HSC Subject Assessment Booklet 2018 - Muirfield High …€¦ · HSC Subject Assessment Booklet...

HSC Subject Assessment Booklet 2018

Transcript of HSC Subject Assessment Booklet 2018 - Muirfield High …€¦ · HSC Subject Assessment Booklet...

HSC Subject Assessment

Booklet 2018

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Course Outcomes &

Assessment Schedules 2018

The schedules in this booklet are not official notifications of assessment tasks. The purpose of the booklet is to provide students an overview of assessment tasks, their corresponding outcomes, and an estimated timeframe for completion. Students will be given an assessment notification for each task with the assessment criteria, submission date and time clearly labelled. Any concerns regarding assessment schedules and notifications should be directed to the Head Teacher Senior Studies.

Yearly Examinations do not receive assessment notifications. Students should refer to the published HSC Examination Trial Timetable at the end of Term 2 for dates and times. The exclusion periods for Examinations will be published on the Muirfield High School Calendar. Students should be familiar with the examination formats through their course of study.

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AGRICULTURE: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1.1 explains the influence of physical, biological, social, historical and economic factors on sustainable agricultural production

H2.1 describes the inputs, processes and interactions of plant production systems

H2.2 describes the inputs, processes and interactions of animal production systems

H3.1 assesses the general business principles and decision-making processes involved in sustainable farm management and marketing of farm products

H3.2 critically assesses the marketing of a plant OR animal products

H3.3 critically examines the technologies and technological innovations employed in the production and marketing of agricultural products

H3.4 evaluates the management of the processes in agricultural systems

H4.1 justifies and applies appropriate experimental techniques, technologies, research methods and data presentation and analysis in relation to

Agricultural problems and situations

H5.1 evaluates the impact of innovation, ethics and current issues on Australian agricultural systems

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 8

Term 2 2018 Week 7

Term 3 2018 Week 1

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content

Plant Production Animal Production

Farm Product Study

Elective HSC Trial Examination

Task type Written Exam Written Exam Farm product study booklet

Research and Oral presentation

Written Exam

Outcomes H1.1, H2.1, H4.1 H1.1, H2.2, H4.1 H3.1, H3.2, H3.3, H3.4

H3.4, H4.1, H5.1 (All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 NESA Weighting

Plant / Animal Production





Farm Product Study




Elective Study




Assessment Weighting


15 15 15 40 100

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ANCIENT HISTORY: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1.1 describe and assess the significance of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies and sites within the historical context

H2.1 explain historical factors and assess their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the ancient world

H3.1 locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sources

H3.2 discuss relevant problems of sources for reconstructing the past

H3.3 analyse and evaluate sources for their usefulness and reliability

H3.4 explain and evaluate differing perspectives and interpretations of the past

H3.5 analyse issues relating to ownership and custodianship of the past

H3.6 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from a range of sources

H4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately

H4.2 communicate knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues using appropriate oral and written forms

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 8

Term 2 2018 Week 7

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination


HSC Trial Examination

Task type Oral Presentation. Research Project. Research Essay. Trail HSC Examination.

Outcomes H1.1, H3.1, H.3.2, H4.2

H1.1, H3.1, H3.3, H3.4, H3.6, H4.2

H1.1, H2.1, H3.1, H3.4, H3.6, H4.1

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of course


5 10 10 15 40

Source-based skills 5 5 5 5 20 Historical inquiry and

research 5 5 5 5 20

Communication of historical understanding

in appropriate forms

5 5 5 5 20

Assessment Weighting

20 25 25 30 100

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BIOLOGY: HSC Course Outcomes 2018 Objectives HSC Course Outcomes Objectives HSC Course Outcomes



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Students will develop knowledge and understanding of:

A student:





Students will develop knowledge and understanding of:

A student:

1 the history of biology H1 evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking

11 planning investigations

H11 justifies the appropriateness of a particular investigation plan

2 the nature and practice of biology H2 analyses the ways in which models, theories and laws in biology have been tested and validated

12 conducting investigations

H12 evaluates ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations

3 applications and uses of biology H3 assesses the impact of particular advances in biology on the development of technologies

13 communicating information and understanding

H13 uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding

4 implications of biology for society and the environment

H4 assesses the impacts of applications of biology on society and the environment

14 developing scientific thinking and problem-solving techniques

H14 assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information

5 current issues, research and developments in biology

H5 identifies possible future directions of biological research

15 working individually and in teams

H15 explains why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team






6 cell ultrastructure and processes H6 explains why the biochemical processes that occur in cells are related to macroscopic changes in the organism








16 themselves, others, learning as a lifelong process, biology and the environment

H16 justifies positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science

7 biological diversity H7 analyses the impact of natural and human processes on biodiversity

8 environmental interactions H8 evaluates the impact of human activity on the interactions of organisms and their environment

9 mechanisms of inheritance H9 describes the mechanisms of inheritance in molecular terms

10 biological evolution H10 describes the mechanisms of evolution and assesses the impact of human activity on evolution

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Maintaining a Balance Blueprint of Life Communication Option HSC Trial Examination

Task type Practical Task Model and Oral Presentation

Investigation from Secondary resources

Maintaining a Balance, Blueprint of Life, Search for better health, Communication option

Outcomes H11, H12, H13, H14 H1, H6, H11, H12, H13, H14

H1, H3, H4, H14 (All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and Understanding of

course content

10 5 5 20 40

First hand investigation skills

5 10 5 10 30

Gathering and processing of


5 5 10 10 30

Assessment Weighting

20 20 20 40 100

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BUSINESS STUDIES: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1 Critically analyses the role of business in Australia and globally

H2 Evaluates management strategies in response to changes in internal and external influences

H3 Discusses the social and ethical responsibilities of management

H4 Analyses business functions and processes in large and global businesses

H5 Explains management strategies and their impact on businesses

H6 Evaluates the effectiveness of management in the performance of businesses

H7 Plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues

H8 Organises and evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations

H9 Communicates business information, issues and concepts in appropriate formats

H10 Applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 8

Term 2 2018 Week 8

Term 3 2017 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Operations + Case Study

Marketing, Finance and Operations.

