How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

How To Win With Lotto Learn The Secret System! Learn the secretsystem on how to win with lotto! To get the system just click this link: If You're Fed Up Wasting Money Playing Lotto Week In Week Out and Never Winning Anything, Then Your Fortunes Are About To Change..... A 64 Year Old MIT Professor Has Spent The Last 27 Years Of His Life Perfecting a System That Will Win Lotto 8.7 Times Out Of Every 10 Games You Play ….And Now He’s Giving YOU A Once In A Lifetime Chance To Own This System Before He Takes It Off The Market Forever…


Learn the secretsystem how to win with lotto If You're Fed Up Wasting Money Playing Lotto Week In Week Out and Never Winning Anything, Then Your Fortunes Are About To Change..... A 64 Year Old MIT Professor Has Spent The Last 27 Years Of His Life Perfecting a System That Will Win Lotto 8.7 Times Out Of Every 10 Games You Play…

Transcript of How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

Page 1: How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

How To Win With Lotto

Learn The Secret System!

Learn the secretsystem on how to win with


To get the system just click this


If You're Fed Up Wasting Money Playing Lotto Week In Week Out and Never Winning Anything, Then Your Fortunes Are About To Change.....

A 64 Year Old MIT Professor Has Spent The Last 27 Years

Of His Life Perfecting a System That Will Win

Lotto 8.7 Times Out Of Every 10 Games You Play…

….And Now He’s Giving YOU A Once In A Lifetime Chance

To Own This System Before He Takes It Off The Market


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.....The Best Part Is YOU Cannot Lose With This System,

Because It Comes With a 12 Month 100% Iron-Clad

‘Win Or You Get Your Money-Back Guarantee !

.....So Keep Reading To Find Out How You

Can Own

This System By Securing One Of The Exclusive Lifetime Licenses He's Making Available, And


Important Update...


OPPORTUNITY to anyone who wants

the freedom and power of NEVER having any money

worries ever again.

On the following page I'm going to show you the exact

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secret weapon I've used

to win over $425,576 with lotto in the last 10 years...

... (Yes, that's $425,576 in lotto winnings!!!)

Plus, I'll show you letters, emails and case studies from REAL PEOPLE who have been exploiting a

closely guarded piece of software that has made dramatic changes to their lifestyle all from playing

lotto and winning...

Here are just a FEW of the real-life stories you'll find

on this page:

Megan Larrison,


She won over $25,548 only in 29 games so far -- and now life's a lot easier!

Justin Clark,


A teenager made $17,398 in the last 6 months -- playing only one ticket every week!

Jane Stevens,


This 35-year-old woman made $43,546 in just two years -- the first ticket brought her $5,600!

Marc Bradley,

This 49-year-old lotto player made over $157,000.00 last year in one game playing just 8 tickets -- and finally was able to purchase a new house for his family!

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Alan C

Melbourne-Australia (surname withheld

for security reasons)

He hit the JACKPOT- 2.5 million Australian dollars-- even though he was computer illiterate!

Anthony Stewart,


Now, he is making around £2,000 every month(give or take £300 or £400)--and is thinking about quitting one of his two job too!

... Read the details of how they did it below.

From: Glen Hooke, IT Engineer

Welcome Lotto Enthusiast,

If you've always imagined what would be like to have


... Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read.

You're about to find out the amazing method I've

used to WIN $425,576 in the last 10 years...

Even better, I'll give you the perfect weapon to

"rob" the lotteries vaults -- by using the secret

formula of an MIT professor.

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But before I get to that, let me just share with you

some of the wonderful results that our "students" have

been having from using our "weapon":

Here are just a few of the hundreds of emails I've

received from people just like you...

... People all over the world are winning CASH prizes

every single week - using this "weapon":

“She won over $25,548 only in 29 games so far!”*

For Megan, her son Alex is the most important thing in the world. At his recommendation, she bought Formula 1 Lotto Winning System and started playing for fun. Soon after...

… She made enough money to send her son to college and buy a new car, just in three months!

Today Megan is a regular player, paying her family expenses from the money she is wining at the Lotto every month.

To thank us, Megan had sent us a letter, regarding her experience withFormula 1 Lotto System.

Email from Megan...

Re: Formula 1 Lotto

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[email protected]

[email protected]

Re: Formula 1 Lotto

To Whom it May Concern

It all started as a joke. I never believed in winning games like lotto but my son

insisted it can happen. So I bought your software.

In three months, I made enough money to send my son Alex to college. Now I

am living a better lifestyle, and I even will invest in a business soon.

I've recommended my software to all my friends. It was one of the greatest

things that ever happened to me. I never thought It would

Thank you very much.

