hv money - wellesleyhistory.org · ley, is visiting at Mr. J. Ottuiunn's. NORTH EASTHOPE COUNCIL....

VoL 5. No. 41. Wellesley, Thursday, August 3rd, 1905. 3E oV some men SQVe moneg. SCHEME NO. 1. One a*n hv « money by nev.r *j>rndinic * “ red" cent. For instance, when he buys ft B »«n «p .r he give* the bov ft nickel and gel* buck f« ur copper*. These ere carefully (towed «w»v an<l evco- tu»lly tftkon to the Hank, wherrhi# account i( reaching surprising proportion*. It is- n't always found fooluh to bo penaj w*“ Try saving your copper*. We will receive your s*ving* from |1 up and allow yon interest thereon centpounded every (is month*. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Authorized capital ... .$1,000,000.00 Koaerve and undivided profits............... over ?50.nnf,.<v> Total assets.........over 5,000,000.00 The' Western Bank Of Canada. Wellesley. Ont. WM. GLAISTER. M. D., C. M., Wnxsaunr. /"•OLD and Silver MeoalUt. UtrHou.eSur- w i ^oqToronto Oonerat Hospital. It fp .t H. HILTS •■Dentist Wellesley W ill be in Mlllbank on tho second Tuesday of oach month. E. P. CLEMENT, K. C. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. OB'* “ g”^bEHl.f?.,OsV'P°“ '" Monty to Loan on M ortm e of R*ftl Ketftte. ©®9»ooe*»© -THE- ^Ibion« HOTEL H Kreutzwieser PROPRIETOR,! WELLESLEY, ONT. f lTTKI) thronabont on the mo«t pUnftiS well U«h«wl ,n every room. L ias •sssrea moomm * * 5.Y.” : * CHOICEST UQCWW AND Cl- OARS at the BAR. Oood Stabling »nd H*»tUr». GIFTS for the $ribe.v This is the interesting subject these days. While you are pondering over vebat to get lotus call your attention to the largo variety of useful and ornamental Gifts in silver and cat glasa we are showing. Always the finest things in Watches and Jewelry, J. Welch & Son STRATFORD Direct Importers. RESULTS FOR U»04. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. R. M acaulay . T. B. M acaulay , President Sec. AsHurances issued and paid for in cash.... $15,911,904.24 Cash income from pre- miums. Interest,etc 4.561,035.19 Assets as atdec31, '04 17.851 760.93 Undivided Surplice.. 1,279,446.09 Profits paid policy- holders................... 117,238.21 Death claims,etc dur- ing 1904................. 1,374,045.92 Life Assnrauoes in force. Dec21, 1904.. 85,327.662.85 P koukrhs in Kight- yeak P eriods. 1 « i » *ftyl«.*a • M.4 A 1.M njvu^so.m nwi in.** *i sjoc.ijn.ii iww .-.-srrs.M iasaw.ti njsi.ne.yi IS.-, SH.lMJMI.ffS UftMIMlJM.lt 1 TAM. 74W ftll/T.Mr.M Head office: Montreal. A. M ai 'Bw i , A lex . McDonald . Di-i/Bnpt. Local Agent, Stratford. Wellesley, Stage Line L+«ve« W«!Ut)*y for lUdrc every m >rnin« at J o'clock, returning Itnmellately after the arrival of tha Toronto Kxpraaa. PETER OTTMANN, PROPRIETOR. Lisbon Brick and Tile Yards. Finest white Brick, wire-cut Brick, and stock Brick on hand. Circled Brick for oso in wells. Fire-brick equal to any on the con- tinent. Tile of all sizes from V/i inches up to 10 inches always in stook. GEO. HOHL, Proprietor. T rade M arDesign* Copvrichts Ac. Abtooo *»k»lrt»*nd <-.r»cnptw.n mti OUlOKlr ftjrwtftlft o**r CM 'UilnB frrft wl.**fc*r •* inventin'! l* y»r,S»Ur Ciimmtifik*. •ton* ptf.cCt • • ' <«i h i w li Mia fr»«. oi<1n*t lor xmrln* etetita. piu«nu mki thr-Meb Moan * CbTrmtw mtcUlnMKc, without iharre. in the Scittitilic JlmcilcatL A bvwlwvcrlT lUnenUM wtwklr. AMUNNSCo.361 ''"4-” -. Brmocli u«U*. Oi r SU Wuhlo«l« »New Yort button. D. C. David Rudy Licensed Ai- * -xuneer and VALUATOR For the Counties of WATERLOO, PERTH und OXFORD. tavmtock foirorcic*. :»n l |lb*rall«rni( made. n e w -=^ livery In Wellesley, Having opened a Livery in con- nection with my stage and freight- ing business I um prepared to fur- nish first -claas turn-outs. .Good horses and nobby rigs. Prides iKeasonable, ; *“ P. OTTMANN. U N WOOD. Mr. T. Williams, of Baden, is spending a week at bis home here. Mrs. J. Schnurrand Mrs. Murat, of Mildinay, were the guests of Mrs. J. Schnurr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knight spent Monday in town. Mrs. R. Y. Fish is visiting at Otter villo. Mr. and'Mrs. V. R Berlet and their danghter, Lizzie, attended the funeral of their consiu. Miss L Hcuther last Wednesday at Wiar- ton. Mr. H. Ward, of Toronto, was visiting in town. Mrs. T. Roggol is visiting at her homo in Wallenstein. Mr. Rev. Gilchrist, of Waterlr*, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. Mr. 0. Gerbruught, of Toionto, spent a few days with Mr. V. K. Berlet. Mr. A. C. McBride, of the Sover- eign Bank, is spending his vacation at his home in St. Thomas. Mrs. K. J. Kerr spent Sunday st Crowbill. Mr. and Mrs. W . Soli alters, ol Hetdulbarg called on friends in town. Mi-s YJtta Berlet is visiting in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lewis, of Harris- ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bel- ford. Mrs. A. Rennie, of Toronto, is spending a few.di-ys at tho home of Mr. A. Rennie, (Maple Hurst ) HAWKESVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Konzie and son Grant, ot Brantford, are visiting at Mr. Paler’s. Miss Beatrice Donald, of Berlin, is spending her vacation at Mr. F. Donald's. Mrs. Foster and her two child- ren. from Listowol, are viaiting at Mr. Winn's. Mr. ana Mrs. C. Bergman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spioa and dinghter, of Floradale, spent Sun- day at Mr. Spies'. Martes Charlie McDoal, of Glen alien, ia visiting at Miss Donald's. Mr. M. L. Wiber and family, of St. Jacobs, spent Sunday at Mr. Shelly's. Mrs. McKay, of Palmerston, is visiting at her mother’s, Mrs. Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and Marjory and Konneth spent a few days in Tavistook. Miss Joanna Friedmann, of Wois- senbarg, spent Saturday at Mr. Martin's. Mrs. G. Tanner and children, of Milverton, called on friends here lost week. Mr. Ben Ballard, of Toronto, spent a few days under tho par- ental roof. Miss Elmina Shoopo, of Wellet- ley, is visiting at Mr. J. Ottuiunn's. NORTH EASTHOPE COUNCIL. Tho counoil met at the town hall on the 17th day of July at 2 p. m All tho members prosent. Tho reeve ond J. b. Cook reported that thoy had given tho contract fora cement onlverj on oon. 6-7, oast of Amnlree, to Conrad Hoff, man for the sum of $49.50. Mr. Hoffman was present and re- quested pay for extra work done. Ho stated, that ho had made tho railing two feet longer on both sides. He was paid $5.50 extra, making a total of $55. Tho oommitteo.re the swamp road sideline 25. con. 4, reported that they had employed John T. Knech- tel to do some repairing and that same had been done. A cheque in funor of John Paff for refund of statute labor money paid in 1903 won issued, the council being satisfied that Mr. Paff had performed the work. The reeve reported that he nnd tho reeve of Wilmot reeve had let the contract for 200 yardo on W il- mot