Huntington Station Bank - NYS Historic...

LOCAL HKI»S FAIR THIS WEEK Crowds have been In attendant.-)* « evening this week at tin 1 an- nual fair ot the Huntington Kin* Department , being held on Iho ground? at tlie rear of tlie flit' headquarters on Mala Street. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the de- partment conducted a very success- ful cake and food sale lust Satur- day and will have charge of an- other one tomorrow. Tlie ladles na-ve also offered some very S-c fancy articles for sale during the past week. I Chief Clarence Phillips appoint- ! ed the following committees to ! take charge of various department.-! of the fair: Chairman—Deputy Chief John V. Cougblin; hooth construction—Dej> ut >- Chief John Bath; men in booths Ex-Chief George Lewlsy and Lieut. Kenneth Selillm; imr chafing—George Scarpatl, chair- man , Capt. E. A. Strickland , Lieut. Peter Balduzzi and Lieut. John Srhllrn ; lighting—Emory J. Deven- dorf ; refreshment—Charles Van Sls-e ; hot dogs—Junies Halllnan and Lieut. Willlani Prime; special —Deputy Chief Arthur Hubba: sound syattsm—Chief Clarence Phil- lips; publicity—E. A. Strickland and George Scarpatl; book com- mittee—Capt. Mllford Babcoclt. ^^^ msmmm^M ^^s^^ t «ivlk\ Ll **' ' > M ^^3S B ? F *\*\ ^ ^ ^^w UN' ^- ^^^ S ^^w ^ % * Ww^ iP ?V * " * / ^S^^ wQ^ lr > ~ 'I ^^ ^^^^^S^S^m^i 1 I„ J <\ , « © For-Lcfng Islanders , going west every mile to Washington is elec- " X: i * - N ? . or south is as simple as a change trifled. If westbound , the Penn- % J i\ at Jamaica. Step off your inbound sylvania is 50 miles shorter to , Long Islan d train-step on to Chicago ... 100 miles shorter to $ ^ ; ; your outbound Pennsy lvania St. Louis. And you always sleep train. No crosstown dash to make more restfull y, because the Pen n- a connection No subway shut- sylvania has the finest roadbed ;J > , ding. No bother. If southbound , arid heaviest rail east to west. r ! < .- » j \y V^m ^Xmmmmmm^, : I f( T Found I Was Losing Orders f or Broilers m I ' So I Had M y Te lep hone Put Back " I "1 make deliveries on my egg route on Fridays. customers , and it brings me in more money. I used to try to gtt orders for broilers on They all know they can reach me by tde-j one Friday for delivery in time for the next phone now and place an order as lute as ¦week-end. Thursday for Friday delivery. "llur it seems that most peop le can 't order ' time "I seU twice as many dressed chickens ami »c Ut in advance. Time and again they 'd tell cetta i n times of the year , when I' ve u U or me I missed the sale of a broiler or chicken broilers I want to sell in a hurry, I call all my itfMU& e they cou dn f rrath me between de- customers the night before to get their orders . lively days to order it. , ,- They seem to appreciate lwving ^t\ "I've fixed that situation now. I' ve had my me suggest something good for , FI M^ jJ telephone put back, It ' s a convenience to my ¦» Sunday dinner. " Mk^/ O A ttttphont li a two-way blip, lt hips yiu hep in touch with ¦JumBma^. aultmm , and it provides an tasy way for mtmirs to reach you. idd f lRc W&&M$k In addition to paying moti than its own way in salts math and : /W^Fv&Br^K&P wotity saved, it briny vaiuaUi proticiion to tbi f arm and bom c^Sb fi^^feL v Wt 'd Hit to set you at tin Busintss OJftci , to Jell you low rally ^M|i S^a k imxptnsitt farm ukphoni strvict is. IsWRmSSm .. ,,.. . < N C W . 1 . Y O ' R ' K jJ ' TIL' BPHO'Ni ! COMPANY .. .in. .¦mir.nn.i.n - . M, *TW, *-- MTW'» ,.«^-^> M^-r«,M*wr^ SCIENCE NOW Mm CLOTHES LAST LONGER ¦ ¦ ' Wl i uu ,m ¦- ¦.¦ - n .m..m,m ,,, - , ^ HULWW. , Wi , mw m ^ww r * 1 ¦ s-v '^I- " -;• . * *®-K ¦ i f *£/V* *\? . *• , ¦ ' £ * ~ ** 5 " **»!* ^ ' i t Ar' IT * 1 T ¦*> ' * -f * f , Jpjt-'i _J ' .?5-M - ' - ** . ° -^¦ ¦SI ' A t-T , >'WtV <*'*lL ^ . - " "k * .