Human Rights in Law Enforcement

ISSN 2285-5076 Human Rig PEER-REV Editie dedicată an Volume VII, Issu ghts in Law Enforcem VIEWED SCIENTIFFIC JOURNAL niversării celor 100 de ani de la Marea U ue 2 (2 of 2018) ment Unire

Transcript of Human Rights in Law Enforcement

Page 1: Human Rights in Law Enforcement

ISSN 2285-5076

Human Rights in Law Enforcement


Volume VII, Issue

Human Rights in Law Enforcement

REVIEWED SCIENTIFFIC JOURNAL ă aniversării celor 100 de ani de la Marea Unire

Volume VII, Issue 2 (2 of 2018)

Human Rights in Law Enforcement

100 de ani de la Marea Unire

Page 2: Human Rights in Law Enforcement




Editie dedicată aniversării celor 100 de ani de la Marea Unire

2nd Issue / 2018, Volume VII

Martie 2019

ISSN 2285 – 5076

Page 3: Human Rights in Law Enforcement
Page 4: Human Rights in Law Enforcement

Human Rights in Law Enforcement 2/2018



Editor-in-chief: Prof. Bogdan TONEA PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Quality manager:

Associate prof. Georgică PANFIL PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy


President of scientific council: Prof. Adrian IACOB PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy


Mihai FLOROIU PhD. - Dunărea de Jos University, Galati Radu CĂTANĂ PhD – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca

Elena-Ana IANCU PhD.– Agora University, Oradea Valeria GHEORGHIU PhD - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Bogdan TONEA PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Alunica MORARIU PhD - Ștefan cel Mare University Suceava

Alexandru MĂGUREANU PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Cătălin VASILE, Phd. – Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Andreea CIRCIUMARU, PhD.- Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy David UNGUREANU, PhD. – Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Laura MACAROVSCHI PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Georgică PANFIL PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Victor DRAGHICI PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Sergiu VASILE PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Cosmin CERNAT PhD. - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy


Amelia DIACONESCU Phd.- Spiru Haret University, Craiova Loredana PIRVU PhD.- Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Viorel VELISCU PhD. – Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Mihaela VISAN PhD. – Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Ștefania DUMITRACHE - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy


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The confluence of the rules on the execution of sentences, the prison culture and the impact on prison

security Victor DRĂGHICI phD. ……..7 Processing the right to a health environment in the european acquis Gheorghe POPESCU, PHD, Emil GRIGORE …….14 The Romanian State from the Great Unification upon joining the European Union Bogdan ȚONEA PhD, Romeo DUBALĂ ……….22 Constitution from concept to necessity Elena ȘERBAN, Ana-Maria Laura CIUCĂ …….28

University authonomy in Romania – a short history of regulation Adrian BĂNCILĂ, PhD. …….36 Education and evolution of the romanian state over the past 100 years

Bogdan ȚONEA PhD, Sergiu NUȚĂ, Victor PANCU …….42

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Confluența dintre normele de executare a pedepselor, cultura carcerală și impactul asupra siguranței

penitenciare Victor DRĂGHICI phd. ……..7 Consacrarea dreptului la un mediu sănătos în acquisul european

Gheorghe POPESCU, PHD, Emil GRIGORE …….14 Statul român de la Marea Unire la aderarea la Uniunea Europeană Bogdan ȚONEA PhD, Romeo DUBALĂ .….22 Constituția - de la concept, la necesitate Elena ȘERBAN, Ana-Maria Laura CIUCĂ ….28 Autonomia universitară în România – o scurtă istorie a reglementării Adrian BĂNCILĂ, phd. ….36

Educația și evoluția statului român în ultimii 100 de ani Bogdan ȚONEA phd, Sergiu NUȚĂ, Victor PANCU ….42

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Scientific Journal published by Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Is sue 2 of 2018 ( Ju ly-D ecember ) / Vol ume VII ISSN 2285 – 5076


Drăghici Victor PhD1

Content description (Eng.):

The penitentiary system is not only characterized by the existence of legal rules for the execution of sentences; at the same time a parallel world develops in which sometimes the values are overthrown, different from those imposed by the penitentiary administration, which obviously changes the process of educational transformation necessary for those who have the same anisocial facts for reintegration into society and prevention committing new offenses. Confluence between the two areas may leave dramatic traces of penitentiary safety, which may affect the proper functioning of the institution and, in extreme situations, may partially compromise the major objectives assumed. The proposed analysis is relatively short, more importantly to the attention of some important aspects, without claiming that the subject is exhausted, but with the necessity to continue this approach.

