Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

Hunters Dark The March of Stench and Blood


The first Campaign in the Hunters Dark RPG series. This Campaign works well with party's of 2 to 8 players with characters built from the Hunters dark players hand book. You can grab the whole series here and begin your hunt today.

Transcript of Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

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Hunters Dark

The March of Stench

and Blood

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The assets

This Adventure consists primarily of the following items the GM may add in more if likes but

these are the primary components used in the story from start to finish. The Story is a short

one and is designed to take an hour to an hour 45 mins to complete in full.

1. 10 – town soldiers

2. 30 -Ferrell Goblins

3. 15 –Traveling Presents

4. 20- Rabid Wolves

5. 1- Dukes Son

6. 25- Shadow Cult Assassins

7. 1- Knight Commander Guard

8. 3- Goblin Shaman 1- Goblin Lord

9. 1- twin headed Jackal <Beast>

10. 10- Raiders

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The Locations

This Adventure consists primarily of the following Locations these will be given details in to

following campaign story when reached but the GM can Skip to them if they want the players

to get to or start in those locations in a different order while making their own story.

1. Trading outpost -

A small trading outpost on the edge of the great forest with guards to transport villagers

from town to town located in Dark and extremely dangerous territory more than 50

miles from The Reach.

2. The Dunquirk Forest-

The Large forest of house Dunquirk one of the four most powerful dukes in all the Old

Kingdom now a haunted and plagued wasteland but still holds one of the only useable

roads left in the land to move by wagon and horse.

3. Goblin encampment –

An endless network of forts and hovels used by feral goblins to move unseen

throughout the underbelly of the forest in large numbers.

4. Castel Dunquirk

A Massie Castel used in once by the Duke himself as his principle seat of power in the

land. No one has seen anyone go in and out in decades and it is believed to be an

abandoned ruin.

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Act I

The March Begins

1. – You arrive at the trading post as the sun crests in the sky and you can see the Guards

getting ready to send the next caravan down the road to Obrens Watch the last town

left for over 100 miles and a necessary spot for you and your companions to resupply.

You must be on that caravan without those supply’s you will not last till the next one for

your bones ach and you know the Mist is coming to this small fort and as you look at the

meager ten soldiers guarding the place you know it will not stand a chance.

2. -The Camp has two entrances with large wooden gates a small barracks for the soldiers

and two tall wooden towers looking out over the battlements. There are ten soldiers

readying the caravan for transport, One commander orders them about left and right

and you can clearly see he is the one in charge. The caravan is made up of one large

wagon pulled by two gray and haggard stallions with 15 presents about gathering

supply’s. Oddly no one is willing to trade at this time for it seems they are all far to

concerned with the trip ahead.

Main Story Goal- Find a way to get on the Caravan

Commander Name Fen Norath – Level 5 Knight – Berserker

Description- a large bearded man in heavy plate with two large war axes at his hip yells

orders at his men. He looks to be about 40 and in no mood for banter.

Nature check 13- Reveals the commander does not like Hunters giving this away will

make him less likely to let you join the caravan-

Conclusion of Successful Conversation- You are welcome on the caravan but must

promise to defend the peasants if attacked.

Conclusion of Failed Conversation- He refuses to allow you aboard this can be rectified

with a bribe of 15 silver or beating him in a one on one fist fight dual.

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The Soldiers-

The Soldiers are busy loading up supply’s onto the wagon and do not say much in the

way of greeting. They are made up primarily of Adult and young adult humans and are

each armed with light armor – spears and short swords over common clothing. –

Intellect check 10- reveals they all look fresh uncoordinated and uncomfortable in there

armor it is likely many of them are new recruits and have little to no real combat


The Peasants –

An assortment of farmers, laborers and common folk stand about the caravan waiting

for it to be ready they all seem terribly frightened. The group is comprised of both men

and women mainly humans dwarfs and Niflem but upon closer examination you can see

one is a daemon shunned from the rest he sits towards the back of the camp. They are

for the most part unarmed aside from a dagger here and there and un armored dressed

in common robes and rags.


the peasants greet you in common fashion but are in little move for conversation and

keep looking over as your talking to see if the caravan is ready to leave

Nature check 15- reveals they are terrified of a beast seen roaming the nearby area one

rumored to have two heads the body of a giant hound and to be wreathed in blue

flame. Many of those traveling east are going because of the children and loved ones

who have been disappearing of late but unlike normal raids and wildlife attacks no

body’s have been found.

Daemon Peasant – Any attempt to talk to the daemon on the far side of the camp

seems futile as he remains silent staring blankly at the wall. The Commander informs

you he is an lost cause for chatter as his tongue was cut off a long time ago it seems.

Trigger-After trying to speak with the daemon both the guards and the villagers trust

you less

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Trigger-After Speaking with the Villagers the caravan is ready to depart to the Dunquirk


Decision- if the Commander allows it the party may join the cavern headed into the

Dunquik forest with 5 guards accompanying them. You can go with them or stay at the

camp to fend off the storm of monsters you can feel headed your way with the five

remaining soldiers.

Roll Intellect Check 12- to see who is aware of these Opportunity’s

Opportunity Persuade the Commander of Danger- Nature check 15 –

This will convince the commander the trip will be dangerous and change the soldier

count to 7 or have him give you some 5 silver to greater incentivize you to protect the


Opportunity Persuade the Commander to Stay- Nature check 18 –

This will convince the commander the trip will be too dangerous and change the plan to

leave later the peasants and guards will all stay and be there to help with the coming

battel you know will be upon the fort come nightfall

Branch- 1- If the Commander lets you join-

The Peasants and soldiers gather round the caravan its rusty wheels creaking in the

wind “Man the gates” the Comander shouts and the heavy beaten down oak wood

doors slowly swing open. Ahead lies the dense and fog ridden the Dunquirk Forest the

soldiers whip cracks and the party embarks weary already of a long and dangerous


Branch- 2- If the Commander forbids you passage –

The caravan departs Through the great wooden doors into the Dunquirk Forest But the

Guards bar your path you have angered the commander and will be held for

questioning. Your only hope now is sneaking past these men or taking them down to

catch up to the caravan before doom falls on this place.

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Conclusion –

If Player succeed in escaping Have the players catch up to the caravan at the first

encounter on the road – fighting in this will get the commander to allow them to


If Players fail to get by guards but are still alive Have Players stay to face the encounter

in branch 3 with only 5 guards to aid them.

