HSN Public Package

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  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package










    Board of DirectorsConseil d'administration

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 5:30 PMmardi le 10 janvier 2012 17h30

    Public and Media PackageSance publique

    Northeast Cancer Centre Board Room, 4thFloorRamsey Lake Health Centre, Health Sciences North

    Sudbury, Ontario

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Our Vision

    Leading and innovating for excellence in patient care.

    Our Mission

    As a regional hospital serving the residents of the City of Greater Sudbury and northeastern Ontario, we: Deliver high quality patient- and family-centered care, in both official languages; Provide reliable and timely access to care; Support the development of employees, medical staff, volunteers and students; Participate in research and the development and application of evidence-based practices; and Respond to changing needs and advocate for resources and services that promote health and wellness in the

    communities we serve.

    We Value

    Compassionate care Our employees, medical staff, volunteers and students and their quality of work life Respect for diversity Team work, collaboration and partnerships Learning, research and professional development Wise use of our resources Accountability within an integrated regional system A safe environment for our patients and all who work at Health Sciences North Open, honest and ethical communication and decision-making

    Notre vision

    Innover et servir de modle dexcellence en matire de soins aux patientes et aux patients.

    Notre mission

    En tant quhpital rgional desservant les citoyennes et les citoyens de la Ville du Grand Sudbury etdu Nord-Est de lOntario :

    Nous offrons des soins de premire qualit centrs sur le patient et la famille, dans les deux langues officielles; Nous fournissons un accs fiable et opportun aux soins; Nous favorisons le perfectionnement des employs, du personnel mdical, des bnvoles, des tudiantes et des tudiants; Nous participons la recherche, au dveloppement et lapplication de pratiques fondes sur des donnes probantes; Nous rpondons aux besoins changeants et dfendons les ressources et services qui font la promotion de la sant et du mieux-tre dans les communauts que nous servons.

    Nous valorisons Des soins prodigus avec compassion; Nos employs, notre personnel mdical, nos bnvoles, nos tudiants, de mme que leur qualit de vie professionnelle; Le respect de la diversit; Le travail dquipe, la collaboration et les partenariats; Lapprentissage, la recherche et le perfectionnement professionnel; Une sage utilisation des ressources; La responsabilit au sein dun rseau rgional intgr; Un environnement sr pour nos patientes, nos patients et tous ceux qui travaillent

    lHorizon Sant-Nord; Une communication et une prise de dcision ouvertes, honntes et thiques.

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    HSN Board of DirectorsOpen Session Meetings


    The Board of Directors is committed to being open and transparent to its shareholders byconducting its business in public through open board meetings. This is an opportunity for the Boardof Directors to keep the public abreast of what is happening in their health care system. The

    meetings also create and promote an understanding of the role of Health Sciences North/HorizonSant-Nord in the community and to emphasize the responsibilities of the Board and its decision-making process. The public is welcome to attend these meetings.

    Protocol for attending the HSN Board meetings:

    Members of the public and media are asked to be seated along the sides of the room.

    Cameras (with no audio) are permitted in the meeting.

    Tape recorders are prohibited during Board meetings.

    Members of the public and media are not permitted to ask questions or interrupt

    proceedings during the meeting.

    Members of the public and media will be excused from closed (in-camera) sessions.

    Members of the public and media will receive an agenda for open sessions, minutes fromprevious board meeting, presentation handouts, reports from the Chair and CEO, andcommittee reports.

    If media wishes to interview the HSN Board of Directors regarding matters related to theHospital or to health care, the CEO and the Board Chair shall act as the HSN Board ofDirectors exclusive media spokesperson, unless otherwise delegated.

    Meeting ScheduleMeetings begin at 5:30 PM:

    September 13, 2011October 11, 2011November 8, 2011

    December 13, 2011January 10, 2012February 14, 2012

    March 13, 2012April 10, 2012May 8, 2012

    June 12, 2012

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Conseil dadministration de lHSNRunions


    Le Conseil dadministration entend tre ouvert et transparent envers ses actionnaires en dirigeant sesaffaires en public grce aux runions publiques du Conseil. Cest une occasion pour le Conseild'administration de tenir le public au courant de ce qui se passe dans le systme de soins de sant. Deplus, les runions crent et favorisent une comprhension du rle dHorizon Sant-Nord (HSN) dans la

    communaut et mettent en relief les responsabilits du Conseil et son processus dcisionnel. Le public estinvit participer ces runions.

