Humerus Arm Anatomical Neck Arm

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Transcript of Humerus Arm Anatomical Neck Arm

  • 8/14/2019 Humerus Arm Anatomical Neck Arm


    Structure Region System Blood Supply Origin / Insertion Actio

    arm Skeletal

    humerus - capitulum arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    humerus - head arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    arm Skeletal

    Innervation(what it


    humerus -anatomical neck

    Lateral side of disand articulation phead of the radiu

    humerus -coronoid fossa

    Anterior fossa justrochlea for coronof ulna to articuladuring full flexion

    humerus -deltoidtuberosity

    Lateral tuberositydeltoid inserts, apat the midpoint ohumerus.

    humerus -

    greater tubercle

    3 of 4 rotator cuftendons insert he

    supraspinatus, inand teres minor

    Articulate with glDirected upward,and posteriorly

    humerus intertubercular(bicipital) sulcus

    humerus -lateralepicondyle

    Point of origin for(including supinacalled the commoorigin

    humerus - lessertubercle

    Projects anteriorlhumerus, insertiosubscapularis murotator cuff

    humerus -medialepicondyle

    Point of origin forpronator teres. Uruns in a groove structure

    humerus -olecranon fossa

    Posterior fossa ondistal humerus foprocess of ulna towith during full ethe elbow

    humerus - radialgroove

    humerus -surgical neck

    between thetubercles andshaft

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    arm Skeletal

    basilic vein arm Vascular

    brachial artery arm Vascular

    cephalic vein arm Vascular

    arm Vascular

    arm - extension Muscular Radial (C7) chief extensor o

    arm - extension Muscular Radial (C7)

    arm - extension Muscular Radial (C7) chief extensor o

    arm - flexion Muscular

    arm - flexion Muscular

    brachialis m. arm - flexion Muscular

    arm - flexion Muscular

    axilla / shoulder Innervation

    deltoid m. axilla / shoulder Muscular

    teres major m. axilla / shoulder Muscular

    clavicle axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    humerus -trochlea

    Spool-shaped orarticulates with (trochlear notch

    profunda brachii(deep brachial)artery

    triceps brachiim. - lateral head

    ranc oprofunda brachiia.

    upper humerus (longitudinal) /olecranon of ulna

    triceps brachiim. - long head

    branch of

    profunda brachiia.

    lateral border (superior)humerus / olecranon of ulna

    chief extensor o

    resists dislocatio(especially impoabduction)

    triceps brachiim. - medial head

    branch ofprofunda brachiia.

    lower half & upper medialhumerus / olecranon of ulna

    biceps brachiim. - long head

    Musculocutaneous (C5,C6)

    branches ofbrachial a.

    supraglenoid tubercle (neck ofscapula / radial tuberosity

    supinates forearsupine, flexes fo

    biceps brachiim. - short head

    Musculocutaneous (C5,C6)

    branches ofbrachial a.

    coracoid process / radialtuberosity

    (see long head);dislocation of sh

    Musculocutaneous (C6)

    radial recurrenta., branches ofbrachial a.

    distal half of humerus / ulnartuberosity and coronoidprocess

    flexes forearm in(strongest flexorjoint)


    Musculocutaneous (C6)

    muscularbranches ofbrachial a.

    coracoid process / medial,middle of humerus

    helps flex shouldarm; resists dislshoulder

    intercostobrachial nerve

    the uppermedial andposterioraspects of the

    anterior andposteriorbranches ofaxillary (C5-C6)

    posteriorcircmflex, deltoidbranch ofthoracoacromial

    lateral third of clavicle, spineand acromion of scapula /deltoid tuberosity of humerus

    anterior humemedial rotator; mhumeral abductohumeral extensorotator




    posterior surface of inferior

    angle of scapula / medial lip ofintertubercular groove

    adducts and mearm


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    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    glenoid labrum axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    scapula - spine axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Skeletal

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axillary artery axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axillary vein axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    subclavian vein axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder Vascular

    axilla / shoulder

    back Innervation


    scapu a -acromion

    rocessscapula -coracoid process

    scapula -glenoid cavity


    scapu a -suprascapularnotchscapu a -supraspinous



    over the suprasc

    of the scapula. Nunder, vessels o

    an er or umeracircumflex

    lateral thoracicartery humeralcircumflex







    Space between

    running long anof the triceps brhorizontally runnminor and majo

    accessory nerve(CN XI)

    trapezius,stemocleidomastoid m.

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    erector spinae back Muscular

    back Muscular thoracodorsal a.

    back Muscular

    back Muscular

    back Muscular same as pec. maj.

    back Muscular dorsal scapular a.

    back Muscular dorsal scapular a. same as major

    back Muscular lateral thoracic a.

    back Muscular depress ribs

    back Muscular elevate ribs

    splenius m. back Muscular

    trapezius m. back Muscular

    axillary nerve brachial plexius Innervation

    bilaterally: extencolumn and healaterally flex ver

    latissimus dorsi




    spinous processes of T7-T12,thoracolumbar fascia, iliac

    crest, and inf 3 ribs / floor ofintertubercular groove

    extends, adductrotates humerus

    toward arms duscapular depres

    levator scapulaem.

    Dorsal Scapular(C3,C4,C5)

    transversecervical a., dorsalscapular a.

    posterior tubercles oftransverse processes of C1-C4/ med border of scapulasuperior to root of spine

    elevates scapulaglenoid cavity inscapula

    pectoralis majorm.

    Medial andLateral Pectoral(C5-T1)

    pectoral branch ofthoracoacromiala., internalthoracic a.

    clavicular head - ant surface ofmed of clavicle sternocostalhead: ant surface of sternum,superior 6 cartilages,aponeurosis of externaloblique mm / lateral lip ofintertubercular groove

    adducts and mehumerus; in isolclavicular head fhumerus; in isolsternocostal heahumerus

    pectoralis minorm.

    Medial Pectoral(C8-T1)

    R3-5 near costal cartilages /med and superior coracoidprocess

    stabilizes scapulit inferiorly and aagainst thoracic

    rhomboid majorm.

    Dorsal Scapular(C5)

    spinous processes of T2-T5 /medial border of scapula fromlevel of spine to inferior angle

    retract scapula adepress glenoidscapula to thora

    rhomboid minorm.

    Dorsal Scapular(C5)

    nuchal ligament, spinousprocesses of C7-T1 / smoothtriangular area at medial endof scapular spine

    serratusanterior m.

    Long Thoracic(C5-C7)

    external surfaces of lateralparts of R1-8; anterior surfaceof medial border scapula

    protracts scapulagainst thoracicscapula upward

    serratusposteriorinferior m.

    anterior rami ofT9 to T12 spinalnerves


    2-5th intercostalsn

    posterior rami ofspinal n

    laterally flex nechead to side of aacting together:and neck

    Spinal Root ofAccessory Nerveand C3-C4

    transversecervical a., dorsalscapular a.

    medial 1/3 of superior nuchalline, external occipital protub,nuchal ligament, spinousprocesses of C7-T12 / lateral1/3 of clavicle; acromion andspine of scapula

    elevates / ascendepresses / midtogether retract

    Innervates theglenohumeraljoint, deltoid,teres minor, skinof superolateralarm

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    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation Pectoralis major

    brachial plexius Innervation serratus anterior

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    median nerve brachial plexius Innervation see --->

