Hrm 3 A Leadership

HRM & Leadership Performance management Leadership & Motivation


Course on HRM (7 parts)

Transcript of Hrm 3 A Leadership

  • 1. HRM & Leadership Performance management Leadership & Motivation
  • 2. HRM concepts & tools Management Leadership & Authority Job design Pay and benefits Performance Psychological contract / match Motivation Teamwork Coaching Internal communication Culture Health, safety and wellbeing Appraisal / feedback Change & Development Separation & outplacement Performance Management Recruitment & Selection Strategic HRM planning
  • 3. Management Getting things done through people Models & Concepts
  • 4. Management model 1
    • Organizing
    • Planning
    • Leading
    • Controlling
  • 5. Management model 2 Situational Leadership
    • Relation oriented leadership; Support
    • - empathy
    • - appreciation
    • - coaching
    • - active listening
    • Task oriented leadership: Guidance
    • - setting targets
    • - planning
    • - control
    • - delegate
  • 6. Situational Leadership
    • Telling
      • giving instruction
      • close supervision
    • Selling
      • Motivating
      • listening
    • Participating
      • stimulating
      • empowering
    • Delegating
      • Execution of decision
      • Its up to you
    • >> level of Willing & Able
    R e l a t i o n Task Participating Selling Delegating Telling
  • 7. Skill & Will matrix h i g h S K I L L l o w low WILL high Tell/ Instruct Sell / Motivate Train Delegate
  • 8. Management model 3 Skills
    • Technological Skills
    • Conceptual Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Interpersonal Skills
  • 9. Management model 4: Quinn Orientations & Perspectives Flexibility HRM Innovation Internal External Quality Result Control
  • 10. Sources of Power Positional power Personal power Control over + / - rewards Administrative Legitimate Role Connections Informational control Referential Networks Expertise Charisma Coercion Physics
  • 11. Performance Management Creating results
  • 12. Performance management means:
    • A performance focused organization:
    • a shared vision
    • Identifying the performance :
      • Time & Quantity & Quality
      • Behavior / result / traits / competences / attitude
      • Measurement criteria & performance standards
      • Positive focus on the outcome
    • Creating commitment : Willing & Able: dialogue
    • Ongoing feedback on process and results and improvement
    • Result s: praise, appreciation and encouragement
  • 13. Performance management
    • Performance Cycle
    • Focus: Behavior Result
    • 1.Planning and commitment
      • Objectives / targets / results
      • SMART
      • Commitment and contract
    • 2. Feedback and coaching
      • Ongoing feedback (360 )
      • Support
      • Improvement
    • 3. Appraisal
      • Assessing the performance
      • Rewarding
    1. What am I supposed to do? 2. How am I doing? 3. Did I Succeed?
  • 14. Assessing the performance
    • Types of objectives:
      • Role
      • Attitude
      • Behavior
      • Targets
      • Projects
      • Tasks
      • End / interim
      • Results
    • Measures on:
      • Achievement of the objectives
      • Quality
      • Quantity
      • Competence
      • Skills
      • Finance
      • Customers satisfaction
  • 15. Employee performance management includes:
    • planning work and setting expectations,
    • continually monitoring performance,
    • developing the capacity to perform,
    • periodically rating performance in asummary fashion, and
    • rewarding good performance.