    Voici le protocole pour participer aux runions du Conseil dHorizon Sant-Nord :

    On demande au public et aux mdias de s'asseoir autour de la salle.

    Les camras (sans audio) sont permises durant les runions.

    Les magntophones sont interdits durant les runions du Conseil.

    Le public et les mdias n'ont pas le droit de poser des questions ou dinterrompre le droulementde la runion.

    Le public et les mdias ne peuvent assister aux runions huis clos.

    Le public et les mdias recevront un ordre du jour des runions, le procs-verbal de la runionprcdente du Conseil, les documents de prsentation, lesrapports du prsident et du prsident-directeur gnral ainsi que les rapports des comits.

    Si les mdias dsirent interviewer les membres du Conseil dadministration dHSN sur desquestions lies ltablissement ou aux soins de sant, sauf indication contraire, seuls leprsident-directeur gnral et le prsident du Conseil en sont les porte-parole.

    Calendrier des runions

    Les runions commencent 17 h 30 :

    13 septembre 201111 octobre 2011

    8 novembre 201113 dcembre 2011

    10 janvier 201214 fvrier 201213 mars 201210 avril 20128 mai 201212 juin 2012

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package




    Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    Time: 5:30 PM

    Place: Northea st Ca nc er Centre Boa rd roo m, Leve l 4

    Item Top ic

    1.0 Call to orde r

    Dec laration of C onflic t of InterestM. McC ann

    2.0 Boa rd Educ ation


    Cap ital Red evelopme nt J. Pilon

    3.0 App roval of Minutes

    3.1 Minutes of Dec em ber 13, 2011

    M. McC ann

    4.0 Ensure Prog ram Qua lity and Effectiveness

    4.1 Ac cred itation Sustainab le Governanc e Stand ards

    J. Pilon

    5.0 Items for Information

    7.1 Rep ort of the Cha ir

    7.2 Rep ort of the CEO7.3 Rep ort of the Chief of Sta ff

    7.4 Rep ort of the President of the Med ica l Sta ff

    6.0 Othe r Business

    7.0 Adjournment

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    Capital Redev

    PlanJanuary 20

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    What is a Capital Redevelopment Plan




    withafocusonthepriorityprogramswithinHSNs mission,visio









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    Key Drivers for Our Plan



    ThedevelopmentofaPaediatric CentreofExcellence











    Spaceshortfallsresultingfromscopeandservicechangesasthe new


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    Parking Structure


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    Parking Structure







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    Pediatric Centre of Excellence

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Pediatric Centre of Excellence (PCE)
























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    Mental Health/Post Acute Tower


    Bedsincreasedaccordingtopopulationimpact 72beds







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    HSNs currentSpecializedRehabilitationProgramwillbeex







    Mental Health/Post Acute Tower

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Research Tower




















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    Ambulatory Care Centre












  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Next Steps

    1. ReviewandApprovalofStrategicOptionsand


    Committee January2012

    2. ReviewBusinessCasewithLHIN February20

    3. SubmitBusinessCasetoMOHLTC April2012

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package



    Dece mb er 13, 2011

    5:30 PM

    RCP 4th Floor Board Room

    Op en Session

    Voting Mem be rs Present:

    Boyles, Russ (Cha ir) Petrovic , Stephen

    Ba ld, Rob erta Pitblado, Rog er

    Byc k, Pet er Ma rsh, Dr. David

    Everest, Nic ole Spenc er, Jean-Marc

    Fildes, Deb orah Toffane llo , Paul

    McCann, Mike

    Voting Memb ers Exc used :

    Burgess, Ma rk Sawyer, Pa trice

    Prudhom me, Rachel

    Non-Vo ting Mem be rs Present:

    Bourdon, Dr. Chris Za lan, Dr. Pete r

    Roy, Dr. Denis

    Non-Vo ting Membe rs Exc used :

    Prpic , Dr. Jason Mc Neil, David

    Staff: Pilon, Joe Lapointe , Viviane

    Petersen , Ben Wat son , Rhond a

    Hartma n, Ma rk

    Recorder: Anto ine, Sha ron

    1.0 CALL TO ORDERR. Boyles we lcom ed eve ryone a nd c alled the m eeting to order at 5:34 p.m.


    The a gend a wa s ac c ep ted as c irc ulated with no c onflic ts of interest b eing de c lared.

