FIRST SECTION. NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1898. 13 ~P* EXHIBIT Show* HOWELL OSBOffl'S WILL IS UPHELD. 4 . , __, Under it. Fay Temple ton, t i t Ac- tress, Was to Hare Had |ioo, ooo -From His Estate. BUT LEFT LITTLE MONEY. Joints Brought Up in the Action Brought by the Sisters of Mrs. ^ Miriam Gsborn. m i HER TESTAMENT SUSTAINED. __°__l»*it»M_ra. I LICITED, i IN STAMPS UNE CO., _gs___J__*-. & SOI, Ceiadea, m. JL, v f order* have ror We«t India •$*_• the mail s%2re, . w_TK-T_ i for parties re- be needed for motion of the steamers with on engines and irgest else aad ill parties .-on m tonnage or eery or hotter* raastrwetloe ytt ( modern toole ass of engines. .rgest hydraulic us; we nave t achlnery under lers for anxious te rs- to build large ed to work out rs and adapted re const ruet too nper vision of a test quality of p. * ! CY UNCH. HT§, Judge Freedman. of the Supreme Court. has dismissed the action brought by Mr*. Leila e. Henriques and Mary A. Mason to partition tba real estate of their sister, Mrs. Miriam Osborn, mother of Howell Osborn, as if she had left no valid will. M-~ Osbom was the widow of Charles J. Osborn. She died on March 14, 1891. She was tb*» mother of Howell Osborn, who died pn February «. 1896. Mr*. Henriques is the wife •f William H. Henriques, for an assault upon whom Frank Ellison was sent to Sin* Sing Prison, and the mother of Leila O. Neame. on whose account the assault was provoked. Mm Neame obtained a decree of divorce frdm her husband, Douglas J. Neame, in the Superior Court in 1893. but some time ago he instituted proceedings In, England forftdl- •«rcq from her, naming Frank Ellison as corespondent. Mia. Osborn, by the provisions of her wHl, liji *__**«*" only child, Howell Osborn, in trust. He was io receive the- Income for mad upon his death the principal was to go t o " t h e issue o f a marriage between him and a wife who. prior to sucb marriage, had not at any time acted, sung or danced profes- sionally or otherwise performed for.hire on a dramatic stage or other place of public amusement or entertainment." UMBO m PAY TEMPLETON. _ !TbJs provision was aimed directly at Fay Templeton. on whom he had lavished thou- sands of dollars, and whom his mother feared be ontght marrv. Another trust fund of $400,000 was created for hia benefit on condition gthat he would consent to the probate of thl will and exe- cute an agreement to that effect. ; She left $25O,0uO in trust for the benefit of her niece, Henrietta Olive Trowbridge, and created trust funds of $50,000 each for the benefit of her sisters. Mrs. Henriques and Mrs. Mason, and for her niece, Mra. Neame, /Don't be too late; take advan- tage of our sf>ecial sale of ends. They are going fast. % . *. All remnants of suit or trous- ers, former prices $16.00 to $40.00^per suit, trousers $4.<X> to $iO.OO, now at a [uniform price of suit to order $14.00, trousers $4.00, with present and future protection—a year's guar- antee or your rrioney back I ARNHEI Broadway & fttt St. WE HAVE NO OTHEgSTORE. ~«^ P , A X O F O R T E S ' OBGAMS. _C. r£t*1_^ TM Sr? gLSS^Wtift^tiXgR Grand, Square and Upright Pianos.jome nearly new; all lully warranted: also for sale cheap, the largest stoei of second hand Pianos of other makers. Including- every prominent name in Amertca or Europe. Bewsreof bora "•©SSS^SJ*. SWE^KffiS? M iTn^'ne Stslnway Pianos. STglXWAT A SONS. Stein way Hall New York. ~/T^ber«l reductions from original prices, a few K N A B E GRANDS, UPHIGHTS, x a V S l r 8 9^?^K^ ) !, t,y ^ n J!. e<1 **ll* sua ranteeo. W M . K N A - E & CCL, 148 Fifth Av, on Furniture, Insurance PoliClo«* I hheritance«i Legacies, Not ©a, Ac. COLLATERAL LOAN AS- SOCIATION (incorporated), 809 Broadway, Mail and Express Buiiding. • .- _ 1 MONEY to loan on furnlt-re, pianos. storagsjf$_ d all other collateral- legal rates; amounts to $200. UNITED STATES LOAN A8S_H. 110i'Ksst l » t h St.: rooma |a^_3_f_ WANT purchasers for any part $5,000 of SK showing large profits* oo compeUtton; 10 per cen will he guaranteed «nd this stock made preferred balance owned by advertiser; company ban no debts money needed for enlarging business; hank and; 1 ness reference given: only principals reply: "tor* pay ever 30 per cent in a year. LEGrrl MATE Herald. WELL organised, strictly legitimate bualness wants party wlthTStToOO and nenre to invest; original re- tnrned four months: half in 111 Ion divided a year: In- vestment amply seemed; ineetigate. LEGITIMATE, box 190 HeraM. _* ___ * — " " ' ' "*"• "I""" —"" •'""£"'"•'! 1' """ "" - ' ' " USUI » I i • ..' v.*, »' f«l'.'***:, K! • ' !!'• » " — ' WANTED—Promotinjr firm of the hisheet stand- Sg to ergaotse a company for manufacturing busi- ness of great merit: thoroughly protected. Andreas, for Interview, PARKER. 302 West 80th St., dty. WAi«jhElb>-M6o6,' eater N. Y. dene- Greater J^ f.: worth "double; principals only. 8TKADKLLA. Herald Downtown. five ye (Till m an exceptional opporttinity; private mairniflcent Grand Dpright A.-Here family will enerlflce Ptauo; Kemiine mahocany; well known Boston maK. perfect every respect: almost nsw; accept one-third orr^nal value if sold at once. Gall residence, 6 West . WANTED—Loan $»,U0O. three years; odter, seenri- ty. rtnr story brtek tenement, nm lot. 80th s t , Tth and 3th avs., city. MASON. ««3 8th av. WANTED—Party to finance «pd enulp electrically ^reet^raUway (five miles). IAILWAY, 181 HeraM " WANTED—*2,00O- fine Country Seat. Wawen eonf ty, N. Of,; value $8,000; near Water Gap. JERSEY. Herald. • , • WANTED—To sell some Notes secured by chattel mortgage on a drug store. SECURITY. 3TO HeraM. $2,500 to loan on second mortanee. west side lm- RK? M y >ro V er J/*; ao brokers. HAZELTON CAMEtt- PEN, Herald Downtown. r -, | . 15,000 wantek for sixty days; important-extract; Wm\Jmmm ami commission paid. SECCBITY, S Herflid Do^uitown. , ' "Tl ,006.000. S sums to suit, to loan on (rood real •state. 4 to J per eeat. NOBUBtT, »/Wall>t. Elevator 1. Nassau s t . _^ * For^Other Atlvertisements Under This Headlair See OTrectory. S e e . 1 , Page 8. ••-'" ' ' * ' i ' ' a '' r BUSINESS OPPORTINITIES. sitiiattoni_on_eaay terms. O. 8.. 400 Herald. ADDITIONAL - capital procured for merchants, manufacturers and others desiring to extend" their business; Stores. Business Places sold quickly. MCDONALD i WIGGINS. 140 Nassau st ; iL Codl Yard for sale, 1*4,000 tons annually, shdwine: V*>& profits. MCDONALD & wiootxs. 140 Nassau. _A^^Pptner wanted with $15,000; guarantee **Q0 monthly; money fully protected. NAXO ds WIGGINS. 14<SN'awan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . SMALlTstoek _ " H'rAWJj and bu tabTiahed^dai waste Slt.OOO more V-apitai 10 per Cent past year. X. sale la Ua weTt til ttSk-** ith steady '. do* era Id. ble man - with $1,200 wanted; es- casn bustaess; highest references. E^ER, 114 Nassau st. m House. Hh ward'; •e^nts. CARPETS, g!8. 152 6th ay., estahiiahtnent for sale; no _JaraM. THE millinery department in a fashionable dreasmaking estab- Jishment to rent. Address M. V., 118 Herald. WANTED A partner, with $».» 000 to j;w.<HiO caah ^i tu i\ ln * ws'-MfsctsWDgl^oalness, «£tetrtisued ?n^L«?° J"? 8 ™: articles positively staple; do not »"f,^" jple*» fou meajl buainesa. Address. wHh BraU n .yn Be * • ' ^J^kU^' UBtoa LeMtne Club, W M ^7 ED ~ p * rtoer wtth a few thousand dollars J£.- p « ehM,s «n«-half interest ln one of the best pay- S^S'f 1 *. ^ ftr ^ u * ? eetablisoments in the city; fSS!f^ ISJ?I? P>& chaI te °' nnancisl dermrpnent. « UTTLB st CO.. roim 178, Worid BuWiogT .-^, A ^ TKI> ~ Ao i iTe Patser, with $$00. for small •pectalty; manufaetuTing business; have article, fa- blg^nts-^Q^om^ OTe 0 ^ " ^ w honorable ^_BOAK»BKS WANTED. 46TTpfT 1W fiurTr»eg*H^ fl»t class; Board; all boose comforts; prtcss •rate. H¥a7 una to branch om< . WANT active, estate business: charge . ., ..... _ WANTED-The ~ McDON. L A ^ P JW1 A N J»sed PUnoa^ias dp; I^stQKSf PIANO stock Jn New YoiCjTpranos *bonght, sold. fS^ltf' -IS%i repaired, tuoeil. PliSNd EX- CHANQE. 106. 10T West S3d. near Biroadway. •i A «m? l S!i!!f* n . t ate i n ?ay Concert Grand Piano, cost Br l Pert ** t «w-<Mtion; will sacrifice. Call 1.T44 t. A v m iS? i i'« >ei,t .fe S0 Dew Cprurat, latest design case. East Sift. manufacturer's guarantee. 215 A few speclal"bargains In new Pianos; left over ^T° m New YSrk"^ WM " A - POXD ™-TMB A Chtrkering Upright, sacrifice M a t t* B!T>DLE'S, 7 E a s t "14th. nUcent ment. rr Only $100. Mag- autifully carved, every improve- TS. i ullding HATE» CAT- ND CHARLES rED^ MORRIS NEW YOKE men and rcnos VEST nure forever. . onomlt-ai. t objectk>nable. no to pine Gas sst Gas Engiae asels or power store. •m Hoars eom- 00 nT p. AGENCY, jj^Sg^ifs^BS, aTesrag slT^r 48 ^ 81 Cnr^° t f KE ^ PIN K G >y rt ^^^^^ »^^2° n, ? cnce - Telegraphy, Sborthaad and Type- rwuL*' « Lt nd evening at Thompson's Business Phi^S^l. 20 i th * T - »W>o«lte CoanerBoion; tbirty- # 0 8 ^ % * experts; terms lower than the low- e«t. For particulars address A. W. Madison f A. M., PHri. _ BARGAINS .... UPRIGHTS ' I^arae aasortment st from ;$ 100 upward On monthly payments ...,7... »5 upward Rents, $3. GORDON, 138 Fifth av., bet. 20th ana21st BARGAINVPrivate family •A I«rae Bicycle Plant for sale, cheap; n hand. McDON ALP A WIOGIXS. U 700 whee.s 140 Nassau. A Saloon. In Hoboken, doing $80 daily: price $5,u0u cash; rent. $15 monthly; 10 years' lease; cause sell- ing, sickness, MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau. Broadway. ie loan of a few '. of obtainJnK a C. 342 ferald engage in real ce: must invest .SEOUR- 2S7 t< West.-Desirable Roans, large-JSk small; excellent Board; moderate prices; table ~~MST^ST.. Wr%0A,~Hendaotne Rooms* wttji «- per tsr Board, la Jewish family; terms moderate; table Board; ftWJOT., St #eat.-4>esiranie large ball *oo»; with closet: superior table and service; reasonable; pferences. 6oTH ST.. IdS East.-Neatly furnished Rooms, superior accommodations; homelike and congenial; excellsct table. .,• . . ; \ . ,. 55TH. 254 West.-$16. handsome double Room, gentlemen; second floor Suite; choice table: cable. 55fiFST., 130 East.-Nicely furnished large aad small Rooms, with-Board; Jewish family; moderate terms. 56Tft. 286 West.—Handsome, sunny alcove Room; cooking; convenient location; re€- bom« hundred dollars, from clerical position; se- borrow fl.OOO on first worth $4,000; gUt edge. , class Southern PRINCIPAL. 100 a man desirous cnrlty_glven. G WAXTFto" w^i? 1 ^)' 011 ? 11 !? 0 Paftner wanted with $2,000 in w^mS?A'JfvL^? lu ^ , » «l«» rt »« over $100 weekly. ,™J>01>\YJ»KKBR. Herald Downtown. m^f'S^^r?**** to prasnote valuable patent; no agentsj good investment. Cigar store, TlBOth av. $25,000 to $50,000 to invest in an established. paying manufacturing business by a gentleman Just retiring from 24 years' flaancUI maflagement of a large Unn in Canada; character of new associates must he unquestionable. Address CONSERVATIVE, box 228 Herald Downtown. *35,ooo to $50,000 wanted to increase an e*Jtab^ lished manufacturing business in Japan; will pay large dividends. AMERICAN. Post office hox 1.296. City, * - * $3,000 to <iuick buyer; old established business; f/l^,5"„ in, T back l B a f e 1 months: no risk to take. RETIRING. 131 Herald Downtown. SSTwiii"paper your"~roops, with wide border; also kalMmining. palntinir: best work at lowest prices; send for estimate. 12 av. A. For Other Advertaemeats U»*e* This Heading See Directory, S e e . 1 . Page t». T—HOTEL ST. ALBANS, 349 and 381 West 38th St. warm bouse erences exel 65TH.. 63 West^-Thlrd^ooriarge Rooril; also fourth floor ball Boom, with Board; references. 5STH. 320 West.-Handsomely furnished Rooms; all conveniences; tabu and appointments first class; t^u- Tenieat all roads. •. 58TII ST.. 170 West-Large, handsomely furnished Room; also smaller Room: prst class Board optiou&l; references.- "~&Wfi ST., S06 West.-Very desirable Rooms, ne#- l.v and hundaoniely furnished, with Board, in private family. ' rd; table ruts; good frost Boom, with iwhhSosfd.witiiv rate house. ' "ff^ntRoom, with first .irate Jewish fatally. F.^-lMTaWfiiniily offar square front Handsome. sunqy, large and table; private family; ten family, select net; excellent Board; moderate. RE- W p i , J 7 ? Heral^aSd St.-. •- _00TH ST.. 220 East.-Extra good Board; comfortahly furnished, heated location; reasonable. -• 60TH ST.. 130 East.—Desirable Rooms, with home eomforts; American table. Excellent reawn>ahle. 61ST ST., Board, large 67 EAST. and small Rooms; terms «2D ST., 101 _ furnished Rooms; excellent races. and small handsomely rd; terms low; reier- A Road House: $15,000; easy terms; $3,000 month - ly; unencumbered. NO .RENT. _. MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau." A partner wanted with $16,000: Half Interest light manufacturing business: take charge New York office; factory located close Albany. MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau. A partner wanted with $5,000: Third Interest man- ufacturing of novelties: factory Broome st.;. now doing business: investitratlon invited. MCDONALD A WIGGINS, 140 Nassau. ,* i 8aI n ' J cl , 08 « N « w York; $3,500 cash; receipts, $70 to $90 daily. MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau. Board and Suite of two rooms, srivat© bath, $25 a week for two persons: single Rooms; steam heat; elevator. . i.*~Deairable opportunlt; woman to share handsome! central. MRS. S.. HeraM. for an independent appointed Apartment; 1. iei lady "l. -A lady, having handsome! ments, would like quiet, reto n West 52d. eY furnished Apart- coupie; Board for Oat A Large, sunny Room, dressing room, both same irge floor; parlor dlnln'g room; reference. 151 West 1.—Waifliington- place, 124.—Very heated, suitable for two or three * A Hardware Retail Store: elegant location, Brook- lyn; $3,000: established; selling, retiring. MCDONALD A WIGGINS, 140 Nassan. something new; price __4i^Jtented wooden Toy; $20,000; call, see sample. McDONAT-D A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau. -Private family must sacrifice, lees cx>st, magnificent Upright Mahogany Piano a.nteed. S r f l W E R l N . ^157 W e s t lltttli. ELEGANT antique mandolin attach antee. 1,049 2d aV., gjjtg st FOB SALB-riXBY Grand hogany case: will BARGAIN. 32T Herald 23d St regard- guar- maker's guar- oak Upright; improvements* ment slightly used; ~ av., ga st: k r Grand Piano in! a white ma- he sold cheap for i-a-di. Address w is [UJI Bsg: te- OW. A- NES en application iNCB. tCl Broadway. ' YORKy . - feet oeer all, ht; new la fall lea. Cow engines, triple hour, and taw a h t : aeeoBBBao- t will be sold present owner !-«iring to en- Iver snd eoe»« tome, this Is a graph of_*_|* mine s Ysens chartering *«<i irrulars: week- 1LMES. Morriai i'sw: triolelS 1 oberta neiler; grd. foot East at. * _jj^a__ p * , 325 BSSJSl FAY TEMPLETON. fdrlife. TheVill also made provision for the incorporation of the, Miriam A. Osborn Me- morlal Home Association, to found and main- tain which Mrs. Osborn left a large portion of her residuary estate. She also,left bequests to Yale (College to erect a building a s a memd- . rial t# her husband, a n d t o t h e Association foi the Relief of Respectable Aged a n d I n - digent Females. The will was executed on June 7, 1888. Five days later Mrs. Osborn executed a codicil in her own handwriting by which s h e b e - queathed all heV books in her city and coun- try libraries and $100,000 to her friend, John w. Sterling. She left personal property of the value of $5,000,000, a n d a larger quantity of real estate. :•• John W. Sterling a n d t h e Central Trust Company were executors. A mortth after Mrs. Osborn died Mr. Ster- ling executed a paper, assigning all his in- terest in the $100,000 b e q u e a t h e d t o h i m toj the Central Trust Company and Edwin S. Chapln, In trust, the fund to be applied a s h e should direct* in instalments, t o b e executed by him, «r b y h i s will. Until he gave these Instructions the income of this trust fund, was t o b e applied t o t h e u s e of HpweU Osborn and Henrlette Olive Trow- brtdgfe. When Howell Osborn died, on February 6. 1836. a will which h e h a d executed on Jan- uary 8, 18M, was f o u n d a m o n g his effects. In It he gave, o u t o f t h e residue of his estate* JQ. Fay Templeton such of his property a s s he ihould select of. t h e appraised value n o t t o e x c e e d Jioo.OOO. The statement o f t h e executors made a t t h e time was that Howell Osborn did not leave _ny real estate and that the value o f t h e per- sonal property did not exceed $10,000. The •question of whether o r n o t F a y Templeton was his wife was virtual*' settled then, for she signed herself Fay Templeton Osborn and asserted that s h e w a s h f s widow. > The plaintiffs i n t h e present suit averred that Mrs, Osborn made her will under undue Influence and that Howell's will was procured by fraud. J u d g e F r e e d m a n s a y s the plaintiffs have al- ready had their d a y i n court to attack the wHliand that they cannot attack rt l n their fresent action. WABliEN FALLON ASKS DAMAGES. MASON A HAMLIN OO, . have on hand a few large sis* Upright Pianos, some in handsome fancy wood cases, which have been used a short time, which are now offered at great reduc- tions from original prices. »An unusual opportunity to obtain a representative high grade piano at a very reasonable price. Full particulars by mail if desired. 3 and 5 West lftth st. "SOHMER A OO. WILL DISPOSE of a number of Slightly us*><i Pianos of different makers at SPECIAL LOW FIOUBES before their removal to 170 5th av., corner __rl bt. • - \ SOHMER A CO.. 149 East 14th at,, corner 3d av. X ',_ " " }n," m . ;„''*" ' - • ' • • - ' " * ' • ' " '.