Keywords: prison culture, subculture, social security, dynamic and personal safety

Article info: Received: 12/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 7/2397

Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2. Education in the interwar period ............................................................................................................................... 3. Education in the Communist era ............................................................................................................................... 4. Education in Contemporaryity .................................................................................................................................. 5. The role of education in social development ............................................................................................................ 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................... 7. References .................................................................................................................................................................

1 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Police Faculty , Romania, [email protected]

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[1]Termenul de cultură a cunoscut în decursul timpului diverse definiţii. Reţinem una din primele definiţii antropologice, aparţinând lui Edward B. Tylor din “Primitive Culture” (London, 1871): “ansamblul complex al cunoştinţelor, credinţelor religioase, al artei, moralei, obiceiurilor şi al tuturor celorlalte capacităţi şi obişnuinţe pe care le dobândeşte omul ca membru al societăţii”. Traian Herseni, în “Civilizaţia şi cultura. 164 de înţelesuri” în “Almanahul civilizaţiei” (1969) prezintă mai multe definiţii atribuite culturii, dintre care reţinem şi pe cea a lui A. Kroeber şi C. Kluckhohn din 1952: „cultura constă din modelele implicite şi explicite ale comportării şi pentru comportare, acumulate şi transmise prin simboluri, incluzând şi realizările lor în unelte. Miezul esenţial al culturii constă din idei tradiţionale, apărute şi selecţionate istoric şi, în special, din valorile ce li se atribuie; sistemele de cultură pot fi considerate, pe de o parte ca produse ale acţiunii şi, pe de altă parte, ca elemente ce condiţionează acţiunea viitoare”. O bibliografie utilă privind cultura: Claude Levi Strauss – „Antropologie structurală”, ed. Politică, Bucureşti, 1978; Edward Sapir – „Culture, Language and Personality. Selected Essays”, University of California Press, 1958; Pitirim Sorokin – „Social and Cultural Dynamics”, New York, 1957; Bronislaw Malinowski – „A Scientific Theory of Culture”, New York, 1960; Ralph Linton – „Fundamentul cultural al personalităţii”, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1968; Petre Andrei – „Filosofia valorii”, Ed. Fundaţia Regele Mihai, Bucureşti, 1945; Tudor Vianu – „Filosofia culturii şi teoria valorilor”, Ed. Nemira, Bucureşti, 1998; Aurelian Bondrea – „Sociologia culturii”, Ed. Fundaţia România de mâine, Bucureşti, 1993 [2]Geert Hofstede – “Managementul structurilor multiculturale. Software-ul gândirii”, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1996, pag. 20 [3] Cultura penitenciară înţeleasă ca formă a culturii organizaţionale. Pentru o mai completă documentare asupra variatelor definiţii, teorii şi concepte privind cultura organizaţională vezi Edgar H. Schein – „Organizational culture and leadership”, Ed. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1992; B. Schneider – „Organizational climate and culture”, Ed. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990; Terrence E. Deal şi Allan A. Kennedy – „Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life”, Ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1982; Geert Hofstede – „Managementul structurilor multiculturale”, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1996; Gary Johns – „Comportament organizaţional”, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1998 [4]Simion Mehedinţi „Civilizaţie şi cultură. Concepte, definiţii, rezonanţe”, Ed. Trei, Bucureşti, 1999. pag. 119 [5] O excelentă antologie de texte clasice pe tema cuplului cultură-civilizaţie este editată de John Rundell şi Stephen Mennell – „Classical Readings on Culture and Civilisation”, London and New York, Routledge, 1998. Volumul cuprinde texte semnate de Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, Alexis de Toqueville, Friedrich Schiller,

Friedrich Nietzsche, Georg Simmel, Thomas Mann, Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, Lucien Febvre, Norbert Elias şi alţii. [6] În acest context apare necesitatea unei argumentații extrem de temeinice în ceea ce privește posibilitatea omului (privit în sens general) de a dispune de soartea altui om, chiar prin impunerea respectării unor legi care tot de oameni sunt făcute; departe de ideea de a susține o libertate absolută a omului ce ar putea să conducă la anarhie, considerăm că se impune o analiză extreme de atentă asupra ideii că omul este liber să-și determine destinul și nu poate fi supus în nici un fel voinței altui om; ca punct de plecare al acestei dezbater/analize aducem în discuție similitudinea cu eliminarea pedepsei cu moarte, aceasta fiind eliminată din foarte multe state. Pe considerente asemănătoare eliminării pedepsei cu moartea, și eventual alte considerente de ordin moral, social, religios, juridic, etc., poate că s-ar impune identificarea unei noi modalități de sancționare a celor care au comis fapte antisociale. [7] Această definiţie am propus-o prima dată în Bruno Ştefan – “Mediatizarea partidelor politice la posturile de televiziune şi impactul acesteia în opinia publică”, în “Revista Română de Sociologie”, serie nouă, anul IX, nr. 1-2, Bucureşti, 1998, pag. 48 şi ulterior în Bruno Ştefan – „Manipularea şi propaganda politică prin televiziune”, Ed. BCS, Bucureşti, 1999, arătând că monitorizarea a fost aplicată iniţial cu referire la respectarea drepturilor omului în acele instituţii în care libertăţile erau frecvent încălcate. [8] Cu titlu de exemplu enumerăm R – 82 - 17;R – 87 – 3; R – 97 – 12; Recomandarea privind custodierea deţinuţilor cu pedepse de lungă durată şi pe viaţă (2003), precum şi în Memorandumul explicativ ataşat la fiecare din recomandările în materie penitenciară [9] Pentru alte detalii a se vedea și: Gheorghe Florian, “Dinamică penitenciară. Reforma structurilor interne”, Editura Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 1999, Ana Bălan şi colectiv, “Penologie”, Editura Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 2002, Emilian Stănişor şi colectiv, „Universul carceral” , Editura Oscra Print, Bucureşti, 2004, Gheorghe Florian, ”Fenomenologie penitenciară” , Editura Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 2003, Gheorghe Florian, ”Psihologie penitenciară” , Editura Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 1996.

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HUMAN RIGHTS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Scientific Journal published by Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy

Is sue 2 of 2018 (Ju ly-D ecemb er) / Vol ume VII ISSN 2285 – 5076 Anniversary edition - Romania Centenary


POPESCU Gheorghe2PhD


Content description (Eng.):

Environmental protection is today a horizontal policy in the European Union, with a leading role in the development and implementation of all policies of the Community and the Member States. The integrated approach relates to developments in the overall integration strategies of the last decade of the last century that have gradually adapted to the sustainable development model.

The European Union's environmental policy is the result of the decision-making procedures established by the EC Treaties. Community institutions operate on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity and are supported in their work by a broad consultation of the governments of the Member States, non-governmental organizations, interest groups, experts, various specialized organizations and, obviously, the studies and reports of the European Agency for Environment (AEM).

In order to improve the impact of the EMP, the following years will give priority to those strategies and instruments that will promote a better correlation between environmental and free market objectives and will aim at more effective and coherent integration of the environment into sectoral policies, and one of the major challenges will be the implementation of environmental policy in the new member countries.

