How Wrong Ideas and Misconceptions

How wrong ideas and misconceptions about second language acquisition, affect the attainment of English proficiency in students from public high schools. Proposal to fulfil the requierements to obtain the English teacher degree. Student: Roberto E. Cifuentes aete. uide teacher: !rs. Stella "ammet #iderstr$m C%&CEPC'(&, )* th,  )*++

Transcript of How Wrong Ideas and Misconceptions

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How wrong ideas and misconceptions

about second language acquisition,

affect the attainment of English proficiency in students from public high


Proposal to fulfil the requierements to obtain the English teacher degree.

Student: Roberto E. Cifuentes aete.

uide teacher: !rs. Stella "ammet #iderstr$m

C%&CEPC'(&, )*th, )*++

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Guide teacher______________________________________________4




 I.-  IN!"D#$I"N________________________________________%

+.+ Problem presented.+)

+.) %b-ecties of the inestigation.+)

&.'.&- General o()ecti*e. _______________________________________________________12

&.'.&- +econdary o()ecti*e,.. ____________________________________________________13

+./ Hypotheses presented+0

+.0 Hypotheses1 classification+0

+.2 3ariables 4efinition.+2

+.2.+ 'ndependent ariable. ____________________________________________________15

+.2.) 4ependent ariable. ______________________________________________________16

 II.-  #+II$AI"N________________________________________&7 

).+5 6imitations of the inestigation)*

 III.- /0"!0I$A1 !A203"!___________________________'&

/.+5 7irst language acquisition theories.))

.&.&-he (iolingui,tic aroach $hom,ky8&979:. __________________________________23

.&.'- ;eha*iori,m +kinner. ____________________________________________________25

.&.- +ociolingui,tic Dore ;runnet ;ate,. _______________________________________26

/.) 8nown hypotheses about S69.)

/./5 Contrasting and comparing first and second language acquisition./*

/.05 !yths and misconceptions about second language acquisition./)

/.0.+5 9ge and S69. __________________________________________________________33

/.0.)5 ;he enironment. _______________________________________________________34

 I<.-  IN<0+IGAI"N 20/"D"1"G=_______________________6 


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0.+ ;arget unierse./<

0.) Sample characteristics/<

0./ ;ype of inestigation./=

0.0 !easurement instrument/=

0.2 3alidation of the instrument0/

<.-  !0+#1+ ANA1=+I+ AND DI+$#++I"N___________________44

2.+ > Results.02

2.) > 9nalysis02

2./ 5 4iscussion0?

<I.- $"N$1#+I"N__________________________________________47 

<II.-  ANN0>0+_____________________________________________49

<.+ Plannings2*

<.) 5Portafolio2/

<III.-  ;I;1I"G!A?/=________________________________________67 

@loomfield, 6eonard?

ChompsAy, &oam?

8rashen, Stephen?

Stern, H.H.?=

 I>.- 30;G!A?/=__________________________________________7@


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uide teacher


Stella "amett #iderstr$m


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“I’d like to dedicate this work to my mother who

was very supportive and was always there for me,

even when I wasn’t.”


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“There is no teacher who cannot be a


Baltazar racian.


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English is the “Lingua Franca”  1 of the world and since this investigation will focus on

several theories about first language (1! and second language (2! ac"uisition# it is ai$ed

to understand what is happening in our classroo$s with students who have alread%

ac"uired their first language# specificall% high school students fro$ the public educational


anguage (henceforth addressed for hu$an spo'en language! is one of the $ost distinctive

features that separates hu$an beings fro$ other species&

he wa% we ac"uire language has been a $atter of stud% for several %ears# without co$ing

to a one absolute e)planation about the wa% the brain ac"uires the language&

*+Is2  have been used to identif% what happens on the brain while we produce the

language# but research have shown onl% where the production of the language ta'es place#

 but gives no specific infor$ation about what happens on those parts of the brain# such as

relevant infor$ation about what are the processes that co$e into pla% when we are

spea'ing& ,o this leaves a ver% open gap between the cognitive-affective process of 

ac"uiring a language# and the scientific factual e)planation on what reall% happens in our 


1  Italian for “!rankish lan"ua"e”.  Working language, bridge language,

vehicular language, is a language systematically used to make

communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue.

2  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Techniue used in radiology to

visuali!e detailed internal structures.


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,everal theories will be revisited in the following pages# and since this thesis is about how

wrong ideas and $isconceptions affect second language ac"uisition (,.! in students who

have alread% $astered a first language# in our case ,panish# it is i$perative to be fa$iliar 

with the different theories about how hu$an beings ac"uire their first language# and what

are the $ost accepted theories about ,. in order to have a co$plete picture of all the

factors that co$e into pla% when ac"uiring or learning a second language&

he following pages will tr% to state that the research done so far and the theories

supported in this investigation are not den%ing other theories but si$pl% disproving so$e

$%ths about the wa% students can ac"uire 2 in our classroo$s nowada%s&

,ure that b% the end of this report# we are not going to find that there is onl% one wa% of 

ac"uiring/larning 2# but we will find that there are certain aspects that do not co$pletel%

appl% to the process as $an% teachers see$ to believe# and hopefull% it will help as a guide

for i$proving $ethodologies ta'ing under consideration the diversit% of concepts


It is worth $entioning that this research is going to bac'up their h%potheses based on the

e)periences fro$ four groups fro$ two different public high schools fro$ alcahuano with

an apparentl% dissi$ilar profile of student&

0ne of the$ is as .$ericas C&E&.&I& high school& his school is 'nown for receiving

students in an irregular acade$ic situation# being this either the% have been reected b% the

traditional high schools or because at so$e point the% abandoned their studies and wanted


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to resu$e the$ in order to graduate fro$ high school& his educational institution also

grants the students a diplo$a# which consits of an especialiation in a specific area

(electronics or $echanics! so the student will graduate with an occupation plus their 

graduation diplo$a fro$ high school&

he other institution is a traditional one& he .-21 high school is a ver% recogniable

institution in alcahuano which ai$ is to prepare students for a future student life# which is

the traditional path of following a career# either in a universit% or an institute&

he e)periences collected in these two institutions are ver% useful in order to 'now# not

onl% the differences in the curriculu$ concerning the progra$$ followed for teaching the

sa$e subect# in this case English# but also to 'now that the affective and $otivational

aspect is ver% i$portant when it co$es to learn so$ething fro$ scratch or al$ost# since the

 baseboard for learning English is ver% bad&

ifferent $ethodologies were used for the groups& .n entire English spo'en class was

given for two of the$ for a short period of ti$e& he other two groups were in a 6

English 4 ,panish ($ore or less! class&

7nowing this we have to consider that the contents given were the ones fro$ the units the

groups were supposed to see during their period# not fro$ basic contents which $a% not

sound relevant but indeed it is# since the curriculu$ de$ands i$parting those contents#

after all those contents are going to be under evaluation# not basics& It is also a factor to

consider the fact that the ti$e spent for the entire English spo'en class $ight not have been