Marketing and Finance. All Topics.

Task type Extended Response/Research

Half-Yearly Exam

Business Report.

Trial HSC Exam.

Outcomes H4 H5 H7 H8 H9 H1 H2 H3 H7 H8 H10

H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10

H1 H2 H4 H9 H10

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

10 10 10 10 40

Stimulus-based skills

10 10 20

Inquiry and research

10 10 20

Communication of business

information, ideas and issues in

appropriate forms

5 5 5 5 20

School Assessment


25 25 25 25 100

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CHEMISTRY: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

Objectives HSC Course Outcomes



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Students will develop knowledge and understanding of:

A student:

1. the history of chemistry H1. evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking

2. the nature and practice of

chemistry H2. analyses the ways in which models, theories and laws in chemistry have been tested and


3. applications and uses of chemistry

H3. assesses the impact of particular advances in chemistry on the development of technologies

4. implications for society and the

environment H4. assesses the impacts of applications of chemistry on society and the environment

5. current issues, research and developments

H5. describes possible future directions of chemical research






6. atomic structure, the periodic table and bonding

H6. explains reactions between elements and compounds in terms of atomic structures and periodicity

7. energy H7. describes the chemical basis of energy transformations in chemical reactions

8. chemical reactions H8. assesses the range of factors which influence the type and rate of chemical reactions

9. carbon chemistry H9. describes and predicts reactions involving carbon compounds

10. stoichiometry H10. analyses stoichiometric relationships

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Production of Materials Production of Materials Acidic


Shipwrecks HSC Trial Examination

Task type Practical Task

Half yearly exam Research, Field Study Topic Test

Production of Materials, Acidic Environment,

Chemical Monitoring and Management and Option

Outcomes H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14

H1 H2 H3 H4 H15 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10


H3 H4 H11 H12 H13 H14


(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and Understanding of

course content

5 10 5 20 40

First hand investigation skills

5 5 15 5 30

Gathering and processing of


10 5 10 5 30

Assessment Weighting

20 20 30 30 100

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DANCE: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1.1 understands dance from artistic, aesthetic and cultural perspectives through movement and in written and oral form

H1.2 performs, composes and appreciates dance as an artform

H1.3 appreciates and values dance as an artform through the interrelated experiences of performing, composing and appreciating dances

H1.4 acknowledges and appreciates the relationship of dance and other media

H2.1 understands performance quality, interpretation and style relating to dance performance

H2.2 performs dance skills with confidence, commitment, focus, consistency, performance quality and with due consideration of safe dance practices

H2.3 values the diversity of dance performance

H3.1 identifies and selects the appropriate elements of composition/ choreography in response to a specific concept/intent

H3.2 demonstrates the use of the elements of composition/ choreography in a personal style in response to a specific concept/intent

H3.3 recognises and values the role of dance in achieving individual expression

H3.4 explores, applies and demonstrates the combined use of compositional principles and technological skills in a personal style in response to a specific concept/intent

H4.1 understands the concept of differing artistic, social and cultural contexts of dance

H4.2 recognises, analyses and evaluates the distinguishing features of major dance works

H4.3 utilises the skills of research and analysis to examine dance as an artform

H4.4 demonstrates in written and oral form, the ability to analyse and synthesise information when making discriminating judgments about dance

H4.5 acknowledges that the artform of dance is enhanced through reflective practice, study and evaluation

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 10

Term 3 2018 Trial Exam Week

Syllabus Content Core Performance and Core Composition

Major Project Trial HSC Trial HSC

Task type Video of Core Composition

Video of Major Project Performance and Interview:

-Core Performance -Core Composition

-Major Project

-Core Appreciation

Outcomes H2.2, H3.1, H3.3

H1.3, H3.2, H1.2 H1.1, H2.1, H3.4 H1.4, H4.1, H4.2, H4.3

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Examination

BOS Weighting

Performance 10 Performance 10 20 Composition 10 Composition 10 20 Appreciation 20% 20 Major Project 25 Major Project 15 40

Assessment Weighting

20 25 35 20 100

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ENGLISH ADVANCED: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

1. A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.

2. A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts.

2a. A student recognises different ways in which particular texts are valued.

3. A student develops language relevant to the study of English.

4. A student describes and analyses the ways that language forms and features, and structures of texts shape meaning and influence responses.

5. A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning.

6. A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.

7. A student adapts and synthesises a range of textual features to explore and communicate information, ideas and values for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.

8. A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts from a range of perspectives.

9. A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.

10. A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes and audiences.

11. A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience and ideas into text, demonstrating control of language.

12. A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

12a. A student explains and evaluates different ways of responding to and composing text.

13. A student reflects on own processes of learning.

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English Advanced

Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 6

Term 2 2018 Week 3

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Area of Study Discovery

Module A Comparative Study

Module B Critical Study

Module C Representation

and Text

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Area of Study Open Book Trial

• Reading Task • Writing Task • Extended


Listening Task

Speaking Task Study Guide Area of Study Paper • Reading Task • Writing Task • Extended


Modules Paper • 3 Extended


Outcomes H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H10, H11, H9

H2a, H4, H6, H10, H11

H2, H2a, H3, H5, H7, H10, H12

H5, H7, H8, H11, H13

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H10, H11, H9

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 NESA Weighting

Writing 15 15 30 Reading 10 15 25

Listening 15 15 Speaking 15 15

Viewing/Representing 15 15 Assessment

Weighting 25 15 15 15 30 100

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1. A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.