Branch- 3- If the Commander and the men stay and ready for battel –

The great doors remain shut soldiers usher the present’s into the barracks and urge

them bar the door the Commander ready’s his men to fight and asks that you armed as

you are join him. The Night is coming swiftly and there is little time to prepare but it

matters not win or lose the men are resolved they will not take them without a fight-


you have 3 hours to prepare after that the camp is besieged by 20 Goblins and one

goblin shaman vs your party 10 soldiers and any peasants you can get to fight–

the goblins have average loot the shaman has uncommon

Conclusion –

if players survive remove the dead from your Campaign asset pool and continue story

from Branch 1.

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Act II

The Lost and Abandon

The Forest Road-

The caravan creeks and rocks beneath you as in moves through the foggy wood as the

mud slops about the caravan wheels you see the faces of the peasants and guards men

darken as the trip entered deeper into the woods. Dark trees arch there eerie braches

across the sky night was coming fast now and it was becoming harder and harder to see.

The guards light torches and pass them out and the journey continues. As the trees get

more dense the Commander turns to you “you can see the fear on their faces this forest

has been cursed for many years” he spits off the side of the cart “a long time ago when

the mist first fell on this land the duke of Dunquirk told his people to stay no evacuation

he said that he would protect them but when the beasts came he shut himself up in his

castle and the people were caught out in the open slaughtered by the thousands. The

ghosts of all those dead souls bonded with the Mist that night to form a curse on the

castle and its forest and the fire from there hate became the burning blue spirt Moku

the Twin headed Jackal. No one was able to leave the castle after that without being

torn to pieces and thus the gates stay shut just as they have for 50 years. We best be

cautious “ he warns “ there’s no telling when all manner of devils may fall upon us make

no mistake this is a accursed place”.

A Blocked Passage-

- After a Time traveling in darkened silence one of the front guards yells “Ho steady

now” and the caravan draws to a screeching halt. “What’s the meaning of this” the

Commander bellows “it’s a downed tree sir“ one of the men replies “going to take

at least a solid hour to remove it”. “Are you insane” he shouts back “we can’t stop

here “ but sir we have no eckkkkkkkkkk! “ just then an arrow slams though the

guards throat “Ambushhhhh” the presents and guards scramble for cover as four

men in dark hooded robes leap from the woods and rush the caravan.

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Encounter- 4 Shadow Cult Assassins – armed with – long curved daggers – one bow- and scrolls

of lesser darkness – equipped with dark black robes-

Combat Level- These are cultists not soldiers that being said they are an especially violent cult

and these men are the bloodiest of that sect tasked specifically with the assassinations of the

cults enemy’s. As such treat them as just a bit stringer and more skilled that a band of common

street thugs but with a few spells to mix things up.

Scroll of Lesser Darkness- Reading of the scroll causes it to explode into a vast 20 ft area cloud

of black fog vision in this area is completely impossible for anyone but the person who used the

scroll it.


Trigger- After the first death of the fight The Demon peasant breaks his bonds and

begins hurling lesser flame spells at the attackers with an Intelligence of 5 base wounds


Conclusion- remove the dead from assets section the soldiers begin work removing the

tree and scouting for more enemy’s the Commander if alive thanks you for your service

than moves to question the daemon on why he hid the fact that he was a mage.

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Loot- The assassins have no loot on them but their clothes weapons a scroll of lesser

darkness each and one tattered letter.

The Tattered Letter- It looks as though it was written hastily and reads- You’ll find all

you need as Gulverns pass after the deed is done the targets should be too busy playing

with trees to even notice you approach. Bring the dukes son to me kill the rest.

Signed the one who whispers

Intelligence Check -18 – reveals it seems extremely odd for the assassins to be carrying

a note implicating someone who hired them and why is there no information about how

to tell who is the dukes son.

Continue- The Commander is losing his temper fast at the demon mage who has fallen

silent again he screams at the creature “If you want to play dumb with me that’s fine“

he spits in the grass “We’ve got enough mouths to feed on this trip already you either

tell me who you really are and what you’re doing on this trip south or you can start

feeding the earth with your corpse UNDERSTAND” as he raises his knife up to the

Daemons throat.

Pivotal Choice-

1- you can stay out of it

2- you can intervene the questioning on the Daemons Behalf

1- The Commander looks for a moment like he’s truly lost his mind the daemon still

says nothing a moment passes that feels like a lifetime then a solider cry’s out

“Commander what are you doing” “Grahhh nothing” he shudders “lock this one in

irons and throw him in the back we will have no more of his flame casting on my

march”. The Soldiers throw him into the back of the wagon.

2- Nature Check -10- success the guard backs down and lets you have a crack at the

prisoner wandering off muttering something about how he’s not being paid enough

to deal with this shit.

You approach the daemon this time he is far more talkative than back at the camp.

He speaks in very eloquent tones for a daemon and tells you “Listen to me now I

know what you are any one can sense your dark magical auras a mile away you are

hunters yes” he dose not wait for a reply he quickly explains that he is the dukes son

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last of the Dunquirk Line if he can get through these dam woods to his ancestral

home he promises he knows a way to get inside and will grant you a portion of the

riches that await him. Refuse and he promises to spill your secret to the commander

and all the other peasants of the caravan.

Pivotal Choice- Agree – No Deal-

No Deal-

the Daemon starts screaming hunters hunters among us the whole group freezes and

looks at you …than bursts into laughter. “Yeah” the Commander bellows “and im the

Lord of the Reach Hahaha lock this fool away before I piss myself”.


The Daemon Bidis you remain silent for now and tell the Commander nothing but to

stay close. He shows you a signal he will give once given he is to be freed and than and

only then will he show you the path through this dark place to the Ruins of Castel


Side Path- Telling the guard of this plan makes the Deamon no longer trust you and has

the guards put extra chains on him in the back of the wagon. It will also earn each of the

party members ten silver and one long dagger +1;


After a few hours the soldiers finish clearing the last of the trees and bushes set to block

the caravan’s path. The road is clear again and Commander shots for everyone to move

forward “the trips a long way from over yet boys lets move” he yells. And the Caraven

creaks to life again as the horses begin plotting their way forward once again into the

black and misty forest path.

