HP QC Certification HPO-M16

Q. 1: You can manage the test actions and the test or function library steps using the _________ menu commands  A. File B. Edit C. Automation D. Tools <<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. 2: To epand all the steps in the !ey"ord #ie" "hich option you "ould use from the $ie" menu.  A. Expa nd B. Expand All C. Expand Items D. Expand Rows <<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. %: &hat is the shortcut !ey to open a 'tep (enerator)  A. F2 B. F5 C. F6 D. F7 <<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. *: +unction ,efinition (enerator in found in "hich menu option.  A. File B. Tools C. Insert D. View <<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. -: The shortcut !eys for ecord/ 'top and un respecti#ely are  A. F! F "! F5 B. F"! F! F5 C. F"! F5! F D. F! F5! F" <<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Transcript of HP QC Certification HPO-M16

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Q. 1: You can manage the test actions and the test or function library steps usingthe _________ menu commands

 A. FileB. Edit

C. AutomationD. Tools

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2: To epand all the steps in the !ey"ord #ie" "hich option you "ould usefrom the $ie" menu.

 A. ExpandB. Expand AllC. Expand Items

D. Expand Rows

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %: &hat is the shortcut !ey to open a 'tep (enerator)

 A. F2B. F5C. F6D. F7

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *: +unction ,efinition (enerator in found in "hich menu option.

 A. FileB. ToolsC. InsertD. View

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -: The shortcut !eys for ecord/ 'top and un respecti#ely are

 A. F! F"! F5B. F"! F! F5C. F"! F5! FD. F! F5! F"

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 0: &hat is the shortcut !ey for opening an bect epository)

 A. Alt#RB. $%i&t#R

C. Ctrl#RD. $%i&t#'#R

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 3: 'hortcut !ey to 4nsert5emo#e a brea!point is

 A. F(B. F)C. Ctrl#*D. $%i&t#*

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 6: The __________ runs only the current line of the script. 4f the current linecalls a method/ the method is displayed in the #ie" but is not performed.

 A. $tep o+er B. $tep outC. $tep intoD. $tep Till

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 7: The ________ runs only the current line of the script. &hen the current linecalls a method/ the method is performed in its entirety/ but is not displayed in the#ie".

 A. $tep '+er B. $tep 'utC. $tep IntoD. $tep Till

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 18: &hat is the shortcut !ey to clear all 9rea!points)

 A. Ctrl#$%i&t#F(B. $%i&t#Ctrl#F(C. Alt#$%i&t#F(D. Alt#Ctrl#F(

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Q. 11: sing the bect 'py/ you can #ie"

 A. T%e run,time or test o*-et properties and met%ods o& an/ o*-et in an openappliation.B. T%e run,time or test o*-et properties o& an/ o*-et in an open appliation.

C. T%e test o*-et properties and met%ods o& an/ o*-et in an open appliation.D. T%e run,time o*-et properties and met%ods o& an/ o*-et in an open appliation.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 12: There are ________ obect type filters in bect spy dialog bo.

 A. TwoB. T%reeC. Four D. Fi+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%: 4n the bect 'py "indo"/ in the ;roperties Tab

 A. Cop/in0 o& 1roperties and its +alues is possi*le wit% CTR#CB. Cop/in0 o& 1roperties and its +alues is possi*le */ ri0%t li3in0 on it and %oosin0op/.C. Cop/in0 o& 1roperties and its +alues is possi*le wit% *ot% A. and B. met%odsD. Cop/in0 o& 1roperties and its +alues is possi*le is not possi*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*: 4n the bect 'py "indo"/ in the methods Tab

 A. Cop/in0 o& 4et%ods is possi*le wit% CTR#CB. Cop/in0 o& 4et%ods is possi*le */ ri0%t li3in0 on it and %oosin0 op/.C. Cop/in0 o& 4et%ods is possi*le wit% *ot% A. and B. met%odsD. Cop/in0 o& 4et%ods is possi*le is not possi*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-: bect 'py dialog bo

 A. Can *e resiedB. Cannot *e resied

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 10: The ___________ are the highest le#el of the test hierarchy in the ey"ord#ie".

 A. Tests

B. $tepsC. Call to AtionsD. Ations

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 13: You can copy and paste or drag and drop actions to mo#e them to adifferent location "ithin a test

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 16: You can print the contents of the ey"ord $ie" to your &indo"s defaultprinter and e#en pre#ie" the contents prior to printing.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 17: 4n the ey"ord $ie"/ you can also #ie" properties for items such aschec!points.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 28: 4n the step 9ro"ser > ;age > dit > 'et ?(enius?/ identify containerobects@

 A. Browser B. EditC. 1a0eD. Bot% Browser 1a0e

Q. 21: bect 'py can be found in __________ menu.

 A. Tool

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B. ToolsC. Tas3D. Tas3s

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 22: The ________________ displays the open documents sideAbyAside.

 A. Tile Vertiall/B. Tile oriontall/C. CasadeD. Tile Casade

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%: +or opening the Quic! Test ;rofessional Belp "e can use _________ 

 A. FB. F5C. F8D. F2

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*: 4f QT; cannot find any obect that matches the description/ or if it findsmore than one obect that matches/ Quic!Test may use the ___________________mechanism to identify the obect.

 A. 'rdinal Identi&ier B. Index Identi&ier C. $mart Identi&iationD. Assisti+e Identi&iation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-: You can configure the _________ and ___________.properties thatQuic!Test uses to record descriptions of the obects in your application

 A. 4andator/! assisti+e! and ordinal identi&ier B. 4andator/! re9uired! and ordinal identi&ier C. $mart! assisti+e! and ordinal identi&ier D. Index! assisti+e! and ordinal identi&ier 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 20: The ___________ property set for each test obect is created andmaintained by Quic!Test.

 A. Run,Time '*-etB. Test '*-et

C. $mart Identi&iation '*-etD. Assisti+e '*-et

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 23: You can access and perform ______________ methods using the bectproperty.

 A. Run,Time '*-etB. Test '*-etC. $mart Identi&iation '*-et

D. Assisti+e '*-et

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 26: You can #ie" or modify the test obect property #alues that are stored "ithyour test in the _______________ 

 A. In&ormation 1aneB. Data Ta*leC. In&ormation 1ane Data Ta*le Bot%D. '*-et 1roperties '*-et Repositor/ dialo0 *ox.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 27: You can retrie#e or modify property #alues of the test obect during the runsession by adding _______________ statements in the ey"ord $ie" or pert$ie".

 A. :etR'1ropert/ $etR'1ropert/B. :etT'1ropert/ $etT'1ropert/C. :etT'1ropert/ $etR'1ropert/D. :etR'1ropert/ $etT'1ropert/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %8: 4f the a#ailable test obect methods or properties for an obect do notpro#ide the functionality you need/ you can access ______________ of any runAtime obect using the bect property.

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 A. T%e internal met%ods and propertiesB. T%e mandator/ met%ods and propertiesC. T%e seleti+e met%ods and propertiesD. T%e assisti+e met%ods and properties

Q. %1: The 4nformation pane pro#ides a list of _________ in the test:

 A. $emanti errorsB. $/ntax errorsC. Common errorsD. o0i errors

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %2: &hen "e s"itch from pert #ie" to the ey"ord #ie"/ QT; automaticallychec!s for synta errors in the test and sho"s them in the information pane.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q.%%: 4f the information pane is not open/ QT; automatically opens it in case asynta error is detected.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*: The __________ pro#ides a list of the resources that are specified in yourtest but cannot be found.

 A. 4issin0 paneB. 4issin0 Resoures paneC. Resoures paneD. 4issin0 Items pane

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. %-: &hene#er you open a test or a function library/ QT; automatically chec!sfor the a#ailability of specified resources.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %0: The ,ata Table does not assist you in parameteriCe your test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %3: Tabs in the ,ebug $ie"er pane are:

 A. ;at%! Varia*les! De*u0B. ;at%! Data! CommandC. ;at%! Varia*les! CommandD. View! Varia*les! Command

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %6: The ________ tab enables you to #ie" the current #alue of any #ariable or$9'cript epression.

 A. ;at%B. ViewC. oateD. Current

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %7: The _________ tab displays the current #alue of all #ariables that ha#ebeen recogniCed up to the last step performed in the run session.

 A. ViewB. Varia*les

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C. oateD. Current

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *8: The___________ tab enables you to run a line of script to set or modify thecurrent #alue of a #ariable or $9'cript obect in your test or function library.

 A. ViewB. Varia*lesC. CommandD. Current

Q. *1: Quic!Test processes comments "hen it runs a test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *2: ;ress __________ to add a ne" step belo" the currently selected step.

 A. F)B. $%i&t # AC. F<

D. $%i&t # A # =

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *%: &hile "or!ing "ith the ey"ord $ie"/ you can _________ steps to mo#ethem to a different location in a test or in an action

 A. Cop/ and 1asteB. Cut and 1asteC. Dra0 and dropD. Bot% A. and C.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. **: You can specify the order in "hich the columns are displayed in theey"ord #ie".

 A. TrueB. False

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *-: You can #ie" _________ "hile "or!ing "ith !ey"ord #ie".

 A. '*-et propertiesB. Ation propertiesC. Ation all propertiesD. C%e3point propertiesE. 'utput +alue propertiesF. >one o& t%e a*o+e:. All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *0: You cannot manage some aspects of a local obect repository using the

Quic!Test bect epository automation obect model.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *3: +or each action/ you can use a combination of obects from your local andshared obect repositories.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *6: Quic!Test adds all ne" obects to the local obect repository e#en if one ormore shared obect repositories are already associated "ith the action assumingthat an obect "ith the same description does not already eist in one of theassociated shared obect repositories.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. *7: 4f a child obect is added to a local obect repository/ and its parents are ina shared obect repository/ then you ha#e to manually drag and drop its parentobects from shared obect repository to local obect repository.

