®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller,...

Yi' ,x,,:.'. ;.:.T.;.!-,:,;^.,t;.%.':-.>i"/ .-J-.".-"- fc<- :t>f'^i ®hp lEaat Mnmn - ( Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' VOL. VII— NO. 28 Coiiihiiicd Willi The IJranford Review TilURSnAY^ APKllV li. l!)o2 '^ 5 Cents Copy—$2,50 A Year / opics lulviiiiicil (o ^N'clmlns nwiinl. I),.i Nn. 13 Ims been nritanl/ed under Den Mother Einlly 1). Itnololo, whicll now hicreases the puck en- .rollMienl of in lioys. The follothiB hoys reri'ivCMl Wolf bad^e: ilcrry SiHuliicelilii, Hurry Oiirlienu, Klcli- lird i>u7.ili, liobert Colhurn, Neil iMosiK nnd lloliert I,ee, Ilol)ert O'Connor nnd ,Iohn I'nrlllo ,lr„ were ndvnnced lo Bear rnnlt, and l.ioii badges were presented to I!ol)ert Collmrn, l,eslle Hzlrbllt, Tom Murray nnd Dale King. Bill Blxhy is worlting out with liLs formor East Ilnvcn HiRh School mates in basobnll during his spriiiK vncntlon from Suftield Acndcniy. Ho captained the basket- ball team dui'Ing the first half of tliu 'Kchsnn while playing tirsl slrina center, rind was third high scorer on tlie team. The Academy team failed to make the Prep School Tournament in Boston Gar- den by one game, losing to Wor- cester Academy in the plnydowns. . Sutfield expects to field ii strong hasclinll team this year, nnd liill will have the l)enerilof expert coaching frnni former pitebilig star Stan Ward. Sontlicrn Mnssnelln- setls nnd northern Connecticut I'rep. Schools will offer stern op- position during u M game schedule, Willi Hill slated lo i(o the majority of Ihe pitching for Sufficld. Tax Collector Herman Ilack- harth announces that the lax of- fice will be open .Satiu'days. April n and 121 Ir from !) to 11 and Tues- ilay, Aiiril IS until !) P. M. llnck- bnrth suggests liuil taxiiaycrs take advantage of these early openings in order to avoid the last minute rush. Attending the Connecticut Coun- cil of Wonmn's Club held Monday at the Hotel Garde in UarHpTi!. were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs. yh.ipent 3-'ttsnno, Mrs. Leverett,' C...Clark, Mrs, Frank IJarker luid Mrs. Ed- ward Kroid>erg. Robert Burdetlc of Sldney;Strect" lii'i.s been appointed by the Board of Education to tench in.thc ui)por. grades of South School. Burdele .nt'nduated from East Haven High .School and University of Connecti- cut. Annonnrenienf' Is made of tlli^ engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel- vcy, of 2la Ne\vhall .Street, diiugli- ler of Mrs. ,Jou» McKelvey of De- troit lo I'fc. Joseph Delli Fraud, son ()r 5Ir. ami IMrs. .Tosepb DellJ l''nuici of 121 Russn Avenue, J'^-von. Robert NcFnrland of Scout Troo]) 1, received Den Chief insig- nia, and William Hurder, Michael l^etls nnd Robert Colhurn grad- ual cdwith Wobolos. Numerous other boys presented witli gold and silver arrow elective awards, .ilso (lenner fuul assistant denne rstripes. Four dens presenlod humorous :ddls vvilb boys dressed as wolf an- imals to porl.i-ay the monthly theme of ".lungle Tales." An exhil)il of liandicrafis made by members of Pack 5, is currently on display in the Maposlic Laundry window. The regular stated coinnumiea- tion of Momauguin Lodge No. 138, A. F. & A. RL, will he held in the Idilgc rooms at 2(i.5 Main .Street on !Moii(hiy at 7:30, at which time the M:is(er iMason Degree will he ex- emplified. Kefreshnients will he sci-ved after the degree work in the ban(nn;t hall and all iMaster ^lasons art; invited to atleiul. Appoinlment of Fred Bolvin as rhairman of the Military Ball Commiitee was announced last wecli by Frank Prahovic, Com- m.uuiin- of Harry R. Bartlett Post ::'J. American Legion. Other mem- bi'isof the committee are ,lobn En- liglit.Leslie Hedfleld. James Mc- Couldrick, .Tosepb Calabre.se and .Tnseph Glynn. May 16th has been set as I he dale for the ball, held amuiidly hy the local legion pest. April Sliowers Dance tomorrow nii;ht in tin; high school. Dancing (roni 8 lo I I. Among Ibegraduates of the U. S. Niual Engineman School Service, .'School Command. U. S. Naval Tiaining Cenler, Great Lakes, Ills., was lial|ih D, Del Cervo.seaman .ipprenlico, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Rnlpli Del Cervo of 8 Mass- .•uluiwlls Avenue. Ui'l Cervo. who entered tiie Nav- al service on April 26, 1051, re- ci'lved bis r"cruit training at the 1'. .t;. N'aval Training Cenler, Bain- iMidge. Md. Before entering the Na\y. Del Cervo was graduated fH.iii I'.oardman Trade School, and V.MS employed by Petruecl's Gar- ,i|;c and Service Station. Ilie Half Hour Keadiag Club hilil its annual meeting at the liiinie of llie oresident, Mrs. Edward ,1. iliiver of 12 Bradley Avenue this jiiiiiM. A salad luncheon was srrviMl. M,-. and Mrs. MatUiew R. Tier- jicy ii.f SO Francis Street, announce thi- engas-'ement of their daughter, Writer Urges Chamber Press For Off-Street Parking Lots CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EAST HAVEN Gentlemen: As one travels through various Slates, lie will find one common proble:n, nnd that Is the difficulty of finding parking space. Most cities are studying the problem and many cities linve solved the p:'ob- lehi by off-street parking. Whei'e it has been tried It has been put on a paying basis nnd iiinde self sustaining. Aside from the convon'.ence lo local citizens which'after all is tlie most Important objective, eft .street parking facilities have brought much new business into towns that luive Installed such places. In the Town of New Canaan, Connecticut, tlic bank deposits In the First National Bank have grown from two million to 10 mil- lion dollars and the annual .sales have jumped from four to ."iO mil lion dollars after the Inception of off street parKmg. r'rankly other elements have contributed to this hugh increase, such as, growtti of town. Inflation, etc., but It is gen^ erally agi-ced among the business men that the off street parking was the biggest factor In fact, the problem 1ms liecome .so acute.lt is obvious now that town without off street parking will witlier and realty values and a.sscssments will decrease in the business center, and a larger load of I axes will have to be assumed In Ihe rcsidenllal zones. With proper off street parking more business will be biought into tlic center, rents, assessments and taxes, from Ihc imsiness district, will increase. The solution is thnfsimple and off street parking is .self sustaining. In a recent statement concerning future plans of East Haven, First Selectman Frank S. Barker saitlho planned to study off street park- ing. This Is-very refreshing,-1 hnl.. oiir admlnLstrntlon is conscious of this problem. It seems to tiie writer that .some organization like the Chainber of Commerce or Rotary should assist,: study the problem, present a-plan to the administra- tion for discussion ond . criticism and if a business like; practical plan is arrived'at, then It should be presented to a town meeting. East Haven'Is going forward oi' bnckSvard. There is no standing slilli. NAME WITHHELD Garden Club To Hold Foiii-th Annual Show June 10 In Town Hall The Garden Club of East Haven will lioid its fourtli annual flower show at the Town Hall from 2 to !) on .Tune lOth. The theme of Ihe show will be'"Blossom Time" and tlic staging decorations wilt lie ar- ranged accordingly. Mrs. John E. Croumey is the genei'al chairman nnd Mrs. Lev- eorott C. Clark co-chairman. Other inembers a.ssistlng are Mrs. Siior- wood Chamberlain, staging; Mrs, Harry Lewis, horticulture; Mrs. Thomas Feonton. schedule; Mrs. John Moran, hospitality; Mrs. Wil- liam Jaspers, secretary; Mrs. Frank Laine, treasurer; Mrs. Rob- ert Bauersfeld, Jr., and Mrs. Ken- neth Griffiths, judges and awards; Mrs. Carlylo Frawloy, junior ex- hibit; Mi's. Americus Aceto, prop- erties: Mi's. Alvin Thompson, pub- licity; and Mrs. George Wagner, conversation. Pauline, to Mr. Edward C. Fisher, son of Mrs. Waverly P. Cohen of 825 Orienta Avenue, Mnmaroneck and New 'Vork City and Mr. Ed- ward C. Fisher of Putnam. ..Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Wil- 'brnham Academy and attended Rhodes School, New York City, an.'I Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell, Mass. He sen'ed in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mr.s. Anthony laque.ssa Of 25 Hnhwiek Street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Natalie Marie, to Mr. Adolphus LaBonte Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus LaBonte of 284 Short Beach Road. Mr. LaBonte served three years in the Army in Japan. Sixty Police members of the Con- ectieufc Chiefs of Police Association attended the Thursday's nieeling »t the. Aunex House Uestuurant, tit which Chief Edwin U. Priest was host. Extensive landscaping will l)e made possible this Spring on the grounds of the Hagaman Memorial through a project of the Garden Club of East Haven. Cub Pack 5 held Its monthly pack meeting Monday at 7 in the Town Hall. Under the leadership of Cub- masters Nelson Moslg and Bcn- Jandn Gebersky the Cuhs presented an impressive cerccony for initi- ation of five new boys and the graduation ceremony of three Cubs Battalion Chiefs Will Practice With City Firemen Wilfred Dlonnnd B. Scott Wnt- rous, recently appointed Battalion Chiefs of the East Haven Fire Dc- pai'tment, will spend .six nights each during tlio next few weeks working Willi Emergency Engine Comiiany No. 12 of New Ilnvcn. Fire Chief Thomas J. Hayes has announced. Permission to send the two men to New Haven was granted by the local Board of Public Safety at Its last meeting, and approval of the plan by the Board of Fire Com- niissioners of the Clly of New Ha- ven also has been given through Chief Paul R. Heinz, Chief Hayes said. The purpose of the visit will be to gain additional oxiierience and lo work with a largo fire company in its daily ectlvltles, Chief Hayes said. Aftre the men have siient six nights each v^dth Company 12, they will bring back a groat deal of first hand knowledge of the workings of the Now Haven Fire Deparimont, which, according to statistics, is one of the outstanding organiza- tions In tlie country, the chief said. Dion will bo In Now Haven frbni April 2 until April 7, while Watrous will work there from Api-ll 8 through 13. They will be the first East Haven Fire-Doparlmenl rep- resentatives to participate with the New Ilavcii company In Its actual woik. Gov. Lodge To Speak Here Next Tuesday Governor Jolui D, Lodj^e will be the sneolcer at the last Spring niecting of tlio Old Stone Churoli Men's Club Tiicsduy at (1:30 in 'the jiarlsli house. Governor Lodge .will bo intro- duced by First Sclcclinau Frank A. Barker. Paul M. Donne,, pres- ident of the club, will nx;l as' toiLstmastcr. . The church women will .pre- pare ami serve a roast heuf din- ner, and a special inu.sleal pro- gram, including several novelty songs, is currently being ar- ranged. The annual election of officers will he held following the govu- erjior's address. This will be the final meeting of the group until October. Did You Know . . ,' vTlint This Year's leaching sinff Thol this year's trachine staff siiows nil hiereas'.' of five over last year, that It will Increase by six more next year and that (ho following years will show the same kind of an Increase'? ' That Is one reason why we will need more classrooms—and soon. Chamber Slates Annual Meeting For April I4tli The East Haven Chamber of Commerce will meet for Us annual meeting on Mondny, April Mth at the Adam House Restaurant on Main Street. A slate of names for the new Board of Directors will be pre- sented to tlie membership for elec- tion, names will also be hoard from the floor In addition to those names presented by the nominating committee. Committee reports including,the proposed special shoppers bus, sum- mer and winter weekly closing, inter club council, membership, and proposed commuunity parking aruiT'will be heard along with all other business presented to the membership. Dinner will be served at G:'I5 for those who may wish lo attend Im- inedi I oly nfter the close of busi- ness. The business meeting will start at 8. All members are urged to attend this nioollng. Immediately nfter the close of the annual niecllng the now Boarf of TDiroctors will convene It) oioct the new officers'for the Chamber for 1D52.' ' Future lloniemakcrs Rc{:;i6nal Meeting Held In High School \ Tlie Connecticut Association Fu'- lurc Ilomomnkers of America held their Regional meeting yesterday in the iilgh .school auditorium. Seymour, Bridgeport and Nnuga- luck were the visiting chapters. Guests nttendlnE woi'c Suporln- tendenl of Schools, William E. Gillls, Carl Garvin, Principal oI the high school, members of tlip school board, Emmett. O'Brien, Chief of the Vocational Ed ij'c'niron Bifre'au; Hlcliarcl Howes, Assistant Chief of Bureau; Miss llutii' Coi^les, and Mrs. Greo Harrison, State Advisors. Miss Helen CoUey, East Haven Chapter president, gave tlio address of welcome.' ' Slides •' showing "Courses'Leading to -Careers In Homemaklng at University of Con-' nocticut were presented by Mrs. Doris Pyne. There was a business niecting and the degree ceremony was put on by Seymour. Cancer Committee To Hold Two-Hour Canvass Sunday Mr.'i. IlL'iiiiaii SLnpIiuitsuii, CJialf- nmn of the local Cancnr Di-ivc, announces there will bo u two hour anvass drive Sunday from 1 to 3. These .two hours .have , been set aside for a door to door collectioii IhroUKhout the town. Townsiieoi)le arc asked for their cooperation in, this collection lo aid in the fight against cancer. In ConnocLicul no family stands alone wJth its cancer trouble. Funds we give every year help.to provide: 19 Cancer Information Centers, where any person may bring his cancer problem; services of a visiting cancer specialist to the State's. 26 Tumor Clinics; now mcdicai information about cancer for physicians, nurses, and dentists in the State; research and fellow- ship. In our own town your contribu- tion keeps dres-sings and comfort articles going to the bedside of cancer patients. It helps to finance nursing care ' for needy cancer patients, IL helps the local Cancer Sneiety to publicine the life-.savlngs facts about cancer, all year long. East Haven's * quota is 52000, The foIUnving ladies of the town will call on their roKpectlve areas: Airport area: Mrs. John Vlto, captain; Mrs. Matthew Domb- kowski, Edgar, Waldo, Burgess, Victor and Kenneth Streets; Mrs. Peter Lucas, Dodge Avenue, South Side; Mrs. Louis Anastaslo, Pros- pect Place Extension; Mrs. Nich- ola.s Fortino, Hemingway Avrjiiue, South of Dodge Avenue . , . Foxon Park areas: Mr^s. Clem- ent Catalano, c^iptaln; Mrs. Sob- astain Gialmo, Crescent Street and Highland . Avenue; Mrs. Robert Noon, Ann, Brennan nnd John Streets; Mrs, Stanley Pasternak, Strong Street; Mr.s. Joseph Plc- ccrilio, Russell Avenue, Hubert, Jofi're, Savoy and Taft Streets; .Mr.s. Eric Munson, Gene, Florence and Miami Streets; Mrs. Walter Marias, Paul, Michael, Rose and Lucy 'Streets; Mrs, Joseph Folio, Foxon Road; Mrs. WilHam Faulk- ner, Green and View Streets; Miss Cluil Hague, Fuxoii Blvfl; Mrs. Mr.'i, Clement Catuliuio, Old Foxon Road. Foxon area: Mr.s, Rouel Thomp- son, captain; Mrs. Stephen Har- rington, Mill Street; Mrs, Robert More, Plosnnt Street; Miss Marion Tower, Mai)Io Street; Mrs, Charles Grover, Hunt Lane; Mrs. Dwlght Koelcr. Bennett Road; Mrs, Wil- liam Welch, Mr.s.* Gone Jnekisch Mrs. John Moriarity, Route 80; Mrs,RussoIl Bacon, Mrs. Wesley Prann, Mrs, John Covert and Mrs, Thompson, Gclm More Estates, North High Street area: Mrs, Peter Medvicky, captain; Miss Mario Howe, Grannis Street nnd part of N. High Street; Mr.s. Wal- ter Sa.sso and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Guiro,sBorrmann Road; Mr.s. Fran- els Qiiinn, Sunset^Road; Mr.s. Wal- lace Bassetl, ' Howe Court; Joseph Hawtin, Willow Road. Laurel Street area:- Mr. Arthur Han.son, captain; Mr.s, Edna Pres- ton, Lindberg Street; Mrs. Chester Newton, Mrs. Harry Butler, Mrs, Earl Rossltor, Mrs. John Flagge and Mrs. Howard Hansen, Laurel Street; Mrs. Lewis DeFelico, Vik- ing 'Street and McClay Avenue; Mrs. Leon Redman, Bradley Ave- nue and Green Glen Terrace; Mrs, Robert Harrington, View Teri'ace. West End area: Mr.s. James Gartland, captain; Mrs, Henry J. Connolly, Guilford Court; Mrs, Foster Sporry, Pard6e Place; Mrs. John Tinari, Charter Oak Avenue; Street; Miss Mary Turbett, Lenox Street, and Masaachusotls Avenue; Mrs, ^ Nicholas Splgncsi,' Gerrish Avenue; Mrs, Domonick H, Fur- rara, Columbus Gardens; Mr.s, 01- tavio DaRae, Pardee Place Exten- sion. Momaguin area: .Mrs. Alvin L. Thomp.son, niplain; Mrs, Charlet Copeland," I^almetto 'I'rail and Catherine Streets; Mrs, George Pompano, Steven:i Street; Mrs. Carroll Conklin, George Street; Mr.s. Raymond Lahglols, Coe Ave- nue; Mrs, Clark Elliott Jr.. First Avenue; Mrs. Jane Korthever, Second Avenue and Atwater Street. Mrs. Alvin Thompson, Henry Street, Cosey Beach Avenue, Bradford Avenue and Hobson Streets. School Study Group Urges Town Meeting Attendance} The School Study Group held its first nicctlriK in the town hnll Monday cveninR to du.scuss school problems The purpose of thi s committee I: (o ncqunint the townspeople with (he need nnd immedinte solution to (lie growing school problcni.'s. ] A conlmittee' of five members from each Parent Teacher As.socla- tlon in the town were recently np- ijohitcd to serve as a school study Srou|). Mrs. William U. Cnsluiian ifi sei'vlng as clialrmnn nnd Mrs. Gerald Cullen as secretaiy. It was voted at this meeting In thank the newly appointed School Planning Committee for their prompt action In 'recommending a tentative program which would re- lieve the crowded conditions now existing In Iho local schools. The gtudy Group voted lo coopernte 100 per cent with Ihc committee In an imniedlnle school program, nnd would do all they could to assist In the execution of their planning. iTho Imporlnnce of nttondlnR town meetings was stressed and nienibcrs wore asked lo take back this rc(iuest to tlielr respective P. % A:'S. iTho members in attendniicd wore fi^oni Union School, Mr.s. , John FJizgerald, Dr. Mlchnel Arnbolos, MI'S. Rnynionil Smith; South Stihool, Prnest MnrzuUii; Laurel School, Mrs. Kd'.v.ir'l I<ronJ[)erg, Hrs. Gerald Culler and Ricliard Sotlow; Highland School, 11. Fink; Momauguin; Mrs. Wllllnm McNully, Mrs. George Flondolln, Irving Kills, PHilip ilart and Mrs. Walter Kane; F&xon .Sphool, Mrs. Ralph Hurder, Mrs. Francis Scarpace and Mrs. George Lolls; Gerrlsh School. Mrs. Eiiilly Iluotolo, Mrs. P. Streelo, Mrs. William Chasman nnd Mrs. Shlvalore Scalla. llnymond Smith ofiUhelSuiivey Commltlee wns ul.so lil-oeenl. ' i High School Notes The-Comql's annual Fashion Show will be held on Thursday, April 17, during an assembly per- iod. •}.: • • The gowns. Which are loaned by HilVold's, will ,1)0 modeled by llio hl|h school students. AH students w|iB joi'o Jntoi'ostcd Ih being n |)m.«?in;'".nrc'-asked lo : di-op tholr nunio into the Comet Bo.\ before the end of school tomorrow. There will be n need for 10 tall girls, foiir, short, nnd eight boys, (well built), 'i'herc will he music and scenery to complole the progra.ni. Joan McKinnel and Cliff Haek- hartli will.manage the Blue and Gold Varsity Show, whicli will be held April 2-1 nnd 25th. They will be assisteri.:by.,co-manuger Vincent Briuio and 'Linda Lalnc. Joseph Mayo is in charge of direction, Frelda Swlrsky will direct the mus- ical numbers and Miss Bou'^oucos will be in charge of choreeraphv. This Is the Idlh annual Varsity Show and If will present scenes of hoola girls, palm trees, and tropical country with a Hawaiian sceiie. Tlie alumni will lake charge of the uiniifil scene "Stardust" starring such singers ns Gloria Gulpln, Joan Lynch and^ Frank Velardi. The' third scene Is In a school and there promLses to be many laughs with Vincent Bruno. Among the vocalist will be Cnrmon Leoneltl und Florlne DeLudu. Lin- da Lalne and Joan McKlnncU will take over the dancing routines. The show will present ninny other tal- ented students. There was a Brotherhood As- sembly on March 1.1. The con- testants were Joan Meeker, Bar- bara Charninn and Diane Cesner. Diane won first prize. The Art Club visited the Museum of Natural History in New York on March 22. This Is an annual trip. The seniors arc having tlieir voices tested by Mrs. Stranilborg for the coining graduation exei-- clses. Tlie songs that were selected are; "While We're Young," "This is My Father's Country" nnd Onward Ye Peo|ile." . The committees arc being chosen for Class Nlghl, graduation nnd the Senior dance In the homerooms and co-chairmen for these affairs will ho chosen at a future senior nieet- ing. Now that spring Is here school sport fans have only one remain- ing interest, baBcball. This, year's team Is led by first baseman, War- ren Smith. The stjund's only ap- parent weakness will be. In pitch- ing, for Cato.Blxby, last season's mainstay, has graduated and no able replacement h,is been found to date. Jack Norton and Hal Law- lor are possible pitchers. The rest of the battery will Include Vin Gagllardl who has been playing varsity catcher for three years. The rest of the Infield will be lenl- ativoly, Joe Valentl on .second, Vin Paolillo at short slop and third .)ase_ wide open. Tlie only gap to be tilled in the outfield is the right field post wliich has been vacated by last year's co-captain BUI Koberts, The other outfield spots will be held by HiJn Rosetti and Nick Pellegrlno. The right fielder Is unknown but Ueo Tancrctl Is one of the leading candidate.; for the position. Lions Planning Townwidc Drive For Scrap Metal A towiiwlde scrap metal dri\-e win be condiuicled In lOast Haven on Sundn.v, April '-'0, by members of Iho local Lion's Club, It wns an- nounced this week. In response to appeals from Government and Induuslry. Ilie Lle^-'s Cluh Is asking local residents lo remove from attics, collars, gar- Hges nnd barns any old metal which no longer can he Used, such ns old beds, pans, lamps, stoves; sewing maolilno, farm miichlnery, oboleto tool ami worn bicycle and nutomnbllo parts. Funds I'enllzed from Ihe drive will be used by the Lion's ClUb for Us iuimertius community liottor- monl projects.. nesldonts are asked lo place scrap metal nl ciiriis In [ront of their liomcs on the day of Ihc drive. If scrap should be loo lienvy lo bo left at curbs, porstins may contact 110 7-012fi and moinbci's of Ihe Lion's Club will muvo Iho materials. BcUy Louise Post Becomes The Bride Of Robert Wotlon Saturday aflornooii at 2!S(l in the Old Slone Church, Miss Betty Loul.se Post, dauglilor of Mr . and Mrs. Edwin 15. Post, iif Ao Chldsoy Avenue. East Haven, bccnmo. Ihe bride of lloberl De Forest Wotlon, .son of Mr. and Mrs. nobort fj. Wot- lon of Hillsdale, N. J. 'I'ho nev. James E, Wnery officiated at the double ring ceremony. A program of nuptial musk Including "The Lord's Prayer" and 1 Love Thco," was presented by Mis Sicphen J-lune, organist, and Mrs. .Wlllhun HiLssc, Jr.i solulHt , Given In mnrrhiBO by her father, Iho.brldp WIS. allcndort by hei sl8(,cr',"'Mlss'Shi'ley Ann PosI, at maid of honor nnrl by Ihc Misses Jane S. Brown of Bast Haven nnd Helen T. Kcnnia of Beacon Kails as brldesmnlds. Miss Ureiitla Mae Post,' sislcr of the briilc wns the flower girl. Milton- L. Smith of Noroton Heights was best man, The ushers wore Wesley Bopini, Jr., of West- wood, N. J., nichni'd E. Fisher of Wostflold, N. J., Frederick W. Tro- vlthlck, Jr., of Middlelown, aiid Wllllnm F, Arndl, Jr., of Perdys, N. Y. The bride wore a white lace nnd nylon tulle gown ,wllh a tilted bodice, bouffant sjcirt, nnd. long Ihec sleeves. Mer fingertip Illusion veil fell from a helmet of lace and seed pearls and she cai-rled a boit- (lUot of assorted while flowers ccn- lerod with a gardenia. The honor allendanl wore (i gown of lavender iitlle with an in- sert of satin at the waistline and a detachable stole. Her headpiece was a flowered band wltli 'a face veil and she carried pale pink car- nations nnd pink roses. The brides- maids wore identical gown and headpieces In aquamarine lulle nnd carried pink earnallona and roses. The flower girl wore a pale pink nylon tulle dress and picture hat and carried a colonial bouquet. Immediately following the cere- mony a reception was held In the parish house of the church. Assist- ing In receiving guests, the bride's mother wore a navy blue crepe dress with whlto accessories and a gardenia corsage. The mother of the bridegroom wore a toast col- ored gown nnd yellow roses. Miss Mni-y Illla Doyle of Wethorsflcid and Mrs. Stanley Robinson of York, Pa., assisted in pouring tea at the reception. When Iho couple left tor a wed- ding trip to Bermuda, the bride woro a grey suit with rod and white accessories and a gardenia cor.sage. The couple will make their home In 61 Spring Street, Wlllimantic, after April 6. The bride will bo graduated in June from: the University of Con- necticut School of ^fur»lng. She Is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority ond df.Tau Pi l/psllon, honorary nursing fraternity. Mr, Wottonwill bo graduated In Juno frorii Wesloynn t^niversity Middlelown, where he is majoring In psychology. He Is a member of April 24-25 Varsity Show; April 29, 2:30-.'j;0b, Nursing T e a - New Delta Tau Delta froternlty. The calendar for. East Haven High .School Activities for the month of'April is as follows; April 2, Music Festival; April 4, April ShowcrsDance; April 9, Fashion Show rehearsal; April 9, Vincent Bruno's show; April 10, 1st base- ball game; April 11, Good Friday; April' 14, Fashion Show Fittings at Harolds; April IB, Parenl'K night, April 17, Fashion Show: Haven Medleaj Awoelation. New Pay Hike For Teachers Board Votes Red Cross lips Appeal For Tornado Aid Tlie wide-spread tornadoes of Ihc pasi weekend, the most disastrous lo human life nnd properly In over 20 year.s, have placed n liciivy added burden mi the American Hod Cross. Hundreds of trained disas- ter Avorkci's nnd thousands of vol- tlnleth' workers are now In the nffecldd areas, first providing food, clolhlng nnd emergency shelter, nnd then undcrlnklhg the long lerm nnd expensive work of rehnb- llltntlon. Whole' blood nnd blood lilasipa, medlcni supplies nnd ninny othei' items of emciRoncy ocjulp- menl have been flown Into tho men and afe being used' In tho nllevlnllon of human siifforlng. The work of the Hod Cross does not dupllente the cfftirls of federal or local governments.' 'AlihoUgh nil groups cnopornte In Ihelnllial oniergeney, relict plinSo of disnstcr worki the fields of .Roveri^ment (md Red Cross In reluibllltation are well iloflnl^d—govefnmchl .operates |n tho field of public works— lilgji- wny.s, bridges, water, supply, etc., while the Rod Cros.s works with In- dividuals in I'cstorlng their homes nnd tholr ijienna of llvnilhood, ' E. Roland llnrrlmnn, prcsldeii). of Ihe Americnn National Rod Cross, in announcing tho Inltlnl allolhienl of $1,000,000 for emer- gency relief, estliiVnlod that' the lot Id cost of the oporntlun will ap- proximate ,i;r),00p,000. Following so soon nflei thb e<tiiendilutc of i;i4,000,0(m fm the leliof of pel' suns affected by I lie Kunsni. floodb, this places n heavy finnnclnl slinin on Red Ciusi, funds and Mi llai- liman has appcnlcil foi a special cml'iBcncy fund of J5,000,000 In addition to the JS'i.OflOnOO being louglil In Ihc icRulni Mnich canf pnlgn The New Hnvcn Chaptei hns been nsslgned n i|uata of ViOHM ns Its bhuio of the spOLlal fund In the agreement between the United Fund and tho New Haven riiApIci of Ihe Rid Cioss undei which 'the two orguhiznlioils iiai- tlblpateii ill a Joint solicitation of Industry and buslncs.s last fall, the right of Red Cross to conduct special (ippcnls to jneol emergency or disbster conditions Is specifically rocognlzod. ' Your prompt'^nnd generous re- sponse to thlk appeal on behalf of the tornado yictinis will be appro- clatcd. Cliecks mnile out lo the Aihor- Icnn Nntlonnl' Red Cross for this special appeal for tornado victims maybe mniled to Mrs. A. P. San- ford, Chairman of the East Haven Brangli lit 32 Taylor Avenue, Ensl Haven , 12, Conn. The East Haven Bonrd of Edu- cation voted at its modtlhg hold Friday evening to . recommend to the Bonrd of Finance n 1952-53 leathers' salary saiiedulo. ranging from S2,BO0 to $4,400, with tho mlnlmtim figure to go Into effect in full III September and tile iiiaxl- ir,ui" slated lo Incfonso lo $4,B00 In 5100 per yeiir Ihcrcmonts ovor'n Ihree-ycar period. The iirapoiied schedule would have 15 stops, and would provide for $150 In'di'omcnts for 12 years starling nojiV Scptbmbcr nhd $100 each tor the Iniit two yoai's. Tho contracts would bo sol on a three- yenr basis, The scbbiluio Is $200 loss at both Iho mllilniuiri ami maximlim than one liroposod recently by tlipleach- or.V salary commlttbo, which asked n $2,S0O lo$4,8(iO schedule In 14 steps oh litwb year conlracl. The Icnchbrs also nskod fo'ra first year, rnl^p llmllod to IfBOO, With nil' Ipnciidrs"to; bo •. rnlsecL' lo Ihclr jil'opcr steps on, llio no\v sbhcdulo by Ihq end of tho second year. The lirdsoilt saliiry schedule pro- .vldoif tpr'n'mlillinltni'pt ,$2,400 to a maximum ot.!f4,300 for persons holding a bncheloit's dcgroe. The boaM.recolvod n loiter from the' Bonrd-of Fliiiih'cb'sdtllng to- nlghl ns the'dale forjn-John moot- ing tp.illsous^ tlio, posslhlllty hi bulldUiR spvon or'elglit nddillohnl clnta'boms tor tisbhy'Seplonbcr. Tlie, school.bbttld also yptbd to In- vito moinberk pftho School Plan- ning Commlttbe. fo .liileiid the mbollng; provl'ded such nil Invita- tion was licecptrihle'tbiho'Bonrd.of , FInnnco. . . • . . . Mrs.Ellziibeth Watt'ous'niid Mrs. Lnurn Blotchley.-bhlh bf-Eiist.Ha- ven, wore njjpolnted foi next yeai It \vai voted Ux nvi'UldiB conlrncl toi plummnR iwoik In Iho high achnol anil the FoxOn School lu Leo bellow, tho low bidder v'lho bonid appiqvod nn appllia- llon tioni Ihe MoraaUBUln Patents' Club toi use of tho Momauguin School nudlloiium Oh Vvtirll-23 for- iin' miction imd food sale to benefit Cub Stout Pntjk 0 lit Monmuguln. nills In Iho-Iimollilt of $3,047 64 woie found coHSel nHUnvtie voted to be jiitld ' , Mciiilicis in attendance wcie Vlto Chnliman Mis .fdhn Flnnn- gnii, Alls John Tlipak, Mi« W. (jron Pniker, >}rs, Alvlii Tlloiiilison, Anthony Balsnmo," Jnnios Ema- trudn, Charles Copolnnd, Superin- tendent GUII.s and secretary Cor- bo.tt were also present. C'omplelo ISiLSle TrAlnhifc Two Eusl Haven youths have Just finished four weeks of Indoc- trlnnlion training nt the Sampson Air Force Base, N. Y. They are Pvt. John J. Beausulell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benusolcll of 54 Cliff Street, and Pvt. JSdward J, Cordner, Jr., son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Edward J. Cordner of ^7 Osmond Slrcel. Momauguin News M Sgt. and Mrs. William Andrea have returned to their country after five years In Heldeliierg, Germany. They brought their baby son with them. I-'oUowing a month's furlough 'lit his liome, 40 Heniy Strcbt, Sergeant Andrea will continue his work nt the Pentagon, In Washington, D. C. Lt; nnd Mrs. Clifford Alexander of Augsberfj, Germany, announce the birth of thc|r first child, a son,. Clifford, Jr.' Mrs. Alexander Is the former Gladys Bishop of 71 Henry Street. Lloutenanl Alexander' Is Currently servlng'wilh tho 43d Di- vision. Howard Bishop of 71 Henry Street, now stationed at the U, S. Naval Training'Center at Bnln- brldge, Md., recently completed bool training ond was pi'omoled from seaman recruit lo seaman ap- prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Mlchnel Cosncl and daughter Anno of 53 Second Aye- nuo, sailed yesterday for n six month's vacation to the Isle of Capri. Our I-ady of Fatlnia Mothers' Circle will meet tonight at 8 In the home of Mrs. Joseph Burke, Short Beach Road. Branford Manor rAuxlllnry will hold Us monthly meeting Monday evening In the flrchousc. Mrs. J.lttmcs Cunningham will preside. Hostesses will bo Mrs. Irving Kap- pler, Mrs. Grace Karmcyzn and Mrs. Bertha Malletl. The auxiliary wlir hold a card party tomorrow nlghl In the flre- house at 8:30 P. M. Hostesses will be Miss Evelyn Eberth, Mrs. Clif- ford Downer and Mrs. Frank Dooloy, Jr. The public is Invited to attend. , ' : A party was given in honor of Natalie Whltggof Steven Street Wlday afier'noon In celobratlon of askod to hei' third birthday, Anionj her Ho 7-2060. guests were: Dorothy Stnndlsh, Bernicc White, ^aok and Tommy Chandler, Tommy Doiiipsey, and Bobby Waterbury. Mr. and Mrs. Wlliiani Martens of 146 Henry Street, who have been vacnlloiilng in Florida for eight weeks, have returned lo their home. The fishing xeason has been offi- cially opened us of last weekend when boats from Bnrlletts and Poros wore seen on tho sound.. It mild weather continues,'this week- end should bring good: catches of fldt^, according to the experts. Bait, outdoor motors nnd boats may be secured at cllhor place of busi- ness, Pcro's at. Momnuguln and Bartlctl'b at Mani>ficld Grove, Mr. and Mrs. William, Emonsot Cnthei-lne Street will spend tho Easier holidays with their son and daughlci'-ln-law and children at Niagra Falls. Mrs. John Vanacore nf Catherine Street has returned to her homo after spending throe weeks In Flor- ida, An extra mass nl 9:30 A. M. will be celebrated at St. Claro's Church Pahn Sunday morning. ' Other masses arc 8:30 and 10:30. , The children of the parish arb now rehearsing for a procession, which will be held Holy Thursday and Easter Saturday mprnlng. On Sunday afternoon between the hours 1 and 3 the following members of tho Cancer Drive will, call on residents of Momauguin for contributions: Mrs. Clark Elliott, Jr., Mrs. Gcoi'gc Pomtiano, Mrs. Charles Copcland, ' Mrs. Carroll Conklin, Mrs. Raymond • Ldnglols, Mrs. Jane Kortheuor and Mrs. Al- vin Thompson. In order to cover the entire area of Momauguin, there Is a need for more canvassers, anyone Inlorestcd In assisting Is call Mrs. Thompson, ^ 1 15; '•r

Transcript of ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller,...

