HSC Enrichment Day 2012

Southern Cross Southern Cross University HSC University HSC Enrichment Day 2012 Enrichment Day 2012 PDHPE Presentation PDHPE Presentation  by: by:  Janine P erry  Janine P erry Health and Physical Education Lecturer Health and Physical Education Lecturer Southern Cross University Southern Cross University

Transcript of HSC Enrichment Day 2012

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Southern CrossSouthern Cross

University HSCUniversity HSC

Enrichment Day 2012Enrichment Day 2012

PDHPE PresentationPDHPE Presentation by:by:

 Janine Perry Janine PerryHealth and Physical Education LecturerHealth and Physical Education Lecturer

Southern Cross UniversitySouthern Cross University

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Success in the HSC examSuccess in the HSC exam

depends on:depends on: Level of knowledgeLevel of knowledge

Capacity to demonstrate knowledgeCapacity to demonstrate knowledge

Performance anxietyPerformance anxiety

The two key areas you need to be confidentThe two key areas you need to be confident

with for success in the HSC exam are:with for success in the HSC exam are: Syllabus and content knowledgeSyllabus and content knowledge

xamination techni!uexamination techni!ue

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Increasing knowledgeIncreasing knowledge

"ou will build your basic content knowledge"ou will build your basic content knowledge


Syllabus terminologySyllabus terminology

Content from text booksContent from text books

Practical and relevant examplesPractical and relevant examples

#otes should reflect the syllabus structure$#otes should reflect the syllabus structure$

summarise the text book content and integratesummarise the text book content and integraterelevant practical examples %min& expectation'relevant practical examples %min& expectation'

(se syllabus as a checklist for content coverage(se syllabus as a checklist for content coverage

and understandingand understanding

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Content revision activityContent revision activity


#o form or part of any word printed on the card may be given as a clue&

#o gestures can be made&

#o noises or sound effects can be made&

"ou cannot say )sounds like* or )rhymes with* another word&

#o initials or abbreviations can be given if they represent a word on the card&


xample: +efine and explain Adenosine triphosphate

,ords you cannot say: nergy system


Chemical compound

Creatine Phosphate


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/evision activity/evision activity


 Liver Carbohydrates



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/evision activity/evision activity





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/evision activity/evision activity

3ttawa Charter  

4uilding healthy public policyCreating supportive environmentsStrengthening community action

+eveloping personal skills/e5orienting health services

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/evision activity/evision activity

Training threshold 

 -erobic -naerobic

6oneHeart rate


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TH 7-1TH 7-1

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 Time Allocation

Eam len!th " hours #Eam len!th " hours # 5 minutes5 minutes readin! timereadin! time $%S recommended time &rea'do(n )*ront +a!e o*$%S recommended time &rea'do(n )*ront +a!e o*


-ote start and .nish times and time &rea'do(n *or-ote start and .nish times and time &rea'do(n *or

each section o* the eam/each section o* the eam/ Section 1Section 1::

Part A multi+le choice 20 mar's )0 mins,Part A multi+le choice 20 mar's )0 mins,  

Part $ 3 21425 0 mar's )110 mins,Part $ 3 21425 0 mar's )110 mins,

Section 2Section 2: OPTIONS: OPTIONS

%+tion 1%+tion 1 "6 minutes"6 minutes

%+tion 2%+tion 2

"6 minutes"6 minutes

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 Time allocation Time allocation

Some other ideas to considerSome other ideas to consider 7t is im+ortant to chec' ans(ers as mar'ers are7t is im+ortant to chec' ans(ers as mar'ers are

loo'in! *or 8ualityloo'in! *or 8uality

$uild time in *or revie( 9 e/!/ 1 : minutes +er$uild time in *or revie( 9 e/!/ 1 : minutes +er8uestion )i/e/ a 10 mar' 8tn ; 16 mins, allo(s8uestion )i/e/ a 10 mar' 8tn ; 16 mins, allo(s

*or "0 minutes revie( at the end o* the +a+er/*or "0 minutes revie( at the end o* the +a+er/ 7t is a !ood idea to start (ith somethin! you are7t is a !ood idea to start (ith somethin! you are

*eelin! +ositive and con.dent a&out ans(erin!/*eelin! +ositive and con.dent a&out ans(erin!/ Use the s+ace +rovided as a !uide to ho( muchUse the s+ace +rovided as a !uide to ho( much

you should (rite 9 remem&eryou should (rite 9 remem&er ‘‘quantity is never a substitute for quaity!quantity is never a substitute for quaity!