 A. True

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B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -8: The ________ is not accessible as a separate file

 A. oal o*-et repositor/B. $%ared o*-et repositor/C. Bot%D. >one

Q. -1: You can use the ey"ord $ie" to add a step ___________ in your test.

 A. At t%e endB. Below t%e urrentl/ seleted stepC. At t%e *e0innin0D. At an/ point

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -2: The ,ocumentation cell is ___________.

 A. Read,onl/B. ;rite,onl/C. Read and ;riteD. Read write exeute

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -%: Dn 4tem column can be any of the follo"ing:

 A. A test o*-etB. A statement li3e DimC. A step 0enerated */ step 0enerator D. All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -*: The peration cell in the !ey"ord #ie" specifies the operation to beperformed on the item listed in the ___________ Eolumn.

 A. 'perationB. DoumentationC. ItemD. Value

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. --: #en if the 4tem column in the ey"ord $ie" is displayed to the right of theperation column/ you must still first select an item to #ie" the list of a#ailableoperations in the peration column.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -0: The $alue cell in the !ey"ord #ie" can contain ___________ $alue

 A. ConstantB. 1arameter C. Bot% A. B.

D. >one o& t%ese

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -3: The ______________ enables you to encode your pass"ords and placesecure #alues into the ,ata Table.

 A. 1assword Enoder B. 1assword Deoder C. 1assword EnodeD. 1assword Deode

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -6: You can also encrypt strings in ,ata Table cells using the _____________option in the ,ata Table menu.

 A. Der/ptB. Enr/ptC. Enr/pt CodeD. Der/pt Code

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. -7: 4n addition to adding standard statement steps to your test using theey"ord $ie"/ you can also insert

 A. C%e3point stepB. 'utput +alue step

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C. Comment stepD. All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 08: The correct synta of the conditional statement starting "ith ,o is ________ 

 A. Do ;%ileB. Do ?ntilC. Do >extD. Bot% A. and B.

Q. 01: 4n the bect epository "indo".

 A. oal o*-ets are edita*le @*la3B. $%ared o*-ets are in read,onl/ &ormat @0ra/C. oal o*-ets are in read,onl/ &ormat @0ra/D. $%ared o*-ets are edita*le @*la3

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 02: Far! the true statement

 A. ou an delete o*-ets &rom a s%ared o*-et repositor/ usin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/window.B. ou an delete o*-ets &rom t%e loal o*-et repositor/ usin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/

4ana0er C. ou an delete o*-ets &rom t%e loal o*-et repositor/ usin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/windowD. ou an delete o*-ets &rom a s%ared o*-et repositor/ usin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/4ana0er 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 0%: You can modify an obect stored in a shared obect repository.

 A. ?sin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er 

B. ?sin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/ windowC. ou an op/ it to t%e loal o*-et repositor/ and t%en modi&/ its propertiesD. ou annot modi&/ properties o& o*-ets stored in $%ared o*-et repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 0*: 4f an obect is contained in both local and shared repositories then/ duringa run session.

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 A. =ui3Test will use t%e o*-et in t%e loal o*-et repositor/B. =ui3Test will use t%e o*-et in t%e $%ared o*-et repositor/C. T%ere will *e a on&litD. =ui3Test will use Desripti+e 1ro0rammin0

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 0-: &hen you copy an obect to the local obect repository

 A. Its parent o*-ets are also opied to t%e loal o*-et repositor/B. Its parent o*-ets are not opied to t%e loal o*-et repositor/C. ou %a+e to manuall/ op/ its parent o*-ets are also opied to t%e loal o*-etrepositor/D. ou %a+e to manuall/ dra0 and drop its parent o*-ets

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 00: +or tests/ you can also #ie" test obect properties and property #alues forobects in the Dcti#e 'creen/ regardless of "hether the obects are stored in theobect repository.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 03: bect ;roperties "indo" differs for obects stored in 'hared and Gocalobect repository.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 06: You can rename obects in the shared obect repository using the bectepository Fanager 

 A. TrueB. False! /ou annot rename o*-ets in s%ared o*-et repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 07: &hen you modify the name of an obect in the local obect repository/ thename is automatically updated in ___________ for all occurrences of the obect.

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 A. in t%e e/word ViewB. in t%e Expert ViewC. Bot% e/word and Expert ViewD. C%an0in0 name o& an o*-et doest not e&&et 3e/word or expert +iew

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 38: &hen you modify the name of an obect in a shared repository/ the name isautomatically updated in all tests open on the same computer that use the obectrepository as soon as you ma!e the change/ e#en if you ha#e not yet sa#ed theobect repository "ith your changes.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 31: H9ro"ser na#igation timeoutH is in "hich tab of Test 'ettings +ileA>'ettings@ "indo".

 A. 1ropertiesB. ResouresC. ;e*D. ;e* $ettin0s

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 32: Bo" many tabs are there in Test 'ettings +ileA>'ettings@ "indo")

 A. 7B. 6C. 5D. )

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 3%: 4dentify the tabs in the Test 'ettings +ileA>'ettings@ "indo"

 A. 1roperties! Run! Resoures! 1arameters! En+ironment! ;e*! Reo+er/B. 1roperties! Run! Resoures! 1arameters! En+ironment! ;e* $ettin0s! Reo+er/C. 1roperties! Run 'ptions! Resoures! 1arameters! En+ironment! ;e*! Reo+er/D. 1roperties! Run! Resoures! Input 1arameters! En+ironment! ;e*! Reo+er/

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 3*: H(enerate 'criptH is in "hich tab of Test 'ettings +ileA>'ettings@ "indo"

 A. 1roperties

B. ;e*C. ResouresD. Reo+er/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 3-: The follo"ing are the four main columns in the ey"ord #ie"

 A. Item! 'peration! Value! CommentsB. Item! 'peration! Value! DoumentationC. Item! 'peration! 1ropert/! Doumentation

D. >um*er! 'peration! Value! Doumentation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 30: +or each obect and method in an pert $ie" statement/ a correspondingro" eists in the ey"ord $ie".

 A. TrueB. False

C. T%ere is a pro*lem wit% t%e statement.D. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 33: You can "or! on one or se#eral function libraries at the same time.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 36: You can insert additional steps on the test obects captured in the Dcti#escreen after the recording session.

 A. TrueB. False

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 37: The Dcti#e 'creen enables you to parameteriCe obect #alues and insertchec!points

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 68: D QT; user can increase or decrease the acti#e screen information sa#ed"ith the test.

 A. True

B. False

Q. 61: Dn __________ assigns a numerical #alue to a test obect that indicates itsorder or location relati#e to other obects "ith an other"ise identical description

 A. Index identi&ier.B. 'rdinal identi&ier.C. $4ART ID identi&ier.D. 'ri0inal identi&ier.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 62: You can add an obect to the local obect repository only if that obect doesnot already eist in a shared obect repository that is associated "ith the action. 4fan obect already eists in an associated shared obect repository/ you can add itto the local obect repository using the ______________ option.

 A. Cop/ &rom $%ared Repositor/B. Cop/ &rom $%ared '*-et Repositor/C. Cop/ to oalD. Cop/ to oal repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 6%: You can copy/ paste/ and mo#e obects in the local obect repository usingthe bect epository "indo"/ and copy/ paste/ and mo#e obects both "ithin ashared obect repository and bet"een shared obect repositories using the bectepository Fanager. 9ut you cannot copy obects from a shared obectrepository to the local obect repository to modify them locally

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 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 6*: Dt the time of copying/ pasting and mo#ing obects/ you cannot mo#e anobect to any of its descendants.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 6-: &hen you remo#e a step from your test/ its corresponding obect is alsoremo#ed from the obect repository

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 60: You can use the +ind and eplace dialog bo to replace property or obectnames.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 63: The bect epository "indo" is __________ during record and runsessions

 A. Read,onl/B. Rad,write onl/C. Read,write and ena*leD. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 66: 4n the Dssociated epositories tab of the Dction ;roperties dialog bo/ the __________ obect repository is al"ays listed first and cannot be mo#ed do"n thepriority list or deleted.

 A. oal

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B. $%aredC. Bot%D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 67: 4n the Dssociated epositories tab of the Dction ;roperties dialog bo/although "e can order the obect repositories according to our choice ecept thefact that 'hared epository remains the first one and cannot be remo#ed.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 78: 4f your obect repositories are stored in the file system and you "ant other

users or Fercury products to be able to run this action on other computers/ youshould set the file path as a ______________.

 A. A*solute pat%B. Relati+e pat%C. Bot%D. >one o& a*o+e

Q. 71: 1anes in =T1 an %a+e one o& t%e &ollowin0 statesdo3ed or &loatin0.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 72: &hich of the follo"ing statement is True:

 A. =ui3 Test ena*les /ou to open and wor3 on one test at a timeB. =ui3 Test ena*les /ou to open and wor3 on two tests at a timeC. =ui3 Test ena*les /ou to open and wor3 on prede&ined num*er o& tests at a timeD. =ui3 Test ena*les /ou to open and wor3 on nine test at a time

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 7%: &hich of the follo"ing statement is true)

 A. ou an open and wor3 on two &untion li*raries simultaneousl/B. ou an open and wor3 on multiple &untion li*raries simultaneousl/

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C. ou an open and wor3 on nine &untion li*raries simultaneousl/D. ou an open and wor3 on one &untion li*rar/ at a time

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 7*: You can open any function library/ regardless of "hether it is associated"ith the currently open test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 7-: You can "or! "ith multiple documents test/ component/ or applicationarea/ function libraries: using the ______ dialog bo

 A. 1anesB. Displa/C. $%owD. ;indows

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 70: Quic! Test has ______ 9uiltAin toolbars.

 A. 5B. 6

C. 7D. )

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 73: The ________ toolbar contains buttons for recording and running your test.