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation see --->

    brachial plexius Innervation

    dorsal scapularnerve

    rhomboids andsometimeslevator scapulae

    lateral cord ofbrachial plexus

    lateral pectoralnerve

    long thoracicnerve


    Inferior portionof subscapularisand teres major

    lower trunk ofbrachial plexus

    medial cord ofbrachial plexus

    medialcutaneous nerveof arm

    Sensory nerve toposteromedialside of the lower1/3 of the arm

    medialcutaneous nerveof forearm

    Sensory nerve tomedial aspect offorearm arm

    medial pectoralnerve Pectoralis minorand major

    Muscles of antercompartment (ecarpi ulnaris andflexor digitorum five intrinsic mmhalf of palm and

    middle trunk ofbrachial plexus

    musculocutaneous nerve

    m. of anterior coarm (coracobracbrachii, and braclateral aspect of

    posterior cord ofbrachial plexus

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    radial nerve brachial plexius Innervation see --->

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation latissimus dorsi

    ulnar nerve brachial plexius Innervation see --->

    brachial plexius Innervation

    brachial plexius Innervation

    sternum - body chest Skeletal Narrower, middl

    chest Skeletal Superior

    chest Skeletal

    chest Skeletal inferior

    Muscular abducts and ext

    anconeus m. Muscular Radial (C7-T1)


    Muscular Radial (C6,C7)


    Muscular extends little fin




    posterior compaarm and forearmposterior and infarm, posterior fodorsum of hand middle of the fo




    travels under thtransverse scap


    flexor carpi ulnahalf of flexor digprofundus (foreintrinsic musclesof hand medial t4th (ring) finger


    superior part ofsubscapularis

    upper trunk ofbrachial plexus

    sternum -manubrium

    sternum -suprasternal(jugular) notch

    Superior to the mand between theof the clavicles

    sternum -xiphoid process

    abductor pollicislongus m.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    posterior surface of ulna,radius, and interosseousmemb / base of metacarpal I

    forearm -extention

    deep brachialartery

    lat epicondyle of humerus / latsurface of olecranon andsuperior part of posteriorsurface of ulna

    assists triceps inforearm; stabilizmay abduct ulnapronation

    extensor carpradialis brevism.

    forearm -extention

    Deep branch ofradial (C7,C8)

    radial and radialrecurrent arteries

    common extensor tendon /promixal 3rd metacarpal

    extends wrist anhand

    extensor carpiradialis longusm.

    forearm -extention

    radial and radialrecurrent arteries

    anteriorolateral, distalhumerus / proximal 2ndmetacar al

    extends wrist anhand

    extensor carpiulnaris m.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    common extensor tendon,middle ulna / proximal 5thmetacarpal

    extends wrist anhand

    extensor digitiminimi m.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    common extensor tendon /distal & middle 5th phalange


    digitorum m.

    forearm -





    interosseous a.

    common extensor tendon /

    distal & middle 2-4 phalanges

    extends index, mand little fingers

    wrist extension

    extensor indicism.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    me ia , ista u na &interosseous membrane /middle and distal 2ndhalan e

    extends proximaindex finger

    extensor pollicisbrevis m.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    distal radius & interosseous /proximal 1st phalange

    extends proximathumb

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    forearm - flexion Muscular Radial (C5-C7) radial recurrent a. flexion of elbow

    forearm - flexion Muscular Median (C6,C7) radial a.

    forearm - flexion Muscular Ulnar (C7-T1)

    forearm - flexion Muscular

    forearm - flexion Muscular Median (C7-T1)

    forearm - flexion Muscular flexes phalange

    forearm - flexion Muscular Median (C6,C8)

    Muscular distal ulna / distal radius pronates forearm

    Muscular Median (C6,C7)

    supinator m. Muscular supinates forear

    forearm / hand Innervation

    forearm / hand Innervation

    forearm / hand Innervation

    extensor pollicislongus m.

    forearm -extention


    posteriorinterosseous a.

    middle ulna & interosseous /distal 1st phalange

    extends distal pthumb


    laterodistal humerus / styloidprocess of radius (mostlaterodistal part)

    flexor carpiradialis m.

    common flexor tendon /proximal 1,2 metacarpals

    flexes hand, assabduction

    flexor carpiulnaris m.

    posterior ulnarrecurrent a.

    common flexor tendon &proximal posterior ulna /pisoform, hook of hamate,lateroproximal 5th metacarpal

    flexes hand, assadduction

    flexor digitorumprofundus m.

    medially - Ulnar(C8,T1); laterally- Median (C8,T1)

    anteriorinterosseous a.,branches of ulnara.

    anteromedial, proximal ulna /distal 2-5 phalanges

    flexes distal phain hand flexion

    flexor digitorumsuperficialis m.

    ulnar and radiolarteries

    humeroulnar head, commonflexor tendon, proximal radius/ middle 2-5 phalanges

    flexes middle anphalanges; assisflexion

    flexor pollicislongus m.

    Anteriorinterosseousbranch ofmedian (C8,T1)

    anteriorinterosseous a.

    medial radius & interosseousmembrane / distal 1stphalange

    palmaris longusm.

    posterior ulnarrecurrent a.

    common flexor tendon /palmar aponeurosis

    flexes hand and fascia

    pronatorquadratus m.

    forearm -rotators

    Anteriorinterosseousbranch ofmedian (C8,T1)

    anteriorinterosseous a.

    pronator teres


    forearm -


    anterior ulnar

    recurrent a.

    superior to me ia epicon y e& common flexor tendon /

    middle anterior border ofradius

    pronates forearm


    forearm -rotators

    Deep radialnerve (C5,C6)

    radial recurrent &posteriorinterosseous a.

    lateral epicondyle (humerus) &proximal posterior ulna /proximal anterior radius


    branch of themedian nerve

    flexor pollicis lo of the flexor dprofundus, and tquadratus

    common digital


    ranc es othumb, 1 branch

    each to 2,3,4di its

    lateralcutaneous nerveof the forearm

    Sensory nerve tothe lateralaspect of theforearm

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    forearm / hand Innervation see --->

    forearm / hand Innervation see --->

    forearm / hand Innervation thenar muscles

    forearm / hand Innervation see --->

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    capitate b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    distal phalanx forearm / hand Skeletal

    hammate b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    lunate b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    metacarpal forearm / hand Skeletal


    Branch off of thepierces the supiand innervates mextensor muscleforearm (exceptbrachioradialis, acarpi radialis lon

    proper digitalnerve

    Sensory nerve bmedial and ulnabranches. Ulnar1 fingers, medpalmar surfaces surfaces of the fthe lateral 3 d

    recurrent rancof the mediannerve

    superficialbranch of theradial nerve

    cutaneous sensadorsal parts of tdigits, except di


    Strong band of fibers wrappingaround the head (proximalpart) of the radius, attaching tothe anterior and posterioraspects of the ulna

    prevents radial h


    distalinterphalangealjoint (DIP)


    Fibrous membrane betweenthe radius and ulna.

    Because the themore significantwith the carpals joint, forces are from the hand toThe ulna has a m

    significant articuthe radius at the

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    forearm / hand Skeletal

    middle phalanx forearm / hand Skeletal

    pisiform b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    radius - head forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    scaphoid b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    trapezium b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    trapezoid b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    triquetrum b. forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Skeletal

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    radial artery forearm / hand Vascular

    forearm / hand Vascular

    metacarpophalangeal joint (MP)

    proximalinterphalangealjoint (PIP)


    proximal end, arcapitulum of late

    radius - radialtuberosity

    medial aspect ofradius, insertionbrachii tendon

    radius - styloidprocess

    lateral projectioof the radius, insfor the brachiora

    ulna - coronoidprocess

    ulna - olecranonprocess

    ulna - styloidprocessan er orinterosseous

    common digitalartery


    deep palmararch

    median cubitalvein

    communication cephalic and bas

    pos er or

    interosseousarterproper digitalartery

    superficialpalmar arch

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    ulnar artery forearm / hand Vascular

    hand Muscular deep palmar arch

    hand Muscular deep palmar arch

    hand Muscular Median (C8,T1)

    hand Muscular




    Muscular abducts little fin



    hand - thenar Muscular

    hand - thenar Muscular deep palmar arch adducts and flex

    hand - thenar Muscular

    hand - thenar Muscular

    interosseous m.- dorsal I to IV

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    proxima metacarpa s /proximally at proximalphalanges

    interosseous m.