Keywords: human rights, healthy environment, environmental policy, EU, European acquis

Article info: Received: 22/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 8/3127

Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 2. Evolution of legal regulations specific to the right to a healthy environment at international level .................. 3. Evolution of legal regulations specific to the right to a healthy environment at European level ....................... 4. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................... 5. References ...........................................................................................................................................................

2 Prof. univ. dr. Academia de Poliţie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” 3 Drd. Academia de Poliţie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, [email protected]

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[1]Kiss, AL, Beurier, J.-P., Droit internaţional de l'environnement, 3-e edition, Ed. A. Pedone, Paris, 2004, pag.165. [2] Apetrei I., Sistemele internaţionale de protecţie a drepturilor omului, Ed. Cantes, Iaşi, 2001, pag.75. [3] Kiss A., Droit international de l’environnement, Pedone, Paris, pag.190. [4]Spre deosebire de Convenția europeană, alte instrumente regionale consacră expres un asemenea drept. Astfel,Carta africană a drepturilor popoarelor,din 27 iunie 1981, prevede în art. 24: Toate popoarele au dreptul la un mediu satisfăcător și global, propice dezvoltării lor.

[5]KissA.,SheltonS.,InternationalEnvironementLaw, TransnationalePublisher,inc. Graham& Totman, pag. 309 [6]Art. 1 al Protocolului nr. 1 adiţional la convenţie, adoptat la 20 nov. 1952. [7]Decizia nr. 94/90/CEE [8]Jones, R.A., The politics and economics of the European Union, (1998), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., University Press, Cambridge [9]Baker, S., Kousis, M., Richardson, D. şi Young, S (editori), (1997), The Politics of Sustainable Development. Theory, Policy and Practice Within he European Union, Routledge, Londra, New York [10]Agenţia Europeană de Mediu (2004), Stratégie de l’AEE 2004-2008, URL,

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Scientific Journal published by Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy Is sue 2 of 2018 (Ju ly-D ecemb er) / Vol ume VII ISSN 2285 – 5076

Anniversary edition - Romania Centenary


Bogdan ȚONEA PhD4, Romeo DUBALĂ5

Content description (Eng.):

The formation of the Romanian state is characterized by an organic evolution, the stages of which are well defined. The national ideal is represented by the unification of all Romanian historical provinces in one state. The political projects of the Romanian thinkers have gone into the plan of effective achievements at various key moments such as the Small Union of 1859, the coming of Carol I to the country's leadership, the promulgation of the 1866 Constitution, the acquisition of state independence during the Russian- 1878, participating in the First World War and culminating in the Great Union of Alba Iulia on 1 December 1918. The 1991 Constitution was amended in 2003 to prepare for membership in NATO and the European Union. Romania's accession to the European Union took place on 1 January 2007. This date was proposed at the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003 and confirmed in Brussels on 18 June 2004. The country report on Romania's progress in October 2004 also stated the date of 1 January 2007 as accession date for Romania and Bulgaria. The two countries signed the Accession Treaty on 25 April 2005 at the Neumünster Abbey in Luxembourg.

Keywords: freedom, educational system, history of education

Article info: Received: 22/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 6/2458


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2. The origins of the modern Romanian constitutional system ................................................................................... 3. The Romanian constitutional system after the Great Union …................................................................................ 4. The Romanian constitutional system under the power of the communist regime .................................................... 5. Instead of conclusions: the return to democracy....................................................................................................... 6. References .................................................................................................................................................................

4 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, Romania, [email protected]

5 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, Romania,

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[1] Hitchins, Keith - România 1866-1947[2] Idem [3] Mugurescu, Bogdan - Istoria României în texte, Editura CORINT, București 2001 [4] Idem [5] Scurtu, Ioan - Istorie - Manual pentru clasa a XII-a, Editura Gimnasium 2007 [6] B. Țonea Drept Constitutional și Instituții Politice, Editura SITECH Craiova, 2009 [7] Grigorie Pîrțac, - Istoria dreptului romanesc, Chisinău 2013 [8] Lionela Mădescu, - istoria dreptului romanesc,

