Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World...

Synergies between social and productive-fostering policies. Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household Resilience through Productive Inclusion Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru

Transcript of Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World...

Page 1: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

Synergies between social and productive-fostering policies. Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program.Building Household Resilience through Productive Inclusion

Hugo VilaFONCODES, Peru

Page 2: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

8 March 2018 2

0-3 yo 1. Child Nutrition. Reduce chronic child malnutrition through interventions targeting pregnant women and children from 0 to 5 yo.

0-5 yo. 2. Early Child Development. Foster children’s physical, cognitive, motor, emotional and social development.

6-2 yo. 3. Comprehensive Child and Youth Development. Expand children and youths’ personal, educational and occupational competencies most suitable to their age.

18-64 yo. 4. Economic Inclusion. Expand households’ opportunities and ability to increase their incomes.

65+. 5. Senior Citizen Protection. Protect and enhance the well being of the elderly by securing access to pensions and quality services.

“Include to Grow”

Page 3: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

Role of FONCODES: Expand economic opportunities through the increaseand improvement of poor households' assets, improving their conditionsto participate in economic growth


• National presence, through 26 deconcentrated offices, which allows tointervene in the furthest away 'centros poblados' of the national territory.

• Executing Nucleus: Brand of FONCODES. Project management throughthe "Executing Nucleus" (núcleo ejecutor) modality, participation ofbeneficiaries, surveillance and transparency.

• 26 years of experience in the design and management of socialinvestment projects.

• Project Cycle: culture of projects and management of the interventioncycle.

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Role and strengths of FONCODES

Page 4: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

What is Haku Wiñay / Noa Jayatai?

• A productive project targeting rural households on subsistence familyagriculture, in contexts of extreme poverty and vulnerability in the Andesand the Peruvian Amazon.

• HW focuses on the development of productive capacities and ruralentrepreneurship to improve food security and increase households'income, seeking to develop sustainability and resilience throughinnovative, adaptive, simple, replicable and low-cost productivetechnologies.

• Investment of around 1,400 USD per household for three (03) years ofintervention.

• Implemented through the Executing Nucleus modality.

• HW / NJ is also piloting an integrated model including productive inclusionservices and cash transfers to targeted families (Juntos)


Haku Wiñay – Noa Jayatai Program

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Recovering traditionalknowledge

and incorporating it as part of the TA

Improving practices Strengthening community organizations

How does this happen?

Page 6: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

• The year 2012 began a Pilot to articulate theintervention with JUNTOS (CCT) in 2 districts ofAyacucho (Andean region).

• As of 2014 HW is a Program by Results.• Currently it has national coverage and is highly

demanded by local governments.

YearGeographic unit

N° of projects

N° of households

Investment(Millions of

S/.)Deptos. Prov. Distrito CCPP

2012 4 8 11 38 41 4,193 11.42

2013 13 27 41 201 205 23,250 84.32

2014 17 43 70 272 281 32,028 119.51

2015 20 57 83 348 354 39,383 164.5

2016 16 38 52 216 220 22,690 99.8

2017 20 70 123 390 390 49,666 229.6

Total 21 123 318 1,465 1,491 171,210 709.2Source: FONCODES/UPP January 2018

Scaling up catchement areas

Page 7: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

Component II: Fostering healthy


Component III: Promoting inclusive

rural businesses

Component IV: Building financial


1. Component I: Strengtheninghousehold

2. production systems.


- Training and personalized technical assistance by the ‘yachachiq’

- Accompaniment of yachachiq- Endowment of asset portfolio- Contests and competitions between households


Page 8: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

• A Yachachiq (the one who knows and teaches) is a productive leader of the community, who practices the local culture and lives in the project area.

• It has some type of formal or informal training on the management of various productive technologies that are simple and easy to replicate and/or adapt to similar contexts.

• He/she is responsible for technical assistance, capacity building and accompaniment of households. Applies participatory processes to "learn by doing“, from farmer to farmer.

• Key actor, engine of change.

Who is the Yachachiq?

Page 9: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

Organic approach in production systems Sensitization, training and technical assistance to

yachachiq and users Incorporation of criteria and adaptive practices to

climate change into technical manuals Installation of technified irrigation at family level Technical sequence: irrigation-grass / pasture lands-

breeding Construction of greenhouses Soil conservation practices Reforestation and agroforestry Construction of 'Qochas' for sowing and harvesting

rainwater (pilot in Cusco and Apurímac) Expansion of technologies for sowing and harvesting

water to other territories.

Actions to strengthen criteria and practices for protection and resilience to climate and climate change, implies the following:

What are we doing in HW to strengthen Resilience in the face of climate risks?

Page 10: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

YEAR 1:Good practices


YEAR 2:Ownership and


YEAR 3:Consolidation

Technical assistance and capacity building (Yachachiq/Users)


technical file

Follow up and mentoring

Stages of the intervention cycle

Page 11: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household


Household based technicalirrigation

1. Spray irrigation.

2. Drip irrigation

Open field crops 3. Vegetables, tubers, roots, grains, aromatic andmedicinal herbs, fruits, pastures

Small greenhouse crops 4. Vegetables and flowers. Verduras y flores

Hydropony5. Green fodder. Farraje verde6. Vegetables

Livestock technology.