boundary to Albert Krampein at 40c. per yard. Mr. Hoffmeier was deputed to see that the Hampstead bridgo is put in good n-pair. Those who run traction engines nr- requested to take note of tho f Rowing: That befo o crowing any bridge or culvort it shall be the duty of the person proposing to ran any traction engine, to lay down or Bach bridge or culvert, planks of sufficient width and thickness a may be necessary to fully protect tho flooring or surface, and in de- fault thereof tho person in charge and bis employer, is any, sball be liable to the municipality for all damage resulting to the flooring or surface of snch bridge or culvert. A few accounts wore paid when the council acjonrned to meet on M.nday, August 21st, at 2 p. m. Secretary-treasurers of the differ- ent school sections are requested to have their levies in before that date. J. D. FISHER, Clerk. MORE NEW BOOKS. Wellesley Public Library has re- cently added a fine list of new books to its catalog. The directors dt servo credit for the enterprise thoy are showing in placing this library in first class shape. Tho member- ship fee i* only 25c per year so tba» there is no excuse tor Anyone r«| mainiug without u< oo« to this splendid collection of reading mat- ter. The foiling are the names if the lately received books: History.—In days of Queen Vic- toria, Right of the Line, The Gall- iftit Grenadier, Gate of the Desert, Azadim, Pathfinder of tho West, The Downfall of Russia, The Reb- els Wooing, Sons of Victory, My Lady Cancarty. Science.—Orobanl and Garden, Dr. Lake of Labrador, bkotch of North Religous Literature.—Facts for Christian Living, Tho Heart of the World. Voyages and Travols.— Dr. Felt's Parisd, Weapon* of Mystery. Biography.—A Knot of Bluo. Poetry.—Tnckor’s Poems. Miscellaneous Literature.—Mos- koka Memories, The Monk’s Trea- sure, The Prizo of Hardy, Return of Sherlock Holmes. Fiction.—The Earth’s Purgatory. Double Harness, ConstauieoTrescott 5th form at St. Domini*, The Belle of Bowling Grecn,ReginaldCruden, By Right of Sword, Tho Man on the B x, Tho Law of the Land, Marr- tago of Wm. Aeho General Liters tuse.—Tho Fire of Spring, Justin Wingato, Minister of Siate, Tho Fugitive Blacksmith, handy, Deacon Lysander, The Lure of Labrador, The Scarlet Woman, A Wel»h Singer, By the Queen’s Grace, Tho Dog with a Bad Name, Tho Hossier School Master, The Master Mummer, Story of F>>ss River Ranch, Tho Corner-Stone, Story of Graseloys, Rebecca of Sun- ny Brook Farm, Tho Adventure of a 3 guinea Watch, Tho Piouoor, A Japanese Romance, Tho Plum Tree, Hockla Sandwich. Tbs Yukon la becoming conscious cl it* attractions, and already ap- preciates the vain# cf advertising. The Dawson News says: Yukon Ter- ritory is sotitled to (pace in tha Do- minion grant at St. Luaie tot ft* exhibit. The idea to have an ex- hibit ef Yukon Territory products at the World's Fair at 8t. Louis in believed by Elgin Schoff, one of tha promoters, to be one of the best schemes ever evolved (or the advert- ising of ths Yukon, and he feels that'- the Dominion Oorsramsot certainly will lend its aid. “The Yukon. I estimate, ean make a creditable showing with lees than $50,000. Perhaps $15,000 would mako a fins exhibit. ’ . "The question of money for tha Yukon Territory exhibit will be taken up with the Dominion Govern- ment soon. Ths Yukon Horticul- ture! Society has delegated me to confer with Ottawa an the matter. I may go to Ottawa. At any rata. Z shall press ths mattsr, and hope for Galt b&* this wo«k given permis- sion to the C.V. K.,nn oloctrio road, to cuter the towu. "Many fine exhibits of grains, grasses, potatoes and fruits raised is the Yukon, epecimens of gold from different creeks, woods, coal, mam- moth and other prehistoric bones. In- dian collections and tha Ilka will1 help to make tha' exhibit Interest - fag.” Public interest in tree planting t»- creases as a result ol ths mission- ary work dons by civic organise-', tions. Information supplied tor' taking care oi and preserving trees has shown te householders and pro- perty owners how they may Invest little rr ->ney in this way and derive lasting i-nefits of several kinds. It ie unnecessary to illustrate these benefits. Every one who has seen a- grova or a tree, or a tree grit avenue, appreciates tha advantage* • which are obtainable by adding tha beauties of nature te the artificial! charms of the town. A town with- out trees is dull and uninviting. In New Zealand a red-haired v e , man is considered as on ths right; road to paradise. Care ef repplee Puppies after weaning will keep- strong and healthy sod will grow fast If fed only on fresh buttermilk sad corn bread, with soup Instead of the buttermilk>Jwlce a week, till they are five or six months old. Do not feed them sweet milk. Keep the pnyplso where they can get plenty ot exercise. Do uot crowd them. Arrange their ken- nels so that they can go in and out ot their Bleeping quarters. It fed in tho same veesels, sotuo dogs get more than tbelr fair share of food and lose tbetr manners alsa Fatten a somber ot chains where they eat at eoeh dia tanees that ao ooo can roach ths other; then feed In lndlvldoai pans. Olre UC- tls medicine and plenty ot soerctsa and you will then have strong; healthy dog*. An hour’s run every day la the year In the fields and woods, weather permitting, ia essential to good health. —Outing.__________________ SaSTeHag Soar* tha f*W H *. “In all my experience as a physi- cian.'’ said Dr. & Weir Mitchell, the nerve specialist, in s tocturt. “I have not seen more than a doom men sr women wbo have beea Improved mer- ally by long continued suffering. Acute Illness and Uhieaa wblcb brings the - patient close to death often baa a beat - clal effect upon the disposition, but I ' cannot agree with the assertion which- we frequently bear made in the pulpit that suffering k* usually the means at refining. I have eecn a few Isoluted cases In which this was so, but It Is not the rule by any means The chronic In- valid Is almost Invariably selfish and peevish, and It is a hard task to find & nurse who can stand tho strain, of such, a service.” That That. There la one word in the English lan- guage wblcb can appear six times con- secutively in a sentence and make cor- rect English. To illustrate: A boy wioce on the blackboard. "The man that lies does The teacher objected to the word “that." so the word "who” was substi- tuted. And yet it must be evident to the render, for aL* that, that that "that” that that teacher objected to was right after all. Had Its Good Fotafs. "That mediieval armor must have been very uncomfortable,” said a visit- or at tho museum “Yea.” answered the man with domed clothes, "but there waa one sat Isfnction about It A man could always take down a suit of it in entire confl- denev 'that the moths hadn’t got Into