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are not "uite correct# if not co$pletel% wrong when so$e teachers suscribe to the idea of 

teaching English through an entire English spo'en class for $a'ing the process as si$ilar 

as ac"uiring 1&

&.'.&- +econdary o()ecti*e,..

r% to establish the negative effect so$e ideas about ,. or learning $a% have on students

fro$ public high schools# and along with this give the necessar% infor$ation based on a

series of studies about ,. in order to contribute to new $ethodologies that will#

hopefull% in ti$e# i$prove the attain$ent of an inter$ediate proficienc% on the part of 

 public high school students in English&


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+./ Hypotheses presented

 /yothe,i, & .n entire English spo'en class does not necessaril% $ean a good English


 /yothe,i, ' 1 does not necessaril% $ean interference while in the process of learning


 /yothe,i, 1 can actuall% facilitate the ,. process b% $a'ing the input a little bit

$ore co$prehensible&

 /yothe,i, 4 he teaching gra$$ar without teaching gra$$ar concept# does not appl%

1 in ever% case&

 /yothe,i, 5 ,pea'ing in classes is not co$pletel% necessar% for ac"uiring the language

as $uch as it is necessar% for i$proving the native-li'e accent& Ergo# spea'ing is not


 /yothe,i, 6 he reason $ost students have for reecting the subect of English is that

the progra$ tends to e)pect students to learn co$ple) structures without pa%ing attention

to basics&


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+.0 Hypotheses1 classification

he investigation8s h%potheses are classified as correlational since the investigation

focuses on how so$e $isconceptions about the learning of a second language in our 

classroo$s with high school public students can affect the attain$ent of a basic proficienc%

in the subect# ergo this investigation will tr% to identif% the relation between so$e

$isconceptions about a class given in public high schools and the low understanding on

the subect shown b% high school public students&

+.2 3ariables 4efinition.

he variables this investigation considered were9

+.2.+ 'ndependent ariable.

Considering the concepts fro$ the h%pothesis# the independent variables for this

investigation are several& :evertheless all of the$ can be su$$arie into the $ain

h%pothesis of this investigation# that an entire English spo'en class does not

necessaril% $ean a good English class# especiall% in public high schools&

he so-called effectiveness of an entire English spo'en class can be obected b%

ta'ing under consideration two variables or two t%pes of classes given to students&

0ne is an entire English spo'en class# the other a $i)ed class begining with a 5 5

 percent English and ,panish class& ;% alternating the t%pe of class# we will be able


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to see the reaction and response of the subects3 towards the contents the curriculu$

designed b% the chilean board of education de$ands&

+.2.) 4ependent ariable.

he proficienc% in English depending on the t%pe of classs given&

;% e)a$ining the results seen in each group# depending on the t%pe of class the%

received# we will be able to deter$ine the effectivess in ever% case&

he concept of effectiveness here will be deter$ined b% $a'ing proections upon

the direction the different t%pes of classes too'&

<ere we have to re$e$ber that the $ain obective of ever% wor'shop was to

review the contents seen in regular classes and not to go to basics&

3 Students from the two public high schools.


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his investigation springs fro$ the necessit% of understanding wh% our students# in this

case high school public students# have ver% little if not ero co$petence in the English

language which is i$parted as an E= progra$ in our schools since 5th pri$ar% grade&

his has been a $atter of "uestioning during the last fithteen %ears or so# since our countr%

is opening to international $ar'ets# the use of English# according to the e)perts# is a ver%

essential tool for the develop$ent of the econo$% and therefore the countr%& a'ing this

into consideration# it is i$perative to 'now what is happening with our students

considering the last ,I*CE4 test in English# which was $easured using the 0EIC ;ridge

test5# %ielded e)tre$el% disappointing results&

.ccording to ,I*CE8s results onl% the 11 of the students in Chile can be certified with a

 basic co$petence in English6& his is a ver% low percentage considering that the universe

$easured was two hundred thousands nine hundred and ninet% si)(2>&??6! students& his

$eans that onl% twent% two thousand eight hundred and sevent% nine (22&@>?! students $et

the $ini$un co$petence re"uire$ents in the language&

4 Sistema de medición de la calidad de la educación.

5 0EIC ;ridgeA Test of nglish for international comunication! measures the le"el

of nglish from basic to intermediate.

# $onsidering the test was applied onl% to 3rd graders.


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=or these reasons the Chilean govern$ent along with the Chilean board of education# have

 proposed a progra$ for $a'ing the countr% a bilingual countr%& his was first proposed in

23 with the progra$ English open doors BIngls abre puertasD and it was lunch in 24&

he idea of the progra$ was firstl% to i$prove the proficienc% in English b% i$ple$enting

a set of $easures into the progra$# a$ong which the $ost recogniable is to e)tend the

a$ount of hours per wee'& his $eans an increase fro$ two hours of English per wee' in

 pri$ar% grades (5th# 6th# >th and @th grades! to three hours per wee'&

.nother recogniable $easure is to bring native spea'er teachers into our classroo$s&

;ut the $ost i$portant goal of this progra$ is to $a'e the countr% a bilingual one b%

introducing the language in an earlier stage in public schools&

 :owada%s public schools begin the i$partition of the language in fifth grade& he idea of 

the progra$ is to start fro$ the first grade# which in ti$e will help reach the goal of a

 bilingual countr%& ,o$ething that too' al$ost 4 %ears for ,weden to get to where Chile

 pretends to be# to be a bilingual countr%&

;ut until then# what do we do in order to i$prove the students8 co$petence in the language

at a high school level his "uestion $a% not be co$pletel% answered in this

investigation # but it $a% give so$e direction& ,o the ustification for this investigation can

 be su$ed up in the following points&


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;he necessity of improing methodologies that are being applied in public high

school English classes in order to reach the basic competence in the language. ;his

is, to gie students the necessary basics in order for them to continue building

their learning process in a more natural way without haing to go bacA to basics

in order to learn a new content.

;o try to gie teachers, and the people in charge of the programs, an old5new

concept on the way the 6) is acquiredlearned in order for them to hae a better

understanding about what can be done for students in order to acquire the 6) in amore natural way.

;o find, starting from the concepts reisited here, better methods in order to maAe

the S69 process a more significant eDperience.