^v^^'AtA. tn&SxatM. ,. -* ^ N&to&ELwt Seliincc now talctps a hand . In balancing Iho biitlgeU of fnmllli' .t living in und lioni* iliintlnnton , nccordhiK to latest reports. Com Iy it'iiliii't'iticiiis nf ii|ipai' i> l for uii-n , womi'ii and chiltl - ren nri> cut tiiiwii by iii 'w inptlioil a of laundorlne devised after years of :u*li»ntltU* uliiily. Tlio now im>t)io(ls otfored by un cut clothing coBts by extra cute In liaiiillliig Kai nipiilfl. HUNTINGTO N LAUNDRY, Inc. \V. H. THURBER , Manager 295 New York Avenue Huntington , L. I, Teleplione: Huntlna*°n. 2550-1-2 'iBMWIllllllllllllllldlllliB'llWllllllt'itiHMItillBlllllllll il-MW-WBil-IIIM-WMMIMIIIi 'Wtillllll 111 I Ml wniMm-Mii ¦» Huntington Station Bank HUNTINGTON STATION , N. Y. We solicit your business on the basis of sound and efficient manageme nt Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporaftatt Open Monday Evenings 6-6 j ¦ ' ¦¦¦¦- ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦ .. .. ..: - , . . i ¦ , -; < . ih ¦ ¦ BPW'TW^ W P' ^WW Solve -Your ienu Problems rath Mractive ifl^^l. Uivii*©^ s^P £& <&Esr J3L ^A^ , mt staffed iSiiib ihtM^^^^*'^ BERGER'S MARKET PHONE HUNT. 960 . Huntington , L. I. " 6 NEW STREET rTna ^ i tnnrti i-r .i -1 mru- -* -.. - . - », ¦ -, -, -nrn7 irm --iT mifni. v-Mt. -v lii ;tri)ir .m +ntftU ,\riit .-'- -J immiVB ?m0T GROUP ^OF PARENTS Considering continuing NON-PROFI T PRIVATE SCHOOL AT HUNT- INGTON FOR CHILDREN 6 to 12 High scholastic standing and modern method of teaching with limited number of children. We are especiall y desirous of hearing from parents who are interested in a school where tuition will cost from #200 to #300 per year. H. R. H., Box 26, Huntington ¦—MHww-Maiaiwiijm-p MB**=mff *r* r T CMt 'T tt ^fliininf iTM ff^ rHrw^ MR. AND MRS. WISE—By SWEZEY BROS. DAIRY You can always depend on our milk , cream ami otli, - ,|, ,- , - ,,,.„, , nets from every health standpoint .... puriiv . tit-sin, ,-- ¦ r " , -. ., cleanliness. Sanitarily protected from dairy to ' dom- .si,-|, . M :,|I ^ " , 3 ' for your table by pasteurization—the only positive [;uar:u,i,.,. ,,[ l- , *^,. * PARK AVENUE DAIRY Est. 1896 Tel. Hunt. 119 or 1581 SEVENTY-FIVE NEW CITIZENS GET PAPERS (Continued from First Pago) Stanlf . v Roy l,uno. 200 Vox I.une , Northport , England. Witnesses , Jiunea P. Stiotwcll , Northport , and Paul Kirchbaum , Norlhporl. C-armella DeRosa, 139 Fourth Avcimi>, Huntington Station. Italy. Wlt-nesses , Frank Auletto , HuntlnK- ton station and Anna A. Ui*Rosu. Huntington Station. Jean McMuldroch Johnstone , 5 Falrmount Avenue , Huntlngion . Scotland. Witnesses , Mary II. Daw- son . 905 New York Avenue , Hunt- Injfton Station, and Dorothea A. Hastings , same address. .Martha Aaltoneu , Central l.tllp. h. I,, Finland. Wllnexaea , Albert A. Soderstron) , 91 Keefer Street . Elmont, and Victoria Sunilgvlst . 100 Douglas Court, Huntlugton Sta- tion. John Joseph Uuiiiner , Foi l Sal- onga , Northport , Swit-ierlnml. Wlt- nesat'S, Michael Corcoran , Klaus Parfe , and Joseph Schbish . North- port . Uiiiseppe Gollno , Broadway. Hunt- ingt on Station, Italy. Witne-ises . Hupglero Spulafora , 1117 New York Avenue , Huntington ami Fruiifeseu Alenslo , Depot Road , Hiintlii Ktoii Station. Naiale Conforli , Broadway, Hunt- ington Station, Italy. Witnesses , Andrea Vacchlo , Broadway ^ Hunt- ington Station , and An«elo f.epera . New York Avenue , HuiKliiKlon Sta- tion . ' Angelo Fusaro , Railroad Avenue , Huntington Station , Italy. Wit- nf»s(iB , Angelo l.epera. New York Avenue , Huntington Station and Vliiceiiio Petront) , Iluutlii Kton Sta- tion. ' lUidolph Molltor , S72 New York Avenue , Huntington, liei-ninny. Witnesses. Domtnlclt Plscopo. Prime Avenue , Iluiiilneion and Ja- cob \V Hirnclifelil , IIiiiilliiKlon. Anjfelo Nari'lao, -I!) School Street , Huntington .Station, Italy. WIU HISB - ti , I)DUlii)icJ- Nurciso, aiime iiddri' -ss anil Angelo Lepeia. Huntlngion Stat ion. I' ear) Axelrod , May Street , llunt- IllKtoi) Station , Hebrew . WituesK- e«, Jacob .Axelrod, May Street , Wilmington Station und Mary ICtl- . ., - ' . . - ' " —i i niontls . 2-11 N' .issru Avenue , Hunt inptnii. j Maiy Ann Ityan, rhiii' ch Sln-i-l , i KI IIKS 1'ark . Ireland. U' i lin-s se . - . I Michael Ityiui , KInfix ' Park , ami I Mary Ctiirlw . KiiiK" I' .iili. Patrick Coiinalley. :!U I'latt I Street. 11 iint i j i;-ti>n . Irelmiit. Wil ileuses. Jaiiic.- . I)i;t|,er , Slmre lioatl , Huntlnston , :ui d Mio.t. Cnrmun . -I. 'l Carver Place . Hiiiiliiu -lon. MarKnret I>c«an , IIiiiifiiiKtoii Sta- tion. Germany. \\'ilin* /,:ics . Clara lanlorf . ' JM New Yorli .Avinii ,*, Huntington Station and .Marie Conr- duff , same aildres.s. Patrick Joseph Kirhy , Kinit s Park , Scotland . U' tliu : - -<e- . Harry | Nichols . Kuifi -i Pail, nml . 