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HUMAN RIGHTS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Sc ie nt i f i c Jour nal publ is hed by Alexa ndru Ioan Cuza Pol ice Academy

Is sue 2 of 2018 (Ju ly-D ecember) / Vol ume VII ISSN 2285 – 5076 Anniversary edition - Romania Centenary


Elena ȘERBAN6, Ana-Maria Laura CIUCĂ

Content description (Eng.):

After the Union of 1918, the main task of the Romanian political elite was the integration of all the historical provinces within the state that had just begun to emerge. It was also necessary to ensure equality of rights for all citizens of the country, irrespective of race, nationality, religion or language. Thus, following the ratification by King Ferdinand I of the acts of unification, all the inhabitants of the historical provinces became Romanian citizens with legal rights and obligations with those of the Old Kingdom. After the end of the second world conflagration, as a result of its positioning in the USSR's sphere of influence, Romania made the transition to a totalitarian, communist system. After the fall of the dictatorial regime, the post-December Romanian state made the jump to democracy, just as the present Constitution of Romania stood at Art.1, par.3.

Keywords: freedom, educational system, history of education

Article info: Received: 22/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 6/2266


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2. Education in the interwar period ............................................................................................................................... 3. Education in the Communist era ............................................................................................................................... 4. Education in Contemporaryity .................................................................................................................................. 5. The role of education in social development ............................................................................................................ 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................... 7. References .................................................................................................................................................................

6 Ambele, studente ale Facultății de Științe Juridice și Adminstrative din cadrul Academiei de Poliție

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[1] Bogdan Țonea, Drept Constituțional și Instituții Politice, Ed. Sitech Craiova, 2009 [2] pe larg despre acestea, a se vedea, Bogdan Țonea Drept Constituțional și Instituții Politice, vol I, Editura Sitech Craiova 2014 [3] Ioan Muraru ,Simina Elena Tanasescu – Drept constituţional şi instituţii politice , Vol I şi II, Editura CH Beck, Bucureşti ,2008 [4] Ion Deleanu – Drept constituţional şi instituţii plotice , Vol I şi II , Editura Europa Nova ,Bucureşti 1996, Marius Andreescu, Florina Mitrofan – Drept constitutional. Teoria generală, Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2006, Angela Banciu- Istoria constituţională a României – Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureşti 2001, Zoe Petre - Manual Istorie Clasa a XII-a, Editura Corint, 2014

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Content description (Eng.):

Considered by the European Association of Universities as the capacity of universities to take their own decisions and the basis for a successful university, university autonomy is largely misunderstood by the general public at least in Romania. In this country, where the public perception is saturated by a constant reform of all systems (including the educational one), university autonomy is largely viewed as a veil of legal irresponsibility behind which university officials can commit all sorts of reproachable acts including acts of collusion. This study attempts to offer a short history of the concept of university autonomy and its presence in Romanian legislation. It is also meant to be the first of a series of short studies regarding university autonomy in Romania.

Keywords: university, autonomy, history, accountability,Romanian realities

Article info: Received: 12/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 7/2397

Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2. Brief history of universities …….............................................................................................................................. 3. Education and university autonomy in Romania ….................................................................................................. 4. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................... 5. References .................................................................................................................................................................

7 Lecturer, PhD, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Legal and Administrative Sciences Faculty, Public Law and Public Administration Department

HUMAN RIGHTS IN LAW ENF ORCE MENT Scient i f ic Journa l publ is he d by Alexandr u Ioa n C uza P ol i ce Academy

I ssue 2 of 2018 (July-December) / Volume V II ISSN 2285 – 5076 Anniversary edition - Romania Centenary

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[1] A se vedea David C. Lindberg, The Beginnings of Western Science, University of Chicago Press, 2007, p.70; J. Barnes, Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2000; Al. Popescu, Filosofia dialogurilor, Editura Garamond, Bucureşti, 2001 [2] Pe larg a se vedea M MacLeod, Roy, The Library of Alexandria: centre of learning in the ancient world, 2000 [3] A se vedea A. L. Basham, The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent Before the Coming of the Muslims, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1954. [4],l consultat la 10.01.2019. [5] Recent unele opinii pun în discuţie însăşi existenţa spitalului din Gondeshapur şi importanţa centrului de învăţământ în sine. A se vedea pe larg Michael W. Dols,The Origins of the Islamic Hospital: Myth and Reality, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1987, 61: pp.367–391. [6] Richard Nelson Frye, The Golden Age of Persia, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975.. [7] A se vedea pe larg Christopher Kleinhenz, Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia. The Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages, New York: Routledge, 2004 dar şi U. Eco, În numele trandafirului, (Il nome della rosa), Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1984 dar şi ecranizarea acestuia în regia lui Jean-Jacques Annaud.

[8] Laurence W B Brockliss, The University of Oxford: A History, Oxford University Press (Oxford, 2016); 11th century to present [9], consultat 10.10.2018. [10] Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, a se vedea şi [11] Pe larg despre viaţa şi opera lui Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand von Humboldt a se vedea Hermann Klencke, Gustav Schlesier, Lives of the brothers Humboldt, Alexander and William, New York, 1853. [12] Jürgen Georg Backhaus, The University According to Humboldt: History, Policy, and Future Possibilities, Springer, 2015, p. 58. [13] Art. 23 din Constituţia României din anul 1866 [14] Art. 24 din Constituţia României din anul 1923 [15] Art. 21 din Constituţia Republicii Populare Române din anul 1938 [16] Art. 80 din Constituţia Republicii Populare Române din anul 1952 [17] Publicată în Buletinul Oficial nr. 34 din 16 martie 1969 [18] Publicată în Buletinul Oficial nr. 167 din 27 decembrie 1974. [19] Republicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 767 din 31 octombrie 2003.

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Bogdan ȚONEA PhD8, Sergiu NUȚĂ9, Victor PANCU

Content description (Eng.):

After the Union of 1918, the main task of the Romanian political elite was the integration of all the historical provinces within the state that had just begun to emerge. It was also necessary to ensure equality of rights for all citizens of the country, irrespective of race, nationality, religion or language. Thus, following the ratification by King Ferdinand I of the acts of unification, all the inhabitants of the historical provinces became Romanian citizens with legal rights and obligations with those of the Old Kingdom. After the end of the second world conflagration, as a result of its positioning in the USSR's sphere of influence, Romania made the transition to a totalitarian, communist system. After the fall of the dictatorial regime, the post-December Romanian state made the jump to democracy, just as the present Constitution of Romania stood at Art.1, par.3.

Keywords: freedom, educational system, history of education

Article info: Received: 22/11/2018 Approved: 26/11/2018 Pages/ words: 6/2266


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2. Education in the interwar period ............................................................................................................................... 3. Education in the Communist era ............................................................................................................................... 4. Education in Contemporaryity .................................................................................................................................. 5. The role of education in social development ............................................................................................................ 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................... 7. References .................................................................................................................................................................

8 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, Romania, [email protected] 9 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, students

HUM AN RIGHT S IN LAW ENF ORCE MENT Scie nt i f i c Journa l publ is hed by Alexa ndru Ioan Cuza Pol ice Academy

Is sue 2 of 2018 (Ju ly-D ecember) / Vol ume VI I ISSN 2285 – 5076 Anniversary edition - Romania Centenary

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[1]Enciclopedia României, vol. 1, p. 479. [1]Enciclopedia României, vol. 1, p. 480. [3]Marga, Andrei “Educația în tranziție”, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1999 [4]Arthur Maddison “Dynamic Forces of Capitalist Development” [5]

[6]Scurtu, Ioan “Istoria civilizației românești. Perioada interbelică.” , Ed. Enciclopedică, București, 2012 [7]Scurtu, Ioan Istoria contemporană a României”, Ed. Fundației “României de Mâine”, București, 2005 - accesat la 20.11.2018, 16:45 [8] - accesat la 20.11.2018, 18:00