 A. $tandardB. ToolsC. AutomationD. Edit

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 76: 'hortcut ey for opening a ne" +unction Gibrary is:

 A. $%i&t#Alt#>B. Ctrl#Alt#>C. $%i&t#>

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D. CRT#>

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 77: 'hortcut ey for closing all open +unction Gibraries in one go.

 A. Ctrl#Alt#CB. $%i&t#A#CB. $%i&t#>D. >one o& t%ese

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 188: 'hortcut ey for Eommenting out the current ro"/ or selected ro"s

 A. $%i&t#4B. Ctrl#CC. Ctrl#4D. $%i&t#C

Q. 181: 9y default/ ne" actions are

 A. $%ortB. ExternalC. Reusa*leD. >on,reusa*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 182: You can display or hide the Dction toolbar in the ey"ord $ie" by choosing $ie" >Toolbars > Dction.

 A. View G Tool*ars G AtionB. View G Tool*ars G AtionsC. View G Tool*ar G AtionD. Views G Tool*ars G Ation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 18%: The ___________ enables you to #ie" either the entire test flo" the calls to the actions inthe test@ or you can #ie" the steps for a selected reusable or eternal action.

 A. Ation FlowB. Ation &ileC. Ation istD. Ation Repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 18*: 4n the _________ the Dction Gist is al"ays #isible and the pert $ie" al"ays displays thescript for the selected action.

 A. e/word ViewB. Expert ViewC. Ation Flow

D. Ation View

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 18-: The __________ method A imports a sheet of a specified file to a specified sheet in the runAtime ,ata Table.

 A. $%eetImportB. Import$%eetC. ImportDataTa*leD. ImportTa*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 180: The column headings in the sheet you import must match the ,ata Table parameter namesin the action for "hich the sheet is being imported. ther"ise/ your test or component may fail.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 183: The sheet you import automatically ta!es the name of the sheet it replaces.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 186: The use of comple and 5 or nested formulas in the ,ata Table is supported.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 187: The data your test uses is stored in the __________ ,ata Table/ "hich is displayed in the

,ata Table pane at the bottom of the screen "hile you insert and edit steps.

 A. Desi0n,timeB. Run,timeC. CurrentD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 118: ,uring the run session/ Quic!Test creates a ___________ ,ata Table li#e #ersion of the,ata Table associated "ith your test.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 111: 9y default/ the bottom right part of the Test esults "indo" displays information on theselected chec!point only if it has the status +ailed.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 112: You can also use the ___________ to chec! specific property #alues.

 A. C%e31ropert/ met%odB. C%e3Item1ropert/ met%odC. Item1ropert/ met%od

D. 1ropert/ met%od

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 11%: 4f you "ant to retrie#e the return #alue of a chec!point a 9oolean #alue that indicates"hether the chec!point passed or failed@/ you must add ______________ the chec!point argumentin the statement in the pert $ie".

 A. 1arent%eses aroundB. 1roperties wit%C. Ar0uments wit%D. Values alon0wit%

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 11*: You can use a formula in a chec!point to confirm that an obect created onAtheAflydynamically generated@ or another #ariable obect in your &eb page or application contains the#alue it should for a gi#en contet.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 11-: You cannot modify the settings of eisting chec!points.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 110: You can edit information in the ,ata Table by typing directly into the table cells.

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 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 113: ach ro" in the table represents the set of #alues that Quic!Test submits for the

 _______________ arguments during a single iteration of the test or action.

 A. 1arameteriedB. >on,parameteriedC. Distri*utedD. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 116: +or e#ery action called in your test/ Quic!Test creates a corresponding __________ in the,ata Table so that you can enter ,ata Table parameters that are specific to that action only.

 A. Ation s%eetB. Exel s%eetC. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 117: &hen you create a test/ it includes _____________ action.

 A. $in0leB. ?nlimitedC. T%reeD. 4ultiple

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 128: There are three !inds of actions.

 A. >on,reuse ation! reuse ation! external ationB. Call to internal ation! Call to reusa*le ation! external ationC. >on,reusa*le ation! reusa*le ation! external ationD. Call to non,reusa*le ation! reusa*le ation! external ation

Q. 121: nli!e the ist method/ the _________ method enables you to synchroniCe the test runbased on a specific obect property.

 A. ;ait1ropert/B. ;aitC. $/nD. Exit

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 122: The __________ statement A 4nitiates a pause during a run session.

 A. ;ait1ropert/B. ;aitC. $/nD. Exit

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 12%: The _________ property A the maimum time in milliseconds@ that Quic!Test "aits for a&eb page to load before running a step.

 A. BrowserTimeoutB. BrowserH>a+i0ationHTimeoutC. Browser>a+i0ationTimeoutD. BrowserHTimeout

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 12*: The ___________ chec!s a #ariety of obects such as buttons/ radio buttons/ comboboes/ lists/ and so forth.

 A. Ima0e %e3pointB. $tandard %e3pointC. Bitmap %e3pointD. Aessi*ilit/ %e3point

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 12-: You create an image chec!point by inserting a _________ on an image obect.

 A. Ima0e %e3pointB. $tandard %e3pointC. Bitmap %e3pointD. Aessi*ilit/ %e3point

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 120: The __________ are also supported for some list #ie" obects/ such as &inGist$ie" and$bGist$ie"/ as "ell as other list #ie" obects in eternal addAin en#ironments.

 A. Ta*le %e3pointsB. $tandard %e3pointsC. Aessi*ilit/ %e3points

D. 4 %e3points

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 123: The_________identifies areas of your &eb site that may not conform to the &orld &ide&eb Eonsortium &%E@ &eb Eontent Dccessibility (uidelines.

 A. Aessi*ilit/ C%e3pointB. $tandard %e3points

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C. Data*ase %e3pointsD. Aessi*le C%e3point

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 126: The ___________ specifies the time inter#al in seconds@ during "hich Quic!Test attempts

to perform the chec!point successfully.

 A. C%e3 timeoutB. C%e3point inter+al timeoutC. C%e3point timeoutD. =ui3test timeout

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 127: The ______________ specifies "hen to perform the chec!point in the test.

 A. Insert statement.B. C%e3 statement.

C. Timeout statement.D. C%e3point statement.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%8:You can #ie" the results of the chec!point in the _____________.

 A. Test Results windowB. C%e3point windowC. In&ormation 1aneD. C%e3list window

Q. 1%1: The ___________parameters are a#ailable for subseIuent steps and for nested actions.They are defined in the action containing the steps or in the action that calls the nested action.

 A. AtionB. En+ironment Varia*leC. TestD. 1arent ation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%2: &hen specifying the name for data table parameter/ the first character of the parametername must be a _________.

 A. etterB. ?ndersoreC. >um*erD. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%%: 9y outputting #alues to the global ,ata Table sheet from one action and using them asinput parameters in another action/ you can easily pass #alues from one action to another.

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 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%*: The ___________ parameters are especially useful for localiCation testing/ "hen you "antto test an application "here the user interface strings change/ depending on the selectedlanguage.

 A. AtionB. En+ironmentC. TestD. 1arent ation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%-: You can also store en#ironment #ariable files in Quality Eenter.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%0: The ___________builtAin en#ironment #ariable that tells #ersion of the ' on "hich youare "or!ing.

 A. '$B. '$HVerC. '$VERD. '$Version

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%3: andom number parameters are appropriate for nonAnumeric #alues/ such as tet orhypertet lin!s.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%6: egular epressions enable Quic!Test to identify obects and tet strings "ithundependable #alues.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1%7:You can use regular epressions only for #alues of type string and number.

 A. TrueB. False

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*8: 4f you epect the #alue of a property to change in an unpredictable "ay during each runsession/ you can use regular epressions.

 A. True

B. False

Q. 1*1: 4f it is important for you to sa#e the resulting data from the runAtime ,ata Table/ you caninsert a _____________ statement to the end of your test to eport the runAtime ,ata Table to afile.

 A. Export.Datata*leB. DataTa*leHExportC. DataTa*le.ExportD. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*2: &hen you parameteriCe a step in a test using the ,ata Table/ you must decide "hether you"ant to ma!e it a global ,ata Table parameter or an action ,ata Table parameter.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*%: Dfter running a parameteriCed test/ you can #ie" the actual #alues ta!en from the ,ataTable in the Test esults unATime ,ata Table.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1**: The _________ property A returns the designAtime ,ata Table/ "hich enables you to modifythe data that is used for the ,ata Table parameters in your test or business component.

 A. DataTa*leB. Desi0nTa*leC. Desi0nHTa*leD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*-: The ,ata Table assists you in parameteriCing your test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 1*0: You can parameteriCe #alues ___________ in your test.

 A. In $tepsB. In C%e3pointsC. '& Ation 1arametersD. Bot% A B

EJ All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*3: You can parameteriCe #alues in steps and chec!points "hile _________ your test.

 A. Reordin0B. Editin0C. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*6: There are four types of parameters: Test5Dction/ andom number/ n#ironment $ariable/

egular pression.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1*7: &hile using Test and Dction 4nput ;arameters/you can enter the parameter name in thepert $ie" using the ;arameter utility obect/ in the format: ______________for the currentaction.

 A. 1arameter@K1arameter>ameKJB. 1arameter>ame@K1arameterKJC. 1arameter@K1arameter,>ameKJD. 1arameter@K1arameterH>ameKJ

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-8: The _____________ parameters are a#ailable only for topAle#el actions.

 A. AtionB. En+ironment Varia*leC. TestD. >one

Q. 1-1: nly the file name _________ is recogniCed as an action template

 A. AtionTemplate.mstB. AtionHTemplate.mstC. Ation,Template.mstD. AtionTemplates.mst

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 1-2: You can import and eport obect repositories from and to __________files.

 A. 4

B. 4T$C. T$RD. $

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-%: 4n general/ the _________ obect repository is easiest to use "hen you arecreating simple record and run tests.

 A. $%aredB. oal

C. Bot%D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-*: The bect epository automation obect model enables you tomanipulate Quic!Test _________ obect repositories and their contents fromoutside of Quic!Test.

 A. $%aredB. oal

C. Bot%D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1--: 9efore using the bect epository automation obect model tomanipulate shared obect repository stored in Quality Eenter/ you must do"nloadthe shared obect repository and sa#e it to the file system.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-0: 'etT;roperty changes the property #alues used to identify an obectduring the test run. 4t also effects the #alues sa#ed in the bect epository forthe obect.

 A. True

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B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-3: Dfter creating or editing an obect repository JFG file/ it is recommended

to use the Quic!Test __________ functionality to #erify that your file conforms tothe Quic!Test obect repository schema.

 A. $%ema Veri&iationB. $%ema ValidationC. 4 ValidationD. 4 Veri&iation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-6: To display the Eomment in the bect epository dialog bo/ you must

use the attribute name __________.

 A. 4iommentpropert/B. Commentpropert/C. 4iHommentHpropert/D. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 1-7: bectepositorytil bect enables you to manipulate _________ obectrepository files from outside of Quic!Test ;rofessional.

 A. $%aredB. oalC. Bot%D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 108: You can use the bect epository Ferge Tool to merge obects from _____________ 

 A. Two s%ared o*-et repositories into a sin0le s%ared o*-et repositor/.B. T%e loal o*-et repositor/ o& one or more ations or omponents into a s%aredo*-et repositor/.C. Bot% A BD. >one

Q. 101: (etT;roperty method returns the #alue of a specified property for a testobect from the bect epository.

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 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 102: The ne" bect epository Eomparison Tool is accessible from thebect epository Fanager. You can use this tool to identify the differencesbet"een obects in ___________.

 A. Two spei&ied s%ared o*-et repositor/ &iles.B. A $%ared and a oal o*-et repositor/ &iles.C. Eit%er $%ared or oal o*-et repositor/ &iles.D. Two spei&ied oal o*-et repositor/ &iles.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 10%: You can use the obects and methods of the Quic!Test _____________ to"rite scripts that automatically manipulate obect repositories/ instead ofperforming these operations manually using the bect epository Fanager.

 A. Automation o*-et modelB. '*-et Repositor/ automation o*-et modelC. '*-et Repositor/ modelD. '*-et Repositor/ $ript '*-et model

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 10*: You must con#ert obect repository files from Quic!Test ;rofessional6.2.1 or earlier to the current format before you can use them in Quic!Test;rofessional 7.8 or later. &hich method lets you do so.

 A. Con+ersion met%odB. Con+er0e met%odC. Con+ert met%odD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 10-: You open the bect epository "indo" for a specific component bychoosing ___________.

 A. Resoures G '*-et Repositor/B. Tools G '*-et Repositor/C. File G '*-et Repositor/D. elp G '*-et Repositor/

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 100: 4n QT; 7 or abo#e/ Test obects can be stored in t"o types of obectrepositories ___________.

 A. A s%ared o*-et repositor/ and a 1er,Ation o*-et repositor/.B. A s%ared o*-et repositor/ and a loal o*-et repositor/.C. A s%ared o*-et repositor/ and a Ation o*-et repositor/.D. Bot% A C

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 103: The bect epository Fanager enables you to open ___________ sharedobect repositories and modify them as needed

 A. 4ultipleB. T%reeC. TwoD. $e+en

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 106: The _________ Fethod loads the specified obect repository.

 A. '+erloadB. oad

C. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 107: Dn obect repository that is currently open by another user is loc!ed/ is itpossible to merge a loc!ed obect repository.

 A. esB. >o

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 138: You can manage the shared obect repository associations of a selectedtest using the ________________.

 A. Assoiate Repositories dialo0 *ox

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B. '*-et Repositories dialo0 *oxC. Assoiate Repositories 4ana0er dialo0 *oxD. '*-et Repositories 4ana0er dialo0 *ox

Q. 131: You cannot epand ________ actions from the test flo" #ie".

 A. Reusa*leB. >on,reusa*leC. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 132: You can associate shared obect repositories "ith __________ actionssimultaneously/ using the Dssociate epositories dialog bo

 A. $e+enB. TwoC. T%reeD. 4ultiple

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 13%: You can associate ___________ obect repositories "ith an action/ andthe same obect repository can be associated "ith different actions as needed

 A. >ine

B. Twent/ oneC. As man/ as /ou needD. Twel+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 13*: 'ometimes you may "ant to call an action from "ithin an action. This iscalled _________.

 A. Reusa*ilit/B. >estin0

C. $%arin0D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 13-: 4f a reusable action is called more than once in a test and you split theaction into t"o independent actions/ each call to the action "ithin the test "ill be

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follo"ed by a call to the ne" reusable: action. 4f a reusable action is called fromanother test/ ho"e#er/ _________ it may cause the calling test to fail.

 A. >estin0B. $plittin0

C. Reusin0D. Bot% A C

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 130: You must use the __________ Dction option in Quic!Test if you "ant tosa#e an action under another name.

 A. Resa+eB. RenameC. Reuse

D. $plit

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 133: &hen you remo#e an eternal action/ you remo#e all calls and the actionfrom the action list. The original action is also affected.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 136: You can also press _________ to open the ename Dction dialog bo

 A. $%i&t # F2B. $%i&t # FC. $%i&t # F"D. $%i&t # F5

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 137: 4f you "ant to include one or more statements in e#ery ne" action in yourtest/ you can create an ____________.

 A. Reusa*le ationB. $plit ationC. FuntionD. Ation template

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 168: &ith Quic!Test ;rofessional 7.8/ a maimum of ___________ Dctions canbe placed into a script

 A. 88<

B. 256C. 82<D. 582

Q. 161: D test comprises calls to actions. &hen you create a ne" test/ it containsa call to a ________ action.

 A. 'neB. TwoC. T%reeD. 4ultiple

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 162: &hen you open a test/ you can choose to #ie" _________.

 A. T%e test &low @alls to ationsJB. ou an +iew and edit t%e indi+idual ations stored wit% /our test.C. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 16%: +or e#ery action called in your test/ Quic!Test creates a corresponding _________ in the ,ata Table so that you can enter ,ata Table parameters that arespecific to that action only.

 A. Ation s%eetB. Exel s%eetC. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 16*: &hen you create a test/ it includes _______ action.

 A. $in0leB. ?nlimitedC. T%reeD. 4ultiple

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 16-: There are three !inds of actions.

 A. >on,reuse ation! reuse ation! external ation

B. Call to internal ation! Call to reusa*le ation! external ationC. >on,reusa*le ation! reusa*le ation! external ationD. Call to non,reusa*le ation! reusa*le ation! external ation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 160: 9y default/ ne" actions are

 A. $%ortB. ExternalC. Reusa*le

D. >on,reusa*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 163: You can display or hide the Dction toolbar in the ey"ord $ie" bychoosing _________.

 A. View G Tool*ars G AtionB. View G Tool*ars G AtionsC. View G Tool*ar G AtionD. Views G Tool*ars G Ation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 166: The ___________ enables you to #ie" either the entire test flo" the callsto the actions in the test: or you can #ie" the steps for a selected reusable oreternal action.

 A. Ation FlowB. Ation &ileC. Ation istD. Ation Repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 167: 4n the ________ the Dction Gist is al"ays #isible and the pert $ie"al"ays displays the script for the selected action.

 A. e/word ViewB. Expert View

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C. Ation FlowD. Ation View

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 178: 4f the action is called more than once "ithin the test flo" or if the action iscalled by a reusable action/ the eusable action option is _________.

 A. Read,onl/B. ;rite,onl/C. Bot% read and writeD. Read,write,exeuta*le.

Q. 171: Dll changes you ma!e to an obect repository are automatically updated inall components open on the same computer that use the obect repository assoon as you ma!e the change e#en if you ha#e not yet sa#ed the obectrepository "ith your changes.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 172: 4f you "ant to modify an obect stored in a shared obect repository/ youcan modify it ________.

 A. ?sin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er 

B. ou an modi&/ it loall/ usin0 t%e '*-et Repositor/ window.C. Bot% A BD. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 17%: The _____________ returns an bectepositories collection representingall obect repository files associated "ith the action.

 A. '*-et 1ropert/B. Automation '*-et 4odel

C. '*-etRepositories 1ropert/D. 'R 1ropert/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 17*: 4f you do not "ant Quic!Test to perform a step or chec!point until anobect in your application achie#es a certain status/ you should insert a

 __________ point to instruct Quic!Test to pause the test until the obect property

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achie#es the #alue you specify

 A. $/n%roniationB. C%e3

C. $mart Identi&iationD. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 17-: &here do "e specify the Faimum Time to &ait for a &eb ;age to Goad

 A. File,G$ettin0s! ;e* Ta*.B. Tools,G'ptions! ;e* Ta*.C. Resoures,G$ettin0s! ;e* Ta*

D. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 170: You can insert _____________ statements that instruct Quic!Test to "aituntil an obect eists

 A. ExistB. ;ait

C. Bot% A BD. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 173: The _____________ method "aits for the bro"ser to complete the currentna#igation.

 A. ExistB. ;aitC. ;ait1ropert/D. $/n

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 176: 'ub 'ync_ample:9ro"ser?Fercury Tours?:.;age?Fercury

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Tours?:.'yncnd 'ub

The abo#e eample uses the 'ync method to "ait for the Fercury Tours page tosynchroniCe before performing the net operation.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 177: The ___________ property A the period of time Quic!Test "aits beforechec!ing the emulator status in milliseconds@.

 A. $/nTimeB. $/n.TimeC. Time$/nD. Time.$/n

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 288: The ___________ ;roperty indicates "hether Quic!Test beeps afterperforming each 'ync function during a run session.

