 e2

1 e22

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Check if one global state is consistent

Let S=(s1,…,sN) be a global state received from the state messages. Let V(si) be the vector timestamp of state si, received from pi.S is a consistent global state if and only if: V(si)[i] >= V(sj)[i] for i,j=1,…,N.

Sij = global state after i events at process 1and j events at process 2











Level 0








m1 m2




Cut C1

(1,0) (2,0) (4,3)

(2,1) (2,2) (2,3)

(3,0)x1= 1 x1= 100 x1= 105

x2= 100 x2= 95 x2= 90

x1= 90

Cut C 2



Atomicity of transactionsthey are not affected by operations being performed for other concurrent clients (called “isolation”);either all of the operations are completed successfully or they have no effect at all in the presence of server crashes (called “all or nothing” effect)

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Synchronize operations at server sideOne way: perform the transaction serially

• not suitable for servers whose resources are shared by multiple users

• The aim for any server that supports transactions is to maximize concurrency.

concurrency control

“All or nothing”the objects must be recoverableWhen a server acknowledges the completion of a client’s transaction, record the objects in permanent storage

How to add transaction capabilities to servers?

Each transaction is created and managed by a coordinatorA transaction: cooperation between a client program, some recoverable objects, and a coordinator. invokes “openTransaction” to introduce a new transaction (TID: transaction identifier), e.g. deposit(trans, amount)invokes “closeTransaction” to indicate its end.

openTransaction() -> trans;closeTransaction(trans) -> (commit, abort);abortTransaction(trans);


Concurrency control‘lost update’ problem

two transactions both read the old value of a variable and use it to calculate a new value

‘Inconsistent retrieval’ problema retrieval transaction runs concurrently with an update transaction.

There is no such problem if transactions are done one at a time Serially equivalent interleaving

An interleaving of the operations of transaction such that its effect is the same as if the transactions are performed one at a timeavoid these problems

the same effect meansthe read operations return the same valuesthe instance variables of the objects have the same values at the end

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Recoverability from abortsDirty reads

caused by the interaction between a read operation in one transaction U and an earlier write operation in another transaction T on the same object, and after U is committed, T is aborted.a transaction that committed with a ‘dirty read’ is not recoverableFix: delays the commit operationCascading aborts: the aborting of the transactions may cause other transactions to be aborted.To avoid it, transactions are only allowed to read objects that were written by committed transactions.Avoidance of cascading aborts is a stronger condition than recoverability

Premature writescaused by the interaction between ‘write’ operations on the same object, in different transactions.

Strict executions of transactionsto avoid both ‘dirty reads’ and ‘premature writes’.

• delay both read and write operations executions of transactions are called strict if both readand write operations on an object are delayed until all transactions that previously wrote that object have either committed or aborted. 2


Concurrency control approachesUnderstand the basic steps and main ideas of the following three techniques.Locking

Used by most practical systemsset a lock on each object just before it is accessed, and remove these locks when the transaction has completed.The lock is labeled with the transaction ID.Only the corresponding transaction can access that locked object. Other transaction may wait or in some cases, share the lock (such as sharing read locks).Problem: deadlock

optimistic concurrency controla transaction proceeds until it asks to commitbefore it’s allowed to commit, the server will check if this transaction has some performed operations on objects that conflict with the operations of other concurrent transactions.

timestamp orderingFor each object, the server records the most recent time of reading and writing operation on it;For each operation, the timestamp of the transaction is compared with the timestamp of the object to determine whether the operation can be done, delayed or rejected.

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Nested Transactions

Flat transactionsNested Transactions

Structured in an invert-root treeThe outermost transaction is the top-level transaction. Others are sub-transactions.Sub-transactions at the same level can run concurrentlyEach sub-transaction can fail independently of its parent and of the other sub-transactions.

Main advantages of nested transactionsAdditional concurrency in a transaction: Sub-transactions at one level may run concurrently with other sub-transactions at the same level in the hierarchy. More robust: Sub-transactions can commit or abort independently.

• For example, a transaction to deliver a mail message to a list of recipients.


Nested TransactionsThe rules for committing of nested transactions

A transaction commits or aborts only after its child transactions have completed;When a sub-transaction completes, it makes an independent decision on provisionally commit or abort. Its decision to abort is final.When a parent aborts, all of its sub-transactions are aborted, even though some of them may have provisionally committed.When a sub-transaction aborts, the parent can decide whether to abort or not.When the top-level transaction commits, then all of the sub-transactions that have provisionally committed can commit.

T : top-level transactionT1 = openSubTransaction T2 = openSubTransaction

openSubTransaction openSubTransactionopenSubTransaction


T1 : T2 :

T11: T12:




prov. commit


prov. commitprov. commit

prov. commit


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The coordinator of a distributed transaction

a client starts a transaction by sending an openTransaction request to a coordinator of any server.

transaction ID must be unique within the distributed system. A simple way: TID <server ID, a number unique to the server>the coordinator that opened the transaction becomes the coordinator of the distributed transaction, all the servers involved are participants.

