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To achieve a great success in life, one must have to be highly "hungry". This is a great article by Mr. Sushil Handa.

Transcript of Hungry-For-Achivement-by-sushil-handa

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How do investors like Carlyle pick the companies they would like to invest in? Certainly there is a formal process of studying the company’s progress, growth prospects, management capabilities, and much more. There is a series of meetings at various levels, a “due diligence” is conducted…it is a long process.

But at the end of the all this, there are three overriding factors that makes them decide in favor of or against a particular company. And that is the degree of “Transparency and Reliability” they witness, the company’s visible “Hunger for achievement”, and the team’s Capability to Deliver, or at least, willingness to develop that capability by being open to learning and advice, picking up good methods and practices, and adopting them, in the process upgrading itself.

Here, I would like to take up the one of these factors “Hunger for Achievement”. What makes this so important? A company or person that has this Hunger is propelled by an inner fire and desire to succeed, for one’s own self…not for Carlyle or anyone else.

Recently, I was part of the Business Review between of our business teams along with Prof. Raghu and Gagan. One of the questions that came up was the level of inventory in the field. While the Business Head converted existing inventory levels into no. of months based on future sales, the Sales Managers converted this based on average of past performance including freak low performance months. One was driven by a vision of future growth, while the other was based on past performance indicators.

The thought that came to my mind was that this was very much like the Indian team playing a cricket match. Before a player goes to bat, imagine what his captain would tell him. He would pick his best past performances and urge hi m to AT LEAST achieve that much. Imaging what would happen if the player would consider not only his best performances, but

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also his worst…and come up with a far lower average that he found achievable. Both would be right, but a player driven by the Hunger for Achievement will measure his performance against the first…every time he goes out to bat…with or without his Captain telling him to do so.

This is a universal rule. Someone has rightly said, “Hunger drives success”. Keep yourself lean, mean and hungry and constantly fight to satisfy that hunger. Let your own self-interest for achievement and success drive you. And you will win the sweepstakes of Success and Achievement. Lose this hunger, and you will be finished.

In the next series, I would like to continue with this theme, and take up the topic of Transparency & Reliability. I will not talk about Capability, as this subject has been covered many times earlier, in different ways, and I am sure all of you are aware of my views on the subject.

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About Author:

Mr. Sushil Handa - A First Generation Entrepreneur

Thanks to Mr. Sushil Handa who supplied this article. As a first generation entrepreneur, Mr. Sushil Handa took his own decisions, made his own mistakes, learnt from them and continued to grow. However, one thing he has sorely missed is the presence of a 'mentor' who could have guided him through the various crests and troughs of his career and life. This, along with an innate ability to recognize the uniqueness and potential of ideas, opportunities and people, have evolved into the vision behind The FifthVeda Entrepreneurs – a platform through which Mr. Sushil Handa seeks to partner with young and enterprising people who have the desire to nurture an entrepreneurial dream and are willing to lead from the front, and share his belief and commitment in shaping the creation of a brave new world.