    2.0 BOARD EDUCATION2.1 Northeast Community Care Access Centre

    North East Com munity Ca re Ac cess Ce ntre CEO Richa rd Joly, Boa rd of

    Direc to rs Cha ir Ron Farrell and past c ha ir Tom Tra inor were w elc om ed to the


    They p resented an ove rview o f the NECCA C g ove rnance m od el - vision,

    mission, values and strategic d irec tion; highlighted som e o f the NECC AC

    projec ts undertaken a nd the future o f home c are.

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Boa rd of Direc to rs Meet ing (OPEN)

    Dec em ber 13 2011


    R. Joly rep orted tha t the Hom e First and Integra ted Discha rge Planning

    prog ram s have b een suc c essful. A 20% increa se in de ma nd for homec are

    ove r the last 16 months is p resent ing a significant c ha llenge to susta ining these


    NECCAC is loo king a t d ifferent wa ys of d elivering c are in the c om munity

    within ava ilab le resources. Telehom e Ca re w as introd uced as a pilot projectthis wee k. A new c lient ca re p op ulation based mod el has be en de veloped .

    In the la st 12 mo nths NECC AC ha s see n 1000 less c lients from t he well

    c ate go ry and 1000 more c lients in the c om plex ca teg ory. Prog ram ming will

    be ad justed to matc h the pop ulation need.

    R. Boyles thanked R. Jo ly, R. Farrell and T. Traino r for an info rma tive

    presenta tion. He a dded tha t HSN understand s their resource issues and looks

    forwa rd to wo rking tog ethe r on future initiatives.

    3.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTESR. Boyles asked the Board to a pprove the minutes from the Novem ber 8, 2011 ope nsession m ee ting .

    MOTION: R. Pitb lado / D. Fildes

    THAT the m inutes of the Board of Direc tors op en session m ee ting he ld on Novem be r 8,

    2011 be a dopted a s c irculated.



    4.1 Rep ort from the Qua lity CommitteeThe report from the Q uality Comm ittee wa s rec eived for informa tion.

    N. Everest high lighted items on the rep ort.

    The Qua lity Co mm ittee spe nt a c onsiderab le am ount o f time d iscussing the

    qua lity fram ew ork, indica tors and the repo rting m atrix. Short-term and long-

    term solutions to simp lify the q ua lity scorec ard and increa se its effec tiveness

    to Q uality Comm ittees and prog ram s we re review ed . The new reporting

    forma t will be impleme nted in Janua ry.

    The q uality scorec ard a nd m onitoring repo rt for pe riod end ing Novemb er

    2011 we re review ed . ED wa it time s c ontinue to b e highlighte d a s a c onc ern.

    MRI and CT Scan ha ve ide ntified p roc ess and wo rkflow improveme nts tha t

    translate to a 20% increa se in effic ienc y.

    The hosp ital submitted a system improve me nt p lan to the LHIN in Janua ry

    2011. The LHIN has req uested the resubmission of a n up dated p lan.

    Hea lth Quality Ontario (HQO) published the new Qua lity Imp rovement Plan

    Guida nce d oc ument. One new d imension Integrated has been a dd ed to

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Boa rd of Direc to rs Meet ing (OPEN)

    Dec em ber 13 2011


    the Qua lity Imp rovement Plan. D. Ba rna rd p resented the p rop osed

    ap proa c h for the d eve lop ment of the 2012-2013 Qua lity Imp roveme nt Plan .

    The c om mittee rece ived an upd ate on a cc red itat ion. The self assessments

    and Governanc e Func tioning too l will be ad ministered to the Boa rd o f

    Direc to rs in January 2012.

