HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 3-21-2015

1 HSIC March 21, 2015: https://youtu.be/HV-g9DkjzMY Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes: ANNOUNCEMENTS: We will not meet next week, March 28. We encourage you to join MorningStar's 50+ conference. Also, we will not be having a prayer meeting Tuesday evening. MARKET WRAP (8:00) CNBC Headline: Janet Yellen made a few statements this week that caused the Euro to strengthen. The Euro has been weak, so money has been running to the USD. This makes the USD more expensive, which means it takes fewer dollars to buy the Dow and S&P. Yellen’s declaration meant the dollar will stay weak longer than what people thought. Therefore the dollar fell, the Euro strengthened and markets rallied. Some people were watching for the market to collapse on Thursday or Friday, but it rallied instead. The markets are manipulated.


HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 3-21-2015

Transcript of HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 3-21-2015

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    HSIC March 21, 2015: https://youtu.be/HV-g9DkjzMY

    Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes: ANNOUNCEMENTS:

    We will not meet next week, March 28. We encourage you to join MorningStar's 50+ conference.

    Also, we will not be having a prayer meeting Tuesday evening. MARKET WRAP (8:00)

    CNBC Headline:

    Janet Yellen made a few statements this week that caused the Euro to strengthen.

    The Euro has been weak, so money has been running to the USD. This makes the USD more expensive, which means it takes fewer dollars to buy the Dow and S&P.

    Yellens declaration meant the dollar will stay weak longer than what people thought. Therefore the dollar fell, the Euro strengthened and markets rallied.

    Some people were watching for the market to collapse on Thursday or Friday, but it rallied instead.

    The markets are manipulated.


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    You can see from this chart, that weve been in an up trend for 6+ years without a 10% correction. This is the definition of a manipulated market!

    In the last couple years, Japan has intervened in their stock market 143 times! They have bought up ETFs, and the Bank of Japan is now the largest holder of stocks in the nation.

    Such outright intervention is illegal in America; however, the government/Fed has alternative ways to prop up our market.

    The US uses the NY Fed to purchase S&P 500 futures on the CME, which in turn forces the equity market up.

    The US is continuing to give almost interest free loans to banks so they can buy up their own stocks and give themselves bonuses. (Not loan to individuals!)

    This cant go on forever! S&P 500

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    The S&P is back up above the 50 day moving average and is nearing all-time highs again.

    There is all kinds of bad news: China is beginning to decline, Japan is doing everything they can to devalue the Yen but is still struggling, Russia & Iran are devastated by sanctions, there are wars in Syria and Iraq - the world is in a mess! Can global GDP continue to grow in the midst of all this?

    The world is looking for a secure place to put their money, so they run to the USD. This is why the US market and treasury bonds are going up.

    Ken believes the US creates crises in the world to keep America on top. Larry Edelson: A Financial World Turned Upside Down http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/

    Nothing makes sense for investors any more

    Massive expansion of the money supply yet the dollar grows stronger every day and inflation is virtually non-existent

    War, terrorism and geopolitical crises spread like wildfire yet gold

    and silver collapse

    The economy stagnates, pessimism abounds and the American Dream is all but dead yet the stock market booms

    All this has left millions of investors dazed, confused and scrambling for answers. The problem is, theyre looking for those answers in an obsolete financial playbook better suited to the financial world of decades ago.

    We dont see inflation like one would think after all the QE. TV sets are getting bigger and cheaper, but food packages are getting smaller and prices are going up.

    Gold is being manipulated as well. Bullion banks, China and Saudi Arabia are buying gold shorts on the futures market to suppress the price for them to buy more bullion at lower prices.

    We want to accumulate gold and silver when the prices drop in the short term, because we believe it will go up in the long-term.

    Today we're existing in a manipulated market. The financial elite are prospering, and the common people are losing because of this manipulation.

    The average JP Morgan employee only made $273,000 in their bonus.

    Many executives get paid solely on the company's stock performance. That's why they take the free money from the Fed and buy their own stock.

    Where Are All The Houses For Sale? (21:30)

    CNBC: Millions of Underwater Homeowners are Trapped http://www.cnbc.com/id/102512102

    Weak housing construction and the growth of the single-family rental market have pushed down supply for sure, but one nagging leftover of the housing crash is literally trapping potential sellers in their homes: Negative equity.