--Megan Larrison,

Colorado, U.S.

“Having a life that he would only

dream before about it”*

Justin is a normal teenager. He had a dead-end job at a fast food restaurant, many dreams and a lot less money than today.

He's always been a bit of a gambler, and after reading about our lotto system, he decided it's a must have.

Boy, have things turned around for Justin.

Just in the first 6 months, playing lotto with our system, Justin made a staggering $17,398.

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Email from Justin...

Your Lotto System

[email protected]

[email protected]

Your Lotto System

Hey Glen I used to work in the fast food industry in order to make a living. So needless to say, I put a lot of hope in your system to try to change things around for the better. The first ticket I played earned me $490. Enough to give me an impulse to play forward. Now, I am driving a BMW ( a used one) and I am living a lot of my fantasies right now. Is your system good? I will tell you that it's the best. You turned me in the best believer!

I've always been a gambler, horses and football mainly, but I think I'll give it all up and just use your system, because the wins are so much better. This software is awesome Glen

By the way, sorry about the picture. It was taken few years back at a wedding --Justin Clark Ottawa-Canada

Here is how the SECRET WEAPON for winning the lottery prizes was born...

("And why it was destined to be YOUR MAGIC WAND for winning the lottery!")

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I have a confession to make ...

I had an obsession with winning big at lotto. I tried

hundreds of methods hoping that maybe... just

maybe... it will happen for me:

lucky numbers from every member of my


lines and diagonals that looked good on paper...

putting all the numbers on small pieces of

paper and extracting them from a hat...

trying to "dream" numbers at night so I could envision

the lucky ticket...

and this is only the beginning...

Needless to say, every time I was watching on TV the

actual draw of the numbers ... all my hopes were smashed down... with every single number.

So 5 years ago, after throwing over $28,000 down the

toilet, I almost decided to stop playing lotto once and for all....

Luckily, I met Professor R., the Math StatisticsGenius from the

prestigious MIT University...

The way it happened was freakish really. We were sitting next to each other at a

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bar one night. The TV was on in the bar, and the lotto draw came on. I pulled out my lotto tickets as usual and started to check off my numbers as they were drawn. At the same time I noticed this guy sitting near me pull out a note book, and his lotto tickets and he started checking of his numbers as well. As usual, when the draw was over, I was unhappy because I got just one number. But when I glanced across at this other guy, he has this big grin on his face. Now I just couldn't resist asking him what he'd won (because I knew he'd won something). I was stunned when he told me that he'd hit 5 numbers out of 6 in one game, and I asked him how much he won... To my shock he said he hadn't actually 'played' those numbers in a real game. In fact he said he was just monitoring the numbers as a hobby. Can you believe it! Anyway, I started asking questions, and an hour later, I had found out that he was a well respected Professor at a nearby University and that the he has discovered a formula for choosing lotto numbers that will win 8 out of 10 times (!!!)... I was stunned!... After twisting his arm, and practically begging him for countless weeks

after that meeting, he agreed to let me independently "field-test" his formula and real life. To make a long story short, I used my IT expertise to develop a unique step-by-step software using the professors exact methods and

formulas that he had compiled over the last 27 years of analyzing more than 150 lotto games from just about every country in the


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Now, programming 27 years worth of lotto numbers data and designing

complex numerical algorithms, took 3 programmers 17 months to complete, and when it was done, the professor agreed to allow my

software to be shared with a randomly selected group of other people, just to see what the results would be..... That was over 10 years ago.

Since then, the results of the professors systems and formulas which have been built into this powerful software are regularly and consistently delivering, results (and cash in the pockets) of the system users.

The results you see below are from just a few users of this powerful software. And they need no more comments...

"Read the emails from REAL PEOPLE already using this software...

(You'll notice they come from all over the world, playing any type of lottery game whatsoever!)"

“Formula 1 Lotto System is my good luck charm"*

Jane quit her day job. Using our software, she plays a few hours per week, wining more than enough to support her family and live a great life.

Last year alone she won over $43,546. Pretty good for a 35 years-old woman.

Email from Jane...

Re: Formula 1 Lotto

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Re: Formula 1 Lotto

HI Glen

I started playing lotto on different occasions five years ago... I soon realized that

there were too little chances for me to win "the regular way"... Therefore, I started looking for special solution. After buying your software, I played three tickets. One brought me $5600. Now I consider myself almost a "professional" lotto player. Or at least I think I'm one... Formula 1 Lotto System is the magic behind everything. If anyone uses your system, like me, I guarantee their finances will get a huge boost. Thank you --Jane Stevens,


“The best “job” that he ever had"*

Marc is a manager. He used to play a lot and lose almost every time. So, when he found out that there is a solution like ours, he took a decisive shot at it.

