How we used phones


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Transcript of How we used phones

Page 1: How we used phones

How we used our smartphones.

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In order to be able to play Demolisher’s song whilst filming we downloaded it via the ‘My Music’ app available on the app store. After the phone we originally played the song from ran out of battery we used another phone and downloaded the song using that app in a matter of seconds.

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Whilst our director and camera operator were filming the other two members of the group took out their phones and took photos of the set, artist and surrounding locations. These photos we later used on our ancillary task products.

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Here are some of the photos we took on our smartphones.

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How we used our phones to edit photos

Whilst many people heavily rely on computer software’s such as Photoshop to edit their photos professionally, we found apps that could produce similar effects on the iPhone such as “Picstitch”, “Pixlr express” and “word on pics”.

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Here is how we edited one photo on the iPhone

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VideoWe decided that with some shots we did not want crisp clear footage as produced with a HD camera, as we wanted it to have a rough appearance, for example the shot of the smoking. For this shot we used our iPhone and during feedback no-one had noticed this change in picture quality.

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PlanningBecause our storyboard was done in pencil we found that scanning the papers produced barely visible images so we used our phones to take photos of the storyboards and used a computer to collate the images we took.

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We also used our mobiles to do simple things such as plan our journey and check whether forecasts. This meant that our filming day went as smooth as possible with no time wasted figuring out what trains to take or what clothes to wear as we already knew in advance.

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CommunicationWe even used our phones to easily communicate with our artist and of course each other, by having a ‘Whatsapp’ group were all contacts are in one place we didn’t have to copy and paste the same message as everyone in the group could see what one another was saying.