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Part A 4 <ulti+le ChoicePart A 4 <ulti+le Choice

3uestions3uestions 4e prepared for stimulus material in approximately 8 of4e prepared for stimulus material in approximately 8 of

the 9 !uestions %0raphs$ tables and illustration arethe 9 !uestions %0raphs$ tables and illustration are

commonly used as stimulus material'commonly used as stimulus material'

/ead the stem and try to answer the !uestion before/ead the stem and try to answer the !uestion before

reading the alternativesreading the alternatives

2f unsure of the answer$ identify the most likely one and2f unsure of the answer$ identify the most likely one and

use process of elimination to remove the othersuse process of elimination to remove the others

NEVERNEVER leave a 1C !uestion unansweredleave a 1C !uestion unanswered

ssential to practice 1C !uestions ;9< of the paper ssential to practice 1C !uestions ;9< of the paper 

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Part A 4 <ulti+le ChoicePart A 4 <ulti+le Choice


Practice ans"erin# t$ese ty%e of questionsPractice ans"erin# t$ese ty%e of questions Dra"n from &ore 1 an' 2 ON() Dra"n from &ore 1 an' 2 ON()  *uestions "i ran#e in 'i+cuty*uestions "i ran#e in 'i+cuty ,ea' eac$ question carefuy,ea' eac$ question carefuy I'entify anyI'entify any quai-ersquai-ers e.#. ‘a"ays!/ ‘most!/ ‘#oo'!/e.#. ‘a"ays!/ ‘most!/ ‘#oo'!/

‘best!/ ‘more!/ ‘itte!‘best!/ ‘more!/ ‘itte! Notice anyNotice any ne#ativesne#atives e.#. ‘no!/ ‘never!e.#. ‘no!/ ‘never! &$oose t$e best res%onse 0 quicy eiminate ‘&$oose t$e best res%onse 0 quicy eiminate ‘"ron#"ron#!!

res%onsesres%onses I'entify t$eI'entify t$e 'istracter'istracter  t$ere is ony ONE correct t$ere is ony ONE correct

res%onseres%onse 3rammatica cues3rammatica cues S"ee% t$rou#$ t$e questions -rst an' ans"er t$oseS"ee% t$rou#$ t$e questions -rst an' ans"er t$ose

"$ic$ are obvious to you an' eiminate obvious "ron#"$ic$ are obvious to you an' eiminate obvious "ron#ans"ers. On your secon' %ass s%en' e4tra time tryin#ans"ers. On your secon' %ass s%en' e4tra time tryin#to -#ure out t$e ‘best! ans"er. it$ your t$ir' attem%tto -#ure out t$e ‘best! ans"er. it$ your t$ir' attem%t

mae a #uess any ans"er is better t$an no ans"er6mae a #uess any ans"er is better t$an no ans"er6

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following is most likely to cause a,hich of the following is most likely to cause a


%-' - reduction of blood supply to the legs%-' - reduction of blood supply to the legs

%4' /estricted oxygenated blood supply to the heart%4' /estricted oxygenated blood supply to the heart

%C' - clot interrupting the blood supply to the brain%C' - clot interrupting the blood supply to the brain

%+' Cholesterol constricting the ventricles of the%+' Cholesterol constricting the ventricles of theheartheart

43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following is most likely to cause a,hich of the following is most likely to cause a


%-' - reduction of blood supply to the legs%-' - reduction of blood supply to the legs

%4' /estricted oxygenated blood supply to the heart%4' /estricted oxygenated blood supply to the heart

%C' - clot interrupting the blood supply to the brain%C' - clot interrupting the blood supply to the brain