Current Moral – the peasants look more terrified than ever as the party drove deeper

into the woods. No surprise there the guards had barely been able to keep these would

be assassins at bay. And the journey had just begun with no telling what kind of dangers

would follow.

Nature Check -14- reveals One peasant didn’t look particularly scared at all through a

tall man sporting a large wooden ask with a dark brown beard his eye were shifty and

he had ill-favored look about his face.

Choice- Question the man or leave him be-

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1- You Leave him be and stay focused on the dangers ahead

Speed Check- 10- reveals a spike trap laid on the forest ground for unsuspecting

travelers you spot it and yell out just before a guard steps on its trigger doubtless

saving the mans life he thanks you with 10 coppers.

2- You question the woodsmen he’s says his name is Derik Stoakworth and has been

wooding in these parts for over 5 years now and doesn’t need to answer any

questions from strangers.

Trigger- Just then you hear a crash and a shrill scream one of the guards has fallen

through a spike trap the party rushes over to help only to find him dead at the

bottom. “Goblins The Commander growls god dam it keep your eyes open men were

on the outskirts of their territory now.

A fork in the Road – The Old wagon comes to a halt at a fork in the road to paths

diverge in front of you one seems to lead down a dense path of brush and foliage and

looks a difficult road to travel with such a large party the other is well maintained but

has human skull adoring multiple spikes laid out upon its threshold. We’ve got to make a

choice the commander says to the group either we take the long way and brave the

Forests hostile marsh land or we try to slip through goblin territory undetected.

1- If you choose the Goblin territory’s path skip to Act IV

2- If you choose the Swamps go continue to Act III

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A Stench Most Fowl

The Horrid Swamp

The Day grows darker and the forest around you seems to be turning as black as night. As the

Path gets narrower and more crowded Caravan Struggles to get throw the deepening brush and

braken blocking the way. Three times now the commander has had to halt the party to adjust

the wheels and you can easily see any moral left in the poor villagers fade away with the days

last light. The Soldiers look to be having similar concerns all around you their faces darken and

their voices grow quieter with each step as if afraid some unseen devilry might hear them and

descend down with its wrath at any moment. Finally after much walking the torches catch the

reflection of the murky muddy water bellow you and a cruel stench assails your nostrils “

Welcome” the Commander bellows “to the horrid swamplands of the Dunquirk forest, Hope

you’re not afraid of a little mud boys”.

Speed Check – 16- Acid spits up from the bubbling swamp before you and crashes down all

around you.

Success - you dodge out of the way just in time as the acid burns the face off one of the

peasants behind you.

Failure- the acid falls down on you violently burning your body 2d6 damage

Continue- One of the peasants screams another shouts “we should go back” “hold fast you

cowards” the Commander yells “we have to press forward” “Why ?” now one of the soldiers

was talking “Why cant we go back this night is to dark to move on surly you can see that” “You

don’t understand We can’t go back ….” He paused “Its all gone” he collapses to the ground

“three acres past I saw the war carts drawing up through the trees I knew …I knew the goblins

would attack soon by now every man and scrap of wood left at the outpost is probably dead

and burned to the ground.” The faces of the soldiers all sank and the look of terror in the

peasants eyes was now greater than ever. The Commander rises to his feet “Like I said there is

no going back move forward or die that’s your only….“

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Encounter – his voice trails off ass 3 men burst from the brush and mud beneath you. You

glance back and see another 2 coming from the rear with wild dogs at there heels. “Raiders!!” a

solider shouts “TO ARMSSS!!!”

5 Raiders 2 Rabid wolves –

The Raiders are armed with short spears clubs and short swords and are dressed in common

clothes and weak leathers.

The Wolves have only their teeth and claws-

Loot- average +gear of Raiders and one lesser edge rune-

-After Combat remove the dead from the assets list

Continue- The party regroups together around the dead men. “Didn’t expect to see raiders this

deep in the swamp” the Commander says “They’ll have made a camp nearby no doubt will

likely be trouble for us later if we don’t handle it now I need a group to come with me to hunt

them down”

Choice- Hunt Down the Raiders – Stay with the Party –

1- Hunt down the Raiders-

You and two of the remaining soldiers embark with the commander to hunt down the

remaining Raiders before they can strike again. The Ground shows tracks where the

Raiders came from leading away from the battel.

Speed Check – 10 – reveals a map on the ground near one of the muddy footprints of

the dead raiders this shows exactly where the camp is after a few hours tracking

through the underbrush you come across the site – it also shows the locations of several

traps witch you are able to avoid –

Fail- you follow the tracks for hours both of the soldiers fall victim to fiendish wood

spike and bamboo traps located on the road and are severely injured. After much toil

the tracks finally lead you to the Raiders campsite

The Campsite- Through the bushes you can see five men milling about a crude camp fire

next to a few poorly made tents there were bed rolls and what looked like many sacks

of stolen grain and several barrels of lantern oil. There was another dog as well chained

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up in a cage just beyond the campsite. The Commander with only a few men of his own

looks to you to plan the attack.

Encounter –

5 Raiders 1 Rabid wolf –

The Raiders are armed with short cross bows clubs and short swords and are dressed in

common clothes and weak leathers.

The Wolf has only its teeth and claws- only comes in if someone can get to it and uncage


Loot- average +gear of Raiders and 2 lesser flame runes

-After Combat remove the dead from the assets list

Continue- The last of them fall with a sickening crunch bodies litter the ground now

soaked red with blood. The commander cleans his sword and orders you and the men to

search the campsite for supply’s.

Speed Check- 16- reveals -3 bags of fresh food and 4 lesser medical kits – use to restore

1d6 health

The soldiers find nothing but more bags of flower after a time the Commander orders

you to move out and you begin the long march back to the caravan. It takes a bit less

time than before to find your way back but it still feels like hours in the hot damp air of

the dingy swamp. When you finally arrive back at the campsite you are greeted with a

horrific site the caravan is a flame the daemon stands amidst it desperately wielding the

fire with his still chained hands at 10 rabid wolves surrounding the caravan 5 lay dead on

the ground slain by the guards of whom their were only 4 left standing the peasants had

mostly retreated up into the nearby trees but a good 7 of them lay dead as well their

mangled body’s lying strewn about the burning caravan wreckage. – Jump to Wolf

Encounter with only ten left.

