How Vijay Mallya Will Overcome Ongoing Financial Crunch

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Keywords -1> How Vijay Mallya will overcome ongoing financial crunch, will kingfisher keep flying 2> kingfisher fly again 3> Kingfisher Airlines is in financial crisis 4> financial crunch of Kingfisher further 5> financial troubles that Kingfisher is facing How Vijay Mallya will overcome ongoing financial crunch, will kingfisher keep flying?# Vijay Mallya treading on thin ice with the financial crunch of Kingfisher airlines Mr.VijayMallyaIscurrentlyintheheadlinesregarding theIinancialandothertroublesoItheAirlines. Everyoneinthegovernment,businessandmediaisspeculatingaboutwhetherandhowVijayMallya will overcome ongoing financial crunch or will kingfisher keep flying?About Vijay Mallya Vijay Mallya is considered as one oI the most Ilamboyant and Ilashy CEO`s oI India who has the habit oI always staying in the limelight. He is Chairman oI the KingIisher Airlines and even the United Breweries Group.Mallya`sIlagshipcompanyUnitedBrewerieshasthedistinctionoIbeingtheproduceroIliquor maker by volume. Apart Irom that, he is also co-owner oI the Indian Premier League team Bengal Royal Challengers,I-LeagueteamEastBengalFCandFormulaOneteamForceIndia.Hehaspurchasedthe itemsthatarehistoricaltreasuresoIIndialikeTipuSultan`sswordIromanauctionandbroughtthem backtoIndia.HeisoneoIthebiggestsponsorsoItheEastBengalIootballteam.Recentlyheis continuously in the news regarding the multiple financial troubles that Kingfisher is facing.Current state of Kingfisher airlines KingIisher Airlines is Iacing multiple troubles today. The pilots have quit at large over the past 3 months. Flights,atahighratearebeingcancelled.ThecostoIIuelhasrisenconsiderablythusincreasingthe airlinesdebt.TomakethingsallthemorediIIicult,HindustanLeverhadstoppedtheIuelsupplyIora couple oI hours due to unpaid cost oI the supply oI Iuel. The rising interest rate has increased the debt or thefinancial crunch of Kingfisherfurther.It has become a very vicious circle. The companies cannot operateIlightsduetotheshortageoIthepilots.NoIlightsmeanlackoIrevenues,whichIurthermeans, that there will be an increase in debts oI the airlines; this again precipitates the vicious circle again.What the future has in store The ChairmanoI KingIisher Airlines, Vijay Mallya is oneoI themost Iamous Iaces in the Indian Media who is a billionaire according the FORBES. He is also one person who has carved out one oI big business empiresinIndia. Forhim,thetimesaretoughasoneoIhisempire;KingfisherAirlinesisinfinancial crisistodayandIacingproblemsIrommultipleIronts.Everyoneinthebusinessandmediaworldis askingjustonequestionthathowVijayMallyawillovercomeongoingfinancialcrunchandwill kingfisher keep flying or Iile Ior bankruptcy. These people Iorget that Mr. Vijay Mallya is one oI the top industrialists oI India, who has lotoI credibility and experience besides being an MP in the Indian Rajya Sabha. He is sure to meet Iace these problems and even overcome them to make Kingfisher fly again.