    - palmar I to III

    Deep branch of

    ulnar (C8,T1)

    proxima metacarpa s /proximally at proximal

    halan es

    lumbrical m. Iand II

    superficial anddeep palmararches

    flexor digit. profundus tendon /lateral side of phalanges

    extends index afingers at interpjoints; flexes mecarpophalangea

    lumbrical m. IIIand IV

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    superficial anddeep palmararches

    flexor digit. profundus tendon /lateral side of phalanges

    extends ring andat interphalageameta-carpophalaand 4


    flexorretinaculum forms the roof otunnel


    abductor digitiminimi (quinti)m.

    hand -hypothenar

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    deep palmarbranch of ulnar a.

    pisiform b, tendon of flexorcarpi ulnaris / medial side ofbase of proximal phalanx oflittle finger

    exor gminimi (quinti)m.

    hand -hypothenar

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    deep palmarbranch of ulnar a.

    exor re nacu um an oo ohamate b. / proximal 5thhalanx

    flexes proximal little finger

    opponens digitiminimi (quinti)m.

    hand -hypothenar

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    deep palmarbranch of ulnar a.

    flexor retinaculum and hood ofhamate bone / medial borderof metacarpal V

    draws metacarpface thumb

    abductor pollicisbrevis m.

    Recurrentbranch ofmedian (C8,T1)

    superficial palmarbranch of radial a.

    flexor retinaculum, scaphoid,and trapezium b. / lateral sideof proximal phalanx of thumb

    abducts; also asopposition and ethumb

    adductor pollicism.

    Deep branch ofulnar (C8,T1)

    oblique head bases ofmetacarps II and III; capitateand trapezoid bb / medial sideof base of proximal phalanx ofthumb

    flexor pollicisbrevis m.

    Recurrentbranch ofmedian (C8,T1)

    superficial palmarbranch of radial a.

    flexor retinaculum andtrapezium b. / lateral proximal1st phalanx

    flexes proximal thumb

    opponenspollicis m.

    Recurrentbranch ofmedian (C8,T1)

    superficial palmarbranch of radial a.

    flexor retinaculum andtrapezium b. / lat side ofmetacarpal I

    draws metacarpand medially

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    infraspinatus m. rotator cuff Muscular suprascapular a.

    subscapularis m. rotator cuff Muscular

    rotator cuff Muscular suprascapular a.

    teres minor m. rotator cuff Muscular

    cauda equina spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    dura mater spinal cord Innervation

    filum terminale spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord spinal cord Innervation

    spinal nerves spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    ventral root spinal cord Innervation

    spinal cord Innervation

    sacrum spinal cord Skeletal

    spinal cord Skeletal

    spinal cord Skeletal


    infraspinous foss / greatertubicle (humerus)

    externally rotatehelp hold humerglenoid cavity of

    Subscapular (C5-C7)

    subscapular a.,lateral thoracic a.

    subscapular fossa / lessertubicle (humerus)

    medially rotates

    arm; helps hold in glenoid cavity



    supraspinous fossa / greatertubicle (humerus)

    helps to initiate degrees of abduhelps deltoid wit

    Posterior branchof Axillary (C5-C6)


    lateral border, scapular / inf. togreater tubicle

    laterally rotate ahumeral head in


    dorsal primaryramus

    mixe motorand sensory tothe deepmuscles of theback

    dorsal root(spinal) ganglion

    ce o ies othe afferentnerves


    ventral primaryramus

    w ecommunicating

    vertebra - atlas(C1)

    vertebra - axis(C2)

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    s Structure Region System Origin / Insertion

    arachnoid granulations brain Innervation protrude into venous sinuses meninges

    arachnoid mater brain Innervation meninges insul

    dura mater Brain Innervation

    optic tract Brain Innervation CN II Optic n. posterior to the optic chiasm Visio

    pituitary gland Brain Innervation

    falx cerebelli Brain Membrane

    falx cerebri Brain Membrane

    tentorium cerebelli Brain Membrane

    basilar artery brain Vascular

    Brain Vascular Drain

    Brain Vascular

    Innervation(what it innervates)

    Blood Supply(what it supplies)


    CN V1-V


    - Each contributes ameningeal branch(es)

    Arteries of dura supply moreblood to calvaria than to dura.Largest: Middle Meningeal

    ArteryVeins of dura accompanymeningial arteries in pairs.



    small, cresent-shaped sagittally-orientedfold of dura mater lying betweencerebellar hemispheres; doesnt passdeeply b/w them

    cresent-shaped sagittally-oriented fold ofdura mater lying between cerebralhemispheresRostrally: clinoid processes of sphenoid

    b.; Rostrolaterally: petrous part temporalb.; Posteriolaterlly: internal surface ofoccipital b. & part of parietal b.


    posterior part of circle of Willi

    dural venous sinus inferior sagittal sinus

    Smaller than superior sagittal sinus

    Runs in inferior concave free border offalx cerebri

    dural venous sinus superior sagittal sinus

    Lies in convex attached border of falxcerebri


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  • 8/14/2019 Humerus Arm Anatomical Neck Arm







    Innervation sensory and motor

    Innervation motor inn

    CNdIII / oculomotornerve

    Brain - CranialNerves

    somatic motor: neuron cell bodieslocated in upper midbrain (oculomotornucleus) visceralmotor: preganglionic cell bodies locatedin upper midbrain (Edinger-Westphal

    nucleus); postganglionic neuron cellbodies located in cliliary ganglion(attached to V1)


    sphconto cvis

    CNeIV / trochlearnerve

    Brain - CranialNerves

    neuron cell bodies located in lowermidbrain - trochlear nucleus


    CNf V / trigeminalnerve

    Brain - CranialNerves

    CNgV1 / ophthalmicdivision

    Brain - CranialNerves

    neuron cell bodies located in trigeminal(semilunar) ganglion


    CNhV2 / maxillarydivision

    Brain - CranialNerves

    neuron cell bodies located in trigeminal(semilunar) ganglion


    CNi V3 / mandibulardivision

    Brain - CranialNerves

    Sensory -- trigeminal (semilunal)ganglion, largest division, exits throughforamen ovale. Motor -- pons (motornucleus V), exits through foramen ovale

    Somjawtonm, matenant

    CNj VI / abducent


    Brain - Cranial


    Pons abducent nucleus, emerges nearmedian plane at the junction of pons andmedulla, passes through cavernous sinusand superior orbital fissure, then throughcommon tendinous ring of rectus mm.

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  • 8/14/2019 Humerus Arm Anatomical Neck Arm


    Innervation Motor

    external ear antihelix Ear Auditory

    Ear Auditory

    external ear concha Ear Auditory

    external ear helix Ear Auditory elevated margin of auricle

    external ear lobule Ear Auditory

    external ear tragus Ear Auditory

    auriculotemporal n. Ear Innervation V3 branch

    chorda tympani Ear Innervation CN VII


    parotid duct Face Gland

    CNqXII / hypoglossalnerve

    Brain - CranialNerves

    Medulla hypoglossal nucleus, emergesfrom sides of medulla anterior to olives,exit via hypoglossal canal, curvesforward near angle of the mandiblesuperior to ansa cervicalis to entertongue.


    elevated portion of extl ear on other sideof scaphoid fossa (or scapha) from thehelix

    external ear antitragus

    roughly opposite tragus and slightlyinferior

    deepest depression, which leads intoextl acoustic meatus

    non-cartilaginous (earlobe), fibroustissue, fat, and blood vessels; easilypierced for taking small blood samplesand inserting earringstragus: goat alluding to goats beardsince hair often grow on; tongue-likeprojection overlapping opening of extlacoustic meatus