2- – Stay with the Party –

You stay with the caravan as the Commander and 2 soldiers go off to hunt down the

Raiders, and hour passes than another the men seem restless the peasants even more

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so not that you can blame them it seems almost as through every second of this journey

is resulting in another one of their deaths. Some had even climbed up into nearby trees

to hide. 3 hours more pass by now some f the men are beginning to whisper and there is

talk of abandoning the peasants to their fate. A young soldiers by the name of Willias

approaches you directly “I’ve seen you fight sir your no dead weight so id like to

extended you an offer me a these four here” he gestures to four of the caravan guards

behind him “ have had enough of this folly the Commander my be willing to die for this

sad lot here but we sure ant” The leafs rustle in the distance “If you come with us well

all have a better chance of making it out alive so what do you …” his voice trails off as

the rustling gets louder “what in the BLOODY HELLL” another guard screamed then

suddenly the thick brush around you explodes as large Rabid Wolves burst from the

foliage hurling themselves at your throats. The Deamon Mage screams he tries to cast a

fire spell but the chains hinder his movements and the caravan erupts in flame as all

turns to screaming terror.

Encounter- 15 Rabid wolves – 10 if you went on the raid with the commander

Trigger - If you did not go with the Commander he appears to help after 5 wolves are


Weapons – teeth and claws-

Status- weakened – some wolves have been badly injured by fire before you arrive

Hazards- Flames sprout up all around roll speed checks at times to avoid the difficulty 11

failures result in 1d6 fire damage

Loot-11 Sliver -+1 Short Axe- a strange Hand-

The Strange Hand- You find when searching the body’s and stomachs of the wolves a

fully intact severed hand the hair and size show it to clearly have once belonged to a

rather burly man. It has on its index finger a tattoo of a jade dragon nothing else

distinctive can be seen.

Intelligence Check- 17- reveals this tattoo is a symbol for a low ranking member of the

green dragon cult a group known for worshiping magic users as the reincarnation of

gods often with blood sacrifice. You wonder what business such a cult could have

around here

Remove the dead from the assets section-

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Continue – The Commander and what’s left of the men gathered the body’s of the dead

and toss them on the burning wreckage that use to be the party’s Caravan. The peasants

simply stare on in disbelief as their friends and family burn slowly into charred bones

and ash. The Commander spit on the flames then lets out a queer sort of laugh that

almost sounds like a sob “Well we should certainly move a lot quicker now” “Move

where one of the peasants screamed were lost in the middle of the swamp with no

supplies “ a guard spoke up behind him we had better get a move to anywhere but here

quick lost or not that fires sure to bring every goblin for miles here soon” Not to worry

Not to worry the Commander yelled out over the gathered mass I managed to find and

kill those pesky raiders and got a little reward for my efforts “ he pulls out an old sheet

of Parchment “ this is what they were looking for a map to an entrance to the Dunquirk

Castel says here there’s an entrance to one of their cellars around here somewhere all

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we have to do is find it “. After a brief search one of the peasants stumbles on a stone

door leading deep into the earth. The party follows beginning the journey down into the

long forgotten cellars of the Cursed Castle.

Proceed to Act 5-

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Act IV

A Bloody Folly

Continue – The Party makes its way quietly into the goblins territory. A strong sense of dread

grips hard at the hearts of the men you can feel it in the very air as each step could be leading

their heads strait into the cruel jagged edge of a goblins axe. The Caravan had to be stripped

down the Commander had made it explicitly clear that such a beast of transportation would be

far to loud to sneak by the hordes of goblins camped throughout the brush. As such the

peasants had been forced to carry many of their belongings by hand and were moving rather

slowly. They had been told plainly to take only what they needed but clearly had ignored the

sentiment entirely now bogged down with barley corn, sacks of flour and all manure of other

trinket and worthless possession they trekked through the wilderness.

Speed Check – 15- reveals- a few hours go by then suddenly you see a pack of goblins nestled

through the trees a quick gesture from you allows for the people to get down and hide before

they are spotted- you can see 7 of them examining a pile of crudely made weapons by a large

rough spun oak tree.

Choice- if you spotted the goblins decide sneak up and ambush them or attempt to sneak by


Ambush – you get the jump on them +4 on all first round attack rolls continue to goblin


Sneak By- Speed Check-13-

Success- you sneak by the goblins and avoid combat skip this goblin encounter

Failure - the goblins spot you and engage your party- continue to goblin encounter-

Consequence- if you fail to see the goblins- You continue moving through the dense brush and

the road gets darker you begin to smell the sickening copper sent of fresh blood. Suddenly a

shrill war cry echoes out from across the trees goblins rush forth from a nearby Oak tree at you

and the terrified peasant’s weapons already red with blood.

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Encounter- 7 Tribal Goblins – 10 if you failed to spot them

Trigger – there are two fire pit traps in the area If someone steps on them 2d6 damage

every turn till they can get out

Weapons – Clubs, short bows, Long Knives, War Axes,

Armor – Light – Leather Jerkens

Status- Enraged you are on their turf some may get a +1 to attack rolls at random

Loot- Average + weapons- 3 Sliver and one Rusty copper Idol

-Remove the dead from the assets section

Continue – The Last of the Goblins screams as he dies a great howl of agony that echoes

throughout the forest. No one dares to even breath as the echo dies out slowly seemingly

reverberating off every tree and hallow in the wood. All is silent for what seems like an eternity

then out of the darkness a drum is heard than another than ANOTHER! “They have spotted us

“the commander screamed “RUN!!!” The Peasant’s and guards all dash madly into the woods.

Choice - Run or stay and fight

Stay and Fight- You stand your ground as the drums grow louder and a mass of raging goblins

swarms all around you.

Encounter- 20 Tribal Goblins – 2 Goblin Shaman

Trigger – there are two fire pit traps in the area If someone steps on them 2d6 damage

every turn till they can get out

Weapons – Clubs, short bows, Long Knives, War Axes, War Maces, Short swords, The

Shaman wield Staffs of lesser lightning –1d6 lightning damage small chance to stun for

one round

Armor – Light – Leather Jerkens - Robes

Status- Enraged you are on their turf some may get a +1 to attack rolls at random

Loot- Rare + weapons- 10 Gold and 3 rune shards of flame

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Continue –If Running Away- You dash wildly through the woods with the commander and few

remaining soldiers by your side the peasants struggle to keep up you see one along side you

stumble as the ground gives way beneath them and their scream fills the surrounding wood.