And boy, what a shot that was...

In his first year using this system, he won more than

$157,000 .

Here's the email Marc sent...

Re: Lotto Software

[email protected]

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[email protected]

Re: Lotto Software


I've always wanted to win big on the lottery because with the income I had, I wasn't getting anywhere in life. So thank you. After a lot of years of struggle, I've managed to buy a new house for me and my family. I will keep playing; That's the best thing about your system... You can keep on playing and keep on winning. It's like having the goose that lays the golden eggs. But I have to start, I never thought your system would ever work, because none of the other system I've used ever did. But I was wrong. I owe you, Glen! --Marc Bradley, Michigan, U.S.


'Formula 1 Lotto Winning System'™ The Magic Secret Weapon for Pumping Money from Lotteries'

Vaults Directly into Your Bank Accounts...

Page 13: How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

I don't want to get into too many details about how powerful this software is...

All that is really important to you are these facts:

1) It works. The formulas used to make the software were discovered by Professor R., the MIT statistical genius... It's genuine...and it's taken more than 27 years to perfect!

- Moreover, you've seen the kind of success stories it generated for me and for other people, all over the world. --

2) You can use it for the lotto game in YOUR country.

In fact, it works for any type of major lottery game world-wide....

All the 5 ball games 6 ball games, (these are the games with the best winning odds and most prize money to be won) - You can even play 7 ball games (although these are really tough to win because the win percentages are astronomical).

(By the way I highly recommend you forget about playing 3 and 4 ball games. They are a total waste of your money with regard to winning % odds)

3) You WILL know how to use the software.

There are only 2 requirements: 1. You need to know basic English. Check!

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2. You need to know how to point and click with your mouse. Check!

In Fact, Why Don't I Just Quickly Show You How Easy It Is To Use The

'Formula 1 Lotto Winning System'?...

There are only 4 steps to it... and you can do it in less than 5 minutes:

Step #1 Choose the game you want to play in from the drop down box*(For all US games or International games) - See the full list of games


(*You can choose between: 5 Balls 32 Numbers, 5 Balls 23/25 Numbers, 6 Balls

30 Numbers, 6 Balls 49 Numbers, 6 Balls 54 Numbers, Australian Lotto 6/45,

Australia Powerball 6/45, California Super Lotto Plus, Canadian Super 7, Delaware

6/38, Denmark 7/36, Euro Millions, Florida Mega Money, Illinois Little Lotto.

Iowa 5/45, Italy 6/90, Kansas Cash 6/35, Mega Millions, Minnesota 5/42, New

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Mexico Powerball, New York 6/59, Pennsylvania 6/69, Powerball 5/55-42, Sweden

7/35, Texas Two Step, The Big Game 5/50, Trinidad & Tobago 5/36, UK National

Lottery Game, Washington 5/43-23 and on and on... This list is only for

starters... Any type of lotto game you play, the software has it...) see the full list


Step #2

You can choose any game on that list. I chose "Florida Fantasy 5 and clicked "SUBMIT".

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Step #3

Choose your numbers from the unique sequencing options that you have available in the dropdown boxes

(In this step, the secret algorithm of Professor R. will let you choose

only the specific winning combinations of numbers... So you're bullet-proof to use the winning formula correctly.)

After you select all the numbers click "Generate" button.

Step #4

When you click the 'Generate' button the software will generate all the Matrixes you have set.

Copy the numbers onto a piece of paper or "Print" them and you have

your scientific winning numbers ready to enter into your official lotto ticket.

You can also 'Save' any game, and call it up again in the future.

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Once you win, just repeat the process for more winnings... That's all it takes... It doesn't get any better than this...

"Why You Won't Find A Lotto

Winning Software Like

This Anywhere Else On Earth?"

The 'Formula 1 Lotto Winning System' is the only software that uses the exact and fool-proof algorithm of Professor R.

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And's taken him 27 years of tireless work to perfect this process.

Before I started using his system (with this software), I'd tried countless methods on the net...

I've read books, I tried other software, I even played a bit with paranormal methods would you believe... but nothing gave me any positive result.

Using Professor R. algorithm, I was able to go from rags to riches,

winning more than $425,000 in the last 10 years...

And hundreds of people that used the same software, have won big time playing their favorite lotto games...

Moreover, most of them admitted that they had a hard time winning anything before using our software. Only some small pocket change that barely covered just a small part of the ticket costs.

"I have ONE confession to make..."

*** Warning: It's important that you know this! ***

Some people that used this software emailed me like crazy in order to stop me from selling this software. Some of them even bribed me.

