HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert

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Transcript of HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert

  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert




    President: Debbie Walker 441-1126 Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 Volume 36 Issue 3 March


    Orlean Koehle, guest speaker at our March meeting, will be addressing thetopic, Stealth and Deception in Government. Her organizational affiliationsinclude serving as State President of the Eagle Forum of California since 2002President of Concerned Citizens of Sonoma County, Parents Involved in Education, and Vice President of Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated. In 2006

    she started an organization, the "Sonoma County Land Rights Coalition", andserved as its president. She received Pacific Justice Institute's "California State2006 Faith and Community Award" for her many years of voluntary service.

    Orlean has authored several published books. They include: The Golden RuleSchool, Character in Education; A Closer Look at the Real ID Act of 2005; and hmost recent: By Stealth and Deception, USA Transformation and it Parallel tothe European Union. Another recent publica-tion is a booklet entitled: Just Say No to BigBrother's Smart Meters.

    On a personal note, Orlean and husband Kurt

    Koehle, have five sons, one daughter and fivegrandchildren. She grew up on a farm inIdaho, attended Idaho Falls High School andwas selected to serve as Miss Idaho Falls.She graduated from Brigham Young Univer-sity and later taught speech, drama andjournalism at a junior high school in IdahoFalls. She has been substitute teaching inSonoma County for 16 years.

    Stealth and Deceptionin Government


    Women WelcomeOrlean Koehle

    General Meeting: St. Patricks Day, March 17th11:30 AM Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 PM

    445 Herrick, EurekaLunch & Speaker ~ $14.50 Beverage & Speaker ~ $4.00

    Payable to Elks Lodge

    This month only - Please RSVP to Linda Arata

    phone 839-5054 or email jaratal @ by Monday February 14thEarly lunch reservations appreciated and to be honored



    Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf( Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Wom

  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert


    President Debbie Walker 441-1126 walktalk @ suddenlink.net1st Vice Margaret Staord 822-3255 tom-marg @ suddenlink.net2nd Vice Gwen Morris 498-3101 smlboss @ aol.comTreasurer Mary Jerland 443-1228 rjerland @ sbcglobal.netRecording Secretary Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832 cdel2 @ frontiernet.netParliamentarian Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124 hecathorn @ aol.comDirector-at-Large Pat Murphy 441-9206 vpatm @ suddenlink.netAmericanism/Coupon Project Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ gmailAuditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776 [email protected] Co-Chair Vee Sorenson 822-2359 veesign @ aol.comCo-Chair Esther Holmes 677-3219 esthersholmes @ gmail.comCookbook Co-Chair Cindy Lewis 442-1187 liberty741776 @ sbcglobal.netCo-Chair Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516 @ sbcglobal.netCorrespondence Secretary Donna Bellairs 442-6648 debellairs @ yahoo.comEducation Co-Chair Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ sbcglobal.netCo-Chair Sheryl Fearrien 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @ sbcglobal.netVoter Registration/Campaigns Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ sbcglobal.Hospitality Haline Sundet 442-2623 sun17 @

    Luncheon Reservations Margaret Staord 822-3255 tom-marg @ suddenlinkMembership Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry @ terryroberts.netName Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 erniet @ suddenlink.netNewsletter/Website Editor Rose Welsh 839-2935 peoplearefunny @ suddenlinNewsletter Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ gmail.comPublicity/ Sponsorships Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516 @ sbcglobal.n

    Photographer Olga Duperie 407-8424 tod833 @ suddenlink.netNational Legislation Gwen Morris 498-3101 smlboss @ aol.comState Legislation Vee Sorensen 822-2359 veesign @ aol.comWays and Means Linda Arata 839-5054 jaratal @ msn.comTelephone Chair Laura Bush 839-5538 laura.b.2009 @ gmail.comNancy Elcock 443-2529 nancyelcock @

    Pat Stolte 725-4031 patstolte @ prodigy.netIrene Stidston 445-2732 istidston @ gmail.comPearl Micheli 445-9650 pamram9650 @ att.netKay Parris 442-9232 aparris @ suddenlink.netLinda Arata 839-5054 jaratal @ msn.comSarah Bogenreif 441-9595 sarahbo79 @

    National Federation of Republican Women nfrw.orgCalifornia Federation of Republican Women

    Check our GET INVOLVED page on the website

    A comprehensive list of links and contact info for elected ocials. It includes linkmeeting agendas, email addresses for Letters to the Editor, and links, addresses phone numbers for Federal, State and local Representatives.

    From President Barack Obama to Governor Jerry Brown to the Board of Superviso(Humboldt and Del Norte), the City Councils of Arcata, Blue Lake, Crescent City,Eureka, Ferndale, Fortuna, Rio Dell and Trinidad, to the Community Services DistHumboldt Bay Municipal Water District and Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation anConservation District youll nd all the information you need.

    And if you have any links to add, let us know! Were adding to it all the time.