“Traps” the commander shouts “watch your footing”.

Speed Check – 15- if fail fall into spike trap 2d6 damage one round to crawl out – roll a few at

random as the party runs through the woods

Continue if you fought the goblins- You dash after the commander and the peasants hoping to

catch up to them you can already hear other goblins after them and you from all over the


Continue -You can barely breath as the chase persist peasants falling around you both being

captured and butchered. You hear their screams behind you as the guards’ race on all thought

of their duty forgotten. Suddenly you see the Commander ahead by a large hedge over here he

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cry’s the guards veer right and join him under the Hedge you see a large metal grate. “What’s

this sir” an out of breath guard manages to stammer between heavy breaths. “Got the

Dunquirk Seal must be a passage to their old cellar system beneath the wood here help me get

it open.” The men begin to lift up the large steel grate just then 3 of the faster Goblins catch up

to you screaming they drive their javelins towards your throat.

Encounter- 3 Tribal Goblins –

Trigger – there are two fire pit traps in the area If someone steps on them 2d6 damage

every turn till they can get out

Weapons – Clubs, short javelins, War Axes,

Armor – None

Status- Enraged you are on their turf some may get a +1 to attack rolls at random

Loot- Average + weapons-

-Remove the dead from the assets section

Continue – As you slay the last of them the Commander heaves with all his strength

“Erahghhhhhhhhhh” with a loud bang the Grate bursts free from its bindings and the dark

passage down lays open “Quick if you value your lives get down there.” By now a few of the

remaining peasants that had made it through the wood alive had rallied with them. You leap

into the darkness with them. landing with a thud the commander slams the grate down behind

him as he descends them as the screams of enraged monsters echo all around you.

Proceed to act V -

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Act V

The Daemons Door

Continue – You and what’s left of the party move on slowly through the dark cellar passage

grey murky water nipping at your heels. It was so dark in fact that you can barley see anything

at all. The only light available was a few torches the commander had lit and passed out. It

seemed the dank air of the place was making it hard to see as well filling your lungs with a

sickening odder. It turns your stomach giving you an uneasy sense of nausea as well.

Defense Check – 20- if fail- the feeling over takes you and you feel weak and collapse to the

floor vomiting -2 to speed and Might for 1 hour –

If success – you shake of the feeling and continue down the passage.

A few peasants fall to the floor gasping for air “What ….Cough Cough …Ahhhh god….is causing

this air to be so fowl ?.” The Commander who had made his way to the front of the group

turned back “Well were in a cellar and the Duniquirks were famous and rich for the ability to

make some of the most potent and deadly poisons known to man. It’d stand to reason there’s

more than a few rotting barrels of the stuff about some wear”. The soldiers glance uneasily at

each other they had hastily begin rapping rags about their mouth and nose eager to avoid a

taste of the Family Duniquirks Forgotten recipes. Rats race past your feet and you get the

feeling that the water your standing in might be starting to slowly eat through your boots.

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Speed Check- 10- Success – you dodge a large tentacle just as it sweeps up to grab your leg

Fail- 1d6 damage and Might Check 10 – to break free 1d4 dam every round you can’t

Escape- Long Slimy tentacles begin shooting up from the water all around you “Move it we

have to get out of this water” One of the soldiers yells. Another Peasant gets dragged under as

you Run down the corridor –

Loop-Get through the Corridor- Roll Speed and Might checks at random as the party trys to get

through the cellar corridor – the tentacles can also be attacked and hacked off with 6 damage

roll to AC of 12.

Continue- after a rushed escape down the corridor for what seems like a hour you finally see a

way out of this labyrinth a wooden trap door upward to the next level of the castle. “Quick the

door breach the door” The Commander screams the sight of these monstrosity’s seems to be

taking its toll on him. He trys the door but its soundly locked just then 10 Tentacles spurt up

around the door.

Loop-Get Open The Door- Roll Speed and Might checks at random as the party trys to get

through the cellar door – the tentacles can also be attacked and hacked off with 6 damage roll

to hit AC of 12. – the door can be lock picked with a Speed Check of 23 – or broken down with

15 damage and an AC of 17 or a Might check of 25.

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Continue- The Door wrenches open and you poor through quick as the wind the commander

slams the door behind you with such force that it tears off one of the tentacles it flops to the

floor still moving wildly about like a tortured snake. The party now very small indeed struggles

to catch its breath. The room you are standing in looks to be a vast great hall huge stone arches

rise up above you to greet the double vaulted ceiling overhead. There is a grand staircase

leading to an upper level as well as several lower corridors leading you can only imagine to

other areas of the first floor a giant glass chandler looms overhead. It looks much more like a

castle than the cursed swear you just crawled out of.

Trigger- If you rejected the daemons deal before.

The Commander stirs suddenly “where’s that mage gotten to” The other guards look around

perplexed The Daemon is nowhere to be found “Ahh to the Mists with this we cant let him out

of our sites up UP you fools after him! You come these men are about as useless as the

peasants ill need your help Follow close” With that he darts off down a one of the many dark

corridors, You Follow after with the remaining guards the peasants seem to be following as well

worried about being left alone in these insane place. When you finish traversing the corridor

you arrive in a long hall but it is empty – Just then- two of the guards slump to the floor as if

exhausted then the Mage himself bursts in from another door on the side wall

.- Go to the Guard Encounter-

If you accepted his deal before – The daemon flame mage approaches you one of the only

surviving peasants he whispers “now’s our chance follow my lead”. He moves behind the group

of peasants and soldiers quick as a shadow and disappears down a long stone corridor.

Speed Check – 15 – To follow unnoticed behind him

Fail- The guards noticed you leaving and cry out as you run down the corridor after the mage

they are no doubt in hot pursuit now.