 A. BeepA&ter$/nB. Beep'n$/nC. Beep$/nD. Beep.$/n

Q. 281: eco#ery scenarios acti#ate specific reco#ery operations "hen __________occur.

 A. $pei&i ErrorsB. Test ErrorsC. Tri00er E+entsD. =T1 Errors

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 282: You can also control and acti#ate your reco#ery scenarios during the runsession by inserting ________ into your test.

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 A. Tri00er E+entsB. Reo+er/ E+entsC. Reo+er/ $tatements

D. Cat% $tatements

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 28%: 4f you choose n error in the Dcti#ate reco#ery scenarios bo in theeco#ery tab of the Test 'ettings dialog bo/ the reco#ery mechanism does nothandle triggers that occur in the last step of a test.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 28*: 9y default/ reco#ery scenario operations are acti#ated only after a stepreturns an error.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 28-: D _________ is a con#enient "ay to organiCe and store multiple reco#eryscenarios together.

 A. Reo+er/ &ileB. Reo+er/ &older C. Reo+er/ o0D. o0 File

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 280: The eco#ery 'cenario Fanager dialog bo enables you to create and editreco#ery files/ and does not let you create and manage the reco#ery scenariosstored in those files.

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 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 283: ach reco#ery scenario is represented by an icon that indicates its type.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 286: The eco#ery perations screen in eco#ery 'cenario &iCard enablesyou to manage the collection of __________ in the reco#ery scenario.

 A. Reo+er/ operationsB. Reo+er/ FilesC. Tri00er e+entsD. All o& A*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 287: 4f you define a estart Ficrosoft &indo"s reco#ery operation/ it is al"aysinserted as the last reco#ery operation/ and you can change its position in thelist.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 218: 4f more than one scenario uses a function "ith the same name fromdifferent function libraries/ the reco#ery process may fail.

 A. TrueB. False

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Q. 211: 9efore you record or run a test on a &eb or &indo"s application/ you canuse the _____ dialog bo to instruct Quic!Test "hich applications to open "henyou begin to record or run your test.

 A. Reord and RunB. Reord and Run $ettin0sC. Run and ReordD. Run and Reord $ettin0s

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 212: 4f you define en#ironment #ariables to specify the record and run details/those #alues o#erride the #alues in the ecord and un dialog bo.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 21%: You can record tests only on _______

 A. 4iroso&t Internet Explorer 

B. >etsape Browser C. 4oilla Fire&oxD. 'pera

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 21*: ecord and un 'ettings "indo" contains t"o tabs

 A. ;e* ;indowB. ;e* ;indows AppliationsC. ;e* ;indow AppliationsD. ;e* ;indows Appliation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 21-: You can add up to ______ applications to the application list displayed in

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the &indo"s Dpplications tab

 A. 8<B. 82

C. 2"D. 6"

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 210: You can use special/ predefined en#ironment #ariables to specify theapplications or bro"sers you "ant to use for your test "hile specifying theecord and un ,etails

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 213: 4f you select the option to ecord and un on any application or bro"serthe upper radio button in each tab of the ecord and un 'ettings dialog bo@/Quic!Test _______ any defined record and run en#ironment #ariables.

 A. Does notB. I0noresC. 4a/ or ma/ not i0noreD. >one o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 216: To use en#ironment #ariables to specify the applications or bro"sers you"ant to use for your test run/ you must use the appropriate #ariable names e.g.the #ariable name for the &eb address to display in the bro"ser is


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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 217: The setting of the Dcti#e 'creen capture le#el Tools > ptions > Dcti#e'creen ta9. can significantly affect the _______ for your test and the functionalityof the Dcti#e 'creen "hile editing your test.

 A. Repeatin0 timeB. ;aitin0 timeC. A+era0e timeD. Reordin0 time

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 228: The &eb tab ecord and un 'ettings dialog bo@ is a#ailable only "hen

&eb support is installed and loaded.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 221: You can install the Quic!Test ______ addAins &eb/ Dcti#eJ/ $isual 9asiE."hen you install Quic!Test ;rofessional/ or you can install the Quic!Test builtAinaddAins at a later time by running the installation again.

 A. InternalB. ExternalC. Built,inD. All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 222: DddAins that are installed separately from the Quic!Test ;rofessionalinstallation are referred to as _____ addAins.

 A. InternalB. ExternalC. Built,inD. Built,out

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 22%: &hen Quic!Test opens/ you can choose "hich of the installed addAinsyou "ant to load using the Quic!Test ;rofessional ______. dialog bo.

 A. Add,In ;indowB. Add,InC. Add,In 4ana0er D. Add,In 4ana0ement

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 22*: 4nstalling and Goading an DddAin is one and the same thing.

 A. True

B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 22-: You can install DddAin pgrade patches by running the rele#ant patcheecutable from the K ______ folder.

 A. Addins?pdateB. Addins?p0rade

C. AddinsHup0radeD. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 220: 4n DddAin Fanager dialog bo/ TimeAGimited column displays #alues only"hen using a Quic!Test seat license not a concurrent license.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 223: You can #ie" the list of addAins that are currently installed or loaded bychoosing _________.

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 A. File G $ettin0sB. Tools G 'ptions and li3 t%e :eneral ta*.C. elp G A*out =ui3Test 1ro&essional.

D. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 226: To maimiCe performance and obect identification reliability/ load all theaddAins.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 227: The addAin is displayed as Lot Gicensed in the Gicense column of the DddAin Fanager dialog bo:

 A. I& an add,in liense %as not /et *een installed &or a spei&i external add,in.B. I& no onurrent liense ser+er wit%in /our su*net %as a re0istered liense &or t%espei&i add,in

C. I& all onurrent lienses are in useD. All o& A*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%8: You can use only one license type per session for Quic!Test ;rofessionaland all loaded addAinsAeither seat or concurrent.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 2%1: 4f an obect "ith the same name and description is located in both thelocal obect repository and in a shared obect repository that is associated "iththe same action/ the action uses the ________ obect definition.  

 A. $%ared

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B. oalC. Can use an/D. >one o& a*o+e.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%2: You cannot use the same shared obect repository "ith multiple actions.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%%: 4f one or more of the property #alues of an obect in your application differfrom the property #alues Quic!Test uses to identify the obect/ your test_______fail.

 A. 4a/B. 4ustC. $%ouldD. ;ill ertainl/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%*: You can open as many shared obect repositories as you "ant.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%-: You can also open an obect repository from the _________ in the +ilemenu.

 A. Reent Folders listB. Current Files listC. Reent Files list

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D. Bot% A C

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%0: Quic!Test sa#es the obect repository "ith a __________ etension in thespecified location

 A. .+sr B. .tsr C. .lsr D. .9sr 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%3: 4f you opened the obect repository in _________. mode/ you must enableediting for the obect repository before you can modify it.

 A. Read,write modeB. Read,exeute modeC. Read,write,exeute modeD. Read,onl/ mode

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%6: You can also modify a shared obect repository by merging it "ith anothershared obect repository.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2%7: You can also add obects to a shared obect repository using the __________ option.

 A. >a+i0ate and earnB. >a+i0ate and earnC. >a+i0ate

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D. >a+i0ate and Cli3

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*8: &hile finding obects in an bect epository/ you can use the +ind andeplace dialog bo to replace property or obect names.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 2*1: 4n the pert $ie"/ you can use the bect property to acti#ate the methodfor a &eb obect.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*2: The test obect property set for each test obect is created and maintainedby _______ The runAtime obect property set for each runAtime obect is createdand maintained by the obect creator 

 A. 4iroso&tB. Ado*eC. 1D. =ui3Test

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*%: You can #ie" or modify the test obect property #alues that are stored"ith your component in the bect ;roperties or bect epository dialog bo.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2**: 4t is possible that you can use the bect property to access the nati#e

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properties of any runAtime obect.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*-: You cannot retrie#e the #alues of test obect properties from a runAtimeobect.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*0: You can use the (etT;roperty/ (etT;roperties/ and 'etT;ropertymethods in your ________ to set and retrie#e the test obect property #alues ofthe test obect.

 A. TestB. Funtion i*rar/C. Appliation area

D. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*3: 9ecause Quic!Test refers to the temporary #ersion of the test obectduring the run session/ any changes you ma!e using the 'etT;roperty methodapply only during the course of the run session/ and do not affect the #aluesstored in the test obect repository.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*6: You can use the bect 'py at any time to #ie" _________ properties and#alues of the obects in the application you are testing.

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 A. Run,timeB. Test o*-etC. Bot% A B

D. >one

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2*7: You cannot add to the list of properties that Quic!Test uses to identify anobect.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-8: The default properties for a Gin! obect hypertet lin!@: are _______ 

 A. >ameB. TextC. T4 ta0D. Ta0

Q. 2-1:$irtual obects enable you to record and run tests on obects that arenormally recogniCed by Quic!Test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-2:4n the test results/ the #irtual obect is displayed as though it is a standard

class obect.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. 2-%:Quic!Test does not support #irtual obects for ________ recording.

 A. Analo0

B. ow,le+elC. >ormalD. Bot% A BEJ Bot% A C

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-*:You can use the bect 'py to #ie" #irtual obect properties.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2--:You cannot insert any type of chec!point on a #irtual obect

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-0:The __________ contains all the #irtual obect collections defined on yourcomputer.

 A. Virtual '*-ets 4ana0er B. Virtual 4ana0er C. Virtual '*-et 4ana0er D. Virtual '*-et ;iard

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-3:tention of #irtual obect collection files

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 A. .+& B. .+otC. .+tD. .+d

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-6:You can remo#e #irtual obects from your test by _________ these obects.

 A. Disa*lin0 reo0nition o& B. Deletin0C. Deletin0 +irtual o*-et olletion &iles o& D. All o& A*o+eEJ Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 2-7:&hen you "ant Quic!Test to recogniCe #irtual obects during recording/ensure that the _________ chec! bo in the (eneral tab of the ptions dialog bois cleared.