    Gourmet Foods and Gift Baskets

    412 2nd St. Eureka 444-2923 445-0152

    Board of Directors 2011


    We produce event videos and photoswidescreen format

    Our videos have been featured on The History Channel

    707 442-4117

    P.O. Box 771, Bayside, CA 95524

  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert


    When we read the papers and hearso much disturbing news, dont yousometimes feel the world is fallingapart? Even so, we do not need totremble. As believers, our feet areon an unshakable, solid Rock thatcannot be moved. Even if the waybecomes slippery, we can rest

    knowing that the grip of the Creatorof the universe is far greater thanours.

    When problems threaten ourfeeling of stability and safety, wecan face our insecurities from aposition of faith.

    In Psalms, chapter 46, we read:He isnt a distant God far away, He isa loving Father who longs to lingernear us and have us lean on Him

    in our time of need.

    As Republican women whodevote our time and eort to seeour nation remain a nation underGod, let us gain that calm assuranceand abide in His faithful promises.

    Presidents Message he month of March brings us ever closer to the annual Spri

    Membership Tea. On April 14th we will enjoy gathering from12-2 pm in Trinidad at Esther Smith Holmes lovely setting. Forrides, please contact any board member. Are you able to help

    the event? Please leave your name with Jerrie Bartley ~ 443-7940, BarbHecathorn ~ 442-7124, or Terry Roberts ~ 599-3255. The Board membe

    host this event for you each year with delectable goodies. Please inviteyour guests as possible new members to an enjoyable spring day inrelaxing Trinidad!

    Ways and Means for our club is very important and our monthly sourcerevenue for our club. We would like to share an idea with you. Each of a loyal patron of businesses here in our area that we want to succeed.Consider asking them for a donation for our club that would give themmuch publicity and glean new customers! It is a win-win offer! We thanyou and your generous guests for your outstanding donations and tickpurchases!!

    Our participation has been wonderful regarding calls, letters, faxes and

    emails to office holders locally, in our state and to Washington when ware hot under the collar at their latest blatant attempt on the item of thour! Let us be reminded too, victories are to be given a big pat on theback or a compliment for standing up for we the people! For so manyis a lonely battle~ we can place another coat of armor on that individuaby our encouragement! Need contact information for local officials?Phone numbers, addresses and email addresses are on our on our GET INVOLVED! page.

    2011 CalendarMar. 17 General Meeting with Orlean Koehle

    April 14 Spring Membership Tea

    March 18-20 California Republican Party

    Convention (CRP)... Sacramento

    April 18-19 Advocacy - Hyatt Sacramento

    April 24 Easter Sunday

    April 30 - May 1

    North Division Spring Conference Eureka Chamber Music Series

    18th season presents internationally acclaimed artists:

    DAEDALUS QUARTET ~ Friday, March 18, 2011 ~ 7:30 pmARIANNA STRING QUARTET ~ Friday, April 1, 2011 ~ 7:30 pm

    Tickets are available at the door, or call 445-9650 andregular price for attending is $30 or students $5.

    By special invitation to HRWF members we may attend for $5 orbring goodies for the Artists Reception after each performance!

    A fantastic event thanks ECMS!Calvary Lutheran Church is located at 716 South Ave, Eureka 3 bloc

    south of Staples. Check out the website -

    Chaplains Report


    Marleen MillerJanuary 26, 2011

    Jennifer ShoffnerFebruary 26, 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert


    CaliforniaLegislative Report

    HRWF donates books to local schools

    As seen in The Humboldt Beacon: For the past three years, our chapter of Republican Women hasbeen very generous to local schools. The first year, we were able to donate books to Lafayette andAlice Birney Elementary Schools, both classrooms and libraries, and to Zane Middle School.

    Last year, our books went to Fortuna Middle School and Pacific Union Elementary School. This year, Idelivered books to Fortuna Elementary and Ferndale High School.

    In this time of great budget constraints for our schools, this is a most worthwhile project. Theteachers and librarians are so very grateful for our support. They always want me to pass on theirappreciation to you.

    Education co-chair

    Economists A. Biggs, K. Hasset and M. Jacksonof the American Enterprises Institute recentlyanalyzed over 37 years of the history of decit

    reduction plans of 21 countries.On average, countries following a 50/50 plan to cuttaxes and increase taxes, failed completely to closetheir deficits.

    Why is this study important for Californians today?

    We are over one-half trillion dollars in debt and thisvery plan that has failed so miserably is whatMoonbeam Brown is attempting to put into place.

    Go figure !!!

    Fortuna Elementary: Jeff Northern, Principal, Mary Dishmon,librarian. The students are Claudia Velasco and Zahid Olea. Ferndale High: Pictured from left to right are Kassidy Allardice,Stephanie Lentz, Librarian Leanne McCullough and Mary Scott.

    CFRW:The CFRW Spring Board of Director's Meetinand Conference is followed by Advocacy Day at our StatCapitol. Several hundred women from CFRW throughouthe State of California converge on the state Capitol inSacramento to lobby legislators (Republican andDemocrat alike) to sponsor, support or defeat bills whichare important to the issues they follow.

    In the 1990's a new facet was added to Advocacy Day anwe invited High School students to participate in legislative action and awareness in our State Capitol. This hasbecome a traditional part of our event and an excitingopportunity for students to see and hear how our Stategovernment works.