Page 1: ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs . yh.ipent ... engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-

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®hp lEaat Mnmn - (

Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy'

VOL. VII— NO. 28 Coiiihiiicd Willi The IJranford Review

TilURSnAY^ APKllV li. l!)o2 '^ 5 Cents Copy—$2,50 A Year

/ opics lulviiiiicil (o ^N'clmlns nwiinl. I),.i Nn. 13 Ims been nritanl/ed under Den Mother Einlly 1). Itnololo, whicll now hicreases the puck en-

.rollMienl of in lioys. The follothiB hoys reri'ivCMl Wolf bad^e: ilcrry SiHuliicelilii, Hurry Oiirlienu, Klcli-lird i>u7.ili, liobert Colhurn, Neil iMosiK nnd lloliert I,ee, Ilol)ert O'Connor nnd ,Iohn I'nrlllo ,lr„ were ndvnnced lo Bear rnnlt, and l.ioii badges were presented to I!ol)ert Collmrn, l,eslle Hzlrbllt, Tom Murray nnd Dale King.

Bill Blxhy is worlting out with liLs formor East Ilnvcn HiRh School mates in basobnll during his spriiiK vncntlon from Suftield Acndcniy. Ho captained the basket­ball team dui'Ing the first half of tliu 'Kchsnn while playing tirsl slrina center, rind was third high scorer on tlie team. The Academy team failed to make the Prep School Tournament in Boston Gar­den by one game, losing to Wor­cester Academy in the plnydowns. . Sutfield expects to field ii strong

hasclinll team this year, nnd liill will have the l)enerilof expert coaching frnni former pitebilig star Stan Ward. Sontlicrn Mnssnelln-setls nnd northern Connecticut I'rep. Schools will offer stern op­position during u M game schedule, Willi Hill slated lo i(o the majority of Ihe pitching for Sufficld.

Tax Collector Herman Ilack-harth announces that the lax of­fice will be open .Satiu'days. April n and 121 Ir from !) to 11 and Tues-ilay, Aiiril IS until !) P. M. llnck-bnrth suggests liuil taxiiaycrs take advantage of these early openings in order to avoid the last minute rush.

Attending the Connecticut Coun­cil of Wonmn's Club held Monday at the Hotel Garde in UarHpTi!. were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs. yh.ipent 3-'ttsnno, Mrs. Leverett,' C...Clark, Mrs, Frank IJarker luid Mrs. Ed­ward Kroid>erg.

Robert Burdetlc of Sldney;Strect" lii'i.s been appointed by the Board of Education to tench in.thc ui)por. grades of South School. Burdele .nt'nduated from East Haven High .School and University of Connecti­cut.

Annonnrenienf' Is made of tlli^ engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-vcy, of 2la Ne\vhall .Street, diiugli-ler of Mrs. ,Jou» McKelvey of De­troit lo I'fc. Joseph Delli Fraud, son ()r 5Ir. ami IMrs. .Tosepb DellJ l''nuici of 121 Russn Avenue, J'^-von.

Robert NcFnrland of Scout Troo]) 1, received Den Chief insig­nia, and William Hurder, Michael l^etls nnd Robert Colhurn grad­ual cdwith Wobolos. Numerous other boys presented witli gold and silver arrow elective awards, .ilso (lenner fuul assistant denne rstripes. Four dens presenlod humorous :ddls vvilb boys dressed as wolf an­imals to porl.i-ay the monthly theme of ".lungle Tales." An exhil)il of liandicrafis made by members of Pack 5, is currently on display in the Maposlic Laundry window.

The regular stated coinnumiea-tion of Momauguin Lodge No. 138, A. F. & A. RL, will he held in the Idilgc rooms at 2(i.5 Main .Street on !Moii(hiy at 7:30, at which time the M:is(er iMason Degree will he ex­emplified. Kefreshnients will he sci-ved after the degree work in the ban(nn;t hall and all iMaster ^lasons art; invited to atleiul.

Appoinlment of Fred Bolvin as rhairman of the Military Ball Commiitee was announced last wecli by Frank Prahovic, Com-m.uuiin- of Harry R. Bartlett Post ::'J. American Legion. Other mem-bi'isof the committee are ,lobn En-liglit.Leslie Hedfleld. James Mc-Couldrick, .Tosepb Calabre.se and .Tnseph Glynn. May 16th has been set as I he dale for the ball, held amuiidly hy the local legion pest.

April Sliowers Dance tomorrow nii;ht in tin; high school. Dancing (roni 8 lo I I.

Among Ibegraduates of the U. S. Niual Engineman School Service, .'School Command. U. S. Naval Tiaining Cenler, Great Lakes, Ills., was lial|ih D, Del Cervo.seaman .ipprenlico, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Rnlpli Del Cervo of 8 Mass-.•uluiwlls Avenue.

Ui'l Cervo. who entered tiie Nav­al service on April 26, 1051, re-ci'lved bis r"cruit training at the 1'. .t;. N'aval Training Cenler, Bain-iMidge. Md. Before entering the Na\y. Del Cervo was graduated fH.iii I'.oardman Trade School, and V.MS employed by Petruecl's Gar-,i|;c and Service Station.

Ilie Half Hour Keadiag Club hilil its annual meeting at the liiinie of llie oresident, Mrs. Edward ,1. iliiver of 12 Bradley Avenue this jiiiiiM. A salad luncheon was srrviMl.

M,-. and Mrs. MatUiew R. Tier-jicy ii.f SO Francis Street, announce thi- engas-'ement of their daughter,

Writer Urges Chamber Press For Off-Street Parking Lots CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EAST HAVEN Gentlemen:

As one travels through various Slates, lie will find one common proble:n, nnd that Is the difficulty of finding parking space. Most cities are studying the problem and many cities linve solved the p:'ob-lehi by off-street parking. Whei'e it has been tried It has been put on a paying basis nnd iiinde self sustaining.

Aside from the convon'.ence lo local citizens which'after all is tlie most Important objective, eft .street parking facilities have brought much new business into towns that luive Installed such places.

In the Town of New Canaan, Connecticut, tlic bank deposits In the First National Bank have grown from two million to 10 mil­lion dollars and the annual .sales have jumped from four to ."iO mil lion dollars after the Inception of off street parKmg. r'rankly other elements have contributed to this hugh increase, such as, growtti of town. Inflation, etc., but It is gen^ erally agi-ced among the business men that the off street parking was the biggest factor

In fact, the problem 1ms liecome .so acute.lt is obvious now that town without off street parking will witlier and realty values and a.sscssments will decrease in the business center, and a larger load of I axes will have to be assumed In Ihe rcsidenllal zones. With proper off street parking more business will be biought into tlic center, rents, assessments and taxes, from Ihc imsiness district, will increase. The solution is thnfsimple and off street parking is .self sustaining.

In a recent statement concerning future plans of East Haven, First Selectman Frank S. Barker saitlho planned to study off street park­ing.

This Is-very refreshing,-1 hnl.. oiir admlnLstrntlon is conscious of this problem. It seems to tiie writer that .some organization like the Chainber of Commerce or Rotary should assist,: study the problem, present a-plan to the administra­tion for discussion ond . criticism and if a business like; practical plan is arrived'at, then It should be presented to a town meeting.

East Haven'Is going forward oi' bnckSvard. There is no standing slilli.


Garden Club To Hold Foiii-th Annual Show June 10 In Town Hall

The Garden Club of East Haven will lioid its fourtli annual flower show at the Town Hall from 2 to !) on .Tune lOth. The theme of Ihe show will be'"Blossom Time" and tlic staging decorations wilt lie ar­ranged accordingly.

Mrs. John E. Croumey is the genei'al chairman nnd Mrs. Lev-eorott C. Clark co-chairman. Other inembers a.ssistlng are Mrs. Siior-wood Chamberlain, staging; Mrs, Harry Lewis, horticulture; Mrs. Thomas Feonton. schedule; Mrs. John Moran, hospitality; Mrs. Wil­liam Jaspers, secretary; Mrs. Frank Laine, treasurer; Mrs. Rob­ert Bauersfeld, Jr., and Mrs. Ken­neth Griffiths, judges and awards; Mrs. Carlylo Frawloy, junior ex­hibit; Mi's. Americus Aceto, prop­erties: Mi's. Alvin Thompson, pub­licity; and Mrs. George Wagner, conversation.

Pauline, to Mr. Edward C. Fisher, son of Mrs. Waverly P. Cohen of 825 Orienta Avenue, Mnmaroneck and New 'Vork City and Mr. Ed­ward C. Fisher of Putnam. ..Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Wil-

'brnham Academy and attended Rhodes School, New York City, an.'I Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell, Mass. He sen'ed in the U. S. Navy.

Mr. and Mr.s. Anthony laque.ssa Of 25 Hnhwiek Street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Natalie Marie, to Mr. Adolphus LaBonte Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus LaBonte of 284 Short Beach Road. Mr. LaBonte served three years in the Army in Japan.

Sixty Police members of the Con-ectieufc Chiefs of Police Association attended the Thursday's nieeling »t the. Aunex House Uestuurant, tit which Chief Edwin U. Priest was host.

Extensive landscaping will l)e made possible this Spring on the grounds of the Hagaman Memorial through a project of the Garden Club of East Haven. Cub Pack 5 held Its monthly pack meeting Monday at 7 in the Town Hall. Under the leadership of Cub-masters Nelson Moslg and Bcn-Jandn Gebersky the Cuhs presented an impressive cerccony for initi­ation of five new boys and the graduation ceremony of three Cubs

Battalion Chiefs Will Practice With City Firemen

Wilfred Dlonnnd B. Scott Wnt-rous, recently appointed Battalion Chiefs of the East Haven Fire Dc-pai'tment, will spend .six nights each during tlio next few weeks working Willi Emergency Engine Comiiany No. 12 of New Ilnvcn. Fire Chief Thomas J. Hayes has announced.

Permission to send the two men to New Haven was granted by the local Board of Public Safety at Its last meeting, and approval of the plan by the Board of Fire Com-niissioners of the Clly of New Ha­ven also has been given through Chief Paul R. Heinz, Chief Hayes said.

The purpose of the visit will be to gain additional oxiierience and lo work with a largo fire company in its daily ectlvltles, Chief Hayes said. Aftre the men have siient six nights each v^dth Company 12, they will bring back a groat deal of first hand knowledge of the workings of the Now Haven Fire Deparimont, which, according to statistics, is one of the outstanding organiza­tions In tlie country, the chief said.

Dion will bo In Now Haven frbni April 2 until April 7, while Watrous will work there from Api-ll 8 through 13. They will be the first East Haven Fire-Doparlmenl rep­resentatives to participate with the New Ilavcii company In Its actual woik.

Gov. Lodge To Speak Here Next Tuesday

Governor Jolui D, Lodj^e will be the sneolcer at the last Spring niecting of tlio Old Stone Churoli Men's Club Tiicsduy at (1:30 in 'the jiarlsli house.

Governor Lodge .will bo intro­duced by First Sclcclinau Frank A. Barker. Paul M. Donne,, pres­ident of the club, will nx;l as' toiLstmastcr. . The church women will .pre­pare ami serve a roast heuf din­ner, and a special inu.sleal pro­gram, including several novelty songs, is currently being ar­ranged.

The annual election of officers will he held following the govu-erjior's address. This will be the final meeting of the group until October.

Did You Know . . ,' vTlint This Year's leaching sinff Thol this year's trachine staff

siiows nil hiereas'.' of five over last year, that It will Increase by six more next year and that (ho following years will show the same kind of an Increase'? '

That Is one reason why we will need more classrooms—and soon.

Chamber Slates Annual Meeting For April I4tli

The East Haven Chamber of Commerce will meet for Us annual meeting on Mondny, April Mth at the Adam House Restaurant on Main Street.

A slate of names for the new Board of Directors will be pre­sented to tlie membership for elec­tion, names will also be hoard from the floor In addition to those names presented by the nominating committee.

Committee reports including,the proposed special shoppers bus, sum­mer and winter weekly closing, inter club council, membership, and proposed commuunity parking aruiT'will be heard along with all other business presented to the membership.

Dinner will be served at G:'I5 for those who may wish lo attend Im-inedi I oly nfter the close of busi­ness. The business meeting will start a t 8. All members are urged to attend this nioollng.

Immediately nfter the close of the annual niecllng the now Boarf of TDiroctors will convene It) oioct the new officers'for the Chamber for 1D52.' • '

Future lloniemakcrs Rc{:;i6nal Meeting Held In High School \

Tlie Connecticut Association Fu'-lurc Ilomomnkers of America held their Regional meeting yesterday in the iilgh .school auditorium. Seymour, Bridgeport and Nnuga-luck were the visiting chapters.

Guests nttendlnE woi'c Suporln-tendenl of Schools, William E. Gillls, Carl Garvin, Principal oI the high school, members of tlip school board, Emmett. O'Brien, Chief of the • Vocational Ed ij'c'niron Bifre'au; Hlcliarcl Howes, Assistant Chief of Bureau; Miss llutii ' Coi^les, and Mrs. Greo Harrison, State Advisors.

Miss Helen CoUey, East Haven Chapter president, gave tlio address of welcome.' ' Slides •' showing "Courses'Leading to -Careers In Homemaklng at University of Con-' nocticut were presented by Mrs. Doris Pyne.

There was a business niecting and the degree ceremony was put on by Seymour.

Cancer Committee To Hold Two-Hour Canvass Sunday Mr.'i. IlL'iiiiaii SLnpIiuitsuii, CJialf-

nmn of the local Cancnr Di-ivc, announces there will bo u two hour anvass drive Sunday from 1 to 3.

These .two hours .have , been set aside for a door to door collectioii IhroUKhout the town. Townsiieoi)le arc asked for their cooperation in, this collection lo aid in the fight against cancer.

In ConnocLicul no family stands alone wJth its cancer trouble. Funds we give every year help.to provide: 19 Cancer Information Centers, where any person may bring his cancer problem; services of a visiting cancer specialist to the State's. 26 Tumor Clinics; now mcdicai information about cancer for physicians, nurses, and dentists in the State; research and fellow­ship.

In our own town your contribu­tion keeps dres-sings and comfort articles going to the bedside of cancer patients. It helps to finance nursing care ' for needy cancer patients, IL helps the local Cancer Sneiety to publicine the life-.savlngs facts about cancer, all year long.

East Haven's * quota is 52000, The foIUnving ladies of the town

will call on their roKpectlve areas: Airport area: Mrs. John Vlto,

captain; Mrs. Matthew Domb-kowski, Edgar, Waldo, Burgess, Victor and Kenneth Streets; Mrs. Peter Lucas, Dodge Avenue, South Side; Mrs. • Louis Anastaslo, Pros­pect Place Extension; Mrs. Nich-ola.s Fortino, Hemingway Avrjiiue, South of Dodge Avenue . , .

Foxon Park areas: Mr s. Clem­ent Catalano, c^iptaln; Mrs. Sob-astain Gialmo, Crescent Street and Highland . Avenue; Mrs. Robert Noon, Ann, Brennan nnd John Streets; Mrs, Stanley Pasternak, Strong Street; Mr.s. Joseph Plc-ccrilio, Russell Avenue, Hubert, Jofi're, Savoy and Taft Streets; .Mr.s. Eric Munson, Gene, Florence and Miami Streets; Mrs. Walter Marias, Paul, Michael, Rose and Lucy 'Streets; Mrs, Joseph Folio, Foxon Road; Mrs. WilHam Faulk­ner, Green and View Streets; Miss

Cluil Hague, Fuxoii Blvfl; Mrs. Mr.'i, Clement Catuliuio, Old Foxon Road.

Foxon area: Mr.s, Rouel Thomp­son, captain; Mrs. Stephen Har­rington, Mill Street; Mrs, Robert More, Plosnnt Street; Miss Marion Tower, Mai)Io Street; Mrs, Charles Grover, Hunt Lane; Mrs. Dwlght Koelcr. Bennett Road; Mrs, Wil­liam Welch, Mr.s.* Gone Jnekisch Mrs. John Moriarity, Route 80; Mrs,RussoIl Bacon, Mrs. Wesley Prann, Mrs, John Covert and Mrs, Thompson, Gclm More Estates,

North High Street area: Mrs, Peter Medvicky, captain; Miss Mario Howe, Grannis Street nnd part of N. High Street; Mr.s. Wal­ter Sa.sso and Mrs. Thomas • Mc-Guiro,sBorrmann Road; Mr.s. Fran-els Qiiinn, Sunset^Road; Mr.s. Wal­lace Bassetl, ' Howe Court; Joseph Hawtin, Willow Road.

Laurel Street area:- Mr. Arthur Han.son, captain; Mr.s, Edna Pres­ton, Lindberg Street; Mrs. Chester Newton, Mrs. Harry Butler, Mrs, Earl Rossltor, Mrs. John Flagge and Mrs. Howard Hansen, Laurel Street; Mrs. Lewis DeFelico, Vik­ing 'Street and McClay Avenue; Mrs. Leon Redman, Bradley Ave­nue and Green Glen Terrace; Mrs, Robert Harrington, View Teri'ace.

West End area: Mr.s. James Gartland, captain; Mrs, Henry J. Connolly, Guilford Court; Mrs, Foster Sporry, Pard6e Place; Mrs. John Tinari, Charter Oak Avenue; Street; Miss Mary Turbett, Lenox Street, and Masaachusotls Avenue; Mrs, ^ Nicholas Splgncsi,' Gerrish Avenue; Mrs, Domonick H, Fur-rara, Columbus Gardens; Mr.s, 01-tavio DaRae, Pardee Place Exten­sion.

Momaguin area: .Mrs. Alvin L. Thomp.son, niplain; Mrs, Charlet Copeland," I^almetto 'I'rail and Catherine Streets; Mrs, George Pompano, Steven:i Street; Mrs. Carroll Conklin, George Street; Mr.s. Raymond Lahglols, Coe Ave­nue; Mrs, Clark Elliott Jr.. First Avenue; Mrs. Jane Korthever, Second Avenue and Atwater Street. Mrs. Alvin Thompson, Henry Street, Cosey Beach Avenue, Bradford Avenue and Hobson Streets.

School Study Group Urges Town Meeting Attendance}

The School Study G r o u p held its first nicctlriK in the town hnll Monday cveninR to du.scuss school problems

The purpose of thi s committee I: (o ncqunint the townspeople with (he need nnd immedinte solution to (lie growing school problcni.'s. ] A conlmittee' of five members from each Parent Teacher As.socla-tlon in the town were recently np-ijohitcd to serve as a school study Srou|). Mrs. William U. Cnsluiian ifi sei'vlng as clialrmnn nnd Mrs. Gerald Cullen as secretaiy.

It was voted at this meeting In thank the newly appointed School Planning Committee for their prompt action In 'recommending a tentative program which would re­lieve the crowded conditions now existing In Iho local schools. The gtudy Group voted lo coopernte 100 per cent with Ihc committee In an imniedlnle school program, nnd would do all they could to assist In the execution of their planning.

iTho Imporlnnce of nttondlnR town meetings was stressed and nienibcrs wore asked lo take back this rc(iuest to tlielr respective P. % A:'S.

iTho members in attendniicd wore fi oni Union School, Mr.s. , John FJizgerald, Dr. Mlchnel Arnbolos, MI'S. Rnynionil Smith; South Stihool, Prnest MnrzuUii; Laurel School, Mrs. Kd'.v.ir'l I<ronJ[)erg, Hrs. Gerald Culler and Ricliard Sotlow; Highland School, 11. Fink; Momauguin; Mrs. Wllllnm McNully, Mrs. George Flondolln, Irving Kills, PHilip ilart and Mrs. Walter Kane; F&xon .Sphool, Mrs. Ralph Hurder, Mrs. Francis Scarpace and Mrs. George Lolls; Gerrlsh School. Mrs. Eiiilly Iluotolo, Mrs. P. Streelo, Mrs. William Chasman nnd Mrs. Shlvalore Scalla. llnymond Smith ofiUhelSuiivey Commltlee wns ul.so lil-oeenl. ' i

High School Notes The-Comql's annual Fashion

Show will be held on Thursday, April 17, during an assembly per­iod. •}.: • •

The gowns. Which are loaned by HilVold's, will ,1)0 modeled by llio hl |h school students. AH students w|iB joi'o Jntoi'ostcd Ih being n

|)m.«?in;'".nrc'-asked • lo : di-op tholr nunio into the Comet Bo.\ before the end of school tomorrow. There will be n need for 10 tall girls, foiir, short, nnd eight boys, (well built), 'i'herc will he music and scenery to complole the progra.ni.

Joan McKinnel and Cliff Haek-hartli will.manage the Blue and Gold Varsity Show, whicli will be held April 2-1 nnd 25th. They will be assisteri.:by.,co-manuger Vincent Briuio and 'Linda Lalnc. Joseph Mayo is in charge of direction, Frelda Swlrsky will direct the mus­ical numbers and Miss Bou'^oucos will be in charge of choreeraphv.

This Is the Idlh annual Varsity Show and If will present scenes of hoola girls, palm trees, and tropical country with a Hawaiian sceiie. Tlie alumni will lake charge of the uiniifil scene "Stardust" starring such singers ns Gloria Gulpln, Joan Lynch and^ Frank Velardi.

The' third scene Is In a school and there promLses to be many laughs with Vincent Bruno. Among the vocalist will be Cnrmon Leoneltl und Florlne DeLudu. Lin­da Lalne and Joan McKlnncU will take over the dancing routines. The show will present ninny other tal­ented students.

There was a Brotherhood As­sembly on March 1.1. The con­testants were Joan Meeker, Bar­bara Charninn and Diane Cesner. Diane won first prize.

The Art Club visited the Museum of Natural History in New York on March 22. This Is an annual trip.

The seniors arc having tlieir voices tested by Mrs. Stranilborg for the coining graduation exei--clses. Tlie songs that were selected are; "While We're Young," "This is My Father's Country" nnd

Onward Ye Peo|ile." . The committees arc being chosen

for Class Nlghl, graduation nnd the Senior dance In the homerooms and co-chairmen for these affairs will ho chosen at a future senior nieet-ing.

Now that spring Is here school sport fans have only one remain­ing interest, baBcball. This, year's team Is led by first baseman, War­ren Smith. The stjund's only ap­parent weakness will be. In pitch­ing, for Cato.Blxby, last season's mainstay, has graduated and no able replacement h,is been found to date. Jack Norton and Hal Law-lor are possible pitchers. The rest of the battery will Include Vin Gagllardl who has been playing varsity catcher for three years. The rest of the Infield will be lenl-ativoly, Joe Valentl on .second, Vin Paolillo at short slop and third .)ase_ wide open.

Tlie only gap to be tilled in the outfield is the right field post wliich has been vacated by last year's co-captain BUI Koberts, The other outfield spots will be held by HiJn Rosetti and Nick Pellegrlno. The right fielder Is unknown but Ueo Tancrctl Is one of the leading candidate.; for the position.

Lions Planning Townwidc Drive For Scrap Metal

A towiiwlde scrap metal dri\-e win be condiuicled In lOast Haven on Sundn.v, April '-'0, by members of Iho local Lion's Club, It wns an­nounced this week.

In response to appeals from Government and Induuslry. Ilie Lle^-'s Cluh Is asking local residents lo remove from attics, collars, gar-Hges nnd barns any old metal which no longer can he Used, such ns old beds, pans, lamps, stoves; sewing maolilno, farm miichlnery, oboleto tool ami worn bicycle and nutomnbllo parts.

Funds I'enllzed from Ihe drive will be used by the Lion's ClUb for Us iuimertius community liottor-monl projects..

nesldonts are asked lo place scrap metal nl ciiriis In [ront of their liomcs on the day of Ihc drive. If scrap should be loo lienvy lo bo left at curbs, porstins may contact 110 7-012fi and moinbci's of Ihe Lion's Club will muvo Iho materials.

BcUy Louise Post Becomes The Bride Of Robert Wotlon

Saturday aflornooii at 2!S(l in the Old Slone Church, Miss Betty Loul.se Post, dauglilor of Mr . and Mrs. Edwin 15. Post, iif Ao Chldsoy Avenue. East Haven, bccnmo. Ihe bride of lloberl De Forest Wotlon, .son of Mr. and Mrs. nobort fj. Wot­lon of Hillsdale, N. J. 'I'ho nev. James E, Wnery officiated at the double ring ceremony. A program of nuptial musk Including "The Lord's Prayer" and 1 Love Thco," was presented by Mis Sicphen J-lune, organist, and Mrs. .Wlllhun HiLssc, Jr.i solulHt , Given In mnrrhiBO by her father, Iho.brldp WIS. allcndort by hei sl8(,cr',"'Mlss'Shi'ley Ann PosI, at maid of honor nnrl by Ihc Misses Jane S. Brown of Bast Haven nnd Helen T. Kcnnia of Beacon Kails as brldesmnlds. Miss Ureiitla Mae Post,' sislcr of the briilc wns the flower girl.

Milton- L. Smith of Noroton Heights was best man, The ushers wore Wesley Bopini, Jr., of West-wood, N. J., nichni'd E. Fisher of Wostflold, N. J., Frederick W. Tro-vlthlck, Jr., of Middlelown, aiid Wllllnm F, Arndl, Jr., of Perdys, N. Y.

The bride wore a white lace nnd nylon tulle gown ,wllh a tilted bodice, bouffant sjcirt, nnd. long Ihec sleeves. M e r fingertip Illusion veil fell from a helmet of lace and seed pearls and she cai-rled a boit-(lUot of assorted while flowers ccn-lerod with a gardenia.

The honor allendanl wore (i gown of lavender iitlle with an in­sert of satin at the waistline and a detachable stole. Her headpiece was a flowered band wltli 'a face veil and she carried pale pink car­nations nnd pink roses. The brides­maids wore identical gown and headpieces In aquamarine lulle nnd carried pink earnallona and roses. The flower girl wore a pale pink nylon tulle dress and picture hat and carried a colonial bouquet.

Immediately following the cere­mony a reception was held In the parish house of the church. Assist­ing In receiving guests, the bride's mother wore a navy blue crepe dress with whlto accessories and a gardenia corsage. The mother of the bridegroom wore a toast col­ored gown nnd yellow roses. Miss Mni-y Illla Doyle of Wethorsflcid and Mrs. Stanley Robinson of York, Pa., assisted in pouring tea at the reception.

When Iho couple left tor a wed­ding trip to Bermuda, the bride woro a grey suit with rod and white accessories and a gardenia cor.sage. The couple will make their home In 61 Spring Street, Wlllimantic, after April 6.

The bride will bo graduated in June from: the University of Con­necticut School of ^fur»lng. She Is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority ond df.Tau Pi l/psllon, honorary nursing fraternity.

Mr, Wottonwill bo graduated In Juno frorii Wesloynn t^niversity Middlelown, where he is majoring In psychology. He Is a member of April 24-25 Varsity Show; April 29, 2:30-.'j;0b, Nursing T e a - New Delta Tau Delta froternlty.

The calendar for. East Haven High .School Activities for the month of'April is as follows; April 2, Music Festival; April 4, April ShowcrsDance; April 9, Fashion Show rehearsal; April 9, Vincent Bruno's show; April 10, 1st base­ball game; April 11, Good Friday; April' 14, Fashion Show Fittings at Harolds; April IB, Parenl'K night, April 17, Fashion Show: Haven Medleaj Awoelation.

New Pay Hike For Teachers Board Votes Red Cross lips Appeal For Tornado Aid

Tlie wide-spread tornadoes of Ihc pasi weekend, the most disastrous lo human life nnd properly In over 20 year.s, have placed n liciivy added burden mi the American Hod Cross. Hundreds of trained disas­ter Avorkci's nnd thousands of vol-tlnleth' workers are now In the nffecldd areas, first providing food, clolhlng nnd emergency shelter, nnd then undcrlnklhg the long lerm nnd expensive work of rehnb-llltntlon. Whole' blood nnd blood lilasipa, medlcni supplies nnd ninny othei' items of emciRoncy ocjulp-menl have been flown Into tho men and afe being used' In tho nllevlnllon of human siifforlng.