2. A student describes and explains different relationships among texts.

3. A student demonstrates understanding of cultural reference in texts.

4. A student uses language relevant to the study of English.

5. A student demonstrates understanding of how audience and purpose affect the language and structure of texts.

6. A student interprets texts using key language patterns and structural features.

7. A student analyses the effect of technology on meaning.

8. A student adapts a variety of textual forms to different purposes, audiences and contexts, in all modes.

9. A student engages with the details of text in order to develop a considered and informed personal response.

10. A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.

11. A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes and audiences.

12. A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience and ideas into texts, demonstrating control of language.

13. A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

14. A student reflects on own processes of learning, especially on the effects of their expanding knowledge and skills in English.

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ESL English

Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 3

Term 2 2018 Week 5

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Module B Texts and Society

Area of Study Discovery

Area of Study Discovery

Module A Australian Voices

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Portfolio of collected texts and analysis of these. Job application cover letter and resume. Simulated job interview with Careers Adviser.

Extract of film - viewing and technique analysis, incorporated into an in-class essay based on prescribed text “Rainbow’s End”

Portfolio of Related Material and extended writing task, based on Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poetry “Rainbow’s End” and related material.

Speech based on Australian Voices text -“The Stolen Children – Their Stories” and related materials. Plus a reflection.

Trial Examination Paper 1 - /45 A Reading Task B Extended writing task-Discovery- based on prescribed texts ( play and poetry) Paper 2- /40 Module A Module B Listening Test /15

Outcomes 1,5,6,10,12,13 1,4,6,7,9,11 1,4,5,9,14 10, 12, 14 (All course outcomes) Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 NESA Weighting

Listening 5 5 10 20 Speaking 5 10 15 Reading 10 10 20 Writing 5 10 5 5 10 35

Viewing/representing 5 5 10 Assessment Weighting







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ENGLISH EXTENSION 1: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

English (Extension) Course 1 HSC Outcomes

1. A student distinguishes and evaluates the values expressed through texts.

2. A student explains different ways of valuing texts.

3. A student composes extended texts.

4. A student develops and delivers sophisticated presentations.

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Extension English 1

Task Date Term 1 2018 Weeks 6 and 8

Term 2 2018 Week 6

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Critical Thinking Imaginative Writing and Reflection

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Students prepare a critical inquiry question on Life Writing. They lead a class discussion, based on the question, and submit a refined essay in response to research.

Students are to submit a polished narrative and deliver a formal presentation, which reflects on how their narrative is indicative of the Life Writing genre.

2-hour examination with one critical response and one piece of imaginative writing.

Outcomes 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 Assessment

Components Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and

understanding of complex texts and of how and why

they are valued

10 10 5 25

Skills in complex analysis,

sustained composition and independent


10 5 10 25

Assessment Weighting

20 15 15 50

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ENGLISH EXTENSION 2: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

1. A student develops and presents an extended composition which demonstrates depth, insight, originality and skills in independent investigation.

2. A student reflects on and documents own processes of composition.

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Task Date Term 1 2018 Week 3

Term 2 2018 Week 2

Term 2 2018 Week 10

Syllabus Content Viva Voce Report Draft version of Major Work & Reflection

Task type Viva Voce addressing the proposal for the Major Work and

progress to date.

Submission of progress/research journals.

Report on the impact of independent investigation on the development of the Major Work.

Submission of progress/research


Completed draft of the Major Work, and reflection statement

on progress to date.

Outcomes 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2

Assessment Components Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 NESA


Skills in extensive independent investigation 10 10 5 25

Skills in sustained composition 10 15 25

Assessment Weighting 10 15 25 50

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ENGLISH STANDARD: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

1. A student demonstrates understanding of how relationships between composer, responder, text and context shape meaning.

2. A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts.

3. A student develops language relevant to the study of English.

4. A student describes and analyses the ways that language forms and features, and structures of texts shape meaning and influence responses.

5. A student analyses the effect of technology and medium on meaning.

6. A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.

7. A student adapts and synthesises a range of textual features to explore and communicate information, ideas and values for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.

8. A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts from a range of perspectives.

9. A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.

10. A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes and audiences.

11. A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience and ideas into text, demonstrating control of language.

12. A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

13. A student reflects on own processes of learning.

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 6

Term 2 2018 Week 2

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Area of Study Discovery

Module A Experience

Through Language

Distinctively Visual

Module B Close Study of


Module C Text and Society

Exploring Transitions

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Area of Study Open Book Trial

• Reading

Task • Writing

Task • Extended


Study Guide Multi-Modal Presentation & Reflection

Listening and Extended Response Task

Area of Study Paper • Reading Task • Writing Task • Extended Response

Modules Paper

• 3 Extended Responses

Outcomes H2, H3, H4, H8, H11

H2, H5, H9, H10 H1, H3, H12, H13 H3, H4, H6, H8 H2, H3, H4, H6, H7, H8, H10, H11

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 NESA Weighting

Writing 15 15 30 Reading 10 15 25

Speaking 15 15 Listening 15 15

Viewing/Representing 15 15 Assessment

Weighting 25 15 15 15 30 100

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ENGLISH STUDIES: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

OBJECTIVE 1: Students will experience and develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of various forms of texts, exploring the ideas and values of those texts and how language and other techniques are used in the texts to convey meaning.

OBJECTIVE 2: Students will develop skills in reading, listening and viewing and in writing, speaking and representing, to enrich their personal lives and to consolidate a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship.

OBJECTIVE 3: Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in using language accurately, effectively and appropriately for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.

OBJECTIVE 4: Students will develop skills in planning and working independently and collaboratively and reflect on learning.

