Human trafficking cct bm1115a

Human Trafficking

Transcript of Human trafficking cct bm1115a

Human Trafficking

Is the trade of human life between an buyer with a seller .The person who has been sold is expected to act as a slave. This could be in terms of:-


Sex Trade

ilLegALOrgaN Donation

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Did you realize aLL of this?Perhaps Not right!!! But bear in mind that:Between 6oo,000-8oo,000 men,women and child are forced into slave trade each year

Did you realize aLL of this?Perhaps Not right!!! But bear in mind that:

27MillioNs are Enslaved worldwide today,half of it are Children!!!!30% of

is Over $32billion!!

Did you realize aLL of this?Perhaps Not right!!! But bear in mind that:

30% of Female Victims Are forCed into LaborAnd 70% of them are Trafficked into

tHe Commercial Sex Industry!!!

Did you realize aLL of this?Perhaps Not right!!! But bear in mind that:

Annual revenue generated by

trafficking is Over $32billion!!

That’s More thanCombining Starbucks , Googleand Apple revenues!!!! Oh mY God!!

Are we soO blind and deaf?

Chances are it’s happening Right Infront of YOU!!

Chances are it’s happening Right Infront of YOU!!


Chances are it’s happening Right Infront of YOU!!

WAKE UP!!Make a stand now or yours will fall

someday by letting this issue prevail more!!

And All of this happened

because of?

Corrupted Government


People desperate to make money

Demands on the labour workers

Demands on the needs in commercial sex trade

Demands in Organ harvesting

IN resuLt of!!

Children are abducted off the streets into the human trade

People are forced to se l l the i r Organs

More sex trades happened

So now!!

So now!!

Do you care??

So now!!

Do you care??Maybe a little bit

A little care is enough rather than NONE!

How to Prevent this?

How to Prevent this?Lucky you!

How to Prevent this?Lucky you! I’ve done some research!!

There are several methods~

There are several methods~

Stricter law enforcement !!This would flash out lots of the corrupt gov’t officials

Educating poor citizen so that they can manage and find money by the legal way

If important issues such as Human trafficking are taught and spread off, People would know how to better protect themselves and their families

“I am no bird;

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me;

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being”

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

Come join the cause, Spread the Word!Say No to Human trafficking !!

And you will get a peace environment in the Future

“The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.”

Prepared by

Ahmad Asyraf Bin Amir

