Hrk designs


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Transcript of Hrk designs

  • 1.HRK DESIGNS By Environmental Consultant Rachael Curran

2. HRK DESIGNS WE HRK Designs are experts in designing and re-building. We have done so for the past 10 years. As our motto says Your Dream our Goal Here are so examples of places that will be in the New developed Went Worth Point. Discovery Centre Information Centre Community Centre 3. HRK DESIGNS Community Centre With this centre we have used recycled wood. When we demolished buildings to make this site we used the previous wood from them. Also using wood from dying or dead trees. This building also has a thing called Geo thermal heating. This is used to heat appliances in better ways that aren`t harming the environment. Information Centre This centre is energy efficient. It has solar panels on the roof, catching the sun rays and providing electricity. The windows on this building have been especially placed to create a feel of open space. It is also letting natural in. 4. SUSTAINABILITY When planning to design buildings, they can have can have an extensive impact on the environment. At HRK Designs we make sure that everything we do is sustainable. We want things to be sustainable for three reasons. 1. We`re making towns and homes for people to live in that will survive into the future, not just fall apart, 2. We are creating a better places and ways for people to live, 3. We are helping the environment. We HRK Designs have also found that by going green we can set an example and take the lead, we can make a change of how the world lives. So as a company this is the way that we want to go and this is why sustainability is important to us. 5. SUSTAINABILITY What is sustainability? What does it mean? Is it something important ? Click the tree to find out 6. WENTWORTH POINT This is a map of the future Wentworth Point that HRK designs have planned. As we have planned out this area we have kept in mind the design principals. Firstly we have made sure that we have not destroyed any nature such as trees, flora etc, however keeping and preserving the .. Secondly making sure all our buildings are made out of recycled materials. 7. SUSTAINABILITY 1 An aspect of sustainable design I have used is what I like to call self sustaining food source. I have created a area for all the organic fruit and vegetables to grow. This organic garden is good for the environment because I am not using any harsh chemicals that could cause any harmful effects. Instead, i am using natural fertilizers and compost materials. Also I have installed a drip irrigation system to water my garden. This uses my recycled grey water system form my water tanks. 8. SUSTAINABILITY 2 At the top of my building there are solar panels. This way I am being energy efficient. These solar panels soak up the sun rays and converts this into energy to heat the water used for many things within this building. The solar panels I have installed are highly sensitive. They are able to manoeuvre around in order to capture maximum sunlight. 9. SUSTAINABILITY 3 The third and final sustainability design incorporated in my building are grey water tanks. By using these tanks I am being water efficient. These tanks collect and store rain water that comes from the roof. When it rains the water goes into the gutters falling into down pipes leading to the tanks. This water can now be used for many things, such as watering my organic garden, flushing the toilets, watering the grass and washing staff uniforms. The combined capacity of these two tanks is 400, 000 L. 10. CONCLUSION At HRK designs we have a vision, that vision is that we want to create a connected community for people to live in. This new community will be a place were all ages and cultures can come together and enjoy the serenity of the new community. We also want this town to be the start of change. We want to change the way we live, by setting the example of how to live a life a luxury while not harming the environment.