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    Some 5.4 million homes, or 10.4 percent of all homes with a mortgage, were still in a negative equity position, or "underwater," in the fourth quarter of 2014, according to CoreLogic, as their owners owe more on the mortgage than the home is currently worth. This is down considerably 18.9 percent, from a year agobut it still keeps these borrowers from putting their homes on the market, because they would lose money.

    If you pay a realtor, youd need equity in your home about $10,000 to $20,000 just to pay sellling costs. If you include this in the underwater figures, they go up another 12-15%.

    They're saying there's not enough homes in the market, but it's only because these people can't sell because they're under water! They have to wait to sell until home prices go up.

    Try to get out from under those situations. This may be the last time you can sell a home at a reasonable price before the market collapsesthat is, unless inflation finally catches up with us!

    One man paid only $6,000 USD for a luxury home in Zimbabwe because of the severe inflation. He bought it in Zimbabwe dollars, and after inflation took off, he was able to pay off his mortgage with nearly worthless money.

    US Begins to Abandon Saudi Arabia (25:30)

    Ken has been saying for a while that he thinks the US is abandoning Saudi Arabia as their partner in the Middle East, and that the NWO's plan is to carve up Saudi Arabia.

    ZeroHedge: State Department Shuts US Embassy in Ally Saudi Arabia Amid Heightened Security Concerns http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-15/state-department-shuts-us-embassy-ally-saudi-arabia-amid-heightened-security-concern

    As The BBC reports, The US embassy in the Saudi capital Riyadh has cancelled all consular services for Sunday and Monday due to "heightened security concerns". In a statement, the embassy said consular services in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dhahran would not be available. It urged US citizens to take extra precautions when travelling in Saudi Arabia and to keep a low profile. On Friday, the embassy warned that Western oil workers could be the target of militant attacks. It said it had information that "individuals associated with a terrorist organisation" could be targeting people working in the oil-rich Eastern Province.

    The oil-rich Eastern province is the Shi'ite province.

    We expect to see more news like this, attacks on oil rigs, etc.


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    US Allies Desert Obama (27:00)

    ZeroHedge: Plan B? Major European Allies Desert Obama, Join China-led Infrastructure Bank http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-17/plan-b-major-european-allies-desert-obama-join-china-led-infrastructure-bank

    It appears the sea of de-dollarization has reached the shores of Europe. With Australia and UK having already moved in the direction of joining the China-led AIIB, The FT reports that France, Germany, and Italy have now all agreed to join the development bank as 'pivot to Asia' appears to be Plan B for Europe. As The FT reports,

    France, Germany and Italy have all agreed to follow Britains lead and join a China-led international development bank, according to European officials, delivering a blow to US efforts to keep leading western countries out of the new institution.

    Plan B is the IMF's plan to reorganize the financial system of the world.

    The US won't let them use Plan A, so they've come up with another way to implement the change.

    The US's allies in the World Bank are deserting us and going with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

    ZeroHedge: US "Isolated" as Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-led Bank http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-20/us-cold-ally-japan-considers-joining-china-led-bank

    Just a week ago it appeared Washington had managed (for the time being at least) to convince the US closest allies to refrain from joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a sinocentric institution aimed at promoting development across Asia that is meant to rival the US/Japanese-led ADB and begin a seismic shift away from the worlds traditionally US-dominated institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF. Then, much to the chagrin of Washington, the UK joined as a founding member calling it an unrivaled opportunity. As we and many other observers correctly noted at the time, the move by Britain could well embolden other countries who had expressed an interest initially but been deterred by pressure from Washington to reconsider their bids for membership. In (very) short order, everyone from Germany to Australia to Luxembourg was suddenly ready to cast their lot with the Chinese despite US warnings that the bank wont adopt the proper operational standards. As we said yesterday, the world is now wise to the fact that US criticism of the new venture is very likely nothing more than an attempt by The White House to undermine Chinese regional ambition: ...and that means in short order Australia and South Korea will likely be on board and at that point, the stigma the US has created around membership will have completely disappeared (if it hasnt already), opening the door for other US allies to join despite the banks alleged low standards.

    They're afraid that China will make an investment in a project without sound environmental laws, etc.


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    More and more nations are leaving the US and going towards China.

    Ken could see God's hand in putting Obama in office as part of His judgment on America.

    Obama's policies are making America more friendly to Muslims, and turning us more into a socialist nation.