%+' Cholesterol constricting the ventricles of the%+' Cholesterol constricting the ventricles of theheartheart

43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following are socioeconomic factors,hich of the following are socioeconomic factors

that best explain the health ine!uities experiencedthat best explain the health ine!uities experienced

by -boriginal and Torres Strait 2slander populationby -boriginal and Torres Strait 2slander population


%-' 2ncome and high5density living%-' 2ncome and high5density living

%4' 1edia access and geographical location%4' 1edia access and geographical location%C' /eligious and cultural influences%C' /eligious and cultural influences

%+' Levels of education and employment%+' Levels of education and employment

43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following are socioeconomic factors,hich of the following are socioeconomic factors

that best explain the health ine!uities experiencedthat best explain the health ine!uities experienced

by -boriginal and Torres Strait 2slander populationby -boriginal and Torres Strait 2slander population


%-' 2ncome and high5density living%-' 2ncome and high5density living

%4' 1edia access and geographical location%4' 1edia access and geographical location%C' /eligious and cultural influences%C' /eligious and cultural influences

%+' Levels of education and employment%+' Levels of education and employment

43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following principles of training would,hich of the following principles of training would

best explain why an elite lawn bowler may notbest explain why an elite lawn bowler may not

necessarily be an elite basket baller=necessarily be an elite basket baller=

%-' Progressive overload%-' Progressive overload

%4' /eversibility%4' /eversibility

%C' Specificity%C' Specificity

%+' ?ariety%+' ?ariety

  43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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1ultiple choice examples1ultiple choice examples

,hich of the following principles of training would best,hich of the following principles of training would best

explain why an elite lawn bowler may not necessarily beexplain why an elite lawn bowler may not necessarily be

an elite basket baller=an elite basket baller=

%-' Progressive overload%-' Progressive overload

%4' /eversibility%4' /eversibility

%C' Specificity%C' Specificity%+' ?ariety%+' ?ariety

43S %9>>'43S %9>>'

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Pannin# )our 7ns"ers toPannin# )our 7ns"ers to

E4ten'e' ,es%onse *uestionsE4ten'e' ,es%onse *uestions

2dentify the key word2dentify the key word

2dentify the syllabus content2dentify the syllabus content +raw the links between syllabus content+raw the links between syllabus content +evelop a scaffold for your response+evelop a scaffold for your response

/efer to the rubric for the marking criteria/efer to the rubric for the marking criteria

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 -CT2?2T" -CT2?2T"



Underlining the key word

Circle the syllabus content

Highlight the links or relationshipsthat must be addressed in the


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 -CT2?2T" -CT2?2T"

a' 3utline strategies that reduce the risk of skincancer& 3 marks

b' 4reast cancer and lung cancer are two common

cancers in -ustralia& ,hat are the determinants of

these cancers and why do they put some groupsmore at risk than the general population= 7 marks

c' valuate the effectiveness of health promotion

initiatives based on the 3ttawa Charter inpromoting the principles of social @ustice& 8 marks



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 -nswer structure -nswer structure

4asic answer structure ;try being4asic answer structure ;try being E!"E!"

  ;state the syllabus point ;state the syllabus point %wording in !uestion'%wording in !uestion'EE ;elaborate on explain your pointAs ;elaborate on explain your pointAs

!! ;relevant examples to support your ;relevant examples to support your

pointAspointAs " "  ;give reasons ;give reasons why is this significant towhy is this significant to

the !uestion=the !uestion=

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#eeting Ru$ric demands#eeting Ru$ric demands

2n your answers you will be assessed on how well2n your answers you will be assessed on how well


demonstrate knowledge and understanding ofdemonstrate knowledge and understanding of

health and physical activity conceptshealth and physical activity concepts rele%ant torele%ant tothe &uestionthe &uestion %knowledge relevant info only'%knowledge relevant info only'

apply the skills of critical thinking and analysisapply the skills of critical thinking and analysis

%key words'%key words'

communicate ideas and information usingcommunicate ideas and information using

relevant examplesrelevant examples %practical application'%practical application'

present apresent a logical and cohesi%elogical and cohesi%e responseresponse

%planning answers'%planning answers'