During the progress of the transaction, the coordinator records a list of references to the participants, and each participant records a reference to the coordinator.

Join(Trans, reference to participant)

Informs a coordinator that a new participant has joined the transaction Trans.


Atomic commit protocols

Two-phase commit protocolallow any participant to abort its part of a transactionAnd if one part of a transaction is aborted, then the whole transaction must be aborted.

General ideaIn the first phase, each participant votes for the transaction to be committed or aborted

• Once a participant has voted to commit a transaction, it is not allowed to abort it. It is in a prepared state

In the second phase of the protocol, every participant in the transaction performs the joint decision.

The problem is to ensure that all the participants vote and ensure that they all reach the same decision, with server failures, lost messages.

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Two-phase commit protocolWhen client requests “abortTransaction”, or one participant is aborted, the coordinator informs the participants immediately.The two-phase commit protocol is used when the client asks the coordinator to commit the transaction.


Failures in two-phase commit protocol

Server failure each server saves information about two-phase commit protocol in its permanent storage.

Communication failureThere are several stages, where the coordinator or a participant cannot progress until it receives another request or reply message from others. Timeouts: to avoid process blocking, caused by waiting for reply, request messages.For example, after a participant has voted “Yes”, it will wait for the coordinator to report the vote result.

• send a “getDecision” request to the coordinator to determine the result.

• Problem: coordinator failure wait for a long time• Fix: obtain the vote result by contact other

participants instead of only contacting the coordinator.

2nd example: a participant hasn’t received a “canCommit?” call from the coordinator after it has done all the client requests in the transaction.

• Detect by no request from a particular transaction for a while. Abort.

Another example: coordinator waiting for votes from the participants. Abort the transaction after a timeout.

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Two-phase commit protocol for nested transactions

Each sub-transaction starts after its parent and finishes before it. When a sub-transaction completes, it makes an independent decision about commit provisionally or abort.Difference between provisional commit and prepared to commit

Provisional commit: it’s not saved on permanent storage; It only means it has finished correctly and will agree to commit when it is asked to. Prepared commit: guarantees a sub-transaction will be able to commit

After all sub-transactions are completed, the provisionally committed sub-transactions without aborted ancestors participate in a two-phase commit protocol.

When a top-level transaction completes, its coordinator performs a two-phase commit protocol.

Sub-transaction ID is an extension of its parent’s ID

Get IDs of all its ancestors. 34

Two-phase commit protocol for nested transactions

the coordinator of a parent transaction has a list of its child sub-transactions. When a sub-transaction provisionally commits, it reports its status and the status of its descendants to its parent.When a sub-transaction aborts, it just reports abort to its parentThe client completes a set of nested transctions by invoking “closeTransaction” or “abortTransaction”operation on the coordinator of the top-level transaction (coordinator of this set of nested trans.).Participants: the coordinators of all the sub-transactions in the tree that have provisionally committed but do not have aborted ancestorsThe two-phase commit protocol may be performed in a hierarchy manner or in a flat manner.

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Hierarchy two-phase commit protocolThe coordinator of the top-level transaction communicates with the coordinators of its child sub-transactions, … …“canCommit” call

the second argument is the TID of the participant making the “canCommit?” call.

When the participant receives the call, it will look its transaction list for any provisionally committed transaction that matches the TID in the second argument.

The coordinator of T12, T21.

If a participant finds any sub-transactions, it prepares the objects and replies with a Yes vote. If it fails to find any, then it replies with a No vote. Each participant collects the replies from its descendants before replying to its parent.


Flat two-phase commit protocolThe coordinator of the top-level transaction sends “canCommit?” messages to the coordinators of all the provisionally committed sub-transactions “abortList” in “canCommit?” call, why?

T12, T21 are both provisionally committed.a list of aborted sub-transactions

A participant can commit sub-transactions with no aborted ancestors.When a participant receives a “canCommit?”request,

If the participant has some provisionally committed sub-transactions:

• Check that they do not have aborted ancestors in the “abortList”. Then prepare to commit;

• Those with aborted ancestors are aborted.• Send a Yes vote to the coordinator.

If no provisionally committed sub-transaction, it sends a No vote to the coordinator.

Compared with hierarchy protocolIn hierarchy protocol, at each stage, the participant only need look for sub-transactions according to the information in the second argument. Flat protocol needs to use the abort list to remove transactions whose parents have aborted The advantage of flat protocol: coordinator of top-level transaction can directly communicate with all the participants.