    Shane Warren: "I Have Seen the Future of America" (

    See Sid's interview with Shane here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87l4512Q4rY (From 17:20 - 25:04)

    Alternately, a transcription of the interview can be found here: http://sidroth.org/site/DocServer/IS660Transcript_Warren.pdf?docID=4881

    Shane Warren: Hurricaine Over America Open Vision (2012) http://shanewarren.org/the-crosshair-of-prophecy/

    I recently had an open vision of the future of America. I was sitting on my couch when suddenly my TV changed channels to a current weather forecast. I was shocked as the newscaster showed a picture of what appeared to be the largest hurricane I had ever seen. Normally hurricanes form in the ocean as stormy winds collide and then make their way toward land; however, this hurricane was completely different! It was already on land, specifically America. As they showed a satellite image of this storm, I noticed that it spread from the America-Canada border to the American-Mexico border. The eye of the storm was plowing through the heartland of America. The news anchor said, We have a correspondent on the ground in the storm. The scene switched. I watched a young man with a microphone in a rain suit being tossed by the wind. I could see some sort of debris swirling around his head. He said, This is a most unusual storm. Its not raining as is normal. He reached down toward the ground and picked up a handful of one-dollar bills. Its raining money! he shouted. The scene went back to the news anchor. In shock I sat there as I heard him say, Ladies and gentleman, there has been another catastrophe. It seems that a major earthquake has hit the New Madrid Fault. Pictures flashed before my eyes of devastation, as cities had collapsed from the shaking. Immediately, I


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    heard a loud voice behind my right ear that said sternly, THEY DIVIDED MY LAND. NOW I WILL DIVIDE THEIRS! I knew that this was the voice of God and that He was judging America because of her reckless policies concerning Israel. As the vision unfolded, I saw the collapse of the dollar. Riots filled the streets of Americas cities. I saw people holding large picket signs that read, I want my entitlements! I watched a private meeting of foreign nations [China, Russia, Iran, etc.] that met for the sole purpose of devaluing the dollar. The price of silver went up, a fact that I have no explanation for to this day.

    Sid Roth also had a clear dream where God said same thing about silver going way up.

    Shane also saw churches becoming Cities of Refuge. Excerpt from Transcript:

    SID: Okay. What is the hope that you also were shown by God? SHANE: Churches became cities of refuge. SID: In other words, the government wasn't helping people with need. Churches were helping people with need. SHANE: All of a sudden the body of Christ stood up like a mighty sleeping giant in the earth and began tominister. And people were coming to them. And I saw signs and wonders, and miracles being poured out all over America. I saw America being shaken as the world couldn't go to the government any more. They had to come back to the church for help I saw literally like cities of refuge. Entire cities became cities of refuge where the scripture talks about, "There was rain in one city and no rain in another city." I saw that. People were plunging into these cities because there was life there. There was glory there. The presence of God was there. There was peace there, and they were running to that, and revival was taking place. SID: What is, based on everything you've seen, the future of America? Are our best days ahead of us or are we in judgment right now? SHANE: I believe that we have a two-sided coin taking place. That on one hand, judgment is beginning. That God has had His fill of immorality. That God has had His fill of complacency. SID: And what's the other side? SHANE: The other side is this glorious outpouring. Always when judgment comes, it's always unto mercy. But Sid, I must clarify, I believe that we're running out of time.

    Below is a map that Naval intelligence prepared as a scenario if there was a quake along the New Madrid Fault:

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    Entire cities would be lost if there was major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault.

    They expect the Mississippi River would no longer be navigable. Bridges and Piplines along that corridor would be destroyed.

    This would be the result of America betraying Israel.

    Bibi Netenyahu was just re-elected, which has angered Obama. Obama has now gone to the UN to support the Muslims in their quest to divide Jerusalem.

    Ken believes God has hardened Obama's heart like He did with Pharoah.

    Obama has repeatedly acted like a king doing what he wants regardless of how the American people vote.

    This is the NWO's plan to consolidate the world into 10 economic regions, with leaders over each one.

    When the 10 leaders become alligned with the antichrist, they will grow in power.

    However, God will manifest Himself in His people as well!

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    Petrodollars are dollars used in the international oil trade. Currently, oil is required to be

    bought & sold in USD.

    Eurodollars are from where nations use the USD as their currency.

    There will eventually not be a need for Eurodollars or Petrodollars.

    This is what the hurricane of dollars was! When these trillions dollars come flooding back to the US, it will cause inflation to skyrocket.

    With the Asian development bank and BRICS Bank, nations will no longer need USD.

    We've said for a long time that silver will go much higher than gold. Also, silver will be easier for common people to trade with.