Transcript of hv money - wellesleyhistory.org · ley, is visiting at Mr. J. Ottuiunn's. NORTH EASTHOPE COUNCIL....

VoL 5. No. 41. Wellesley, Thursday, August 3rd, 1905.

3Eo V som e men

SQVe moneg.

SCHEME NO. 1.One a*n h v « money by nev.r

*j>rndinic * “ red" cent. For instance, when he buys ft B »«n «p .r he give* the bov ft nickel and gel* buck f« ur copper*. These ere carefully (towed «w »v an<l evco- tu»lly tftkon to the Hank, wherrhi# account i( reaching surprising proportion*. It is- n't always found fooluh to bo penaj w*“ Try saving your copper*.

W e will receive your s*ving* from |1 up and allow yon interest thereon cent pounded every (is month*.

ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Authorized capital ... .$1,000,000.00 Koaerve and undivided

profits............... over ?50.nnf,.<v>Total assets.........over 5,000,000.00


Western BankOf Canada.

Wellesley. Ont.

WM. GLAISTER. M. D., C. M.,Wnxsaunr.

/"•OLD and Silver MeoalUt. UtrHou.eSur- w i ^oq Toronto Oonerat Hospital.

It fp .t

H. HILTS•■Dentist

WellesleyW ill be in Mlllbank on tho second

Tuesday of oach month.

E. P . C L E M E N T , K. C. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public,

Conveyancer, Etc.

O B '* “ g ”^bEHl.f?., OsV'P° “ '"Monty to Loan on M ortm e of R*ftl Ketftte.

© ® 9 » o o e * » ©- T H E -

^ I b i o n «HOTEL

H KreutzwieserPROPRIETOR,!


f lTTKI) thronabont on the mo«tpUnftiS well U«h«wl ,n

every room.

Lias •sssrea moomm * *




Oood Stabling »nd H*»tUr».

GIFTS for the

$ r ib e .v

This is the interesting subject

these days.

W hile you are pondering overvebat to get lotus call your attention

to the largo variety of useful and

ornamental Gifts in silver and cat

glasa we are showing.Always the finest things in

Watches and Jewelry,


Direct Importers.


Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

R. M a c a u l a y . T . B. M a c a u l a y , President Sec.

AsHurances issued and paid for in cash.... $15,911,904.24

Cash income from pre­miums. Interest,etc 4.561,035.19

Assets as atdec31, '04 17.851 760.93 Undivided Surplice.. 1,279,446.09 Profits paid policy-

holders................... 117,238.21Death claims,etc dur­

ing 1904................. 1,374,045.92L ife Assnrauoes in

force. Dec21, 1904.. 85,327.662.85 P koukrhs in K ig h t -y e a k P er iod s .

1« i » *ftyl«.*a • M.4A1.M njvu^so.m nwi in .* * *i sjoc.ijn.i iiww .-.-srrs.M iasaw .ti njsi.ne.yiIS.-, SH.lMJMI.ffSUftMIMlJM.lt 1TAM.74W ftll/T.Mr.M

Head office: Montreal.A . M a i 'B w i , A l e x . M c D o n a l d .

Di-i/Bnpt. Local Agent, Stratford. Wellesley,

Stage LineL+«ve« W«!Ut)*y for lUdrc every m >rnin« at J o'clock, returning Itnmellately after the arrival of tha Toronto Kxpraaa.


Lisbon Brick and Tile Yards.

Finest white Brick, wire-cut Brick, and stock Brick on hand. Circled

Brick for oso in wells. Fire-brick equal to any on the con­

tinent.Tile of all sizes from V/i inches up

to 10 inches always in stook.

GEO. HOHL,Proprietor.

T rade M ar* » D esign*

Copvrichts Ac.Abtooo *»k»lrt»*nd <-.r»cnptw.n mti

OUlOKlr ftjrwtftlft o**r CM'UilnB frrft wl.**fc*r •* inventin'! l* y»r,S»Ur Ciimmtifik*.•ton* ptf.cCt • • ' <«i h iw liMia fr»«. oi<1n*t lor xmrln* etetita.

piu«nu m k i thr-Meb Moan * CbTrmtw mtcUlnMKc, without iharre. in the

Scittitilic JlmcilcatLA bvwlwvcrlT lUnenUM wtwklr.

AMUNNSCo.361''"4-” -.Brmocli u«U*. Oi r SU Wuhlo«l«

»New Yortbutton. D. C.

David RudyLicensed

Ai- * -xuneerand VALUATOR

For the Counties of W ATERLOO, PERTH und OXFORD.

ta v m to c k f o i r o r c i c * .

: » n l |lb*rall«rni( made.

n e w - = ^l i v e r y

In Wellesley,

Having opened a Livery in con­nection with my stage and freight­ing business I um prepared to fur­nish first -claas turn-outs. .Good horses and nobby rigs.

Prides iKeasonable, ; *“



Mr. T. Williams, of Baden, is spending a week at bis home here.

Mrs. J. Schnurrand Mrs. Murat, of Mildinay, were the guests of Mrs. J. Schnurr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Knight spent Monday in town.

Mrs. R. Y . Fish is visiting at Otter villo.

Mr. and'Mrs. V. R Berlet and their danghter, Lizzie, attended the funeral of their consiu. Miss L Hcuther last Wednesday at W iar-ton.

Mr. H. Ward, of Toronto, was visiting in town.

Mrs. T. Roggol is visiting at her homo in Wallenstein.

Mr. Rev. Gilchrist, of W aterlr*, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday.

Mr. 0. Gerbruught, of Toionto, spent a few days with Mr. V . K. Berlet.

Mr. A. C. McBride, of the Sover­eign Bank, is spending his vacation at his home in St. Thomas.

Mrs. K. J. Kerr spent Sunday st Crowbill.

Mr. and Mrs. W . Soli alters, ol Hetdulbarg called on friends in town.

Mi-s YJtta Berlet is visiting in Waterloo.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Lewis, of Harris- ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bel- ford.

Mrs. A . Rennie, of Toronto, is spending a few.di-ys at tho home of Mr. A. Rennie, (Maple Hurst )


Mr. and Mrs. Konzie and son Grant, ot Brantford, are visiting at Mr. Paler’s.

Miss Beatrice Donald, of Berlin, is spending her vacation at Mr. F. Donald's.

Mrs. Foster and her two child­ren. from Listowol, are viaiting at Mr. Winn's.

Mr. ana Mrs. C. Bergman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spioa and dinghter, of Floradale, spent Sun­day at Mr. Spies'.

Martes Charlie McDoal, of Glen alien, ia visiting at Miss Donald's.

Mr. M. L. W iber and family, of St. Jacobs, spent Sunday at Mr. Shelly's.

Mrs. McKay, of Palmerston, is visiting at her mother’s, Mrs. Tanner.

Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and Marjory and Konneth spent a few days in Tavistook.

Miss Joanna Friedmann, of Wois- senbarg, spent Saturday at Mr. Martin's.

Mrs. G . Tanner and children, of Milverton, called on friends here lost week.

Mr. Ben Ballard, of Toronto, spent a few days under tho par- ental roof.

Miss Elmina Shoopo, of Wellet- ley, is visiting at Mr. J. Ottuiunn's.


Tho counoil met at the town hall on the 17th day of July at 2 p. m All tho members prosent.

Tho reeve ond J. b . Cook reported that thoy had given tho contract fo ra cement onlverj on oon. 6-7, oast of Amnlree, to Conrad Hoff, man for the sum of $49.50.Mr. Hoffman was present and re­quested pay for extra work done. Ho stated, that ho had made tho railing two feet longer on both sides. He was paid $5.50 extra, making a total of $55.

Tho oommitteo.re the swamp road

sideline 25. con. 4, reported that they had employed John T. Knech- tel to do some repairing and that same had been done.

A cheque in funor of John Paff for refund of statute labor money paid in 1903 won issued, the council being satisfied that Mr. Paff had performed the work.

The reeve reported that he nnd tho reeve of Wilmot reeve had let the contract for 200 yardo on W il­mot boundary to Albert Krampein at 40c. per yard.

Mr. Hoffmeier was deputed to see that the Hampstead bridgo is put in good n-pair.

Those who run traction engines nr- requested to take note of tho f Rowing: That befo o crowingany bridge or culvort it shall be the duty of the person proposing to ran any traction engine, to lay down or Bach bridge or culvert, planks of sufficient width and thickness a may be necessary to fully protect tho flooring or surface, and in de­fault thereof tho person in charge and bis employer, is any, sball be liable to the municipality for all damage resulting to the flooring or surface of snch bridge or culvert.

A few accounts wore paid when the council acjonrned to meet on M.nday, August 21st, at 2 p. m.

Secretary-treasurers of the differ­ent school sections are requested to have their levies in before that date.

J. D. FISHER, Clerk.


Wellesley Public Library has re­cently added a fine list of new books to its catalog. The directors dt servo credit for the enterprise thoy are showing in placing this library in first class shape. Tho member­ship fee i* only 25c per year so tba» there is no excuse tor Anyone r«| mainiug without u< o o « to this splendid collection of reading mat- ter. The foiling are the names i f the lately received books:

History.— In days of Queen Vic­toria, Right of the Line, The Gall- iftit Grenadier, Gate of the Desert, Azadim, Pathfinder of tho West, The Downfall of Russia, The Reb­els Wooing, Sons of Victory, My Lady Cancarty.

Science.— Orobanl and Garden, Dr. Lake of Labrador, bkotch of North

Religous Literature.— Facts for Christian Living, Tho Heart of the World.

Voyages and Travols.— Dr. Felt's Parisd, Weapon* of Mystery.

Biography.— A Knot of Bluo.Poetry.—Tnckor’s Poems.Miscellaneous Literature.—Mos-

koka Memories, The Monk’s Trea­sure, The Prizo of Hardy, Return of Sherlock Holmes.

Fiction.—The Earth’s Purgatory. Double Harness, ConstauieoTrescott 5th form at St. Domini*, The Belle of Bowling Grecn,ReginaldCruden, By Right of Sword, Tho Man on the B x, Tho Law of the Land, Marr- tago of Wm. Aeho

General Liters tuse.—Tho Fire of Spring, Justin Wingato, Minister of Siate, Tho Fugitive Blacksmith, handy, Deacon Lysander, The Lure of Labrador, The Scarlet Woman, A W el»h Singer, By the Queen’s Grace, Tho Dog with a Bad Name, Tho Hossier School Master, The Master Mummer, Story of F>>ss River Ranch, Tho Corner-Stone, Story of Graseloys, Rebecca of Sun­ny Brook Farm, Tho Adventure of a 3 guinea Watch, Tho Piouoor, A Japanese Romance, Tho Plum Tree, Hockla Sandwich.

Tbs Yukon la becoming conscious cl it* attractions, and already ap­preciates the vain# cf advertising. The Dawson News says: Yukon Ter­ritory is so titled to (pace in tha Do­minion grant at St. Luaie tot ft* exhibit. The idea to have an ex­hibit ef Yukon Territory products at the World's Fair at 8t. Louis in believed by Elgin Schoff, one of tha promoters, to be one of the best schemes ever evolved (or the advert­ising of ths Yukon, and he feels that'- the Dominion Oorsramsot certainly will lend its aid.

“The Yukon. I estimate, ean make a creditable showing with lees than $50,000. Perhaps $15,000 would mako a fins exhibit. ’ .

"The question of money for tha Yukon Territory exhibit will be taken up with the Dominion Govern­ment soon. Ths Yukon Horticul­ture! Society has delegated me to confer with Ottawa an the matter. I may go to Ottawa. At any rata. Z shall press ths mattsr, and hope for

Galt b&* this wo«k given permis­sion to the C.V. K.,nn oloctrio road, to cuter the towu.

"Many fine exhibits of grains, grasses, potatoes and fruits raised is the Yukon, epecimens of gold from different creeks, woods, coal, mam­moth and other prehistoric bones. In­dian collections and tha Ilka will1 help to make tha' exhibit Interest - fag.”

Public interest in tree planting t»- creases as a result ol ths mission­ary work dons by civic organise-', tions. Information supplied tor' taking care oi and preserving trees has shown te householders and pro­perty owners how they may Invest little rr ->ney in this way and derive lasting i-nefits of several kinds. It ie unnecessary to illustrate these benefits. Every one who has seen a- grova or a tree, or a tree grit avenue, appreciates tha advantage* • which are obtainable by adding tha beauties of nature te the artificial! charms of the town. A town with­out trees is dull and uninviting.

In New Zealand a red-haired v e , man is considered as on ths right; road to paradise.

Care e f repp leePuppies after weaning will keep-

strong and healthy sod will grow fast If fed only on fresh buttermilk sad corn bread, with soup Instead of the buttermilk>Jwlce a week, till they are five or six months old. Do not feed them sweet milk. Keep the pnyplso where they can get plenty ot exercise. Do uot crowd them. Arrange their ken­nels so that they can go in and out ot their Bleeping quarters. It fed in tho same veesels, sotuo dogs get more than tbelr fair share of food and lose tbetr manners alsa Fatten a somber ot chains where they eat at eoeh dia tanees that ao ooo can roach ths other; then feed In lndlvldoai pans. Olre UC- tls medicine and plenty ot soerctsa and you will then have strong; healthy dog*. An hour’s run every day la the year In the fields and woods, weather permitting, ia essential to good health. —Outing.__________________

SaSTeHag Soar* tha f*W H *.“In all my experience as a physi­

cian.'’ said Dr. & Weir Mitchell, the nerve specialist, in s tocturt. “I have not seen more than a doom men sr women wbo have beea Improved mer- ally by long continued suffering. Acute Illness and Uhieaa wblcb brings the - patient close to death often baa a beat - clal effect upon the disposition, but I ' cannot agree with the assertion which- we frequently bear made in the pulpit that suffering k* usually the means at refining. I have eecn a few Isoluted cases In which this was so, but It Is not the rule by any means The chronic In­valid Is almost Invariably selfish and peevish, and It is a hard task to find & nurse who can stand tho strain, of such, a service.”

That That.There la one word in the English lan­

guage wblcb can appear six times con­secutively in a sentence and make cor­rect English.

To illustrate: A boy wioce on the blackboard. "The man that lies does

The teacher objected to the word “that." so the word "who” was substi­tuted. And yet it must be evident to the render, for aL* that, that that "that” that that teacher objected to was right after all.

Had Its Good Fotafs."That mediieval armor must have

been very uncomfortable,” said a visit­or at tho museum

“Yea.” answered the man with domed clothes, "but there waa one sat Isfnction about It A man could always take down a suit of it in entire confl- denev 'that the moths hadn’t got Into


Office: N ext to e Roller M i u *.

Subscription 75c. a year in ad­vance. Otherwise * 1.00.



Stratford carried it* thread fac­tory guarantee by law last week with a handsome majority, and the city officials are now at work on th-} C. I*. R. steam entranoe by-law.

A jiretty general feeling is being developed in Ontario towns and vil­lages ugaimt the restriction* which tbo Legislature ha* placed upon the voting of bon use* by rannicipali ties. For a considerable time the people were contented with this re­stricting law for many reason*, the principal of which was that it was foreign capitalist* and railway cor­porations who then were generally the bonus hunters. But in almost every instance it was found that the municipalities which thus en­couraged industries were tho ones which developed permanent pros­perity and growth— the two great urban desire*. Of lato years, as the people are becoming richer.and local wealth is seeking for invest­ment in manufacture, the villages, towns and cities are more on the watch to secure these industries. Right or wrong, both the manufac­turer and tho municipality consid­ers the Lonusidg system, whether m the form of cash, exemption or guerantce, tho rendiost way of com­ing to terms, and it is at this stage that councils. Boards of Trade and enterprising mon find tho law so galling.

Dozens of by-laws have within tho post couple of years failed by reason of lacking one or two vote* of tho number roquim l by the stringent Act, although their majority of tho vote cast was over­whelming. Thus the will of tho great majority is nullified, tho cn orgy of those who work for local prosperity is thrown away and tho now industry lost to tho municipal­ity because tho legislation ••pro­tects” the Parole** ratepayer who does not take the trouble to vote.

Berlin gave an unfortunate illus­tration of this severe law last yer»r which affected tho entiro Wellesley section. The Prcston-Berlin Rail­way Co. had secured English cap­ital to extend their lino on to W e l­lesley, awaiting only the small bon­uses asked. These were promptly granted,(he by-laws all receiving im­mense majorities. Tho road would probably have boen built at once, but Berlin’s by-law bocamo entangled in the Legislature’s restricting Act and hung in the court* until tho Preston-Berlin road was sold to the C . P. R.. thus shutting out the money from England and leaving the building of this lino at the mercy of tho C. P . R.

Now that Niagara power is so nearly available and this part of tho Province bids fair to bocome an immense manufacturing center the legislation regarding bonuses is be* ing brought closely under export criticism. “Should logislation pre- vent the developing of onr town?” “ Has a municipality got brains onongh to spend it own rnonoy wisc’y ” “ Doo* parliament “know moro about a town’s local interest* than it* ratepayorsj” are questions which are reoolving much attentk n these days.

Auditor-General McDougall re- tire* from that important offloe ot the end of this month after twonty- oigbt year* of about as tempestu­ous an official l$fo as could fall to tho lot of an lioneat public inan. Qe goes down fighting the old battlo of defending the people’s money, which has kept him occupied under both government* ever iiinoe 1878. He might have had an oasier time, and be was in a splendid position to poll tbs ropes for a far bigger salary ; B e oould have got for him­

self much moro honor and dignity, and likoly the Dominion would nev­er have missed the money that ho might easily have allowed to leakon* of the pnblic ches*. But he didn’t— h • hud a con cietc*. He stood like a watch-dog. scrapping with John A . with LAurier, and with everyone who made an on­slaught on the money which the Nation trusted him ts guard. vHe received not many compliments but very many thrusts, and he had to show bis teeth so often that bis enemies said bo was getting gronchy in liis advancing years. Perhaps ho was. Humanity could scarcely stand what ho wn* ap against with­out showing evidoncx* of tbo *old Adam’, sooner or later. Ho has lasting enemies among the high of ficials in both Parties ; thoy arc a monument to his integrity. Bnt tho highest compliment that lias boen paid to his real worth was done by a frustrated, angry parlia­ment in meanly putting down his retiring annuity to tho lowest notch allowed by law.

One of Stratford's crack medicos vouches for tho following rank ’un : A man who lives Just ont of town and wanted to save an extra trip, went into tho city clerk’s office the other day to register the death of his father. "W hen did he die?” asked tho official. -O h , he is’t dead yet, but he will die to-night; at least that's what tho doctor said, and he ought to know what he gave him.”

Stage Line

arrival of I t r TowuleP ttw s«*r « aoH K«urr». |,»rr*U

Ur>»|M oarafullx -IbOw m - I l a m e * n<' “ tik i.S i.of fr.l.h t bao-u^l «tfh procoptn*** at.,I al r**»*on*l-l« rate*. !wa»m* <««*•*-


Sick headache results from a dis- ordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamber- lain^ Stomach and Liver Tablet*. For sale by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wellesley.


DiarrhoeaRemedyA few doses of this remody will in­

variably core an ordinary attack of diarrtK»-a.

It has boen used in nine epidemic* of dyaentery with psrf.-ct «aoee*a * It can always be depended a poo. even in tho more sovere attack* of cramp colic and cholera morbus.

It is equally •ueo'ssfal for summer diarrhoea acid cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the livss of many children each year.

When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take.

Eveay man of a family should kedp tliis remedy in his home. Boy it now. It may aavs life.

Pwc*. ISCikn.


10s. A COPY, J 1.00 A YEAR.

= = FOR S A LE BY — ........

BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSDEALERSPaper Patterns exclusive, stylish, prac

tk.nl and modest in price.If you cannot gst Junior T o iu ttt

from your bookseller write for sarnph copy or send your subscription to

TOILETTES FASHION CO.172 Flftl An., Cor. 221 S L .J M York.

Grand Upright Piano—

$200.00 Cash.

School Books, Stationery, Etc, j)



Hellebore |Slug-Shot

Blue-Stone - - Insect Powder §FOB HALE A T ^

THE D R U G STORE IWellesley |(\

i Birthday Cards, Bibles. Presbyterian Hymnals. g:

The Bands That Bind.

Tho ENG AG EM ENT RING and tho W ED D ING RINGS always go together.

But this is the

Season o f the W edding. R ing.

Juno is the MONTH oF-W EDD­INGS and our stock of W ED DING RINGS lr the largest at tbi* time ot tho year.

The »*INGS arc tho latest stylos and tho Gold the very PUREST and BEST. Every £ing lias the King of Purity. Prircsadqording to weight and range from &l.004oo &.50.



C. BLANKSTEIN , Manufacturer of F isk C io aR*.

JBerlin, Ont.-Th* A llU nrr- *ti *W«*Bt |-o*t pran-IUI.

M r .l lo a u a i ' r l l n r .T>i* "M «rtl*r." 1 hr »c fr »-••« Rc. Hnvnnn

- v . ThUUthr oi l u »U favnrlts.

A«»K FOR TH t>F.—TH K V H K. t»OOI».

NewBlacksmith Shop


J. A. Druar(Ia W* or lfawkrwvitte) hn, ronn.l

the shop UtenToc^opied by R .1 Preiss, and will continue the bnsi- ness as usual.

A ll kinds of Blacksmlthing nnd Repairing done.

Horse-Shoeing a specialty.

Yonr Patronage Itespcctf Solicited.

AM BIT IO NOften prove* a cheat. There aro

lots of cheat thing* bought and sold.

W o are ambition*, but in a right way. Our umbition i* to give you your money’s worth 0 very time you buy our

SUMMER SUITS.If we deal fair with you it brings

yon back again, and you toll yoar friends as well.

Come in und see onr new 8tock.Tho assortment is good now.

See oar west window tall of the Latest New York Straw Hat*.


Best Clothier and Furnisher



W o are addressing yon this week for the purpose or calling your at­tention to the great preiwration* we have made for clothing you this hot weather season.

W e are positive we can do better by you than otbor stores and we want an opportunity to provo onr assertion.

W e handle only the he*t clothing made by the most noted maker*

W e guarantee every article we sell, ard yonr money is never our* ontil you are perfectly satisfied.

Our whole energy 1* concentrat­ed in securing the best Clothing. Hats and Fnrnisbings for Men’s, Boys’} and Children’s wear that it * possible to procure.

Then wo aim to sell at prices so reasonable that you aro perfectly satisfied, and ao low thi t no ono ran cut under for tho same quality.

W o trust you'll bo In for a look— that’eal) we aic aik irg n w.

iHpve You Got FEET ?

I f you have, bring them to mo. I ’ll do the rest!

