Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch...

ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply - prepare the necessary document(s) described below "Documents you need to submit" - confirm the applicatioh procedure stipulated by JICA office, and - submit the original application form with the necessary document(s)to JICA office' irle.'ess also referto "2-i3) ilr:rr'ract lnfi:rmaticli" illl clir Fi:nal\Vebsite belcw j-!ri* F,<.:rlal *lri*b:rite fiii,*s':rctt tire infornraiilir siiiit as clue ejate o{submi*slon or particular u.uaiif tcai:icll i eii'Jll.ld {i'r' eauit country' * ti ttSr :lled ucatx s n -j apa n " o nglaf ri cali r"l dex. htrn I Documents You need to submit Mas r,S and usl S uc n Ini tiv 1-(1), Application Form (Excel File) ANNEX 1. Current and Previous Work experience ANNEX 2. Career Plan after graduatton m Afr th (ABE Please Jtt l suomlt In ) t r:.- tnls Of0ef , \-- z" ANNEX 3. Research Plan 1 -(2), Recommendation Letter There is no forms for other documents to submit. Please prepare by yourself - University Diploma (Ceftificate) - Academic TranscriPt - Copy of PassPort (lD) - 6 piece of color photos (3x4cm) *other than the photo attached on Application Form - Doctor's Letter (only for those applicable) Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm 1. Handwritten form is not acceptable 2. fill in the form in English 3. lt is a MUST to fillJ the yELLow columns (Please write "N/A" if not applicable) 4. Wrtte years in western calendar 5. Write proper nouns in full wrthout abbreviation 6. Sign all paqes on the bottom of right-hand corne after printinsl 'T. Check your application form using the check list at the bottom of this application form pers;onal Information Protection Policy is declared in General Information. *Any costs incurred during the selection procedures including travel expenses, documents preparation (photos, offlcial notification etc.) and any other personal expenses will NOT BE bOVEnf O by JICfuJICE but should be covered by an applicant.

Transcript of Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch...

Page 1: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batclt

2--(1) Instructions

5th Batch

lmPortant Notice

- refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

- prepare the necessary document(s) described below "Documents you need to submit"

- confirm the applicatioh procedure stipulated by JICA office, and

- submit the original application form with the necessary document(s)to JICA office'

irle.'ess also referto "2-i3) ilr:rr'ract lnfi:rmaticli" illl clir Fi:nal\Vebsite belcw

j-!ri* F,<.:rlal *lri*b:rite fiii,*s':rctt tire infornraiilir siiiit as clue ejate o{submi*slon or particular

u.uaiif tcai:icll i eii'Jll.ld {i'r' eauit country'

* ti ttSr :lled ucatx s n -j apa n " o nglaf ri cali r"l dex. htrn I

Documents You need to submit

Mas r,S andusl S uc n Ini tiv

1-(1), Application Form (Excel File)

ANNEX 1. Current and Previous Work experience

ANNEX 2. Career Plan after graduatton

m Afrth (ABE

PleaseJttl suomlt In)

tr:.- tnls Of0ef ,\-- z"

ANNEX 3. Research Plan

1 -(2), Recommendation Letter

There is no forms for other documents to submit. Please prepare by yourself

- University Diploma (Ceftificate)- Academic TranscriPt- Copy of PassPort (lD)- 6 piece of color photos (3x4cm) *other than the photo attached on Application Form

- Doctor's Letter (only for those applicable)

Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm1. Handwritten form is not acceptable

2. fill in the form in English3. lt is a MUST to fillJ the yELLow columns (Please write "N/A" if not applicable)

4. Wrtte years in western calendar5. Write proper nouns in full wrthout abbreviation

6. Sign all paqes on the bottom of right-hand corne after printinsl'T. Check your application form using the check list at the bottom of this application form

pers;onal Information Protection Policy is declared in General Information.

*Any costs incurred during the selection procedures including travel expenses, documents

preparation (photos, offlcial notification etc.) and any other personal expenses will NOT BE

bOVEnf O by JICfuJICE but should be covered by an applicant.

Page 2: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batcn

2-(1") InstrucLiurrs

7, Personal I

C0NFli)f:l'il 'AL.

r', il i i,tr lrtt lri't .i lh Be l cl r ;iot:lica lio n Forr-'i

l\4.lstor's Degree arrd Inte,nship Progrlnr of ihe Africnr, [Jusitress Education Ini(iative ior Youth

(ABE Initiativ€) 5ih Bi)ichAPP| ICATION FORI'4

Inrtruct.icrr1 lirrrilrritlr:rr fe(I: irt i:fi1 Jrtcillrtnlilc2 i:ilj;r: iirt lorttt ii Er:9lir,ir

3 tri:;rl,.lijslaolillnllllr(i'F*tl.Ov\rcltrrrrrl*iirlg,rrerqrilt'll;'A'iIn0lrFl)iiIi,t)!*l4 \jvtil(,9r:tr:, in !/tsl(1,! carl(irtlillli l#riiI i)f ilr-1.:r'rcl$. rr lU l1'.'.'ilhili ll rlli!l'iriiir'!.'rl6

-9!-g.4-if.l-.II].'1q.,c...I cr il:t bJllf,l:: i-it r:'--:iri IInr! l (rrirc' :ritv: ;:tii:i;t'tt

:: :. ilr-!r\.{ri)' irlli,lir:lli;il j(:r: !i.. r',1 i.'P :jl,:':1.. iiSi r,: ::r+ l,Jlil,r':1.1 ll r', ,ili) i-r!lcll i(rjir

! P0rsotliil Inlo(r)illon

tsqrl,Ng---- .-- -:: ---*Leave empty

Attach your photowhich taken within 6months.Beside this, please

bring 6 more photos.Black/Whit'e photo is

not acceptable.

Please write all thenames written in

passport/lD as

explained below.Do not abbreviateany name.

Do not forget to sign

on all pages (only

handwrittensignature is accepted)

I : rll,

!,lir:tlL'r j D,tilirc ai)d lrr;i!il\l:rJi ifu!jtirr:l ui llltiAftjt;rll ilugillds$ [:L,Llc;liiLlil

Iriil':rlu, irir Yrrrllt (i.EF. tr'l:altvel

| 2 l,lrif)b.r (Nol Dse{i lo llil In .llCA wll infurttr a[',cr stle(;li0t, Prr,{;edulE:;i


Fa1 il,; ldir,.* jtl:rai:ir:r Ei $ryer:

r''(l \I(i, l;11r,::r 'l

ilf ar:yi

S [o I r,'[-'i i) !, L l: ac

(:rlcr Pfrrtc[4cmx3(aU

iask !.i I ir:oitlatJn rrll En

f riraqth.'


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1,1!i:anr{!rl Ibralrirrt l Savcd Iloi.l lionnhip P r oirtl

Ptc;vn[c &

(;oLlniry llat{oi I

Tfi |

(r;171i1?lil3l?.99 Enir

Ij-i {) F lf vou have a passport.

please refer to the bottom part of passport (photo paeel




Page 3: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative Stn Batch

2-(1) Instructions

2, Declarstion of desired university placement

i'l3tnD c: n Alinicd bfaf'lnr El'SaYacl

iloNi:i06Nl-ii l^

A3L: inilii)irve 5th flalch AoFlicsilon rorFr

2, Dcclaration of desilcd urliversity Pltcemenl

ljl:li.]Fl-ll,..}nis:1lii.;.|lj!r.:d:os[].:cL|\'1|jris.:c,i)!:!ji:::ij:|.|i|ih.]|'t)rDta.::1aa'^ i. ''1li:'.il :-: : i':_':::ri.r:i t'_- p:il ;r:'1i::-t:!::

'lii'i'\il)i: lrlilislj\'(:'/!*lll1e'

l:l1Jl,i!*,':.,' edijc;l:L:11 ;11-';11 r:r9'zfrlculstafall'l

2) Pii,Rse 9€iecl ihe ilem

:i:lt5fLra:,J,iiiJ i)/ lhs r,rlr! les i'i il.5!. 5ei:.1!lil '-,niJ

l!.s Inird.Cnoice e| 1ha :i.d sel!.iiq,: Jic/. nlich( choosr- |[e

ar;i.:. Jir[/Op] !-le LrIll(:13l:ra: t, !ori i)a J.;; 9ranl.jl{ lhB oijjhorilf 1. a!:$Dse '!lrc'

irnrvetsii)r fol f'u?

f '''-",\l

l(grern :.chi:rlrtir:s 6nil a<jirrrr'sian {-iif,drlri's +1 :liS{lli':ilfsll/t,. casa t;.;rL :,'cii cE,-:cc: arlrRa) ahctr :lrle tatlle iils lo\q{ftasors :t:ch a: ilrirnle<1 ieave dlrr?licl) ill'#trkrnS 0lrl(e

oJi;ase, rliE rlttr 5'na1 ag;rlli:io;r

.liirt /LltI f:i:lI'clFEle ir) lililiril:r) !!l:ll a$()!i a ilal! Y€ars)t

Al'':rre(l ihiiil:iri [:l $:r!

Select the CourseCode

r-i Copy the name of I

I supervisor you chose I

**lf you chose thesupervisor NQT

listed, yourapplication will be


-Click here and Youwill see the ResearchField List below.

-Choose ONEresearch fieldcorrespond most toyour interest.

-Put 4-digit number in

Item Number Columnon Application Form

fi$.ns il Sel*tier rF:jsr..rtn'rJ {,ir3drte S.::tai

f' -.9,r r, .tr'.i I t J'P Sr*r..'Sl t! Cxe,Ce

I I jtir,: .J,f::c{i ! :i :'t .r:iil:. I:':rt':i:.: f".*rr'u,,, \'i !.:l;ra) iI.. _-t

:r: -;liN.,itli!, ilr : i,x!!: !

i1s1ts11... x.1l illi:r :lirlr':::^,1,iif::^?

i:l,r:',re' il|,1!fll ll trl lpf,n!iif .!l,), a.!ii::r1n:! :.1tr: i.. \i: i:iC : r*rrl i l'13t1ai i{

from ABE lnitiativePortalWebsite andpaste

"Research Field "sheet

Page 4: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

How to Find the Best tJniversity/Graduote School ond Supervisor lor You

1, Visit our Portal Website URL: I1ro.2, Click "Detailed University Information" on riEht column3, Search universilties which offer research in your field

( r)\ilrt:i. iirr tliL: ll'r1 liiltcii 5ttirlctits

in each university Po9€, and pick 3 universities

You can search all courses here

4, Read wellthe information appealedyou are most interested.

l.Coulse cotle

z,Maximurr number of participants

3.Fields ofStudy

4,Program and Degree

5. Standard time table

(Yeals needed for graduation)

6, Language ofProgranl

7. Desilahle English level and NecessaryAcademic backglound8. Pliol lnquiry From Applicants (BeforeSubmission of Application Documents)

9. Website

ro, Professors and Associated Plofessors

:-t. Featules of Graduate School

12, Iieatules and Curriculum of h'ograrn

r3, Intemship h'ograrn

r4. Academic Scne,ayte

. ' ls it match withyour need?


i r-'- _l

ls the degree whatyou would like to

obtain? :

1:'r 'i

lf there aremany

universities youare interested,compare them

. well )


Do they offer theprogram you wlsh to

study?, ,/-.-

5. Standard Time TableConfirm their length of the courses. Make sure you

can attend whole Period.

*Standard time table is ONLY for the Master Course.

lf you are accepted as a research student, you need to

spend 6 months prior to the enrollment to the Master

Course.Post-graduation lnbrnship can be arranged ONLY lF

Japanese company offers you the opportunity.Maximum period of Post-graduation Internship is 6

months stading frorn your graduation.(Summer Internship opportunity is MANDATORY and

will be arranged by matching between your

availability and offers from companies.)

7. Desirable English level and NecessaryAcademic backgroundDo you meet their requirements?

10. Professors and Associated ProfessorsPick ONE supervisorfrom professors listed foreach universities.,Read hls/her papers if possible.*Basically, the professors listed in this website are

designated professors who are in charge of ABElnitiative.

lmportant Points to Check


Vou can search followingsubJect

i1) *rf study

{2}Key worel

{3jProfesscr narne4)Research subiect

Page 5: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

5. Cheek ,,9. Prior lnquiry Frorn Applicant$" *olumn of universities you selected'

Cliek here t$ e0nta*t,

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1-) Instructions

Prisr lnquirY


Write theprcfesscr narnerrut'*c* yetl have

e l'essen

C!ick "r:ext" to flnish the in uiry forn'1,

,,ycu r*ust,, means that you MUST coNTAcr the professors before the deadline or they

will be disqualified by 3'o selection (document screening in Japanese university)'

,,y*u are recommended to" means your prior contact is ideal.uoYor.! can" means your prior contact is not mandatory',,s,&ot al{owed,, mejns you are NoT ALLoWED to contact professors. No Inquiry button is

iri'';1;a-16*r;;Urlw:r{'r:iild! '

L':t t''iJ<t!r?KFa:t ! !*Gt:du?"*x_-r;g;:E


5uPtrl Vl)ul l1.l yL/Lr. iI


Page 6: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

3, Educational Bockg rou,nd

Put year/month ofyour entrance andgraduation of eachschool.It will beautomaticallycalculated.

1 year 5 monthsrecognize as '1 year.

1 year 6 monthsrecognize as 2 years

For HigherEducation,graduationyear/month have tobe matched with thedate whichdescribed in yourCertificate.

Please write down thename of degrees you

obtained and which isdescribed in yourCertificate.

Please refer to theinstructton on upperpart of this page onApplication Form,lf you apply to No.4, 5

or 6, you have toexplain the reason in

Remarks Column.

Page 7: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

LnrirehFt !ir1tt:iay

rllqDtl$ Cn od

9c4nkilq (f.'iil

ii(i{lrrS; i.i

!: ,ra c il ri t;

acr !i1'::e1.,

iil n [y]'a;l:ti ::i::li

il:I,'s 6 ai

Ll,)t:rff Lrtgu,l | ,,,,-.| | tt.trif: ' lffr!';ai I

ltl,tt l.irAaiLrtll,. I i,n,(!i ah\-l I

itroiirr!ri-! o: tlre tthfr lilt!]!lUB l:icc;lrri

C0f.lFlDENTlALALiE init:ati,i€ 5th ilalch Appjjcation Fornl

iirf ctl,:ri !:cllorjci il!el)cy sk'Jl9 arrii lqf'!c-tL)'lroilcc.j:3c!rllrnrls d'llrLcs'$ nlosculatierls tDlti!lrits;t(aic9lc6 to 4exi lt'i1il '-a!ious txsst bysd r!lcludlli$

.'trrriltlrrj. ttili!al ilic!1 aail5c_e!i?il'1'rrWrlclil'ltj!D*i;its

dri-,,i( irir':1.::'>li:clii: ir!curi!iY l. 'iJttq) lll ;i $ll3 l'ni'l 'r'

StiJir::!r! .Jig{:Q:$!cnt 1l:ori fil cScr\ta[0u$ '];rier!i4..!t llarlFr-,tlri ion)llctsrnlerce5 txlcl\ile<l

C9.)!'f itrt ir,:i(!)n

!:i'r 6roadcr iaF{:tiii{ucililaltlciolcdt')*xllc5!llllcitrli!lls grtil! ndvitt lllilllirq 5u(,lgtglicns L'!nllciJ

f, {rrriJ$!tlr{ aRl toD)iilt:! s!:1 dct!ctt'l txilltir"'il!.lai'il nCh ! 0 il I iltion

li.:cr :j,Iti?:n CFi.,.Lrtar:ijtl i!!41 :rCah aS.-.eli lrlltalreiitri:li 'if; !1il:)!iJlrl i\ iD;l',ar '.lsrnt ttii' !rcsti!l all'l tnsi!] fiir:!

4) rlA\a \'gcfiered by Jl+A?

l..larnD ai .j\pplicarl Ai'i jrir:C I Df l)hrt rt F l"$;l';:d


Noil:I ol s;holrlshr] Yor.itlr,JD;c0 [xt!r€rlSc o!Qguillrc

I il I:i ti r-r r! Fr{rrt /'1uil i ?ltn': fo ;tc6:;Sci:

Page 8: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

4, Present Orgonizatian and Nomination

Do NOTabbreviate theposition andiororganizationname.

