HUNDREDS TOAST JTREE SC^mTioMM' Ride Redondo Every Day · 2017-12-19 · PART 11. LOS ANGELES...

LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1906, PART 11. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET Favorite Speakers Win Apptauia and Telegram Announces American Publishers Decide to Meet Here Next TOASTMASTER AND THE RECEPTION COMMITTEE The following reception committee served at the bnntjuet: Willis H. Booth, William D. Steph- ens, A. M. Adelman, Fred A. Hlnes, R. 11. Howell, Giuseppe Hormano, 10. B. Selph, Charles Weir, C. C. Desmond, Donald Barker, 8. A. Butler, A. J. Copp, Jr., Henry W. Lewis, Leo J. Ma- gulre, A. li. Stetson, Mott A. Morrlll, Percy 11. Clark, J. It. Francis, F. Ir- wln Herron, Howard Rivers, A. W. Sklrlner, George Montgomery, Thomas Hughes, \V. H. Harrison, F. Edward Oray, John E. Steams, E. F. C. Klokke, Archibald Doußlas, M. C. Con- nor, N. E. Wilson, Walter J. Bailey, L. L. Bowen, T. J. Cunningham, I. T. Vennum, Stoddnrd Jess, Edward Mur- phy, John J. Byrne, W. J. Hunsaker, Dr. Ralph Hagan, J. W. Spires, Eugene Germain, G. G. Johnson, F. X. Pfafflnger, John Klnsloy, H. S. Baer, Oeorge H. Stewart. F. W. King, C. P. Qrogan, R. G. Doyle, W. P. Jeffries. Toastmaster— Joseph L* Scott. Response, "George Washington," Henry J. Stevens. "Rate Legislation," E. P. Rlpley. "The President of the United States," L. C. Gates. . "Politics and the Country Editor," William Allen White. "The Owens River Project," Thomas Fitch. ' ... Pioneer Investment and Trust Co., Louis F. Vetter, H. A. Itealy, W. J. Bailey, F. O. Enterman, E. J. Stanton, V. Sentoug & Co., J. O. Koepfll, Tom Fitch. W. Allen White, E. P. Rlpley, Arthur R. Brljjgs, John R. Phillips, 8. I. Gordam Frank Weiss, a wealthy miner and banker of the Bethlehem and Allen- town, Pa., coal districts, arrived .In this city yesterday. Mr. Weiss is a brother of Harry and Thomas Weiss of this city. The latter are the well- known pololsts. Frank Weiss owns considerable property here and will make further Investments during his visit. On April 1 W. D. Campbell, general agent of the Chicago & Northwestern railway in this city for the past eleven years, will identify himself In an of- ficial capacity with the Dixie., Land company, with offices in the Merchants Trust building. Mrs. Cllement Studebaker and daughter, Miss Esther Studebaker, wife and daughter of the well-known wagon manufacturer of South Bend, Ind., are among the guests at the "Van Nuys hotel. Coly. C. A. Jones, proprietor of the famous American house in Boston, ar- rived in Los Angeles yesterday and took apartments at the Hollenbeck. R. W. Grlswold, a well-known min- ing man of Colorado Springs, arrived in Los Angeles yesterday and regis- tered at the Alexandria. C. C. Misemer, one of the well-known residents of Niagara Falls, arrived in Los Angeles yesterday and registered at the Hollenbeck 'hotel. R. W. Foster, a prominent marble- laed ware manufacturer of New York city, is among the guests registered at the Hollenbeck hotel. PERSONAL "That's awful, replied Mrs. Goldrox, with sympathy. "We sailed through 'em when we were abroad and I was sick every inch of the way." Sympathizing "I understand," remarked the visitor 'that the Wlgsbys are in dire straits.' LIST OF PROMINENT GUESTS AT BANQUET Among those who sent their regrets were: Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Warren Fairbanks, Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of treasury; Hon. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary of Interior; Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, sec- retary of navy; Hon. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture; Hon. George B. Cortelyou, postmaster general; Hon. .Victor B. Metcalf, secretary commerce and labor; Hon. William H. Moody, nttorney general; Hon. Truman H. Newberry, assistant secretary of navy; Hon. Rear Admiral Goodrich, Hon. W. A. Clark, Hon. W. B. Allison, Hon. Geo. C. Perkins, Hon. Jos. G. Cannon, Hon. Stephen B. Elklns, Hon. Chas. H. Grosvenor; Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, Hon. T. C. Platt, Gov. Geo. C. Pardee, Gov. Geo. C. Chamberlain, H. W. Goode, Hon. Ramon Corral, C. P. CoC- fln. Dr. A. E. Hockey, J. V. F. Skiff. W. F. Hypes, Louis W. Pratt, secretary Tacoma chamber of commerce; Wm. McMurray, T. C. Friedlander, BenJ. Ide Wheeler, David Starr Jordan, Wm. D. Wheelwright, W. H. Beatty, Henry E. Dosch, Hon. N. P. Chlpman, Tom Richardson, H. M. Cake, president Portland Commercial club; W. M. Thompson, E. L. Hassler, H. C. Stayer, Geo. T. Nicholson, Adolphus Busch, -S. B. Cooper, A. L. Craig, Julius J. Schot- ten, Leslie R. Skinner, J. C. Stubbs, Horlow M. Clark, Syracuse chamber of commerce; H. R. Hoge, president chamber of commerce, Portland; E. H. Harriman, Chas. Walcott, Frank L. Ersklne, D. R. Francis, F. M. Taylor, Nelson A. Miles. Edwin Steams, Oak- land chamber of commerce; Edson