-""' -."'"" '"!!'_.-L !.'-_••' '-;-irV;,. .-• '' ^ .;;.-•:!. . MUSICAL. - t ^A^Ar-A^rr_r___r__-_r^ GRAND CONSERVATORY Qf ____K OK GREATER NEW YOR1 JSO-WBST 2 3 D S T . - 2 -TWENTY FOURTH YEA . -THE ONLY MUSICAL SCHOOL- empowered by Act of Legislature to confer the Degrees of Doctor of Music, Master of Music and Bachelor of Music, snd the kindred arts. -SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION- 2fV>" t o n * . As- , Brooklyn. ' p o r c h e s * , ,*T»- areewa. riser iT-SO. •P r *?tt . charter, wit* artlcalars, w. captain for at hare so™* ddress NfeW JOHN an d tSfmjji 2 Herald Har- fttr fassr'ftnry .•0x55. am East Dawntows. __ ? i Engtae ssA OS. n West « to 5o fri*" ____2-— li feet, s- 1 Brooklyn. 'spat: S.ft: JUa HeraM. __ Minute. >. writ* t# ss impound var-sr ban any ether m: power m> fcorae f_ war *r t of fifth «t~> SUM Former Commissioner Wright, Al- leging Illegal Dismissal. .Warden Fallon, of,the Tombs prison, has instituted a suit* for $10,000 damages against former Commissioner of Correction Robert J. Wright, alleging Illegal dismissal and ma- licious prosecution. 'Th« Appellate Division of the- Supreme Court, to which tribunal Fallon carried his appeal, reinstated him, with a rebuke to the «k*n Commissioner. It Is on the court's find- ing on this appeal that the suit is based. > -—••—••••——••»—» *!**f*"! m *t w nf mm ^'^ mmm f!*^?^ riliQs?iy«Bi. J!NMM«% i _^, T IN ALL BRANCHES of VOCAL and INSTRUMEN- TAL MUSICPIANO. VIOLIN. ORGlAN, •CELLO. FLUTE CORNET. MANDOLIN, AC. -HARNIONY. COUNTERPOINT and COMPOSITION --OPERA, ORATORIO and CHURCH UVH1C . _^_-__FQK BEGINNERS,-. ADVANCED AND FINISHING STUDENTS AT MODERATE TERMS. 1 OPEN DAILY UNTIL » P. M. —— Lectures on History aad Analysis of Music. ——free to Students. Weekly Entertainments. B_ySpecial notice.—The 25th Anniversary of the Grand Conservatory of Music Will bs celebrated on a grand scale; former students will idea**- send their addre«se« to the President, 250 West 23d st. _________ r~rhe ONLY New York Conservatory of MuSic ii_s ii-A5yr isxH ST BETWEBN"4th av. and IRVING PLACE. (Establishe.1 1SC3, Chartered J865.) The FAMOUS MUSIC SCHOOL for BEGINNERS for ADVANCED PUPILS. UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES hi ALL BRANCHES OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ELOCUiaON AND MODERN LANGUAGES. GRADUATES TROVIDED WITH POSITIONS. OPEN DAY and EVENING for years on 14th st. NO BRANCH. ONLY at 112 Eas4 18th St. and servatory wishes pupi East 57th_st AT A—Previous to the removal to our new premises. we w ¥ l __ m * k * , ""J" Btyl « Ladies* Tailot Gown of broadcloth. Meltonette, heavy cheviot or glace, lined throughout witlf the finest quality French taffeta silk, for $27; perfect satisfaction guaranteed. THE 23D STREET COMPANY, N *"T.. Yor . k .'i* JE°** JK>P l ' ,ar Ladies' Tailors, 244 248 West gftl st., near 7th av. A sacrlnee.—$1,500 will buy entire Business, man- ufacturing medicinal and toilet preparations; large stock on hand; also fluid extracts, oils, drugs, ma- chinery, fixtures, Ac. Apply S. DRUG CO., 219 Feart st. A GREAT PATENT Book (free) tells how to secure and sell patents. All ?.'S > "kJ ll * > famous Gatliug inventions. CATLING A l'EARL CO.. Patent Attorneys. 23 Union square. APARTMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN.^-For sale, owing to necessity to live In dry climate, large House: three bath rooms; house filled with penna- _ ,Dt ,5 e &L e !* n; term * »trictly cash?' E. H., 218 Herald 23d St. . A—Partner wanted, lady or gentleman, with $G00i L l J,i UIly P"tai)liahed business; you will make net profit $100 weekly on Investment, and, no rtn—: e x o e r l e n c e _ 3 Heeald y As r 4em enCe * •f tltaM *- INVESTIGATE, A golden oppQ.rtunity.-f2.500 will buy a good paying gents*' furnishing Store, including stock, fix- tures and showcases; Worth about $9,400: utust sell on account of in heaKh. ROTH MA N. 835 8th av. " Al ^department Store, located prominent thorough- fare Greater Ne*w York: value $15,000; cash Or suita- ble real estate In exehan Iiowntown. !.—Elegant Jewish family $4 and Ur u. roth. Rooms, Rooms, with first class. Board*- in , 948 Lexington av., near 6i)th st.^ 7TH AV., 2,049, near _3d St.—Large alcove and square front Rooms: good table; reasonable. 12TH ST., 22 West (near 5th av.).—Desirable double and single Rooms, with Board. ^_ , 14TH. 103 West.—Comfortably furnished, warm Rooms, with first class Board; $5, $6 weekly; seen Sunday. 14TH ST. with Board; 236 West.-.Large and small Rooms, terms moderate. 14TH ST.. 219 West—Nicely furnished with Board; good table; at reasonable rates. Rooms, F.. box 160 Herald A .plane and singing professor from) Lelpsig Oon- Us. Address PROFESSOR, 413 instruction In Address MUSI- reasonable terms—Thorough piano and guitar: lady musician. CIAN, 240 East 78«h. - *~" CEIEBRATED VOCAL INSTRUCTOR, ' MME. ARGILAGOS. Perfect method of voice production; most.disagree- able voice made beautiful: pupils prepared for opera, concert and church; engagements * procured; terms reasonable. 1,554 Broadway. -DR. WM. MEDORN. 300 West 24th —Piano and Singing Studio. •t.- ^ r —FANCIULLL,— _ the celebrated Composer and Musical Director. -Pf^ORTF. EANCIULLI+- bas returned to the Grand Conservatory Of Music, ISO West 2-d at. FURNISHED Music Studio to let; $ 2 a day; piano, heat and attendance.- Room 10. 7 West 14th St. " LADY CELLIST "^ ' ^*~~^ ""' is desired to form TRIO CI.UB With young ladles E laying violin and piano. Address MOZART, 120 [eraid23d St. ' LADY violinist gives lessons; thorough teacher; excellent references; moderate terms. V10_1N1»T, 1G1 East 115th st. > MUSH"—I will guarantee to teaeh yeu to read music and to play SO plecea. inclodtag the latest popular songs, oa the banjo, mandolin, violin or near 40th. . ; I MIRIAM CpYRIERE Agency supplies churches, colleges and families with musician*; circulars for- warded. 150 5th av. A. Partner wanted (silent or acttvo), with $2,000 cash for imported eordlaU; no risks; large profits; success insured. Address or apply at 1,851 Broad- way; "AN ,«»tan\l8hed legitimate Office Business (Brook- lyn) clearing $100 weekly: price $1,000. . . LrPTTiB. World Building, roOm 173. A custom cutter would like to meet three or tour cutters who have some tradejind capital to Join in business. JONESVILLB, l-S'-Herald w m AN old established Fish and Oyster Market for sale, cheap: cause for selling, other business; good i chance for live man. .MARKET, 158 East 125th. BUSINESS mah. well qualified, going abroad, de- sires to act ns agent, promoting manufacturer's In- terest, or take merited article on commission. En- teroriae. 200 Herald 23d St. BUSINK8S man. with mining experience in Idaho, wishes to go $p Alaska; wants backer, small amount; good terms; best references. L. 217 Herald Harlem. DRUG Labels lithographed. 25c. thousand; gummed Stickers, all kinds; Law Blanks, 85c. page; Job Printing and Lithographing^,.low prices. HAED- RIOH A SONS. 115 Sands at>Brooklyn. * DRUG STORE in Astoria: excellent location an<i chance. Address EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. Herald. JCXOELLENT opportunity for capable pnrtv; branch "fflf!* manager old established HjblUhing. house: $1,200. commission: name references; $100 cash bowl reouired. G. Q 151 Herald 23d St. " FOR SALE—Dried fruit and nut plant, engine, boiler and large heating room, with all necessary machinery: current cleaner, with centrifugal dryer; date press operated by power; machine for polishing and grading pecan nnts; largest in New York; this plant has been operated for past season: Is now in R] —^ " ' " 16TH ST., 210 West.—Large and small Rooms, with Board; also table Board. 18TH ST., 41 West—Will furnished, large.square Rooms: all conveniences; superior table; terms mod- e ™i__. ______________________________________ ~16TU, 37 West.—Nicely furnished, well heated large Room; large closets; running water; central lo- catioa; references. i 18TH, 47 West.—Desirable large, heated Rooms; southern exposure; excellent table; table Board; rea- sonable transients. IGTH; 49"West.—Large an* small connecting front, simnv Rooms; families ot uuity friends: excellent . 17TH ST.. 31 West.-^IArge second story front • Room; also other Rooms; excellent table; superior house. 17TH ST., 280 West.—Rooms and Board, «lrls employed, reasonable; also furnished Room; all im- proyeroents. 17TH,"_ West-—Handsome single, double Rooms; generous, well served Board; late season; moderate; retyenees, _"_'•• 18TH ST.. 11 West.—Lag» sad.amaJl #r#nt;. southern exposure; bountiful table; moderate references. , " 18TH ST.. 19 Weet.—Large and hall Rooms; south- ern exposure: superior tabic Board; terms reasonable. 18TH ST*.. 21. .25 West.—Beautiful large and sin-' glt> Rooms; table unexcelled; families or gentlemen; references. __•• . _^ 11 ST, 49 East.—Comfostable, sunny Rooms; ex- ceptional table and appointments* rates moderate; SB references exchanged. 621) ST., 37 East.^<xione^lng Rooms, With every convenience; also single .Rooms: excellent Board. 6SD, 38 East.—Handsomely fnrnisUed Rooms, with Board, in Jewish famlly; dining room on parlor floor. 68TH. 78 West.—Large." 'sunny fiooms. en suite", singly; private' bath; superior table; parlor dining room, k i 70TH ST^ 118 . West.—Handsomely furnished Rooms, large and small; superior Boara; parlor diu- lng roomj references. « ' < - : 70TH, 118 West.—Large, hanisjmely furnished sec- ond story front Room, parlor dining room; excellent Board; references. ] ' ,,-•'•• • 70TH. 142 West.—Desliahle second floor front Roam and dressing room, with Board. . 718T ST., 128 West,—Second story sunny Room, with private bath; excellent table; American family; refereuce. . 71ST ST., 176 East.—Handsomely furnished second story front and single Room, with Board; every con- •yenience. > ' . - 718T. 69 West, near Central Park.—Large Room, second floor; private bath optional; first class ap- pointments^ . SSSF%W^ elevator, Ac.), neigh* st. and Broadway, will rent pleasant Room, with high IHBSS Board, to gentleman seeking refilled s_nwnd_»gs";~reT««ae_r. T*RI\ ATE KAM- U.Y, 315 Herald. r , v . n&ETSfNSTON Or.. *«P^«eT«_d J'reseh private family; nicely furnished hall Roons; first class Board; reasonable;, i: refetencea. r . ; . - ' "liTjIiiXTTA^AtC^t^oear 121st st.-Choice Rooms,*newly furnished,- liberal table; American; private - family: references. -\t- . r PRIVATE family, pehr West 72d st. station, can accommodate gentleman afid wifeltjr few gentlemen; house aad appointments first class. HOME, 251 Oo- lumbus av. - . >'; j •'• «. ., "^ENTLBSi'AS and wlferfronlTR«om, good BoardT maan fa'miLv: $50-$d0 mouth! Address. PRIVATEV LOSS 3d av. private dewIsb or Gennan family: $50-»80 monthly; jiOth toSOth sts. Address. PRIVATEVl.' ROOM.snd Board \vant«d: e Jewish family; $_. 71ST. 184 West.—Large aad small Rooms; every convenience: excellent table; table guests accom- modated; references. | 73D ST., 238 West —Large second' story Room, with private bath; vacant February 1; reference. 74TH ST., 156 West.—Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Board, on second and third floors; prl- vate baths. , 74TH, 131 West.—Handsome large Room, with pri- vate bath; excellent table; parlor dining room; rood- ernte; reference* ' 75TH ST., 161 West.—Large, handsomely fur- nislied second Moor; private batu; excellent Board; refrrancwM:. 75TH, 180 West.—Large front Room, one flight; superior table: parlor dining room; references. ' 76TH. "236 West.—Special attention given to table boarders; moderate terms, balance season. 70TH ST.. 127 West.—Superior Board; large ltooui; Jewish family: moderate terms. 78TH ST.. 131 West.—Large, handsomely furnished Rooms; well appointed house; first class Board; terms reasonable. ,. 80TH. 113 East.—Large Back Parlor; sunny front Room and hall Room for gentlemen or couple; good table; home comforts; Jewish family; references. SfrxH, 178 West.-^Handsome. large Room; superior table; excellent service; high class house; table Board; two. 80TH, 170 West.—Large sunny Room; hall Room; excellent Table; near L station and calde; references. 81ST ST.. 120 West.—Large Room, Board; also single Room; reference. with first class 81 ST ST. 135 West.—Sunny second floor Room or suite If desired, with Board; elevated station. 82D, 118 West.—If seeking quiet, comfortable, gentesl home, call; superior table; moderate prices; references exchauged^^ ; 82D ST.. 81 Bona.ble price. West.—Excellent table Board at rea- 82D, 68 West.—Two handsome, desiralde Rooms, second or third Ho^;_tableJBoajders_^wojnm^j^ejL_^ "~90*THTli West.—Handsome Rooms; southern es- posure; excellent table; modern improvements; good location; references: prices reduced. »2D, 40 West.—Handsome second floor, private bath, small Room, newly decorated; parlor dining; superior Board. >m; JMMM refia'e efate; 'references. indsomely furnished fronts home; prices very mod- 21ST ST. Board and rates; references. , 9 West.—Large Rooms attendance; centi superior table tral location; reasonable 21ST ST.. 33 East.—Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Boa rd; reasonable ra te^ references. 21ST ST.. r4T~W*st.— Desirable second story sun- ny Room; superior table: table Board; references. 21 ST. 256 West.—Finely furnished Room for two;" excellent table; refined; central; hall Room, $5. * 22D ST.. 5 West. flrst -class Board; Board. -Desirable pleasant Rooms, with families aud gentlemen; table Irst class condltlop. JAMES, 148 Herald Harlem. FOR SALE cheap.—A Plant for the manufacturing of envelopes and stationery, consisting of presses. dlea, type, envelope printing and embossing presses, engine, boiler, and all other tools: owner retiring. Address. TAYLOR, 332 Gates av., .Brooklyn.? FOR SALE-A well established Stationery Store on upper west side; well stocked; party wishing to re- tire from business: no agents need answer. Address J. B.. box 424 Herald. r 22D ST.. 348 West—Nicely furnished Rooms, with Board; terms moderate, 23D ST., 444 West.—Large, finely furnished Rooms, singly, en suite; every convenience; excellent table; moderate. 92D ST.. 80 East.-Nicely furnished front Room, suitable for young men or couple; Jew ish family. ""WD ST.. 134 West (near *'L" staHon and Park*.— Pleasant Room; .good Board; private family; refer- encea. j .• •• I 93D, 23 West.—Comfortable, cosey double, single Rooms; horoelfke; superior German-American table; also Back Parlor. : . Jl West.—Private family, second, third, Rooms; Board; gentlemen or couple. i, wife, child btveT; priThte ?ewrsh family; $1_. J., 121 Herald Harlegt. TWO gentlemen want Room. Snd good Board with family: terms must be moderate C. M-. 457 Herald. WANTED—Double RoomTand Board, above 42d St., for two ladies. $1S r ' U f i ; best references gJvea and Required. Ad>lreaa E^t'v W.. Herald 28d StT f OCNG'inotherr working o«T. desires trustworthy woman to take her two months' old baby hoy to board. Address, stating terms. MOTHER. SOS Co- lumbua av. -^ SSSSSSSLJSSJSBL^^^LJ. Z New Jersey. EAST ORANGE.—Comfortable Rooms: choice ta- ble; modern house; near depot; terms moderate. P. O. box 63. ENGLEWOOD. N oom; station J.—The Ingle*ide; comfortable inu Mrs. Til EARS Room; choice table; moderate;, four minutes _froo« TH~ . • L o n g Island. - EXCEIXENT Board in • private surroundings: healthful, convenient location; specially attractive Room for married couple. Mrs. BOGART, 85th St., between 19th ami 2uth avs., Bensonnurst. $6.50 weekly.—Will share ith one or more people: bo w air, good Downtown table. "lovely home, hour efrf, r. horses, billiards', mountain MOUNTAINS, box 122 Herald HOTBLSjkND IT^STACRANTS. HOTEL ST. ANDREW.; 72d st. and Grand Boulevard, New York. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. THE ST. ANDREW is thoroughly fireproof and equipped in every respect to secure comfort aad health to its guests. Its situation is in the midst of the great Parks, and yet it is ia close touch with all parts of the city. Its cuisine is unexcelled anywheia in the metropolis. CHA8. H. DAVIS, Manager. a_ ¥M_ "<_A©ir_l SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. * y^ 392 WEST 103D SfT. The highest and healthiest location in the city: orerisoking the Hudson; three blocks from either the famous Riverside Drive or Central Park; one-half a mile to Columbia University and Barnard Cellege- eievator steam heat, attendants and a beaatiful and well ventilated dining room: Suites of two to seven rooms; private hall and hath to each suite. THE DUNMORE, . 230 WEST 42D ST. , European Plan. FURNISHED SUITES. PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH. W. H. VALIQUETTE, Prop. A.-HOTEL PREMIER, . CORNER 72D ST. AND EEXINGTON AW. Select family hotel; newly constructed r Suites of two, three and six rooms; private baths; superior table; new dining ball on top floor; flrst class in every way; moderate rates to permanent parties. IfEW YORK HOTEL, 665 Broadway.—150 richly furnished Rooms, 50e., 75c., $1; largest restaurant, hroch aud oyster counter on Broadway; wine, table d'hote. 50c. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Washington place, ad- joining Broadway,^Elegantly furnished: steam heat- ed; elevatof: location deslranle.- rAmvenlent, cehtral; table private, a la cart or Attfericap; rates moderate. For Other lloarilinn^ ' See i Advertlnemeats llreetory ftrnrseetlon. Page R. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC. WE^HA^DLE^tlrnrpreK^F™^ COACH & CARRIAGE •_B_A\IJ_[1^ DBTB®t» 93D ST., fourth ston' 94TH. Tavrest.—Large snd small Rooms ia hsnd- somely appointed house; reference required table. Board. "' " ' ' 94TH ST., 186 West—Second and third Story, with Board; one block from "L" station. 94TH ST . 38 West.