'Miiliai-I ' Ilieiiiian , Kliiits Park. Axel Harolil llaai- i-n , Dci-r Park I Avenue . IJet'i- park , I,. 1 , Sn ellen. ! Wltliesnes . Iljanii* i' i-i li-1 :-:i'M . U' yan- ! daiich. and Jo. -i-pli Kt/ , .Linden hurst . 1 CluiriSeppl' J' l-tlt e. Main Slll-el , ! Cold Sprint: llaihiii . Italy. Wil- nesses. Pamillale Pitppalariln , Ctilil Spring Harbur anil Julm . 'Miihla ' . HuntliiKloii Station. I Angelo Tti.ti-iinii , !i * . i,ti wiiij.- . - . A ve- nue, llillllili'. -ltili Stal inn , Italy. Witnesses. Vlllt' ell/.tl pelitun- . "is Columbia Avenue , Huiiiiui'lim Sta- tion, and Sullivan Aleerie . Leslie Kri'dei ii*l; Clary, Henry Street , Kim' s Park , ln-latnl Wit- nesses . Slieppanl !• '. Klioili-s , liny Shore, and Killlli ,1. Itlimli- .i , May Shore. Klsle Marie Kuiu-.ela , it; I' n-iil dent Street , lluiilitii 'ttin Slalion , Finland. Wltne.i- - .eH , Mary .1. N. WalliiiK , Hiintlii filnii Station ami Freda J. Jinrens , lliinliiii' . lnii Sta- tion. Kveiell Kunsela , ^11 I' rt- . -uileiit Streel , Hiinliii Klo/i Slalion , Fin- land. Wilnes. -- - .i-s . . same as Im I'll- sle Mai itt Ku. 'isela. Bertha Kvitretl , ftui r Street , Commack , Germany. Witnesses . Allen C. Itoetli'l- . f.S llleell St left. Huntlnston , anil Katliei in,- Htietler , same iidilress. Veronica Jorgeiiricn , Summit Ter- race , Hiinllii KiDii . Sciitlantl. Wit- nesses , Kale Juli-fnseii , Ha Holly- wood Avenue , Hiintiiifliin . anil Helen Trainer , W' l.otlliull SI reel , Huntlngion. Carl Krle Alidei siin . 7li .Nassau Avenue . Hiiiilui ^loii , Sweden. Wit- nesses , John lJt'aiis , Greetilawn anil Karl It. Smith. Giei'iilavvn. PanUraz Kliiiiiiaiin , SI. Hose School , Melville , Germany. Wit- nesses , .Micliiii-I Kieiiiian , KuriiiiiiK- dale , and P. Howard Ohm, Farm- inedaJi' . Haffuela Kiniiantl eiii . I.arkllelil Avenue . Klwniiil. Iialy. Witnesses , Harry Silberstein . Hunlin ;-iuii , ami Lawrence M OIKU - II John Murph y, lis President St reet . HuntluKton Stat ion , Ireland. Wit- nesses, Nancy Murphy, Huntlni 'trin Station, anil Mela Slelljes , lliinl- iu(;lt)ii Statlnn. •Itilianiie ItU-liler , Cellar Drive . Kasl Ntn tli |itiil , Germany. Wit- nesses , Anna llraiiiliiieiei , lliiiiilnc ton Slalitm, ami Ki e.l A* -eiiiloi I, llll 'llilirtini Stat iiin. Mai'Klirel Uiihilailli* , Klwnoil Hoad. liast Nui*lh|»irl , li-elaml. Wit nesses , Helen Mason , Kasl North- port , ami 11,-len Sciitlt ler . Kasl Norlhporl. Audrey /eta Mathe . -snn Homaine , , r , Caltlwell Sir, - el , Muniiii|;li>n Sla lion , Scotlatiil. Witnesses , lleitlia Fls' - 'hcr , IliiritiUKton Station , and Cttln-riiie Koerster , }Iuntinglon Sta- tion. Il'-ini icli Untie . Smithtown Branch , Germany. Wilni' , Otto Koe- vver , Northport and Kreida Meyer , Kasl N' url Itpoi t . ItcHi.a G ruber Einsohn, 39 (lib- son Avenue , Huntington , Austria. W'lin i-BhcB, Fred Ilazzard , Huntlng- ion and Clarence R. Huff , Hunting- ton. CoiHi-rla Nicoletto , 152 Railroad A veil in- . Huntlnston Station , Italy. Wiim-sses , italfaele Nicoletto , Hiiiiiiiirlon Station and Philip Maiii iisii . Huntlngion Station. Julia Woi-lfel , .Melville, Germany. Wiltie .ises . (' arrii; Frledank , Mel- ville and Anna Schneider , North* purl . Iliin. 'i Martin Glass . East North- pnrt , Germany. Witnesses , Carl riiiiinsi-n. Greenliiwn, and Joseph W. Ci-ruta k , Kasl Northport. Anna Anderson , "ti Nassau Ave- nue , Huntlnston , Oenmark. Wit* jje , John Deans , Oreenlawn and Henry fl. Offertnaii n , Huntington. (ist-iir Anderson , 76 Nassau Ave- nue . Huntington , Sweden. Wit- nesses, same us for Anna Ander- Still. I . (in in Alvar , 70 Curley Avenue , Hiiiiiiiirlon, Norway. Witnesses , . laetili I' vetlt . Huntington , and Olaf .1. Ol-sen, iliiiitinglon. Catiina Crooke , Huntington , Hol- land. Witnesses , Harry T. Kruoa- mil , limittnKion and John Deans , Greenln vvn. Clara I.evlna Werle , Jericho Tunipike , Coniinack ,, Canada. Wit- nesses , Mamie S. Otlen , Commack ami Hose Byrnes , Commack. .Mary K!It>n Donagby. Indian Head lto. 'if l, * Kings Park , Ireland. Wlt- ncssi's , Jnseuh P. McGurk , Central Isllp, and Anna Reilly, Centra] Isllp. Maria Gariitano , 20 Tower Street , Huntlnston Station, Italy. Wit- nesses , Geori;i- A. Huh.ii, Huntlng- toii Station and Anthony Marrone , lliinliii Mlon Station. Fae Wormian , 21 Tuthlll Place , Hiinlini;tun Station, Austria. Wit- nesses , lodltli Elklns, Huntington Slalion and Minerva Zwelg, 49 Clii'slinit Hoatl, Huntington. Dmnlngos Ramos , Kings Park Hoad. lOasl Northport , Portugal. Witnesses, Helen Perkowski , East Norlh iiuri and Lena Royall , Kings Park. Minnie Heiilte , 58 Chestnut I SI reel . 1 lunl iii(' , ton , U. S. Wltness- j is , Hubert F. Melrose , Cold Spring { Harbor , and Jennie Melrose , Cold I Spring Harbor. j Clciiii 'utinu Invernizlo Fuller, | Green I awn Roiul, Huntington , Brlt- I hdi ' W. I. Witnesses . Erna S. Ack- leriuau . ClreeiiUiwn Road and Otto , Koliiiul. Huntington. i .loaelilni Rambovv , Jericho Turn- i plli e , lliintlngton , Germany. Wit- ( nesses . John Hirse , Huntington and i .lnliii I) . Knickinun , Kast Nortb- I Wll't. I Fiank Niinzltito , Woodhull Street , ' IliinliniGou. Witnesses , Jerry Nun- /.iaiii , Huntington und Ooiuenlco I' aKiiiio, Hunllnglon. I Anlliony Haunier , Northport. iWiliieHses , William Kelsey, North- litiri anil .Michael Corcoran , Kings Park. Tlioin.'is Ivan Rltflile , 58 Mech- ' anlt' Street , Huntington , Ireland. Wiliiesiies , Margaret Cochrane , ~*-—* "T vm '• ¦ -i— F- 'f i im>fmi^^~f^vr**i ni|* ¦*¦ ¦ Daily Excursions . * Delightfully cool 3-hour fall on Long liland Sound leav- Irg Uytter Ujy »t 8, 0 and 1 I A. M12:30, 2, 3:30 , 5 nnd 6:30 P. M. Additional trip on Sunday at 8 P. M, Comlortabio chain, refroih- menta , tate , ivvlft , itttl ctt amtr*. © Stamford-Oyster Hay Ferries Corporation CASH VALUES DEFAULTED MORT. GAGB BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Latest «vall»bU Information without obllflitlon. Caih wlth, putNdelty at current market iji »wu#, OLD ACC0UNT8 RECEIV- AOLE 0OU0HT .; VERITAS FINANCE CORPORATION (Nmw York Statu 1920) Huntington , L. I. i ;;• ; ' ' . ¦ ; 'T*i. ' ' «0« , 7 jT'-i lMt-MWWgpjypM^^ * fl -Bjj 'JJUlJl m , ti &; '. :I. : : J.; ''V,, < - . * 3025 Northern Boulevard , L. I. City, and George Itogers , 3063-i -ith Street . L. 1. City. Serine Vetter , -J6 Clinton Place . Huntington, Norway. Witnesses , Sadie Cook , Halesite , and Harry Vetter , Huntlngion. William Initnerman , 1-13 Merrick Road . Amllyville , Germany, wit- nesses. Gra n ville Fisher,Aniltyville and Wolfgang Falkenbac h . Amlty- vllle. Alexander Coi niack , Smlthtown , L. I.. Scotland. Witnessed , William W. Glasgow , Oyster Bay ' and Mar- garet Glasgow , Oyster Bay. Rasmus Christiansen , 11-I Spring Street, Huntington , Germany, wit- nesses, Johannes Kirch , Hunting- ton Station and William Weber , Huntington Station. Spiros Hjl Splrou ,, Smlthto* .vn Branch . Cyprus. Witnesses , George H. Dunn , Smlthtown Branch , and William Poulous , Huntington Sta- tion. . Marlangela Spadafora , 1117 New York Avenue. Huntington Station , Italy. Witnesses , Ruggleio Spada- fora , Huntingto n station and An- drea Va ccliSo, Huntington Station . Natale Anzillotto , 83 Lowndes Avenue , Huntington Station , Italy. Witnesses, Anthony F. Iraggi , Huntington Station and Frederick Irai. -i. -i. Huntington Station. Fasquale Miranda , 1414 New York Avenue , Huntington Station , Italy. Witnesses , Vincenzo Sovi- ero, Huntington- and Angelo L«p- era , Huntington Station. Elizabeth Helen Stuart Haw- thorne. 139 Bay view Avenue , North- port , Ireland. Witnesses , Eleanor II. Richardson, same address, aad Lola A. L. Wolfe . Bay view Avenue , ' Northport. Albert Ed ward Adams , Golden Hod Heights , Northport , England. Witnesses , Caroline A. Nordgr«n, Maple Avenue , Northport and Thomas Ryan , Golden Rod Ave- nue , Northport. Isabella MacDonald Lawrence, Smlthtown Branch , L. I., Scotland. Witnesses , Minnie Allen , Smllh- town Branch and Edith Kimmey, St. James. Florence Bendis , Grand Avenue , East Northport , England. Witness- es . Anna Petrzelka , East North- port , and Anna M. Beckman , Gar- field Avenue , East Northport. Elizabeth Brlerley, 26th Street , tt' yandanc/i , England. Witnesses , Margaret E. Wakeford , Wyandanch and Henrietta Pollock , Arlington Avenue . Wyandanch.

Transcript of Huntington Station Bank - NYS Historic...

Page 1: Huntington Station Bank - NYS Historic · nual fair ot the Huntington Kin* Department , ... ipai'i>l for


Crowds have been In at tendant.-)*« evening this week at t in 1 an-nual fair ot the Huntington Kin*Department , being held on Ihoground? at tlie rear of tlie f l i t 'headquarters on Mala Street.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the de-partment conducted a very success-ful cake and food sale lust Satur-day and will have charge of an-other one tomorrow. Tlie ladlesna-ve also offered some very S-cfancy articles for sale during thepast week. I

Chief Clarence Phillips appoint- !ed the following committees to !take charge of various department.-!of the fair:

Chairman—Deputy Chief John V.Cougblin; hooth construction—Dej>ut >- Chief John Bath; men inbooths — Ex-Chief George Lewlsyand Lieut. Kenneth Selillm; imrchafing—George Scarpatl, chair-man , Capt. E. A. Strickland , Lieut.Peter Balduzzi and Lieut. JohnSrhllrn ; lighting—Emory J. Deven-dorf ; refreshment—Charles VanSls-e ; hot dogs—Junies Hal l lnanand Lieut. Willlani Prime; special—Deputy Chief Ar thur Hubba:sound syattsm—Chief Clarence Phil-lips; publicity—E. A. Stricklandand George Scarpatl; book com-mittee—Capt. Mllford Babcoclt.

^^^msmmm^M ^s^ t «ivlk\ Ll**' ' >M ^^3SB?F*\*\ ^ ^ ^^w UN'-^^S ^^w % * Ww iP

?V * " * / ^S^^wQ^

l r > ~ 'I ^^^^^^^S^S^m^i

1 I „ J

<\ ,« © For-Lcfng Islanders, going west every mile to Washington is elec- "

X:i *- N ?. or south is as simple as a change trifled. If westbound, the Penn- %

J i\ at Jamaica. Step off your inbound sylvania is 50 miles shorter to, • Long Island train-step on to Chicago . . . 100 miles shorter to$

;; your ou tbound Pennsy lvania St. Louis. And you always sleep

train. No crosstown dash to make more restfull y, because the Pen n-a connection No subway shut- sylvania has the finest roadbed

;J > , ding. No bother. If southbound , arid heaviest rail east to west.

r !< .- •"¦ » j

\y — Vm Xmmmmmm ,:

I f(T Found I Was Losing Orders f or Broilers mI ' So I Had My Telephone Put Back" I

"1 make deliveries on my egg route on Fridays. customers , and it brings me in more money.I used to try to gtt orders for broilers on They all know they can reach me by tde-jone Friday for delivery in time for the next phone now and place an order as lute as¦week-end. Thursday for Friday delivery.

"llur it seems that most people can 't order 'time "I seU twice as many dressed chickens ami »cUt in advance. Time and again they 'd tell cetta in times of the year, when I' ve u U orme I missed the sale of a broiler or chicken broilers I want to sell in a hurry , I call all myitfMU& e they cou dn f rrath me between de- customers the night before to get their orders .lively days to order it. , ,- They seem to appreciate lwving ^t\"I've fixed that situation now. I've had my me suggest something good for , FI M^ jJtelephone put back, It 's a convenience to my ¦» Sunday dinner. " Mk^/

O A ttttphont li a two-way blip, lt hips yiu hep in touch with ¦JumBma .aultmm, and it provides an tasy way for mtmirs to reach you. iddf lRcW&&M$kIn addition to paying moti than its own way in salts math and : /W^Fv&Br^K&Pwotity saved, it briny vaiuaUi proticiion to tbi f arm and bom c^Sbfi ^feLv Wt 'd Hit to set you at tin Busintss OJftci, to Jell you low rally ^M|iS^akimxptnsitt farm ukphoni strvict is. IsWRmSSm

..,,... < N C W ..1. Y O' R' K jJ ' T I L ' B P H O ' N i ! C O M P A N Y .¦mir.nn.i.n - . M,*TW ,*--MTW'» ,.« - >M -r«,M*wr^

SCIENCE NOW M m CLOTHES LAST LONGER¦¦ ' Wl i uu ,m ¦¦¦-¦.¦¦ - n .m..m,m ,,, -, HU L W W. ,Wi ,mwm wwr * 1¦s-v '^I-"-;• . **®-K

¦ if *£/V* *\? .*•,¦*¦ ' £ *~ ** 5 "**»!* 'i t Ar' IT * 1 T ¦*> ' * -f * f , Jpjt-'i _J'.?5-M - ' - * * . ° - ¦¦SI'At-T ,>'WtV <*'*lL . - " "k * .^v^^'AtA.

tn&SxatM. , . - * ^N&to&ELwt

Seliincc now talctp s a hand . In balancing Iho biitlgeU offnmlll i ' .t l i v ing in und lioni* i l i int lnnton , nccordhiK to latestreports.

Com Iy i t ' i i l i i i 't ' i t ici i is nf ii|ipai' i> l for uii-n , womi'ii and chiltl -ren nri> cut tiiiwii by iii 'w inptlioil a of laundorln e devised afteryears of :u*li»ntltU* uli i i ly.

Tlio now im>t)io(ls otfored by un cut clothing coBts byextra cute In liaiiil l l i ig Kai nip iilfl.