F. Adams, president Oakland chamber of commerce; Hon. Paul Morton, J. P. Elder. John Wanamaker. PROMINENT OFFICIALS SEND THEIR REGRETS In my heart for the splendid body of business men which compose your or- ganization. The Los Angeles chamber of com- merce has within the past fifteen years accomplished more for your city and Southern California than the most san- ' fruine prophet could foretell. I remem- ber with pride and gratitude the in- spiration and support which accom- plished a free harbor for a free people; also bringing its companion enterprise to your people, the completion of the Salt Lake railroad as a new avenue of commerce to the rich mineral fields of Nevada and the great northwest. May your chamber of commerce con- tinue to add laurels to Its well merited fame, and may your county and city continue to prosper and grow, adding each year thousands to enjoy health and happiness to all who may dwell in your midst. R. C. KERENS. (ConilnneA from Pn*« Four) HUNDREDS TOAST GREATER CITY Leo Longley, W. 8. BartMt, Percy H. Clark, F. T. Blcknell, Atl&ust V. Hafl- riorf, O. J. Barker, nalph nogttt, F. M. Parker, California Furniture Co., W. W. Schrnder, Arthur LetW, W. C. Durgln, Abner h. Rose, Mott A. Mer- rill, F. V. Butterfleld, Ford Smith & Little, Mnthedon A Berner, W. T. Mc- Arthur, A. R. McOutoheon. George Chftffey, T. W. Phelps.' American Na- tional bank, Newmnrk Ornln Co., A. S. Jones, A. L. Haley, I. R Dockw«ller, I/co J. MaßUlre, h. A. BunlnesH college, H. C. Dillon. Kd Chambers, Frank A. Cattern, Fred 8. Lftnar. John R. Grant, F. H. Mensmore, W. C. Patterson. G. E. Blttlnger, G. W. Hurlelgh, n. Logan, Illverß Hros., Howard Rivera, Dr. A. J. Scholl, J. F. Mullln, Ingram & Ttrlggs, I. T. Vennum, James Irving, Klchardson & Holmea, F. M. Doug- lass, P. F. De La Vprgne, W. B. Ames, Henry Stevens, N. L. Blehle. Eckstrom Wall Paper Co., A. 11. Koeblg, Charles Lentz, Unas, Bnruoh Sc Co., George C. Martin, J. H. Braly\ Newman Ksslck, George A. Montgomery, A. H. Conger, John F. Hughes, W. W. Pedder, John J. Akin, J. W. Frey, M. L. Godfrey, Walter H. Fisher, Louis F. Vetter, Joseph Scott, A. J. Wallace, F. H. Brooks, Dan P. Walsh, Out West Co., A. M. Davis, L. C. Gates, Douglas Daw- son, Woodlll & Hulse Co., California Electric Co., Crescent Furniture Co., Frank R. Clark, H. C. Dillon, A. P. Maginnis, G. F. Conant, O. E. Farish, Milton K. Young, H. A. Getz, C. A. Klder. Prentls Lebus, Edgar F. Pierce, W. H. Anderson, D. T. Davenport, W. A. Ellis, W. G. Tanner. Frank Walker, 9. K. Llndley, J. O. Warren, C. C. C. Tatum, C. C. Parker. A.P. Griffith, P. E. Hatch, George Arnott, Advance Ma- chine Co., A. L. Stetson, W. E. Howard, E. W. Murphy, R. A. Pulfer, Max E. Laßerg, Meek Baking Co., B. V. Col- lins, W. D. Newerf, E. J. Brent, John D. Bicknell, Frank M. Kelsey, A. N. Davlson, N. B. Blackstone, Dr. Stahl, Perry Weldner, Ferd Parmentler, W. G. Barmvell, G. Holterhoff, Jr., Walter E. Brown, George A. Cortelyou, Fred B. Braden, W. L. Brent, Rolland P. Bishop, American Type Founders' Co., C. W. Fleming, R. W. Bailey, Capitol Milling Co., E. G. Juda, W. F. Bosby- shell. United Wholesale Grocers' asso- ciation, Brownstetn, Newmark & Lewis, Thomas J. Barkley Co., J. H. Lapham, Charles Stansbury, Interna- tional bank, J. C. Drake, C. A. Par- melee,' Gail B. Johnson, James P. Burns, W. D. Longyear, L. W. Myers, H. P. D. Klngsberry, Dr. W. Hutchin- son, George R. Murdock, I. A. Lothian, Secundo Guastl, Arthur Fava, C. An- tonole, John Loplzlch, R. W. Drom- gold, Horace G. Hamilton, Wright & Callender, Theodore Summerland, C. F. W. Palmer, California Implement Co., J. D. Mercereau, W. C. Menden- hall, J. N. Patlllo, . R. H. Edwards, Lloyd W. Moultrle, Henry Braun, G. L. Crenshaw, Peck & Chase Co., M. E. Spinks, Alex Mackeigan, A. G. Mines. J. A, Rosesteele, Cunningham &O'Con- ner, John J. Byrne, Lee Chamberlain. C. H. Sessions, M. W. Conner, L. H. Mitchell, William Niles, N. E. Wilson, Archibald Douglas, E. F. C. Klokke. Willis H. Booth, J. W. Eddy, August Schmldtz, John R. Haynes, Francis Murphy, C. P. Grogan, J. Ross Clark, R. W. Pridham, W. H. Spinks, J. H. Johnson, W. H. Hiatt, J. B. Steams, J. H. Francis, Gazette Publishing Co.. R. B. Dickinson, W. H. Pierce, Joseph Mesmer, Fred E. Pierce, J. A. Reid, John Coffin, John T. Griffith, A. D. Mullin, Carl Enterman, R. W. Burn- ham, I. S. Green. R. D. Holabird. George H. Pike, T. E. Gibbon, Georg-e Mason, James R. Martin, W. R. Bacon, Boyle Workman. Leslie R. Hewitt, O. H. Lagrande, Butler, Welch Invest- ment Co., Home Real Estate Co., E. E. Selph, Robert Steere, N. W. Blanchard, Wightman Smith, C. F. Edson, Fred Maier, Western Sash and Door Co., J. J. Bergin, Frank Simp- son, Union Box and Lumber Co., Rob- ert Green, Charles S. Mann, E. K. Isaacs, Madary Supply Co., E. L. Qulnn, Union Iron Works, L. A. Plan- ing Mill, L. A. Ice and Cold Storage Co., L. A. Hay Storage Co., Thomas