How to Write an Effective Letter


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how to write an effective letter

Transcript of How to Write an Effective Letter

Page 1: How to Write an Effective Letter

How to Write an Effective Letter

Step 1Format the letter in a business style. Include your address in the header, followed by the date and the recipient's name and address. All should be left-justified. Use a proper salutation, such as, “Dear Mr. Jones,” rather than “To whom it may concern.”

Step 2Introduce yourself in the first paragraph and explain that you are writing to the particular decision. The opening paragraph is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and persuade him to continue reading. This is especially important in an letter since you will want the reader to fully understand your side of the situation. Write the opening in a confident manner, though avoid confrontational wording.

Related Reading: How to Write a Cover Letter for an Office Manager PositionStep 3Summarize the events that took place. Define a clear path for the reader so that they are educated, or reminded, of the situation. Keep the description as brief as possible; include pertinent facts that legitimize your case but avoid including details that are not absolutely necessary. The reader is more likely to read the letter of in its entirety if it is clear and concise.

Step 4State your desired outcome and any additional information that would help to make your case. Refer to any facts that may have been previously overlooked or explain that you are including additional documents that back up your testimony.

Step 5Say when you require an answer and explain the reason why. For example, rather than just saying “I need an answer by November 1,” explain, “The registration deadline is November 5, so I would need to know by November 1 if the decision regarding the funds is to be overturned."

Step 6Thank the reader for his time at the end of the letter. Include your contact information. Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” followed by your name.