    Our partner, Martin Powell is selling gold and silver: www.kingdom-talents.com SDR In Trouble? (52:15)

    Christine Lagarde is in China today! (Mar 19 - Mar 23) She was just in India a few days ago.

    IMF: Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Visit India and China http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2015/pr15112.htm

    In China, Ms. Lagarde will meet with the top Chinese leadership and senior officials, including Peoples Bank of China Governor ZHOU Xiaochuan and Finance Minister LOU Jiwei, to discuss the latest developments in the global economy, Chinas ongoing reform efforts, and collaboration between the IMF and China.


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    SDR stands for "Special Drawing Rights."

    The SDR is an international currency that is made up of a basket of other currencies:

    This is an international currency that will eventually replace the Eurodollar and


    But if the USD, Euro, and Yen are in trouble, then isnt the SDR in trouble?

    When the Eurodollars and Petrodollars come back to America, the USD will be in trouble.

    With the composite currencies in trouble, we could see the Chinese yuan and Indian rupee being added to the mix. They're meeting in July to talk about the yuan.

    The pertinent question is: Why is Lagarde in India and China?

    The AIIB is opposite to the World Bank, and the BRICS Bank is opposite to the IMF.

    Strategic Event Timeline: IMF:

    Cristine Lagarde in India and China 3/16 - 3/23

    5 yr SDR review May-Sep

    IMS (new monetary system) and SDRs possibly implemented 1/1/16 UN:

    Feb-June New Debt Restructuring. Cyprus and Greece alternatives proposed.

    They plan on implementing the restructuring near the end of 2015 BRICS Bank:

    They're competing with the IMF, but may be working with the IMF in order to get Plan B accomplished.

    Next BRICS meeting in Russia in July.

    New BRICS Bank up and functioning Nov 2015.

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    CIPS (China Intl Payment System - alternative to SWIFT) starts Sep/Oct 2015. US:

    We reached the debt limit on 3/16.

    We will run out of money unless debt limit is raised again in October or November. Obamacare:

    Supreme Court decision in June.

    Ken thinks it will be defunded which will send the stock market into a downturn (based on prophetic revelation.)


    The pope said 12/8/15 - 11/20/16 will be a year of Jubilee - Jubilee of Mercy.

    Ken believes he is privy to all the other world plans. Israel:

    The 9th of Av (in July) is the day the 1st and 2nd temples were destroyed.

    Look for Obama's offensive against Israel at the UN to occur around this time.

    The US is in control of the world economy because the USD is the world's reserve currency.

    The US uses the USD as a weapon in the world, and we as citizens benefit from their corrupt practices, even if unintentionally.

    Every nation has an IMF Substitution account where they can bring any currency to the IMF and convert it into SDRs.

    People will try to spend their dollars in America to get something of value for them. This will send inflation sky high.

    Eventually the IMF will probably partner up with the BRICS Bank. Ken think theyre in cahoots with them now against America?

    The IMF requires 85% agreement to pass anything. Right now the US has 16.71% voting rights - veto power.

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    Theyre talking about restructuring the percentages of each currency that makes up the SDR based on purchasing power parity (PPP), China will have a greater voting rights, taking away US veto power, and relocating the IMF headquarters to China.

    They're moving away from a "unilateral world" (ruled by America) and towards a "multilateral world", though it's really just moving towards the NWO.

    Theyll do this by promise developing nations the moon social programs ending poverty, etc.

    Then theyll throw fear at us to coerce people into agreement with their plan.

    Then in Phase 3: theyll undertake mega projects around the world and pay for them with SDRs.

    The nations in trouble will be refinanced in SDRs and the new loans will be in SDRs as well.

    For further reading, see:

    Bullionstar Blogs: UN Preparing for Global Sovereign Debt Restructuring https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/koos-jansen/un-preparing-for-global-sovereign-debt-restructuring/ Journal of UN: Resolution Towards the Establishment of a Multilateral Legal Framework for Sovereign Debt Restructuring Processes http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/68/304&Lang=E National Catholic Register: Pope Francis Announces Jubilee of Mercy http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/pope-francis-announces-jubilee-of-mercy/

    The Catholic church probably has enough money to pay off entire nations' debt, though the Pope hasn't said they would.

    The end of 2015/beginning of 2016 will be a crisis time in the world. Austria is having problems, oil will continue to fall, etc.

