Humanities 8 Middle Ages Test

Humanities 8 Middle Ages Test. Name :_______________________________ Date:_______________________ True or False (Circle the correct response) 1. lf a lord owned several manors, a bailiff managed his land. T F 2. A famous early Christian monk was Saint Bernard. T F 3. Troubadours were men who travelled with the nobility during the Crusades and were responsible for the entertainment of their lords. T F 4. A Fief is a contract between a lord and his vassal. T F 5. Chivalry is a code of conduct for knights. T F 6. A reeve was the land the lord called his own and the serfs worked this land as payment for renting other sections of the lord's land. T F 7. Excommunication was the threat that the church used to influence the noblemen so that their actions would favor the church. T F 8. Merchant guilds often ran the government of a town. T F 9. The donjon was a small underground room used for holding prisoners. T F 10. Guilds are associations of merchants and artisans that set prices for goods and the well being of their membership. T F 11 . Craftsman worked slowly and carefully to make goods because they were being paid by the hour. T F



Transcript of Humanities 8 Middle Ages Test

Humanities 8 Middle Ages Test

Humanities 8 Middle Ages Test.

Name :_______________________________


True or False (Circle the correct response)

1. lf a lord owned several manors, a bailiff managed his land. T F

2. A famous early Christian monk was Saint Bernard. T F

3. Troubadours were men who travelled with the nobility during the Crusades and

were responsible for the entertainment of their lords. T F

4. A Fief is a contract between a lord and his vassal. T F

5. Chivalry is a code of conduct for knights. T F

6. A reeve was the land the lord called his own and the serfs worked this land as

payment for renting other sections of the lord's land. T F

7. Excommunication was the threat that the church used to influence the noblemen so

that their actions would favor the church. T F

8. Merchant guilds often ran the government of a town. T F

9. The donjon was a small underground room used for holding prisoners. T F

10. Guilds are associations of merchants and artisans that set prices for goods and the

well being of their membership. T F

11 . Craftsman worked slowly and carefully to make goods because they were being

paid by the hour. T F

12. A Journeyman is the first step in becoming a master craftsman. T F

13. People in the Middle Ages played games like chess or checkers for fun. T F

14. The huts that serfs lived in had dirt floors and a hole in the roof for the smoke

from a fire to escape. T F

15. In the early castles of Britain, round stone towers made comfortable homes . T F

16. In the early castles of Britain, a bailey housed the store-huts, kitchen and

stables. T F

17. When a castle was under siege, defenders would fling dead animals over the wall to

spread disease. T F

18. Arrow-slits were one of the most popular forms of attacking a castle. T F

19. Murder holes were in the floor of the gate house that trapped incoming attackers. T F

20. Portcullis were heavy wooden bowls that serfs ate out of. T F

21. Heraldry was the art of making pictures on heavy cloth with coloured thread. T F

22. The church promised immediate excommunication to anyone who died fighting in the

Holy Land. T F

23. Prince John signed the Magna Carta because it gave him more power. T F

24. Most towns were not built around a castle because of the chance of war. T F

25. Charters were documents that gave more say in taxation for towns. T F

26. Sunday archery practice was required in England. T F

27. Donjon was the French king who attacked England in I066. T F

28. Tapestry was used to patch together knight's armor during a battle. T F

29. Moat and motte are two different words meaning the same thing. T F

30. The Bubonic plague killed almost I/3 of Europe's population. T F

31. The battle of Crecy was important because crossbows were first used there. T F

32. To become a knight you had to be a squire first and then a page and then at the

age of 21 you could be dubbed a knight. T F

33. The Hundred Years War was 107 years long. T F

34. A serf had to work the lords land, usually three days a week, as part of the

services owed to the lord. T F

35. Usually a serf s lot of land was a large square plot so he could easily manage his

field. T F

36. The Reeve was the manager of the lord's farm. T F

37. The great hall was where weddings and important meetings took place. T F

38. A squire was a person who was responsible for the cooking at a castle or

manor. T F

39. Part of the code of chivalry required squires to write poetry and learn to play an

instrument. T F

40. The term Crusades came from the latin word ''crux'' which means cross. T F

Multiple Choice (Circle the letter of the correct answer)

41. Which was not a responsibility of a guild?

a. hours and conditions of work

b. prices for goods and services

c. how many could work in each trade

d. setting up schools to teach the Master's children

42. Which is not true about town life?

a. towns were dirty in the Middle Ages

b. towns were dangerous place to be at night

c. towns usually had a safe house for visitors

d. most towns were built up around a Castle.

e. none of the above.