The work of the Hod Cross does not dupllente the cfftirls of federal or local governments.' 'AlihoUgh nil groups cnopornte In Ihelnllial oniergeney, relict plinSo of disnstcr worki the fields of .Roveri^ment (md Red Cross In reluibllltation are well iloflnl^d—govefnmchl .operates |n tho field of public works— lilgji-wny.s, bridges, water, supply, • etc., while the Rod Cros.s works with In­dividuals in I'cstorlng their homes nnd tholr ijienna of llvnilhood, '

E. Roland llnrrlmnn, prcsldeii). of Ihe Americnn National Rod Cross, in announcing tho Inltlnl allolhienl of $1,000,000 for emer­gency relief, estliiVnlod that' the lot Id cost of the oporntlun will ap­proximate ,i;r),00p,000. Following so soon nflei thb e<tiiendilutc of i;i4,000,0(m fm the leliof of pel ' suns affected by I lie Kunsni. floodb, this places n heavy finnnclnl slinin on Red Ciusi, funds and Mi llai-liman has appcnlcil foi a special cml'iBcncy fund of J5,000,000 In addition to the JS'i.OflOnOO being louglil In Ihc icRulni Mnich canf pnlgn The New Hnvcn Chaptei hns been nsslgned n i|uata of ViOHM ns Its bhuio of the spOLlal fund

In the agreement between the United Fund and tho New Haven riiApIci of Ihe Rid Cioss undei which 'the two orguhiznlioils iiai-tlblpateii ill a Joint solicitation of Industry and buslncs.s last fall, the right of Red Cross to conduct special (ippcnls to jneol emergency or disbster conditions Is specifically rocognlzod. '

Your prompt'^nnd generous re­sponse to thlk appeal on behalf of the tornado yictinis will be appro-clatcd.

Cliecks mnile out lo the Aihor-Icnn Nntlonnl' Red Cross for this special appeal for tornado victims maybe mniled to Mrs. A. P. San-ford, Chairman of the East Haven Brangli lit 32 Taylor Avenue, Ensl Haven , 12, Conn.

The East Haven Bonrd of Edu­cation voted at its modtlhg hold Friday evening to . recommend to the Bonrd of Finance n 1952-53 leathers' salary saiiedulo. ranging from S2,BO0 to $4,400, • with tho mlnlmtim figure to go Into effect in full III September and tile iiiaxl-ir,ui" slated lo Incfonso lo $4,B00 In 5100 per yeiir Ihcrcmonts ovor'n Ihree-ycar period.

The iirapoiied schedule would have 15 stops, and would provide for $150 In'di'omcnts for 12 years starling nojiV Scptbmbcr nhd $100 each tor the Iniit two yoai's. Tho contracts would bo sol on a three-yenr basis,

The scbbiluio Is $200 loss at both Iho mllilniuiri ami maximlim than one liroposod recently by tlipleach-or.V salary commlttbo, which asked n $2,S0O lo$4,8(iO schedule In 14 steps oh l i twb year conlracl. The Icnchbrs also nskod fo'ra first year, rnl^p llmllod to IfBOO, With n i l ' Ipnciidrs"to; bo • . rnlsecL' lo Ihclr jil'opcr steps on, llio no\v sbhcdulo by Ihq end of tho second year.

The lirdsoilt saliiry schedule pro-.vldoif tpr'n'mlillinltni'pt ,$2,400 to a maximum ot.!f4,300 for persons holding a bncheloit's dcgroe.

The boaM.recolvod n loiter from the' Bonrd-of • Fliiiih'cb'sdtllng to-nlghl ns the'dale forjn-John moot­ing tp.illsous^ tlio, posslhlllty hi bulldUiR spvon or'elglit nddillohnl clnta'boms tor t isbhy'Seplonbcr. Tlie, school.bbttld also yptbd to In­vito moinberk p f tho School Plan­ning Commlttbe. fo .liileiid the mbollng; provl'ded such nil Invita­tion was licecptrihle'tbiho'Bonrd.of , FInnnco. . . • . . . Mrs.Ellziibeth Watt'ous'niid Mrs. Lnurn Blotchley.-bhlh bf-Eiist.Ha­ven, wore njjpolnted foi next yeai

It \vai voted Ux nvi'UldiB conlrncl toi plummnR iwoik In Iho high achnol anil the FoxOn School lu Leo bellow, tho low bidder v'lho bonid appiqvod nn appllia-

llon tioni Ihe MoraaUBUln Patents' Club toi use of tho Momauguin School nudlloiium Oh Vvtirll-23 for-iin' miction imd food sale to benefit Cub Stout Pntjk 0 lit Monmuguln.

nills In Iho-Iimollilt of $3,047 64 woie found coHSel nHUnvtie voted to be jiitld ' ,

Mciiilicis in attendance wcie Vlto Chnliman Mis .fdhn Flnnn-gnii, Alls John Tlipak, Mi« W. (jron Pniker, >}rs, Alvlii Tlloiiilison, Anthony Balsnmo," Jnnios Ema-trudn, Charles Copolnnd, Superin­tendent GUII.s and secretary Cor-bo.tt were also present.

C'omplelo ISiLSle TrAlnhifc Two Eusl Haven youths have

Just finished four weeks of Indoc-trlnnlion training nt the Sampson Air Force Base, N. Y. They are Pvt. John J. Beausulell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benusolcll of 54 Cliff Street, and Pvt. JSdward J, Cordner, Jr., son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Edward J. Cordner of ^7 Osmond Slrcel.

Momauguin News M Sgt. and Mrs. William Andrea

have returned to their country after five years In Heldeliierg, Germany. They brought their baby son with them. I-'oUowing a month's furlough 'lit his liome, 40 Heniy Strcbt, Sergeant Andrea will continue his work nt the Pentagon, In Washington, D. C.

Lt; nnd Mrs. Clifford Alexander of Augsberfj, Germany, announce the birth of thc|r first child, a son,. Clifford, Jr.' Mrs. Alexander Is the former Gladys Bishop of 71 Henry Street. Lloutenanl Alexander' Is Currently servlng'wilh tho 43d Di­vision.

Howard Bishop of 71 Henry Street, now stationed at the U, S. Naval Training'Center a t Bnln-brldge, Md., recently completed bool training ond was pi'omoled from seaman recruit lo seaman ap­prentice.

Mr. and Mrs. Mlchnel Cosncl and daughter Anno of 53 Second Aye-nuo, sailed yesterday for n six month's vacation to the Isle of Capri.

Our I-ady of Fatlnia Mothers' Circle will meet tonight at 8 In the home of Mrs. Joseph Burke, Short Beach Road.

Branford Manor rAuxlllnry will hold Us monthly meeting Monday evening In the flrchousc. Mrs. J.lttmcs Cunningham will preside. Hostesses will bo Mrs. Irving Kap-pler, Mrs. Grace Karmcyzn and Mrs. Bertha Malletl.

The auxiliary wlir hold a card party tomorrow nlghl In the flre-house at 8:30 P. M. Hostesses will be Miss Evelyn Eberth, Mrs. Clif­ford Downer and Mrs. Frank Dooloy, Jr. The public is Invited to attend. , ' :

A party was given in honor of Natalie Whltggof Steven Street Wlday afier'noon In celobratlon of askod to hei' third birthday, Anionj her Ho 7-2060.

guests were: Dorothy Stnndlsh, Bernicc White, ^aok and Tommy Chandler, Tommy Doiiipsey, and Bobby Waterbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Wlliiani Martens of 146 Henry Street, who have been vacnlloiilng in Florida for eight weeks, have returned lo their home.

The fishing xeason has been offi­cially opened us of last weekend when boats from Bnrlletts and Poros wore seen on tho sound.. It mild weather continues,'this week­end should bring good: catches of fldt^, according to the experts. Bait, outdoor motors nnd boats may be secured at cllhor place of busi­ness, Pcro's at. Momnuguln and Bartlctl'b at Mani>ficld Grove,

Mr. and Mrs. William, Emonsot Cnthei-lne Street will spend tho Easier holidays with their son and daughlci'-ln-law and children at Niagra Falls.

Mrs. John Vanacore nf Catherine Street has returned to her homo after spending throe weeks In Flor­ida,

An extra mass nl 9:30 A. M. will be celebrated at St. Claro's Church Pahn Sunday morning. ' Other masses arc 8:30 and 10:30. ,

The children of the parish arb now rehearsing for a procession, which will be held Holy Thursday and Easter Saturday mprnlng.

On Sunday afternoon between the hours 1 and 3 the following members of tho Cancer Drive will, call on residents of Momauguin for contributions: Mrs. Clark Elliott, Jr., Mrs. Gcoi'gc Pomtiano, Mrs. Charles Copcland, ' Mrs. Carroll Conklin, Mrs. Raymond • Ldnglols, Mrs. Jane Kortheuor and Mrs. Al­vin Thompson. In order to cover the entire area of Momauguin, there Is a need for more canvassers, anyone Inlorestcd In assisting Is

call Mrs. Thompson, ^

1 15;


Page 2: ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs . yh.ipent ... engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-


rnRO 2 TImrB., Api-ll 3, l!iri2

Dr. Ethv'.rd Slaliibrook, nolcd Ynic pL-ychiMlrlKl, will nddror.s Llio Bnpllsl Bi'olhci'hnod tnnlKlil nl 0:30 nt n dlnnci-nicotlnn In the church.

sun Time To Sign For Talent Contest !

Dondlino lo submit oppllcnllon.s for (ho Tnlcnt CoiUosl hna hcon extended until April 15. AduUs an wnll n.H yoiinRslorii nrc urRcd In coiup'^to for the frco trip to Now Ytirk nnd nudltlon for the Ted Mnok Show, There l.s no ontrnnco tec.





LOUIS C.ATWATEi{ Tel Branford 8-2874 NOW!



If your valuables mean something to yoii, why not put them in a piotcclcd place whcte you will know always where they ate? A Safe Deposit Box is available for you at $£,00^ $9.00 or $12.00 a year, Federal Tax included, at cither the VChitney Avenue Office or the dowo-town main office of The Second National Dank, next to the Post Office.


135 CHURCH STREET (Next 10 thtPoitOlifO 107 WHITNEY AVENUE

Mimbtr PrJirat DtpotU Iniurdntt CorPattllta Mtmbtr Vtitrit Ktlttve Sjlltm

STONY CREEK I'loftso plmno Items for Ihh

cnhinui to NRIKW llnfiirr R-aiHI

Church Of Chrhl, (JonRM^Kntlnnnl Ilnv, Ariiiihl It. ^'nll, Pttstnr

MornInK .service, lliOO A. M. Sundny School, d-AH A. iVI. Ilownrd Kclsey, .suporlnlendcnt. rMlgrlm I'-cllowiihIp, 7:00 P. M. On I' rldny, Mnrch, 28, n Rroup

mnrto np of nicmhcrs of the Pilgrim Fellowship nnd udultR of Ihc ohurch nltended the Pflsslim Piny, "From Mnnger to Throne," Iti the Old .Stone Church, EnHt.IIovcn.

A .Siinrl.io Service Is to bo held nl 0 on IJnsler mornhiR. It Is to 1)0 followed by a hrenUtn.'il nl 7. Kvoryono l.s welcome to Join the youth orgnnlznllon In worship.

The worship service this .Sunday evening nl.the moetini? of the Pll-Rflm Fellowship will be conducted by Charles Senslrand.

At the spoclnl Pnim Sunday ser­vice, Mr. Vnll will proftch on "The Trlumphnl' Entry," Edwin IJurnc, choir director, will lend nn nug-mcntcd choir In the nnlhcm, "There Is n Green Hill For Awny." Miss Audrey ItOKors will render. "The Pulma."

On Mnundy Thursday there will he communion'service at 7:30.

ST. Theresa's It, 0. Clinrcli R«v. I''rnii'cls Brenn, Pastor

Mn.sscs 8:00 nml 9:30 A. M. Sun­dny.

Confessions 7:30 P. M. Sut'urdny, Stnllons of the Cross 7:30 P. M.

Frltlny. . On Good Friday there will be

mnss nl 8:00 A. M. Stations of the Cross will bo hold nt 3:00'P.'M.'

The Stony Crock PTA' hold lis monthly meetlnR In the school lost Thur.sdny, nnd had as Its speaker Fred ArmstronR, socrolnry of Ihe Ucereatlon Board,

The PTA plans lo present the school with n throo-vvny record pinycr. Ilosless for the nieollhB wn.s Mrs, Ilubor), Gray, with the help of Mrs. Ilownrd Cebel, Mrs. Victor Lnzzarl, Mrs. Kenneth Mad-durn, Mrs. Martin Northnm, Jr., Mrs. Fi*nnk Sanzoro,

,Tninos Kent of Wallace Road has returned from Baltimore, Md,, after accompanying his sister, Mrs, Cllf-


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RE-UPHOLSTERING At IVIoderate Cost . . . By Exper t 'Cra f t smen


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Al l work done right on our premises

Phone H O 7 -7630 2 2 8 Main St. East Haven

ford Howell, and her iTaughftr, Dorothy, to their new home. The, Ilowclls formerly lived at tho liomoj of Mr.1. ailbcrt Kent of Lcolc's Is­land Iload. *

Pfc. Anlhony Consoln, II.SXF. .ipenl the wectccnd with hl.i famll^ on nowhay IIIII. He Is now Ma-Honed nl Fort DIx.

Miss Lynnc Kent has returned to school nflcr nn attack of the virus. Miss Connie Bralncrd was also out with the grippe, but she has re­turned to school, also.

Mrs. Edwin Burno of Buona Vista Rond reccnlly visited her sister, Mrs. Loon Barry In Wnlervlllo, Mnlne,

Mrs. Uoberl McKcnzle Is chnli',' man of the Stony Creek corhmlttcb for the Talent Quest now Rolng on In Branford, All who have talent are urged to enter. First prize Is nn aurtlllon for the Ted Mack Amateur Houur. •

Mrs. Herbert Bunnell has vlsltofl her brother, Albert Clark, who hn.s been 111, In Wnlllngford.

Mrs, Vincent McDonald of Hall's Polnl Iload Is in charge of Uio junior high girls who are Inking li -strucllon In swlminlng nl the Now Haven VWCA.

Edward Murphy of Mnln Street Is spending the week with his fam­ily, on Spring vacation froni Con­necticut University.

Mr, nnd Mrs. Gu.stnve Kellnor spent the weekend at Iholr .sum­mer home on Flying Polnl, iho "Four Winds."

At tho Spring Itound-up of •Juvenile Grange organlznllons hold In Cheshire on Mnrch 20, the fol­lowing members of Branford .luvcnlle Grange allendcd: Mnsler David Vnll, .Tohn Bunnell, Carl Olorson, Jnno McDonald, Joun Pnino, ' Groin Francois, Danny Smith, Sharon Robinson, .lanel Williams, Michael., Brannon, Doro­thy Moll nnd Kenneth Williams, past mnsler.

Transportation was provided by Uohcrt, McKonzle, Mrs, Vincent McDonald, Albert Williams and

M,t6, ClWriM (ff/oglihlik, flppuly matron.

Mr.s. William Belts of Main SIVcel lia.'< recovered from her re-ceril Illness.

Visit HocUy Hill The Lcgnon Auxiliary vlslled

•IM patients al Ilocky Hill Tuesday Ayltli books, magazines nnd puzzles donated by local rosldenls. Playing cards, pocket novels and puzzles are heeded; phono 8-1073 or leave nrllclcs'al 72 South MontoWcso Street.

Tlio Short Bench Boy Scouls wish to. thank all those who donated food and contrlhule<l lo help make Ihclr Food Sale of last Saturday a succcs-s.'Also, they wish to express their nppreclntlon lo Mr. Arnold Pctcr.son for the use of his store nnd to' the following ladles who gave so gcnerou.sly of Iholr lime nl the Snlo; Mrs. Edward Evls, Mr.s, Berlrnm Ilnwkes, Mrs. Charles Devlnc, Mr,s. William Tucker, Mr.s. Clinrlos Ilogan and Mrs. R. C. Bnllou.

Norlli Branford X-HAy SEIIVICF.

Residents of North Braitford, flfleen years of ago or over, arc urged to avail theiiiselvcs of tlie opportunity of having Iholr chfst.s X-rayed v.'llhnut clmrgo on Tuesday nnd Wednesday, Apill 8 nnd 0. Tills is made possible through Iho buying of Christmas seals, and serves ns a check on any possible Infection of the lungs.

Two units will be In lown on Tuesday. One will bo stationed nt the New Ilnven Trap Rock Quarry between the hours of 11 and <\ for Service to employees nt that (danl nml Iho.so rcslilenls who live In thai general area.

The main unit will also l>e at the

• A A A * East H a v e n Green Garage

Jlomlnlcic II. rcrrnrn liOtds L. Mngglnre


Phono n o --37nn

.^ponsoicd hy tho Noilh llrjntord

.Ni.rlh Branford Town Hall Huil day from I until l-''" and innw C. lo'o In the vvcning. Tlii'-.i- lunir.-; win also be repealfd .il Ihe town hall on Wcilacsilivy. Residents me urgnl 10 make apixilntmi-nts tor X-rays during ihcse hour^.

Mrs. Ilnvlland Schucssler is gea-ernl chairman of this service nnd is being nMlstiHl by Mi's. G\iy Barker, .Mrs. Howard T. Blair, Mrs. Tiieo-dore Brnis. Mrs. Leslie Brlndloy, Mrs. Anthony Daly. Mrs. Edward Daly, Mrs. Clifford llnriison. Mrs. Ralph Ilolablnl. Mrs. Kusell llola-hlrd. .Mrs KlilrUl.nc Jmu-s, .Mr.s. Fritz Vnst, Mrs. I'help.s Wall, Mi's, .lohn Wlllmrr, This service Is

Cancer Crusatlc S X { Asks $2,039 Here

The loss Cnnce'r Crusade be-i;n:i liere Tucsilny with a large nur.iber ol volunteer workers prepaid l'> .-nvnss every section, .liidge Frniik Dniey, chalrman,sald an educational leaflet will be loft at every home visited.

Mrs. Chnrlotte Pfeltf., co-chair­man, sold the local goal is 52,039.

Addllionnl cnptains .not . listed last week are ^^rs. Charles Slur-j.ess, Mrs. Mncnoll Sturgcss and Mr.s. Ilnrry ,7ohn.;on.

Puhiirilealth Nuursing Assocla-lion.



Thiir.s(lay Till 9 P.


1 Other Days 9.30 To 5;



Elm Street At Orange

A. C. P. Electrical Service, Inc.

Induatrial, Commercial ^ and Residential Wiring'

Electrical Fixtures, COMPLETE LINE OF

Appliances and Supplies

4 6 7 IWnin St. East Haven


Bnsiirance COVERAGE

Palmer 6 0 Main St. B F D 8 - 1 7 2 9


MMtMmwMiNMMMiMi: t.'w wmmmmammmmm ^ ^

j$ •SAFE!

Diacovcr the blessings of Lennox homi hoatingi Fr&edom from *'swQuL)ng," cold Hoora, drftfU . . . nutoinntic temperaturo con­trol . . . complete snroty.., maxi­mum fuel sxvings. A «iz« and typo of I^ennox Heating Syiteni to lolve your beating problem* for soo<^^ Come in or call Nowl

TODAY—Seo Ih* Amazing ••TALLBOY" and "STOWAWAYTt


LENNOX womD's lAioiir MANurAcrumiti AN>







A look at our books would show you that 1951 was an important and busy year in the history of our Company. However, it would take you weeks to study all our records for the past year, so we have prepared this brief outline which will interest you as a customer of CLSdP.

Last year you and your Connecticut neighbors used more electricity and gas than ever before. You kept us IJusy night and day supplying the increased needs of homes, farms, businesses and itidustiies.

Our largest single expense was taxes which totaled almo.st S10,(K10,(K)0, an increase of 52,0.^7,360 over 1950. This took a little more than 20 cents out of every dollar wc received from .you. Last year's higher federal taxes amounted to $23 per customer, whereas in 1939 they amounted to less than J-i.

In 1951 the number of CL&P common stockholders grew by 5,183 to total 33,371. Most of this increase was made up of Connecticut residents, ivho now own 69 piircent of the outstandinc com­mon stock. Total dividends r.mountcd to 87'/i cents jxr share of common stock.

Uur ing 1951 wc spent almost $11,000,000 on improvements which increased our ability t o supply the rapidly growing needs of our 3'f4,000 customers. T h e in­stallation of a second 66,300 kilowatt generating un i t at our Devon steam power plant raised the plant's capacity

' x) 278,700 kilowatts, making Devon the itgest generating station in Connecticut,


Our 2,336 skilled employees were paid 59,087,816 in wages and benefits, includ­ing Company contributions toward a group life insurance and pension plan.


As Connecticut industries increase p r e duction for national defense, and as you and your neighbors make more and more use of our service in your homes, CL&P must continue to improve and expand. W e are looking forward to one of the busiest years in our history, and we are constantly planning and building .aheat^ to provide for the growing rcquiremehts 5f our customers.

THE! C O N N E a i C U T LIGHT A N D POWER C O M P A N Y A Business-Manaseii, Tax-Paying Company



'"V f

( I L X A Tony Says y*^

Wf The Rats

Are Biting . '

( • ^ f o S . , f t




Mgr. 2 1 8 Main Street

(Next to First Nat ional)

Tel . H O 7 - 5 9 7 9

Anfliony DeLucIa ' Die* in E. Haven

The funeral of Anthony C. DeLucia, husband of Kose Gar-Ruilo DeLucia of 20 Osmond Street, was held yesterday mornlns nl 9:.-W from the W. S. Clancy Fun-eiMl Home, •13 Klrkmnn Avenue nnd nt 10 in St. Vincent do Raul's Church where n -requiem hlRh mas.; \\ns celebrated. Mr. DeLucia, who was (',,S years of age, was born in Itnl>-. Hi? was retired from the National Folding Box Company fi\i' years ago. liorn in Ilaly, he had resided in East Haven tor 14 years. Besides his wife, ho Is sur-\ivc'il by four sons, John, Albert, Mii'hael nnd Frank DeLucia; '1 daui;hteis, Mrs, Julia Kelly, Mrs, Mary Dalzno, Mr.s. Anna Corso nnd Mrs. Su.an^Castollnno; 11 grand-childien. Interment was In SI. Lawrence Cemetery.

Go To Churcli-Takc A Friend :

Save A Life

Give A Pint Of Blood


HOSPITAL Mrs. Kay Anstais io, Dir.

Registered Nurses in IjAttendance D a y and Night

Carefully P repa red Meals and Diets

P h o n e H O 7-5828 1(83 Main St. East H a v e n


• Children 's Easter Suits

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• Easter Dresses

• Shoes In Finest Patent Leather

*• Free Alterations Free Grift Wrapping

A Complete

Stock of (!^hlldren's

Easter Accessoriess

" C H I L D R E N ' S W E A R "

3 2 7 % Main East Haven Tel . H o 7 -4621

SI. Vincent do Tnul Rev. William O'Brien, Pastor

Rev. Joseph Buckley, Asst. Pastor Rev. Louis Pelosi. Curate

Sunday, on Taylor Avenue, Mas­ses nt 7,8.9 and fl A.M. On Main Street, Masses are at 7:30, 8:30 and 16:00 A.M.

Monday, 7:,30 P.M. Novena; wlilch Includes Uosnry, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and ser­mon.

Friday, 7:30 Stations of the Cros.s. Confessions nre heard on Satur­

day at 4:00 and 7:.30 P.M.

SI. Clare's Chnrch iMnniauRtiin

Uev. John O'Conncll, Pastor Rev. Thonins Furoy, Curnle

sundny Masses are celebrated al Sl30 and 10:30 A.M.

Dally Mass nt 7:30 A.M. Confessions al 4 nnd 7:30 P.M.

Saturdays. Lenten Devotions are held each

Wednesday imd Friday evcnlnfes nl 7:30.

stations of Cross for Ihe cliildreii al 4:00 P.M. Fridays.

Sundny School nl 8:30 A.M. Sat­urday and C.y.O. Mondays al 7:00 P.M.

St. Clare's Guild meets the sec­ond Monday of llie month nnd the Men's Club tlie third Monday.

Our Lady of ronipett Church Foxon

Rev. Raymond A. Mulcaliy, Pastor Masses al Our Lady of Pompeii

Cliurcli are celebrated at 8:00 and 10:30 A.M. •

Sunday School for all grammar school chlUiron, Sunday.s, followhiK Ihe 8 o'eloclc Mass.

Monday at -I'l.'i Sunday Sciiool in tile Foxon Community Hail nnd from 3:30 lo 4:00 In the Highland School.

Confessions Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 and In the evening from 7:30 lo 8:15.

Lenten Devotion 'Friday nt 7:30 P.M.

Foxon CoiiBreBational Cluireh Rev. Virgil L. Wolfcnberge, Rector

Saturday, 10:00 A.M, Junior Choir rehearsal.

Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Church scr ylco by the rector.

Old Slniie Church Rev. James E. Waery, Pastor Friday, 6:30 P. M. covered disii

supper at the pt^rsonnge, 583 riiompson Avenue, for. church members nnd friends In Sectors 49, 51 and 52.'

Saturday, 12:45 P. M. Pastor's Confirmation Class, in tlio study, tor boys and girls In 8lli grade.

Sunday, 9:45 A. M. Morning Wor­ship service. Observance of Holy

Communion. Rev. Jame.'v E. Waery, Pastor. Music by Inlermedint<^

Choir. n:4,"> A. M, Church School —Grade 4 Ihrough Sdilors. n:-l3 A. M. Nursery for children whoso par­ents are attending church service. 10:30 A. M. Lnylng of Ihc Corner Stone service—now Educntlonnl BuUdlnB. Speaker, Dr. Stanley U. North friun ConRrcRnllnnnl Ilend-fluarlers In New York. Observance ol> Holy Communion in the Churcli Snhctunry after llie service. 11 A. M. Church School,Nm'sery through Grndo 3. 5:00 V. M. Junior Pil­grim Fellowship. 7:00 P. M. Scnloi' Pilgrim Fi-llowslilp.

Monday, 7:;i0 p. M. Meeling of Iho Wonien'.s,Council In Iho Pnrlsli House.

Tuesday, 3:.".n V. M. Meeting of Mhsslons nnd Literature Commllteo in the Pastor's study. 6:30 P. M Supper and mooting of tlie Men's Club. Spenlter. Ihe llonornblc John Dnvis Lodge, Governor of Connccli cut. •

Wednesday, 11:00 A. M. Adult Bible clas!-, led by Mr. Waery. Snack lunch and fcllowshl|i iuiur from 12 to 1 P. M. 2:00 P. M. Meeting of the Progressive Friends, in tlio Parish Hou.se. 8:00 P. M. Meeting of the Friendly Circle in the Parish Mouse.

Tliursdiiy, Noon Loiilon Uuicli-eon served by the Ever Koady Group 111 the Parisli llouuse. Open to the pulillc—miiko reservations wdlli members of the Group. 0:30 P. M. Covered dish supper in Ihe Parish House for churcli members and friends—guests will bo now candidates for cluireh mombershlp. 8:00 P. M. Annual Cnndleliglil Com-iiuumion Service, rcceiillon of now members niid Fourth Century Of­fice of Tonebrae,

\\m Harvey; Tho Rector Riving Cobd Friday—Mass of rresanctl-mcHltntlon from the Cross nnd words 1 and 7. '

SInnmuRUin AUsslou 101 Dewey Avenue

Palm Sunday, 0:30 Ilnly Com-miinlnn and .sermon by live Uc;:lor, Rev. Alfred Clark. Choir will sing the nntlicni "The Palms" by Fnure. 10:40 Church School.

Monday: 3:15 P. M. Lenten Junior Church closing service.

Christ Churcli ' Rev. Alfreil Clark, Rector Palm Sunday, 8:00 A. M. Holy

Communion. n;,30. Church School, 11:00 A. M. Holy Communion nnd sermon Ij^ Rev. Alfred Clnric. An-Ihems Ijy Girls' and Boys' Choirs, "The Palni.s" by Fauro. Anllicms liy the Senior Ciiolr '•'Hide On" by Scotl. 7:00 P. M. Young People's Fellowship in Ihe church ball.

Monday, 3:30 P. M. Galahad Bo.vs tn theehurch hnlV 7:00 P. M. Combined choir rotionrsals, Momnu-puin' choirs witli girls' and hoys' choir of Clirisl Churcli In Hie chuurch.

Tuesday, 7:45 P. M. Evening Prayer by the Rector, Rev. Alfred Clark. A meeting of the Veslrjl will ho hold in the Meniorlnl room following tho service.

Wednesday, lO.lOO A. M. Holy Communion followed by mcoling of tlie Chancel Guild.

Maundy Thursday,'3:30 P. M. •tuninr Church Lenten Service. 7 P. M. Holy Communion nnd ser­mon. Guest jiroacher Rev. Canon J. Douglas Paler.son, Coiion Mis­sionary of-'^Church ot;,.England.. Cniinda. Senior Choir will hold a rehearsal immediately after .ser­vice. •

Good Friday, Tliree hour Hcrvicc, 12 noon lo 3 P, M. l- lghl niodila-tion from tlie Worcis from '1110 Cro.ss, Uev. Canon S. Wiilcull Lins-ley; Words 2 and (i. Mr. George .Stolgler. Woi'ds No. 3 Mr. John Whiteford; Words No. 4. Mr

n r s t Baptist Church Itrv. A. W. Jones, Minister

Sunday 10 Churcli School 11 Worshlii, Junior Church and

Nursery Hour "7 Youth Hour

Tuesday 3:15 Junior Choir Rehearsal 8 Midweek Fello\vslil|i Service Jlrotliorbood - -First Thursday Service Guild • -Second nnd

fourth Wodnesdnys. CJhurcli School Teachers Meeting Second. Thursduy. Wcltnt'e League - - Tliird Wed-ticsday. Women's Missionary Society

First" Wednesday.

The First Cnngrcinitlniml Cliurcli J. Ciemonl Walker, Minister

Sunday, April 0, 9:30 Church School. 10:45 Palm Sunday Ser­vice. r);.30 Sacrificial Dinner In cooperation wllii Ihc One Grenl Hour of Slinrring. All members and friends of tlie pnrlsli are urged t(> attend.

Tuesday 8:00, Tlio Arlstonlnns "moct. 8:00 The Jr. Dames meet. j Wednesday 11:00 The Comfort-nhln Society mools In the vestry.

Thursday 8:00 The Service of lloly Communion for P. M. Mauiid.',' [riiursday. Recepllon of now mcni-jiors. ( Frldny l!:00 Union Good .Fiddny Service in llie First Baptist Cliurch.

fled 8;3D A.,M. Vonciallon ot tho Cross Imniedlntcly nttoi- Mass. ^Sta-llons of the Cross 3:00 and 7:So P. M . • ' , ^ w • •• . , .

Holy SaUirdny-^BIcislntt of New Fire and Blessing of Easier Water 7:00 A: M. Holy Mass will stnrl 8:30. Ensler Water W,lll bo dkilrlh-ulcd nflcr Mn.ss . ConfcBslons tor Hie children in:30-lt;30 A. M. 3:00 to !i:30 nnd 7;30 to fl:O0 P. M.

Easter Sunday-^ Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 A. M, IIlRh Mass nl 11:00 A. M,

Birtlis East Haven

_ ' S^ . . J»».». , .„ . . .—• . - " • • • " ' ^ '

Tin! nuAvronn liEVimv THE EAsi" IIAVEN NEWS

Page a Timrs., Aprila, inS2

Trinity CInircli The Rev. J. Edison Plko, Roelor

(on leave of nhsence as Air For(;p Chnplnln.)

Ministers during Rcclor'.l Ab.scnec Tho Rov. 0. Sydney Bnrr Jr . The Rev, Tiiomas J. Slinniion Sundny: 8:00 Holy Coimnuiilon,

n!15 Church School, 10:45 Morning. Prayer nnd Sermon, 0:15 Young People's Fellowship.

Thursday! 7:30 P. M. Mnundy Thursdny Soi'vlce.

Friday: 7:00 A, M. ' Holy Com­munion. 12:00-3:00 P. M. Throe IInur Service. 4;00 P. M. Child­ren's Service; 7:30 P. M, Evening Prayer nnd Address.

Snlurdny; 9:30 A. M, : Junior Choir ReTienrsal.

Mr. nnd Mrs, UusscU E. Mans­field of 42 KImhcrly Avenue, an-noiuico llie birth of a son, Tiiomns Edward, on Mnrch 22. Mrs. Mans­field Is the former Barbara Ann Dcardslcy.

I A daughter, Susnn Eleanor, was born on Mnrch 12 to Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Mozonlous ot (143 NtirUi

I illBli.Slj'oel. Mrs. Mo/.oalous Is tho former Hcrnlcc Monro.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Morion Cook, Jr ot 100 Borrnmnn Rond, nnnounce the birth of a lioii, William Michael on March 51 Mrs, Cook Is Iho for­mer Botto Ilaller.

Mr. nnd Mr.s. Chnrles llnckhnrth of 4 Clcnrvlow. Avenue, nnnounce the birth o t n s o n , Mark Charles, on Mnrch 7. -Mrs. Mnckhnrlh Is Iho former Kntherlne Nowak.

•St. Mary's Church Holy \\'eek Services

Lenten Devotions Tuosdny evoii-ing 77:30. . Wednesday in preparnlion for

Holy Tliursday Confessions will be heard In the afternoon from 4 o'clock lo 5:30 nnd in liio evening from 7:,30 lo 8:30.

lloiy Thursday—Comnumion will be dlslrlhuted nl 0:00, 7:00, nnd 7:30 A. M. Mnss nnd I'rocosslon will .slnrl al 8:00 A. M. lloly Hour Thursduy evening from 7:30 lo 8:30. Holy Name men are lo moot in a bi)(ly.<hnd attend Ihc lloly Hour. A meeting of the Holy Name men win ho held ai;8:30.

.Slony Creek Republicans Will Caucus Wednesday

Republicans of the Second Dlstricl wdll hold Wednesday al 8 Crock School lo Town Commllloo

n cnucus next In the Slony nomlnnle six


Mrs. Ruth Evi3 Heads Kefauvei- 3up?6;'ieio

Mr.s. Uulh Evis of Short Beach has been named chairman of the Kcfauvcr - for - president movo-monl In Now Ilnvcn County. Any­one Inleroslod In the Kefnuver enmpnign Is nsked lo phone Mrs. Evls nt 8-2G0G.

Ceramic Tile Installation

FLOORS AND WALLS iVenebian Tile Company) East INlntii St. Branford »-ll(llil J

Mr. Andy. Recommends—

Oleen amazinp; new discovery

for your SCALP 1 Guaranteed to Remdve


$1.2 Largo Size

M i - L a d y ' s B e a u t y S a l o n 2()7 Main Street Tel. I-IO 7-0714 Fur Appoin lmcnl


LUCAS STUDIO Formal & Cand id Weddinifs Portrai ts Babies Commercial Itr. II, 3115 Mnln .St., i?ust Ilnven

Phono IIO 7-:ill3l1


t If

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J E W E L E R S 2 5 0 Main St. BFD

Tel . 8 - 9 1 3 2

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Y O U t«1UST GET voure MOME.yir W O R T H . '

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It's destined to be your wardrobe favorita . . . this new lampl suiter that you'll count on for all

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27x54 :.. 3.75 6x12 ;i 'x5' :... 5.25 8x10

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Page 3: ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs . yh.ipent ... engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-


^\)t ?Jranforb RebicUi

if 13 '



m lit iant HuttDM Ncum ' KSTAnusiiKi) lom

r u n u s n u i ) EVKIIV TiiiiitsnAV By


John Zycli, Ailvcrtlslnn Mnnngcr A11(!0 T, I'ctcrsoii, AHSOCIBIO Eilllor

Mrs. Alvln Thompsrin, Bast Haven CorrMi>»nuont

T H E RRANFORi) REVIEW, INC. 188 Montowcsc StrciM Tel. B-flBll nnx 107, l lrantonl

T H E EAST HAVEN N E W S P. O. Box 21(1 Tel. HO 1-2000 East Haven

SUrtaORiPTiONi $S.60 per'year, pnyablo.ln «<l»ance


enUtlH .1 ittonil ,tl»!i niilltr Oilribir J8, 1928, j l l ta, Poll Oriltl «l (Jttnlord.'CMii., unilit *tl 01 M>tih!3, 1B79.

ijrunt a n d g r o a n , a n d c u s s a l i l l l c a l l t h e w a y . r i i e n ihcrc'fl t h e j o b o( h a u l i n g rock t o . l h c w a l l . W c o n l y d in turbcd the s m a l l e r oncn . W e ' l l n e v e r k n o w h o w the first farmer o n our l a n d , s o m e 21 5 y e a r s a g o , u p r o o t e d a n d d r a g g e d the l e v i a t i a n s that f o j m t h e f o u n d a t i o n s of t h e o l d w a l l s . ' '• .

It t o o k m o r e than b r u t e s t r e n g t h t o bu i ld a s t o n e wnl. l Sk i l l fu l h a n d s p i l e d t h e r o c k s s o aoHdly m n h y of t h e o ld w a l l s in our c o u n t r y s i d e still s t a n d a l m o s t u n d i s t u r b e d b y t h e p a s s a g e o f ' c e n t u r i e s .

T l i c i r w a l l s r e m a i n as s y m b o l s of the s t r e n g t h and i n t e g r i t y of the ear ly A m e r i c a n s . W h a t Vfill this g e n o r a l i o n l e a v e t o s h o w for i t se l f 2 0 0 y e a r s h e n c e ?


A Serious Mailer . T h e s t o n e - t h r o w i n g , c r o s s - b u r n i n g e p i s o d e s

w h i c h l e d t o t h e r e s i g n a t i o n o f B r a n f o r d ' s

t r u a n t of f icer this w e e k , a n d the s u b s e q u e n t d e ­

t e n t i o n o f four b o y s , a g e s 14 a n d 1 5 . are m n t -

"tcrs of serious" c o n c e r n t o th is en t i re c o m m u n i t y . It> t h e s c h o o l s , d i sc lp l in tins b e e n c r a c k e d

a n d t e a c h e r m o r a l e , s h a k e n . T h i r f c . a r e i n d i c a ­t i o n s tha t o ther m f c r n b e r s o f t h e s s c h o o l staff h o v e b e e n s u b j e c t t o u n p a r d o n a b l e a b u s e s o v e r a p e r i o d of t i m e . • , , . ' " .- , ' • ^ t i '

P o t e n t i a l l y e v e n . m o r e ser ibus • is the . e f f ec t t h e s e e v e n t s a n d Mrs . Scht i f id 's resighftt lph hfiny h a v e o n o t h e r y o u n g s t e r s inUhfc i c h p o l J ; " . ; ,

C lear ly , p r o m p t a n d vlgoftJUs nfctlbh m u s t b e t i k c n to I m p r e s s o n . t h c c i i lprl ls nno'?** their s c h o o l m a t e s t h e s e r i o u s n e s s of Whrtt h a s t a k e n p l a c e . T h e p l a c e for si lch a c t l p n i« in the h o m e 1 b u t w j i e r e the h o m e fails , h s it htts fa i led b a d l y i n s o m e i n s t a n c e s h e r e , t h e U n p l e a s a n t r e s p o n -s lb i i l i ty fal ls o n the s c h o o l s , , t h e p o l i c e a n d the juven i fp cour t . , ;

B u t the c o m m u n i t y s h o U d b e ' c o n c c r n e d b e ­y o n d t h e p r e s e n t c a s e . T h e t o w n h a s a t o p ­f l ight rccrca t ton progro tn , a n d j u v e n i l e a u t h o r ­i t ies w H l^"" "* «°°° rei^ord of y o u t h b e h a v i o r for a t o w n of i ts s ize . Y e t s o m e b o y s , d o n t fit e a s i l y intij e v e n the b e s t rccre i l t lon p r o g r a m . Is there soiTjothing mor<i , the c o m m u n i t y c a n d o t o e x p e n d i l s ' ' g o o d i n f l u e n c d . o V c r i t s . y o u n g p o p ­u l a t i o n n p d e l i m i n a t e such b l o t s as this o n its g o o d p a i n c > ' 1

W c • s u g g e s t that a c o m m i t t e e m i g h t b e f o r m e d , w i th reprcnentnt ivcs of t h e s c h o o l s , the p b l i c e , the r e c r e a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t a n d o t h e r s o c i a l a g e n c i e s t o t a k e j o i n t a c t i o n • t o h e l p y o u n g s t e r s w i t h spec ia l p r o b l e m s .

, Go Pluiil A Tree * N o w is the t i m e for e v e r y m a n wjth a f ew

s q u a r e feet of u f i s h n d c d g r o u n d to g o p l a n t n

t r e e . • W c h e a r d a. Y a l e pro tos sor the o t h e r d a y

tel l o f t h e r a v a g e d C o n n e c t i c u t fovests i S t o r m s , d i s e a s e a n d m a n h a v e t a k e n a t e r r i b l i tdll of o n c e m a g n i f i c e n t w o o d l a n d s . T h e srtme t h i n g o n a srrialler s c a l e h a s h a p p e n e d to our t o w n s . T h e r e are u g l y baire p a t c h e s ' a l o n g o u r o n c e s o l i d l y t r e e - l i n e d s t ree t s . N e w d e v e l o p m e n t s arc s p r o u t i n g o n f i e lds that h a v e n ' t s e e n a t r e e for y e a r s . In a f e w m o n t h s t h e s e h o m e d \ v i e r 8 wi l l b e y e a r n i n g for a l i t t le s h a d e .

S o m e C o n n e c t i c u t t o w n s a r e d o i n g s o n i c -t h i n g a b o u t it. T h e y a r c p l a n t i n g t h o u s a n d s of. t r ee s a s c u i n m u n i t y projectjjs . In s o m e h o u s i n g d e v e l o p m e n t s , p r o p e r t y o w n e r s a r e g t t t i n g to ­g e t h e r t o p l a n t h u n d r e d s of d b g W o o d S o r o t h e r f l o w e r i n g t r e e s to m a k e of the ir amii l ler c o m ­m u n i t i e s a s h o w p l a c e .

T r e e p l a n t i n g t a k e s fores ight . It t a k e s y e a r s for a g o o d s h a d e t ree t o g r o w , a n d tKe f l o w - , e r i n g s p e c i e s d o n ' t r e a c h their full g l o r y 'until l o n g after the s a p l i n g i s t e n d e r l y p l a n t e d . S o m e ­t i m e s t h e p l a n t e r wi l l n o t r e m a i n t o r e a p the r e w a r d . But h e h a s the s o t i s f a c t i o n of h e l p i n g c r e a t e b e a u t y a n d c o m f o r t for g e n e r a t i o n s t o c o m e . • ,,

,' Spring Sol To Music ' , ' rrsm The Vlncyird Gitttte, Edgerlown, M»i

T h e p i n k l c t i n k s — w h i c h , t r a n s l a t e d i n t o

m a i n l o n d l a n g u a g e , arc a l s o spr ing p e e p e r s or

hy l t t o'rui;iftr — h a v e b e g u n the ir s p r i n g c h o r u s

jliiit s o u n d s s o m u c h like s l e i g h b c l l s . ' F r o m the

m a r s h y p l a c e s i t c o m e s , a n d s e e m s a s if it can^e

f r o m e v e r y w h e r e . T h e r e is n o t h i n g e l s e . t h a t

c a n >rench the e a r so mUch l ike t h e n o r t h e r n

l i g h t s reach t h e e y e , spec tra l a n d br ight , r is ing

a n d » w a n i n g m y s t e r i o u s l y , s w e l l i n g f rom a

s o u r c e ns s e c r e t — to the o b s e r v e r a little w a y

off—;• OB the h o r i z o n itself is s e c r e t .

W h e n the p i n k l c t i n k s c a m t , a b u n c h o f q i i a w k s c o m e l o o , k e e p i n g a s p r i n g a p p o i n t m e n t h e r o ; o n the w a y t o s o m e w h e r e e l s e . T h e y c i i m p c d out in s o m e a n c i e n t p i n e s u n d rose w i t h a f lurry w h e n d i s t u r b e d , o n l y to settlfe a g a i n for l i . i b n t i n u e d d a y t i m e . s i e s t a . T h e i r l o n g l e g s d a n g l i i d out o f t h e sky a s they d r o p p e d s l o w l y ar id . f tvj lkwardly a n d w e r e los t ( o s ight , s a v e f o t . n p h i c h o f g r a y h e r e a n d t h e r e , in the u n -kfcrfipt frees. '

• • T h e qUttwk is a b ird of fa l s e importance .^ W h e n h e f l ies o v e r h e a d , a lonfcly m e s s e n g e r in i h e spr ing or s u m m e r . o r a u t u m n ni ight , a n d lets fall this l o n e l y w o r d , " Q u a k I " a n d n o t h i n g ilse,' , o n e f e e l s that the w o r l d s h o u l d b e ^ s i g -ni f icant . T h e b i r d h a s t h c ' b e a r i n g a n d m a n n e r of :a m e s s e n g e r , a n d s p e a k s l ike a r n e s s a n g e r , b u t ' h e rea l ly h a s n o t h i n g to s a y . H e ' s n o t c a r r y i n g a n y t i d i n g s to G a r c i a or a n y o n e ' e l s e , t h o u g h the e a r t h b o u n d l i s t e n e r f e e l s h e s h o u l d b e , ,

. • T h e p i n k l c t i n k s , h o w e v e r , a r e e v e r l a s t i n g l y i m p o r t a n t , a s i m p o r t a n t a s s p r i n g itself. W e s h c u l d n o t b e surpr i sed t o h a v e i t turn o u t tha t t h e y rea l ly a r e spr ing s e t t o . m u s i c a n d o n l y i n c i d e n t a l l y t h e s m a l l t r e e t o a d f o r m s t h e s c i e n ­tific b o o k s tel l a b o u t .

Too Many Gars? ^ T h e N a t i o n a l Aj i sbc iat ion of M a n u f a c t u r e r s

is o n e of m a n y g r o u p s w h o l ike to k e e p e d i t o r s

wel l s u p p l i e d With' c o p y r e p r e s e n t i n g their

po in t s of v i e w . y^

T h i s w e e k , u n d e r the h e o d i h g ' - W o r t h R e ­p e a t i n g , " t h e N A M j s e t u s this t idb i t f rom' t h e B r i d g e p o r t T e l e g r a m :

" A n o t h e r s lant o n the 8 5 - b i l l i o n - d o l l a r b u d g e t ; T h a t m u c h r n o n e y w o u l d b u y for e a c h fami ly in the U . S. a iVew car, in- t h e l o w - p r i c e f ie ld, e q u i i p p e d w i th r a d i o , h e a t e r a n d seat c o v e r s , a n d in a d d i t i o n n d o z e n b a r r e l s of g a s o l i n e . "

Y o u h a d b e t t e r g e t a n o t h e r s lant o n that b u d g e t , N A M . Just l isten in o n s o m e o f t h e current b u d g e t h e a r i n g s a n d f ind o u t w h a t the R u s s i a n b u d g e t is p r o d u c i n g . M p y b c e 8 5 b i l l i o n isn't e n o u g h . M a y b e w e ' r e b u i l d i n g t o o m a n y cars .

Which Polalo Is Holtcsl? W h a t h a s h a p p e n e d to tha t " h o t p o t a t o " ,

r e v a l u a t i o n ?

S u d d e n l y pol i t ica l l e a d e r s arc fa l l ing o v e r e a c h o t h e r t o p l u g for w h a t h a s l o n g b e e n re­g a r d e d a s poHtical d y n a m i t e . 1

T h e a n s w e r is s i m p l e . B r a n f o r d r e s i d e n t s o r e w a k i n g u p to t h e g r o s s i n e q u a l i t i e s tha t ex is t . T h e r a p i d l y e x p a n d i n g po l i t i ca l i n f l u e n c e of t h e n e w h o m e o w n e r s , w h o are t a k i k n g a stiff b e a t i n g o n t a x e s , i s b e i n g felt . T h e v o t e r s h a v e a w a k k e n e d a n d ^ t h e po l i t i c ians a r e b e g i n ­n i n g to rea l i z e that t h e p r e s e n t t a x l ist is a n e v e n h o t t e r p o t a t o t h a n r e v a l u a t i o n .

• » irf'i- ir by VIP

voirtL RESt" \'


V T • W •' • " O l I

Garden Notes By Mrs. M. D. Stanley

, V T • •

Letters To The Editor

V . ;; HarryVHad It '•^^ ' Frem Tt« Hiradtn ChtMltlt

Hurry T r u n i a n w o n t b e a c a n d i d a t e for

r e - e l e c t i o n i n ' O c t o b e r .

. T h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t h a s b e e n g r e e t e d w i t h .

I n i x c d e m o t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y . T h e r e

is n o u n a n i m i t y of o p i n i o n e v e n w i t h i n t h e t w o

n i n j o r po l i t i ca l part ies . In h i s o w n por ty , t h e

p r e s i d e n t ' s d c c i s o n is w c l c o m ^ n s g o o d n e w s

By Bbrne a n d s a d n e w s b y o t h e r s . T h e r e c e p ­

tion' ih's imilar in the R e p u b l i c a n p a r t y a l t h o u g h

fbr d i f f erent r e a s o n s .

W h a t e v e r f a t e thie h i s t o r i a n s d e c r e e for Mr. Truirinn, t h e y wi l l n o t s a y t h a t h e l a c k e d cour--a g ? ; H e f o u g h t t h e g o o d f ight a n d w o n thei c lect ior i of I 9 4 8 w h e n o p i n i o n ' w a s v ir tua l ly u n -aniipiolls tha t h e c o u l d n ' t p o s s i b l y win. . H e a c t -e'd b o l d l y in t h e hour of cris is w h e n the cbm-.. m u n i s t s i n v a d e d S o u t h K o r e a . H ° f o u g h t for c i v i l ' r i g h t s k n o w i n g t h a t by . s o d o i n g h e w a s Blient\t ing t h e so l id s o u t h - - o n w h i c h the D e m ­o c r a t i c 1 p a r t y re l i ed o n a s u b s t a n i a l b l o c of y o t e s . '

• F u r t h e r m o r e Mr. T r u m a n s t u c k b y h is S e c ­r e t a r y o f S t a t e in Ihe f a c e o f o v e r w h e l m i n g cr i t ic i sm. H e w a s s t e a d f a s t a n d e a r n e s t in h i s fore ign p o l i c y a n d w a s n ' t p e r s u a d e d to . c h a n g e or m o d i f y it e v e n t h o u g h t h e o v a l a n c h e ,ojF s n i p i n g a n d y e l p i n g of t h o s e •who o p p o s e d it m o u n t e d i n t o a s i e o d y d i r g e i n t h e C o n g r e s s .

A l t h o u g h h e m a d e m i s t a k e s in th is r e g a r d , a g o o d i n d i c a t i o n of t h e n a t u r e of his s u c c e s s is e iT ibodied in G e n e r a l D w i g h t E i s e n h o w e r w h o s h a r e s t h e s a m e c o n v i c t i o n s o n fore ign p o ­licy, a n d w h o i s a l e a d i n g c a n d i d a t e for t h e p r e s ­i d e n t i a l n o m i n a t i o n in t h e R e p u b l i c a n p a r t y . . . Bu^ Mr. T r u m a n h a d o n e g l a r i n g w e a k n e s s .

H i s y^i l l ingness to s t i ck b y h i s g u n s p i a d e h i m s l o w to m a k e a re t rea t w h e n h e w a s c l e a r l y an u n s o u n d g r o u n d . T h i s w a s p a r t i c u l a r l y t r u e tvhcn 'he m o v e d a l m o s t i m p r e c e p l i b l y a f ter d i s ­c l o s u r e s m a d e it e v i d e n t tha t t h e r e w a s w i d e ­s p r e a d c o r r u p t i o n in t h e f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t .

Mr.i T r u m a n is n o t t h e b e s t p r e s i d e n t t h a t this c o u n t r y h a s p r o d u c e d . B u t b y t h e s a m e i o k e n n e i t h e r i s h e t h e w o r s t .

T h e Senate A n d [ The Presidency EDITOn. THE REVIEW: j

In the IlRhl 6£ the candidacy of Mr. Rohert Ta l l lor Ihb highest of. flee of the United Sta les II Is Inicr-Citlng to note that no leader of the United States" ScnStc Ji&s ever ^ e n elected to the PrMidcncj-. The long list ot prominent na t iond leaders in the Senate , w h o nevef quite made the grade Includes sucS time hailowcd carnej a ' , Daniel WclKter. Henry C!»}\' Joiui ' C i t -houn, S l e i ^ e n I>>ei:tsj^ V.lHSara Jennings Bryan. Gfrarpe Jiswris.. Henr>" Cabot Loigt . , a»5 ss,nsy others. . I l i s also t o t t r c a i R s Ess aD^e' !>iH t3ie lO-alj- man wfeo -Bt ii 'r^«'>fl^^^td Pterident di jwlJj ' frcsa >J» U^ESed Sta tes Seaa ]« tras s i i t i i i * W d a a J -Hardins . •»i>» fey D 9 iai^'itftSas;*'';^ the facts coo34 i>eriiSrf < !i&a&!r m i " tiie Senate . T J M 0 5 8 = i ^ i E ' E i r e i - - | ^ ^ -cioi>e<lla has tbe'foSJsxtsg; S3 503'| • alwut Warren JJanCtj:: ' _ ' | £ A j i s m r johnsoa . Vice. PresadH?

"Ills s ix years s a y in WjeScXiEtiKm 'iei.th o j l i a c s j l a Senate, 1S57-' was tmdistin£uis^.«cS: !M Jsaiwaajf ? * ^

from a G(x>d Joe EDITOR. TFIE RE\nE\V: -. I would like to take this tippnr-tunily to express my deepeot thanks and appreeialinn to you for that kind article in your liuit week's p<iper, and a lso in thnrik >-oa (or your «v»l l hcjp and co­operation given to rae and this l»oard. ^ ' . "

Ajjy sBtcess that w c might be able So acfceiv* w i a b« due to your ipJersdid rHansi You are to be cooLSseaded ois tjic fine job jwu are A x a ^ •wiih the Hcviers^ and .1 cer-taioly SooJt^fonrai^ -ji reading it eiaci: ire«S:.,

^i^Sls t«ss T\^5?icsand kindei;! per-i c c i l re- f ir l s . I reroain. ' , , ! . , : - J O E .TBAPASSO

' Direstor of P^crcation.

l i l iiarriKia, S e o a l e , ' 1S2'

the party whips, on dosaeiSir fejsiii-laiion and Lodge o a his at5a£a3='flire|iS?B<-iSjB, S e e s i e , 1KI-18S7. the l-eague of Nations.- In 1 9 » fesl- ^,^-^5.5, H w £ n i PresJdenl I92r « n s nominated to the PrwsdesKy. arid although his position o n t n ^ ^ Important issues was rague, tie w & elected by an Impressive majority."^

Df the Ihlrly-threc former Pre^-dcnls of the United States "only nine have had a Senatorial back-

1333, Seaa«*,-19i5-192L l l is interesting to note t!>e_ o o n ;

siderabie,, ,eta^ed t ime .-in ^ m o s t eajses tKtween sjrvicc in the Senate and election Co the Presidency. Monroe and Adams scn'cd as Sec -

Hiound, and,in most: of these cases l f f '^ '^^.^^.^Vai^ ' ' ' ' ° " "''"' ^'«=-t.,., „ „ „ . . , , . . „ . . . , , , „» .„ .>..: 'ion- Marlm Van :Bureii was oitc

3 E S janSr!. • "H*rnia>ni P r e s d e n t .

only a very limited service in that body. O^ tlic'rilric, three became Presidents nfi a ' result of • being 'Vlco-Prclirdcnts^ whe^i an Incum­bent President. . died. In office. •Tylbi', . Johnsdn, lind T r u m a n _ backed Into thfc -otrico on lho ik . .^ ' 'c . above intormation produces

of. Ihe few- Presidents who ' w e n t from the Vice Presidency Into tiie first office by the elective pi-ocesa. l larding a ldnc 'was elected directly out of. the Senate.

Mrs. M. I>. S U n l e y

SPRING H comes and goes Reversing snows

In cloud and sun. First lost, then won. Draws back, gives way Blows soil one day— Uncertain warm; . 06C5 out in storm. Persists, r e t u r n s -Pale shoots; cold ferns, Then suddin thing, Somishow, it's Spring!


Thur.«day, .March 20th—first day >l Spring! And It really seems like Sprlni;. with the pussy willows, snow drops'lind yellow- crocuses nil ahlbssom! The Boston and New York Shows were more, wonderful than ever, especially the scenic ef­fects, flowers everj'\vhcrc, and wonderful orchids among the rocks.

It was truly a wonderland of l*auty. lacy dog^vood, shimmering siix-er hir\:hes and brilliant riow'cr mR ii\nihi, surrounded by thou. SM>.'i.<, of VJcissoms In nil hues. The rrf6r»tf \ i CiKien CJutjs of N e w Ynrk Slate festured "The Amerl-.-*n Way," an interpretation'from ihr C,il,-<rvi«l era to present-day i l v i n c Scores of hcjlUant geran­iums in tiill bloom marked the N e w York Botanical Garden dlsplaj'.

A «tch hy step demonstration on g r o w l h g t h c favorite plant was on view- In a ' prctnhousc complete with propngntinK benches and pot tihg short. T h e A Was so much to see on'd learn at those shows,.one Htiould really spend the whole week Instcnd jif one short day,

Tlic Hnrtford Show at the Arm« or*- '23ra I to 2ath was '«'ell worth titteniiint!. A icw. of the hew flow­ers fur 'MSSI roses—Vogue, Fred TIp.wnrrt, l lolen Traubcl, Fire IJnhfe, tor. .DoBai , Tip Toes, and Bigmy Odld. Flowering shrubs— JnrsytHla LjTiwnod Gold, Hypcrl. ciim Hlflcotc and viburnum Carl copnlma.

rercnnlnls — H o s t s Honeybells, delphinium I^cace", surtiTner phlox Elizabeth Ardcn, viola white Jer,sey gem, and astilbe RoWcni. Annuals —jFiestfl cosmos, Ballerina petunia, Persian carpet i rmia , ' g lobe phlox, aBler, Burpeana, marigold Color ^ k g i c and scabiosa Coral Mooii. ' ' Chry-"ianlJ»einum5 . ^ new b i r d series—^gold finch,, cocicatoo and plieasant, also Spindrift, Jubilee, l ics ionaire , Lcmonette , Tahi-o, shanler and Fascination. Flowering

1 quince and Japanese quince arc " often considered the same but they

arc two different plants. The •Japanese is a lo-ft', neat shrub atiout three feet tall wdth brick red flowers. Recent varieties in­clude Japanese Rubra, a deep red, and Japanese Scarlet, a dazzling flame color. Alpina grpws only 15 inches tall and is Ideal for rock gardens.

,' The flowering quince Is more jwidely known—reaching six feet a t maturity. The newer Introduc­tions boast brilliant colors and

larger blossoms, produced In an nhundnnce of heavy cluslerii. Pink Beauty, Enchantress, Stanford Red and Flamingo are varieties to re­member.

Quince requires full sunshine to do Its bcsl. Use them ns lawn .spec­imens In the shrub border or for an informal hedge. Because of thelr rnther stiff form they arc not suitable for foundation planting. T i u m p s " o f while bleeding hearts less than a fool tall arc Ideal for Vqck Rn'^cns. This dainty plant blooms profusely In Spring and through. Summer months. The white flowers, similar to the old-fashioned bleeding heart are smfll-li*p and far more delicate Irt ap­pearance.

The next meeting of, the club will be held at the Congregational Church at 2:15 P. M. on Friday, April 4, 1952.. A Icctuurc will he given by Mrs. John H. McCabc on the subject of "baffodlls from Daffodil Marl."

The hostesses will'lje Mrs. W. A. Drcslcr, Mrs. Thomas Slurgcs and Mrs. Harrison Lang:

Club mosses, priniltlve ever Ri-ecns arc nil popular as ground covers. With a little consideration llicy will grow well transplanted to yoiir garden. Tlio plants will come to'you from nurseries ns run-ntrs or clumps as noted. Spreal tl|e runners out and cover them and the roots wi th a mixture of leaf mold or peal moss and some soil. Plant In open woods or full shade.


Pago 4 Thura., April ,1, los'i

•JToung Republicans Host The E a s t Haven Yoiing Republi­

can Club were host to the New-Haven County Young Republican League at Its regular- meeting Tues­day-evening li> the Annex House.

New officers, of the East Haven Young Republican Club Installed by Frank Corslno, slate chairman df, the Young Republicans were:

Vincent Cusano, president; Eric Murison, vice president; Anthony Prolo, second vice president; secrc-^ lary-treasurcr, Mlchiicl Melchlondo.

Members of the executive com­mittee arc Mathew Anaslaslo, Rudy Schmidt, Jr., Herman Hackbarth, William Durso, William Clnnctll. Clement Ctttalnrto, William Os­borne, Michael , Acelo, Mlcholas Tinarl and Louis Ferruuccl.

^ Stone Walls W e d o n ' t k n o w w h e t h e r our fore fa thers w e r e

r u g g e d becRuse t h e y bu i l t s t o n e w a l l s o r bui l t

s t o n e w a l l s b e c a u s e , t h e y w e r e r u g g e d . ' S

BuJ a f t e r trying our o w n h a n d at w a l l b u i l i ^ i f l ! -iis ' n o t - jJo i iert - in the i r 'adrn i in i s t ra t ions a n d

Revaluation From Thf Himdin Cluonltli

It b e g i n s t o l o o k a s , t h o u g h s o m e d a y H a m -

-len wil l j o i n o t h e r c i t i e s a n d t o w n s in t h e s t a t e

\ n d d o a t h o r o u g h h o u s e c l e a n i n g j o b o n a s -

l e s s m e n l s . *

T h i s p o s s i b i l i t y l o o m e d l a r g e last w e e k w h e n the Firs t S e l e c t m a n a d m i t t e d - that in ­equ i t i e s e x i s t in p r e s e n t a s s e s s m e n t s a n d s a i d that the t o w n is c o n s i d e r i n g a c o m p l e t e r e v a l u a ­t i o n of p r o p e r t y v a l u e s .

- D i s s a t i s f a c t i o n o v e r a s s e s s m e n t s h a s b e e n increas ing h e r e d u r i n g the las t feW y e a r s . It S a s b e e n c h a r g e d o n n u m e r o u s o c c a s i o n s tho t 3 o m e p r o p e r t y o w n e r s are n o t c a r r y i n g their full share o f t h e l o a d . R e c e n t l y t h e H o m d e n L e a g u e of W o m e n V o t e r s l e v e l l e d th is s a m e c h a r g e in a n art ic le p u b l s h e d in th is n e w s p a p e r .

R e c o g n i t i o n of t h e a c c u r a c y of t h e s e s t a t e ­m e n t s b y t o w n of f i c ia l s g i v e s r e a s o n t o h o p e a n d e x p e c t t h a t s o m e t h i n g w i i r b e d o p e a b o u t t. T h e l o g i c a l c o n s e q u e n c e ar i s ing o u t of s u c h i d m i s s o n s i s a p lan o f act io i t t o s e t a b o u t c o r ­rect ing t h e s i tuat ion .

W h i l e w e m a y b e p r e m a t u r e it\ h e r a l d i n g a n e v e n t b e f o r e i t h a p p e n s , >Ye a t e e n c o u r a g e d b y

^ e s t a t e m e n t s i s sued f r o m t h e t o w n hal l . W h e n : o f f i c a i t s -are- .b ig" enoug lv - to '^admit t h a t

deaths of Hari-lson, ' Llnciiln alfd Roosevelt, respectively. I t Is therefore apparent that only s ix l imes In the ontU-c' history of the land has a Pi-osldenl been elected who had previously served In the United States Sbnalc, and none of t l i e s e s l x had more than a limited service In tlini body.

The eight men" before Truman who hud service^ In the Senate, be-tore becoming President were:

Jnmca Monroe, President 1817-1825, Senate. nflO-179'1.

John Q. Adams, I»tesldenl, 1825-1020, Senate, 1803-1808.

Marl ln Van Buren, President, 1837-1811, Senate. 1821-1828.

Will iam Harrison. President, 1841 (one month)^ Senate, 1825-1828.

John Tyler. Vice President on

'{he Inescapable , conclusion tha t long service and leadership in the Senate is an Insurmountable booby; trap to anyone as'plring to the Presidency. . The long years of leadership and service In-the Sen-ale, as represented by such figures as Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John Calhoun,-. Stephen IJouglas, ^Vllllam Jennings g r j a n . George Morris, llcnry.'Cal^ot Lodge', and 'Robert Tai l , although reserving them a considerable place In our hl.itory books, makes Ihcm far. too controversial ever to be elected to t h t highest office In the United Slates . This is a sad, butundcn ia -l)le, political, trulii.

• HAROLD CLARli Editor's N o l e : Mr. Clark Is

president of the. Branford Young Republican Club.

win Bralnard, the alternates being Charles Reynolds, Lulu J. Averill, John C. Barnes and Alfred E, Ham mer.

At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the VNA, Mrs. Howard iC Prann was ap­pointed to the office of suupcrln tendent to' succeed the late Mrs. Emma Garrup McLay. •.

Miss Grace Poullon Is suffering wiih- the mumps. . ^

Oh! Oh!- Sing it softly boys for its the undertaker's song' for the East Sides who were regarded as one of the best outstanding l)Oop cagers in lown who bowed down to the hard charging North.Branfprd quintet- at the Armory before fairly large crowd.


i n g w e - b a v f i , n o t d o u b t s a b o u t t h e h a r d i n e s s of m e n w h o f e n c e d N e w E n g l a n d ' s f i e lds in s t o n e .

E v p n t h e sof t , w e t g r o u n d of S p r i n g is re­l u c t a n t t o e i v e u p its b o l d e r s ; i f tug a n d pry , our loca l g o v e r n m e n t '

-can st^uarely f a c e f a c t s tha t w o u l d b e a l o t eas i e r t o o v e r l o o k , w e cani f ee l c o n f i d e n t t h a t t h e gr^ss . .roots a r e still p r o v i d i n g n o u r i s h m e n t t o

50 Yeai-s Ago (From nil Bnnluil Opinion)

A. M. Young Is at his home, the Anchorage, inspecting the improve­ments that have been made this Winter.

L. Vincent Gayloril, w-ho Is con­structing a state road at Boirah, spent several days this Week at his hon\e on South Main Street.

Claus A. Johnson Is quite busy at his ship yard at Short Beach and has Just completed a handsome 'gasoline launch.

T h e senate passed the river and harbor bill this week without de­bate. The bill Included ?5,000 for Branford Harbor.

Clifford Chalpel of Company D Is expected home from the Phllli-plnes in June.

The dust nuisance 1ms been very great this week and every one Is clamoring for street sprinkling. All who own hose have been sprinkling In front of their o w n places but laying the dust tor a few feet doesii't amount to much.

John Dondcro had a lively ex­perience on Main Street for a short t ime Wednesday afternoon. Ho re­cent ly purchased n young horse and was exercising him. The horse was frightened by the trolley and danced up on the sidewalk. Don-dero's bull dog was following the team and decided to help his m a s t e r ^ 0 he;grabbed t h c h o r s e by tht hind leg. This, as can be Imagined,'made nmltci-s worse and the horse began ^0 kick. T h e bull dog hung on unVil a well aimed kick took him on the heftd and

the grocery wagon. The dog hod had enough of horses and watched the proceedings from a sate dis­tance. Dondero with the aid of landed liliii under the rear ax le of Fred Knoiylton and Tony Quieted the horse. The dog drew blood on the hpisc In two places; but dam­age was slight.

MUNSON—KOdALSKY On Saturday. March 22' In' St.

Mary's Church ' rectory. Middle^ town, Miss Mnrcella .Hogalsky, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs . Frank A. Rogalsky of 13 Allison Street, Middlelown, become the bride of Mr. George E.Munson, 'Jr . ; son of Sir. and Mrs. George E. Munson of 23 Park Place, East Haven, "nic Rev. Paul Piechockl performed the ceremony. . M | s s A d e l o ' R o g a l s k y 6f Middle-town sci-ved as maid of honor, and MJ. Kenneth' Cooksdn of Clinton,'lis best rriiin.

rrhe bride attended the Univer­sity of Connecticut. Her husband received his B. S. degree frpni the same university. , ,.

Guild Meeting Postponed Due to Holy Week, the reg­

ular monthly meeting, of SI. Vincent de Paul's Ladles' Guild Is postponed to Tuesday evening, April 15 at B In the church audi­torium. Following the business meeting there will be a cord so­cial. Members are osked to bring their friends. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Eric Dohno, Mrs. Herman Hackbarth, Mrs. Doherly and Mrs. Patrick Eagan. The business meeting will be pre­sided over by Ih'o president, Mrs. Patrick Eagan.

Your Health

20 Years Ago (From 7li( Brjinlord Re«ilw)

Earl Houde, 23, of B4 Horrlson Avenue, who was critically injured In on automobile collision on the Boston Post Road near the rail­road underpass December 16, and was removed io the Hospital of St. Raphnel, returned to his home Inst lilghl, and Is reported as malting good progress.

On Monday nex t at the regular weekly luncheon of the Branford Rotary Club, the election of direc­tors wil l take place. Nominated are Charles F. Freeman, Walter It. Palmer, Valdemai- T. Hammer, J. Edwin Bralnard, Manuel W . Klig-erman, Wil l iam'E. Hitchcock, Rev. Robert J. Plumb, Clarence R. Lake, S. V. Osborn, Frederick BUcker and Charles N. Baxter.

Mi-s. M. D. Stanley of the Board of Chai-ltlcs will bo In the Com-muunlty House this afternoon to distribute clothing to needy fam­ilies.

At the Republican caucus hel^ on Tuesday evcrils proceeded without a hitch and the delegates to the state convention were elected prac^ t lca i ly wi thout opposition. They are: Milton P. Bradley, Beulah M. amr. trwln W. Morton and J, S d -

10 Years Ago . (Fiom Thi Bnntord ReTi(*l

To hear and consider'and take action upon the report of a com-mlltee appointed to , consider the feasibility of zoning a special town meeting has been advertised for April 7.

'Murray Upson, chairman of the committee of public works ' for Clvillaii I)cfcnse, has appointed the following district captains: John Rogers, George Englchart, Phtlo Llnsley, Ted Enquist, Irving Har­rison, Joe Ghlroli. Austin Colburn, Joseph Buzo, Hai-old Roth,'and Al­bert Altmannsberger.

The dentil of Walter Rossen of 3D Main Street occurred Sunday night in Grace Hospital.. .

Mrs. Esther Hendrlckson'ot In­dian Ncclc Avenue will spend the noxtx few! weeks with fr\ends- In Seattle , Wash.

Jack D\vyer; Don Shubert, Billy Altmannsberger and Marshal Hola-blrd and Billy Owens were,In New-York for tlie weekend. , "

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rider are moving tq P a l m e r Street, Stony Creek, from Madison. , The following children ai*e out of school with the measles: Marlon and Phyllis Johnson, Larry Page," John Davis, Lolly Ann Bralnerd, Herbert and Bet^y Bunnell, Ronald Miitson, Ronald, Miriam and Jackie Magec.

T. Holmes Bracken Is In Mont­real. ' :

First Sgt. John Schwanfoidcr has has cabled his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Schwanfelder of Mill Plain Road, of his safe-arrival In- Aus­tralia; . .,1, ' ,»A

A son, Michael, Jr.. was Ijorn ind Mrs. Seml>orskl.'

A local grocery store announced these prices: hams 35 , c«pt,s a March 17 in Grace. Hospital tg, Mr, pound, lamb legs 26 ccnts i s te ivks 35 cents. . ..•..'. ....Li : •

Measles Measles i s a highly contagious

childhood disease. It may result in sevcro complications.

Adults who somehow hove es­caped • this common childhood ail­ment may contract It and core should be token against exposui^e.

The disease begins like o cold, with sneezing ond watery eyes; These symptoms occur ten or 11 dnys following exposure. The eyes ache and are sensitive to light. A hoarse dry cough may develop, \vlth congestion of the tonsils.

Three or four days after this a rash develops, first on tWe face and then on the trunk, arms and legs, Bluish white areas inside the cheeks and lips are other clues to the diagnosis of measles prior to appearance of the. rash.

The disease is caused by a virus, an organism so small It Is Invisible under an ordlnory microscope. No positive Immunizing agent has been found for measles, though nn Im­mune globulin, derived from the blood serum of recovered patients, hns been used to mlnlmuze an at­tack. Serious complication may develop, such os infection of the eyes, nose ond throot, the bronchial tubes and the digestive tract. The patient should be under a physi­cian's care throughout the Illness. New and powerful drugs have made complications more controllable, but resultant pneumonia Is always a danger and good convalesceiil care Is a prime necessltv.

Parents should he alert lo the symptoms 0/ measles. If they ap--pear, the child should bo put to bod at once and the family physi­cian notified.


Stand Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mnkuck of

Palmer Road wont to ' thank fire­men ond neighbors lor the quick helping hand they got Monday eve­ning w h e n n destructive fire broke out In their ccllor.. Companies 1,2,4 Sand 9 respotided to the alarm;

Dr.. Nicholas ' Sharp, Main Street dentist, .sails Tuesday o n Uite Queen EllMibcth with his wi fe tor n, motor tour t luough Franco, .Swltzerlniul, Italy aAd Austria. Dr. Sliarp, who toured northern Europe a couple of years ago, hns purchased a cnr in Now York for delivery in Paris, The Sharps will ho accompanied by his brother Dr. Jacob Sharp, a N e w Haven dentist, and his wife. T h e y plaii t o return about June 10.

The Rolarihns, who move back to the Oasis . next Monday, song "Farewell, Ladles" this week to llic Grongc members who have been ' feeding them In the Gi'onge Holl during the Winter. Those Included Roblno Zvonhovlc, Mary Rlolla, -Ann Field, Morle Stonford, Cnrrlo Closscn, Snro Sondqulst, Martha Lacarno, Minnie Hopper, Nel l ie Hpogiiklrk, Hulda Anderson and Horry Newton.' ••

Incidentally, If you want to catch some- r e a l - w e s t e r n music, «4tU guitar,, listen to the Paul Ulnkers of Ldmphlcrs Cove. Winnie Kink-cr's harmony Is, a Joy to the car. •They saiig for Rotary Monday.

Dr. Dana L. Blanchard in Flor­ida until the l o t h with daughters Leo. a freshmon at Brlnrcllfl Jun-lorijCollcge, and Debbie, Prospect Hlli student, ' F e w who .saw Dana Armstrong

performing, (lawlessly In Friday night's gyiii exhibition had any Idea s h b h a d been Injured that same afternoon during rehearsals. Coach Virginia Moessmnng _ spent several hours applying hot packs to a hadly ininipcd ' leg. Next night, Diinn heU'cA lead the Bran­ford. girls' basketball tcoin to a tournament victory in Shclton. • Who'd' wiint a .job tliai pays 37 cents ah lioiir? .That's w h d l Drfin-Inlck B6htalibu's- figures ho made qn . lho- t lme . 'ho-pul In as first sc-lectniari'loSl'Week;

nobbrla Industries la busy ship­ping boots for display nt the var­ious boot shows these days. One df tho modclit they send out Is a 12-foot sltlff only halt com­pleted so ciistomcrs con see the training ond how lite boot is put together. Whcii this is returned from the sliows, rnili-ond men and iruckfersiirivarialiiy wont to k n o w whether Roberts forgot to send caougli luini)cr with the lilt.

"No," answers Roger MocGrul-gan, advertising manager for tho firm. "Thai's our model tor hall-baked relatives."

Ne l son Cooke is a good man to have In a clubi W h e n the scheduled speaker suddenly couldn't appear at the Lions meet ing Slonduy night. President Lauren Hlglcy colled o n Nelson and the fruit grower was on tho spot with his sound m o v i e pro-

- jeotor and a couple r,< fi lms for tho boys.

Nelson tokes many color movies with his, own Comoro, and has a 2,000-toot reel on Florlilo. Ho also has shots of the Hilltop .Orchords In the tour seasons ond expects someday to turn his hobby lo good use In his work.

Cooke started taking pictures, still ones, lit Un. of Conri. iviiero he covered college sporting and social events with - ail old press camera for the Hartford Times and Couroilt.

Christian Miller, Jr., son of Ml-, and IMrs. Christian Miller of Linden Avenue will bo the guest of Willlston Academy o n , April t-0. He Is ono of 60 cundldateii whp have passed qualifying apti­tude tests. Willlston Is In Eust-

, .Jiampton, Stow.

Colter s Corner

N o doubt, there will be a lot of nervous gals around these parts in the nex l few months. Wel l , If you have- had the experience of plan­ning the details of a wedding, then you know one of the reasons the bride Is so high strung at aisle t ime. Most ot her nervousness Is t h e result of having to take care of too many ot the little detail's her­self. Our suggestion would bo for tho bride" lo delegate s o m e of these arrangements to expei-lenced per­sons.

More and more, we find our­selves In-the position of wedding c9unscllors, and have , saved many

bride conslderoble. worry and concern, We also, have some ex­cellent reference books i on bridal et iquette and procedure ovallablc wi thout obligation. The wedding Is an liiiporlant milestone, an out­standing event In our l ives 'and should be i-un smoothly. None of us iiave any desire to be dictated to by Emily Post or any other pcr-tcctlonlst, but II takes so little ef­fort l o be correct. •

Then, tor example, os the bride is about tq greet her guests after the ceremony, she, won't find her­self In tj>e midst ot an embarras­s ing and frantic scramble deciding where each Is to stond In the re­ceiving line! This Is Just a sample of tho friendly set vice offered by T h e Photographer in Youi Town




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Recreational Center News By JOE TIIAPASSO

Tourney Rnals St. ,lohiis Defeat Tomahawks

A stubborn Branford Hornets battled the strong St. Johns C.YO. loarii on oven terms for throe quni-lors w h e n the Tournament high scorer Dlnicola hit tor six­teen points and a victory for SL Johns. Bronford drew first blood on a Iny-up by McGownn, succes-Ive l)nskcls by Mcshake, and n bucket and two foul shots by Rey­nolds mntched the tour baskets .scored by Dlnlcolo. With young Jnt'kle McGownn finding the rango tor icn points Branford inillcd away ond were lending 21 to 17 when the half ended. Mc-shnko's bucket plus two driving '12 to 8. The Globctrollers made lay ups by Reynolds ond Kamln-skl pulled tlio Tomahawks within

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two poliils of St. Johns at the third period. In tho forth quarter ho lods of Warren Sampson be­gan to tire otter ploying splendid ball. Denlcolo broke out with six­teen points and the boll game.

Sterling l louso Defeat Knrth Ulmncrs

The lone Branford' team re­maining In the Ihtermedlntc -Di ­vision, the Earth Runners, lost to the Sterling House Intermediates, 63 to 53. For the thli-d straight gome Richard Stanton was the scoring star for the Earth Run­ners. Stanton broke diit w-ith 8 baskets ond three foul ; shots to coin 19 points tor the afternoon. General, scropjiy forward scor<!d 13 points while .Gordon hit tor 12 and Mnllloux connected for six points. Togotac w a s high for ^Ster­ling House with 19 points. Kustrn Ceccorulll ployed tine defensive boll for Branford.

Hornets Defeat Stony Crcelt

In the most . ero\yd pleasing gome of tlie flnols, the Bronford Hornets nosed ' out n hustling S lony Creek Ponies loom, 10-5'. The Hornets took nn early lead on 0 bucket by. poqkson and two baskets by Reynolds. With the H o r n e t s defensive w 0 i-k I n g smoothly the high scoring Stbny Crcnk loam wns held scorciless tor two quarters.

Coming hack In the third quar­ter '.viih Atkln.son finding the range tlie S lony .Crcekers .scored' twice lo make the score 6 to 41

EARL COLTER "The Photographer In

\avx Town" lu8 Montowoso Street

Phono 8-3811

Willi two .sensational shots by Cookson and Plnnegan that didn't even touch tho rim, the Hornets w e n t out into a 10 to 4 lead. At­kinson scored o foul shot In the fourth period.

For the Hornets the work of Sullivan, J. Cookson, Levlsh nnd Whnlcn was outstanding, Stearns Lttzzorl, Dlldley, Cafterty, H. Cof-tcrty,Groenvoll nnd Ross played spirited ball. .

Warriors Defeat Globetrotters With Mike Poleln nnd Bobby

McGownn throwing In twelve points each, the Brnnfol-d War­riors defeated a hustling Globe­trotters team from Indian Neck, up for their lock ot height and weight by plenty of spirit rind hustle. Suhd, Coi-stcn and Petor-s o n s c o r e d the points for the Trot­ters, while Provdst, Wholcn and Jocksoii ployed fine ball on the defense. For Ihe Wari-iors, Diivon-koskl,> Ford, Ardcn nnd Wltkow-skl played tine oil around bolt for the winners.:

Trophies Aw-nrdiMl Trophies were presented to the

winning team by Frank J, Kinney Jr., chairman ot the Brnntoi-d Recreation AdvLsory Boal-d, and John Walsh who has been very active i n all the affairs sponsored 6y the Bonrd. The following vol-



P h o n e H O b a r l 7 - 5 5 5 1

1 7 P M a i n S t . E a s t H a v e n

D i a g o n a l l y A c r o s s f r o m G r e e n

unlecred their services free of charge and were responsible for thuuiilnc. Oiandllng of the.- tourn­ament.' John Walsh, Stan Sokolo-skl, Joo Oi-scne, Nick Wetted, Frnrik-J. Kinney, • Dick Dolnn, Joe Chantftfcr, Joe St lgna, potsy Proto, CollInSjiFltch,' Jaekle McCoy, Tim Hannltofd, Porter Thompson, Bill Bodlc, Wmie t o n g , Billy Austin, PnuIAnlskovlch, H. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Barker, Tom Grey from OsslnliiR N,Y. Jim Ijilrd, Mrs. Frank J. Kinney Jr., Mrs. Chai-ley Jones and Pntty Wnlsli.


•The '^GIrl's Basketball team coaehct \by Virginia Moessmong won^thej Girl's Invitational Basket­ball tquinamenl .spohsorcd by the ShelfbtrCommunlly House In Shel-toh •)>y detentlnR the Sholton Black WIdovVvSS to 19.

B irbaro Jones wns the big gun In ttic giantoi-d attack, scoring G flclcf goSls for a total of 12 poiijls. SIcli "Emllltn coined .six, while Danri Armstrong '-/.Ipped the cords for five.'

The .guards played a', very Im­portant port Hi the Brnhtord win— Johnson, Chiipnian, Cudgman nnd tiunciin.

N e x l Friday the girls have been Invited to play In the annua! bone-f i t 'game sponsored by tlic Fire De­partment In Ituntlnglon.


Sea Scouls Prepare For May Launching

Branford Sen ^ c o u t s have n weather eye lo the sen these w o r m ­ing dnys. The hoys hope lo h a v e their boal In shape lo go overboard by early May.

After devoting pnrt of their winter program lo perfecting knot s nnd splicing, members of the Son Scout troop have boon domonstrnl-Ing their skills.

Jock Mlddcke*, Eddie Kclsey and Billy Clopp reccnlly gave n dcmon-strnllon of long, back mill eye splic­ing nt the Indian Neck Yacht Club's Navigation Class In the Indian N e c k School.

Mlddeker and Kelsey also re­cently showed a GUI Mormer group In Stony Creek how to tie knot s used In small boat handling.


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Page 4: ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs . yh.ipent ... engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-

• ' < - •




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FRIDAY EVENINGS at 9:00 Presented By

The Coca Cola Company

lill|ym^ 13'40 ON THE DIAL If 1^1^ 1 ^ \lf (99.1 on The FM DIAL) '


'ul j








WNHC 1340 ON THE DIAL (99.1 on The FM DIAL)



PnRo fl Thurs., April 3, im%

PINE ORCHARD By Mrs. Amos F. Barnes, III

Telephone 8-3715

Thn niai'i'liiRi' iit Miss Mnvls Clinics, (liiUKliloi- of Mr», Albert liny C(inl,(!« niid the Into Mr. Ciinle.", 1(1 Uol)nrt Sinllli liKik pincc on .Snlurrlny. The cci'cinony was held 111 the homo of the Rroom's parcrilii, Mr-, nnd Mi.s. Unlpli Smith, Willi Hie Ucv. Tliomns J. .Slmnnon offlclnllnj!. Mi'.i. Coolca Rnvo her ilnliKlilcr In inniTlnRO,'nml West Snillli sorveil Ills hrotlicr n.s liosl mnn! Only the funillles nnd close fi'londs wore in'etcnl. Mr. nnel Miss. Smilli linvo returned .from n Irip to New York, nnd will mnke Ihclr home with Mr. nnd Mrs. Iliilph Smllh,

Dr. nn*l Mrs. tlobcrt C. Wheqior of WInnctkn, III., announce the hlrlli of ihelr fourth child and first son, Ifobort Chnnnlnt,', .Ir., on MniTli •! In ChlcBKO. The. child l.i the Ri'andsun of Mr. and Mrs. Ilalph Wheeler of Ilnmden nml riiie Orchnrd, Dr. nnd Mrs. Wheeler spent the winter here thi'oo years ngo, and are frcciuont Bumnier visitors,

Ml', and Mrs. .1. Ilownrd Martin of Uluckstonc Avenue have re­turned from California where Ihcy have Ijceii spoiulinB the winter.

Mrs, Freilcrick V. Kimball ar­rived yesterday frbin her honie on LoHK Island to spend ri fc\v day.s with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. IViy Macl..ean. Mr. Kimball Is ex­pected for the weekend.

Ulmcr Morton nnd his son, Orn-liani, left on Sunday for a visit In Wnshlnuton, D. C. ,

The Pino Orchard Wliitor Club wl)l have n steak ronst on Satur­day, followed by dancing. Fred­erick S. Itelmors is to bo the chef, Dinner will bo served from 8 until 9. Plans are being made for the annual spring danco to bo held on Saturday, April 2G.

Margl White ontcrtnlned several of her friends on her third birth­day last Monday. Her guests wore Mnry nnd Martha Link, Judy and Tracy Kimball, Allison Howell, Joan tlnrcko. Anno Barnes ami Bobby White.

Also attending were Mnrgi's paternni grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I^ A. White of New Haven and lier great aunt. Miss Clarlasn While.

Kenneth Erlckson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ccorgc W. Erlckson, siienl last woeUond at i>omc wlllv . !'!« family. lie is with the Amorlbnn Export Company nnd makes rcgu-Inr trips to tliu MedllcrraiVcnn area,

Barbara Berry of BronsvlUo, N. v., vlsUed with her aunt and unc|c, Mr, nnd Mrs, V. A. Eelmers last week.

.John C. Usher hns gone to Flor­ida where ho iilans to do some fish­ing, lie is slaying on one of the smaller keys.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Donald MacLeod of Wantagh, L. I., will spciul the wcekontl In I'liie Orchnrii. They are bringing gnosis whom they met on li Veccni Irlp lo Nassau.'

Union I'TA The Union School PTA will meel

ncKtTliiirsdny at 8 to elect cifflccrs. A "Cootie Party" will follow the business nieellng, Toniihers will be In llielr rooms^«l 7:30 lo meet pnr-enls. ,

Ladies Night Aniiouiiccd 'I'lic Mi'ii's Club of llic Short Bench Unjon Chaiiel announce Ibis Friday evening. April ''Uh, as Ladles Nigljl with The Loyalty Group as tlicir R"csls. ., , . _ .




7:30 A. M. NEWS 6:15 P. M. WEATHER


At 960 • • % i i l %

' ^



7:00 Wiilliir: Ccllit Club 7:15 Ni»>: Colin Cliili 7:30 CoIlK Club.g, Finch 7:45 iitm

8:00 Colin Club 8tl5 itMt Porltr 8:30 8:45, Undfl Copltal Oome

9:00 Briaklail Club 9:15 " , 9:30 " 9:43 " •

10:00 MjTrin-Sloiy,

10:25 Whllmrlng Slum 10:45 Asatiat Tut Sloim

11:00 Lohf Journty 11:15 Whtn ^ niil Mliiltl ll>30 Dltik Tilt Bank 11:45


W N H C - T V

Ntm:, Syd Jallt Syd Jallt Show

Worlil fitwi Boundup Brtakrail wllh Slaii SM Jallt Sho«

lltvit, Shopptr Oataaii

Guy tombardo

Ntwt Tact tilt Muttc rati tht Muilc

Ntwt . Tact (ht Muvrt

"100*Y" »ilh Dait Galloway

Mil Miilln Show



Slilikt lllBlih


Noon Jack Otrth SItow 12:15 Victor -LInrllahr ]Z,;30 L. Ntwt: G. Thompion HMS WMthc Mutic

1:00 Paul Hamv 1:15 Mmie Millnce 1:30 1:5? Joltn Conle SIKTM

2:00 Mary Mar.-McDrlile 2:15 •• 2:30 Echoti From liit Pait 2:45

3:00 ^^u\^^t tor Two 3:15 Miry Marlln 3:30 Joyce Jordan M. 0. 3:45 Slrangi Ronianct

4:00 Qtlly Crothir 4:15 Thy NclQlihori' Voice 4:30 Mtlody Circus 4:45

5:15 ^ •• 5:30 T. Corbelt Siu» Caittl

•5:45 Worlil Fllolil fitpoitcr

Ntwk KalE SmIUi -Potka ParA(l<

PolVa 'Paradi

Ntwi—Mtrlll Mutlttr Ltrtltn Service ' .

Ntm: Mtlody Malinte RalpH Edwardi Musical RcquttI

Mttod)| Matlntt

Niwt, Muilc ror Thuri.

Pltdoe lor Otrtnii

Htitv, Houtt Party Houtc Party,

Doclor't Wile

Rulh Lyoni 50 Club t-ovt of Lift Siarcit For Tomorrow

Nancy'i Kllclitn

Egg artd 1 Garry Moort Snow

Garry Moore Show

FIril ion Ytari Mike & Buir

Till DI^ Payqtl

Dill Goodwin Sliow

Kate Smilh Sliow

Ftlm Sliort Gabby llayts Howdy Ooody


6:00 Nl»i G:15Wtalhti:'Spoili 6:30 Club gCO 6:45 "

7:00 Air Lant Tilo 7:15 Eliittr Oa<li 7:30 Sllvtr eagle 7:45

8:00 Till Bill. Iliad 8:15 8:30 Dtltnte Atlomty 8:45

9:00 Qrlg. Amaltur ilour 9,15 " 8:30 '• , 9:45 Foitlon Rtpoild •

10:00 Niwt 01 Tomoiniw. 10:15 Easy LiiltnluD 10:30 Youi Dance Paiada 10:45

llnOO Ntwi 11:15 Muiic lo Biail Dy 11:30 " 11:45 " Mdr>:t Lata Ntvis: Sign Oil

lltwt BUI Slim total Spti,: B. Cloiby

Stitnadl In Dhie

RIchaid llaikntst OIck llaymti ' Moloan cialty Encoii Thialm

Falhii Knows Bill

Ml, Kitn

Cddll Howaid


Your lilt Paiadi

Clllitn Vltvti lilt Ntws Hollywood MutIc Box

Ntwi • Moigaii Bealty

Bio Bhjrihnil

Midnight lliws, Sign Oil

Woild Ntws Toda» Thli Wtih In Slioill


7:00 Wlilhtr:Colltt Club 7:15 Ntwi 7:30 Colitt Club: B. Finch 7:45 Ntwi

8:00 Coitt Club 8:15 Jtannt Potlir 8:30 8:45 Undtl Capitol Domi

9:00 Bitaklait Club 9:15 9:30 "

. 9:45

10:00 My Tiut t. 7 10:15 10:25 Whiiptiing Sllttll 10:45 Agalntt tht Stoim

11:00 torn Jouiniy 11:1,1 Whin A Gill Mariltl 11:30 Biiak tht Bank 11:43



Ntwi: Syd Jllli Syd Jallt Show

Moild Ntwt Roundup Bitaktait with Stars Syd Jallt Show

Ntwsl Shoppirs Baiaar

Guy Lombardo

Ntws* Fact tht Music Fact tht Music

Dan Gairoway

"tODAY" wllh Oa.i Galloway

Mtl Martin Show



Sliiki I I Rich


Noon Jack Biich Show 12:15 Victor limllahr 12:30 Niws: G, Thompson 12:45 Wtalhir: Musit

.1:00 Ntws: Paul Hanty 1:15 At Honit Wllh Hull l i30 1:43 '•

2:00 Maiy Mai. McBiide 2:15 2:30 Ectiots Fiom Bit Past 2:45 . " 3:00 Music Matlntt 3:15 Maly Maiiin 3:30 Joyci jQidan M. D, 3:45 SIrangi Romance

4:00 Btlty CiQcktr 4:15 Maiiiage lor Two 4:30 Mtlody Ciicus 4:45

5:15 .1:30 Fun Facloiy 5:45 VIoild Flight Btooitii

Ntws Kail Smilli

Ntws—Mtilii Muillir Lunchton Club

R|lph Edwards

Musical Rtquisl Mtl. Mat,: K. OanghardI

Nlws. Music lor Friday

Plldgt lor Dilcnst

Ntws: lioust Parly Housi Party _

Docloi's Wilt

Rulh Lyons ,10 Club U<t ol Lilt Starch 111 Tom, Fun with Food

Fun with Food

Gany Mooie Show Conn. Club Rtpoittr

Gairy Moore Show

First 100 Years MIkt & Bull

Tht B|c Payoll

But Parks

Kali Smitii Show

Spate Cadet Gabby Hayes Howdy Ooody


Kukia, Fran i Oilit Sptach For Eis'howtr Sporlsmtn'l Club Caml NIWS Caiavan

Stop tht Music

Alan Youna

Amos 'N Andy

Maitin Knnt

l-aul Winchtil

Fortlgn Inlilgut

Robtit Monlgo:ntiy NtWE Sign 0(1

6:00 Ntws: llowani Eaton e:i5 Wtathtr: spoils 6:30 Club 6:45 "

7:00 Air tani Trio 7:15 Eimir Dails 7:30 Loni Rangir 7:45 , '• ,

8:00 Richard Diamond 8:15 8:30 Your FBI 8:45

9:00,Oilli and llarritt 9:15 9:30 Mr.Dlsliict Atlointy 9:45 0, A.9 Champion Pgm,

10 :00 Filday Nlgiit Fights 10:15 10:30 Youi Danci Paiadi 10:45

11:00 Ntws: Howard Eaton 11:15 Music lo Bead By 11:30 11:45 Midn't Lale News: Sign Oil


Ntws Bill Sttin Local Spts,; n. Ciosby 11. S, Navy Band

Nt^s—R, Karkntss Boh Ebiiii Moigan Biatly Encoit Thtaler

Ray Bioch

Martin and Lewis

Mario Lama

Short Story

Ciliiin Viiws till Ntws Pro and Con

Ntws Morgan Biatty Marlni Corps Show

Date at Six Dali: Wtathtr Waiid News Today Spoit Spotligii


HEl.i ono u

11 Wtalhtr: Collit Club Ntws: Colitt Club Collit Club Ntws

8:00 Collit Club S:15 8:30 8:45

Buckiroo Songs: Ntws Undtr Capital Dome

.9:00 No School Today 9:1.1 9:30 9:45

IDiOO No School Today 10:15 10:30 Space Paliol

11:00 Youth onlPatadI 11:15 11:30 Playlini Club 11:45


Ntws: Syd Jalli Show Syd Jallt Show

Wolid Ntws Roundup Bitaklast with Stars Howdy Doody Show

Atchil ^Andrtws

Tops in Town

My Stent Story

Hollywood Loit Sloly

Tht Dl; Top

Wild Dill Hlckoib

Smilln' Ed


Noon 101 Ranih Boys 12:15 12:30 Ntws 12i45 Wtithtr: Music

1:00 Paul Haiiiy Ntwt 1:15 1:30 1:45 Vintit Loptt Sllow

2:00 Mttiopolitan Optla 2:15 2:30 " 2H5

3:00 Mttropolltan Optra 3>15 3:30 3:45

4:00 Mtlropolltan Optra 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 Tia and Crumpits 5:15 f.:30 Pan.Am. Union Parly 5J45 Just Music

Ntws Public Allairs Polka Paradt

Farm and Homt Hour

Coast Guard On Parade

Collit In Washington


Down Homers

U, S, Army Band

Slim Bryant

Mind Your Manners

Big City Paradi

HOUSI Party Ttrita Lia

Bitty Ciockir

CHy Nospllal


Supir circus

Hopilono Cassidy

You Asktd For I I


Mitt tht Masltrs

Bums and Ailin

Juiinllt Jury

TV Btcllal Moigan Btatly


Kukia. Flan S, Oillt The Goldbiigs TItost Two Camil NiwsCaiavan


Wi tht Piopli

Tht Bi ^ Stoiy

Tilt Aidiich Family

Caivacadt ol Spoils

Gltatist Fight;

Man Agginst Crimt

Moiit Time

Mystery: Ntws Sion Oil

6:00 Ntws: Ntws Dlglst 6:15 Wtalhtr: Sports 6:30 Ciuh 960 6:45 Lilt's Fullir Miasutt

7:00 Riligion at Ntws Disk 7:15 Bill Andtiws 7:30 Dinnti In Gittn Room 7:45 . "

8:00 Dancing Party 8:15 8:30 " 8:45

9:00 Juki Box Sat. Night 9:15 , " 9:30 9:43 . "

lOiOO Juki Box Sal. Night 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 News: Juke Box 11:15 Juki Box Sat. Night 11:30 11:45 Midn't Latt Ntws iSign Oil

Ntws ABC Ntws NBC Symphony

NBC Sympiiony

Saturday Night Rtiut

Sal. Night Danct Party

sat. Night Danci Party

iai. Niglit Danci Party

i^. Night Riiui

Ntws Carl Godwin Round un Timi Mldnigiit Ntws, Sign Oil

Lont Rangir

Itllir Homis ShM

Groucho Marx

One Nan's Finilly

Km Murray Show

Your Show ol Showi

Your Show ol Shows

Your HII Paradt


Ntws: Sign Oil


RAI I IO W E L I mill u

.7:00 7:13 7:30 7:45

8 « ) 8J15 8:30 8:45

9:00 Woild Ntws ' 9:15 Music ol tht Masltrs

8:.l5- . ••

• 10:00 Slalr flnd Local Ntws 10:15 NtoDotlUn Ccliocs 10:30 •' •

11:00 Worltl Niwi .11:15 Operatic Gtiiu 11:30 I M S • "

W N I I O 3340 U

> !*. Ntwi. Cliuich Music

Jach Arthur:

World Ntws Roundup Christian Scltnce Music In lilt Air

Ntwi; Music Music Iti lilt Air

Ntws: Pathas PolU, Paradt

Snim rcstlval

nSLEVISlON W N H C - X \ '


Mr. Wltaril

Raiintr Jot Taotsli lllpndiome Kit Carson

A F T K R N o q N VKOanAMS

Nonit Treasury Slmw 12:15 IJews 12:30 Piano Pl.iyliauie IZ 45 , "

1:00 Marines In Rtilcw l : l5 . - •' • . Is30 Rimembtr Wlitn 1:45

2KOQ Junior Town Metllna 2:15 . " > 2:30 Concert in Egrope 2:45 U.S. Niry Band

^:00 Thli Wtek Around 3:15 The World 3O0 illour br Otclilon 3-45 Ollly Graham

' -4:00 RtVivAl Hour 4:15 4on •' 4:45 " ,

n:00 Satiimy Kaye 5:15 5:30 Grraleil Story 5;45 , Ev(r Told

Ntws '-V^ Jubilee SIttotfS Tilt EUrnal Light

Crilifs at Larai Mlhf 95: Ntws Unlvtrslly ol Clticaoo

. Round Table

The CaUiQlic llourt

Aintritan Fotunt

Amtrica'i Music

Elmo Roptr' Conn. Senator

The Falcon

Music You Want

llolly'tt Star Playtioust

Wtilltir .1212

All Slar Rivue

To Ut Announced

Cisco Kid

Roy Rootrs


Name's the Sanit

liallmatlt Thtatre

Mtit the P.tss,

Cilery Queen

Stu Ernin Show

Super Circus


f):Ofl Drew Pearson 6:15 Mon. Morn, Headline 6:30 Eaiy LUtenini)

7:00 Eaiy Liittnlns

7;30 Piano Playhouie 7:45 , "

RlOO Stop'tlie AJilc ' 8:15-: " -

8:30 . . •' 8:^5 • •'

9:00 Wallt'r WInclitll. ' - 9:15 Cale litanbul with

g;30. Marltne Oittrlcli 9;45 Thc.Thrie Sons

10:00 Paul llarrey: News 10:15'Latin American Music lOt^n EYtnsflHB 10:45 "

11:00 Lte Mansons Ntws 11:15 Tliouohls InlPaitlna 11:30 Muilc to Read By 11:4.1 Midn't Ntws: Sign Oft

Ntws SurrlMary Ptoptt's Loliby Tht Diq.Show

DIo Sliow: Tallulali Dank

Phirilartls. Alllce Faye

Texas Rangers

Steamboat Jambortc '

$64 Question

Tin Pan Valley

Eileen Cliristy Ntws Summary

News: Clilton Ullty

nob Snyder Show Mlilnlght Ntws, Sign OK

Frcil Watrlno

Qrcatk^ the [lank

Paut Wlilttman S.IDW

Sliow Dusiniss

Toast of |ht Town

TV. Playhouse

Celebrl ly Tjmt

Eiectil; Theater

Sunday News Special Ftresiri* Theater

Twenty Questions Tttcnly Queslior.' News: Sign Oil



7:00 Weatherman 7:15 News: Calfee Club

...7;30 [iiid Finch

8:00 Collet Club 8:15 Jeanne Porter 8:30 8:45 Capital Dome News

9:00 theaklast Club 9:15 9:30 •• • *J:45 \ •'

10:00 My True Story 10:15 10:25 Whisptrlno Streets 10:45 Against tht Storm

11'CD Lone Janrney U S When A Girl Marries \l:3n Dre-ik The Rank 11:45

T E L E V I S I O N W N I I C 1340 k W N H C - T \ ^

Ntws: Sid Jatle Show Sid JaMe Show


World News Roundup Drteahlast with Stars Sid Jalle Show

News: Shoppers Daiaar Shoppers Daeaar Guy Lombardo

News: Face the Music Fact tht Music

News: Fact Hie Mu'Jc Fact l|ie Music

Dave Carroway

"TODAY" with Dave Carroway


Mel Martin Siiow


Lang ford •Amcche

Strike Jt Rich


Noon Jack Qtrcli Show 12:15 Victor Lindlahr 12:30 Hews: (j. Thompson 12:45 Weather: Music

.1:00 Ntws: Paul Harvey l;t5 Music Matinee

li.30 1:55 Joint Conte Show

2:00 Mary Mar. McBride . 2:15 1:15 At Home Willi Hull 2:49

3:00 Marriage for Two 3:15 Mary Martin 5:30 Joyce Jordan M. 0. 3>45 StranQe Ror.tcince

4:00 Betty Crocker 4:15 Thy NeiQhbur.'s Voi e 4:30 Melody Circus "r'--4;4S " • - ^

5:15 • SxSO Fun Fadory

5:45 World'Flight' Reporter

^\-W\'\ EVE>

6;00 • News nlaiirams 6:15 Weather: Sports 6:30 Dinner Club 960 ' 6:45 ":•..•'.

.7:00 Air Lane Trio 7:15 Elmer Davis . 7:30 Lone Ranaer 7:45

8:00 Henry J. Taylor 3:15. World Wide News 8:30 Tiic Dig Hamt 8:45 World Wide News

9:00 Easy Llttetilno 9:15 9:35 . '

9:45 "

10:00 Ne«K ol Tomoirow 10:15 Dteat.i Harbor 10;3O Your Dance Parade 10:45

11:00 News: Lee Mansan 11:15 Music to Rend Dy 11:30 1U45 Midn't Lite Ntws; Sisn Off

Hews Kate Smilh .

Polka Parade *

News—Merlli Mueller Lunclieon Club

Ralph Edwards

Musical Request Mel. Mat.: K. Banghardt

Melody Matinee

News: Pledoe lor Defense Music lor Monday . , Plcdgt_ for Deftnse. '

News: House Parly House Patty

Doctor's Wife

Ruth Ly;,ns ,->0 Club Love ol Die Starch lor Tom. Nancy's Kitchen

Garry Moore Shaw Beyond Headlines

Garry Moort Show

First 100 Ytars Mike and Bulf

Dig Payoll

Rtrt Parks Show

Kate Smith Show

'Space Catitt • Gabby tiayis Howdy O'nody



Local Spts.; D. Crosby Here's fo Vets

News—R. Ilatkntss Dob Ebcrie Morgan Btatly Encort Tlitater

The Rajltoad Hour

Lyn Murray

Telephone Hour

Ray Block

Al Gooman

Citizen Views the News Dangerous Assognnient

News Morgan Bratly Surprise Serenade

News: Music Sign Oil 1:00 A. M.

Fashions in Music Music: Weather World News Today Sidewalk Interview

Kitkla. Fran & Ollle Th: Gaidbergs Those Two Came) News Caravan

Lux Video Theater '

Voice of Firestone

t Love Lucy

It's News to Me

Studio Otic

Piayhuuse ol Stars

News: Sign Oil


RADIO ; W E L I 000 k

7:00 Tilt Weatherman 7a.'> News: Collee Club 7:30 Coffee Club: D. Finch 7:45 News

8:00 Collce Club 8:15 Jeanne Porltr 8:30 " 8:45 Under Capital Domt,

9:00 OriahFast Club 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 My Tiut Story 10:15 10:25 Whlsptrlna Slretts 10:45 Against the Storm

11:00 Lone Journey' 11:15 Wiien A Glrr Marries 11:30 Break the Bank 11:45

TELEVIS ION W N H C 1340 k W N I I O - T V

Ntws: Sid Jallt Show Sid JaKe Show


World Ntws Roundup Breeakfast with Stars Sid Jalfe Shaw

News: Shoppers Qaiaar

fiuy Luckwtf*

Ntws: Fact the Music Fact the Music

New;: Face tlit Music

Davi Carroway

"TODAY" wllh Divt Carroway

Mtl Mirtln Show



Strike Jt Rich


Noon Jack BerchSliow 12:15 Victor Llndlahr 12:30 News: G. Thompson 12:45 The Weatherman

1:00 Saturday Serenade 1:15 Al Home With Hull lOO 1:55 John Conte Show

2:00 Maiv Mar. McDrlde 2:15 2:30 Music Matinee 2:45

3.00 Marriage for Two 3:15 Mary Marlln 3:30 Joyce Jordan M. D. 3s45 Strange Romance

4:00 Betty Crocter 4:15 ThY Neighbor's Voice 4:30 Melody. Circus 4:45

5:00 Space Cadet 5:15 5:30 Al Home V/ltIt Music 5:55 World Fligtit Reporter

Newt Kate Smith

Polka Parade

Ntwi—Merill Mueller Luchton Club

Ralph Edwards Mtlody Matinee Musical Request Mel. Mat.: K. Banohardt

Melody Matinee

iJews, Music

Pledge lor Dtlense

Ntws: House Party House Party

Doctor's Wife

Ruth Lyons SO Club Love of Life Starch for Tom. ttalian Cooktry

Italian Cooktry

Egg & 1 Garry Moort Show

Garry Moort Show

First ioO Years Mike and Bull

Tht Bi|| Payoll

Bill Goodwin Show

Kate Smith Show

Gayelord Hauser Gabby Hayci Howpy Ooody


6:00 News Program 6:15 The Weathttmap 6:30 Club 960 6:45

7:00 Air Lant Trio 7:15 Eltfltr Davis 7:30 Silvtr Eaglt 7:43 News

8:00 Nevnstand Theater R:IS 8:30 Met. Opera Auditions 8:45

S-OO Amcr.Town Mtttlng 5:15 9:35 " 9:45 Ntws: E. D. Canham

10:00 News of Tomorrow 10:15 Dream Harbor 10:30 Your Dance Parade 10:45

11:00 Ntws: Ltt Manson 11:15 Music to Rtad By 11:30 11:45 Midn't Latt Ntws: Sign Oil

News Bill Stern Local.Spts.; B, Crosby

Guest Star

News Bick Haymes Morgan Dtatty Encore

Musical Hollywood

Latin Amtrlcana

Songs (or tlit Shaw

Proudly Wt Hail

Citizen Views Hie News Man Called X

Ntwi r. organ Btatty V/hat's the Score

Midnight Ntwt, Sign Off

Kitdoodie Kitdoodlt: Weathv World News Today. In Public Interest

Kukia, Fran & OIlie Sob and Ray Gansttt Tlmt Camel Ntws Caravan

Milton Bert*

Crime Syndicate .


Oriolnil Amaltur Hoi

Advtnturts at 10:45

District Attornty

Mttt tht Champ

Ntwsi Sign Off


RADIO ' WELI 980 k

7:00 Wiilhtn Colltc Club 7:1.1 Nivs: Colitt Club 7:30 Collit Club: B. Finch 7:45 Ntws: Gttiv SUvtns

8:00 Colin Club 8:15 Jtannt Porter 8:30 " ' 8:43 Un, Cap. Dome: Ntws

9:00 Breiklail Club 9:15 ' •• • 9:30 •• 9:45 ••

10:00 My Ttui Stoiy 10:15 '• 10:25 Whlimtlm Slritli -

. 10:45 AgalnsI tht Storm

11:00 Lont Journty 11:13 Whtn A Girl Idarrlet IVJO Oriali Iht'Dlnk


Niwi: Sid Jallt Show Sid Jallt Show

World Ntws Roundup Brtaklasl with Stars S!d Jallt

Ntws Shopptn Baiaar Guy Lombaro

Newt; Fact tht Music Fact Ihe Music

Ntws: Fact titl Mustc Fact tht Music Dave Carroway

"TODAY" with Oavt Garrowav

Mtl Martin Show



SIrItt It Ritli

AFXEBNOON rROGKAMS Noon Jack Berth Show 12:15 Victor LIndllhr 12:30 News: G. Thompson 12:45 Wtathtr: Music

1;0Q Ntws Paul Karriy 1:15 At Homt With Hull 1.30 1:55 John Contt Show

2:00 Mary Mar. McBrldi 2:15

2:30 Music Matlnet 2:45

3:00 Marriagt lor Two -3:15 Mary Marlln 3:30 Joyct Jordan M. D, 3s45 Strange Romanct

4:011 Bttty Crockir 4:15 Thy Nilgbbor's Volci 4:30 Music Hall. 4:45 , "

5:00 Music Hall 5:15 5»30 Fun Factory 5:45 "

Ntws Kalt Smith Polka Parade

Polka ParaJt

News—littrlll Hutller Luncheon Club

Ralph Edwards

Musical Rtgutst Mtl. Mai.: K. Banghirdl

Mtlody Matlntt

Hews. Muslc lor Wtd.

PItdgt tar Delenst

News; Houst Party Houst Party

Doctor'! Wilt

Rulh Lyons r.O Club Love ol Lilt Search lor Tom. Nancy's Kitthtn

Nancy's KItchtn

Carry Moort Sliow Bridt and Groom

Garry Moort Show

First 100 Ytars MIkt and Dull

Tht Big Payoll*

Btrt Parks

Katt Smllh Show

Spact Cadet Gabby Hayes Howdy DDOdy


6:00 Ntws Lee Manson C:15 Weather: Sports 6:30 Club 960 6:45

7:00 Air Lant Trio 7:15 eimtr Davli 7:30 Lont Ranger 7.45

R:nn Mystery Theater 8:15 " 8i3a The Top Guy 8:45

9:00 Rogue's Gallery 9:15 " 9:30 Mr. President 9:45

10:00 Ntws ol Tomorrow 10:15 Driam Harbor 10:30 Your Danci Paradt 10:45 "

11:00 News: Ltt Manson 11:15 Music to Rtail By 11:30 11:4? Mhln'l I j l f Kt»i: siun o((

Ntws Bill Stern

Local Spts.; B. Crosby Bob Crosby

News—R. Harkntss ' Sob Ebirit Morgan Btatty Encore Theater

Halls ol Ivy

rred Waring

You Bel Your Llle

:SIa iilory

Barrle^Cralg i

CItlien- Views tht News 'eredlth Wllion

Morgan Btatty " Hotel Statler, Ortheslra

Miilnight Nr.vs. Siun Oil

Song Prtmltrt Music; Wtalhtr World Ntws Today Vanity Fair Thtattr

Kukia, Fran b Olllt Tht Goidbtrgs Conntctlcut SDOtllght Camtl News Caravan

Arthur Godlrty

Strlktjt Rich


Blue Rlbbonr Bouts

Sport Spot

Colgali Comidy Hov

Fayi Cmtriu; N t 4

" T

News From North Branford ricJisc iihonc Mrs. Dunlcl M. Dnnely, s-'jnaa, with Items

for litis cnliinin.

Services In llio local cliui'chcs on Sunilny will Include:

Moi'nlng woi-shlp Bt 11' In Iho North Brnnford Congicgatln'nnl Chui'ch, Rev. A. Loe Ilocutt, pastor, Miss Ethel Moynnrd, org.iiilst nnd choir director.

Sunday School classes will con­vene a\.Q-A5.

mini Sunday will be observed at all inasses at SI, Augustine's R. C. Church with special sermons and the distribution ot palms. Palms will be blessed al the seven o'clock Mass. Masses will be celebrated at 7, 9:15, nnd 10:15 in St, Augustine's K. C, Church nnd al 8 In Northford, Rev, John J, McCarthy, pastor. Rev, Felix Magulrc. assistant, Mrs, Ruth Donndlo and Frank Frnwley, or. ganists and choir dlreclors.

Palm Sunday will bo observed at Zlon Episcopal Church wllh the cclebralion ot Holy Eucharist at 9:30, At this service there will be the blessing nnd distribution of palms nnd the procession of palms. Rev. Francis .T, Smllh, Rector, Mr. Edmund L. Stoddard. Lay Reader, Mrs, Paul R. Hawkins organist, nnd Mrs, Edmund L, Stoddard, choir director,

Mrs, Sloddard will be the soloist of the morning nnd will be assisted by the junior choir.

Contributions foi' Enstei' fiowei-s at the Zlon Episcopal Church may be given to Mrs, Joseph U, Breton who Is serving ns chalrmnn of that committee.

Tile Annunl Pnrlsh Supper meet­ing which was held In the Noi'th Brnnford Town Ilnll on Monday night for members of Zton Episco­pal Church wn.s well alioiided and very successful. Reports were given hy officers nnd committee cliairmen and olortioiis were held


tor the present year. It hn,<i been announced thnl Miss

A, Elizabeth Chnsc, decent at the Yale Art Gallery, will be the spenker nl the Annual Spring Sil­ver Ten which'will, he given on Friday afternoon, April 18th, De­tains ot the ten will be nnnounced at a later date foUowii'ig the meet­ing of Iho Guild which Is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Mrs, George H, Un,sley is chairman of Ihe Guild,

The Confraternity of the Rosary met on Wednesday night following the evening service al St, Augus­tine's Church,

Lenten Devotions will bo held In St, Augustine's Churcii on Friday at 8

I'IKE UEGI'LATIONS Forest Fire Warden Nnlhhn Har­

rison lins reminded the public that corlnin restrictions are now in force regarding tires in the open. These laws will be enforced.

Jewish Center Will Hold Seder In Branford Grange

The East Shore Jewish Center will have a Seder for the Sunday School children on Sunday nl 2:30 •in the Branford Grange Hall, All members and frlohds are Invited,


The Republican eltctors at tht Second Town Committee District art htrtby notilitd ot a mtel-ing on Wtilnesriay. Anril 9. 1952 al 8 .P. M, at the Slony Cteek School lor the purpose ol nominatini] six memhers of tlie Renublican Town Committee ami to transaci such other business ai may nroiirrly come helort tht mttlinn.

Signed Rohtrt B. Cate

Town Chairman

THE EAST HAVEN* N'EAVS PoRC ; Thurs., April 3, 105S


dtttrict, dfceatid. tht Arimlnlitfatrin hanlnn (xliibittd htr idmln-

litritifin ictount vnilh lald rttitt to this Coutl tor alloveinci, It h

-.ORDERED—That th( 15th day ol Aptll A. D. 19S2 at 2 o'tloek in tht atttnoon. at tht Probate Oltici in Btintord. !:( and tht lami (t aiilgntd far a htarinj on the allo vanct of lald Mimlnit(ration account with taid ettatt. and thii CouH dirictt Flora K. Goldttnilh lo citt all ptrtani Inttrttlid thtrein to aniiear at taid timt and olace, by nubllihinn thU order In tome newt-paptr published In New Haitn County and hating a circulation in said dittrlct. and hy notlini a copy on the public tinn-nstl in the Town ot Branford where the dtceaied latt dwiit.

Dy tht Court: Flora K. Goldtmith

(4-10.52) Clerk

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD js. PROBATE COURT April 2, 1952 Ettatt of WALTER H. PALMER In taid dlt-

trict, dectaied. Tht txicutrittt haninn tthlhittd admlnlttratlon

account with said tilate lo thit Court lor nl' towMite, it it

•ORDERED—That tht 15lh day of Anill A. D. 1952 at 2 o'Eloch In the ntternoon, at tlit Probate Otfict in Branford, be and the tame it aitinntd for a litarln? on the allowance ol lald administration account with taid tttatt. and thh Court directs Flora K. Goldsmith la cite all ptrtont fntereittd therein to annear at taid tlmt and ft\*tt. hy n>ibUshln:! thit order In tome news­paper publiihtd In New tlaven County and having a circulation in said district, and hy potlinri a copy on the nubile tlnn-niit in tht Town ol Brinfird where the itectattd latt iN.elt.

By Ihe Court:

Flora K. Gatdtmitli (4'10-52) - Clerk


in taid district, ritctastd, The AdminiilratrlK hnvlnn eiliibiltd htr ad­

ministration acconunt wlUi said cstnlt to thli Court for allowance. It it

ORDERED—That the 15th day o( April A. D. 1952 at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, .-it the Probate Office in Branford, he and the tame i* atsiflned for a hearin? on the allowance ol taid adin in 1 strati on account wl'.h taid estate, a'ld thit Court directs Flora K. Goldsmith to cite all piriont interciltd ithtrtin to ap.ne r at said time and niate. by jiiiblishlm Ibis order In some neWt-paper nitbilthed In New Haven Coiinly and havi'iq a circulation in said district, and hy postinn a copy on the luhlic sinn-patt In the Town ot Branford'where the dtctattd latt dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Goidsmilh

{•1.10-521 Cletk

Nearly Half the lamiiies in Hamden, Branford and last Haven Read These Want Ads ^ ford In. said Dtstritt, deceased.

Upon the annllcallon ol ALDtRT C: COATES ol Branloril. nrayina that Ittltrs ol Aiimints, tration may bt sr.snttil o.i said estate, as Dtr applltatlofl on tile more tully appears it Is

nnDEREO—That said applicalion lit hiard anil dtttrmlntd at Iht ProlMte Oltlct In aranlom. In said Olslrltt. on Ihe 25th day ol March A, D, 1952 at 2 o'clot* In tht atlernoon and that public notice be oiven ot the pendency ol said application and or tht time and place ol hearinq thereon, hy publishing this order three timet in some ntwspaptr published In New Havtn County and liarlng a tirtulation in said DItlrict, and by postlni up a copy thtrtot on the public slDn,post In tht Town ol Drantord, In said District,

By Iht Couil; riora K. Goidsmllh,

13,27-52) CItrk Addrtis: 577 Third Asmut

Wtst Haven, Ci-n. l3-27,52)


ESTATE OF SOLOMON KLAPPERSACK, a/k/a lalt ol Branlold. In said District. dtct.ntd,

Tht Court ol Probatt lor tht Olstllet ol Branlord, hath limited and ailowtd 111 months Irom tht date htrtof, tor tin creditors ol said estate to exhibll their elalms' lor stttttment. Thost who ntgltct to ptrstnt thtlr accounts properly attested, within said 'time, will be debrired a recovery. All indtbltd to said Eslalt art rtquttted lo mate Immediate payment to

Abraham Slein Administrator

Address; Branlord. Conn. (J.3,52)


ESTATE OF LONA IIUNCATE MCLEAN In sain district, deceased.

The Esecutiix hadng cxhihited her adminis­tration account with said estate to this Court lor allowance. It Is

ORDERED—That Ihe 4th day ol April A, D, 1952 at 2 o'clock in tht alltrnoon, at tht Probata OKice in Branlord, be and the same Is assigned tor a hearing on Hit nllDAanct ol said administration account with said tstatt, and tils Couit diricis Flora K, Goldsmith lo citt a'l persons Inltrtsttd thtrtin to appear at said .Ime and place, hy puhiishino this oidir hi somt ntwspaptr publislitd In Ntw Hartn County and harino a circulation in said district, and by posting a copy on Ihe puhlic sicn-post In the Town ol Branlord svhere the deceased last dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Goldsmith

IJ,3-521 . Clerk.



Notice Is htrtoy givtn that tht tloaid ol Stltctmtft fOl" Ihe Town ot Hamdtn will hold a public htarlna In tht Auditorium ot th| Memorial Town Hall. Hamdtn, tonntclicul. on; Thursday, tht lOth day ol April. 1952. at 3:30,P. M.. E. S, T., to consider the enactment and adoption ol an ordinance prtrrldlng that no tauliiling permit shall be Issued tor tht trtctlon ol any building or stnictiirt In an unapproved subdlri lon or on a lot abutting an tmaccepted highway or strttt. This shall not pftrtnl, howivtr, tht,issuance ol a building permit tor the construction ot a building or structure on a lot a plan lor which, at tht tlmt ol tht adoption ot this ordinance, ivas on record in tht oltlce ol the Town Clerk or

lother otllcei''autharittd ,to record or tile plans and -which abutted an accepted hlgiiway or street or a highway or street which was actually In tist lor tthiculaa travtl. or tor the construction ol farm or, accessory buildings, which are not in violatlO'i ol any lawful loninn rtoulaliont ol tht Town ot Hamrten; and proridina penalties lor violations.

Dated at.Hamden, Connecticut, this 27tli day of March, 1952,



Josephin? TrITlletll Clerk

AUCTION-^At Odd Ftllpw's Hall, Cheshire, Coon, Sal'urrfay April 5, 1952, Starlinn at 10:00 A, M, Antinuts and Modtrn Conslgntd Irom several surtounding homes. In Part: Pint 2 Owr, Blankil Clitst, 1 Dwr, Lid To.n Sufar Chtst, 3 Owr, Mah Chtst, Gtnlleman's Open Arm Chair. Lincoln Rocker, Teakwood Stand, Small Marble-Ion Catlte Table, Pr, Empire Mah Side Chalis, Hitchcock Side Chairs, Pint Drop Leal Table, Pine Chests & Stands, Pr, Ladder Dark Side Chairs, Others. Low Maple 4 Poster Bed Complete, Glass, China, Parln.ware. Brass. Pr, Brass And­irons, 62" Brass Rail, Modern Finnitine, Mali Double Pedestal Ext. Dining Table. Mah Ext. Card Table, Set 4 Ribbon Back Idah Side Cliaiis. Large Tea Wagon, Pr, Mah Drum End Tablts, Sola Tabit, Table Radio, RCA Record Player, Koda-sllde Projector, l,awn Mower, Garden Tools, Chests St' Stands, Hoover Vacuum. House-wares, Lunch served,

JOSEPH PARI Auctioneer Appraiser

3697 Whitiiiy Avenue, Mount Carmel, Conn, Ttl, 2,9!>51



•51 STIIDEBAKER Club Coupe State Commander Automatic R & H,

'50 STUDEBAKER, 2 door Sedan, Regal Ovttdrlvt, "htaltr,

•50 STUDEBAKER, 2 door ileh»e, R * H, ' •49OL0SM00ILE FUTtJRAMIC, 4 door, R » H, •4S STUDEBAKER, 4 door Sedan, R * II. •47 STUDEBAKER, 5 pass, coupe. R & H, '47 HUDSON, 4 door, R Ik H, '41 FORD. Conv. Coupe. R A II.



ELIASON MOTORS 1051 Clawell Avtnut. Hamdtn

Ttl„ S-0S91


Oolumbla-Bullt BICYCLES

Plpalrs on all kinds ol bikts Ttrts mounted on baby carrl-aget.

- Tricyclts and wagnns-MT, CARMEL BICYCLE SHOP

29R2 Whilney Ave, Ml, Carmel Telephone 2-5425 — 2-9121'



2704 Dlxwtll Avenue 'F IT CUTS GRASS, WE

oCLL AND SERVICE IT. ' Teleplione 2-5214

TREE & LAWN SPRAYING Trees removed, trimming

Feeding, Cabling, Land tltriance, etc, POPE TREE EXPERT SERVICE

CALL 2-0240 ICaiiiplete Insutaiice Covernue)


Estimates Gladly Glvrn Sales tt Workrooms

Shi Olxwell Avenue, Hamdeit Custom Reupholsltring

Telephone 7-0817





Um'rMUING 0—25

WASHING MACHINE. REPAIRS and Electrical Repairs

We Have P.srts to Fit Any Washing Machine,

AMERICAN fOPLlANCt CO, 2516 WhIlnr/ Art, Phont 2-9444


' FltCII RROSv HT, CARMEl TEL, 2-0907

1228 Wliltnty Avt, Tel, 2-5324 IIOIWEIIOU) OOODS It—.'


MAN WANTED ABOUT 50 YEARS OLD to nper-alt brush machine. Must be steady worktr,

Hamdtn resident prelerred. Call In persop at Moran Drush Manulacturlnp Co,, 30 Manila Ave,, llamiltn.

PART TIME HOUSEHOLD HELP wanted. Beach, Phone Branlord 8-3101-




llamiltn Resideiils, Serving the , llamilrn Pulilic lor over 20 ytais, 25-39 GQrham Ave, Ilnmden

Tel, •2-?255




ESTATE OF Grate A, Coates late ol Oianlord in said llistrict. deceased,

Tlie Court ol Probate lor the District ot Bran, lord, hath limited and allowed six mo'iths Irom the date hereol, tor the creditors ol said estate ta exhibit their claims for seellemenl. Those who neqiect lo present their accounts properly atleslcd. within said time, will be dthairtd a rtcovtiy. All persons Indthtid to said Estati art reiiutsted to make immediate payment to

Homer M. Grlllhig. Administrator

Atldiess: llotchkiss Grove Road. Branlord. Conn.

LOST A ^ ' » FOUND A-10

LOST PASSBOOK NO. 156S3., II lound return lo Branlord Savings Dank. Branlord. Conn,


•51 MERCU;iY IMMEDIATE SALE 6.500 miles, radio tt' lieattr. ovtrdrlvt. Call Fulton 7-6525 auylime 'day and tvtnlng. ^

PLUMDING REPAIRS ami lenlaceinenls ol .Ml kinds, call 7-4338.

WOOD SCRECNS MADE TO ORDER. Uronie-Plastic Wilt. Asphalt 3-1 ShiPglis. G.8S per Squart. Plywood Cut To Order. Mellert Lumber Company' N. Malp Strtti, Branlord i;-3484.


Rtlrlotrator Sttvice * Eltclrlcal APPllonctt & Radio

Sales & Strvlce Exptit Seriilce on all Appliances

MRSr HORTOAOES nnUGHT AND SOLO Loans. Rellnanclno. Ntw Loans Longholham. 207 Orange SI, Tel. 5-4815.


FRFF KNITTING INSTnuCTIONS • A,t,r purchase ol material

PHOJAN'S DRY ROODS STORE 2967 Whitney Avenue. Ml, Caimtl



WHITNEY TIRE EKCHANGE llnmden't Leading Tire Distributor

2270 Whllney Avenue Tel, AT Ii-45t9


Ltt Your .Dollar Buy More


2967 Whltniy. Avt, Call 2-5142 Clothing and Dry Gaods

Shoivn and Otll^titd

UNIVERSAL MATTRESS^ .CO, — MattrMli Pillows. Oox Strings, Glider .Pads, new f renovated — enual to tstw. <Oni day.icnt-

, 119 Wamtr St., H«l«iHn..Call,S-M17,

milt East Routt 1 , Cullletd, Conn. Ttl. 8'


HAROLD SMITH PHONE- 2-2931 2235 Dlxwtll Annut


FOR SALE —Mall Chain Sawi Irons ; 1 U i $400. Wi alto slock paHs »nd make ttfrai. HCnOLD'S LAWN AND GARDEN SHO^ .

OlFl'S I I - '



I ' l A N O T U N I N O

EXPEFT PIANO TUNING and lepilrlnk. froi lervicr. Bernard Dutke. Call SP 6-9109.


SPRING CLEANING—Wtiat.have yoir-taos—j —old mattiesset. etcT Call Plnkeyl N. i SPruct 6.9703 alter 4 P.».

CASH PAID FOR ARTICLES yoU no Immet i In your home, atllbApr tlHat. Furnlturt, tinues, sewing machllKi, tools, cut tins, '• Phone FU 7-2690.


YOUNG COUPLE AND BABY, (ormttly til r tervllle desire modtraltly priced sinlurnlihd 5.6 room rent. Wtlli A, S, Ogrtirl, Far I

iJ.","';,:="'."°"\'^°""-i«ii.ii^'-i','i-COUPLE WITH DAUGHTER,illllri«-.!llo t« unluinlslitd wHIi garage, vicinity ol Hani llavt small apt. at prcstnt,,>.wl||lni , ta \* until May or June; Prtltbl , Undloisl <

lurnlih cittellent rtttrtnces.. Call collect Drl 5912, , ' •

.and you're right when you build with wood!

There's good reason why most of America's homes are boUt of .wood. >5Cood is right foe home construction. It's the time-tested building material...nothing is more •practical or liveable than a friendly home of wood.

When you're r e a d / ^o Build or anovate your present house Iql '« supalv you with the materials.

I N S T O C K : Pit tsburgh Paints — Gold Str ipe Brushes, Window Glass — Yale , Stanley & Quickset Builders' Hard­ware — Orangeburg P ipe — Mason Supplies — A l l Types Insulation — Rubberoid Roofing — Plywood

W i n d o w s — Screens — Storm Sash Combinat ion Doors



Today's Weather Light rain tliia atlernoon and tonigW;.

rain tomorrow.

Let it rain . . .

Let it pour

, '. with an automatic clothes dryer in your ho. .

you'll get all your laundry fluffy-dry - every wash-

day — regardless of the'wcather.

R a i ? o r , shine, you'll never have to lug another bask(:t

of heavy wet laundry outside. Instead, you'll shift it

piece by piece from your washing machine tnto your

economical, automatic clothes dryer. Set the dial for

the degree of dryness you want, and in a )iQy your

;clothes are ready for folding or ironing.

Laugh at the weatherman on washday. See the new

clothes dryers soon at your Appliance Dealer's or in

our s^"^*"'"'"'' "^

The ConnecHcur Light and Power Company . a BNihiesi-MMusc'l, Ta.fPJiinM Company

I t ' s II Speetaeiftliir lliinllniiftii. (inf-iMirli'i iiiiif Ititn Hlii.UntK'ii art- .luhjitt lo chiiiDlf uiihiml iittiitn. It'hilv tiilritull ihei ul fxira ant when uiuUiii/lf.

'MliMfjl^ Per lor i i i e r !



C O M B I N A T I O N !

I. Powerful, High-Compression Engine 2 . New Duo/-Range Hydra-Matic Drive* 3. New High-Performance Economy Axle

ycs—drivc it your.sulf—you'll sue why .so m'liny, iiv.iny people arc s-.iy-iiiji that the new 1V52 Dual-Kanfte* Pontlac is the most amazing—and the most thrilliiig--performcr they

^..,_>— overdrove!

At the wheel of a new I'ontiac you have two entirely different types of performance under linger-tip control. In TralJic Range you can have

spectacular acceleration and power—more than you'll probably ever need. And when you're in Cruising Range-rolling along the open road so smoothly, silently and economically, you almost feel you're coasting! '

Come In today—drive a wonderful new Dual-Range Pontlac yourself. It is certainly• spec­tacular new proof that dollar for dollar you can't beat a I'ontiac! 'opiimi^ivuMwi,

I»OLLAIS F O « l » O L L A K Y O U < ; A I V ' T H E A T A


- f »



^jt n"*'«s?.si^ii«,,,r », jf^ t

Page 5: ®hp lEaat Mnmn Haganan Mamd •,iii)raiy' Did You Know · 2017-02-13 · were Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. IMafliow Anastaslo, Mrs . yh.ipent ... engiigement of Miss -lanet iMcKel-

, T H E B l t A N l F O n n UKVir .W


I'nKO 8 Tluirs. , April .1, llin.!

Ciii) TiictV »

r a c k 3 at the n inhfnr i l Culi

Scpu ls will h a v e llicil-i reguinf

moiil l i ly nicol lng on Fr ldny n t 7:30

nl llio C o m m u n i t y House. The

I h e m e for Mni'cli wna Junn lc

Month .

CAPITOL THEATRE 271 Main St., Enat Hnvcii Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sal.

April 2, 3, 4, 5, MARTIN & LEWIS

SAILOR BEWARE The Family Secret

John Derek, Lcc Cobb Sun., Mon., & Tues.

April 6, 7, 8

RETREAT HELL F r a n k L o v e j o y

The Barefoot Mailman

Wed., Thuro., Fri. & Sat. April 9, 10, 11, 12

Belle of New Yoric THE SELL OUT

SHORT BEACH IMrasn phnnn J n n Soliiilzc, 8-1 HR, w U l i M c m s for thin

rn l l inni . ' » » # # # # « # / # # # # # # # / / # # # # ########4

Ilclto AMnln: I^ndlc.s Nllo tdnivii row nl I he

Union Clnipf'l. Tho MPH'A Club hove tho Loynlly G r o u p ns ihol r Ruosla for Mip ovenihR . . . Our Boy Scouts wish to ihnnk you' nil for hclplnR innke l.hoir Kood Snic a u d i n bJK success Inst S n t u r d n y n t PeteiKon's S t o r e . , .

I lnppy nirthtlfty P n r l y for Dnio Sl lvermnn Inst Sn tu rdny with Snn-dy Chnrlos, Lol« McWlll lnms, Chi Chi Woodman, Jnno Dow, Snndy Schullzn, Jonnt l inn CInrk, Jcrin Pou l lnn nnd Jonntl inn Fousor join­ing in tho fostivlticH . . . AIHO n

KMIS Bir thday P n r t y for Ann Good­win Snturdny Inst, wi th chums; Jo-Ann Fritz, SuHnn nnd, Jnnicc ninUo, LOHIIO Clnrk, I l en thor nnd I^rinuila Murphy, Dnrhnrn Mnlinti, Shnunc Lynch, S a n d r a Gtniplc, Mnr(,'o Wnodmnn, Bar^snrn Ander­son, Ann PnrsonK, Sully Tngffnrd. Knryl RoKanson, Bovln nnd Dex­te r Gtmdwin, J r . , m a d e for n won-fh.Tful nflornoon. Mnr.shn Adams, Nancy nnd Mnrtlm Ma'hnn wore on



\V ninlii Nl. TcI. n-liaio l l rnnfonl


UUREl, STREET • EAST HAVEN •, Tel. HO 7 5576

DANCINC; SATURDAYS 9:00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.


LAKKY HATCH and his Orchcslru



Midway Restaurant (Formerly Pop's Rcstaurnnl)

292 Main Street—Brnnford Tel. 8-93Ifi


THURS., FRI., SAT. APRIL 3, 4, 5 Marlon Brando — Jean Peters —

VIVA ZAPATA William Lundigan — June Haver |



Plus: COMEDY & CARTOONS ADMISSION 20c To All At This Matinee

SUN., MON. & TUES. APRIL 6, 7 & 8 Continuous Sunday From 2:15 Winner Of S Academy Awards

A STREET CAR NAMED DESRIE Vivian Leigh — Marlon Brando

Joan Davis — Peggie Castle HAREM GIRL

WED. APRIL 9 — Matinee & Evening




The American Artist Fahrics

' lor Draperies and Slipcovers

Original designs by 7 great American Painters Thoy Aro MaHtiirpiflVps lit ])uKlRn niul GolurtnRtt

"American Splendor" "Pioneer Pathway" By Lulgl l^uucloiil An ton KoIroKlor

"Shell Chest" • , By Wllold Oortlon

"The Nest" Country Auction" "Curio Cabinet" By Arnold Blanch By Aaron Bolirod n y Bor i s Loo

"The Ride of Paul Revere" ' By 0 r a n i WooU

Sloro H o u r s :

9:90-l!00 2:00-8:30 Closod Wednesdily

Here you will find the newest and best fabrics at the lowest possible prices.

Frank W. Smith Home Furnishings

Tel. 903-Jl MADISON

llii^ hick list nnd could nul n l lend . Viiiunlcoi- FIremen'K A n n u a l

n n n q u e t cnjoyorl lu.^t SntVIco nllo a l Clul) 80 , . . Our Fi rcmon kep t

f>ri llmlr tiles all day .Sunday wi th biu.sh firn.i, c l c , rlnwln)? In abou t eve ry t h r e e h o u r s ! . . . DIcIJa' k n o w our /J 'roop Nn. I Boy Scouls inaV all Ret to C a m p loRclhor Ihla' Suninior wi th the funds I hoy have rnlHod? Good deal for them . . . " P e p p e r " imppy p a r t t e r r i e r pa r t toddy-bear has joined tho .Schulzc F a m i l y . . .

A surpr ise Mlsdollnnoous S h o w e r la.st nllo (Wednesday) for Mrs. RIehnrd n u r h a n s a l tho homo of Mrs , Fred n n l h m u n real ly had a blR turnout . Local lldles p resen t w o r e : Mrs. Rcginal Babcock, Mrs . P a u l n i n k o r , Mrs, Cyri l Bomstor , Mrs . Milton Campbel l , Mrs. Cha r l e s Duffy, Mrs. W a r r e n Undb lad , Mrs . Clifford Pe te r son , Mrs , Ear l B u r -hnns , Mrs, Paul ine I l lnker , Mrs . Char les Wal to , Mrs. Alfred D u P u y , Mrs , Kenne th Wolfo, Mrs, Leo Polr lcr , Mrs , Tcit Eas twood, Mrs . Daniel Brandrlff , Mrs. Milton Brandrlff, Mrs . Ted Eastwood, .Ir., Mrs . Myers, Mrs., Elwood Caddy, Mrs . Daniel Brandrlff, .Tr., Mrs . Gilbert Allen, Mr.s. M o r g a n O'Brien, Mrs . QeorKC Most, Mrs . E d w n i d I lea ly , Mrs. Edward F r y e r , and the Misses PoRKy Mofflll, Delures My­ers , L a u r n VlRncault , , ,

Karen Sayor was a y e a r old on April 1st. April 0th Cra ly ond CrelKhlon .Tobnson have the i r Bi r thday . . . April 7 th m a r k s Rod­dy Duncan 's B i r t hday . . . I lnnk Bnbcock has hia B i r t hday nn April 9 th . . . S a r a 'J 'uckor has an April 10th B i r t hday . . . DoURlas B lower wn.s'ono y e a r old on April 5th . ,

Tr ip to Wcs lovc r Field, Massa chusc l t s las t weekend for Mor r i s IIlRRlns and Major D e x t e r Goodwin to a t tend a conference . . . Gues t s a t 58 Main S t r e e t last weekend were my pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. Gil­b e r t Shcppa rd of Now York CHy and a u n t nnd uncle, Mr. and Mr.s. floorRo F a r ( | u b n r of Bedford, Now York . . . W a l t e r Lynch and fr iends lourliiK wes t e rn s t a t e s aiid Mexico for two w e e k s vacat ion '. , . N e w Neighbor, Mr. Victor (TV accord-lunlst) bui ld ing Capo Cod homo a t C la rk Avenue and M n l n S t r c e t . . .

F r e d Pacll loo b r e a k i n g g r o u n d for his new homo . . . Don' t forgot

l.lio E a h l j r Bazaa r till.-. .Satin day a t

lVter«nii |s s lorn, s|ienr.t)ied by

Siiint Ki|z(iboth's Church lailics . . .

O i n n l l c jBny A. A, p o s t p o n e d ' T u r ­

key Dl i l i o r unt i l a near - fu ture

d a t e . , B r i an aiid Shaune Lynch

tackl ing ' swhr iming les . ions |n t 'Ncw Haven , , .The Clarence Siibn-Kons to Lynchburg , Virginia last week to see n e w Grnnddaughlor , Dcnise I. lo . , . Keep Fi lday , April 25th circled on your calendars . S ( |ua re ajid Modern Dance n t t h e now school t h a t nlle, .sponsored by tho U n i o n Chapel . George Bnrba ' s o rches t ra will furnish tho varied music . T i cke t s ava i lab le at F i n n -klsh's, Branford Food Center , Mrs, A, P e r r y T u c k e r o r a n y nioniber of tho Youlh Group , Proceeds to bo used toward t h e remode l ing of t he Cbopcl . . .

M o n d a y nito 's fire a l a r m tvns for a house fire In Brnnford . Shor t Bench vo lun tee rs tu rned ou t 100 per cen t wi th o t h e r B r a n f d r t f F i r e Companies . . . Day l igh t " s i v i n g T ime will be wi th us aga in on April 27lh th is y e a r . . . Gol t ha t Ea.stor B o n n e t y e t ? , , . In a cou|ile of weeks Iloddy D u n c a n will be headed for l m | i o r t a n t exams in N e w York City, Cood luck, Rod­dy! . . . Gran i t e Bay kiddles will en-Joy t h e E a s t e r P a r t y a week; from t o m o r r o w In t h e Clubhouse given by t h e Gran i t e Bay A. A. complete wi th E a s t e r B u n n y tokens . ,Scolty Boswoll, B u n n y Morton, W a y n e Kessler and Roger Thomp­son to N e w York ' s Madison S q u a r e Ga rden Monday las t to witness, tho Olympic Play-offs , , , T h e Rever ­end and Mrs . Sawye r , former I'esl-dents , of N e w J e r s e y will r e t u r n to t he se sho res to reside como S u m m e r m o n t h s . . . Mrs., .Tames Ci i r ren, of Alps Road, given sur ­prise Mousowarmlng P a r t y by her Bridge Club las t week . . .Mr. and Mr.s. P a u l Bussmnnn of l l amden , fo rmer res idents , became the par­en t s of the i r second d a u g h t e r Tuesda.Y In Now H a v e n Hospital . Tho ch'lid, we igh ing n ine pounds, one ounce , will bo named Chrls l lne Ann . . .

Th i s Is Nat ional I..augh Wci^k, .so let's k e e p those smiles going!

P . S. You neve r ge t tha t dl/.zy feeling from doing too m a n y good t u r n s !


l-aVerne Rodman ' A \ Name Delej ale To Girls' Stale

LnVetne Rodman, a j u n i o r a t Iho

high schmd, h a s been seh-cled by

(he local Amer ican Legion Auxl l -

l;iry In ropresen i l i r anford a t

Laure l Gi r l s ' S ta t e .

T h e a n n u a l "living e x p e r i m e n t In

g o v e r n m e n t " will be liohl th is y e a r

d u r i n g t h e week of , lnoe 22 on the

Univers i ty of Connecl lnut campus ,

MKss R o d m a n was se le r led on

r e c o m m e n d a t i o n of the facul ty and

the .Student Council, Select ion w a s

based on leadership, eo-orierat lon,

cr i thualasm, per.sonallty, a cademic

.standing and lieallh. She is lho*i lnughler of Mr. and

Mrs . M n t l h e w .J, Rodman .of 5'1 K i r k h a m S t r ee t .

Dur ing h e r week at Glrl.s' S l a t e , Miss R o d m a n will pa r t i c ipa te in a s t u d y In gove rnmen l , p a r l i a m e n t ­a r y law, legislative p rocedure nnd rec rea t ion . She will engage in tho exper i ence of elecling town and s t a t e officials, learn ing by drtlng..

r iKADK SCIIf lOl , I lASr .BALl . P lans a r e being formula ted for

t h e Grade School Baseball League , t he g a m e s will be played i|fter-nonns a t H a m m e r Field. P l a y e r s from all Brnnford school.s have boon jirncticing under tbe 'd i r ec t ion of F r a n k Grandol . •

Harry G. Fresenius ElectrJ'<:al Contractor

Vases Drllloil luld W i r e d l''iir Lamps '

East Haven News Buying A nd Service Gu ide

C e n t r a l C l e a n e r s D y e r s

H o m e of D^is t inct ive C l e a n i n g ; W e O p e r a t e O u r O w n P l a n t

4 - H o u r C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e C a l l F o r a n d D e l i v e r

,32% Main St . Phiino IIO 7-U07,,

Augie's Auto Repair General Repairing Tires — Batteries AAA SKRVICK A A A '

I'hoiio n o 7-fi2l« 4,1U Mnhr.St ,


Fire — Bonds Automobile Casualty

11 Clildsny Ave. Kiisl llaveM

Barker Trucking Co. Local nnd Long Distance

Moving, Crating, Storage v5 Ure Ave. East Haven Office Residence

7-IH7I) 1'', A, ISar lu r IIO 7-01101





9x9 Ashalt Mnrbclizcd Colors

Each 7c

HEAVY LINOLEUM Tile 9x9 Each 14c

THE LINSLEY-MILLER co. R o s e S t r e e t : - : B r a n f o r d

( n e x t t o B r a n f o r d P r t g . C o . )

W e I n s t a l l If Y o u P r e f e r !

C a l l 8 - 4 0 7 6 F o r F r e e E s t ,

BRICGS a 5TRATT0N 4-cycta, "Wi h.p. Englno

Plus These Features for Easier Operation

• Convonient Fingor-Tip C lu t t h and Spood Controls mountod on handle

• Non-Sk id Tractor-Tread Tiros for sure t rac t ion on banks a n d grades

• Famous Tinikon Boarlngs • " S t a - T o m p " Hardened a n d Tem­

pered B lade ; a n d Cutter Bar Knife • Grass Guards to prevent gras i

f rom w ind ing on reel • Free Float ing Handlo—slands up­

right for park ing in small space

Tome In Today and Sao for Yoursolfl


SERVICE L a w n m o w e r s & G a r d e n T r a c t o r s S a l e s — S e r v i c e

R e p a i r s — S h a r p e n i n g F r e e P i c k - U p & D e l i v e r y

E a s t H a v e n C i i t -Of f N e x t t o P e t e ' s D i n e r

T e l e p h o n e H O 7 - 5 0 7 8

THE Will Open Friday

Extending an invitation to our many friends, to again enjoy our fine foods at moderate prices . . .


Recommended by

Duncan Hines For reservations . . . Telephone BFD 8-3970


^? Heal I'lslale 'i ItrnMlnrrt

Tlie following rea l e.stale Irans-nct ions w e r e recorded in - tho office of Town Clerk Dona ld Holabird during tfie week ending Mnrc!i 29:

Quii Claim Deeds B e r h r a m L, B a r k e r to H e r b e r l L.

B a r k e r ; Rober t G, Rico to Harold A. Ca;«ldy; Harold A. Cassidy lo R o b e r t G. Rice; F i r s t Ecclesiastical Society to Arabel W. Gibson; Leila Ives Morse to Ricliard M. Daley el ux. ; F i r s t Eccleslasl lcal Society to Nicholas F . Shel ton e t ux. ; Brnn­ford F e d e r a l Sav ings & I^ian to E a r l B e r g e r e t ux.

W a r r a n t y Deeds .Tolin W . Ba r ron t o H o r h e i t R.

Jlarrl.son et nl.; D o m e n l c Gallensl e t ux to Amio Gadlensl e t ux ; Paul . laspersohn e t ux lo Harold 13. l ' 'orolman et ux; C h a r l e s M. Ma-la l ro e t ux lo I.eo P o h n i u n r s k y et u x ; Alden M. Young Comjiany to J lohe r t W . Owens ; A r t h u r S. I lal l-dcn et ux to Nicholas G. Burbon et u x ; Ea r l P . B u r g e r e t ux lo Harold W. Munn et a l .

,- , . S O l T B A t X rMANAOnHS TO


T h e r e will bo a meel i iu ; of all

.sofihall m a n a g e r s who wish lo

Ciller a t(!am in t he Uianford Uec-

reti l l iai Advisory .Board ' s Con i imm-

l ly .Softball L e a g u e on Tuesday

in Your Home Accordions Loaned


C o l d w a t e r A c c o r d i o n S c h o o l s " S C H O O L O F C H A I W P I O N S " o f f e r s 1 , 0 0 0 a c c o r d i o n s - ^ a l l m a k e s , a l l a l l s i z e s , a t o n l y $ 1 p e r w e e k .

3 Songs by third lesson or your money back F o r I n f o r m a t i o n P h o n o

BARNEY COLDWATER " T e a c h e r o f T e a c h e r s "

.IIOVILS AT ( .01 ,F <•I.^• M(.vi,'- v.ill i.f I...,-. M ••

wcekl.v da,-;:-, of lli. ' ][••:•• Board l)y Ncl;,on (;<.')k. T!iv hour ni:>-\)e,'. \\-ill f,';i1in-' !*/ ijue:: on i'.olf tiii'l \\]\\ shtj\', i of the v.'e)l known rinlft't:; in ji,


304 .Main Street, Branford Tclcplionc 8-9121 .





? H U R R Y ! ? „ ?ST1LL S O M E f

. „ _ o '^riME LEFT'TO § MORRELL'S l ^ m OUR 3 R D |


EASTER HAMS i^.J.^^lJ..^..^§

Frozen Foods e Fresh Fruits & Vegetables LEOS of LAfilB ' FRYSNO OHIOKE^S


\h, 70s Ik 45G

lb. 69s 2 Ebs. 256


Ford's Iho only j ^

low-pilccd [or

offering a '" .

completely modorn



Ford's tho only

low-prked car offering

so many body,

upholstery and

color combinations.


Ford's tho only

low-priced car

offering a V - 8

engine. Most

powerful in its

field! 110-h.p.

Ford's Iho only

low-priced car

offering o cholco of

. Automatic Drivo


Overdrive or

Conventional Drivo.

Ford's Ihe only

low-priced cor

offering a selscllon of

18 m o d e l s -

Including a choice

of 3 station wagons

Ford's Ihe only

low-priced cor

a curved one




Ford's Itie only

low-priced ear ofIerin|]

S8-inch wide

front trend (for

better handling).

And Ford now offers''

the lowest-priced | |

Full-size cor

SIX or V -8 .

You can pay m o r e . . . 9

but you can't buy better

Whtta iMawo i l l i i a i (if avoi lobic) , Fordomalic and Ovt rd r i va optionol ol aKtro co i l , [;-juIpm«nt, ateot-l e i l a i and It im lublecl )o d iongo wi lho i i n:ilica.

yjjAF. IJ's longer—it's s»ronger—it's heavlerl j


VOL. Vll — No, 29-

Town Top ics

A r r n n g o m e n t s wore made for tlu"

f)9(h Grcul Council MocUnR, which

\vill l)e lit'ItV in I lnr l ford on May

2 and HI a l t h e vccoift meet ing of

Pofiuut Ti-ibo No.* 71, I. O. R. M.

held al the Amer igo Club on l lon i -

JHRway Avonuc.

C'lmrles Heausnlei l , of Ui« I ' rban Hedeveloptrnnil Coninilsstoii, \va.s the KXivsi s p e a k e r a t t he ExchnnK^ Club d inner mee t las t night a t t he Annex IlniiKe.

J l e dlseus.'^od the Redevelopment I'rojtriini In tlu- Momauguln nrea,

H e n r y DeVila repor ted on pro-gie.s.s fur t he annua l Indies' night p r o g r a m , which will be held April 1!) til 7:30 In t he A n n e x House.

T lw r e g u l a r niontlily meet ing of-the. Fr iends of iMiisic will tuUe. p taee on IVIonday (ivening^ in t he Hugnmiui Memoria l Library nt 8.' AU friends of music a r e eordlnlly invi ted to a t i e n d .

T h e late.st model in an onlargo-nionl mach ine tlie . " p M e g a ' \ has been in.stullod In Potei- Lueas 's phu logrophy studio.

Aiinuiil r epor t s for the 1951 fiseal y e a r a r c now avai lable a t the Town Hal l Town'Cler ic M a r g a r e t T u c k e r also a n n o u n c e s t h a t persons wish-ing^ to ohtaiti dog or fishing licenses m a y send in last yea r ' s dog license o r t he r e n e w a l appl icat ion, for .u fisbing- l icense to the town c lerk ' s office toge the r witli tWo'respective fees. •

Mr.s. Joseph Colagolpo, pres ident of Pos t No. 14. AMVETS Auxil iary. sf.M'ved u s ' o n e of the hostesses for t h e D e p a r t m e n t ol Connect icu t m e e t i n g held last n igh t a l 70 Col­lege S t ree t . Mr.s. F r a n c i s T. Flood, S t a t e Pre.sidont, presided.

F i r e permi t s m a y be . obtained for Iho vicinity of Laure l S t r e e t and Bradley S t r e e t from Joseph Poii 'ot, depu ty w a r d e n of t h a t dis-' | t r ic t .

•lames iVIichael S t r e e t o of , 40 Dodge A v e n u e w a s one o l t he can­d ida t e s selected f rom Connec t icu t for e n t r y in to t h e ^Naval Rese rve Olfieers T r a i n i n g Corpii ( I^ROTC).

- X h e cand ida te s ,mus t n e x t be ac­cepted for admission by a n N U C r C college o r un ivers i ty of the i r own choice beginning' w i t h till* Fa l l t e r m «r Uir,2. Th i s will en t i t l e t he ac -cpiiled cand ida te to a ' four yettr N U O T C sebolarship sponsored by t h e Navy a t the accredi ted college o r univers i ty to which be will be admi t t ed . S t r e e t o is a m e m b e r of the 11)5'.! g r a d u a t i n g class in the i Kas t Haven High School . '

Al the roconl a n n u a l mee t ing bold by t he Half H o u r Read ing Club, officers wore elected for the coming yea r . T h e y Include Mrs . Jolin Moran, pre.sldent; Miss Dor -b ihy Howard, vice p r e s i d e n i r Mrs . F r e d Hnrr lson, s e c r e t a r y and Mrs . Rober t Bauorsfeld, J r . , a s t r e a s ­ure r .

Serving on t he nomina t ing com-m i l t e e wore Mrs . J o h n Croumey , Mrs , Myron Leighton and Mrs . Kenne th Mansfield-

Announcemen t was m a d e a t tho las t mee t ing of t he E a s t Haven Rod adn t iun Club of t he npentn^ on April 19 of its Uid'i fisbing contes t which will con t inue t b r o u g h t h e re­mainde r of t he yea r . T h e contes t will he open to all res idents of E a s t H a v e n and club members . T h b r e w i l l be prizes for the larKfisl, ac­cording to weight , for t rou t , bass, l)ieUcrel, blacbfisb and 'n'eukfisb They will be weighed in by B r e n t B a r k e r in the. E a s t Haven I l a rd -

- w a r e S tore . iMi.ss Bever ly Gordon of 507 Fox-

on Roaci, was .among 6,000 music educa lo rs from every .slate in Iho Union and 11 foreign count r ies who a t tended tho T h i r t e e n t h Biennial Music PJducalors Nat iona l Confer­ence last week in Philadelpli la , Pa .

Mr. and Mrs . J o h n Pan ico of 101 Fo rbes IMace, announce t he e n g a g e m e n t of the i r daughte r , IMnrie Anne, to Mr. \VaIter S. Itac/.ynski, son of Mr. and Mrs . W a l t e r Kaczynski of P e n t Koad, l i ranford .

'J'ax office opon tomor row Good Fr iday unti l 0 P . M. and also Sa t ­u rday from 9 to noon. -

The following .students of Mr. Crescent i ' s . a r t classes in t he high school liavft won prizes hi t he 13tb a n n u a l Blue and Gold Var ­sity S h o w I 'os te r Contes t : 1st, Aliiie Vigori ty , S3.00; 2nd prize. B a r b a r a Blake, !i;2.00. A dol lar each was given to five s tuden ts for a th i rd p r ize : H e n r y l lc f fer -naii, Oertrudi? Uaschke , Klcbnrd Carlson, Shir ley Wassnier and Ar t Henry . T h e honorable men­tions were a s follows: George Monzeglio, Cas imir Jasudowicb , Joan Vuse, Char le s Cieiirelli, Josephine Norden, Will iam Tol-cnlo nnd B e r n a r d Whi t e

The judges t h o u g h t the s tudents did a wonderful job and due t o the fact t ha i t h e r e w e r e so m a n y good po.slers. it was difficult not to in­clude m o r e winners . T h e judges WiMc; Vincent J . Vnrsh, Yale School of F ine Ar t s ; Miss Luc ia Savarcsc of the T r n p h a g e n School of Design, and Mrs. Rosina Var.sb, Ar t Career Schnol.

A r t h u r Hacscbe , J r . , son of Mr.

Combined With The Braiifoid Reviov YAST~hfAVEWrcONWlcflOJT, •^-iukSDA^•,'APRIL I(l.' 195.! 5 Cents Copy—$2.50 A Year

Don^l Shy From Politics Governor Tells Ghurch Men

n t i i i ' i s l inrc of

.iliy n w n y f r o m p o l i t i c s l l ie r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for g o

CI amber Will Hold

not shown in tbn

•— (Luras .Studio) Ou April '1 a t the April Showers Oance lield in t he bigb school, Miss J o a n U e b m a n u was chosen IVIiss Kast HaVen High School. Couf^rat-u l a t i n g ^Hss' Uehinann a r e two of the judges . Al Anastuslo and Dayton Weil . .'Slichael Cuomo t h e tlilrd judge p i c tu re . •,


J o h n C. Glynn, Sr., of 'IS F r a n c i s S t ree t , Eas t I lnven, w a s honored last T h u r s d a y n ight a t a d inne r in the Castle in recogni t ion of L!0 years '•sol 'vlco wilh tlie Cimnecl icu t C f j k e C o m p a n y .

L o d g e t o l d t l ic O l d S t o n e C l u u c b M{|n '8 C l u b T u e s d a y n i g l u . Pol i t ic ians a ren ' t all bad - - t h e r e t

a rc good ones and bad ones just I a.s t h e r e a r e good doctors and quark doctors , unci governor .«nid.

l i e said If the people don ' t get out nnd eonti'ol g o v e r n m e n t by pa r t i c ipa t i ng i n politics, the gov­e r n m e n t will cont ro l them.

P re s iden t Pavd M. Doamo pres-.sided nnd Fi r s t S e l e c t m a n F r a n k A. B a r k e r In t roduced Govornbr Lodge.

New officers e lec ted wore : For -est Doton, president , A r m e n Kr l -korian, ^ vice p res iden t ; Calvin Steves .secretary, nnd Seward Kv-crls , t r e a s u r e r .

and Mrs . A r t h u r H a c s c b e of 216 Tyle r S t ree t , a s t u d e n t a t N o t r e D a m e tJiuvcrsity, is spending t he E a s t e r recess a t his home. A .son, J u s t i n Joseph has been

Momauguin Ncivs

N o r m a n -V. Hall of 02 H e n r y S t r e e t Is nn t he dean's list ut IIlll-yer College, Har t fo rd , for academic ach i evemen t du r ing the flr.st .sem­es ter . N o r m a n , a senior a t Hillyor | e m e r g e n c y drive for w h e r e he Is enrolled us d music j t lms in Ihe South nnd Midwest may

division l'^'^"'' chocks to Alfred Bowden

Red Cross Extends Period For Drive

Duo to illness a m o n g the canvas­sers for t he annua l Red Cross F u n d Drive, t he jTcw H a v e n Chap te r has extended tho period for lhe""drlve until nil tor r l tor les hnvo been cov­ered, Mrs . Alvln Snnford, c h a i r m a n of the Eas t Haven Branch , an-nonced last week.

Any local ros idenls who have been overlonkoti in t he presen t fund campaign d r anyone who wishes to cunt r lbulb to the special

to rnado vic-

g e l o u t n n d cnvry c r l i m c n i , G o v e r n o r

y o u r John

horn lo 13r. and Mrs . O. A. G r e n o n of 58G Tliompson Avenue ,on F e b r u a r y 29.

Mr . and Mrs . E l m e r H, Russel l of H u n t 1-ane, F o x o n , a n n o u n c e t h e bi r th of the i r second d a u g h ­te r , J acque lynne Susan , on M a r c h 31, in N e w Haven Hospi ta l . Mr.s. Russel l is t he fo rmer Shi r ley Docbriclc. The baby is the g rand -d a u g h l e r ' o f IVIr. a n d Mrs . George H . Dnebriclc of F o x o n and Mr. a n d M rs . E l m e r E . Russell of

W a l l i n g f o r d . ' ^Mie Sunday School ,of tho F o x o n

Cdngroga l iona l Churc l i will p rosonl an E a s t e r pagean t and Good F r i d a y iservlce a l 7 P . M.i t o m o r r o w in t h e church . ' ''' ,

E a s t H a v e n liainl>mv As^cinbiy N o . 17 w-ill sponWo'r a iiarjr p a r t y on Tuesday , April J5, a t 8 in t h e Old S tone C h u r c h . Ref resh­m e n t s will be served .

SUpt. oC'Schools Wil l iam E. GlUis is n t t end ing t he a n n u a l convent ion of' t he Ainorican Association of School Admin i s t ra t ion in Boston th is wook.

Among recen t p romot ions r e ­por ted for m e m b e r s of the 't3d Division in Ge rnumy was a m a s ­t e r se rgean lcy for P e t e r A. De-Capr i , 19, In^retoforc! a s e r g e a n t f irs t chiss with t h e lU^d In f an t ry Uttgiment of the IBd's oceupatloii force. DeCaprio , t he son of IVfr. a n d IVIrs. Antonio A. DeCapr io of 209 Kind)erly Avenue , is d u e home Ibis S p r i n g o r ear ly S u m ­m e r [ i repnra tory to discharge . H e en te red ac t ive sc^rvice when t h e •ISd was federal ized in S e p t e m b e r 1950. H e trained u t C a m p P i c k e t t , Va., and participutiMl in O p e r a ­t ion S o u t h e r n P i n e hist year . H e \v(;nt overseas l as t Fa i l .

T h e Woman ' s Republ ican Club of Eas t Haven will hold a R u m ­m a g e Sale . F r iday , April 18, in tho lower town hall . Anyone hav ing a r t i c les can leave tliem a t t he town ha l l Thur.sday night , April 17 from 7 lo 9 P . M .

m a j o r in Iho liberal a r t s of tho college is the son of M r . '

a n d . M r s . N o r m a n F . Hall . Bradford Manor D r u m Corps \

c o m m i t t e e will sponsor a P o v e r t y Dance , April 2G in the firohuuse. Rese rva t ions can ho m a d e wi th J a n e Thompson , Mary Scharf, Mac Smith , Bo l ty Lou Kappolor , Mary Dugan , Li l l ian C u n n i n g h a m and Evelyn Chadeayno; - •

A public auc t ion and food sale .spon.sored by t h e Momaugu in Club of Eas t H a v e n for the benef i t of Cub Scou t P a c k 6 will be held a t ,thG M o m a u g u i n School on W e d n e s ­day, Apri l 23 a t 8 P . M

T h e dona t ion of . a n y

at tho F i r s t Nat ional Bank in Eas t Haven or to Mrs. Sanford, ,' 2 Tay­lor Avenue .

Ainual Meeting Oiiday Evening

Into of nanu 's fnr tlu* now j ;Vof dli'Cfftiirs Uir m e 13asi lli\-

luimbcr of Connnoi-cc will bo ;Mloil ut llio nnnual nioolinn

Moijdny ovonliu; a t tlio Ailnin IliiiSc! Itosuuii-ant. Hi'soi'valloiis nia5l|Ji>o niutlo ftir llio t l lnnor l\v callMi; llio sooi'otnry, lloriiiiin Sul i»f , IIO 7-iri:tli. • •Cffllinilttoc; I'oports KnlunUilotl for pi'Csfnialiun Inoluilu t he iii'opo.sod slipni'ii'-'*' Im.s, sumnior ami wlii lor w o e j i y closlnit, Intnr-duli counoll, moitthorslilp and ii pi-nposcU ooni-muiwty parklnj.!: aron. Oil ier Itonis u t iji.slnoss al.so will bo cllscussod hy t,»tvClinmhcr nt this niootlnR.

DUinci' w i n he sorvod n G:il5 foi' i l ioaj \»ho wish lo nt lend Immodl-ntoW urioi' llio I'luso nf sloros. Tho buslBo.ss nioollni! will slniM u t 8 and till nionihci'.s ni'u iiskod Ui he p ros tn l .

Intniodlnioly af ter tho closo of t h e pnnoal niootlnjj t he new b'oani of' dlrccloi'.s will cimvone to elect tho How iifflcei's of Ihe Clmniher for l'J,'j2. '

Police School Al leas t 1(1 more Kasl I lavon Vi-^^-Idcni.s will ho eligible to join t he Auxi l ia ry Police T r a i n i n g School now be ing I 'onducted by Ihe local police d e p a r t m e n t . F i r s t Solectmnn l ' ' rnnk A. B a r k e r h a s announced.

Classes a re hold every Thur.sday even ing In Ihe T o w n Mall, and aro conducted by Chief ISrtwin-Priest, Cnpt. Joseph Fol io , Lt . H e r b e r t Smi th , L t . E. Wosloy Stopp, l.t'. E d w a r d S t cnham, . ludge Vincenl .7.

unused I F i s n n o and T o w n , P r o s e c u t o r ftob-

•l.ucas SUullo ami INIrs. tliilin V,. t.oiiry flf of t h r e e winner s of ,lnnu's I.

in'oi' .Selieliirslilps tor full tuit ion in t he S rn tn r uml ,llniior at Ilitpliins ( iniinii inr School, l i e is sitown aliove roerlvlnt ;

,Itiliii Ivlwiird t.i ' iiry, ,lr., son iif IMr, 5 (MMirK<' S t r r r I , VA\^\ l lnxen, was oilr l . laoawi' Schools tho oiMigi 'a t i i lat lnns or I)r, (Jo(>r(;o It. I.ovetl, r ec to r of ttio Hclmol,

i t ems to be auct ioned off d u r l n B | o ' ' l - M , Toyipr J r . the even ing wil l be. a p p r e c i a t e d by •I'u>'thei«.'»lnt(irnialion; abou t

• - ~- • '- - ' s choo l m a y bo ob ta ined a t - i ho '

Charles W. Hotdikiss, Relired Builder Dies In His 76lli Year

T h o cicutli of Char les W . l lo tc l i -klss occurred Sunday n igh t a t tho liom(^ of Ills son, Holnnd Motchklss, on Maple S t r e e t . Ho was a rcl l rod cnrl idnler niiil bui lder and had ro-skled In Newpor t , Maine, tnf the pas t nine y e a r s . ' Me was 75 y e a r s of ago. V Mr.. UotciiUlss was born in W a t e r -town, October 8, 1876 nnd lind r e ­sided Inj Eas t Haven for a n u m b e r

i.gt yeut'».-prevlqus to eolng to Maine. li-V ^-M^p.. ,.,.. . ,.„ 1. ........1„.,.11,„

School Board Awaits Report On Survey . By Stale Architect

'I'lie Eas i Haven Solimil Plnn-ning Comni l t lec wilt meet ' with Ihe SInto ArchUecl, Mr . I lowland, on Monday, April 21st n t wlilcli l ime ho will iidvlso t he oominll loe on the pb.sslbiUly of adding ruiims on to tiie pn ' son t schools adn also slios for fuluro bulkllngs,

Howlnnd.wl l l m a k e ii tour of t he town on Wednesday , ' April IGtIi with S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Glllls,

At n moel lng of the Hoard of Fliinn('0 wi th llio Bonid of Educa ­tion bold Thur sday nighl . It w a s decided to wait t he tlecislnn of the S t a l e Archi tec t before making nny t u r i h e r p lans for tho overcrowding of sclionl rooms. I t w a s b rough t ou t a t this moet lng l l m l eleven new rooms a ro needed t o r the .open ing of .school In S e p t e m b e r In order io rel ieve llio doiiblo soss lonsr

T h e Selinol P l a n n i n g . C o m m l t l e e will m a k e li ' report ear ly 111 May. •

High School News East Haven High School a g a i n

prosoaLs Iho s tuden t product ion: the l.llli a n n u a l "Varsl ly Show," I t will aga in supply tho audience wi th music, dnnclng, nnd hunior . I t fea lures t h e .South Sen Is land scene wi th dance groups u n d e r tlio .supervision Of Miss Yoln Boi i iou-cos. Th i s preaentnl ion will bo on April 24th and 25th nt 8, price.'! 60c nnd 75o v'espectlvoly.

M a r k s will close ns of April lOtli, but hccnuSG of .so much Illness ai i idngst the s tudents , p a r e n t s night and r e p o r t cards will lie post­poned unt i l April 23,

Supt , Wil l iam Glllls, Car l Cnrvli}, nnd F r n n k Crisnfl are p lanning t o a t tend t he niuolInK; of prriiclpnls, supeflntqprtpnts, nnd conches spoii-soroil by t he l lousntoil lc League In

Building Permits Bui ld ing Inspec tor C lement Ca t -

a lano announces t he following r e ­por t of tho Bui ld ing D e p a r t m e n t from March 1st to March 31, 1952: 40 Building P e r m u s (IB Dwel l ings ) , $1,35,000, ,f336.0n:' 5 P l u m b i n g P e r ­mits , a t $4.00, $20,00; 27 P l u m b i n g Pe rmi t s , nt $6,b0, $162.00; 25 Sept ic T a n k Permi t s , a i $2.00, 50.00; 3 P o w e r P u m p ' P e r m i t s (CIcanouts ) a t $1.00, $3.00; 11 S t r ee t Excava t ion Pe rmi t s , ; a t .$1.00, $11,00; 53 Elec Irical Permi t s , a t 2.00, $106.00; 7 Oil B u r n e r P e r m i t s ( Ins ta l l ) , ' a t 2.00, $14.00; 5 Licenses to Elec t r ica l Cont rac to rs , a t $5.00, $25.00; 1 License to Install oil b u r n e r , 5.00, $500 ; 1 E x t r a P l u m b i n g Inspection (Code Violat ion) , $2.00. $2.00;3 Sales of Electr ical Code Books, , a t 15 ceiiLs, 45 cents . Tota l , ,$734.45.

Vitale - Bosco Mr. and Mr.<. An thony J . Bo.sco of

72G Evergi-eon Avenue , Mount Car -mel, announce t h e ' engagemenL.of the i r daughte r . Rose Maria , to J o ­seph Vitale, son of Mr. Giacobbe Vitale of 29 Boston Avenue.

Miss Bosco w a s g r a d u a t e d from Albe r tus Magnus College In 1951 and is a member of tho l l a m d e n High School facul ty.

Mr. Vitale a t t ended Milford P r e ­p a r a t o r y School and was g r a d u ­ated from Boston Univers i ty . l i e served t\vo yea r s with t he N a v y .

KaezynslU - Panico

Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Panico of 104 Forbes Place, E a s t Haven , an­nounce the e n g a g e m e n t of thei r daughte r , Mario Anne, to W a l t e r S Kaczynski Wal le r

of Mr. and Mr.s. • Kaczynski of Pen t P.oad.

en ing wilt be .np the c iub. Persoi is" liavrrig aftlcleB for t h e auc t ion may .ca l l H O 7-4378 ifor p ickups o r m a y leave t h e m in the g a r a g e of J a m e s Bishop a t 84 Cosoy Beach Avenue.

Our Lady of F a t l m a Circle will mee t T h u r s d a y , April 17 a t the home of Mrs . Edward D u g a n , Hob-son S t ree t . All young m o t h e r s of the par ish a r e invited to a t t end .

A p a r t y in honor of Mar i a Cic-nrelll of 64 P a l m e t t o Tra i l , w h o celebra ted he r lOtli l i i r thday was given S a t u r d a y af ternoon. Among the guests a t t end ing w o r e : M a r y Doninn, Virginia Copeland, S a n d r a Kucenskl , Veronica Ellis, Marlon Hayes , J u n e Gohsler, Bonnie Kmctzo , Ann Sprocke l t , A n n Clc-•iirolla, L'ouis Moran, George Gar-rity, Donny Cnrnevule , J o h n Ku­censkl, R icha rd Tori 'acc, F r a n k B e l i u c c i , ' C a r m e n Bollucci, Boljby Moran and I ' e l e r Mitchel l .

Mr . and Mrs . Stanley J. Kucensk l of 7 Hobson Avenue, a n n o u n c e the bir th of a d a u g h t e r , Heidi Candace Alice, on April 2 in Grace Hospi ta l . Mrs : Kucenskl is tlie fo rmer Ger­t rude Pngels .

Mr. and Mrs- Charles F . Billings, of 50 C a r m e l St ree t , for rner ly of George S t ree t , announce the en­g a g e m e n t of the i r d a u g h t e r , Gloria June , t o Mr . A r t h u r L . Leslie, Jr . , son of Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r L . Les­lie of Sydney Street ,

Miss Bil l ings Is a g r a d u a t e of Larson College, class of 1949.

A Fa l l wedding is p lanned. Clifford D o w n e r of Dewey Ave­

nue left Monday for Greenland , where lie will ac t in tlie capaci ty of an eng inee r for the gove rnmen t . He will be s ta t ioned t h e r e for eight mon ths .

Mrs . Joseph DuPau l of Brook-field, Mass., Is visit ing h e r daugh­ter , Mrs . T l iomas Hayes of Cath­er ine S t r e e t for the week .

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s a r e in o rde r to Mrs, E d w a r d Corbot t "of Ilobson St ree t , who will c e l eb ra t e a bi r th­day Monday-

I t was wi th deep r e g r e t t ha t w e . l ea rned of Ihe death of A r t h u r t lunge of E a s t Pear l S t r e e t . , Mr. Hunge was a resident of Momau­guin for many" years . l i e is sur ­vived by his wife, G e r t r u d e R a n g e , and two daugh te r s , M rs . Henry Taf t and Mrs . Joseph W h e e l e r . T h e funeral w a s held Wednesday morn­ing ftoni Slsk B r o t h e r s ' F u n e r a l i iomo.

T h e Bran fo rd M a n o r D r u m Corps Commi t t ee will omit t h e i r weekly card p a r t y t omor row n i g h l in the firehouse. because of Good ' Fr iday , t h e r e will be an a f t e rnoon card p a r t y on Tuesday , April 22. Re­f reshments win be served and table prizes awarded . T h e public Is in­v i t ed ' l o a t t e n d .

.SL Clair ' s Ladles ' Guild will hold '.litTr m o n t h i y m e e t i n g Monday evening a t 8:30 in t h e c h u r c h liall. Mrs . E u g e n e Daniels will preside at t h e bus iness session. Hostesses for the even ing Avlll be M r s . Charles Copoland, Mies Alice C la rk nnd Mrs. Nelson Berdlck-

ice-s ta t ion.

Union School PTA To Hold Election, And Parly Tonight

Place Stone At Church Addition

Approslmnloly 200 persons nt-toiidod tho special ceremonies of Iho laying of tho corners tone tor Iho new educal lonnl building and parish house of t he Old Stone Church S u n d a y morning.

Dr. S tan ley U. Nor th , genernl secre tary of the Board of. Homo Missions, Congregntlontil and Chris t ian Churches in Americn, WB.'S Iho prhiclpnl speiiftcr. ,The Invoca­t i o n . w a s given by the nnstor, the Rev. J a m e s E . 'Wnery, w h o nlso ronil n sc r ip tu re lesson. 'The corner­s tone was ca r r i ed into placi/*by tho past niid p resen t cha i rmen of the board of i r i is tees , InciudinB Diivid Richards , El lswor th Cowlcs, Herb­e r t Korn a n d Eilwtti'd Lecpor,

Stntcment.5 were rend nnd placed In tho corners tone by F i r s t Soloct-ninii F r a n k A, B a r k e r ; Amos HcwHti prosldont of the Now Haven Council of Clutrchcs; Dr, N o r t h nnd .Tohn Allen, oha l rmon of t he cxecu-tlvoi commi t t ee for tite ctuirch'.s building p r o g r a m .

llecord.s nnd I tems placed In tho s tone Included ii P i lgr im Lesson Lcoflot by Fores t DQ,ton, super in­tendent of t h e Sunday .Schoo l ; t h e original c a r d s signed by persons rcpresonlhiB: cliurcli orgnnlzntlons n l the g round b reak ing ceremony by Cal l Gtti'vln, chnl rmnn of the s tanding comml t l ee i one linge eacli from the m e n ' s v o l u n t a r y work book schedule nnd calendar , hy Rober t DcoUor, c h a i r m a n of tho bulldinE p r o g r a m conini l l lce ; the regis t ry of con t r ibu tors by John Alien, chn l rmnn of Ihe execut ive conimlUee ,o£ t he bui lding expan­sion p ' ' " ! ! ' ' ' " " ! " Bible, by the Wal l ing tord , Wpdncsdny, , . „ . - , . , .

T h e t i h t ; baseball g a m e oC t l i e | ! V « l < ' ^ : n « ^ : ; . ^ • • ^ « » ; • r i , ^ ^ " ' Season Is be ing played th i s nf ter-

ro lno i s lono Inylnfe sorvlcc, ' I he plaolng o f - t h e s tone w a s

done hy t he Wpl l l t cd i U n r d d follows Apill n t h , Mllfoid.Uji^^,, , „ „ j jl ,„ contVftCtors, W o l t e r

, Apit l 17, S o n i o u i , l iomo, n,,,, A , I I , I „ K e H y p t W e s t Haven . ' ' ' ' • ' ' " " ' , iny ,„ond C Smlll t , ghn l rman o t

bis son, he is surv ived by | T h e reguiur ly scheduled moot ing , , , ; iU:s. . .Cl. if i issy;; .0!l-Ifif^yis,ynloii ,Sehool,J>TA will , be

5^iisf(riw*»,"T«p'<^t''i'o'wer,' Mi\s.''"i. Mr]'hL,iift;,*i,i'(ji7i;,iig;''".;"'* ' ' " ' "''' D. K. Luding ton , , a l l

Education Association Will Meet O n Monday

'Phe r egu la r moot ing of t h e t-Iast Haven Educat ion Association will be held on Monday a f te rnoon nt 3:30 In Highland School. A social l iour will p recede the business mee t ing , beginning o t 3:00 Ho.st-osses will he t e ache r s of Highland School.

All t eachers and friends of edu cat ion a r e Invited to a t t end moe t ing .


Correction In t he issue of March- 27 It

was e r roneous ly repor ted tha t Jame.s MacKenzlo of 222 Fo r ry .Street, Now H a v e n wo.s a r ra igned in T o w n Court on a cha rge of oper­a t i n g under t h e influence. Mr. MacKenzlo was charged wi th viola­t ing t he rules of t he road and the case w a s discharged.

Cook a h d . M r of E n s t ' I I n v o n , and Mr.s. J.. K Fl tzpa t r lck of Auburn , M a i n e ; two sisters, Mrs . Edi th Atwood, of Ply-nioiiih and Mrs. George W . Gnynor of Salsbury, Canudu; a n d , two bro lhers , J a m e s Hotchk iss of W a t e r t o w n , and Edward Hotchk iss of ' I 'homnston; fivp g randch i ld ren and ,two g r o a t , g rnndchl ld ren .

The funeral was held yes t e rday af ternoon a t 2:30 from tho Comer-lln ond Roes Funera l H o m e , 49,3 Whi lney Avenue . The Rev. Virgil Wolfenhorge, pastor of Foxon Congrogat ionul Church officiated. Burial was in Barp Plain Comele ry , Nor th Branford . •

Easter Sunrise Service . The. annua l Kus te r Slinriso .Ser­

vice a t F o r t W o o s t e r I'arlc on Iteji-coii Hill in tlie Annex will ho hold E a s t e r Sumlity iVIoriiIng as t he first r a y s ot tho siiii rise over Sulton-stlill Kiilge a t E a s t Haven ' s oust-, i^rly boundary . . .Th i s yea r the sor-vice will he conduotod l>y the Vouth Groups of St, A n d r e w ' s and Tarlc ."Methodist . C h u r c h e s led liy .Mr, K c r m i l Morrison, uSHisting ininis-tor of tho E a s t Shore clitirchos, who will give tho addri 'ss.

O r g a n music will he provided hy iSllss Dorothy Watson , Those par­t ic ipa t ing in t h o progrnm will in­clude .IMIss ..lacttio ' .MacOoiJgall, Miss ,Iudy Floyd, Thoodoro Graver and -,IoIili -Carr . Tlnr .ooinhhied Votjtii ( . roups will h'lul s inging of the hymns .

Public Health Nursing The r e g u l a r iiianiliry moot ing of

tho Public Heal th Nur.slng Associa­tion of E a s t Haven was held on Monday evening In tho town hall . President Alber t R. Davison con­ducted the moel lng.

Mrs. Ol iver Johns ton , senior nurse and Mrs. Will iam G. Graves , director, will bo doiegolos to a meet ing on rehabi l i ta t ion of tuber ­culosis pa t i en t s a t U n c n s - o n -Thanies .Sanitoriuni on April 25, Mrs. .Johnston and Mr.s. G r a v e s also a t tended a meet ing conce rn ing tuberculosis works In N e w Ilavon on "fiuviday. ' •

Tho association will coopera te with i' 'lrst Se lec tman F r a n k A. B a r k e r in providing t[ie services of one of t h e staff nurses a l t he Sat ­u rday Egg H u n t on the Green .

Board momhors a l l e n d i n g this meet ing v/oro. Albert R. Davl.son, F reder ick V. Klein, Mrs . Marshal l Beebe, Mi.ss Zlta Mat thews , Mrs. William O. Graves, Mrs . H e n r y S. Crosby. Mrs . F rank McKoon . 'Mrs . Er ic Dohnii and Mrs. Oliver Johns­ton, senior n u r s e

Tenchor.s' wi l l lie in the i r r o o m s u t 7:30 lo m e e t - t h o ' p a r e n t s . j

.Mrs. Orin P o r k e r , ciinlrninn of the Noriiimitihg' ' Cominl t toe • tp-go the r Willi, Miss Els ie P a r k e r and Mrs. F r a n k Long, will b r ing In t he s la le of officers to be voted upon;

Aclion is lb be t a k e n .i'ointive to tile revised By-Laws ' which w e r e road In full and discussed nt tho F e b r u a r y iiioGllng. ;

After the, business meet ing n so­cial event is being planned, the high light of which will lie a "Cootie Pa r ly . "

Mothe r s of tho first g rade cliild-ron, of wlilcli Mrs , Pau l ine J o h n s Is t he ins t ruc tor , w i i r 1)0 hoslossoK for the evening. Mrs . Alber t i l a y -den will be Hospilal l ty Cha i rman .

Mr.s. I l . S h o p a r d John.son, J r . , will be Room Mother l o r this mee t ing , assisted by the following hoslosses: Mrs , 'Richuj 'd F n w c e t t , Mrs, Arvid F r e e b e r g , .Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mrs , A r t h u r Smith , Mrs , Rolierl T h o m a s ,

Egg Hunt Saturday All clilhlron in town 10 yeiirs of

age and under u r e wai l ing eager ly for t he Knstor Kgg H u n t , w h i c h will bo hold on t h e ICast Hiivon Green Sa tu rday , Apri l \i a t li):90. In tho Invent of r a in t he l iun l will ho hold Hinidny a t 1!:SII, Pr izes will bo awarded .

,Tolin Craig, c h a i r m a n of t he ooinmlttfio for t h e H a r r y It, I Ja r t -iolL Pos t No, 81), Aniorlcan Legion annonncod t h a t 'JMrs. ]' 'ratik A. I larkor , wife of t h o first sc lootman will roll oiit t h e f irst egg. T h e r e wil l .ho a nurse III a t le in lanco .

Assist ing Oralg a r o E r n e s t Pe in -(!rtoii, Aiillion.v Curnso, I tohor t (iandoss.v, Antlloi).v Proto , Iton Conlov. Ilorliian Aildcrsotl. Er t ios t (JiiKligiioai IIIKI ."Vlary Alice Cnni-firon.

llio Board of,' Dchcons, nnd Mrs , R o b i i t I t n r l m u n , pres ident of Iho Woman ' s CouncU, . t i long-wl lh pe r ­sons niont loncd ilboVc, opplled some moi la i t o . l l i o s t on l ' .w l t h n sl iver tiflwcl, W)lloh wild presented to Rov. Mr. Wiieryi

Fo l lowing the curonionles t l ie group re t i r ed t o ' t h e chu rch snnc- , tuary for n hois' communion ser­vice and benedict ion.

Ground foi' thtl now bui lding was broken on Scptonibor 16, 1951, nnd workmen coniplcled e x t e r i o r work several weeks ago. Men, oi: t he church a r e cu r r en t l y engaged In flnlshinj/ t he Inter ior of t he build­ing,

Tlie now parish house was bui l t nt n cost o t $125,000, Approxi­mate ly 100 men a r e sni/Ing the church $25,000 by doing t he lijterlor worlt theinselves. I t Is hoped t h a t the building <Vlirbe r eady for u.so by Fal l .

(Lucas Studio) TOM K'ris in .Miss . ' l a rgorc t l .owo's ohrrical practice class of thr- hii;li school wore given an ii i tro ductory cou r se in -Monroe I ty thm-add recent ly , 'i'lio g i r l s io ldog llio trainiiit; wore Helen Colloy, Pa t r ic ia Pr i s lcy , ,foaii Pioniliiiin, Itolorcs X'orgali, (icnoviovo Pannonc , Mary Toiiias-so, I larhura I tukor nnd Shir ley Wassmor,

the co rne r s lone ceremony bullet in,

noon t iway from home w h e n l l i o | t ' y C!''<'11<'" Opuld, o ludrmun ot the

lea i iMncots Wi lbu r Cross Tho schedule foi t he Season will

IK ns follows home Wnll lngfoid , i iwny, ApiII 2'), B o o i d ninn I ' l a d e , homo , Mny 1, Wl lbu i Apill 2 t SI M a i y ' j a w a y , Apill 21 Ci-oBii,.-uwa>,^,Iijjiy, 0,_J3iai i tD»d, a w a y , Mny 8, Dolby, h o m o , Mny 12, S i Mniy ' s , homo. May 10, Mil fold, a w a y Mny 20 Shel ton n w u y . May 22, Wall ingford, h o m e ; Mny 2B; Boa rdn i an Trade , a w a y ; - M a y 29, Seymour , - away ; J u n o 3, B r a n ­ford, homo; J u n e C, Shel ton, homo.

Tdn girls In Miss M a r g a r e t Lowe ' s clerloni practice class w e r e given a n . In t roduc tory course In Monroe Rhytl im-add. Th i s Is nn effortless system on electr ic add ing machines . T h e course began o n March 17 and ended March 31 .

T h e gir ls t ak ing t he t r a i n i n g wore Helen Collcy, Pa t r i c i a Pr is ley , Joan Plonibinu, Dolores Vorgciti, Gonovievo 'Pnnnone , A l b e r t a P n l -uniiio, M a r y Tuniasso, B a r b a r a Bukor, Helen Abner and Shi r ley Wnssmer . , Mlss-Shlrley Moore, t h e Ins t ruc tor , s tressed speed, ouse of opera t ion nnd nccurncy,

J o a n Plonibino, with 05 checks per m i n u t e , had the highest score . Helen Colloy was second with a score of 63, Helen Abne r and Al­be r t a P a l u m b o Increased the i r speed 172 por cent du r ing tho ton day t r a in ing , period. T h e class averaged an Increase of 96 per cent ,

Al the close of llie course , tho girls prosentod ns n token of a p p r e ­ciat ion, a pair of whi te gloves lo Miss Moore,

On A p r i l J t b . 0 1 the April Show­ers ddnce hold In the E a s t H a v e n High School gymnas ium, MI.SS J o n n R o b m a n n was chosen Mls.s E a s t H a ­ven n i g h School. T h e Judges w e r e Al Anas tas lo of ' T o w n o Motors^ Day ton Weil ot Dayton 's , and Michael Cuomo of Wolfe 's B a k e r y . Miss Rebninnn was chosen from ten cand ida tes chosen by t h e s t u ­dent body. T h e dance was spon­sored by tho S tuden t Council wi th Virginia T a m i n a r o and Ronald I-ccza us co-chairmen.

't'lie T h e m e of the Comet ' s th i rd A n n u a l Fashion Show will bo " T h e S to ry of Cinderoiitt," T h e show will ho presented In t he high school aui l i tor iuni on April 17th. T h e gowns wlilch will be modeled will 1)0 from Haro ld ' s

Tile mis t ress of ceremonies will 1)0 Kllon Lar.sen and t h e following s tuden t s will model : P o t Prisley, Linden P r a n n , Billy DU^alma, B a r ­bara Chotiuotto, Arlcnc Iloyt, J u d y Johnson , J u d y Applcgate, Evelyn Difl.uoiu, Mario J 'almleri , Mary Lou I3r()(:kolt, Beverly Murphy, Dcnise Howe, J u d y Cros.s. Sand ra Yorks, Doris CotUiol), Guyle Knight and Gladys Gedney.

'I'lie boys modeling will bo Leo 'J 'ancreli , Bobby Lofquist,^ Billy Mc-Guigan, Buddy Hedmofi, Dickie Maher , Dick Burns , Glenn Iluftor, ( joorge McGulgan, F r a n k Bre re ton , Art Ilo.senijuist, Bob Lindormon, i:)avo Ryan , v inn le Gugliacdl and Ralph Flengo.

O n e of tho school bands wl',I p r o ­vide t he music and L o u r a l n d ' W h l t -ney will play tho piano. B r u c e Corglll wi f fbe the vocallnl.

Paid Albano Accepts Bid To Coach Legion Baseball League Team

II was announced this week t h a t Paul Albano o t 10 Main S t rce tHias accepted a n offer to se rve ns coach of the East% Havpn Amer ican Legion l'o!it 89 team In the New Haven Dis t r ic t Legion League , A former h igh school bnscbnil nnd bnskctball s ta r , Albnno played p r o ­fessional b a l l ' i n K a n s a s two y e a r s ago before siiUferlng a leg Injury. Fo r t he pas t two s u m m e r s he h a s played wi th the Homden Pln ins-men In t he New Haven Basebal l League.

An Inflelder I h E n s t i H a v e n High School, Albnno Has also played In the outfield with t he H a m d e n t e a m . His appo in tmen t ,td head t he Pos t 89 J u n i o r baseball t eam is expected to enhance tho 'C lub ' s chances t o Supplant Hanidon 's P o s t 150 ns champions of t he a r e a league. E a s t Haven w a s tho only league m e m ­ber to defea t l l a m d e n last yea r , having .sjillt two games wi th Pos t 150.

, Alber ta Pali inibo, llolon Abner , Miss Shir ley .Moore was tin: ias l ructor .

to I »Ut



Christ Church Guild Plans Rummage Sale

T h e J u n i o r Guild o t Clirlst Cliurcli, wdll sponsor a r u m m a g e sole In t h e church hall on T h u r s - , day, April 17 from 9 to 11:30 A. M.

Mrs. Rudolpll Schmeiser , cha i r ­man, will be assisted by M rs . Char les B o r r m n n n , Mrs , K e n n e t h Yorks, Mrs . Albci ' tus F lgc , M rs . John C a m p , and Mrs . Newel l A u ­gur. Ar t ic les (or t he sa le will b e picked up by con tac t ing ony ot t h e conini i t tee members .

P l a n s a r e ; bolng fo rmula t ed t o r ano the r s p a g h e t t i a n d m o a t ba l l supper lo be held some t ime In M a ^ under t h e c h a i r m a n s h i p of M r s . Pe t e r L u c a s . T h e Gui ld sponsored a successful s u p p e r o t th i s type l a s t m o n t h .

Tho g r o u p olso Is p l a n n i n g to ho ld a ' d e s s e r t cord' p n r l y on May 21

Music nnd flowers will comple t e I wi th Mrs . H a r r y K u r t z a s c b a l r -tho p r o g r a m , I mon. ^