    Supplies the auricle, externalacoustic meatus, outer side ofthe tympanic membrane andthe skin in the temporal region

    (superficial temporalbranches)




    auditory / eustachiantube

    (Also called pharynogotympanic tube) -links the pharynx to the middle ear

    Prealloequ& a


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    parotid gland Face Gland Lar

    Face Gland

    buccal n. Face Innervation

    frontal nerve Face Innervation

    greater auricular nerve Face Innervation

    Face Innervation

    inferior alveolar nerve Face Innervation

    Face Innervation

    mental nerve Face Innervation

    nasociliary nerve Face Innervation branches from ophthalmic nerve

    Face Innervation pterygoid canal

    Face Innervation

    CN V3 branch(auriculotemporal nerve)

    External carotid artery andbranches (maxillary artery,superficial temporal artery)

    submandibular gland duct


    branch of V3, branches of VII





    skin of the forehead and themedial part of the uppereyelid & mucous membraneof the frontal sinus

    the most superior linear structure withinthe orbit

    ophn. (sup

    skin of the ear and skin belowthe ear

    the great auricular n. crosses thesuperficial surface of thesternocleidomastoid m.


    greater palatine arteryand/ornerve

    sensory: mucous membrane ofthe inferior part of the lateralnasal wall; mucosa of the hardpalate

    greater palatine n. passes through thegreater palatine canal and foramen


    sensory: teeth of mandible andskin of chin motor: mylohyoidm and anterior belly of

    digastric m



    infraorbital nerve,artery and/or vein

    mucous memb of maxillarysinus, upper premolar, canine,and incisor teeth; maxillarygingiva; skin of lateral nose,lower eyelid, upper lip, andzygomatic region

    passes thru infraorbital groove, canal,and foramen


    to msup

    skin of chin and skin; oralmucosa of inferior lip

    terminal branch of inferior alveolar nerve(CN V3)

    emmeof b

    supplies several branches tothe orbit

    nerve of pterygoidcanal


    Lacrimal gland, paranasalsinuses, glands of the mucosaof the nasal cavity andpharynx, gingiva, mucusmembrane and glands of thehard palate

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    sphenopalatine artery face Vascular Terminal branch of maxillary artery

    Face Vascular Source: External Carotid Artery

    supratrochlear artery face Vascular

    buccinator m. Muscular buccal branch of CN VII

    depressor anguli oris m muscular CN VII Facial Artery

    frontalis m. Muscular temporal branch of CN VII

    levator labii m. Muscular facial nerve (CN VII) Facial a. ele

    orbicularis oculi m. Muscular Superficial temporal a.

    orbicularis oris m. Muscular Inferior & Superior labial a.

    platysma m. Muscular

    zygomaticus major m. Muscular Facial Nerve (CN VII) Rai

    zygomaticus minor m. Muscular Facial Nerve (CN VII) Origin: zygomatic b. / Insertion: upper lipRai

    nasal septum / cartilage Face - nasal Skeletal div

    masseter m. Face - oral Muscular ele

    medial pterygoid m. face - oral Muscular

    temporalis m. face - oral Muscular

    inferior alveolar artery Face - oral Vascular Supplies Mandibular teeth

    Face - orbit Muscular oculomotor nerve (CN III) ele

    ophthalmic artery face - orbit Vascular O: Internal carotid a. Pri

    tensor veli palatini m. Face - pharynx Muscular

    walls and septum of nasalcavity; frontal, ethmoidal,sphenoid, and maxillarysinuses; and anterior-mostpalate

    superficial temporalartery

    Facial muscles and skin offrontal and temporal regions


    muscles and skin of foreheadand scalp

    passes from supraorbital margin toforhead and scalp

    Face - facialexpression

    origin: mandible; alveolar processes ofmaxilla and mandible; pterygomandibular raphe insertion:angle of mouth (modiolus), orbicularisoris


    Face - facialexpression

    Origin: Anterolateral base of mandibleInsertion: Angle of mouth (modiolus)


    Face - facialexpression

    epicranial aponeurosis / skin andsubcutaneous tissue of eyebrows andforehead

    eleof fsur

    Face - facialexpression

    front process of maxilla/ skin of upperlip and cartilage of nose

    Face - facialexpression

    Temporal & Zygomaticbranches of facial n. (CN VII)

    O: Medial orbital margin, medialpalpebral ligament, lacrimal b.; I: Skinaround margin of orbit, Superior &

    inferior tarsal plates



    Face - facialexpression

    Buccal branch of facial n. (CNVII)

    O: medial maxilla & mandible, Deepsurface perioral skin, Angle of mouth; I:Mucous membbrane of lips


    Face - facialexpression

    facial nerve (CN VII)(terminal branches)

    submental artery,suprascapular artery

    Superficial fascia covering the superiorportions of the pectoralis major anddeltoid muscles/mandible below obliqueline


    Face - facialexpression

    Origin:zygomatic arch / Insertion: Cornerof mouth

    Face - facialexpression

    several branches of theexternal carotid artery

    anterior trunk of mandibularnerve (CN V3) via massetericnerve

    inferior border and medial surface ofmaxillary process of zygomaticbone&arch / angle and lateral surface oframus of mandible

    anterior trunk of mandibularnerve (CN V3) via medialpterygoid nerve

    medial surface of lateral pterygoidplate&pyramidal process of palatinebone & tuberosity of maxilla / medialsurface of mandible ramus.


    anterior trunk of mandibularnerve

    deep temporal branch ofmaxillary artery

    floor of temporal fossa/ medial surface ofcoronoid process and ramus of mandible


    inferior branch of the Maxillary a (CNV3)

    levator palpebraesuperioris m.

    lacrimal a. (branch ofophthalmic)

    lesser wing of sphenoid/skin of uppereyelid

    Medial pterygoid n. (CN V3)via otic ganglion

    O: Scaphoid fossa of medial pterygoidplate, spine off sphenoid bone, cartilageof pharyngotympanic tube; I: Palatineaponeurosis


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    arytenoid cartilage Larynx Cartilage external larynx

    ansa cervicalis Larynx Innervation nerve (C1-3 spinal nerves) ant

    Larynx Innervation Laryngeal muscles of the neck Vagus Nerve (CN X) branch

    Larynx Innervation

    Larynx Innervation Mo

    Larynx Innervation Sensory & Autonomic nerve

    Larynx Membrane

    cricothyroid m. Larynx muscular

    Larynx Muscular add

    mylohyoid m. Larynx Muscular nerve to the mylohoid m. sup

    Larynx Muscular mylohyoid m

    Larynx Muscular Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3) Superior thyroid a. De

    Larynx Muscular Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3) Superior thyroid a. De

    Larynx Muscular

    sternohyoid m. Larynx Muscular

    sternothyroid m. Larynx Muscular dep

    thyrohyoid m. Larynx Muscular C1 via hypoglossal n (CN XII) De


    infrahyoid muscles (omohyoid,sternothyriod, sternohyoid)

    recurrent laryngealnerve

    superior laryngealnerve

    Divides into internal andexternal branches

    Arises from the inferior vagal ganglion atthe superior end of carotid triangle

    superior laryngealnerve external branch

    Inferior constrictor muscle ofpharynx & cricothyroidmuscle

    superior laryngealnerve internal branch

    Laryngeal mucous membraneof laryngeal vestibule andmiddle laryngeal cavity

    Larpieto t

    false vocal cord /ventricular fold

    fold of mucosa located between thelaryngeal vestibule and the laryngealventricle; also known as the false vocalfolds; vestibular ligament covered bymucosa makes the vestibular fold;superior to vocal fold and extends fromthyroid cartilage to arytenoid cartilage

    external laryngeal nerve, oneof the two terminal branchesof the superior laryngeal nerve(CN X). (all other intrinsiclaryngeal m. supplied byrecurrent laryngeal n, anotherbranch of CN X.

    cricothyroid artery, a smallbranch of the superior thyroidartery

    Origin: Anterolateral part of cricoidcartilageInsertion: Inferior margin and inferiorhorn of thyroid cartilage


    lateral cricoarytenoidm.

    recurrent laryngeal nerve(from CN X)

    arch of cricoid cartilage/muscularprocess of arytenoid cartilage

    mylohyoid branch of inferioralveolar a.

    medial body of mandible/mylohyoidraphe and body of hyoid bone

    nerve to the mylohyoidm.

    omohyoid m. inferiorbelly

    O: Superior border of scapula nearsuprascapular notch; I: Intermediatetendon (fascia links to clavicle)

    omohyoid m. superior belly

    O: Intermediate tendon (fascia links toclavicle); I: Inferior border of hyoid

    posteriorcricoarytenoid m.