43. What was not a common food item for the nobility?

a. meat

b. fresh fruit

c. turnips

d. fish

e. A & D

44. Which is not true about town life?

a. houses were crowded into narrow streets.

b. people would empty their chamber pots into the streets

c. upper storey houses stuck out into the street making them dark.

d. most people in the towns had glass windows.

45. Which is not true about town life?

a. dogs, pigs, rats and cows were everywhere.

b. sewage went into the same rivers that supplied the drinking water.

c. no street lights

d. in 1419 London upper storey houses had to be nine feet above the ground

so they wouldn't knock riders off their horses.

e. none of the above.

46. Which person was responsible for bringing castles to England?

a. Eric the Red

b. Alfred the Great

c. William of Normandy

d. William of Orange

e. Sir Osric of Wales

47. Which was not a contribution by the monasteries?

a. medicine

b. preserving history

c. medical treatment ( including care for lepers)

d. new ideas for farming

e. none of the above.

48. The church had a variety of ways to gain wealth. Which of the

following was not one of them?

a. a head tax

b. tithing

c. indulgences

d. payments for ceremonies


49. Which was not the best way to besiege a castle?

a. using a battering ram

b. digging or undermining the castle

c. using a belfry

d. using a scaling ladder

e. All of the above

50. The weakest part of a castle was...?

a. square towers(keeps)

b. the gate

c. the arrow slits

d. the murder holes

e. the drawbridge

51. The feudal system can be best described by what geometric shape?

a. square

b. circle

c. pyramid

d. rectangle

e. octagon

52. Pope Urban called for the Crusades to begin in what year?

a. 1025

b. 1095

c. 1925

d. 1265

53. Which was not one of the reasons people went on pilgrimage?

a. adventure

b. chance to travel

c. to cure a sick friend or relative

d. to get Gods blessing

e. none of the above

54. What was the name of the system that allowed the serfs to grow more food?

a. the fallow field system

b. three-field system

c. the crop rotation system

55. What was the name of the land the Lord and his family lived on?

a. fief

b. manor

c. vassal

d. royal land

56. The tops of castle walls were flat so that?

a. it was easy to see over the roof

b. ladies could walk on them

c. soldiers could walk to the watch towers

d. soldiers could walk on them and throw stones at enemies

57. A serf had to pay money or services on all of these except for ?

a. a head tax

b. using the lord's oven and mill

c. when his daughter married off the land

d. when he married

e. None of the above

58. Which of the following is not used in heraldry?

a. Gules

b. Tenne

c. Azure

d. Vert

e. Purpure

59.The rule in heraldry is ?

a. bright colours on top of darker ones

b. no more than two colours on any metal

c. colour first then metal and then more colour

d colour on metal or metal on colour

e C&D

6o.Machicolation is

a. used by a knight during a tournament

b. part of the siege of a castle

c. part of the defense of a castle

d. a tool for digging a deep ditch

e. B&D

61 . Which is not part of a Medieval church?

a. barrel vault

b. typanum

c. glebe

d. transept

e. B&D

62. Which is the system that gives everything to the first-born son?

a. tanistry

b. premonition

c. tapestry

d. primogeniture

True or false (A is True. B is False)

77. Crenellations are the open spaces along the top of the castle walls. T F

78. A Keep is where they keep all the food. T F

79. A cloister is a covered walkway in a monastery. T F

80. Cathedrals were not shaped like a cross because the Christian church wouldnt

allow it. T F

81. The Normans invaded England in 1066. T F

82. Heroics were people who did not agree with the church. T F

83. A trebuchet was a type of early gun used to siege castles. T F

84. Scaling ladders were one of the best ways to siege a castle. T F

85. King Harold of England was killed by an arrow through the ear. T F

86. The King had no responsibilities under the feudal system. T F

87. Fealty is a field left empty of crops. T F

88. In the Middle Ages mail was messages that only the king would receive. T F

89. Villeins had to provide protection and right wrongs done by others . T F

90. Women who displayed intelligence and strong wills were sought after as brides. T F

91. Charlemagne was a Frankish king. T F

92. The first step in becoming a knight was to become a squirrel. T F

93. A tithe was a pavement made to the church. T F

94. The Concordant of Worms was an agreement that allowed Kings to select Bishops. T F

95. In the Holy Land of Palestine, the Pope asked for the Moslems to go on Crusade. T F

96. The crusades were a huge success as a Christian movement. T F

97. Constantinople was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire. T F

98. The Magna Carta granted nobles certain rights and protected the common people. T F

99. Charles Martel became a ruler by primogeniture. T F

100. In nomini patris, et filios, et spiritu sanctos means pat the numbers, fold, and steam

clean. T F