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Notes 'rom the #arkingNotes 'rom the #arking

CentreCentre marks allocated to the !uestion and the answer spacemarks allocated to the !uestion and the answer space

are guides to the length of the re!uired response&are guides to the length of the re!uired response&

longer response will not in itself lead to higher marks longer response will not in itself lead to higher marks

may reduce the time available for answering othermay reduce the time available for answering other


be familiar with the 4oardDsbe familiar with the 4oardDs 0lossary of Eey ,ords0lossary of Eey ,ords

be aware that not all !uestions will start with or containbe aware that not all !uestions will start with or contain

one of the key words from the glossary& Fuestions suchone of the key words from the glossary& Fuestions such

as Ghow=D$ Gwhy=D or Gto what extent=D may be asked$ oras Ghow=D$ Gwhy=D or Gto what extent=D may be asked$ or

verbs may be used that are not included in the glossary$verbs may be used that are not included in the glossary$

such as GdesignD$ GtranslateD or GlistD&such as GdesignD$ GtranslateD or GlistD&

http:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&htmhttp:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&htm ll

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(eatures o' a &ualit)(eatures o' a &ualit)

responseresponse  -nswers to the re!uired depth of the key term -nswers to the re!uired depth of the key term Covers all syllabus contentCovers all syllabus content

 -ddresses all aspects of the !uestion -ddresses all aspects of the !uestion 2ncludes accurate and relevant information2ncludes accurate and relevant information 2llustrate answer with relevant examples2llustrate answer with relevant examples

Presents ideas in a clear and logical wayPresents ideas in a clear and logical way  -pplies the skills of critical thinking and analysis -pplies the skills of critical thinking and analysis

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a' 3utline strategies that reducea' 3utline strategies that reduce

the risk of skin cancer&the risk of skin cancer& 3 marks3 marks



>>&pdf >>&pdf 

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a' 3utline strategies that reduce thea' 3utline strategies that reduce the

risk of skin cancer&risk of skin cancer& 3 marks3 marks

4etter responses:4etter responses:identified and sketched in general terms strategies thatidentified and sketched in general terms strategies that

reduce the risk of skin cancer&reduce the risk of skin cancer&

&g&: applying sunscreen at regular intervals while&g&: applying sunscreen at regular intervals while

exposed to (? rays and avoiding going out in the sunexposed to (? rays and avoiding going out in the sunduring the hours of >>;Ipm when (? exposure is at itsduring the hours of >>;Ipm when (? exposure is at its


,eaker responses:,eaker responses:

identified only one strategy and how it reduced the risk ofidentified only one strategy and how it reduced the risk ofskin cancer&skin cancer&

3r provided3r provided a list of strategies without stating a reasonof strategies without stating a reason

why or how the strategy workedwhy or how the strategy worked


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9>> HSC 7-19>> HSC 7-1

b' 4reast cancer and lung cancer are twob' 4reast cancer and lung cancer are two

common cancers in -ustralia& ,hat are thecommon cancers in -ustralia& ,hat are the

determinants of these cancers and why dodeterminants of these cancers and why do

they put some groups more at risk than thethey put some groups more at risk than thegeneral population=general population=

7 marks7 marks

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b' 4reast cancer and lung cancer are two common cancersb' 4reast cancer and lung cancer are two common cancers

in -ustralia& ,hat are the determinants of these cancersin -ustralia& ,hat are the determinants of these cancers

and why do they put some groups more at risk than theand why do they put some groups more at risk than the

general population=general population= 7 marks7 marks


onal5development5health5physical5education5hsc5sample5answers5>>&pdf onal5development5health5physical5education5hsc5sample5answers5>>&pdf 

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#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0 C#T/#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0 C#T/