    Laryngeal nerve of vagus(recurrent [inferior]) (CN X)

    Posterior surface of the laminae of thecricoid cartilage/muscular process of thearytenoid cartilage


    C1-C3 by a branch of ansacervicalis

    manubrium of sternum and medial end ofclavicle; body of hyoid bone


    C2 and C3 by branch of ansacervicalis

    posterior surface of manubrium and firstcostal cartilage; oblique line of thyroidcartilage

    O: Manubrium & thyroid cartilage; I:Inferior border of body & greater horn of

    hyoid b.

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    Larynx muscular Superior thyroid a.

    ventricle of larynx Larynx Other

    cricoid cartilage Larynx Skeletal

    hyoid b. Larynx Skeletal

    thyrohyoid membrane Larynx Skeletal

    thyroid cartilage Larynx Skeletal

    anterior jugular vein Larynx Vascular tributaries = laryngeal veins

    Larynx Vascular

    torus tubarius Nasal Other

    Nasal Skeletal

    ethmoid bulla Nasal Vascular

    parathyroid gland neck Gland inferior thyroid arteries

    thyroid gland Neck Gland

    Neck Gland

    true vocal cord /vocalis m. / vocal fold

    Inferior laryngeal nerve(terminal part of recurrentlaryngeal nerve, from CN X)

    Lateral surface of vocal process ofarytenoid cartilage/ Ipsilateral vocalligament. vocalis muscle lies medial tothyro-arytenoid muscles and lateral to thevocal ligaments within the vocal folds


    extend laterally from middle part oflaryngeal cavity between vestibular andvocal folds

    cricoid cartilage is shaped like a signetring with its band facing anteriorly. Theposterior (signet) part of the cricoid is thelamina, and the anterior (band) part is thearch (Fig. 8.32A). It attaches to theinferior margin of the thyroid cartilage bythe median cricothyroid ligament and tothe first tracheal ring by the cricotrachealligament.

    anterior part of neck, C3 region.Suspended by muscles, isolated from restof skeleton


    O: superior border & superior horns ofthe thyroid cartilage; I: hyoid

    Superior border opposite C4 vertebra,Inferior 2/3 of 2 laminae fuse to formlaryngeal prominence (Adam's apple),

    superior laryngealartery

    Branches to supply theinternal surface of the larynx



    inferior nasal concha /turbinate b.

    separate b on lateral wall of nasal cavity;it articulates with the maxilla

    forit ait

    rounded elevation on lateral wall of nasalcavity supr to semilunar hiatus(semicircular groove into which frontalsinus opens) which is visible whenmiddle concha is removed;



    supplied by thyroid branchesof cervical (symp) ganglia -vasomotor (hormonallyregulated)

    usually 4 glands- 2 superior parathyroidsand 2 inferior. Lie on posterior surface ofthryoid gland


    Superior, middle, & inferiorcervical ganglia (thru cardiac,superior thyroid periarterial,& inferior thyroid periarterialplexi that accompany thyroida.)

    Superior & inferior thyroid a.(10% of people hae a smallunpaired thyroid ima a.originates from thebrachiocephalic trunk, aorticarch, right common carotid,subclavian, or internalthoracic a.; supplies bothlobes)

    Anterior in the neck at C5-T1 vertebrae;Deep to the sternothyroid m. &sternohyoid m.; Anterolateral to larynx &trachea; Right & left lobes united by thinisthmus over the trachea (usually anteriorto 2 & 3 tracheal rings); Capsule attachedto cricoid cartilage & superior trachealrings

    thyroid gland pyramidal lobe

    Usually superiorly connected to theisthmus & usually to the left of themedian plane

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    neck innervation C8

    neck innervation C7

    brachial plexus root neck Innervation C5-T1

    neck Innervation C5-C6

    Neck Innervation

    neck Innervation

    phrenic nerve Neck Innervation Diaphragm Arises from C3 spinal nerve Inn

    Neck Innervation At

    supraclavicular n. Neck Innervation Skin of neck and shoulders From C3 & C4 Un

    suprascapular nerve neck Innervation

    sympathetic trunk neck Innervation

    Neck Innervation

    anterior scalene m. neck Muscular transverse process C4-6; 1st rib flex

    longus capitis m. neck Muscular flex

    longus colli m. neck Muscular

    middle scalene m. neck Muscular

    posterior scalene m. Neck Muscular C6-C8 (ventral rami) cervical artery (ascending)

    brachial plexus lowertrunk

    various muscles of torso andupper extremities

    brachial plexus middle trunk

    various muscles of torso andupper extremities

    brachial plexus uppertrunk

    inferior cervicalganglion

    in 80% of people, ICG fuses with firstthoracic ganglion to from the largecervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

    middle cervicalganglion

    send gray ramicommunicantes to C5 and C6spinal nerves

    anterior aspect of inferior thyroid artery,at level of transverse process of C6vertebra

    superior cervicalganglion

    Postsynaptic fibers pass fromit by cephalic arterial branchesto form the internal carotidsympathetic plexus and entercranial cavity

    supraspinatus andinfraspinatus muscles

    transverse cervicalnerve

    supplies sensory innervationto skin covering the anteriorcervical region.

    from C2,C3. curves around middle ofposterior border of sternocleidomastoidinferior to the great auricular nerve andpasses anteriorly and horizontally across

    it deep to the external jugular vein andplatysma

    anterior rami of C2-6 spinalnerves

    anterior rami of C1-C3 spinalnerves

    anterior tubercles of C3-C6 transverseprocess / basilar part of occipital bone

    Anterior rami of C2-C6 spinalnerves

    bodies of C5-T3, transverse process C3-C5 / anetior tubercle of atlas, bodies ofC1-C3, transverse processes of C3-C6


    ventral rami of cervical spinalnerves


    Posterior tubercles of the transverseprocesses of C4-6


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    sternocleidomastoid m. Neck Muscular clavicle and sternum; mastoid process

    thyroarytenoid m. Neck Muscular Inferior laryngeal n. (CN X) Rel

    vertebra - atlas (C1) Neck Skeletal Ho

    vertebra - axis (C2) Neck Skeletal

    Neck Skeletal Pro

    vertebra - body Neck Skeletal

    vertebra - C3 Neck Skeletal

    vertebra - C4 Neck Skeletal

    vertebra - C5 Neck Skeletal

    vertebra - C6 Neck Skeletal

    vertebra - C7 Neck Skeletal Ha

    common carotid artery neck Vascular

    external carotid artery Neck Vascular

    Spinal Accessory Nerve (CN11)

    A. (latfacoppbilaocc

    O: Lower 1/2 posterior angle of thyroidlaminae & cricothyroid ligament; I:Anteriolateral arytenoid surface

    vertebra - axis (C2) Dens / Odontoidprocess

    Inferior articulate facet faces anteriorly toproperly align with the superior facet ofT1

    internal and external carotidarteries

    The right common carotid artery beginsat the bifurcation of the brachiocephalictrunk. From the arch of the aorta, the leftcommon carotid artery ascends into theneck. Each common carotid arteryascends within the carotid sheath withthe IJV and vagus nerve to the level ofthe superior border of the thyroid

    cartilage. Here, each common carotidartery terminates by dividing into theinternal and external carotid arteries.