Page 9: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(J-) Instructiutts

5, Work Exqerience

Please refer toCategorize ofOrganization onpage 5(4. PresentOrgantzationand Nomination)


/,,giE Inrtiailve 5th Baiah .qpptrcalLon Forll

i:iO:-irile ina: !tllCaIrliiliOlr t:r \i'lia. ir; ii:rt rt1 iltnil rlii:i! il':':;

5. Wotk ExPDrie nce

i-,.j.i, I i] ri)6ir!i?ncr, i!;iioi'.'ir i! ll le oii::;: il ller ii (rri

:'?:li ae lri1e(i;illall!atlceliy il 4 I l5 ''clre''ii/


IDla; \,!)rrs of ilr!l'l:F]c !ai) e:rp!-a!!l11io

-i+!ai yr:ars at F€.: lil:1t icir ('xperieilc€

,1 \,ears aud i0 lllcrllh-r

4 tcari ill{l -tt] lllofllils

At:ffieiJ lira\rl :l [:-SaYed

'.nJatcr !iSsNLl( cl EfitrtlY tltd t^laia!

liEgrslril Englf!ct

Page 10: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5tn Batch

2-(1) Instrucl.iorts

6, Medical HistorY

coi'liriDcNl lliiz:.ij: :nriul!\,4 Siii Lliliti) Aci:ii:cat:irl I irln

6 lr'ledical l-listorY

ii I Frt\--rii I'ilc<l!ciii alilNs

;ir li.r vciii i:Ulielllli'!rst ollt lll

r, rl ili i1:si:l iaai ila,sa"ij's !:rl'r\1ni sialu:i ci;ollr lllness

ritrJ l:qri:v,:tenl ii) i(: i: lllii f,i!''ilrijIi

b; A.t \.i:tj Preq..uri:?

li'l!r:lrj:1rf iirrr,.irnrrtt I ti ont:,

1 l:1r1':(l':J ilerl':: 'l L'f 'r'iy

l, . t

ill P:.:ii-\rt t:rcircai'; al:,'n j

ens lvitl disiii,'ilil:/ !rct)r llte pro(,rd11" ll"!';'?var uocu ti)* siL!laltou

,.,orr irtlt, be Clfer:il), ifiili!it*ij ft.; the JiCA $iil[iai in chtlue ior ;: ma'!e dtlailel iiiccuril Dl liur aoi:dilior]

Fisl il+(l;.-"ii i lislar','

i' I li:',* 'r ), I i:ld 31. ril:i.?ri 1t s;r ii'iii illll.lss :'

itil ever lra:gll a liari): !r! a mor:la, i:lirli: or iJ?eil lieaif d It il ll\

(;-:: {)il-.:r l,Jt.jjaai Piciliiillril1'!i,-ri :ia!e arr\' fiadlr:iii O-oll:eill3 11"41 aae l:6t ajlucrlii',{l ;ba"( [!:


riI nr]il i: c:1!lilii\.viiit Jtc \.{! itl eiti/ :o'a

AhilBC lirtahrr I r [rl-$a'1ed

l,i.$c g' ilhe$5 atra cDrl{lltoll

ilthfl :r_:i cCr iiicsi:J tr d

lF Yes onquestion a),

attach thedoctor's letter todescribe yourcurrent status,

Page 11: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

2-(J-) Instructlons

7, Declaration

coNl'IDEN I lAl'

ABE Inrttairve 5th Eatch Applicatloll Fornl

7. Opslaratron

i -.,:i s 1a:1,::t::.-.!

"i'r.: rs {r:4jta* !c":r:.l::{'d'r ! 1$'tt

'!r-,{+:ria}6'ir5ir:lstrnii,'|Jr+i:i}.!;.'r'h'ri\ttr'F'9brt::'!"!3:4r:ri':rt\alirlfitsr*tjf"*ts1:fEnsil:l. :i ;:n ..

1! c l:-':il:ai ,4 -{nC!tn':c?o:!:r'l+6ii:}i-ilnitrr: '5r/:r'ltta'-tartrl:tlt}t#I/:'I:r:!:s fi 'lia:ir ntf r:Ae r5''q i :'r4r':'!r!':'l l'lt i:J'tra"l

'I .rtr:tf. 13:rrlijt11'!rl':t't311)l':r:iir'!r::vifltra_!:!1''{!r<lf:t

. !::r:F+ t':.r.":'; r'3-lri{ :nr I Sr: :

;.:-t^.-.:14/i\..'r.:t! r:':.:i!.i!,;.:,-\.r"t't::r:f,nt!''sa'ii:_''::!:5r;'I?'!':::l!":::J:'1

1 :1.n-.. !:J^ ifiir:'':::. -.:..': _. 1-! r' :r:r'ir'::* ;:::'_ 1':l;1r:r_:lrrri :i

.-.: . /!-,lit'-' ; -jr"':: r1-r: : i:'':::'i)i'r::

Iiirr!* 5t licnliraIl 4h:!raal lLr(aihrJ rr l:l'1-']etrd


D4-l E iDay I h{onth j Year!:


The date should beBEFORE the due date ofapplication in your country.

Page 12: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5tn Batch

2-(1-) Instructiotts

Annex X., Current and Previaus Work experi.ence

Annexl, Details of Current and Previous WorK

i:)iea\* rl(:si:rr-r+'1-1,,-lii-.r-i,suillhQiliiis il.t y:llll i.l|-liilltitl-lj l'*:,Lqit-t'iqlK"yttJlt.c "1-tQ-w-o-td--c

e a c lr 1,4 ake -su| * |cr s]!l!,.ILc-'.-tlY, p.4-(Le

> CurrentWork i150 Vtrordsl

As a f,,rialloE,,'eiigin3er in lilirlis:.ri cl Elle':.)i ald \'\raier I a,'ll resaDlr'sibie

> Previous Work il t0 Words]

-{t De!,:*:: \lrarEr ,q:t.ll.ia!: fi;' ttui'' ',1'ee lo --l

Ann,ex 2, Career Pl,an qfter groduotion

Annex2: Career Plan after Graduation

Ali*r cirl'illieii!ltJ rlli'ifI,u.lral o'14 i1;5"11i::,i':i11 I:l l:lr:;irl Ilri)u!'l iii'if ii I

Annex 3, Re-sea'rch 'PIa,n

Ann€x3: Research Plan

(1 ) Title:

xxxxl.xx xxxxx&-xxxx xlxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx.KKx

{2) Research Plan (more than 700 words):

)ii;tlxx:. tlxx x'/;i Ii:xiry.Xl \r.4IXlX;r:IX ).i()i)ir:<-t ):,r)ii: ):v-:1:

,r XXX:!:Ii.. 7.XrXX,v;iXX.'{ ril( f, l: I y). X.r}iXX X,{ r: )': r').):

i:r.x;(.i-\;tIl{<\-x)1:{-t:t ./.)(}ixx r:}.1/.r)(:':h r:l7 XX}iXI.i:


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Page 13: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

2-(l-) Instructlons

;ngfs o&out wg\ar{srn"

"Plagiarisrn" is a serious offense in academic field'Plaqiarism mea words wi


University students including ABE Initiative applicants and fellows arer members of the academic field,

and must avoid the plagiarism in making a research plan and thesis. t3thenryise, you may be

c.!iscluallfierJ fiom the selection, or evefl be clischargecl from the university, once the plagiarism is

forirt<J ;tt your resoafull piait. or academic work in t

Such cases are deemed as plagiarism:r Copying from books or adicles written by anothr Copying from an internet source without attributir Misrepresentation of someone's work as origina

To avoid plagiarisrn, you must cite sources anr Another person's idea, opinion, or theoryr Any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings - any pie

knowledgef Quotation of another person'S actual spoken or written Words, or

I Paraphrase of another person's spoken or written words

When you make your research plan, also pay attention tO "Paraphrase".Paraohrase is a re-expression of another person's ideas in your own words There is accurate and

inaccurate way of ParaPhrasing.

Here are some weosites for more explanation on those matters. Applicants must prepare research

plan carefully to avoid plagiarism.

r What is Plagiarism? What is Citation?What is Plagiarism? (June 2017)

llttp.,/, www. plaglar"isn-:,ot.g/e ttittg,.:soUfCeg,rwr-he!s-6-ciiaiicni

r Plagiarism and how to avoid itINDIANA UNIVERSTTY BOOMINGTON, Writing Tutorial Service, Plagiarism: What it is and how to

recognize and avoid it. (June 2017)

i:-ttp,liwww:ndranapdW:wl,$$-alnplxels& jegrtnn:'shtml

r Paraphrase and examPlesThe Writing Center @ THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADIS;ON, the Writer's Handbook

avoiding plagiarism ( June 2017 )

hltpl4ryr{ing.WsS€d!/ruxdboo k/Q PA-pa raph ra se. htm I

INDIANA UNIVERSITY BOOMINGTON, Writing Tutorial Service, How to Recognize Plagiarlsm

(June 2017)hiiBsl4,wnry.ndiarc€du

Page 14: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

6 piece of Golor Photos (3x4cm)

Only color photos can be accePted.

Black/White photos, blurred photos and photos with sunglasses or hat can NOT be accepted.

Copy of Pass,port(lD)

Passport copy to check nationality, name, sex, and date of birth'

NationallD and birth certificate are acceptable if you do not have Passport'

certified English translation must be attached if lD is not written in English, French, Portuguese or spanish.

U n ive rs ity D i p I om a( G e,rtif i ca.te) / Aca.d er'n iG Tra,nsc ri pl

notarv seal affixed.*The notary seal: To officially notarize the copied document, affixed by authorized public institutions or


Photocopied of OriginalCertificate

is NOT accepted

Photocopied of Original Certificatewith original notary seal

is accePted

Re,com rnendation Letter,/\I lhe copy of Recommendation Letter is NOT accepted. l

i The signature from the presenter is mandatory, \


, tf Vou are recommended bythe organization located inJapan, you can submitthe copytoJlCAoverseas i

office while presenter send the original to ilCA Headquarters in Tokyo'


',ffiha'Ins t i.tut e of''Ib cfino {ngy

-\ii -i,t;?l;.:1r llr: l;iir': ll'\r:lr":'

.l 4

Page 15: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

2-(2) University Information for the Applicants

you !1U€J specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Gourses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies'by

referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site.

http ://www.educatio n^j apan. org/africa/searchi

Flsld of study

raduate SchoolCql6 for Third

BatchNile of University 0raduate School Cou rs6






;tandard T lmo Tab I o

(Ysaro nesdod for:raduat i on)

Prior lnquiry

)oshisha UnivorsitYiraduate school ofioi onco and:ng Ineer I ng

nfornation and computer soienoe/lhternationalicisnoo and Tschnoloty Coursolaster of Soience in Engineerihg

o lnfornat on and

tsiting €6 a fiBs€arch studontp to 6 nonths. then 2 yeors a6

l'last€r' s Studont y€ars as a

a6ter' s studeht aftef pa66ingNot al lored

IB oshisha Universitvraduate School ol

ngrn€3r I nt

:lectrical rnd El€ctronio:ntineerinB/lnternational science and Technology

laster of Soience in EnEiheerint

oileotrioal and

tarrtng as ap to 6 nonths, then 2 Y€ars asl||aster' s Studeht years 3s 3

a6t€r' 6 Stud€nt aft€r pasEingNot al loYed

c oshisha universityraduate School ol

nBtneet In8

ochanical Ensinsering/lnternational Scionoo and

echnoloBy Course/aster of Science ih Eogineering


tartrng as a Hesearch Studen!p to 6 nonths. th€n 2 y€ars aslrlaster' s Student years as a

laster' s Student after paGsingNot al lored

ID oshisha ljniversjtyraduate School ofci once andngrn0€r I ng

ppl ied Chemistry/lntornational Scienoe andechnology Courso/l/astor of Soienc€ inngineerint or llsster of Science

o o ppl ied ChemistrY

itarting as a H€search Studen!rp to 6 months. then 2 Years asr ilast€r' s Studont years 6s a

laster' s Student sft€r passingNot al lo*€d

It roshisha UniversitYIaduate School of

:oglneer Ing

cienoe of Environneht and Llathematicalodel insllnternational science 3nd Technologyourss/fiastor of scionco in Entin6€ring or Masterf Soience

o olodel ins

;tartint as a H€s€8roh Studontrp to 6 months. lhen 2 years asr llastsr' s Stud€nt y€ars a6 a

laster' s Student aftef psssingNot al lotod

2A )oshisha University ;raduate School o{ilobal sludies

iourse of 6lobal Studi€s, -Global Society Studiesiluster -Amer i can Studi es Cluster -Contemporaryrsian Studies 0luster * The "Global Society,tudies Cluster" and the "A,nerican Studies)lustor" enable students to obtain a degree bv

:akinB classes tausht €ntir€ly in EnBl ishlaster 0f Arts in Global Society Studies l,lastef)f Arts in American Studies, l{aster 0f Arts in)ontemporary Asian Studies

o o oliddle-East Africi

years as a llaster' s Studentears as s Ua6t€r' s studont 0R

tarting ac a Res€arch Studentp to 6 honth6,then 2 year6 3sllaster' 6 student Years as a

laster' s student aft€f pas6inghe eram, (Depend on theapacity of ths appl icants)

Not nandatory

3A laseda UnivBrsity

raduate School ofnformationroduction and

nforoat i oh Producti on and Systems Engi neer i h!rogramll|4astor's Dotr€e in Engineering

o o

I y€ar6 as s llaster' s Studeht

'€ar6 as a flaster' E studont oflit€rting as a Research studentrp to 6 nonths,then 2 Year6 asI llast€r' $ Studont yoars as a

laster' 6 Student after passing:ho €xam. (D€pond on th€,apacity of the appl icants)

Not randatory

iyoto lJniversityiraduat€ School ofilobal Enviromental;tudies

.nviromental lla^agement Protram /laster's Degree of 6lobal Enviromental Studios o o o o o

tar!ln8 as a ne6ear0n sru0sntp to 6 nonths. thon 2 years a6

llaster' s Studont years as a

aster' s Student after passinEd€a

(obe lnstitutc ot)iliputing

faduate Sohool olnformation

CT innovator Course, ifaster's Degree ProEram/aster of Science in Information SystemsThis nastor progran pro!id€s studohts a wade

angs of valuable profes6ional skills essentialo carry out successful projects in any fioldithout relyinB on their technical or ICT

o yeafs as s llaster' 6 Student Not msndatory

6A ottori university

raduate School ofustainabi I ity

pecial Prorran for Forsitn Students ins. iculLural Sciences/ l,laster of Agr:cultul o

2 years as a l,last€r' s stud€ntyears as a Llaster' s Student 0B

starting as a Research Studentup to 6 nonths,thon 2 ysars asa llaster' s Student years as a

lfastEr' s stud€nt aft€r pa6singthe exm, (Depend on thecaDacity of tho appl icants)


,rricultural Sciencs)

6B ottori University

craduate School ofSustainabi I ityScience (0epartmentof Dryland Science)

SpDcial Program in Ensl ish/ ilastBr of Asrioulturo

ysars as a ilast€r' s Studentears as a Llaster' s Sludeht 0R

itartint as a Rssoarch Studontrp to 6 month6,then 2 yBars asL l||aster' s Studont y€arc aG a

lastsr' s Student aftor passing:he exam (Dapend on therapaclty of tho appl icants)


7A A in Econmicso years as a ,'last€r' s student Not al lored

t8lobal Political Econmy course/ fr.4, in 6lobalol itical Econonv

o y€ars as s llaster' s Studont Not al lored

8Ayoto Institute of

raduate school o1ppl iod Biolosy / ilastor of Asr icultur€ o yoars as a flastsr' s Stud€nt Not nandatory

88yoto lhstituto 01 icienc6 and

unctiohal Chenistry/laster of EnBineering

o yoars a6 a l{a6t6r' s Student Not nandatory

8C(yoto lnstituto olIechnol ogy

lat€rial s Propsrtios Control/laster of Engineering

ysars as s ilsstor' s Studont Not frandatory

8Diyoto lnstitut€ of raduate Sohool oJ

ci Bnos andater ial s Synthosi 5,/

aster of EnBineerihsy€ars as a ilast3r' s stud€nl llot nandatory

BE(yoto Instituto ofiechnology

raduat€ school olI Ectroni cs/aster of Engiheering

2 years as a lllaster' s Student llot mandatofy

8Fyoto Institute ofechn0l o8y

raduate School 01 nformation Scienoe/aster of Engineeriog

year6 as s llaster' s student Not mandatory

8Hyoto lnstitute of

raduate school ofci ence and

dvanood Fibrrscionce/aster of Ensineering

yedrs as a lrlaster' s Student Not mandatory

8lyoto Institute of

raduate School of iobased I'laterials sci enoelaster of EncineerinB

year6 as a llaster' s Student Not nandatory

8Jyoto rnstitute r l3:;:;::'"::'-''ecnnoro8y!v

,rch i tecture/laster of Engineerinc or Architectural Design

years as a llaster' s Student Not mandatory

8K\yoro rnsrrrure 0t lsoi"noe andrccnnoroSy Ilpnrnntopv

res tgn/laster of Engineoring

years as € llaster' s Student Not nandatory

8Lyoto r,st,tute "' l!:?:l::'"::'*' 'ccnnorocy lr"-r-^r^-,

nnovative ilaterials/laster of EnBineerin!