    CFRW welcomes your active participation in the mostexciting, progressive and effective movement of anywoman's political organization!

    Note:Debbie and Gwen are working oncontacting kids from 8th grade to 20 years old

    to attend ADVOCACY in Sacramento.

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    1209 4TH STREET

    EUREKA CA 95501

    PHONE 797 443-1501

    2907 E Street, Eureka 442-2527

    32 Sunnybrae Center, Arcata 822-3750

    Redwood Village Shopping Center 725-9003

    s I have watched the happenings in Wisconsin, manthings come to mind. You have teachers who havelied to their employers. Doctors who took an oath t

    be ethical have dishonored the medical profession. Teachspeaking on television stating that bring their students to

    the capital is teaching democracy. The out-of-control indviduals that have taken over the capital building anddisrupting their state government are being called heroeFinally, 14 Democratic Senators in Wisconsin leave theirstate so they dont have to vote. Actually, they are all beinhailed as heroes by the media and others.

    I remember when the great San Francisco Representativecalled the people of the United States, Astroturf when thcame out in droves to protest the governments over reacing into their lives. She is presently cheering this group anis telling reporters, I stand in solidarity with Wisconsinworkers fighting for their rights. President Obama is eve

    weighing in on this calling Governor Walkers reasonableproposals an assault.

    I understand that the teachers, who called in sick and theshowed up to the rally to protest, could be fired. To remedthe possible firings enter four doctors. They set up tablesstanding ready with clipboards to write excuses for theselying individuals. Apparently, three of these doctors are othe University of Wisconsin Medical Hospitals staff -- onebeing the head of the department of medical ethics andanother being a senior resident. Hummmmm does thatmake you wonder about how ethical the ethics are that a

    being taught? A doctors sick note is a very serious docu-ment. This note is the final proof of an employees illness.The doctor is the medically qualified third party and thisgroup of doctors has denigrated one of the well-recognizrights and privileges of their profession.

    These rallies or protests (Im not even sure what to call themare popping up all over the land. In Sacramento, one unionperson was cited for assault and some reports say a Tea Parperson was injured. I could only find one account of theinjury but several news outlets did verify the assault citatioknow if the Tea Party had taken over the state capitol in

    Wisconsin as the Students for Democracy (SDS) did, we wohave heard a different story coming from the media.

    As we wait to see the outcome in Wisconsin. I do believe wwill see many more governors taking the same or similaractions as Governor Walker. However, I dont think the pubemployees need to worry in California -- given the one parsystem we have adopted and the desire of the voting pubto raise taxes on the so called wealthy. Just who are thewealthy and what is the publics definition of wealthy?

    Well, my fellow Californians, get braced for a very bumpyroad ahead.

    As Wisconsin GoesSo Does The Nation


    FOLLOW us on TWITTER @hrwf(

    LIKE us on FACEBOOKHumboldt Republican Women

  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert



    ReportGood News! To date, we are leaps and bounds

    ahead of last year for renewing members!

    If you havent already done so, please send in your the annual2011 membership dues. If youd like to have your contactinformation available to other HRWF members, please remem-ber to check the box for sharing your info with us. Ditto if yohave a business, so members can patronize a conservativeminded business owner if they wish. We will be compiling a

    membership contact roster for all participating members inApril.

    Also, we now have a challenge! HRWF is starting MEMBERSHIMATCH! Match your membership by bringing in one newmember this year and we will double our club membership! Wwill have Membership Match prizes this November!




    Yes, I want to share my contact information with other HRWF membersYes, add my business to the roster:Regular Member...............................................................................$30.Associate Member............................................................................$30.Republican Angels ............................................................................. +

    TOTAL: $Referred By________________________

    HRWF c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chan Road

    McKinleyville, CA 95519


    My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed





    3-in-1 MembershipAs a member of Humboldt Republican WomenFederated (HRWF) you'll not only meet peoplewho share your Republican ideals and goals for

    our country, youll be a part of the NationalFederation of Republican Women (NFRW) and

    the California Federation of Republican Women(CFRW), the largest womens political volunteer

    organization in the nation.

    With your membership, youll receive our club's

    monthly newsletter, The Redwood Alert, as wellas the Republican Woman magazine, Canvassing

    the Capital, (a legislative newsletter), as well asAction Alerts (CFRW's statewide hotline network),

    Leadership Training and voter education.

    In addition, members have an Advocatespeaking for us in Sacramento; we lobby ourlegislators; make recommendations on ballot

    propositions and introduce legislation.

    Join our team, Women In Numbers- WIN!

  • 8/7/2019 HRWF March 2011 Redwood Alert


    YouCut a rst-of-its-kind projectDesigned to stop runaway spending in Congress -allows you to vote, both online and on your cell

    phone, on spending cuts that you want to see theHouse enact. Each week they tackle somethingnew, and thanks to YOU, theyre having some

    success!Learn more online:

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)

    Well be following it, too, and posting updates on

    our website:








    PERMIT NO 60

    The Redwood AlertHumboldt Republican Women, Federated

    c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chaffin RoadMcKinleyville, CA 95519