    Supplies upper neck, face, andscalp

    off of common carotid a; superior thyroida., ascending pharyngeal a., lingual a.,facial a., occipital a., posterior auriculara., maxillary a., superficial temporal a.;


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    external jugular vein Neck Vascular Dra

    inferior thyroid artery Neck Vascular

    internal thoracic artery Neck Vascular

    subclavian artery Neck Vascular

    subclavian vein Neck Vascular runs along with artery

    superior thyroid artery Neck Vascular

    suprascapular artery neck Vascular off thyrocervical trunk

    thyrocervical trunk Neck Vascular Subclavian a.

    vertebral artery Neck Vascular For

    sublingual gland Oral Gland Sal

    submandibular gland Oral Gland Sal

    5 lesser palatine nerve Oral Innervation

    lingual nerve Oral Innervation

    Oral Innervation passes lateral to medial

    genioglossus m. Oral Muscular CN XII - Hypoglossal Nerve

    formed by the joining of the

    retromandibular and posterior auricularvv.; tributaries: posterior external jugularv., transverse cervical v., suprascapularv., anterior jugular v.; drains tosubclavian v.; drains head & neck,shoulder; external jugular v. containsvalves that may not be fully functional

    supplies thyroid gland, lowerlarynx, upper trachea, upper

    esophagus, deep neck muscles

    from thyrocervical trunk; ascendingcervical a., inferior laryngeal a.,esophageal brs., tracheal brs., glandularbrs



    supplies mediastinum,anterior thoracic wall, anteriorabdominal wall, respiratorydiaphragm

    off first part of subclavian a, also calledinternal mammary a

    Thyroid gland (mainly theanterosuperior aspect) and theinfrahyoid muscles, SCM, &larynx


    divides into circumflexscapular and thoracodorsal

    O: Anterior surface of first part ofsubclavian a.; I: Suprascapular a.,Ascending cervical a., Interior thyroid a,& Cervicodorsal trunk



    Supplies local muscles of thecervical spine through anteriorspinal arteries

    The two vertebral a.'s join together toform the basilar artery

    smallest and deepest of salivary glands;in floor of mouth b/w mandible andgenioglossus m; ducts open into floor ofmouth along sublingual folds

    soft palate (branch of V2-maxillary division oftrigeminal)

    enters palate through lesser palatineforamen

    branch of V3 - sensation ofanterior 2/3 of tongue


    Submandibular andSublingual Glands

    short tendon from sup. Part of mentalspine of mandible / entire dorsum oftongue and inferior/posterior fibers attachto hyoid bone


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    geniohyoid m. Oral Muscular C1 via hypoglossal n (CN XII)

    hyoglossus m. Oral muscular CN XII - Hypoglossal Nerve

    levator veli palatini m. Oral Muscular CN XI palatine arteries

    Oral Muscular Pharyngeal plexus Lingual a.

    Oral muscular hard palate/ lateral wall of pharynx

    styloglossus m. Oral Muscular CN XII (Hypoglossal n)

    stylohyoid m. Oral Muscular styloid process; hyoid bone

    uvula Oral Other

    lesser palatine foramen Oral Skeletal

    lesser palatine artery Oral Vascular soft palate

    lingual artery Oral Vascular arises from external carotid a.

    lacrimal gland orbit Gland Sec

    lacrimal sac / duct orbit Gland

    ciliary ganglion Orbit Innervation

    lacrimal nerve Orbit Innervation lacrimal gland

    supraorbital nerve Orbit Innervation

    inferior oblique m. Orbit Muscular CN III - oculomotor nerve

    inferior rectus m. Orbit Muscular CN III - oculomotor nerve

    lateral rectus m. orbit Muscular Abducent nerve (CN VI) abd

    medial rectus m. orbit Muscular CN III - oculomotor nerve add

    superior oblique m. Orbit Muscular trochlear nerve (CN IV)

    superior rectus m. Orbit Muscular Oculomotor N.

    inferior mental spine of mandible /anterior body of hyoid bone


    body & greater horn of hyoid bone;inferior aspects of lateral part of tongue


    cartilage of auditory tube and petrouspart of temporal bone/palatineaponeurosis


    palatoglossal arch /palatoglossus m.

    O: Palatine aponeurosis of soft palate; I:Posterolateral tongue


    palatopharyngeal arch /palatopharyngeus m.

    pharyngeal branch of vagusnerve


    anterior border of distal styloid processand stylohyoid ligament; most medial


    stylohoid branch of facial n(CN VII)


    curved free margin of soft palate, canclearly see it with the mouth openhanging down in the back of the throat

    opening in hard palate posterior to greatpalatine foramen


    enters palate through lesser palatine

    foramentongue, suprahyoid mm,palatine tonsil

    lacrimal fluid productionstimulated by CNVII


    CN III (preganglionicparasympathetic axons comefrom this nerve)

    ciliary ganglion is located on the lateralside of the optic n. near the apex of theorbit; sensory and sympathetic axonspass through the ciliary ganglion withoutsynapse - the sensory root is carried viathe nasociliary n.and the sympatheticroot arrives in the orbit via the internalcarotid a.


    branch of opthalmic nerve, passesthrough superior orbital fissure

    Distal mucosa of frontalsinus; skin & conjunctiva ofmiddle of superior eyelid;skin & pericranium ofanterolateral forehead & scalpto vertex

    Largest branch from bifurcation offrontal nerve


    anterio part of floor of orbit / sclera deepto lateral rectus muscle


    common tendinous ring / sclera justposterior to corneoscleral junction


    common tendinous ring/sclera posteriorto cornea

    common tendinous ring / sclera justposterior to corneoscleral junction

    O: Bone of sphenoid; I: Sclera deep tosuperior rectus m.


    O: Common tendinous ring; I: Sclera justposterior to cornea-scleral junction


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    inferior orbital fissure Orbit Skeletal

    supraorbital artery Orbit Vascular

    epiglottis Pharynx Cartilage

    Pharynx Muscular clo

    Pharynx Muscular clo

    pharynx Muscular Facial Artery

    pharynx Muscular Facial Nerve (CN VII) Occipital Artery

    Pharynx Muscular

    lateral pterygoid m. pharynx Muscular Maxillary a.

    Pharynx Muscular pharyngeal plexus of nerves hyoid bone/median raphe of pharynx

    Pharynx Muscular vagus nerve (CN X)

    stylopharyngeus m. pharynx Muscular glossopharyngeal n (CN IX)

    Pharynx Muscular

    Pharynx Vascular

    coronal suture Skull Skeletal

    Skull Skeletal

    between greater and lesser wings ofsphenoid

    pasinfrof poph

    Muscle & skin of foreheadand scalp

    Terminal branch of ophthalmic artery &internal carotid


    Upper epiglottis:glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX)[gag reflex]

    Lower epiglottis:superior laryngeal branch ofvagus nerve (CN X)[cough reflex]

    Elastic, heart-shaped, mucus coveredcartilage. Attached to root of tongue.Projects upward from tongue and hyoidbone.


    of hepifroesowitWhof t

    arytenoid m. obliquepart

    diagonally attached to both arytenoidcartilages and epiglottis (aryepiglotticus)

    arytenoid m. transverse part

    horizontally attached to both arythenoidcarilages

    digastric m. anteriorbelly

    Mandibular Division (V3)(CN V)

    Base of Cranium(Digastric Fossa, Mandible) / HyoidBone


    digastric m. posteriorbelly

    Base of Cranium(Mastoid Process, Temporal Bone) /Hyoid Bone


    inferior pharyngealconstrictor m.

    pharyngeal branch of vagus n(CN X), pharyngeal plexus,branches of external andrecurrent laryngeal nn ofvagus n

    oblique line of thyroid cartilage and sideof cricoid cartilage / cricopharyngeal partencircles pharyngoesophageal junctionw/o forming a raphe


    mandibular n. (CN V3) vialateral pterygoind nerve

    superior head: infratemporal surface ofgreater wing of sphenoid, inferior head:lateral pterygoid plate/ neck of mandible


    middle pharyngealconstrictor m.


    salpingopharyngealfold /salpingopharyngeus m.

    inferior cartilage of eustaciantube/posterior fasciculus of thepalatopharyngeus muscle


    styloid process; thyroid cartilagemost posterior



    superior pharyngealconstrictor m.