    An ed uc ation plan co vering key elements of information Qua lity Comm ittee

    mem be rs need to know or be a wa re of to help them ma ke more informed

    dec isions is be ing deve lop ed . Educat ion content suitab le fo r the full Boa rd

    will be brought forwa rd to the Governance and Nominating Com mittee for



    5.1 Rep ort from the Financ e Comm itteeThe report from the Financ e C om mittee w as rec eived for information.J. M. Spenc er noted tha t the Finance C om mittee received p resenta tions on

    the 35 Cente nnial Drive Pa rking Lot and the Expense Rep orting Too l on the

    public website.

    6.0 ENSURE BOARD EFFECTIVENESSGove rnanc e & Nominating Comm ittee

    6.1 Report from the Gove rnanc e & Nomina ting Comm itteeThe G overnanc e a nd Nominating Co mmittee Rep ort w as rec eived for

    information. M. Mc Ca nn highlighte d that the rep ort includes

    rec om menda tions for the Boa rd to ap prove the upd ating o f Boa rd Policies to

    reflect the ne w nam e o f HSN, the wo rk plans of the Exec utive, Qua lity a nd

    Finance Committees, revisions to Board Policies II-4 and II-6 and thepostp one me nt o f the Boa rd Plena ry Session to e arly sp ring. The rep ort also

    highlights tha t P. Toffa nello and Dr. Roy w ill be m aking a p resenta tion to the

    Timmins and Distric t Boa rd of Direc to rs in the Ne w Yea r.

    MOTION #1: P. Byc k / R. Bald


    Plea se Note t his mo tion wa s ap proved by t he Boa rd of Direc tors via em a il on

    Novemb er 24, 2011

    THAT the Gove rnanc e a nd Nom inating Com mittee recom mend s the Boa rd of

    Directors approve the appointment of Vince Pollesel to the position of

    co mmunity m emb er on the Finance Committee.

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    Boa rd of Direc to rs Meet ing (OPEN)

    Dec em ber 13 2011


    MOTION #2: P. Toffanel lo / Dr. D. Ma rsh

    WHEREAS the HRSRH is now op era ting as Hea lth Sc ienc es North / Horizon


    THAT upon the rec omm enda tion of the Governance and Nominating Com mittee

    the Boa rd of Direc tors ap prove the upda ting of all Boa rd of Directo rs Polic ies withthe orga nization s new na me of Hea lth Sc ienc es North / Horizon Sant-Nord .

    AND THAT the Board of Direc tors ap prove the revised po licies as presented .

    MOTION #3: D. Fildes / N. Eve rest

    THAT upon the recom menda tion of the Go vernance and Nominating

    Com mittee the Boa rd of Direc tors ac cep ts the 2011/ 2012 Exec utive

    Com mittee Work Plan.

    MOTION#4: D. Fildes / R. Pitb lado

    THAT upon the recom menda tion of the Go vernance and Nominating

    Com mittee the Boa rd of Direc tors acc ep t the 2011/12 Quality Com mittee Work


    MOTION #5: P. Byc k / R. Bald

    THAT upon the recom menda tion of the Go vernance and Nominating

    Com mittee the Boa rd of Directors ac cep t the 2011/ 12 Finance Co mm ittee

    Work Plan.

    MOTION#6: P. Toffanello / J. M. Spenc er

    THAT upon the recom mend ation of the Gove rnanc e a nd Nom inatingCom mittee the Boa rd o f Direc tors ac cep t the cha nges to the Boa rd of

    Direc tors Polic ies II-4 and II-6 to reflec t the new qua rterly me eting forma t of

    the Exec utive Comm ittee.

    MOTION #7: D. Fildes / N. Eve rest

    THAT upon the recom mend ation of the Gove rnanc e a nd Nom inating

    Committee the Board of Directors approve moving the date of the 2012 Board

    Plena ry Session to early spring .

    Build ing, Fac ilities & Long Range Planning Co mm ittee

    6.2 Rep ort from the Building , Fac ilities and Long Rang e Planning Com mitteeThe rep ort from the Build ing, Fac ilities and Long Range Planning C om mittee

    we re rece ived for information. R. Ba ld highlighte d tha t the c om mittee

    rec eived an upd ate on the m ulti-leve l parking struc ture a nd Centennial Drive

    Parking lot; they d isc ussed the HSN strateg ic p lanning p rocess and end orsed

    the memb ership o f the Strat eg ic Planning Stee ring Co mm ittee ; and finalized

    their c om mittee wo rk plan.