).+5 6imitations of the inestigation

ue to the nature of this investigation# which is $ainl% e)plorator% and bibliographical# the

li$itation for this investigation is $ainl% ti$e&

,ince the sa$ples used b% the student/investigator > were the groups $entiones earlier# the

a$ount of hours for the assess$ent of which class was $ore efficient (the entire English

& The author of this Thesis


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spo'en class or the $i)ed class! $a% no have been enough# that is wh% proections will be

done in order to deter$ine the direction each class were could have ta'en&


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;HE%RE;'C96 7R9!E#%R8 

.s stated before in order to have a clear idea of what this investigation is tr%ing to prove

we need to be fa$iliar with the differences between the Bac"uisitionD of our first language

and the idea of BlearningD a second one# which are clearl% different# therefore the processes


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$a% be si$ilar but not "uite the sa$e& his gathers great i$portance especiall% when we

tal' about public high school students who# according to the English progra$ developed b%

the Chilean board of education# have to be able to recognie a series of contents concerning

tenses and have a vocabular% to an e)tent of one thousand and si) hundred (1&6! words&

his is clearl% not the realit% of an% public high school group since the baseboard of 

English the% have is not enough for understanding half the contents the progra$ proposes&

=or this and a couple of other reasons it is i$portant to establish the differences between

first language(1! ac"uisition and second language(2! ac"uisition or learning in the case

of public high school students& In order to do this we will re-visit so$e of the $ost

accepted and recogniable theories about 1 and 2 ac"uisition and learning&

3.1' 7irst language acquisition theories.

In this section the investigation will focus on what the $ost acceptable theories about 1

ac"uisition pose& his will help deli$it the lines on what we need to 'now about

ac"uisition and learning which are two ver% different processes that converge at so$e

 points but still the% run through different paths& Fe need to be fa$iliar with these thoeries

in order to understand that the ac"uisition process $a% be si$ilar to the learning process

 but not co$pletel% and we will see that so$e ver% i$portant factors co$e into pla% when

we want deter$ine the best $ethodological wa% to teach 2&


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=or $an% teachers the ac"uisition of a language should be the ai$ of an% language class# in

our case English& he ac"uisition process# as we will see in this section# it8s a ver%

intrinsic# and rather $%sterious process&

he following theories will show the ourne% that has been $ade after %ears of 

investigating how hu$ans ac"uire their 1&

his investigation will consider onl% the $ost representative investigation and authors

fro$ certain decades# to $antion ever% theor% about 1 ac"uisition will be redundant&

.&.&-he (iolingui,tic aroach $hom,ky8&979:.  

he biolinguistic approach tell us that hu$an beings co$es with what the biologist :oa$

Cho$s'%# one of the $ost recognied e)ponent of this theor% if not the $ost representative

e)ponent# has called a language ac"uisition device (.!& .ccording to this approach

ever% hu$an being is pre-wired with a special device designed for language ac"uisition&

his device is supposed to co$e with ever%thing we need for ac"uiring a language#

s%ntactic co$prehension# gra$$atical structures# etc& ,o according to Cho$ps'% ever%

hu$an being is capable to ac"uire a language without the necessit% of an over e)posure to

environ$ental input&


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Eventhough Cho$s'% clai$s that ever% hu$an being is capable to ac"uire an% language

due to this .# it is i$portant to point out that there are so$e particularities about the

 process of ,. that this theor% passes overA these particularities are to be $ore e)plained

as we further this docu$ent&

.s so$e detractors of his BGniversal Hra$$arD (GH! theor% clai$# this point of view on

how hu$ans ac"uire language is ver% restrictedA as stated before# this theor% passes over 

so$e concepts and does not ta'e into consideration environ$ental factors# social factors#

and historical language factors&

If we too' Cho$ps'%8s theor% as fact# it would be fair to consider that there is no

difference between 1 and 2 ac"uisition& his ver% point will help this investigation to

show that there are so$e significant differences in the process# and therefore the

techni"ues used for teaching a 2 cannot be e)actl% the sa$e as the ones used in the

 process involving 1 ac"uisition# ergo# it would be fair to consider so$e $ethodologies

not "uite correct for the process of learning a 2 when the 1 has been alread% $astered

(i$pl%ing the fact this investigation focuses on public high school level students!&

.&.'- ;eha*iori,m +kinner.


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that the subect is in$erse in an enviro$ent where the target language is being spo'en# is

enough for the subect to starting ac"uiring the language&

. clear e)a$ple of this is the sti$ulus given b% parents towards their children when their 

children start to $u$ble their first# so called# words& Fhen this happens# parents ust

reinforce the idea of the word spo'en b% the child b% repeating the word in its correct for$#

hoping for the 'id to ac"uire the word in a wa% that in ti$e the infant will be able to repeat

the word correctl%&

.&.- +ociolingui,tic Dore ;runnet ;ate,.

=inall% we have sociolinguistic which is sort of an e)tension of what behavioris$


<ere the environ$ent is still critical# for the $ore the child is e)posed to language the

$ore he will ac"uire& he difference here is that this theor% treats the child as an active

entit%# in contrast of what ,'inner believed that the child was si$pl% a passive entit%

cop%ing ever%thing around hi$ and ac"uiring the language b% ust repeating&

,ociolinguistic proposes that the child actuall% e)presses intent# and that the child actuall%

scaffold his language b% using it in conte)t& his due to the belief# according to this theor%#


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that ever% hu$an being is born with the $otivation# the necessit% of co$$unicate with


.s we can see# al$ost ever% theor% about 1 ac"uisition subscribes around the

sa$e idea of a non-gra$$ar for$al teaching in order to develope the language& o have a

 better understanding about the first language ac"uisition theories# which clearl% surround

the idea of a subect i$itating e)ternal sti$uli we can cite 1eonard ;loo$field8s wor' 

(1?33!& In his wor'# ;loo$field argued that the stud% of language could be pursued

without reference to ps%chological doctrines and he too' a fir$l% behavioristic line ai$ed

at scientific obectivit%& ;loo$field did not den% the role of $eaning in language# but he

obected to its i$portance in the stud% of language at a ti$e when hu$an 'nowledge of the

vast range of se$antic association attached to ever% linguistic for$ was so ver% little&

*oreover# he viewed se$antics as a subordinate ele$ent to the pri$ar% sti$ulus response

relationship of verbal behavior&

/.) 8nown hypotheses about S69.

1+ ,merican linguist who led the de"elopment of structural linguistics in the

-nited States during the 1)3+s and the 1)4+s.