years as a Llastar' s student llot handatory

8tyoto lnstitute of

aster of EnEin€eringo years as a llaster' s St!dent Not nandatory

Page 16: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you M!g_i specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initlative Podal Site'

http r /lwwriv-e cl u cati o n "j a pail. D r g/af ri ca/se a rch/

Fl6ld of Study

Name of ljniversity 6rad!at6 School Cour so

-: : I.9



; : itandard Iino Iable(Yenrs noeded forrraduat i on)

Prior InquirY)ods for Ihird


8Nyoto Institute ofechnoloBy ast€r of Engineering

o years as a l{zster' 6 Studehl Not handatory

SAnternatronalnivorsity of Japan

ntefnat iona International Develom€nt Prosram/ ilA innternational Develomont or Eoonmics

o o o lolaLions Progranyears as e l'laster' s StudenL llot handatory

98nternationalniversity oJ Japsn

raduate school 01

ntsrnationalubl i6 l,lana8ement and Pol ioy Ana lysis Program/A in Publ ic fiana8ment

o o o lnternati ona I

16lations Prograuy6ar6 a6 a llastor' s Stud€ht Not nandatory

9C! nt€rnationallniversity of Japan

raduate School ofnt6rnati ons I

elatiDns (GSIR)

nternati onal Relat ron6 Protrffi/A in IntBrnational Rolation6 or Intsrnationalesoo studi es

o o Interhational y6afs as a llastsr' s stud8nt llot Dandatory

OAokyo IJniversity ofrgr i cu lturs

raduate school of,gr i cu ltura

rgr i oultura I Ehgineer inEllast€r'6 D€grEo in Agricultural Engine€ring o o

;tartrnS as a E66oarch st0oen!rp to 6 months, then 2 Years €sI fla6ter' s Student years as a

last€r' s studsnt aftor passing:he entranoe exam

Not hahdatory

OBokyo llnive/sity ofgr icu I ture

iraduate sohool ofrgf i cu lture

Intern€lional Agricultural Develoment/r,laster of Internatiohal Agricultural oevelor€nt o o

tar!tng as a xesosron lruoeh(p to 6 honths. thon 2 y8ars 36

llaster' s Student y€ars as a

ast€r' s Studont aftor passingl{ot handatory

0cokyo llnivorsity ofgr i6u I ture

iaduate School ol\tr i cu lture

\gr ibusiness ilana8flBnt/la6ter's Degr€e in Agribusin6ss lianaSement

o o

tartth€ as a xeseSrcn )ruoenlp to 6 honth6. th€n 2 yoars aE

flaster' 6 Studoht years as a

last€r' s Student after pa66ihgllot nandatory

lA okyo ljnivefsity ofLgr | 0u llure

sparbont of Food and cosm€tio Scisncgllaster'6 DeSree in Bioindustry

,ppl i cd

itarting as o Researoh Studentrp to 6 hohths then 2 years asl ilaGtor' s Studont Yoars as a

laster' s Student after ps6singNot mandatory

2AI nternat iqa I

Jniversity of Japan

raduste school ofnternati ona I


BA Prosrab/lastor of Business Adninistration

o o

arketinc, Flnance

anacment/lT,ocial Enterpriso

yoars as a llastsr' s Studont llot mandatory

l3A iochi llniversityraduato School ofntegrated Arts andici ences (Agr i ou lture)

ipecial Course for International Students fronrsia. Africa and tho Paoific Rim/laster's Degres in Acrioulture

o yesr6 as a llaster' s Studenl ldeal

okyo University ofgriculturo ahd

iraduate School ol\gr i ou lture

ept of Intsrnaiional Envirdmental andgrioultural sci6ho€ (lEAs)/astor of agriculturo, llaster of Philosophy

o o o ocr oloty

years as a laster' s Stud€ntsars as a lla6tor' s stud8nt 0R

,tsrting as a Researoh StudentD to 6 nonths.then 2 years asL llaster' s Studont yoars as a

laster' s Student after p6ssing:ho €td (Dsp6nd on thsrspacity of the appl icahts)


5A las€da Universityraduate School ofundanental Soiencend Engineer i ne

eparhent of CmDUter Science and Cmunicationsicineerin9/laster of Engineefint

o o

2 year6 as a flaster' s Studonty€ars as a Ha6t€r' 6 studsnt oflStsrtinB as a Research Studentup to 6 honths then 2 years asa llaster' s Student years as a

Master' s Student after pa66ingtho 6xil (D€p8nd on th€capacity of the €ppl icants)

liot nandatory

16t aseda lJniversityiraduate School of;reative Scisnce and:ngr neer I ng

)spt, of civil and Ehvironmental Enzinaaring/laster of Engineerihg


y€ar6 as a ,lastsr' s Studentears as a Llaster' s Studont ffitartint as a R€searoh Studentp to 6 honth6, thon 2 y€ars aG

llastsr' s Student year6 as a

laster' s Student after passinB.ho €xtr oap8nd on th€rapacity of the appl ioahts)

ilot nandatory

;aduato school of\dvanced Soience and:ng Ineer I nB

ept of Pure and Appl ied Physics/aster ot Engineerinc or fiaster of Science o

I yearE as a 'lastsr'

s Stud€nt,ears as a l'laster' s Student offitarting as a Researoh StudenLrp to 6 months,thon 2 years asr liaster' s Studeht years as a

lastor' s Stud€nt aft€r passing:he exam (Depend on th€)6pacity of the appl icants)

Not nandatory

raduat€ Sohool of

'dvanced Sciehce and

:nglneer I ng

lept of Chemistry and Biochenistry/laster of Sci€hco

yoar6 36 a lla6tor' s Studontears a6 a llastef' s Studont 0R

tarting as a Research Studohtp to 6 honths.then 2 years as,laster' s Student years as a

last€r' s Student aftsr passinghB exah (Dep€nd on thoraDacity ot tha aFpl icahts)

Not n€ndetory

tc aseda University;raduate School of\dvanced sci€nco and:ngr neer I ns

ept of Applied Chmistry/astor of EnSin€ering o

2 years as a l/aster' s Studentteers as a fiastar' s Student 0R

Starting as a Ro6oarch Studontup to 6 nonths.then 2 years asa fiaster' s Stud€nt years as a

last€r' s Student after passingthe exm (Depend on thocapacity of th€ appl ioants)

ilot handatory

7D laseda lJniversityfaduate Sohool of,dvanced science andn8 rreer I nB

rep. of Life Soieno€ and,iledicsl Biosoionoe/laster of EnginoerinE or llast€r of Scionco

o o

years ss a ilaster' s Studentears as a Llaster' 6 Studeht 0R

trrting as s Resoarch studontp to 6 oonths, then 2 year6 as

llastsr' 6 Stud€nt y€ars as a

aster' s Studeht after pa6singhe eran (Depend on theapaoity of the appl icant6)

Not handatory

aseda university;raduate Sohool ofdvanced Science and:n8 Ineer I nt

)ept. of Electrical Ensineerins and Bioscienc€/laster of Engrneerrng or liast6r of Science


I years a6 a l{s6ter' s Student,oars as a Jtast€r' s Stud€nt 0R

itarting as a Research Studehtip to 6 months,then 2 years asr lla$ior' s Studsnt yo€rs as a

last€r' s Student after p.6sin8:ho srm (osp8nd on th€:apacity of the appl icants)

Not nandatory

Page 17: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

You M.lj$J specify your desired Univrsities, Graduatd Sc Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed univerbity he ABE Initiative Po*al Site.


Iims Table(Ye8rs needed for Prior Inquiry

to 6 nonth6,then 2 year6 as

flast€r' s Studont yoars a6 a

6ter' s Student after passinge orM (Dsp€nd on tho

/ilaster's Dsgree in Eoonmics (Publicand Finanoe Courses)

ar6 ao a fiast€r' G Stud€nt 0R

arting as a R€soarch studentto 6 nohths,then 2 year6 as

llaster' s Student years as a

er' s Student sfter pa6sincsril (D8p€nd on th8city of the appl icants)

€r's Dogr€e in Business Adninistration

to 6 honth6. thon 2 years ascial Program for lnternational Studonts/ter's Degree in lgrioulture or Life Science

s as a ilastor' 6 student 0R

tihg as a Reseafoh Studenlto 6 month6,then 2 Years ar

[/ast€r' 5 Stud6nt yoars as a

ster' s Student after passingoxam. (Depand on th€city of the appl icants)


s Degreo in Scienoe and Engineering

rs as a Llastar' s Stud8nt 0R

rtihg as a Researoh StudohLto 6€h 2 yoar6 asPROGRAI'I FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS /

s Degree in Life and Environmental science

Course for International Students fronAfrioa and th€ Pacific Rim

to 6 nonths,then 2 ye8rs 36

l{ast€r' s stud€nt years as a

ter' s Student €fter pa6singexil. (Depend on the

ty 0i th€ appl toanlsl

es: fiastor of iledical Sciences

to 6 honths, then 2 yoars a6

lastor' s Studont yBars as a

ster' s Student after pa66ings Degree in Environmental Scienc€

to 6 Eonths, then 2 year6 Bs

l/astor' s Stud6nt years as a

6ter' 5 Student after passings6 in Hman ahd Eool Systen/

6 Degros in Enviromontal Soioncs

lllng as a NssSarcn J!u00n!to 6 months. th€n 2 years a6

in Environ Adaptation Sci,/s Degros in Enviromental Sci€ncs

to 6 nonths. th€n 2 yo.r6 as

€r' s Student after passingPol icy course/DeEree in Economics

to 6 nonth6, then 2 ysars asllaster' s Student years as 3inoss ll|anagemsnt Cours€

t€r's D€gree in Business Administration

sh Ensineering Education program(e3)

ion of Applied Physicslof Enginesrifg

years as o llast€r' 6 Student

2 years as a ,laster' s Studentas a l)|a6ter' s sludent 0R

artint as a Research Studenlto 6 honths,then 2 years as

ty of the sppl icants)

ish Ensineering Education programGJ)ion of l,lrterials soience and Ensineerinslof Englneerint

to 6 honth6 then 2 yoar€ as

Haster' s Studsnt ysars as a

ter' 6 Student after passing€xM (0€p6nd on thoity of the appl icants)

lish Engineerinc Eduoation progran(e3)ivision ot Llechanioal and Spaco Enginoeringl

llaster' s Student year6 ss a

6ter' s Student aft€r passihgoxo (Depend on thocity of the appl icants)

lish EnBineerins Education prosran(e3)sion of Hhan fif€chanical Systoms andaduate School ofIof Engineering

Univers i lyIng

Not nandatory

Page 18: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you MU$-T specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors; and the respective Field of Studies'nV

referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Poftal Site'

h ttp t l/www. ed u c ati o n -j a p an " o rg /af ri ca/search/

Fl.ld of study

roduato Sohoolcod6 for Thlrd

BatohNams ot ljnivcrsity Graduatc School Cours€ '-






-eitandord Time Iablo(YeBt6 needed fortraduat i on)

Pr ior Inqui ry

26E lokkaido UniversitYiraduate School oJ

rg In3€r I ng

in8lish EngineerinB Education progrm{e3)

lDivision of tnerBy and Lnvironnental systemsllaster of Engineering


years as s lla6ter' s student€ars as a llaster' 6 student 0R

tarting s6 a R€ssafch studentp to 6 honthG,then 2 years 3s

Itlastor' c Stud€nt Yoars 3s €

ls6ter' s Student 6fter p€5sahg

:he oxah. (D€pohd ff th€rspacity of the appl icants)

Not nandatory

26t okkaido Universityraduat€ school ofngrneBrlnt

nglish Ensineering Education proeram(e3)

[Division of 0uantm scienc€ and Engine€ring)aster of Engiheerins


I y6srs a6 s ila6tsf' s stud€nt

'6ars as a llast€r' 6 Studstrt 0R

;tartihg as a R€ssarch Studentip to 6 months then 2 Years as

r Alastor' s Stud€nt years as a

laster' s Student sfter pa66ing

:ho sxm. (D6pond on th€rapacity of the sppl ioants)

liot nandatory

26C lokkaido Unrversityiraduat€ Sohool of:ng Ineer I n8

:nslish Ensineerrns Education prosram(e3)

lDivision of Field Ensin6erins for the:nvi ronnentllaster of Engineering


yearc a6 a ilastor' 6 studontoars as a liaster' s Studont 0R

t6rting as a Reseoroh Studehtp to 6 honths,th€n 2 Yoaro as

llaster' 6 Studont yesrs as a

laster' s Studeht after Prssing:hB stm (D6pond on tho

'aDaoity of the aDpl icants)

liot mandatory

26H lokkaido University faduatB School olhSrheer I n8

nglish Engiheerint Eduoation progrm(e3)

IDivision of EnrineerinB and Policy forustainabl E Envi romentla6tsr of EnBin€€rinB


2 y€rrE a6 a taster' s Stud€ntyears as a ilaster' s Student 0R

StartiDg as a Resaarch Studentup to 6 months,thon 2 years asa llast€r' s student yesrs ss a

Ilaster' s Student after passingthe oxe, (Depend on theoapacity of the applioant6)

l{ot nandatory

26 lokkaido Uhiversityiraduate School of:n8 Ineer I n8

:nelish Engin€ering Education program(eJ)

[Division of Architectural and StructuralresiBn)last€r of Engineer ing


years as s [sstsr' s Studoht€ars as a l,laster' s Stud€nt 0R

tarting as a Ros€arch Studontp to 6 months,then 2 Years as

liastor' s Stud€nt Years 3s a

La6t€r' s Student aftsr passingh€ orm. (Depend oh theapacity of the appl i cants)

llot mandatory

26J okkaido Unrversltyifaduate Sohool ot:ngl heer I n8

:nSlish Engineering fducation protrm(eJ)(Divi6ion of Human Ehviromental systems )

lastor of Engineeringo

I years as a laster' s Student

'ears as a llaster' 6 Student 0R

itarting as a Roo€arch Stud€ntrp to 6 nohths.then 2 Years asI llaster' s Student Years a3 a

laster' s Student sfter passing:he oxil (Depend on th8,apacity of th€ appl icants)

Not Mndatory

26K okkaido ljniversityiraduate School of.ngr n0er Ing

:nglish Ehgineering Education progran(e3)

fDivision of Environmental Encineerlna)lastsr of Engineering


years as o llaster' s Studentears as a ila6t6r' s Student mtartint as a Rosearch Studonlp to 6 honth6,then 2 years as

l||ast€r' s Studont yoars as a

la$ter' s Stld€ht after passihg:he exm (DBpsnd on therapacity of tho appl icants)

Not Dandatory

261 lokkaido UniversitYiraduate school ol:nt I neSr InB

nsl ish Ensineerins Education proeram(e3)(Division of sustainabl€ Resource6 Eosinsering)aster of Engin€erin8


2 yerr6 as a [a6ter' 6 Studehtyears as a ilaster' s Stud€nt 0R

Starting as a Researoh Studentup to 6 nonths,thon 2 years asa liast€r' s Stud€nt yEars as a

Mastef s Student after passihgtho sxM, (Dspond on thocapaoity of ths appl ioants)

Not f,andatory

214 oyo ljnivorsity faduate School ofife Scionces

ife Sci€ncss Progrm / Master' s Dogr€e in Life o o

years as a llaster' s Studentoars as a llastor' s Studsnt 0R

tartinc as a Researoh Studentp to 6 nonths,thon 2 Yoars as

llaster' s Student years as 3

laster' s Student after pa6sang

:hs oxd. (Dopsnd on thorapacity of the €ppl i6ants)


284 hime universityGraduat€ School o{Sci€nce andEnginoer ing

)ivi I and Enviromental EnEineering course /lzster of Engineering


taftlng as a fi€search sluden!p to 6 months, th€n 2 yoars as

Uaster' s Student y€ar6 a6 a

ast€r' s Studsnt aftor pas6ingLTJST

2BB hine Universityraduate SchDol oi

ngrneer I ng

arth s Evolulion and Envirofment Courso /'aster s DeBree in Soience

o o

tartrng as 6 fiesaarch sludentp to 6 nonths, thsn 2 yoars as

l{aster' s Student years as a

a6ter' s Stud€nt after passingrusl

zBC hine Uni!ersity raduate Sohool of,gr i culture

,lP(Special Course for International studentsiom Asia Africa and the Paoifio Rid / Master s o years as a fiastsr' s Student I,IUST

294 agasaki llniversiLy lcdroine and Cloballropica| iledicine Course/llaster of Iropical lledicino o o ubl rc Hea th

lob6l Hc! th I year as a llaster' s Student Not handatory

29C lacasaki lJniversitychool ol lr0p oaredrorne and 6 oba

ealth Innovation course/astor of Science in Global Hoalth (TlilGH) o o 'ubl ic floalth,

ilobal Health2 year6 as a liaster' 3 Student llot oahdatorY

304irtsunerkan Asra raduate Sohoo o{ apanese ilanagement 0o0rse / ilaster 6 Uegre€ In