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Boa rd of Direc to rs Meet ing (OPEN)

    Dec em ber 13 2011


    7.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION7.1 Rep ort of the Boa rd Cha ir

    The Rep ort of the Boa rd C ha ir was rec eived for informa tion.

    7.2 Rep ort o f the CEOThe CEO Rep ort wa s rec eived for informa tion. Dr. D. Roy no ted tha t his

    participa tion in the Hea lthca re Refo rm Symp osium and World Executive

    Forum on Healthca re a llow ed him to rea lize tha t we are not a lone in

    expe riencing diffic ult hea lth transforma tion.

    7.3 Rep ort of the COSNone.

    7.4 Rep ort of the President of the Med ica l StaffDr. Zalan emp hasized tha t it will be c ruc ial to imp lement lean ma nageme nt

    p roc esses and ma ximize o ur resources in these d ifficult ec ono mic times.


    9.0 ADJOURNMENTThere b eing no furthe r business to d isc uss, the mee ting w as ad journed a t 628 p .m.

    / Dr. D. Ma rsh

    R. Boyles, Cha ir

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    Standards for Sus

    GovernancJanuary 20

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Accreditation Canada

    Accreditation Canada is a not-for-profit, independent orgprovides health organizations with an external peer reviethe quality of their services based on standards of excel

    Accreditation standards assess governance, risk managleadership, infection prevention and control, and medicamanagement, as well as services in over 30 sectors.

    Accreditation Canadas Sustainable Governance Standaon current research and best practice in the field, and re

    on accountability for ensuring quality of care.

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Standards for Sustainable Governanc

    Accreditation Canada's Standards for Sustainable Governon five key functions of governance:1. Developing the mission, vision and values;2. Collecting and using knowledge and information;3. Developing the organization;4. Building relationships with stakeholders; and

    5. Demonstrating accountability.

    Much of the Boards governance responsibilities are met tcommittees: Executive Committee (EC) Governance and Nominating Committee (GNC)

    Quality Committee (QC) Finance Committee (FC), Audit Committee (AC) Building, Facility and Long Range Planning Committee

  • 8/3/2019 HSN Public Package


    Developing a Clear Direction

    The governing body develops the organizations missio

    The governing body leads a strategic planning processorganizations vision, and sets the strategic plan, goalsobjectives. (BFLRC)

    The governing body defines values for the organizationused to guide decision-making and for determining howdelivered. (BFLRC)

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    Building Knowledge Through Informa

    The governing body uses strategic information to make d

    The governing body reviews information from a variety oexternal sources. The governing body uses the informatinformed decisions and guide the organizations long-ter(BFRLC, QC, FC)

    The governing body allocates resources and delegates acollect and analyze the information it requires to carry ouresponsibilities. (QC, FC)

    The organization maintains records of the governing bodand decisions that are easy to access and meet legal re(GNC)

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    Functioning as an Effective Governin

    The governing body addresses changes in its members

    The governing body operates according to its roles andresponsibilities. (GNC)

    The governing body regularly evaluates its own perform

    The governing body regularly assesses its own team fuusing the Governance Functioning Tool. (GNC)

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    Supporting the Organization to AchieMandate

    The governing body recruits, selects, and evaluates theExecutive Officer . (EC and Board)

    The governing body works effectively with the CEO, se

    management, and clinical leadership to achieve the strand objectives and improve the organizations performaBoard Committees)

    The governing body approves the allocation of resourc

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    Maintaining Positive Relationships wiStakeholders

    The governing body strengthens relationships with stakeholdecommunity. (Board as a whole)

    The governing body works with the CEO to identify stakeholdeinformation about their characteristics.

    The governing body works with the CEO to establish a comm

    The communication plan includes strategies to communicate to different groups and the community.

    The governing body, with the CEO, promotes the organization

    demonstrates the value of its services to stakeholders and the

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    Being Accountable and Achieving SuResults

    The governing body regularly monitors and evaluates torganizations performance. (QC, FC)

    The governing body has an effective system of financiaand control. (FC, AC)

    The governing body demonstrates accountability to its (Board as a whole)

    The governing body works with the CEO to reduce riskorganization and promote ongoing quality improvemen

    The governing body fosters and supports a culture of sthroughout the organization. (QC,FC)

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    Board Self Assessment

    Accreditation Canada requires the Board to do a self asstwo tools:

    1. Sustainable Governance Questionnaire this is dirassessing your performance in meeting the standardsAccreditation Canada.