—Second ttoor.^en suite or sin- gle; desirable paritea;ijp____«____j [ , 241D, 257 West.-Handi Rooms; large closets; runr moderate; transients; ref "^{307445 West— Beautiful, ly furnished Rooms: daintiest | ing; central location; modern 23D ST.. 229 West.—„ Room; heat; running Board. 'furnished attractive water; superior table; dTate~RQOtn, a r t i s f i c i r rench cooking; charm- 'ront and medium sired Southern home; table 23D ST.. 334 West, the Murray.—Handsome Rooms scrupulously clean; dainty table; table Board; mod eratje. ._ . •_ _____ Young man wants Roommate, Room: all conveniences. FOR SALE per month; long lease; at low rate. B.. Herald 23d St. Furnished Room House; nettina_$200 Address W. J. -Experienced lady teacher; painstaking, thorough: attention to beginners; reasonable. PIANO. i, >r. uiKh! RUDDELL." 9m 6th ar "Qreater N*W York's Greatest StOTfc' O E very hotly who baa seen Our hi^h-grade Harxrtony Pi«no for 1898 for JUTi^iX WS3BHS ?-i"-Mrt: 150o00 """"t. 1 Ia It Is he- critlcism-4n mechanical detail It la far to the average inetrtaniest. have a large assvAmeat la JMK 4th Suor. where all w^oeos _ •ument has the fancy « £ _ « t"*_i,,''*Z 11 We guarantee every Piaae%e ajsH for and keen It in tune for one year free of PIANO teacher, graduate conservatory: beat quick method: apee'_t f*tent»_JIi beginners; also advanced; reasonable. 1?» West tKld. , ^ J "SWAN and. Skylark.'^Metropolitan Opera House: Sehil. conductbr: volnsteer chores. 200; additional voices received to-day. 2 to «. at 109 West 84th ft. SIGNOR CARB^fSrS Aendemy of Singing removed corner 42d. Harvard Building son free 729 6th av. On* les- ^t^SSS^S teacher; Bast VOCAL Instrre reasonable rates. 127th St. VIOLIN, mandolin, piano lessons; pupils' resl- eTeneea: experienced teacher: nimlamite. Professor AHLBERG 229 West 42d. care Pest. TOUNG lady p'aniste .wishes to vlotlnist for practice; no remuneration 1,152 3d av. ' ' SJP *A D LP_g FOR SALE—$5,000: established' Manufacturing Bualness; worth $10,000; pays $300 monthly. WID- OW. 400 Herald. ^^ HAVE capital t»> invest, with services, in a flrst class, good paying, established business, that will stand investigation: particulars must be stated: all answers strictly confidential. S. K. F.. 1.152 Myr- tle av.. Brooklyn •r' t ""HEALTHY, determined young man. highest city references, will go to Klondike and divide with 8 **ty paying expenses: can get to Pacific coast free. !. B. M.. 977 8th av. for $800, can't be equalled: VERY EXCEPTIONAL, 436 department of 50x5a feet to HERE is a chance want office partner. Herald. ^ IMPORTANT to grocers.—A large store on Columbus ae. has space o f ft _ let for sale of groceries: big opportunity to right party. PAEKMORB. 852 Qlnmrms*«-. MANAGER for branch office; new and popular business; $300 cash required. 156 5th av., room 1.233. NEWSPAPER man or woman wanted to take In- terest and edit or manage new trade weekly of great promise. Call 232 West 39th St.. afternoons, 1 to jjj or address for interview ARGONAUT. OPPORTUNITY for any one interested in music or piano bosiness. Address MUSIC, 156 East 125th st. ___,',• \ PARTNER, with $3,000 to $5,000: established elec- trical muilness. owning valuable patents. R. C . 100 Herald Downtown. ~PARTNER~want*d. old established painters' sup- plies and decorating business: large stock; large out- side trade; no risk: investigation courted; ttookkeoper preferred; references required. Address REAL ES- •FATit OJ'KKTE. 104th st and Sth ar. 23D, 215 West, share large, sunny 23D ST.. 128 East, neae Madison square.—Single Rooms; good Board: select bouae\_Xable Board. 26TH ST., 38-and 40 East.—Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Board; double Room, top floor, for couple. $14: single Room, $7: other Rooms. 2STH ST.. 109 East.—Large and small Rooms, nice- ly famished; table Board. 28TH ST.. 125 East.—One large and hall Room; nJU?e]y_fjrn|shed^Ubbi^oSjrd.__^ 30TH, 309 West.—Newly furnished Rooms, large, small: excellent Board; all conveniences. 31ST ST.. 147 East.—Large front Room, with Board; terms moderate:jrefjerences. 34TH. 241 West.—SeconcTfioor front, southern ex- posure; every convenience; also hall Room; hot, cold water. i ., 34TH.)254 West.—Handfsroe large Rooms; steam heat, running water; first etas* table. Front Ri tie 95TH, 117 West.—Large and small Rooms to let; all conveniences; Board optional; terms moderate; references. __ 95TH 8T.733 West.—Large, handsomely"furpiahed, front, sunny Boom. With Board; reference. ~95TH 63 West.—Two large connecting Rooms, sec- ond storvj,good table: American family MMMSg Rooms. 66TH, 63 West.—Beautiful second floor front Room; sunny; good service and table; very desirable; references. _ 96TH ST.. Room; very select. Swoa 37 Bridge St., Newark, N. J. Telephone 424. Newart. A STOCK OF OVER TOO HEAD CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JUST RECEIVED. CARLOAD EXTRA QUALITY OF BREW- ERY HORSES, WEIGHING LgOO TO 1,9QQ. ; A—20 STAU.S: LARGE WAQO»r ROOM'. A.- 61 West.—Handsome, large, also small moderate; parlor dining; table Board; 90TH ST., 5 West.—One very desirable Room.: un- reasonable; expeetedly given. \— vacated; also table Board 97TH 146 West.—Sunny second story Room, with Board: bath adjoining: private bouse; references ex- changed. 98TH' , ST. 154 West.—Respectable young man wanted in private Jewish family for Room. Boai moderate. rd; BERMAN. -Lady wants respectable work- NELSON. 9»TH ST., 49 West? Ins girl to Board. ; 103D ST.. 140 Wast.—Nicely furnished Room ia fine apartment; privilege of parlor and piano: steam heated; home comforts; reasonable; convenient to* station. " 104TH ST.. 224 West.—Sw-ond floor lack Parlor; conveniences; sup'-Tior table front and references*, te*m» 8Jgj'____ 105TH ST. and Riverside Drive.—fieslrable Rooms. with Board; overlooking Hudson River; moderate; cottage. NOS. 148. 150, 152 WEST 18TH ST. (occupied by Slegel-Cooper Co.). IS E. STERNE. " MORR1 STERNE. 9 East 14th st. A rare chance.—Five sound young chunky Horses. $15. $40: suit truck, coalman, grocer, any business; warranted; purchaser week's trial. 498 East Hous- ton. '. ACCOUNT death, must sell two Horses; 1,200 each: $40. 11 Tompkins av., near Flushing av., Brooklyn. r _ .' .^BUSINESS WAGONS.—Special bargains this week: all styles: warranted. New York Wagon Works, 254 Hudson St. _^ BLACK Hearse for sale; like new; can he seen at Mariborough> Sons. 470_Clerroont ae., Brooklyn. * BREWSTER Brougham, ln excellent order,, very light. Jor sale cheap. 120 West 30th st. ""FOR SALF^Handsoxne "Vermont Morgan Team dark chestnut Colw, sft years old, 15.2; extra high knee and hock sction; draw brougham better than three minutes; only parties wanting extra fine horses need apply; sound and kind. 280 Hicks St., Brook- lyn; FOB SALE—Single and double Delivery Wagons; one Truck, one Cart and Harness. Apply at RID- LEY'S Stables, 59 to 68 Allen st. ' FOR SALE-Stanhope tor's or private use; also Runabout. Broadway almost new: doc- BURR. 54th St., " FOR SALE- single Trucks. Flv BREN i»4T]H. 339 West v moderete; references: gen n; terms 34TH, for two. 341 with West.— I'leasaat first class Board oom; neat men. front Room; suitable 35TH ST., 6 East.—Elegant Rooms, with flrst class Board and attendance: Location unsurpassed; Refer- ences exchanged. 38TLL68 WEST.-ATTRACTIVE. SUNNY ROOMS; PRIVATE BATH': MOOEJIATE; REFERENCES U-flned home; elegant 1 •ulsine; private bath; ntly fur- table 39TH ST.. 57 West.—Re. niahed Rooms; excellent « guests; references. __ 42D. 268 West.—Elegant front and back Apsrt- ments: Board and appointments first class; reduced; $5 upward. ___ _ . . _______ 43D, 148~West.—Handsomely furntsfied^arge and single sunny Rooms; private bath; superior table; referentes required. . 43D ST., 110 West.—Sqfnare front Room, neai furnished: house thoroughly heated; table Boai reasonable. 45TilT~3i5 West.—Large" and small, well heated Rooms: excellent table; terms reasonable; table boarders, _ __. . 45TH, 321 West.—Handsomely furnished laree and small Rooms; excellent table; $5.50 up; table boarders. ' y •* " 125 West.—Nicely furnished large and' small -A gentle, irtment, also 113TH ST.. 328 West <the Morrilngside). man can have Room and Board In corner Apai with every improvement; physician s home: dining room and bath on j__me_floj>r; first class attendance. *T_3DT~222~West.—Psrlor and Second Floor; hall B"dmom: southern exposure: good table. 123D ST . 12il Wi-it.—Booms, with or without Btwrd: alro table Board. parlqrjRrdngjgom. "T2STI1 256 West.—Desirable Rooms, extra large elosets; all conveniences; superior Board; moderate terms. ; 180TH. 34 West.—Large or small Room on second floor, furnished or unfurnished; superior table; reasonable. 134TH. 249 West.—Nice Board; also hall Bedroom; house. - front Parlor, with good very reasonable; private •e top Delivery Wagons and three IENNAN. 349 West 11th st. A.—Handsome gray gelding, 16 bands, seven years old: extra fine carriage horse, single or double; a beautv under saddle: not afraid of anything- ridden bv ladies; perfectly sound and kind; price $250. 4b,i Oolumbus av. R. PEHLEMANN. GRAM> pair of cross matcited Cobs. 15.3 bands, brewn and dark gray, six years old the highest knee actors and all around goers ln New York, for sale; acclimated, fearless of cars of any kind; warranted ..-t in Miiv veterinarv: 15 Other One select- ulnental Stable,, sound; suliject to any veterinary; 15 other fine select- ed Horses. T. E. G<UtDON. Jr., Contln 38th 850 7th at. Telephone 1.001 " HANDSOME young chestnut 'prompt, high ' Iu'iuir Horse; fearless, fast; single, double; saddler. lasTH. 201. ct—ner 7th av.—Elegant Rooms and baths: southern exposure; beautiful location; supe- rior table: reasonable. -Comfortable large 447 WEST 22D; frienSs or couple; heated; upward. good Rooms for Board; each $4.50 aOy trd; se; superior cuisine; table "YOU can lean_ to read MnsTe I s W ltt m leasona: highest 4Sd st.—Dentist Office to let; reasonable. Handsome Studio, reasonable,'"letf "TH East 9 3 st vixal lessons la return. For Other AJvertlaencents Under This Heading. See Directory. See. 1. Page 0. FINANCIAL. Th« priotjWm- plete, with piano •tool to maich, ia Pianos tuned paired and regols '•eastwsbie Prices. Btoomingdafe Bros., > AV.. 8»TH 9££S£J5£ _r_55r>__^_«sBs'„ __ __ pl_so tSweV- we ra».giva the A Itrw. 'triced R. R- stock will soon double: liberal Ju to small capltaUst. PROSP_3_TY, box tlon Herald Dowatowa. ~\ desire to» meet capitalist or promoter, able and willing to flnanc* a mining enterprise. Seuth repairing from _Si:.nuti to SftOOOO. w h i c h w i l l yield large profits, with practically no chance for loss; fulf particulars it personal lutervle-. Ad«r - l HeraM 2Sd St. ' LOAi* ei «£.«*> ?^*&&&**$« 1 }* j_SjL4g_r_gg_gg^_. ^ 9l000M - Ad "WANTED-Man as sartner UtSX with some know led go __» r? 1 *4.«sSfi^ ^^^mmmmmsm. P A R T 1 K S . " w l t h '$1jfWf>.' can be placed on rich prosoected clslms of thts cotnpanv in Yukon district of Alaska. For particulars, apply to H. W. BATES, 85 Wall st. ' ^_ PATENTS. Easiness Places, Cftv Houses. C.wmi'-t- Hoeses. Farming. Mineral and Timber Lands. Oil _SSEB ,I » ^S*^ * c i w - NSW^TORK OOM- MISS^ON CO.. 167 Broadway. PARTNER with some capital, established ladies' ta 1 lor and ©Trier: man with experience In Uttering preferred. FTJRST._lg> West 76th st. PARTNER, estabttshed manufacturing bnalaess. ft?J^_»__H_. ,k S Bi: *f_**fi lt P 1 .** bT le*«etiag $1,000, gUCCESS. 1-f HeraM Downtown. T l^J^JL^ffEB popular magasine with allied hv RARE CHANCE, -ants nartner; $8,000. Id 234 St. i_?i&.M 7P^li7"8ltClAN*S_fita^ lam W M i R Address P. A S . , IBS East 126th st. PARTNER for eatablisbed pianp and aansicTmsi- -ss: lady or gentleman. Can 108 East ______ "t. . *!_ 1B __- t _ fe , * r *5? t , ____ ^""-"l Cloalt Houses la the hestdry goods location In Cincinnati will rent snae* in front part of store to s responsible kid fe t^r^Ad'dre^' ___M|______|glj_* __ ' iXOYD. 258 Broadway. RESTAURANT. d©w_to»W»7T M> daily customers; price $1. 258 s_BS LLOYD.' raw^Voadway e.^^_o^a|__r_J'65is aTri to 45TH Rooms; attractive guests; referentea, 46TH.~61> West.-Handsogiely furnished Bees Par- lor: beat table and service; very refined; references. _ __: 47TH ST., BO WEST. Handsome Rooms; parlor dining room; choice and abundant table; sen-ice, appointments first class; superior table Board. 4YTH ST.. 16 Eaet.-Ch«4ee suites of Rooms; prj- vate l^ths; parlor dining room; table Board; ref- erences. ' -Desirable Rooms, double and 47TH ST.. 77 West- single, with first class Board; nvxlated: references. BifcHELOR. owning furnished apartment, 116th st . West, would take one sgreeable young man ss hoarder: all conveniences: references exchanged. VERY REASONABLE. 108 Herald Harlem. "CENTRAL PARK~WeatT424 (102d st.)—Lady hsv- ing handsome apartment will let one Room; con- venient to 104th st. • _" station, elevator, tele- ______ Inquire Sutton. CENTRAL PA¥E WEST. 42S.-R«>.>m awl Board in handsome apartment, centrally located; terms moderate. DA\1V 342 mesr iiVth).—Warm, diMible headed nqulre No. 5 7th av. PARTY liavlng 60 horses or more can have rent 429-31 WesU53d. ^ _______ for term of years; d stalls and wagon or can free by leasing STABLE to lease reasons!. west side, near 23d St.: room; also two Lofts and used for other purposes. 1 West 26th st. onabfV 1 _0 ddri living". . DANI Aiiartments, w DANIEL F. QUINK-i No. WANTED—Horse for light phaeton and road use. Lowest price, DOCTOR, 181 Herald Downtown. WILL sacrifice, account sickness, sound Cob. hay, 159. hands, seven yesrs, good actor: Stivers full seat Runabout brass Harness, by Sacks: light Brewster whit- sepa- Cart; also very handsome basket body Tra liodyj red gear, has combination rumble: will rate to suit. Box 1.1&8. New York Post Office V9V Other Advertisements I nder Tlila Heading See Directory, gee. 1, PaLge H LEXINGTON AV Room; closets; running gentlemen, $11. / table guest* aeeom- 4hTH ST.. 67 West -M back Parlor. Suite; fam! table; references. furnished large Rooms, or physician;, superior fie- _ \ __5 Rooms e3;:es. 4STH. 108 West.-Back Parlor sod extension, both light rooms: used as doctolfi ofliee fonr years; also Room up stairs, with Board. Ef St". 1_> Wes*.l_sifiso_iery, furnWwd terms reasons Board optional; terms reason'sble; .refer- 48TH ST.. m Wea*.—Twa n-cely furnished, large. sunny. Rooms; also hall Room; excellent table; reasons hie: references. 40TH ST., »d W_ST. Handsomely furnished large and «naU Rooms, with fftieate bath; every convenience; exceptional service, table and appointments. water; substantial Board; LEXINGTON AV„ 665. 55th -Large and single Room*, welt furnished; good table; moderate rates; table Board. ""LEXINGTON AV.. 456. corner 45th et.-La»ge, sennv Rooms: refined, quiet home; modern conven- BS5s American family. LENOX AV., 231.— For Bent—Second story front Room, wrth alcove, large elosets. running water, furnace beat; superior table and service: references. "RESPECTABLE woman wants one or two small chlldren„to board; only persons aporvet.itIn* cleanli- ness and good care need apply. 3. E. H . 142 Herald Harlem. STUYVESANT ST.. 21.—!*tea_ heated Booms; good table: low rates; near Wans maker's. ^TT-BTABTNGDOX. ~~ _ 2,061. 2,068 7tb sv.-Choiee Rooms: superior table: table guests accommodated; terms moderate; refer- 4*fH. 64 "West.-Large aaH snjall. warm, wen fur- nished second floor Rooms; others; with abundant table. 148 West. Board: modem Lara? lerate and small Booni; ex- terma. Wast.—Twe ____B_ nlesly fnrnlshed sutgie nta stHctlv tlrst class. est.—Two smaU Rooms, 4tb •nor. WEST SOTH ST.-4teflned Catholic family, living ia nlcelj furnished apartaaeBt. would like a rpung woman to board .employed); references. Address J. r., 3Sq Columbus ST. - In Private Fsrnillea. T_I AT.. 2.MP* (l«th).-Haiidsoraely furnished Booms; all Improvements; unsurpassed table; pri- vate J e wish _faml_f ; low terms. 61 iff. 9 Bast.—Private family: iiandsome, newly fhrnlshed eonneetlng and aittWe Roomw: reference. «_D Si 4 .. 155 Eas*—Pleasant Boom in private /aav lly. for ope or twd gentlemen; no other boarders; tenns moderate: no sign,, _ 73D. 170 West.—Cosey, comfortable sunny ftoonv private Jewish family; excellent table; home com- isrts; resaeaable. .. . • .. •- - '.;•, 1ST DOGS, BIRDS. stC. 'I'M the_greaTorrto"rTCi^elo?^^ '" "" " " The great speaker— The great John Gab! I can heat Demosthenes: "I'm I bring In the money when I taRi!* ll»,it^t Cha un eBy^jr>_ pijch, Depew. .'i3» >- ;! . 1 m "4L - '4 •} m believe in s^wet Sunday' Three groans for Teddy Roosevelt! Oh my! Oh dear!' __ __.Oh my! I am SO dry." Then this parrot sings:— / "Ha, ha, ha! you and me, Little brown Jug, how J lore thee!" Mexican double yellow head Parrot, S y e * P r i c e . fOOO. Full list savings for stamp. "O. H. aOLDgy. tio «th sr.. near lfitb i*. BEAlTiFUl, mate JarMoese Mtmghi, r. ^hojBK^^eBjnKrfaln. ERR_^H. H___id_v ^l~NSHTToodTeTfor sate - "ebeap; catal two years: Address free. T9TH RT West.—Handsome ally, five'sdnlts h srtee Bet* •j.,.11 WHUaai at., room ___^_w_YoSrit___. fWii parent Brooklyn. "ENGUSH SetteT; St. Bernards; ___IAV Short face «d; fSS; bargain ton at. T F_L be «stlfu! jr^Rtw tboroitahbeed good stfe and Mod; e%*ap__33©~_aV !«*_,««. E* r __ tll * 5r A«-erfise_e-fa Under Thin *lea«l_g S— Plreetorr. »ee. t. Fnsie O. *" ./" ».,..'»•, ii i ,_",'„,r~- _—__: ^________ 1»BW PUBLICATIONS. ____^__^P__r _sr ATrAhourir^hy3r_cxi^ map; 8Pc.. _noat- * COLUMBIAN ^^m'^^mm^mrmfi Hta Ma___^/^ftln«_ f W, T.^V,^!' 0 ^ Addreaa T l I | f c o U M B l A N # IINQ CO.. Haverstraw. S7f. i ; i#S_i_is W r ^ Puppy Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of HOWELL OSBOffl'S WILL IS UPHELD. - 14/New York NY...