?rter of &rsinesr Aininistratinn o


years as a i||aster' s Studehl Not nandatorY

308raduate School ol arketinB and l{ana8ment Course / liaster s Degre

n ilester of Business Administrationyears as a liast6r' s Student Not mandatory

30clitsueikan Asia

'acific Universityraduate School o{

nnovatron and uperatrons danzgemenr Gdrso /aster's Degree in ilaster of Businessdninistration

o years as a flaster' s Student flot fiandatorY

3tA laseda Universityiraduate School of{sia-Pacific Studies(GSAPS)

lA Prosran in International Relations/laster of Arts in Int€rnational R€lations o o

ntBrnat iona I

liEration Asian

tarting as a Research Studentrp to 6 nonths, then 2 years as

ilaster' s Student years as a

laEtor' s Studsnt aftsr pasBing

the entrance exam

Not al loted

Page 19: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

Flold of Stldy

irsdu8to schoolcode for Third

BatchNahe of university Gradu€te School Co! r se





; Itandard Timo Table(Yesrs needed forgraduat i on)

Prior Inquify

32 huo ljnivorsity raduato Sohool ofetters

:nslish Linruistics ll

itarting as a Research Studentrp to 6 mohths, then 2 Years as

r fiastsr' s studont y€ars as a

la6ter' 6 Student sfter pa66ihgNot nandatory

ldea I

33A 'amasochi Universityiraduat€ School oJ ,ubl ic Adninislrztion Course / ilsster of o o o

2 years as a lia6tor' s Studenty€ars as a llast€r' s Student 0R

Starting a6 a R€soaroh Stldsntup to 6 month6.then 2 year6 as

a liastor' s Studont yearc as a

Master' s Student after passingtho etam, (Dep6nd on thecapacity of th€ appl icants)

344)bihiro university otrgriculture andreter inary lledicine

iraduale School Dl\ninal Husbandry

ast€r's Prosram in Anim3l and Food Hysisno /aster of Animal and Food Hygiene


tatttnS as a Nesearon sruoentp to 6 months. then 2 years aslla6t6r' s studont y€ars as a

laster' s Student after passingh€ ShItanc6 oxan

ldoa I

348bihiro llniversity ofgrioul iur6 and

Bt€rinary liedicine

raduate School ofnimal HusbandrY

laster's ProBram in As.Fenviromental Science /last€r of Agriculture


tarttng a5 a [8s8afon lruoenrrp to 6 honths, thon 2 years as

r llast€r' s Studont yoars as a

laster' s Student after passingIIUST


bihiro University ofgraoolture andet€rinary lledioino

raduate School of,hihal Husbandry

laster's Procram in Food Science /faster of Agriculture o

tarttng as a H€searcn nruoontp to 6 nonths, then 2 years aE

ilaster' s Studoht Years as a

astsr' s stud€nt aftor passincRisr

340bihiro University ofgriculture and

'eterinary I'ledioine

iraduat€ School Dfmimal Husbandry

aster s Progran in Life Science and Agriculturel||astor of lgriculture o

tartint as a Re6€aroh studentp to 6 month6. th€n 2 y8ars a6

llastor' s student years as a

aster' s Student after passihgHJST

35A yukoku Unive.sity /aduate School ol he cmprehensrve tconmtcs Pr0gr€1/ trasrer o years as a llaster' € Student l{ot nandatory

364 oyo Univ€rsityraduate school oflobal and Regionsl

iegional Dov6lom€nt studi€s/llaster's DoBr33 iniegional Develo$€nt Studies

o o o o o o orl anning,


yesrs as a Haster' s Studenl'ears ss a ilaster' s stldent 0R

itartihg as a Re6earoh Studentrp to 6 honthE,th€n 2 yoars asI l{aster' 6 Studeht year6 36 a

laster' s Studoht after passing:he exd. (Depend on the;apacity of the appl ioants)

374 likkyo Univ€rsityiradoate School otlusin€ss

laster of lnternational Blsiness Course(ilaster of lnternatiohal Eusihess Program)

)egree: |llaster of Internatisal Business


I year6 6s d llaster' s Student/ears as a fiastor' s Student 0R

;tarting as € Res€arch StudonLrp to 6 honths,theh 2 years asr ilastor' s studont yoars as a

la6ter' s Student atter passingihe €x4, (D€pond on tho:aDacity of the 6ppl icants)

Not nandatory

378 ikkyo University lraduate School oflusiness

lastor of Publ ic lvanagemsnt and Adninistration

legree: ilaster of Public lrlanagement andrdministration \sr iau I tural

Internat iona I

:inanoial and]ankinr System

years a6 a llast€r' s Studeni

384 likkyo lJniv€rsitySchool of aster of Tourism Progran / ilaster's Dagr€e ih o

tartint as a Researoh Studentp to 6 monthE thsn 2 year6 as

ila6t€r' s studont yoars a6 a

kster' s Student aftsr passingNot handatory

394 iobe University nternatronalooDeration Studies

pocial Course for Develom8nt Policy (ffastef s

rosram in English) / lisster of Ecohmics orL,.i.r nf lhlFrhrti.nal Sirrdies

o yesrs a$ a Naster' s Stodent dea

404 (voto Universityraduate School of,gr, culture

livision of Agronomy and Horticultural science /laster of Asricultural Soience


I y€ars as a ilastsr' s Studont,ears as a llastsr' s Studont 0R

;tartins as a R€6sarch Studont,p to 6 nonths,then 2 years asr flaster' 6 Student years as a

iast€r' s Studont aft€r passint:he exah, (Depend on the:apaclty of ths appl icants)

Not nandatory

408 iyoto Uni!ersity iraduate School oJ

\gr i cu ltureivision of Foresi and Biomaterials science/ast€r of Agricultural Sci€nc€

o o

yoars as a lla6ter' s Studont€ars as a l'lastor' s Stud€ht 0R

tarting as a R6soaroh Stud8ntp to 6 months,then 2 years asl{ast6r' s stud€nt y€ars as a

laster' s Stud€nt after passinghe exm, (Depehd oh therapaoity of thB appl icants)

llot handatory

40craduale Sohool ofSrrcullure

livision of Appl ied Lrfe Sciences/ I ilaster of AsriculturBl Science | :


years as a llast€r' s Studentears as a l,la6ter' s Student 0R

tartint as a nesearch Studentp to 6 months then 2 years aslfa$tor' E Student y€ars a6 a

aster' s Student after passinghe sram (Depehd on theaDacity of the aDDl ioants)

Not mandatory

40D yoto Universityiraduate School ofrgriculturo

ivision of Applied Biosciences/ast€r of ASricultural Science

olo o

yeafs as a Uaster' G Stud€ntsars a6 a llast€r' s StudBnt olitartihg as a Research StudenLp to 6 honths,then 2 Years as

llastsr' s StudBnt y€ars as a

lastBr' s Student after passingrh€ €xM (Dep€nd on th€rapacity of the appl ioants)

l{ot mandatory

you ISJSJ specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Gourses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Poftal Site'

http : /iwww.ed rrcation-iapan. org/af rica/search/



Page 20: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

You lf!S_T specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professorsi and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site,

fittp : llwww. e d rr c ati or-l'j a p an' o rg/af ri ca/searc [r /

Fi.ld of study

Srocuato SohoolCodd for Third

BatchName of University craduate School Cour se







itandard Tins Toblo(Ysnrs needed forgraduat i on)

Prior Inquiry

40rraduate School ofgr i c! ltur€ o o o o

years as a llastar' s Studentsars as a llast€r' s Stud€ht 0R

tarting as 6 R€sssrch Studentp to 6 nonth6 theh 2 years asflast€r' s Studont y€ars as 3

laster' s student aft€r pas6ingho €rm (Dsp€hd on th6taDaoity oi the aDDl iosnt6)

Not nandatory

40F yoto Universityraduate school of,tr i culture

'ivision of Natural Re6ource Econmic6 / l\la6ter

,f Agricultural Soienc€ o o o o

2 year6 a6 a ,la6t6r' 6 Studsnt/€ars ?6 a llastor' s Stud€nt 0R

starting as a Resesrch stud€ntJp to 6 Eohths,then 2 years asa l{astsr' s Student y6ars as B

$aster' s Studeht 6fter pa6singtho sxm. (Dop6nd on thooapacity of tho appl icants)

llot mandatory

406 lyoto Uni!ersity iraduato Sohool ofrgr i culture

)ivision of Food Sciencos and Eiot€chnolosy,/laster of ASricultural Scienoe


I years as a llaster' s Studontrears as a fiaster' s Student 0R

;tartins as a Research Stud€nt,p to 6 nonth6,thon 2 y€ar6 asI llast€r' s Studont y€ar6 as a

laster' s Student after pa6sinE

:hs 6xa. (oop€nd on tho)apaoity of the appl icant6)

llot nandatory

414 mamoto UniversityGraduate School 01

Technol ogy

ConDUter S0i€nce and Electrioal EngineerinE)Master of Enrineering / b |'laster of

hi losophy /epending on res€arch fi€ld. ono of th€ abovoeEree si | | be a{arded

o o y€ars as a lla6ter' s Student ldeal

4B mamoto Univ€rsityGraduate Sohool oiSci ence and

Technol oBy

frechanica I Systen LnBrneer In8)ilast€r of Engineerins/ b ilaster of

hi losophy/epending otr researoh field one of the above6oree wi | | be awardBd

o years a6 a flaster' s Student dea

41C unamoto ljniversrtyIaduate School of

(Arch iteoture):. ila6tar of Ensineerinr /b ilaster of Phi losop

)ependins on research field one of the abovelezre6 wi | | be awarded

years as a I'lastBr' s Studont d€a

4D mamoto unlversiLyraduate School of

(Civi I and tnvironm€ntal tngrneorrntle l'laster of Engineering/ b ilast€r of Phi lo6oph)

)epending on research field, one of the sboveCeoree wi | | be awarded

o ysars as a last€r' s Studsnt d6a

418 mamto ljniversityraduate School of


oow Frontier Scaonce)a, flaster of EnBif,eerins/ b llaster ofPhi losophy/)spending on researoh field, on€ of tho abovodeoree wi | | be awarded

o o years as a llaster' s Student dea

41F iuhamoto tlniversitylraduate School oJ

Science andr€chnol osy

Haterials Soience ahd thgrneerrng)Naster of Engineorins/ b lilaster of

hi losophy/epending on r€search fi€ld, on6 of ths abovee'r.e wi | | hP .watded

o yesrs as a Hast€r' s Student dea



lagoya Universityiraduate School oJ

conmics and 8us iness Admtnrstratrohnt€rnational Progran / ll|astsr's Dssr€s i o yoar6 as a llastor' s StudonL Not al lo{od

lasoya Universitylobal Environmental Leaders Prosrsm / tastererr.c in Fn.in16rinc o ysars as a lastor' s Studont doa

438 lagoya University raduate School ofnviromontal SLudies

lobal Enviromental Leaders Program / lfaster6groo in Envirom€ntal Studios

o year6 as a llastBr' s student Iderl

lasoya Universityraduate School ofnternati ona I o o

PolitiosSoci o losy.Education, Rural

tarlins as a Research Student ut

reparbent of International Developn€ntioo!eration Studies

and Stat€, Povertyand Sooial Pol icy

ast€r' s SLudent years as a

aster' 5 Stud€nt atler pas6ihc

454raduate school ofi oagr icultura I

Int€rnational course / tilaster s OeEree ihAsricultural s6iences o

2 years as a liaster' s studentyears as a liast€r' s Student 0R

StartinE as a Res€arch Studontup to 6 nonths then 2 years as

a l{aster' s Student years as a

liaster' s Student after passingthe exaG (D€pend on thecapacity of tho appl icants)


464 roshisha lJniversityiraduate 5chool oT

lusiness (Doshisha egree: l,laster's Degree in Businessdninistration fi8A)

o o years a6 a liaster' s Student Not Eandatory

4lA iophia Unrversityiraduate school oT

Sci ence andastet s Program In hteen lcrence and Engln€erlnivi6ion / lJa6ter of Scienc€ in Green Scienc€ an o o o o yeals as a liaster' s student ilot mandatory

4BA ophia Univ€rsity ;raduate school ol)lobal studies rosran in 6lobal Studi€s/ il A in Global Studie o o y€ar6 a6 a ilast€r' s Studsnt llot nandatory

488 ophia University ;raduats Sohool ofilobal Studi€s

rogram in clobal Studr€s/ l,l A In lnternatronalusiness and 0eveloment Studies o years 6s a llaster' s Student Not bandatory

48C ophia University iraduate Sohool ofilobal Studies

?ogram in 6lobal Studi€s/ ll A in Japan€seitudies

i6ual ltedia,eligion, History.rL Hi6tory,nthropologyi teratur6

years as a liaster' 6 Student Not nandatory

494 ophia Univorsityraduate School oflobal Enviroment€l

rrogram in clobal Envi ronmental Studi os,/ M A i n

nvironmental Studiesysars as a llastsr' s Stud6nt Not nandatory

508raduate School ofledra ,nd Governance

nvironmental Desirn and Governance Prosram GG)Master of fiedia and Governance o o o o o o years as a lia6ter' s Student flot nandatory

5A hibaura lnstitute o1irad!at€ School oJ

.nsineer ins andlectrical tntine€rint ard Cdnputer Scienc€ours€ (Llaster of EnBineef inB) oo o

tarttnB as a Researoh Stud€nlp to 6 nonths, thon 2 y€ar6 asliaster' s Studont yoars as a

aster' s Stud€ht after passinBI{JST

Page 21: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you MUST specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

ty referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site'

h ttp ; //rwvw. e d u e ati o n -j a p a n. o rg /af ri ca/s ea rch /

d Iino TablsPr i or lnqu i ry

Nane of tlniversity

to 6 nohths, then 2 Years as

lllastor' s Studont Yoars as a

ter' s Student after passtngials Sci€nco and Engin€ering Cou.5€(flast€r

to 6 nonths then 2 Years as

ilast€r' s Stud€nt y€ars as a

ster' s Student after passinglied Chemistry Cours€(l'laster of Enginosring)ibaura lnstitote of

rting as a R€s€arch stud€nlto 6 months, then 2 Years 3s

llaster' s Stud€nt years aG aEnsin€er ins Courso (lllaster of

to 6 nonth6, thon 2 YBaf6 35

itecture and Civi I Entineering Course(ltlaster

to 6 nonth6, th€n 2 Yoars as

Jllaster' s Studont Y€ars as aSystems Engineoring and Soience Coufso(l,lastsr oi

to 6 nonth6, then 2 Years as

fiast€r' s Student years as a

6ter' s Student after passingCourse of EngineerinE and scienc6(Master

Science in Ensineerins)ibaura lnstitute of

l{a6ter' 6 Student years as a

ster' s Student after passint

se of Harine Life Scienoos/rnational l,larine Soience and Tschiologyial Devolorsnt Program/er's DeEree in Llarine Science

ours€ of Food Sci€nc€ and T€ohnolocy/nternational llarine Soienoe and Technology

I Developnent Program/'s D€greo in ilarin€ Soisnoo

to 6 months. th8n 2 Yoars 3sliaster' s Stud€nt Years as a

to 6 months, thon 2 yearc asl*aster' s Student years as 6

' s Student after passihg

se of Uar ine Resou/ces and Environnent/ional Lfarine Soience and T€chnologyDevelopment ProSram/ llaster s Degree in

ine Scienc€ or EnginBe.ins

to 6 nonths, then 2 Ycars a3

er' s Student aftor passing

se of llarine Pol icy and l{anagement/rnational liarin€ sci€nce and Teohnology

to 6 nonths, then 2 Years asse of lilarine Systs EngineerinS/ernatiohal llarine Science ahd Technology

cial 0ev6lorent Progranlter's Degree in Llarine sci€nce or Engineering

aduate School ofrine Science and

to 6 months. then 2 years asliaster' s Studetrt years as a

of illaritim€ Technolosy and Logistics/lnternational l|larine science snd Technology

Technology Spocial Cours€ in EnSl

er's Degree in Information Soience and

ss a Llastor' s studont 0R

to 6 nonths,then 2 Yoars as

' s Stud€nt after Passingexam (Depehd on thecity of tho applicants)

al Interratod sci€nco (slsc) Protram/Degree of llaster of Scienoe in the sraduate

y€ars as a taster' s Student

years as a liaster' s Student

versity of l|liyazaki

to 6 months, then 2 Years as

lilaster s Stud€nt years as athis graduat€ course a student can acqulremaster's dogree from the fol lowinciculture, Fisheries and Science dependlnB on

years as a Haster' s Studentars as a liaster' s studont 0R

tin! as a Ro6earch Studontto 6 honths.then 2 years 3s

llaster' s Stud€nt y€ars as a

tor s Student after passrnS

exe. (Depend on thety of tho appl icants)

lied Biolosical Scienoes/ ilaster' s De8ree inicultural Scienc€s

rtint a$ a Researoh Stldentto 6 months.thon 2 years as

' s Studont aft€r passing

ty of the sppl icants)

ronmental Conservation/ Iifaster' s Degr

s as a ila5t€r' s Stud€nt 0R

tinS as a Research Studentto 6 honths,then 2 Year6 as

ilast€r' s Stud€nt ysars as a

ter s Student after passlht

e Recycl ing Agro-bioloSy ahd atro-ion Systfl6/ l,iaster' s Degroo in

Page 22: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you MUST specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professor:; and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE InitiatlV€ Portal Slte.