Speed check -20 – To out run them- Fail – They catch up to you and surround both you and the

Mage- Go to -the Guard Encounter-

Success in following The Mage- You catch up to the mage as he veers a sharp corner and

pauses listening for movement…”Good we lost them. Listen this is going to seem a bit harsh but

were leaving those fools behind got it their dead anyway the lot of them This place is cursed

you see he pulls out a number of red stones without these you will go insane quick quick take

them” he hands one to each of you “Now lets move I will explain more soon he runs off down

another corridor you follow close behind- Skip the Guard encounter-

Page 26: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

The Guard Encounter

The Commander Is no wear to be found a guard moves forward his eyes rolling in his head

“Traitors must be punished Traitors must be punished Traitors must be punished ” all around

you heard the sound echoing off the walls “Traitors must be punished Traitors must be

punished “ Getting Louder and louder coming from all directions” Gods its already happening”

the mage shouts “here quick he tosses each of you a red stone “Keep it close ill explain in a

moment” With that the guards and remaining peasants eyes begin to glow bright red “Traitors

must be punished TRAITORS MUST BE PUNISHEDDD!! “ with a scream they lunge at you

meaning to tear you apart.

Encounter- 5 Guards – 4 Peasants

Trigger – the Mage lights the floor on fire after 2 guards are killed environment hazard

Speed check 10- 1d6 dam to anyone you gets caught in it

Weapons –Spears, Short swords, The Peasants wield basic light melee weapons or no

weapons at all

Armor – Medium- Heavy Leather for the Guards-None for the peasants

Status- Insane they will not yield or back down due to fear

Loot- Common + weapons- 1 Gold and some basic supply’s

Continue- Start here if you skip the guard encounter – The Mage urges you onward “quickly we

can not stay here they will be after us soon. “ He looks around as if the very shadows from the

walls were about leap forward to tear him to pieces. “There is more at play here than you know

this place has been cursed by the shadow cult Assassins using the very essence of the Mist

without those stones anyone within these walls will lose their mind to the mist in minutes. Well

anyone but perhaps a hunter still it will wear on even your mind so I advise you keep them

close. He glances at a door to the left of you up against the stone wall. “My Goal lies ahead I

have not the time to explain all so it is up to you trust me now and I can promise you great

riches if we make it through this refuse and I cannot let you stand in my way “ a light blue flame

crackles to life in his hand “Make your Choice”.


1-Ally yourself with the Daemon - You give the demon a curt nod and the deal is done you

move forward after him entering the door wreathed in shadow.

2- You refuse the Daemons offer – “Than burn along with the rest “He yells as flames begin to

rise all around you.

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Encounter- 1 Daemon Mage

Trigger – After the first hit on the mage he lights the floor on fire Speed check 10- 1d6

dam to anyone you gets caught in it

Weapons – lesser and greater flame spells

Armor – Medium- Heavy Leather for the Guards-None for the peasants

Status- Engulfed- the mage is engulfed in fire all close range attacks on him endure a

Speed check 10- 1d4 dam to anyone you gets burned in it

Loot- Common -some basic supplies- one slightly burnt note-

-Remove the dukes son from the assets-

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Continue- An Entrance lies before you and as you look around you see the passage back has

been bared with a black steel gate. You move forward through the door As you enter it another

gate falls behind you. You try to see what lies ahead of you but only darkness fills the large

room. You take a step forward to secure a better view just then you hear a loud crack as the

floor gives way beneath you.

Speed Check – 18- Success – you land like a cat and roll as you hit the ground saving your body

from a brutal impact

Failure – The fall catches you off guard and you land face first on the floor as the rubble falls

around you take 1d6 damage.

Trapped- You look up and see the room illuminate as light bursts fourth from above. You see a

large stone arena surrounded by great bronze braziers being slowly lit one by one by hooded

men in dark black robes. They look to be of the same group who you encountered on the road

before. At the far end of the room lies a great spiked and gilded chair with ominous jet black

stones jutting forth from it in all directions. On it sits another of the robed figures this one

seems larger than the others and you can sense a great darkness coming from that direction.

The Hooded Man Rises “Welcome Travelers Welcome its been such a long time since I’ve had

any visitors “ His Voice echo’s throughout the room chill and Icey quite yet menacing as daggers

against a chalkboard a involuntary shiver runs down your spine and it feels as though your

whole body is frozen.

Conditional-if mage is alive – The Mage cry’s out “Fiend you killed my father my sister my

brothers my mother I’ve come for vengeance on my family’s blood come down here and face

me” …….. A long pause follows Then slowly you here a deep choking sound bubbling up from

the Great robed figure suddenly he bursts forth into cackling laughter. “your family’s honor ?

your family sold poisons to anyone who wanted people dead boy and they got what they

deserved it was their poisons that killed my family and I waited years to find the man who did it

and take everything from him. everything but you …” He claps his hands together and two more

men in cloaks appear carrying a very old and decayed daemon male in rags ….. “Father the

Mage cried out” “That’s right he’s not dead Heheh-hehaa but he will be soon just one thing

remains for the ritual kill his last son and all his fine new friends in front of his very eyes Blood


Conditional-if mage is dead – “I see you have already killed the fool mage hmmm a pity it

would have maid a fine show ……But no matter im sure you’ll entertain us just as well – It’s a

game you see all a game you have four rounds my men will showcase the talents I’ve been

teaching them these many long years by tearing your limbs off one by one if by any chance you

survive all four “…. He pauses for a moment “ Ahhh the reward well it is a treat you will have

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the great honor of being killed by my own hands. Now it begins BLOOD FOR BLOOD Boys


Final Encounter- Stage 1 – The Hooded figures above you begin to move about suddenly two

huge walls of stone in front of you raise up to reveal hidden cells behind them filled with

captured goblins dregs and one of their captured Shaman. They rise weapons in hand and look

at you with ravenous eyes. Lets see how you fair against my pets first “The Robed man Screams

from his chair”.

Encounter - 6 – Goblins – 1 Goblin Shaman

Trigger – when three of the goblins are dead the shaman will start using earth shell –

Might check – 15- if fail trapped in earth for one round

Weapons –Spears, Clubs, staff of Greater Earth- hurls huge chunks of rock at you speed

check- 18- in addition to the goblin shamans rolls to hit- 2d6 +1 damage

Armor – light rusty chain for the Goblins None for the Shaman

Status- Starved- they are already weak from hunger

Loot- Common + weapons- 30 silver and a greater Staff of Earth

Final Encounter- Stage 2 – The Hooded man laughs even louder now his very voice seeming to

weaken and crush your spirt even as you taste victory against the starved horrors before you.

“Ahhhh Yess Yessssss there’s some fight in you yet I knew you would not disappoint me “ You

can feel him grinning a sick and twisted grin lounging like a deranged child perched upon the

spiked throne. “Round two and this ones something special I caught these men lurking about

outside funny thing though it doesn’t seem like they’ve taken to well to my humble abode do

me a favor an teach them the proper courtesy would you. The robed men above begin

dropping large sacks into the Pit upon hitting the floor they begin to writhe like rabid snakes the

bags are off in a flash and before you crawling on all fours like beasts are the guards you left

behind at the trading post eyes red veins bulging making savage noises like that of a wild beast

they hurl themselves at you in frenzy.

Encounter - 10 – Insane Men

Trigger – The will try to grapple you Might Check -15 to resist if they succeed they will

bite you than make a nature roll of 10 not to become crazed yourself for the next round

Weapons –Insane strength +3 damage

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Armor – Rags

Status- Insane they will not yield or back down due to fear

Loot- Old dirty rags-

Final Encounter- Stage 3 – “That’s the way good show perhaps ill make you my personal guard

slaves after this “ He turns and Mutters something to a nearby robed figure. “This next

challenge is a bit different I believe you know him only it seems he left his men to die trying to

escape on his own what a coward I’m afraid he needs to be punished.” This time a whole Iron

cage is pushed headlong into the Ring the impact of the landing breaks the cage door wide

open and out steps the commander murmuring some unintelligible gibberish and swaying ever

so slightly with each motion as if he was partially drunk his axes rise to meet as he shrieks and


Encounter - 1– The Guard Commander

Trigger – if the mage is still alive he tells you after the guard loses at least half health

that their might be a way to save him hold him down and get him to swallow one of

the red stones.

Weapons –two heavy war axes

Armor – full plate

Status- Insane they will not yield or back down due to fear

Loot- if you save him – nothing – if you kill him Weapons and Armor + 4 gold

If you kill the Commander- “The Hooded Tyrant Screams with delight YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Hahhahhah the taste of blood the smell of sorrow I love every minute of it but alas I’m

afraid you’re far to dangerous to be used as slaves and what’s more you’ve bloodied up

all my fine floors. Assassins remove them from this world” With that he turns and walks

away. – Proceed to Final Encounter 4

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If you save The Commander- You finally manage to get the stone down his throat The

Commander instantly collapses to the floor shaking violently. “Hold him down the Mage

yells” –Might Check 10 to hold the Commander down – fail take 1d4 thrashing damage.

After a few moments his body movements calm and you release him he rises slowly as if

risen from the dead “ughhhhh blind me what madness is this where am I” “In the pit of

hell I’m afraid” the Mage reply’s can you fight ?“ the commander picks his axes up off

the floor and grips them soundly giving a nod to you and the demon. “Good than get

ready this looks to be far from over”. The Great Hooded One look’s displeased for the

first time “That was ill played” he hissed “I despise cheaters ….. I believe its time for you

all to go this party is over Assassins remove them from this world” With that he turns

and walks away. – Proceed to Final Encounter 4

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Final Encounter- Stage 4 – Robed men drop down all around you whilst others draw arrows and

take aim at you from atop the pit the arrows whiz at you cutting the air as they pass.

Encounter - 12– Shadow Cult Assassins

Combat Level- These men are clearly not as skilled as the men you met on the road only

some appear able to use magic and many appear to be less comfortable with their

weapons in fact some look as though it may be the first time they have ever held them

Weapons –Long Daggers , Short Swords, Short Bows, Scrolls of lesser darkness

Armor – None-Robes

Status- Uncoordinated they do not seem to be able to attack as a group occasionally an

archer may miss and hit one of his own men

Loot- Weapons – 60 – silver – 5 scrolls of lesser darkness

Continue- -if mage is alive – “Well fought now quickly we cannot allow Sakor the Witch

king to escape we must rescue my father”

Challenge- Find a way out of the Pit- Info – the pit is 20 feet high- Might checks can be

use to climb out – at 20- fails result in fall damage- or you look around can try to find the

switch that activates the stairs with a Speed check of 22- roll an intelligence check of 18

to see if anyone thinks to look for this if they do the Speed check to locate it drops to

13- also you could try to use magic to aid you if any in the group are adept casters.

Continue – Once out of the pit you see a large dimly lit corridor behind the spiked

throne the robed figure hat been siting just moments before. You dash down the walk

way and are confronted by a great wooden door 15ft high and wide as a barn.

if mage is alive – “I’ve got a bad feeling about this well no turning back now lets see if

I’m right”

Continue- You shove the great door open with a mighty heave loosing all your strength

against it. Inside you find a huge throne room still adorn with the tattered and rotting

banners of house Dunquirk. In the center of the room stands the Robed Witch King

holding a green and glowing dagger over a very old and decrepit man. “You think this is

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over “ The witch king screams his shrill voice echoing in strange tones across the Great

hall “It has only just Begun “-

-if you didn’t kill the mage- “Step away from my father” the mage cries “it doesn’t have

to end like this Sakor”, The Witch king pauses a moment “You really have no idea do you

god you pathetic fool you think I was able to raise this whole army of assassins after

your family out of just sympathy for my losses …Your father is not what he seems Moku

the twin headed Jackal is not a beast cursed to hunt your family he is the curse on your

family Hhahahahhahaha behold the truth boy.”

Continue – The Witch King plunges the dagger deep into the old mans heart an a Insane

howl burst forth from his body “AHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” the

sound is so deafening you have to hold your ears to keep from fainting. Green fire

bellows forth from the old mans chest wound faster and faster Sakor try’s to run but is

soon consumed by flame “AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” he shrikes a final maddening cry

than is no more the flames come faster and faster now till then rise into a great

storming pyre all site of the old mans body is gone now. Suddenly the flames shift from

green to blue and resend until they reveal the monstrous shape of a wolf lager than a

wagon with two heads and a body wreathed in blue flame. Sakor stares at with great

shining red eyes and lets out an unearthly roar “ERRARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRARRR”

he charges toward you like a hurricane of fire.

Final Beast Encounter - Moku The Twin Headed Jackal

Trigger – if the mage is still alive he helps you fight

Trigger – if the Guard Commander is still alive he helps you fight

Weapons –Bite – 3d6- Claws 2ds – Great fire spells 2D6-3d6+2 magic fire damage

Armor – None

Status- Engulfed – The Beast is engulfed in flame Must roll a speed check 10 when in

melee to avoid getting burned while attacking – 1d6 fire damage.