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,everal h%potheses about ,. have been proposed& espite the fact that all of the$ $a%

have so$ething right in their assu$ptions# we will consider onl% one theor% fro$ one $an

(so$e people sa% this theor% was postulated before this $an!# ,tephen 7rashen&

,tephen 7rashen# an .$erican linguist which ,. theor% is believed to be the $ost

acceptable for it accounts aspects of the develop$ent of the language which consider 

factors such as environ$ent# $otivation# an)iet%# etcJ

7rashen postulates in his ,. theor% five principles (h%potheses! about ,.# this

 principles and what the% $ean are as follow&

+ ;he acquisition5learning hypothesis. =or ,& 7rashen there is a difference

 between ac"uiring a language and learning it# for hi$ the first is a sub-conscious

 process while the other is conscious& hus this results in children ac"uiring

language better than adults&

he concept ever%one has about learning a language is ver% vague so$eti$es

especiall% when the% tend to confused learning with ac"uiring& =or the sa'e of this

investigation it is i$perative to establish the diffences between these two ter$s& .s

reads in the upper paragraph learning is a conscious process&

a'ing under consideration our subects (being students fro$ public high schools!

what is intended to do in English classes in public high schools# is to teach the


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language# supposedl% b% scaffolding the contents and 'nowledge ac"uired in earlier 


) ;he natural order hypothesis. his h%pothesis clai$s that there is a natural order 

in the wa% we ac"uire parts of a 2& In this h%pothesis 7rashen identifies three

ver% i$portant aspects# which are9

".#) ;his order is not based on any features of compleDity and

simplicity.".") ;he natural order cannot be changedF it is immune to deliberate


".$) ;he natural order is not the teaching order.

/ ;he monitor hypothesis clai$s that if we learn gra$$ar we develop a $onitoring

s%ste$& ,ince gra$$ar focuses $ost of the ti$e in for$ instead of $eaning# three

conditions are needed to use it& i$e# focus on for$# and 'now the rule& It is here

where so$e teachers suscribe that when we have ac"uired our first language# there

is no need for teaching gra$$ar at all# for the gra$$ar will construct itself while

in the process of ,.&

0 ;he comprehensible input hypothesis is probabl% the $ost i$portant point of all

tell us that we ac"uire language when we understand the $essage&


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2 =inall%# ;he affectie filter hypothesis tell us about the conditions needed to

ac"uire a language in a $ore natural-fluent wa%& his h%pothesis is based on three

conditions that need to be considered when we want to ac"uire 2& *otivation#

self-estee$ and an)iet%& he first two have to be high# the third on the contrar% has

to be  low# otherwise  the input# no $atter how co$prehensible# will not penetrate

the .&

hese h%potheses are going to bac' up the idea of this investigation# and its

h%potheses as well# since the wor' of 7rashen de$ar's the difference between

learning and ac"uiring a second language&

/./5 Contrasting and comparing first and second language acquisition.

ifferences between the process of ac"uiring 1 and ,. $a% appear obvious for so$e

 people# but so$ehow apparentl% not for so$e teachers&

;ased on Cho$s'%8s theor%# which is the $ost accepted theor% about 1 ac"uisition# the

 brain has this . which allows hu$an beings to integrate language in our brain&

,o this $eans that when we are born# and so$e recent research clai$ that even before# we

are ac"uiring language# for the brain is li'e a blan' sheet of paper which easil% is going to


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attain the proficienc% in the language that surrounds the subect# but still we will be able to

use this GH that helps us ac"uiring a new language# not in the sa$e wa% we ac"uire 1#

 but it will help to construct the 2 in a sub-conscious wa%&

<&<& ,tern11  points out so$e $isleading ideas about how the ,. process has to be taught

the sa$e wa% we ac"uire 1# and it serves as an indicator of how so$e English teachers

follow this wrong ideas& ,o$e of the ideas presented here are posted as valid

$ethodological teaching techni"ues fro$ the part of so$e English teachers&

+. 'n language teaching, we must practice and practice, again and again. "ust

watch a small child learning his mother tongue. He repeats things oer and

oer again. 4uring the language5learning stage he practices all the time. ;his

is what we must also do when we are learning a foreign language.

). 6anguage learning is mainly a matter of imitation. Gou must be a mimic. "ust

liAe a small child. He imitates eerything.

/. 7irst, we practice the separate sounds, then words, then sentences. ;hat is the

natural order and it is therefore right for learning a foreign language.

0. 9 small child listens and speaAs and no one would dream of maAing him read

or write. Reading and writing are adanced stages of language deelopment.

11 $anadian second laguage teaching educator.


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;he natural order for first and second language learning is listening, speaAing,

reading, and writing.

2. Gou did not hae to translate when you were small. 'f you were able to learn

your own language without translation, you should be able to learn a foreign

language in the same way.

?. 9 small child simply uses language. He does not learn a formal grammar. Gou

dont tell him about erbs and nouns. Get he learns language perfectly. 't is

equally unnecessary to use grammatical conceptualiIation in teaching a

foreign language.

Fe have to consider that this $ethodologies are not inconrrect in their assu$ptions# but

since this investigation focuses on public high school students# these techni"ues $a% not be

1 effective and efficient&

/.05 !yths and misconceptions about second language acquisition.

his part of the investigation focuses on so$e studies that will support the h%potheses

clai$ed b% this investigation& <opefull% this part will help clarif% the $ain idea behind

the investigation# that for students fro$ public high schools an entire English spo'en class

does not necessaril% $ean a good English class&


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/.0.+5 9ge and S69.

his is believed to be the $ain reason wh% older people or adolescents# who have#

according to so$e theories# pass the critical period12# cannot learn# or at least be co$petent

in a second language once the% have alread% ac"uired their first&

his has been refuted b% so$e research that prove that actuall% in so$e cases# adults can

 be better learners that children13# since children don8t have the necessar% cognitive tools#

the% rel% $ore on short-ter$ $e$or% rather than in long Kter$ $e$or%# and adults can

alwa%s rel% on their cultural bac'ground in order to $a'e the necessar% lin's to their 

ac"uired 'nowledge& his is a ver% i$portant point to consider when we tr% to establish

that an entire English spo'en class does not necessaril% $ean a good English class&

<ere we have $entioned the the Critical Leriod <%pothesis (CL<!& his h%pothesis clai$s

that until a certain age# the individual will not be able to ac"uire a language the wa% the%

ac"uire their first& his $a% be partl% true& ,ince in this investigation we are tr%ing to

establish the differences between ac"uiring a language and learning one# we $ust also

$a'e the difference between so$eone ac"uiring a language and so$eone conciousl%

learning one&

12 or some researches the critical period *nishes with pubert%.

13 The concept of being a better learner gathers importance in this in"estigation

for there is a signi*cati"e di/erence between ac0uiring a language and conciousl% tr%

to learn one.


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=or e)a$ple let8s consider so$eone who starts a new life in a foreing countr%# off course

this person does not 'now the language or has a ver% vague idea of so$e concepts& et8s

sa% this person $oves to a neighborhood where he/she is the onl% foreigner# he/she will be

forced to learn the language in order to be able to co$$unicate with others and $a'e a


=irst the subect has an i$perative necessit% of lerning the language for survival# second

the person onl% hears the target language all the ti$e without being able to co$$unicate

with others in their $other tongue# in ti$e besides the basics concerning the target

language our subect $a% or $a% not have# he is surrounded b% it and he/she has two

hundred people spea'ing the target language versus one person spea'ing a language no one

uses& his will onl% result that in ti$e our subect is going to ac"uire the language instead

of for$all% learning it because it is the predo$inant language&

0n the other hand in a classroo$# especificall% a public high school classroo$ which is the

focus of this investigation# we have onl% one person who spea's the target language versus

fourt%# and so$eti$es even $ore# who spea' another language and $ost of the ti$e the%

do not see the necessit% of learning this new language# so the interest and $otivational

aspects are al$ost co$pletel% absent&

0ff course one can argue that teachers should tr% to spea' in English all the ti$e# but since

the ac"uiring process is not going to be as significant as it was when we ac"uired the

language as children or because of the necessit% of survival# students fro$ public high


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school alwa%s have this an)iet% of seeing English ust as another subect in which %ou need

a good $ar' in order to pass# nothing else&

/.0./5 SpeaAing is not producing.