http r llwww. ed ueation'japa n. o rglaf ri ca/search/

andard Tine Table(Year6 needed for Prior Inquiry

Nne of university

s as a ilastor' s Stud€nt 0R

ting as a Research Stud€nl

al Develoment Studies/ l|jast€r' s Desree inicultural sci€ncos

ars as a l,lastsr' 6 Stud€nt 0R

arting as a R8search Studentto 6 nonth8 then 2 rears as

llaster' s Studsnt y8srs as rr6ter' s Student aftsr pa66ing

16 €xan, (D€p€nd on th€itv ot the apDl icants)

ied Biochemistry and Food Scienoe/ Mast€r s

in Agricultural sciences

to 6 months, thsn 2 yoars a6

llaster' s Student year6 as a

6tor' s stud€nt aft€f passing1a^ical Syslems Engineering course/ter of Engiheering

to 6 nonths, then 2 Years as

s Student aft€r passingEnginoering and Architootur€ cours€/of EntineerinE

to 6 honths, thsh 2 year6 astr ical and Electronics Engiheerint courEe/

to 6 months. th€n 2 Years a6

l'laster' s Studeht years as amation Engineer ing cours€/

ysars as a llastsr' s Stud€ntars as a ilaster' 6 Student 0R

arting as s Research Studontto 6 months,th€n 2 y8ars as

llaster' s Stld8nt years 3s a

er' s Stud€ht aftor passihg€xam (Depend on the

y of the appl icants)

tment of lnternational llanagmont/r of Econffiics. lilaster of llanagment

y€ars as a llastor' 6 Studontars as a Master' s student 0R

arting as a R€search studehtto 6 months then 2 vears as

,laster' s Student years as a

rst€r' s Stldant aftor passing

itv o{ the appl icants)

tnent of l'laterials systm Science/

arhent of Life and Enviromentai system

lllnt as a nssearcn JtuoenttD 6 honth6. then 2 year6 as

' s Student after pas6ingof Soience. Ma6t€r of Arts. ilaster ofnational CooDerataon Studies

to 6 nonths, theh 2 years asHaster' s Student years as a

st€r' s Studont aftBr passingilot al lored

Nol al lored

ochnoloBy Courso, Division

of EnBineering, |l,|aster of Scienoe, I'lasterAgriculture. l,last8r of International

t Course 0ivision ofional Developm€nt and cultural and Regional

of Education. lriastor of Art6, fiast8r of

to 6 months, then 2 y€8rs as

to 6 honth6, th€n 2 Ysar6 a6

Uaster' s Student years as a

ster' s Student after passing

D€v€lopm€nt and Cultural znd R€gional

of Arts l,laster of lnternational

years as a llaster' s Student

artint as a Research Stud€ntto 6 montbs then 2 years as

apacity of the appl icants)

International l,laster's Prosrfl in Economics/|)|a6ter's Dsgr€e in Economios

rs as a Hast€r' s stud€nt 0R

rting as a Research Studentto 6 f,onths,theh 2 year6 as

Uaster' 6 Student after pas6ingth€ €ril (D€pond on th€

ional ll|aster's Protram in Civil andtfuctural EngineerinB. urban and Environmental

years as a llaster' s Studentars as a fia$t€r' s Stud€nt 0R

arting as a Researoh Stud€ntto 6 nonths,th€n 2 y€ar6 as

I'laster' s Student years as a

er' s Student after passing€xam (D€Dond on th€

of the appl icants)

tihg as a Re6earohto 6 f,onths thon 2 loars as

ilaster' 6 Student year6 as a

s Studsnt aft8r passing

natiohal Llaster's Program in Earth

perative Program for Resources EnSiheering /ter of Engineerinc

Page 23: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

You MUST specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Gourses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Inilliative Pofial Site.

http : /iwww.educati on-j apan. org/africa/sea rch/

"i-Ls*al$sler{assJf"$-{*S"Errsr"jtl{rur.xfu zt!.l=&p*Ilqp$.t.u

Fiold of study

Prior InquifyNme of llniversity

ysar6 as a liast€r' 6 studontional DeveloDneht Research Course/

sa of computer Sci€nce and Electronicsof Advanced Informatics/

ter's 0egree in Engineerinc

yoars as a llastsf s Studontors as a liaster' s Student 0R

artinB as a Researoh Studentto 6 nonths.thon 2 yoar6 as

' s studsnt aftor passing

ity ot the appl icants)

s as a fiaster' s student 0R

tinc as a Researoh Studentto 6 months,then 2 years as

llastef' s Student year6 a6 3

tgr' s Studsnt aftor pa66in8exam, (Depend on the

ty of th€ alpl icants)

of Biosci€noe and Bioinforhatics. D€FartnontInterdisciplihary lnfornatics/liaster s DeSreeEnEi neer i ng

year6 as a ilaGter' s student 0R

Starting as a n€searoh Stud€ntto 6 honths,then 2 years Bs

astor' s Student years as aa tastor s Student Years as a

\iastor' s Stud€nt aftor psssing

tnent of Creative Informtios/ster's 0ecree in Eneineerine

Systems Ingine€ring

years as a l{aster' s Studeht

years as a llaster' s Studontobal cooporation ProBram / fiastor of Arts Intsumeikan llniversity

I ish Based Prosram/ter's Program in Pol icy Sci€nce(0sPS)

Eleotrical, Electronic and Conputerllajor <Program> fiastor's 0egroe ihing Advsnced Electrical, Electrohio and

Cmput€r Systens. Interhational Program forscience and [ngineoring / lrlasLer of Engino€ring

EnSineerihg and Rohotics<Progril) llaster's Degree in Engineerihgced M6chanical Enginooring and Robotics.national Program for Science and Engineeri

se l'lajor <Program) |.ila6ter's 0egree inlnternational Prograil for Scisnce and

years as a ilaster' s studenLIntornational Protram for Advanced tif€

International Program for Advanoed Life

of Science trlaster of EnPineer

tsuneikzn Unrversity

years ss a liastor' s studentInternational Program for Advanced Life

Lifo Sciences frajor, 8im€dical Scise, lhternational Prosram for Advanoed Life

rnatronal Mast6r s u€9r30 Progrm El€ctrrcElectronic lnfohation Encineerins / liaster

toyohashi Univorsity off€chno loSy

ironnental and Life Sciences / l,lastef of

ternatronal ffaster s uegree Progrsfrohrtecture and Civi I Ensineerins/

rting as a Reseafch Stud€ntto 6 nonths, thsn 2 y8ars Bs

fiaster' s Student year6 Es a

6tsr' s Studont aft€r pa6sihg

Dopartnent of Advanced Science andy Ptogtan

fiast€r of Sciencs (Knowledgo of Scienco)

lllaster of Scienc€ (lnforrution ofienae) /

l{aster of Science 6laterial6 Science)

arting as a fles8arch Studontto 6 nonths. then 2 years a6

tment ot Lrf€ Scrence and Applred Lh€mistr

Page 24: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you MilS,J specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Gourses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site.

lrttp :llwww.ed u cati on-jap an. orgiaf rica/searah/

Fl6ld of Stody

lroduato Schoocodo for Third

BatchName of llniv€rs ity Grad!ate S6hool Course



itondard Tine Tablo(Year6 nesded forlraduat i on)

Prior Inquiry

l8Blagoya Insti tute of iraduate School of

:ngrneer I n8

)€partnent of Physioal Sci€nc€ and fngineoring/laster's Degree in Engineering


tartrnt 35 a Hesearch lludehtp to 6 months, then 2 Year6 a6

ll6st6r' s Studont Y33rs as a

l€6ter' s Student aftef Passingllot mandatory

7BCagoya lnstitute oiechno logy

iraduate Sohool of:ngt n60r I ng

eparthent of Electrioal and llechanioalngi nsor ing/laster's Degree in EhBineering


itarting as a Rosodroh utudonlrp to 6 mohths. theh 2 years asI l{astor' s Studont yoars as a

laster' s Student aftor Dassihg

Not nandatorv

780asoy3 Instituto ol€chrology

raduate Sohool otngr nesr I ng

repartnent of C@uter Scienc€/last6r's Degrs€ in Engins€rins

o o

tarting as a R€soarch stud€ntp to 6 months. then 2 YBars asllaster' s Student Years a€ a

ast€r' s Studont oftor psssjngNot nahdatory

78E 'lasoya lnstitute oflechnoloSy

Iaduate School Ineer I ng

)eparbr€nt of Architecturo. Civi I Ensin€efing ar(ndustria I llanasenent Engineer in8/last€r's Detreo in Engineering

o o

tarting as a Hesearoh Studenrp to 6 nonths, thon 2 ysars asIrlaster' s Studont years 3s a

astsr' s stud€nt aftor PassingNot handatory

l9A )kayama Universttyiradu.t€ Sohool of:nviromentdl andife Scien6e

ivision of scionc€ for Eiorosources/aster's Degree in AEriculture


tarttng as a leseSrcn sruoenrp to 6 honths. thoh 2 Yoars as

[aster' s Studont Years as a

laoter' s Student after pas6ingdea

798 kayama Univer6ityraduate school 01

nviromental andife Soience

ivisid of sclenco for Birproduotion/aster'6 Degree in Agrioulture


Starting as a Researoh StudentJp to 6 hotrths. then 2 years as

a ilast€r' s Stud€nt Year6 as a

\lastsr' s student after passingldeal



Uni vers ity

iyoto Universi ty

raduate School ofnviromental andife Science

iraduate School otrngr neer I ng

)lvision ol Biological ahd llmsn Ecolosv/llaster's D€groe in Agrioulture

International Course in ilanasement of Civillnfrastructure (Dept of Civi I and EarthQesources Ehgiheering) / llaster's oegree inEngine€f i ng



itartrng as a fies€arch ltudontlp to 6 months, then 2 Years asI liast€r' 6 Student Years as a

laster' s student after psssingldea I

y€ars as a llastor' s Studontears as a llaster' s Sludent 0R

tarting as a Research Studentp to 6 nonths,th€n 2 Yoars asllaster' s Studeht Years as a

lastsr' s Student .ft€r Passinghe exd (D€p€nd on th€rapacity of the appl ioants)

ldea I

808 yoto Universityiraduate school Df:nglheer Ing

ntsfnational course in llrban and Rogionalrevelopment (Dept of Urbsn llanasment) /lastsr's Degroe in Engineoring


I ysars as a llastBr' 6 Studont,ear6 as s ll|a6t€r' 6 student 0R

;tartihg as a Research Studentrp to 6 months,then 2 Years asI llaster' s Studoht YearG a6 a

lastsr' 6 Stud€nt aft€r passing:he €xm (Depend on the:apacity of the appl icants)

ldea I

814 leiji Unrversrtyiraduate School ofiovernznoe Studies

overnance Progran/aster of Publ ic Pol icy

o otobl ic Finanae

Relations N60/NP0

years as s ilaster' s Student Not handatory

82A )sska lJniversity raduate School o{ngt h6€r I ng

International Priority Graduate Ptogram ol'Quantw Engineer ing Desi gh cour6e"/{a6t€r of Enginssring

I yesrs as a liast€r' s Student,ears as a l'laster' s student 0R

;tarting as a Rssoaroh Stud€ntrp to 6 honths,then 2 years asI llastsr' s Studoht Y€arc as a

lastor' s Student after passi[g:ho ex4 (Depend on the)apacity of th8 appl icants)


828 rsaka Uni!ersity raduate School ofngrns€r ng

I orecnnot 0gy,ro{ an/ years as a llaster' s Student tflsT

82C lsaka University raduate School oJ )hemical Scrence uourse/ ]- years as a Haster' s student ldea I

82Diraduate School ol nternational Program ol ilartttfle and urbsn

ngineer i nBl o years ss s 'iaster'

6 Student rusI

834 saku Universityiraduate School ol:nginoering Science

epartment of l,laterials EnBineerint Sciencepecial Procram of "EngineerinE Science 2lsl

aster's D€gree an Enginsering

itartint as a RasBaroh studentrp to 6 honths. thsn 2 years as

I llast€r' s Stud€nt Yoars as a

lastsr' s Student after passingfflsT

838 saka University raduate School ofnginserine scionce

repartf,€nt ol Sochanical Scisnco andlioengine€ring Special Progril of "Entineeringici€noe 21st Csntury"/laster's Degree in Engineering

lalllnS as a rssoaron JtuosnLp to 6 honths. then 2 years as

llaster' s Student j/esrB as a

astor' s Studont after passinttillsT

B3C rsalia llniversity raduate School of.ngineering Science

epartfl€nt of Systoms Innovation S!3oial Prograif "EnsineerinS Soience 2lst Century'/astor's Dsgr€o in Enginooring

tarting as a Rosearoh studontp to 6 honth6, thon 2 Yoar6 asllaster' s Student years as a

last€r' s stod€nt aftor passingl&sT

84A lokushima Unrversity;raduate School of\dvanced Technologyrnd Sci€noe

nt€l I igont Structures and Meohanics Systems

ngineering Program/fiaster' s 0egree in Civil €nr

nvi romental Engineer ing



itarting as a Research Studenlrp to 6 nonth6, thon 2 Y€ars asI llaster' s Student years as a

la6ter' s Student after Pas6ing

Idea I

848 okushiro llniv€rsityraduate School ofdvanced Technolog)nd Sci€nce

nt€lligent structure6 and Mechanics sv6t€ms

.ngineering Program^astor' s 0€greB inlechanical fhgineer ing


t8r!lng as a nesearon Dtuosn(p to 6 honth6. th€n 2 year6 aE

ilastor' s Student Yoars aG a

aster' s student after passingd€a

84C lokushima llniversitYraduate School of,dvanced Technologynd Soience

if€ and l,taterials syst€m Lnsinee'ns P.oe,amz | | I I I

{aster's 0eer€e In Chnical science and I O | | | |Technorocy I I | | I

tarting as a Rssoarch Stud€ntp to 6 months. then 2 Years as

llaster' s Student years as a

laster' s Student after passitrtldeal

84D fokushina Universityiraduat€ School ofrdvanced TechnologyInd Science

Life and l{aterials systens Ensin6erins ProEram/llaster s D€gree in Eiological Science andTschnolosy

oiitarting as a fresearch Studentrp to 6 months, thon 2 years 3sI llast€r' s Student yBars as a

laster' s Stud€nt after pasGinB

84E rkushima ljniversityiraduato School of\dvanced TechnologyInd Soience

ystffis Innovation EnBins6rinB Program/ilast€r' s,ecree in tlectrrcal and Electtonic tnsrneeri.s o

tarting as a Research Studentp to 6 nonths. thsn 2 y8ar6 a5ilaster' 6 Student years as a

aster' s Student aft€r pas6ingdea


Page 25: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you ,MrU$T specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professorrs and the respective Field of Studies- -by

referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site.

h ttp : //www. e rl u cati o n'j a pan' o r g /af ri ca /s ea re h /

Fisld of Study

tandard lino labls

to 6 nonths, theh 2 Y€ars asInnovation Entineering Program/taster' s

in lnformation sci€nc€ and Int€l I igent

to 6 honths. then 2 Ye6rs asllastor' 6 Studsnt Y€ars as a

r6ter' s Studeht after DasslngInhovarion Engineerinc Program/'taster

in optical Systms Engin€orint

arting as a Ros€arch Studentto 6 honths. thsn 2 y€8fs 3s

llaster' s Studeht years ao a

stsr' s Stud€nt aftor passings D€gree in ophthslmology/ ilastor of

(l'l€dical Scieno€)

to 6 nonths. thon 2 Yoar6 aG

a llaster' s Student Years as a

Master' s Studont aft€r Passing

tainable Rssouroe Sci€nc€6 Program,/ter's Degree of Scienoe (|lsc) ih Bioresourcesaduate school of

to 6 nonth6. thon 2 Yoars as

l{aster' s Student years as aEnv i rohf, €nta I soi snce and T€ohnology Prograh/lla6ter's Degree of science (llso) in BioresourcesScieno€

to 6 month6, theh 2 yoars as

lla6t€r' s Stud€nt y€ars as aife Sciences Proeram/aster's Dsgr€o of sci€nco (llsc) in Biorosouroos

oation and Psychology Protram/ter of Arts in Eduoation

aduate School ofts and Sctences

llaster of Engineeringliaster of Phi losophyl|lastor of Enviromental }lanagmont

can select a type of degree upon

to 6 honth6, thsn 2 y€ars as

a llast€r' s Studont yoars as aial Desisn Prosram in Project Dosisn/er's D€gree in Project Dssign

luate School olject DesiEn

rting as a Ros8aroh Stud€htto 6 honth6, then 2 years as

ilaster' s Studont yoars as a

s Stud€nt sft6r passingion Desitn Program ih Project DesiSn6 Degrso in Proj€ct Design

to 6 nonths, th€n 2 Y€ars 3sll6ster' s student years as a

or' s student atter pa66ingood lhnovatioh Pto{ffie / llaster's Degree Inood, Agrioultural ahd Ehviroment€l Sciences

tinS a6 a Research Studento 6 month6. then 2 Years asto 6 month6. then z Years as

llaster' s Student years as a

ster' s Student aftor passing

iculture/Envi ronment Innovation Ptograme /ter's 0etree in

Food Agricultural and Environf,ental scienoesood, Agricultrual

years as s laster' s Student

ican Econmics and Uusrness Inrtrallve (AEU

Erm funded by ABE Initiative and hosted by

tment of Econffios / l{aster of Arts in

ty of the appl icants)

m: Department of A/chitoct0re and Urban

of Engineering, |Jaster of Phi losophy

2 years as a llaster' s Studentars as a |liastor' s SLudont ofiarting as a Research Studenlto 6 nohths then 2 v€ars as