4etter responses:4etter responses:

clearly identified the three determinants as socio cultural$clearly identified the three determinants as socio cultural$

socio5economic and environmental&socio5economic and environmental&

provided features of each component of theseprovided features of each component of these

determinants such as employment$ status$ levels ofdeterminants such as employment$ status$ levels of

education %socio5economic'$ family$ peers and the mediaeducation %socio5economic'$ family$ peers and the media%socio5cultural'&%socio5cultural'&

referred to a number of groups$ such as -TS2$ rural andreferred to a number of groups$ such as -TS2$ rural and

remote$ socio5economically disadvantaged or people fromremote$ socio5economically disadvantaged or people from

non5nglish speaking backgrounds&non5nglish speaking backgrounds&established a clear relationship between the determinantsestablished a clear relationship between the determinants

and the susceptibility for each specific group&and the susceptibility for each specific group&http:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&htmlhttp:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&html

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#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0

C#T/C#T/1id51id5range responses:responses:

described groups affected by either lung andAor breastdescribed groups affected by either lung andAor breast

cancer then proceeded to list the risk factors that would leadcancer then proceeded to list the risk factors that would lead

to this group contracting the disease&to this group contracting the disease&

did not clearly differentiate between determinants and riskdid not clearly differentiate between determinants and risk


some demonstrated an understanding of determinants butsome demonstrated an understanding of determinants but

did not provide specific examples of groups that weredid not provide specific examples of groups that were

affected&affected&many referred to modifiable and non5modifiable risk factorsmany referred to modifiable and non5modifiable risk factors

instead of determinants&instead of determinants&http:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&hthttp:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotesApdhpe&ht


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#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0 C#T/#3TS ./31 1-/E2#0 C#T/

Low range responses:Low range responses:provided some relevantprovided some relevant information about cancerabout cancer

or groups at risk&or groups at risk&

identified groups at risk for breast andAor lungidentified groups at risk for breast andAor lungcancer and made mention of the risk factors$ suchcancer and made mention of the risk factors$ such

as being female for breast or smoking for lung&as being female for breast or smoking for lung&

attempted to make general links to an impliedattempted to make general links to an implied

determinant and made reference to simplisticdeterminant and made reference to simplisticgroups such as smokers for lung cancer&groups such as smokers for lung cancer&http:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnotehttp:AAwww&boardofstudies&nsw&edu&auAhscBexamsAhsc9>>examsAnote


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#arking guidelines#arking guidelines

xcellent tool to use when revising with pastxcellent tool to use when revising with past


Provides an understanding of what markersProvides an understanding of what markers

expect from you to get in the top bandexpect from you to get in the top band

0ood habit to use these to mark your own0ood habit to use these to mark your own

work$ or to mark a friendDs workwork$ or to mark a friendDs work

 -ccessed from the #S, 43S website: -ccessed from the #S, 43S website:


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1arking guidelines1arking guidelines

3utline strategies that reduce the risk of skin3utline strategies that reduce the risk of skin

cancer&cancer& 3 marks3 marks


marking5guide5>>&pdf marking5guide5>>&pdf 

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4reast cancer and lung cancer are two common cancers in4reast cancer and lung cancer are two common cancers in

 -ustralia& ,hat are the determinants of these cancers and -ustralia& ,hat are the determinants of these cancers and

why do they put some groups more at risk than the generalwhy do they put some groups more at risk than the general

population=population= 7 marks7 marks

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*er'ormance +and ,escriptors -./. HC*er'ormance +and ,escriptors -./. HC

+and 0+and 0 %J<'%J<'  +emonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding+emonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding

of the range of concepts related to health and physicalof the range of concepts related to health and physicalperformance&performance&

Comprehensively applies theoretical principles to designComprehensively applies theoretical principles to design

and evaluate specific strategies for improving health$and evaluate specific strategies for improving health$participation and performance&participation and performance& +emonstrates a superior understanding of the+emonstrates a superior understanding of the

interrelated roles and responsibilities of individuals$interrelated roles and responsibilities of individuals$groups and governments in the management andgroups and governments in the management and

promotion of health&promotion of health& Critically analyses movement and the range of factorsCritically analyses movement and the range of factorsthat affect physical performance and participation&that affect physical performance and participation&

Provides relevant and accurate examples about health$Provides relevant and accurate examples about health$participation and performance to @ustify complexparticipation and performance to @ustify complex


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7ny questions87ny questions8