Hughes, Fred E. Smith, Pacific Cop- per works, Hlpolito Screen and Sash Co., W. H. Harrison, P. H. C. Pahl, Fraternal Brotherhood, James J. Free- man, Walter Lindley, California Plan- Ing mill, R. B. Young, M. N. Sekey, F. E. Gray, W. P. James, Walter Bord- well, E. M. Guthrie. E. J. Louis, L. K. Chase. Stanton & Douglas, S. E. Far- roat, Morgan Oyster Co., D. W. Kirk- lnnd, Melville Sheldon, P. C. Cotter, Kyte & Grancher, H. Nadeau, L. B. Shattuck, Georgre B. Shattuck, W. I. Hollingsworth, J. ,P. Chandler. M. K. Young, Fred L. Baker, Dan Murphy, H. Jevne, J. W. A. Off, H. A. Pierce, Rt. Rev. T. J. Conaty. W. N. Hewes, J. H. Spires, S. W. Barton, A. Mars, Wade & Wade, Thompson & Boyle', Paullti, Andrew J. Copp, Jr., Thomas WadMworth, L. A; Rubber Stamp Co., Dr. B. WiiMscllii, M. A. Newmark & Co., L. Klmble, Newell Mathewa Co., K. Ktelnleln, J. Baruch, Brown- Wlnstanley Co.; A. W. Cleaver, John B. Zuchelli, G. I'lunm, HaiToti, Rickard & McCone, "W. J. Hunsaker. Jon 8. Clark. A. M. Kdehiian, J. M. Hale, Frank James, J, U. Trout. K. Molony, V. C. McGarvln. 'Among those present were: G. G. Johnson, C. C. Crippen, S. J. Smith, A. W. Skinner, W. S. Daubenspeck, George C. Somers, B. H. Bagby, E. R. Werdln, J. O. Marsh, Harry G. John- son, V. X. PfafTinger, John H. Norton, Louis Roeder, George H. Rector, S. L. Brlgsp, O. L. Woodward, K. B. Smith, Charlies Jone?, F. J. ' HUlebrand. G. BesßoAo, G. Dpmaties, Ettere Paggl. P. E. Pas.-zo, Joe Gloia, G. Sermano, Hen- derson Hayward, J. C. Floyd, Charles L. Pieroe, A. G. Park, Niles Pease In- vestment company, A. Bodrero, M. P. Gilbert, J. C. Cribb, Roderick Scott, Charles 28. Morris, R. H. Howell, Thomas O'NelJ, Earl Fruit company, R. R. Scrlver, Wesley Clark, K. P. Bryan, E. Strasburcr, I. Joseph, Z. L.Parmelee, R, N. Bull*, M. E. Johnson, W. H. Nelswender, H. S. Baer, J. Spence, Montgomery & Towne, Forve, Pete- bone Co., A. P. Fleming, Newton Moore, Rudolph Mausard, H. 1,. Mus- ser, G. U. Whitney, John Kingsley, Klngsley, Moles & Collins, C. C. Collier, Eugene Germain, N. Raphael Co., S. J. Keqse, James A. Gibson, Walter J. Trask, San Gabriel Wine Co., Kair- fhild. Gilmore Wilton Co., Jacob Meyer, George H. Stewart, N. Bonflllo, Brownstein, Newmark &Lewis, Henry I;. LewH F. W. King, Pioneer Roll Paper Cot, Adrian Loeb, Loeb, Fleish- man Co., ti. Schlff, California Hard- ware Co., V. H. Tuttle, Pacific Coast Manufacturing Co., J. Vf. Robinson Co., Wheton A. Gray, S. C. Hubbel, Hamburprer & Sons, H. M. Mosher, Donald Barker, M. P. Snyder, P. F. Johnson, W. J. Washburn, B. Gorden, Braver Krohn Co., Anderson Chanslor Co., \V. P, Jeffries, J. M. White, P. J. McGarry. Ben White, Rogers &McCoy, Robert Wankowskl, E. A. Mnserve, C. L. Whippel, S. A. Butler, L. H. Valen- tine, A. S. Werner, R. O. Doyle, C. J. Lehman, Julius Drown, Granville Jlac- Gowan, F. f?. Diilingham, W. L. Val- entine, M. Llssner, John G, Mott, R. J. Dillon, C. C. Desmond, Vincent Photo Co., A. B. Case. F. Q. Story. E. W. Britt, Seward A. Simons. D. M. Mc- Donald, John A. Merrill, F. Irwin Her- ron, Julius R. Black, Golden State Realty Co., Byron Erkenbrecher, Niles Pease Co., Sherman Pease, J. B. Brown Music Co., Carr & Stephens, Bresee Bros., Central Bank, William Mead. Earl W. Mueller, James C. Kays, Fred Detmers, A. E. Pomeroy, Walter J. Wren, Charles fj. Hubbard, E. T. Earl, Ferd K. Rule, H. Bert Ellis, Theodore Martin, D. I;. Althouse, F. W. Blan- chard, Walter F. Haas, 0. R. W. Rob- inson, W. H. Workman, R. J. Busch, L. J. C. Spruance, Lee A, McConnell, J. J. Doran, M. L. Wicks, N. A. Wol- cott & Co., Fred L. Alles, Thomas J. Hampton, D. K. Edwards, Dr. Charles P. Wagar, F. D. Jones, J. B. Alexander, G. A. Smith, Fowler Bros., W. G. Barn- well, L. L. Bowen, P. A. Stanton, George W. Van Alstyne, E. W. Free- man. Tyler & Co., W. E. Tyler, Otto Steiner, W. R. Davis, R. L. Horton, Edison Electric Co., G. E. Harpham, B. L. Ryder, Curtiss, Newhall Co., C. H. Carleton, Robert Mitchell, R. G. Brown, Myron T. Hunt, Bradner W. Lee, Rob- ert McGarvln, M. A. Bronson, R. B. "Williamson. W. 11. Frank, Charles Wler, Leonard Merrill, Croake & Mo Cann, E. W. Reynolds, Fred A. Hfnes, A. P. Chlpron, Btoddard Jess. Oscar ('. Mueller, 8. G. Marschutz, C. P. Randolph, Leon F. Mosg, O, T. Gay, H. Newmark & Co., Leo V. Younjc- vorth, Mark G. Jones, C. A. Moody, M. T. Whltuker, Frank U. Harbert. F. C. 8 The Pain Family You know them; they are numerous, and make their presence felt everywhere. The names of the family are Head- ache, Toothache, Earache, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu- ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange- ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex- hausted or irritated, Headache makes you miserable; if the stomach nerves are weak, in- digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af- fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way td ,stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this^ The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if. taken as directed. "I find Dr. Miles' AjUl-Paln Pills an •xoellent remedy for overcoming head- ache, neuralgia and distressing pains of all sorts.' I have used them for the Sast seven years In this capacity with le best of reaultf." MRS. JOE MERRILL, Peru. Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are told by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls, he willreturn your money. 23 doses, 29 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Rln8 If iSMnlvTnTii Rln ? Up I'l3 If .I'll I J Red 8737 |uHniulll|B 1202 Superb Location For Homes, Investment or Profit. Main Office 203 N. Broadway. , TO BE GIVEN AWAY Ten shining twenty dollar gold pieces! Isn't Such a prize worth trying for? Don't you want this splendid cash preniiurn offered for a few hours work? More Abotrt the Offer What $200 Will Buy The Herald has conceived, the idea of giving away $200 for Two hundred dollars will buy a ten-acre farm in some less the purpose of increasing the paper's circulation. It's a plain, favored sections than Southern California. straightforward business proposition. . Two hundred dollars will buy a horse, trap and harness We feel that there are thousands in Los Angeles who are —or go a long way toward paying for an automobile, not now reading The Herald who should read it. The Herald Two hundered dollars will buy a ticket to London, Paris is a bright, newsy newspaper worthy. the, support of every or Berlin, and allow quite a little spending money besides, man and woman within reach of Los Angeles. But never mind that; we don't doubt that almost any The Herald is a "home paper"; its pages are free from man or woman could find a good use for the money— and how anything objectionable making it an ideal sheet for women easy it'll be earned! Just a little research a few hours spent readers, who are its strongest supporters. •'; > '." ' ' '- in the library, maybe, will suffice. Duration of the Contest Watch the Ads. Closely This is not to be a long-drawn-out contest, On the contrary, It is our intention to make everything as plain as possible in we expect to make quick work of it. Just as soon as a certain presenting the proposition—but if we do not succeed in ex- number of subscriptions are received the contest will close; plaining each point fully, come to the office of The Herald, at any rate it will not run over thirty days, beginning Sunday, Watch the coupons in Sunday's paper; they willbe found February 25 and ending Saturday, March 24. tfQB helpful. JTREE Ride to Redondo Every Day SC^mTioMM' Come One, Come All! Get Your FREE Electric Railroad TicKets at Our Office, 124 South Broadway, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Building $4 Down, $4 Per Month, No Interest, No Taxes. JOIN THE RUSH TO REDONDO Where Two Millions Have Already Been Expended in Substantial Improvements and Over a Million Is Now Being Expended in Addition Thereto. The Grandest Success of the Season. Everybody Delighted. Lots Are Selling Fast. Don't Delay. I he * DnAi\l\Ag\ Villa Tf art Only $90 Per Lot, $4 Down Beautiful 1\(*(1UIU1U V Ilia 1 ICICI $4 Per Month, No Interest, No Taxes The Grand Hotel nnd Tropical Garden nt Redondo. Buy Where the Air Is Pure Ozone From Off the Don't Send Money—Simply Write. Health Restoring Waters of the Pacific. f cut this out and mail Los Angeles Securities Co., 124 S. Broadway, Las Antfeles Buy where the soil Is rich and Injurious 'frosts never prevail. Gentlemen— Kindly mall me full Information, map and Buy around. Redondo, where. there are three electric lines and one steam Illustrated prospectus concerning the Redondo Villa Tract, railroad and there will soon be another electric line. . free any expense to me v Buy where the purest of water from the large water works now on the \u25a0 _ tract can be had for only 7% cents per thousand gallons.- "™ c Buy where you will make larRG profits. ' \u25a0 ' «£#Efefcs\l Buy at the opening sale, which, as has been history, Invariably Insures btreet VQXgml a great profit. If you can't call at the office tit once— then telephone (Main t « Si«fiiiSj|j| 8379 or Home 6339),', telegraph, or write at once, and a beautiful Illustrated City ...; \u25a0'^•<i prospectus, map and sample contract will be mailed to you absolutely free. V A '1 O *a* dT* 124 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal; I fl^fc /%HoPlf*^ ft lf% Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. JLfVKvJ X lIICVIVJ W^VVAJL AHAVovJ Telephones: Main 3379: Him. 5339 Incorporated Under the litnvnof the State of California, nKVJf-'Xo Trouble to Ainner Queatlona. References Consolidated Hnnk of lion AiicHr*, and Our Many Snllnflrd Cuntomprn. UtLfc* Office open every night during week <ln>» from T to 0 o'clock to nccomniodnte tlionc who cannot conic during the day.