Page 1: HOWELL OSBOffl'S WILL IS UPHELD. - 14/New York NY Herald/New... · 2011. 7. 21. · her niece, Henrietta Olive Trowbridge, and created





4 . , _ _ ,

Under it. Fay Temple ton, t i t Ac­

tress, Was to Hare Had |ioo, ooo

-From His Estate.


Joints Brought Up in the Action Brought by the Sisters of Mrs.

^ Miriam Gsborn. m i





i IN S T A M P S

U N E CO., _gs___J__*-. & SOI, Ceiadea , m. JL, v

f order* have ror We«t India • $ * _ • the mail

s%2re, . w_TK-T_

i for part ies re-be needed for

m o t i o n of the s teamers with

on engines and irgest e l se aad

i l l part ies .-on m tonnage or eery or hotter* raastrwetloe ytt

( modern toole

a s s of engines .

.rgest hydraulic u s ; w e nave t achlnery under lers for

anxious t e rs-t o build large

e d t o work out rs and adapted re const ruet too nper vision of a test qual i ty of p. * !



J u d g e F r e e d m a n . o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t . has dismissed the action brought by Mr*. Leila e . Henriques and Mary A. Mason to partition tba real estate of their sister, Mrs. Miriam Osborn, mother of Howell Osborn, as if she had left no valid will.

M-~ Osbom was the widow of Charles J. Osborn. She died on March 14, 1891. She was tb*» mother of Howell Osborn, who died pn February «. 1896. Mr*. Henriques is the wife • f William H. Henriques, for an assault upon whom Frank Ellison was sent to Sin* Sing Prison, and the mother of Leila O. Neame. on whose account the assault was provoked. M m Neame • obtained a decree of divorce frdm her husband, Douglas J. Neame, in the Superior Court in 1893. but some time ago he instituted proceedings In, England for ft dl-•«rcq from her, naming Frank Ellison as corespondent.

Mia. Osborn, by the provisions of her wHl, l i j i *__**«*" only child, Howell Osborn, in trust.

He was io receive the- Income for mad upon his death the principal was to

g o t o " t h e i s s u e o f a m a r r i a g e b e t w e e n h i m and a wife who. prior to sucb marriage, had not at any time acted, sung or danced profes-sionally or otherwise performed for.hire on a dramatic stage or other place of public amusement or entertainment."

UMBO m PAY TEMPLETON. _ !TbJs provision was aimed directly at Fay Templeton. on whom he had lavished thou­sands of dollars, and whom his mother feared be ontght marrv.

Another trust fund of $400,000 was created for hia benefit on condition gthat he would consent to the probate of thl will and exe­cute an agreement to that effect. ; She left $25O,0uO in trust for the benefit of her niece, Henrietta Olive Trowbridge, and created trust funds of $50,000 each for the benefit of her sisters. Mrs. Henriques and Mrs. Mason, and for her niece, Mra. Neame,

/Don't be too late; take advan­tage of our sf>ecial sale of ends. They are going fast. % . *.

All remnants of suit or trous­ers, former prices $16.00 to $40.00^per suit, trousers $4.<X> to $iO.OO, now at a [uniform price of suit to order $14.00, trousers $4.00, with present and future protection—a year's guar­antee or your rrioney back I

ARNHEI Broadway & fttt St.


~ « ^ P , A X O F O R T E S ' O B G A M S . _ C .

r£t*1_^TMSr? gLSS^Wtift^tiXgR Grand, Square and Upright P i a n o s . j o m e nearly new; all lully warranted: also for sale cheap, the largest s t o e i of second hand Pianos of other makers. Including- every prominent name in Amertca or Europe. B e w s r e o f b o r a "•©SSS^SJ*. SWE^KffiS? M iTn^'ne S t s l n w a y Pianos.

S T g l X W A T A SONS. Stein way H a l l New York. ~ / T ^ b e r « l reductions from original prices, a f ew K N A B E G R A N D S , U P H I G H T S , x a V S l r 8 9 ^ ? ^ K ^ ) ! , t , y ^ n J ! . e < 1 • **ll* sua ranteeo. W M . K N A - E & C C L , 1 4 8 F i f t h A v ,

on Furniture, Insurance PoliClo«* I hheritance«i Legacies, Not ©a, Ac. COLLATERAL LOAN AS­SOCIATION (incorporated), 809 Broadway, Mail and Express Buiiding. • .- _ 1

MONEY t o loan on furnlt -re , pianos. storagsjf$_ d all other collateral- legal rates; amounts to $200. U N I T E D STATES LOAN A8S_H.

110i'Ksst l » t h St . : rooma | a ^ _ 3 _ f _ WANT purchasers for any part $5,000 of SK

showing large profits* oo compeUtton; 10 per cen wi l l he guaranteed «nd t h i s stock made preferred balance owned by advertiser; company ban no debts money needed for enlarging business; hank and; 1 ness reference g iven: only principals reply: "tor* pay ever 30 per cent in a year. LEGrrl MATE Herald.

W E L L organised, strictly legi t imate bualness wants party wlthTStToOO and nenre to invest; original re-tnrned four months: half in 111 Ion divided a year: In­vestment amply s e e m e d ; ineetigate. LEGITIMATE, box 190 HeraM. _* ___ * — " " ' ' "*"• " I " " " — " " • ' " " £ " ' " • ' ! 1 ' """ "" - ' ' " U S U I • » I i • ..' v.*, • » ' f « l ' . ' * * * : , K! • ' !!'• » " — '

WANTED—Promotinjr firm o f the h i sheet stand-S g t o ergaotse a company for manufacturing busi­ness of great meri t : thoroughly protected. Andreas, for Interview, P A R K E R . 302 West 80th St . , d t y .

WAi«jhElb>-M6o6,' eater N. Y. dene- Greater J^ f . : worth "double; principals only.

8TKADKLLA. Herald Downtown.

f ive ye (Till

m a n exceptional opporttinity; private mairniflcent Grand Dpright

A . - H e r e family wil l enerlflce Ptauo; Kemiine mahocany; wel l known Boston m a K . perfect every respect: a lmost n s w ; accept one-third orr^nal value if sold a t once. Gall residence, 6 W e s t

. WANTED—Loan $»,U0O. three years; odter, seenri-ty . rtnr story brtek tenement , n m lot. 80th s t , Tth and 3th avs . , c i ty . MASON. ««3 8th av.

WANTED—Party to finance «pd enulp electrically ^ r e e t ^ r a U w a y (five miles). I A I L W A Y , 181 HeraM

" WANTED—*2,00O- fine Country Seat . W a w e n e o n f ty , N . Of,; value $8,000; near Water Gap. JERSEY. Herald. • • , • • •

WANTED—To sel l some Notes secured by chatte l mortgage o n a drug store. SECURITY. 3TO HeraM.

$2,500 to loan on second mortanee. wes t s ide lm-R K ? M y > r o V e r J / * ; a o brokers. HAZELTON CAMEtt-P E N , Herald Downtown. r-, | .

15,000 wantek for s ix ty days ; i m p o r t a n t - e x t r a c t ; Wm\Jmmm ami commission paid. SECCBITY, S Herflid Do^uitown. , ' " T l ,006.000. S s u m s to sui t , to loan on (rood real • s t a t e . 4 t o J per eeat . N O B U B t T , » / W a l l > t . Elevator 1. Nassau s t . _^ * F o r ^ O t h e r A t l v e r t i s e m e n t s U n d e r T h i s H e a d l a i r S e e OTrectory. S e e . 1 , P a g e 8 . ••-'" ' ' * ' i ' ' a '' r

B U S I N E S S O P P O R T I N I T I E S .

sitiiattoni_on_eaay terms. O. 8. . 400 Herald. A D D I T I O N A L - c a p i t a l procured for merchants,

manufacturers and others desiring t o extend" their business; Stores. Business Places sold quickly.

MCDONALD i WIGGINS. 140 Nassau st; iL Codl Yard for sale , 1*4,000 tons annually, shdwine:

V*>& profits. MCDONALD & wiootxs. 140 Nassau.

_A^^Pptner wanted w i t h $15,000; guarantee **Q0 monthly; money fully protected.

N A X O ds WIGGINS. 14<SN'awan.

B U S I N E S S O P P O R T U N I T I E S . . SMALlTstoek _

" H'rAWJj and bu


w a s t e Slt.OOO more V-apitai 10 per Cent past year. X.

sale la Ua weTt

til ttSk-** ith s teady

'. do* era Id.

ble m a n - w i th $1,200 wanted; e s -casn bustaess; highest references.

E ^ E R , 114 Nassau s t . m House . H h ward';

• e ^ n t s . C A R P E T S ,

g !8 . 152 6 t h ay . , estahiiahtnent for sa le ; no

_JaraM. THE millinery department in a

fashionable dreasmaking estab-Jishment to rent. Address M. V., 118 H e r a l d .

WANTED A partner, with $».» 000 to j;w.<HiO caah ^ i t u i \ l n * ws'-MfsctsWDgl^oalness , «£tetrtisued ?n^L«?° J"?8™: art ic les posi t ively s tap le ; do not »"f,^" j p l e * » f o u meaj l buainesa. Address. wHh BraUn.ynBe* • ' ^ J ^ k U ^ ' U B t o a LeMtne Club,

* « WM ^ 7 E D ~ p * r t o e r wtth a few thousand dollars

J £ . - p « e h M , s «n«-half interest ln one of the best pay-S ^ S ' f 1 * . ^ f t r ^ u * ? ee tabl i soments in the c i t y ; f S S ! f ^ I S J ? I ? P>& c h a I t e ° ' nnancis l dermrpnent. « U T T L B st CO.. roim 178, Worid B u W i o g T

. - ^ , A ^ T K I > ~ A o i i T e P a t s e r , w i th $$00. for small •pectal ty; manufaetuTing business; have article, fa-

b l g ^ n t s - ^ Q ^ o m ^ OTe0^ " ^ w


^ _ B O A K » B K S W A N T E D . 4 6 T T p f T 1W fiurTr»eg*H^

fl»t c lass; Board; all boose comforts; prtcss •ra te .


una to branch om<

. W A N T active, e s ta te business: charge . ., . . . . . _

W A N T E D - T h e ~


L A ^ P J W 1 A N J»sed P U n o a ^ i a s d p ; I ^ s t Q K S f PIANO stock J n New YoiCjTpranos *bonght, sold. f S ^ l t f ' - I S % i repaired, tuoeil. P l i S N d E X -CHANQE. 106. 10T West S3d. near Biroadway. • iA«m? lS!i!!f*n . t a t e i n ? a y Concert Grand Piano, cost Br l P e r t * * t «w-<Mtion; wi l l sacrifice. Call 1.T44

t . A v m i S ? i i ' « > e i , t . f e S 0 D e w Cprurat, la tes t design case. E a s t S i f t . manufacturer's guarantee. 215

A f e w speclal"bargains In new Pianos ; l e f t over

T°mNew YSrk"^ WM" A- POXD ™-TMB A Chtrkering Upright, sacrifice

M a t t* B!T>DLE'S, 7 E a s t "14th.

nUcent ment.

rr Only $100. Mag-

autiful ly carved, every improve-

TS. i

u l l d i n g

H A T E » CAT-



men and rcnos VEST nure forever. . onomlt-ai. t objectk>nable. no to

pine Gas sst Gas Engiae asels or power

store. •m Hoars eom-00 nT p.


j j ^ S g ^ i f s ^ B S , aTesrag s l T ^ r 4 8 ^ 8 1

C n r ^ ° t f K E ^ P I N K G > y r t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ ^ 2 ° n , ? c n c e - Telegraphy, Sborthaad and Type-r w u L * ' « L t n d evening a t Thompson's Business P h i ^ S ^ l . 2 0 i t h * T - »W>o«lte C o a n e r B o i o n ; tbirty-# 0 8 ^ % * experts ; terms l o w e r than the low-e«t. For part iculars address

A. W. Madison f A. M., PHri. _ B A R G A I N S . . . . U P R I G H T S ' I^arae aasortment s t from ;$ 100 upward On monthly payments . . . , 7 . . . »5 upward Rents , $3. GORDON, 138 Fi f th av. , bet . 20th ana21s t

B A R G A I N V P r i v a t e family

•A I«rae Bicycle Plant for sale , cheap; n hand. McDON A L P A WIOGIXS. U

700 whee . s 140 Nassau.

A Saloon. In Hoboken, doing $80 dai ly: price $5,u0u cash ; rent. $15 monthly; 10 years' lease; cause sell­ing, s ickness ,


Broadway. ie loan of a few '. of obtainJnK a • C . 342 f e r a l d

engage in real ce: must invest


2S7t< West.-Desirable Roans, large-JSk smal l ; excellent Board; moderate prices; table

~~MST^ST.. Wr%0A,~Hendaotne Rooms* wttji « -per tsr Board, l a Jewish family; terms moderate; table Board;

ftWJOT., St # e a t . - 4 > e s i r a n i e large ba l l * o o » ; wi th closet: superior table and service; reasonable; p f e r e n c e s .

6oTH S T . . IdS E a s t . - N e a t l y furnished Rooms, superior accommodations; homelike and congenial; e x c e l l s c t table . .,• . . ; \ . ,.

55TH. 254 W e s t . - $ 1 6 . handsome double Room, gent lemen; second floor Sui te ; choice table: cable.

5 5 f i F S T . , 130 E a s t . - N i c e l y furnished large aad small Rooms, wi th-Board; Jewish family; moderate terms.

56Tft . 286 West .—Handsome, sunny alcove Room; cooking; convenient locat ion; re€-bom«

hundred dollars, from clerical posit ion; se-

borrow fl.OOO on first worth $4,000; gUt edge.

, c lass Southern P R I N C I P A L . 100

a man desirous cnrlty_glven. G


w ^ i ? 1 ^ ) ' 0 1 1 ? 1 1 ! ? 0 — P a f t n e r wanted wi th $2,000 in w ^ m S ? A ' J f v L ^ ? l u ^ , » « l«» r t »« over $100 weekly. ,™J>01>\YJ»KKBR. Herald Downtown. m^f'S^^r?**** t o prasnote valuable patent; no agent s j good investment . Cigar store, TlBOth av.

$25,000 to $50,000 to invest in an established. paying manufacturing business by a gent leman Just retiring from 24 years' flaancUI maflagement of a large Unn in Canada; character of new associates must he unquestionable. Address CONSERVATIVE, box 228 Herald Downtown.

*35,ooo to $50,000 wanted to increase an e*Jtab^ l ished manufacturing business in Japan; w i l l pay large dividends. AMERICAN. Post office hox 1.296. City, * - *

$3,000 to <iuick buyer; old established business; f / l^ ,5"„ i n , T b a c k l B a f e 1 months: no risk t o take. RETIRING. 131 Herald Downtown.

SSTwiii"paper your"~roops, with wide border; also kalMmining. palntinir: best work a t lowest prices; send for es t imate . 12 av . A. F o r O t h e r A d v e r t a e m e a t s U » * e * T h i s H e a d i n g S e e D i r e c t o r y , S e e . 1 . P a g e t».

T — H O T E L ST. A L B A N S , 3 4 9 a n d 381 W e s t 3 8 t h St.

warm bouse erences exel

65TH. . 63 W e s t ^ - T h l r d ^ o o r i a r g e Rooril; a l s o fourth floor bal l Boom, w i t h Board; references.

5STH. 320 W e s t . - H a n d s o m e l y furnished Rooms; all conveniences; t a b u and appointments first c lass ; t^u-Tenieat all roads. •.

58TII ST. . 170 W e s t - L a r g e , handsomely furnished Room; also smaller Room: prst c lass Board optiou&l; references.-"~&Wfi ST., S06 West.-Very desirable Rooms, ne#-l.v and hundaoniely furnished, with Board, in private family. '

rd; table ruts; good

frost Boom, with

i w h h S o s f d . w i t i i v rate house. '

"ff^ntRoom, wi th first .irate Jewi sh fatal ly .

F.^-lMTaWfiiniily offar square


Handsome. sunqy, large and table; private fami ly; t e n

fami ly , se lect n e t ; excel lent Board; moderate. R E -W p i , J 7 ? Heral^aSd St.- . •-

_ 0 0 T H ST. . 220 E a s t . - E x t r a good Board; comfortahly furnished, heated locat ion; reasonable. -• •

60TH ST. . 130 East .—Desirable Rooms, with home eomforts; American table.

Excel lent reawn>ahle.

61ST ST., Board, large

67 EAST. and small Rooms; terms

« 2 D ST., 101 _ furnished Rooms; excel lent races.

and smal l handsomely rd; terms low; reier-

A Road House: $15,000; easy terms; $3,000 month -l y ; unencumbered. NO .RENT. _. MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau."

A partner wanted wi th $16,000: Half Interest l ight manufacturing business: take charge New York office; factory located close Albany.

MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau. A partner wanted wi th $5,000: Third Interest man­

ufacturing of novelt ies: factory Broome st.;. now doing business: investitratlon invited.

MCDONALD A WIGGINS, 140 Nassau. , * i

8 a I " « n ' Jc l , 0 8 « N « w York; $3,500 cash; receipts,

$70 to $90 daily. MCDONALD A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau.

Board and Suite of t w o rooms, srivat© bath, $25 a week for t w o persons: s ingle Rooms; s team heat; elevator. .

i.*~Deairable opportunlt; woman to share handsome! central. MRS. S.. HeraM.

for an independent appointed Apartment;

1. iei

lady "l.

-A lady , having handsome! ments , would l ike quiet, r e t o

n West 52d. eY furnished Apart-

coupie; Board for O a t A

Large, sunny Room, dressing room, both same irge floor; parlor dlnln'g room; reference. 151 W e s t

1.—Waifliington- p lace , 124.—Very heated, suitable for two or three *

A Hardware Retai l Store: elegant location, Brook­l y n ; $3,000: established; sel l ing, retiring.

MCDONALD A WIGGINS, 140 Nassan. something new; price _ _ 4 i ^ J t e n t e d wooden Toy;

$20,000; cal l , see sample. McDONAT-D A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau.

-Private family must sacrifice, lees cx>st, magnificent Upright Mahogany Piano a.nteed. S r f l W E R l N . ^157 West lltttli .

ELEGANT antique mandolin a t t a c h antee . 1,049 2d aV., gjjtg s t

F O B S A L B - r i X B Y Grand hogany case: wi l l BARGAIN. 32T Herald 23d St


maker's guar-oak Upright; improvements*

ment • s l ight ly used; ~ av. , g a s t :

k r Grand P iano in! a w h i t e ma-he sold cheap for i-a-di. Address

w i s [UJI B s g : te-OW. A -


en application

i N C B . tCl Broadway. ' Y O R K y . -

fee t oeer al l , ht; new la fall lea. Cow

engines, triple hour, and taw aht : aeeoBBBao-t w i l l be sold present owner !-«iring to en-Iver snd eoe»« tome, th i s Is a

graph of_*_ |* m i n e s Ysens

chartering *«<i irrulars: week-1LMES. Morriai

i'sw: t r i o l e l S 1

oberta nei ler; grd. foot East


* _jj^a__p* , 325 BSSJSl

F A Y T E M P L E T O N .

fdrlife. TheVill also made provision for the i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f t h e , M i r i a m A . O s b o r n M e -m o r l a l H o m e A s s o c i a t i o n , t o f o u n d a n d m a i n ­ta in w h i c h M r s . O s b o r n l e f t a l a r g e p o r t i o n o f h e r r e s i d u a r y e s t a t e . S h e a l s o , l e f t b e q u e s t s t o Y a l e (Col lege t o e r e c t a b u i l d i n g a s a m e m d -

. r ia l t # h e r h u s b a n d , a n d t o t h e A s s o c i a t i o n f o i t h e R e l i e f o f R e s p e c t a b l e A g e d a n d I n ­d i g e n t F e m a l e s .