Loot- Rare – 4 ethereal rune shards 10 gold and large blue glowing tooth

Page 34: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

End- If the Mage is alive- The beast finally falls with a hideous hissing sounds and the

flames dissipate leaving only the dead body of a very fragile old man. The mage goes to

his father “I didn’t know you were still alive father I would have …. I would have tried to

save you if id did “ he closes the old mans eyes “May you finally be at peace now father

the curse of this family is finally over. Thank you all of you for helping me in this matter I

know it was probably far more than you were expecting. I have a reward for you here he

hands you a parchment this is the rights and titles to this whole estate the place is yours

now burn it town transform it into your private sanctuary hell turn into a school for

young Hunters for all I care. Ahh yes and there’s one more thing he turns over what

looks to be a very old map” This has been my family’s treasure hold for generations the

city that held it way off in the mountain’s of the old kingdom was lost years ago in the

Mist War but Beast have no love of treasure so it should all still be there if you have

what it takes to claim it.

If the mage is dead- The beast finally falls with a hideous hissing sound and the flames

despite leaving only the dead body of a very fragile old man. You also see the body of

the burnt and twisted Witch King dead upon the floor. Upon examine it you find to

articles of interest. One appears to be the legal deed to the property supporting

ownership of the entire Castel. The other appears to be a map leading away off into the

Mountains of the old kingdom. It marks a long village close to one of the southern most

peaks as the sole location for the majority of the entire Dunquirk family fortune. If this is

to be believed it guarded by a dark beast on immense power and the witch king has

been spending months gathering an army to take it.

Final Moments- You make it out of the castle and see sunlight for the first time in what

feels like days the road lies ahead of you and a choice to continue on to resupply and

the now very close village of Ravens Point or take path westward to the mountain’s in

search of the Dunquirk family fortune but that is a Hunt for another Tale-

All Party members receive a total of 100exp for completing this Campaign –END

The Following is the detailed enemy index for this game.

Page 35: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

Rabid Wolfs Creature

Animals as well as people were affected by the mist the ones that weren’t

slaughtered or transformed into horrific abomination’s were left in altered

states in their minds. They were frenzied frantic and it seemed eternally

hungry. Many that before posed only minor danger to a lone traveler now

became a force to be reckoned with.

Might- 3 Speed- 5 Intellect- 0

Defense- 7 Body- 8 Nature- 0

Abilities – wolves are extremely quick, travel in packs and have leap attacks to knock

you down. They can also cause bleeding

Gear- None Weakness - Fire

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Raiders Humanoid

After the mist came most of the worlds great civilizations were overthrown

in mere months. Their people left scattered many turned to theft and

depravity the beasts took care of all but the strongest groups now they

prowl the roads mountains and deserts for anything they can scavenge to

stay alive.

Might- 2 Speed- 3 Intellect- 0

Defense- 10 Body- 10 Nature- 1

Abilities – Most have above average stealth and cunning and some are well

trained in the use poison Gear- Common

weapons and armor –mostly light and medium

Weakness- Easily Frightened, Disorganized and Greedy, No Loyalty’s

Page 37: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

Cultist Radicals Humanoid

The world has been thrown into chaos for years now many tried to resist it

but others, fools and mad men embraced it with open arms. These fanatics

believe that the Great Nightmare Beast’s are some kind of long lost dark

and ancient gods. They are not easily dealt with as they worship them with

the blood and dark magic.

Might- 3 Speed- 3 Intellect- 5

Defense- 10 Body- 10 Nature- 1

Abilities – can cast lesser spells of illusion and blood magic Gear- common weapons and some

minor scrolls but rarely armored Weakness –Easily Tricked

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Feral Goblins Humanoid/Mob

The Goblins were never a particularly civilized race, even before the fall of

the world they were noted to take part in cannibalism human sacrifice as

well as other savagery’s. However once the Mist fell many never sailed for

the Reach to escape it choosing to stay and hide. Now the ones that

survived are crazed, deadly as Rabid dogs.

Might- 2 Speed- 4 Intellect- 0

Defense- 8 Body- 6 Nature- 0

Abilities – travel in large pacts and can call for more, use poison

Gear- Poor melee weapon’s and armor light Weakness – Elemental magic,

Mindless will charge forth blindly

Page 39: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

Guard Comander Humanoid

Trained military personnel left over from the massive retreats and

devastating destruction left in the wake of Nightmare Mist. These men and

women are well trained and well-armed. Now the ones who did not join the

standing army of the Reach are mainly Mercenaries selling their sword as

they please.

Might- 6 Speed- 2 Intellect- 1

Defense- 15 Body- 14 Nature- 2

Abilities – shield shattering blows, parry’s and disarming attacks

Gear- Common weapons and armor mostly heavy with shields Weakness – Armor

destroying Spells and Acid

Page 40: Hunters dark campain the march of stench and blood

Goblin Shaman Humanoid/Mob

The Goblins were never a particularly civilized race, even before the fall of

the world they were noted to take part in cannibalism human sacrifice as

well as other savagery’s. However once the Mist fell many never sailed for

the Reach to escape it choosing to stay and hide. Now the ones that

survived are crazed, deadly as Rabid dogs.

Might- 3 Speed- 4 Intellect- 6

Defense- 7 Body- 10 Nature- 0

Abilities – lesser spells of fire lightning and blood magic

Gear- Poor melee weapon’s and armor light Weakness – Elemental magic,

Mindless will charge forth blindly

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Moku-The Twin Headed Jackal Beast of the Mist/Legend

At Dusk when the wolves gather to howl into the night there is one who answers

the call. Moku is a spectral beast of enormous power some believe him to be an

amalgamation of dead animal spirts mixed with the dark powers of the mist.

Wreathed in blue flame he moves with lightning speed through the forest hunting

for human souls.

Might- 5 Speed- 15 Intellect- 30

Defense- 19 Body- 88 Nature- 0

Abilities –Beast, Dark Intelligence, Grand Spells of Dark Flame

Gear – None

Weakness – Powerful Rituals to Banish Spirits, Powerful divine magic, Trapping it in a circle of elder salt

from Serifs Edge Alchemists

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Dedicated to all the true fans who

made this book possible

Thank you

May your hunt go on