I'laster' s Studont years as a

Lster' s Student after passang

ro €xff. (Dep€nd on th€ty of tho BDDI icants)

osr€m: Department of Infrastructure and tlrban

ll)'; *r,""",'* [laster or Philosophv

to 6 oonths, th8n 2 y€ar6 asllaster' s student years as a

t€r' s Student aftor passineof Engineerinc llechanics and Energy /of Engineering

sity of Isukuba

to 6 nonths, then 2 Year6 as

llaster' s Studsnt years as aExploration Encineering

to 6 months, then 2 Yoars as

llzster' s Student Years as a

st€r' s Studont aft8r passint

Bv and Environrentolo8y, of EnBineering llechanics and Energy /

ti-Soale Sol id ilaterials [nsineerinsof Engineering lieohanics and En€rgy /of EnEino€rint

t y€ar a5 a ilastor' s Studont 5

year6 as a liastar' s StudenL

s Program in lnternational Area studiBs/of Arts in International Studies

ish Program in Library and lnfonnation

Page 26: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you l[U.Sl- specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors; and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site'

http : //www. e d u c;ati o n -j a p a n . o r g /af ri ea/s ea rc h /

EitrSlFllli of Study

irodu6t6 Schoolcqle for Third

BatchNM€ of University Graduste school Cdrsa






.9 !\

Stondard Tine Tablo(Years noeded forgraduat i on)

Prior Inquiry

994 Jniversity of Tslkubaraduate Sohool ot!re and Appl iBd astor's Program in Physics / filaster of Scrence o o

;tartrng 3s a fosearch Jrudentrp to 6 mohths, then 2 Years asI ilastor' s Studsnt yoars as a

la6ter' s Student aftet passingldBa I

998 niv€rsity of Isukubafaduate S6hool ol aster' s Program ih Applied Physios / llaster of

ngrno€rrngo o

statttng as a fios€arch stuoon!up to 6 nonths, theh 2 years as

a liast8r' s Studont y€ars as a

lla6t€r' s Student €ft€r pa6sing

99C niversity oJ Tsukubakaduat€ School of'ure and Appl ied

aster's Program in Materials science / |'|36tor o

ngr neer I ngo o aterial Soienoe

tart'ng as a 8€ssarch stud€nLp to 6 nonths. then 2 Years a6

Uaster' s Student year6 as a

ast€r' s Studsnt aftor passinglrjsl

t00A niversity of Tsukuba

Grrduate School ofLife andEnv i romenta I

Sci onoes

rofessional TraininB Pfogram in InternationalgriculLural Re6earch /aster of Agricultural Science, l'laster ofioresouro€ Engin€€ring liaster ofiotechnolosical Soience, |.iaster of Arts

o o

tsrtrng as a H€s€arch studen!p to 6 montho, th€n 2 yoar6 asllaster' s Stud€nt years as a

la6t€r' s Stud€nt aft€r pas6ingldeal

OA he ljniversity of TokyoCraduate School ol:ngtn0Brrnt

nternation€l Graduate Procfs in th€ Field ofiivil Engin€ering and lnfrastructures Studies / o yoars as a ilastor' s Studont Not al lo*€d

024 aga llniversityraduats SohoDl oJ

ci ence and

nStnoet I nt

lepartf,ent of Chemistry and Applied Chemislry)ost-graduato Program for clobal AdvancmsntFPGA) in Enviromental and Energy scienco /last€r's Dogr€s in sci€nc€ or Ensins€rins


itartinB aE a Research Studenbrp to 6 months, thsn 2 y€ar6 aE

I lilaster' s student years Bs a

laster' s Studehl after pa6sihgNot al lored

t02B aga ljnivorsityfaduate School olci enco andngt neer Ing

lepartmehr of Sechahical Entineering Post-lraduate Prosrah for Clobal Advano€mont (PPGA) il:nvironmental and Energy soisnce / llastor'6)sgree in Science or Engineering


tarting as a Re66aroh Studentp to 6 nohths, then 2 Yoars asllastor' 6 Stud€nt y€Brs a6 a

aster' 6 student after pas6ingNot sl louod

02c aca UnivBrsitytaduate Sohool of

.ngr neer In8

epartnont of El€ctrlcal and tl€ctronl0ngineering Post-Braduate Program for 0lobaldvanc€m€nt (PP6A) in Enviromental and En€rgycienoe / ilaster 6 oegree in Science or


tarting a6 a 8€6€aroh Stud6ntp to 6 nonth6, then 2 ysars asllast6r' s Stud€ht y€arB ac a

aster' 6 Studeht after ptssihtNot al loflod

020 ;aca Unrversrtyfaduate Sohool of

ng I n€€r Ing

)€partment oJ Civil Engin€ering and Arohitocturs)ost-Braduate Program for Global Advancement

fPGA) in Enviromental .nd Enersy Sci€nce /{aster's Degree in Scienoe or Engineering


tartang as a R€search Studen!p to 6 nonths, thoh 2 years asla6ter' s Studeht years as a

la6t€r' s Stud€nt aftEr passingNot al lored

02E Sata ljniversityraduate School of

ngr neer I ng

repartment of Advanoed T€ohhology Fusion Poct-iraduate Program for Global Advancemnt OPGA)

:nviromental and Ehergy Science / l'laster'srsgroo in Scioncs or Engine€fing


Itartihg as a Researoh Studentrp to 6 month6, thsn 2 y€ars asr 'last€r'

6 Studsnt years 3s a

la6ter' s Stud€nt aftet pas$ingNot al lored

1034 (anazala ljniversity atural Sci€noe andnvironnentsl Technology lhternatlonal Uourse(ETIC) / ilaster's DeBree in Enginoering or o 2 year6 as a Uaster' s Student HST


raduate school Dl ducation Prosram of ltaterials and Eroscien6e /astsr s Dotree in science and Iochnology

o o

I years a6 s l{aster' 6 Stud€htroars as a ll|a6tor' s Studsnt 0R

;tarting as a Resesroh Studentrp to 6 months.thon 2 years as

l llastor' s Studont yoars 3s 3

laster' s Student after passihSrh€ sxam (Dep€nd on th€rapacity of tho appl ioants)

Not nandatory

IO4B iunma Univ€rbrtyGraduate school ofSci ence andTechnology

.ducation Program of l,leohahioal Science ahd

echnology / |lastsr's Degrso in Scioncs andecnno logy


years as a ilaster' o Studoht€ars as a ilastor' s studsnt 0R

tarting as a R€search Studentp to 6 nonthE,thsn 2 Years aslaster' s Studeht years 3s 3

la6t€r' s Studeht aft€r pas6ing.ho €xam, (Dopond on th€raDacity of tho apDlicants)

llot Eandatory

I 04C unma ljniversityraduate Schaol of iduoation Protram of Environhental Engineerihg

;cienoe / llaster s DeBree in Science and'echnolosy


years as a flastor' s Studohtsars a6 s [b6ter' s Student ofitarting as a Research Studehtp to 6 nonths,th€n 2 y€ar6 asllaster' s Studeht years as 3

a6ter' s student aft€r passinghe erfl (Depend on theapacity of tho appl icants)

llot handatory

04D iuma Universityiraduate School of

echnol ogy

ducation Program of El€ctronics and Infornaticsi{aster's Degree in Science and Technolog, o

y€ar6 a6 a lla6tsr' s Studontears as a lJaster' s SLudent mtarting as a Researoh Studentp to 6 months,th€n 2 y€ars asllaEter' s student years as a

last€r' s Stud€nt aft€r pas6ing.hD €xm (Depend on therapaoity of the appl icants)

Not handatory

054 fhe University of Tokyoraduate School ofrontief Scisnce

leparhent of lnternational Studies / liaster s

)egree in Intornational studios o o

itarting as a H€6€arch stud€ntrp to 6 nohths, then 2 y€ars asI taster' s Student Years as a

laster' s Student Bfter pos$intldeal

1064 he University of Tokyoraduato School oJ

ublic Policyaster of Publ ic Pol icy, International PrograflilPP/lP) / fiaster's Degree in Publ ic Pol icy o o years a6 a llaster' s Student

t07A he unrver6rty of Tokyoraduate 5ch00l otsricultural and Life nternational Program in Agricultural Developnenl

tudies (lPADS) / frl2ster of scisnceo o years a6 a ilaster' s Student llot nandatory

Page 27: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you f{,U*QI specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site'

http : //urww. e d u ca ti o n -j a p a n " o r g /af ri Ga/s e a rc h /

Fiold of Study

(YoarE noEded for Prior Inquiry

fflalerial and

usinc sci€noesl


rting ss a Research Studsntto 6 months, then 2 ysars as

a l{aster' s Student years 3s 3

s Stud€nt aft€r pa6singof Bionaterial S0iences / fiaster of

ljniversity of Tokyoaduate School 01

icultural and Life

tment o{ Asricultural and Resource EoonmicsIhe University of Tokyo

rltng as a ffesearon sruoen!to 6 month6, thon 2 Yoars a6

tment of Global ABricultural Scrsnces/Aastertlnrversity of Tokyo

ional liBA Program / [a6t6r of Eusiness

ter of scienoe in Finance Program

yBar6 as a fla6t€r' s Studonlars ss € l'lastsr' s Student 0R

tint a6 a Research Studentto 6 months,thon 2 y€ars as

[aster' s Student years as a

6ter' s studont aft8r passinB

of Environnental stodi es Llaster ofInterdiscipl inary studiss /(l)l\lsstor of Enviromental Studies(2)l/aster of Interdisciplinary studies.(Candidats sole0ts on€ degree irm tho both )

aduate School oiehensive tlman

aduate School of

to 6 months, theh 2 years asI{aster' s Studeht voars as 3

s Stud€nt aft€r passing

s Program of Xansei 8€havioral and Sfain/ [aster of Kahsei science, llaster of

ol Soienc€s llastor of Phi losophy

ystem course /fiastor's D€gree in (ohoico ofof the fol lowinss) : Agriculture.

s ss a Haster' 6 Student 0R

ting as a Rssearch Student

asler s JIUoenr years as a

tor' s Student aftsr passingexil (Dopend on tho

s as a l,laster' s Student 0R

l{astef 6 Student years as a

y of the appl icants)

trial Ecolocy

ine Ecoloey

olosy, ilatulal

ting as a fissearch Stud€ntto 6 months, then 2 years as

llaster' s stodent ye€rs as a

€r s ltuoonl all€r passrng

TEP (SuEtainabi I ity Sci€nce, Technolosy, andiey) Pto{an/ llaster's Program in

s Degree in Environmental Sci€nces

sity of Tsukuba

years as a llaster' s Studehtars as a ilastsr' E student 0R

rting as a Research Studentto 6 month6.then 2 year6 as

llast€r' s Studont yoars as a

ster' s SLudenI dfLEr pashi[B

ter's ProSram of Information Scienco anduf aclur ins Engineering/ter's Degree oI Eilgircei ifiB

ting as a R€search Stud€ntto 6 honths,th€n 2 y€ars as

ty of the aDDl icants)

s Program of Construction a^d EnviromentI tnC/s De8ree of Engineerihg

Iechnolocy (Ashikasalnsti Lute of Technology

ence andlneer I ng

Page 28: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you Slo_Sj specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Poftal Site.

http : i/www.ed u cation "j apa n. org/af rI ca/searcni

Flold of Studv

rrduato Sohoolrdlo for Ihird

BatchNme ot ljniversity 6raduate Sohool Cour 6o



G.9 .!

zitandard Tins Toblo(Ycars nceded forrraduat i on)

Priof lnquiry

11lAi{ansei GakuinInivsrs i ty

raduote School of

echnol ogy

iioscienc€. Bioinformatics and l{edioal Chemistry/last6r of scioncs and TechnologY


ye€rs as a lllaster' 6 Stud€nt6ars as a ilast€r' s Studsht 0R

tsrtinB as a Re6earoh stud€ntp to 6 nonths.then 2 Yesfs aB

llast€r' s Student Yaars a6 a

laster' s Student aftef Passing:h6 sxil (Dop€nd on th€rapacity of tho oppl ioants)


l7Bwansei oakuinniversity

iaduate school oiicienc€ andTechnol osy

ahotechnoloBy 6hd PhYsic6/aster of sciencs and TechnologY

o o

I ye6r6 as a Haster' 5 studentroars as a l'laoter' 6 stud€nt 0R

;tarting as a R€searoh Studentrp to 6 months.then 2 Year6 as

r llaster' s Studont Years 36 a

,laster' s Student sfter Pa6sihBlho oxan, (Dopond on th8rapacity of the appl icants)


7Ciransei Gakuin

iraduate Sohool of iaterial sci€nce and Envirorental ch€nistrv/laster of Science and TeohnologY

o o

I vears as a llaster' s Studeht

'ears as a lJastor' s Sludont 0R

itarting as a Research Studentrp to 6 months,th8n 2 Yoars as

r Haster' s Stud€nt Years as a

kster' s Stud€ht after Passing:ho €xd, (D6p€nd on tho)apaci ty of the apPl i cants)


184 ransei Gakuinni versity

nstitute of Eusinessnd Accounting

nt€rnational Hanagfrsnt cours6/astor of Business Administration o o years as a ilaster' 6 Student Idea I

l9A 'amagata ljniv€rsilY[aduate Sohool ofrgricultural Sciences

ipecial Progran for lnternati0nal Students In

iustainabl s Rico Production/laster of Agrisulture


Jtarting as a Res€aroh Studentrp to 6 nonths, th€n 2 YBar6 as

a flast€r' s Studont Y€afs a$ a

Vaster' s Student aftor Pa66ingthe entran00 exsm




amaeata UniversitY;raduate Schoot oJ;oience and:nB Ineer I nt

lechanicnl systems Encineerihg Program o

tarting as a R€6oarch Studontp to 6 nonths. then 2 Years as

llast€r' s Student Years as a

aster' s Studsnt after Passingdea

lasasaki uhi!ersity lraduato school of:nglheer I ng

flatsr ahd Enviromont.l Enginsoring Program /llaster'6 Degree in EhBineerinB

y€ars as a ilastor' s Stud€ntears as a l'laster' s Student 0R

tarting as a R€Eearch Studehtrp to 6€n 2 Yoars as

r Hastsr' 6 Student Years as a

la6tor' s Studont aft€r PaGsing:hs exm. (Dsp€hd on the;apacity of ths appl io€nts)


224raduate School oi rogre:Global Cooperation Course

esreo:lla6ter of Arts in Law

tartrng a6 a il€s€arcn lluoorp to 6 honths, then 2 Yearsllaster' s Student Years aG

astor' s Studont aftor Passi

Not oandatory

244 Itsunmiya univ€rsitY raduat€ School of,gr i culture

laster'€ Program ih Bloproductlve sclenceinBl ish-option/ o ysars as a Hastor' s Studont I ldeal

254 ohok! ljniversityladuate School oT

:cononics andnternational Accounting Pol lcy frogran/laster's Dogr€o in lnt€rnational Accounting o o 2 y€ars as a flastor' s studont t*Jst

264 Iiversity of ]suklbasohool of Intogrativeand Global lVajots

a6ter's Prograh jn Lile sclence Innovalron /ast€r of Di6ease liechanism, l\iaster of l,ledi0alcience, l,|a6ter of Food lnnovation, I'laster 0fnvi ronnental llanacemont

o o o lo year6 as a lla6ter' s StudeDt dea

2BA ottori [Jhiver6itY

radJde school of lso""ial ProRrar {or Foreign students Depaftmentustarnabl I lly lof Mechanicil and Aero€pace Encineer incl'cr€nce (uspatrment lilzster's Deeroe in Engin€€r ingf LnSrheerrngr I

years Bs a l{aster' s Studentears as a llaster' s Student 0R

itarting as a Rssoaroh Stud€ntrp to 6 nohth$.then 2 Yoars as

I Hast€r' s Stud€nt Y€ars as a

laster' s Student after Passlng:he 6xam, (Depend on the;apacity of the appl i6ants)


