Human Portrayals in Advertising- Counter

Human Portrayals in Advertising The Necessity of the Stereotype Holzworth and Woodruff



Transcript of Human Portrayals in Advertising- Counter

Human Portrayals in Advertising The Necess i ty o f the Stereotype

Ho l z wo r t h a n d Wo o dru f f

Stereotype/Schema Defined

Human Portrayals in Advertising

So What’s The Problem?

1. Stereotypes can create false


2. Stereotypes are sometimes misused in


3. Stereotypes offend some consumers

Human Portrayals in Advertising

1. Stereotypes can be used responsibly.

2. Advertising would fail without stereotypes.

3. Dysfunctional stereotypes need functional stereotypes

*there will be a quiz later!


Human Portrayals in Advertising

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Stereotype (n.)

Pattern Average


1. Stereotypes can be used responsibly.

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Customized Communication

Incongruity (n.)

Advertising and behavioral

mismatches between

advertising stereotypes

and consumer response

2. Advertising would fail without stereotypes.

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Stereotyping is a way to take

what we know and categorize it

so we can more quickly identify

and react to the world around us.

It’s ingrained. It’s not going


Human Portrayals in Advertising

Serve to degrade

or a l ienate the

nature of their


3. Dysfunctional stereotypes need functional


Provide real is t ic

depict ions of the

nature of their


Human Portrayals in Advertising

Human Portrayals in Advertising

Back to The Problem

Human Portrayals in Advertising


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• Johnson, G. D., & Grier, S. A. (2012). What about the Intended Consequences?. Journal Of Advertising, 41(3), 91-106.

• Arora, A., & Jun, W. (2012). How Can You Activate 'Incongruence' in 'Customized Communications' Through African-American Stereotypes? Measuring 'Customized Communication Incongruity' in Advertising. Journal Of Marketing Development & Competitiveness, 6(5), 83-106.

• Sung, Y., Choi, S., & Lin, J. (2012). The interplay of culture and situational cues in consumers' brand evaluation. International Journal Of Consumer Studies, 36(6), 696-701. doi:10.1111/j.1470-6431.2011.01047.x

• Desai, K., & Gencturk, E. (1995). Special Session Summary Schema Incongruity: A Multidimensional Perspective Involving Advertising Schema, Self. Schema, and Product Schema. Advances In Consumer Research, 22(1), 390.