.nother wrong assu$ption is that people have ac"uired a language when the% are able to

spea' in that language& :othing further fro$ the truth# according to research# the onl% thing

that i$proves when %ou spea' is %our pronunciation and fluenc%# which obviousl% are ver%

i$portant aspects of the language# but this does not necessaril% $ean that %ou have

ac"uired a language&

In the case of our stud%# high school students fro$ the public s%ste$# spea'ing is $ore

li'el% to be i$portant for ac"uiring pronunciation and for the recognition of sounds to

unconsciousl% fa$iliarie with the English sounds and therefore have a better 

understanding on the s%ntactic structure and to ac"uire the necessar% discri$ination

techni"ues for# depending on the conte)t# recognie the word that is being listened to& his

is another reason wh% this investigation clai$s that spo'en evaluations at this level(public

high school! are not necessar% for the% put $ore presure and build an)iet% in students#

spo'en e)ercises should be done but in a rela)ed enviro$ent and not with the presure of 

 being evaluated# since evaluating spea'ing is a ver% intrinsic process and should be donde

ver% carefull%&



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'&3ES;'9;'%& !E;H%4%6%G


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0.+ ;arget unierse.

,tudents fro$ public high schools&

,ince this investigation is about how wrong ideas and $isconceptions about second

language ac"uisition affect the attaint$ent of English profficienc% in students fro$ public

high schools it would be honest to sa% that the sa$ple was not $eant as a sa$ple for an%

investigation# at least not intentionall%& Is this factor which validates the reliabilit% of the


<aving stated this# the sa$ple was divided# as $entioned earlier in this investigation# in

four groups fro$ two different high schools& wo groups were given an entire English

spo'en class# and the other two a class which co$bined English and ,panish with $ore

e$phasis on the actual e)planations about the contents& hese e)planations were in ,panish

and ever% e)a$ple in English was read aloud b% the teacher&

0.) Sample characteristics

=or this investigation a probabilistic sa$ple was used&

he charasteristics of the groups $entioned earlier are ver% si$ilar in relation to an average

student fro$ an% public high school& his $eans that the 'nowledge and understanding of 

the English language is ver% poor if not co$pletel% absent&


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Ever% group consisted on 1 $e$bers each# being these average students with no further 

understanding of the language whatsoever&

he wa% the sa$ple was obtained# was through an English wor'shop i$parted in both

schools& he students were invited to participate in the wor'shop with the pre$ise of 

i$proving their understanding in the language regarding the contents the% were seeing in

class at the $o$ent of enrolling the wor'shop&

.nother factor to consider is that the $e$bers of the sa$ple presented a ver% possitive

attitude towards the wor'shop# this i$plies that the affective/tensional/an)ious enviro$ent

was opti$al for teaching the target language&

&%;E9 ;his inestigation admits that the number of the unierse measured during

the worAshops may not be sufficient for an eDtremely accurate analysis, but the

reliability of the sample lies on the fact that the sample itself is a ery good

representation of what many students in public high schools feel towards the English



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0./ ;ype of inestigation.

his investigation due to its characteristics corresponds $ainl% to a descriptive/e)plorator%

investigation& It will also serve as a theoretical/bibliographic research based $ainl% on the

wor' of several linguists&

.part fro$ the point that this investigation relies $ainl% on studies and papers alread%

$ade b% renowned linguists# it will also tr% to account for the e)periences the

student/investigator has had during his period of pre-training and proffessional training#

along with his short e)perience as an ele$entar% teacher and tutor&

=ro$ these e)periences the student/investigator will tr% to establish the differences between

1 ac"uisition and the actual wor' teachers in high school have to do concerning 2

teaching# which is easil% confused b% so$e teachers as ,.&

he outco$es of the wor'shops presented b% the student/investigator as valid $easure$ent

instru$ent# will be discussed and co$pared against the ideas of the earl% na$ed renowned



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0.0 !easurement instrument

he instru$ents used for $easuring the student8s co$petence during the wor'shops were9

.& ,i$ple gap filling e)ercises& (see anne) .!

;& ,hort te)ts&(see anne) ;!

C& ,i$ple "uestions related to the te)ts&(see anne) C!

& *atching e)ercises&(see anne) !

E& .nd a si$ple poster which read a set of t%pical "uestions students have for the


his poster was $eant for both wor'shops# the entirel% English spo'en class and the

,panish/English spo'en class# as a wa% to# at least# give the students a wa% to as' in the

target language&

hese "uestions wereA

1!  /ow do you ,ay ______B # his is the $ost co$$on "uestion learners have& *ost

 people# not onl% students# have the erroneous assu$ption that the% are learning English

 b% as'ing how do %ou sa% a word in English# passing over that the vocabular% is

constructed in a gradual wa% and that vocabular% will construct b% itself once %ou are

fa$iliar with the basic structures of tenses&


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2! /ow do you ronounce _________B his is less often as'ed# onl% so$e students are

willing to as' this "uestion 'nowing that once the teacher gives the$ the answer# he/she

is going to $a'e the$ repeat the pronunciation# and we 'now $ost students# if not all#

are ver% relunctant to spea' aloud in front of their $ates# even in their own language&

3! 3hatC, the meaning o _________B "r 3hat doe, _________ meanB  .nother 

t%pical "uestion is as'ing the $eaning of an specific word& <ere is where so$e teachers

debate if %ou $ust give the translation of the word or tr% to give an e)planation of the

word in the target language# in our case English# for students to get the $eaning without

translating# therefore not letting 1 interfere with the process of ,.&

=ro$ the accounting during the wor'shops given co$pletel% in English it is fair to sa%

that so$eti$es as a teacher %ou can e)plain several words such as verbs# adectives#

nouns# etc&& that are eas% to $i$ic such as hot cold tired ,leey )um write

etc..&,o$e of these words can be e)plained using plain English# but so$eti$es tr%ing to

eplain the $eaning of a word in Enlgish ust $a'es it $ore difficult for the student to

understand it&

,ure teachers can use several techni"ues in order to $a'e the students get the $eaning

of the word such as $i$ic# drawings# pictures# $atching the word with pictures# realia

etc&&&as stated before# this wor's $ost of the ti$e# but so$eti$es the words we need to

e)plain are $ore conceptual and abstract therefore cannot be $i$ic'ed& here are not

drawings or pictures that can easil% describe the $eaning for so$e conceptual and

abstract words especiall% when the% are not co$$on verbs or adetives such   as  hot


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0.2 3alidation of the instrument

he instru$ents used for $easuring the students co$petence# were the ones that have been

used b% teachers all over the countr%& hese instru$ents are validated even b% the boo's

used b% teachers&

.s $entioned before the instru$ents for $easuring the students co$petence in English


.& ,i$ple gap filling e)ercises& (see anne) .!

;& ,hort te)ts&(see anne) ;!

C& ,i$ple "uestions related to the te)ts&(see anne) C!

& *atching e)ercises&(see anne) !

he $easure$ents instru$ents posted in this investigation are ust a few a$ong the $an%

instru$ents that can be used for $easuring the co$petence in the target language& he ones

$entioned above are the $ost co$$on used b% teachers in public high schools&

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RESB6;S, 9&96GS'S 9&4 4'SCBSS'%&

2.+ > Results.


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=ro$ the part of the wor'shops i$parted at the C&E&I&.& as .$ericas high school# the

investigation accounts for the failure of the$# $eaning that the wor'shops never succeded

in ter$s of attendance# eventhough the interest of the students in the wor'shop was evident

when it ca$e to sign in for the wor'shop&

 +easons for the absentis$ to the wor'shop can be several# but the% can be su$$ed up as a

lac' of co$pro$ise on the part of the students& English for the$ was not as i$portant as

the wor'shop intended to $a'e the$ see&

.ccounting for the other educational institution# .-21 high school# the wor'shop was a

co$plete success in ter$s of attendance& =ro$ the two groups signed in the average

attendance was ? in ever% class&

he wor'shop was given once a wee' for both groups& he duration of the class was about

a chronological hour $ore or less# alwa%s a little bit $ore&

Ever% group consisted of a total of ten students& he pre$ise of the wor'shop was to

reinforce the contents the% were seeing in regular classes&

he contents revisited during the wor'shop were9


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he sa$e principle was obviousl% aplied to the other group which started as a 5 English

5 ,panish class fro$ the begining&

.fter four classes or so# the students not onl% showed a sound understanding about the

contents but the% were also showing a basic proficienc% in ter$s of basic gra$ar 

co$ponents such as pronouns# nouns# and verb conugation& <aving this basic infor$ation

$a% not sound as an incredible advance in a class# but for students who have no

understanding of the basci co$ponents of the language is a huge step towards a better 

co$prehension on what the contents seeing in class were&

2.) > 9nalysis.

.fter re-visiting a couple of theories about 1 and 2 ac"uisition/learning# we can agree

that hu$an beings ac"uire language in one wa%# when we have co$prehensible input&

0ff course the process $a% be different in so$e aspects depending on the subect# but

 broadl% spea'ing we ac"uire language the sa$e wa%&

his accounts for the ac"uiring process especiall% when we tal' about children# but in the

case of conciousl% learning a 2# the process of ac"uiring $a% be the sa$e in so$e aspects#

it is not entirel% the sa$e&


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Fe have to ta'e this into the scenario of a public high school& <ere students have alread%

$astered the $other tongue# ergo# the ac"uiring process has been# so to spea'# co$pleted&

his does not $ean that the ac"uiring process cannot be aco$plish is ust that regarding our 

subects the ac"uiring process is a little difficult to establish&

7nowing this and considering that $ost teachers do an acceptable ob in the classroo$ in

order for students to ac"uiere or learn the second language# so$ething is happening with

our students& ,o$ething that accounts for a lac' of basic co$prehension in the target

language& <ow can this be if the progra$ of English starts at 5


 pri$ar% grade# this $eans

that an average student fro$ public an% school has had English classes for @ %ears afeter 

graduating fro$ high school# and even so their co$petence on the language is al$ost ero&

he 21 ,I*CE of English# show ver% alar$ing results in ter$s of basic co$prehension

and proficienc%& he results fro$ the 21 ,I*CE of English are as follow&

Resultados &acionales

'nformaciJn general

Estudiantes Evaluados9 2>&??6# "ue corresponden a ?#5 de la $atrNcula en 3O *edio&

Estableci$ientos Evaluados9 2&6># "ue corresponden a ??#5 de la $atrNcula en 3O *edio&

Punta-es promedio


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En la siguiente tabla se $uestran los puntaes pro$edio nacionales obtenidos por los

estudiantes de 3O *edio en la prueba ,I*CE Ingls&

• ;abla ' Punta-es promedio nacionales prueba S'!CE 'nglKs )*+*

  Lrueba ,I*CE Ingls Luntae pro$edio nacional 21

ComprensiJn 9uditia 0

ComprensiJn de 6ectura 2+

;otal ==

Porcenta-e de estudiantes que logra certificaciJn

 . continuaciPn se presenta el porcentae# a nivel nacional# de estudiantes de 3O *edio "ue

 poseen las habilidades necesarias para certificarse en el :ivel .2# segQn el *arco Co$Qn

Europeo para el .prendiae de Idio$as# CE=&

• Lorcentae de estudiantes a nivel nacional "ue logra certificaciPn9 ++L

• raphics showing the percentage of students

with and without certification.




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,ource9 http9//www&educarchile&cl/Lortal&;ase/Feb/MerContenido&asp)IR2@3?


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Students from priate schools obtain the best


,ource9 http9//www&educarchile&cl/Lortal&;ase/Feb/MerContenido&asp)IR2@3?


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Students who start English classes earlier showed

better results.

,ource9 http9//www&educarchile&cl/Lortal&;ase/Feb/MerContenido&asp)IR2@3?


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.ll these results accounts for the failure of the policies i$ple$ented into the English

 progra$ along with the lac' of $otivation on the part of the students in ta'ing the subect

of English as a tool for their future& It also accounts for the wide gap between private

educational institutions and the public ones# a gap that can be shortened b% ust ta'ing

 public education in Chile $ore seriousl%&

2./ 5 4iscussion

.fter revisiting so$e of the $ost accepted and renowned theories about 1 and 2

ac"uisition and learning we can conclude that there is not one absolute wa% we can teach

our high school students in order for the$ to learn a second language# in our case

English# but we have to be certain that after understanding that the two processes# learning

and ac"uiring# are different# so$e $ethiodologies are not "uiete correct when we have so

little ti$e and resources for teaching a second language# especiall% when the subects are

not suscribing the i$portance of learning a second language in ter$s of opportunities&

rue thing that this investigation is not going to find an absolute solution about the proble$

at hand# the low results we see in students fro$ public high schools when it co$es to test

their co$petence regarding basics in English# but it $a% help to find wa%s of balancing the

contents in order for the students to attain a basic proficienc% in the language# a proficienc%

that will in ti$e allow students to build their English in a $ore natural wa% without having

to go bac' to basics ever%ti$e the% need or want to learn new content&


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.ccounting the results of the wor'shops the investigation led to the following conclusions9

=or the entire English spo'en class# a $ini$u$ level of difficult was $aintained& Even this


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In this section the investigation will show so$e plannings# wor'sheets# short te)ts and

tests& his $aterial along with the boo's used b% teachers are the tools teachers have in

order to e)plain# e)e$plif%# and hopefull% $a'e students ac"uire so$ehow the contents&

<.+ Plannings

<ere we have a sa$ple of an average planning fro$ one of the classes given at the .-21

high school&


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L.:I=IC.CI0:CG++ICG.+ I ,E*E,+E 211

,EC0+ 0 ,G;,EC0+9 Ingls G:I.9 .dvice and support :IME9 :*3




0;EIM0(,! =G:.*E:.(E,!9

- Co$prender el uso del Lri$er condicional&

- Co$prender el uso de algunos conectores&

- Encontrar el significado de infor$aciPn especifica a travs de la e)tracciPn de la idea principal en u te)to&

- Inferir el significado de palabras&


0;EIM0(,! =G:.*E:.(E,! +.:,ME+,.(E,!

,E*.:. C0:E:I0



E E,LE+.0

.CIMI.E, I:IC.0+E,







o fa$iliarie

the students with the

usages of the first


;egining9 he

introduction of the

subect& ,hort

e)planation what the first

condicional is used for&

E)planator% chart for the

 parts of the 1st



<anding out a wor'sheetwith different t%pes of 

e)cercises for the 1st

conditional& his paper 

will also contain an

e)planation#in spanish#

about the usage and

structure of the first


he wor'sheet

will be resolve in class

and in a cooperative

class between students

and teacher& .fter this# a

new wro'sheet with new

e)cersices will be given

to the students# this ti$e

letting the$ resolve thesheet b% the$selves





or6sheet with thestructure of the*rst conditional.

 The samewor6sheet

containseerciseseplaining thea7rmati"e formof the 1st conditional.

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<.) 5Portafolio

<ere we have a sa$ple of the t%pes of wor' done in classes&

.ll these wor'sheet are posted as valid wor'sheet t%pes not onl% because the% have

 been used b% teachers all over the countr% for $an% %ears# the% are also validated b% the

 boo's used b% teachers according to the progra$& hese boo's are fro$ ver% renowned

 publishers# in fact# so$e of these e)ercises are based on e)ercises fro$ so$e of those


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Liceo A-21


Teacher: Mr. Roberto Cifuentes G.

First conditional

• l uso del first condicional: -samos el “frst conditional8 cuando laposibilidad de una situación lle"a a un posible resultado! por e9emplo: Iit rains, I will not go ;si llue"e! no ir<= la condición esta en la parte de laoración 0ue contiene la palabra “I8! la parte de la oración 0ue contieneel “I8 es el resultado! si es 0ue la condición ;en este caso de 0uellue"a= se cumple.

• F!R"T C#N$!T!#NAL "TR%CT%R

1. If %ou >>>>>>>>>>>;loo6= in the fridge! %ou >>>>>>>>>>>;*nd= some cold


2. If acarena >>>>>>>>>>>;sa"e= all her mone%! She >>>>>>>>>>>;be able

to go= on holida% to as ?egas.

3. onald >>>>>>>;die= if we >>>>>>>>>>;not get= help soon@4. If there >>>>>>>>>>;be= no gas in the tan6! the car >>>>>>>>>>>;start=.

5. I >>>>>>>>>>>;lend= %ou m% umbrella if it >>>>>>>>>>>;rain=.

#. The sea le"el >>>>>>>>;rise= if the planet >>>>>>>>>>;get= hotter.

&. If %ou >>>>>>>>>>>;eat= %our sandwiches now! %ou >>>>>>>>>;not ha"e=

an%thing for lunch@

(. Aou >>>>>>>>>>>;be= safe in an accident if %ou >>>>>>>>;wear= %our


). If %ou >>>>>;not stud%=! %ou >>>>>>>;fail= the test.

1+. I >>>>>>>>>>>>;not come= with %ou if %ou >>>>>>>>>>>>;not bring=

$onstanBa to the part%.@

Cote: ,s %ou can see! the “if8 clause and the “will8 clause are

interchangeable! this means that the sentence can begin with the “if8 clause

or the “will8 clause without changing the meaning of the sentence.

If+Subject+present simple, Subj+Will+verb in infinitive(first




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.g. If %ou stud% hard! %ou will pass. D Aou will pass if %ou stud% hard.

  Aou will get respect if %ou are respectful. D If %ou are respectful! %ou

will get respect.

Cote: Cotice that when the sentence begins with the

“if8 clause a comma ;!= is needed! this is not the case when

the sentence begins with the “will8 clause.


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iceo ,'21nglish departmentC3

 Teacher: r. oberto $ifuentes E.

  Fa"e %ou e"er heard about Elobal dimmingG

Sure %ou ha"e heard about global

warming! but what about global dimmingG

 This phenomenon has starting to gain

force due to the research done b% a Hritish

scientist ;Eerr% Stanhill= in the late 5+s. Fis

research data was compared 4+ %ears later

;1))+= and the% show that the amount of solar radiation has decreased at 1 J2K per %ear.

Elobal dimming is primaril% caused b% the particles being sent to the

lower atmosphere! dust! gases! pollution in general! these particles tend to mi

with the clouds and sometimes the% form clouds of their own. This ma6es a

thic6 blan6et! that in the case of clouds retain droplets which reLects the solar

ra%s bac6 to space pre"enting them from entering the earth and causing less

rain! therefore long periods of drought.

,nother bad aspect about global dimming is that "egetation need solarradiation in order to achie"e photos%nthesis! and since the%Mre not getting

much of it plants do not ha"e the necessar% energ% to process the carbon

dioide into organic compounds! this has had an enormous impact in the chain


 The sil"er lining is that this phenomenon helps to 6eep awa% the global

warming e/ect! since the earth is actuall% cooling! but if %ou thin6 again!

humans and e"er% 6ind of life form on earth need the sun in order to sur"i"e.



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6iceo 95)+NM3

Teacher: Mr. Roberto Cifuentes G.

I. Match the sentences in column % with the ones in column '

#$%&'( )

1. If she sa%s no again

2. If we donMt hurr%

3. e will not ha"e a part% at the end of the %ear

4. If %ou need help

5. I will not sa%

#. I will lend %ou some mone%

&. The% wonMt come

#$%&'( B

 >> If we donMt properl% in"ite them

 >> If we donMt sa"e enough mone%

 >> If the% as6 me

 >> If %ou need some cash

 >> I will help %ou! %ou 9ust ha"e to as6

 >> e wonMt get there in time

 >> I will not in"ite her an%more

II. *omplete the sentences with the words given bellow in order

+or the sentence to make sense.

1. If we >>>>>> our homewor6 now! we will ha"e free time later.

2. I will tal6 to him if he >>>>>>>>> 

3. hat will %ou do if %ou >>>>>>>> a wallet on the streetG

4. If %ou >>>>>>>>> to succeed! %ou >>>>>>>>>>>> wor6 "er% hard

5. If $arla >>>>>>>>>>> ! she will >>>>>>>> "er% bad mar6s.

#. Aou wonMt >>>>> there on time if %ou >>>>>>>>>>> 

& If I >>>>>>> time! I >>>>>>> go.

6iceo 95)+C3


ST-NA J NO J H J F,? ' I



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 Teacher: r.oberto $ifuentes E.

I $FOOS the right endings from the bo to complete the sentences about thepostman.P the dog will probabl% bite him.P if he has some letters for that house.

P heMll be all right.P if he doesnMt ha"e to go in.P he wonMt ha"e to go in.

1 J If the postman goes into the garden!


2 J If he doesnMt go in!


3 J Hut heMll ha"e to go in


4 J If there isnMt an%


5 J The postman will be pleased


II -S the words from the bo to complete the sentences about Tom and his



1 J TomMs mother >>>>>>>>>>>>>> be angr% if tom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get down.

2 J Hut if he >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>down she >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be angr%.

3 J She sa%s he wonMt >>>>>>>>>>>> his fa"ourite programme if he doesnMt


4 J Of course! she will >>>>>>>>>> him to watch his fa"ourite programme if he >>>>>>>>now.

5 J SheMs often angr% when Tom does things li6e that.


Tom, don’t jump on my

bed! Get down at once or I’ll be

angry. You won’t watc your

aourite T" sow i you don’t



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-nglish workshop

The evolution o+ the sel+.

Workshop duration

'eginning date

-nd date


0upervisor teacher

Teacher in charge Roberto *i+uentes 1.

uration o+ the class

2umber o+ students



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This &or'sho( (resents itself as an o((ortunit) to continue &ith the learnin*

(rocess in students of 3rd *rade+ since there,s neer enou*h tie in the classroo to

*o throu*h all the content in a unit.

This (resent &or'sho( is to be considered reinforceent for those &ho

choose to si*n for it. For obious reasons this &or'sho( &ill count &ith a liited

/uota+ and since the idea is to reinforce those &ho are in disadanta*e in relation to

those &ho a((arentl) hae a ore accurate (roficienc) in the lan*ua*e+ the first

students &ill hae the (reference+ and the latter &ill be *ien ore adanced tas's.

!n fact the adanced students can (la) a ore si*nificant role for the) can be (laced

as onitors for the rest of the class+ in this case &or'sho(+ *iin* the the

o((ortunit) not onl) to learn soethin* ne&+ but actuall) findin* a &a) of bondin*+

in a ore eanin*ful leel+ to the content the) alread) 'no&.



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%bout the workshop

The &or'sho( &ill consist of 0 nuber of (ractical classes

The obectie of the &or'sho( is to reinforce &hat third *raders stud) durin*

their re*ular n*lish classes.

The contents of the re*ular n*lish class &ill be reie&ed in the &or'sho( in

order to *et a better understandin* of the contents studied in class.

To attain a better foundation of the n*lish lan*ua*e &ill be the surre(titious

obectie of the &or'sho(+ fro &here students+ ho(efull)+ &ill be able to

continue buldin* their 'no&led*e+ 'no&in* that the) hae a better baseboard

to start &ith.

At the end of the (rocess the students &ill render a short test for the record.



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#orAshop planning

*lass # 0tarting.

#. Introduction to the workshop.

• hat the wor6shop is about.

• Setting the main ob9ecti"es of the wor6shop.

". 0etting the main topics the workshop will cover.

• Reviewing Unit 1(Advice nd support)

! "#is will wor$ s reinforcement of t#e first unit of t#e boo$% "#e content will be t$en

from not#er point of view, $eeping, brodl& spe$ing, t#e vocbulr&, t#e grmmr,

etc% of t#e unit%

• Invigorting t#e 'nglis# topics t#t #ve been studied during t#e regulr 'nglis#


! In t#is w&, t#e wor$s#op will be n ttempt to widen t#e topic, nd put t#e sme

content t#e unit gives in different situtions%

$. 0etting work mode.

• 'stblis#ing, in ccordnce wit# t#e students, t#e most suitble wor$ mode%

4. 0etting work groups.

• Setting wor$ groups ccording to t#e level of 'nglis#%

5. 0etting monitors.

Setting dvnced students s monitors%

*lass " I was, I am, I will...

• In order to #ve cler vision of w#ere Im going, I need to $now

w#ere I come from, w#t I ws, nd w#o I m now% In t#is sense t#e

wor$s#op will review tenses (pst, present nd future) in order to get cler 

understnding bout t#em%

• "o stte t#is, evolution of oneself will be t#e tool well use% '%g% W#en I ws five

&ers old, I wnted to be doctor, in time, t#t c#nge, now I #te #ospitls, nd I

t#in$ Im ver& good t music, so will stud& music t#eor&%*




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  6%0T 6R-0-2T 37T7R-

;State who %ou were= ;State who %ou are=

;State who %ou will be=

I wasQ

I amQ

  I willQ

I li6edQ I li6eQ I am

going toQ

I used toQ I am use toQ I will be

I wanted I wantQ


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$omplete the chart below with %our eperiences! using the corresponding tense for each stor%.

ollow the eample below.

-89/7TI9293 T:-0-/3



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oberto $ifuentes.

6%0T hen I was 5 %ears old I wanted to be a doctor. I used to 6now a lot about the bod%.



Cow! I thin6 I wouldnMt stud% medicine because I hate hospitals. In time IM"e realiBed that I

lo"e music! so I wan to stud% music theor%.



If e"er%thing goes well! I will be a successful musician.


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;loo$field# eonard

• 1?33& Language& :ew Uor'9 <enr% <olt&

Cho$ps'%# :oa$

• Current Issues in inguistic heor%# he <ague9 *outon# 1?64&

• Syntactic Structures# ondon9 *outon# 1?5>

•  Aspects of the Theory of Syntax# Ca$bridge9 *&I&& Lress# 1?65

• .spects of the heor% of ,%nta)# Ca$bridge9 *&I&& Lress# 1?65

• The Sound Pattern of English (with *orris <alle!# :ew Uor'9 <arper V +ow#


• Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar he <ague9 *outon# 1?>2&

•  !eflections on Language# :ew Uor'9 Lantheon ;oo's# 1?>5&

• +eflections on anguage# :ew Uor'9 Lantheon ;oo's# 1?>5&

7rashen# ,tephen

• 7rashen# ,&& (1?@2!& Principles and Practice in Second Language Ac"uisition&



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