 A. Disa*le reo0nition o& +irtual o*-et Files w%ile reordin0B. Disa*le reo0nition o& +irtual o*-et Colletion w%ile reordin0

C. Disa*le reo0nition o& +irtual o*-ets w%ile reordin0D. Ena*le reo0nition o& +irtual o*-ets w%ile reordin0

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 208:Quic!Test identifies a #irtual obect according to its ___________ 

 A. 1ropertiesB. BoundariesC. '*-et $p/D. Ed0es

Q. 201: The _______. enables you to #ie" either the entire test flo" the calls tothe actions in the test@ or you can #ie" the steps for a selected reusable oreternal action.

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 A. Ation 4enuB. Ation istC. Ation Tool*ar D. Ation View

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 202: You can #ie" the ______ of the original action in the (eneral tab of theDction ;roperties dialog bo.

 A. 1arametersB. oationC. Assoiated RepositoriesD. T/pe

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 20%: You can create an additional call to any reusable or eternal action in yourtest by pressing _________ "hile you drag and drop the action to anotherlocation at a parallel sibling: le#el "ithin your test.

 A. FB. Alt

C. $%i&tD. Ctrl

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 20*:You can use action parameters in any step in your action includingfunction calls@.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 20-: 4nput #alues for an action parameter can be retrie#ed

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 A. From t%e test @&or a top,le+el ationJB. From t%e parameters o& t%e parent ation t%at alls it @&or a nested ationJC. From t%e output o& a pre+ious ation all @&or a si*lin0 ationJD. All o& a*o+e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 200: The Dction Eall ;roperties dialog bo enables you to set options thatapply only to a _______ action call.

 A. Followin0B. 1reeedin0C. $pei&iD. Internal

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 203: 'pecifying input and output parameter #alues in action calls is ________ 

 A. Re9uiredB. 'ptionalC. Re9uired onl/ &or internal ationD. Bot% A B

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 206: You can share a #alue that is generated in one action "ith other actions inyour test by storing the #alue in the _________ ,ata Table.

 A. InternalB. ExternalC. oalD. :lo*al

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 207: itDction

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 A. Exits t%e urrent ation! re0ardless o& its iteration attri*utes.B. Exits t%e urrent iteration o& t%e ation.C. Exits t%e test! re0ardless o& its iteration attri*utes.D. Exits t%e urrent 0lo*al iteration.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 238: 4f the action called by the unDction statement includes an itDctionstatement/ the unDction statement can return the #alue of the itDctionHset$al argument.

 A. TrueB. False

Q. 231: To debug a function library/ you must first associate it "ith a test andthen debug it from that test.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 232: To detect and isolate defects in a test or function library/ you can controlthe run session using the _______ command

 A. 1auseB. RunC. F8"D. $ession

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 23%: &hen the test or function library run stops at a brea!point/ you can use

the ______ to chec! and modify the #alues of $9'cript obects and #ariables.

 A. De*u0 ;indowB. De*u0 Dialo0C. De*u0 Viewer 

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D. De*u0 pa0e

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 23*: &hile the test and function libraries are running in debug mode/ they arereadAonly

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 23-: You cannot debug a file that is called using an _______ statement/ or any

of the functions contained in the file.

 A. ExeuteFilesB. ExeuteHFileC. Exeute,FileD. ExeuteFile

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 230: The debug session can continue at the bac!end "hile you can performfile operations li!e opening a ne" test etc.

 A. TrueB. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 233: Dny changes you apply to eternal resources sa#ed in the file system/such as function libraries/ are implemented only "hen the test is closed andreopened but any changes you apply to any eternal resource that is sa#ed inyour Quality Eenter proect/ such as a function library/ "ill be implementedimmediately.

 A. True

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B. False

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 236: You can use the _______ command to begin your debug session at aspecific point in your test.

 A. $tart &rom $tepB. Run to $tepC. Run &rom $tepD. $tart to $tep

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 237: You can specify the time in milliseconds: Quic!Test pauses bet"eeneach step by modifying the ________. option in the un tab of the ptions dialogbo Tools > ptions@

 A. Dela/ step exeution */B. Dela/ e+er/ step exeution */C. Dela/ all steps exeution */D. Dela/ ea% step exeution */

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 268: To display the ,ebug toolbar/ choose _________.

 A. View G Tool*ar G De*u0B. View G Tool*ars G De*u0sC. Views G Tool*ar G De*u0D. View G Tool*ars G De*u0

Q. 261: &hen a procedure is created in the +unction Gibrary editor/ "hat is theetension on the file)

 A. .I>IB. .TTC. .=FD. .VB$

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 262: &hat are the categories in the 'tep (enerator)

 A. '*-et! 'peration! Value

B. i*rar/! Built,in! oal $riptC. 'peration! Ar0uments! Return ValueD. Test '*-ets! ?tilit/ '*-ets! Funtions

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 26%: 4n Test 'ettings A>un the ,ata Table iteration options are for "hich datasheet)

 A. oalB. :lo*al

C. Run,time Data Ta*leD. Desi0n,time Data Ta*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 26*: &hat can you use to handle unpredictable testing eceptions)

 A. A Do oopB. Reo+er/ senarioC. IF TE> $tatementD. $elet Case statement

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 26-: 4n "hich command can you associate a function library to a test)

 A. Run 'ptionsB. Test $ettin0sC. View 'ptionsD. Funtion De&inition :enerator 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 260: &here do you set the action iterations for a specified action)

 A. Ation $ettin0sB. Ation 1ropertiesC. Ation Run $ettin0sD. Ation Call 1roperties

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 263: &here do you mar! an action as reusable)

 A. Ation $ettin0s

B. Ation 1ropertiesC. Ation Run $ettin0sD. Ation Call 1roperties

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 266 : Dfter running a test that contains both input and output parameters/"here can the results of an output parameter be found)

 A. oal Data$%eetB. :lo*al Data$%eet

C. Run,time Data Ta*leD. Desi0n,time Data Ta*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 267: 4f you ha#e a $irtual bect Eollection stored on your machine/ and youdonHt "ant to use it/ "hat must you do)

 A. Disa*le Virtual '*-ets in Test $ettin0sB. Remo+e t%e Colletion &rom /our ma%ineC. Disa*le Virtual '*-ets in :eneral 'ptions

D. Remo+e t%e Colletions &rom t%e Resoures list

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 278: &hich method for the ,ata Table utility obect "ill allo" you to retrie#einformation from the ,ata Table during a test run)

 A. ValueB. ImportC. :et CellD. :et Value

Q. 271: &hat does the source property of a database chec!point obectrepresent)

 A. T%e $= 9uer/B. T%e identi&iation num*er o& t%e data*aseC. T%e num*er o& rows returned &rom t%e 9uer/D. T%e onnetion strin0 used to onnet to t%e data*ase

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 272: &hat is created/ by default/ "ith each ne" action)

 A. oal Data $%eet! :lo*al Data $%eet! Folder B. oal '*-et Repositor/! oal Data $%eet! Folder C. :lo*al Data $%eet! oal '*-et Repositor/! Folder D. oal Data $%eet! :lo*al Data $%eet! oal '*-et Repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 27%: &hat are the a#ailable en#ironment #ariable types@)

 A. Built,inB. ?ser,de&ined

C. ?ser,&untionD. Built,in! ?ser,de&inedE. Built,in! ?ser,&untion

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 27*: 4f the (lobal ,ata sheet contains no data and the Gocal ,atasheetcontains t"o ro"s of data/ ho" many times "ill the test iterate)

 A. 8B. 2

C. D. 5

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 27-: &hat is the first thing that must be defined in a eco#ery 'cenario)

 A. Tri00er B. Reo+er/ 'perationC. Reo+er/ $enario >ameD. T%e Funtion used in t%e senario

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 270: &hat are bitmap chec!points sensiti#e to)

 A. Ima0e sie and o*-et t/peB. '*-et t/pe and ima0e t/peC. $reen resolution and o*-et t/pe

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C. Connetion! Reord$etD. 'pen! Connetion$trin0

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %82: Bo" do you declare a constant)

 A. Dim $tatementB. Con $tatementC. Const $tatementD. 'ption Expliit statement

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %8%: &hat method is used to retrie#e the number of columns in the Iueryresults)

 A. Fields.CountB. Fields.Item@E'FC. Fields.Count@B'FD. Fields.Count.Value

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %8*: To bypass the bect epository you can:

 A. Turn t%e '*-et Repositor/ o&& B. ?se a pro0rammati desriptionC. Delete all o*-ets in all repositoriesD. Add t%e o*-et to t%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %8-: &hat does the Ehildbects method return)

 A. A Colletion o*-etB. A strin0 trueL&alseC. A Boolean TR?ELFA$ED. T%e num*er o& o*-ets mat%in0 t%e C%ild'*-et desription

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %80: &hat obect is used to read information from a tet file)

 A. Read

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B. ReadineC. Text$treamD. File$/stemE. 'penTextFile

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %83: 4f you are typing in pert $ie" and you type an obect follo"ed by a dot/"hat does Quic!Test display)

 A. >ot%in0B. T%e ar0uments &or t%at o*-etC. T%e met%ods and properties &or t%at o*-etD. T%e %ild o*-ets and met%ods &or t%at o*-et

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %86: 9y default/ ho" does Quic!Test pass arguments to the procedure)

 A. B/ValB. B/Re& C. B/Ar0D. B/Res

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %87: &hat obect is used to send information to test results at the completionof the test run)

 A. ResultB. Reporter C. ReportE+entD. ResultReport

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %18: 4f a procedure is defined in a test script/ that procedure is accessible to"hich tests5scripts)

 A. 'nl/ to ot%er proeduresB. It is not usa*le to an/ test sriptsC. T%e test sript in w%i% it is de&inedD. ?sin0 t%e $tep :enerator! it is a+aila*le to an/ test sript

Q. %11: &hen does a ,o loop statement e#aluate for continuation)

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C. A Re0ular AtionD. An External

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %22: &hat are the a#ailable step commands in Quic!Test)

 A. $tep! $tep Into! $tep 'utB. $tep Into! $tep '+er! $tep 'utC. $tep Test! $tep Ation! $tep FuntionD. Run &rom $tep! De*u0 &rom $tep! Run &rom $tep

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %2%: &hen a test is run in update mode/ "hat is updated)

 A. T%e test resultsB. T%e o*-et desriptionsC. T%e ation names in t%e testD. T%e lo0ial names in t%e test

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %2*: &hat are the phases in the Quic!Test "or!flo")

 A. 1lan! Reord! En%ane! RunB. 1repare! Reord! Veri&/! Run

C. 1lan! Create! Veri&/ En%aneD. 1repare! Create! Veri&/ En%ane! Inte0rate

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %2-: &hy is lo"Ale#el recording mode useful)

 A. It reords exat 3e/*oard operations on an o*-et.B. It reords exat oordinates o& all mouse mo+ements.C. It uses t%e o*-et repositor/ to determine w%at met%ods an *e used.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %20: &hat are test obect properties)

 A. T%ose properties as de&ined in a desription '*-etB. T%ose properties as de&ined in '*-et identi&iationC. T%ose properties displa/ed */ an o*-et at run,timeD. T%ose properties used in t%e '*-et Repositor/ &or o*-et identi&iation

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %23: &hat is the function of the bect epository Fanager)

 A. Assi0n +aria*le names to test o*-etsB. ViewLma3eLmodi&/ a oal '*-et Repositor/C. ViewLma3eLmodi&/ a $%ared '*-et Repositor/D. De&ine new test o*-ets usin0 pro0rammati desriptions

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %26: &here are #irtual obect collections stored)

 A. In a Funtion i*rar/

B. In t%e loal '*-et Repositor/C. In t%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er D. Dat &older inside o& t%e =T1 installation diretor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %27: 4n the bect 4dentification dialog bo/ "hich properties can be #ie"ed)

 A. T%e *ase &ilter and optional propertiesB. T%e mandator/ and optional propertiesC. T%e *ase &ilter and assisti+e properties

D. T%e mandator/ and assisti+e properties

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%8: &here do you turn 'mart 4dentification 4L)

 A. T%e '*-et Repositor/B. T%e Test $ettin0s dialo0C. T%e :eneral 'ptions dialo0D. T%e '*-et Identi&iation dialo0

Q. %%1: Bo" do you !no" if 'mart 4dentification has been used in a test)

 A. T%e $mart Identi&iation ion appears in t%e test resultsB. T%e test results will s%ow a run error! ausin0 a test &ailureC. T%e properties used */ t%e o*-et repositor/ will *e %an0edD. T%e '*-et Repositor/ will s%ow t%e $mart Identi&iation ion

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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Q. %%2: &hat options are a#ailable to filter obects in the Target bect epositorypane "hen merging obect repositories)

 A. $%ow all o*-ets or $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0 o*-et t/pes

B. $%ow all o*-ets or $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0 desriptionsC. $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0 lo0ial names or $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0o*-et t/pesD. $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0 lo0ial names or $%ow onl/ o*-ets wit% on&litin0desriptions

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%%: &hat is the default ordinal identifier)

 A. T%e loation

B. T%e o*-et idC. T%e nati+elassD. T%e index num*er 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%*: &hich statement is used to associate a procedure "ith a test obectclass)

 A. Re0isterFuntionB. Re0ister?ser1ro

C. Re0ister?serFunD. Re0ister1roedure

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%-: &hat must you do before a shared obect repository can be edited)

 A. Ena*le Editin0B. Add a new o*-etC. 'pen t%e o*-et repositor/D. 'pen an ation t%at uses t%at s%ared o*-et repositor/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%0: &here do you configure an action to use a shared obect repository)

 A. Test $ettin0sB. Ation $ettin0sC. Ation Call 1roperties

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D. Assoiate Repositories

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%3: You should use local obect repositories "hen you:

 A. ;or3 wit% sin0le,ation testsB. ;or3 wit% multiple,ation testsC. Create multiple tests &or a sin0le appliationD. Expet t%e test o*-et properties to %an0e &re9uentl/

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%6: &here can you merge t"o shared obect repositories)

 A. T%e '*-et Repositor/

B. T%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er C. T%e Assoiate '*-et Repositories ToolD. ou an onl/ mer0e loal o*-et repositories

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %%7: 4n the pert $ie"/ the follo"ing is al"ays #isible and the pert $ie"al"ays displays the script for the selected action)

 A. Ation istB. Expert ist

C. C%e3 istD. View ist

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*8: &hen you modify the name of an obect/ in the local obect repository thename is automatically updated in _____ for all occurrences of the obect

 A. e/word ViewB. Bot% e/word Expert ViewC. Expert ViewD. C%an0in0 t%e name o& an o*-et does not a&&et 3e/word or Expert View

Q. %*1: &hen does Quic!Test ;rofessional 7.2 use assisti#e properties for an obect)

 A. 'nl/ w%en $mart Identi&iation is ena*ledB. ;%en t%e 'rdinal identi&ier is set to IndexC. ;%en t%e *ase &ilter properties are not su&&iient &or uni9ue identi&iationD. ;%en t%e mandator/ properties are not su&&iient &or uni9ue identi&iation

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*2: &hen a test "ith multiple actions is sa#ed/ "hich component is added in each action"ithin the test)

 A. ?ser lo0 &ile

B. :lo*al Data Ta*leC. '*-et Repositor/D. Ati+e $reen settin0s

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*%: The test settings of Test D ha#e been set to un from ro" 1 to ro" * in the ,ata Tableiterations section. Dction Ds Dction Eall ;roperties is set to un all ro"s. Bo" many times in total"ill Dction D be eecuted if the Gocal ,ata Table has - ro"s and the (lobal ,ata Table has 18ro"s)

 A. 2<B. "<

C. 8"D. 5<

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %**: &hen enhancing your tests/ "hat do programmatic descriptions allo" you to do) 'electthree.

 A. ?tilie t%e '*-et Repositor/.B. B/pass t%e '*-et Repositor/.C. 1er&orm t%e same operation on a list o& o*-ets wit% similar properties.D. 1er&orm di&&erent operations on a list o& o*-ets wit% di&&erent properties.

E. 1er&orm an operation on a d/nami o*-et %osen *ased on run,time o*-et properties.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*-: &hich Quic!Test ;rofessional tool can be used to identify the unAtime bect ;ropertiesand Fethods of an obect in the application under test)

 A. '*-et $p/B. '*-et Repositor/C. '*-et Identi&iationD. '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %*0: &hy are regular epressions used in tests) 'elect t"o.

 A. To set an o*-et propert/B. To de&ine an o*-et propert/C. To %e3 t%e addins installedD. To de&ine a %e3pointOs ran0e o& +alues

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

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=. 5J ;%at are t%e two main options a+aila*le in t%e Reord and Run $ettin0s dialo0 *ox &or ;indowsappliationsP $elet two.

 A. Reord and Run 'nl/ 'nB. Reord and Run Test on An/ 'pen Browser C. Reord and Run 'nl/ on t%e ;indows Des3top

D. Reord and Run Test on An/ 'pen ;indows,*ased Appliation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %-*: &hat is the !ey"ord used to define ho" the counter #ariable in a +orLet loopincrements)

 A. ##B. $3ipC. $tepD. ExitFor 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %--: Bo" does Quic!Test ;rofessional categoriCe an obect)

 A. B/ its ValueB. B/ its ClassC. B/ its 1ropertiesD. B/ its ;indow &ous

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %-0: &hich Quic!Test ;rofessional term describes a function that pro#ides more time for anobect to process before mo#ing on to the net step)

 A. Test '*-etB. ;ait $tatementC. Custom C%e3pointD. $/n%roniation 1oint

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %-3: &hich type of parameter is systemAgenerated during a test run)

 A. 'utputB. En+ironmentC. 4 $trutureD. Random num*er 

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %-6: &hat are the elements of a test step in Quic!Test ;rofessional 7.2) 'elect three.

 A. ItemB. Value

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C. AtionD. ;indowE. 1roessF. 'peration:. 1roedure

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %-7: &hich of the follo"ing are #alid settings for the Dcti#e 'creen capture le#el) 'elect three.

 A. AllB. FullC. 1artialD. CompleteE. 4inimumF. 4aximum

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %08: ,uring recording/ from "hich command or feature can you add a 'ynchroniCation point)

 A. Edit menuB. Insert menuC. Tools menuD. Ati+e $reen

Q. %01: Dfter running a test that contains output parameters/ "here can a user find the results ofan output parameter)

 A. Ati+e $reenB. Test $ummar/

C. Run,time Data Ta*leD. Desi0n,time Data Ta*le

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %02: &hat are the default capture le#els of Dcti#e 'creen in Quic!Test ;rofessional 7.2)

 A. All! 4ost! $ome! >oneB. 1artial! >one! Full! easC. 4aximum! 4inimum! 1artial! >oneD. >one! Complete! 1artial! 4inimum

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %0%: &hat can you accomplish using the pert $ie" that you are unable accomplish in theey"ord $ie") 'elect t"o.

 A. Run parameter +aluesB. Retrie+e test o*-et propertiesC. Retrie+e run,time o*-et propertiesD. Compare and ompute o*-et +aluesE. Add %e3points &rom t%e Ati+e$reen

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %0*: &hich feature in the pert $ie" presents options to finish the current $9'cript line youare typing)

 A. Funtion :enerator 

B. Auto,expand VB$riptC. $tatement ompletionD. Context,sensiti+e %elp

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %0-: &hich type of parameter contains the #alue of a property captured from the applicationduring a test run)

 A. InputB. 'utputC. 4 strutureD. Random num*er

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %00: &hat does the (etT;roperty method do)

 A. It retrie+es t%e +alue o& a propert/ &rom a test o*-et.B. It retrie+es t%e a+aila*le properties &rom a test o*-et.C. It retrie+es t%e +alue o& a propert/ &rom a run,time o*-et.D. It retrie+es t%e a+aila*le properties &rom a run,time o*-et.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %03: &hat is a userAdefined obect class in the bect 4dentification dialog)

 A. An o*-et lass t%at is de&ined at run timeB. A standard o*-et mapped to a standard lassC. A user,de&ined o*-et lass mapped to a standard lassD. An o*-et lass t%at is de&ined */ t%e appliation under test

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %06: &hich scripting language is used by Quic!Test ;rofessionals pert $ie")

 A. T$

B. VB$riptC. Na+a$riptD. =ui3Test$ript

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %07: &hich compressed file type does Quic!Test ;rofessional use to eport a test)

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 A. .rar B. .ipC. .isoD. .pa3

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %38: &hich Ehec!point type pro#ides Quic!Test ;rofessional "ith a "ay to chec! one or moreproperties of an obect)

 A. Text C%e3pointB. Bitmap C%e3pointC. $tandard C%e3pointD. Aessi*ilit/ C%e3point

Q. %31: &hich menu command do you use to associate a function library to a test)

 A. Run 'ptionsB. Test $ettin0s

C. View 'ptionsD. Ation 1roperties

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %32: You ha#e ust stopped recording steps into your test. Your applicationAunderAtest is stillup and #isible on your screen. You no" "ish to add some chec!points into your test using themenu command/ 4nsert A> Ehec!point from the Toolbar. &hich chec!points are a#ailable to you)'elect t"o.

 A. Text %e3pointB. 4 %e3pointC. Bitmap %e3pointD. Text Area %e3pointE. Data*ase %e3point

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %3%: &hen preparing to run your automated test/ from "here in the Quic!Test ;rofessional 7.2interface do you restrict the number of iterations an Dction "ill eecute) 

 A. T%e Test Flow dialo0B. T%e Test $ettin0s dialo0C. T%e Ation 1roperties dialo0D. T%e Ation Call 1roperties dialo0

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %3*: &hich looping statements are a#ailable in Quic!Test ;rofessional) 'elect three.

 A. I&T%enB. For>extC. Do...oop

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<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. %68: To bypass the bect epository you can:

 A. Turn t%e '*-et Repositor/ o&& B. ?se a pro0rammati desriptionC. Delete all o*-ets in all repositoriesD. Add t%e o*-et to t%e '*-et Repositor/ 4ana0er 



Q. 1 9

Q. 2 9

Q. % ,

Q. * EQ. - D

Q. 0 E

Q. 3 D

Q. 6 E

Q. 7 D

Q. 18 D

Question No. Correct Answer

Q. 11 A

Q. 12 A

Q. 13 A

Q. 14 A

Q. 15 A

Q. 16 D

Q. 17 A

Q. 18 A

Q. 19 A

Q. 20 D



Q. 21 B

Q. 22 A

Q. 23 C

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Q. 24 C

Q. 25 A

Q. 26 B

Q. 27 A

Q. 28 D

Q. 29 B

Q. 30 A





Q. 31 B

Q. 32 A

Q. 33 A

Q. 34 B

Q. 35 A

Q. 36 B

Q. 37 C

Q. 38 AQ. 39 B

Q. 40 C





Q. 41 B

Q. 42 A

Q. 43 D

Q. 44 A

Q. 45 G

Q. 46 B

Q. 47 A

Q. 48 AQ. 49 B

Q. 50 A


n No.



Q. 51 D

Q. 52 A

Q. 53 D

Q. 54 C

Q. 55 A

Q. 56 C

Q. 57 AQ. 58 B

Q. 59 D

Q. 60 D



=. 68 A! B

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=. 62 C! D

=. 6 A! C

=. 6" A

=. 65 A

=. 66 A

=. 67 A

=. 6) A

=. 6( C

=. 7< A

QuestionNo. CorrectAnswer

Q. 71 C

Q. 72 A

Q. 73 A

Q. 74 A

Q. 75 B

Q. 76 A

Q. 77 A

Q. 78 A

Q. 79 A

Q. 80 A





Q. 81 B

Q. 82 C

Q. 83 B

Q. 84 A

Q. 85 B

Q. 86 B

Q. 87 A

Q. 88 A

Q. 89 BQ. 90 B





Q. 91 A

Q. 92 A

Q. 93 B

Q. 94 A

Q. 95 D

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Q. 96 D

Q. 97 C

Q. 98 A

Q. 99 D

Q. 100 C




AnswerQ. 101 D

Q. 102 A

Q. 103 C

Q. 104 B

Q. 105 B

Q. 106 A

Q. 107 A

Q. 108 B

Q. 109 A

Q. 110 A




AnswerQ. 111 A

Q. 112 A

Q. 113 A

Q. 114 A

Q. 115 B

Q. 116 A

Q. 117 A

Q. 118 A

Q. 119 A

Q. 120 C




AnswerQ. 121 A

Q. 122 B

Q. 123 C

Q. 124 B

Q. 125 B

Q. 126 A

Q. 127 A

Q. 128 C

Q. 129 A

Q. 130 A




AnswerQ. 131 D

Q. 132 D

Q. 133 A

Q. 134 B

Q. 135 A

Q. 136 D

Q. 137 B

Q. 138 A

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Q. 139 B

Q. 140 B





Q. 141 C

Q. 142 A

Q. 143 AQ. 144 A

Q. 145 A

Q. 146 E

Q. 147 C

Q. 148 A

Q. 149 A

Q. 150 C



=. 858 A=. 852 A

=. 85 B

=. 85" A

=. 855 A

=. 856 B

=. 857 B

=. 85) A

=. 85( C

=. 86< C


Corret Answer 

=. 868 A

=. 862 A=. 86 B

=. 86" C

=. 865 A

=. 866 B

=. 867 A

=. 86) B

=. 86( A

=. 87< A




Dns"er =. 878 A

=. 872 D

=. 87 C

=. 87" B

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=. 875 B

=. 876 B

=. 877 B

=. 87) A

=. 87( D

=. 8)< C


Corret Answer 

=. 8)8 A

=. 8)2 C

=. 8) A

=. 8)" A

=. 8)5 C

=. 8)6 D

=. 8)7 A

=. 8)) C

=. 8)( B

=. 8(< A

=uestion>o. Corret Answer 

=. 8(8 A

=. 8(2 C

=. 8( C

=. 8(" A

=. 8(5 A

=. 8(6 C

=. 8(7 D

=. 8() A

=. 8(( A

=. 2<< B


Corret Answer 

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=. 2<8 C

=. 2<2 C

=. 2< A

=. 2<" A

=. 2<5 A

=. 2<6 B

=. 2<7 A

=. 2<) A

=. 2<( B

=. 28< A


Corret Answer 

=. 288 C

=. 282 A

=. 28 C

=. 28" B

=. 285 A

=. 286 A

=. 287 C

=. 28) B

=. 28( D

=. 22< A


Corret Answer 

=. 228 C

=. 222 B

=. 22 C

=. 22" B

=. 225 B

=. 226 A

=. 227 C

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=. 22) B

=. 22( D

=. 2< A




 Answer =. 28 B

=. 22 B

=. 2 A

=. 2" A

=. 25 C

=. 26 B

=. 27 D

=. 2) A

=. 2( A

=. 2"< B


Corret Answer 

=. 2"8 A

=. 2"2 D

=. 2" A

=. 2"" A

=. 2"5 B

=. 2"6 D

=. 2"7 A

=. 2") C

=. 2"( B

=. 25< B!C


Corret Answer 

=. 258 B

=. 252 A

=. 25 D

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=. 25" B

=. 255 A

=. 256 C

=. 257 B

=. 25) E

=. 25( C

=. 26< B


Corret Answer 

=. 268 B

=. 262 B

=. 26 D

=. 26" A

=. 265 D

=. 266 C

=. 267 B

=. 26) D

=. 26( A

=. 27< A


Corret Answer 

=. 278 A

=. 272 A

=. 27 C

=. 27" A

=. 275 D

=. 276 B

=. 277 B

=. 27) A

=. 27( D

=. 2)< D

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Corret Answer 

=. 2)8 C

=. 2)2 D

=. 2) B

=. 2)" B

=. 2)5 B

=. 2)6 D

=. 2)7 B

=. 2)) C

=. 2)( C

=. 2(< A


Corret Answer 

=. 2(8 A

=. 2(2 B

=. 2( D

=. 2(" A

=. 2(5 A

=. 2(6 D

=. 2(7 A

=. 2() D

=. 2(( D

=. << D


Corret Answer 

=. <8 C

=. <2 C

=. < A

=. <" B

=. <5 A

=. <6 C

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=. A

=. " C

=. 5 A

=. 6 D

=. 7 A

=. ) B

=. ( A

=. "< B



=. "8 D

=. "2 C

=. " A

=. "" B!C!E

=. "5 A

=. "6 B!D

=. "7 B

=. ") B

=. "( D

=. 5< A


Question Eorrect

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Lo. Dns"er  

=. 58 A!B!D

=. 52 B

=. 5 A!D

=. 5" C

=. 55 B

=. 56 D

=. 57 D

=. 5) A!B!F

=. 5( C!D!E

=. 6< B


Corret Answer 

=. 68 C

=. 62 D

=. 6 C!D

=. 6" C

=. 65 B

=. 66 A

=. 67 C

=. 6) B

=. 6( B

=. 7< C


Corret Answer 

=. 78 B

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=. 72 B!E

=. 7 D

=. 7" B!C!D

=. 75 D

=. 76 A

=. 77 B!C!CF

=. 7) B!C!D

=. 7( B

=. )< B