Transcript of HUNDREDS TOAST JTREE SC^mTioMM' Ride Redondo Every Day · 2017-12-19 · PART 11. LOS ANGELES...




Favorite Speakers Win Apptauia and

Telegram Announces American

Publishers Decide to Meet

Here Next •


The following reception committeeserved at the bnntjuet:

Willis H. Booth, William D. Steph-ens, A. M.Adelman, Fred A. Hlnes, R.11. Howell, Giuseppe Hormano, 10. B.Selph, Charles Weir, C. C. Desmond,Donald Barker, 8. A. Butler, A. J.Copp, Jr., Henry W. Lewis, Leo J. Ma-gulre, A. li.Stetson, Mott A. Morrlll,Percy 11. Clark, J. It. Francis, F. Ir-wln Herron, Howard Rivers, A. W.Sklrlner, George Montgomery, ThomasHughes, \V. H. Harrison, F. EdwardOray, John E. Steams, E. F. C.Klokke, Archibald Doußlas, M. C. Con-nor, N. E. Wilson, Walter J. Bailey,L.L. Bowen, T. J. Cunningham, I. T.Vennum, Stoddnrd Jess, Edward Mur-phy, John J. Byrne, W. J. Hunsaker,

Dr. Ralph Hagan, J. W. Spires,Eugene Germain, G. G. Johnson, F. X.Pfafflnger, John Klnsloy, H. S. Baer,Oeorge H. Stewart. F. W. King, C. P.Qrogan, R. G. Doyle, W. P. Jeffries.

Toastmaster— Joseph L* Scott.Response, "George Washington,"

Henry J. Stevens."Rate Legislation," E. P. Rlpley."The President of the United States,"

L. C. Gates.. "Politics and the Country Editor,"William Allen White.

"The Owens River Project," ThomasFitch.


Pioneer Investment and Trust Co.,Louis F. Vetter, H. A. Itealy, W. J.Bailey, F. O. Enterman, E. J. Stanton,V. Sentoug & Co., J. O. Koepfll, TomFitch. W. Allen White, E. P. Rlpley,Arthur R. Brljjgs,John R. Phillips, 8.I. Gordam

Frank Weiss, a wealthy miner andbanker of the Bethlehem and Allen-town, Pa., coal districts, arrived .Inthis city yesterday. Mr. Weiss is abrother of Harry and Thomas Weissof this city. The latter are the well-known pololsts. Frank Weiss ownsconsiderable property here and willmake further Investments during hisvisit.

On April1W. D. Campbell, generalagent of the Chicago & Northwesternrailway in this city for the past elevenyears, will identify himself In an of-ficial capacity with the Dixie.,Landcompany, with offices in the MerchantsTrust building.

Mrs. Cllement Studebaker anddaughter, Miss Esther Studebaker, wifeand daughter of the well-known wagon

manufacturer of South Bend, Ind., areamong the guests at the "Van Nuyshotel.

Coly. C. A. Jones, proprietor of thefamous American house in Boston, ar-rived in Los Angeles yesterday andtook apartments at the Hollenbeck.

R. W. Grlswold, a well-known min-ing man of Colorado Springs, arrivedin Los Angeles yesterday and regis-tered at the Alexandria.

C. C. Misemer, one of the well-knownresidents of Niagara Falls, arrived inLos Angeles yesterday and registeredat the Hollenbeck 'hotel.

R. W. Foster, a prominent marble-laed ware manufacturer of New Yorkcity, is among the guests registered atthe Hollenbeck hotel.


"That's awful, replied Mrs. Goldrox,with sympathy. "We sailed through 'emwhen we were abroad and Iwas sickevery inch of the way."


"Iunderstand," remarked the visitor'that the Wlgsbys are in dire straits.'


Among those who sent their regretswere: Theodore Roosevelt, CharlesWarren Fairbanks, Hon. Leslie M.Shaw, secretary of treasury; Hon.Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary ofInterior; Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, sec-retary of navy; Hon. James Wilson,secretary of agriculture; Hon. GeorgeB. Cortelyou, postmaster general; Hon..Victor B. Metcalf, secretary commerceand labor; Hon. William H. Moody,nttorney general; Hon. Truman H.Newberry, assistant secretary of navy;Hon. Rear Admiral Goodrich, Hon. W.A. Clark, Hon. W. B. Allison, Hon.Geo. C. Perkins, Hon. Jos. G. Cannon,Hon. Stephen B. Elklns, Hon. Chas. H.Grosvenor; Hon. Chauncey M. Depew,Hon. T. C. Platt, Gov. Geo. C. Pardee,Gov. Geo. C. Chamberlain, H. W.Goode, Hon. Ramon Corral, C. P. CoC-fln. Dr. A. E. Hockey, J. V. F. Skiff.W. F. Hypes, Louis W. Pratt, secretaryTacoma chamber of commerce; Wm.McMurray, T. C. Friedlander, BenJ.Ide Wheeler, David Starr Jordan, Wm.D. Wheelwright, W. H. Beatty, HenryE. Dosch, Hon. N. P. Chlpman, TomRichardson, H. M. Cake, presidentPortland Commercial club; W. M.Thompson, E. L.Hassler, H. C. Stayer,Geo. T. Nicholson, Adolphus Busch, -S.B. Cooper, A.L. Craig, Julius J. Schot-ten, Leslie R. Skinner, J. C. Stubbs,Horlow M. Clark, Syracuse chamberof commerce; H. R. Hoge, presidentchamber of commerce, Portland; E. H.Harriman, Chas. Walcott, Frank L.Ersklne, D. R. Francis, F. M. Taylor,Nelson A. Miles. Edwin Steams, Oak-land chamber of commerce; Edson F.Adams, president Oakland chamber ofcommerce; Hon. Paul Morton, J. P.Elder. John Wanamaker.


In my heart for the splendid body ofbusiness men which compose your or-ganization.

The Los Angeles chamber of com-merce has within the past fifteen yearsaccomplished more for your city andSouthern California than the most san-'fruine prophet could foretell. Iremem-ber with pride and gratitude the in-spiration and support which accom-plished a free harbor for a free people;also bringing its companion enterpriseto your people, the completion of theSalt Lake railroad as a new avenueof commerce to the rich mineral fieldsof Nevada and the great northwest.

May your chamber of commerce con-tinue to add laurels to Its wellmeritedfame, and may your county and citycontinue to prosper and grow, addingeach year thousands to enjoy healthand happiness to all who may dwell inyour midst. R. C. KERENS.

(ConilnneA from Pn*« Four)


Leo Longley, W. 8. BartMt, Percy H.Clark, F. T.Blcknell, Atl&ust V. Hafl-riorf, O. J. Barker, nalph nogttt, F.M. Parker, California Furniture Co.,W. W. Schrnder, Arthur LetW, W. C.Durgln,Abner h. Rose, Mott A. Mer-rill, F. V. Butterfleld, Ford Smith &Little, Mnthedon A Berner, W. T. Mc-Arthur, A. R. McOutoheon. GeorgeChftffey, T. W. Phelps.' American Na-tional bank, Newmnrk Ornln Co., A.S. Jones, A.L.Haley, I. R Dockw«ller,I/co J. MaßUlre, h. A. BunlnesH college,H. C. Dillon. Kd Chambers, Frank A.Cattern, Fred 8. Lftnar. John R. Grant,F. H. Mensmore, W. C. Patterson. G.E. Blttlnger, G. W. Hurlelgh, n.Logan,Illverß Hros., Howard Rivera, Dr. A.J. Scholl, J. F. Mullln, Ingram &Ttrlggs, I. T. Vennum, James Irving,Klchardson & Holmea, F. M. Doug-lass, P. F.De La Vprgne, W. B. Ames,Henry Stevens, N.L. Blehle. EckstromWall Paper Co., A. 11. Koeblg, CharlesLentz, Unas, Bnruoh Sc Co., George C.Martin, J. H. Braly\ Newman Ksslck,George A. Montgomery, A. H. Conger,John F. Hughes, W. W. Pedder, JohnJ. Akin, J. W. Frey, M. L. Godfrey,Walter H. Fisher, Louis F. Vetter,Joseph Scott, A. J. Wallace, F. H.Brooks, Dan P. Walsh, Out West Co.,A.M.Davis, L.C. Gates, Douglas Daw-son, Woodlll & Hulse Co., CaliforniaElectric Co., Crescent Furniture Co.,Frank R. Clark, H. C. Dillon, A. P.Maginnis, G. F. Conant, O. E. Farish,Milton K. Young, H. A. Getz, C. A.Klder. Prentls Lebus, Edgar F. Pierce,W. H. Anderson, D. T. Davenport, W.A. Ellis, W. G. Tanner. Frank Walker,9. K.Llndley, J. O. Warren, C. C. C.Tatum, C. C. Parker. A.P. Griffith, P.E. Hatch, George Arnott, Advance Ma-chine Co., A.L. Stetson, W. E. Howard,E. W. Murphy, R. A. Pulfer, Max E.Laßerg, Meek Baking Co., B. V. Col-lins, W. D. Newerf, E. J. Brent, JohnD. Bicknell, Frank M. Kelsey, A. N.Davlson, N. B. Blackstone, Dr. Stahl,Perry Weldner, Ferd Parmentler, W.G. Barmvell, G. Holterhoff, Jr., WalterE. Brown, George A. Cortelyou, FredB. Braden, W. L. Brent, Rolland P.Bishop, American Type Founders' Co.,

C. W. Fleming, R. W. Bailey, CapitolMillingCo., E. G. Juda, W. F. Bosby-shell. United Wholesale Grocers' asso-ciation, Brownstetn, Newmark &Lewis, Thomas J. Barkley Co., J. H.Lapham, Charles Stansbury, Interna-tional bank, J. C. Drake, C. A. Par-melee,' Gail B. Johnson, James P.Burns, W. D. Longyear, L.W. Myers,

H. P. D. Klngsberry, Dr. W. Hutchin-son, George R. Murdock, I. A. Lothian,Secundo Guastl, Arthur Fava, C. An-tonole, John Loplzlch, R. W. Drom-gold, Horace G. Hamilton, Wright &Callender, Theodore Summerland, C.F. W. Palmer, California ImplementCo., J. D. Mercereau, W. C. Menden-hall, J. N. Patlllo,. R. H. Edwards,Lloyd W. Moultrle, Henry Braun, G.L. Crenshaw, Peck & Chase Co., M. E.Spinks, Alex Mackeigan, A. G. Mines.J. A,Rosesteele, Cunningham &O'Con-ner, John J. Byrne, Lee Chamberlain.C. H. Sessions, M. W. Conner, L. H.Mitchell, William Niles, N. E. Wilson,Archibald Douglas, E. F. C. Klokke.Willis H. Booth, J. W. Eddy, AugustSchmldtz, John R. Haynes, FrancisMurphy, C. P. Grogan, J. Ross Clark,

R. W. Pridham, W. H. Spinks, J. H.Johnson, W. H. Hiatt, J. B. Steams,J. H. Francis, Gazette Publishing Co..R. B. Dickinson, W. H. Pierce, JosephMesmer, Fred E. Pierce, J. A. Reid,John Coffin, John T. Griffith, A. D.Mullin, Carl Enterman, R. W. Burn-ham, I. S. Green. R. D. Holabird.George H.Pike, T. E. Gibbon, Georg-eMason, James R. Martin, W. R. Bacon,Boyle Workman. Leslie R. Hewitt, O.H. Lagrande, Butler, Welch Invest-ment Co., Home Real Estate Co., E.E. Selph, Robert Steere, N. W.Blanchard, Wightman Smith, C. F.Edson, Fred Maier, Western Sash andDoor Co., J. J. Bergin, Frank Simp-son, Union Box and Lumber Co., Rob-ert Green, Charles S. Mann, E. K.Isaacs, Madary

• Supply Co., E. L.Qulnn, Union Iron Works, L.A. Plan-ing Mill,L. A. Ice and Cold StorageCo., L. A. Hay Storage Co., ThomasHughes, Fred E. Smith, Pacific Cop-per works, Hlpolito Screen and SashCo., W. H. Harrison, P. H. C. Pahl,Fraternal Brotherhood, James J. Free-man, Walter Lindley, California Plan-Ingmill, R. B. Young, M. N. Sekey, F.E. Gray, W. P. James, Walter Bord-well, E. M. Guthrie. E. J. Louis, L. K.Chase. Stanton & Douglas, S. E. Far-roat, Morgan Oyster Co., D. W. Kirk-lnnd, Melville Sheldon, P. C. Cotter,Kyte & Grancher, H. Nadeau, L. B.Shattuck, Georgre B. Shattuck, W. I.Hollingsworth, J. ,P. Chandler. M. K.Young, Fred L. Baker, Dan Murphy,H. Jevne, J. W. A. Off, H.A. Pierce,Rt. Rev. T. J. Conaty. W. N. Hewes,J. H. Spires, S. W. Barton, A. Mars,Wade & Wade, Thompson & Boyle',

Paullti, Andrew J. Copp, Jr., ThomasWadMworth, L. A;Rubber Stamp Co.,Dr. B. WiiMscllii, M.A. Newmark & Co.,L. Klmble, Newell Mathewa Co., K.Ktelnleln, J. Baruch, Brown-WlnstanleyCo.; A. W. Cleaver, John B. Zuchelli,G. I'lunm, HaiToti, Rickard & McCone,"W. J. Hunsaker. Jon 8. Clark. A. M.Kdehiian, J. M. Hale, Frank James, J,U. Trout. K. Molony, V.C. McGarvln.

'Among those present were: G. G.Johnson, C. C. Crippen, S. J. Smith,A. W. Skinner, W. S. Daubenspeck,George C. Somers, B. H. Bagby, E. R.Werdln, J. O. Marsh, Harry G. John-son, V. X. PfafTinger, John H. Norton,Louis Roeder, George H. Rector, S. L.Brlgsp, O. L. Woodward, K. B. Smith,Charlies Jone?, F. J.

'HUlebrand. G.