    Pharyngeal branch of vagus &pharyngeal plexus

    O: Pterygoid hamulus,pterygomandibular raphe, Posterior endof mylohyoid line of mandible & side oftongue; I: Pharyngeal tubercle on basilarpart of occipital bone and pharyngealraphe


    ascending pharyngealartery

    multiple cranial nerves;anastomotic channels to theanterior and posterior cerebralcirculations

    coronal suture separates the frontal andparietal bones

    ethmoid b. middlenasal concha /turbinate

    Purpose of Ethmoid Bone:Separate nasal cavity frombrain.

    Located at roof of nose,between the two orbits.Cubical, lightweight bone.Spongy boneOne of bones of the orbit

    Viscerocranium, signgular bone, lying in

    midline. Projects downwards overopenings of maxillary and ethmoidsinuses.



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    Skull Skeletal Pro

    ethmoid b. crista galli Skull Skeletal

    Skull Skeletal

    frontal b. sinus Skull Skeletal pneumatized space in frontal b.; usually p

    lacrimal b. Skull Skeletal

    lambdoid suture skull Skeletal

    mandible b. angle Skull Skeletal posterior, lateral, inferior corner of bone

    Skull Skeletal superior and anterior projection of ramus

    mandible b. head Skull Skeletal

    mandible b. lingula Skull Skeletal medial side of ramus; small protuberance

    Skull Skeletal

    mandible b. ramus Skull Skeletal

    Skull Skeletal

    maxillary sinus Skull Skeletal superior alveolar nerves maxillary a. dec

    nasal b. Skull Skeletal viscerocranium

    occipital b. clivus skull Skeletal

    skull Skeletal

    Skull Skeletal Supraorbital n. (CN V1)

    Skull Skeletal Maxillary a.

    Skull Skeletal Dra

    Skull Skeletal Posterior ethmoidal n. Posterior ethmoidal a.

    parietal b. skull Skeletal

    sagittal suture Skull Skeletal sep

    ethmoid b. superiornasal concha /turbinate

    Viscerocranium, signgular bone, lying inmidline. Connects to middle nasalconcha by nerve endings.Median ridge bone projecting fromcribriform plate of ethmoid bone. FalxCerebri attaches anteriorly to skull at thislocation. Olfactory bulbs lie on eitherside of the crista galli on top of thecribriform plate.

    ethmoid b. perpendicular plate

    midline process projecting inferiorly intothe nasal cavity; forms the superior partof the bony nasal septum; infrly fromcribiform plate


    small bone forming part of medial wallof orbit; forms part of the canal for thenasolacrimal duct


    runs between parietal/occipital bones andtemporal/occipital

    mandible b. coronoidprocess

    of condylar process; place of ariculationwith temporal bone

    mandible b. mandibular notch

    between coronoid process and condyle(projections of ramus)

    perpendicular portions of the mandiblebody

    maxilla b. incisivefossa

    air filled region of maxilla bone. Floor oforbit to alveolar part of maxilla



    occipital b. condylarcanal


    opening of frontalsinus

    Frontal sinus --> Semilunar hiatus -->Frontonasal duct --> Ethmoidalinfundibulum --> Middle nasal meatus

    opening of maxillarysinus

    Anterior, Middle, & PosteriorSuperior Alveolar n.(Maxillary n. branches)

    Posterior to the semilunar hiatus which isinferolateral to the root of the nose

    opening ofnasolacrimal duct

    Nasolacrimal duct --> Inferior nasalmeatus (inferolateral to the inferior nasalconcha)

    opening of sphenoid


    Sphenoid sinus --> spheno-ethmoidalrecess (superoposterior to the superiorconcha)

    One of the most superior bones of theskull (posterior to frontal bone), one ofthe bilaterally paired bones of the skull(separated by the sagittal suture)


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    Skull - foramina Skeletal hypoglossal nerve

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal between rotundum and spinosum

    Skull - foramina Skeletal Ma

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    stylomastoid foramen Skull - foramina skeletal underside of skull

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal

    Skull - foramina Skeletal in petrous part of temporal bone

    occipital b. hypoglossal canal

    Superior to the anterolateral margin ofthe foramen magnum


    palatine b. sphenopalatineforamen

    Anterior & slightly inferior to the line ofthe infratemporal crest of the sphenoid;Inside the pterygomaxillary fissure

    sphenoid b. foramenovale


    sphenoid b. foramenrotundum

    most anterior medial of sphenoidforamens

    sphenoid b. foramenspinosum

    most posterior lateral of sphenoidforamens


    sphenoid b. opticcanal

    sphenoid b. pterygoidcanal

    sphenoid b. superiororbital fissure

    temporal b. externalauditory / acousticmeatus

    opening in lateral surface of temporalbone


    temporal b. internalauditory / acousticmeatus

    opening in lateral surface of temporalbone


    temporal b. carotidcanal


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    Structure Region System

    accessory hemiazygous vein

    aorta abdominal

    aorta arch / knob

    aorta ascending

    aorta descending / thoracicappendix

    azygos vein

    brachiocephalic artery / trunk

    brachiocephalic vein left

    brachiocephalic vein right


    celiac artery / trunk

    cisterna chyli

    colic artery left

    colic artery right

    colon ascendingcolon descending

    colon transverse

    common bile duct

    common carotid artery left

    common carotid artery right

    common hepatic artery

    common hepatic duct

    common iliac artery

    common iliac vein

    communicating ramus white or gray

    cremaster m.cystic artery

    cystic duct


    diaphragm left crus

    diaphragm right crus


    epiploic foramen (of Winslow)esophagus

    external / superficial inguinal ring

    external abdominal oblique m.

    alciform ligament

    emoral nerve


    gastric artery left

    gastric artery right

    Netter Plate#'s

    Moore Page#'s

    duodenum asuperior (1st) part

    duodenum bdescending (2nd) part

    duodenum chorizontal (3rd) part

    duodenum dascending (4th) part

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    gastroduodenal artery

    gastroepiploic artery left

    gastroepiploic artery right

    genitofemoral nerve

    greater omentum

    heart aortic semilunar valve

    heart chordae tendinae

    heart coronary sinus

    heart crista terminalis

    heart fossa ovalis

    heart great cardiac vein

    heart left atrium / auricle

    heart left main coronary artery

    heart left ventricle

    heart middle cardiac vein

    heart moderator band

    heart papillary m.

    heart pectinate m.

    heart pulmonary semilunar valve

    heart right atrium / auricle

    heart right main coronary artery

    heart right ventricle

    heart trabeculae carnae

    hemiazygous vein

    hepatic artery properhepatogastric ligament

    hepatic portal vein

    hepatoduodenal ligament

    eocolic artery


    iacus m.