T h e w i l l w a s e x e c u t e d o n J u n e 7, 1888. F i v e d a y s l a t e r M r s . O s b o r n e x e c u t e d a c o d i c i l i n h e r o w n h a n d w r i t i n g b y w h i c h s h e b e ­q u e a t h e d a l l heV b o o k s i n h e r c i t y a n d c o u n ­t r y l i b r a r i e s a n d $100,000 t o h e r f r i e n d , J o h n w . S t e r l i n g . S h e l e f t p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y o f t h e v a l u e o f $5,000,000, a n d a l a r g e r q u a n t i t y of r e a l e s t a t e .

:•• J o h n W . S t e r l i n g a n d t h e C e n t r a l T r u s t C o m p a n y w e r e e x e c u t o r s .

A m o r t t h a f t e r M r s . O s b o r n d i e d M r . S t e r ­l i n g e x e c u t e d a p a p e r , a s s i g n i n g a l l h i s i n ­t e r e s t i n t h e $100,000 b e q u e a t h e d t o h i m toj t h e C e n t r a l T r u s t C o m p a n y a n d E d w i n S . C h a p l n , In t r u s t , t h e f u n d t o b e a p p l i e d a s h e s h o u l d d i r e c t * in i n s t a l m e n t s , t o b e e x e c u t e d b y h i m , « r b y h i s w i l l .

U n t i l h e g a v e t h e s e I n s t r u c t i o n s t h e i n c o m e o f t h i s t r u s t f u n d , w a s t o b e a p p l i e d t o t h e u s e o f H p w e U O s b o r n a n d H e n r l e t t e O l i v e T r o w -brtdgfe.

W h e n H o w e l l O s b o r n d i e d , o n F e b r u a r y 6. 1836. a w i l l w h i c h h e h a d e x e c u t e d o n J a n ­u a r y 8, 18M, w a s f o u n d a m o n g h i s e f f e c t s . I n It h e g a v e , o u t o f t h e r e s i d u e o f h i s e s t a t e *

JQ. F a y T e m p l e t o n s u c h o f h i s p r o p e r t y a s s h e i h o u l d s e l e c t of. t h e a p p r a i s e d v a l u e n o t t o e x c e e d Jioo.OOO.

T h e s t a t e m e n t o f t h e e x e c u t o r s m a d e a t t h e t i m e w a s t h a t H o w e l l O s b o r n d i d n o t l e a v e _ n y r e a l e s t a t e a n d t h a t t h e v a l u e o f t h e p e r ­s o n a l p r o p e r t y d i d n o t e x c e e d $10,000. T h e

• q u e s t i o n o f w h e t h e r o r n o t F a y T e m p l e t o n w a s h i s w i f e w a s v i r t u a l * ' s e t t l e d t h e n , f o r s h e s i g n e d h e r s e l f F a y T e m p l e t o n O s b o r n a n d a s s e r t e d t h a t s h e w a s h f s w i d o w . > T h e p l a i n t i f f s i n t h e p r e s e n t s u i t a v e r r e d t h a t M r s , O s b o r n m a d e h e r w i l l u n d e r u n d u e I n f l u e n c e a n d t h a t H o w e l l ' s w i l l w a s p r o c u r e d b y f r a u d .

J u d g e F r e e d m a n s a y s t h e p l a i n t i f f s h a v e a l ­r e a d y h a d t h e i r d a y i n c o u r t t o a t t a c k t h e w H l i a n d t h a t t h e y c a n n o t a t t a c k rt l n t h e i r f r e s e n t a c t i o n .


MASON A HAMLIN OO, . have on hand a f ew large s i s * Upright Pianos , some in handsome fancy wood cases , which have been used a short t ime, which are now offered at great reduc­t ions from original prices. »An unusual opportunity to obtain a representative high grade piano at a very reasonable price. Ful l particulars by mai l i f desired. 3 and 5 West lftth st . "SOHMER A OO. WILL DISPOSE of a number of Slightly us*><i Pianos of different makers at SPECIAL LOW FIOUBES before their removal to 170 5th av. , corner __rl bt. • - \

SOHMER A CO.. 149 East 14th at , , corner 3d av. X ' , _ " " }n,"m . • ; „ ' ' * " ' - • ' • • - ' " * ' • ' " '.-""' -."'"" ' " ! ! ' _ . - L ! . ' - _ • • ' '-;-irV;,. . - • ' ' ^ . ; ; . - • : ! . .

M U S I C A L . - t ^A^Ar-A rr_r___r__-_r

G R A N D CONSERVATORY Q f _ _ _ _ K OK G R E A T E R N E W YOR1 J S O - W B S T 23D S T . - 2


empowered by Act of Legis lature to confer the Degrees of Doctor of Music,

Master of Music and Bachelor of Music, snd the kindred arts . -SUPERIOR INSTRUCTION-

2fV>" ton*. A s -, Brooklyn. ' porches*, ,*T»-

areewa. riser

iT-SO. •Pr*?tt . charter , w i t * a r t l c a l a r s , w .

• capta in for at hare so™* ddress NfeW


and tSfmjji 2 Herald Har-

fttr fassr'ftnry .•0x55. am E a s t D a w n t o w s . __ ?

i Engtae s s A O S . n W e s t

« to 5o fri*" ____2-—

l i f ee t , s-1

Brooklyn. 'spat: S . f t : JUa HeraM. __ Minute. >. writ* t# ss impound var-sr ban any ether

m: power m> fcorae f_ war *r t of fifth «t~>

S U M Former Commissioner Wright , Al ­l eg ing I l legal Dismissal .

.Warden Fallon, of,the Tombs prison, has instituted a suit* for $10,000 damages against former Commissioner of Correction Robert J. Wright, alleging Illegal dismissal and ma­licious prosecution. 'Th« Appellate Division of the- Supreme

Court, to which tribunal Fallon carried his appeal, reinstated him, with a rebuke to the «k*n Commissioner. It Is on the court's find­ing on this appeal that the suit is based. > - — • • — • • • • — — • • » — » * ! * * f * " ! m * t w n f m m ^ ' ^ m m m f ! * ^ ? ^

r i l iQs?iy«Bi . J!NMM«% i_^, T •



1 O P E N DAILY U N T I L » P. M. — — Lectures on History aad Analysis of Music.

——free to Students . Weekly Enterta inments . B_ySpecial notice.—The 25th Anniversary of the

Grand Conservatory of Music Will bs celebrated on a grand scale; former s tudents wil l idea**- send their addre«se« to the President , 250 West 23d st . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r ~ r h e ONLY N e w York Conservatory of MuSic ii_s ii-A5yr isxH ST

BETWEBN"4th av. and IRVING PLACE. (Establishe.1 1SC3, Chartered J865.)




G R A D U A T E S T R O V I D E D W I T H POSITIONS. OPEN DAY and EVENING for years on 14th s t .

NO BRANCH. ONLY a t 112 Eas4 18th St. and

servatory w i s h e s pupi E a s t 57th_st


A—Prev ious to the removal t o our new premises. w e w ¥ l _ _ m * k * , ""J" B t y l « Ladies* Tai lot Gown of broadcloth. Meltonette, heavy cheviot or glace, lined throughout wit l f the finest qual ity French taffeta silk, for $27; perfect sat i s fact ion guaranteed.

T H E 2 3 D STREET COMPANY, N*"T..Yor.k.'i* JE°** JK>Pl',ar Ladies ' Tailors,

244 248 W e s t gftl s t . , near 7th av. A sacrlnee.—$1,500 wi l l buy entire Bus iness , man­

ufacturing medicinal and toilet preparations; large stock on hand; also fluid extracts , oils, drugs, ma­chinery, fixtures, Ac. Apply S. DRUG CO., 219 Feart s t .

A GREAT PATENT Book (free) te l l s how to secure and sell patents . All ?.'S>"kJll*> famous Gatl iug inventions. CATLING A l 'EARL CO.. Patent Attorneys. 23 Union square.

A P A R T M E N T S FOR GENTLEMEN.^-For sale, owing to necessi ty to l ive In dry c l imate , large House: three bath rooms; house filled wi th penna-_ , D t , 5 e & L e ! * n ; t e r m * »trictly c a s h ? ' E . H . , 218 Herald 23d St. . A — P a r t n e r wanted, lady or gentleman, w i t h $G00i L lJ,iU I l y P"tai)liahed business; you wil l make net profit $100 weekly on Investment, and, no rtn—: exoerlence _ 3 H e e a l d y A s r 4 e m e n C e * •f t l taM*- I N V E S T I G A T E ,

A golden oppQ.rtunity.-f2.500 wi l l buy a good paying gents*' furnishing Store, including stock, fix­tures and showcases; Worth about $9,400: utust sell on account of i n heaKh. ROTH MA N. 835 8th av. " A l ^department Store, located prominent thorough-fare Greater Ne*w York: value $15,000; cash Or suita­ble real e s ta te In exehan I iowntown.

! .—Elegant Jewish family

$4 and Uru.

roth. Rooms,

Rooms, wi th first c l a s s . Board*- in , 948 Lexington av. , near 6i)th st .^

7TH AV., 2,049, near _ 3 d St.—Large alcove and square front Rooms: good table; reasonable.

12TH ST. , 22 West (near 5th av.).—Desirable double and single Rooms, w i th Board. ^ _ , 14TH. 103 West.—Comfortably furnished, warm Rooms, w i t h first c lass Board; $5, $6 weekly; seen Sunday.

14TH ST. wi th Board;

236 West . - .Large and small Rooms, terms moderate.

14TH ST. . 219 W e s t — N i c e l y furnished wi th Board; good table; a t reasonable rates.


F . . box 160 Herald

A .plane and singing professor from) Lelpsig Oon-Us. Address PROFESSOR, 413

instruction In Address MUSI-

reasonable terms—Thorough piano and guitar: lady musician. CIAN, 240 East 78«h. -* ~ " C E I E B R A T E D VOCAL INSTRUCTOR, '

MME. ARGILAGOS. Perfect method of voice production; most .d isagree­

able voice made beautiful: pupils prepared for opera, concert and church; engagements * procured; terms reasonable. 1,554 Broadway.

-DR. WM. MEDORN. 300 West 24th — P i a n o and Singing Studio. •t.-

^ r —FANCIULLL,— _ the celebrated Composer and Musical Director.

- P f ^ O R T F . EANCIULLI+-bas returned t o t h e Grand Conservatory Of Music, ISO West 2-d at.

FURNISHED Music Studio to l e t ; $2 a day; piano, heat and attendance.- Room 10. 7 West 14th St. " LADY CELLIST "^ ' ^*~~^ ""' i s desired t o form TRIO CI.UB With young ladles

Elaying violin and piano. Address MOZART, 120 [era id23d St. ' L A D Y viol inist g ives lessons; thorough teacher;

exce l lent references; moderate terms. V10_1N1»T, 1G1 East 115th s t . >

MUSH"—I will guarantee t o teaeh yeu to read music and to play SO plecea. inclodtag the la tes t popular songs, oa the banjo, mandolin, violin o r

near 40th. . ; I MIRIAM C p Y R I E R E Agency supplies churches,

col leges and fami l i e s w i th musician*; circulars for­warded. 150 5th av.

A. Partner wanted (si lent or acttvo), wi th $2,000 cash for imported eordlaU; no r isks; large profits; success insured. Address or apply at 1,851 Broad­way; " A N ,«»tan\l8hed l eg i t imate Office Business (Brook-lyn) clearing $100 weekly: price $1,000.

. . LrPTTiB. World Building, roOm 173. A custom cutter would l ike to meet three or tour

cutters who have some t rade j ind capital to Join in business. JONESVILLB, l-S'-Herald w m

AN old established Fish and Oyster Market for sale, cheap: cause for sell ing, other business; good

i chance for live man. . M A R K E T , 158 East 125th.

B U S I N E S S mah. w e l l qualified, going abroad, de­s ires to act ns agent , promoting manufacturer's In­terest , or take merited article on commission. En-teroriae. 200 Herald 23d St.

BUSINK8S man. with mining experience in Idaho, wishes to go $p Alaska; wants backer, small amount; good terms; best references. L. 217 Herald Harlem.

DRUG Labels l ithographed. 25c. thousand; gummed Stickers, all kinds; Law Blanks, 85c. page; Job Print ing and Lithographing^,. low prices. H A E D -RIOH A SONS. 115 Sands a t > B r o o k l y n . * DRUG STORE in Astoria: excel lent location an<i chance. Address EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. Herald.

JCXOELLENT opportunity for capable pnrtv; branch "fflf!* manager old established HjblUhing. house: $1,200. commission: name references; $100 cash bowl reouired. G. Q 151 Herald 23d St. " FOR SALE—Dried fruit and nut plant, engine, boiler and large heat ing room, wi th all necessary machinery: current cleaner, w i t h centrifugal dryer; date press operated by power; machine for polishing and grading pecan nnts; largest in New York; this plant has been operated for past season: Is now in R] — " ' "

16TH ST., 210 West.—Large and small Rooms, with Board; also table Board. •

18TH ST. , 41 W e s t — W i l l furnished, large.square Rooms: all conveniences; superior table; terms mod-e™i__. ______________________________________ ~ 1 6 T U , 37 West .—Nicely furnished, well heated large Room; large c losets; running water; central lo-cat ioa; references. i

18TH, 47 West .—Desirable large, heated Rooms; southern exposure; excellent table; table Board; rea­sonable t r a n s i e n t s . •

I G T H ; 49"West.—Large a n * small connecting front, simnv Rooms; famil ies ot uuity friends: excellent

. 17TH ST. . 31 West.-^IArge second story front • Room; also other Rooms; excel lent table; superior house.

17TH ST. , 280 West.—Rooms and Board, « lr l s employed, reasonable; also furnished Room; all im-proyeroents. •

1 7 T H , " _ West-—Handsome single, double Rooms; generous, well served Board; la te season; moderate; r e t y e n e e s , _ " _ ' • •

18TH ST. . 11 W e s t . — L a g » sad.amaJl #r#nt;. southern exposure; bountiful table; moderate references. , " 18TH ST. . 19 Weet.—Large and hall Rooms; south­ern exposure: superior tabic Board; terms reasonable.

18TH ST*.. 21. .25 West .—Beauti ful large and sin-' glt> Rooms; table unexcel led; fami l ies or gent lemen; references. __•• . • _

11 ST, 49 East.—Comfostable, sunny Rooms; ex­ceptional table and appointments* rates moderate; SB references exchanged.

621) ST. , 37 Eas t .^<x ione^lng Rooms, With every convenience; a lso s ingle .Rooms: excel lent Board.

6SD, 38 East .—Handsomely fnrnisUed Rooms, w i th Board, in Jewish faml ly ; dining room on parlor floor.

68TH. 78 West.—Large." 'sunny—fiooms. en suite", s ingly; private' bath; superior table; parlor dining room, k i

70TH S T ^ 118 . West.—Handsomely furnished Rooms, large and smal l ; superior Boara; parlor diu-lng roomj references. « ' < - :

70TH, 118 West.—Large, h a n i s j m e l y furnished sec­ond story front Room, parlor dining room; excellent Board; references. ] ' , , - • ' • • • 70TH. 142 West.—Desl iahle second floor front Roam and dressing room, with Board. .

7 1 8 T ST. , 128 West,—Second s tory sunny Room, wi th private bath; excel lent table; American family; refereuce. • .