295 New York Avenue Huntington, L. I,Teleplione: Huntlna*°n. 2550-1-2

'iBMWIllllllllllllllldlllliB'llWllllllt'itiHMItillBlllllllll il-MW-WBil-IIIM-WMMIMIIIi 'Wtillllll 111 I Ml wniMm-Mii ¦»

Huntington Station BankHUNTINGTON STATION, N. Y.

We solicit your business onthe basis of sound and

efficient management

Member of Federal DepositInsurance Corporaftatt

Open Monday Evenings 6-6 j

¦'¦¦¦¦-"¦ ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .. . . ..: - , . .i ¦ , -;<

. ih



Solve -Yourienu Problemsrath Mractiveifl^^l. Uiv i i *©^

s^P £&<&Esr J3L

^A^, mt

staffed iSiiibihtM^^^^*'


Huntington, L. I." 6 NEW STREET

rTna itnnrti i-r .i -1 mru--* -.. -.„ - », ¦ -, -,* ¦ -nrn7irm--iT mifni.v-Mt.-v lii ; tr i )ir.m +ntftU ,\riit.-'- -JimmiVB?m0T

GROUP ^OF PARENTSConsidering continuing


High scholastic standing and modern method of teaching withlimited number of children.

We are especially desirous of hearing from parentswho are interested in a school where tuition willcost from #200 to #300 per year.

H. R. H., Box 26, Huntington

¦—MHww-Maiaiwiijm-pMB**=mff *r*rTCMt'Ttt fliininfiTMff^rHrw^


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(Continued from First Pago)Stanlf .v Roy l,uno. 200 Vox I.une ,

Northport , England. Witnesses ,Jiunea P. Stiotwcll , Northport , andPaul Kirchbaum , Norlhporl.

C-armella DeRosa, 139 FourthAvcimi>, Huntington Station. I taly.Wlt-nesses , Frank Aulet to , Hunt ln K -ton station and Anna A. Ui*Rosu.Huntington Station.

Jean McMuldroch Johnstone , 5Falrmount Avenue , Huntlngion .Scotland. Witnesses , Mary II. Daw-son. 905 New York Avenue , Hunt -Inj fton Station, and Dorothea A.Hastings , same address.

.Martha Aaltoneu , Central l.tllp.h. I,, Finland. Wllnexaea , AlbertA. Soderstron) , 91 Keefer Street .Elmont , and Victoria Sunilgvlst .100 Douglas Court, Hun t lug ton Sta-tion.

John Joseph Uuiiiner , Foi l Sal-onga , Northport , Swit-ierlnml. Wlt-nesat'S, Michael Corcoran , KlausParfe , and Joseph Schbish . North-port .

Uiiiseppe Gollno , Broadway . H u n t -ingt on Station, I ta ly . Witne-ises .Hupglero Spulafora , 1117 New YorkAvenue , Hunt ing ton ami FruiifeseuAlenslo , Depot Road , Hiint l i i Ktoi iStation.

Naiale Conforli , Broadway, Hunt-ington Station, Italy. Witnesses ,Andrea Vacchlo, Broadway ^ Hun t -ington Station , and An«elo f.epera .New York Avenue , HuiKlii K lon Sta-tion . '

Angelo Fusaro , Railroad Avenue ,Huntington Station , I ta ly. Wit -nf»s(iB, Angelo l.epera. New YorkAvenue , Hunt ington Stat ion andVliiceiiio Petront) , I luut l i i K ton Sta-tion.' lUidolph Molltor , S72 New YorkAvenue , Hunt i ngton , liei-ninny.Witnesses. Domtnlclt Plscopo .Prime Avenue , I lui i i ln eion and Ja-cob \V Hirnclifelil , I I i i i i l l i iKlon .

Anjfelo Nari ' lao, -I!) School Street ,Hunt ington .Station , I ta ly . WIU HISB -ti, I)DUlii )icJ- Nurciso, aiime iiddri ' -ssanil Angelo Lepeia. Hun t lng ionStat ion.

I'ear) Axelrod , May Street , l l un t -IllKtoi ) Station , Hebrew . WituesK-e«, Jacob .Axelrod, May Street ,Wilmington Station und Mary ICtl-.., -' . . - ' " —i

iniontls . 2-11 N'.issru Avenue , H u n tinptni i .

j M a i y Ann I tyan , rhi i i ' ch Sln-i-l ,i KI IIKS 1'ark . I re land . U' i lin-s se .- .I Michael Ityiui , KIn f ix ' Park , amiI Mary Ct i i r lw . Ki i i K " I' .iili .

Pat r ick Coi ina l l ey . :!U I ' l a t tI Street. 11 iint i j i ;- t i>n . Irelmiit. Wilileuses. Jaiiic.-. I) i ;t | ,er , Slmre lioatl ,Huntlnston , :ui d Mio.t. Cnrmun . -I. 'lCarver Place . Hii i i l i iu - l on.

MarKnret I>c«an , I I i i i i f i i iKtoi i Sta-tion. Germany. \\ ' i l in* /,:ics . Claralanlorf . 'J M New Yorli . A v i n i i , *,Hun t in g ton Stat ion and .Marie Conr-duff , same aildres.s.

Patrick Joseph Ki rhy , Kini t sPark , Scotland . U' t l iu :- -<e- . Ha r ry| Nichol s . Kuifi -i Pail , nml .'Mi i l i a i - I' Ilieiiiian , Kliiits Park .

Axel Harolil llaai- i-n , Dci-r ParkI Avenue . IJet 'i- p ark , I , . 1 , Sn ellen.! Wltliesnes . Iljanii* i' i-i li-1 :-:i 'M . U'yan-! daiich. and Jo.-i-pli K t / I . i l , .Linden

hurst .1 CluiriSeppl' J' l-tlt e. Main Slll-el ,! Cold Sprint: l l a ih i i i . I t a l y . Wi l -nesses. Pamillale Pi tppalar i ln , CtililSpring Harbur anil Julm .'Mi ih la '.Hunt l i iKlo i i S ta t ion .

I Angelo Tti.ti-iinii, !i*. i,ti wiiij.- .-. A ve-nue, llillllili'.-lti li Stal inn , I taly.Witnesses. Vlllt ' ell/.tl pelitun- . "isColumbia Avenue , Huiiiiui'lim Sta-tion, and Sull ivan Aleerie .

Leslie Kri 'dei ii*l ; Clary, HenryStreet , Kim' s Park , l n - l a t n l W i t -nesses . Slieppanl !•'. Klioi l i -s , l inyShore, and Ki l l l l i ,1. I t l iml i - .i , MayShore.

Klsle Marie Kuiu -.ela , it; I ' n-iildent Street , l l u i i l i t i i ' t t i n S la l ion ,Finland. Wltne. i--.eH , Mary .1. N.Wall i i iK , Hi in t l i i f i ln i i S t a t i on amiFreda J. J inrens , l l i i n l i i i i ' .lnii Sta-tion.

Kveie l l Kunsela , ^11 I' rt- .-uileiitStreel , Hi inl i i i K lo/ i Slalion , Fin-land. Wilnes.---.i-s . .same as Im I'll-sle Mai itt Ku.'isela.

Bertha Kvi t re t l , f t u i r Street ,Commack , Germany . Witnesses .Allen C. Itoetli 'l- . f.S l l lee l l St l e f t .H u n t l n s t o n , anil K a t l i e i in ,- Htiet ler ,same iidilress.

Veronica Jorgeiiricn , Summi t Ter-race, Hi in l l i i K iDi i . Sci i t lant l . Wi t -nesses, Kale Jul i -fnsei i , Ha Hol ly-wood Avenue , H i i n t i i i f l i i n . anilHelen Trainer , W' l .ot l l iu l l SI reel ,Hun t ln g ion .

Carl Krle Alidei siin . 7li .NassauAvenue . Hi i i i lu i ^ lo i i , Sweden. Wi t -nesses, John lJt'aiis , Gree t i l awn anilKarl It. Smi th . Gie i ' i i l avvn .

PanUraz Kl i i i i i i a i i n , SI. HoseSchool , Melvi l le , Germany. Wi t -nesses, .Micliiii-I K ie i i i i an , K u r i i i i i i K -dale , and P. Howard Ohm, Farm-inedaJi' .

Haffuela K i n i i a n t l e i i i . I . a rk l le l i lAvenue . Klw nii i l . I i a l y . Witnesses ,Harry Silberstein . H u n l i n ; - i u i i , amiLawrence M OIKU - II

John M u r p h y , lis President St reet .H u n t l u K t o n Sta t ion , I re land . W i t -nesses, Nancy M u r p h y , H u n t l n i ' t r i nSta t ion , anil Mela Slelljes , l l i i n l -iu(;lt ) ii S t a t l n n .

•I t i l iani ie I tU - l i l e r , Cellar Drive .Kasl Ntn t l i | i t i i l , Ge rmany . W i t -nesses, Anna l l r a i i i l i i i e i e i , l l i i i i i l n cton Sla l i tm, ami Ki e.l A* -eiiiloi I ,l l l l ' l l i l i r t i n i S ta t i i in .

Mai'Klirel Ui ih i l a i l l i * , K l w n o i lHoad. liast Nui*lh|»irl , li-elaml. Witnesses , Helen Mason , Kasl N o r t h -port , ami 11,-len Scii t l t ler . KaslNor lhpor l .

Audrey /eta Math e .-snn Homaine ,,r, Caltlwell Sir, - el , Muniiii|;li>n Slalion , Scotlatii l . Witnesses , lleitlia

Fls'-'hcr , I l i i r i t iUKton Station , andCtt ln -r i i ie Koerster , }Iuntinglon Sta-tion.

I l ' - in i icli Untie . Smi th town Branch ,Germany. Wilni', Otto Koe-vver , Northport and Kreida Meyer,Kasl N'url Itpoi t .

ItcHi.a G ruber Einsohn, 39 (lib-son A v e n u e , Hunt ington , Austria.W'lin i-BhcB, Fred Ilazzard , Huntlng-ion and Clarence R. Huff , Hunting-ton.

CoiHi-rla Nicoletto , 152 RailroadA veil in- . Huntlnston Station , Italy.Wiim-sses , italfaele Nicoletto,Hi i i i i i i i r l on Stat ion and PhilipMaiii iisii . Hun t l ng ion Station.

Jul ia Woi-lfel , .Melville, Germany.Wilt ie .ises . (' arrii ; Frledank , Mel-vi l le and Anna Schneider , North*purl .

I l i i n . 'i M a r t i n Glass . East North-pnrt , Germany . Witnesses , Carlrii i i insi-n. Greenl i iwn, and JosephW. Ci-ruta k , Kasl Northport.

A n n a Anderson , "ti Nassau Ave-nue , H u n t l n st o n , Oenmark. Wit *jj, John Deans , Oreenlawn andHenry f l . Offertnaii n , Hunt ington.

(ist-i ir Anderson , 76 Nassau Ave-nue . H u n t i n g t o n , Sweden. Wit-nesses, same us for Anna Ander-St i l l .