    iohypogastric nerve

    ioinguinal nerve

    heart muscular interventricularseptum

    heart anterior interventricular branch

    of L. coronary artery (LAD)

    heart atrial / nodal branch of R.coronary artery

    heart circumflex branch of L.coronary artery

    heart left atrioventricular / mitral /bicuspid valve

    heart membranous interventricularseptum

    heart posterior interventricular branchof R. coronary artery

    heart right atrioventricular / tricuspidvalve

    heart right marginal branch of R.coronary artery

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    nferior epigastric artery or vein

    nferior mesenteric artery

    nferior mesenteric vein

    nferior phrenic arteries

    nferior vena cava

    nguinal canal

    nguinal ligament

    ntercostal m. externalntercostal m. innermost

    ntercostal m. internal

    ntercostal nerve, artery or vein

    nternal / deep inguinal ring

    nternal abdominal oblique m.

    nternal thoracic artery

    nternal thoracic vein



    kidney major calyx

    kidney medullary pyramidkidney minor calyx

    kidney renal papillae

    kidney renal pelvis

    ateral femoral cutaneous nerve

    eft colic (splenic) flexure

    eft subclavian artery

    gamentum arteriosum

    ound ligament of the liver

    ver caudate lobe

    ver left lobe

    ver quadrate lobever right lobe

    umbar artery

    umbosacral trunk

    ung horizontal fissure

    ung inferior lobe

    ung lingula

    ung major / oblique fissure

    ung middle lobe

    ung superior lobe

    main bronchus left

    main bronchus rightmajor duodenal papillae

    marginal artery of large intestine

    middle colic artery

    musculophrenic artery

    oblique pericardial sinus

    obturator nerve

    ovarian artery

    ovarian vein left

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    ovarian vein right

    pampiniform plexus of veins

    pancreas body

    pancreas head

    pancreas main pancreatic duct

    pancreas neck

    pancreas tail

    pancreas uncinate processpericardiophrenic artery or vein


    phrenic n.

    porta hepatis

    psoas major m.

    psoas minor m.

    pulmonary artery right or left

    pulmonary trunk

    pulmonary vein

    quadratus lumborum m.

    ectus abdominis m.

    ecurrent laryngeal nerve left

    ecurrent laryngeal nerve right

    enal artery left

    enal artery right

    enal vein left

    enal vein right

    ight colic (hepatic) flexure

    short gastric arteries

    sigmoid arteriessigmoid colon

    spermatic cord

    splanchnic nerve greater

    splanchnic nerve lesser


    splenic artery

    splenic vein

    sternum angle

    sternum body

    sternum manubrium

    sternum xiphoid processstomach greater curvature

    stomach lesser curvature

    stomach pyloric sphincter

    stomach rugae / gastric folds

    subcostal nerve

    superior epigastric artery or vein

    superior intercostal vein right

    superior mesenteric artery

    ectus abdominis m. tendinousntersections

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    superior mesenteric vein

    superior rectal artery

    superior vena cava

    suprarenal (adrenal) artery inferior

    suprarenal (adrenal) artery middle

    suprarenal (adrenal) artery superior

    suprarenal (adrenal) gland

    suprarenal (adrenal) vein

    sympathetic ganglion

    sympathetic trunk

    eniae coli

    esticular artery

    esticular vein left

    esticular vein right

    horacic duct


    rachea bifurcationransversalis fascia

    ransverse pericardial sinus

    ransversus abdominis m.

    ransversus thoracis m.

    unica albuginae

    unica vaginalis parietal layer

    unica vaginalis visceral layer


    vagus n. / CN X

    vas (ductus) deferens

    suspensory ligament of the doudenumligament of Trietz)

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    StructureRegion System

    abductor digiti minimi m.

    abductor hallucis m.

    adductor brevis m.

    adductor hallucis m. oblique head

    adductor hiatus

    adductor longus m.

    adductor magnus m.

    anterior cruciate ligament / ACL

    anterior inferior iliac spine

    anterior superior iliac spine

    anterior talofibular ligament

    anterior tibial artery

    anterior tibial veinbiceps femoris long head

    biceps femoris short head

    broad ligament of uterus

    calcaneal (Achilles) tendon

    calcaneofibular ligament


    calcaneus sustentaculum tali


    coccygeus m.


    common fibular / peroneal nerve

    common iliac artery

    common iliac vein

    cremaster m.

    cuboid bone

    cuneiform bone intermediate

    cuneiform bone lateral

    cuneiform bone medial

    deep fibular (peroneal) nerve

    dorsalis pedis artery

    ejaculatory duct


    extensor digitorum brevis m.

    extensor digitorum longus m.

    NetterPlate #'s

    MoorePage #'s

    adductor hallucis m. transversehead

    bulbospongiosus / bulbocavernosusm.

    deep femoral (profunda femoris)artery

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    extensor hallucis brevis m.

    extensor hallucis longus m.

    external iliac artery

    external iliac vein

    ascia lata

    emoral nerve

    emoral veinemur greater trochanter

    emur head

    emur lateral condyle

    emur lateral epicondyle

    emur lesser trochanter

    emur ligament of the head

    emur medial condyle

    emur medial epicondyle

    emur neck

    emur boneibula head

    ibula lateral malleolus

    ibula bone

    ibular (lateral collateral) ligament

    ibular (peroneal) artery

    ibularis (peroneus) brevis m.

    ibularis (peroneus) longus m.

    ibularis (peroneus) tertius m.

    lexor digiti minimi m.

    lexor digitorum brevis m.lexor digitorum longus m.

    lexor hallucis brevis m.

    lexor hallucis longus m.

    gastrocnemius m. lateral head

    gastrocnemius m. medial head

    gluteus maximus m.

    gluteus medius m.

    gluteus minimus m.

    gracilis m.

    great (long) saphenous veingreater sciatic foramen

    liofemoral ligament

    liolumbar artery

    liolumbar ligament

    liopsoas m.

    liotibial tract

    lium bone

    nferior gemellus m.

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    nferior gluteal artery

    nferior gluteal nerve

    nferior rectal nerve

    nguinal ligament

    nternal iliac / hypogastric artery

    nternal iliac vein

    nterosseous m.ntervertebral disc L3/L4 level

    ntervertebral disc L4/L5 level

    ntervertebral disc L5/S1 level

    schial spine

    schial tuberosity

    schiocavernosus m.

    schiofemoral ligament

    schium bone

    ateral circumflex artery

    ateral meniscus

    ateral plantar artery

    ateral plantar nerve

    ateral sacral artery

    ateral sural cutaneous nerve

    eft testicular vein

    esser sciatic foramen

    evator ani m. / pelvic diaphragm m.

    igament of the ovaryumbosacral trunk


    medial / deltoid ligament

    medial circumflex artery

    medial meniscus

    medial plantar artery

    medial plantar nerve

    medial sural cutaneous nerve

    median (middle) sacral artery

    median umbilical ligament


    navicular bone

    obturator artery

    obturator externus m.

    obturator foramen

    obturator internus m.

    ateral femoral cutaneous nerve ofhigh

    medial umbilical ligament /obliterated umbilical artery

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    saphenous nerve

    sartorius m.

    sciatic nerve

    semimembranosus m.

    seminal vesicle

    semitendinosus m.small saphenous vein

    soleus m.

    superficial femoral artery

    superficial fibular / peroneal nerve

    superficial transverse perineal m.

    superior gemellus m.

    superior gluteal artery

    superior gluteal nerve

    superior vesicular arteries

    sural cutaneous nervesuspensory ligament of the ovary

    sympathetic trunk

    alus bone

    ensor fascia lata m.

    esticular artery

    ibia medial malleolus

    ibia bone

    ibial (medial collateral) ligamentibial nerve

    ibialis anterior m.

    ibialis posterior m.

    unica albuginea

    unica vaginalis parietal layer

    unica vaginalis visceral layer

    umbilical artery


    urethra membranous

    urethra prostatic

    urethra spongy

    urinary bladder

    urinary bladder trigone

    urinary bladder ureteric orifice

    endinous arch of levator animuscles

    ransverse cervical / cardinal /Mackenrodt's ligament

    urinary bladder internal urethralorifice

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