My Spring Stock of

Boots and Shoesha* been purchased R ioht ! (I am a practical and experienced shoeniak. o r ) ; they suit this section; they are the latest styles; they wear w e ll; they will always be comfor- tnblo ; they w ill look noat; T hkt w il l Suit Yon f

I havo something for tho whole family, from the tiniest baby'*.' Y ap to tho eldest grand-parent *

Prices?— Oh, yos, they will suio yon, too. Yonr money earns is wholo lot for you in my store.

Repairing Done, and Shoes made to Order.

C. HAM M ER,_______ W ellesley

Ifljjap le £ e a fDoes

FINE PRINTINGOf all kinds.

It* circulation extends to all part* of the Wellesley District and it

gives reasonable rates to advertisers.

To r o n t o f i r e s a l e .—= 3.

This is the Week for Bargains

^ £ fl fT %“d Uun4rW8Mrt*' o'* 1Under**., »|| L h- - w “ ^ rK"* ,tld bUck for M.n'.8uiU,Mre-*« .heap, ,rlfnmr<,• ° ?,n‘,U ■ " « * ■ « " *I * ,,*“ y/1* * W W f pries. R«a()y-u>.wsar Suit* away down

‘n Pr‘nU* CollwxTHE ANNEX. Wellington Stree

S T R A . T P O B T~>_

Prm tingffALL


___ B n i s ^_ Concert Posters Dodgers Programs

OfficeStationery -

Cards, Circulars or any­thing in the line

of Printing.l o c a l n e w ? .

Mr. Chns. D. Koehler h** return­ed from bis holiday trip to Wiarlon.

George Landreth, of Tavistock, sp *nt a day or two in Wellesley thU week.

The Wellesley voters lists are finished and were placed in tho bauds of the township clerk early this week..

Mrs. Harry Schmidt and son and j her sister, Miss Ollie Bnelow, of Bay City, Mich., are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Harry BickertV

Messrs. Ernst and Peter Belling­er, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to their brother. Mr. Geo Bellinger, here, on Saturday and Sunday last.

Mr. John Walton, who has been visiting hia parents and friends here the past week, has returned to his situation in a New Hamburg storo.

Union Hnnday School next Sun­day at 10.30 a.m. Preaching ser­vice in English at 7 p. no. when Rev. 8. R. Knechtel, of Berlin, will preach.

Miss Ina Bellinger is in Waterloo at present assisting in the j»osj office while her nncle, Mr. Geo. Diebel is away on a trip down the St. Lawrence.

Wheat harvest is now in foil swing. The standing crop is in excellent condition and the yield will be np to *he average. Barley, too, is a nnd ttnd is nowroudy for the readier.

Mr. Gregory Dorach did the first threshing of the season. It was at Bamberg last Saturday, to test his threshing ontflt which hod recently been overhauled at Zehr’s machine s iop, and which was found to work perfectly.

Mr. Peter L. Hogg left this week " r Winnipeg, intending to remain f < the Northwest for some time. M . Hogg was one of the finest

•vlers in the Wellesley club and bis place on the crack team will be hard to fill.

The iron bridge at the Wellesley roller mill has been replnnked with heavy oak. Traffic on it was sus­pended on Tuesday while the work w is being done. The bridge is now in first class condition but the c iet will be heavy and many think the bridge should have been floored with cement.

Z IN K A N N 'b SACRIFICE HALE.W e have commenced a Great Sac-

r lice Hale of Dry Goods. Groceries uoots and Shoe*, Crockery, Hats and t'Hps. Hardware. Paints. Gils, etc., which must sweep the entire stock out by September. See bills for list of bargains The Sacrifice Prices oover the whole stock, and the goods must positively l»e sold by September. The prices we ask are much less than what the goods cost ns wholesale. J. N. Z iskanx W ellesley village.__________

Nothing on tho Market Equal toChamberlain's Colic. Cholera

and Diarrhoea Remedy.This fact is well known to drug-

irista everywhere, atd nine out oi ten will give their customers this preparation w.v on the best is asked tor Mr ObeWitmcr. a prominent druggist of Joplin. Mo., in a chrcn lur to his customers, says : nitreis nothing on the market in the wny of patent medicinee which equals Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com- plaints. W e sell ana recommend this preparation.” Forsaje by A. j . Saunders, druggist, Weliesley.

They Appeal to Oar Sympathies.The bilious and dyspeptic aio con­

stant sufferers and appeal to our sympathies. There is not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happi-

by the nse of Chamberlain's Htouiach and Liver Tablets. These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the .’ igestkn. They also rego.nt. tLe bowels, por sale by A. J. Hartnders, uruggist. Wellesley.

The sacrifice sale «t J. N. Zink- ann sis ra; idly pal.ing down t ie stock. A big lot of goods have boun jsoid tho jiast wevk und tue numerous bargain hm.tern seem to he well satisfied w.th the snaiis they are picking up.

The Western Bank of Canada, Wellesley, has been making a col­lection of the little schemes by which some people in. uoe theni- selve-.. to save money. Several artful devices have been discovered and as they make profitable read­ing one will be published each weeks in tho Bank's ad. on the front page. Rend it this week.


PAWS t e n sis.The local lawn is in excellent

abape and the managers are prepar­ing for some matches.

On Monday afternoon the first of a series of K»cal games was played. Dr. Ulaistcr and Mr. J. Kerr vs. Messrs W. B West and'Ed. K Reiner, the latter winningont after a hot contest. Score 7-5, 6—1 .

BOWLING.Yesterday afternoon two rinks of

tho Berlin Bowling Hub played the locals on the Wellesley lawn in the presence of a large crowd of inter- e-twd spectators. Four games were played, two of 20 and two of 10, so that the visitors faced each of the Well-sley teams. The following are the scores made:

ItCHLIS WCLLKSLEY.J. J M.Geilura Fred lvbu»E W Clrmrnt Jse. Mclh.osldH. \V hagai* 1 »r. tilai»t«rJ- J. A, Weir, >k 31 li Kr<-uizwi**rr,»k It

W*ir 001 Hu 11001031000101—31Kr.-jtiwi.oer 120002003IU1001 11010—It

C. Csrrick J w Gri-eaA. l>«kli*rt W H<w(CA Hlebsrds Ed K H-in«rG. <1 Philip, *k 14 A Mclsiaald, tk 10

Phi!i|M. «0lUO2Ot0uO(A»lOl02B-14 MclKiaald 00102102021441010101— 19

Tlu* rk i ps t hen changed opponents, the results being strongly in favor of Wellesley as follows :

McDonald, *k 4002:41340-1*2 W.ir.sk OUOOOuOoS- 5

Kreauwirxr, *k 4tlt0l010t-16 Philip*, tk OOUOIUIOIU- I

The visitors made many friends here and will be warmly welcomed when business or pleasure calls them to the village again. They wer entertained at the Albion ho- tel and left for home shortly after tea.

The Waterloo Bowling Clnb has made arrangement* to play in Wel­lesley tomorrow (Friday) afternoon with three or four rinks.

NOTICE OPDISSOLUTION.•T*he portii«r*hip h«r*tofor* existing b* * twarn Ilia uii<f«-r*igu»-i hss tin* day b«»n dissolved 1 «y muttasl cons*nt. All sc- rootita o«al to tlx- Arm ara payable to -John S. Zehr. who will al*o M-ltl* tha business H»- l.ilitir* of the firm,snd conduct ths business aa h*r#tofore. JOHN S.TZKHR.

A. K. GIVES.Wsllsslsy, Jans ISlh.lwd.

THE RAILW AY SITUATION.The Wellesley section is undoubt­

edly interested in the railway news which is now obtainable and the Maple Leaf always endeavors to keepvil* subscribers informed on this imp >rtant matter.