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Distributed deadlocksDetection: find a cycle in the global wait-for graphSimple approach: centralized deadlock detection

One server is selected as global deadlock detectorEach server will send the latest copy of its local wait-for graph to this distinguished server.Problems:

• poor availability, lack of fault tolerance, no ability to scale, and high traffic

• Phantom deadlock: a situation where a deadlock that is detected but is not really a deadlock.

• It takes time to transmit local wait-for graphs. During that time, it’s possible some locks are released and there is no cycle any more in the new global wait-for graph.

• Fix phantom deadlock: Since, in two-phase lock scheme, transactions cannot release objects before committing or aborting. So a phantom deadlock only happens when some transactions abort. So, a phantom deadlock can be detected by informing aborted transactions.


Distributed deadlock detection: edge chasing

A distributed approachNo global wait-for graphServers try to find cycles by forwarding probe messages.

A probe message contains transaction wait-for relationships representing a path in the global wait-for graph.When a server sends out a probe message?

Ans.: if there is a new edge inserted and this insert-operation may cause a potential distributed deadlock.

ExampleIf the server X adds the edge W U and at this moment, U is waiting to access object B at server Y, in this case, X will send a probe message to server Y.

Otherwise, X doesn’t need to send a probe message.

How X knows that U is waiting or not?the coordinator of U knows that whether U is active or U is waiting for an object at some server

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Distributed deadlock detection: edge chasing

Initiation: When a server X finds that T starts waiting for U, and U is waiting to access an object at another server Y, X will initiate detection by sending a probe message containing the edge T U to Y.

Detection: consists of receiving probe messages and deciding whether deadlock has happened and whether to forward the probe messages.i.e., first, Y finds that U is waiting for V, then it inserts the edge U V, check if there is a cycle, and if no cycle and transaction V is waiting for another object at other server, the new probe message is forwarded. The path in probe message is increased, one edge at a time

Resolution: a transaction in the cycle is selected to abort. Example:

Server X initiates detection by sending probe message <W U> to the server Y;Y appends V to produce <W U V>, forward it to Z;Z appends W to produce <W U V W>. A cycle is detected.


Distributed deadlock detection: edge chasing

Another version: after T U is inserted, let the coordinator of U to decide to forward this probe message.There is no phantom deadlock in edge-chasing. Why?One problem of edge-chasing algorithm is that, in theory, it needs to forward N-1 messages to detect a cycle involving N transactions.

Fortunately, in practice, most deadlocks only contain two transactions.

Another problem: in a deadlock cycle, every transaction can cause the imitation of deadlock detection. And it’s possible to result in more than one transaction is aborted.Fix: transaction priorities

Timestamps: always abort the transaction with the lowest priority in a cycle.

Transaction priorities also can be used to reduce the number of initiation of deadlock detection.

i.e., the detection is initiated only when a higher-priority transaction starts to wait for a transaction with lower priority.

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Transaction RecoveryMain task of a recovery manager:

To save objects in permanent storage (i.e., a recovery file) for committed transactionsTo restore the server’s objects after a crashTo reorganize the recovery file to improve the performance of recovery

Intentions list of a particular transactionA list of the references and the values of all objects that are updated by this transaction.

Loggingthe recovery file represents a log containing the history of all the transactions performed by a server.

The history consists of values of objects, transaction status entries and intentions lists of transactions. In practice, the recovery file contains a recent snapshot of the values of all the objects in the server followed by a history of transactions after that snapshot.


LoggingDuring normal operation of a server, its recovery manager is called,

When a transaction prepares to commit, • appends all the objects in its intentions list to the

recovery file, followed by the current status of that transaction and its intentions list

When commit or abort a transaction,• appends the corresponding status of the transaction

Each transaction status entry contains a pointer to the previous transaction status entry; the first transaction status entry points to the snapshot.Server failure

only the last write is affected.Any transaction without a committed status in the log, is aborted.

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Logging: recovery of objects

After a crash, a new server process first sets default initial values for its objects, then calls its recovery manager.First approach: starts from the beginning of the log

Restore the values of all the objects from the most recent checkpoint (snapshot).For committed transactions, replace the values of objects.Problem: there may be a large of updating operations.

Second approach: read the recovery file backwards

Use the pointers in the transaction status entriesFor committed transactions, restore the values of objects if their values haven’t been updated.Advantage: each object is updated only once.


Logging: reorganizing the recovery fileGoal: to make the process of recovery faster and to reduce space.Checkpointing: a process of writing the current committed values of a server’s objects to a new recovery file, together with transaction status entries and intentions lists of transactions that have not been committed.

Checkpointing needs to be done from time to time, since recovery may not happen very often.

Its steps:Add a mark to the current recovery fileWrite the values of objects in a new log fileCopy entries before that mark that relate to uncommitted transactionsCopy all entries after the mark.

Current log file is in use until a new one is complete.