71ST ST. , 176 East.—Handsomely furnished second story front and single Room, wi th Board; every con-

•yenience. > ' . -718T. 69 West , near Central Park.—Large Room,

second floor; private bath optional; first c lass ap­pointments^ .

SSSF%W^ • elevator, Ac. ) , neigh* s t . and Broadway, wil l rent pleasant

Room, wi th high IHBSS Board, to gentleman seeking refilled s_nwnd_»gs";~reT««ae_r. T * R I \ A T E KAM-U.Y, 315 Herald. r , v . n & E T S f N S T O N O r . . * « P ^ « e T « _ d J'reseh private fami ly; nicely furnished hall Roons; first c la s s Board; reasonable;, i :refetencea. r.; . - ' " l i T j I i i X T T A ^ A t C ^ t ^ o e a r 121st s t . - C h o i c e Rooms,*newly furnished,- liberal table; American; p r i v a t e - f a m i l y : references. - \ t - . r

P R I V A T E fami ly , pehr West 72d st . stat ion, can accommodate gentleman afid wifeltjr few gent lemen; house aad appointments first c lass . HOME, 251 Oo-lumbus av. - . > ' ; j •'• «. .,

" ^ E N T L B S i ' A S and wlferfronlTR«om, good BoardT maan fa'miLv: $50-$d0 mouth!

Address. PRIVATEV LOSS 3d av. private dewIsb or Gennan family: $50-»80 monthly; jiOth toSOth s t s . Address. PRIVATEVl . '

ROOM.snd Board \vant«d: e Jewish family; $ _ .

71ST. 184 West.—Large aad small Rooms; every convenience: excel lent table; table guests accom-

modated; references. | 73D ST. , 238 West —Large second' story Room,

w i t h private bath; vacant February 1; reference. 74TH ST. , 156 West.—Handsomely furnished

Rooms, w i th Board, on second and third floors; prl-vate baths. ,

74TH, 131 West .—Handsome large Room, with pri­vate bath; excel lent table; parlor dining room; rood-ernte; reference* '

75TH ST. , 161 West.—Large, handsomely fur-nislied second Moor; private batu; excellent Board; refrrancwM:.

75TH, 180 West.—Large front Room, one flight; superior table: parlor dining room; references. '

76TH. "236 West .—Specia l attent ion g iven to table boarders; moderate terms, balance season.

70TH ST.. 127 West.—Superior Board; large ltooui; Jewish family: moderate terms.

78TH ST. . 131 West.—Large, handsomely furnished Rooms; well appointed house; first class Board; terms reasonable. ,.

80TH. 113 East.—Large Back Parlor; sunny front Room and hall Room for gentlemen or couple; good table; home comforts; Jewish family; references.

SfrxH, 178 West.-^Handsome. large Room; superior table; excellent service; high class house; table Board; t w o .

80TH, 170 West.—Large sunny Room; hall Room; excel lent Tab le ; near L stat ion and calde; references.

81ST ST.. 120 West.—Large Room, Board; also single Room; reference.

with first class

81 ST ST. 135 West.—Sunny second floor Room or su i te If desired, with Board; e levated stat ion.

82D, 118 West.—If seeking quiet, comfortable, gentes l home, cal l ; superior table; moderate prices; references e x c h a u g e d ^ ^ ;

82D ST.. 81 Bona.ble price.

West .—Excel lent table Board a t rea-

82D, 68 West .—Two handsome, desiralde Rooms, second or third Ho^;_tableJBoajders_^wojnm^j^ejL_^ "~90*THTli West .—Handsome Rooms; southern e s -posure; excel lent table; modern improvements; good locat ion; references: prices reduced.

»2D, 40 West .—Handsome second floor, private bath, small Room, newly decorated; parlor dining; superior Board.

>m; J M M M refia'e e f a t e ; 'references.

indsomely furnished fronts home; prices very mod-

21ST ST. Board and rates ; references.

, 9 West.—Large Rooms at tendance; centi

superior table tral locat ion; reasonable

21ST ST. . 33 East .—Handsomely furnished Rooms, w i th Boa rd; reasonable ra t e ^ references.

21ST ST. . r4T~W*st.— Desirable second story sun-ny Room; superior table: table Board; references.

21 ST. 256 West .—Finely furnished Room for two;" excel lent table; refined; central; hall Room, $5. *

22D ST. . 5 West. flrst -class Board; Board.

-Desirable pleasant Rooms, wi th famil ies aud gentlemen; table

Irst c lass condltlop. JAMES, 148 Herald Harlem. FOR SALE cheap.—A Plant for the manufacturing

of envelopes and stat ionery, cons i s t ing of presses. dlea, type, envelope printing and embossing presses, engine, boiler, and all other too l s : owner retiring. Address. TAYLOR, 332 Gates av. , .Brooklyn.?

FOR S A L E - A wel l established Stationery Store on upper west s ide; well s tocked; party wishing to re­t ire from business: no agent s need answer. Address J. B . . box 424 Herald. r

22D ST.. 348 W e s t — N i c e l y furnished Rooms, wi th Board; terms moderate,

23D ST. , 444 West.—Large, finely furnished Rooms, singly, en su i te ; every convenience; excel lent table; moderate.

92D ST. . 80 E a s t . - N i c e l y furnished front Room, suitable for young men or couple; Jew ish family. ""WD ST. . 134 West (near *'L" staHon and Park*.— Pleasant Room; .good Board; private family; refer-encea. j • .• •• I

93D, 23 West.—Comfortable, cosey double, single Rooms; horoelfke; superior German-American table; a l so Back Parlor. : .

Jl West .—Private family , second, third, Rooms; Board; gentlemen or couple.

i, wife, child btveT; priThte ?ewrsh family; $1_. J. , 121 Herald Harlegt.

T W O gent lemen want Room. Snd good Board wi th family: terms must be moderate C. M-. 457 Herald.

WANTED—Double RoomTand Board, above 42d St., for t w o ladies . $1S r ' U f i ; best references gJvea and Required. Ad>lreaa E^t'v W.. Herald 28d StT

f OCNG'inotherr working o«T. desires trustworthy woman to take her t w o months' old baby hoy to board. Address, s ta t ing terms. MOTHER. SOS Co-lumbua av.

- ^ SSSSSSSLJSSJSBL^^^LJ. Z N e w J e r s e y .

EAST ORANGE.—Comfortable Rooms: choice ta­ble; modern house; near depot; terms moderate. P. O. box 63.



J.—The Ingle*ide; comfortable inu

Mrs. T i l EARS Room; choice table; moderate;, four minutes _froo«

T H ~

. • L o n g I s l a n d . -E X C E I X E N T Board in • private surroundings:

healthful, convenient location; specially attractive Room for married couple. Mrs. BOGART, 85th St., between 19th ami 2uth avs . , Bensonnurst.

$6.50 weekly.—Will share ith one or more people: bo w

air, good Downtown


"lovely home, hour efrf, r. horses, billiards', mountain

MOUNTAINS, box 122 Herald

H O T B L S j k N D I T ^ S T A C R A N T S .

HOTEL ST. ANDREW.; 72d s t . and Grand Boulevard, New York.

AMERICAN A N D EUROPEAN PLANS. T H E ST. A N D R E W is thoroughly fireproof and

equipped in every respect to secure comfort aad health to i t s guests . I ts s i tuation is in the midst of the great Parks, and yet it is ia close touch with all parts of the city. I ts cuisine is unexcelled anywheia in the metropolis.

CHA8. H. DAVIS, Manager.

a_ ¥ M _ "<_A©ir_l SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. * y^

392 WEST 103D SfT. The highest and healthiest location in the ci ty:

orerisoking the Hudson; three blocks from either the famous Riverside Drive or Central Park; one-half a mile to Columbia University and Barnard Cellege-eievator steam heat, attendants and a beaatiful and wel l ventilated dining room: Sui tes of t w o to seven rooms; private hall and hath to each suite.

T H E DUNMORE, . 230 W E S T 42D ST. ,

European Plan. F U R N I S H E D SUITES.



Select family hotel; newly constructed r Suites of two, three and six rooms; private baths; superior table; new dining ball on top floor; flrst class in every way; moderate rates to permanent parties. I f E W YORK HOTEL, 665 Broadway.—150 richly furnished Rooms, 50e., 75c., $1 ; largest restaurant, hroch aud oyster counter on Broadway; w i n e , table d'hote. 50c. •

ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Washington place, ad-joining Broadway,^Elegant ly furnished: s team heat­ed; e levatof: location deslranle.- rAmvenlent, cehtral; table private, a la cart or Attfericap; rates moderate. F o r O t h e r l l o a r i l i n n ^ ' See

i A d v e r t l n e m e a t s l l r e e t o r y f t r n r s e e t l o n . P a g e R.

H O R S E S . C A R R I A G E S . A C . W E ^ H A ^ D L E ^ t l r n r p r e K ^ F ™ ^


•_B_A\IJ_[1^ DBTB®t»

93D ST., fourth ston'

94TH. Tavrest .—Large snd small Rooms ia hsnd-somely appointed house; reference required table. Board. "' "' '

94TH ST. , 186 West—Second and third Story, w i t h Board; one block from " L " stat ion.

94TH ST . 38 West.—Second ttoor.^en suite or sin­gle; desirable p a r i t e a ; i j p _ _ _ _ « _ _ _ _ j [ ,

241D, 257 W e s t . - H a n d i Rooms; large c losets ; runr moderate; transients; ref "^{307445 W e s t — Beautiful ,

ly furnished Rooms: daintiest | ing; central location; modern

23D ST.. 229 W e s t . — „ Room; heat; running Board.

'furnished attract ive water ; superior table;

dTate~RQOtn, a r t i s f i c i r rench cooking; charm-

'ront and medium sired Southern home; table

23D ST.. 334 West , the Murray.—Handsome Rooms scrupulously c lean; dainty table; table Board; mod eratje. „ ._ . •_ _____

Young man wants Roommate, Room: a l l conveniences.

FOR S A L E per month; long lease ; at low rate. B . . Herald 23d St .

Furnished Room House; nett ina_$200 Address W. J.

-Experienced lady teacher; painstaking, thorough: at tent ion to beginners; reasonable.

PIANO. i, >r. u i K h !

RUDDELL." 9m 6th a r

"Qreater N*W York's Greatest StOTfc'


E very hotly who baa seen

Our hi^h-grade Harxrtony Pi«no for 1898 for

JUTi^iX WS3BHS ?-i"-Mrt:

150o00 """"t.1

Ia It Is he-

c r i t l c i s m - 4 n mechanical deta i l It la far to the average inetrtaniest.

have a large a s s v A m e a t l a JMK 4th Suor. where al l w^oeos _ •ument h a s the fancy « £ _ « t " * _ i , , ' ' * Z

11 We guarantee every P i a a e % e ajsH for and keen It in tune for one year free o f

P I A N O teacher, graduate conservatory: beat quick method: apee'_t f*tent»_JIi beginners; also advanced; reasonable. 1?» W e s t tKld. , ^ J

" S W A N and. Skylark.'^Metropolitan Opera House: Sehil . conductbr: vo lnsteer chores. 200; addit ional voices received to-day. 2 to «. a t 109 West 84th f t .

SIGNOR C A R B ^ f S r S Aendemy of Singing removed corner 42d. Harvard Bui ld ing

son free 729 6th av. On* les-

^t^SSS^S teacher; Bas t

VOCAL Instrre reasonable rates . 127th St.

VIOLIN, mandolin, p iano lessons; pupils' resl-eTeneea: experienced teacher: nimlamite. Professor A H L B E R G 229 West 42d. care P e s t .

TOUNG lady p'aniste .wishes to vlot lnist for pract ice; no remuneration 1,152 3d av. '

' S J P * A D L P _ g

FOR SALE—$5,000: establ ished' Manufacturing Bualness; worth $10,000; pays $300 monthly. WID-OW. 400 Herald. ^ ^

H A V E capital t»> invest , w i th services, in a flrst c lass , good paying, established business, that wi l l stand invest igat ion: particulars must be s tated: all answers str ict ly confidential. S. K. F . . 1.152 Myr-t le av. . Brooklyn•r' t ""HEALTHY, determined young man. highest c i ty references, wi l l go to Klondike and divide wi th

8**ty paying expenses: can ge t to Pacific coast free. !. B. M.. 977 8th av .

for $800, can't be equalled: VERY EXCEPTIONAL, 436

department of 50x5a feet t o

H E R E i s a chance w a n t office partner. Herald. ^

IMPORTANT to grocers.—A large store on Columbus ae . has space o f ft _ le t for sale of groceries: big opportunity to right party. PAEKMORB. 852 Q l n m r m s * « - .

MANAGER for branch office; new and popular business; $300 cash required. 156 5th av . , room 1.233.

N E W S P A P E R man or woman wanted to take In-terest and edit or manage new trade weekly of great promise. Call 232 West 39th St.. afternoons, 1 to jjj or address for interview ARGONAUT.

OPPORTUNITY for any one interested in music or piano bosiness . Address MUSIC, 156 East 125th s t . _ _ _ , ' , • \

P A R T N E R , wi th $3,000 to $5,000: established elec­trical muilness. owning valuable patents . R. C . 100 Herald Downtown. ~PARTNER~want*d . old established painters' sup­plies and decorating business: large stock; large out­s ide trade; no risk: invest igat ion courted; ttookkeoper preferred; references required. Address REAL ES-•FATit O J ' K K T E . 104th st and Sth ar .

23D, 215 West , share large, sunny

23D ST. . 128 East , neae Madison square.—Single Rooms; good Board: se lect bouae\_Xable Board.

26TH ST. , 38-and 40 East .—Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Board; double Room, top floor, for

couple. $14: single Room, $7: other Rooms. 2STH ST.. 109 East .—Large and small Rooms, nice-

ly f a m i s h e d ; table Board. 28TH ST. . 125 East.—One large and hall Room;


30TH, 309 West .—Newly furnished Rooms, large, smal l : excel lent Board; all conveniences.

31ST ST. . 147 East.—Large front Room, w i t h Board; terms moderate:jrefjerences.

34TH. 241 West.—SeconcTfioor front, southern ex­posure; every convenience; a l s o hall Room; hot, cold water. i .,

3 4 T H . ) 2 5 4 West.—Handfsroe large Rooms; s team heat, running water; first etas* table.

Front Ri tie

95TH, 117 West .—Large and smal l Rooms to l e t ; all conveniences; Board optional; terms moderate; references. __

95TH 8 T . 7 3 3 West.—Large, handsomely"furpiahed, front, sunny Boom. With Board; reference. ~ 9 5 T H 63 West .—Two large connecting Rooms, sec­ond storvj,good table: American family MMMSg Rooms.

66TH, 63 West .—Beautiful second floor front Room; sunny; good service and table; very desirable; references. _

96TH ST. . Room; very select.

Swoa 37 Bridge St., N e w a r k , N. J.

Telephone 424. Newart . A STOCK OF OVER TOO H E A D CONSTANTLY


E X T R A Q U A L I T Y O F B R E W ­E R Y H O R S E S , W E I G H I N G LgOO T O 1,9QQ. ;

A — 2 0 S T A U . S : LARGE WAQO»r ROOM'. A.-

61 • West .—Handsome, large, a lso small moderate; parlor dining; table Board;

90TH ST. , 5 West.—One very desirable Room.: un­reasonable; expeetedly

given. \ — vacated; also table Board

97TH 146 West.—Sunny second story Room, wi th Board: bath adjoining: private bouse; references ex­changed.

9 8 T H ' , ST. 154 West .—Respectable young man wanted in private Jewish family for Room. Boai moderate.


-Lady wants respectable work-NELSON.

9»TH ST. , 49 W e s t ? Ins girl to Board. ;

103D ST.. 140 Wast.—Nicely furnished Room i a fine apartment; privilege of parlor and piano: s team heated; home comforts; reasonable; convenient to* station. " 104TH ST. . 224 West.—Sw-ond floor l a c k Parlor; conveniences; sup'-Tior table

front and references*,

te*m» 8Jgj '____ 105TH ST. and Riverside Drive.—fieslrable Rooms.

wi th Board; overlooking Hudson River; moderate; cottage.