In Stratford the by-law for a steitn road f'otn Stratford to Woll- lcsley and north is being prepared and will la* udve^,: *’d this month with the voting ay early in Sep- tetnher. There 1. .-une opposition of giving *30.000 bonus when the same ground can lie covered by electricity, so much cheaper. But when the by-law is submitted its friends will work hard to carry it.

The electric road extension from Waterloo to Wellesley wns brought to tin* forelaHt week ina conference held in Toronto, on Saturday last, brought a lion t by Mr. Clare, M P., who h i* lwcn untiring in his effort^ for this road. Official* from Berlin ! Y O U H f l V f t and Waterloo were present. As u 1result of this meeting the C. P. R ( J o n f i d e i l C ewill s. nd a surveying party at <>ntv ; _______

NOTICE.To whom it may concern:— AH

Block ranning at large on the streets of Wellesley before 7 a. m. and after 7 p. m. will bo impounded after this date —By order t f the Citizens.

Estray Sow/~AME onto th* prsmis** of tb* undersign- v' «d,l,1 •. «n . Ml. WslUstsy. » j**r-«M » » • Th* ownsr Isfequrstod to prove prop- riy. pay oso toko

CLERKS NOTICE.Of First Posting of Voters’ List.

Voters’ List, 1905.— Municipality of the Township of Wellesley in

the County of Waterloo.

A/OTICK is birtlif fliti that 1 b* v* t runs- ’ riltel <ir 4«liTri«l l* th* pitioDi m*i>-

ii<iD«l in Mdiiwi * and 9 of tha Ontario Vot- sis’ LUt Act. ths .-bpioa requirod tbo aid section* to bo *o trat>*mltt«l or dollvtrwl o( tbo li*t. nad« pursuant to aaid act. of ail par-

_ appoarinc by «ba la*t revised Asssse- t Unit of tha mai l Muni. ipalitr to ba *n-

titled to trola in tb* aaid Municipality a. kl.rtiuoi for M»nkc/i o( tb* 1-rg.slaliv* As­sembly and at Municipal Electiur»; and that tb* aatd list wa« first polled np in tny office, at S '. Clemen-*, un tb* red -lay or Auiut. >!»■«, and rsm.-.im «b*r* for inspection. El*r- tors are esllrd upon toes snlnetb* eai-t liel amt if any omissions. or any oibrr error*, arc found therein, lotake itnm*ilat»c>reeee.liu*» to here the amid errors corrected according to law.

PETER F. SCHUMMKR.I tern ul l. elii.i.y township. Pat**! at Ht. Clements.

Angtut tb# red. IM.

Th* Standard-Brpd Trotting Htallioo.

DAN RINGHy Gold Ring. 1.121. will stand ae follow.:

Monday—n.-on at W*llMl*y; night at Widow Schneider'*.

Tuesday—l oon at David Hchant*'*. Baden;night at Bockei'e hotel.

Wednesday—by Way of Hay*rill# to John E: llingaman'* for noon; night at M fierier'*. 1>lira-lay - uuon at VV. (iildner'e. near Berlin, nirbt at Market hotel. Watorko.

Friday—noon at Heidelberg: night at kit own .table.

Saturday -noon at MiUbank: then to hi.


Hosiery as we sell it

To Horsemen.Th* pur* brad C ydeadal* Stallion,

Lord Charming

Tbteday—noon at St Jacob* l*-»t«l; Jonathan M.ider'e. I.oxington, for night.

Wedn**day—noon at Heidelberg; hi* own .table for night.Tbur.day —noon at Wm Blgham.e; WmChal- uiera'. Honey Grove, for i.igbt.

Kritay-noon at Andy Kreelorn'*; Aid lin*: then hie own *t*t>l*.Cro»bill.


I* a Mtlifartion to th* purchawr. Non* bat th* honret, durable tort. Nona#at

half tbair wort' , but ju»t at th*ir actoal talwe. Yoa h-re con6d*ac*i wbtn von e^n

boy them Oar public ar* not banting for lOBMthlng for nothing—thty know it ega1: b» door—there'* a catch warwurre.

Here a few of tb* many line* of L^dio*’ and Children’* Hom we ar* offcr.ng

thie week. Every l'n* i* reliable and will give money'* worth in wear. You will sot require to mood every time these ho** are worn,

Ladiee’ and children'* plain Black Cotton Hom, fast black, »irov 6 , 6 , 6), 7, 7J, 8, 8J, 9, 9j and lu. 3 pair* 25e.

Ladiee and Children’* plain Tan Cotton Hoe*. fa*t tan, site* 5, SJ, 6, 6|, 7, 7J. 8, 8}. 9, 9), and 10. 2 pair* 35.

Boy’* HOCK KJBBED Cotton Hose, fart b ack, double kneee, the kind that won’t tear, (ires 5 to 10' 35c per pair.

Ladi**' plain ev.-r-fa*t, *uinle** black Hot*, Balbriggan foot, site* 8, 8|, 9, 9) and 10. 25c per pair.

Ladiee’ Lace Lisle Hose, black, size* 8 to 9j, Price*— 45c, 50e, 75c per pair.

Children's tan Cashmere Hom, size* 4 to 8f. Prices 25c to JWc

Ladies Tan Cashmere H om, 8 1-2 to 10. 40c

For good reliable Hoaiery come direct to


Cash and one Prine Cheap Cash Store

To Horsemen.Th* Import*d Clydeodal* Stallion

R E M U S*315. tins, will stand aa follow.:

Monday noon a Albion hotel W*Ue»ley night at Henry Hci*rl*y'». I’hllip.'-ur*.

Tuesday noon st Aaron Waclvr'e, near Ba­den: night at Buckel’* hotel. New Hamburg.

Wednesday by way of Haysvitle to John Ringaman't for noon: then by way of Fino- bill school to Michael Gerber's.near Sbingle- (uWL. for night.Thursday noon at Isaiah Nahrgang'a.night at llertnrn SharU'a.Fiiday noon at Peter Hast'*: ulght at Peter

Satarday at hi* own stable. Croeehill.HASTINGS BROS.. Prop.,

Estray Steer.

T IM E T A B L E Of the Preston and Berlin Electric

Railway.Timetable No. 3, effective Oct. 6th.

Leave Berlin for Preston, Hespel- and Galt:—A. M.—8.00, 9.05, 10.05, 11.05.P. M.— 12.05, 1.05, 2.05, 3.05, 4.05,

5^5, 6.05, 7.05, 8 C5, 9.05. 10.06,11.05, (Preston only).

Extra express car will leave Berlin forC . P. R. station, Galt, carry- iug passengers and baggage, at 8.40 am and and 6nm .

Leave Preston Junction Ber lin, Hespelor and Galt:—

A. M.—(9.20, Hespeleronly), (63.0 Galt only), 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.3511.35.

P. M — 12,35, 1.35, 2.35, 3.35, 4.355.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35.

Extra express cars will leave Pres­ton Springs at 9.08 a m, and 6.35 p m for C. P. R. station Galt.

Leave Galt for Berlini Preston and Hespeler:—A. M.— 7.00, 8.00, 0.05, 10.05. 11.05. P. M — 12.05. 1.05, 2.05, 3.05, 4.05,

5.05, 6,05, 7.05, 8.05, 9.05, 10,05, (11.05, Preston only.

extra express car will leave C. P. R

station going north on arrival of the 10.25 a m and 7.14 p m trains

Leave Hespeler for Preston, Gaik and Berlin:—A. M.—6.35, 8.10’ 9.10. 10.10, 11.35. P. M — 12.14. 1.16. 2.15, 3.15, 4.16,

6.15, 9.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.16, (10.60, Preston only).