BesßoAo, G. Dpmaties, Ettere Paggl. P.E. Pas.-zo, Joe Gloia, G. Sermano, Hen-derson Hayward, J. C. Floyd, CharlesL.Pieroe, A. G. Park, Niles Pease In-vestment company, A. Bodrero, M. P.Gilbert, J. C. Cribb, Roderick Scott,Charles 28. Morris, R. H. Howell,Thomas O'NelJ, Earl Fruit company, R.R. Scrlver, Wesley Clark, K. P. Bryan,E. Strasburcr, I.Joseph, Z.L.Parmelee,R, N. Bull*, M. E. Johnson, W. H.Nelswender, H. S. Baer, J. Spence,Montgomery & Towne, Forve, Pete-bone Co., A. P. Fleming, NewtonMoore, Rudolph Mausard, H. 1,. Mus-ser, G. U. Whitney, John Kingsley,Klngsley, Moles &Collins, C. C. Collier,Eugene Germain, N. Raphael Co., S.J. Keqse, James A. Gibson, Walter J.Trask, San Gabriel Wine Co., Kair-fhild. Gilmore Wilton Co., JacobMeyer, George H. Stewart, N. Bonflllo,Brownstein, Newmark &Lewis, HenryI;. LewH F. W. King, Pioneer RollPaper Cot, Adrian Loeb, Loeb, Fleish-man Co., ti. Schlff, California Hard-ware Co., V. H. Tuttle, Pacific CoastManufacturing Co., J. Vf. RobinsonCo., Wheton A. Gray, S. C. Hubbel,Hamburprer & Sons, H. M. Mosher,Donald Barker, M. P. Snyder, P. F.Johnson, W. J. Washburn, B. Gorden,Braver Krohn Co., Anderson ChanslorCo., \V. P, Jeffries, J. M. White, P. J.McGarry. Ben White, Rogers &McCoy,Robert Wankowskl, E. A. Mnserve, C.L.Whippel, S. A. Butler, L. H. Valen-tine, A. S. Werner, R. O. Doyle, C. J.Lehman, Julius Drown, Granville Jlac-Gowan, F. f?. Diilingham, W. L. Val-entine, M. Llssner, John G, Mott, R. J.Dillon, C. C. Desmond, Vincent PhotoCo., A. B. Case. F. Q. Story. E. W.Britt, Seward A. Simons. D. M. Mc-Donald, John A. Merrill,F.Irwin Her-ron, Julius R. Black, Golden StateRealty Co., Byron Erkenbrecher, NilesPease Co., Sherman Pease, J. B. BrownMusic Co., Carr & Stephens, BreseeBros., Central Bank, William Mead.Earl W. Mueller, James C. Kays, FredDetmers, A. E. Pomeroy, Walter J.Wren, Charles fj. Hubbard, E. T.Earl,Ferd K.Rule, H. Bert Ellis, TheodoreMartin, D. I;. Althouse, F. W. Blan-chard, Walter F. Haas, 0. R. W. Rob-inson, W. H. Workman, R. J. Busch,L. J. C. Spruance, Lee A, McConnell,J. J. Doran, M. L. Wicks, N. A. Wol-cott & Co., Fred L. Alles, Thomas J.Hampton, D. K. Edwards, Dr. CharlesP. Wagar, F. D. Jones, J. B. Alexander,G. A. Smith, Fowler Bros., W. G. Barn-well, L. L. Bowen, P. A. Stanton,George W. Van Alstyne, E. W. Free-man. Tyler & Co., W. E. Tyler, OttoSteiner, W. R. Davis, R. L. Horton,Edison Electric Co., G. E. Harpham, B.L.Ryder, Curtiss, Newhall Co., C. H.Carleton, Robert Mitchell, R. G. Brown,Myron T.Hunt, Bradner W. Lee, Rob-ert McGarvln, M. A. Bronson, R. B."Williamson. W. 11. Frank, CharlesWler, Leonard Merrill, Croake & MoCann, E. W. Reynolds, Fred A. Hfnes,A. P. Chlpron, Btoddard Jess. Oscar('. Mueller, 8. G. Marschutz, C. P.Randolph, Leon F. Mosg, O, T. Gay,H. Newmark & Co., Leo V. Younjc-vorth, Mark G. Jones, C. A. Moody, M.T. Whltuker, Frank U. Harbert. F. C.


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Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are told byyour druggist, who willguarantee thatthe first package will benefit. If Itfalls, he willreturn your money.23 doses, 29 cents. Never sold In bulk.Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

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Superb Location—

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TO BE GIVEN AWAYTen shining twenty dollar gold pieces!Isn't Such a prize worth trying for?Don't you want this splendid cashpreniiurn offered for a fewhours work?

More Abotrt the Offer What $200 Will BuyThe Herald has conceived, the idea of giving away $200 for Two hundred dollars willbuy a ten-acre farm in some lessthe purpose of increasing the paper's circulation. It's a plain, favored sections than Southern California.straightforward business proposition. . Two hundred dollars willbuy a horse, trap and harness

We feel that there are thousands inLos Angeles who are —or go a long way toward paying for an automobile,

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Duration of the Contest Watch the Ads. CloselyThis is not to be a long-drawn-out contest, On the contrary, Itis our intention to make everything as plain as possible inwe expect to make quick work of it. Just as soon as a certain presenting the proposition—but if we do not succeed in ex-number of subscriptions are received the contest willclose; plaining each point fully, come to the office of The Herald,at any rate it willnot run over thirtydays, beginning Sunday, Watch the coupons in Sunday's paper; they willbe foundFebruary 25 and ending Saturday, March 24. tfQB helpful.

JTREE Ride to Redondo Every Day SC^mTioMM'Come One, Come All! Get YourFREE Electric Railroad TicKets at Our Office, 124 South Broadway,

Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Building

$4 Down, $4 Per Month, No Interest, No Taxes.

JOIN THE RUSH TO REDONDOWhere Two Millions Have Already Been Expended inSubstantial Improvements and Over a Million Is

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Buy where the soil Is rich and Injurious 'frosts never prevail. Gentlemen— Kindly mall me full Information, map andBuy around. Redondo, where. there are three electric lines and one steam Illustrated prospectus concerning the Redondo Villa Tract,

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Incorporated Under the litnvnof the State of California,nKVJf-'Xo Trouble to Ainner Queatlona. References Consolidated Hnnk of lion AiicHr*,and Our Many Snllnflrd Cuntomprn.UtLfc* Office open every night during week <ln>» from T to 0 o'clock to nccomniodnte tlionc who cannot conic during the day.