7. Poultry farming. 8. Small animal husbandry. 9. Ruminants10. Fish farms

Agroforestry 11. Coffee, cacao, fruits

Technologies in greatest demand

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Reforestation 12. Small (family) forest

Household tropical ecosystemmanagement 13. Medicinal plants and fruit crops.

Soil conservation14. Grassland management and conservation

15. Soil management and conservation

Healthy housingVivienda saludable

16. Improved stoves.Cocinas mejoradas

17. Improved housing.Viviendas mejor das18. Safe water.Agua segura19. Solid waste management.Manejo de residuos sólidos

Technologies in greatest demand

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• A community organized as a juridical private law organization able to hire and engage in administrative and court processes.

• It is led by a president, secretary, treasurer and an overseer appointed by the district municipality.

• The implementation of the Executing Nucleus model, under the supervision of FONCODES, has the following advantages: Active participation of the organized community Agility in the implementation of projects Transparency in the administration of resources Accountability Boosting social capital

The Executing Nucleus

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Territorial UnitsFONCODES

Central Executing Nuclei; Local governments

(Leaders, Coordinators, Yachachiq; municipal



Capacity building process

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Social Development Cooperation FundFondo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Social

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• After MIDIS was established and the Include to Growstrategy was enacted, FONCODES started developing itsproductive inclusion programs as a complement tosocial policies.

• Need to redirect rural development efforts based on therural poor’s own initiatives and improve the producers’competitiveness from the standpoint of marketarticulation.


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• Takes account of specific circumstances and needs whendevising interventions that involve several povertyreduction strategies.

• Social transfers by themselves do not suffice to putbeneficiaries on the path to sustainable employmentand income generation (Robino and Soares 2015. Socialprotection, entrepreneurship and labor marketactivation: evidence for better policies.)


Page 18: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

Juntos is Peru’s national program to support the neediest. It seeks to help building human capital and interrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty through Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). Co-responsibilities include Health and Education.

JUNTOS (Together) Program

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1) Conditional cash transfers (62.5 USD every 2 months) as a conditioned incentive to access and use health, nutrition and education services.

• Families improve their income, food consumption and access to education and health for children and mothers.

• Families allocate part of their monetary income (CCT) to invest in productive activities and businesses supported by HW / NJ

2) Joint activities with the education and health sectors to provide services to pregnant mothers and their children


3) Technical assistance, training and personalized support to each household to gain access to productive technologies.

Families improve their production, agricultural productivity and diversification of their crops and livestock for food security.

4) Technical assistance and materials to improve living conditions at home.

Families reduce consumption of firewood; as well as the incidence of respiratory and diarrheal diseases.

5) Technical assistance and provision of assets for rural enterpreneurs, through the management of competitive funds.

Families generate autonomous income through their small inclusive rural businesses.

6) Capacity building to facilitate financialinclusion.

Families and their enterprises are linked to the formal financial system.

Potential synergies from the articulationbetween JUNTOS - Haku Wiñay

Page 20: Hugo Vila FONCODES, Peru - World · Peru’s Haku Wiñay/ Noa Jayatai (Let’s grow) program. Building Household

# IMPACT BACKGROUND PREPARED BY1 Improved agricultural

productivityLarger tuber, vegetable and grasses production. Improved land and plot use. Organic fertilizer, certified seed, pest management and bio-gardens.


2 Higher household incomes 7% higher total incomes. In particular NRI. Average S/. 910 (local currency, aprox. US$ 275) annual increase. (Javier Escobal). Consumption from family gardens cuts spending at local shops and markets. Family gardens are more cost efficient, and create a surplus for markets.


3 Stronger food security Larger cereal and grain, greens, tuber and animal protein consumption in a diversified diet (Javier Escobal).


4 Better health and hygiene practices

Healthy practices, including hand washing (27%). (Javier Escobal). GRADE MEFJ. MenachoANDES

5 Entrepreneurship and business culture encouraged

Enhanced perception of business and entrepreneurship. Business as a complementary activity to the household’s main occupation (Jorge Chavez Tafur).


6 Financial education Greater trust in financial institutions (14%) (Javier Escobal).Greatest impact from inclusive businesses that mostly use training provided by the program (Jorge Chavez Tafur).



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• Few programs operate in areas of relevance to rural youths who have probablyalready improved their human capital thanks to JUNTOS health and educationconditionalities. Nor are there many programs that will help the neediest intheir journey to join the labor market.

• Programs like Haku Wiñay aim at filling this void. However, this is a dauntingthat requires designing strategies to provide a flexible menu of options thatwill evolve as vulnerabilities and capacities change, and that can tap the assetsavailable to the various types of rural poor.

• Haku Wiñay – Noa Jayatai is aiming at strengthening the links betweenproductive inclusion and social assistance interventions, exploring synergieswith Juntos to build up resilience in targeted households through anintegrated model.

Concluding Remarks

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[email protected] www.foncodes.gob.pePaseo de la Republica 3101 - San Isidro - Lima Central : (051) 311-8900