L A U N D R YIn Wellesley.


Goods called for and delivered t all jiarts of town.

F irst-Class W o r k .

JACOB HAMMEL. Next south of Albion hotel.

first week in M«». n two-year-old »te*r. red I with nice horn* Th* owner is requested to prove property, psy exprn.r . and take aw*y.

to run a survey line from Waterloo here anil if agreements are reached j between the municipalities and the! Company the road will he lmilt next \ vear.

All information leads to the one conclusion, that Wellesley will have a railroad by the end of next vear. either Steaiu, or electric, or both.*

A little forethought may save yon no end <»f trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamber Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact For sale by A . J . Haundors. druggist, Wellesley.

Heifer Lost.Ihr 1at<T imtt of May. from my

A pur* •"* ", .Mh lii.a.WellrwIvyA yearling heifer. »• " ’ * » *»• f» r*- F i»4*r will Uen.tably r. we»4*-l. unsEH.

Fortunate is tho business man who has won the reputation for dependability, and'for giv- the best and most satisfying bargains.

Fortunate is tho public that deals in such a store.

V R BERLETMerchant Tailor,

LINWOODjjtts bnilt his business'* up along this

line, and it ’astill growing.

This Spring his stock of Suitings, is simply Elogant. The prices are as low, and tho workmanship is os good as over.






^ Every line in Staples is a specialty in this Stoio.

It’s always a Llttlo Cheaper* ___

As Fresh,As Pure,As Cheap As Good

As the Best Markets can produce, always in Stock.

H K FORLER’S,Wellesley, Ont.

** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f r% Full Lines of STATIONERY as usual. ^



rS 0 U T l f - W


A Warning to Mothers.Too much rare cannot be used

with stun 11 children during tlx* hot weather of the ottminer month'gomd ujnlnst bowel trouble*.:i rule it i< only lieoassary to give the child a d<i#e of cantor oil to cor rr.-t any dlxorder - if the fwnchlH. l)<i u- r um- any sulMitutc. hut ^vetkt* old fashioned raster'’ oil. and sec that it Is fre*h. n- rancid oil hnu- crates unci hiur'l* te :id-nv to grip. It this does* not cho 's the bowels give fhamherlaiti’s folic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Memed/ and ti.on u d *se <u castor nil. end the disease^ may Ik' checked in it* inmjeency j and kept roiulv for :*i«tnnt uw us1 soon a» the fir*t indication of any )owel trliable up; .-..r • Tiiis i* the most successful treat tin nc known and may he rcMd c.’.s n with im­plicit confidence cv.-n in a * * ’* "t cholera infantum k • - by A -I JsiuiidcCs. driu."_'t*t. W . s lcy

.‘p a l l ( [ lo th in g .

F'-und—On April :h. «>n tlie rend jnst cu«t of the village. a Indies’ fr.r collar. The owner can r . over it bv iV.’.insr t my jiltcr. — .1.*. L Ro t h .

Men’s Suits to Order, Genuine Imported Scotch Tweeds, New designs, S16.00 complete, Stylish, Nobby and Durable.

Ready-Made Clothing.M e n ’s . Boys’ and Children’s. Our fall purchases are heavier and more comprehen ive

than ever before. P u r c h a s e d f o r spot cash, before the advance in Wool, enables us to save you good money on these goods. Don’t fail to call and see them.

Water-Proof Clothing.We show a large Stock of Ladio’s and'Gent’s. Garments in new lines for fall.M^n’s from $2.50 up.SPECIAL in Ladle’s 3-4 length, Heavy weighc. plaid black. Every Lady should see this

YOUwill bo consulting

Your own interestif you ciime to Iho

CHINA H ALL,Stratford.

W c can and Dl> save you

M ONEY on Dishes. Lamps Cut­lery, Etc.

No larger Stock t<* select [ from, no lower price* anywhere, j




WOOL W A N T E D -____100,000 lbs. Highest Market price

paid. Reiner Bros. & Co.PHOTOS

That Pleas9


G R E E N <& CO’S------HIT STPUIO—

| Hamburg Photo—^Gallery

Always the Very Ec~t Work Done.

Prices Reasonable.Sntisfactinu always given.Your futronage solicited.


To Horsemen.

Tb.Pnr. Hr««l Cljr-li- l-V sHlliui.«<«rcl *•» , tbe W ell.-lo O t ’* • l»lr Ui. * Irf.’

Young M>cQ,ueenW ill Ik* kept for Service, until fur-

thet notice. nt Grchtfi's Livery Stable, WellesJer Village.

Scrvico, $is.

In Touch with the WorldCovering the earth like a spider’ s w eb the cable winds its sinuous

w ay under seas, over mountains and plains, »*. 'Oss continents to every country and clime on the globe.

So when K ing F J-'* opens Parllamen* >r Emperor William leads the band, w! - lad Mullah brea out, or a volcano inthe East Indies docs tne same, when South Africa seethes in war or Venezuela defies the powers, w hen rain breaks the Australian drouth or the plague breaks out in India, when the Empress of China sup­presses the Boxers or Japan negotiates a loan,— the news is instantly flashed around the globe, across oceans and continents right into the T o ro n to D a ily S ta r office. T h e S ta r 's direct special cable service is better than any other paper’s in Ontario.

And you get all this cable news along with your ow n local paper h r $2.20. T h in k of it— a single w ord sent to you personally might cost more than the price of the Star* with its hundreds of columns of cable news, for a whole year.

Subscribe direct to the S ta r or through the office of this paper. Both the D aily S ta r and this paper for $2.20 for a year.

Meyer & Steinmetz,BICYCLE REPAIRERS,


No job is too hunt for tin.Send or bring your wheel anil we ’ ll make it

pitMlaMU'W.Wo won't keep yon waiting for yonr wheel;

and we won-'t overcharge you.Hut wo W ILL guarantee all onr work.Wc have tin* Into*? machinery amt our work­

men arc bicycle experts.Do you want to buy a MTonddumd wheel?

We have half a dozen from $!«' t" *;n as grod as new. Write us about them if you can’t call.

We are agents for “the Mn Ksoy - H tttfi s wheel. We kis-p all kmd< of Bicycle Repairs ami

Part*, anil can supply mail order* promptly.

Wc lmve the l»*t Repair Shop in this sectionand we Want to do hu«dncas witlr you.

All Kind3 of Machinery Repairing Done.<Cv^We re- air and put in first class condition wowing Machine*. Luwn

Mowers, oil, gas or gasolene Stove*. ..r any Kind o f m achine or utensil u M il in the ou>t\ at the lmrn »r in the workshop.

Wellesley Roller Mills.V % . % % V % A - « .V V % « W W

SEED CORN:Eprly White Flint, White-Cap Dent, Butter’s Dent Learning.

CHOPPING—5 cents* per *100 lbs. Weight

guaranteed.»*» e ,

' 4> '4> ijw jf

GRISTING Give us your gristing trade. In re­turn we will give you the kind of flour you require.


...................... •• • ' - - ■ ,

WELLESLEY tm a c h in e s h o p

iV O riV

- S A W S -O , Filix.i, SEtn,,,AND STRAKinTKWItCO.

|[ Mur.,..,teetl.. *ow Btodre .„d • Mower talrre*'■ Ax'!"- El''• .l'»n*»«l ami repaired.

| Wo do »„ ktod, o, BICYCLE KEBAIRINU—and da It Rlght.


'i -