I .(in in A l v a r , 70 Curley Avenue,Hi i i i i i i i r lon , Norway. Witnesses ,.laetili I' vet l t . Hun t ing ton , and Olaf.1. Ol-sen, i l i i i i t inglon.

Catiina Crooke , Hunt in gton , Hol-land. Witnesses , Harry T. Kruoa-m i l , l i m i t t n K i o n and John Deans,Greenln vvn.

Clara I.evlna Werle , JerichoTunip ike , Coniinack ,, Canada. Wit-nesses , Mamie S. Otlen , Commackami Hose Byrnes , Commack.

.Mary K!It > n Donagby. Indian Headlto.'if l, * Kings Park , Ireland. Wlt-ncssi's , Jnseuh P. McGurk , CentralIsllp, and Anna Reilly, Centra]Isl lp.

Maria G a r i i t a n o , 20 Tower Street ,Hun t ln ston Station, Italy. Wit-nesses , Geori;i- A. Huh.ii, Huntlng-toii S t a t i o n and Anthony Marrone ,l l i i n l i i i M l o n Station.

Fae Wormian , 21 Tuthlll Place ,Hi in l in i ; tun Stat ion, Austria. Wit-nesses , lodltl i Elklns, HuntingtonSlal ion and Minerva Zwelg, 49Clii ' sl init Hoatl, Huntington.

Dmnlngos Ramos , Kings ParkHoad. lOasl Northport , Portugal.Witnesses , Helen Perkowski, EastNor lh i iu r i and Lena Royall , KingsPark.

Minnie Heii l te , 58 ChestnutI SI reel . 1 l u n l iii( ', ton , U. S. Wltness-j i s , Huber t F. Melrose , Cold Spring{ Harb or , and Jennie Melrose , ColdI Spring Harbor .j C lc i i i i 'u t inu Invernizlo Fuller ,| Green I awn Roiul, Hunt ing ton , Brlt-I hdi ' W. I. Witnesses . Erna S. Ack-le r iuau . ClreeiiUiwn Road and Otto, Kol i i iu l . Hun t ing ton .i . loaelilni Rambovv , Jericho Turn-i plli e, l l i i n t l n g t o n , Germany. Wit-( nesses . John Hirse , Huntington andi .lnli i i I ) . Kn ick inun , Kast Nortb-

IW l l ' t .

I F iank Ni inz l t i to , Woodhull Street ,' I l i i n l i n i G o u . Witnesses , Jerry Nun-

/. iai i i , H u n t i n g t o n und OoiuenlcoI' aKi iiio, Hunllnglon.

I Anl l ion y Haunier , Northport.iWil i ieHses , Will iam Kelsey, North-litiri anil .Michael Corcoran, KingsPark.

Tlioin.'is Ivan Rlt f l i le , 58 Mech-' anl t ' Street , Huntington , Ireland.

Wiliiesiies , Margaret Cochrane ,

~ * - — * "T vm '• '¦ ¦ -i— F- 'f i im>fmi^^~f^vr **i ni|* ¦*¦¦


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3025 Northern Boulevard , L. I.City, and George Itogers, 3063-i -ithStreet . L. 1. City.

Serine Vetter , -J6 Clinton Place.Huntington, Norway. Witnesses,Sadie Cook , Halesite, and HarryVetter , Hunt lng ion.

William Initnerman , 1-13 MerrickRoad . Amllyvil le , Germany, wit-nesses. Gra n ville Fisher,Aniltyvilleand Wolfgang Falkenbac h . Amlty -vllle.

Alexander Coi niack , Smlthtown ,L. I.. Scotland. Witnessed , WilliamW. Glasgow , Oyster Bay'and Mar-garet Glasgow , Oyster Bay.

Rasmus Christiansen , 11-I SpringStreet, Huntington , Germany, wit-nesses, Johannes Kirch , Hunting-ton Station and William Weber ,Huntington Station.

Spiros Hjl Splrou ,, Smlthto*.vnBranch . Cyprus. Witnesses , GeorgeH. Dunn , Smlthtown Branch , andWilliam Poulous , Huntington Sta-tion. .

Marlangela Spadafora , 1117 NewYork Avenue. Huntington Station ,Italy. Witnesses, Ruggleio Spada-fora , Hunt ingto n station and An-drea VaccliSo, Huntington Station .

Natale Anzillotto , 83 LowndesAvenue , Huntington Station , Italy.Witnesses, Anthony F. Iraggi ,

Huntington Station and FrederickIrai.-i.-i. Huntington Station. •

Fasquale Miranda , 1414 NewYork Avenue , Huntington Station ,Italy. Witnesses, Vincenzo Sovi-ero, Huntington- and Angelo L«p-era , Hunt in gton Station.

Elizabeth Helen Stuart Haw-thorne. 139 Bay view Avenue, North-port , Ireland. Witnesses, EleanorII. Richard son, same address, aadLola A. L. Wolfe. Bay view Avenue,'Northport.

Albert Ed ward Adams, GoldenHod Heights , Northport , England.Witnesses , Caroline A. Nordgr«n,Maple Avenue , Northport andThomas Ryan , Golden Rod Ave-nue , Northport.

Isabella MacDonald Lawrence,Smlthtown Branch , L. I., Scotland.Witnesses , Minnie Allen , Smllh-town Branch and Edith Kimmey,St. James.

Florence Bendis , Grand Avenue,East Northport , England. Witness-es. Anna Petrzelka , East North-port , and Anna M. Beckman , Gar-field Avenue , East Northport.

Elizabeth Brlerley, 26th Street ,tt'yandanc/i , England. Witnesses,Margaret E. Wakeford , Wyandanchand Henrietta Pollock , ArlingtonAvenue . Wyandanch.