Human Rights Are Not Optional2

Communal violence refers to a situation where violence is perpetrated across ethnic lines, and victims are chosen based upon ethnic group membership. The worst affected area of communal violence is South Asia where conflict between ethnic communities results in massacres. Its an mutual aggression, in which members of all involved ethnic groups both perpetrate violence and serve as its victims. Countries worldwide, particularly India is struggling with violence between religious communities for decades. The Religious violence includes acts of violence by followers of one religious group against followers and institutions of another religious group, often in the form of rioting. Despite the secular and religiously tolerant constitution of India, broad religious representation in various aspects of society including the government, is required. Communal Violence In fake or custodial encounters, the police or armed forces kill the suspected person on the basis of his/her criminal activities, when the person is either in custody or are unarmed, and claims to have shot them in self-defence. These types of fake encounters can not be justified as authorized by a court or by the law. UHRF is very much concerned and disturbed by the diabolical recurrence of police torture resulting in a terrible scare in the minds of common citizens that their lives and liberty are under a new peril when the guardians of the law gore human rights to death. The vulnerability of human rights assumes a traumatic, torture some poignancy (when) the violent violation is perpetrated by the police arm of the State whose function is to protect the citizen and not to commit gruesome offences against them. Police lock-up if reports in newspapers have a streak of credence, are becoming more and more awesome cells. This development is disastrous to our human rights awareness and humanist constitutional order. Fake Encounters & Police Atrocities The Industrial Dispute is unrest in labour which expreses itself in mnay ways and forms. The most striking feature of the labour unrest is strike or stopage of work. As a result of strike, the factories are closed down and this proves harmful both to employees and the employers. Subsequently, it leads to the lockout and a series of conflict and tension. The causes of Industrial Disputes is lower wages, rising prices, unsatisfactory work conditions, retrenchment etc. The workers' humiliation and exploitation is required to be contained, their grievances should appropriately be redressed, harmonious relations between the employee and employer be ensured. The labour laws in India are not labour friendly and drastic changes are required to re-enacted or modified them. Industrial Dispute & Labour Unrest 8


santosh kumar bagla

Transcript of Human Rights Are Not Optional2

  • Communal violence refers to a situation where violence is perpetrated across

    ethnic lines, and victims are chosen based upon ethnic group membership. The

    worst affected area of communal violence is South Asia where conflict between

    ethnic communities results in massacres. Its an mutual aggression, in which

    members of all involved ethnic groups both perpetrate violence and serve as its

    victims. Countries worldwide, particularly India is struggling with violence

    between religious communities for decades. The Religious violence includes acts

    of violence by followers of one religious group against followers and institutions of

    another religious group, often in the form of rioting. Despite the secular and

    religiously tolerant constitution of India, broad religious representation in various

    aspects of society including the government, is required.

    Communal Violence

    In fake or custodial encounters, the police or armed forces kill the suspected

    person on the basis of his/her criminal activities, when the person is either in

    custody or are unarmed, and claims to have shot them in self-defence. These types

    of fake encounters can not be justified as authorized by a court or by the law. UHRF

    is very much concerned and disturbed by the diabolical recurrence of police

    torture resulting in a terrible scare in the minds of common citizens that their lives

    and liberty are under a new peril when the guardians of the law gore human rights

    to death. The vulnerability of human rights assumes a traumatic, torture some

    poignancy (when) the violent violation is perpetrated by the police arm of the State

    whose function is to protect the citizen and not to commit gruesome offences

    against them. Police lock-up if reports in newspapers have a streak of credence, are

    becoming more and more awesome cells. This development is disastrous to our

    human rights awareness and humanist constitutional order.

    Fake Encounters & Police Atrocities

    The Industrial Dispute is unrest in labour which expreses itself in mnay ways and

    forms. The most striking feature of the labour unrest is strike or stopage of work.

    As a result of strike, the factories are closed down and this proves harmful both to

    employees and the employers. Subsequently, it leads to the lockout and a series of

    conflict and tension. The causes of Industrial Disputes is lower wages, rising prices,

    unsatisfactory work conditions, retrenchment etc. The workers' humiliation and

    exploitation is required to be contained, their grievances should appropriately be

    redressed, harmonious relations between the employee and employer be

    ensured. The labour laws in India are not labour friendly and drastic changes are

    required to re-enacted or modified them.

    Industrial Dispute & Labour Unrest