That's just one part of it...

The truth is that... (I have to admit this to you...), in the beginning I didn't even want to hear about "sharing" this system with other people...

However, Professor R. told me that he would only give me his method if I also offered his method to other people as well.

At first, I thought that other people using this method will make it less powerful. But then I realized that millions (maybe tens of millions) of people play lotto all over the planet.

It doesn't really matter if a couple of hundred lucky people get to

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use his method that we've used with tremendous success.

That's why, I'm even happy now to share some of the good fortune that I had during the past years, because I get to hear about the successes of others.

I mean....

... You've met Megan Larrison who made $25,548 (USD) playing 29 games so far.

... You've met Justin Clark who filled his pockets with $17,398 (USD) in the last 6 months, playing just one ticket every week.

... You've met 34-year-old woman Jane Stevens who won $43,546 and managed to change her life for good!

... You've met Marc Bradley, a middle-age manager that have won $157,000 last year only...and finally bought a new house.

...You've met Alan C who won a big JACKPOT--$2.5 million Australian dollar.

... You've met Anthony Stewart a young man from London that have made a living from playing Lotto, and is making ₤2,000 every month,

... Almost all of these people had a pretty average life, before they got our step-by-step software to change their luck once and for all...

It's good to know that most of them were 'regular' people who just wanted a better life for themselves and for their loved ones...

But here's what I need to confess:

The fact is, I could say that you'll have access to the *same* software that I've shared with all of the success stories you've read about here.

But this wouldn't be the exact case...

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Because you'll be getting access to the *newest* and improved of the "Formula 1 Lotto Winning System" which is updated EVERY WEEK.

Because I really want you to win

the lottery (like I do), here is my astonishing 12 month 'no-lose'

guaranteed promise :

"Win at LEAST $1,000 in 1 year... or I'll give you $10 out of MY OWN wallet!"

If you play using The 'Formula 1Lotto System' for one year (and follow the formula), I expect you to win the bare minimum of $1000. Otherwise...

I'll give you your money back, and...

I'll compensate you with $10 on top of your refund just for your "trouble".

That's right! Not only will you get your money back, I'll also give you $10 right from my pocket.

Just send me proof with the tickets you played using the 'Formula 1 Lotto Winning System' and you can take my promise to the bank.

Have I gone crazy to give such promises?

Not at all... The truth is that in reality, I expect anyone using the software to win an absolute bare minimum of $1,000 playing Lotto... So if you do the Math, you will see that I sit pretty comfortably.

So no matter what happens....YOU CAN'T LOSE OUT!.

It's a total win-win for you!

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So How Much Better Is The Formula

1 Lotto System Compared To All The


The simple fact is that I don't do to much research to find out about other systems on the market because I know there is NO OTHER system that even comes close to the Professors system.

But you be the judge...

Here is a simple chart comparing the Formula 1 Lotto System, with what I know about other systems on the market.

Feature Comparison Checklist

system type Formula 1 Lotto System Other Systems

Countries Played

All countries world wide.excluding countries that have 90 ball games.

Most games worldwide. But not updated regularly.

Price Very Low Some systems are low priced,

others are priced high.

On Going Cost

NO ONGOING COSTS - EVER.except the purchase of your tickets required at your lotto store.

Some systems have monthly on-

going charges to use the system. Some charge you for each game

you generate using their system.

Success %

87% plus success rate. Win 8.7 games out of 10 games played.

Not disclosed

Set-Up Time 30 minute to read 100 + page

Page 22: How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

Set up and have your numbers generated in 5 minutes. NO manual work to be done except to fill out your lotto tickets.

users manual. 30 minutes to

manually work out and plot in numbers.

Ease Of Use

Very Simple and easy to use.

Some systems are very complex to understand. Mistakes are easily

made making the system



Weekly Updates FREE of charge

No free updates

Effectiveness and Credibility

The most respected lotto system now for 27 years. First sold offline for 14 years and now online for 8 years. Still creating more winners than any other system

Many lotto systems have suddenly 'appeared' on the internet with not

an ounce of credibility to back

them up. Sadly many are fraudulent systems designed to

scam people. BE AWARE!


Instant Delivery - No Waiting - Immediately after you order you can get access to the F1LS software straight away, so that you can start using the system and winning immediately.

Multiple days or weeks for deliver

of manuals


12 months - you win or your money back guarantee.


Not only do you get all that, but here are a few more of the emails I keep getting, day in, day out...

Fully REALIZE That YOU TOO Can Win With Lotto's No 1 Winning System,

So what are you waiting for start

Page 23: How to win with lotto learn the secretsystem

winning on Lotto today,

go and check it out here:





