Hughes final chapter iv


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Transcript of Hughes final chapter iv

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Project-based learning is a teaching method that is aimed at assisting all students

with realizing their full learning potential. Although to a great extent the traditional

classroom teaching methods are effective for most students, all too often they don’t

address the needs of students who require extra attention, or those who are more

academically advanced than others in the class. In a project-based learning environment,

the roles of the teacher and students are not reversed, but they are modified in such a way

that the students are expected to assume a much more active role, and the teacher

becomes more of a facilitator than a lecturer. Increased participation by the students

leads to a higher level of engagement, which in-turn has a positive effect on the student’s

desire and ability to learn. Since the curriculum in a project-based classroom focuses on

things that students are already familiar with outside of the classroom, what is being

taught in the classroom resonates more with them, and consequently they realize more

success in comprehending the lessons.

A significant amount of research is available on project-based learning, and with

very few exceptions, the conclusions indicate that this method, especially when

technology is used, proves to be very effective (Hernandez-Ramos & De La Paz, 2002).

Studies demonstrated that students who participated in a project-based curriculum

realized higher scores on standardized tests, and when surveyed, the students indicated

that their level of satisfaction and enjoyment in the classroom were much higher than in

the traditional classroom (Boaler, 1999).

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Project Outcomes

The initial objectives of this project included:

Create a handbook to infuse technology into the Interact Gold Rush teaching

unit to include:

o Project implementation process

o Issues and Challenges

o Project Controls

o Project Results

o Lessons Learned

Create an evaluation plan to:

o Measure project success

Identify and document any challenges and obstacles related to

the implementation of PBL in a 4th grade classroom.

o Measure student success

Determine if some students prefer the PBL learning

environment over the traditional method. Attempt to identify

any common characteristics of those who prefer PBL.

Measure the effectiveness of the PBL process by tracking,

trending and evaluating the performance metrics for each

student during the project (specific milestones) and at the

conclusion of the project.

A number of evaluation tools were created to meet these needs which are discussed in

detail in the evaluation section of this chapter. Appendix B contains the Digital

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Storytelling/technology handbook to accompany the Interact Gold Rush Simulation. The

handbook contains supplemental lessons to be used in conjunction with the Interact daily

lesson plans. These supplemental lessons enhance various Interact lesson plans by adding

the technology component. The Interact lessons were determined to be of high quality in

terms of content; they just lacked the innovative technology necessary to make the

program more current and up to date. The project was designed to address all of these

objectives and more. Students should find it relatively easy to transition from the

traditional classroom environment to the project-based learning classroom. It is hoped

that student participation, especially with the historically low-achieving students,

increases significantly, and overall student engagement improves.

The project implementation should be relatively smooth, but challenges are bound

to surface. One significant obstacle that could arise is the acquisition of the technology

necessary to be able to integrate Digital Storytelling into the curriculum, especially

during a time when school districts are cutting back in many areas. The school district,

other teachers and parents aren’t expected to be obstacles, but it is fair to say that there

will be a number of skeptics along the way who won’t be convinced that this new

teaching method will work, and feel that project-based learning is too new and untested.

It is hoped that these skeptics will also be open-minded, and will see the positive

influence the new teaching methods have on the students.

Proposed Audience, Procedures & Implementation Timeline

The primary audience for this project includes the teacher and students of a 4th

grade Social Studies class. Secondary audiences include the students and teachers of

other 4th grade classes not participating in project-based learning.

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The procedures related to the project were developed as an expansion of a

curriculum that was previously tested in a 4th grade classroom. The introduction and

integration of a Gold Rush simulation into the Social Studies curriculum proved to be

very effective; however, it didn’t include a technology component. The results of this

project added steps to the Interact Gold Rush Simulation, and included a project schedule

and timeline, and a project evaluation process.

At J.H. Elementary it is expected that the project timeline would start in March of

each year when the California curriculum standards concerning the Gold Rush are

addressed. This timing allows the formal project to be introduced into the Social Studies

curriculum focused on the California Gold Rush, prior to the student’s spring field trip to

Coloma, California where gold was first discovered in California. This schedule will

provide adequate time for the students to experience the Gold Rush through the use of

Digital Storytelling, so that when they visit Coloma, they can better relate to what they


Evaluation of the Project

The evaluation of the project was designed to be two-fold. The first step of the

evaluation was focused on the initial project objectives to determine if each project

objective was met and the effectiveness of each. Participating teachers will be asked to

complete a survey that will address the objectives and effectiveness of the newly

designed curriculum, and will also be asked to provide comments and recommendations

that will assist in any re-design efforts. A blog site will also be established to capture

feedback, lessons learned and miscellaneous feedback from teachers.

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The second step of the process focuses on the performance of the students

themselves. One part of the student performance evaluation compares actual test scores

and grades achieved in the project-based learning class, with Social Studies scores and

grades achieved by the students when they were taught with the more traditional teaching

methods. In order to compare to another control group, the standardized test scores of the

students in the project-based learning classroom are compared to 4th grade students in the

other classes that are not involved in the project.

Another, less objective assessment of the project focuses on the overall participation and

engagement of the students involved in the project, and their opinions related to the new

teaching method.

Lessons learned during the project evaluation should be used to modify the

project for future users. Informal project surveys were developed for students and

teachers involved in the project, and their feedback should be incorporated into future

modifications of the curriculum.

Limitations of the Project

It is recognized that there are some limitations with the project and with the

evaluation of the project. One such limitation could be the differences in styles of

teachers involved in the project, and those with whom they are being compared. It is

possible that any improvement in student performance could be attributed to the style of

the teacher, rather than the method of teaching. This must be taken into consideration

while conducting the project evaluation at the conclusion of the project.

Another limitation is the support that the school and other 4th grade teachers

provide during this project. If they are not open-minded, it could jeopardize the success

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of the project. It will be imperative to get a commitment early on from the school and

teachers so that they become supportive participants in the project, rather than skeptics or


Based on the results of the project evaluation, the project-based learning

curriculum can be expanded to other classrooms/teachers, and to additional subjects other

than just Social Studies. The key to future expansion is the success of the initial project

and the credibility of the evaluation. The project handbook can be used as a step-by-step

implementation guide for teachers to introduce and utilize project-based learning for their



This project demonstrated not only a need for project-based learning, but also the

benefits this teaching style can offer students. Research studies, pilot tests, and literature

all indicate that this teaching method results in students who are more excited about

learning, are more engaged in their classroom’s lessons and curriculum, and are more

successful with respect to individual performance. Students respond differently to

different teaching methods, and the traditional teacher lecture style does not always reach

all students. All too often, low-achieving students are left behind, while high achieving

students become bored. In any event, many students are not given the opportunity to

realize their full potential. The interactive and multi-media methods integrated into the

project-based learning approach offer something for every student, and allow students to

become more involved. The curriculum design proves to be a valuable process. This

project will hopefully influence other teachers and convince them to introduce project-

based learning with integrated technology to their students. As participation with this

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teaching method expands, and additional success is realized, it is very likely that project-

based learning will be the norm, rather than the exception for schools throughout the