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Week 6

Term 1 2018 Week 5

Term 2 2018 Week 7

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Content 1 We Are Australians

Content 2 On The Road – English and the Experience of


Content 3 The Big Screen – English

and the Art of Filmmaking

Trial Examination Playing the Game -

English in sport

Task type Presentation Travel Itinerary Film Festival Project Reading and Writing

Outcomes H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H1.4, H2.1, H2.2, H2.3, H3.1, H3.2, H4.1 and H.2

H2.1, H2.2 and H4.1 and H.2

H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H1.4, H2.1, H2.2, H2.3, H3.1

and H3.2,

H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H1.4, H2.1, H2.2,

H2.3, H3.1, H3.2, H4.1 and H.2

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Assessment Weighting

25 25 25 25 100

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H1.1 Investigates industry through the study of businesses in one focus area

H1.2 Identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques and describes the impact of new and developing technologies in industry

H1.3 Identifies important historical developments in the focus area industry

H2.1 Demonstrates proficiency in the use of safe working practices and workshop equipment maintenance techniques

H3.1 Demonstrates skills in sketching, producing and interpreting drawings

H3.2 Selects and applies appropriate research and problem-solving skills

H3.3 Applies and justifies design principles through the production of a Major Project

H4.1 Demonstrates competency in a range of practical skills appropriate to the Major Project

H4.2 Explores the need to outsource appropriate expertise where necessary to complement personal practical skills

H4.3 Critically applies knowledge and skills related to properties and characteristics of materials/components

H5.1 Selects and uses communication and information processing skills

H5.2 Examines and applies appropriate documentation techniques to project management

H6.1 Evaluates the characteristics of quality manufactured products

H6.2 Applies the principles of quality and quality control

H7.1 Explains the impact of the focus area industry on the social and physical environment

H7.2 Analyses the impact of existing, new and emerging technologies of the focus industry on society and the environment

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Industrial Technology

Task Date Term 4 2017 Week 5

Term 1 2018 Weeks 9-10

Term 3 2018 Week 2

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Industry Study Major Design Project Interview

Major Design Project HSC Trial Examination

Task type Oral Presentation (with written support


Progress interview with teacher

Practical Task with supporting portfolio

Examination Section 1: Multiple

Choice Section 2: Short Answer

Section 3: Extended Response

Outcomes H1.1, H1.2, H2.1, H3.1, H3.2 H5.1, H5.2

H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H3.2, H5.1, H5.2

H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H3.2, H5.1, H5.2

H1.1, H1.2, H1.3, H3.1, H4.3, H6.1, H7.1, H7.2

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of the

organisation and management of, and

manufacturing processes and techniques used by, the focus area industry

15 25 40

Knowledge, skills and understanding in

designing, managing, problem-solving,

communicating and the safe use of manufacturing processes and techniques

through the design and production of a quality

major project

15 40 5 60

Assessment Weighting

15 15 40 30 100

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H1.1 applies and explains an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical situation H1.2 explains and justifies the way in which information systems relate to information processes in a specific context H2.1 analyses and describes a system in terms of the information processes involved H2.2 develops and explains solutions for an identified need which address all of the information processes H3.1 evaluates and discusses the effect of information systems on the individual, society and the environment H3.2 demonstrates and explains ethical practice in the use of information systems, technologies and processes H5.1 justifies the selection and use of appropriate resources and tools to effectively develop and manage projects H5.2 assesses the ethical implications of selecting and using specific resources and tools, recommends and justifies the choices H6.1 analyses situations, identifies needs, proposes and then develops solutions H6.2 selects, justifies and applies methodical approaches to planning, designing or implementing solutions H7.1 implements and explains effective management techniques H7.2 uses methods to thoroughly document the development of individual and team projects

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content

Communication Systems

Project Management, IS & Database design

Automation and Decision Support


HSC Trial Examination

Task type Practical Project Case Study

Action Research

Outcomes H2.1, H3.1, H4.1, H5.2 H1.1, H2.2, H3.2, H4.1, H6.1

H1.2, H2.2, H5.1, H6.2, H7.1, H7.2

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of

course content






Knowledge and skills in the design and development

of information systems







Weighting 15 25 30 30 100

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1.1 Uses a range of strategies to maintain communication

1.2 Conveys information appropriate to context, purpose and audience

1.3 Exchanges and justifies opinions and ideas

1.4 Reflects on aspects of past, present and future experience

2.1 Applies knowledge of language structures to create original text #

2.2 Composes informative, descriptive, reflective, persuasive or evaluative texts appropriate to context, purpose and/or audience

2.3 Structures and sequences ideas and information

3.1 Conveys the gist of texts and identifies specific information

3.2 Summarises the main ideas

3.3 Identifies the tone, purpose, context and audience

3.4 Draws conclusions from or justifies an opinion

3.5 Interprets, analyses and evaluates information

3.6 Infers points of view, attitudes or emotions from language and context

4.1 Recognises and employs language appropriate to different social contexts

4.2 Identifies values, attitudes and beliefs of cultural significance

4.3 Reflects upon significant aspects of language and culture written or spoken texts created by students incorporating their own ideas

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Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 8

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content - The Individual

- The Individual - The Japanese speaking communities

- The Individual - The Japanese speaking communities - The Changing World

HSC Trial Examination - The Individual - The Japanese speaking communities - The Changing World

Task type • Reading & Responding A

• Speaking • Writing in Japanese

• Listening & Responding

• Reading & Responding B

• Listening & Responding • Reading & Responding A • Reading & Responding B • Writing • Oral Examination: Speaking


Outcomes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Speaking 10 10 20 Listening 15 10 25

Reading & Responding A 15 10 25 Reading & Responding B 10 5 15

Writing 10 5 15 Assessment

Weighting 15 20 25 40 100

33 | P a g e

LEGAL STUDIES: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1- identifies and applies legal concepts and terminology H2- describes and explains key features of and the relationship between Australian and international law H3- analyses the operation of domestic and international legal systems H4- evaluates the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues H5- explains the role of the law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and responding to change H6- assesses the nature of the interrelationship between the legal system and society H7- evaluates the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice H8- locates, selects, organises, synthesises and analyses legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media, international

instruments and documents H9- communicates legal information using well structured and logical arguments H10- analyses differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues

34 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination


FAMILY HSC Trial Examination

Task type Extended response. Half Yearly examination.

Extended response. Trail HSC Examination.

Outcomes H1 H5 H6 H8, H9 H2 H3 H7 H8, H10

H1 H4 H7

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

5 20 10 25 60

Research 10 10 20 Communication 10 5 5 20

Assessment Weighting

25 25 20 30 100

35 | P a g e

MATHEMATICS: HSC Course Outcomes 2018 Preliminary P1 demonstrates confidence in using mathematics to obtain realistic solutions to problems P2 provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

P3 performs routine arithmetic and algebraic manipulation involving surds, simple rational expressions and trigonometric identities

P4 chooses and applies appropriate arithmetic, algebraic, graphical, trigonometric and geometric techniques

P5 understands the concept of a function and the relationship between a function and its graph

P6 relates the derivative of a function to the slope of its graph

P7 determines the derivative of a function through routine application of the rules of differentiation

P8 understands and uses the language and notation of calculus

HSC H1 seeks to apply mathematical techniques to problems in a wide range of practical contexts H2 constructs arguments to prove and justify results

H3 manipulates algebraic expressions involving logarithmic and exponential functions

H4 expresses practical problems in mathematical terms based on simple given models

H5 applies appropriate techniques from the study of calculus, geometry, probability, trigonometry and series to solve problems

H6 uses the derivative to determine the features of the graph of a function

H7 uses the features of a graph to deduce information about the derivative

H8 uses techniques of integration to calculate areas and volumes

H9 communicates using mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

36 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 6

Term 2 2018 Week 5

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Quadratic Polynomial, Locus & Parabola, Series

Geom. Applications of Calculus, Integration

Trigonometric Functions, Log & Exponential


HSC Trial Examination

Task type In class test In class test

In class test

Trial HSC Examination

Outcomes P4, P8, H5, H6, H7

H3, H5

H4, H5

All course outcomes covered

NESA Weighting

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Concepts, Skills Techniques

10 12.5 12.5 15 50

Reasoning and

Communication 10 12.5 12.5 15 50

Assessment Weighting

20 25 25 30 100

37 | P a g e

MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 1: HSC Course Outcomes 2018 Preliminary

PE1 appreciates the role of mathematics in the solution of practical problems

PE2 uses multi-step deductive reasoning in a variety of contexts

PE3 solves problems involving permutations and combinations, inequalities, polynomials, circle geometry and parametric representations

PE4 uses the parametric representation together with differentiation to identify geometric properties of parabolas

PE5 determines derivatives which require the application of more than one rule of differentiation

PE6 makes comprehensive use of mathematical language, diagrams and notation for communicating in a wide variety of situations


HE1 appreciates interrelationships between ideas drawn from different areas of mathematics

HE2 uses inductive reasoning in the construction of proofs

HE3 uses a variety of strategies to investigate mathematical models of situations involving binomial probability, projectiles, simple harmonic motion, or exponential growth and decay

HE4 uses the relationship between functions, inverse functions and their derivatives

HE5 applies the chain rule to problems including those involving velocity and acceleration as functions of displacement

HE6 determines integrals by reduction to a standard form through a given substitution

HE7 evaluates mathematical solutions to problems and communicates them in an appropriate form

38 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 7

Term 2 2018 Week 6

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Parametric representation of parabola, Induction, Applications of Series

Integration by Substitution, Integration of Trigonometric functions

Inverse Functions, Applications of

Calculus Polynomials 2

Trial HSC


Task type In Class Assessment

In Class Assessment

In Class Assessment

Trial HSC


Outcomes PE3, HE3, HE4


P8, H4, H5

(All course outcomes)

NESA Weighting

Assessment Components Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Concepts , Skills and Techniques






Reasoning and Communication






Assessment Weighting






39 | P a g e


E1 appreciates the creativity, power and usefulness of mathematics to solve a broad range of problems

E2 chooses appropriate strategies to construct arguments and proofs in both concrete and abstract settings

E3 uses the relationship between algebraic and geometric representations of complex numbers and of conic sections

E4 uses efficient techniques for the algebraic manipulation required in dealing with questions such as those involving conic sections and polynomials

E5 uses ideas and techniques from calculus to solve problems in mechanics involving resolution of forces, resisted motion and circular motion

E9 communicates abstract ideas and relationships using appropriate notation and logical argument

40 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Week 1 or 2

Term 1 2018 Week 10

Term 2 2018 Week 5

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Complex Numbers,


Conics, Polynomials,


Integration Volumes,


Trial HSC


Task type In Class Assessment

In Class Assessment

In Class Assessment

Trial HSC exam

Outcomes E2, E1

E3, E7, E4

E4,E5, E6

All course outcomes

NESA Weighting

Assessment Components Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Concepts, skill and techniques 10





Reasoning & communication






Assessment Weighting 20





41 | P a g e

MATHEMATICS General: HSC Course Outcomes 2018


MG2H-1 uses mathematics and statistics to evaluate and construct arguments in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts

MG2H-2 analyses representations of data in order to make inferences, predictions and conclusions

MG2H-3 makes predictions about situations based on mathematical models, including those involving cubic, hyperbolic or exponential functions

MG2H-4 analyses two-dimensional and three-dimensional models to solve practical problems, including those involving spheres and non-right-angled triangles

MG2H-5 interprets the results of measurements and calculations and makes judgements about reasonableness, including the degree of accuracy of measurements and calculations and the conversion to appropriate units

MG2H-6 makes informed decisions about financial situations, including annuities and loan repayments

MG2H-7 answers questions requiring statistical processes, including the use of the normal distribution, and the correlation of bivariate data

MG2H-8 solves problems involving counting techniques, multistage events and expectation MG2H-9 chooses and uses appropriate technology to locate and organise information from a range of contexts

MG2H-10 uses mathematical argument and reasoning to evaluate conclusions drawn from other sources, communicating a position clearly to others, and justifies a response MG2H-VA appreciates the importance of mathematics in everyday life and its usefulness in contributing to society

42 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 5

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Mathematics and Driving, Mathematics and

Communication, Credit and Borrowing,

FCo, FDr, FM4

Annuities and Loans, Further Algebraic skills,

Interpreting Data, Applications of Trigonometry

FM5, AM3, DS4, MM6

Modelling Linear relationships, Normal Distribution, Spherical Geometry, Body Measures & Life Expectancy AM5, MM6, DS6, DS4

Trial HSC Examination

Task type In Class Assessment In Class Assessment In Class Assessment Trial HSC Examination

Outcomes MGP-1, MGP-2, MGP-3, MGP-5, MGP-6, MGP-7,

MGP-8, MGP-9, MGP-10, , MG2H-1, MG2H-3, MG2H-10

MG2H-1, MG2H-2, MG2H-4, MG2H-6, MG2H- 5, MG2H-

7, MG2H-10

MG2H 1-5, MG2H-10 All course outcomes covered

NESA Weighting

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Concepts, skills & techniques to solve mathematical

problems and interpret practical situations






Application of reasoning &

communication in appropriate forms to construct

mathematical arguments and to interpret and use

mathematical models






Assessment Weighting






43 | P a g e

MODERN HISTORY: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1.1 describe the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and events of selected twentieth-century studies

H1.2 analyse and evaluate the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and events of selected twentieth-century studies

H2.1 explain forces and ideas and assess their significance in contributing to change and continuity during the twentieth century

H3.1 ask relevant historical questions

H3.2 locate, select and organise relevant information from different types of sources

H3.3 analyse and evaluate sources for their usefulness and reliability

H3.4 explain and evaluate differing perspectives and interpretations of the past

H3.5 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from different types of sources

H4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately

H4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues, using appropriate and well-structured oral and written forms

44 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 2 2018 Week 1

Term 2 2018 Week 8

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination



HSC Trial Examination

Task type Source analysis Research Essay. In class essay. Trail HSC Examination.

Outcomes H1.1 H1.2 H3.3 H3.4 H4.1

H1.2 H3.4 H3.5 H4.1 H4.2

H1.1 H1.2 H3.4 H4.1 H4.2

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

10 10 15 5 60

Source-based skills 10 10 20 Historical inquiry

and research 5 5 10

Communication of historical

understanding in appropriate forms

10 5 5 20

Assessment Weighting

20 25 25 30 100

45 | P a g e

MUSIC 1: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1 Performs stylistically, music that is characteristic of topics studied, both as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble H2 Reads, interprets, discusses and analyses simple musical scores that are characteristic of the topics studied H3I Improvises and composes music using the range of concepts for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied H4 Articulates an aural understanding of musical concepts and their relationships in a wide variety of musical styles H5 Through activities in performance, composition, musicology and aural, a student: critically evaluates and discusses performances and compositions H6 Through activities in performance, composition, musicology and aural, a student: critically evaluates and discusses performances and compositions

critically evaluates and discusses the use of the concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied and through wide listening H7 Understands the capabilities of performing media, incorporates technologies into composition and performance as appropriate to the topics studied H8 Identifies, recognises, experiments with, and discusses the use and effects of technology in music H9 Performs as a means of self-expression and communication H10 Demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities H11 Demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism

46 | P a g e

Music 1

Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 6

Term 1 2018 Weeks 9-10

Term 2 2018 Weeks 10

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content

Musicology Core Composition Core

Aural Core Performance Core

Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3


Task type Viva Voce (Musicology Presentation/Interview)

Original Composition + Portfolio

Half Yearly Examination Aural paper + Performance Core

Trial Examination - E1 (P/C/M) - E2 (P/C/M) - E3 (P/C/M)

Trial Examination Aural Written

Outcomes H2 H4, H5, H6 H10 H11

H3 H7 H8 H10

H2, H4, H5, H6, H8, H10 + H1, H3, H7, H9

H1-H11 H1-H11 H1-H11

H2, H4, H5, H6, H8, H10

Assessment Components Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Trial Examinations NESA

Weighting Composition Core 10

Core Comp – 10 Core Perf – 10

Core Mcol/ Aural – 35

E1 + E2 + E3 – 45

Performance Core 10 Musicology Core 10

Aural Core 10 15 Elective 1 15 Elective 2 15 Elective 3 15

Assessment Weighting 10 10

20 45 15 100

47 | P a g e

PDHPE: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1 Describes the nature and justifies the choice of Australia’s health priorities

H2 Analyses and explains the health status of Australians in terms of current trends and groups most at risk

H3 Analyses the determinants of health and health inequities

H4 Argues the case for health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter

H5 Explains the different roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities and governments in addressing Australia’s health priorities

H6 Demonstrates a range of personal health skills that enables them to promote and maintain health (Option 1)

H7 Explains the relationship between physiology and movement potential

H8 Explains how a variety of training approaches and other interventions enhance performance and safety in physical activity

H9 Explains how movement skill is acquired and appraised

H10 Designs and implements training plans to improve performance

H11 Designs psychological strategies and nutritional plans in response to individual performance needs

H12 Analyses the influence of sociocultural factors on the way people participate in and value physical activity and sport (Option 2)

H13 Selects and applies strategies for the management of injuries and the promotion of safety in sport and physical activity (Option 3)

48 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 4

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Health Priorities in Australia

Factors Affecting Performance

Sports Medicine HSC Trial Examination

Health Priorities in Australia Factors Affecting Performance

Improving Performance Sports Medicine

Task type Research Task Extended Response Take Home Task

Oral Presentation Task Trial HSC Examination

Outcomes H4 H14 H15 H7 H8 H10 H11 H17 H8 H10 H17 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of the factors that affect health and

the way the body moves

10 10 20 40

Skills in influencing personal and community health and taking

action to improve participation and performance in physical


10 10 10 30

Skills in critical thinking, research and analysis

5 15 10 30

Assessment Weighting 15 25 20 40 100

49 | P a g e


Students will develop knowledge, skills and understanding, through the making of photographs, and/or videos and/or digital images, that lead to and demonstrate conceptual and technical accomplishment

M1- generates a characteristic style that is increasingly self-reflective in their photographic and/or video and/or digital practice M2- explores concepts of artist/photographer, still and moving works, interpretations of the world and audience response, in their making of still and/or moving works M3- investigates different points of view in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images M4- generates images and ideas as representations/simulations in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images M5- develops different techniques suited to artistic intentions in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images M6- takes into account issues of Work Health and Safety in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital works

Students will develop knowledge, skills and understanding that lead to increasingly accomplished critical and historical investigations of photography and/or video and/or digital imaging

CH1- generates in their critical and historical practice ways to interpret and explain photography and/or video and/or digital imaging CH2 - investigates the roles and relationships among the concepts of artist, work, world and audience in critical and historical investigations CH3- distinguishes between different points of view and offers interpretive accounts in critical and historical studies CH4- explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in the fields of photography and/or video and/or digital imaging CH5- recognises how photography and/or video and/or digital imaging are used in various fields of cultural production

50 | P a g e

Photography, Digital and Video Imaging

Task Date Term 1 2018 Week 2

Term 1 2018 Week 10

Term 3 2018 Week 8

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content The Arranged Image (DI 5 / WP 5)

Developing a Point of View (D4 / WP 2 )

Individual Project (G1)

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Digital imaging and/or darkroom photo manipulation where students are self-reflective in developing intentions and meanings in their work and in their actions, that will affect how they form and construct photographs and anticipate an audience. • Portfolio of completed and

developing works • VAPD documentation: all

research & experimentation

Digital imaging and/or darkroom photo manipulation with a focus on the image and how photographic ideas and images can be constructed in meaningful ways. Intention is the focus behind student investigations into their world, interpret subject matter and formulation of concepts. • Portfolio of completed and

developing works • VAPD documentation: all

research & experimentation

Individual project negotiated with teacher. • Portfolio of

completed and developing works

• VAPD documentation: all research & experimentation

Historical and critical study of photography written examination

Outcomes M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6

M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6

M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6

CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 CH5

Assessment Components

TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 4 NESA Weighting

Making 25 25 20 70 Critical and

Historical 5 5 5 15 30

Assessment Weighting

30 30 25 15 100

51 | P a g e

PHYSICS: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

H1. Evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking

H2. Analyses the ways in which models, theories and laws in physics have been tested and validated

H3. Assesses the impact of particular advances in physics on the development of technologies

H4. Assesses the impacts of applications of physics on society and the environment

H5. Identifies possible future directions of physics research

H6. Explains events in terms of Newton’s Laws, Law of Conservation of Momentum and relativity

H7. Explains the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations

H8. Analyses wave interactions and explains the effects of those interactions

H9. Explains the effects of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields

H10. Describes the nature of electromagnetic radiation and matter in terms of the particles

H11. Justifies the appropriateness of a particular investigation plan

H12. Evaluates ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations

H13. Uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding

H14. Assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information

H15. Explains why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team

H16. Justifies positive values about and attitude towards both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science

52 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 9

Term 2 2018 Week 9

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Space Space and Motors and Generators

Motors and Generators and From Ideas to Implementation

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Research task delivered as a multimedia or oral


Half yearly exam Practical task Space, Motors and Generators, From

Ideas to Implementation and

the option topic

Outcomes H1, H3, H4, H13 H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H13,


H3, H4, H9, H13, H14, H11, H12

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and Understanding of

course content

5 10 5 20 40

First hand investigation skills

5 5 15 5 30

Gathering and processing of


10 5 10 5 30

Assessment Weighting

20 20 30 30 100

53 | P a g e

SOCIETY & CULTURE: HSC Course Outcomes 2018 H1 - explains the interaction between persons, societies, cultures and environments across time

H2 - analyses relationships within and between social and cultural groups

H3 - accounts for cultural diversity and commonality within societies and cultures

H4 - evaluates continuity and change, and assesses social futures and strategies for change and the implications for societies and cultures

H5 - evaluates the influence of power, authority, gender and technology on decision-making and participation in society

H6 - applies and evaluates the methodologies of social and cultural research

H7 - applies appropriate language and concepts associated with society and culture

H8 - selects, organises and evaluates information and sources for usefulness, validity and bias

H9 - plans an investigation, analyses and synthesises information from a variety of perspectives and sources

H10 - communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms

H11 - uses planning and review strategies to manage complex tasks, making effective use of time and resources

54 | P a g e


Task Date Term 4 2017 Weeks 8-10

Term 1 2018 Week 4

Term 2 2018 Week 10

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content HSC Core: Social and Cultural Continuity and


HSC core: PIP research

Depth Study – Popular Culture

Depth Study – Social

Inclusion and Exclusion

HSC Trial Examination

Task type Research Task – Research Report

Research Task – PIP Proposal

In class Examination Trial HSC - written examination

Outcomes H6, H7,H8, H9, H10 H1, H3, H5, H7 H9, H10

H1, H2, H3 H9, H10

(All course outcomes)

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

10 15 25 50

Application and evaluation of

social and cultural research


10 10 5 5 30

Communication of information, ideas

and issues in appropriate forms

5 5 5 5 20

Assessment Weighting

25 15 25 35 100

55 | P a g e

VISUAL ARTS: HSC Course Outcomes 2018

Art Making Content Outcomes


A student:

H1: initiates and organises artmaking practice that is sustained, reflective and adapted to suit particular conditions

conceptual framework

H2: applies their understanding of the relationships among the artist, artwork, world and audience through the making of a body of work

frames H3: demonstrates an understanding of the frames when working independently in the making of art

representation H4: selects and develops subject matter and forms in particular ways as representations in art- making

conceptual strength and meaning

H5: demonstrates conceptual strength in the production of a body of work that exhibits coherence and may be interpreted in a range of ways

resolution H6: demonstrates technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work

Art Criticism and Art History Content Outcomes practice

A student: H7: applies their understanding of practice in art criticism and art history

conceptual framework

H8: applies their understanding of the relationships among the artist, artwork, world and audience

frames H9: demonstrates an understanding of how the frames provide for different orientations to critical and historical investigations of art

representation H10: constructs a body of significant art histories, critical narratives and other documentary accounts of representation in the visual arts

56 | P a g e

Visual Arts

Task Date Term 1 2018 Week 2

Term 2 2018 Week 6

Term 3 2018 Week 1

Term 3 2018 Trial Examination

Syllabus Content Investigations of artmaking practice presentation

Art criticism and art history

BOW HSC Trial Examination

Task type Development of body of work – presentation on investigations of artmaking practice evident in Visual Arts Process Diary (VAPD) including experiments with materials, written reflections and explanations, research about related artists’ practice and planning.

In-class essay based on class work and/or case study content Section I and Section II style questions

Development of body of work to be submitted (NESA completion and submission date TBC)

Art criticism and art history Section I: All questions Section II: 1 question

Outcomes H1 H2 H3 H4 H7 H8 H9 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6

H7 H8 H9 H10

Assessment Components

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 NESA Weighting

Artmaking 15 35 50 Art Criticism and Art

History 20 30 50

Assessment Weighting

10 20 30 100

57 | P a g e


Competency- based Assessment:

Students in these courses work to develop the competencies, skill and knowledge described by each unit of competency. To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they effectively carry out tasks to industry standard through the successful completion of RTO mandated cluster tasks and project based learning. Students will be progressively assessed as ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’ in individual units of competency.

In order for course completion students must also complete 35 hours of mandatory work placement.

VET Subjects:



Information Technology

Primary Industries


Task Date Trial Exam Period Syllabus Content All HSC Components Task type Exam Outcomes All Assessment Components Task 1 NESA Weighting Trial HSC 100 School Assessment Weighting 100

58 | P a g e

School Name: Muirfield High School Student Competency Assessment Schedule

COURSE: HSC Primary Industries – Agriculture 2018

Assessment Tasks for Certificate II in Agriculture AHC20116

Cluster D Cluster E Cluster F Cluster G

Half Year Exam Yearly Exam Chemicals and

weeds Work effectively In the industry

Fencing, weather and


Growing plants


Livestock work

Week 10 Term 4

Week 10 Term 5

Week 10 Term 6

Week 7 Term 7

Week N/A Term

Week 3/4 Term 3

Code Unit of Competency

AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision X





s of C







s of C



AHCPMG201 Treat weeds X

AHCWRK209 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices X

AHCWRK204 Work effectively in the industry X

AHCWRK201 Observe and report on weather X

AHCINF202 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing X

AHCWRK205 Participate in workplace communications X Animal option Please check boxes selected AHCLSK211 Provide feed for livestock ☐

AHCLSK206 Identify and mark livestock ☐ Plant option Please check boxes selected OR AHCNSY201 Pot up plants ☒

AHCNSY203 Undertake propagation activities ☒

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Agriculture AHC20116 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Agriculture AHC20116.

Schools may schedule exam items in preparation for the HSC. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

59 | P a g e

School Name: Muirfield High School Student Competency Assessment Schedule COURSE: HSC Construction 2018

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211 or a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211

Schools will schedule exam items in preparation for the HSC. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

Assessment Tasks for Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211

Cluster D Cluster E Cluster F

Half year Exam Trial

Exam Formwork Level a simple slab

Joinery and Shop fitting

Week: 6 Term: 5

Week: 8 Term: 6

Week: 5 Term: 7

Week: N/A Term:

Week: 3/4 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency

CPCCCA2003A Erect and dismantle formwork for footings







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f Com



CPCCCA2011A Handle carpentry materials X

CPCCCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures X

CPCCCO2013A Carry out concreting to simple forms X

CPCCCM2005B Use construction tools and equipment X

CPCCJN2001A Assemble components X

CPCCJN2002B Prepare for off-site manufacturing process X

60 | P a g e

School Name: Muirfield High School Student Competency Assessment Schedule COURSE: HSC Hospitality - Kitchen Operations 2018

Assessment Tasks for

Certificate II Kitchen Operations SIT20416

Cluster D Cluster E Cluster F

Half Year Exam Trial Exam Food Glorious Food

Working in Industry

Cooking in the Commercial


Week: 10 Term: 4

Week: 10 Term: 5

Week: 10 Term: 7

Week: N/A Term:

Week: 3/4 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency






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f Com


ncy SITHCCC003 Prepare and present sandwiches X

SITHCCC006 Produce appetisers and salads X

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others X

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry X

BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices X

SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery X

SITHCCC011 Use cookery skills effectively X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate II in Kitchen Operations SIT20416 or a Certificate II in Kitchen Operations SIT20416

Schools may schedule exam items in preparation for the HSC. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

61 | P a g e

School Name: Muirfield High school Student Competency Assessment Schedule

COURSE: HSC – Information and Digital Technology 2018

Assessment Tasks for Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT30115

Cluster D Cluster E Cluster F Half Year

Exam Trial Exam Small Office

Network Connect Hardware

Maintain Network

Week: 1 Term:1

Week: 1 Term: 2

Week: 1 Term:3

Week: 9 Term: 1

Week: 4 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency






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ICTSAS307 Install, configure and secure a small office or home office network X X

ICTNWK305 Install and manage network protocols X

ICTICT303 Connect internal hardware components X

ICTSAS305 Provide ICT advice to clients X

ICTNWK302 Determine and action network problems X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT30115

Schools will schedule exam items in preparation for the HSC. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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School Name: Student Competency Assessment Schedule

Course: HSC – Sport Coaching 2018

Assessment Tasks for Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513

Cluster F Cluster G Cluster H Cluster I Communication in

Sport Motor Skills Sport Industry

Knowledge Elective Group

Week 7 Term 4, 2017

Week 8 Term 1, 2018

Week 8 Term 3, 2018

Week 10 Term 2, 2018

Code Unit of Competency

SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport environment X

SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge X

SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills X

0SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities X

SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge X

Group Units to be entered here (From Page 2 of TAS - delete rows as necessary) Please tick

SISSATH201A Teach the fundamental skills of athletics

SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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Need more information?

Visit http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/ for more detailed information regarding HSC course outcomes, syllabus requirements and support documents.