208 ottori UniversitY

iraduile. schml 0i lspeciul Prograr for IoreiSn students Departheltiustarna0rrrty lot lnformationandLloctronics/jcrence {uoparrn€nr l{aster's Degree in [ngineerins)l hglneerrng, I

year6 as a llaster' 6 Studentsars as a tastor' 6 Studsnt 0R

tartiog as a Researoh Studentp to 6 nonths.theh 2 Years as

llastor' s Stud€nt YoarG as a

laster' s Student after Passing.h6 exil (Dspend on th€rapacity of the appl icants)


t28C ottori Univer6ity

iraduate School of;ustainabilitY;cience (Depsrtment)f Engiheer ang)

;pecial Program for Foreign Studehts Department

)f Chmistry and Biotoohnology/laster's Degree ih Engineering

2 year6 as a ilaster' s Studentysars as a liast€r' 6 stud€nt 0R

Starting as a Reseafoh Studentup to 6 months.then 2 Years as

a llaster' s Student Years as a

lla6ter' s Studeht after PaEsinStho oxil (Dspond on thocapaoity of the appl ioants)


28D Iottori ljnivBrsitY

raduate sohool ofiustainabi I ityici enoe (Department

rf Ehgineering)

,pecial Program for FofeiSn Student6 Department

rf ilanagemont of Social Systens and Civi I

:nginesr i ng/laster's Degree in EneineerinB


I years as a ilaster' s Student

'ears as a llastor' 6 Studsnt 0R

;tarting ss a Rese.rch Studentip to 6 months,th€n 2 Yoars as

I llaster' s Student Years as 6

!aster' s Student after passinB:ho sxam. (Depend on the)apacity of the appl icants)


294ara lnstitute ofcicnce and lechnology

raduate School ofnformBtion Science

nternational prosran in Information science/eEree of ilaster of Science or oegree of lilasterf Ensin€ering



Z y€arE as a ilaster' s Studonttsars as a tlaster' s Studont 0R

Starting as a Research Studentrp to 6 Donths,thon 2 Y8ars as

a llaster' s Studeht Years as 3

Nast€r' s Stud€nt aft€r Passingthe exm, (Depend on theoapacity of the appl icants)


304iaduate School of)snti stry

)entistry Program / Crdental Course/laster's D€gres in 0ral He?lth Sci€nce


o o ental Sci ence

tartinE as a R€search Stud€ntp to 6 nonths. then 2 Years as

lJaster' s Stud€nt Years a6 a

lastor' s Studont aftBr Passingldea I

Page 29: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you .ft!-!!-$-j specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Podal Site.

http : //www.ed u cati on' /

E ui*cc Liu:Uq-{Ls-!s.l

Fisld of Stody

N6me of tlniversity Graduat6 School Cour se








; -€;\itandard Timo Table(Years needed forlraduati on)

Prior lhquiryCod6 tor Third


308 tohoku Universityiraduat€ School ofrenti stry

lontistry Program / 0ral Health Courso/laster's Degree in 0r6l Health Science

o o o enlal Scionce

tartlnt a5 a xesearoh ltuoenrp to 6 nonth6, then 2 Years asllastor' s studont yEars as a

a6tsr' s studeht sftor pa6sihgdea

30ciraduate School of)enti stry

)entistry Prosram/ D€ntal Equirent & Functional:oods D€velosont Cour6€/'laster's Degree in 0ral Health science

o o o ental Scionce

tartint a6 a H€so8lch sludontp to 6 nonths, then 2 years asllastor' s Stud€nt years as a

aster' s student after passingld€al

13lA ohoku University raduate School otng In€er I ng

€st€r s Progran/astsr of EnsineBring


tarting as a ff€Esarch studonlp to 6 nonths, thsn 2 Years 3s

ilastef s Studeht years as a

last6r' s St!dsnt 8ft€r passingrusl

1324 ohoku Universityraduate School ofnforoation Soi€noes

nformation Technology 6nd soience course/aster's Degree ih lhforhation Soiehoes

o o

itartrhE as a Nesearon lruoon!rp to 6 nonth6. th8n 2 Yoars 3s| laster' s Student years as a

lastsf' s Student aftsr passingllot handatory

334 ohoku Universityraduate Sohool otif€ Soiences

liomol€oul ar Sci€nce6 Program/la6ter's Degre€ in Life sciences


;tartihg as a Research Studentip to 6 nohth6, thoh 2 y6ar6 asr liastor' s Studsnt Years as a

laster' s student after passihgIi{lsT

338 ohoku Univ€rsityiraduate School ofife soiences

)eve I oFenta I Bi o I o8y and Neurosc i snces Program/laster's Degroe in Life Sciences


tarting as a Research Studentp to 6 nonths, then 2 Years as

flastor' 6 Studont yoars a6 a

astor' s student after passingISIST

I 33C


Graduate School ofLife Sciences

:nviromental Life Sciencos Progrfl /la6ter's Degr€o in Life Sci€ncos


tarting a6 a Rosoaroh Studontp to 6 months, th6n 2 Y8ars aE

liaster' 6 student year6 as a

lastsr' s Student after passingrusl

ohoku ljniversityGraduat€ School ofBimed ica I

Enginoor i ng

la6ter'6 Program/laster's oegree ih Bimedlcal EngiheerinB ngtneer Ing

itartinE as a Researoh Studentrp to 6 months, th8n 2 Yoars asI Haster' 6 Stud€nt year6 as a

last6r' s Studont aft€r passingilJST

354 ohoku ljniv€rsitynternational Postraduato Program i

unan Seourity

ublic Hoalth Sciences for Hhan Security/lastef s Degr€e in filedicsl Scienoe

o o

years s6 a flsster' s Student€ars Es a lla6tor' s studont 0R

tartiDg as a R€ssaroh Studentp to 6 honths.thsh 2 yoars asllaster' s Student years as a

a6ter' 6 Studeht after passirghs sxah (D€psnd on th6apacity of the sppl icants)


358 ohoku ljniversityhternatiohal Post-iraduate Program inlMh Security

'ood & Agrioultur€ for H@n S€ourity/laster's Dogree in Agricultural Sci€nce


ysar6 a6 a llaster' s Studehtears as a i'laster' s Student 0R

tartinE as a Rosearoh Studentp to 6 honthE,th€n 2 y€ar6 asllastsr' s Student y€ar6 as a

laster' s Student aJter passihg.hB exe. (Depend on therapacity of tho appl icants)


t 35D ohoku Univorsitynt€rnational Post-raduate Progran inwan Security

uman security and Enviroment/laster'6 Dsgree in Enviromental Studies,laster's Decree in lhterdisciplinary Studies

o o o

I y€ars as a Hast€r' s Stod€nt,ears as a llaster' s Student 0R

itarting as a Researoh Studentip to 6 nonths,thon 2 years asr l{a6t6r' s Stldent years as a

lastor' s Student aft€r passinE:he exu, (Dopond on th€)apacity of ths appl ioants)



I 378

laBaoka University of iraduate School of:n8t neef I ng

$echanical Engineer ingl\lastor'6 Degre€ in EnginserinE


tarting as a R€6€aroh Stud€ntp to 6 Eonths. thoh 2 years asllaster' 6 Studont years as a

aster' s Student €fter passingNot al lored

lasaoka Univarsity of ;raduate School oJ:nclneerrnS

Elsctrical, Elsctronios and lnformationEnsi neer i ngl|.|astor's DeBree in Engineering

o o

tartrng as a He60arch studen!rp to 6 honths, th8n 2 yoars as

'laster' s Student years a6 a

lastBr' s StudEnt aft€r passingNot al loYed

137Cagaoka llniversity of ;raduate school oJ

:nSrneeflngateri?ls Science and Tochnology/aster s Degree in Engineering


tarLinB as a Research studen!p to 6 f,onths, then 2 y€ars asliaster' s Stud€nt years 3s a

ast€r' s Studef,t after passangNot al lored

I 37Dasaoka University of raduate School of

ngrneerlnSiivi I and Environf,ontal Ensin€ering/laster's Degree in EnBitreering


tafting as a fl€searoh Studentp to 6 months, then 2 yoars asUastor' s Studont y€ars as 3

aster' 6 Student after passin8Not al lorsd

37E!asaoka llniversity oilochnol ogy

iraduate School of.ngr n€€r I ng

lioengineering/lastor's 0eBr€e in Enginooring o

tartinB as s H€soaroh studontp to 6 Dohths. than 2 years aslJast€r' s stud€nt years as a

aster' s Student after passingNot a I lor€d

31t lasaDka {lniversity of iraduate School ot:ngr nesr I ns

nf oroat i on and l\lanagment Systems Engi neer in8/aster's D€gr€e in Engineorinc

tartjng as a Hessarch StudonrD to 6 nonths, then 2 year6 33

ilaster' s Student years as a

la6tsr' s Studont aft€r passangNot a I lored

l37Gagsoka llniversity of raduate School ol

ngr neer I ng

uclear Systm Safety Engineering/aster's 0sgree in Eneineering

Starting as a Research Studentup to 6 nonths, thon 2 y€ars asa llaster' s Student years as a

{astsr' s Studont atter passingNot al loYed

384 li irata lJniversityraduate School of

echnol ogy

nviromental Science for Asriculturo ahdorestry Cours€/lastsr's Degree in Agriculture o

rrigation, ral€r

\sr i cultura I

tarting a6 a Research StudentD to 6 nonths, then 2 year6 asHaster' 6 Student years as a

aoter' s Student atter pas6incIAJSI

388 liigata Universrty3raduate School ofSci enoe andlechnol ogy

latural Disaster and Enviromental Science/laster of Philosophy or fiaster of Agriculture

atural hazards

tartrng as a ilesearch studef,tp to 6 nonths, theh 2 years asl{ast€r' s Studont year6 as a

laster' s student after passingIflJST

39A aitama UniversityGraduate Sohool ofHwanities and SocialSci ences

Itcon ProEram/last€r of Eoonomics


itartang as a ReBearch Stud€ntrp to 6 honths, th€n 2 years asI liaster' s student years as 3

last€r' s Stud€nt aft€r passingNot f,andatory

Page 30: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

You ![\lQJ specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors; and the respective Field of Studies

by referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Podal Site.

li tt p : //ww w. e el u cati o n 1 a p a li. o r g /af ri ca/se a rc h /


rting as a Resesroh Studentto 6 months. th€n 2 years as

a liast6r' s Studont yosrs 36 3

to 6 nonths. then 2 years €s

llast€r' s Stud€nt y€ars aE aials Soiehce and Engineerihg/

Soiehce and EngineeriDg/MS Il'|E

to 6 month6, thon 2 Yoar6 asllaster' s Student years as a

t6r' s Stud€nt after paBsinggy Science and Ensineerins/il S fi E

to 6 honth6, thon 2 yoar6 asHaster' s Student years as 3

ter' s Student sftef pasGingCentered Scienoo and Bi@edical Engine€t

rtinS ss a fiesearch $tuden!to 6 honths. then 2 yoars as

llast€r' s Stud€nt yoars ao a

ster' s student after passihtEnsin€€ring^,s,, ll.E.

to 6 nonths. then 2 Y33rs asife science and leohnolosy/

Centered Science and Bimedical Engineerilokyo lnstitute oiIechnolosy

to 6 nonths. then 2 y€ars as

€r' s studont aftor passing

to 6 honths. then 2 y8ar€ as

llaster' s Studsnt years a6 a

ster' s Student after passingical and Cnputing science/faster of

to 6 months. theh 2 years as

Scionce^aster of Scionce, ilaster ot

Iastor' s Stud€nt y8ars as a

ster' s Student after passing

tif jcial Intel I iseno€/of Scisnce ilaster of Ensinssrins fraster

to 6 nohths. then 2 Years as

Ilaster' s Student years as a

stef' s Stud8nt aftor pasoingEnsineerinc/ fila6ter' s DBtre€

to 6 nonth6, then 2 yoar6 asllaster' s Student years as a

ter' s Student after Das6ingand cmtrol EhEiheering/Llastor oi

rical and Electronic Engineering/lla6ter of

to 5 honLh6. then 2 years as

ion and CDmnicat ions Engineering,4laster

to 6 nonths. then 2 yedr6 as

' s Studsnt aftor passingtrial Engineering and Econffiics/ilsster of

IttnS as a Basearch 5tu00n!to 6 nonths. thsn 2 y€aas asteotural D€sign, lJfban Planninr and Suildins

rlrnt a5 a Nesearcn Jluoenrto 6 months, th8n 2 y6ars as

liaster' s Student years as a

ster' s Student after passihgI Engineering/liaster of Ehgineering

to 6 months. then 2 ye€rs a6

ilastor' s Studont years as a

ster' s Student aftsr passin8Ensineerins for Enviroment and Society/s oegr€e

to 6 months. then 2 years asilastsr' s Studsnt ysars a6 ano€ring Sci€nces and Design/ilastor's Degree

to 6 months, then 2 years aslilatter' s SLudutrL yuar! as d

to 6 months. th€n 2 ysars as

lia6ter' s Student years as aDesisn and Bui lt Enviroment/lla6ter of

Leader Protram /Master of Business


Page 31: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

you ft!_U*SJ specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professorsi and the respective Field of Studies

- ty referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site'

http : ifwvrw. ed r: cati o n -j a p an. org/afri ca/s earch /

Fiold of Study

Name of llniversity Graduate Sohool CourEc

z -! ts

itandard Iime Iabls(Years needcd foraraduat i on)

Prior lnquiry)ode for Third


149Airaduate School of o

ysar6 as a flastor' 6 Studantsars as a l'last6r' s Stud€ht 0R

itsrtinB ss a Resesrch Stud€ntrp to 6 nonths,theh 2 Years as

| ilastBf s St0d€nt Years 3s a

laster' s Student after passing

:h€ €xam (D8pshd on th€;apacity of the appl ioants)

Not bandatory

I 504 iagawa lJniversityiraduate School o{:n8 Ineer I n8

)ivision of Safety Systems Constructron:ng Ineer I ng

yo€rs ad a llaster' s Studontears as a |lllastor' s Studont 0R

tsrtinE s6 a Ros€srch Studsntp to 6 nohths,th€n 2 Years as

llaster' s Student Years as a

Laster' s student after passihBhs sxil, (D€p€nd on thorapao i ty of the appl i 6ahts)


t508 (agawa Univsrsitraduat€ sohool ofngtnSer I ng

ivi sion of Rel i abi I ity-based Infornation svstflsnsi noor i nslaster of En8ineering


I vear6 as a I'laster' 6 Student

'airs as a llastar' s Studont 0R

itarting ss a Research Studeht)p to 6 month6,th8n 2 Yoar6 asI lllaster' s Student years as a

la6ter' s Student after passing:h€ erfl, (o€p€nd on th€)apacity ot the Eppl icants)


150C lagawa lJniversity iraduats School o{:ngl neer I n8

)ivision of Intolligsnt M€chani0al svstems

:^gineer inE/laster of Engineering


ysars as a flastsr' s Studontoar6 as a Haster' 5 Studeht 0R

tartinE as s Re66arch Studentp to 6 months.then 2 Yoars asfla6t€r' s Stud€nt Y€ars as 3

last€r' s Studsnt afts. Passingiho €xm (Depend on the;aDacity of the appl icants)


500 ataw€ Universityraduate School ofngr neer I n8

epartment of Advanoed lilat€rials scienc€/laster of Encineerint


I year6 as s lilaster' s Stud€nt

'ears a6 a f,last€r' s studeht 0R

;tarting as a R€soarch studontrp to 6 nonths, then 2 Years asI ilaster' s Stud€nt Years a6 a

laEt€r' 6 Studsnt aft6f passing:h6 €xam, (Depend oh theiapacity of th€ appl i cants)


5Airaduate Sohool oJlman Envi ronment;tudi es

nternational ilasters Course of sustainablerchitecture and Urban Systems. Dept of tjrbanesisn, Plannins and Disaster lrtanasenent/aster's dsgree

o rban Planning,

tortint as a H€so€roh Studen!p to 6 nonths. then 2 years as

ilast€r' s stud€nt y€ar6 as a

laster s Student aftsr passihgIIJST

t5t8 (yushu Universrtaduat€ School of nternational Llasters Course of sustainablo


2 y€ars a6 a llait€r' s Studentyears as s llast€r' 6 student 0R

Starting as a Rdsearoh Studentup to 6 nonths.then 2 Y€ars as

a lla6ter' s Studeht Years as a

ilast€r' s studsnt aftBr passingthe exah (Depend on thecaDaoity of th€ applioants)