    Nick Pujdak Selling Frenzy Dream

    I had a dream last night (2-18-2015) that there was a selling frenzy in the stock market when? I dont know - but I remember looking at my desktop on my trading page and, like in techno-color, people were selling faster and faster as people were losing more and more of their capital (it looked like a war game or nuclear war game) Time frame: I dont know -- that wasnt given to me -- I dont know if a dream is in color it means it is quicker to come to pass or in B&W...

    Regardless He is our exceeding precious reward...

    How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

    (Proverbs 16:16)

    Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.

    (Proverbs 3:15)

    Frank (IWI Member) Dream:

    On Saturday (2/7/15) I had a dream where I was in my office watching a stock chart from a company called Healthcare America. It started at $80 and moved to $60 rather quickly, I thought that would be a good place to jump in so I bought


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    6 shares for a move back up as it was a strong company. It continued moving down to $40 and that is when I looked for more information about the company. It apparently had fabricated any(thing) that resembled substance and was imploding. I continued to watch as it went through $20 and all the way to $2 dollars. I remember thinking I should look at what was happening in the equity markets and they starting to move down as other companies were being affected by this drop. I remember feeling like there was nothing I could do to get out of this trade as it was too late. A co-worker came into the room while I was watching all of this and asked if I was ok. I told them what I just witnessed and left with them to go get some lunch. End of Dream. It is possible that this is saying something about the healthcare weighing on the US markets. No timing was included other than it all happened before lunch.

    Ken believes the Supreme Court decision in June will cause the healthcare system to collapse, and the stock market will follow.

    If Obama continues to betray America, there is a likelihood that some states will try to secede. Several states already have movements to that end, especially in Texas.

    Investment Allocation Pyramid (1:25:30)

    This is an ideal situation for someone with lots of money to allocate their portfolio.

    Those with limited funds may have to discern a few of these that fit their situation the best.

    Ken tends to have more in top and the bottom - Foundation for security, Speculation for high returns.

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    Silver like this good for the Foundation section of the pyramid.

    If all your wealth is in digital currency, you may be in trouble

    Each coin has 1 Troy oz. of 0.999 pure silver. It has a $1 face value; however the coin's intrinsic silver market value is far higher.

    The Silver Eagle Coin is legal tender in the United States which allows it to more easily cross national borders than silver bullion bars.

    The Silver Eagle can be purchased at www.kingdom-talents.com, www.kitco.com, and www.goldsilver.com, among others.

    The Talent is a religious medallion designed and produced by one of our partners,

    Martin Powell at Kingdom Talents.

    The Talent is NOT legal tender, and therefore not vulnerable to possible government confiscation of coins.

    Each Talent contains 1 Troy oz. of 0.999 pure silver and can be purchased in tubes of 20.

    Where To Buy: http://kingdom-talents.com/product/silvertalent/


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    Jewelry - you can buy very fine metals and wear them. You wouldn't have to claim their value when crossing boarders.

    Where To Buy: http://goldsilver.com/buy-online/gold-without-borders/

    With a Silver Debit Card, Perpetual Assets holds silver in a vault for you in Texas. Any time you use the debit card, they would charge you a fee for converting silver to cash, but it is a way to have access to bullion in a vault. It gives security with flexibility.

    Where To Buy: https://www.perpetualassets.com/silver-debit-card


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    The IRA LLC allows the individual to take physical, at-home, possession of certain Gold

    and Silver Coins with IRA funds and it is not a taxable distribution.

    The metal does not have to be held at a depository and can be purchased from the dealer of your choice.

    For those that have considered cashing out their IRAs or 401ks thus paying taxes and penalties, this can be a much cheaper alternative to physically holding precious metals.

    Costs about $2,000 to set up the paperwork.

    Where to Buy: https://www.perpetualassets.com/news/2014/09/16/gold-silver-ira-you-store-it-yourself/

    We expect the government will eventually transfer all retirement funds into a government-run social security program.

    We expect gold and silver to continue to be manipulated down in the short term until China has the reserves they need.

    Traders can short gold or silver through DUST or DZZ.

    We don't feel that GLD is a safe place for gold investments. Rather, consider Sprott's PHYS or PSLV.


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    Currency Alternatives

    Bitcoin has had all kinds of scandals, but it could skyrocket when the USD starts to implode.

    It may be a good idea to open an account now and just buy 1 BitCoin just to have it ready when the time comes.

    Where to buy: https://www.coinbase.com/charts

    It went straight up in Dec 2013 because of capital controls and currency collapse in Cyprus and Greece.

    The people were trying to find any way they could to hold onto their money.

    IRAs are a good way to protect wealth from taxes, especially self-directed IRAs vs trading accounts.

    In a trading account, the government taxes all of the gains, but only allows $3,000 in losses per year, so you may end up paying much more capital gains tax than actual profit that you made.

    An IRA protects against this, because you're only taxed on money that you withdraw from the account.


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    You can hold other currencies through travelers cheques.

    Where to buy: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/content/prepaid/travelers-cheques

    Where to Buy: https://www.everbank.com/investing/marketsafe/brics

    Company Updates (1:42:45) BioTime (BTX)

    They think it went up on news that they have an app that will help asthma patients.

    This is great science, and they saw the income potential for this app.


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    Asterias (AST)

    Geron (GERN)

    Johnson & Johnson bought Gerons drug, Imetelstat, and may buy out GERN.

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    Ocata (OCAT)

    Liberty Star (LBSR)

    NR: Liberty Star CEO/Chief Geologist Briscoe Updates Manila, Philippines Hay Mountain Project Presentation http://www.libertystaruranium.com/2015/03/17/nr-196-liberty-star-ceochief-geologist-briscoe-updates-manila-philippines-hay-mountain-project-presentation/

    Planet Resource Recovery (PRRY)

    NR: Planet Resource Recoverys PetroLuxus WC Shows Significant Oil Production in Marginal Wells http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/planet-resource-recoverys-petroluxus-wc-shows-significant-oil-production-marginal-wells-otc-pink-prry-2001272.htm

    They've begun treating oil wells with their Petroluxus with great results.

    Each well is producing 5-15 times as much after treatment.

    These wells are being operated by small family operations, so these results are making huge difference for them.

    We expect demand for the product to greatly increase because of these results.

    These tests have been going for 6 weeks, and the pressure has kept up and are continuing to perform.

    PRRY is a little-known, thinly traded stock.

    Many companies are beginning to take off at the same time the world systems are crashing! Pray about what/when to do.

    One woman share a dream with Ken. In it, she was talking to a friend. Financial crisis had hit America, and she was in a desparate situation. The lady told her: "You need to buy LBSR - you only have a small amount of money..."

    We believe it will take off, and as the crisis comes, it will come time for the dream to be fulfilled.


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    When you buy stock, you become an owner of the company, which gives you authority to pray!

    Next week, Ken will share more about the chart below.

    Want to get into their strategies for each mountain, but also God's place above the cloud and how to counter their strategies.

    Chat Log Olsen: What was the name of the Canadian companies that pay dividends? kenstor: Barrick and Newmont kenstor: Good morning and welcome to the meeting! Consistent: yes! Consistent: Is an IRA still a good idea for the future? kenstor: Thank you all so much for your generosity! If you'd like to donate, you may click on the 'Donate' button below or send a check to 5046 Weber Court, Fort Mill, SC 29715 These notes are very basic and include links to the primary news, charts and graphs used in our discussions and news releases by companies on our many Watch Lists. They are best used in conjunction with listening to our MP3s or viewing the video. Please see our web site for the full disclaimer. https://www.investingwithinsight.com/termsofuse.php


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    Notice: This analysis and forecast is for the exclusive use of Investing with Insight's paid members and should be considered private and confidential. It is for the personal use of members only. The forecasts are those that are used by our Chief Market Analyst, Ken Storey, for his personal investing and should not be considered financial advice. Please see our disclaimer below. You can also post on www.Facebook.com/investingwithinsight Join Other Members of Our Community on a Live Prayer Call: Jocelyn Carson is the prayer coordinator each week. Please join her and the community in praying for investing revelation, our companies, our nation, etc. Date: Mondays @ 12:00 PM EDT Dial: (724) 444-7444 Enter: 64627 # (Call ID) Enter: 1 # or your PIN You can also join the call from your computer. Please email Jocelyn at [email protected] for instructions. As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey. Blessings,

    Ken Storey CEO, Investing With Insight Zedek Publishing is not a registered investment adviser or registered broker-dealer nor does it endorse or recommend the services of any investment adviser or brokerage company or provide any investment advice or brokerage services. Zedek Publishing operates as a publisher and all information provided in our articles and on our website is impersonal and for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. You should always conduct your own due diligence and consult with your own licensed investment professionals, attorneys and accountants before making any investment decision. While a security's past performance may be analyzed in our articles, past performance should not be considered indicative of future results. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Zedek Publishing disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations in our articles or o n our website prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. Zedek Publishing, or its officers, directors, analysts or other employees may have positions in securities or speculations referenced in our articles.

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