    Website, Organization Code and Password: will be commun

    Directors via email

    The portal will be open from January 10 24 for boardcomplete the on-line survey.

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    Board Self Assessment

    Accreditation Canada requires the Board to do a self ass

    two tools:

    2. Governance Functioning Tool this assessment is assessing the performance of the Board processes an

    Website, Organization Code and Password: will be commun

    Directors via email

    The portal will be open from January 10 24 for boardcomplete the on-line survey.

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    Board Self Assessment

    Your responses to the survey will create an electronic roa

    identifying opportunities for the Board to improve its perfo

    processes and structures.

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    New Year Greetings

    2011 proved to be a year of great challenges, opportunities and accomplishments atHSN. In the past twelve months we both honoured our past and charted a new coursefor our future. We launched new innovative programs, increased our research activities,saw groundbreaking surgical procedures performed, and recruited record numbers ofhealth care providers, all while providing vital front-line care to our patients.

    This year will see us continue to expand the range of services we provide. We willincrease our research and teaching activities, and make further strides in our goal toprovide effective, efficient and timely care in a manner that is transparent andaccountable to all of our stakeholders.

    I look forward to many more successes at HSN this year, thanks to the quality of ourpeople and the strength and support of our community.

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    HSN Employees Honoured by Greater Sudbury Police ServiceCongratulations to HSN nurses Jill Riva-Patey and Debbie Casera who were honoured

    for their community service at this years Greater Sudbury Police Services Board AnnualAwards Banquet. They both received Police Assistance Awards for their roles in helpingvictims of two separate vehicle collisions this past year. Jill Riva-Patey is a RegisteredNurse who is the Manager of CQI, Risk Management and Special Projects in the MentalHealth and Addictions Program at HSN. She has been an employee at HSN for 20years. Debbie Casera is a Registered Nurse and the Clinical Leader of the FunctionalAssessment and Outcome Unit at the Sudbury Outpatient Centre of HSN. She hasworked at HSN for 32 years. Were very honoured to have Ms. Riva-Patey and Ms.Casera as part of the HSN family.

    HAVEN Program Celebrates 20th anniversary this monthThis month, the HAVEN Program is celebrating its 20th anniversary. HAVEN (HIV/AIDS

    Extended Network) provides clinical care, counselling, and social support to people withHIV/AIDS. Since HAVEN started in 1992, it has helped over 800 patients with HIV/AIDS.Congratulations to the multidisciplinary team at HAVEN, and we look forward to itsongoing success.

    Good Catch Recognition ProgramThe Good Catch Recognition Program is a pilot project running from December 1st,2011 to February 29th, 2012. The program aims to encourage the reporting of GoodCatches throughout the organization allowing us to create a culture of learning andcontinuous improvement. A Good Catch is defined as an event or situation that couldhave resulted in an accident, injury, illness or damage to a patient, client, visitor, staff orphysician. To date, the program is already beginning to show results. In the month of

    December, there were more good catches reported than in any previous month. Thesegood catches have provided us the opportunity to put corrective actions in place toprevent any harm to patients and staff.

    KICX For Kids CampaignIn 2011, HSN launched a five-year campaign with radio station KICX 91.7 FM to raise$250,000 for our Family and Child Program and Pediatric Centre of Excellence. The firstgoal of the KICX For Kids campaign is to raise funds to purchase three new ventilators inour Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit. The KICX For Kids campaign enjoyed a successfulholiday season, with such promotions as an all-day on-air auction and fund-raising gift-wrapping booth at the New Sudbury Centre.

    Staff Food DriveThrough the efforts of many willing staff members who volunteered their time to makethis time of year a little brighter for their colleagues, the HSN family was able to collect,package and deliver over 400 food boxes to confidentially identified staff members inneed. I would like to thank our staff and physicians for their continued generosity and tothe many other programs and services who held their own food and toy drives to helptheir patients and clients in need.