Humble Service Beyond All Tasks, Persons, & Limits

Humble Service Beyond All Tasks, Persons, & Limits Jn 13:1-20


Humble Service Beyond All Tasks, Persons, & Limits. Jn 13:1-20. Context. v. 1-11, Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet v. 12-20, The Meaning of the Footwashing v . 21-30, Judas’ Betrayal Predicted v . 31-35, The New Commandment v . 36-38, Peter’s Denials Predicted. Wrestling. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Humble Service Beyond All Tasks, Persons, & Limits

The Crowd, The Christ, the Critics, & the Conflict

Humble Service Beyond All Tasks, Persons, & LimitsJn 13:1-20

1v. 1-11, Jesus Washes His Disciples Feetv. 12-20, The Meaning of the Footwashingv. 21-30, Judas Betrayal Predictedv. 31-35, The New Commandmentv. 36-38, Peters Denials Predicted

Context12:1-8, The Anointing at Bethany.Foreshadow: Raising of Lazarus foreshadowed Jesus resurrection powers.Foreshadow: Anointing by Mary of Bethany foreshadowed Jesus imminent arrest, trial, condemnation, crucifixion, and burial. Foreshadow: Judas antagonism12:9-11, The Decision to Kill Lazarus.12:12-19, The Triumphal Entry.The same crowd cheering him would, a few days later, be cheering for his death. 12:20-35, Jesus Predicts His Crucifixion.Now some Greeks were among those who went up to worship at the festival. (Jn 12:20)12:37-43, Isaiahs Prophecies FulfilledIsraels Wilderness WanderingsWitnessed the Miracles of Gods deliverance.Responded with Grumbling.Unbelieving Jews of His DayWitnessed the Signs/Miracles of Jesus. Responded with Grumbling (Jn 6:41, 61; Ex 17:3; Nm 11:1) and Unbelief (Jn 12:39). 12:44-50, A Summary of Jesus Mission

2What was it like to have to have your feet touched by other people?What was it like to touch everyone elses feet? If you could pay somebody to do something you cant stand doing, what job would you give her?What job do you hope you never have to do on a missions trip or elsewhere?

WrestlingWhat parts of the passage did you underline? Why? Picture yourself walking down the roads the disciples had been traveling on. Given the culture in which Jesus did this, what would the disciples feet have looked like? Smelled like? Felt like? Why do you think Jesus chose to wash the disciples feet? Why was Peter so confused by what Jesus was doing? What were some of the characteristics Jesus needed in order to perform this task?

Reading (Jn 13:1-20)What parts of the passage did you underline? Why? Picture yourself walking down the roads the disciples had been traveling on. Given the culture in which Jesus did this, what would the disciples feet have looked like? Smelled like? Felt like? Why do you think Jesus chose to wash the disciples feet? Why was Peter so confused by what Jesus was doing? What were some of the characteristics Jesus needed in order to perform this task?

4FootwashingMinisterial vs. Secular Tasks1. There is No Task Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:1-11)Jn 13:1-11, There is No Task Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve ExplanationFootwashing in AntiquitiesMinisterial vs. Secular TasksIllustrationIL1: Dental ClinicSignificanceWhat are some tasks we can think of that we would believe to be beneath us?How can we actively try and pursue performing such tasks?In the Home?In School?In Church? 5What are some tasks we can think of that we would believe to be beneath us?How can we actively try and pursue performing such tasks?In the Home?In School?In Church? 1. There is No Task Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:1-11)Jn 13:1-11, There is No Task Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve ExplanationFootwashing in AntiquitiesMinisterial vs. Secular TasksIllustrationIL1: Dental ClinicSignificanceWhat are some tasks we can think of that we would believe to be beneath us?How can we actively try and pursue performing such tasks?In the Home?In School?In Church? 6The Feet of Peter, who would deny Him.The Feet of Thomas, who would doubt Him.The Feet of Judas, who would betray him. 2. There is No Person Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:12-20)Jn 13:12-20, There is No Person Beyond Our Call to Humbly ServeExplanationThe Feet of Peter, who would deny Him.The Feet of Thomas, who would doubt Him.The Feet of Judas, who would betray him. IllustrationIL2: Joels Flooded ApartmentIL3: TaniaSometimes the people least deserving of service are the ones in need of it most.SignificanceDo we have a Peter, a Thomas, a Judas, a Joel, or a Tania in our lives that we can serve? 7Do we have a Peter, a Thomas, a Judas, a Joel, or a Tania in our lives that we can serve?

2. There is No Person Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:12-20)Jn 13:12-20, There is No Person Beyond Our Call to Humbly ServeExplanationThe Feet of Peter, who would deny Him.The Feet of Thomas, who would doubt Him.The Feet of Judas, who would betray him. IllustrationIL2: Joels Flooded ApartmentIL3: TaniaSometimes the people least deserving of service are the ones in need of it most.SignificanceDo we have a Peter, a Thomas, a Judas, a Joel, or a Tania in our lives that we can serve? 8PersonalLocalMissional3. There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:34-35)Jn 13:34-35, There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly ServeExplanationPersonalDisciple: Christ-likenessLocalMissionalallIllustrationIL4: My first time in a church.I was attracted to the love and community. I never saw anything like it.IL5: Concert Pianist in the SubwayNote how powerful a display of humility can be. Note what it tells others about themselves. SignificanceHave you ever witnessed an act of service that disturbed or impressed you?


3. There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:34-35)Jn 13:34-35, There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly ServeExplanationPersonalDisciple: Christ-likenessLocalMissionalallIllustrationIL4: My first time in a church.I was attracted to the love and community. I never saw anything like it.IL5: Concert Pianist in the SubwayNote how powerful a display of humility can be. Note what it tells others about themselves. SignificanceHave you ever witnessed an act of service that disturbed or impressed you?

10Have you ever witnessed an act of service that disturbed or impressed you? 3. There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly Serve (Jn 13:34-35)Jn 13:34-35, There is No Limit Beyond Our Call to Humbly ServeExplanationPersonalDisciple: Christ-likenessLocalMissionalallIllustrationIL4: My first time in a church.I was attracted to the love and community. I never saw anything like it.IL5: Concert Pianist in the SubwayNote how powerful a display of humility can be. Note what it tells others about themselves. SignificanceHave you ever witnessed an act of service that disturbed or impressed you?

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