NOS. 148. 150, 152 W E S T 18TH ST. (occupied by Slegel-Cooper Co.).

IS E. STERNE. " MORR1 STERNE. 9 East 14th st. A rare chance.—Five sound young chunky Horses.

$15. $40: suit truck, coalman, grocer, any business; warranted; purchaser week's trial. 498 East Hous-ton. '.

ACCOUNT death, must se l l two Horses; 1,200 each: $40. 11 Tompkins av. , near Flushing av. , Brooklyn. • r _ .' .^BUSINESS WAGONS.—Special bargains this week: all s ty les : warranted. New York Wagon Works, 254 Hudson St. _

BLACK Hearse for sale; l ike new; can he seen a t Mariborough> Sons. 470_Clerroont ae . , Brooklyn. *

B R E W S T E R Brougham, ln excel lent order,, very l ight. J o r sale cheap. 120 West 30th st . ""FOR SALF^Handsoxne "Vermont Morgan Team dark chestnut Colw, s f t years old, 15.2; extra high knee and hock sc t ion; draw brougham better than three minutes; only parties want ing extra fine horses need apply; sound and kind. 280 Hicks St., Brook­lyn;

F O B SALE—Single and double Delivery Wagons;

one Truck, one Cart and Harness. Apply at RID­

LEY'S Stables, 59 to 68 Allen s t . ' FOR S A L E - S t a n h o p e

tor's or private use; also Runabout. Broadway

almost new: doc-BURR. 54th St.,

" FOR S A L E -single Trucks.


i»4T]H. 339 West v moderete; references: gen n; terms

34TH, for two .

341 with

West .— I'leasaat first c lass Board

oom; neat men.

front Room; suitable

35TH ST. , 6 East .—Elegant Rooms, with flrst c lass Board and attendance: Location unsurpassed; Refer­ences exchanged.

38TLL68 W E S T . - A T T R A C T I V E . SUNNY ROOMS; P R I V A T E BATH': M O O E J I A T E ; R E F E R E N C E S

U-flned home; elegant 1 •ulsine; private bath;

ntly fur-table

39TH ST. . 57 West.—Re. niahed Rooms; excellent « guests; references. __

42D. 268 West .—Elegant front and back Apsrt-ments: Board and appointments first c lass ; reduced; $5 upward. ___ _ . . _______

43D, 148~West.— Handsomely furntsfied^arge and single sunny Rooms; private bath; superior table; referentes required. .

43D ST. , 110 West.—Sqfnare front Room, neai furnished: house thoroughly heated; table Boai reasonable.

45Ti lT~3i5 West.—Large" and smal l , we l l heated Rooms: excel lent tab le ; terms reasonable; table boarders, _ __. .

45TH, 321 West .—Handsomely furnished laree and smal l Rooms; excel lent table; $5.50 up; table boarders. ' y •* "

125 West .—Nicely furnished large and' small

-A gent le , irtment,


113TH ST. . 328 West <the Morrilngside). man can have Room and Board In corner Apai with every improvement; physician s home: dining room and bath on j__me_floj>r; first class attendance. *T_3DT~222~West.—Psrlor and Second Floor; hall B"dmom: southern exposure: good table.

123D ST . 12il Wi-it.—Booms, with or without Btwrd: alro table Board. parlqrjRrdngjgom. "T2STI1 256 West.—Desirable Rooms, extra large

e losets ; all conveniences; superior Board; moderate terms. ;

180TH. 34 West.—Large or smal l Room on second floor, furnished or unfurnished; superior table; reasonable.

134TH. 249 West.—Nice Board; also hall Bedroom; house. -

front Parlor, w i th good very reasonable; private

•e top Delivery Wagons and three IENNAN. 349 West 11th s t .

A.—Handsome gray gelding, 16 bands, seven years o ld : extra fine carriage horse, single or double; a beautv under saddle: not afraid of anything- ridden bv ladies; perfectly sound and kind; price $250. 4b,i Oolumbus av. R. PEHLEMANN.

GRAM> pair of cross matcited Cobs. 15.3 bands, brewn and dark gray, s ix years old the highest knee actors and all around goers ln New York, for s a l e ; accl imated, fearless of cars of any kind; warranted

..-t in Miiv veterinarv: 15 Other One select-ulnental Stable , ,

sound; suliject to any veterinary; 15 other fine select­ed Horses. T. E. G<UtDON. Jr. , Contln

38th 850 7th a t . Telephone 1.001 " HANDSOME young chestnut 'prompt, high ' Iu'iuir

Horse; fearless, fast ; single, double; saddler.

l a s T H . 201. ct—ner 7th av.—Elegant Rooms and baths: southern exposure; beautiful location; supe­rior table: reasonable.

-Comfortable large 447 WEST 2 2 D ; frienSs or couple; heated; upward. •

good Rooms for

Board; each $4.50

aOy trd;

s e ; superior cuisine; table

"YOU can l e a n _ t o read MnsTe I s W

l t t m

leasona: highest

4Sd s t .—Dent i s t Office to let; reasonable.

Handsome Studio, reasonable,'"letf " T H East 9 3 st v ixa l lessons la return. F o r O t h e r A J v e r t l a e n c e n t s U n d e r T h i s H e a d i n g . S e e D i r e c t o r y . S e e . 1 . P a g e 0 .

F I N A N C I A L .

Th« priotjWm-plete, with piano •tool to maich, ia

Pianos tuned paired and rego l s '•eastwsbie Prices.

Btoomingdafe Bros., > AV.. 8»TH 9££S£J5£

_r_55r>__^_«sBs'„ __ __ pl_so t S w e V -we r a » . g i v a

t h e

A Itrw. 'triced R. R- stock wi l l soon double: liberal Ju to small capltaUst . PROSP_3_TY, box tlon

Herald Dowatowa . ~\ desire to» meet capi ta l i s t or promoter, able and wi l l ing to flnanc* a mining enterprise. Seuth repairing from _Si:.nuti to SftOOOO. which will yield large profits, with practical ly no chance for loss ; fulf particulars i t personal l u t e r v l e - . Ad«r - l

HeraM 2Sd S t . ' LOAi* ei «£.«*> ?^*&&&**$«1}* j_SjL4g_r_gg_gg^_. ^ 9l000M- Ad

" W A N T E D - M a n as sartner

UtSX with some know led go

_ _ » r?1*4.«sSfi^


PART1 K S . " w l t h '$1jfWf>.' can be placed on rich prosoected c l s l m s o f thts cotnpanv in Yukon district of Alaska. For particulars, apply to H. W. BATES, 85 Wall s t . ' ^_

PATENTS. Eas iness Places , Cftv Houses. C.wmi'-t-Hoeses . Farming. Mineral and Timber Lands. Oil _ S S E B , I » ^S*^ *ci *°w- NSW TORK OOM-MISS^ON CO.. 167 Broadway.

PARTNER with some capital , established ladies' ta 1 lor and ©Trier: man wi th experience In Utter ing preferred. FTJRST._lg> W e s t 76th s t .

P A R T N E R , estabttshed manufacturing bnalaess. f t?J^_»__H_. , k S B i : *f_**f i l t P 1 . * * b T l e*«e t iag $1,000, gUCCESS. 1 - f HeraM Downtown. T

l^J^JL^ffEB popular magasine wi th al l ied hv R A R E CHANCE, -ants nartner; $8,000.

Id 2 3 4 St. i_?i&.M 7P li7"8ltClAN*S_fita^ lam W M i R Address P . A S . , IBS E a s t 126th s t .

P A R T N E R for eatablisbed pianp and aansicTmsi--ss: lady or gentleman. Can 108 East ______ "t.

. * ! _ 1 B _ _ - t _ f e , * r * 5 ? t , _ _ _ _ ^ " " - " l Cloalt Houses la the h e s t d r y goods location In Cincinnati wi l l rent snae* in front part of store to s responsible kid

fe t ^ r ^ A d ' d r e ^ ' _ _ _ M | _ _ _ _ _ _ | g l j _ *

__ ' i X O Y D . 258 Broadway. R E S T A U R A N T . d©w_to»W»7T M> daily customers; price $1.


s_BS LLOYD.' raw^Voadway

e.^^_o^a|__r_J'65isaTri to

45TH Rooms; at tract ive gues t s ; referentea,

46TH.~61> W e s t . - H a n d s o g i e l y furnished B e e s Par-lor: beat table and service; very refined; references.

_ __: 47TH ST., BO W E S T . Handsome Rooms; parlor dining room; choice and

abundant table; sen- ice , appointments first c lass ; superior table Board.

4YTH ST. . 16 Eae t . -Ch«4ee sui tes of Rooms; prj-vate l ^ t h s ; parlor dining room; table Board; ref-erences . '

-Desirable Rooms, double and 47TH ST.. 77 W e s t -s ingle , wi th first c lass Board; nvxlated: references.

B i f cHELOR. owning furnished apartment, 116th st . West , would take one sgreeable young man s s hoarder: all conveniences: references exchanged. VERY REASONABLE. 108 Herald Harlem. " C E N T R A L P A R K ~ W e a t T 4 2 4 (102d st.)—Lady hsv-ing handsome apartment wil l let one Room; con­venient to 104th st . • _ " station, elevator, tele-______ Inquire Sutton.

CENTRAL P A ¥ E WEST. 42S.-R«>.>m awl Board in handsome apartment, centrally located; terms moderate. D A \ 1 V

342 mesr iiVth).—Warm, diMible

headed nqulre No. 5 7th av. P A R T Y liavlng 60 horses or more can have rent

429-31 WesU53d. ^ _______ for term o f y e a r s ; d s tal ls and wagon

or can

free by leasing STABLE to lease reasons!.

wes t side, near 23d St.: room; also two Lofts and

used for other purposes. 1 West 26th s t .

onabfV 1 _0 ddri

living". . DANI

Aiiartments, w DANIEL F. QUINK-i No.

WANTED—Horse for light phaeton and road use. Lowest price, DOCTOR, 181 Herald Downtown.

WILL sacrifice, account s ickness, sound Cob. h a y , 159. hands, seven yesrs , good actor: St ivers full s e a t Runabout brass Harness, by Sacks: l ight Brewster

whi t -sepa-

Cart; also very handsome basket body Tra liodyj red gear, has combination rumble: will rate to suit . Box 1.1&8. New York Pos t Office V9V O t h e r A d v e r t i s e m e n t s I n d e r T l i l a H e a d i n g S e e D i r e c t o r y , g e e . 1 , P a L g e H

LEXINGTON AV Room; c losets ; running gentlemen, $11. /

table guest* aeeom-

4hTH ST.. 67 West - M back Parlor. Suite; fam! table ; references.

furnished large Rooms, or phys ic ian; , superior

fie- _ \

__5 Rooms e3;:es.

4STH. 108 W e s t . - B a c k Parlor s o d extension, both l ight rooms: used as doctol f i ofliee fonr years; a l so

Room up stairs, with Board. Ef St" . 1_> W e s * . l _ s i f i s o _ i e r y , furnWwd

terms reasons Board optional; terms reason'sble; . re fer -

48TH S T . . m Wea*.—Twa n-cely furnished, large. s u n n y . Rooms; a lso hal l Room; excel lent table; reasons hie: references.

40TH ST., »d W_ST. Handsomely furnished large and «naU Rooms, w i t h

fftieate bath; every convenience; exceptional service, table and appointments.

water; substantial Board;

LEXINGTON A V „ 665. 55th - L a r g e and single Room*, welt furnished; good table; moderate rates; table Board. ""LEXINGTON AV.. 456. corner 45th e t . - L a » g e , sennv Rooms: refined, quiet home; modern conven-B S 5 s American family.

LENOX AV., 231.— For Bent—Second story front Room, wrth alcove, large elosets . running water, furnace beat; superior table and service: references. " R E S P E C T A B L E woman wants one or two small chlldren„to board; only persons aporvet.itIn* cleanli­ness and good care need apply. 3. E. H . 142 Herald Harlem.

STUYVESANT ST. . 21.—!*tea_ heated Booms; good table: low rates ; near Wans maker's. ^TT-BTABTNGDOX. ~ ~ _ 2,061. 2,068 7tb s v . - C h o i e e Rooms: superior table: table guests accommodated; terms moderate; refer-

4 * f H . 64 "West . -Large aaH snjall. warm, w e n fur-nished second floor Rooms; others; w i th abundant table.

148 West . Board: modem

Lara? lerate

and smal l Booni; ex-terma.

Wast.—Twe _ _ _ _ B _

nlesly fnrnlshed sutgie nta stHctlv tlrst c lass .

es t .—Two smaU Rooms, 4 tb •nor.

W E S T SOTH ST.-4tef lned Catholic family , l iving i a n lce l j furnished apartaaeBt. would like a rpung woman to board .employed); references. Address J . r . , 3Sq Columbus S T . -

I n P r i v a t e F s r n i l l e a . T _ I A T . . 2.MP* ( l « t h ) . - H a i i d s o r a e l y furnished

Booms; al l Improvements; unsurpassed table; pri­vate J e wish _faml_f ; l o w terms.

61 iff. 9 Bast .—Private fami ly: iiandsome, newly fhrnlshed eonneetlng and aittWe Roomw: reference.

«_D Si4 . . 155 Eas*—Pleasant Boom in private / a a v l ly . for ope or twd gent lemen; no other boarders; t e n n s moderate: no s i g n , , • _ 7 3 D . 170 West.—Cosey, comfortable sunny ftoonv private Jewish fami ly ; excel lent table; home com-i s r t s ; resaeaable. .. . • .. •- - '.;•,


D O G S , B I R D S . s t C . 'I'M the_greaTorr to"rTCi^e lo?^^ ' " " " " "

The great speaker— The great John Gab!

I can heat Demosthenes:

"I 'm I bring In the money when I taRi!*

l l » , i t ^ t ChauneBy^jr>_ p i j c h , Depew.



;! . 1


"4L •




m believe in s^wet Sunday' Three groans for Teddy Rooseve l t !

Oh m y ! Oh dear!' __ __.Oh m y ! I am SO dry ." Then th i s parrot s ings:—

/ " H a , ha, ha! you and me, Li t t l e brown Jug, how J lore t h e e ! "

Mexican double yel low head Parrot, S y e *

Price. fOOO. Full l ist savings for s tamp. " O . H . a O L D g y . t i o «th s r . . near lfitb i * .

BEAlTiFUl, mate JarMoese Mtmghi, r. ^hojBK^^eBjnKrfaln. ERR_^H. H___id_v

^ l ~ N S H T T o o d T e T f o r sate - "ebeap; catal

t w o y e a r s : Address


T9TH RT West.—Handsome ally, five'sdnltsh

srtee Bet* • j . , . 1 1 WHUaai at . , room _ _ _ ^ _ w _ Y o S r i t _ _ _ . fWii

parent Brooklyn.

" E N G U S H SetteT;

St . Bernards;

___IAV Short face «d; fSS; bargain ton at.

TF_Lbe«stlfu! jr Rtw tboroitahbeed good stfe and Mod; e%*ap__33©~_aV !«*_,««. E * r _ _ t l l * 5 r A « - e r f i s e _ e - f a Under Thin * lea« l_g S— Plree torr . »ee. t . Fnsie O. * " . / " » . , . . ' » • , i i i , _ " , ' „ , r ~ - _ — _ _ :

^________ 1 » B W P U B L I C A T I O N S .

____ __ P__r _sr ATrAhourir hy3r_cxi m a p ; 8Pc.. _noat-

* COLUMBIAN ^^m'^^mm^mrmfi Hta M a _ _ _ ^ / ^ f t l n « _ f W ,

T . ^ V , ^ ! ' 0 ^ Addreaa T l I | f c o U M B l A N #

IINQ CO.. Haverstraw. S 7 f .


W r ^ Puppy

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069