Luda es ,rchitecture/ tastef s degree



ul InBtI'_e-q1t!8- _,,

iraduate School otrgr i cu lture

,Nm lng'nmring Intemtrcna.l Cour*_ _

)evelopins food production in Africa o

o years as a llaster' s Student

ia8oshiro UniversatY

tarting as a Sesearoh $tudentp to 6 months. th€n 2 Yoars 3sl{aster' s Student years as 3

lastsr' s stud€nt after pa66ingdea

1544 anasata lJniversityi.aduat€ School of)fganic liaterialsici ence

rganic llaterials science Program o rganio ilate.ial

itartinB a6 a Research studentip to 6 months, thsn 2 yoars as

r l{aster' 6 Student Years as 3

laster' s Studsnt after passing

554n ted Nat ons

nstituto for tho,dvanced Study ofiustainabi I ity

o o ooiencs, Natural

usta inabi I ityas a liast€a

2 year6 a5 a ilaster' s Student/ear6 as a ilastsr' 6 Student 0R

Itartint as a Resaarch Stud€ntrp to 6 month€.then 2 years as

a l'laster' s Stud€nt yeors as aL,laEt€r' 5 Studant after pa66ingths sxm (D8p€nd on thocspacity of the appl ioants)

llot nandatory

1564 OGAKUIN UNIVTRSITIiaduate School oI:ng Ineer I nt echanical EnBineering o HJSI

t56B OCA(U IN UN IVERSITYraduats School olng Ineer I ng

rppliod chemistry and Chemical Ensieerinc o

year6 a6 a llaster' s Studentears as a |lllastor' s Studont 0R

tarting as a Research Studehtp to 6 month6,th6n 2 y€ar6 as

l{aster' s Student years as a

laster' s Studant after passinghs €xd (Depend on th€;aDaoity of the appl ioants)


l56C iOOMIIIN UI]IVERSITYiraduats School oJ

:nB Ineer I n8ilectrical Encine€rint and Electronios o

I years as a liastor' s Stud€nt,ears as a ilaster' s Stud€nt off;tarting as a Rosearch Studenlip to 0€n 2 y8ars 36

r llaster' s Student years as a

last€r' s studsnt after passing:he exil (oepend on tho:apacity of the appl icants)


56D OGAKUIN UNI\/ERSIIYraduate Sohool of:nglneerrng

nfolmati cs

yoars as a llastsr' s Studontesrs as s Master' s Student 0R

tarting as a Research Studehtp to 6 months.then 2 Years as

L llastsr' s Student Years as a

last€r' s Student aft€r passing:he exd (Dspend on therapacity of tho appl icants)


Page 32: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

You.tiij€j specify your desired Univrsities, Graduate Schools, Courses, Professors and the respective Field of Studiesby referring to the detailed university information in the ABE Initiative Portal Site.

h ttp : //www, t d u c ati o n -j a p a n. o r g /af r i ca /s e a r ch /

Fl.ld ot Study

Grsduoto SohoolCod. for lhird

BEtohNam€ of ljniver6ity craduate School Course




;.9 .!

.2 6=-=;\

Standard Tims Tablo(Years needed forsraduat i on)

Prior Inquiry

OEMUIN UNIVERSITYiraduate sohool of:ngr n0er I ng

roh i tocture o

years a6 . liast€r' s Studehtsars as a llaEtor' s Studoht 0R

tarting a6 a Rosearch Stud€ntD to 6 nonthe.then 2 year6 sslia6t.r' s Studont y6ars Bs a

laster' s studant after passingiho axan. (Dopond on thorspaoity of the aDpl icants)


t56F OGAKUIN UI]IVERSITYr.duate school ofnSinoer I ng

iystfl Desitn o o

I yosrs aG a ila6ter' 6 Studont

'oars as a ilaster' 6 Studsnt 0R

itsrtihg as s Research Studontrp to 6 monthc,th€n 2 year6 as

l llast€r' s Student yesrs as s

laster' s Student .ftef passing:h€ oxa (D€pond on th€iapacity of the sppl icsnts)


t57A osei university lsT(lhstitute of Int€srated scionc6 andeohnology)

o years as a llastor' s Studont HJST

Page 33: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AEIE lnitiative 5th Batch

1-(1) Application Form


Master's Degree and Internship Program of Afrlcan Business Education Initiative for Youth

' ^'f,'JJ [1i1 ;'-':: :;-' ^

Reo.Nolnstru,ction1 Handwritten form is not acceptable2 Fill in the form in E:nglish

3. lt is a MUST to fill allthe YELLOW columns (Please write "N/A" if not applicable)4. Write years in western calendar5 Write proper nouns in full without abbreviationO Sjg.!L4!-p3g-es on the bottom of righthand corner after printing7. Check your application form using the check list at the bottom of this application form

1. Personal Information

1-1 . TitleMas;ter's Degree and Internship Program of African Business EducationInitiirtive for Youth (ABE Initiative)

'l-3. Inforrnation about the applicant

Contact Perso

Color Photo(4cmx3cm)

Paste your phototaken within6 months.

JlCAwill inform after selection Procedures)

Family Narne

First Name

Other Narne(lf any)

{iexUd(E UI DII LI I



(As of1tAra6,1 0\

lesident CountrReligion(if any)







II n

Narne Relationshio

Province &a\^,,h+h,vvuruy TEL Erna


Name of Applicant

Page 34: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

1-(1lt Applicalion Form



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ABE Initiative 5th Batch

1-( 1,t Applicalion Form

2. Declaration of desired university placement

,1) All appllcants are requtred to spectty ftrst, second and thtrd chotce ot Untverstttes, and Supervtsors ot' choices by reference to"2-(2)'. Universlty Information for theApplicants" and ABE Initiative portalWebsite.

2) Please select th number of reseach field Ree rtern number ol vour ch Field" sheelfor more detail

ItemN u rnbr: r

Research Field

3) lf disqualified by the universities of first, second and the third-choice at the 3rd selection.JICA might choose the other appropriate universities for you.Do you grant JICA the authority to choose other university for you?


University and Graduate Program and Degree

Name of Applicant:

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ABE Initiativer 5th Uatch

1.-(1) Applicafion FormCONFIDENTIAL


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ABE lnitiafive 5th Batch

1-(1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

3. Educational Background

lnstru,ction1, Exclude kindergarden education and nursery school education.2. Preparatory education for university admission is included in uppersecondary education.3. lf you attended multiple schools at the same level of education due to moving house or readmission touniversity,

modify level column and write the schools in the separate rows.4. Any school years or levels skipped or repeated should be indicated in the Remarks column.5. E:nd date for Higher Education should match with the date on the guraduate ceftificate which you submit6 Acarjemi



Name of School Province,CountryFaculty / Departrnent



Total Years of Education: 0 of schooli

Name of Applicant:

Page 38: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiativer Sth Uatch

1-(1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL


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ABE Initiative 5th Batch

1-(1,1 Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

,) t^^LOt I Proficiegua[Je






Certiflcate(if any)


Mother Tongueex. French

Other Language(if any)

Proficiency of the other language

Excellent: Refined fluency skills and topic-controlleddiscussions, debatres & presentations. Formulatesstrategies to deal with various essay types,

includingnarrative, comparison, cause-effect &

argumentativeEJJd V D.

Good: Conversational accuracy & fluency in a wide rangeof

situations: discussions, short presentations &interviews. Compound complex sentences.

Extendedessay formation.

Fair: Broader range of language related to expressingopinions, giving advice, making suggestions.

Limitedcompound and complex sentences & expandedparagraph formation.

Poor: Simple conversation level, such as self-

2) Have you ever been awarded a scholarship for studying abroad?

3) Are for an scholarshi other than ABE Initiative?

4) Have you ever participated in any training course in your country or abroad irrcluding any offered by JICA?

Name of the course

Country you visited Name of theinstitution or agency

Duration From -l-o

Name of scholarship

Duration From To

Name of scholarshio

Name of Applicant:

Page 40: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

1-(1lt Applicat'ion Form



Page 41: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

Present Orqanization and Position

Type of Organization.*if others,specify


Department / Division


Date of employmentDate of assignment tothe present position

Province &

CountryTEL Email

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

1-(1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL


4. Present Organization and Nomination

4-2. Confirmation of the nomination by the applicant's present organization

I agree to nominate this person on behalf of our organizatio

Cateory of Organization Type of Organization DescriptionA. Private Sector Private Private company including Private school

B. Ministry /Government I nstitution

\ational Government Ministry or Federal Institution

ocal Government Governmental Institution run by stateiprovince or city/town

Public Enterprise Government-owned corporation or facilities

C. Higher Educationand TVE'I-

University Either public or Private University

D. Others

NGO/Private(non-profit) NGO or non-profit organization

Self-employed Freelancer (if you own a company, chose "Private")

Fresh Graduate Just graduated or will Graduate soon from University and notworking

Unemployed not working

Others Any statrrs not applying to all above

Date Signature


Depaftment /Division




Name of Applicant:

Page 42: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AtlE lnitiative lith Batcn

1 (1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

5. Work Experience

Provide the information of your work experience following the most recent one.The first row (most recent one) will be filled automatically if 4-l is correcly filled

**For the type of organization, please choose

Total years of full-time job experren< 0 year and 0Total years of parttime job experier 0 vear and 0



Organization Department PositionPeriod ofWorking From / To



From I

To oct / 2017

From I


From I


From I


From I


Frorn I


Name of Applicant:


Page 43: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AEIE Initialive Iith Uatch

1-(1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL


6, Medical History

(j-1 . Present Medical Status

)Doa) LJo VOU crJrrenilV use anv medtctne o have regular medical checkup by a physician for your illness?

Name of illness. and condition

Name of medicine

lf yes, please attach your doctor's letter (preferably, written in English) that describes current status ofyour illness and agreement to join the program

Are ant'7

Months ofpregnancy month Expected date of delivery I

d) Please indicate needs arisi from disabilities that necessitate additional su ft or facilities.

the situation, youvorrr r:ondition

-t - r-- r, -w'-'may be directly inquired by the JICA official in charge for a more detailed account of

6-2. Past Medical Historv

lf vou l-rave

Have u ever been a patient in a mental clinic or been treated

6-ll. Other Medical Problems

medical problems that are not described above, indicate below.

What are you allegic to?

a) Have vou had a nificant or serious

if yes, please specifyr

if yes, please


Page 44: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AIli: Inifiafive 5th Batcn

1-(1.) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

Name of Applicant:



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ABE Initiative 5th Elatch

1-(1) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

7. Declaration


declare that I apply for the Master's Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for youth (ABEInitiativer) with a full understanding of the "General Information for ABE Initiative", especially the articles stipulated below:

(1) APPI-ICATION1 all the information answered and provided in this application form by me, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

ability. My application will be cancelled if any information is proven to be false.2. all the information provided by me in this application form had been approved by my supervisof in my organization

(Required only for Governmental Officials (including public organizations) and/or Educators.)3, an application form which is incomplete or missing any necessary document(s) will be deemed ineligible and not considered.4 iheselectionprocedureandresultsrestentirelywithJlCAasthesecretariatofABElnitiative.Noinquiriesorobjectionsby

applicants regarding the result of the selection process will be considered.

(2) OBJE:CIIVE OF THE PROGRAMWhen I am accepted for the program, I agree

1 thatthe objective of the program which is written in G.l. Therefore, lwill participate in observation tours of companies, summerinternship, and post graduate internship as designated by JICA,

2 that I am required to contribute to the development of my nation's relationship with Japan after completing the Master,s course andInternship in Japan,

3 that the objective of the program is not provision of employment in Japan upon completion of the program.

(3) JICA's GUIDELINESWhen I am accepted for the program, I agree

1 to invite my family (spouse and children only) on my own responsibilities for all expenses and necessary procedures after6 months upon arrival in Japan to follow JICAs Guidelines,

2 all the information answered in S MEDICAL HISTORY is true, and to accept that medical conditions resulting from an undisclosedpre- existing condition may not be financially compensated by JICA and may result in termination of the projram,

3. to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipuiated by both the nominating government and theJapanese Government regarding the program,

4 tofollowtheprogram,andabidebytherulesoftheinstitutionorestablishmentthatimplementstheprogram,5 to refrain from engaging in political activity or any form of employment for profit or garn,6 to return to my home country at the end of the activities in Japan on the designated flight schedule arranged by JlcA,7 to discontinue the program if JICA and the applicatn's current organizations Jgree on any reason for such discontinuation and

not to claim any cost or damage due to the said discontinuation,8 toconsenttowaiveexerciseof mycopyrightholder'srightsfordocumentsorproductsthatareproducedduringthecourseofthe

program, against duplication and/or translation by JICA, as long as they are used for the purposes of the program,9 to approve the privacy policy and the copyright policy in the G.l.JlcA's Information seculity policy in relation to personal Information protectionO JICA will properly and safely manage personal information collected through this application form in accordance with JlCA,sprivacy policy and the relevant laws of Japan concerning protection of personal information and take protection measures to

prevent divulgation, loss or damages of such personal information. Any information able to identify individuals that is acquiredfrom applicants/participants shall be entered into and stored in Portal website, used or analysecl within the scope of ABE InitiativePrograms and activities of concerned parties: JICA, JICE, Japanese Universities and registered Japanese enrerplses,

O tJnless otherwise obtained approval from an applicant itself or there are valid reasons such as disclosure undef laws andordinances, etc , and except for the following 1.-3., JICA will neither provide nor disclose personal information to any third party.JlCAwill use personal information provided only forthe purposes in the following 1.-3 and will not use for any purpose other thanthe following 1.-3 without prior approval of an applicant itself.

1. To provide ABE initiative to the participants.2 To provide ABE initiative to the participants from developing countries under the Citizens'Cooperation Activities.3lnadditionto1.and2 above,ifthegovernmentofJapanorJlcAdeterminesnecessaryinthecourseoftechnical

cooperation10 toobserveJapaneselawsandordinances(including,forexample,suchas'sexual Harassment') duringmystay, jf Iviolate,

will return the total amount or a part of the expenditure required forABE Initiative depending on the extent of the violation,11 tounderstandthatJlcAdoesnotassureissuanceofJapanentryvisaevenaflerJlCAdecidetoacceptme.I understand the Embassy of Japan will decide it according to necessary formalities upon the submission of visa applicationfrom each participant

Name of Applicant:

Sinnaf r rro'vrJr rvrvr v.


Page 46: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AUI Initiative 5th Batch

L-(1.) Application FormCONFIDENTIAL

/ Month / Ye


Page 47: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AUE Initiativr: lith Batcn

1-(1) Application Form

Pleaser check the following BEFORE printingPage

F'lease cher:k the follow BFFORE bmission


Check List

all the Yellow columns (MANDATORy) filled?

ls the full name written as shown on the passport?(National lD is acceptable if the applicant does not own a passoon)

the date of birth same as on the passoort or lD?

ls your age between 22lo 39? (if not, check qualified age at JICA overseas office in charge oi your country;

ls the name of supervisors chosen from the professor list in the ABE Initiative oortal website?

ls the schooling years corresponded to the years specified in university Diploma and Academic Transcriot?the name of the degree same as in the "university Diproma" and ',Academic Transcript',?

ls the applicant appying for any scholarship other than ABE Inilative?

the name of organizatlon, department, and positjon correctly mentioned? (No abbreviation is alowed)

Annex 3

Research Plan

ls the working history and period conecfly filled?.Any employment before university completion is not considered as workjng history'only full{ime working with acquisition of diploma, such as night school, js approved as working expe.ence

the research plan written with enough amount of words?(Extreme lack of words may not be accepted)

ls the "Title"' "lntroduction", "objective" and "concrusron", respectivery foilowed?

Plerase check the AFTER

JICAls tirere a signature on the bottom-right corner of all pages?

ls the applicant's photo attached on the Application form?

ls there official stamp/signature of current organization?

In the Declaration Form, is the signed date within the apprication period?ls the notary seal* affixed to University Diplom-The copied document of original one is approved only with the original notary seal affixed"The notary seal: To officially notarize the copied document, affixed by authorized publicinstrtutjons or lawyers.

lf not written in English, is the official English translation attached?

ls the notary seal affixed to Academic Transcnpt for all the grades earned in the university?

lf not written in English, is the official English translation attached?

ls there original Recommendation letter attached?

ls the copy of valid Passport (or National lD) attached?

ls 6 photos attached other than attaching on page 1 of Applicafion Form?

::tj:Ll r,",rr of the appricant's iilness and has a consent for an appricant to join the program


Are all attachments submitted?

Check Point Applicant JICA JICE H(A


Page 48: Howtocomp|etetheApp|icationForm · ABE Initiative 5th Batclt 2--(1) Instructions 5th Batch lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply

AllI Initiative 5th Batch

1-(1.) Application Form



Name of Applicant:
