How to write a research paper

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  1. 1. Write a research paper and get it published!! Raghavendra Singh Sahana V Sneha Patil 4/20/20151
  2. 2. RESEARCH PAPER written discussion on a collection of ideas and information paper is a way of presenting ideas and facts of research 4/20/20152
  3. 3. PAPERS COMMUNICATE IDEAS Your goal: to infect the mind of your reader with your idea, like a virus Papers are far more durable than programs (think Mozart) The greatest ideas are (literally) worthless if you keep them to yourself!!! 4/20/20153
  4. 4. Your narrative flow I wish I knew how to solve that! I see how that works. Ingenious! A problem ? Interesting Unsolve d My Idea idea works (details , data) how my idea compares to other peoples approaches 4/20/20154
  5. 5. GETTING READY WITH DATA Gather all important data, analyses, plots and tables Organize results so that they follow a logical sequence (this may or may not be in the order of experiments conducted) Consolidate data plots and create figures for the manuscript Discuss the data with your advisor and note down important points 4/20/20155
  6. 6. FOCUS/ FIRST DRAFT Important: KNOW the focus of your paper Identify two or three important findings emerging from the experiments. Make them the central theme of the article. It takes a wise man to know whether he has found a ROPE or LOST A MULE. - Anonymous quote 4/20/20156
  7. 7. LANGUAGE AND STYLE Keep to the length restrictions On occasion, supply supporting evidence (e.g. experimental data, or a written-out proof) in an appendix Always use a spell checker Use active voice 4/20/20157
  8. 8. LANGUAGE AND STYLE NO YES It can be seen that... We can see that... 34 tests were run We ran 34 tests These properties were thought desirable We wanted to retain these properties It might be thought that this would be a typo error You might think this would be a typo error We = you and the reader We = the authors You = the reader 4/20/20158
  9. 9. Structure 8 1.Title 2.Abstrac t 3. Introduction 4. Experimen tal Section 5. Results and discussi 6. Conclusio n 7. Acknowle dgements 8. Referenc e 4/20/20159
  10. 10. TITLE Compose a title that is simple, attractive and accurately reflects the investigation -Phrases to avoid: Investigation, Study, Novel, Facile etc. - Avoid Acronyms that are known only to specialized community 4/20/201510
  11. 11. ABSTRACT First couple of sentences should focus on what the study is about. Include major findings in a style that a general readership can read and understand . Keep it short and effective. -Be creative in generating curiosity 4/20/201511
  12. 12. general background of the topic previous work Issues in the present work Introduction Divide- Materials & Methods and Data analysis Experimental Section Results healthy and detailed discussion compare or contrast with previous results Include schemes, photographs to enhance the scope of discussion Results and Discussion Avoid: Excessive presentation of data/results without any discussion Citing every argument with a published work 4/20/201512 STRUCTURE
  13. 13. STRUCTURE major findings and brief discussion on future perspectives and/or application of present work to other disciplines. Important: Do not rewrite the abstract. Conclusions Thank funding agency Colleagues/scientists/technicians Acknowledgments The styles vary for different journals. (Use ENDNOTE, RefWorks) Check accuracy of all citations References 4/20/2015 13
  14. 14. SELECTING A JOURNAL Each journal - specific area of research Proper choice of journal - larger impact of your research Select 2 or 3 journals in the chosen area - relatively high impact factors Discuss with your advisor and decide on the journal 4/20/201514
  15. 15. SUBMISSION Read the finalized paper carefully Check for accuracy of figures and captions Get feedback from advisor and colleagues Make sure the paper is read by at least one or two colleagues who is not familiar with the specific work Cover letter to the editor: a brief paragraph highlighting the importance of this work and names of possible reviewers Have all co-authors approve the finalized version of the paper Submit the paper online along with copyright form 4/20/201515
  16. 16. REVISION AND GALLEY PROOF Manuscript - reviewed by 2-3 reviewers point out deficiencies and/or suggestions to improve the scientific content Read their comments carefully. Do not blame the reviewer for his/her misunderstanding! Be polite and respectful when disagreeing a reviewers comment Include a point-by-point explanation of changes made in the text in response to reviewers comments Once again, carefully read the paper for its accuracy in presenting the data Submit the revised version Once accepted for publication you should receive the galley proof within a month. This is one last chance to make any final corrections 4/20/201516
  17. 17. AVOID!! Data without scientific discussion, applications of data, or reviews of the literature are not sufficient Use of the phrase Novel or First-time in the title or abstract. Such descriptions do not impress the reader or the reviewer 4/20/201517
  18. 18. 4/20/201518